The Crooked House 1




30本值得一读的原版英文书难度分级一星:极为简单,词汇量在3000左右的童书二星:比较简单,青少年向作品,用词简单,无大量长难句,5000+有一些生词不影响阅读三星:中等难度,6500左右的单词量,有一些生词不影响阅读四星:中上难度,熟练掌握考研或托福生词即可驾驭五星:难,以古典文学为代表,属于楼主每个单词都认识,连起来就不认识的程度= = 1.The little prince (小王子)难度:一星内容:小王子的故事大家都熟了观后感:看的第一本原版书,作为个人入门打个基础是最好的选择。

阅读起来几乎无障碍,但毕竟西方的语言表达和东方不一样,先有一个适应的过渡是很必须的2.The wonderful wizard of oz (绿野仙踪)难度:一星内容:小萝莉多萝西被大风吹到一个奇异国度(奥兹国)的奇遇记。



3.Flipped (怦然心动)难度:二星内容:同名电影的原著小说。






4.And then there were none (无人生还)难度:三星内容:阿加莎克里斯蒂三大奇书之一!也是开创了孤岛杀人模式的第一人。


观后感:代入感太强!不得不佩服阿加莎克里斯蒂的文字功力,当时每天睡前看这本书,最后连续好几天做恶梦= = 书中的心理描写刻画的淋漓尽致,最后结局也是意想不到!精彩之至!同时也是西方推理小说排行前十的。



《房间》完整中英文对照剧本房♥间突发消息纽瑟姆案嫌疑人已被拘捕嘘 Shh... 回去睡觉吧 Go back to sleep. 很久很久以前在我到来之前 On ___ upon a time, before I came, 你一整天都在 you cried and cried 大声哭泣看电视度日 and watched TV all day, 直到你麻木了 until you were a zombie, 但然后我通过天窗从天堂 but then I zoomed down from heaven 突然降落 through Skylight 到房♥间里 into Room. 呜叭 Whoosh-pshew! 然后我在你体内踢你 And I was kicking you from the inside. 嘣嘣 Boom, boom! 然后我睁着眼冲到地毯上 And then I shot out onto Rug with my eyes wide open, 然后你剪掉绳子说“你好啊杰克”and you cutt-ed the cord and said, "Hello, Jack." 妈我五岁了 Ma, I"m five! -是的 -我现在好大呀 - You are. - I"m so old now. 你是个大男孩了 You"re such a big boy now. 是的Yeah. 早上好台灯 Good morning, lamp. 早上好植物Good morning, plant. 早上好蛋壳蛇 Good morning, Eggsnake. 早上好地毯 Good morning, rug. 早上好衣柜 Good morning, wardrobe. 早上好电视 Good morning, TV. 早上好洗手池 Good morning, sink. 早上好马桶 Morning, toilet. 早上好啊大家 Morning, everyone. 好了 Okay. 今天是我的生日我五岁了 It"s my birthday. I"m five. 我知道啦 I get it. 把你的维他命吃掉这是最后一颗了 Take your vitamin. It"s the last one. 维他命 Vitamins. -是蛀牙在疼吗 -嗯哼 - Is bad tooth hurting? - Mm-hmm. 但你知道的 But you know, 意念可以控制物质 mind over ___tter. 如果你不去想它就不会痛了 If you don"t mind, it doesn"t ___tter. 你说得对 You"re right. 嘿你知道 Hey, do you know 我们今天要干什么吗 what we"re gonna do today? 什么 What?我们要做一个生日蛋糕 We are going to bake a birthday cake. 生日蛋糕 A birthday cake? 嗯哼 Mm-hmm. -就像电视里那样吗 -嗯但是真实的 - Like in TV? - Mm-hmm, but for real. 不会吧 No way! 后面 The back. 开始算一二三 Now go, one, two, three. 四五一二三四五 Four, five. One, two, three, four, five... ___了 There you are. 我爱你 I love you. 好了关电视了 Okay, TV Off. 我会一直长大长大然后变成巨人 I"m gonna grow and grow until I"m a giant. 妈你看我和大力士一样强壮 Look, Ma, I"m strong as Samson. 是啦是啦Yeah. You are. 我会成为巨人杰克巨人杀手 I"m going to be Jack the Giant, Giant-Killer 然后带着我的狗狗阿吉 and burst out of Skylight into spa ___ 冲出天窗冲向太空 with my dog, Lucky, 然后一直飞飞到所有星球上 and boing, boing, boing to all of the plas. 我们先做拉伸 Let"s start withsome stretch. 做得好做得好 Great job. Great job. 另一条腿快点Other leg, quickly. 换腿 Switch legs. Hup. -好 -我在做了- Yeah. - I"m doing it. -好 -我在... - Yeah. - I"m doing... 跳跳 jump, jump... 像只青蛙 like a frog. 脚往后放然后做一个俯卧撑 Feet back and then do a push-up down. 起好了现在来跑田径吧 Up. Okay, time for track. 这面墙 Now this wall. 噢我说的是这面墙 Oh, I meant this wall. 我说的是这面墙吗Did I say this wall? 我的意思是这面 I meant this wall, 但我其实想说的是这面墙 but I actually meant, I meant this wall, 还有这一面 and this one, 但这一面也要摸一下 but this one needs it, too. 好了 Yeah! 嗯 Mm. 噢好漂亮的鸡蛋呀 Oh, it"s a beautiful egg. 很好 Pretty good. 那是面糊吗 Is that the batter? 那就是面糊 That"s the batter.我们还要加一下黄油 We"re gonna add some butter, too. 怎么样 How about that? -黄油 -额啊 - Butter! - Urgh! -嚯嚯 -嗯就这样把它搅在一起 - Ho, ho! - Oh, yeah, ___sh that in. 我们做到啦 Well, we got it! 不如你来做一做吧 Why don"t you do some of that? -你能做好吗 -嗯 - Can you... handle that? - Yeah. 麻里麻里哄 Abracadabra! 现在要吹蜡烛啦 Now thecandles! 我们没有蜡烛 We don"t have any candles. 我知道 I know. 你说过会有一个真正的生日蛋糕的 You said a birthday cake, for real. 那就要点蜡烛 That means candles on fire. 杰克 Jack... 没有蜡烛也没关系的 It"s okay without the candles. 还是个生日蛋糕呀 It"s still a birthday cake. 周日特享你应该要求买♥♥蜡烛 You should ask for candles for a Sunday Treat, 而不是什么破牛仔裤 not dumb jeans. 对不起 I"m sorry. 你知道的我只能要求一些我们真正需要 You know, I have to ask for stuff that we really need, 而他又方便获得的东西stuff that he can get easily. 但老尼克什么都能拿到他有魔法 But Old Nick gets anything, by ___gic. 不如我们来吃蛋糕吧 Why don"t we try your cake? 不要 No! 杰克 Jack. 就尝一口Let"s try a bite of it. 我说了不要 I said, no! 过来 Come here. 等下星期我六岁了 Next week when I"m six, 你最好要求一些真正的蜡烛 you"d better ask for real candles. 你说的是下一年吧 Next year, you mean. 埃德蒙撕开袋子逃了出来 And Edmond tears free out of the bag, 他游啊游游到了基♥督♥山岛 and swims and swims to the island of Monte Cristo, 然后他挖出了他朋友 and he digs up the treasure 告诉他的宝藏 his friend was ___ing him about. 他买♥♥了一艘大游艇 He buys a big yacht... 回到了法国 And sails back to Fran ___, 等他到达那里 and when he gets there, 他决定要买♥♥下小岛 he decides to buy the island, 并称自己为“伯爵” and call himself "The Count," 并发誓报复那些 and vows to take revenge所有刻薄亏待他的人 on all of the people that were mean to him. 我们还可以再吃点生日蛋糕吗 Can we have more birthday cake? 明天再吃 Tomorrow. 就一口 Just a bite? 我们已经刷了牙了 We brushed our teeth already. 那再讲多一个故事好吗 One last story? Please. 乖杰克很晚了 Come on, Jack. It"s late. 我们睡觉吧 Let"s go to bed. 唱歌♥ Sing. #那天晚上日落西山 # One evening when the sun went down #如同野火蔓延树林 # And the jungle fire was burning #一位旅者缓缓前行 # Down the tracks came a hobo hiking #他说孩子们我不会回去 # And he said "Boys, I"m not turning #我要前往一个遥远国度 # "I"m headed for a land that"s far away #在那水晶喷泉之外 # "Beside the crystal fountain #快和我一起 # "Oh, e with me #我们终将到达巨石糖果山 # Go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountain" #巨石糖果山中 # In the Big Rock Candy Mountain #有片土地洁净明亮 # There"s a land that"s clear andbright... -这是他的牛仔裤 -谢谢 - Here"s his jeans. - Thanks. 葡萄太贵了所以我给你买♥♥了罐头雪梨Grapes were way too much, so I got you canned pears. 那是什么生日蛋糕吗 What"s that? Is it a birthday cake? 嗯 Mm. 嗯你应该告诉我的 Mm. You should have told me. 我就可以给他送份礼物 I"d have got him a present. 那他多少岁了四岁吗So, uh, how old is he anyway? Four? 五岁 Five. 一二三One, two, three... 有这个房♥间 There"s Room, 然后就是外太空 Then Outer Spa ___, 太空里有所有电视上的星球 with all the TV plas, 然后就是天堂 then Heaven. 植物是真实的但树不是 Plant is real, but not trees. 蜘蛛是真实的 Spiders are real, 还有一次有只吸我血的蚊子 and one time the mosquito that was sucking my blood. 但松鼠和狗狗都只存在于电视上 But squirrels and dogs are just TV, 除了阿吉 ex___pt Lucky. 它是我的狗狗总有一天它会出现的 He"s my dog who might e some day. 怪兽太大只了不可能是真的 Monsters are too big to be real, 海洋也是 and the sea. 电视里的人都是扁平的由好多颜色组成 TV persons are flat and ___de of colours.但你和我是真实的 But me and you are real. 老尼克 Old Nick... 我不知道他是不是真实的 I don"t know if he"s real. 可能半真半假吧 Maybe half. 47, 48, 49. 51 50, 51... 嘘Shh... 噢 Oh. 这是什么 What is it? 这是颗蛀牙 It"s a bad tooth. 嗯哼 Mm-hmm. 我能拿着吗 Can I hold it? 哇哦 Wow! 你让它消失了 You ___de him gone! 它是活的 He was an alive thing. 它是真实的 He was real! 它会偷我们的食物 He would have stolen our food. 我可以把我的食物给老鼠 Mouse can have my food. 我不饿 I"m not hungry. 它会带来细菌趁我们睡觉时咬我们 He would have brought in germs, bit us in our sleep. 老鼠是我的朋友Mouse is my friend, 但你拍死了它 and you splattered him dead. ___ No, I didn"t. 它好好的 He"s hunky-dory. 你在骗我吗 Are you tricking me? 没有杰克我发誓 No, Jack, I swear. 它在后院的家里和它妈妈一起 He is safe at home in the backyard with his Ma. 什么后院 What backyard? 老鼠住在电视里的院子里吗 Mouse lives in a yard in TV? 呐你用这个做一个外星飞船吧 Here, why don"t you ___ke a UFO out of this? 你___不告诉老尼克昨天是我的生日 Why you didn"t ___ Old Nickit was my birthday? 因为他不是我们的朋友 Because he"s not our friend. 他说他会给我送礼物 He said he"d bring me apresent. 你不应该偷听这些 You"re not supposed to be listening to that. 你应该好好睡觉 You"re supposed to be asleep. 我从没收到过礼物 I never had a present. 他只是随便说说而已 Well, he didn"t mean it. 他可能送我狗狗阿吉 It might be my dog, Lucky. 杰克我们不能养狗 Jack, we can"t have a dog. 根本不够房♥间空间 There"s not enough room... spa ___... 没这么大的空间 there"s not enough spa ___,它会乱吠它会乱抓 with the barking and the scratching. 阿吉不会乱抓的 Lucky won"t scratch. 它答应的 He promises. 阿吉不存在 There is no Lucky! 它存在的 Yes, there is! 根本不是 No, there"s not. 它只是你幻想出来的 You ___de him up in your head. 它不是真实的 He"s not real. 杰克对不起 Jack, I"m sorry. 过来过来妈妈抱对不起 Come here, e here, e here. I"m sorry. 对不起 I"m sorry. 你是对的我这样不好You"re right. That wasn"t ni ___. 我们睡着的时候会在哪里Where do we go when we"re asleep? 就在房♥间这里Right here in Room. 但梦呢 But dreams... 我们会进电视里做梦吗 do we go to, into TV for dreaming? 不是 Mm-mm. 我们哪都没去一直在这里 We"re never anywhere but here. 我能打开吗Can I open it? 嗯哼 Mm-hmm. 好棒Yes! ___外星人从没回应过呢 Why the aliens never scream back? 我想他们还是听不见吧 I guess they still can"t hear us. 我们再喊大声点好吗 We"ll do it even louder, okay? 好的Okay. 我要杀了你 I"ll kill you! 你现在要杀我吗 Would you like to kill me now? 妈他在攻击我 Ma, he"s attacking me! 哦不 Oh, no! 抓住你了嗷 Got you. Ow! 嗷 Ow! 妈什么味道啊Ma, what ___ells bad? 操 ___. 咦 Ugh. 嘘 Shh... 那是什么味道 What"s that ___ell? 抱歉我烤焦了芝士 Sorry, I burned some cheese. -给你 -我不知道在想什么 - Here. - I just wasn"t thinking. 思考不是你的强项 Well, thinking is not your strong suit. 我知道 I know. 嗯 Yeah.你坐下吧 Why don"t you sit down? -谢谢 -嗯哼 - Thank you. - Mm-hmm. 他喜欢他的小车吗 So how did he like his truck? 喜欢吧? Yeah? 喜欢 Yeah. 我了解小男孩 I know boys. 维他命 The vitamins. 啊那个太浪费钱了 Ah, it"s a waste of money. 没什么作用 There"s nothing in them. 如果我们有更健康的饮食Well, if we had a better ___t. 我去又来了 Oh, ___, here we go again. 你能不能别整天满腹牢骚 Maybe if you could stop plaining 怀有一点感恩之心 and be a little grateful. 谢谢你Thank you. 老天有时候真的很困难 God, it"s ___ing pullingteeth sometimes. 这一切都要谢谢你 Thank you for everything. 你完全不知道现在的世界 You just have no idea about the world of today. -我不知道 -你不知道 - No. - No. 是谁在交电费 Who pays the power bill? 是谁在出钱出力 Who pays for everything? -你 -没错- You. - Mm-hmm. 你以为我是 And how do you think 如何维持下去的 I"m gonna be able to keep doing that? 什么意思 What do you mean? 没什么 Nothing. 不你说的是什么意思 No, but what does that mean? 半年了我失业了 Six months. I"ve been laid off. 半年了 Six months. 没错 Yeah. 如果你非要想这么多If you had to worry your little head... 那你要怎么做 What are you gonna do about it? 你有在找工作吗 Are you looking for a job? 他妈哪有什么工作啊 There are no ___ing jobs! 老天 Jesus. 嘿你好啊 Hey there. 他睡着了 He"s asleep. 我觉得没有 I don"t think so. 你整天整夜都把他藏在衣柜里吗 Do you keep him in the closet all day as well as all night? 怎么这小怪物有两个头吗 What, does the little freak got two heads or something? 嘿 Hey. -嘿 -嘘 - Hey. - Shh.-到床上来吧 -嘿杰克 - Come to bed. - Hey, Jack. -嘿 -我们回床吧 - Hey. - Let"s go to bed. 你要吃糖吗 You want somecandy? 你喜欢糖果吗 Do you like candy, huh? 出来吃糖吧 Come on out and get some candy. 到床上来吧 Come to bed. 拜托了Please? 拜托了? Please? 这位小姐你妈妈没教你什么是教养吗Didn"t your mom ___ ever teach you any ___nners, young lady? 噢嘿 ___ Oh, hey sonny. 离他远点 Get away from him! 别碰他别碰他 Don"t touch him! Don"t touch him! 操 ___! 别碰他 Don"t touch him! 别吵 Quit the noise! 不许叫别吵 Quit the noise. Quit the noise. 你想呼吸吗 Do you want to breathe? 嗯? Yeah? 你想呼吸吗 Do you want to breathe? 那就给我闭嘴 Then shut the ___ up. 天God! 操 ___. 别碰他 Don"t touch him. 操 ___. 如果你再敢这样碰我 If you ever touch me like that again, 再这样抓我 if you grab me like that, 我会杀了你 I"ll ___ing kill you. -清楚了吗 -别碰他 - Do you understand that? - Don"t touch him. 行啊你可别忘了他是怎么来的 Yeah. Don"t you forget where you got him. 杰克杰克 Jack? Jack? 