contamination control testing and certification plan for laminar flow clean rooms, laminar flow work
cm210adn环境证书1. 什么是cm210adn环境证书?cm210adn环境证书是指符合CM210ADN环境管理体系要求的证书。
2. cm210adn环境证书的作用是什么?cm210adn环境证书是企业在环境管理方面的认可和证明。
3. 如何获得cm210adn环境证书?要获得cm210adn环境证书,企业需要按照CM210ADN环境管理体系的要求进行评估和认证。
4. cm210adn环境证书的有效期是多久?cm210adn环境证书的有效期一般为3年。
5. cm210adn环境证书和其他环境证书有何区别?cm210adn环境证书是基于CM210ADN环境管理体系标准的认证,而其他环境证书可能基于不同的环境管理标准,如ISO 14001等。
CLIA实验室合格证书是由美国临床实验室改进法案修正案(Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments,简称CLIA)所授权颁发的证书。
FDA-GMP中英文对照标准版————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:DIRECTION OF GMP (GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE )OF RAW MATERIALS BY FDATable of Contents 目录1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Objective 目的1.2 Regulatory Applicability法规的适用性1.3 Scope 范围2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT .质量管理2.1 Principles 总则2.2 Responsibilities of the Quality Unit(s) 质量部门的责任2.3 Responsibility for Production Activities 生产作业的职责2.4 Internal Audits (Self Inspection) 内部审计(自检)2.5 Product Quality Review 产品质量审核3. PERSONNEL 人员3.1 Personnel Qualifications 人员的资质3.2 Personnel Hygiene 人员卫生3.3 Consultants 顾问4. BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 建筑和设施4.1 Design and Construction 设计和结构4.2 Utilities 公用设施4.3 Water 水4.4 Containment 限制4.5 Lighting 照明4.6 Sewage and Refuse 排污和垃圾4.7 Sanitation and Maintenance 卫生和保养5. PROCESS EQUIPMENT 工艺设备5.1 Design and Construction 设计和结构5.2 Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning 设备保养和清洁5.3 Calibration. 校验5.4 Computerized Systems 计算机控制系统6. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS 文件和记录6.1 Documentation System and Specifications 文件系统和质量标准6.2 Equipment cleaning and Use Record 设备的清洁和使用记录6.3 Records of Raw Materials, Intermediates, API Labeling and Packaging Materials 原料、中间体、原料药的标签和包装材料的记录6.4 Master Production Instructions (Master Production and Control Records)生产工艺规程(主生产和控制记录)6.5 Batch Production Records (Batch Production and Control Records)批生产记录(批生产和控制记录)6.6 Laboratory Control Records 实验室控制记录6.7 Batch Production Record Review 批生产记录审核7. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 物料管理7.1 General Controls 控制通则7.2 Receipt and Quarantine 接收和待验7.3 Sampling and Testing of Incoming Production Materials 进厂物料的取样与测试7.4 Storage 储存7.5 Re-evaluation 复验8. PRODUCTION AND IN-PROCESS CONTROLS 生产和过程控制8.1 Production Operations 生产操作8.2 Time Limits 时限8.3 In-process Sampling and Controls 工序取样和控制8.4 Blending Batches of Intermediates or APIs 中间体或原料药的混批8.5 Contamination Control 污染控制9. PACKAGING AND IDENTIFICATION LABELING OF APIs AND INTERMEDIATES原料药和中间体的包装和贴签9.1 General 总则9.2 Packaging Materials 包装材料9.3 Label Issuance and Control 标签发放与控制9.4 Packaging and Labeling Operations 包装和贴签操作10. STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION.储存和分发10.1 Warehousing Procedures 入库程序10.2 Distribution Procedures 分发程序11. LABORATORY CONTROLS 实验室控制11.1 General Controls 控制通则11.2 Testing of Intermediates and APIs 中间体和原料药的测试11.3 Validation of Analytical Procedures 分析方法的验证11.4 Certificates of Analysis分析报告单11.5 Stability Monitoring of APIs 原料药的稳定性监测11.6 Expiry and Retest Dating 有效期和复验期11.7 Reserve/Retention Samples 留样12. VALIDATION .