HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 说明书
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目录1 打印机基本信息 (1)快速访问详细信息 (2)驱动程序、软件及支持的 Web 链接 (2)HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 (2)用户指南的链接 (2)何处查找更多信息 (2)打印机配置 (3)HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 (3)解决方法 (4)打印机控制面板 (5)介质通道 (6)优先进纸槽 (6)主进纸盘 (6)出纸槽 (6)打印机连接 (7)连接 USB 电缆 (7)打印机软件 (8)支持的操作系统 (8)Windows 计算机的打印机软件 (8)安装所有其它操作系统的打印机软件 (8)打印机驱动程序 (8)打印机属性(驱动程序) (8)打印机属性联机帮助 (9)打印设置优先级 (9)打印机信息页 (9)打印机信息页 (10)打印机测试页 (10)打印机介质注意事项 (11)支持的介质尺寸 (11)2 打印任务 (13)手动送纸 (14)取消打印作业 (15)了解打印质量设置 (16)ZHCN iii针对介质类型优化打印质量 (17)介质使用准则 (18)纸张 (18)标签 (18)标签结构 (19)投影胶片 (19)信封 (19)信封结构 (19)双面接缝信封 (19)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (20)信封存储 (20)卡片纸或重磅介质 (20)卡片纸结构 (20)卡片纸使用准则 (21)信头纸或预打印表单 (21)选择纸张及其它介质 (22)HP 介质 (22)避免使用的介质 (22)可能损坏打印机的介质 (22)向进纸盘中装入介质 (24)优先进纸槽 (24)150 页主进纸盘 (24)打印信封 (25)打印多个信封 (27)在投影胶片或标签上打印 (29)打印信头纸和预先打印的表单 (30)在自定义尺寸的介质和卡片纸上打印 (31)双面打印(手动两面打印) (32)在一张纸上打印多页(每张打印 N 页) (34)打印小册子 (35)打印水印 (37)3 维护 (39)清洁打印机 (40)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (40)清洁打印机介质通道 (41)更换取纸滚筒 (43)清洁取纸滚筒 (46)更换打印机的分离垫 (47)摇匀碳粉 (49)更换打印碳粉盒 (50)iv ZHCN步骤 1:打印机设置是否正确? (54)步骤 2:“就绪”指示灯是否点亮? (54)步骤 3:能否打印打印机测试页? (54)步骤 4:打印质量是否可以接受? (55)步骤 5:打印机是否与计算机通信? (55)步骤 6:打印页是否令您满意? (55)与 HP 支持部门联系 (55)状态指示灯模式 (56)纸张处理问题 (58)卡纸 (58)打印歪斜(扭曲) (58)打印机一次送入多页介质 (58)打印机无法从进纸盘进纸 (58)打印机使介质卷曲 (59)打印作业速度极慢 (59)打印页与屏幕显示的页不同 (60)文本错乱、不正确或不完整 (60)丢失图形或文本或出现空白页 (60)页面格式与其它打印机不同 (61)图形质量 (61)打印机软件问题 (62)提高打印质量 (63)颜色浅淡 (63)碳粉斑点 (63)丢字 (63)垂直线 (64)灰色背景 (64)碳粉污迹 (64)松散的碳粉 (64)垂直重复的缺陷 (65)字符变形 (65)页面歪斜 (65)卷曲或波形 (65)起皱或折痕 (66)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (66)底边的水滴 (66)清除卡纸 (67)常见的卡纸位置 (67)取出卡纸 (67)ZHCN v功耗、电气规格和噪声发射 (71)物理规格 (72)打印机性能和额定值 (73)内存规格 (74)附录 B 规章条例信息 (75)FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)规章执行 (76)一致性声明 (77)规章条例声明 (78)激光安全 (78)加拿大 DOC 规则 (78)EMC 声明(韩国) (78)芬兰激光声明 (78)有毒有害物质表(中国) (79)环境产品管理计划 (80)保护环境 (80)产生臭氧 (80)能耗 (80)碳粉消耗 (80)纸张使用 (80)塑料 (80)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (80)返回和回收说明 (81)美国和波多黎各 (81)多个返回(一个以上的碳粉盒) (81)单个返回 (81)货运 (81)美国以外国家/地区的返回 (81)纸张 (81)材料限制 (82)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (82)化学物质 (82)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (82)更多信息 (82)材料安全数据表 (83)附录 C 保证声明和许可证发行 (85)Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (86)Hewlett-Packard 软件许可协议 (87)打印碳粉盒有限保修 (88)vi ZHCN使用 HP打印碳粉盒 (91)HP 有关非 HP 打印碳粉盒的政策 (91)保存打印碳粉盒 (91)打印碳粉盒使用寿命 (91)节省碳粉 (91)附录 E 服务和支持 (93)支持和服务的可用性 (94)客户自助维修保修服务 (94)重新包装打印机准则 (95)如何联系 HP (96)索引 (97)ZHCN viiviii ZHCN1打印机基本信息本章提供有关下列主题的信息:●快速访问详细信息●打印机配置●解决方法●打印机控制面板●介质通道●打印机连接●打印机软件●打印机信息页●打印机介质注意事项ZHCN1快速访问详细信息以下部分提供了各种资源,用于获得有关 HP LaserJet 1020 打印机的其它信息。
衷心感谢您选用浪潮英信服务器! 本手册介绍了此款服务器的技术特性与系统的设置、安装,有助于您更详细地了解和便 捷地使用此款服务器。 请将我方产品的包装物交废品收购站回收利用,以利于污染预防,造福人类。 浪潮拥有本手册的版权。 未经浪潮许可,任何单位和个人不得以任何形式复制本用户手册。浪潮保留随时修改本 手册的权利。 本手册中的内容如有变动恕不另行通知。 如果您对本手册有疑问或建议,请向浪潮垂询。
This manual introduces this server’s technical features and system installation and setup, which helps you to particularly understand and expediently use this server.
