Hyperbole,understatement and pun
文学渊源 Uncle Tom Odyssey A pound of flesh Man Friday 历史渊源 Trojan Horse Byzantine A fifth column
温顺老实的黑人 磨难重重的旅程
合法但有悖清理的要求 忠仆”和“得力助手”
暗藏玄机的战利品 错综复杂
明喻是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进 行对比,表明本体和喻体的相似关系,两者 都在比较中出现,常用比喻词有: like, as, as if, as though, as it were, similar to. Casting him (Russell Crowe) in this(Robin Hood) is like renting a Ferrari for a spin to the corner store. (USA Today, May 15, 2010)
换称的手法如下例: 宗教或神话渊源: Juda-背信弃义,出卖有恩于自己的人 Penelope’s Web—永远不可能完成的事情 Pandora’s Box—造成灾害的根源 Adam’s Apple—男人的喉结 Achilleus’ Heel—致命的弱点 Olive branch—和平与吉祥
I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. Metonymy The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads. Personification You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. Hyperbole He is out visiting the necessary.Euphemism Give me liberty, or give me death. Antithesis
英语常见修辞Figures of Speech 修辞Figures of speech are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。
可分为明喻和暗喻:1)simile(明喻)A simile is a comparison introduced by the words like, as, as…as, as if(though)or other words. It compares two things that differ in most ways, but are strikingly alike in some way.Eg. 1. Leaves drifted down from the maple tree like tiny parachutes.2. The man can't be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel.3. He jumped as if he had been stung.2)metaphor(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlikeelements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.Eg. 1. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.2. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merelyplayers. (William Shakespeare)(整个世界是座舞台,男男女女,演员而已。
高级英语修辞总结HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】Rhetorical Devices一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。
常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。
2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets...德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。
2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。
Hyperbole le & Understatement
(5)Use the prepositional phrase for ) exaggeration
He was such a rich man that his wealth was beyond computation ,almost beyond imagination. 他是如此富有的人以至于他的残 福已经超出计算甚至超乎想象。 she became a celebrity overnight through out the world.她一下变成世界名人。
understatement(含蓄陈述 含蓄陈述) 含蓄陈述
Definition: A figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Contrast with hyperbole.
(2) Use adjectives and adverbs to exaggeration
adjectives and adverbs awfully , dreadfully , extremely , fantastic , terrific ,remarkable use in normal life can improve speakers mental color. I’m dead tired after a whole day’s hard work. 一天的辛勤工作后我快累死了。 The food in that hotel is exceedingly terrible. 那家饭店的食物异常恐怖。
(3) Implication
no direct statement or describe As a matter of fact , Mrs. Packetize implied that she had been blackmailed quite a sum of money.事实上,Packetize太太意味着她被勒 索了相当一笔钱。
