

仁爱英语七年级下册教案教案标题:《仁爱英语七年级下册教案》教案目标:1. 帮助学生掌握本册课本中的英语知识和技能。
2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,提高他们的英语综合运用能力。
3. 培养学生的学习兴趣和学习策略,激发他们学习英语的积极性。
教学重点:1. 学习并掌握本册课本中的重点词汇和句型。
2. 培养学生的听力和口语表达能力。
3. 培养学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。
教学难点:1. 帮助学生克服英语学习中的困难和障碍,提高他们的学习自信心。
2. 培养学生的英语学习兴趣,提高他们的学习动力。
教学准备:1. 课本《仁爱英语七年级下册》2. 多媒体设备和教学软件3. 学生练习册和作业本4. 课堂活动和游戏的准备材料教学步骤:第一课时:1. 导入:通过展示一些与本课话题相关的图片或视频,引发学生的兴趣,并激发他们对英语学习的热情。
2. 情景对话:教师与学生进行一段关于日常生活的对话,引导学生运用所学知识进行表达和交流。
3. 听力训练:播放录音,让学生听并完成相关的听力练习,培养他们的听力理解能力。
4. 语法讲解:通过示范和解释,教授本课的重点语法知识,并进行相关练习。
5. 互动活动:设计小组活动或角色扮演,让学生在实际情境中运用所学知识,提高口语表达能力。
第二课时:1. 复习:通过复习上节课的重点内容,巩固学生的学习成果。
2. 阅读理解:教师给学生分发阅读材料,让学生阅读并回答相关问题,培养他们的阅读理解能力。
3. 语法练习:设计语法练习题,让学生运用所学语法知识进行练习,提高他们的语法运用能力。
4. 写作训练:引导学生根据所给提示,写一篇关于自己生活的短文,培养他们的写作能力。
5. 结束:总结本节课的学习内容,鼓励学生对自己的学习进行反思和总结。
教学评估:1. 课堂练习:通过课堂练习,检查学生对所学知识的掌握程度。
2. 作业布置:布置相应的练习作业,巩固学生的学习成果。
3. 个别辅导:对学习困难的学生进行个别辅导,帮助他们克服学习障碍。

教学重点和难点主句为一般过去时的宾语从句教学过程(本文来自优秀教育资源网斐.斐.课.件.园)Step 1. Review the object clauses of which the main clauses are in the past simple tense..Step 2. Lead in the new lesson and learn new words.Step 3.Presention:1.Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation. Read 1ain different ways to learn it2. Let the students answer some questi. And then fill in blanks according to 1a.Step 4. PracticeLead into Part 2and practice the object clauses of which the main clauses are in the past simple tense.Step 5.Colidation :Step 6.Homework:教学环节一,复习二,导入三,呈现四,练习五,巩固六,作业复习宾语从句,然后利用宾语从句引入新课,并展示图片,学习生词,进而学习少数民族服装,处理第三部分。
最新仁爱版七年级英语下册全英文教案(全英文 全册)

七年级英语下册全英文教案(全英文全册)科目:英语年级:七年级教师:登特科中心校教学进度表课程表时间星期课节星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五8:30--9:10 第1节9:20--10:00 第2节10:10--10:50 第3节11:00--11:40 第4节12:50--13:30 第5节13:40--14:20 第6节14:30--15:10 第7节15:20--16:00 第8节教学计划Step4Practice(10s)1.Do 2a. Study the example to understand the two ways ofexpressing means of transportation. Then fill in the blanksin 2a. Discuss and check the answers.2.Make the students find the rules of two ways ofexpressing the same meaning by themselves. Help themcheck the rules.3.Do 2b. Ask and answer questions about the pictures in 2a ,using two ways of expressing means of transportation.Help the students to express correctly.4.Do 3. Read the form in 3 before listening. Predict thelistening material. Learn the new words: watch TV,soccer/football, movie/film. Then listen to the passageabout Nancy’s activities and check the correct answersindividually. Then check the answersHomework: Blackboard Design1.Recite 10 words andfinish workbook.2.Practice theconversation of 1a;3.Preview Section C-1a.Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Section B1. I always get up at six o’clock.2. The early bird catches the worm.3. I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike.I seldom walk to school. I never come to school by subway.2. Li Xiang often comes to school by bike.Li Xiang often rides a bike to school.Thinking after teaching:_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Topic: Unit 6 Topic 1SectionA Date of Teaching: March 29thTeaching Targets: Knowledge and ability aims:1.Grasp the new words :beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor, and so on, upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, first2.Correctly use bearing prepositions and prepositional phrases,on,next to3.Be able to use the there be pattern to describe the room and the basic furnishings in the scene dialogue;Emotion aims:1.love their living environment;2.To be able to actively cooperate with peers, participate in classroom activities, bold practice.Important &Difficult Points: In the constitutional dialogue, learn to use there be sentence patterns to describe each room and the basic furnishingsTeachingaids:PPT Type New Period: One Steps/Time Teaching Procedures 二次修改Step1 Revision(10 s)Step2 Presentation(10 s) Step3 Consolidatedtion(10 s) 1. Present new words with the help of the flashcards.2. Help the students revise expressions and grammer in lastunit.1.Do 2a & 2b. Listen to the tape of 2a and match thewords or phrases with the pictures in 2a individually.Then check the answers.2.Make up new sentences according to the picture in 2a,using “there be” structure.3.listen to the tape of 1a choose the correct answer in1b,then check the answers.1.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks according to1a individually about 1c. Then check the answers .2.Practice 1a in pairs. Then some pairs act out theHelp the students goon learning thewords about thefurniture and homeitems.。

