1、SCLM Chapter 05
or funny movements. 能力提升——微写作 ③这些游乐场为游客提供娱乐与教育相结合的体验,值得我们关注。
These amusement parks offering visitors experience
t_h_a_t c_o_m_b_i_n_es_e_n_t_er_ta_i_nm__e_nt_w_i_th__ed_u_c_a_ti_o_n deserve our attention.
(1)entertain sb. with sth. 用某物使某人快乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用某物招待某人 (2)to one's entertainment 使某人高兴的是
3spot vt.发现;认出;点缀 n.处所;斑点;污点;地点 基础练习——单句语法填空 ①[2022·新高考Ⅰ卷]I looked around and finally __s_p_o_tt_ed__ (spot) David,
deserves __p_a_y_in_g__ (pay) attention to. ②Mary is constantly making efforts, and her teachers remark that she
虐心文列表昔我往矣 BY 亦域(现代+虐心+HE)凌漫 BY 小妖123 (现代+虐恋情深,我要你爱我,我要你只能爱我!)第三次告白+番外求婚 by the-byone (现代+虐心+HE)午夜向日葵 BY E伯爵(架空+虐心+推荐)棋子 BY 天涯客(古装+虐心+BE,这个作者真够后妈的,就没有什么好文~)随爱沉沦 BY 天涯客(现代+虐身+**+BE,就一个字虐!!)剖心BY 丁榕(现代+虐心+HE,痛苦过,爱过,伤过,最后总是个幸福的结局)画眉 BY 朱雀.恨(古装+虐心+推荐+短篇)阿涉 BY 暗夜行路 (虐心+黑道文+悲啊!!)暗生香 By ksen (古代+虐心+心酸啊~~)隐欲 BY 牛 (架空古代 +兄弟+虐心+BE)Seven BY 橘 (现代+虐心,茫然若失,杀手与复制人,生死相许)在此守侯 BY 希音(现代+虐心)半个海洋 BY 丞(现代+虐心+**,温馨的文笔,禁忌的感情,真挚的情感,打动过不少人)薄酒 by 姬泱(古装+虐心,他们是仇人,也是亲人,他们相爱,他们也相恨。
)绊烟云 BY 冰之丞(现代+轻微虐心,)秋日映花红 BY 平江秋日(古装+虐心+BE)狭爱 BY 水虹扉(现代+虐心+小虐身+推荐+BE,悲切爱情,夹缝中的感情)玉碎宫倾 by天涯客 (虐心+严重虐身+架空古装,可怜小受啊~他父王真是个畜生)插班生 BY 透明 (现实虐心文+前部分校园+压抑的悲文~)绛雪 BY 聿日 (虐心文+替身小受+虐身~+HE~)清之晓 BY 白蛋(现代+虐心+BE)异瞳 BY 小白龟的猫(现代+轻微虐+年下攻+HE,这位老受真的是个祸水)秋水寒 BY 秋叶影(虐心+古装+强推+BE)回首已惘然 BY 水月华(悲文+古装)终于花开 BY 闪灵(虐心+现代+推荐+父债子还)天狼 BY 天女 (虐心+历史同人+貌似悲的)挣扎 BY 原因 (虐心文+压抑的文+悲的)雪衣公子 BY 春空 (古装+虐心+虐身+推荐+HE,一种相思,两处闲愁)饰童 BY 梓寻 (帝王+虐心,从头到尾的虐心)琼觞BY 天籁纸鸢 (虐死你+哭死你)# BY SMall_all (虐心虐身+可怜的小受+HE)害 BY 风弄 (强攻强受+虐心+现代都市+推荐)孤月苍夜系列一咆哮 BY 长卷挽书 (虐心文+让人痛心和无奈~+推荐)风露清愁 BY 耶律雄奴 (虐心+感伤)秋水宫 BY 悠雨 (虐心+伤感贯穿全文+算是HE~)相思断 BY 寒雨澈 (虐心文+让人心酸的文+悲剧~)直道人间有白头 BY 寒雨澈 (轻度虐心+HE~)宿罪 BY 水虹扉 (虐心+推荐+HE)无相 BY 水虹扉 (经典虐心文推荐!)乞儿 BY 泥娃娃 (虐心+让人心疼的文+悲文)小刺猬 BY 泥娃娃 (虐心+算是悲的~)I, Robot BY 怪盗红斗篷 (虐心文+短篇悲文~)谁可相依 BY 绝小娃娃(虐心+推荐+BE)To be alive is disgusting BY Nicotine (虐+虐+虐,找郁闷的的看)梦回残槿 by 蔓离 (现代+虐心+虐身,出名的虐文)落日烟华BY秋叶影 (架空古装+超虐心+强推荐,想衣由恨生爱,非焰由爱生恨.)最后那句我爱你BY 冰旋 (现代+虐心,到小受自杀了,小攻才发现他对他的感情一个女人用自己的死来阻止他们~)一支烟 BY 朱雀恨 (现代+虐心+推荐+BE+命运轮回)惩爱(拓人)--(是虐心的哦~虽然H很多)《神偷时代》冰雪孤城BY 白蛋 (虐身+轻微虐心)春去春来 BY 不为什么 (虐心+强攻强受+互相伤害的爱+算是悲的)欲望之城 BY 慕容姐姐 (虐心大师姐姐的小短篇~轻度虐~很压抑)hero英雄BY 钢金属的教皇 (轻度虐心+现实+强强)不能动 BY 风弄(现代+虐心+BE+强推,)舞倾城 BY 醉卧长安(古装+小虐心,那么冷情的男人,纵然爱他也是伤他)笑嫣然BY 等闲(虐心+经典+推荐)长短句 BY Asrel (虐心+经典+短篇)多少爱恨,生死一瞬 BY 古木(虐心+推荐)你流泪时我会哭 BY 暗夜行路(虐心+推荐)翱龙恋雪 BY 织云 (虐心+小受身体孱弱+悲剧续篇)春雪 BY 织云面具 BY 易人北 (轻度虐心+上一代的恩怨~ )归伤 BY 见猫必调戏 (虐心+灵魂出体)无处躲藏 BY 见猫必调戏 (虐心+虐身+混蛋小攻~)忽尔天明 BY 鸿骨 (虐心+爱的不容易+推荐)倾国 BY fox^^ (虐心+推荐!!)生死之间 BY:fox^^ (狐狸大的文都粉虐~这一篇轻度虐)血祭 BY fox (虐心+其中的男主心理变态+让人郁闷的结局)无香花自开 BY 无香 (虐心+虐身+BE+推荐,他爱他爱得没有希望,他不爱他冷酷的让人心寒) 妖红 BY 悠雨 (虐心+伤感的文+让人看了心酸~)慕霆BY 雨虹 (虐心+悲情+BE+推荐)合香居 BY 七里 (注定全都死光光的悲文+黑道文)饮毒之爱 by 法老的爱猫 (虐心+**军官和京剧艺人+悲文)我的爱人是只狼BY 林仑 (虐心+大悲,我简直不知道怎么介绍,攻受关系都不明确的时候,伤害就开始了~~看悲剧的看到34章就可以了!? )鹰鹤记BY 轩辕悬 (虐心文+经典老文了+推荐)青风吟前传兄弟情仇 BY 仲夏戟 (虐心文+压抑+背文)颜色BY black.f (轻度虐心+短篇)斜阳深殿 BY 爱熙 (虐心+阴差阳错+无言结局)寻找BY 邪铃 (虐心文+灰色压抑+算是HE)命卦 BY 邪铃 (虐心+古代+无奈+悲文)韩馨 BY 妩媚 (现代+虐+悲)背叛者+番外 by 青衣无袂 (虐心+古代)故事 by 小june (古代+虐心+悲情)法西斯下的钢琴曲 BY 风骚骚骚骚 (虐心+年下攻+虐身~)碎灭by shakeme (虐心+现实+压抑)再一次说,我爱你,不是交易 BY 古木 (后续)我爱你,只是交易 BY 古木 (虐心文界的经典了~不多说~地球人都知道)囚BY kaaa (现代+虐心+虐身+推荐,非要把直的弄弯~~)sven的忘却日记 by eosment (虐心+日记的形式+现代+BE)替用情人 BY 水媚儿 (虐心+替身情)脔童 by 水媚儿 (虐心+虐身+古代)你喜欢不如我喜欢 BY wildly (现代+淡淡的感伤,什么都是淡的~~)暖床情人 BY 水媚儿 (轻度虐心+可以一看~)浮生梦之紫冥篇 BY 尘印 (虐心+经典文)琉璃碎 BY 桃矢 (古装+虐心+帝王,相爱的人偏要相互折磨)漂泊负心 BY 桃矢 (轻微虐心+古装+HE)梦之瀑布篇 BY 邪铃 (小虐+现代)又见飞花 BY 午夜深蓝 (抗战+虐心,那种时期相遇,相爱也是折磨)十二月五日 BY maomao (虐心+现代+短篇+BE,相爱也不可以逃避责任啊~~)双程BY 蓝淋 (现代+虐心+经典,几度相逢,分离,终究还是...)大宋八贤王 BY 景文(虐心的文+架空古代历史)鸿影雪痕 BY 玉隐 (虐心+从头虐到尾+武侠味道)深深 BY 玉隐 (虐心+虐身+被NN人虐的小受+HE)宠物饲养法(上) BY 候已 (虐心+现在主仆+算HE的结局)暗香谍影 BY 碧树 (虐文+虐身+HE)我们都是杀人犯 BY 米克 (虐心+现实+压抑+算是悲文)清风笑 BY 傀儡偶师 (虐心+HE+推荐!)流年BT 望天(现代+虐心)6舞者独白 BY Joker (虐心+现代)永相随BY kisky(虐心+虐身+现代)清明记 BY 清朗(轻微虐心+强推,本文更侧重人物性格描写!因为很多文写得和言情一样,但是对于真正的男人来说爱情不是唯一)南极星BY NIUNIU (虐心+经典+推荐)折磨 BY 寇傅 (轻度虐心+上代恩怨)三生三世 BY 抒晴 (虐心短文)一叶飘零 BY 冰极白鹰 (虐心+可怜的小受+悲文~)命运BY 末回 (虐心+虐身+神幻+生子+让人郁闷的结局)失落的伊甸园 BY 苇间风 (虐心+兄弟+3人行+悲文~)留住烟花 BY 千千千寻 (虐心+强推+BE)寒庭花 BY 千千千寻 (虐心+推荐)美丽的奇迹+番外 BY 默礼 (虐心+推荐)俘虏BY 梨花院落(梨花烟雨)(虐心+虐身+HE)玉树后庭花 by 千年梦回(虐心+帝王+BE,虽然是篇同人,但是写的很成功,绝代佳人)憔悴东风 BY 流水无情(虐心+强推,好文!)几回魂梦与君同 BY devillived (虐心+悲情+每个人都是悲剧)半生 BY ?(虐心+推荐)恨一个人 BY 寒衣(现代+虐心+HE)DEVIL by 朱夜 (虐心+推荐)SECRET GARDEN BY 朱夜 (虐心+推荐+经典)缘中缘BY 末回 (虐心+强取豪夺+上代恩怨)血色 BY 末回 (虐心+回忆试慢慢揭开迷团+感人+推荐!)孽奴 BY 金盈 (轻度虐心+淡泊的小受)脔皇 BY 金盈 (轻度虐心+替身情人)毒 BY 水媚儿(双重虐+BE,忘却也是BE吧)望江南 BY devillived (虐心+悲文+推荐)朱雀?禁 BY 冰灵 (虐心+星相+推荐!)苦海 BY 雪安 (虐心+压抑+现代都市)暧昧时代 BY 暗夜流光 (自己体会)我要你就得给 BY 轩辕悬 (虐心+短篇~)错落 by 等闲 (经典+现代+虐心)毒 BY 无心探花 (虐心+短篇+BE)流莺 BY 嫣子危 (虐心+推荐)道童传 BY 杜子春 (虐恋情深+女变男)不再是我了 BY 小猴-kiky (虐恋情深)奴隶 BY 爱你 (虐恋情深 )醉春风 BY 长空 (穿越时空)那么爱,那么恨BY 格蕾思琳 (虐恋情深)彼岸非花 BY 严公公 (虐心+推荐~)青玄 BY kawalu (虐心+经典+BE强推,最后一句让N多人崩溃) 但为君故第一卷?青青子衿 BY 寒衣 (虐心+强强文+推荐!)月下灯 BY 爆琦 (现代+HE+人气文)无医 by 春禾人则 (虐心+悲惨+推荐+BE)远别难 BY 白菜 (虐心+悲+推荐)欺骗 by 林仑 (虐心+推荐+短篇,)南风知我意 BY 墨式辰 (虐心)玄素吟 by 秋草 (虐心?那个本文作者不承认是虐的~)肯信来年别有春 BY 林寒烟卿 (虐心+古代+推荐+BE)三生石 BY 夜雨如冰 (轻微虐心)夜照青衫冷 BY 梓涵 (虐心+古代+推荐+BE)与爱无关+与痛有关 BY 风弄(虐心+推荐)浮生梦之非情篇 BY 尘印 (虐心+后妈文~~)浮生梦之碧落篇BY 尘印 (虐心+后妈啊~~~)红尘前篇恨封尘 BY 尘印 (虐心+HE)浮生梦之红尘篇BY 尘印 (虐心+HE)禁色 BY 白芸 (虐心+古代+让人心疼的小受+推荐)呕丝+番外 BY 水虹扉 (虐心+虐身+神幻束缚by 柠檬火焰 (虐心+虐身+警匪+强强+推荐)假如你觉得不幸福 BT 嫣子危 (轻微虐心+适合安静的看+细细品味) 杀人动机BY 穆卿衣 (虐心+阴谋推理+推荐,可以不要当虐文看)倾城之恋+番外 BY 古木 (虐心+泪文+推荐,曾经哭到无数)危险关系(雨鸟) BY 阿夸 (虐心+经典+郁闷)The Hours——时时刻刻 by 夜雨如冰 (虐心+悲伤+郁闷+推荐)只是当时的惘然 By 千千千寻 (虐心+古装+经典)朝来寒雨晚来风 by 闲语 (虐心+古装+HE)一叹惘然 by zuowei (虐心+推荐+古装)相会于加勒比海 by 风弄(虐心+经典+人走茶凉,真爱不在)昨天BY 风弄(虐心+阴谋+经典+推荐)焚情炽BY 墨竹(虐心)贺文【上古神众篇】(墨竹)昨天番外 BY 风弄(虐心+阴谋+经典+推荐)袭风云彫(还是虐心的哦)烛雪 BY 慈悲 (古代)飘 BY 冷翼 (虐心+推荐+BE)橙黄 BY NIUNIU (轻微虐心)长生传BY 浮生偷欢 (虐心+经典+让人郁闷的结局~)绝 BY 午夜深蓝 (虐心+经典+悲文)罗煞by云彫(也是虐心的哦)堕天使传说 by 鶺鴒(虐心+轻微)几度梦回君不知 BY 晓倩文 (虐心+轻度+HE)雪行 BY 云海蒂 (虐心+感伤+推荐+悲文~)浮世梦 BY 孤光残照 (虐心+伤感)永央 BY 热带雨林 (虐心+心痛+诸世纪史鉴)七心兰 BY 天如醉 (虐心+悲文~)西风碧树 BY 碧树 (虐心+除了虐还是虐+HE)我是江湖一混混 BY nanzi (虐心从头到尾+强强+气人的结局)惜春残 BY 汝蔫 (虐心+深沉+悲文)胤灵王 BY Breeze (虐心+中间虐+HE)疯子 BY 自我陶醉 (虐心+悲文~~)色戒BY 没长心的笨蛋 (轻度虐心+致死不逾的信任+HE+反攻 ) [ 本帖最后由 princessanna 于 2007-8-3 23:40 编辑 ] princessanna 2007-08-03 23:41替身BY 绍离 (虐心+折磨+HE)紫述 BY 非红 (虐心+为虐而虐~)开到荼蘼 BY 天摇光 (虐心+古代+文笔优美+悲剧)蝴蝶效应 BY se7en (虐心+经典+悲剧)爱恨萧遥 BY jojofish (虐心+虐受+顽强的象橡皮一样的小受..) 