验证12.1 Validation Policy 验证方针12.2 Validation Documentation 验证文件12.3 Qualification 确认12.4 Approaches to Process Validation 工艺验证的方法12.5 Process Validation Program 工艺验证的程序12.6 Periodic Review of Validated Systems 验证系统的定期审核12.7 Cleaning Validation 清洗验证12.8 Validation of Analytical Methods 分析方法的验证13. CHANGE CONTROL 变更的控制14. REJECTION AND RE-USE OF MATERIALS.拒收和物料的再利用14.1 Rejection 拒收14.2 Reprocessing 返工14.3 Reworking 重新加工14.4 Recovery of Materials and Solvents 物料与溶剂的回收14.5 Returns 退货15. COMPLAINTS AND RECALLS 投诉与召回16. CONTRACT MANUFACTURERS (INCLUDING LABORATORIES)协议生产商(包括实验室)17. AGENTS, BROKERS, TRADERS, DISTRIBUTORS, REPACKERS, AND RELABELLERS 代理商、经纪人、贸易商、经销商、重新包装者和重新贴签者17.1 Applicability 适用性17.2 Traceability of Distributed APIs and Intermediates已分发的原料药和中间体的可追溯性17.3 Quality Management 质量管理17.4 Repackaging, Relabeling, and Holding of APIs and Intermediates原料药和中间体的重新包装、重新贴签和待检17.5 Stability 稳定性17.6 Transfer of Information 信息的传达17.7 Handling of Complaints and Recalls 投诉和召回的处理17.8 Handling of Returns 退货的处理18. Specific Guidance for APIs Manufactured by Cell Culture/Fermentation用细胞繁殖/发酵生产的原料药的特殊指南18.1 General 总则18.2 Cell Bank Maintenance and Record Keeping 细胞库的维护和记录的保存18.3 Cell Culture/Fermentation 细胞繁殖/发酵18.4 Harvesting, Isolation and Purification 收取、分离和精制18.5 Viral Removal/Inactivation steps 病毒的去除/灭活步骤19. APIs for Use in Clinical Trials 用于临床研究的原料药19.1 General 总则19.2 Quality 质量19.3 Equipment and Facilities设备和设施19.4 Control of Raw Materials 原料的控制19.5 Production 生产19.6 Validation 验证19.7 Changes 变更19.8 Laboratory Controls 实验室控制19.9 Documentation 文件20. Glossary 术语1. INTRODUCTION 1. 简介1.1 Objective 1.1目的This document is intended to provide guidance regarding good manufacturing practice (GMP) for the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) under an appropriate system for managing quality. It is also intended to help ensure that APIs meet the quality and purity characteristics that they purport, or are represented, to possess.本文件旨在为在合适的质量管理体系下制造活性药用成分(以下称原料药)提供有关优良药品生产管理规范(GMP)提供指南。
CNAS-CL01检测和校准实验室能力认可准则(ISO/IEC 17025:2017)Accreditation criteria for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories中国合格评定国家认可委员会目录前言...................................................................... 3 1围 .. (4)2规性引用文件 (4)3术语和定义 (4)4通用要求 (6)4.1公正性 (6)4.2性 (7)5结构要求................................................................... 7 6 资源要求. (8)6.1总则 (8)6.2人员 (8)6.3设施和环境条件 (9)6.4设备 (9)6.5计量溯源性 (11)6.6外部提供的产品和服务 (11)7过程要求 (12)7.1要求、标书和合同评审 (12)7.2方法的选择、验证和确认 (13)7.3抽样 (15)7.4检测或校准物品的处置 (16)7.5技术记录 (16)7.6测量不确定度的评定 (16)7.7确保结果有效性 (17)7.8报告结果 (18)7.9投诉 (21)7.10不符合工作 (22)7.11数据控制和信息管理 (22)8管理体系要求 (23)8.1方式 (23)8.2管理体系文件(方式A) (24)8.3管理体系文件的控制(方式A) (24)8.4记录控制(方式A) (25)8.5应对风险和机遇的措施(方式A) (25)8.6改进(方式A) (25)8.7纠正措施(方式A) (26)8.8部审核 (方式 A) (26)8.9管理评审(方式 A) (27)附录A(资料性附录)计量溯源性 (29)A.1总则 (29)A.2建立计量溯源性 (29)A.3证明计量溯源性 (29)附录B(资料性附录)管理体系方式 (31)参考文献 (33)前言本准则等同采用 ISO/IEC 17025:2017《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》。