本指南认定读者对服务器产品有足够的认识,获得了足够的培训,在操作、维护过程中 不会造成个人伤害或产品损坏。
本手册主要适用于以下人员: ● 技术支持工程师 ● 产品维护工程师 建议由具备服务器知识的专业工程师参考本手册进行服务器运维操作。
本手册介绍了此款服务器的技术特性与系统的设置、安装,有助于您更详细的了解和便 捷地使用此款服务器。
4 BMC 设置 ........................................................................................................................ 50 4.1 简介................................................................................................................... 50 4.2 功能模块............................................................................................................ 51 4.3 Web 界面介绍 ................................................................................................... 52 4.4 远程控制............................................................................................................ 56 4.5 电源和散热 ........................................................................................................ 57 4.6 BMC 设置.......................................................................................................... 59 4.7 日志................................................................................................................... 62 4.8 故障诊断............................................................................................................ 64 4.9 系统维护............................................................................................................ 65 4.10 命令行功能介绍............................................................................................... 66 4.11 时区表 ............................................................................................................. 71
2023 Warnings, Cautions, and Notices 制品安装和维护指南说明书
467©2023Inspection•Unpack all components of the kit.•Check carefully for any shipping damage. If any damage is found it must bereported immediately and a claim made against the transportation company.•Visually inspect the components for shipping damage as soon as possibleafter delivery, before it is stored. Concealed damage must be reported within15 days.•If concealed damage is discovered, stop unpacking the shipment.•Do not remove damaged material from the receiving location. Take photosof the damage, if possible. The owner must provide reasonable evidence thatthe damage did not occur after delivery.•Notify the carriers terminal of damage immediately by phone and by mail.Request an immediate joint inspection of the damage by the carrier and theconsignee.Important:Do not attempt to repair any damaged parts until the parts areinspected by the carriers representative.Safety Instructions Before Operating the Unit•This appliance does not have a pilot. It is equipped with an ignition devicewhich automatically lights the burner. Do not try to light the burner by hand.•BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the appliance area for gas. Be sureto smell next to the floor because some gas is heavier than air and will settleon the floor.What to do if you Smell Gas•Do not try to light any appliance.•Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building.•Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gassupplier’s instructions.•If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.Temperature Control DevicesRoom thermostats and zone sensors are delicate temperature control devices.Thermostats will energize and de-energize the heating or cooling circuit tomaintain the temperature setting selected.Zone sensors will sense the room temperature to allow the unit controls toactivate the heating and cooling functions and maintain the temperatureselected.Many thermostats and zone sensors contain a room thermometer to indicate theapproximate room temperature, and a temperature scale at the adjustmentindicator to select the desired indoor air temperature. Most controls have aselector mode switch with Heat, Off, and Cool positions, and a fan switch with Onand Auto positions.When the selector switch is positioned at Off, the unit will not operate in either theheat or cool modes. If the selector switch is set at Heat, the unit will automaticallycycle on and off to maintain the desired temperature setting. The unit will alsooperate automatically when the selector switch is positioned at Cool.The fan selector switch can be used to operate the indoor fan continuously bypositioning it at On. When set at Auto, the fan will only operate when requiredduring the heating or cooling cycles.To verify the thermostat or zone sensor operates properly, it must be level andpositioned to avoid the influence of such external heat sources such as lamps,televisions, or other heat producing appliances.Owner ManualPackaged Rooftop Air ConditionersVoyager™ 3 Gas/ElectricFor Servicers and Owners UseModel Number:27.5 to 50 Ton Packaged Gas/ElectricSeptember 2023RT-SVU04K-EN9118©2023Trane and American Standard have a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.Trane and American Standard create comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information, please visit or .Air FiltersImportant:It is very important to keep the central duct system air filters clean.Inspect them at least once each month when the system is in constant operation. In new homes, check the filters every week for the first 4 weeks. See Table 1 for the required filter size(s).If filters are disposable, replace them with new filters of the same type and size. Do not attempt to clean disposable filters.Permanent type filters can be cleaned by washing them with a mild detergent and water. Confirm filters are thoroughly dry before reinstalling them in the unit (or duct system).Note: It may be necessary to replace permanent filters annually if washing fails to clean the filter, or if the filter shows signs of deterioration. Use the same type and size as was originally installed.Table 1.Recommended filter sizeModel Qty Filter Size (L x W x D)YC*330-4201616 x 20 x 2(a)(a)4-inch are optional. Replace with same size as originally supplied.YC*480-6001716 x 20 x 2(a)Heating SystemHeating Cycle OperationA normal heating cycle begins when the air temperature in the home drops below the selected setting. The control then energizes the heating electrical circuit that starts and controls the main burners. Shortly after the main burners ignite, the indoor fan starts and circulates warm air through your home, or building.When the air temperature rises to the selected setting, the control de-energizes the heating electrical circuit which, in turn, extinguishes the main burners. The indoor fan continues to circulate warm air until most of the