1.修辞手法1.Simile 明喻Eg. O my love's like a red,red rose.That man can not be trusted.He is as slippery as an eel 黄鳝She likes an apple in her eyes.2.Metaphor暗喻Eg. The picture of those poor people's lives was carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget it.There was a medieval magnificence about the big dining hall.The street faded into a country road with straggling houses by it.There was a few lordly poplars before the house.All his former joy was drowned in the embarrassment and confusion he was feeling at the moment.Independent would not be a trial seperation,but would be a painful divorce.3.Personification 拟人Eg . Youth is hot and bold,age is weak and cold.The match will soon be over and defeat is staring us in the face.The storm was raging and an angry sea was continuously tossing抛their boat.4.Metonymy 借喻转喻不直接说明而是以另外一个与之相关的事物来说明Sword and cross in hand,the European conquerors fell upon the Americas.When the war was over,he lay down the sword and took up the pen.弃武从文His purse钱包would not allow him that luxuryThe kettle boils 水开了The room sat slient. 全屋人安静的坐着。
一种是五个疑问方式:例如(what, when ,why ,what,where,how)另一种是修辞手法:明喻(simile),暗喻(metaphor),借代(metonymy),双关(pun),拟人(personification),拟物(zoosemy),拟声(onomatopoeia),夸张(hyperbole, exaggeration, overstatement),轻描淡写(understatement),排比(parallelism),反复(repetition),反问(rhetorical question),设问(question),引用(citation, quotation),反语(irony, satire, sarcasm),对比(contrast),头韵(alliteration,)委婉语(euphemism)。
关键词:矛盾修辞法,大学英语教学,语用功能中图分类号: G64 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2012)02(c)-0000-00;1 矛盾修辞法的概念矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron) 源于希腊语oxusmoros 一词,这个词本身就是一种矛盾修辞,因为它的词义为“聪明的愚蠢”。
2 矛盾修辞法的构成矛盾修辞法的特点即在于通过表层含义的自相矛盾和对立来揭示和深化事物内部的和谐统一进而概括事物的本质特征,具备深刻的哲学意味和丰富的感情色彩。
2.1 形容词+名词sweet sorrow 甜蜜的忧愁; glorious defeat 虽败犹荣;eloquent silence 有说服力的沉默2.2 现在分词+名词living death虽生犹死;speaking silence 千言万语的静默;walking dead 行尸走肉2.3 名词+名词a life-and-death struggle 生死悠关; feather of lead 羽毛重似铅铁;miser‟s generosity 吝啬鬼的慷慨大方2.4 形容词+形容词bitter sweet memories 喜忧参半的记忆;the most famous unknown figure 最著名的不为人知的人物;2.5 副词+形容词agreeably surprised 又惊又喜2.6 副词+动词sweetly ache 甜蜜的痛2.7 副词+动词过去分词agreeably graved 悲喜交加3 矛盾修辞法的语用功能矛盾修辞法属于语义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices)的一种,语义修辞格主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法。
2. 用语法手段来体现 (reflected by grammatical means) • a. 比较结构 Comparative Construction e.g. No one was more willing to do a favour for friend or neighbour than he. 他最愿意帮朋友或邻居的忙。
• According to the newspaper, the driver, who was returning from a wedding, seemed puzzled. “I only had two bottle of beer and a cocktail.” 据报道,那位参加完一个婚礼后往回赶的司机 一脸迷惑地说:“我只不过喝了两瓶啤酒,一 杯鸡尾酒罢了。” • 此句话中的seemd puzzled 以及only 把酒后驾车 司机的那种不负责任的态度刻画的淋漓尽致, 令人厌恶。
• Definition: a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force
• A figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis, and therefore the opposite of hyperbole. Often used in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions.
在语言表达的过程中, 人们可以从主观出发, 有意识地将事实夸大, 以达到强调或突出重点。 所以,夸张这一修辞手法往往注重深切情感的 表达, 而不太注重客观事实的记述。夸张的运 用范围较广, 一切无形无色无味的东西, 人类 情感或心态变化, 以及人类触觉和嗅觉所能感 受的一切事物, 均可使用夸张来表达 。同时, 夸张也具有诙谐、幽默、挖苦、讥讽、褒贬等 功用。
Deliberately maximize the importance or play down.故意“夸大其词”,“化小 为大” 把事实夸大,故意言过其实,以达到强调 或突出的效果。
(1)利用数词 ①His eyes fell on the page, but his mind was a million miles away.
(2)We are none of us getting any younger.
二.弱陈法(Meiosis)—以弱说代替强说 用肯定的形式故意轻描淡写,以增强表现力。语气委婉, 力图谨慎,避免绝对化。 (1)That day I had a little trouble with my boss. 我和老板闹翻了。
他的眼睛在书页上,可心思却在十万八千里 之外。 ②I am ten times better than you in handwriting.