七耳怨英语下册全英夂教秦(全英夂全册)科厂英语Λ幅:七坪銀教师: ________________聲特科屮M嗾教学进度表姓名修或麻债亿录班级座位表最新仁爱版七年级英语下册全英文教案(全英文全册)1. Do 2a. StUdy the example to UnderStand the two WayS Of expressing means Of transportation. Then fill in the blanks in 2a. DiSCUSS and CheCk the answers ・2. Make the StUdentS find the rules Of two WayS Of expressing the Same meaning by themselves. HeIP them CheCk the rules.3. Do 2b. ASk and answer questions about the PiCtUreS in 2a , USing two WayS Of expressing means Of transportation. HeIP the StUdentS to express correctly.4. Do 3. Read the form in 3 before IiStening ・ PrediCt the IiStening material ・ Leam the new words: WatCh TV. SOCCer/football, movie/film. Then IiSten to the PaSSage about NanCy ,s activities and CheCk the COrreCt answers individually. Then CheCk the answersBlaCkbOard DeSignTOPiC 1 I USUany COme to SChOOl by subway. SeCtiOn B 1. IaIWaySgetIJPdtSiX (/clock ・ 2. The early bird CatCheS the WOrm ・3.I IISllaIIy COme to SChOOl On foot, but SOmetimeS by bike ・I SeldOm Walk to SChOOL I never COnIe to SChOOl by subway. 2. Li Xiang Often COmeS to SChOOl by bike ・Li Xiang Often rides a bike to school.never(()%) Sel(IOIn SOnletinIrS Often IISuaIIy always(100%)I 1—^1I —I ——~~Thinking after teaching:Step4 PraCtiCe (IOS)Homework:1 .Recite 10 WOrdS and finish WOrkbOOk ・ 2. P ι*actice the COnVerSatiOn Of la;3. Preview SeCtiOn C-la.StePl ReViSe (IOS)Step2 PreSentatiOn (IOS)Step3COnSOIidatiOn(IOS)Step4 PraCtiCe (IOS)1. H ave a diction.(IOwords)2. Help the StUdentS to revise the WOrdS about the days Of a Week and subjects.1. PreSent new WOrdS and new PattemS With the help Of the flashcardsand context.2. Do la. LOOk at the PiCtUre in la. PrediCt the IiStening material in la. Then IiSten to the tape and COmPlete the two COkImnS in the table in lb. Then IiSten again and COmPlete the third CoIUmn in lb. CheCk the answers.1. R ead Ia after the tape.2.r ∏ιen PraCtiCetlιeCOnVerSatiOn in Ia in PairS ・ 3. Do lb. L∞k at the table in lb. Try to Say the SentenCeS With the help Of the table.(让学生说完整的句子)1 .Create SitUatiOnS to PreSent the new phrase. CheCk the answers ・Make the StUdentS PraCtiCe the WOrdS Of SUbjeCtS orally.2. Ask and answer questions With your Partner With the PhraSeS in the box in 2a.3. Do 2b. Make the StUdentS PraCtiCe the expressions about IikeS and dislikes ・4. Work in PairS ・ LOOk at the PiCtUreS in 2b and make UP new conversations. PraCtiCe the COnVerSatiOnS in PairS ・5. D O 3.Make the StUdentS USe the expressions about IikeS and dislikes in Oral WOrk and Written WOrk after Iearning ・StePl ReViSe (IOS)Step2 PreSentatiOn (IOS)Step3 COnSOIidatiOn(IOS)Step4 PraCtiCe (IOS)l.Have a diction.(IOwords)2Revise the WOrdS about the days Of a Week and subjects. 3.Show SOme PhOtOS about sch∞l activities to arouse the StudentSqinterests.1. D o la. PreSent new WOrdS in the context. PrediCt the reading materialbefore reading ・2. L OOk at the PiCtUreS in la. Read the StatementS before reading the material. Try to guess TrUe Or FaISe before reading ・3. R ead the PaSSage in Ia individually. CirCle TnJe Or False. Then CheCk your answers With your Partner.Help the StUdentS CheCk their answers WhiIe reading ・1 .Try to SUmmariZe the main idea Of each ParagraPh.Help the StUdentS Iearn to USe their OWn WOrdS to SUnImariZe the main idea ・2.Do lb. Read Ia again and fill in the blanks in Ib individually. CheCk the answers ・1. Look at the news and POSterS in2. Try to guess the COntent in them. Then read the news and POSterS about HU Biιι,s interesting SChOOl Iife and fill iιι the blanks iιι the following table.2. Make the StUdentS Iearn to make POSterS and news by themselves ・3. Do 4a. Read the WOrdS in 4a individually. Then read the WOrdS to your partner.4. Do 4b. Read the WOrdS On PPT together, where, bear, there, chair, near, here ・ Read the Chant after the tape ・ Pay attention to the rhythm. Then PraCtiCe the Chant in PairS ・最新仁爱版七年级英语下册全英文教案(全英文全册)。