heat is removed from the unit’s combustion chamber.Safety ControlsThe unit is equipped with automatic reset safety limit controls to prevent overheating. When one of these controls open, it shuts down the heatingelectrical circuit until it cools down sufficiently. Inadequate airflow (dirty air filters or a defective fan motor) may cause the unit to cycle on and off as the limit controls trip and automatically reset. If you suspect the unit is cycling on its limit controls, immediately contact a technician for instructions.Operating Instructions1.Set the temperature control to lowest setting.2.Turn off all electric power to the appliance.3.This appliance is equipped with an ignition device which automatically lights the burner. Do not try to light the burner by hand.Note: Depending on heater size, the gas valve control will be a knob, as shown in Figure 1, or a toggle switch.6.Wait 5 minutes to clear out any gas. If you then smell gas, STOP! Follow “What to do if you Smell Gas” in the safety information above in this manual. If you do not smell gas, go to the next step.7.Turn gas control knob counter-clockwise or flip the toggle switch to ON .8.Replace panel removed in Step 4.9.Turn on all electric power to the appliance.10.Set the temperature control to desired setting.Note: If the unit is equipped with modulating gas heat, the discharge air setpoint will also need to be set before the initial setup is complete.11.If the appliance does not operate, follow instructions in “To Turn Off Gas to the Appliance” below and call your service technician or gas supplier.To Turn Off Gas to the Appliance1.Set the temperature control to lowest setting.2.Turn off all electric power to the appliance if service is to be performed.3.Remove the access panel that has the following label:4.Turn the gas control knob clockwise or flip the toggle switch to the OFF position.Note: Some valves require the knob to be pushed in slightly before turning. Do not force.5.Replace panel removed in Step 3.REMOVE THIS PANELTO GAIN ACCESS TO THE GAS VALVERT-SVU04K-EN 30 Sep 2023Supersedes RT-SVU04J-EN (May 2020)。
WARNING LETTERCMS 535005December 19, 2017VIA UPS NEXT DAY AIRPaul F. Devine, CEO/PresidentC.O. Truxton, Inc.136 Harding AvenueBellmawr, NJ 08031Dear Mr. Devine:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your drug manufacturing facility, C.O. Truxton, Inc. (“Truxton”), at 136 Harding Avenue, Bellmawr, New Jersey (FEI 2220338), from April 17 to June 1, 2017.This warning letter summarizes significant violations of current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) regulations for finished pharmaceuticals. See 21 CFR, parts 210 and 211.Because your methods, facilities or controls for manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your drug products are adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).In addition, your firm mislabeled drug products, causing them to be misbranded under section 502(b)(2) and 502 (e)(1)(A)(ii) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(b)(2) and 21 U.S.C. 352(e)(1)(A)(ii). By introducing adulterated and misbranded drugs into interstate commerce you are in violation of section 301(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(a).We reviewed your June 14, 2017, response in detail.During our inspection, our investigator observed specific violations including, but not limited to, the following.CGMP Violations1. Your firm failed to establish a quality control unit with the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components, drug product containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging materials, labeling, and drug products (21 CFR 211.22(a)).Your firm failed to establish a quality control unit for your drug repackaging operation and you lacked written procedures for production or quality unit responsibilities.You did not address this observation in your response. You stated that “some items were not addressed, as they should not have been done and will not be done by C.O. Truxton Inc., in the future.” We are unclear as to what specific items you referred to in your response.In your response to this letter, provide your procedure detailing the responsibilities of the quality control unit, and outline your repackaging operations with their corresponding procedures. In addition, specify which operations your firm has ceased to perform and the dates on which such operations were halted.2. Your firm failed to establish and follow written procedures to assure that correct labels and packaging materials are used for drug products (21 CFR 211.130).Your firm performs repackaging and labeling operations but did not have written procedures governing the application of packaging and labeling materials to your drug products. You incorrectly labeled a container filled with Phenobarbital tablets 30 mg as Phenobarbital tablets, USP 15 mg (schedule IV) lot 70952A. In the affidavit collected during the inspection, you stated, “I have no records to show the repackaging operation.”You did not address this observation in your response. In your response to this letter, provide your plan, including written procedures, to ensure compliance with CGMP for all drug repackaging activities in which you engage.3. Your firm failed to establish and follow adequate written procedures describing the handling of all written and oral complaints regarding a drug product (21 CFR 211.198(a).Your firm lacked an adequate procedure for handling complaints. You received a complaint regarding a bottle labeled as Phenobarbital Tablets USP (15 mg, 1000 count), lot 70952A. The product received was actually Phenobarbital Tablets USP (30 mg, 1000 count.) You sold this drug product to both human and animal clinics. Your firm did not maintain a record of the complaint or investigate it to determine the cause of the labeling mix-up.In response to our inspection, you drafted and submitted a complaint handling procedure. However, this procedure is inadequate because it lacks adequate provisions to investigate the complaints you receive.In your response to this letter, provide your complaint handling procedure, including cataloguing, tracking, and investigating complaints.4. Your firm failed to establish a written distribution procedure to includea system by which each lot of drug product can be readily determined to facilitate its recall if necessary (21 CFR 211.150(b)).Your firm lacked any procedures describing your drug distribution system. Your distribution system was deficient in that it could not