2)利用极端概念 ①I’ll keep it a secret till the end of the world. 我将把秘密保持到世界末日. ②I will love you till the seas gone dry, the rocks melt with the sun. 我爱你到海枯石烂。
亲爱的,我将永远爱你, 直到海水全枯竭, 太阳熔化了岩石。 亲爱的,我将永远爱你, 直到我还有一息。 诗中夸张性的言辞表达了主人公对一位姑娘致死不渝 的忠贞爱情;即使所有的海洋枯干了,岩石都被太阳熔化 了,我依然忠于爱情。
修辞例句练习题 学生版
Figures of speechI. Passive Rhetoric Techniques1. Try to shed a few extra pounds?2. Studies show these efforts may shave off the pounds quickly.3. Here are ten simple strategies that can help melt away your fat forever.4. …like a logical way to pee l off a few pounds.5. …roughly the amount needed to burn off one pound.6. You must eat less to lose weight.7. A key obstacle to dropping extra pounds is after-dinner snacking.8. 10 Ways to Lose Pounds.Don’t take the low-fat label as a license to eat.However, there are plenty of people who like tennis. It is the megagame.II. Active Rhetoric Techniques1. Lexical Stylistic Devicessimile (明喻)metaphor(暗喻), metonymy(转喻,借代), synecdoche (提喻), personification(拟人), transferred epithet(移就,移觉,通感), hyperbole(夸张), understatement(低调,含蓄的陈述), euphemism (委婉语), pun(双关), syllepsis(异叙,一语双叙), zeugma(粘连,共轭), paradox(似非而是的隽语), oxymoron: (矛盾修饰法), parody(仿拟,仿辞), anagram (重新组合), epigram (警句),allusion (引喻,典故),antonomasia (换喻), nicknaming (绰号) , irony(反语), innuendo (暗讽)sarcasm (讽刺)2. Syntactical Stylistic Devicesantithesis(反衬,对照), parallelism(平行结构), repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus (回文), climax (渐进,层进), anticlimax(突降)rhetoric question(设问)3. Phonetic Stylistic Devicesalliteration(头韵), onomatopoeia(拟声)e.g.1)He is like a dog with two tails. They live like fighting cocks. I am something of a musician.Carlos Lehder was to cocaine transportation what Henry Ford was to cars.The check fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.2) He is a fox. The world is a stage.It takes two to tango, and the United States has no particular reason to want conclude the bipolar superpower dance that has been going on since 1945.So, during any five-week shape-up, focus more on the tape measure than on the bathroom scale.3) The pen is mightier than the sward. The kettle’s boiling.This old man is very fond of bottles.We’re short of hands.Great minds think alike. He decided to go into the bar after college.4) He has many mouths to feed in his family. My TV is out of order. She was dressed in silks.All the wit and learning of the world were assembled there. She has a smooth tongue.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. He reads Shakespeare.5) The wind whistled through the trees. Necessity is the mother of invention. She is the favored child of Fortune。
3、描景壮物,渲染气氛,给人以深刻印象。 、描景壮物,渲染气氛,给人以深刻印象。 1)Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million ) people will rush at you like pins at magnet. 在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有一千万人向你冲来, 在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有一千万人向你冲来,就像铁屑冲向 磁铁一样。 磁铁一样。
• B. 融合夸张就是借助比喻,比拟,借代等修辞方 法表现出来的夸张。 • For example:there I saw him, lying on his back, with his legs extending to I don’t know where, gurgling taking place in his throat ,stoppages in his nose, and his mouth open like a post office.(在那里我看见他,仰卧 着,腿伸到不知哪儿去了,喉咙里咯咯作响,鼻 子哼唧哼唧的,嘴巴张得大大的就像邮局寄信的 信筒似地。)
1) I was sick of my soul. 我烦得要命。
(五) subjunctive (虚拟语气)
1) A knife could have cut the tension during the seemingly endless trip back to the plantation. (Alex Haley : Roots) 在返回种植园的似乎无穷无尽的征途上,空气紧 张得仿佛可以用刀子切割。 2) Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in churches; they’re afraid God might recognize them and ask for autograph. (Fred Allen) 一些明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳镜,唯恐上帝可 能认出来而要请他们签名。
1.Simile2.Metaphor3.Personification:Kindness is the golden chain by which the world is bound.4.Metonymy:The pen is mightier than the sword.The wolf and the pig mingled together in his face.This is the struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.The hall applauded.5.Synecdoche提喻Great minds think alike.All hands on deck!The boss promised to pay the workmen $200 per head.6.Transferred Epithet修饰语移置a dizzy height.a sleepless bed.The big man crashed down on a protesting chair.a sweet voiceI spoke to them in hesitant French.7.Hyperbole/Overstatement:The most effective water power in the world–women’s tearsHe ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.8.Understatement(低调/含蓄陈述):This problem is not above us.Money is a kind of tight, but I can manage.He is a man not without ambition.9.Onomatopoeia(拟声):Dasi started giggling. Cats mewMagpies chatter.Dogs bow-wow.10.Euphemism:What's the matter with you? You look off color.Senior citizengo westNot all there11.Oxymoron:A cheerful pessimist。