仁爱英语七下教案English:The teaching plan for Grade 7 English textbook "Ren'ai English" covers various topics to enhance students' language skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The lesson plans are designed to engage students actively in their learning process and promote communication and collaboration. Each lesson begins with a warm-up activity to stimulate students' interest and activate their prior knowledge. The teacher then introduces new vocabulary and grammar structures through interactive activities and exercises. Reading comprehension tasks are incorporated to improve students' ability to understand and interpret texts. After that, students are encouraged to participate in speaking activities, such as role-plays and discussions, to practice using the language in real-life situations. Writing tasks are also included in the lesson plans to help students develop their writing skills and express their ideas fluently. In addition, listening activities are integrated into the lessons to improve students' listening comprehension and pronunciation. The teaching plan for Grade 7 English "Ren'ai English" textbook not onlyfocuses on language acquisition but also aims to cultivate students' critical thinking, creativity, and intercultural awareness. By the end of the course, students are expected to have improved their English proficiency and developed a deep appreciation for the English language and culture.中文翻译:《仁爱英语》七年级教材的教学计划涵盖了各种主题,旨在提高学生的语言技能,包括阅读、写作、听力和口语。

五、教学过程1. 导入新课教师出示一张健康饮食的图片,让学生观察并讨论:“你能看出这个图片里有哪些食物吗?这些食物看起来健康吗?为什么?”引出学习健康和健康饮食的话题。
2. 学习新词汇教师出示健康和不健康的生活习惯的图片,例如晚上早早睡觉、坚持锻炼、多吃水果和蔬菜等,然后带领学生学习并掌握这些新词汇。
单词词性释义healthy adj.健康的unhealthy adj.不健康的exercise n.锻炼fruit n.水果vegetable n.蔬菜3. 练习新词汇教师设计一些练习题,让学生巩固新词汇的记忆和理解。
1.Fill in the blanks.•Eating too much junk food is __________ for your health.•You should do more __________.•Apples and oranges are __________.•Carrots and tomatoes are __________.2.Translate the following sentences into English.•坚持锻炼对保持健康很重要。
4. 综合训练教师给学生提供一些关于健康问题的情景,让学生用所学词汇和表达方式进行讨论,并提出建议。