differentiate between the lot number your firm assigns and the lot number assigned by the manufacturer, and therefore there is no product traceability if a recall is required. Our investigator observed that neither your receiving or shipping records included the lot numbers of products you received and shipped.In your response, you stated that, moving forward, only Phendimetrazine manufactured and packaged by (b)(4)will bear the Truxton label. Your response was inadequate because you did not address your firm’s lack of traceability for your repackaged drug products.In your response to this letter, provide your drug distribution and tracking procedures for your repackaged drug products.5. Your firm failed to establish and follow a written testing program designed to assess the stability characteristics of drug products and to use results of such stability testing to determine appropriate storage conditions and expiration dates (21 CFR 211.166(a)).You had no data to support the expiration date of Phenobarbital tablets, USP 15 mg (schedule IV) lot 70952A repackaged from original container-closure system(500-count bottle size) to a new container- closure system (1000-count bottle size). You had not performed stability testing of the drug product in the newcontainer-closure system and you did not have any supporting stability data to support the use of the new container-closure system. In addition, you were unable to provide documentation to show that the container-closure system used to repackage drug products was identical or equivalent to their original container-closure systems.You did not address this observation in your response. In your response to this letter, provide your evaluation of any other drug products that may have been repackaged into a different container-closure system, and the procedures and controls you have in place to assess stability of the drug products in their new container-closure systems. Include your corrective action plan if you find drug products that are unstable in the new container-closure system.Misbranding ViolationsYour phenobarbital tablets were labeled as containing 15 mg of Phenobarbital but in fact the tablets contained 30 mg of Phenobarbital. Further, as labeled, the Phenobarbital 15 mg tablets are misbranded drugs within the meaning of section 502(b)(2) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(b)(2), in that the labels for these packaged drug products did not bear an accurate statement of the quantity or the contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count. Also, your Phenobarbital 15 mg tablets are misbranded within the meaning of section 502(e)(1)(A)(ii) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(e)(1)(A)(ii), in that the drug product is labeled as Phenobarbital15 mg, and the proportion of the active ingredient in each phenobarbital tablet is 30 mg of Phenobarbital (as identified by tablet markings)In addition to the CGMP violations, your firm repackaged mislabeled drugs in violation of the FD&C Act at your facility. Based on the information collected during the inspection, you mislabeled the following prescription drug, including, but not limited to: Phenobarbital Tablets 30 mg mislabeled as Phenobarbital Tablets 15 mg.As labeled, the Phenobarbital Tablets are misbranded drugs within the meaning of section 502(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(a), in that the labels are false.ConclusionViolations cited in this letter are not intended as an all-inclusive list. You are responsible for investigating these violations, for determining the causes, for preventing their recurrence, and for preventing other violations.If you are considering an action that is likely to lead to a disruption in the supply of drugs produced at your facility, FDA requests that you contact CDER’s Drug Shortages Staff immediately, at*********************.gov,so that FDA can work with you on the most effective way to bring your operations into compliance with the law. Contacting the Drug Shortages Staff also allows you to meet any obligations you may have to report discontinuances or interruptions in your drug manufacture under 21 U.S.C. 356C(b) and allows FDA to consider, as soon as possible, what actions, if any, may be needed to avoid shortages and protect the health of patients who depend on your products.Correct the violations cited in this letter promptly. Failure to promptly correct these violations may result in legal action without further notice, including, without limitation, seizure and injunction.Unresolved violations in this warning letter may also prevent other federal agencies from awarding contracts.Until these violations are corrected, we may withhold approval of pending drug applications listing your facility, or remove your current misbranded drugs listing information from public databases such as the online NDC Directory. We may re-inspect to verify that you have completed your corrective actions.We may also refuse your requests for export certificates.After you receive this letter, respond to this office in writing within 15 working days. Specify what you have done since our inspection to correct your violations and to prevent their recurrence. If you cannot complete corrective actions within 15 working days, state your reasons for delay and your schedule for completion.Send your firm’s response to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 10 Waterview Boulevard, 3rdFloor, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054. Refer to CMS case 535005 whenreplying. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact CDR Liatte Krueger, Compliance Officer, at (973) 331-4933.Sincerely,/S/Diana Amador-ToroDivision Director/OPQ Division 1New Jersey District Office警告信CMS 5350052017年12月19日首席执行官兼总裁Paul F. DevineC.O. 如织,Inc.136 哈丁大道贝尔玛尔,NJ 08031尊敬的Devine先生:美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)于2017年4月17日至6月1日在新泽西贝尔玛尔市哈丁大街136号(FEI 2220338)检查了你的药物生产设施C.O. Truxton,Inc.。
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惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书
1 服务与支持 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 HP 有限保修声明 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 英国、爱尔兰和马耳他 ................................................................................................................................... 3 奥地利、比利时、德国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................. 4 比利时、法国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................................... 4 意大利 ..