对比修辞手法英语作文Title: A Comparative Analysis of Rhetorical Devices in English Composition。
Rhetorical devices are essential tools for writers to effectively convey their ideas and engage their audience.In English composition, various rhetorical devices are employed to add depth, clarity, and persuasiveness to the text. In this essay, we will compare and contrast several common rhetorical devices, exploring their uses and effects.1. Simile and Metaphor:Similes and metaphors are both figures of speechused to make comparisons. However, they differ in their degree of directness. A simile explicitly compares twounlike things using "like" or "as," while a metaphorimplies the comparison without using these words.Example of simile: "Her laughter was like music tohis ears."Example of metaphor: "Time is a thief, stealing moments from our lives."Similes tend to create vivid imagery by drawing parallels between disparate concepts, while metaphors often evoke deeper meanings and associations, enriching the text with layers of symbolism.2. Alliteration and Assonance:Alliteration involves the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words, whereas assonance involves the repetition of vowel sounds within words.Example of alliteration: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."Example of assonance: "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain."Both techniques contribute to the rhythm and musicality of the language, enhancing the text's auditory appeal. Alliteration can also emphasize key words or phrases, while assonance can create subtle connections between ideas.3. Hyperbole and Understatement:Hyperbole exaggerates or overstates something for emphasis or effect, while understatement deliberately downplays the significance of something.Example of hyperbole: "I've told you a million times."Example of understatement: "It's just a flesh wound," said the knight with a missing arm.Hyperbole is often employed for dramatic or humorous effect, while understatement can create irony or highlight the speaker's restraint or modesty.4. Parallelism and Antithesis:Parallelism involves the repetition of grammatical structures or patterns within a sentence or across sentences, while antithesis juxtaposes contrasting ideas within a parallel grammatical structure.Example of parallelism: "She likes hiking, swimming, and biking."Example of antithesis: "To err is human; to forgive, divine."Parallelism creates a sense of balance and symmetry, reinforcing the coherence and flow of the text. Antithesis, on the other hand, heightens the contrast between ideas, inviting the reader to ponder the relationship between them.5. Anaphora and Epistrophe:Anaphora involves the repetition of a word or phraseat the beginning of successive clauses or sentences, while epistrophe involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses or sentences.Example of anaphora: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets."Example of epistrophe: "Where now? Who now? When now?"Both devices lend rhythm and emphasis to the text, emphasizing key points and creating a sense of unity and coherence.In conclusion, rhetorical devices play a crucial rolein enhancing the effectiveness and impact of English composition. Whether used to create vivid imagery, enhance rhythm and musicality, or emphasize key points, these devices enrich the text and engage the audience on multiple levels. By understanding and utilizing a variety ofrhetorical devices, writers can craft compelling and persuasive compositions that resonate with readers.。
关键词:英语修辞大学英语写作应用1.英语修辞与写作美国语言学家brooks和warren在他们合著的《现代修辞学》(“modern rhetoric”)一书中说:“修辞学是有效地使用语言的艺术(rhetoric is the art of using language effectively)。
2.1.1词义修辞(lexical stylistic devices)词义修辞是主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法,主要包括:明喻(simile)、暗喻(metaphor)、转喻(metonymy)、拟人(personification)、反语(irony)、夸张(hyperbole)、矛盾(oxymoron)、低调(understatement)、委婉语(euphemism)、移就(transferred epithet)、双关(pun)、隽语(paradox)、通感(synaesthesia)、典故(allusion)等。
• 3)形容词或副词。利用形容词和副词进行夸 张多见于日常生活会话
• --How are you? • ---Awfully well, thanks.