对不起 I"m sorry! -你还好吗 -对不起对不起 - Are you okay? - I"m sorry. I"m sorry. -没事 -我再也不会这样了 - It"s okay. - I won"t do it again. 嗯? Hmm? 嗯 Hmm. 妈我是只龙 Ma, I"m a dragon. 我是龙 I"m a dragon. 他断我们电了 He cut the power. “你看 "For, you see, 最‘紧’发生了很多怪事...” so ___ny out-of-the-waythings had happened lat-ely, that..." -最近 -最近 - Lately. - Lately.“爱丽丝开始认为 "That Ali ___ had begun to think 其实很多事情 "That very few things, indeed, 都几乎是不可能的"Were really impossible. 在小门边苦苦等待似乎并没有什么作用” There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door." 妈 Ma? 嘿杰克你还记得老鼠吗 Hey, Jack, do you remember Mouse? 嗯 Yeah. 记得吗 Yeah? 你知道它在哪吗 You know where he is? 嗯 Hmm. 我知道 I do. 他在这面墙的另一边He"s on the other side of this wall. 什么另一边 What other side? 杰克一切事物都有两面 Jack, there"s two sides to everything. 八边形不是 Not on an octagon. 是的但是 Yeah, but... 八边形有八面 An octagon has eight sides. 但一面墙就像这一面墙看到了吗 But a wall, okay, a Wall"s like this, see? 我们在里面 And we"re on the inside 而老鼠在外面 and Mouse is on the outside. 在外太空吗In Outer Spa ___? 不在世界里 No, in the world. 世界比外太空离我们更近 It"s much closer than Outer Spa ___. 我看不到外面的那一面 I can"t see the outside-side. 听着我知道我之前告诉过你另一种说法 Listen, I know that I told yousomething else before, 但那时你还小 but you were much younger. 我觉得你无法理解 I didn"t think that you could understand, 但现在你这么大了你这么聪明 but now you"re so old, you"re so s ___rt. 我知道你可以理解的 I know that you can get this. 不然你觉得老尼克从哪得到的食物 Where do you think that Old Nick gets our food? 用魔法从电视里得到的From TV by ___gic. 世界上没有魔法 There is no ___gic. 你在电视里看到的 What you see on TV, 都是真实事物的图像 those are pictures of real things, 都是真人的图像 of real people. 都是真实的东西 It"s real stuff. 朵拉真的是真实的吗 Dora"s real, for real? 不那只是一幅画 No, that"s a drawing. 朵拉是画出来的 Dora is a drawing. 但其他人 But other people, 和我们长得相似的人 they have fa ___s like us.那些是真实事物的图像 Those are pictures of real things, 还有你在上面看到的其他东西 and all the other stuff you see on there, 也都是真实的 that"s real, too. 真实的海洋真实的树真实的小猫小狗 That"s real o ___ans, real trees, real cats, dogs. 不可能 No way. 怎么装得下它们 Where would they all fit? 就这么装下的都能装下它们 They just do. They just fit. 它们都在世界里 They just fit out in the world. 杰克来吧你这么聪明 Jack, e on, you"re so s ___rt. 我知道你有好奇过的 I know that you"ve been wondering about this. 我可以吃点别的东西吗 Can I have something else to eat? 那有片树叶看到了吗 There"s a leaf. Do you see that? 哪里 Where? -看 -我看不到树叶 - Look. - I don"t see a leaf. 过来我想让你看看 Come here. I want you to see. 你可以看近一些 You can have a closer look. 看到那了吗 You see that? 看到了吧 See? 傻妈妈 Dumbo Ma. 那不是树叶树叶是绿色的 That"s not a leaf. Leaves are green. 当它们在树上的时候是的Yeah, on trees, 但它们会掉落下来然后腐烂 but then they fall, and they rot, 就好像冰箱里的沙拉 like salad in the fridge. 你说的其他东西在哪 Where"s all the stuff you said? 那些小树小狗小猫小草 Trees, and dogs, and cats, and grass? 我们在这里看不到 We can"t see it from here 因为天窗是朝上的看不到旁边 because Skylight looks upwards instead of sideways. 你就是在骗我 You"re just tricking me. ___ No, I"m not. 骗子骗子火烧裤子 Liar, liar, pants on fire! 杰克Jack. 我之前没法解释因为你还小 I couldn"t explain it before, because you were too s ___ll. 你还小理解不了 You were too s ___ll to understand, 所以我只好编一个故事但是so I had to ___ke up a story, but... 但是我现在做的是相反的事好吗 but now I"m doing the opposite, okay? 我现在与说谎相反 I"m doing the opposite of lying. 我不说谎因为你已经五岁了 I am un-lying, because you"re five now. 你五岁了You"re five, 你已经足够大 and you"re old enough 去理解这个世界 to understand what the world is. 你要去理解 You have to understand.我们不能一直这样生活 We can"t keep living like this. 你要帮我 You need to help me. 我想回到四岁 I want to be four again. 你还记得 Do you remember how... 你还记得爱丽丝并不是一直在仙境里吗 do you remember how Ali ___ wasn"t always in Wonderland? 她一直滑啊滑滑落在一个很深的洞里 She fell down, down, down, deep in a hole. 没错我也不是一直在房♥间里 Right, well, I wasn"t always in Room. 我就像爱丽丝 I"m like Ali ___. 我是一个叫作乔伊的小女孩 I was a little girl named Joy. 才不是 Nah! 我和爸爸妈妈住在一个房♥子里 And I lived in a house with my mom and my dad. 你可以叫他们外公外婆 You would call them Grand ___ and Grandpa. 什么房♥子 What house? 在世界里的一个房♥子 A house. It was in the world. 房♥子有一个后院 And there was a backyard, 我们还有一个吊床 and we had a hammock, 我们会在吊床上晃来晃去 and we would swing in the hammock, 一起吃雪糕 and we would eat i ___ cream. 电视里的房♥子吗 A TV house? 不杰克真实的房♥子 No, Jack, a real house, 不是电视里的not TV. 你有在听我说话吗 Are you even listening to me? 等我长大了一点 When I was a little older, 十七岁的时候 when I was 17... -我从学校放学回家 -我在哪 - I was walking home from school- - Where was I? 你那时还在天堂里 You were still up in heaven. 但有一个男人 But there was a guy. 他假装他的狗病了 He pretended that his dog was sick. 什么男人 What guy? 老尼克 Old Nick. 我们都叫他老尼克 We call him "Old Nick." 我不知道他的真实名字 I don"t know what his real name is. 但他假装他的狗病了 But he pretended his dog was sick... -那只狗叫什么 -杰克这只狗是假的 - What"s the dog"s name? - Jack, there wasn"t a dog. 他只是在骗我好吗 He was trying to trick me, okay? 没有这只狗老尼克拐骗了我 There wasn"t a dog. Old Nick stole me. 我不要听这个故事 I want a different story! 不行你要好好听这个故事 No! This is the story that you get. 他把我关在他花♥园♥的棚屋里 He put me in his garden shed. 这里 Here. 房♥间就是棚屋 Room is the shed.他锁了门 He"s locked the door. 只有他知道密♥码♥ He"s the only one that knows the code... 你知道的开门的神秘数字 you know, the secret numbers that open the door? 只有他一个人知道 He"s the only one that knows, 我也被锁在这里七年了 and I"ve been locked in here for seven years. 我在这里待了七年了 I"ve been in here for seven years. 你明白吗 Do you understand? 这故事好无趣 This story"s boring! 杰克这世界很大 Jack, the world is so big. 大到你无法相信 It"s so big, you wouldn"t even believe it. 而房♥间只是它其中又臭又破的一部分 And Room is just one stinky part of it. 房♥间才不臭 Room"s not stinky. 除非你放了个屁 Only when you do a fart. 我的天好吧My God. Okay. 我不相信你那又臭又破的世界 I don"t believe in your stinky world! 又变暖了 It"s warm again. 妈 Ma. 妈 Ma. -妈 -嗯 - Ma? - Hmm. 蛋壳蛇是我们最长 Eggsnake"s our longest friend 最漂亮的朋友and fanciest. 变形勺子最方便吃东西 Meltedy Spoon"s the best to eat with 因为他弯弯的 because he"s more blobbier. 迷宫是最曲折的 Labyrinth is ttwistiest 她会把东西♥藏♥起来让我找不到 and she hides things so I don"t know where they are. 马桶最擅长把便便变没 Toilet"s the best atdisappearing poo. 台灯是最亮的 Lamp"s the brightest, 除非没电了 Ex ___pt when the power"s out. 你最擅长读故事唱歌♥ 和很多别的事情 You"re the best at reading and songs and lots, 除了你的失魂之日 ex ___pt if you"re having a Gone Day. 我最擅长画画跳跃和长大 I"m the best at drawing, and jumping, and growing, 几乎无所不能 and nearly everything! 乌龟是真实的吗 Are turtles real? 嗯它们当然是真的 Yeah. They"re totally real. 我以前养过一只乌龟当宠物 I had a turtle as a pet. 鳄鱼和鲨鱼呢 Crocodiles and sharks? 恩它们都是真的 Yeah, they"re all real. 真的吗 Real? 算是吧Sort of. 他们是真实的人但他们在玩换装游戏 So, these are real people, but they"re playing dress-up. 他们在假装They"re pretending他们是几百年前的人物 that they"re people from hundreds of years ago. 只是电视上的吗 Just TV? 你越来越懂了 You"re getting it. 等老尼克回来的时候 When Old Nick es back, 我要踢他屁♥股♥ I"m gonna kick him in the butt. 我告诉你一件事 Let me ___ you something. 你知道有一次 You know, one time, 我尝试踢老尼克屁♥股♥ I tried to kick Old Nick in the butt. 我躲在门后 I hid behind the door, 手里拿着马桶盖 and I was holding the lid from thetoilet tank. 原本马桶有盖的 There used to be a lid on it. 它是房♥间里最重的东西 It was the heaviest thing in Room. 等它进来的时候 When he came in, 我把它砸在他脑袋上 I s ___shed it on his head, 但我失败了 but I messed up. 他关上了门抓住我的手腕 He shoved the door closed, and he grabbed me by the wrist. 所以我手腕一直酸痛 That"s why it"s sore now. 我们可以等他睡着了 We could wait "til he"s asleep 然后杀了他 and kill him dead. 是的我们可以但是 Yeah, we could, but... 那然后呢then what? 我们吃光食物 We"d run out of food 也不知道开门的密&arts;码♥ and we don"t know the code to the door. 嘿外公外婆可以来救我们呀 Hey, the Grand ___ and the Grandpa could e. 杰克他们不知道我们在哪 Jack, they don"t know where we are. 地图上找不到房♥间 Room"s not on any ___p. 杰克听我说 Jack, listen to me. 现在我们有机会了Now, we"ve got a chan ___. 我们差点错过了但我们还有机会We"ve nearly missed it, but we"ve got our chan ___. 所以你要帮我 So you"re gonna help me. 你要帮我骗老尼克 You"re gonna help me trick Old Nick. 我不明白 I don"t get it. 我会把你的脸弄得发烫 I"m going to ___ke your fa ___ so hot, 这样老尼克就只好用他的卡车 that Old Nick will have to takeyou to the hospital 带你去医院 in his truck, 然后等你到了那里 and then when you get there, 你要对医生说“警♥察♥叔叔救命” you"re gonna say to the doctors, "Help! Poli ___!" 好吧那等我六岁的时候吧 Well, ___ybe next year when I"m six. 就今晚 Tonight. 一定要是今晚杰克 It has to be tonight, Jack. 我们要告诉老尼克因为他断电了 We"ll ___ Old Nick that because of the power cut,你很冷然后就发烧了 you got so cold, that you got a fever. 可以明天吗 Tomorrow, please. 不行我是你妈妈 No. I"m your Ma, 所以有的时候我替我俩说了算 so, sometimes, I have to pick for the both of us. 嗷 Ow! 没事的没事的 It"s okay. It"s okay. 你要变得很虚弱 You"ve got to stay floppy. 好吗Okay? 要病怏怏的 Stay floppy, 你不能动 ___话 and you"re not going to move or say a word. 因为你很虚弱好吗 You"re too weak, okay? 咦你在干什么 Ew, what are you doing? 你在干什么 What are you doing? 抱歉 Sorry. 我只是要让你闻起来臭臭的I"ve just got to ___ke you ___ell sick. 好很好 Good. That"s good. 给我看看 Show me how... 给我看看 Show you me how 你要怎么从口袋里掏出纸条 you"re gonna pull the note out of your pocket. 给我看看纸条来吧 Show me the note. Come on. 等你到了医院的时候When you"re at the hospital... 给我看看这是什么 Show me. What"s this? 那是什么噢 What"s that? Oh. 你看我的一部分会一直陪着你 You see? You"ve got a bit of me all the time. 好了放回你的口袋里 Okay. Put it back in your pocket. 好的乖Okay, good. 好 Okay. 你也还有你的力量 And you"ve got your strong, too. 好吗 Okay? 我害怕 I"m scared. 我知道 I know. 来吧 Come on. 没事的 It"s okay. 你终于来了 There you are. 你知道要怎么做 You know the drill. 等门关上了再说话 Not a peep "til the door"s shut. 抱歉只是 Sorry. It"s... 杰克病了 Jack"s sick. 之前太冷了 It was so cold. 是你自找的 Well, you brought that on yourself. 我没法给他保暖 Well, I couldn"t keep him warm,现在他烧起来了 and now he"s burning up. 给他吃点止痛药Give him some of those painkillers. 我给过了但他又吐出来了I tried, but he just keeps puking them back up. 不要不要Don"t. Don"t! 别动 Stay still. 老天他跟火烧似的 Jesus, he"s on fire. 好吧我会给他弄点强效一点的药 Okay, well I"ll get him something stronger. 但他才五岁 But he... he"s five. 他脱水了 He"s dehydrated. 他发烧了 He has a fever. 他随时可能昏厥过去 He could go into convulsions at any minute. 闭嘴让我好好想想 Just shut up and let me think! 好的好的 Okay. All right. Okay. 我明晚给他带点药来 I"ll... I"ll get him some tomorrow night. 不你要带他去急诊室现在 No! He... you need to take him to the E.R. Right now. 别发疯 Stop the hysterics. 拜托我求你了 Please, I"m begging you! 我还要去吗 Am I still gonna go? 不了这次不会去了 No, not this time. 没事的 It"s okay. 你还记得吗埃德蒙是So you remember how Edmond 怎样把他朋友从袋子里拖出来藏起来 pulls his friend out of a bag and hides him, 然后他躲进袋子里 and then he gets in the bag, 然后躺在里面一动不动and he lays in there really still 直到警卫过来吗 until the guards e? 所以你也要这么做 So that"s what you"re going to do. 你懂吗 You see? 这比装病更有用 How that"s even tricks-ier than pretending to be sick, 因为你要 because you"re gonna... 装死 play dead. 要折起来咯 Folding over. 我不想死I don"t want to be dead. 你只是装死 You"re just pretending to be dead. 别动 Stay stiff. 我要把你包在地毯里这样老尼克就看不见你 We"re gonna roll you up in Rug so that Old Nick won"t see you, 看不见你还活着 won"t see that you"re alive inside. 老尼克会这样把你抱起来 Old Nick"s going to pick you up like this. 不要动要一动不动 Stay stiff, stiff, stiff.。