二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握一般现在时态的用法,并能运用到实际情境中进行交流。
2. 培养学生运用英语表达日常作息时间的能力,增强语言实际运用能力。
3. 通过学习本节课的内容,提高学生的听说读写综合运用能力。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般现在时态的构成及用法,日常作息时间的表达。
2. 教学重点:句型“主语+动词原形/第三人称单数+其他”的运用,以及相关词汇的记忆。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体设备,PPT课件,黑板,录音机。
2. 学具:英语课本,练习册,笔记本,彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)利用PPT展示不同时间段的图片,引导学生用英语描述图片内容,复习日常作息时间的表达。
2. 例题讲解(10分钟)讲解一般现在时态的用法,通过例句展示,让学生理解和掌握该时态的构成及用法。
3. 随堂练习(15分钟)课堂互动,让学生分组进行对话练习,用一般现在时态描述日常作息时间。
4. 巩固环节(10分钟)利用练习册上的题目,让学生独立完成,巩固所学知识。
5. 课堂小结(5分钟)6. 互动环节(10分钟)学生上台展示,用英语分享自己的日常作息时间。
7. 作业布置(5分钟)布置课后作业,强调作业要求和完成时间。
六、板书设计1. 一般现在时态的构成及用法2. 日常作息时间的表达3. 相关词汇和句型七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)用一般现在时态写一段话,描述你的日常作息时间。
2. 答案:(1)I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. After breakfast, I go to school at 7:30. I have lunch at 12:00 noon.In the afternoon, I get back home at 5:00. I do my homework and have dinner at 7:00. Finally, I go to bed at 9:30.(2)e.g. I often watch TV in the evening.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:关注学生在课堂上的表现,针对学生的掌握情况,调整教学方法,提高教学效果。

七年级英语下册全册教案(仁爱英语)Step 3 nslidatin 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)巩固1, 掌握有关表述。
1 (根据短1的内容提问, 复习一般过去时的特殊疑问句形式与贺卡的书写格式。
)T:N, please anser questins hen did a get t Ne r?Ss:He gt t Ne r the da befre esterdaT:hat did he rent?Ss:He rented a arT:Did he travel arund the it?Ss:es, he didT:here did he visit?Ss:He visited hinatn in Ne rT:hat did he bu fr a an’s sister?Ss:He bught a beautiful sirt fr her2 (在黑板上呈现关键词, 让学生根据关键词复述贺卡内容。
) gt—rented—traveled—visited—bughtT:h an use the e rds t retell the str?S1:a gt t Ne r the da befre esterda He rented a ar…Step 4 Pratie 第四步练习(时间:9分钟)练习并完成2。
1 (向学生说明英语国家有不同于我国的习俗。
)T:N a is in Ne r He ns different untries have different usts Fr exaple, in hina, hen e eet ur friends, e ften greet ith“你吃了没有?”, “你多大了?”, “你要去哪里?” an e greet an Englishan lie this?Ss:Ha! Ha! N2 (播放2录音, 让学生根据听力内容, 做出选择。
)T: e n in English-speaing untries, e an’t as suh questins as e d in hina Beause it’s iplite Please listen t 2 and ar the ith P fr plite r I fr Iplite3 (核对答案。

七年级英语下册仁爱版教材教案Unit 8 The Seas ons and the Weather杜鸽Topic 1 What' s the weather like in spring?Section ASection A needs 1 period. Section A 需用1 课时。
The main activities are 1a and 3a.本课重点活动是1a 和3a。
I .Aims and demands 目标要求1. (1)Lear n the new words about seas ons:spri ng, summer, fall, win ter(2)Lear n other new words:weather, warm, seas on, hot, cold, rain, snow, gro und2. Lear n how to describe the weather.What 'the weather like in spri ng? It 'swarm.How is the weather in fall? It 'cool.When it sno ws, the gro und is all white and I can make sno wme n.3. Lear n to use superlative forms to express prefere nee about seas ons.Which seas on do you like best, spri ng, summer, fall or win ter?I liked win ter before, but now I like summer best.n . Teaching aids 教具交互式电子白板川.Four---step Teaching Plan.Step 1引导自学1.Show the English song The Four Seasons. Lead to the main topic .2. Let stude nts talk about the four seas ons, the weather and the activities that people can do. Leadto the new less on..3. Preview SectionA and do Exercise1(汉译英)in the small paper.Step 2质疑点拨1.What 'the weather like …? =How is the weather …?2.lt S a good seas on for doing sth.It's a good time to do sth.3.Which seas on do you like best?What's your favorite seas on?Step 3课堂展示1. First let stude nts liste n to 1a and the n watch the video and repeat after it.■ ■in pairs a nd the n act it out.2. Practice3. Let stude nts describe the weather in the four seas ons and the activities done in each seas on4. Group work.Fi nd o ut importa nt phrases and senten ces in 1a. Let stude nts point outorally.and expla in them.5. Work alo ne.Read 1a aga in and match the seas ons with the weather and activities. Finish 1b.6. Ask and an swer:A:What's your favorite season?B: My favorite season is...A: Why do you like it ?B:Because it's a good time/season…/ Because we can...Lead to 3a7. Let stude nts liste n to 3a and an swer the questi ons.What 'sKan gka ng 'favorite seas on? Why?(让学生再听3a录音,跟读并表演3a。