职业健康安全管理认证证书职业健康安全管理认证证书是针对职业健康安全管理系统(Occupational Health and Safety Management System,简称OHSMS)的一种国际认可证书。
具体的认证程序通常遵循国际认证标准,例如ISO 45001:2018《职业健康与安全管理体系要求》。
获得该证书的过程通常包括以下步骤:1. 筹备:组织意识到职业健康安全的重要性,确定建立或改进现有的职业健康安全管理体系的需求。
2. 实施:根据ISO 45001标准的要求,组织建立和实施职业健康安全管理体系,并相应地处理相关问题,例如职业风险评估、培训和意识提升等。
3. 内审:组织进行内部审核,评估职业健康安全管理体系的符合性和有效性。
4. 外审:由经过认可的第三方认证机构进行外部审核,对职业健康安全管理体系进行独立评估和认证。
5. 改进:根据审核结果,组织进行必要的改进,以提高职业健康安全管理体系的运作效果和整体性能。
获得职业健康安全管理认证证书可以为组织带来以下益处:- 展示组织对员工安全与健康的承诺和关注;- 提高员工满意度和工作积极性;- 改善工作场所的安全状况,减少事故和伤害发生的风险;- 增强组织的声誉和竞争力;- 符合法律法规和合规要求;- 促进持续改进和可持续发展。
EUGMP附录1无菌产品生产-2020版(中英文对照)Annex 1 : Manufacture of Sterile ProductsEU GMP 附录1 无菌产品生产-2020版1 Scope范围The manufacture of sterile products covers a wide range of sterile product types (active substance, sterile excipient, primary packaging material and finished dosage form), packed sizes (single unit to multiple units), processes (from highly automated systems to manual processes) and technologies (e.g. biotechnology, classical small molecule manufacturing and closed systems). This Annex provides general guidance that should be used for the manufacture of all sterile products using the principles of Quality Risk Management (QRM), to ensure that microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination is prevented in the final product.无菌产品的生产涵盖了广泛的无菌药品类型(活性成分,无菌辅料,内包材和制剂),包装量(从单个单位到多个单位),工艺(从高度自动化系统到人工操作)和技术(例如生物技术,常规小分子生产以及密闭系统)。
2.CIA证书(Certified Internal Auditor):由全球最大的内部审计师协会——国际内部审计师学会(IIA)颁发,证明个人具备独立审计能力和内部控制知识。
3.CFE证书(Certified Fraud Examiners):由美国注册舞弊审查师协会(ACFE)颁发,证明个人具备预防和检测欺诈的知识和技能。
4.CISA证书(Certified Information Systems Auditor):由信息系统审计与控制协会(ISACA)颁发,证明个人具备信息系统审计和内部控制的专业知识和能力。
5.CMA证书(Certified Management Accountants):由美国管理会计师协会(IMA)颁发,证明个人具备管理会计和内部控制方面的专业知识和技能。
二、国际认证机构及标准1. 国际认证机构目前,国际上主要的药品生产与质量控制认证机构有美国药典(USP),欧洲药典(Ph. Eur.),国际药典(Ph. Int.)和世界卫生组织(WHO)等。
2. 国际认证标准国际认证标准主要包括药品的质量标准、生产工艺标准、设备和环境标准、人员资质标准等。
三、获得国际认证的步骤1. 提前准备企业在申请国际认证之前,需要提前进行一系列的准备工作。
2. 申请认证企业完成准备工作后,需要向相关的认证机构提出申请。
1. 碳管理师认证(Certified Carbon Manager,CCM),这是
2. 温室气体清洁发展机制项目经理认证(Certified Clean Development Mechanism Project Manager,CDM-P),该认证是由联
3. 可再生能源认证(Renewable Energy Professional,REP),这是一项专业认证,旨在培养专业人士在可再生能源领域的技术、
4. 碳交易师认证(Certified Carbon Trader,CCT),该认证
三、目标Eatns碳管理体系证书的主要目标如下:1. 评估食品企业的碳排放情况,提供准确的数据和信息。
2. 制定和实施有效的碳减排方案,降低企业的碳排放量。
3. 推动食品企业向低碳经济转型,促进可持续发展。
4. 加强食品企业的环境责任意识,提高碳管理意识。
四、原则Eatns碳管理体系证书的认证原则主要包括以下几个方面:1. 全面性:评估体系应涵盖碳排放的各个环节和关键活动,确保评估结果的全面性和准确性。
2. 可追溯性:评估过程中应有明确的数据来源和数据收集方法,确保评估结果的可追溯性和可验证性。
3. 持续改进:评估体系应设立监测和评估机制,及时发现问题并提出改进措施,促进食品企业的持续改进。
4. 合规性:评估体系应符合国际标准和相关法律法规的要求,确保认证结果的合法性和有效性。
五、获得证书的流程获得Eatns碳管理体系证书的流程如下:1. 申请:食品企业向认证机构提交证书申请,提供相关企业信息和碳排放数据。
2. 评估:认证机构对企业进行现场评估,包括数据核实、流程审查、员工访谈等环节。
3. 报告:认证机构根据评估结果编写评估报告,包括企业的碳排放情况、存在的问题和改进建议。
4. 改进:企业根据评估报告中的建议,制定并实施碳减排方案,改进碳管理体系。
5. 审核:认证机构对企业的改进情况进行审核,确认是否符合认证要求。
6. 颁发证书:认证机构根据审核结果,颁发Eatns碳管理体系证书给合格的企业。