The Durrells《德雷尔一家(2016)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本

The Durrells《德雷尔一家(2016)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本

德雷尔一家第一季第三集德雷尔一家现代护理学创立人英国小说家戏剧家英国著名侦探小说家阿加莎笔下一名女侦探马普尔小姐(Marple)此处是马戈用自己的名字和其名字拼接而取的名字一切都还好吗It's all going on, isn't it?西奥去哪了Where's Theo?去参加了个关于软体动物的会议Away at a conference... about molluscs.都没人和我一起去收集屎壳郎了No-one else will collect dung beetles with me.那倒不奇怪对吧That's hardly surprising, isn't it?他们就是粪便做成的虫子I mean they're beetles made of dung.它们不是由粪便做的而是靠这个活They're not made of dung. They live on dung.它们把粪便分开后滚成球They cut it, then they roll it然后埋起来and they bury it.要是你♥爸♥爸在这里就好了If only your father were here.- 他对大自然感兴趣么 - 不- Was he interested in nature? - No.你为什么不去钓鱼呢Why don't you go fishing?老实说这样我们就可以吃鱼了To be honest, we could do with the fish.好了好了谢谢你们送我回家Yeah, yeah. Thanks for walking me home.你们太贴心了但是我要结婚了You're so sweet but I'm getting married.我妈妈撮合的我未婚夫在船厂工作My mother's making me. He's in shipping.干得不错自那上一个后I couldn't take any more我再也不能忍♥受你恋爱的烦恼了of your romantic upsets after the last one.不我还在找呢我就是不喜欢他们Oh, no, I'm still looking. I just don't really fancy them.我应该去港口看看I might try the harbour.马戈你该去找个工作Margo, you need a job.为什么是我拉里和莱斯利呢Why me? What about Larry and Leslie?我有工作I have a job!那可不是工作It's not a job.- 就是装样子 - 闭嘴莱斯利- It's showing off. - Shut up, Leslie!她快结婚了未婚夫在船厂工作She's getting married. Someone in shipping.你觉得这不是工作吗You don't think this is work?六个月的血和汗还有...This is six months of blood and sweat and...其他液体我就不说了other fluids I won't go into.是的我知道干得好亲爱的Yes, I know. Well done, dear.粗糙的双手搭成帐篷形做着礼拜Gnarled were the hands, tented in worship.湿透的衣服紧贴着她就像灰白棚架上的苔藓The sodden coat clumped round her like moss on grizzled trellis. 写得真好但别给我说内容了Oh, is lovely, darling. Don't spoil it for me though.太好了有吃的Thank God, food.不这个是给亚历克西娅的Uh-uh. It's for Alexia.是给我们两个月纪念日准备的It's our two-month anniversary.Oh, sweet boy.他是最好的孩子He is best child.在英格兰You see, back in England,我们对待孩子都尽量公平鲁格勒斯雅we try not to have favourites, Lugaretzia.他是最好的孩子He is best child.但是这对他来说是好事But it is nice for him.我们都需要爱他有亚历克西娅了We all need love. He has Alexia.拉里在英格兰你有南希Larry, you have Nancy back in England.- 那你有... - 好吧拉里- And you have...? - All right, Larry.我知道你想说什么I know what you're going to say.谢谢我能照顾我自己Thank you, I can look after myself.给亚历克西娅的For Alexia.来啊做点什么Go on, then. Do something.你好德雷尔小姐Hello, Miss Durrells.你好斯皮罗斯Hello, Spiro.- 你想搭车吗 - 不我没事谢谢你- You want a lift? - No, no, I'm fine, thank you. - 上车吧 - 不不不我没事- I'll give you a lift. - No, no. No, I'm fine.不上车吧No, I'll give you a lift.好极了Bravo!你好Hello.英国人English?是的我叫格里Yes. Gerry.克斯提Kostis.你为什么要躲着我Why were you hiding from me?没有我只是... 躲太阳No, I was just... getting some shade.不你在躲我No, you were hiding.你要去哪里Where you going?麻烦进城就行斯皮罗斯Um, just into town, please, Spiro.说吧你要去哪里Come on, where you going?去斯文那里To Sven's house.- 你为什么要去那里 - 去问他个问题- Why you going there? - To ask him a question.问我啊我是万事通Ask me. I know everything.- 他是瑞典人 - 他救了拉里一命- He's a Swede. - He saved Larry's life.再说瑞典人又怎么了What's the matter with the Swedes, anyway?太懒了连个像英国和Too lazy to make an empire希腊一样的国家都建不成like the British and the Greeks. Much too lazy.鹭Erodios.白鹭Egret.你好斯文Hello, Sven.路易莎Louisa.关于昨天要付拉里的手术费我想道个歉I wanted to apologise for offering to pay for Larry's operation.英国人都很绅士You were just being British.你们不喜欢欠别人人情You don't like being in anyone's debt.难道和你们瑞典人差这么多吗Are you so different in Sweden?我不知道可我每年都少点瑞典人气息I don't know. I'm getting less Swedish every year. 可能降到38%了吧I think I'm down to 38%.但是我喜欢希腊人他们诚实But I like the Greeks, their honesty.我倒想沾点希腊人的气息Mm. I wouldn't mind a bit of Greek in me.别弹了Oh, stop it.你喜欢手风琴吗Do you like the accordion?不怎么喜欢Um, no, not really.现在不怎么喜欢诚实了吧Not so fond of honesty now?- 每个人都喜欢手风琴 - 好吧...- Everybody likes the accordion. - Well...我想问问你Um, I was wondering if知不知道怎么收橄榄的事情you knew anything about olive harvesting...你到底不喜欢手风琴什么地方What exactly is it you don't like?我...Mm. I...音色这个看起来像...The sound, the way it looks like a little...给侏儒拉的钢琴我...piano for dwarves. I...那你更喜欢布祖基琴吗You prefer the bouzouki,那种看上去给傻子弹的小竖琴which is like a tiny harp for... idiots?我有一些动物I have some animals.我喜欢动物还有... 他们需要喂养I like animals and... they need feeding...- 所以我得回家了 - 过来- so I have to go home now. - Come. Ela. 好吧Oh, dear.你想和阿勒克罗打个招呼吗You want to say hello to Alecko?什么情况What's going on?这是谁Who's this?- 斯特拉托斯 - 你好啊- Stratos. - Yassas.他是我以前的男朋友He is my old boyfriend.然后呢All right.和我的新男朋友And my new boyfriend.你的自行车真娘Your bicycle is for a girl.这个是给亚历克西娅的礼物It's a present... for Alexia.不你不能给她了No, you cannot give it to her.那好啊我会为她和你打一场All right then, I'll fight you for her.你看亚历克西娅不想这样You see, Alexia doesn't want that.可以啊如果你想打的话Well, OK, if you want.不我不...No, I don't...好吧好吧我们来决斗Fine. Fine, let's have a duel.- 什么珍珠 - 用枪决斗- A jewel? - A duel, with guns.- 那太危险了 - 危险且愚蠢- That's dangerous. - Dangerous. And silly.走吧走Go away. Go!不Oh, no.亲爱的怎么了Darling, what's the matter?我和亚历克西娅分手了I had to end it with Alexia.莱斯利对不起Oh. Leslie, I'm so sorry.她以前的男朋友回来了Her old boyfriend came back.- 这太让人心烦了 - 我讨厌她- It's so upsetting. - I hate her.别这样Well, don't.- 是挺讨厌的 - 她是...- Actually do. - She was...- 我知道我什么都做不好 - 不会啊- I know I'm not good at anything. - You are.我不好我不像拉里那么聪明I'm not. I'm not clever like Larry像格里那么有魅力或者...or charming like Gerry or...不管马戈有什么好的我都差whatever Margo is.- 她... - 除了枪以外- Well, she's... - Apart from my guns,她是我遇见过的最美好之物she was the first good thing that ever happened to me. 还有你的家庭呢Well, there's your family.看看这个我哭都哭不好Look at this. I can't even cry nicely.他好漂亮对吧阿勒克罗He's beautiful. Aren't you, Alecko?- 漂亮 - 送你了- You are. - For you.- 你带他走吧 - 真的吗- You take him. - Really?你的... 家里人...And your er... family...会喜欢他吗will like him?家庭... 就像...Family... is like er...健康一样good health.只当你丢失了才会挂念You miss it only when it is gone.你需要给他喂鱼You will need fish for him.明天过来我们要捕很多鱼Come back tomorrow, we catch a lot.我会的I will.你确定不要他了吗Sure you don't want him?在我住的地方很难养他It is hard to keep him where I live.为什么你家里人不喜欢他吗Why? Do your family not like him?除了周末我都是住在那个岛上Er... except for weekends I live on that island.监狱岛吗The prison island?你在那里工作吗Do you work there?不No.所以你是犯人So you're a convict.这肯定有诀窍的去问问鲁格勒斯雅怎么做的I'm sure there's a knack. Ask Lugaretzia how it's done. 她说橄榄花粉会让她的脸过敏She says the olive pollen irritates her face.她的脸看起来一直像在过敏Her face always looks irritated.那花粉会让她的脸更过敏Well, it makes it more irritated.能帮帮我吗Will you help me?- 我在工作 - 我在找工作- I'm working. - Looking for a job.- 你在干什么 - 推你一把给你点动力- What are you doing? - I am putting a rocket up your backside. 去推莱斯利啊Well, put it up Leslie's.你女朋友的事我深表遗憾小莱Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, Les.我也是Me too.我也... 非常遗憾Me too... very much.- 亲爱的莱斯利你去哪 - 去打猎- Darling. Leslie. Where are you going? - Shooting.但... 答应我...But... promise me...你不会去杀了亚历克西娅或她的...promise me you won't shoot Alexia or her...新朋友new friend.当然不会你需要晚饭不是吗Of course I won't. You want supper, don't you?亲爱的Oh, darling.在认识你们父亲之前我拒绝了许多小伙子Before I met your father I turned down lots of young men.他们都是笑一笑就过去了They laughed about it afterwards.或许他们不是真想和你约会Maybe they didn't really want to go out with you.您知道有什么工作适合马戈吗Do you know anyone who might have work for Margo?我不知道从哪开始I don't know where to start.你对什么样的工作感兴趣Well, what kind of job are you interested in?我不知道与时尚... 或者美食相关吧I don't know. Something to do with fashion... or posh food.你是把科孚和巴黎弄混了吧I think you're muddling Corfu up with Paris.您能不能留下她Do you think you might have something for her,给您或者配崔迪斯医生帮忙helping you and Dr. Petridis?可能不行你有什么经验吗Not really. Do you have any experience?没有没什么...No, not ...没有但她喜欢排解他人痛苦No, but she's always loved alleviating suffering.不是吗亲爱的Haven't you, darling?你知道的那次... 你...You know, that... that time... when you...我什么What?请拜托给她份工作就好Please give her a bloody job.我们应该可以让她做些基本的辅助工作I suppose we could use some general help.- 跑腿清理之类的 - 太好了- You know, errands, tidying. - That's wonderful.而且可能很快就会变成真正的护士And in time that might become actual nursing.之后还会变成马戈医生Dr Margo will see you now.- 会很有趣的 - 我们先别考虑那么远- You know, that might be fun. - Let's not jump ahead. 我们不会让你We won't be asking you to去切阑尾的那个归斯文管cut out an appendix. We've got Sven for that.你去见过他了吗Have you seen him at all?不... 我... 并没有去No, I... Um, no, I don't think I have.- 马戈你希腊语说得如何 - 我...- Margo, how's your Greek? - I'm ...说得很好她学得非常快Oh, it's very good. She's incredibly quick.事实证明马夫罗达琪伯爵夫人It turns out the Countess的确得了不治之症Mavrodaki does have an incurable disease.- 亲爱的 - 臆想症- Darling. - Hypochondria.她还有一个巨大的...She also has an enormous...路易莎来了Louisa's here.别♥墅♥villa.- 您好 - 马戈要来工作一周- Hello. - Margo is going to come and work here for a week. 或许... 接着一直留下来And then perhaps... permanently.很好你什么时候能开始上班Excellent. When can you start?- 越快越好 - 秋天再说- As soon as possible. - In the autumn?闭嘴Shut your face.- 你这是干什么不行 - 什么- What are you doing? No. - What?你不能把信天翁带回家来You can't bring an albatross home.这是海鸥It's a gull.这是信天翁看看它的块头It's an Albatross. Look at size of it.它在磨牙呢It's gnashing its teeth.- 它们没有牙 - 那它也是在嚼东西- They haven't got teeth. - It's gnashing something. 是"他" 而且他叫阿勒克罗It's a he, and he's called Alecko.我不信给动物取名那一套I don't believe in naming animals.拟人是笨蛋做的事Anthropomorphism is for halfwits.还是算了Perhaps not.我会再做一个笼子I'll build another cage.它们到处拉屎撒尿They're pissing and crapping.管管它们Stop them.我将救死扶伤I'll be healing the sick and the lame.此乃吾之使命It's a calling.你只是个打杂的不是护士You'll be a dogsbody, not a nurse.我可比佛罗伦斯·南丁格尔好看多了I'm a damn sight prettier than Florence Nightingale. 我敢说在她的家人把她累垮之前I'm sure she was ravishing她还是很美的before her family wore her down.回来了莱斯利Oh, hello, Leslie.看来你非常生气啊是吗Oh, you were really angry, weren't you?- 外面为什么有只信天翁 - 谢谢- Why is there an albatross outside? - Thank you.是我已经说过格里了Yes, I've already told Gerry off.一个与他同样喜爱生物的朋友He was given to him by Kostis,克斯提送给他的who's clearly as keen on creatures as Gerry,所以他们是好朋友so he's a nice friend for him.他为什么不自己养那只信天翁Why can't he look after the albatross?那不是信天翁It's not an albatross.他不能养因为除了周末And he can't because during the week其他时间他要蹲监狱he's in jail.什么What?你思想真开放啊Mm. How open-minded are you?- 他为什么进的监狱 - 他不想说- Why is he in jail? - He didn't want to say.你永远不会明白这些科孚人...You never know these Corfiots ...什么都干得出来capable of anything.你女朋友另觅高枝不代表所有人都是坏人Everyone isn't evil just because your girlfriend got a better offer. 你再说一遍Say that again and I'll我就烧了你正在写的那本书burn the book you're writing.你们两个能不能别吵了Would you stop squabbling?格里...Gerry...好的我明天再去问问克斯提All right, I'll ask Kostis again tomorrow.不你明天不能去No, you're not going again tomorrow.- 为什么 - 因为他可能是个杀人犯- Why not? - Because he could be a murderer.既然都让他周末出来了He can't do anything that bad- 就不可能有多坏 - 没错- if they let him out at weekends. - Exactly.这可不一定在科孚杀人会被判三年Don't be so sure. In Corfu you get three years for murder而炸鱼会被判五年and five years if you're caught dynamiting fish.我不在乎他做过什么他很和善I don't care what Kostis did. He's friendly and kind.但我很在乎Well I do care.因为我要对你负责还要确保你的安全Cause I'm responsible for you and it is my job to keep you safe. 那我们为什么要搬家Why did you bring us here then?汉普郡比这要安全无数倍It's a million times less safe than Hampshire.如果你非得要和犯人一起钓鱼那当然不安全Well, it is if you insist on going fishing with convicts.回答你的问题And since you ask,我把大家带到这里是为了...I brought us here because...我想让大家开心because I wanted us to be happy.慢点吃早餐不要狼吞虎咽Slow down. Don't wolf your breakfast.是不是很好吃Is it nice?格里Oh, Gerry.我又做错了什么What have I done wrong now?去见你的朋友克斯提吧Go and see your friend Kostis.谢谢你妈妈Thank you, Mum.你比我们都有责任心我应该更信任你的You're more responsible than all of us. I should trust you more. 我这不叫反复无常叫善于变通I'm not being inconsistent, I'm being flexible.- 很好 - 但你得带个人一起去- Good. - But you will have to take someone with you.- 我是女生 - 不行不行我很忙- I'm a girl. - No, no, no. I'm busy."你好你叫什么名字""Oh, hello. So, what's your name?""劈腿的女友你呢""Cheating girlfriend, what's yours?""莱斯利容易受骗的莱斯利"Leslie. Leslie Gullible.很高兴见到你"Lovely to meet you."- 格里 - 你好- Gerry. - Hello.- 他是谁 - 我哥哥莱斯利- Who is he? - My brother Leslie.他为什么带着枪Why he has gun?我另外一个哥哥拉里说这是阴♥茎♥替代物My other brother Larry says it's a penis substitute.闭嘴Shut up!你看到没Did you see that?- 拉里 - 我灵感来了停不下来- Larry. - I mustn't stop, I'm in the mood.帮我劝劝莱斯利Help me with Leslie.他没事的时间是治愈良药He's fine. Time is a big healer,还意味着很多次的手♥淫♥and plenty of so-called self-abuse.这真是成年人干的事啊Well, that's very mature.帮帮你弟弟做一个伙伴劝劝他Help your brother. Be a pal to him.我们性格差别太大了We're so different.好吧我会带他进城转转All right. I'll take him into town.明天穿这身去工作怎么样For work tomorrow. What do you think?不行马戈No, Margo.不过很高兴看你算是会做衣服了Still, good to see you dressmaking, sort of.有客人来了There's a guest.给Here.妈妈你看多漂亮的水龟啊Mum, look, the most amazing terrapin.- 是啊 - 我叫它"老扑腾"- Oh, yes. - I'm calling him Old Plop.因为...Because...?因为他很老... 而且总扑腾He's old and... he goes plop.你好我是德雷尔太太Hello. I'm Mrs. Durrell.我是克斯提Kostis.我们要去给龟修一个池塘We're going to build a pond for it.你还好吗... 老伙计All right there... my old matey?他需要朋友He needs friends.我听说你在服刑I hear you're in prison.是的Yes.多少年For how many years?- 三年 - 三年- Er, three years. - Three years.那么... 监狱如何And... how is prison?监狱就是监狱It is a prison, uh?监狱就是监狱当然It is a prison, of course.我能否问问你为何入狱May I ask how you came to be there?- 我的英语... - 因为- My English... - Because you see,我必须得确定格里和你在一起是安全的I have to know that Gerry is safe with you.格里下周末再见Gerry. Until the next weekend.他为什么走了你跟他说了什么Why's he gone? What did you say?我认为你不该见他I don't think you should see him.我跟他说了下周末见就下周末见I promised him I'd see him next weekend and I am going to. 大多数病人是因为小病来找我们的Most patients come to us with minor ailments.就像弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔说的那样As Florence Nightingale said,"别弄出人命就行""Just don't kill anybody."我是转述I'm paraphrasing.你不需要接触任何医疗相关的东西Mm. You won't be doing anything medical但恐怕会见到一些吓人的场面but there will be a few gruesome sights, I'm afraid. - 我已经做好准备了 - 好女孩- Oh, I've prepared myself for that. - Good girl.天哪我要吐了Oh, God, I'm going to be sick.- 你好斯皮罗斯 - 你好德雷尔女士- Hello, Spiro. - Hello, Miss Durrells.- 你要去哪 - 不我只想问个问题- Where you want to go? - No, I just have a question. 你认识一个叫克斯提的吗他关在维托监狱Do you a man called Kosti? He's in Vito Jail.对就是他Oh, yes. Him.他杀了他的妻子He murdered his wife.为什么要问他Why you ask?他周末的时候被放出来了He's been let out at the而且还和格里一起钓鱼weekends and he's been fishing with Gerry.你应该马上阻止他们You should stop this right now.我记得他有一个儿子但被带走了I remember, he has a son who was taken from him 和离他很远的祖父母一起生活and lives far away with his grandparents.这也是他喜欢和格里在一起的原因That's why he likes to be with Gerry perhaps.也是他不安全的原因And why he's not very safe.萨默塞特·毛姆怎么样他最近有点惨What about Somerset Maugham, eh? He's a bit shit these days. 谁Wh-Who?那个作家萨默塞特The writer, Somerset...算了Never mind.韦伯利公♥司♥正考虑Webley's are thinking of修改第二代步♥枪♥的准星modifying the sights on the Mark II rifle.请包扎一下马戈Dressing, please, Margo.我要晕了I'm going to faint.- 就一点血 - 别提血- It's only a bit of blood. - Don't say blood.在诊所不能说血Don't say blood in a doctor's surgery?所以你现在不用看So, now you won't have所谓"恶心的东西"了to see the 'yucky things', as you call them.我们要让你做一些文书工作We'll move you to paperwork.太好了Oh, fine.我还不会讲希腊语没关系吗And not speaking Greek yet, will that be a problem?- 你确定想在这工作吗 - 当然- Are you sure you want to work here? - Oh, yes, yes.妈妈会为我骄傲的Mum's really proud of me.她很少为我骄傲That's quite rare, actually.要不要再去别的诊室Should I have another go- 试试是否恶心头晕吗 - 不待在这- and try not to heave or faint? - No, stay here.学学希腊语急什么呢Learn Greek. What's the hurry?马戈的性格有些...Margo's been...我不是说她天生如此I mean, I wouldn't say she's a natural.她很难与那些She's uneasy with what- 她称作"厌恶的老人"相处 - 保佑她- she calls "repulsive old people". - Bless her.似乎超过四十岁都算了Seems to be anyone over 40.- 你还好吗 - 如果你有个儿子- Are you all right? - If you had a son,你会让他和一个would you let him go fishing可能是杀人犯的人一起钓鱼吗with a convict who might be a murderer?天哪什么叫可能是Gosh. Might be?没错有一个杀人犯See, there's this murderer,叫克斯提... 帕纳...Kosti... er Pana...不知道无论如何可能不是他Oh, I don't know. Anyway, it might not be him. - 克斯提是个常见的名字 - 我知道- Kosti's a common name. - I know.弗洛伦斯我不知道怎么办Oh, Florence, I don't know what to do.问问斯文Ask Sven.他住在这儿很多年了He's lived here for years and,而且作为一个男人非常 a man, very much so...为什么每个人都喜欢斯文Why is everyone so obsessed with Sven?他就是个狡猾的瑞典人He's just a tricky bloody Swede.抱歉我以为你们俩个很合得来Excuse me, I just thought you two might get on. 很明显并不好Well, quite clearly we don't.他有可能因为偷了一张邮政汇票而坐牢He's most likely in jail for stealing a postal order.蹲三年就因为偷一张汇票Three years for a postal order?炸鱼还要判五年呢Five years for dynamiting fish.科孚有自己的规定They have their own rules here.他们不会让They'll hardly let a一个暴♥力♥的杀人犯外出钓鱼violent murderer out to do a spot of angling.你说得对格里能感觉得到Mm. You're right. You're right. And Gerry's very sensible. - 他很擅长判断人的性格 - 格里- He's a very good judge of character. - Gerry?我们看过他跟老鼠聊天Who we found chatting to a rat?抱歉Sorry.我的儿子他和你一样大My son, he's the age of you.我不能见他I must not see him.我三岁时父亲去世了My father died when I was three.我对他只有一段记忆I have only one memory of him.我们俩Both of us...一起看池塘里的小金鱼watching the goldfish in our pond.小小的橙色鱼You know, little orange fish?- 干得好 - 谢谢你- Oh, well done. - Thank you.你是按日期还是按患者名字来排序的Did you decide to go by date order or patient name?患者的身高Um, patient height.- 身高 - 是的因为这是- Height? - Yes. Because it's the first你表格的第一项所以一定很重要thing on your form, so it must be important.个高的病例在这儿Taller patients are up here.所以根本不需要记名字反正我总是忘记So no need to remember names ... which I always forget anyway. 你只需要记住他们多高You just need to remember how tall they are.- 没错 - 这些文件呢- Right. - What are these files?这是上一位医生的It's the last doctor's.好像被警方叫去做协助案件的医学报告了Seems to be medical reports on police cases he was called out on. 别管这些了Just... just leave them.而且先别碰其他的了In fact, don't touch anything else.科斯提·帕帕多珀Kosti Papadopol...在档案室干得不错听说你按身高来排序So, good work on the filing. In order of height, I hear.我开始觉得这是个愚蠢的想法了I'm beginning to think that might have been a stupid idea.总之现在是星期五的中午Anyway, it's Friday afternoon,给你这星期的工资so there's your wages for the week.- 听着 - 我知道不太好- Look ... - I know this is horrible,但我恐怕不能在这工作了but I'm afraid I can't work here.我不擅长整理档案而且每个人都生着病I'm not very good at filing and everyone's so unwell.而且以后还会看到更多病人And it's just going to go on and on and on.格里Gerry?今天还好吗So, did today go well?当然为什么不好Of course. Why wouldn't it?别生气了我从诊所借来了这个Don't be cross, but I borrowed this from the surgery.我不擅长治病但是个称职的侦探I may not be good with the sick but I am a good sleuth. 你在说什么马戈What are you talking about, Margo?这是个医生写的犯罪现场报告It's a doctor's report from a crime scene.我花了一天时间翻译它I spent all day translating it.我就是希腊版的阿加莎·克里斯蒂I'm like a Greek Agatha Christie.马普戈小姐Miss Marpo.你懂这个梗吗Do you get it?克斯提帕帕... 帕帕先生Mr. Kosti Pap... Pap...妻子身上有多处刺伤wife had many stab wounds.残忍♥的殴打Brutal beating?山羊人在外面Oh, um, the goat chap is outside.- 什么 - 救了拉里一命的那个外国人- What? - You know, the foreigner who saved Larry's life. 是的多亏了他山羊人Yeah, thanks for that, goat chap.- 打算开个动物园 - 他们都是格里的- Starting a zoo? - Oh, they're Gerry's.- 比起人他更喜欢动物 - 我和他一样- He prefers animals to people. - I agree with him.对我和每个人一样都惊叹于蜘蛛网Yes. I mean, I admire a spider's web as much as anyone, 但我还是更喜欢去圣保罗大教堂but I still prefer St Paul's Cathedral.男人真暴♥力♥Men are so violent.很抱歉我冒犯了你就因为你不喜欢...I'm sorry I took offence at your dislike of the... 很抱歉我之前不喜欢你拉...I'm sorry I didn't enjoy your playing of the er... 他们太礼貌了It's all so polite.去床上解决啊Go to bed.我们走吧Hey, come on then.带我去喝酒Take me drinking.你说你搞不定那些的橄榄You said you have trouble with your olives.是的Yes.用网Nets.这是一个非常希腊式的解决方法It's a very Greek solution.把网铺好然后你等就可以了Just leave the nets. You wait.思考一下人生Contemplate existence.时不时抖一下Then you occasionally collect.再等一下Then you wait some more.我和弗洛伦斯·配崔迪斯聊过了I talked to Florence Petridis.她告诉我你在担心一个罪犯She told me you were worried about a criminal. - 我能帮上忙吗 - 不用了- Can I help? - No.真的不用了No, really.- 你这不会是英国人的绅士吧 - 不是- You're not just being British? - Oh, no.我身上的英国气息变少了I get less British by the day.只剩下89%了I'm down to 89%.好吧你知道他们这里有一句话Well, you know what they say around here. 能告诉我这句话什么意思吗Remind me what they mean?"你知道我在哪里""You know where I am."格里Gerry?格里Gerry?格里去哪里了Where's Gerry?我听到他骑着自行车出去了I think I heard him leave on the bike.克斯提Kosti.格里格里Gerry? Gerry!- 去叫莱斯利和拉里 - 他们出去了- Get Leslie and Larry. - They've gone out.格里Gerry!够了别苦着一张脸了Enough. No more moping.我会给你找个新女友的We'll find you a new girlfriend.只有一个亚历克西娅There's only one Alexia.那可不太可能I doubt that, actually.- 亚历克西娅 - 啊- Alexia? - Nai?看到了吗Hm. See?你只是运气好Lucky guess.- 而且她长得像马 - 才不是- And she looks like a horse. - No, she doesn't. 她怎么样太美了What about her? Sensational.- 不她长得像马 - 你才像马- No, she looks like a horse. - You look like a horse. 我去把她拿下I'll bring her over.你好Hello.我是劳伦斯·德雷尔I'm Lawrence Durrell.我是一名作家I'm an author.格里Gerry!你是本地人吗And are you local?你的鼻子遗传了谁的真美Where did you get that nose? It's beautiful.父母吧你真... 坏My parents? You are... a bad boy.那听上去很可疑...That sounds suspiciously like...你好我是莱斯利·德雷尔Hello. I'm Leslie Durrell.你好我是莱斯利·德雷尔Hello. Leslie Durrell.虽然我不在乎但你是谁I don't care, but who are you?- 好 - 我们回家吧- Good. - Let's go home.- 不要 - 我可以给你一点恋爱的建议吗- No. - Can I give you advice about women?- 不可以 - 不要太有戒心- No. - Don't be defensive.你是一个好男人诚实和脆弱就好You're a decent chap. Just be honest and vulnerable. - 你个傻♥逼♥ - 我觉得你喝够了- Shove it up your arse. - I think you've had enough. 我这是借酒消愁Mm. Well, I'm drinking to forget.- 还有借吃消愁 - 好吧- And eating to forget. Mm. - Right.快跑Go, go!带去警♥察♥局To the police station.这其中有误会There's been a misunderstanding here.他在偷马夫罗达琪伯爵夫人的东西He was stealing from the Countess Mavrodaki.你们... 快走吧You ... leave.莱斯利Leslie.还在为我伤心吗Still being so sad about me?莱斯利Leslie.傻太傻了Stupid, stupid boy.格里你应该告诉我Gerry, You should have told me- 你去哪里的 - 要说了你肯定不让我去- where you were going. - You wouldn't have let me go.你和克斯提在偷东西You and Kosti were stealing.克斯提只是一片好意Kosti was being kind.马戈给我看了一份警♥察♥局里的医疗档案格里Margo showed me a police medical file, Gerry.他捅了他的妻子玛利亚He stabbed his wife, Maria,十六刀然后把她扔进海里16 times and then he threw her in the sea.- 克斯提的妻子叫伊欧利亚 - 什么- Kosti's wife was called Ioulia. - What?她叫玛利亚·帕帕多普洛斯It's Maria Papadopoulos.是伊欧利亚·潘欧帕罗斯Ioulia Panoupolos.你连他的名字都没读对根本不了解他You don't even know his name properly or anything about him. 对不起Oh, I'm sorry.。