西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书
单元通讯的协议 ............................................................................................................ 36
NXGpro+ 高级安全 .......................................................................................................37
功率拓扑 ......................................................................................................................34
控制系统概述 ...............................................................................................................35
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统简介
投影仪 说明书
用法注意 ................................................................................................................................................ 3
OSD菜单要览.......................................................................................................................................................... 27 图像菜单 ................................................................................................................................................................. 28 菜单显示 ................................................................................................................................................................. 30 设置菜单 ................................................................................................................................................................. 32 颜色设置菜单 ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 语言菜单 ................................................................................................................................................................. 36 管理菜单 ................................................................................................................................................................. 37
OMEN Command Center 用户指南说明书
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中兴通讯股份有限公司(以下简称中兴通讯)针对快速发展的宽带数据网络,推 出了 ZXE10-UAS2500S 综合接入服务器(简称 ZXE10-UAS2500S、UAS2500S、 2500S 或者 UAS)。ZXE10-UAS2500S 设备是宽带数据网络的关键设备,它帮助 电信运营公司、接入服务提供商(ASP)、国际互联网服务提供商(ISP)等服务 运营商向用户提供多种宽带接入方式,同时可以实现增值业务的快速投放(如 VPN 业务、组播业务、信息服务等)。 ZXE10-UAS2500S 支持 LAN、无线、ES 等接入设备,网络扩展和功能添加都极 为便捷;采用简单、高效、统一的用户管理模式,提供 RADIUS、WEB 等多种认 证、计费和管理方法。
2006 2 28 SJ /T 11364- 2006 (
区分的零部件单位特别规定没有,用大分类好。 其他」的结束是不可。 产 质
质 铅 Pb Hg 镉 Cd 铬 Cr(VI) 苯 PBB 苯 PBDE
架板类(铁、有色金属) 配管 润滑油(润滑剂)、机油 电动机、其他电动机 调节器类 电装部件 树脂(丙烯板等) 自动机械类
电子信息产品(产品和零部件),与设备,钱型,等,包装材 如果进行表示使用可能、应用除外没有 全电气·电子产品 应用除外有
污染控制记号要求:环境保护使用期限+生产年月日的表示 6物质信息供给要求:6物质的含有状况 包装材材质表示要求:包装材的材质记号表示 限制没有
z z z z
与EU RoHS同样的6物质 铅,水银,镉,六价铬,溴系难燃烧剂2种(PBB,PBDE)
与EU RoHS同样
铅,水银,六价铬,PBB,PBDE 镉
表示位置:环境保护使用期限记号近一方(戳子,拉威尔等)、用能看见颜色,大小 1.8mm以上,不消失剥落的事。标签的材质等特别指定没有。
例子:2007年3月1日生产的场合 生产日期:070301
HP TFT7600机架式一体化键盘显示器用户指南
简介 ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 TFT7600 RKM 的功能 ................................................................................................................................ 5 组件 ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 背面组件.................................................................................................................................................. 7
【关键词】美国、转基因食品、标注、新规定、食品生产者、监管措施、市场影响、意义、发展趋势1. 引言1.1 背景介绍美国作为世界上最大的转基因食品生产和消费国家,转基因食品一直是备受争议的话题。
1.2 立法原因转基因技术自20世纪90年代以来在美国得到了广泛的应用,许多食品和农产品都含有转基因成分。
WTO aS/WTO Notification责任编辑/顾宇春栏目协办单位:深圳市标准技术研究院技术性贸易措施硏究所栏目主持人:何璇WTO/TBT通报根据WTO的透明度原则,各成员应采取必要的措施通过WTO秘书处向其他成员公布指定和实施的贸易措施及其变化情况(如修改,增补或废除等)。
《技术性贸易壁垒协定》(Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade,简称《TBT协定》)规定,各成员有权制定必要的技术性贸易措施(技术法规、标准,包括对包装、标志和标签的要求,以及对技术法规和标准的合格评定程序)以保证其实现合法目标,并应及时通报其拟采用的某项技术性贸易措施,以使其他利益相关方知晓通报统计分析「通报数量2020年5月,共有28个WTO成员提交了149件TBT通报。
表12020年5月TBT通报数量前十的成员序号成员通报数1美国302肯尼亚183以色列154巴西105泰国106坦桑尼亚97中国68欧美69韩国610越南62.通报类型2020年5月发布的通报中,98件为常规通报,约占通报总数的66%;44件为补遗,约占通报总166WTO Notification /WTO 通报数的30% ; 5件为勘误,占通报总数的3%, 2件 为修订,占通报总数1%。
Yunnan Hande Bio-Tech. Co. Ltd.Department of Health and Human Services Public Health ServiceFood and Drug AdministrationSilver Spring MD 20993Warning LetterVIA UPS MAILWL: 320-11-01October 15, 2010Ms. Huang LeiChairmanYunnan Hande Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.No. 3 Platform Jinding Tech-ZoneKunming, People’s Republic of China, 650033Dear Ms. Lei:During our May 17-21, 2010 inspection of your active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing facility, Yunnan Hande Bio-Tech Co., Ltd., located at Jinding Tech-Zone, No. 3 Platform, Kunming, China,investigator(s) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identifiedsignificant deviations from Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) for the manufacture of APIs. These deviations cause your API(s) to be adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 351(a)(2)(B)] in that the methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, their manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to, or are not operated or administered in conformity with CGMP.We have reviewed your firm’s response of June 2, 2010, and note that it lacks sufficient corrective actions.Specific deviations observed during the