怜月思BY 淡漠孤芳 (虐心+悲文~~)倾国BY sm^-^~~ (虐心+不断的被利用被虐..)醉花+番外 BY 昭域 (虐心+HE)顽石他日成翡翠+番外 BY 真意之风 (虐心+新颖手法虐受+HE)琵琶语 BY 药君 (虐心+先喜后虐+HE)最后陪伴 BY 善养 (虐心+自虐互虐+兄弟)迁儿 BY 米迦勒之舞 (虐心+虐受+混蛋小攻+悲文)谁负相知 BY 谁负相知 (虐心+无奈+悲文~)丁香花 BY devillived (虐心+兄弟+推荐)后宫[1-15.3] BY 晓渠 (虐心+深沉)当时只道是寻常] by 桃花农 (虐心+古代清宫)生命的绳子 BY 月关 (虐心+黑色虐恋)星星的谎言 BY 懒人帝 (虐心+凄凉~)妖兽都市 BY 小白龟的猫 (虐心+妖异如罂粟)珍珠泪 BY 任雪 (虐心+虐身)狩猎飨宴 BY 猫娘子 (虐心+强强+警匪)唐旃 BY 猫娘子 (轻度虐心)绝代名妓 BY 沙砾 (虐心+淡淡忧伤+推荐)梨花一梦 BY 恋火 (轻度虐心+短文)欢颜 BY 慕容家的姐姐 (虐心+经典)不爱纪 BY 慕容家的姐姐 (虐心+虐身+经典)男宠 BY ZXBL (虐心+推荐)独坐莫凭栏 BY 绝小娃娃 (虐心+推荐)守候+番外 by 古木 (虐心+经典)烛影摇红 by 末回 (虐心+虐身+3P+历史同人)看朱成碧by 钢金属的教皇 (虐心+推荐+经典!)风行云知道 BY 末回 (虐心文+3P+无奈+HE)十年+番外 BY 暗夜流光(虐心+经典+压抑+心痛)heart memory BY litduck (虐心+超级后妈文+悲啊)人在江湖飘BY 咪咪虎 (虐心+推荐)恨爱囚笼 BY 香品紫狐 (虐心+虐受+可怜的小受+HE)双城-广州篇BY 龙马甲西关/风尘舞蝶(虐心+强文)此恨绵绵 BY 飞若 (虐心+男男生子+痛虐+悲文)我要的不多 BY 暗夜行路(虐心+经典+可爱的结巴小受+HE)燃BY 暗夜行路 (虐心+经典+HE)风之情 BY 月名 (虐心+悲伤+悲文)惘然缘 BY 希音 (经典虐心+攻受都虐+HE)谁佑天使 BY 真意之风(虐心+HE)礼魂 BY 孤光残照 (虐心+攻受互虐+HE)梦殇 BY 孤光残照 (虐心+攻受互虐+HE)吹愁 BY 孤光残照(经典虐心+HE)管家你好!BY:陶夜 (虐心+HE)落魄时节又逢君 by 梨花院落 (虐心+报复+HE)怜君何事到天涯 BY 梨花院落 (虐心+经典+HE+推荐)残心 BY 凌漠(虐心+HE)残心 BY 子夜晨曦 (虐心+HE)追心(残心第二部)BY 子夜晨曦 (虐心+HE)许我向你看 BY 曲阑斜 (虐心+分分合合+可以算是HE吧)物件构成 BY 花的小孩 (虐心+悲文)醉花荫 by 流水无情 (经典虐心+推荐)明月照千山 BY 流水潺潺 (虐心+经典+HE)今冬无雨 BY 流水潺潺 (虐心+可怜的小受+找到了最终的幸福) 难言之欲 BY 蓝淋 (虐心+强攻平凡受+HE+强推)明晨也许 BY 陶夜 (虐心+HE)错爱 BY 风里百合 (虐心+推荐+HE)碎金笺BY:无幽 (虐心+推荐)守太平 by 莫予 (虐心+凄惨+悲文)暮云深 BY 戎葵 (虐心+强文+全死光光的悲文+推荐!)玫瑰之泪 BY 冰痕 (虐心+校园+悲凉+悲文)SEX ANIMAL BY 楚云暮 (虐心+黑道+强攻强受)一直很安静 BY 安希 (虐心+暗恋煎熬+HE)我的爱人,我的敌人 BY 蛰蛰 (虐心+虐身+SM)风飞花 BY lolovi (虐心+虐身+推荐+HE)爱伤完美人生 BY star82 (轻度虐心+HE)喜新厌旧 BY 敛一 (虐心+HE)男儿也会流泪by 易人北 (经典虐心文+兄弟年下+美攻强受+HE)好人难为 BY 易人北 (经典虐心文+年下+美攻平凡受+HE+强烈推荐) 伤 by lolovi (虐心+惨无人道的虐受+悲文)灰烬 BY jammy (虐心+叔侄+年下+HE)年下攻的理想情人 BY:风骚骚骚(虐心+**+HE)老大by 了了 (虐心+黑道+强攻强受+悲文)冉冉浮生 (出书文) by 白水 (虐心+推荐)空尊BY 轻萤流转君喜相逢之替身情 by 米洛 (虐心+中韩+HE)谢长留by 菖蒲(凤凰) (经典虐心+推荐+经典悲文)云色 BY 其实我是马甲 (虐心+警匪+虐身+悲文)我by 楚云暮 (虐心+压抑+悲文)圈里圈外 BY 楚云暮 (经典虐心文+类似十年+推荐)翻云覆雨BY 闪灵 (虐心+经典)海中篱 by 闪灵(虐心+神幻)终身操盘BY 闪灵 (虐心+经典+推荐)下课后的契约by 采薇 (虐心+推荐)风苒BY 小完 (轻度虐心+一波三折+HE)三秋兰BY 流舒 (虐心+相爱的人不能天长地久+悲剧)笑忘书 BY yoyobaobao (虐心+让人心痛的文+悲剧)天暧花开好做攻 BY 滴滴畏 (虐心+现代都市+曲折辛酸+HE~)此男彼男的似水流年BY BLACK (虐心+黑道+霸道小攻+悲文+郁闷)城中池BY 起司 (虐心+跌宕起伏+荡气回肠+强推)永恒BY 星炀 (虐心+倔强可怜的小受+推荐)早已盛开 BY ksen (虐心+虐攻+HE~)关于爱情,我们了解的太少 BY 小小艾 (虐心+校园文+同志写法+耽美情节+HE)凝脂寒+篇外 BY 杨朔 (虐心+经典)奴隶 by 周子寒 (虐心+虐身+MB+HE)遥远的距离 BY 成虫 (虐心+wg时期的故事+压抑感人+悲~) 朱雀·禁 BY 冰灵 (虐心+星相+推荐!)九宣 BY 五月(虐心+经典+悲文~)千山剑气寂寞雪 BY 朱明(新经典虐心文+推荐)棋子 BY 天涯客 (虐心+虐身+悲文~)***** BY 金大 (虐心+虐身+悲文)长宁 BY 维生素c (虐心+悲文~)我拿什么能换你回来?BY 寂静无声(经典虐心文~)驭风 BY 孤光残照 (虐心+HE)不应有恨 BY 李忘书 (虐心+大叔文+年下)绿石榴 by 林擒年 (经典虐心文)Spider BY 苏特 (虐心+强强+经典悲文)买卖关系 by 红月 (虐心文~+经典+推荐)长夜漫漫 BY 无幽 (经典虐心文~)激痛 BY 蝙蝠 (经典虐心的文咯)边界 BY 颜崎 (虐心+压抑+越看越哀伤的文.)单向的爱 BY wildly (虐心+强攻平凡受+HE)承欢 BY 浮离 (虐心+经典+HE)爱太难 BY glum (虐身+虐心+兄弟+让人心疼的可怜小受) 深宫之梦 BY 蝙蝠 (虐心+古代宫廷)清风恨 by 行云 (虐心+推荐)城市森林 BY QuiTch (虐心+超级后妈文+悲文)亡国之奴by 蓝刹 (虐心+经典)秋魂 BY 风雪 (虐心+悲文+推荐)白痴 BY 偶很勤劳 (虐心+压抑+后面的情节赚人眼泪啊) 爱人墓地 BY 皇冥月 (虐心+推荐+悲文)浮云 BY 水月(虐心+好看+推荐)小人物)BY 乔君(虐心+兄弟+悲文+推荐)噩梦 BY 干冰CO2 (虐心+心酸+悲文)明天的明天的明天 BY 夜雨如冰 (虐心+淡淡哀伤+心酸+HE) 不是不爱 BY 风流涕 (虐心+郁闷+虐到变成精神病~)阳光碎片BY 清响 (虐心+郁闷..)肖南 BY 雨天(经典的虐心文)边城by 七里 (虐心+经典+郁闷的结局+番外是HE滴~) 那么重,那么轻 BY 小夜叉 (虐心+美攻平凡受+HE)野兽法则 BY 小周123 (虐心+悲文~)叶加+番外 by 彻夜流香 (虐心+清水+HE)十大酷刑 BY 小周123 (经典虐心+虐身文..= =)九转丹砂 BY 小周123 (虐心+虐身+悲文~)又见喜脂花BY 美景(经典虐心+压抑+悲文)Dune BY K-mart (虐心+小受是MB ^^) [怎么原谅 BY 莫离 (虐心+悲文)一定要幸福 by 歌尽桃花 (虐心+可怜的小受+悲剧)红皮鞋 BY 迷音 (虐心+男扮女癖+HE)轻风过 BY kaaa (虐心+HE)眠兔 BY 白堇 (虐心+命运+悲文)我们回家吧 BY try (让人心疼的小受+虐心+悲剧)浮生梦之黄泉篇 BY 尘印(虐心虐身+经典悲文)无性之爱 BY 卑卑鄙鄙(虐心+小受是太监+3P情节)明灭词之西河 BY 隐芳 (虐心+兄弟+3P+悲剧)明灭词之银那 BY 隐芳 (虐心.+悲文)被遗忘的宝贝 BY 风树 (虐身心+让人心疼的小受+HE) 饥渴 BY 夜瞳 (虐身心+黑道+感人+完美结局)宫森 BY 雨天 (虐身虐心+神幻+HE)被享用的男人 BY 风弄(虐心虐身+感人+推荐)永远的恋人 BY。
Fujitsu PRIMERGY Linux安装后操作指南(适用于x86版本3.0)说明书
2005-11-01 Notes on Using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86) PrefaceAbout This ManualThis manual provides notes on PRIMERGY operation with Linux installed. Be sure to read this manual before using Linux.Intended ReadersThis manual is intended for persons who operate PRIMERGY.Organization of This ManualThis manual consists of the following chapters:Chapter 1 Notes on OperationThis chapter provides notes on operation after installation. Be sure to read this chapterbefore operating PRIMERGY with Linux installed.Chapter 2 Addition of Peripheral Devices and Option CardsThis chapter explains the procedures for adding peripheral devices and cards afterinstallation and provides notes on adding these options. Read this chapter as required.Chapter 3 OthersThis chapter explains other functions and provides other notes such as notes on limits.Operation VerificationThe operations of the products described in this manual have been confirmed by Fujitsu. Please note, however, that these operations are subject to change without prior notice.Support & ServiceA support service(SupportDesk Product basic service), available for a fee, provides customers usingLinux with an enhanced sense of security and confidence. Customers concluding a support and service agreement are entitled to receive support in such areas as assistance with queries regarding this manual and questions and problems that may come up during the installation and operation of this product.Please consider taking advantage of this service option by concluding a support and service agreement with us.CopyrightAll rights Reserved, Copyright (C) FUJITSU LIMITED 20051. Notes on Operation1.1 Assignment of Device NamesLinux assigns device names to a variety of devices, such as the hard disk drive, in the order that it recognizes them during its startup sequence. If the system is restarted after a device such as a hard disk drive or controller fails, the assigned device names may be changed because the system cannot recognize a device that has failed.Example: When hard disk drives are connected to SCSI ID 1, 2, and 3, device names /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and /dev/sdc are assigned respectively to the disk drives. If /dev/sdb failsunder this condition, the device previously assigned /dev/sdc/ is moved up by one andrecognized as /dev/sdb after the system is restarted.If an assigned device is unexpectedly changed, it may prevent the system from starting or,in the worst case, may damage your data. If a device fault is detected, therefore, Fujitsurecommends starting the system in rescue mode and checking for hardware faults beforerestarting the system (*1). Repair the hardware fault, restore the system by means suchas the backup tape, and then restart the system.