The Family《罪恶之家(2016)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

The Family《罪恶之家(2016)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

罪恶之家前情提要Previously on "The Family"...你是妮娜·迈耶You Nina Meyer?- 是我你是 - 我就是他- Yeah. And who are you? - I'm him.年轻人自称The young man identified himself儿童失踪案告破红松市警局菜鸟以谋杀罪将性侵犯绳之以法他是沃伦家最小的孩子as the youngest Warren child.亚当·沃伦失踪十年后现身虽然尸体从未找到但沃伦一家的邻居Though a body was never found, the Warrens' neighbor被指控为杀害亚当的凶手was convicted for Adam's murder.我没拿那孩子的船I didn't take that little boy's ship.我都不知道它是怎么跑到那里去的I don't even know how it got there.亚瑟先生是被迫签署认罪协议的Mr. Asher was bullied into taking a plea deal.我裁决给付你服刑期间I'd like to grant you $30,000 a year每年三万美金的赔偿for each year that you served.和我讲讲树林里的那个男人Tell me about the man in the woods.他脸上坑坑洼洼的He has holes in his face.他囚禁你的地方呢What about the place he kept you in?- 你能看到什么 - 一条红色的龙- What could you see? - A red dragon.它在朝我喷火He was breathing fire.正对着我Right at me.这一片全是森林人烟罕至All deep woods, hardly populated.搜查范围就是这里This is our search area.举起手来跪下Hands up! On your knees!你不是说这玩意儿已经合法了吗Thought you said it was legal now!什么What the... ?丹尼你不认识我了吗Danny, you don't recognize me?我是布瑞妮·克鲁兹你的高中同学呀Bridey Cruz. High school.那个在城市纪念医院The doctor at City Memorial确认亚当·沃伦DNA结果的医生who verified Adam Warren's DNA test.根本不存在He doesn't exist.不管你现在要去哪里我求你不要去Wherever you're going right now, I am asking you not to. 我正式宣布竞选州长I am announcing my candidacy for governor他有点奇怪和以前不一样了There's something off about him. He's different.万一不是他呢What if it's not him?有人说一旦离家They say once you've left home...就再也回不去了you can never go back.即使是同样的房♥子The same house...同样的房♥间the same rooms...但一切都不同了... but nothing's the same.洗碗布Dishcloths...银器silverware...盘子plates...麦片cereal.洗碗布银器盘子麦片Dishcloths... silverware... plates... cereal.洗碗布银器盘子麦片Dishcloths, silverware, plates, cereal.我是亚当·沃伦My name is Adam Warren.我回来了And I came back.但是我却没有回家But I didn't come home.罪恶之家第一季第二集小子慢点吃Hey, mister. Slow down.我饿死了I'm hungry.十年前那你也得喘口气呀But you need to come up for air, too.- 哇 - 不错吧- Wow. - Cute, huh?如果你觉得不错的意思是有点吓人Well, if by "cute," you mean "vaguely upsetting."我今天一定得去吗Do I have to go to this thing today?你今天必须去You're going, mister.约翰这没什么大不了的Oh, no, it's no big deal, John.如果孩子们想做自己的事情...If the kids want to do their own thing...亲爱的你把大好年华Honey, you spent the best years of your life都花在画恶魔香蕉上了making us demonic bananas.我们唯一能做的就是帮你入选市议会The least we could do is get you elected to City Council. 这是你的梦想让我们一起实现它It's your dream. Let's make it happen, huh?亚当你又快赶不上校车了Oh, Adam, you'll miss the bus again.午饭给你再见宝贝Lunch! Bye, sweetie.上学愉快Have a good day.拜拜Bye.他怎么老是赶不上校车啊How does he keep missing it?车站就在家门口The stop's right there.你这里弄错了Here's where you went wrong.怎么了What?支柱上胶水抹多了Too much glue on the stay.所以桅杆卡住了That's why your mast is jammed.你能做好的You'll get it.好了你该走了All right, you better go.好吧Okay.待会儿你会参加集♥会♥吗Are you coming to the rally later?我说不好I don't know.他们会发棉花糖They're gonna have cotton candy.你该走啦Better go.不然又该错过校车了You'll miss your bus again.拜汉克Bye, Hank.拜亚当Bye, Adam.现在亚当起床了吗Is Adam up?干吗你又要让他去新闻发布会吗Why? Do you need him for another press conference?我本来要告诉你的I was going to tell you.在你搬去州长官邸之前还是之后啊Well, before or after you moved into the governor's mansion? 我本来要在我宣布参选的前一天晚上I was going to tell you I was running告诉你的但是你不在家the night before I announced, but you weren't home.所以我没机会跟你说I didn't have a chance.不许拿那个是给亚当的No, that's for Adam.全部都是吗All of it?他被关着的时候从来没有的吃He never got treats down there.不会再有人把他关起来了No one's ever gonna squeeze him into a hole again.他经历了这么多我们要尽可能帮他He's been through a lot, so let's just try将生活纳入正常轨道and make things as routine and normal for him as we can.当然Sure thing.警♥察♥来了Cops are here.这条路两头我们都派了警♥察♥驻守We've got officers on both ends of the street.没人能在我们不知情的情况下靠近这栋房♥子Nobody's getting near the house without us knowing.那媒体呢What about the press?他们被拦在外♥围♥They're pushed behind the perimeter.- 你大可放心 - 好我们会放松下来的- You can relax. - Sure, we'll kick back.为什么他还没有被拘留So, why isn't he in custody yet?- 我们正在努力 - 万一你错了呢- We're working on that. - And what if you're wrong? 毕竟不是第一次了We've been here before.- 克莱尔 - 我想让他们抓住他- Claire. - I want the guy caught!我也想So do I.抓住他之后What are you gonna do to him?你们会怎么做When you catch him.你们会伤害他吗Are you gonna hurt him?当然不会别担心Oh, no, don't you worry.从今以后我们会护你周全We're gonna keep you safe from now on.你不会有事的You're gonna be fine.一切都会回到正轨好吗Everything's gonna go back to normal, okay?好了Okay.这孩子在地下室被关了十年The kid was in a basement for 10 years.他脑子坏了还是怎么了Is his brain mashed potatoes or what?这应该是一个有人情味的故事This is a human-interest story.你们当中最好有个人能写出让我流泪的稿子One of you please make me cry.剩下的人The rest of you,去搞定州长沃伦他们的后台work the governor's side, Warren's platform.一丝一毫也不能放过Every inch of this thing needs to be probed.好的All right.丹尼斯Danish?你找到那个做DNA检测的医生前Oh, don't Danish me别叫我丹尼斯until you find that DNA doctor.医院把DNA检测交给了一家基因实验室The hospital outsourced the test to a genetics lab. - 所以这个医生确实存在 - 并不完全- So he does exist. - Not exactly.确认孩子DNA结果的两天后He threw himself in front of a train他卧轨自杀了two days after verifying the kid's DNA.- 这是个巧合 - 你这么解释倒方便- It's a coincidence. - Convenient.我还要更多的细节Gonna need more.带他去商场逛逛Take him to the mall.去法明顿那家那边应该比较安静The Farmington one. It should be quiet there.不会有任何记者There won't be any press.还有And, um...给他买♥♥双新鞋带他吃顿好的buy him some new shoes, take him to lunch.- 或者去看个电影 - 看电影- Maybe catch a movie. - A movie?开心一点又不是坏事A little fun wouldn't hurt.- 拜 - 拜- Bye. - Bye.等会儿见I'll see you later.玩得开心好吗Have fun. Okay?明白了吗Got it?- 去看电影 - 看电影- Movie. - Movie.看电影要花钱Movies cost money.好我来付Okay, I got it.丹尼你把尾灯修好了You got the taillight fixed, Danny.是的才花了他三年时间Yeah, only took him three years.我还要加油I need to get gas, too.等下我去拿钱Hang on.她要我带他去看电影嘛She wants me to take him to a movie. 嗨Hi.嗨Hi.还记得我吗Remember me?我就是那个"杀"了你的人I'm the guy that killed you.亚当Adam?!上车吧好吗Get in the car, okay?来吧Come on.三十万美金你好你好Hi. Hi, there! Hi. Hi, there.我是克莱尔·沃伦Um, I'm Claire Warren,十年前正在参选市议会and I'm running for City Council.祝你过得愉快Have a nice day.你来了You came.你没看见他和陌生人说话吗You didn't see him talking to any strangers?只有我卖♥♥冰激凌的人还有汉克Just me, the ice-cream guy, and Hank.汉克是谁薇拉Who's Hank, Willa?是我们的邻居Just our neighbor.几年以前在公园Years ago, there was some sort发生过一些不检点的行为of an indecent-exposure thing in a park.不检点不如说是犯罪"Thing"?! Try conviction!那个人是个性侵犯The man is a sex offender.汉克·亚瑟Hank Asher?有什么事吗Can I help you?你好我是迈耶警官Hi, I'm Officer Meyer.你认识亚当·沃伦吗Do you know Adam Warren?他住在你家对面Lives across the street.出什么事了吗Is everything okay?亚当几小时前失踪了Adam disappeared a couple hours ago.你去参加公园集♥会♥了吗Were you at the rally in the park?很简单的问题去了还是没去Simple question... yes or no.汉克整晚都和我在一起Hank was home with me all night.我们每周五都会一起看老电影Uh, we watch old movies together on Friday.好吧Oh. Okay.谢谢你的配合Well, thanks for your time.谢谢Thanks.看的哪部电影Which one?什么What?我也很喜欢I love them, too.经典老电影The classics.你们看的是哪一部Which one was on?晚安警官Goodnight, Officer.我们现在看的是东边Okay, what we're looking at is our east quadrant. 现在它在红色的龙的正北方It's directly north of our red dragon.谢谢Thanks.树林茂密灌木丛生Deep woods, thick brush.如果你发现任何可疑之处You see anything interesting...霍比特人小妖精Hobbit, leprechaun?有什么问题吗探员Got something to say, Detective?还有什么问题吗Anyone else?每小时都要向我汇报I want hourly updates.你们听见探长说的了You heard the detective.开始行动吧Let's go.发生什么事了What's going on?有个神经病藏在这片树林里Some sicko had a lair in the woods.他们觉得市长的孩子之前就被关在那里They think he had the mayor's kid in there.真是人面兽心People are animals.你还记得我的车So, you remember my car, huh?你还打橄榄球吗Do you still play football?你以前打得很好You used to really good.你喜欢用什么姿势睡觉汉克What kind of sleeper are you, Hank?侧躺平躺还是趴着Side, back, tummy?我不睡觉I don't sleep.原来是失眠Insomniac.你知道为什么失眠吗You know what's keeping you up at night?我当然知道I have a pretty good idea.糟糕的床垫Bad mattress.你的床有弹簧垫吗Does it have a box spring?- 没有 - 是泡沫床垫吗- No. - Is the padding foam?是在监狱里的床垫It's a prison mattress.总之你想要找舒适的床垫Bottom line, you're looking for comfort.这里有很划算的Got great bang for your buck here.你还记得什么What else do you remember?- 关于什么的 - 任何事- About what? - Anything.你还记得你上的是哪所学校吗I mean, you remember what school you went to?或者你还记得阿莱士吗Or what do you... what do you remember about Alex? 我不记得他了I don't remember him.是她Her.她曾是你最好的朋友She was your best friend.记忆泡沫内置弹簧零售价五百美元Memory foam, inner spring, retails for about $500, 但由于我们正在做活动你可以but with the special we got going, you could...那个呢What about that one?那是特等品The Imperial.德克萨斯棉花混合法国绵羊毛French lamb's wool sewn inside Texas cotton.比其他款要贵一些It's a little pricier than the other options.多少钱How much?一万美元$10,000.我一直在存钱I've been saving up.你想试试哪双吗So, you want to try something on?我穿过这种I wore these.有些复古啊Kind of old-school, huh?不No.他把我带走时我就穿着这种鞋I wore ones just like these when he took me.如果我弟弟在受了十年的折磨之后回到家中My brother comes home after 10 years of torture,我至少会请一周的病假I'm calling in sick for at least a week.你个人♥渣♥You're a douche.所以你这样想过只是不想说出来So you suspect, but don't want to confirm socially.不如去喝一杯Say with a drink?瑞恩我不喝酒也不约会I don't drink, Ryan, or date.不和男人约会Men?所有人民♥意♥支持率如何People. Poll numbers?多亏二十四小时不间断的新闻播放Well, thanks to the 24-hour news cycle,民♥意♥支持破了纪录name recognition's off the charts,总体来说竞选赢面非常可观and the association is overwhelmingly positive.但是But?人们在质疑People are questioning她是否能胜任州长if she can handle the business of being governor.鉴于你们家经历的那些事情You know, given everything you guys are going through. 帮我去约一个Book us one of those big sit-down interviews全家面对面访谈for the whole family.让人们看到我们的情况正在慢慢好转Let them see that we're healing.是吗Are you?什么What?正在好转吗Healing.我们会的We will be.亚当Adam?妈妈Mom?你在这里干什么What are you doing in here?睡觉Sleeping.为什么不在床上睡Why aren't you in your bed?我在床上睡不着I can't sleep in there.亚当Adam.我需要摸着墙睡I need to touch the walls.他睡在壁橱里的地上He's sleeping on the closet floor因为他宁愿在一个笼子里也不愿意because he would rather be in a cage than...他需要时间He needs time.- 需要多长时间 - 我不知道- Well, how much? - I don't know.他还非常关心我们会怎么处置A... a... and he's also concerned about how we're gonna treat 那个虐待他的男人the man that tortured him.鉴于他的情况这很正常It's all very normal. Given the circumstances.你儿子被带走时才八岁Your son was 8 years old when he was taken.我知道我们会数数谢谢I know. We have done the math. Thank you.所以亚当和绑♥架♥他的人待在一起的时间So Adam spent more time with his kidnapper- 比他待在家里的时间还要长 - 不- than he ever did at home. - No.实际上来说那个人就是亚当的家人For all practical purposes, this guy was Adam's family.- 他不是 - 我知道这样说不好听- No! - I know that this is hard to hear...我知道不I... I know. No.但你必须要理解... but you've got to wrap your head around...你是他的心理医生好吗You are his doctor, all right?你应该治好他You are supposed to be fixing him.他不是什么坏掉的马桶他是我们的儿子He's not a broken toilet, he's our son.不不他不是No, no, he's not.他不是我们的儿子他只是He's not our son. He's just...他是He's...我儿子深藏在他身体里的某个地方He is in there somewhere.求求你帮我们找到他Please, just help us find him.长官为什么你不能再多给我一天呢Chief. Why can't you just give me one more day?你知道原因人有个坏习惯You know what, one has a nasty habit只要多给一天就会拖延更多天所以不行of turning into a lot more than one, so no, I can't.我们只剩三十英亩没搜查了We just have 30 acres left.如果你能给我五个人If you just give me like five guys,也许只要三个我们就能maybe even three, we can...听着甚至那孩子的心理医生Look, even the child's psych都说了那条红色的龙可能只是...says that this red dragon is probably a...只是一种心理构念what's it... a-a mental construct.他的想象力保护他免受创伤His imagination protecting him from trauma.我需要手下的人再次询问I can't have my guys wandering around in the woods参加集♥会♥的所有小贩when I need them to re-interview我不能让他们都在树林里闲逛all the vendors from the rally that night.我们十年前已经问过了We did that 10 years ago.更不用说还有七万五千人生活在这个城市Not to mention 75,000 people live in the city,当他们打911的时候他们想要有人应答and when they call 911, they want someone to answer.没什么可找的了迈耶There's nothing there, Meyer.收手吧I'm calling it.但是告诉他我们还在全力搜查But tell him we're doing everything we can.他现在睡在壁橱里He's sleeping in his closet now这样他整晚都能摸到墙壁so that he can touch the walls during the night因为对他来说一个又黑又小的壁橱'cause a tiny, dark closet feels more like home to him比真正的家更有安全感than his actual home.警长不相信我们在树林里能有所发现Chief doesn't believe what we're looking for is in those woods. - 你相信吗 - 约翰- Do you? - John...拜托你信吗Come on, do you?我们没有停止搜查We're not stopping the search.我们只是将注意力转向其他地方We're just refocusing elsewhere.同时罪犯也逃得越来越远了While he gets further and further away.我总是梦见自己在杀人I keep having this dream that I'm killing people.无辜的人Innocent people.我的手掐着他们的脖子My fingers around their necks,用尖锐的东西刺穿他们的内脏pushing sharp things into their guts,让他们流血一个接着一个making them bleed, one after the other.你想杀了他You want to kill him.这可以理解It's... It's understandable.不我想杀了所有他爱的人No, I want to kill everyone he loves.比小孩子的东西强多了是吧Much better than the silly kid stuff, right?你可以贴一些海报You could put up some more posters,或者放一面屏风那应该很酷maybe get a flat screen. That could be cool.我们可以给你换一套新床单And we could get you a new bedspread.明天我们可以选选颜色We can look for colors tomorrow.如果你想的话And if you feel like it,你可以试试一些新衬衫you can try on some of those new shirts.好的Okay.好的Okay.你想刷牙吗Uh, you want to brush your teeth?是的当然Yeah, sure.你能把客房♥里的枕头拿过来吗Oh, could you get the pillow from the guest room? 我觉得会比这个软一些I think it's a little softer than this one.然后咱们过一遍有哪些访谈And we'll go over the options for the interview. 妈Mom...快去拿枕头Get the pillow... now.呼叫我是迈耶探员This is Detective Meyer. Come in.请讲探员Go ahead, Detective.位于富兰克林森林路十八英里处请求支援I need backup at the 18th mile of Franklin Woods Road. 我认为有可疑之处Uh, I think I found something.一扇门金属门A... a door, a metal door.有关亚当·沃伦案的调查It's the... it's the Adam Warren investigation.原地待命Stand by.我已经派出了警员探员I've got officers on the way, Detective.报告火情11-71!请求支援和消防出动I need backup and the fire department!他想烧毁一切证据He's burning the evidence! He's burning it all down!嫌犯就在这里他想把一切都烧毁The suspect is here and he's burning it down!我为沃伦一家买♥♥了这些I bought these for the Warrens.把包装拆开给他们送过去吧Uh, take the wrappers off and... and run them over.十年前- 妈 - 可怜的一家- Mom... - That poor family.我想象不出他们正在经历什么I can't imagine what they're going through.我认为这不是一个好主意I don't think that's a very good idea.去吧做正确的事Go and make things right.我们都知道你没有伤害那个男孩We both know you didn't hurt that boy.你好Hello.这是一些松饼These are some muffins.对你们的遭遇我感到很遗憾I'm very sorry for what you're going through. 你和我儿子Exactly what was the nature到底是什么关系of your relationship with my son?他对我很好He was nice to me.他曾是个好孩子He was a good boy.沃伦太太Mrs. Warren?现在也是Is. Is.什么我没听清What? I'm sorry.现在也是Is! Is!他现在也是个好孩子He is a good boy!现在我没来就开喝了Starting without me?说真的你像个跟踪狂For real, you are like a stalker.都是你逼我的You made me into one.我本打算打电♥话♥的Whoa, I... I was going to call.怎么你弄丢了我的号♥码Oh, what? You lost my number?没有No.没有我只是...No. I, um...我把牛仔裤洗了I washed my jeans.谁会在餐巾纸上写东西啊Who writes stuff on a napkin?我I...- 进了 - 天哪- Bam! - Oh. Oh, man.好吧Okay.那么当你不跟踪高中老同学时So, when you're not stalking dudes from high school... 好吧Okay.你是干什么的... what do you do?我真的不希望你问这个问题I was really hoping you wouldn't ask that.你是个火箭科学家吗Are you a rocket scientist?好吧你做好心理准备了吗All right, you ready for this jelly?我做好心理准备了Oh, yeah. I am ready for the jelly.金考报社高级执行编辑Senior Executive Director of Photocopying at Kinkos. 我是这附近印刷界的大人物I'm huge in neighborhood printing.够吓人的That is intimidating.我正朝这个方向努力I'm leaning in.你确实应该You should.你想再喝一轮吗So, do you want another round?我想但我不会I do, but... I won't因为我正努力让自己不要成为'cause I'm kind of trying not to be that sad alcoholic guy 一个仍和父母住在一起的悲催酒鬼who still lives with his parents.好吧Yeah.你现在完全被我吸引了对不对Yeah, you're super attracted to me right now, are you? 你正毁了这种感觉You're killing it.说到这个我要去一下...Well, on that note, I am gonna go take a...我要去一下洗手间I'm gonna go use the restroom.然后我会非常绅士地送你回家And then I will chivalrously walk you home并和你吻别and kiss you goodnight.你又毁了这感觉You're killing it.- 毁了就毁了吧 - 小心点- Killing it. Oh. - Careful.你毁了...这感觉You get the... killing it.这是账单Here you go.我们还不打算走Oh, we're not gonna need that.你能再给我们来一轮吗And can you bring us another round?- 好的 - 给他来双份- Okay. - Make his a double.你听到了吗Do you hear that?那是什么声音What is that?你做了什么克莱尔Claire, what did you do?没事的小家伙That's o... It's okay, bud.好吧All right.你为什么认罪Why did you confess?你看见现在是几点了吗See what time it is?你为什么认下你没参与过的罪行Why did you confess to a crime you didn't commit?你知道原因You know why.我想听你说出来I want to hear you say it.他们有我的把柄They had stuff on me.他们威胁我They threatened me.- 所以现在你是受害者了 - 我确实是- Oh, so you're the victim here? - I am a victim.我是无辜的I'm innocent.不你不是无辜的No, you're not innocent.因为你说你杀了他我们才停止寻找We stopped looking because you said you killed him.法庭给你赔偿并不意味着你是受害者And that money they gave you... that doesn't make you a victim. 意味着你是个骗子是个懦夫It makes you a liar, it makes you a coward,让你和那个犯下罪行的混♥蛋♥一样恶心and it makes you as sick as the bastard who did it.我没把他锁在地下室I didn't lock the boy in a basement.你确实没有No.但你让他被关了十年You just made sure that he stayed there.那条龙在干什么亚当What was the dragon doing, Adam?那个人压在我身上The man lied on top of me.门在哪里Where was the door?在天花板上It was up on the ceiling.那条红色的龙...The red dragon...他的皮肤就像砂砾His skin looks like gravel.那条龙在做什么亚当What was the dragon doing, Adam?门在哪里Where was the door?在天花板上It was up on the ceiling.你在下面没事吧迈耶You all right down there, Meyer?你看到了什么What do you see?头儿往左一点Chief, move to your left.他睡在壁橱里He's sleeping in his closet now这样能在晚上摸到墙壁so that he can touch the walls during the night我们的儿子亚当是Our son Adam was...十年前在穆尔兰公园选举之夜last seen during candidates night走失at Mooreland Park.他穿着灰色裤子He was wearing gray pants白色T恤and a white "Claire Warren for City Council"上面印着"克莱尔·沃伦竞选市议会"T-shirt.如果你有任何If you have any information...关于亚当的信息about where Adam is,或者如果你记得当晚任何不寻常之处or if you remember anything out of the ordinary from that night, 请联♥系♥红松市警♥察♥please contact the Red Pines police.拜托如果你带走了我们的孩子拜托拜托Please, if you have our boy, please, please.他只有八岁从未离开过家He's only 8 years old, and he's never been away from home, 一晚都没离开过not even for one night.他很怕黑And he gets scared of the dark.你对我儿子做了什么What did you do with my son?你对我儿子做了什么What did you do with my son?你做了什么What did you do?你对我儿子做了什么What did you do with my son?你做了什么告诉我What did you do?! Tell me!你对我儿子做了什么What did you do with my son?你对我儿子做了什么What did you do with my son?停下停下Stop! Stop!告诉我他现在在哪里Tell me where he is right now!- 你把他给了我 - 停下停下- You give him to me! - Stop, stop!- 告诉我 - 停下停下- Tell me! - Stop! Stop!你告诉我他现在在哪里You tell me where he is right now!停下停下停下Stop! Stop! Stop!- 你把儿子还给我 - 停下停下停下- You give me back my son! - Stop! Stop! Stop!把儿子还给我我的儿子Give me my son! My son!现在你喝了几杯How many cups is that?两杯四杯Two. Four.我正在筛选几个备选的访谈So, I've been fielding initial offers for the sit-down.我们走传统路线吧I think we go traditional.一个女人一个能为你流泪的对象A woman, someone maternal who you can make cry...戴安·梅瑞狄斯Diane, Meredith.我们要用这个来影响公众认知We need to influence public perception with this.很明显我们需要全家参与We'll obviously need the whole family.可能不行That might be a problem.亚当还是爸爸Adam? Or Dad?亲爱的你能说动他的You'll get him onboard, honey.你说得总是很对You always say just the right thing.先喷涂大门和梯子Print the bunker door and the ladder first.我不相信他会在逃跑通道倒助燃剂I don't believe he'd pour accelerant on his escape route.那么当我们最终抓到这个混♥蛋♥的时候So, when we finally get this bastard...我说那时而不是如果and that's a when, not an if...再不济的辩护律师都能击垮你any defense attorney worth half a damn's gonna tear you apart. 什么意思What are you talking about?你十年前还是个巡警的时候就负责此案You worked this case as a uniformed officer 10 years ago,迈耶探员没错吧Detective Meyer, didn't you?实际上你难道不是已经抓到In fact, didn't you actually put away someone else其他罪犯了吗for this crime?你做了什么伦恩What did you do, Len?假设你抓到一个人So, given that you arrested a man而他其实是无辜的who turned out to be innocent,评审团如何相信你这次就抓对了人呢why should this jury believe you have the right man now? 你做了什么What did you do?为了这个案子能尽快了结我只得如此For the good of this case, I had to.相信我我也不想这样Believe me, I didn't want to.你为什么不打橄榄球了Why'd you quit football?什么What?是因为你的胳膊受伤了吗Was it 'cause you broke your arm?不我只是大学时不打了No, I just stopped playing during college.为什么Why?我可能更喜欢其他事情I liked other things better, I guess.比如说Like what?老弟Dude.我不再是十年前的样子了好吗I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago, okay?我也是Neither am I.是啊但是你有个好借口Yeah, but you got a good excuse.你也是So do you.你闻起来酒气熏天You smell like a distillery.谢谢Thanks.有消息了吗What do you got?当哥哥的心存疑虑The older brother's got doubts.什么意思What does that mean?他也不能肯定亚当的真实身份He's not totally sure Adam is... Adam.你到底怎么知道的How the hell did you get that?他哥哥The brother.他是你的突破口That's your angle.该隐和亚伯浪子回头经典桥段Cain and Abel, prodigal son, it's a classic.我不再是十年前的样子了I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago. 你为什么不打橄榄球了Why'd you quit football?是因为你的胳膊受伤了吗Was it because you broke your arm?丹尼你把车尾灯修好了You got the taillight fixed, Danny.我穿过这个I wore these.他带走我的时候我穿着一双差不多的I wore ones just like these when he took me. 我不再是十年前的样子了I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago. 我也是Neither am I.沃伦先生Mr. Warren.- 你好 - 你好- Hey! - Hey.我是Yeah.亲爱的你有预约吗Do you have an appointment, hon?没有No.说来有点奇怪Um, look, this is a little weird,但是我弟弟小时候but my little brother used to be a patient here来这里看过病when he was a little kid.亚当·沃伦Adam Warren.天哪Oh, gosh.我一直在为你们家祈祷I've been praying for your family.太好了Oh, cool.太好了谢谢Cool, yeah. Thanks.这有点蠢Anyway, um, it's a little stupid,但我们做了一本他的剪贴本But we're putting together, like, a scrapbook for him, 因为他离开了很长时间you know, 'cause he's been gone so long,我们觉得也许and we thought it might be nice to have his...留着他的牙诊病例比较好dental records to see.当然Oh, sure.为了对比一下Just to compare. Contrast.已经被你妹妹拿走了Your sister already picked them up.太好了Oh. Great.谢谢祝你愉快Thanks. Have a good day.新书是关于什么的So, what's the new book about?我知道就好了Oh, hell if I know.我的孩子回来了。