inspection include, but are not limited, to the following:1. Failure to thoroughly investigate complaints for APIs batches that do not meet the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) compendial requirements that may have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy. In addition, your investigation was not extended to other batches that may also be affected.During the review of a customer complaint for lot (b)(4), relatedto an out-of-specification in the optical rotation test, our inspection team noticed that the optical rotation test was conducted in a room with no temperature control during the sample analysis. Your firm does not monitor the temperature of the sample inside the polarimeter chamber as required by the USP chapter <781>. Your procedure DM No. 21-3, “Optical Rotation of (b)(4),” requires that a temperature correction factor be used when the reading is above or below 20°C; however you failed to apply the correction factor to any of the lots tested. Your quality unit confirmed this discrepancy during our inspection. You indicated thatyour firm monitors the sample temperature when conducting the optical rotation test by annotating the air condition thermostat reading of the room. However, our investigators found that the temperature of the Quality Control (QC) laboratory, where the optical rotation is conducted, is not controlled because there is no air conditioner in the room.Please clarify this discrepancy in your response to this letter.Because your optical rotation testing was not conducted under the required environmental conditions, the test results generated may be inaccurate. In your response, you indicate that the temperature in the sampler (and in the room) will be maintained at 20 ± 0.5°C. However, USP <781> requires that the temperature of the sample be maintained at 25°C ± 0.5°C during the analysis. We recommend that you revise your procedures accordingly.Although the above test is not conducted in accordance to the USP requirements, we are concerned that your Certificate of Analysis (COA)for (b)(4) API indicates that: “we hereby certify that the (b)(4) Drug Substance manufactured by Yunnan Hande Bio-Tech Co Ltd is meeting the quality specification of US Pharmacopeia.” This is a repeat observation from our 2004 inspection where investigators found USP <61> was not followed.In your response, please provide evidence that all lots of (b)(4) API manufactured and within expiration comply with the USP compendial requirements. Also, indicate whether you intend to issue new COAs toyour customer(s) and what actions you intend to implement in those cases where the USP specification is not met. Your firm needs to implement adequate corrective and preventive actions to ensure that the QCpersonnel are qualified to conduct all analyses in your laboratory, and that those supervising laboratory operations are qualified to ensure scientifically rigorous operations.2. Failure to have adequate procedures for the reprocessing of API batches and stability data to ensure that the API batches are not adversely affected by the formation of by products and over-reactive materials.Your SOP 5018-9, “Leftover Products Processing Procedure,” allows for the manufacture of (b)(4) API batches using reserved or retained samples, batch tails ends, and expired (b)(4) API. The reserved samples are (b)(4) under a new lot number. You fail to demonstrate that the quality of the new batch is not affected throughout the shelf life of the API. We are also concerned that you allow the reuse of retain and expired samples maintained for (b)(4) years (or up to (b)(4) years for lot distributed) without determining if the quality of the API has been adversely affected due to the formation of degradants or impurities. You also fail to have an evaluation of the individual batches prior tobeing (b)(4) into a new batch.In response to this letter, provide a retrospective evaluation of the lots that have been manufactured using the above practice. Include evidence that your decision to manufacture (b)(4) using expired and retain samples, (b)(4) tails ends batches is preceded by a careful evaluation to ensure that the quality of the API is not adversely affected due to the potential formation of byproduct and over-reacted material. Note your firm should ensure that the manual process used toproduce these batches is validated and adequately described in the approved DMF.3. Failure to have an adequate performance qualification (calibration) program for the QC laboratory instruments.Your HPLC calibration lacks a carry over test (sample injection residual test), sample energy (intensity of light source), and lamp use hours determination. You fail to challenge the analytical balances for minimum weight, measurement for uncertainty, and drift value. In addition, you do not calibrate the Karl Fisher syringe usedduring (b)(4) API water content analysis.Your firm also fails to maintain raw data associated with the re-qualification and calibration of your laboratory instruments. During the inspection the investigators were informed that