*1 For details on starting the system in rescue mode, see Section 1.4, "Starting theSystem in Rescue Mode."After starting the system, use the fdisk command to check whether the relevant hard diskdrive can be recognized, and take necessary steps such as checking for hardware errormessages in /var/log/messages.1.2 Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86) PackagesRed Hat Enterprise Linux provides installation types so that the optimum system can be constructed according to the use purpose. For this reason, packages required for your purposes might not be installed. If a required package has not been installed, log in as the root and install it by executing the following procedure:Install the necessary packages by using the installation CDs (1/4 to 4/4) that have beencreated according to the Installation Procedure included in the driver kit.# mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom# cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS# rpm -ivh <package_file>Example: To install package "make"# rpm -ivh make-3.79.1-17.i386.rpm# cd /# umount /mnt/cdrom# eject* Remove the CD.1.3 Installing and Setting Up Global Array Manager (GAM)Use Global Array Manager (GAM) as a RAID management tool in a system with a mounted onboard SCSI-RAID and SCSI-RAID card (PG-142E3).For details on installing GAM-Client (Windows), see "Outline of Installation Procedure for Global Array Manager-Client", which is an attachment.The GAM-Server (Linux) installation procedure is explained below.[Notes]1)The screen display may become unstable during GAM installation or GAM service startup.This is not an operational problem.2)Specify the port numbers shown below for GAM service.Take care when configuring firewall settings.Port numbers: 157,158(1)To install GAM-Server (Linux), insert the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and entercommands as follows:# mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom# cd /mnt/cdrom/UTY/GAM/Linux# rpm -ivh gam-server-6.02-21.i386.rpm# rpm -ivh gam-agent-6.02-21.i386.rpm- Enter the following only if onboard SCSI for RX200 S2# rpm -ivh 1030SNMPAgent-2.4-3.i386.rpm# sh ./insgam* Confirm that “GAM is installed successfully.” is displayed.# cd /# umount /mnt/cdrom# eject* Remove the CD.(2)For user accounts in Linux, create "gamroot" as a user account with GAM administratorauthority and then create user accounts (e.g., "gamuser") with user authority.(If a user account with user authority has already been created, another account need not be created.) # adduser gamroot# passwd gamrootChanging password for user gamrootNew-password <--- Enter a password.Retype new password <--- Re-enter the same password for confirmation.passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully* Create a user account with user authority in the same way as explained above.(3)Edit three lines as shown below in the /etc/sysconfig/gam file.Events can be posted to GAM-Client after this editing is completed.# vi /etc/sysconfig/gam[Before editing]START_GAMEVENT=nGAMEVENT_OPTIONS=""[After editing]START_GAMEVENT=y <--- Change "n" to "y".GAMEVENT_OPTIONS="-h ip-address" <--- Specify the IP address of the managementWindows system on which GAM-Client isinstalled.[Before editing]START_GAMEVLOG=n[After editing]START_GAMEVLOG=y <--- Change "n" to "y".(4)Restart the system.# shutdown -r now* The following message may be displayed after the system starts. It does not indicate an operational problem.[Message]gamagent: gamagent: Connection refusedgamagent connect failure1.4 Starting the System in Rescue ModeUsing only one of the installation CDs that have been created according to the Installation Procedure included in the driver kit, you can start the system in rescue mode. This may enable system recovery in the event of a problem that prevents the system from starting normally.This section explains only how to start the system as one that has minimum functionality.Start the system in rescue mode as follows:(1)Start the system from installation CD 1/4 that was created according to the InstallationProcedure included in the driver kit. Enter the appropriate response in the following window,and press the [Enter] key.(2)In the Choose a Language window, select "English" and select "OK."(3)In the Keyboard Type window, select "jp106" and select "OK."If an accessory keyboard such as of a flat display (PG-R1DP3) is used, select "us" here.(4)In the following window, select "Yes."(5)In the following window, select "Add Device."(6)In the Driver List window, select the drivers for the devices installed in the system, and select"OK." The following drivers must be selected:[onboard SCSI type for TX200 S2][onboard SCSI type or onboard SCSI-RAID type for RX200 S2]Two drivers must be selected. Select drivers as follows:1.Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI Logic Fusion MPT Base Driver (mptbase)"2.The Device Selection window is displayed. Select "AddDevice."3. A list of drivers is displayed. Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI Logic Fusion MPT SCSI Driver (mptscsih)"[SCSI-RAID card(PG-140D1/PG-142E3) for TX200 S2][onboard SCSI-RAID type for RX300 S2]Select the driver shown below, and select "OK.""LSI MegaRAID controller (megaraid2)"(7)Make sure that the selected driver is displayed in the following window, and select "Done."(8)The Setup Networking window is displayed. Select "No" because network settings need not beconfigured at this time.(9)Select "Continue" in the Rescue window.(10)If the root partition (/) in the existing Linux system has been mounted successfully under/mnt/sysimage, this is reported in the Rescue window. Select "OK."(11)When the prompt is displayed, enter the chroot command to change the root path to the harddisk drive.sh-2.05b# chroot /mnt/sysimage(12)This completes startup in rescue mode. To exit rescue mode, enter the exit command twice.sh-2.05b# exit <--- Exit from the chroot environment.sh-2.05b# exit <--- Exit from the rescue mode.1.5 Power-off at ShutdownPower is not automatically turned off at shutdown.When [Power down] is displayed on the console screen, press the power switch to turn off the power.Note that the power is automatically turned off when the system is shut down in an environment in which ServerView is installed.2. Addition of Peripheral Devices and Option Cards2.1 Adding a SCSI DiskThe number of LUNs is set to 1 by default. To add a SCSI disk, shared disk, or tape library, log in as the root and define the number of LUNs as shown below. Multiple LUN referencing is enabled after the system is started next.(1)Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf:options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=N <--- Add* N is the number of LUNs. Define the appropriate number.(2)Enter the mkinitrd command to create initrd.To create initrd, enter the mkinitrd command appropriate for the type of kernel used.* Enter the following command to check the type of kernel used:# uname -r[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL (kernel for single CPU)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp (kernel for multi-CPU)]#cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp(3)Restart the system.Enter the following command to restart the system.# shutdown -r now2.2 Adding Option CardsIf any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the following table is added after system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup. This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.The table lists models and the option cards supported by them.TX200 S2 RX200 S2 RX300 S2PG-128 V -- -- SCSI cardPG-130L -- V V PG-140D1V V -- SCSI-RAID cardPG-142E3V V -- PG-1852 V V -- PG-1853 V -- -- PG-1853L -- V -- PG-1862 V V -- PG-1882 V -- -- PG-1882L -- V V PG-1892 V -- -- LAN cardPG-1892L -- V V PG-FC106V V V onboard Fibre-Channel cardPG-FC107V V VSCSI cardPG-128 -- -- V SCSI-RAID cardPG-142E3-- -- V PG-1852 -- -- V PG-1853 -- -- V PG-1862 -- -- V PG-1882 -- -- V LAN cardPG-1892 -- -- V PG-FC106-- -- V Raiser Card Fibre-Channel cardPG-FC107-- -- VV: Supported --: Not supported- TX200 S2 or RX300 S2If any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the above table is added after system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup. To add a fibre channel card, follow the steps below. Except for a fibre channel card, select "configure."To add a LAN card, configure network settings according to the instructions displayed in the window. Login as a root user at system startup, and perform the operations explained in Section 2.3, "Executing mkinitrd."This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.[A fibre channel card is added](1)If a fibre channel card is added after system installation,kudzu is automatically started at system startup.Always select "ignore ."(2)Add the following line to /etc/modules.conf.If SCSI or SCSI-RAID device is installed in the system,number the end of "scsi_hostadapter", as "2, 3, ...".options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=128 Add- RX200 S2If any of the option cards supported by the models listed in the above table is added after systeminstallation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup.To add a fibre channel card or LAN card, follow the steps below.Except for a fibre channel card and LAN card, select "configure." Login as a root user at system startup, and perform the operations explained in Section 2.3, "Executing mkinitrd."This section explains the operations that enable the system to automatically recognize the added card at each subsequent system startup.[A LAN card(PG-1852, PG-1862, PG-1882L or PG-1892L) is added](1)If any of the LAN cards supported by the models listed in the above table is addedafter system installation, kudzu is automatically started at system startup.Always select " ignore."(2)Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf.[ PG-1852, PG-1853L,PG-1892L, or PG-1882L]alias eth0 e1000alias eth1 e1000alias eth2 e1000 <--- Add[ PG-1862]alias eth0 e1000alias eth1 e1000alias eth2 e1000 <--- Addalias eth3 e1000 <--- Add(3)Set up the network.[ PG-1852, ,PG-1853L ,PG-1892L, or PG-1882L]# netconfig -d eth0# netconfig -d eth1# netconfig -d eth2[ PG-1862]# netconfig -d eth0# netconfig -d eth1# netconfig -d eth2# netconfig -d eth3[A fibre channel card is added](1)If a fibre channel card is added after system installation,kudzu is automatically started atsystem startup.Always select "ignore ."(2)Add the following line to /etc/modules.conf.If SCSI or SCSI-RAID device is installed in the system,number the end of "scsi_hostadapter",as "2, 3, ...".options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=128 Add2.3 Executing mkinitrd(1) Create initrd by executing the mkinitrd command.Create initrd by executing the mkinitrd command according to the kernel used.