牛津书虫系列《呼啸山庄》01 中英双语1 Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights1 洛克伍德先生造访呼啸山庄1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord,Mr Heathcliff.I am delighted with the house I am renting from him.Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village.That suits me perfectly.And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful!1801年我刚刚拜访我的房东希斯克利夫先生回来。



约克郡这儿的风景太美了!Mr Heathcliff,in fact,is my only neighbour,and I think his character is similar to mine.He does not like people either.希斯克利夫先生实际上是我唯一的邻居,并且我觉得他的性情与我相仿。


‘My name is Lockwood,’I said,when I met him at the gate to his house.‘I’m renting Thrushcross Grange from you. I just wanted to come and introduce myself.’在通向他房子的院门前我见到了他。



”He said nothing,but frowned,and did not encourage me to enter.After a while,however,he decided to invite me in.他没说话,却皱了一下眉头,不太愿意让我进去。





英文版As is known to all, Confucius is the first of the world's top ten famous people and is called a saint. He is a great thinker and educator in Chinese history and the founder of Confucian culture. Today, I came to qufu, the sage's hometown.We first visited the Confucius temple. The Confucius temple is one of the famous "three holes". Confucius temple is a temple to worship Confucius. The largest Confucius temple in the world, magnificent and magnificent, with the Beijing Palace Museum, chengde summer resort and the three ancient Chinese architecture groups. In 1994, along with kong fu and konglin, they were listed on the world cultural heritage list. It covers an area of more than 200 mu and is located at the gate of qufu. I was deeply impressed by the ancient glazed tile house, magnificent and magnificent. It is said that the Confucius temple was originally the former residence of Confucius. The second year after the death of Confucius, the former residence was transformed into a temple, and the temple of Confucius still holds the Wells that Confucius used to use and the cypress trees planted by his own hands.Entering the temple, we first see the hongdao gate. It is the large and medium-sized gate that goes on. A guide told us that the large and medium-sized gate was praising Confucius for histhought not to be crooked, not to go up, to be in the middle of the meaning.After a long walk, we entered the kuiwen pavilion, a strange cypress tree that lit up my eyes. The bark of the cypress trees zigzagged as if it were floating in waves. Legend has it that the emperor qianlong was tired when he came to worship the temple of Confucius, and he rested on the cypress tree for a moment. The cypress tree touched the emperor's dragon, the tree became a dragon, this tree is known as the cypress. In response to this, the edge of a tree is like a canopy of cypress trees, but it has been destroyed by thunder fire.The main building of Confucius temple is dacheng hall. The resplendent and magnificent basilica positive ten pillar, most notably two dragon carved on each post, fit in the clouds, in the whole piece of stone carving, carving exquisite, powerful, art of using saber is bold is qufu unique stone carving art treasures, it is said that the qing emperor qianlong to sacrifice to Confucius qufu, columns with red twill, dare not seen by the emperor, the emperor will be blamed for more than the palace, I'm afraid.The most magnificent in the temple is the almond altar. The almond altar is located in front of the great hall of Confucius. In jin dynasty, people built pavilions on the almond altar. Fang ting heavy eaves, yellow zhu daozhu, under the pavilion and the "xingtan" and qianlong's "almond altar". On the almond altar today, there is no reading aloud, but the sacred smell still lingers in the Confucian temple.中文版女士们、先生们:曲阜是我国古代伟大思想家、政治家、教育家孔子故乡,全国首批公布24个历史文化名城之一。



There was a crooked man
There was a crooked man,and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat,which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house.



dear,dear! what can the matter be?
two old women got up in an appletree;
one came down,and the other stayed till Saturday
亲爱的,亲爱的! 什么能出事?

old mother goose,when
she wanted to wander,
would ride through the air
on a very fine gander.



His life
Supported by wealthy uncles, Conan Doyle was sent to the Roman Catholic Jesuit preparatory school(耶稣预备学 校)in 1868. He then went on to Stonyhurst College(斯托尼赫斯特学院) until 1875. During this period, he showed his talent of literary. When he left college, he rejected the Catholic religion and become an agnostic(不可知论者). In 1876, he decided to be a doctor and he went to the University of Edinburgh(爱丁 堡大学).
His works
●Stories of Sherlock Holmes ●Other works
Stories of Sherlock Holmes
[A Study in Scarlet]: 1887.12 血字研究 A Study in Scarlet [The Sign of Four]: 1890.2 四签名 The Sign of Four [The Adventures] : 1891.7 波希米亚丑闻 A Scandal in Bohemia 1891.8 红发会 The Red-Headed League 1891.9 身份案 A Case of Identity 1891.10 博斯科姆比溪谷秘案 The Boscombe Valley Mystery 1891.11 五个桔核 The Five Orange Pips 1891.12 歪唇男人 The Man with Twisted Lip 1892.1 蓝宝石案 The Blue Carbuncle 1892.2 斑点带子 The Speckled Band 1892.3 工程师大拇指案 The Engineer's Thumb 1892.4 单身贵族 The Noble Bachelor 1892.5 绿玉皇冠案 The Beryl Coronet 1892.7 铜山毛榉案 The Copper Beeches

The House On The Mango Street 英文原文《芒果街上的小屋》第八九节简析

The House On The Mango Street 英文原文《芒果街上的小屋》第八九节简析

Gil's Furniture Bought & SoldThere is a junk store. An old man owns it. We bought a used refrigerator from him once, and Carlos sold a box of magazines for a dollar. The store is small with just a dirty window for light. He doesn't turn the lights on unless you got money to buy things with, so in the dark we look and see all kinds of things, me and Nenny. Tables with their feet upside- down and rows and rows of refrigerators with round corners and couches that spin dust in the air when you punch them and a hundred TV's that don't work probably. Everything is on top of everything so the whole store has skinny aisles to walk through. You can get lost easy.这家旧货店又小又暗,所有陈货都堆垒在一起,好不容易才挤出可供行走的过道。


The owner, he is a black man who doesn't talk much and sometimes if you didn't know better you could be in there a long time before your eyes notice a pair of gold glasses floating in the dark. Nenny who thinks she is smart and talks to any old man, asks lots of questions. Me, I never said nothing to him except once when I bought the Statue of Liberty for a dime.店内昏暗不堪,从小孩的视角看过去,只能看到店老板的金丝眼镜反射的光,就像是浮在半空中。



糖果屋英文剧本WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-Act 1Narrator: It is a warm spring day. Two children play near their home. Their names are Hansel and Gretel.Hansel: Look what I found! Do you see? They are white stones. They are so small.Gretel: How pretty! Look how they shine in the sun.Hansel: I will fill my pockets. I will take them all!Narrator: The children hear yelling. It comes from inside the house. They know it is their stepmother. She is angry.Stepmother: We are too poor! You are too lazy! Your children are greedy! They eat too much food. We can not keep them.Father: What are you saying?Stepmother: Get rid of them!Father: No! They are me children. I love them. They need me.Stepmother: If you do not, I will!Father: I do not think so. You do not mean it.Narrator: Father goes to work the next day. Stepmother has a plan. She calls Hansel and Gretel. Stepmother: Children! Follow me.Hansel and Gretel: Where?Stepmother: We will play a game. We will look for bluebirds in the woods.Hansel: Really?Gretel: I love bluebirds.Stepmother: Then hurry up. Let’s go.Gretel: What are you doing, Hansel?Hansel: I do not trust her. I am dropping my stones.Narrator: The sun moves across the sky. The children grow tired. They stop to nap. Their stepmother walk away. They wake up alone in the woods.Gretel: Oh, Hansel! What will we do?Hansel: See the stones? Follow them home!Narrator: The children follow the stones. They make it home.Stepmother: There you are! I was worried.Narrator: She lies. She pretends it was a mistake.Stepmother: I looked everywhere for you!Father: My children! I was scared. I thought you were lost.Narrator: The children sleep well that night. They think they are safe with their father.Act 2Narrator: The next day, Father goes to work. But the stepmother has a new plan.Father: Bye! I love you. I will see you soon.Stepmother: Come with me, children. We will look for frogs in the woods.Hansel: I do not trust her, Gretel.Gretel: Me either!Hansel: I have bread in my pocket. I will drop it.Stepmother: You fool go play over there. I will pick flowers. Then I will come back. Narrator: The children know it is a lie. But they feel safe. They will follow the crumbs home. Gretel: Hansel, what are those birds doing?Hansel: Oh, no! They are eating our bread!Narrator: It is true. The birds ate all the bread.Hansel: What will we do? It is getting dark. I am scared.Gretel: I am cold.Hansel: I am sorry, Gretel. I did not think about the birds.Gretel: Do not worry. We can rest while it is dark. I will sing to you. I will sing the song our mother used to sing.Narrator: The children sleep. They wake with the sun. They open their eyes. Do they really see what they think they see?Gretel: Look, Hansel! It is a house!Hansel: It is a house to eat! I see cookies and cake!Gretel: And trees made of candy!Narrator: Yes, the house is made of treats. But the children do not know who lives there. It is a witch. And she eats children!Gretel: Taste the roof. It is sugar!Hansel: And the door is chocolate!Hansel and Gretel: Yum!Act 3Narrator: They are soon full. There are many good things to eat. But they get a sudden surprise. The door opens. It is the witch!Witch: Ha! I have you know!Hansel and Gretel: Help!Narrator: They try to run. But the witch grabs them.Witch: I will put you in a cage.Narrator: She tells Hansel.Witch: You will do all my work.Narrator: She tells Gretel.Hansel and Gretel: Help! Help!Witch: No one can hear you. I will eat you, boy! I will get you fat and eat you. Get him some food!Narrator: She yells to Gretel. But the witch does not see well. Gretel gives Hansel food. But she also gives him a chicken bone. Each day, the witch checks to see if Hansel is fat. Hansel sticks out the bone for her to feel.Witch: You are not fat. Give him more food!Narrator: Every day, the witch checks Hansel. One day, she does not want to wait anymore. Witch: Make a fire in the oven, girl. I will eat the boy today.Hansel: I am scared, Gretel.Gretel: Do not worry! I know what to do. Watch!Narrator: Gretel goes to the witch.Gretel: I do not know if the fire is hot enough. How do I check it?Witch: Oh, you fool! This is how to do it.Narrator: The witch sticks her head in the oven. Gretel is quick. She pushes the witch into the oven. She slams the door. The witch is trapped!Witch: Help! Help!Gretel: Hansel, I found the key! I will open the cage.Hansel: Thank you! Let’s go!Gretel: Wait. Do you see this chocolate box? Let’s take it home to Father.Narrator: The children run into the woods. They run and run. At last, they find their home. Hansel and Gretel: Father!Father: Children! You are home! Your stepmother is gone. She went into the woods. She wants to live with her sister. Her sister has a house. It is made of treats.Gretel: We have seen that house.Hansel: A witch lives there!Gretel: She kept Hansel in a cage.Hansel: But Gretel saved us. And look what we brought home!Narrator: With that, they open the chocolate box. What a surprise! It is filled with gold. Father: You brave children! We are rich! Now we can move far away.Hansel: And live happily…Gretel: …ever after.The end。



糖果屋写老巫婆英语作文The candy house was a spooky sight, with its crooked walls and twisted roof. The old witch who lived there was rumored to be even scarier than her home. People whispered that she could turn you into a frog with just a flick of her finger.But despite her reputation, the old witch was actually quite friendly. She loved to bake delicious treats and share them with the neighborhood children. Her gingerbread cookies were the talk of the town, and kids would line up outside her house just to get a taste.One day, a little girl named Lily decided to pay the old witch a visit. She knocked on the door timidly, half expecting to be turned into a toad. But to her surprise, the witch welcomed her with a warm smile and a plate of freshly baked cookies.As Lily sat at the old witch's kitchen table, shecouldn't help but notice the shelves lined with jars of colorful candies. The witch caught her staring and chuckled. "I have a bit of a sweet tooth," she confessed. "But I also use these candies in my potions and spells."Before Lily could ask any more questions, the old witch handed her a small bag of candies to take home. "Remember, my dear," she said, "magic can be found in the most unexpected places. Just like in a candy house in the middle of the forest."And with that, Lily thanked the old witch for her hospitality and skipped off into the sunset, her pocketsfull of magical candies and her heart full of wonder.。



牛津书虫系列《呼啸山庄》01 中英双语1 Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights1 洛克伍德先生造访呼啸山庄洛克伍德先生造访呼啸山庄1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord ,Mr Heathcliff.I am delighted with the house I am renting from him.Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village.That suits me perfectly.And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful!1801年我刚刚拜访我的房东希斯克利夫先生回来。



约克郡这儿的风景太美了!Mr Heathcliff ,in fact ,is my only neighbour ,and I think his character is similar to mine.He does not like people either .希斯克利夫先生实际上是我唯一的邻居,并且我觉得他的性情与我相仿。


‘My name is Lockwood ,’I said ,when I met him at the gate to his house.‘I’m renting Thrushcross Grange from you. I just wanted to come and introduce myself.’在通向他房子的院门前我见到了他。



”He said nothing ,but frowned ,and did not encourage me to enter .After a while ,however ,he decided to invite me in.他没说话,却皱了一下眉头,不太愿意让我进去。