英文回答:The certification requirements for laboratories participating in the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) have been developed with the purpose of ensuring the capability of these facilities to provide precise and dependable measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in accordance with established standards. The attainment of certification necessitates the fulfillment of specific criteria with regard to the performance of instruments, accuracy of methods, precision,and adherence to external quality control measures. More specifically, laboratories are mandated to establish the traceability of their HbA1c measurement method to the NGSP reference measurement procedure through the use of certified reference materials. This necessitates the utilization of NGSP-certified methods and instruments, as well as involvement in proficiency testing programs aimed at the assessment of performance.已经为参加国家血红蛋白标准化方案的实验室制定了认证要求,目的是确保这些设施有能力按照既定标准对血红蛋白进行精确可靠的测量。
CNAS-CL01检测和校准实验室能力认可准则(ISO/IEC 17025:2017)Accreditation criteria for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories中国合格评定国家认可委员会目录前言 (3)1 范围 (4)2 规范性引用文件 (4)3 术语和定义 (4)4 通用要求 (6)4.1 公正性 (6)4.2 保密性 (7)5 结构要求 (7)6 资源要求 (8)6.1 总则 (8)6.2 人员 (8)6.3 设施和环境条件 (9)6.4 设备 (9)6.5 计量溯源性 (11)6.6 外部提供的产品和服务 (11)7 过程要求 (12)7.1 要求、标书和合同评审 (12)7.2 方法的选择、验证和确认 (13)7.3 抽样 (15)7.4 检测或校准物品的处置 (16)7.5 技术记录 (16)7.6 测量不确定度的评定 (16)7.7 确保结果有效性 (17)7.8 报告结果 (18)7.9 投诉 (21)7.10 不符合工作 (22)7.11 数据控制和信息管理 (22)8 管理体系要求 (23)8.1 方式 (23)8.2 管理体系文件(方式A) (24)8.3 管理体系文件的控制(方式A) (24)8.4 记录控制(方式A) (25)8.5 应对风险和机遇的措施(方式A) (25)8.6 改进(方式A) (25)8.7 纠正措施(方式A) (26)8.8 内部审核 (方式 A) (26)8.9 管理评审(方式 A) (27)附录A(资料性附录)计量溯源性 (29)A.1 总则 (29)A.2 建立计量溯源性 (29)A.3 证明计量溯源性 (29)附录 B(资料性附录)管理体系方式 (31)参考文献 (33)前言本准则等同采用ISO/IEC 17025:2017《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》。
密度梯度仪 校准证书
1. 仪器信息,证书中会列出密度梯度仪的型号、序列号、制造
2. 校准日期和有效期,证书会标明校准的日期,以及校准的有
3. 校准标准,证书会详细说明进行校准的标准方法和程序,包
4. 测量结果,证书会列出校准过程中所得到的测量结果,通常
5. 不确定度评定,证书会对校准结果的不确定度进行评定,包
6. 签名和认证,证书会有校准人员的签名和认证,以确保校准
船舶卫控证书摘要:1.船舶卫控证书的简介2.船舶卫控证书的申请与审核流程3.船舶卫控证书的重要性4.船舶卫控证书的国际认可度5.如何在船舶上实施卫生控制措施6.船舶卫控证书的更新与维护7.我国船舶卫控证书的管理与发展正文:船舶卫控证书,简称ship sanitation control certificate,是为了确保船舶在航行过程中符合国际卫生标准,防止疫情传播和船舶污染而颁发的一种证书。
CNAS-CL01-G001CNAS-CL01《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》应用要求Application of CNAS-CL01《Accreditation Criteria for the Competency of Testing and CalibrationLaboratories》中国合格评定国家认可委员会前言本文件旨在明确CNAS-CL01《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》相关条款的具体实施要求。
本次修订主要根据CNAS-CL01:2018《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》,对章节号重新进行了编排,对记录保存期和人员要求做了修订,并按照CNAS 的统一要求调整文件编号。
CNAS-CL01《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》应用要求5 结构要求5.1 实验室或其母体机构应是法定机构登记注册的法人机构,一般为企业法人、机关法人、事业单位法人或社会团体法人。
a) 实验室为独立注册法人机构时,认可的实验室名称应为其法人注册证明文件上所载明的名称;实验室为注册法人机构的一部分时,其认可的实验室名称中应包含注册的法人机构名称。
国际上比较知名的药品生产认证机构有美国FDA(Food and Drug Administration)、欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency)和世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)。
药品生产企业需要通过GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices)认证,确保生产过程中各个环节的合规性。
此外,还需要进行CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)认证,以确保药品符合美国法规的要求。