* Enter the following command to check the kernel used:# uname -rCommand execution examples are shown below.[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL (kernel for a single CPU)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL[2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp (kernel for multi-CPUs)]# cp /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp.img.bak# mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp.img 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL smp(2) Restart the system.Restart the system as follows:# shutdown -r now3. Others3.1 Sound FunctionNo sound function is supported.3.2 PCI Hot Plug FunctionThe PCI hot plug function is not supported.3.3 Usable KernelsThe kernels that can be used vary depending on the hardware conditions.See the table below for the kernels that can be used.Note that middleware specifications might limit the kernel to be selected. In this case, select the kernel in accordance with the middleware specifications.Hardware conditionsKernel to be selectedMemory Number of logical CPUs (*1)for single CPU1CPU Kernel Up to 4 GB2 or more CPUs Kernel for multi-CPUMore than 4 GB and up to 8 GB No conditions Kernel for multi-CPU(*1) Even when only one CPU is installed, the number of logical CPUs is 2if Hyper Threading = Enabled.3.4 Distribution LimitationsOperation is not guaranteed if one of the following CPU, memory, and file system limitations is exceeded:Maximum number of logical CPUs: 16Maximum memory size: 8 GBFile system: Less than 1 TB3.5 Installation ProcedureFor information on the procedure for installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86), see the Installation Procedure included in the "Installation Kit" downloaded from Download Search.Attachment Outline of Global Array Manager Client Installation* Perform this operation only when an onboard SCSI-RAID or a SCSI-RAID card (PG-140D1 or PG-142E3) are mounted.* GAM-Client runs on Windows2000 and Windows2003. Prepare a management Windows system.1. Insert the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive in the management Windows system.2. Execute setup.exe in RHEL3¥UTY¥GAM¥Windows on the driver CD.3. When the "Welcome" window is displayed, click "Next."4. The "Software License Agreement" window is displayed. Read the statements and click "Yes" if youaccept the terms of this agreement.5. The "Select Components" window (Figure 1) is displayed. Confirm that the check box before "GlobalArray Manager Client" is selected. Clear the "Global Array Manager Server" and "SAN Array Manager Client" check boxes, and click "Next."Figure 1* "SAN Array Manager Client" is not supported. Do not install it.6.The "Choose Destination Location" window is displayed.Click "Browse," specify the location that you want as the installation destination, and click "Next."* If GAM-Client is already installed, a message confirmingwhether to overwrite is displayed. Click "OK" to continue.7. A dialog box for specifying the GAM-Client installation destination is displayed. Click "Next." and thesetup program starts copying files.8. The "Setup Complete" window is displayed.Click "Finish" to exit the GAM-Client installation wizard.-- END --。
目录1 Chapter (2)2 Chapter (6)3 Chapter (16)4 Chapter (24)5 Chapter (32)6 Chapter (41)7 Chapter (47)Love Or Money爱情与金钱1 Chapter1The Clarkson family lived in the country near Cambridge,about half a mile from the nearest village and about a mile from the river.They had a big,old house with a beautiful garden,a lot of flowers and many old.trees.克拉克森家住在剑桥附近的乡下,离最近的村庄约有半英里路,距离河有1英里左右。
One Thursday morning in July,Jackie came in from the garden.She was a tall,fat woman,thirty years old.It was the hottest day of the year,but she wore a warm brown skirt and yellow shirt.She went into the kitchen to get a drink of water.Just then the phone rang.7月的一个星期四早上,杰基从花园进了屋。
'Cambridge 1379,'Jackie said.“剑桥1379号,”杰基说。
'Hello.This is Diane.I want to talk to Mother.'“你好!我是黛安娜。
1--Silver.Theory in Relation to Research and Practice
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Chapter 1 Theory in Relation to Research and Practice
Why do peoplc bt!hoveωthey do? lI avf." they Ilt'cn comlltloned to re5pond automatlcally to certaln 5timuli-叫ðr are they unwittingly 5ublimatIng impul5e5 to gratlfy the Id? Are they moved lJy an extemal force-or do they value partlcular ohjective5 thaat they !leek to attaln? Are they driven byneeds-40r doother peoplemmpel themp Or is them m eEphnation at a11 lòr human behavior? What 15 an organI7.atlon? b It a pattem of relatlonshlps among people-or a random collectlvlty of 0咱,anlsms? 15 ft a soclal Imperatlve 币Jr survival一or an ol'Cld(mt of "fstorvP Is It a lucus of h " ,nan gJ1JWth-or a constralnt on personlll fì-eedom P Is It 11 product of natural evolutfon_-or a p'琶dctermlned furm of life? Or Is lt nothlng In particular that can bc
"--John Aculley"……这是一部技术力作。
"--Ed Yourdon 内容与特色:汤普金斯先生是一位体会丰富的项目经理,却也难免被炒鱿鱼的命运。
356 6(1)(2) (3)(5)(3) (2)(1)6 (3)(2)6 (3)(2)6 53 356 6(1)(2) (3)(5)(3) (2)(1)6 (3)(2)6 (3)(2)6 56 356 56 756 523 356 56(1)753 356 56 756 523 32[6] 32[6] 56 356 56 756 523 356 56(1)753 356 56 756 523 32[6] 32[6] 56 (3)(2)6 (3)(2)6 56运命と恋心:26543212 67(1)(1)7656 26543212 23432132456(1)7656465 456(1)(3)(1)76 456(1)7656465 23434545626543212 67(1)(1)7656 26543212 23432132慕情:3 235 423 235 42321<6> <5><6><7><6><5><3><6><7>123 235 423 235 42321<6> <5><6><7><6><5><6><6><7>123 235 423 235 42321<6> <5><6><7><6><5><3><6><7>123 235 423 235 42321<6> <5><6><7><6><5><6>《银之意志,金之翼》——剑帝的角色歌,游戏中由小提琴演奏(其实是合成音乐),相信玩过游戏的朋友都熟悉这首歌吧?其实还有一个慢节奏的,3rd中,与剑帝决战之后便出现的那首,旋律一样,就是节奏变慢了。
impact upon documentation. 2. The enhancements and corrections described in this section are only available
Chapter 19, ″SCLM macros″ v FLMCNTRL macro v FLMALTC macro
Additional parameters for GETBLDMP SCLM service.