Room in Rome《罗马的房子(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本

Room in Rome《罗马的房子(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本

Loving strangersOh, ohLoving strangersOh, ohLoving strangersLove, your loveLoving strangersOh, oh, ohOh...- 是的- 我知道你是个好人- Yeah.- I know you're a good person.你在要罗马呆多长时间?So how long are you staying in Rome?我明天就要去莫斯科了I fly back to Moscow tomorrow.太巧了,我也是What a coincidence! So do I.- 你也要去莫斯科?- 我要去西班牙- You fly to Moscow?- Back to Spain.- 这是我住的酒店- 左边那边- This is my hotel.- Mine is down there on the left.- 离的很近- 对你来说是的- So, this is closer.- For you, yes.- 对你来说也很近- 不是- For you too.- No.我们再去房♥间里喝一杯吧Come on. Please, just a little stop, to drink the last one.我们在酒吧里已经喝了很多了We drank plenty in the bar.是的,但是我们只聊了西班牙和俄♥罗♥斯♥ 我们没有聊我们Mm, yes, but we only talked about Russia and Spain,not about us.我想我们还是不要聊我们了I prefer not to talk about us.说定了It's a deal.- 定什么?- 我们不聊天- What is?- We don't talk.我们可以不聊天,只呆在一起,这样更好We can stay without talking, you know?And even better.看,那是我的房♥间,有两面旗子See, that's my room.It's got two flags.挂两面旗子肯定是有原因的,对吧?Must be a reason, no?一面是欧洲的一面是罗马的Yes, one for Europe and one for Rome.我是指中间是什么I'm talking about what's in the middle.- 中间那面旗子不见了- 没错- The middle flag is missing.- Uh-huh, exactly.你要上去把中间那面旗子挂起来,这是你的使命That's because of you.You have to come up and hang it there.- 我要在上面挂什么?- 我不知道- And what do I hang there?- I don't know.比如你可以挂你的衣服,你个子够高Your clothes, for example.You are long enough.Hm. Come on.我从来没有去过一个女人的房♥间I've never gone up to a woman's room.这只是罗马酒店里的一个房♥间而已It's just a hotel room in Rome.如果你赢了,我们就去你住的酒店If you keep pulling, you’ll winand we’ll end up in your hotel.你自己选吧You choose.- 喝点什么?- 酒- Drink?- Wine.酒Wine.你叫什么名字?Sorry, what was your name?我已经跟你说过两遍了I told you twice already.或许等我听第三遍的时候我就能记住了Maybe at the third time I get it.娜塔莎Natasha.娜塔莎,你之前告诉过我你叫这个名字?Natasha.Was that the name you said before?你可能发音没发准,娜塔莎But you are not saying it right.It's Nata-sha.莎Sha.- 莎- 莎- Sha.- Sha.你叫阿尔芭,在西班牙语里这是日出的意思Mm. And you are Alba,which is Spanish for dawn.或许就快要日出了,你会看到的That's my big moment. You'll see.今天晚上是今年夏天的第一个晚上Tonight is the first night of the summer.是的没错,在欧洲Ah, yes, that's right, in Europe.在俄♥罗♥斯♥,夏天早就开始了6月1号♥开始就是夏天了In Russia, summer has alreadybegun, the first of June.真的吗?俄♥罗♥斯♥也有夏天?Really? Do you have summer in Russia?当然有,俄♥罗♥斯♥的夏天Of course. Well, it's Russian summer.Mm-hm.这是我在罗马的最后一个晚上And this is my last night in Rome.也这是我在罗马的最后一个晚上Mine too.你并不是孤单一人,小俄♥罗♥斯♥人You're not on your own, little Russian.你知道这是一年中最短的夜晚You know for sure this isthe shortest night of the year,在这里在俄♥罗♥斯♥都一样所以我们不能浪费这样的夜晚here and in Russia, so wehave to make the most of it.我不…I'm not...- 我不是…- 什么?- I'm not a...- What?拜托,你是一个女人,而且…我是一个女人Come on, you're a woman,and...and I’m a woman我们独自在酒吧里喝酒and we were drinking alone at a bar我们相互吸引and we exchanged looksand felt attracted to one another.这样不就可以了吗?Isn't that how it works?我还是第一次碰到一个女人这么看我It's the first time in my lifeI look like this at a woman.Uh-huh.以前从来没有女人这么看我Never before a woman looked at me this way.你这样看女人并不是你的第一次It's not the first timeyou look at a woman like this.但是每个女人都是不同的But every woman is different.想看看我裸体的样子吗?Would you like to see me naked?非常愿意Mm-hm. I would love to.在这里吗?Here?你想在哪里脱都行,你想进去吗?Wherever you like.Do you prefer inside?- 是的- 那我们进去吧- Yes.- OK, let's go inside then.我想你帮我脱会更好I think it'll work betterif you undress me.Shh.没事的It's OK.没事的Shh. It's OK.没事的It's OK.我们继续,我只是摸摸你,你放轻松We'll stay like this, close butnot touching, while you relax.是吗?Yes?你睡着了更好It's better if you're asleep.因为这样我们就不用相互告别了That way we don't have to say goodbye. 你说的没错You're right.我应该说点什么I'll say a few words.再见,阿尔芭Goodbye, Alba.我不想去想可能会发生什么事情I don't want to imaginewhat might have happened.这个秘密会留在这里,跟你一起沉睡This secret will stay there, sleeping with you.谢谢你,阿尔芭Thank you, Alba.再见Goodbye.谁把我手♥机♥的铃♥声♥换了?Who changed my ring tone?搞什么?What the hell happened?- 哪位?- 娜塔莎!- Who is it?- Natasha娜塔莎,是的Natasha, right.我想我把手♥机♥落在你房♥间里了I think I've left my mobile in your room.- 你听见我手♥机♥响了吗?- 听见了,你的手♥机♥铃♥声♥把我吵醒了- Did you hear it ringing?- Yes, it woke me up, actually.对不起Sorry.我发现我的手♥机♥不在我包里It must have fallen out of my bag.我很累,我想回酒店休息I'm very tired and Iwant to go to my hotel.进来拿吧,它正在床底下等你Come in and take it.It's waiting for you under the bed.我想我还是不要再进去了I'd rather not come in again.为什么?怎么了?Why? What happened?没什么nothing- 你为什么把我内♥裤♥咬破了?- 我没咬你什么东西- Why did you chew up my panties?- I didn't chew anything.进来,进来看看我的内♥裤♥See the state you left them in.晚上好Good evening.晚上好Good evening.太突然了,娜塔莎,我没想到How thoughtful, Natasha!I wasn't expecting this.送过来我需要那些东西Hey, come inand leave it in the terrace.对不起小姐,这是这个房♥间定的Sorry, madam. It's for this room.如果你需要的话,我等一下回来拿您的定单But if you want, I can comeafterwards and take your order.- 饿吗?- 不饿- Feeling hungry?- No, no.- 你听见了,你叫什么名字?- 马克斯- You heard. What’s your name?- Max.马克斯,我们现在还不饿但几个小时后我们可能会饿了Max, we are not hungry right nowbut in a couple of hours we will.那就给我打电♥话♥,我一整晚都有时间You just call me. I'm free all night.我的意思是我一晚上都在上班I mean I'm on duty the whole night.在那里It's there.你的酒店在哪里?Where is your hotel?- 这是台伯河- 嗯- This is Tevere...- Mm-hm.我的酒店...and you get to my hotel往这边走this way.这是罗马的凯撒宫殿This is the Roma of the Caesars.是的,这个地方很容易迷路的Yes. It's a map to lose yourself.我们现在在哪里?看一看Where should we lose ourselves? Choose.这里有花♥园♥We have, um...the gardens.财富寺庙Tempio della Fortuna,Tempio della Ninfa.我住的酒店叫宁芙My hotel is called "Ninfa".- 你住的酒店叫?- 庞培- And yours?- Pompeo.在这边Look, it's this way.穿过花♥园♥You pass through the gardens,就是这里了,我们住在剧院的顶层and...and here we are,we are on top of the theatre.不,庞培剧院的里面No, we are...we are insideof Teatro di Pompeo.天呐Wow!- 历史就在我们眼前- 是啊- History’s looking at us- Mm-hm.我们被历史围绕着We are surrounded.- 你感觉到了吗?- 我怎么可能感觉不到- Can you feel it'?- How could I not?- 我想你很喜欢历史- 是的- I think you like history.- Yes.非常好That's good.- 阿尔芭- 嗯?- Alba- Hm?这件事情不能传出这个房♥间This stays hers, OK? In this room.不能传出罗马的这个房♥间In Rome.- 不能传出四面墙- 嗯- Within these four walls.- Mm-hm.既然我们在这里,我们就开心点,好吗?But since we're here,let's have some fun, no?我不想这件事情影响我的生活All I ask is that this doesn't affect my life. - 你想怎么做?- 我们两个人达成协议- And how do you do that?- By agreeing, the two of us.你在外面有一种生活You also have a life outside of all this有一种你想要保护的生活,是不是?that you want to protect, don't you? Hm.很久以前是有的Very far from yours.但是从明天开始我们将从罗马出发前往欧洲的两个不同方向But tomorrow Rome will send eachof us to an opposite end of Europe.- 如果我不是俄♥罗♥斯♥人呢?- 拜托,你一定是俄♥罗♥斯♥人- What if I'm not Russian?- Come on, you have to be Russian.我喜欢俄♥罗♥斯♥人I love that.好吧,那我就是俄♥罗♥斯♥人了Well, then I am.我们不知道对方的名字实在是太好了What's great is not knowing each other's name.我们不知道对方的名字吗?But don't we?不要告诉我那是你的真名?Don't tell me you gave meyour real name.所以你的真名不叫娜塔莎?我就知道So your name isn't Natasha?I knew it.阿尔芭是我本来要给我女儿起的名字Alba is the name I was going to call my daughter.发生什么事了?What happened to her?阿尔芭连日出都没看过Alba never saw the dawn.对不起I'm sorry.当阿尔芭死的时候That put an endto the worst time of my life,那是我人生中最糟糕的一段日子when my Alba died inside of me.在我16岁的时候我妈妈带我去了马尔韦利亚(西班牙城市)My mother took me to Marbella one summer when I was 16. 当她的男人离开她后She was almost broke她非常伤心,她花了很多钱以吸引男人的注意and what little money she had leftshe spent on fortune-hunting,她很幸运and she was lucky.哈米尔·侯赛因酋长看上了她An Arab sheik, Hamir Osemin,有一天我们在购物的时候,他找到了我们he...he bumped into us one daywhen we were shopping我们在他的游艇上度过了那个夏天and we spent the restof the summer in his yacht.然后他邀请我们去沙特阿♥拉♥伯That winter he invited us to Saudi Arabia.他拥有一座宫殿He has a palace.我无法用语言来描述宫殿豪华的程度Even if I describe it to you,you could never imagine the luxury.他为我妈妈买♥♥了所有东西He bought my mother everything.后来她离开了So she left there只留下了很多的项链,珠宝with bracelets, necklaces and ringsworth a small fortune.她离开了?She left?- 那你呢?- 我留下来了- What about you?- I stayed.哈米尔说服了我妈妈,把我留在那里Hamir persuaded my motherto leave me there作为报酬,他给了我妈妈很多钱in exchange for a monthly allowancefor four years.那是一笔交易,他对我感兴趣That was the deal.I was all he was interested in.你接受了?So you accepted?你无法想像要拒绝有多难You can't imaginehow easy it was for ma,过那种生活falling into that type of lifestyle.我想要什么有什么I had everything I wanted!哈米尔给我买♥♥了一匹纯种马,只有我才能骑它Hamir bought me a purebred horsethat only I was allowed to ride.我变成了一个被宠坏的小孩I began to love him like a child.我身边的人对我非常好Everyone around me was very nice.哈米尔其他的妻子像对待真正的公主一样对待我Also, Hamir's other wivestreated me like a real princess.他让你怀孕了And he got you pregnant?是的That was at the end.哈米尔开始有点生气因为我一直没有怀孕Hamir started to get annoyed with mebecause I didn't get pregnant.就在那个时候我开始想离开那里但是我不能That was when I wanted to leave.But I couldn't.我已经嫁给他了我跟我的马一样都是属于他的财产I'd married him so I washis property, like my horse.他想开始惩罚我He sold him to punish me.当哈米尔从战场回来后不久,我就怀孕了Hamir got his way, because shortlyafterwards he got me pregnant.他非常开心He was over the moon.又开始对我非常好这一次像对待女王一样对待我He began treating me royally again,this time like a queen.然后我意识到孩子出生后Then I realised thatas soon as my child was born...我会和他其他的妻子一样被他冷落Well, I'd be shut upwith the rest of his harem.医生告诉我怀的是一个女儿的那一天The day the doctor told meI was expecting a girl,那个医院的一名埃及护士an Egyptian nursewho I'd told the story to帮我坐一艘希腊船逃走helped me escape in a Greek ship.我在黎明时分抵达雅典所以我决定叫她阿尔芭I arrived in Athens at dawnso I decided to call her Alba.那你为什么会失去她?How did you lose her?我知道哈米尔会到处找我I'd found out that Hamirhad gone to the authorities.他拿到了沙特阿♥拉♥伯逮捕我的许可There was a warrant out for my arrestin Saudi Arabia.我想如果我打掉阿尔芭I knew that if I'd had Alba, ha...他就不会再来找我了He couldn't have resteduntil I was caught.我当时只有18岁,我去做了流产I was only 18 so I got an abortion.我把项链卖♥♥掉,试着在西班牙开始新的生活I sold my necklace and managedto start a new life in Spain.那你的妈妈呢?What about your mother?后来我就再也没有见过她I've never seen her again.就是这使你成为同性恋的原因?And is that how you became a lesbian?这是我成为一名女人的原因This is how I became a woman.你呢?你为什么会成为一名女人?What about you?How did you become a woman?我不想聊我的生活I don't feel like talking about my life.我已经告诉你我的生活了,你欠我的You owe me.我欠你什么?What do I owe to you?事实,还是一个谎言?The truth or a lie?你喜欢什么你就说什么什么?你认为我是在骗你?Whatever you prefer.Why? Do you think I lied to you?这是雅典的辩论场It's the Agora in Athens.你知道吗?Did you know that?你是受到谁的启发才想到这个故事的?Which came first, the pictureor your story? Who inspired who?问的好Hm, good question.在你出生之前这幅画就已经挂在这里了This picture has been hanging heresince before you were born.很久以前就挂在这里了,看来它一直在等我Long before, and it's beenwaiting for me all this time.我们来做个协议,不说原来的事情Let's make a deal. No stories.但告诉我你住在哪里,你所住的区域Just tell me where you live,your area and everything,这样我就可以对你有一个大概的了解so I can get an ideaof your surroundings.- 嗯?- 先找莫斯科- Hm?- First go to Moscow.你们国家的地图是最大的You have the biggest map in the world.现在再找伏尔加河,再往东Now go to the Volga, further east.向东吗?Ala! Even further east.从那里再找奥斯特洛夫·涅克拉索夫From there towards Ostrov Nekrasov.- 哪里?- 奥斯特洛夫·涅克拉索夫- Where?- Ostrov Nekrasov.奥斯特洛夫·涅克拉索夫Ostrov Nekrasov.好吧你来打吧You write it, please.这是什么?What is that there?奥斯特洛夫岛Ostrov means island.告诉我这是你家不过我只看见你家房♥子的屁♥股♥ Tell me this is your houseand I'll have to spank your ass.Wow!跟石头一样硬It's as hard as a rock.告诉我,你来罗马干什么?Hey, tell me,what are you doing here in Rome?拍戏,我是演员Auditioning. I'm an actress.俄♥罗♥斯♥女演员A Russian film actress.你出不出名?还是你只是嫁给了黑帮成员的女演员?Are you a good one, a very famousone, or just married to a mafioso?- 我单身- 看来你是非常棒的演员- I'm single.- So, you must be a very good one.恭喜你Congratulations.让我看看你的阿♥拉♥伯宫殿Show me your Arabian palace.不是我的It's not mine. Hm.你不让我看看吗?Aren't you going to show it to me?问题是如果哈米尔发现我们搜索过他的房♥子…The thing is, if Hamir finds out thatwe are sniffing over his house...- 那又怎样?- 他会让- What?- Ha's capable of...任何事情发生在我们身上Anything could happen to us.如果你不让我看Look, if you don't show it to me,我想你欠我一个故事I'll think you are the onewho owes me a story.一个真实的故事A true one.我想知道你住在哪里I want to know where you live.好吧Look.- 喜欢吗?- 乡村?- Do you like it? ?- (Natasha) Is it a village?不,就是这个城市,叫圣塞巴斯蒂安No, it's a city called San Sebastian.- 看上去很小- 那得看你跟什么地方比了- Looks a bit small.- It depends what you compare it to.跟罗马比?Rome.我想比罗马小20倍I'd say about, um...20 times smaller莫斯科有三个罗马那么大Ha. Moscow is three times the size of Rome. 我很喜欢,你跟你的城市一样有一张很小很漂亮的脸Well, I like it, and you look a lotlike your city. Small, pretty face.这不是我的城市It's not my city.我来自巴利亚多利德,比这里大三倍I'm from Valladollid,which is like three times bigger.- 让我看看你的房♥子- 就在这里- Show ma your house..- (Alba) It's here.- 他们没有伤害孩子- 那又怎么样?- They left the chairs out..- (Natasha) So?我没想到是这样的I wasn't expecting this.- 一个小孩?- 一个男孩一个女孩- What? A child??- (Alba) A boy and a girl.- 你有孩子?- 怎么了?我不能做妈妈吗?- You have children.- What? Can't I be a mother?当然可以Of course.发生什么事了,阿尔芭?What's up, Alba?孩子的父亲知道你喜欢女人?The father of your childrenknow you like women?不是这样的,看看这个It's not that.It's the picture. It's...感觉很遥远It's quite old.看看海滩里面有很多人Look at the beach.It's full of people.我敢肯定他们肯定在这里I'm sure we were there.或在岛上Or on the island.我们周末一般喜欢到岛上去We used to love spending Sundayson the island.这张照片,在两年前的夏天,在圣塞巴斯蒂安This picture is from the summer Istarted living in San Sebastian.我开始我们的生活Two years ago.怎么了?What's wrong?阿尔芭,你想跟我说什么吗?Alba, is there somethingyou need to tell me?可怜的人Poor thing.你来自哪里?Where did you come from?你怎么可以就这样突然地出现?How could you just show up like this, without warning?我不敢相信我在做什么I can't believe I'm doing this.你对我做了什么?What are you doing to me?你吓到我了,俄♥罗♥斯♥人You're scaring ms, little Russian.这是我吗?Is this ms?我都认不出来了I can't recognize myself.俄♥罗♥斯♥语听起来真美Russian sounds so beautiful.只为你说Only for you.我因为恐惧而颤抖I'm trembling with fear too.我将要给你人生中最棒的高♥潮♥ I'm going to give youthe best orgasm of your life.你准备好了吗?Are you ready?是的Yes.- 你知道我喜欢什么吗?- 告诉我你喜欢什么?- You know what I'd love?- Tell me, anything you like.你有假阳♥具♥吗?Do you have a vibrator?如果你放点东西进去我会感觉更好I'll come betterif you put something inside me.不要用假阳♥具♥I don't use vibrators.你不需要And you're not goingto need one either.我很了解我自己I know myself.- 这个酒瓶怎么样?- 嗯- What about a little wine bottle?- Hm.我不喜欢中间隔着东西的感觉I don't really fancy the idea of anything masculine coming between us. 这是托斯卡纳酒,听上去很有女人味It's from "La Toscana".Sounds very feminine.我不会那么做,娜塔莎M m, I’m not sticking anythinginside of you Natasha.但是不要忘记了我喜欢男人,阿尔芭Alba, don't forget I like men.但是你也喜欢我But you like me as well.是的,但我更喜欢男人Yes, but I like men more.我认识很多You know, I know plenty只想和女人在一起的女人再也不想回到男人身边who, once they've tried it with a woman, never want to go back to man. 我不会让这种事情发生我身上Well, I won't let that happen to me.事实上我更喜欢真人In fact, I prefer the opposite.认识我之后你还认为你会更喜欢男人?So after me you expect to like men more? 非常喜欢That would be terrific.现在告诉我这个有点不太好It's not very nicetelling me this now.Oh!我不想问为什么只剩一瓶酒了I don't want us to argue,and even less over a bottle of wine.并且这一瓶也没有了An empty one too.我为你点点儿东西I'm going to order you something.你要干什么?What are you doing?西班牙人和意大利人能听懂对方的语言Spaniards and Italianswe understand each other's language.晚上好,是的Yes, it is.饿了吗?'Hungry yet?'这位小姐需要一个假阳♥具♥ The lady needs a vibrator.对不起,我们没有'I'm sorry, we don't have any.但是我可以为您送点其它东西But I can bring something else.We have fruit.'这个不行That's not good enough.或者其它的东西…'Something else might work...'不,不要了,谢谢,马克斯No, forget it. Thanks, Max.你疯了你知道吗?You are out of your mind.You know that?我为你才这么做的I did it for you.要是马克斯认为这是在邀请他然后自己过来呢?What if Max takes it as an invitationand comes up himself?那你就可以选择是要马克斯还是酒瓶了Well, then you’ll be able to choose between Max or a bottle of wine.马克斯来自马克西姆Well, Max comes from Maxim us我对马克西姆的人免疫It is also the diminutive of Maxim us.马克西莫Maximo.马克斯Max.我们没有什么需要的,马克斯We're fine, Max..We don't need anything.我买♥♥了一根黄瓜I brought a hot cucumber.什么?What?我给它加热了两分钟I boiled it for two minutes.已经消毒了It's sterile.我的朋友更愿意用酒瓶My friend would rather usethe wine bottle.托斯卡纳洒It's Tuscan.你呢?What about you?我?Me?我是处♥女♥I'm a virgin.恭喜Congratulations.西班牙打败意大利了,光明正大的赢了Spain beat Italy. Fair and square.- 你说什么?- 欧洲杯,足球- What's that?- The Eurocup. Soccer.我不喜欢足球Soccer bores me.那你的朋友呢?What about your friend?她也不喜欢,她是俄♥罗♥斯♥网球运动员Her as well.She's a Russian tennis player.- 什么?- 我喜欢俄♥罗♥斯♥网球运动员- What?- I love Russian tennis players.虽然我也在想是不是真的Though I'm starting to wonder.- 看看她的手臂- 什么?- Check her arm..- What?其中一只手臂应该比一只手臂更强壮One arm should be stronger than the other.你是网球运动员,看看你的右手手臂Yes, you are a tennis player.Look at your right arm!我是左撇子I'm left-handed!对不起,是左边,你手上还有老茧,就是证明I mean left, sorry. And you've got calluses. This is the proof!Shh! Shh.你们俩想来个三重奏吗?You two wanna have a trio?Uh-oh.想先看一下吗?Wanna see it first?不,马克斯No, Max.谢谢你的提议,但是不用了It's nice of you to offer, but no.你会说意大利语?You speak Italian?这是非常漂亮的语言It's a beautiful language.请你离开Please, go. Leave us alone.我认为自己有希望I got my hopes up.我认为我知道你们需要什么I thought it's what you wanted.对不起,让你误会了I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding.我们不应该打电♥话♥给你We shouldn't have called you.晚安Good night.关于黄瓜的事我只是在开玩笑的I was only joking about the cucumber.谢谢,马克斯Well, thanks to Max,我刚刚发现了一名会说意大利语的俄♥罗♥斯♥网球手I've discovered a Russian tennisplayer who speaks Italian.- 我也喜欢足球- 你骗我- I like football too.- You lied to me.岛上的房♥子肯定不是你家,那里没有网球场That mansion on the island couldn't be yours.There is no tennis court.所以你一直都知道So you understood me before?- 知道什么?- 当我跟你说西班牙语的时候- When?- When I spoke to you in Spanish.我听懂了,我非常开心Yes, and I was thrilled.开心?Thrilled?- 你怕我吗?- 是的- To hear that you scare me?- Yes.过来Come here.我开始意识到有关你的一切都让我害怕I'm beginning to realise thateverything about you scares me.你的眼睛,你的嘴唇Your eyes. Your mouth.你的笑容Your smile.你说话的方式,你的音调The way you speak.The tone of your voice.你的味道,你的香味Your smell. Your scent.你的呼吸Your breath.你美妙的身体Your stunning body.你的皮肤Your skin.你的皮肤非常好Your skin is incredible.我害怕你的皮肤的颜色I'm more scared bythe colour of yours.你的皮肤像俄♥罗♥斯♥草原Your skin is like the Russian steppe.真可怕!That's very scary.问一个问题A question.Mm...如果我有一个双胞胎妹妹跟我长的完全一样If I had a twin sister,identical in every way,长着同样的眼睛,嘴唇还有同样的声音,皮肤?with the same eyes,same mouth, voice...还有同样的皮肤?And the same skin?是的,完全一样的皮肤Yes, especially the skin.- 你会害怕吗?- 你有双胞胎妹妹吗?- Would you be that scared?- (Snorts) Do you have a twin sister?假设我有It's just hypothetical.我不知道,或许我会或许我不会I don't know.Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't.你想让我害怕还是不怕?What do you prefer?我只是感觉非常幸运的是是我在这里而不是我的妹妹在这里I just feel very fortunate thatit's me here, and not my twin sister.好吧,跟我解释一下OK, you have to explain me this.我有一个双胞胎妹妹,拥有历史和艺术双学位I have a twin sisterwith a degree in history of art.刚刚完成她有关意大利文艺复兴的论文She just finished her thesison the Italian Renaissance.我和她一起来到这里I came here with her.- 她叫什么名字?- 达莎- What's her name?- Dasha.跟你的名字相像?因为你告诉我你的名字叫娜塔莎Like you. Because you told meyour name was Natasha.我也不知道你的真名I don't know your name either.现在我知道你的意大利语说的非常好Now I knowwhy your Italian is so good.我一直在学习历史和艺术I also studied history of art.但是我们俩来这里都是为了参加电影的试镜But in our third year,we both auditioned for a film他们选择了我and they chose me.从那个时候开始,我和我妹妹就分开了Since then,my sister and I drifted apart.你能证明吗?Can you prove it?证明?Prove?- 这上面说什么?- 萨莎·沃罗宁娜- What does that say?- Sasha Veronina.萨莎?娜塔莎,达莎现在又是萨莎?你们是三胞胎?Sasha? Natasha, Dasha, and nowSasha? You're triplets or what?有一个是打网球的?So whats with the tennis?我妹妹达莎和我从小就开始打网球My sister Dasha and Ihave played since we were kids.但是她一直比我打的好But she was always better than me.你什么时候打网球?When do you get to play tennis?你拍电影,参加首映会宣传你肯定没有什么时间打网球You can't have much time betweenfilming, parties and premieres.你能让我看看你的妹妹吗?Can you show me your sister?达莎是俄♥罗♥斯♥十佳网球女运动员之一Dasha is number tanfemale tennis player in Russia.- 你跟你一样是左撇子- 她也是左撇子- And she's left-handed like you.- Yes, I am left-handed too.双胞胎姐妹不应该都是左撇子There is no reason why twinsshould both be left-handed,尽管她们长的一模一样even though they're identicalin every other way.我们从小就这样But we are.你们之间有什么不同吗?Is there not anything differentbetween you two?Eh?我最先成为女人I was the first oneto become a woman.她跟你不一样Though not like you.你的意思是?What do you mean?我们妈妈在我们13岁的时候就去世了My mother died when we were 13.从那时起,我爸爸就开始把我当女人来对待From that time, my fatherstarted to treat me like a woman.他不断地碰我He used to only touch me.那你的妹妹呢?And your sister?没有,只有我No, just me.- 为什么?- 我不知道- Why?- I don't know.但是我认为我不应该让我妹妹知道这件事情But I felt like I should keep itsecret from my sister,直到一天晚上until one night...塔莎看见了Dasha saw us.- 她有什么反应?- 反应非常剧烈- How did she react?- Badly.她感觉自己被排斥在外了She felt rejected and...从那时候开始她就开始觉得自卑That's how。