• ----Do you like your house? ----Oh,fearfully.
• ----Won’t you come and see it? • 用形容词或副词进行夸张轻易与用形容词或
• 她不是真旳怕野兽,而是不乐旨在她酬 劳之外多出一丁点力。
• 在体现“不愿多出一丁点力”旳意思时, 用an atom (像一粒原子那样微力)这么 一种名词,可谓别出心裁,态度极为鲜 明。
• Miss Sharp (the suspect) browed her head, and had never uttered a syllable.
• Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet.
•在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有 1,000万人向你冲来,就像铁屑冲向磁铁 一样。(作者用two minutes 和 ten million 两个数字夸张地描绘了上海人口 之多,交通之繁忙。)
• 1、用词汇手段表达夸张 • 夸张能够经过数词、形容词、副词、名
• 1)数词 用数词对事实进行渲染、夸张, 是英语夸张修辞格最常用旳措施之一。
• He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.
作文句子原创手写模板英文回答:In the realm of literature, words have the power to captivate, inspire, and evoke profound emotions. As an aspiring writer, crafting original and evocative sentencesis an essential skill in the pursuit of creating compelling narratives and engaging readers. Here are some hand-written templates and examples to guide you in your journey towards sentence-smithing excellence:1. Sensory Details:Immerse your readers in the sensory world by employing vivid descriptions that appeal to the five senses.Template: In the dimly lit room, the stale scent of old books mingled with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee, tantalizing my nostrils.Example: "The air was thick with the pungent sweetness of jasmine blossoms, intoxicating my senses and filling me with a sense of tranquility."2. Metaphors and Similes:Draw comparisons and create vivid imagery through the use of metaphors and similes.Template: Time slithered by like a serpent, its coils enveloping me in its relentless embrace.Example: "Her laughter was like a cascade of silver bells, filling the room with an ethereal melody that lifted my spirits."3. Figurative Language:Enhance the impact of your writing by incorporating figurative language such as hyperbole, understatement, and personification.Template: The mountain towered over me, an unyielding sentinel guarding the secrets of the ages.Example: "The storm raged with such fury that it seemed as if the heavens themselves were weeping in despair."4. Active Voice:Use active voice to make your sentences more dynamic and engaging.Template: The boy chased the ball across the field, his legs pounding the ground with determination.Example: "The wind howled through the trees, tearing at their branches like a ravenous beast."5. Parallelism:Create rhythm and flow in your writing through the use of parallelism, where similar structures are used in consecutive clauses or sentences.Template: The stars twinkled above me, distant and enigmatic, their celestial dance continuing regardless of my earthly concerns.Example: "With every step, I felt the weight of my past both behind me and within me, an oppressive force that threatened to consume me."6. Rhythm and Flow:Pay attention to the rhythm and flow of your sentences by varying sentence length and incorporating pauses.Template: Silence enveloped the forest, broken only by the occasional cry of a bird or the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.Example: "The rain fell in torrents, the relentless drumming against the roof creating a symphony of nature's fury."7. Emotional Impact:Engage your readers on an emotional level by using language that evokes feelings and creates an immersive experience.Template: The sight of the abandoned child tugged at my heartstrings, stirring within me a deep sense of compassion and an overwhelming urge to help.Example: "The words cut through me like a knife, their sharpness leaving a wound that would linger long after the echo of his voice faded."中文回答:1. 感官描写:通过生动的描绘,让读者沉浸在感官世界中,唤醒五种感官。