See changes marked with a change bar (″|″) in these sections:
after applying the listed APARs.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 2008
vi Addendum to the SCLM documentation
PTF/APAR documentation changes
There are no PTF/APAR documentation changes contained in this Addendum.
Chapter 16. ″Invoking the SCLM Services″ ISPF Variables
Chapter 17. ″SCLM Services″ GETBLDMP
SCLM Messages and Codes V1 R9 (SC34-4815-07)
Cross-dependency database.
铁路货运供应链物流管理SCLM整体解决方案关键字:铁路货场铁路物流供应链管理供应链物流SCLM 铁路货运信息化供应链物流管理(Supply Chain Logistics Management,简称SCLM),是指以供应链核心产品或者核心业务为中心的物流管理体系。
COMMENTS CONCERNING SOME REVISED/ CORRECTED TEXTS PUBLISHED IN SUPPLEMENT 5.5Here follows information concerning certain technical modifications to some revised/corrected texts adopted by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission at the June 2005 session. This information completes the modifications indicated by lines in the margin in the supplement. Therefore, the information below is not necessarily exhaustive.ANALYTICAL METHODS2.4.29. Composition of fatty acids in oils rich in omega-3-acidsIn the test for system suitability, as in the case of thetest for oligomers in the omega-3-acid ethyl esters 90 monograph, the fi rst 3 requirements are consideredsuffi cient; the 4th requirement is not routinely performed by the producers who proposed the test, and is deleted. 2.6.15. Prekallikrein activatorThis general chapter has been revised based on the outcome of the international collaborative study BSP049 organised by the EDQM, to mention that a microtitre plate-based method, which is nowadays the most frequently used, may also be used instead of methods using autoanalysers, which were more appropriate whena large number of samples had to be analysed.2.6.21. Nucleic acid amplifi cation techniquesThis general chapter has been revised to makeit applicable to new applications such as the testfor mycoplasmas (see revised chapter 2.6.7) anda quantitative test system used to control anti-Dplasma for B19 virus (see monograph Human anti-D immunoglobulin (0557)).2.6.22. Activated coagulation factorsThis general chapter has been revised together with general chapters 2.7.11 and 2.7.22 to:— change protamine sulphate R to being an example of a suitable substance to neutralise the heparin;— replace the reference to cephalin R and platelet substitute R, which were obsolete, by a phospholipid preparation to act as a platelet substitute.2.7.4. Assay of human coagulation factor VIIIThe assay of human coagulation factor VIII using a chromogenic substrate was fi rst included in the European Pharmacopoeia in 1993, replacing the two-stage assay,in line with the recommendation of the Scientifi cand Standardisation Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SSC ISTH). Commercial kits are used for the assay and the description of the method is generic to allow the use of all currently available kits with acceptable performance. The revision brings no essential major changes to the method. Work has been carried out recently to defi ne critical aspects of the method, particularly with respect to B domain-deleted factor VIII. Problems encountered with the latter product are best resolved by the useof a B domain-deleted factor VIII reference standardfor routine assay. The experimental work carried out recently indicates that it is best for these products to halt factor Xa generation when the factor Xa concentration has reached approximately 50 per cent of the maximum (plateau) level. Furthermore, since it has been shown that, from a statistical point of view, the potency found with independent or serial dilutions is not signifi cantly different, independent dilutions are no longer required. 2.7.11. Assay of human coagulation factor IXThis general chapter has been revised to:— mention factor IX-defi cient plasma as a predilution medium, since this is used routinely;— allow the use of commercial APTT reagents and omit the reference to cephalin-based reagents, which are now obsolete.2.7.21. Assay of human von Willebrand factorThis general chapter has been revised to improve and supplement the description of ristocetin cofactor activity, and in particular to introduce general statements on quantitative assays. Furthermore, since it has been shown that, from a statistical point of view, the potency found with independent or serial dilutions is not signifi cantly different, independent dilutions are no longer required. 2.7.22. Assay of human coagulation factor XIThe general chapter has been revised to:— mention factor XI-defi cient plasma as a predilution medium since this is used routinely;— allow the use of commercial APTT reagents and omit the reference to cephalin-based reagents, which are now obsolete.5.10. Control of impurities in substances for pharmaceutical useThe section on Interpretation of the test for related substances in the monographs on active substances has been modifi ed to replace the examples by a decision tree, which better illustrates the interpretation of monographs.^_^ ---VACCINES FOR HUMAN USEDOSAGE FORMSGENERAL MONOGRAPHSSubstances for pharmaceutical use (2034)In the section dealing with related substances, the possibility of exemptions to the general provisions has been introduced, since it is now seen to be appropriate to make exceptions in some specifi c monographs.The section on residual solvents has been modifi ed tostate explicitly that the content of residual solvents is taken into account for calculation of specifi c optical rotation and specifi c absorbance.Capsules (0016)In order to take account of the new harmonised chapteron Disintegration, adaptations have been introduced to the relevant sections.Ear preparations (0652)The test for Deliverable mass or volume has been the cause of some misunderstanding amongst users: it was not a quality control test, and aimed only to ensure that the fi lling was such that the labelled dose could be withdrawn; furthermore, it has been considered to be vague and impractical. It has therefore been replaced by an additional sentence under Production.Liquid preparations for cutaneous application (0927)Liquid preparations for oral use (0672)The test for Deliverable mass or volume has been the cause of some misunderstanding amongst users: it was not a quality control test, and aimed only to ensure that the fi lling was such that the labelled dose could be withdrawn; furthermore, it has been considered to be vague and impractical. It has therefore been replaced by an additional sentence under Production.Rectal preparations (1145)The test for deliverable mass or volume has been the cause of some misunderstanding amongst users: it was not a quality control test, and aimed only to ensure that the fi lling was such that the labelled dose could be withdrawn; furthermore, it has been considered to be vague and impractical. It has therefore been replaced by an additional sentence under Production.Also, in order to take account of the new harmonised chapters on Dissolution and Disintegration, adaptations have been introduced to the relevant sections.Semi-solid preparations for cutaneous application (0132)The test for deliverable mass or volume has been the cause of some misunderstanding amongst users: it was not a quality control test, and aimed only to ensure that the fi lling was such that the labelled dose could be withdrawn; furthermore, it has been considered to be vague and impractical. It has therefore been replaced by an additional sentence under Production.Tablets (0478)This monograph was published in Pharmeuropa 15.2 and 16.2 for enquiry related to uniformity of subdivided tablets and to oral lyophilisates. Due to the comments received, it was necessary to carry out a new enquiry as regards oral lyophilisates (Pharmeuropa 17.4). As regards subdivision of tablets, uniformity of mass is now tested on 30 parts; no 2nd test is required in case of failure. This revision is the result of the enquiry and the study performed by the OMCLs on the basis of Pharmeuropa 16.2. This text also takes into account the new harmonised chapters on Disintegration and Dissolution.Vaginal preparations (1164)The test for deliverable mass or volume has been the cause of some misunderstanding amongst users: it was not a quality control test, and aimed only to ensure that the fi lling was such that the labelled dose could be withdrawn; furthermore, it has been considered to be vague and impractical. It has therefore been replaced by an additional sentence under Production.Also, in order to take account of the new harmonised chapters on Dissolution and Disintegration, adaptations have been introduced to the relevant sections.Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (adsorbed) (2150)The monograph has been revised to clarify that the test for sterility that is carried out on intermediates (the pneumococcal polysaccharides, the carrier protein and the monovalent bulk conjugate) uses 10 ml for each medium or the equivalent of 100 doses, whichever is less. Furthermore, it harmonises this monograph with the monograph on Meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine (2112).