来杯咖啡吧都是荷尔蒙作祟It's hormonal.我遇事一般不退缩的但这是女人的事情I mean, I don't usually fall back on... It's women's issues.她装了什么儿童安全用品防护门什么的吗But child-proofed how? Gates and stuff?伙计她改装了抽屉Dude, she did the drawers.我们甚至还不知道是否能怀上We don't even know if this whole fertility thing's gonna work... 她就鼓捣这些东西she's screwed in these little我现在都打不开抽屉了jobbies where you can't even open the drawers.一点都打不开吗At all?能打开一英寸左右只够把指头塞进去No. They open an inch, then you gotta dig your finger in.-太可怕了 -迟早能用上...- It's a nightmare. -I guess sooner or later..还早着呢她还改装了顶柜Yeah, a lot later. She did the upper cabinets.孩子得到三十岁才够得着Kid will be 30 before he can reach them,前提还得是我们能有孩子assuming we have a kid.保护孩子是母亲的天性It is natural for her to feel protective.别说你懂... 你不懂女人Don't even... You have women's issues.得了吧算你最懂Please. You of all people.那是个凶兆Oh, come on. It's a jinx.它说明我们肯定怀不上It guarantees that we won't get pregnant.我他妈花了二十分钟才拿到瓶啤酒And it takes me about 20 minutes to get a fucking beer.等一下Guys. Guys!斯德哥尔摩失败了Stockholm went south.真的吗我还以为他们状况不错Seriously? I thought they were looking good.出了什么问题What cracked?我还没看录像也才听人说的I haven't seen the footage. Word's just going around. 没有百分百成功的方案Well, that's never been a stable scenario.地球人都知道瑞典人靠不住Everyone knows you can't trust Swedes.那意味着只有日本和我们了That means there's just Japan. Japan and us.不是第一次出现这种情况了It's not the first time it's come down to that.日本一直保持着完美记录Japan has a perfect record.我们排第二得加把劲了We're number two. We try harder.如果我们失败了If we fail, then...拜托从98年来我们就没出过差池Please. We haven't had a glitch since '98.我们知道自己在干什么林We know what we're doing, Lin.至少都记在... 什么地方了Or we have it written down... somewhere.你们最好别搞砸了You guys better not be messing around in there.你意思是说你不打算Does this mean you're not参加今年的赌博了好多钱呢in the betting pool this year? Big money.我意思是说这次的方案很重要I'm just saying, it's a key scenario.你刚才可不是这意思No, I hear what you're saying.98年那次是化学部出的错对吧In '98, it was the chem department's fault, right?你是哪个部门的来着Where do you work, again?不用说了我又想起来了Wait. It's coming back to me, now.每个人都这么难搞这周末可就难熬了It's gonna be a long weekend if everyone's that puckered up. 你周一晚上来我家吧So you wanna come over Monday night?我准备用电钻解放我的顶柜I'm gonna pick up some power drills. Liberate my cabinets. 你到底有没有在听我说话Are you even listening to me?林中小屋不去尝试You never get that taste怎会知道滋味Out of your mouth不入鸡舍You'll never get the paw prints怎会发现爪印Out of the hen house now归途漫漫And you can't go back也不能走来时路Same way you came集齐所有碎片Round all the pieces up也不能破镜重圆But they just don't fit the same极度紧张White knuckles也不算太坏Maybe it's not so bad别再拘束So let your hair down now极度紧张White knuckles猥琐叫兽Professor fuckwad.为什么你不用飞镖Why haven't you stuck射这混♥蛋♥的脸that asshole's picture on the dartboard yet?没那么简单老天啊It's not that simple. Oh, my God!你染头发了还是金色的Your hair. It's blonde.超赞不是吗Very fabulous, no?不敢相信你真染了I can't believe you did it.但是效果很赞对吧But very fabulous, right?快点说美死了Hurry up with the "Very fabulous."不然我要紧张了I'm getting insecure about it now.棒极了科特肯定会神魂颠倒的No, it looks awesome. Curt's gonna lose it.科特要感谢我你也会的Curt's gonna thank me. And so will you...因为我要帮你烧了这幅画while we're burning this picture.现在不行Not ready.说真的这不是他的错Seriously, this isn't his fault.哪一点不是他的错What's not his fault?是睡了自己的学生还是发邮件说分手Fucking his student or breaking up with her by email? 我一开始就知道我们没有未来I knew what I was getting into.得了吧Oh, please.那你知道这周末你该干什么吗You know what you're getting into this weekend?这个This.如果霍顿和科特说的一样帅And if Holden's as cute as Curt says he is..到时候就有人帮你脱了possibly getting out of it.那是我最不想做的事That is the last thing that I want.如果你们觉得这样可以为我疗伤If you treat this like a setup,那我可一点都玩不起来I'm gonna have no fun at all.我不会逼你I'm not pushing,但我们要带上这个but we're packing this!那意味着我们绝对没有地方放Which means we definitely won't have room for.. 我无聊了怎么办What if I get bored?看书就不无聊吗These will help?苏维埃的经济结构什么什么的后果Soviet Economic Structures? Aftermath of the..不我们有湖又有酒No! We have a lake and a keg.-不准学习 -看招- No more learning! -Think fast.太敏捷了Faster than that.抱歉抱歉走吧Sorry. Sorry. Move along.-接的好 -那就是霍顿吗- Nice! -Is that Holden?我们马上下来他刚从州立学校转过来We'll be right down. He just transferred from State. 队里最棒的接球手人也很不错Best hands on the team. He's a sweet guy.而且他手可灵活了And he's good with his hands.我在和一个女孩子交往I'm kinda seeing this girl,但是你头发比她靓多了but you're way blonder than she is.我正想也许这是什么But I was thinking, you know, maybe... What is this? 这是什么你拿着这些做什么What this? What are you doing with these?我知道了我不带书就是了Okay, I get it. I'll leave the books.谁给你的书谁教你的No, who gave you these? Who taught you about these? 你教我的行了吧I learned it from you, okay?我看着你学的I learned it from watching you!说真的班内特教授Seriously, Professor Bennett,他整个课程都在讲这本书he covers this whole book in his lectures.你应该读读这本You should read this.古络斯基这本有趣多了Gurovsky. Now this is way more interesting.而且班内特完全没看过Also, Bennett doesn't know it by heart,他会觉得你见解独到so he'll think you're insightful.然后你没穿裤子And you have no pants.该死Oh, shit!-东西差不多了吧 -他妈的最好是- That pretty much it? - Fucking better be.茱尔丝就去过个周末又不是去避难You know, Jules, it's a weekend, not an evacuation.相信我这箱子里的东西Trust me. When I say there is nothing in those cases, 都是你喜欢的you won't be glad I brought.我这就闭嘴I'm shutting' right up.老天啊Oh, my God.马蒂Marty!你出什么毛病了老兄Fuck is wrong with you, bro?这镇上的人开车都不跟着感觉走People in this town drive in a very counterintuitive manner.这点我不说不行That's what I have to say.你想在监狱里过周末吗Do you wanna spend the weekend in jail?我们可都想去我表哥的乡村小屋We'd all like to check out my cousin's country home.马蒂亲爱的你这样可不行Marty. Honey, that's not okay.据统计Statistical fact,警♥察♥从来不会拦下边开车边吸大♥麻♥的人cops will never pull over a man with a huge bong in his car.为什么Why?他们害怕他们知道那人更有远见They fear this man. They know he sees further than they.而且他会用古逻辑学烦死他们and he will bind them with ancient logics.你把头发染成灰色了Have you gone gray?那东西可不能上我的车You're not bringing that thing in the Rambler.怎么了What?我真会把大烟枪带上你♥爸♥的车吗A giant bong in your father's van?你秀逗了吗What are you, stoned?嗨哥们Hey, man.黛娜你个迷人的骚货Dana, you fetching minx!有吃的吗You have any food?-都准备好了吗 -当然- Everybody ready? - Yeah!-真的吗 -我准备好了- Yeah? - Okay, I'm ready!启程上路Let's get this show on the road!老巢空了时间刚刚好Nest is empty. We're right on time.希望这条路是对的I hope this is the right road.GPS上都没显示It doesn't even show up on the GPS.这个全球定位名不副实It is unworthy of global positioning.摆脱束缚那才是重点不是吗That's the whole point. Get off the grid, right?没有手♥机♥信♥号♥♥ No cell phone reception.没有交通探头no traffic cameras.去他们全球定位都找不到的地方Go someplace for one goddamn weekend where they can't 他妈的好好过个周末globally position my ass, man.这才是重点This is the whole issue.社会瓦解了吗马蒂Is society crumbling, Marty?不社会在凝聚对吧No. Society is binding. Right?他们用水泥填补了裂缝It's filling in the cracks with concrete.所有事都有存档或者写在博客上Everything's filed or recorded or blogged, right?在孩子脑袋里装个芯片以防走丢Chips in our kids' heads so they won't get lost.社会需要瓦解Society needs to crumble.我们都太胆小不敢任其分崩离析We're all just too chicken-shit to let it.我想念你激昂的演说I've missed your rants.总有一天你会和我一样这么想的You will come to see things my way.请验证身份Identification, please.希特森先生Mr. Sitterson.-哈德利先生 -谢谢你- Mr. Hadley. - Thank you.-你叫什么名字 -丹尼尔·杜鲁门长官- What's your name? - Daniel Truman, sir.这里不是军营你可以省掉长官This isn't the military. You can drop the "Sir".但是希特森喜欢被叫做夫人But Sitterson does like to be called "Ma'am."-或者甜心 -叫他甜心他也答应- Or "Honey toes." - He'll also answer to "Honey toes." 你清楚这里要发生的事吗You clear on what's gonna be happening here?我做过功课了很充分的I've been prepped. Extensively.他们没有告诉你Did they tell you that being做过功课和准备好了可大不一样prepped is not the same as being prepared?他们说了我会敬忠职守的哈德利先生They told me. I'll hold my post, Mr. Hadley.不错Good man.系统连上了Okay. System's online.搜寻目标让我们看看现在的情况Acquiring target. Let's see what we got.我想这可刷不了卡I'm thinking this thing doesn't take credit cards.我觉得这里连现金都不认I don't think it knows about money.可能还得以物换油I think it's barter gas.有人吗Hello?霍顿Hey, Holden.-霍顿 -我认为这不像有...- Holden! - I don't think there's gonna be...-谁让你进来的 -操- You come here uninvited? - Fuck!上面写着打烊了Sign says "Closed."我们就是想买♥♥点油Yeah, we were looking to buy some gas.这个油箱出油吗Does this pump work?你知道怎么用就出油If you know how to work it.我们还想问问路We also wanted to get directions.我们在找... 叫什么来着We're looking for... What's it called?蒂勒曼路请问是这个方向吗Tillerman Road. Do you know if it's this way?蒂勒曼路直通到山顶Tillerman Road takes you up the hill, there.尽头是老巴克纳的房♥子Dead-ends at the old Buckner place.我表哥在那买♥♥了套房♥子My cousin bought a house up there.穿过山体隧♥道♥ 有个湖在那You go through a mountain tunnel, there's a lake.-不会那就是... -巴克纳的地方- Would that be the.. - Buckner place.总有人想卖♥♥掉那个地方Always someone looking to sell that plot.你知道之前的主人吗You knew the original owners.见过不过不是最初的Yeah, not the first.许多人来了又去从战后我就待这了I seen plenty come and go. Hell, I been here since the war. -哪场战争 -你♥他♥妈♥明知道是哪场- Which war? - You know damn well which war!指美国内战蓝与灰分别是南部与北部军服的颜色是那场有点蓝又有点灰Would that have been with the blue and some in gray?兄弟相残的那场吗Brother, perhaps, fighting against brother in that war?别和我顶嘴孩子You sassing me, boy?是你先对我朋友凶的You were rude to my friend.那个荡♥妇♥吗That whore?-你说什么 -我觉得我们加足油了- What'd you say? - I think we got enough gas.去的油是够了You got enough to get you there.可回来的Getting back..你们得好好考虑了that's your concern.祝您生意兴隆先生Well, good luck with your business, sir.我知道火车迟早要通到这里I know the railroad's coming through here any day, now. 那可是件大事That's gonna be big.这里会铺上真正的路Streets paved with actual street.混♥蛋♥Fucker.伙计们快看啊Guys, take a look.肯定是这了This must be it.老天啊这里太美了Oh, my God. It's... beautiful.只要看到蜘蛛我就回车里睡One spider and I'm sleeping in the Rambler.我说真的I mean it.来吧给我搭把手Come on. Give me a hand.这里棒极了This is awesome.真酷啊It is kind of cool.你准备宰头浣熊给我们吃吗You gonna kill us a raccoon to eat?我会扒了它的皮做帽子I will use its skin to make a cap.各位换上泳衣Everybody get your suits on.十分钟后去湖边In 10 minutes, we're heading to the lake.没人通知我还有这项热身运动啊I was not informed there would be calisthenics.我可不想看着它Yeah, I don't think so.不是吧No way.见鬼Shit.还真脱了This is happening.等一下Hold up!他妈的这在和我开玩笑吧You've gotta be fucking kidding me.太诡异了That's just creepy.在拓荒时期It was pioneer days.人们在自己家里设置审讯室People had to make their own interrogation rooms.你表哥从谁手里买♥♥的房♥子啊Who did your cousin buy this place from?我们去检查下其他房♥间We should check the rest of the rooms,确定只有这一个make sure this is the only one.你知道马蒂想看我们俩的卖♥♥力演出'Cause you know Marty wants to watch us pounding away. 我听都不想听见I didn't even like hearing that.我们换房♥间吧How about we switch?不是我想...Not that I'd..我会把画挂回去I mean, I'd put the picture back如果我们换房♥间的话你可能觉得舒服点but you might feel better if we switched rooms?确实如此I really would.谢谢你这么正派Thanks. For being decent.既然科特和茱尔丝想撮合我们It's the least I could do这是我起码该做到的since Curt and Jules sold you to me for marriage.他们做得太明显了They're not subtle.我还是很荣幸自己偷着乐Well, I'll just be flattered and keep it to myself.我还没打算找...Yeah, I'm not looking for..但我还是很感激你不是偷♥窥♥狂But, I'm still grateful that you're not a creep.别急着下结论Hey, let's not jump to any conclusions there.我内心斗争了好久要不要看你I had kind of an internal debate about showing you the mirror. 脑子里正反两方激战鲜血横流Shouting on both sides. Blood was spilled.所以你内心正在滴血So, you're bleeding internally?可严重了Pretty bad.茱尔丝在念医学预科你该和她谈谈Well, Jules is pre-med. You should probably talk to her.好的Okay.我可不想看着这个Yeah, I don't think so.全体注意Places everyone.开始直播了We are live.工程部有人换房♥间了Engineering, we got a room change.普克现在在二号♥ 马克瑞在四号♥Polk is now in two, McCrea is in four.运行部收到了吗我们需要调整下方案Operations, do you copy? We need a scenario adjustment.林小姐Miss Lin.劳登的血样报告出来了她情况不错We've got the blood work back on Louden. Her levels are good. 不过我们推荐使用五十毫克But we're recommending a fifty-milligram bump罗西泰斯来增强性♥欲♥of Rhohyptase to increase libido.-没问题 -你想注射还是口服- Sold. - Do we pipe it in, or do you wanna do it orally?再问一遍这次说慢点Ask me that again, only slower.你是头猪You're a pig.猜猜我们怎么降低她的认知能力Guess how we're slowing down cognition.猜不到I don't know.染发剂The hair dye.金发傻妞真精妙Dumb blonde. Very artistic.药性通过头皮渗入血液逐步发挥作用Works its way into the blood, through the scalp. Very gradual. 化学部这次干得不错Chem department keeps their end up.看到效果我才信I'll see it when I believe it.-指挥部 -收到请讲- Control? - Yeah, go ahead.通报员在二号♥线上I have the harbinger on line two.老天啊你能让他留个言吗Oh, Christ. Can you take a message?估计不行他挺急的I don't think so. He's really pushy.老实说他要把我逼疯了To be honest, he's kind of freaking me out.好吧接进来Okay. Put him on.末底改为圣经中人物名末底改出什么事了山上天气怎样Mordecai, baby, what's happening? How's the weather up top? 羔羊已通过大门The lambs have passed through the gate.进入屠宰间They are come to the killing floor.干得不错Well, you're doing a great job out there.一切按计划进行你给我们开了个好头By the numbers, man. You got us started off just right.晚点再联♥系♥你行吗So, we'll talk to you later, okay?他们视若无睹不知恐怖即将袭来Their blind eyes see nothing of the horrors to come.他们的耳朵聋了Their ears are stopped.他们是上帝的玩物They are the gods' fools.本来就该是这样的Well, that's... how it works.净化他们净化他们的无知与罪恶Cleanse them. Cleanse the world of their ignorance and sin. 让他们沐浴在深红的...Bathe them in the crimson of...你是不是开免提了Am I on speakerphone?没当然没有No. Absolutely not.免提不我不会这么做的Speakerphone, no. No, I wouldn't do that.少来我都听到回声了Yes, I am. I can hear the echo.天啊真的是呢等一下我关了Oh, my God. You're right. Hang on one second, I'll take you off. 太没礼貌了我都不知道谁在场That's rude. I don't know who's in the room.好了免提关了Fine. There. You're off.谢谢Thank you.不要小看这件事Don't take this lightly, boy.并非一切都是按计划进行的It wasn't all by your numbers.那个傻瓜太傲慢了差点让我没完成祷文The fool nearly derailed the invocation with his insolence. 旧神洞悉一切The ancient ones see everything.他们不会...And they will not be...你还开着免提是不是I'm still on speakerphone, aren't I?老天啊末底改Oh, my God. Mordecai.不敢相信我又按错了I can't believe it. I did it again!末迪Mordy?然后会怎样What happens next?冻死了Oh! That's cold!有多冷值不值得下去How cold? Is it worth it?快下来吧茱尔丝生活就是冒险Come on, Jules. Life is risk.我还是冒险躺在这晒会日光浴吧Yeah, I might just risk lying out in the sun for a while.-那是什么 -什么- Hey, what is that? - What?在湖里就在那In the lake, right there.-得了吧 -我认真的就在那- Oh, come on. - No you guys, I'm serious. Right there.那里天啊好像是我女朋友There! There! God, looks just like my girlfriend!老天啊Oh, my God!还有个东西在湖里There's something else in the lake!-是个大帅哥 -我要杀了你- It's a gorgeous man! - I'm gonna kill you!别杀了大帅哥会出人命的Don't kill the gorgeous man! We're endangered! 好了最后的机会All right. Last chance.马上出结果了快交钱It's post time. Dig deep,下注窗口马上要关了people. Betting windows are closing. Okay.谁还没下注Okay, who's still out?让我看看这有工程部的Let's see. We got engineering,研究发展部还有电气部we got R & D, and we got electrical.你看到他们选的都是谁吗Did you see who they picked?这不等于白扔钱吗They're practically giving their money away.你还说别人潜水侠You should talk, Aquaman.-你什么意思 -没什么意思- What do you mean? - Ah, nothing.好吧Okay, all right.我都不确定我们真有这东西I'm not even sure we have one of these.动物学部确定我们有Zoology swears we do.走着瞧吧好了伙计们They'd know. Okay. All right, people.你选的什么Hey, what do you got?不行这些都有人选了No, they've already been picked.什么不是吧谁选了What? No. Who took them?维修部Maintenance.维修部他们每年都选一样的Maintenance? They pick the same thing every year.我能说什么What do you want from me?他们如果会创新就不会待在维修部了If they were creative, they wouldn't be in maintenance.如果赢了就得和他们分摊奖金想换换吗You're gonna have to split this if you win. You wanna switch? 我不知道你有什么建议吗I don't know, I don't know. What do you think?我就希望这事快点了结More than anything, I just want this moment to end.不下一注吗Not betting?不了谢谢Not for me. Thanks.看起来挺残忍♥的对吧Seems a little harsh, doesn't it?他们也就是宣泄一下It's just people letting off steam.这工作不容易幸好这些家伙都撑下来了This job isn't easy, however those clowns may behave.主管们知道我们楼下这些事吗Does the director. Do they know about this downstairs?只要楼上没出状况The director doesn't care about this stuff,只要那些孩子照着程序走的话as long as everything goes smoothly upstairs,主管根本不在乎这些as long as the kids do as they're told.但这已经板上钉钉了啊But then it's fixed.不不不No, no, no.结果本来就由你们控制还赌什么How can you wager on this when you control the outcome? 不我们只负责把他们引到地窖里让他们自己选No, we just get 'em in the cellar. They take it from there.选择是完全由他们自己做出的No, they have to make the choice of their own free will.否则整个系统就无法运作Otherwise the system doesn't work.这就好比预兆It's like the harbinger.那种古老可怕的"你快死了"的预兆It's this creepy old fuck, practically wears a sign, "You will die." 为什么要把整个系统布置在那儿Why do we put them there? The system.他们一定会忽视这个系统They have to choose to ignore them,然后在地窖里选择要面对的东西and they have to choose what happens in the cellar.我们只在必要时控制事态Yeah, we rig the game as much as we need to,但最终的结果是不可违背的but in the end, they don't transgress.我们不会主动惩罚他们They can't be punished.杜鲁门来下一注吧快截止了哦So what's it gonna be, Truman? You in? Window's closing.不必了I'm fine.好吧Okay.搞定伙计们That's it, gang!买♥♥定离手了The board is locked!开始狂欢吧Oh, let's get this party started!开始狂欢吧Let's get this party started!给你There you go.好了到我了Okay, my turn.茱尔丝Jules.真心话还是大冒险Truth or dare?大冒险Let's go dare.好的All right.我赌你不敢和...I dare you to make out with...说黛娜吧说黛娜吧Please say "Dana", please say "Dana".那头驼鹿亲热That moose, over there.马蒂Marty.你以前见过驼鹿吗Have you ever seen a moose before?不管它到底是什么吧Whatever that mysterious beast is.那是一个狼头That's a wolf.我大♥麻♥的劲儿还没过当我没说I'm living in a womb of reefer, leave me alone. 茱尔丝Jules.我赌你不敢和那匹狼亲热I dare you to make out with that wolf.没问题No problem.谁Who?我吗Me?没错我是刚搬来Well, yes, I am new in town.你怎么知道How did you know?天啊你嘴真甜Oh, my God. That is so sweet of you to say.这是我才染的I just colored it, in fact.不不不No, no, no.别这么猴急There's no need to huff and puff.我会让你爽翻的I'll let you come in.谢谢Thank you.现在轮到Now then...黛娜Dana.真心话Truth.什么意思What's that supposed to mean?帮你提前说了I'm just skipping ahead.你如果选大冒险的话You're gonna say dare.她就会让你做一些你不愿做的事She's gonna dare you to do something you don't like,然后你就反悔说自己一开始就想选真心话and then you'll puss out and say that you wanted truth all along. 真的吗Really?好吧茱尔丝Okay, Jules.大冒险Dare.那是什么东西What the hell was that?那是地窖的门It's the cellar door.肯定是风吹开的The wind must've blown it open.这算什么推论That makes what kinda sense?你们觉得这下面有什么What do you think is down there?要不下去看看Why don't we find out?黛娜Dana.这是你的大冒险I dare you.我得在这下面待多久How long do I have to stay down here?到明早就行了Oh, you know, just 'til morning.黛娜Dana.你还好吗You okay?我没事Yeah.抱歉自己吓自己而已Sorry, I just scared myself.你呼救了所以大冒险失败Well, you called for help. That voids the dare.罚你把上衣脱了Take your top off.什么What?规则又不是我定的I don't make up the rules.天啊Oh, my God.看看这些玩意Look at all this.伙计们Guys.我觉得下来可不是个好主意I'm not sure it's awesome to be down here.伙计们Guys?老兄说真的你表哥的收藏真诡异啊Dude, seriously, your cousin is into some weird shit. 我敢肯定这都不是他的I'm pretty sure this ain't his.可能是放那个单面镜的人收集的Maybe it was the people who put in that mirror thing. 有些东西看起来有年头了Some of this stuff looks really old.好漂亮It's beautiful.或许我们该上去了Maybe we should go back upstairs.我赌你们不敢上楼I dare you all to go upstairs.伙计们Guys?伙计们听听这个Guys, listen to this.4月4日"April fourth.父亲对我发脾气了说我缺少真正的信仰"Father was cross with me and said I lacked the true faith.我希望能证明我的忠贞"I wish I could prove my devotion.就像犹大和马太对那些旅者证明的那样"As Judah and Matthew proved on those travelers."那是什么What is that?安娜·佩兴斯·伯克纳1903年的日记Diary of Anna Patience Buckner, 1903.妈妈几乎每晚都要尖叫"Mama screamed most of the night.我祈祷她能找到信仰"I prayed that she might find faith.但在爸爸剖开她肚子并填入煤炭时"But she only stopped when Papa cut her belly她才停下来"and stuffed the coals in.犹大托梦告诉我"Judah told me in my dream..马太把他带到小黑屋里我才知道他被杀了"That Matthew took him to the black room, so I know he is killed. 我也想感受马太那样源自痛苦的荣耀"I want to understand the glory of the pain like Matthew.但是切割血肉会让他勃起"But cutting the flesh makes him have a husband's bulge.而我却不会那样兴奋"And I do not get like that."-老天爷别读了行吗 -不继续- Jesus. Can we not? - No. Go on.-为什么 -就是想听听- Why? - I want to know.我在古籍中找到了一种解救我家族的方法"I have found it in the oldest books, the way of saving our family. 我好使的那只手臂被砍掉了"My good arm is hacked up and et,希望你们看得懂我写的字"so I hope this will be readable.会有信徒诵读下文以祭奠我们的灵魂"That a believer will come and speak this to our spirits.我们将重生并带回世间无尽的痛苦"Then we will be restored and the great pain will return."接下来一段是拉丁文And then there's something in Latin.好了适可而止吧Okay, I'm drawing a line in the fucking sand, here.别读那些拉丁文了Do not read the Latin.读下去Read it.搞什么What the fuck?-痛苦[拉丁语] -不不- Dolor... - No, no.-别跟个孩子似的好吗 -科特- Stop being a fucking baby. - Curt!日记而已It's a diary.没什么实际意义It doesn't even mean anything.-黛娜 -痛苦源于肉体- Dana! - "Dolor supervivo caro.痛苦高于肉体"Dolor sublimis caro.痛苦焚毁灵魂"Dolor ignio animas."胜负已定了We have a winner!他们选了伯克纳一家各位It's the Buckners, ladies and gentlemen!赌伯克纳的是赢家The Buckners pull a 'W'.也就是说恭喜维修部的各位All right. That means that congratulations go to Maintenance! 将和实习生罗纳德分享罐子里的奖金Who share the pot with Ronald the intern.太棒了Yeah!这不公平我也赌的僵尸That's not fair. I had zombies, too.是的你是选了僵尸Yes, you did. You had zombies.但这是"乡村虐杀僵尸家族" 看见没But this is "Zombie Redneck Torture Family," See?根本就是两个不同的品种They're entirely separate species.就像大象与海象一样Like the difference between an elephant and an elephant seal. 明年还有机会There's always next year.它们就像从噩梦里走出来的一样They're like something from a nightmare.说反了它们是噩梦的来源No. They're something nightmares are from.我们这里关的东西都源自古老的世界Everything in our stable is remnant of the old world,那些你耳熟能详的噩梦courtesy of you-know-who.怪物精灵鬼神Monsters. Magic. Gods.你会习惯的You'd get used to it.真的会吗Should you?真遗憾伙计Oh, man. I'm sorry.-他都把海螺拿在手上了 -我知道- He had the conch in his hands. - I know.要再等两分钟天知道他们会怎么选A couple more minutes, who knows what might've happened? 我这辈子估计都看不到人鱼了I am never gonna see a merman. Ever.知足吧伙计。