the annual re-qualification and calibration of your laboratory equipment (e.g., HPLC, GC, polarimeter, and analytical balance) is performed by the (b)(4). However, you were unable to provide raw data or documentation regarding the qualification and calibration of your instruments and data to demonstrate that your quality unit reviewed and approved the work performed by your contractor.During our inspection, our investigators learned that thecalibration program does not include parameters to challenge the precision and accuracy of the laboratory instruments. Your firm acknowledged that your firm lacks a written procedure describing the qualification and calibration of the laboratory equipment.We are concerned that the inspection of 2004 reported similar deficiencies related to the qualification of your laboratory equipment. In your response, please provide information to show that the above deficiencies have not adversely affected the accuracy of the analytical results used to release your APIs.4. Failure to have adequate analytical procedures designed toassure that your APIs conform to appropriate specification. For example,a. The FTIR assay does not include a (b)(4) USP standard during the performance of the identification analysis nor are the critical analytical parameters documented.Your firm does not concurrently analyze the FTIR samples witha (b)(4) reference standard. Instead, you analyze the sample against a spectrum stored in the memory of the FTIR. During our inspection, you were unable to provide data to show when and how you prepared and qualified the FTIR spectrum standard.Additionally, the investigators found that the FTIR parameter (e.g. number of samples scanned, resolution, and bean slitter) are not documented in your laboratory record. Moreover, the expiration date of (b)(4) reagent lot (b)(4), used during the sample preparation is unknown. Also SOP DM No. 02-04 does not include instructions to (b)(4) the(b)(4) reagent under a (b)(4), which is an activity conducted by the QC technicians.b. The suitability of your testing method for your residual solvent determination has not been demonstrated and verified. Additionally, your acceptance criteria are different to the established by the USP.Your system suitability test requires that (b)(4) injections of standard be performed and that a Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of (b)(4)% be met in order for the test to be acceptable. This acceptance criterion is contrary to the USP requirement chapter <621>. During our inspection, you were unable to provide validation data to support your current RSD criteria. Your response is inadequate in that you failed to provide scientific rationale to justify the change in your analytical method for system suitability requirements. In response to this letter, please provide a valid % RSD and the analytical data to support it.The deviations detailed in this letter are not intended to be anall-inclusive statement of deviations that exist at your facility. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of the deviations identified above and for preventing their recurrence and the occurrence of other deviations. If you wish to continue to ship APIs to the United States, it is the responsibility of your firm to ensure compliance with all U.S. standards for CGMP and all applicable U.S. laws and regulations.Until all corrections have been completed and FDA has confirmed corrections of the deviations and your firm’s compliance with CGMP, FDA may withhold approval of any new applications or supplements listingyour firm as an API manufacturer. In addition, failure to correct these deviations may result in FDA refusing admission of articles manufactured at Yunnan Hande Bio-Tech Co., Ltd., Kunming, People’s Republic of China, 650033 into the United States. The articles are subject to refusal of admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) of the Act [21 U.S.C. §381(a)(3)] in that the methods and controls used in their manufacture donot appear to conform to Current Good Manufacturing Practice within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 351(a)(2)(B)].Within fifteen working days of receipt of this letter, pleasenotify this office in writing of the specific steps that you have taken to correct deviations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of deviations and copies of supporting documentation. If you cannot complete corrective action within fifteen working days, state the reason for the delay and the date by which you will have completed the correction. Additionally, your response should state if you no longer manufacture or distribute (b)(4) API, and provide the date(s) and reason(s) you ceased production. Please identify your response with FEI # 2002808537.。
关于SNI标志的产品证明书应当由已经由KAN认可,并且由工业部通过下列各项指定的产品认证机构发给:3.按照SNI要求测试产品质量的符合性;以及4.关于实施质量管理体系(QMS)SNI IS09001:2008或其修订版的审计工业部制造业管理总局是负责执行本法令的机构,并且应当提供一份涉及产品认证程序和SNI标志的本法令的技术指导。