^_^---MONOGRAPHSAluminium hydroxide, hydrated, for adsorption (1664) Based on batch data, the limit for iron has been increased from 10 ppm to 15 ppm.Beclometasone dipropionate, anhydrous (0654) Beclometasone dipropionate monohydrate (1709) Following the establishment of beclometasone dipropionate for system suitability CRS and beclometasone dipropionate for peak identifi cation CRS, the identifi cation of impurities D and M has beenmodifi ed. In addition, relative retentions of the other detectable impurities have been deleted according to usual practice.Benzyl alcohol (0256)In the test for residue on evaporation, the temperatureof 100 °C indicated for evaporation on a water-bath was too low in view of the boiling point of benzyl alcohol (205 °C), therefore the evaporation method has been changed.In the assay, it is now specifi ed that the mixture is heated on a water-bath.Digoxin (0079)This monograph has been revised to replace the TLCtest for related substances by LC and to replace the assay with an LC test using the same system. For this product of natural origin having a complex impurity profi le, it has not proved possible to apply the general policy for impurities shown in the monograph on Substances for Pharmaceutical Use (2034). It has been necessary to give an acceptance criterion equivalent to 0.2 per cent for “any other impurities”. An acceptance criterion for the sum of impurities (specifi ed and unspecifi ed) has been defi ned and in order to provide a further degree of control, an acceptance criterion for the subtotal of unspecifi ed impurities has been added.Dipivefrine hydrochloride (1719)The following changes have been made:— an increase in the amount of concentrated ammonia solution used in the mobile phase to improve the symmetry of the peaks;— the introduction of a higher upper limit for the symmetry factor in the assay, i.e. 2.0 for the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with referencesolution (c).Evening primrose oil, refi ned (2104)The unsaponifi able matter is largely composed of natural vitamins. It is therefore desirable that the oil is smoothly refi ned so that the unsaponifi able matter remains rather high. Based on batch data, the limit for unsaponifi able matter has been increased from 2.0 per cent to 2.5 per cent. Gemfi brozil (1694)Following a study in the EDQM laboratory, method C has been replaced by method F in the test for heavy metals. Furthermore, impurity D has been corrected.Glutathione (1670)Following the establishment of the CRS for glutathione, several batches have been tested and it appeared that the limits for impurity D and for the total of impurities were too strict. These 2 limits have therefore been increased. Human coagulation factor XI (1644)This monograph has been revised to harmonise thetotal protein test with other monographs. Reference to general chapter 2.5.33 is not appropriate since 7 different methods are described and it has not been shown that these 7 methods are equivalent. Since the determination of nitrogen by sulphuric acid digestion (Kjeldahl method) is the only method that can be performed without using a reference preparation, this is the method of choice. Indeed, this is a big advantage since results obtainedcan be compared directly. Other methods can also be used provided that they have been validated against the determination of nitrogen by the sulphuric acid digestion method described in the monograph.Ketorolac trometamol (1755)Following a study in the EDQM laboratory, method C has been replaced by method F in the test for heavy metals. Lauroyl macrogolglycerides (1231)Linoleoyl macrogolglycerides (1232)By analogy with the revision made to the monograph Stearoyl macrogolglycerides (1268) in 2004, the conditions used for the test for free glycerol have been modifi ed.Macrogol 20 glycerol monostearate (2044)In the test for hydroxyl value the method has been changed: method A yields better results, within the limits of 65 to 85.Methadone hydrochloride (0408)The silver nitrate titration in the assay has been replaced by the acid-base titration, which is more specifi c as it determines the active moiety; in addition, the titrant is low-cost, odourless, and easy to handle. This titration has been shown to be equivalent to the silver nitrate titration and to the previous perchloric acid titration.Oleoyl macrogolglycerides (1249)By analogy with the revision made to the monograph stearoyl macrogolglycerides (1268) in 2004, the conditions used for the test for free glycerol have been modifi ed.^_^ ---Pancuronium bromide (0681)2 new impurities have been added to the transparency list. Pancuronium bromide and its impurities cannot be analysed by LC because of insuffi cient sensitivity(little or no chromophores). For this reason, the current TLC method has been optimised to allow detection of impurities at 0.1 per cent.Sucrose (0204)As the amount of lead in the test solution is in practice extremely low, the system suitability criterion in the test for lead has been changed.Sumatriptan succinate (1573)As it is diffi cult to obtain samples of the individualimpurities to prepare replacement CRS batches, a method has been developed based on the injection of mixtures of sumatriptan with impurities obtained by evaporation, to identify the specifi ed impurities in the test for impurity A and impurity H and in the test for related substances.NEW : PHARMEUROPA SCIENTIFIC NOTESFor prices and ordering information please consult the catalogue on our internet site • Few Bicyclic Acetals at Reducing End of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins: Might they Restrict Specifi cation of Pharmacopoeia?• The Control of Impurities in Chlortalidone Using a Reversed-Phase Stationary Phase • Factor VIII Test in Reference Preparations: Compensation for Different Dilutions • The Control of Impurities in Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Using a Reversed-Phase Hybrid Stationary Phase• A Precise Colour Determination Method for Tablets - an Application of Instrumental Colour Measurement in the Pharmaceutical Development• Development of an in vivo Test Procedure for the Ease of Breaking of Scored Tablets• Chromogenic Assay of Human Coagulation Factor VIII: Statistical Comparison of 2 Working Dilution Procedures• Impurity Profile of Amino Acids?• Batch Variability of Bacitracin: HPLC versus MEKC • Quality Criteria of Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures: Considerations Regarding Suitable Tests for Homoeopathic Monographs • Instructions for Authors Available now (English only)As from Pharmeuropa 17.4, Scientifi c Notes are principally published in a new publication called Pharmeuropa Scientifi c Notes.Articles published in Pharmeuropa Scientifi c Notes are indexed in the PubMed database of the National Library of Medecine, available on the internet site ().The fi rst edition of Pharmeuropa Scientifi c Notes (Pharmeuropa SN 2005-1) became available in August 2005.This issue is included in the subscription to Pharmeuropa, and is not available separately.SCIENTIFIC NOTES 2005-1________________________________________________________________________________^_^---。
***医院疾病分类规则汇编———根据英文版ICD-10编码规则翻译改编目录CHAPTER I 某些传染病和寄生虫病(A00—B99) (3)CHAPTER II 肿瘤(COO—D48) (4)CHAPTER III 血液与造血器官疾病和某些涉与免疫机制的疾患(D50—D89) (6)CHAPTER IV 内分泌、营养和代谢疾病(E00—E90) (7)CHAPTER V 精神和行为障碍(F00 —F99) (8)CHAPTER VI 精神系统疾病(G00—G99 ) (10)CHAPTER VII 眼和附器疾病(H00—H59) (12)CHAPTER VIII 耳和乳突疾病 (14)CHAPTER IX 循环系统(I00—I99) (15)CHAPTER X 呼吸系统疾病(J00—J99) (20)CHAPTER XI 消化系统疾病(K00—K93) (22)CHAPTER XII 皮肤和皮下组织疾病(L00—L99) (26)CHAPTER XIII 肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾病(M00—M99) . 28CHAPTER XIV 生殖系统疾病(N00—N99) (32)CHAPTER XV 妊娠、分娩和产褥期疾患(O00—O99) (35)CHAPTER XVI 起源于围生期的某些情况(P00—P96) (40)CHAPTER XVII 先天性畸形、变形和染色体异常(Q00—Q99) (42)CHAPTER XVIII 症状、体征、临床和实验室检查的异常发现,不可分类于他处者(R00—R99) (43)CHAPTER ⅩⅨS00-T98 损伤、中毒和外因的某些其它后果 (45)CHAPTER XX 疾病和死亡的外因V01-Y98 (52)CHAPTER XXI 影响健康状态和与保健机构接触的因素(Z00—Z99) (55)笔记 (57)注:特殊组合章 (61)Chapter I 某些传染病与寄生虫病(A00—B99)1、该章是典型的特殊组合章,因为它并不局限地集中于任何一个身体系统。
Rylaze™ (asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi (recombinant)-rywn) (Intramuscular)-E-Document Number: IC-0655 Last Review Date: 12/01/2022Date of Origin: 02/01/2022Dates Reviewed: 02/2022, 05/2022, 12/2022I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for 6 months and may be renewed.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [NDC Unit]:•Rylaze 10 mg/0.5 mL solution in a single-dose vial: 25 vials per 7 daysB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [HCPCS Unit]:•2,500 billable units (250 mg) per weekIII.Initial Approval Criteria 1Coverage is provided in the following conditions:•Patient is at least 1 month of age; ANDUniversal Criteria 1•Patient must not have a history of serious pancreatitis, thrombosis, or hemorrhagic events with prior L-asparaginase therapy; AND•Used as a component of multi-agent chemotherapy; ANDAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)/Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (LBL) † Ф1-3,5•Used as a substitute for E. coli-derived asparaginase (e.g., pegaspargase) in cases of hypersensitivity (e.g., systemic allergic reactions or anaphylaxis) §§ Definition of Hypersensitivity Reactions (CTCAE v5.0) 7,8Allergic Reaction−Grade 1: Systemic intervention not indicated−Grade 2: Oral intervention indicated−Grade 3: Bronchospasm; hospitalization for clinical sequelae; IV intervention indicated−Grade 4: Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated−Grade 5: DeathAnaphylaxis−Grade 1 or 2: N/A−Grade 3: Symptomatic bronchospasm, with or without urticaria; parenteral intervention indicated;allergy-related edema/angioedema; hypotension−Grade 4: Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated−Grade 5: DeathPreferred therapies and recommendations are determined by review of clinical evidence. NCCNcategory of recommendation is taken into account as a component of this review. Regimens deemedequally efficacious (i.e., those having the same NCCN categorization) are considered to betherapeutically equivalent.† FDA Approved Indication(s); ‡ Compendia recommended indication(s); Ф Orphan DrugIV.Renewal Criteria 1Coverage can be renewed based upon the following criteria:•Patient continues to meet universal and other indication-specific relevant criteria such as concomitant therapy requirements (not including prerequisite therapy), performancestatus, etc.identified in section III; AND•Disease stabilization or improvement as evidenced by a complete response [CR] (i.e., morphologic, cytogenetic or molecular complete response CR), complete hematologicresponse or a partial response by CBC, bone marrow cytogenic analysis, QPCR, or FISH;AND•Absence of unacceptable toxicity from the drug. Examples of unacceptable toxicity include:severe hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis, pancreatitis, thrombosis,hemorrhage, hepatotoxicity, etc.V.Dosage/Administration 1All Indications When replacing a long-acting asparaginase product, there are two Rylaze regimens that can be used. (See table below for duration of administration as a replacement therapy).