The Dry《小镇缉凶(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本

The Dry《小镇缉凶(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本


Tell me a story.Aaron, Gerry Hadler._有一段时间了。

It's been a while.您需要在这里。

You need to be here.参加葬礼。

For the funeral.卢克的葬礼Luke's funeral.我们恭候您的光临。

We're expecting you...天气预报。 forecast.又一次,看不见有雨,Once again,there is no rain in sight,继续干旱状况with continuingdrought conditions和持续的火灾危险横跨全州。

and ongoing fire danger across the state.相关新闻.In related news.....几乎70%现在宣布干旱。

..almost 70%is now drought-declared.地区正在接收抗旱援助Regional areas are receiving drought assistance来自州政♥府♥,虽然影响有限from the State Government,although with limited impact,作为农业社区与最坏的情况作斗争.as farming communities struggle with the worst.....全国各地的社区munities across the country 令人振奋另一个危险are bracingfor another dangerous今年夏天是山火季节。

bushfire season this summer.丛林大火与自然危险研究中心The Bushfire and Natural Hazards Research Centre说是炎热的冬天.says a hot winter and...你不是他们中的一员你们是电视记者吗?You're not one of themTV journalists, are you?不,我是老朋友实际上是卢克的。



Deems‎Taylo‎r: The Monst‎e r怪才他身材‎矮小,头却很大,与他的身材‎很不相称——是个满脸病‎容的矮子。





















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That is impossible to attract people’s attention only by it’s appearance. Take it into consideration in the long term, making some marketing strategies is necessary.
The crooked house has three storeys 歪屋共有3层和一个阁 and a attic. At the first floor, there 楼。一层有快餐店、 are fast food restaurant, coffee shop 咖啡厅和游戏厅;二 and game hall. At the second floor, in 层除了旅游纪念品店 addition to tourism souvenir shop, it still has a restaurant with electric 外,有个带电动舞台 stage, and concerts are often held 的餐厅,在这里经常 here. The third floor and attic is the 举行音乐会;三层和 office and a 阁楼是办公室和一个 big open gallery. 开放式大画廊。
• 歪屋内部色彩艳丽,入口处有彩画玻璃,天棚 是暖绿色和海蓝色的,连房顶上做成鱼鳞状的 护瓦也被刷成了绿色,整座建筑从里到外都是 超现实主义的。 • The internal color of crooked house is gorgeous. There are colored drawing glasses at the entrance. The ceiling is warm green and ocean blue. The scalemanner watts on the roof is also painted green. The entire building from inside to outside are surreal.
• 人们可以通过歪屋获得艺术和视觉上的享受。 因此歪屋在波兰的出镜率很高,当地人也为拥 有这样奇特的建筑感到骄傲。
英语104 赵静
The Appearance and Structure of Crooked House
The front of house is like a face. Look 屋子的正面是一张人脸。从街上看 the crooked house from the street, it 歪屋,就像是把一座普通的房子摆 is just 在了哈哈镜前面,房顶、墙壁、窗 like an ordinary house which is placed 户都是扭曲的,当地人把它称为跳 in the front of a distorting mirror.舞房或是醉汉房。站在这个“东倒 The roof, walls and windows are all twisted, so the local people call it 西歪”的房子前,给人的感觉是重 力原理在这里失去了作用。 the dancing room or drunk room. Standing in the front of the "stagger" house, it will give you a sense that the principle of gravity here does not work.
• The house is made out of the hollow building material which made from volcanic rocks. • 歪屋使用的是一种以火山岩为材料的空 心建材 。 • This material is the cold and heat insulation. • 这种材料既隔冷又隔热。
The Crooked House
The crooked house
• 造这座弯曲房子最初是因为索波特市政府想把 蒙特卡西诺步行街变成索波特的名片,市政府 认为作为城市中心的这条步行街应该更加活跃, 弯曲房子就是这个想法的第一件作品。 • Built this house because the Cable potter municipal government wants to change Monte Kathy's walking street into the potter’s card, and the city government thought that as the center of the city this pedestrian street should be more active, therefore, the crooked house is the first work for this idea.
All the large chunks of new-type building material used for constructing crooked house are irregular. 建歪屋用的大块的新型建筑材料没有一 块是规则的。 Each building material’s shape is different, but the thickness is 60 cm. 每块建筑材料的形状虽然不同,但厚度 都是60厘米。
Benefit customers
To children
1.Setting a game center(游戏厅) 2.Hand out gifts on festivals especially Charismas and Halloween
To adults
1.Setting date location(约会场所) 2.Building a small cinema
它的奇特吸引了来自世界各地的人来观赏,这 促进了当地旅游业的发展。旅游业的发展又在 一定程度上影响了经济。
2007年 增长
1.32亿 72倍
2.62亿美 元 419亿美 元 159倍
我国出境旅游从上世纪八十年代起步, 2007年达4095万人次,居亚洲第一位。
• In particular, the houses beside bending are all three-storey, and the sizes are similar, so although crooked house is distorted, it is not unsocial and has a strange effect with the adjacent blocks. • 值得一提的是,与弯曲房子相临的建筑 也都是三层的,而且房子的规模大小也 基本相当,因此虽然歪屋是扭曲的,但 并不是不合群的,反而与相邻的建筑形 成了一种奇特的效果。
• 歪屋是2003年投入使用的,虽然外表看 起来有些可笑,但建筑质量可是实打实的, 达到了最高级---A级,并且它建成的当年 就获得了商业中心建筑年度奖。 • The crooked house is put into use in 2003. Although its appearance looks funny, the quality of the building reaches the highest grade---A. Besides, it won the Commercial Center Building Annual Award when it finished building that year.
• 弯曲房子是由一家波兰公司设计的.设计者还借鉴 了画家闪采尔的童话插图和西班牙设计大师创作 的建筑作品。还借鉴了画家达赫伯格的作品
• The facade has a human face to it and reminds us of the imagery of a painting, "The Scream“.
ge 2.Building a teahouse(茶馆)
The Crooked House is widely used.
Sponsor concerts Hold exhibitions Run trade shows
• 歪屋内部的商业用途丝毫不受“扭曲 空间”的影响,超现实主义的风格反 倒使商铺更添了艺术色彩。 • The internal commercial functions of crooked house are not affected by "twist space“. Instead, the surreal style adds colour art to shops.
• The Crooked House was designed by a Polish company .The designer of it also referred to the illustrations of Jan Marcin Szancer and works of a famous Spanish designer in the architecture field. In addition, it is based on the drawing of Per Dahlberg.
仅仅凭借它的外观是不可能吸引人们的注意 的,从长远角度考虑,制定一些营销计划是有 必要的。
Improve itself