第一课:Unit 1 My School Day1. Learning Objectives- Enable students to talk about their school day in English. - Familiarize students with the vocabulary related to school subjects and daily routines.- Develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.2. Warm-up- Show pictures of different school subjects and ask students to name them in English.- Play a short video clip of a typical school day routine and ask students to describe what they see.3. Vocabulary- Introduce new vocabulary related to school subjects and daily routines through flashcards, word games, and real-life examples.4. Listening- Play an audio recording of a student's school day routine and ask students to listen and fill in the missing information on a worksheet.5. Speaking- Divide students into pairs and ask them to interview each other about their typical school day routine using the targetvocabulary.6. Reading- Provide students with a short reading passage about a school day routine and ask them to answer comprehension questions.7. Writing- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their own school day routine, using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in class.8. Extension Activities- Role play: Divide students into groups and ask them to act out a school day routine, using the target vocabulary and sentence structures.- Vocabulary word search: Provide students with a word search worksheet containing the vocabulary words learned in this unit.第二课:Unit 2 My Hobbies1. Learning Objectives- Enable students to talk about their hobbies in English.- Familiarize students with the vocabulary related to different hobbies.- Develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.2. Warm-up- Show pictures of different hobbies and ask students to name them in English.- Play a short video clip of people engaging in different hobbies and ask students to describe what they see.3. Vocabulary- Introduce new vocabulary related to hobbies through flashcards, word games, and real-life examples.4. Listening- Play an audio recording of people talking about their hobbies and ask students to listen and match the hobbies with the correct person on a worksheet.5. Speaking- Divide students into groups and ask them to discuss their favorite hobbies using the target vocabulary. Each group should appoint a spokesperson to present their findings to the class.6. Reading- Provide students with a short reading passage about different hobbies and ask them to answer comprehension questions.7. Writing- Ask students to write a short paragraph about theirfavorite hobby, using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in class.8. Extension Activities- Hobby showcase: Ask students to bring in an item or a picture related to their favorite hobby and present it to the class, explaining why they enjoy it.- Hobby survey: Divide students into pairs and ask them to conduct a survey among their classmates to find out the most popular hobbies in the class.第三课:Unit 3 My Family1. Learning Objectives- Enable students to talk about their family members in English.- Familiarize students with the vocabulary related to family members and relationships.- Develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writingskills.2. Warm-up- Show pictures of different family members and ask students to name them in English.- Play a short video clip about a family gathering and ask students to describe what they see.3. Vocabulary- Introduce new vocabulary related to family members and relationships through flashcards, word games, and real-life examples.4. Listening- Play an audio recording of a person talking about their family and ask students to listen and answer comprehension questions.5. Speaking- Divide students into pairs and ask them to interview each other about their family members and relationships using the target vocabulary.6. Reading- Provide students with a short reading passage about a family and ask them to answer comprehension questions.7. Writing- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their own family, using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in class.8. Extension Activities- Family tree: Ask students to create a family tree, labeling each family member with the appropriate vocabulary words.- Family interview: Divide students into pairs and ask them to interview their family members about their family history, traditions, and customs.本教案只写了前三课的内容,希望能够帮助学生更好地学习英语。

by bike, by car, on foot, by subway, by bus, by ship, by boat, by plane, by train
(1)(熟读板书的词组。) (2)(用上面的简笔画和词组,让学生看 1b 的图片并模仿例句造句:) Example: T: I come to school by bus.
3. (让学生听录音, 完成 2b。掌握生词 Ms.和 grandmother。) T: Next, we will have a listening practice. Let’s find out how people come to school or come to work. Do you
Ss: Yes, we do. (播放录音,并核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15 分钟) 用表达交通工具的名词和频度副词进行实践调查, 完成 3。 1. (使用多媒体课件、flash 动画或简笔画, 让学生展开想象, 任意造句子, 要求用上交通工具的表达用语和 频度副词。) T: Let’s look at the pictures. I’m sure you are interested in these lovely pictures. Please make sentences as you like, and don’t forget to use these means of transportation and adverbs of frequency. Are you ready? Go! 2. (让学生分组做一个关于 how to come to school 的调查报告并完成 3。调查时,强调用“How do you usually come to school?”和“I usually come to school…”句型,掌握生词 group。)