•Rylaze 25 mg/m2 administered intramuscularly every 48 hours; OR •Rylaze 25 mg/m2 administered intramuscularly on Monday and Wednesday morning, and 50 mg/m2 on Friday afternoon (Administer the Friday afternoon dose 53 to 58 hours after the Wednesday morning dose (e.g., 8:00 am on Monday and Wednesday, and 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Friday)RYLAZE™ -E- (asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi recombinant-When RYLAZE is Administered: Recommended Duration ofRYLAZE to ReplaceCalaspargase Pegol ProductsRecommended Duration ofRYLAZE to ReplacePegaspargase Products25 mg/m2 intramuscular every 48 hours Replace one dose ofcalaspargase pegol productswith 11 doses of RYLAZEReplace one dose ofpegaspargase products with7 doses of RYLAZE25 mg/m2 intramuscular on Monday morning and Wednesday morning, and 50 mg/m2 intramuscular on Friday afternoon Replace one dose ofcalaspargase pegol productswith 9 doses of RYLAZEReplace one dose ofpegaspargase products with6 doses of RYLAZEVI.Billing Code/Availability InformationHCPCS Code:•J9021 – Injection, asparaginase, recombinant, (rylaze), 0.1 mg; 1 billable unit = 0.1 mgNDC(s):•Rylaze 10 mg/0.5 mL solution in a single-dose vial: 68727-0900-xxVII.References (STANDARD)1.Rylaze [package insert]. Palo Alto, CA; Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; November 2022.Accessed November 2022.2.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) for Asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi (recombinant)-rywn. NationalComprehensive Cancer Network, 2022. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work ofthe NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®,and NCCN GUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive CancerNetwork, Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to . Accessed November 2022.3.Pieters R, Hunger SP, Boos J, et al. L-asparaginase treatment in acute lymphoblasticleukemia: a focus on Erwinia asparaginase. Cancer. 2011 Jan 15; 117(2): 238–249.4.Raetz EA, Salzer WL. Tolerability and Efficacy of L-Asparaginase Therapy in PediatricPatients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology:October 2010 - Volume 32 - Issue 7 - p 554-563 doi: 10.1097/MPH.0b013e3181e6f0035.Maese L, Rau RE, Raetz EA, et al. A phase II/III study of JZP-458 in patients with acutelymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) who are hypersensitive to E.coli-derived asparaginases. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2020.38.15_suppl.TPS7568 Journal of Clinical Oncology 38, no. 15_suppl6.Lin T, Hernandez-Illas M, Rey A, Jenkins J, et al. A Randomized Phase I Study to Evaluatethe Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Recombinant Erwinia Asparaginase (JZP-RYLAZE™ -E- (asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi recombinant-458) in Healthy Adult Volunteers. Clin Transl Sci. 2021 May;14(3):870-879. doi:10.1111/cts.12947. Epub 2021 Mar 23.7.Stock W, Douer D, DeAngelo DJ, et al. Prevention and management ofasparaginase/pegasparaginase-associated toxicities in adults and older adolescents:recommendations of an expert panel. Leuk Lymphoma 2011:52;2237-2253.mon Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0. NIH National CancerInstitute: Division of Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis – Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program.Available at:https:///protocoldevelopment/electronic_applications/ctc.htm#ctc_50VIII.References (ENHANCED)1e.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCN Compendium®) for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Version 1.2022. NationalComprehensive Cancer Network, 2022. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work ofthe NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®,and NCCN GUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive CancerNetwork, Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go onlineto . Accessed November 2022.2e.Vrooman LM, Kirov II, Dreyer ZE, et al. Activity and Toxicity of Intravenous Erwinia Asparaginase Following Allergy to E. coli-Derived Asparaginase in Children andAdolescents With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016Feb;63(2):228-33. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25757. Epub 2015 Sep 16.3e.Magellan Health, Magellan Rx Management. Rylaze Clinical Literature Review Analysis.Last updated November 2022. Accessed November 2022.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesC83.50 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified siteC83.51 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neckC83.52 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodesC83.53 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodesC83.54 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limbC83.55 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limbC83.56 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodesC83.57 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, spleenC83.58 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sitesC83.59 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sitesRYLAZE™ -E- (asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi recombinant-C91.00 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia not having achieved remissionC91.01 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in remissionC91.02 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in relapseAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and Local Coverage Articles (LCAs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: https:///medicare-coverage-database/search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCD/LCA): N/AJurisdiction Applicable State/US Territory ContractorE (1) CA, HI, NV, AS, GU, CNMI Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLCF (2 & 3) AK, WA, OR, ID, ND, SD, MT, WY, UT, AZ Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC5 KS, NE, IA, MO Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS)6 MN, WI, IL National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)H (4 & 7) LA, AR, MS, TX, OK, CO, NM Novitas Solutions, Inc.8 MI, IN Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS) N (9) FL, PR, VI First Coast Service Options, Inc.J (10) TN, GA, AL Palmetto GBA, LLCM (11) NC, SC, WV, VA (excluding below) Palmetto GBA, LLCL (12) DE, MD, PA, NJ, DC (includes Arlington &Novitas Solutions, Inc.Fairfax counties and the city of Alexandria in VA)K (13 & 14) NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, ME, NH National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)15 KY, OH CGS Administrators, LLCRYLAZE™ -E- (asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi recombinant-。
她眨着眼睛,卷翘的睫毛上下鼓动,不笑的时分,眉眼间蕴着清凉的神-韵。 从电梯反光的镜面,能看到隋谨知眸色渐深,安静地凝视着身边的女孩。 刹那,时浅像是察觉到什么,视界从手机上挪开,但隋谨知现已飞快地移开了目光,仅仅唇边留有一抹浅淡的笑意。 “……怎么了?”她问。
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• Quality Improvement • Cost Reduction • Lead Time Reduction • Delivery/Service Improvement • Technology Gain • Shortened Concept-to-Customer Cycle
• Improved supplier cost productivity
• Committed volumes to allow supplier investment
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Procurement Initiative Marketing Response
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Volume Consolidation/Supply Base Optimization (Buy for Less)
• Increased supplier fixed cost utilization • Capitalize on competitive supply base
Importance of Sourcing
• In the average manufacturing firm purchased goods and services account for 55% of every sales Dollar
• Direct labor costs account for only about 10% of the sales dollar
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Supplier-buyer Integration/ Linked Cost Minimization (Buy Better)
• Improved coordination/forecast accuracy and predictability
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Purchasing vs. Procurement
• Purchasing is normally associated with a functional activity
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Value Management/ Optimization (Consume Better)
• Early supplier involvement in solution design • Reduced complexity/simplified specifications • Increased standardization • Clarified response time objectives • Rationalized requirements • Controlled consumption rates
structure • Leveraged buyer’s share • Enhanced negotiations and contracting
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper. Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Procurement/Sourcing should be viewed as a strategic activity for the business.
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Pre-tax Profit
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Purchasing vs. Sourcing (cont’d)
Purchasing Mentality
One contract at a time Win-lose Immediate returns Secretive Current needs can be met Lowest purchase price Multiple suppliers Infrequent interaction Criticism Buyer-sales relationship Safety in numbers Quality inspected Inventory as safeguard
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Copyright© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Supplier Development Through Procurement
The Marketing Viewpoint
Marketing Initiative Purchasing Response
The Procurement Viewpoint
• Value management/Optimization => “Consume better”
• Sales synergy => “Sell better”
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
Chapter5:ProcurementandManufactur ingStrategies
Supply Chain Logistics Management, First Edition. Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper.
• Optimized logistical flows/value added roles (including outsourcing)
• Streamlined transactional information flow
• Increased and earlier supplier involvement on cost issues