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1. Secretary-General’s Message on World Refugee Day


New York, 20 June 2013


The number of forcibly displaced people in the world continues to rise. There are now more than 45 million refugees and internally displaced people – the highest level in nearly 20 years. Last year alone, someone was forced to abandon their home every four seconds.

世界上被强迫流离失所者的人数持续增加。目前有4 500多万难民和境内流离失所者——这是近20年来的最高数字。仅在去年,每四秒钟就有一人被迫离开自己的家园。

War remains the dominant cause, with the crisis in Syria a leading instance of major displacement. More than half of all refugees listed in a new report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees come from just five war-affected countries: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and Sudan. Major new displacements have also been occurring in Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Figures give only a glimpse of this enormous human tragedy. Every day, conflict tears apart the lives of thousands of families. They may be forced to leave loved ones behind or become separated in the chaos of war. Children suffer the most. Nearly half of all refugees are below age 18, and a growing number are fleeing on their own.


Forced displacement also has a significant economic, social and, at times, political impact on the communities that provide shelter. There is a growing and deep imbalance in the burden of hosting refugees, with poor countries taking in the vast majority of the world‘s uprooted people. Developing countries host 81 per cent of the world‘s refugees, compared to 70 per cent a decade ago.


Finding durable solutions for the displaced will require more solidarity and burden-sharing by the international community. On World Refugee Day, I call on the international community to intensify efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to help achieve peace and security so that families can be reunited and refugees can return home.


2. Secretary-General’s Message on World Environment Day


5 June 2014


―Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level‖


World Environment Day 2014 falls during the International Year of Small Island Developing States, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of the special needs of this diverse coalition as part of the global discussion on how to achieve a sustainable future for all.

在为所有人建设一个可持续未来的全球讨论中,联合国大会宣布2014年为小岛屿发展中国家国际年,以提高人们对这个多样化群体的特殊需求的认识,2014年世界环境日应时而办。The world‘s small island nations, which are collectively home to more than 63 million people, are renowned as prized destinations: places of outstanding natural beauty, vibrant culture and music appreciated around the globe. While small in total, the land size of small island nations does not reflect their importance as stewards of nature‘s wealth on land and sea. They play an important role in protecting the oceans and many are biodiversity hotspots, containing some of the richest reservoirs of plants and animals on the planet. 全世界的小岛屿国家共有居民6 300多万,都以旅游胜地而著名:自然景观奇美,文化和音乐生机勃勃,令全球为之倾倒。小岛屿国家虽然地域狭小,然物华天宝,海陆奇珍荟萃,重要性不言自明。他们在保护海洋方面发挥重要作用,其中许多是生物多样性热点地区,所藏动植物品类繁盛。

Despite these assets, Small Island Developing States face numerous challenges. For a significant number, their remoteness affects their ability to be part of the