• 垃圾山,垃圾山,害的居民苦不堪,不知 几何搬?臭水流,臭水流,流到大街小巷 头,行人个个愁! • 作用:通过语句的反复与押韵,以及语句 错落有致而紧凑的排列,使句子有一种抑 扬顿挫和琅琅上口的节奏美感。
• 消极修辞主要用于科学、公文和其他诠释 性语言文字。因为这一类语言文字不允许 有丝毫的模糊和歧解。 • 其实,消极修辞不唯概念性文字所专用, 也适用于一切语言。因为无论什么语言文 字,都首先必须是准确的,然后才能谈及 形象、生动等等。因此可以说,消极修辞 是一种普遍使用的修辞方法,是积极修辞 的基础。
Active Rhetoric Techniques
积极修辞指的是以比喻为首的各式各样的修辞,即“修辞格”。通过比喻、 拟人排比等修辞格的选用,使文章富有表现力。常见分类如下:
• 1. 词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices) metaphor(比喻), metonymy(借代), personification(拟 人), irony(反语), hyperbole(夸张), understatement(低 调), euphemism(委婉语), contrast(对照), oxymoron (矛盾修辞法), transferred epithet(移就), pun(双关), syllepsis(异叙), zeugma(粘连), parody(仿拟), paradox(隽语) • 2. 结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices) repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus (回文), parallelism(平行结构), antithesis(反对), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降) • 3. 音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices) alliteration(头韵), rhyme(尾韵),onomatopoeia(拟声)
什么是低调陈述Understatementis a form of speech which contains an expression of less strength than would beexpected. This is not to be confused witheuphemism, where a polite phrase is usedin place of aharsher or more offensive expression.低调陈述英语解释为understatementUnderstatement is the opposite of overstatement in that it misrepresents the truth by deliberatelyunderstating it as opposed to exaggerating it.简单来说,低调陈述与夸张正好相反。
如:the face wasn't a bad one; it had what they called charm.这个句子中,the face wasn't a bad one就是采用了低调陈述的手法,实际意思就是:the face wasa very good one.就像中文中有人问起自己妻子的相貌,丈夫会谦虚的说:不丑。
明抑暗扬的understatement(低调陈述)先看《大学英语·精读》第四册七单元课文中有这样一句话:We are none of us getting any younger.我们都不年轻啦。
这个句子通过对younger的否定来表示对该词的反义词older的肯定,其本意是:We are bothof us getting much old.这是英语中常见的一种修辞方法,称之为understatement(低调陈述)。
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– How are you? Awfully well, thanks.
• 利用介词短语表示
– Here the wealth was beyond computation, beyond imagination.
英语Hyperbole(夸张)一词源于希腊语的huperbole,原意为 excess(超过)。这是一种故意夸大其词或言过其实 (overstatement)的修辞手法,其特点是对表达对象进行有 违常识或不合逻辑的夸张性描写,以此来取得强烈的修辞效果。 试比较以下例句: ①He ran down the avenue, making a loud noise. He ②He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop. 显而易见,例①为一般性描写,而例②则属夸张性描写,远比 例①生动形象,使人有如临其境,如闻其声之感。
Hyperbole 夸张
• A figure of speech that deliberately uses exaggeration in order to give emphasis. --- The Cassell Dictionary of Literary and Language Terms • Exaggeration for effect, not mean to be taken literally. --- The Webster’s Ninth New World Dictionary
• 用虚拟语气表示
– ①A knife could have cut the tension during the seemingly endless trip back to the plantation. (Alex Haley: Roots) – 在返回种植园的似乎无穷无尽的征途上,空气紧张得 仿佛可以用刀子切割。 – ②Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in churches; they’re afraid God might recognize them and ask for autograph. (Fred Allen) – 有些电影连在教学里也戴上太阳镜,唯恐上帝可能认 出来而要请他们签名。
– A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. (Mark Twain)
• 当真理刚刚穿上鞋子,谎言就可能已经走了半个世界。 • 该句为夸张与拟人两辞格的兼用。
– It was so hot at noon that the leaves had to gasp for breath.