8.相关文件:9.拟批准日期:公布日期后两个月世界贸易组织通报号:G/TBT/N/VNM/34通报日期:2013/6/3贸易技术壁垒委员会原文:越语通报以下通报根据TBT协定第10.6条分发1.通报成员:越南如可能,列出涉及的地方政府名称(3.2条和7.2条):2.负责部门:工业贸易部3.依据条例:[]2.9.2 []2.10.1 [X]5.6.2 []5.7.1 []其他:4.覆盖的产品:钢铁HS编码:72;73ICS本文由收集整理编码:77.0805.通报文件的名称:规范国产和进口钢铁质量管理的工业贸易部和科学技术部联合部颁通告页数:24页通报语言:越语6.内容概述:本联合通告草案规定了国产和进口钢铁的质量管理;以及对钢铁产品质量控制的程序和方法指南。
若该法规草案的生效其产生的影响可能包括:(1) 我国企业将为设计并印制符合法规要求的能效标签而增加成本支出约0.2元/台。
(2) 通常情况下,应客户要求还须将每个型号的样品委托检测机构进行检测。
(3) 目前我国出口欧盟的大多数电视机的能效等级普遍处于中等偏下的水平,企业为缩短同国外产品的细微差距,提升产品形象和能效等级,还必须针对现有设计方案和工艺,研发节能降耗的方法和装置。
美国消费产品安全委员会有关中国产品的召回通知(22005-2-23品名:Martha Stewart Everyday牌桦木蜡烛套装产品描画:召回的蜡烛套装包括一个圆托盘,下面有三根桦木蜡烛和一些松果。
盒子上印着〝Martha Stewart Everyday〞商品名。
2005-2-22品名:Playtex婴儿背带产品描画:召回的婴儿背带品名为〝Playtex Hip Hammock〞,品名缝在背带的前面,型号数字缝在鞍垫外面的运用说明下面。
2005-2-18品名:Beeswax绳索蜡烛〔SKU # 34-911〕产品描画:绳索蜡烛是一个21英尺长绳索外形的蜂蜡,蜡烛点在一个相似剪刀的夹子上。
数量:约2,000个制造商:中国Zhongshan Zhongnam蜡烛制造产地:中国危害:用于支架蜡烛的是一个老虎钳样的夹子。
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The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
Notifying Member:Indonesia
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
Annex II: Additional and expansion lists of regulated goods (additional of 1 item regulated goo
Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document:Regulation of Minister of Trade RI No. 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013 concerning Affixed Mandatory Label in Indonesian Language for Goods (98 pages in Indonesian language including annexes) and 6 pages in Indonesian language including annexes for Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 10/M-DAG/PER/1/2014 (98 pages, in Indonesian; 6 pages, in Indonesian).
d.Imported goods which served as:
i.Raw and/or auxiliary materials in production process;
ii.Temporary imported goods;
iii.Re-imported goods;
iv.Goods forresearch andscientific purposes;
Tel.: +6221-3858187
Fax: +6221-3857954
Directorate of Standardization
Directorate General of Standardization and Consumer Protection
Directorate of Consumer Empowerment
Directorate General of Standardization and Consumer Protection
Ministry of Trade
Building II, 10th Floor
Jln. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat
Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013 concerning Affixed Mandatory Label in Indonesian Language for Goods:
Annex I: List of types of electronic goods for home appliances, telecommunication, and informatics;
Products covered(HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwisenational tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided inaddition, where applicable):All products and HS numbers covered are contained in the annexes of Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013 concerning Affixed Mandatory Label in Indonesian Language for Goods and Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 10/M-DAG/PER/1/2014 concerning Amendment of Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013 concerning Affixed Mandatory Label in Indonesian Language for Goods
Annex I: List of types of electronic goods for home appliances, telecommunication, and informatics (addendum of 2 items in Annex I on Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 67/2013);
Annex V: Additional and expansion lists of regulated goods.
Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 10/M-DAG/PER/1/2014 concerning Ammendment of Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013 concerning Affixed Mandatory Label in Indonesian Language for Goods:
Importers shall affix the labels when the imported goods entering Indonesia customs territory. The labels affixed have to be clear, readable and easy to understand by consumers. Labels also shall be permanently affixed:
Fax: +(62-21) 5747045
Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [], other:
Ministry of Trade
Building II, 8th Floor
Jln. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat
Tel/Fax: +6221-3863928
Center for Cooperation on Standardization
xi.Self-imported goods for government's needs.
e.Rawand/or other auxiliary materialsproduced domestically for production process.
For goods in related toAnnex III(goods for motor vehicles/spare parts and others)needs to apply for certificate of label exception if imported by Original Equipment Manufacturer.
National Standardization Agency, Indonesia (BSN)
Manggala Wanabakti Bld, Block IV, 4th floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Jakarta 10270 - Indonesia
Tel.: +(62-21) 5747043 ext. 262
Agency responsible:Directorate General of Standardization and Consumer Protection, Ministry of Trade
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding thenotificationshall be indicated if different from above:
Description of content:This regulation states thateach producer or importer of goods listed in the annexes which will be traded in Indonesia shall affix labels in Indonesian language, either on its Packaging or on the Goods itself. The list of goods affected by this regulation is provided in the annexes I to V of Regulation of Minister of Trade 67/M-DAG/PER/11/2013and Regulation of Minister of Trade RI No. 10/M-DAG/PER/1/2014. These regulations revoked the previous regulations in labelling (Regulation of Minister of Trade No.22/M-DAG/PER/5/2010 and Regulation Minister of Trade RI No. 62/M-DAG/PER/12/2009).