仁爱版七年级下册英语教案Unit 1: Countries and LanguagesLesson 1: Introducing Countries and LanguagesObjectives:- To introduce and learn vocabulary related to countries and languages.- To practice asking and answering questions about countries and languages.- To develop listening, speaking, and reading skills. Materials:- Textbook: Ren'ai Grade 7, Unit 1- World map- Flashcards with country names and flags- Handouts with conversation promptsProcedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes):- Display a world map and ask students to point out different countries.- Ask students to share the names of some countries they know, and elicit their languages.2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):- Show flashcards with names of countries and their corresponding flags.- Pronounce the country names and have students repeat after you.- Teach the names of the countries and their languages usinggesture and context.- Drill pronunciation of the words.- Make sure students understand the meaning of each word.3. Listening Exercise (15 minutes):- Play an audio recording of a conversation about countries and languages.- Students listen and complete the missing information about the countries and languages.- Play the audio again if necessary.- Check the answers as a class.4. Speaking Practice (15 minutes):- Divide students into pairs.- Provide each pair with a handout containing conversation prompts.- Students take turns asking and answering questions about countries and languages.- Monitor and provide assistance if needed.- Encourage students to use complete sentences and proper pronunciation.5. Reading Comprehension (10 minutes):- Assign the reading passage in the textbook related to countries and languages.- Instruct students to read silently and answer the comprehension questions.- Check the answers as a class.6. Homework (5 minutes):- Assign a written task for homework, such as writing a short paragraph about their favorite country and its language.- Remind students to include relevant vocabulary and proper sentence structure.Assessment:- Observe students' participation and engagement during the speaking practice.- Evaluate students' comprehension through their answers in the listening exercise and reading comprehension.。

仁爱版英语七年级下册教案模板第1篇:仁爱版英语七级下册教案仁爱,版,英语,七年级,下册,教案,仁爱,版,英语,仁爱版英语七年级(下)教案Unit 5 一、【教学目标】(一)语言知识语音 /t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/词汇掌握wake,early, first,day, term,must,still,by,on foot,the same to,usually,always,Ms.,boat,ship,sea,train,by plane/air/airplane, etc.理解Subway Worm reporter,Net Bar,roller skating Measure dining hall,dormitory bookstore,etc.(二)语法1.一般现在时(Simple present)2.频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always,once,twice3.现在进行时(Present continuous)I’m looking for a book.Are you doing your homework?Yes,I am./No,I m not.Is he/she...?Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isn’t.What are you doing now?I’m playing computer games.What is he/she doing?He/She is...4.谈论交通方式(Talking about means of transport)How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.(三)功能用语与话题1.采访(Interviews)Our guest today is Michael from Cla 2,Grade 1.2.谈论日常生活(Talking about routines)3.学校建筑(School buildings)swimming pool,playground,library,dormitory,lab,canteen,gym4.谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests,likes and dislikes)I like the swimming pool best.Why do you like English? Because it’s interesting and easy.5.借物(Borrowing things)How long can I keep it? Two weeks.6.新闻(News)、海报(Poster)Attention,please!Here is the news.7.谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Talking about school activities,subjects and timetable)8.谈论学校生活(Talking about school life)(四)能力培养【听】能听懂谈论校园生活中比较熟悉的话题,识别主题,获取主要信息。

七年级英语下册全册教案(仁爱版)七年级英语下册全册教案(仁爱版)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:12分钟)巩固1a, 完成1b。
1. (再次播放1a录音, 让学生跟读, 注意新单词的读音。
)T: Please listen again and follow the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words.2. (把全班分成4个小组,教师提问。
采用竞争机制, 看哪个小组回答问题最多, 则该小组为优胜小组,从而让学生对节日的日期、食物及相关活动有更深记忆。
) T:I will divide you into four groups and ask you some questions about the festivals. Try to answer the questions. The group which answers the most questions will be the winner.T:When is the Spring Festival?G1:It’s in January or February/on lunar January 1st.T:What food do Chinese people eat on the Spring Festival?G2:Dumplings.T:How do people celebrate it?G3:Perform lion and dragon dances.T:…G4:……(小组里的学生每答对一个问题, 教师在下面表里为该组记上1分。
) Group1234Point3. (让学生根据小黑板上Step 2的表格内容, 复述每个节日。
)T:Now, please tell me how people celebrate those festivals according to the form on the blackboard.S1:The Spring Festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.S2:Christmas is on December 25th. People give each other presents.S3:Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. Families get together for a big dinner. People eat turkey and pumpkin pie.S4:The Lantern Festival is on lunar January 15th. People eat sweet dumplings. People watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns.4. (小组讨论。