• 夏普小姐低着头,一个字也不说。 (缩小夸张)
– I’ve not had a wink of sleep these last two nights.
• 这两天晚上我一直没合眼。(缩小夸张)
• 用形容词或副词表示
– Everyone bowed, including the Westerners. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.
• 每个人都鞠躬,连在场的西方人也不例外。在日本只需呆3天,脊椎 就变得异常灵活。
– Divorce has become a lucrative process, simple to arrange and easy to forget; and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures. ( Roald Dahl: Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s coat)
– ②She has that everlasting rotation of tongue, that an echo must wait till she dies before it can catch her last words. (w. Congreve) – 由于她的话真是说个不停,连回声也得等到她 死才可以抓到她的最后的话。
• 随其(指“前苏联”)解体后,预算缩减和食品短缺已经学生地打击 了俄罗斯这个新生国家——而且物价高涨,直冲九霄。
– We not only saw but heard it: the report positively reverberated down the Rhine. (George B. Shaw)
• 每个人都拼命鼓掌。
• 用名词或名词短语表示
– It’s a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day.
• 今天阳光明媚,躲在家中实在太遗憾了。 • a crime = a great pity,表示“遗憾之极”的意思。
– Falstaff: I was beaten myself into all the colours of rainbow… (William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Winsor)
• 她倒并非真正害怕那只老虎,而是绝对不愿多做一丁点儿没有 报酬的事。(缩小夸张)
• 夸张与其它辞格的混合运用
– Noise proves nothing: often a hen who has merely laid an egg clucks as if she had laid an asteroid. (Mark Twain) – 嗓子太证明不了什么事情:一只生下一个蛋的母鸡也 常会咯咯叫,像是生下了小行星似的。 – Miss Bolo went straight home iБайду номын сангаас a flood of tears and sedan chair. (Charles Dickens) – 波洛小姐泪如涌泉,坐了轿子径直回家去了。
• 用形容词比较级和最高级表示
– The most effective water power in the world— women’s tears. (Wilson Mizner)
• 世界上最有效的水力是——女人的眼泪。
– She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body. (Jonathan Swift)
• 她小指中的美德比他全身的美德还要多。
– She was not actually nervous about the beast, but she did not wish to perform an atom more service than she had been paid for. (Saki: Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger)
• a flood of tears 既是夸张,又是隐喻,还与其后的and a sedan chair构成一笔双述,相映成趣。
– A drop of ink may make a million think. (George G Byron)
• 一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。 • 该句含有缩小夸张,而且与借代和对照三格并用,妙不可言。
• 比较以下例句可看出两者的特点:
– ①His eloquence would split rocks! – 他的雄辩之威之利,能劈磐石。 – ②It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. – 骆驼负载过重,加根草就能把它压死。
• 例①为扩大夸张;例②则是缩小夸张。
• Hyperbole多见于文学作品中,但日常口语里也常 有运用。例如,①Haven’t seen you for ages. ②I could sleep for a year. ③We’re all tired to death. 等等。就性质而言,英语夸张可分为两类,即扩 大夸张(Extended Hyperbole)和缩小夸张 (Reduced Hyperbole).前者将描写对象的形象、 数量、作用、程度等特征性的东西说得特别高、 特别大;后者正相反,即把描写对象的形象、数 量、作用、程度等特征性的东西说得特别低、特 别小。
• 用数词表示
– This made him roar like a thousand bulls. (George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss) 这使他像千牛怒吼一般咆哮起来。 – One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. (George Herbert) 一个父亲的作用大于100个教师。 100 – I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love make up my sum. (William Shakespeare: Hamlet) 我爱奥菲利娅:40000个兄弟的爱合起来,还抵不过我对她的爱。 – In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest. 站在被告席上,她感到万箭穿心。
• 用动词短语表示
– In its wake, budget cuts and food shortages have hit the new nation of Russia—and prices have shot out of this world. (Newsweek, Feb. 17, 1992)