The students should discuss in groups of four and discover knowledge by themselves.
The students should listen carefully and dowhatthe teachertellsthemto ..
Teaching plan
Teaching steps:
1、Lead to the sentence pattern “can you…?”
2、Ask and answer between the teacher and the students.
1.Read1athree timesafter class;
2.Finish the workbook;
3.Describe yourselves with can or can’t
Afterthe teacher gavean example,the students practise ingroups.
3、Let the students listen to1aand follow it.
1、Let the students listen to1aagain, and then finish 1b;
2、Practice1ain pairs.Then act it out.
Teaching focus

仁爱版英语七年级下册教案Unit 5Objectives:To learn and XXX of /t/。
and /n/.To learn new vocabulary such as wake。
on foot。
the same to。
by plane/air/airplane。
Net Bar。
roller skating。
Measure dining hall。
etc.To use the simple present tense。
adverbs of frequency。
and present XXX.XXX.Grammar:1.Simple present XXX2.Adverbs of frequency (never。
twice)3.Present continuous XXXn:1.Interviews2.XXX routinesIn this unit。
students will learn and XXX in English。
They will also learn new XXX will be able to use the simple present tense。
adverbs of frequency。
and present XXX。
They will also learn how to talk about means of XXX in English。
The unit will include XXX.2.介绍学校建筑和设施。

1. 语言知识目标。
- 学生能够掌握课本中的重点单词、短语和句型。
例如,重点单词如“subject”(学科)、“favorite”(最喜欢的)等;短语如“have a rest”(休息)、“go to school”(去上学)等;句型如“What day is it today?”(今天星期几?)“My favorite subject is English.”(我最喜欢的学科是英语。
)- 能够正确使用一般现在时描述日常活动、喜好等。
2. 语言技能目标。
- 听:学生能听懂关于日常活动、学校课程安排等话题的简单对话。
- 说:能够运用所学单词和句型就学校生活、兴趣爱好等话题进行简单的交流对话。
- 读:能读懂简单的关于学校生活、人物喜好的短文。
- 写:能够写出简短的介绍自己学校生活、喜好学科等的小短文。
3. 情感态度目标。
- 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,积极参与课堂互动。
- 引导学生热爱学校生活,珍惜学习时光。
1. 教学重点。
- 重点单词、短语和句型的记忆与运用。
- 一般现在时的用法,包括第三人称单数形式的动词变化。
2. 教学难点。
- 一般现在时中第三人称单数形式动词变化规则的理解与正确运用。
- 如何引导学生在实际情境中灵活运用所学句型进行交流。
1. 情景教学法。
- 通过创设学校生活、家庭生活等情景,帮助学生理解和运用所学知识。
2. 任务驱动法。
- 布置各种任务,如小组讨论、角色扮演、调查等任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和巩固知识。
3. 交际教学法。
- 鼓励学生之间、师生之间用英语进行交流互动,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
1. 导入(5分钟)- 播放一首关于学校生活的英文歌曲,如“School Days”,然后提问学生从歌曲中听到了哪些与学校有关的单词,引出本节课的话题——学校生活。

(2)Do you often come to school by bike?
(3)I usually come to school by subway/by bus/on foot.
2.Skill aims
1.I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike.
2.I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway.
3.I never come to school by subway.
教 学
重 点
难 点
教 学
准 备
1.Get students ready for learning.
park, watch, TV, television, watch TV, soccer, football, movie, film
在Section A的基础上,复习交通方式,能正确运用always, usually, sometimes, seldom, often, never等频度副词,同时能用介词by加交通工具和动词短语两种不同的方法来表示交通方式;
Preview Section B.
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七年级英语学科集体备课记录主持人:时间参加人员刘玉峰、赵建方、程金锦、张倩地点主备人赵建方课题Unit 5 Section A教学目标1.知识与技能 1). Talk about means of transport:2). Learn the simple present tense:3).Talk about how to go to school:2.过程与方法:1) 情境导入,引出新词。
重、难点即考点分析1. How do you usually go to school2. I usually go to school by bike.课时安排 1 period教具使用1. color pencils andcards.教学环节安排备注Step 1 Review第一步复习(时间:10分钟)1.(师生互动复习旧问候语。
)T: Good morning, class.Ss:Good morning, Miss.../Mr. ...T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. I’m very gladto see you again.Ss:Me, too.2.(复习上学期的时间表达法,导入本课重点:交通工具的使用。
)T: What time is it What’s the timeOh, it’s seven o’clock. It’s time to go to school.I usually go to school by bike/bus/subway...((从而引出本课重点句型,并板书在黑板上。
)A:How do you usually go to schoolB:I usually go to school on foot.(过渡到下一步。
)Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)up.。
)T: Listen to the sounds, please guess.Ss: ...T: OK! Look at the pictures in 2, read and match.2.(让学生完成3a。
)T: Jane meets Kangkang and Sally. Listen and answer, how do Kangkang and Sally come toschool(让学生回答问题并看关键词分角色对话。
)Kangkang—by bike Sally—by subway Jane—by bus3.(让学生听,做4。
)T: Listen to the tape and match.4.(两人一组表演对话。
)T: Work in pairs. Talk about how to go to school with your partner.Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1.(老师再次引用多媒体课件,这次只放flash动画,让学生自己展开想像的翅膀,任意造句子,要用上交通工具的名词。
)T: Let’s look at the pictures. Are you interested in these lovely pictures Yes, I know you do.Please make some sentences as you like, and don’t forget to use these means of transport.Are you ready Go!2.(做5。
首先,让学生分四人组做一个调查报告How do you usually go to school完成5。
然后全班集体调查,让几人问How many friends come to school on foot/...每人问一种交通工具,每个学生按人数从多到少列成表格,最后随便抽向大家汇报。
)T: Please report your answer to your classmates.S1: In our class, fifteen students go to school by bike.S2: In our class, twenty students go to school by bus.S3: ...3.(弹性课堂,让学生互相猜测对方上学所使用的交通工具。
1.China’s national flag (国旗)is _____ and______ .2.Look at the sky (天空). It’s _____ .3.Grass (小草) is ______ .4.They are _____ grapes (葡萄).5.We Chinese have ______ hair.二、单项选择。
( )1. --_____ are the boxes--They’re black.A. What’s colorB. What colorsC. Which colorD. What color( ) those cats black ---No,____brown.A. they’reB. they aren’tC. notD. those aren’t( )3. I color the boy _______.A. redB. faceC. eyeD. oranges( ) and Yukil _____ big eyes and wide mouths. both B. both areC. have bothD. both have( )5. They’re sisters, but they ____A. look differentB. look the sameC. different looks三、句型转换。
1.These are red cars. (对画线部分提问)_____ _____ _____ these cars2.We have different looks. (变同义句)We _____ _____ the same look.20 —20 学年第学期年级学科集体备课记录主持人:时间参加人员刘玉峰、赵建方、程金锦、张倩地点主备人赵建方课题Section B教学目标1.知识与技能: 1.Learn how to use adverbs of frequency2 . L earn the simple present3. Talk about frequency:2.过程与方法:1、以旧导新,引出句型。
重、难点即考点分析(1)How does Maria go homeShe sometimes goes home by subway.(2)I seldom walk to school.I never go to s chool on foot.课时安排 1 period教具使用录音机/挂图/单词卡片/调查表教学环节安排备注Step 1 Review第一步复习(时间:10分钟)1. Words competition.: Now I ‘ll give you one minute. Each of you says one kindof transportation. The group that has the most will win.3.(Ask and answer)Example:S1: How do you usually go to schoolS2: I usually go to school by bike. How do you usually goto schoolS3: I usually go to school by bus. How do you usually go toschoolS4: ...4.(老师根据第3个环节的实际情况,导出1部分的语言功能目标,为下一步过渡做铺垫。
)T: Yeah. Now I know some of you go to school by bike, someof you go to school by bus. Butyou know I always get up at around six o’clock. I oftengo to school on foot. Butsometimes I go to school by bike. I never go to schoolby bus.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)(设置听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音,可以降低难度。
)T: Listen to the tape of 1 and find out some key words.(再听一遍,找出关键词,为下一步的巩固做铺垫。
)around, weekday, bird, catch, worm, seldom, walk neverStep 3 Consolidation第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)1.(1)(老师放录音1,示范让学生跟读,用铅笔标重读与语调。
)T: Follow the tape and draw “up or down” with your pencil like this.(2)T: Rub them clean and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go!(3)(人机对话,即学生和录音机对话。
)T: You are Michael. Listen to Kangkang and make a dialog with Kangkang.(4)(看第二步,呈现黑板上的关键词,学生两人一问一答,只看黑板上关键词对话。
)T: Work in pairs, close your book. Look at the blackboard and act the dialog out.2.(呈现2的图片,要求学生根据图片的意思,给每个频度副词造句。
)T: Look at the table, please make sentences by usin g these adverbs of frequency.Step 4 Practice第四步练习(时间:10分钟)1.(呈现3a的图片,通过师生互动,进一步让学生了解和巩固语言知识。