国际上比较有影响力的认证机构有ISO(International Organization for Standardization)和ICH(International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)。
欧洲联盟(EU)对医疗器械的监管建立在医疗器械指令(Medical Device Directives)和医疗器械监管法规(Medical Device Regulation)的基础上。
不同的风险等级需要满足不同的技术规范和质量管理要求,如ISO 13485质量管理体系。
根据《医疗器械监督管理办法》等法规,医疗器械的生产企业必须获得医疗器械生产许可证,并按照GB/T 19001-2016(ISO 9001)和YY/T 0287-2017(ISO 13485)等标准建立和实施质量管理体系。
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Contamination Control Testing and Certification PlanforLaminar Flow Clean Rooms, Laminar Flow Work Stationsand Controlled EnvironmentsDocument Number-D-17874Prepared by: Signature on file Approved: Signature on fileWilliam C. Neiderheiser Andre Yavrouian- Supervisor Contamination Control Laboratory Flight hardware MaterialsAnalysis GroupApproved: Signature on fileTimothy P. O’DonnellSection Manager 353Thermal & Propulsion EngineeringJuly 08, 1999TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0- Scope and Purpose (2)2.0- Applicable documents (2)3.0- D efinitions (3)3.1- G eneral (3)3.2- D escriptors (4)3.3- O ccupancy states (4)4.0-Acronyms/ Symbols (4)5.0-Certification Requirements for Clean rooms and Associated Environments at JPLand Related JPL off site facilities (5)5.1-General (5)5.2-Required testing (5)5.3-Optional testing (5)6.0-Outside Contractor Cleanroom Certifications and Requirements (6)6.1-New Cleanroom Construction (6)7.0-HEPA/ULPA and Related filter replacements (6)7.1-Pre-filter replacements (6)8.0-Certification class levels (Cleanliness comparison ISO 14644-1 and FED STD 209E) (7)Table 1 (7)8.1-Classification of Cleanroom or Controlled environments (7)8.2-Re-Certification Requirements (7)9.0- Certification label (8)Figure 1- sample of certification label (8)10.0 -Non-Compliance (9)Figure 2- Sample of Non-Compliance Label (9)11.0 -Record keeping (9)12.0- Reporting to the Customer (10)13.0-How to obtain Certification services (10)Figure3- Basic Clean room rules (11)11.0-SCOPE AND PURPOSEThe scope of this document is limited to periodic testing and certification of laminar flow clean rooms and other controlled environments. Tests and certifications performed are specified by project contamination control plans prepared as part of the project Mission Assurance Program which resides in the DMIE Project Leadership Process (PCP). Refer to the Contamination Control subpolicy (DesignBuild, Assemble and Test Process, Section 2.2.3) for DBAT Process Contamination Control Plan requirements.Interim monitoring is performed by Clean room Technicians (Section 3130). In certain circumstances, the Contamination Control Laboratory will be funded to perform continuous monitoring as required by the Project requirementsThe purpose of this document is to define the JPL Contamination Control clean room, clean bench and controlled environment testing and certification plan in accordance with ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) to implement ISO 14644-1 based on risk assessment. The risk assessment to a particular clean room application will affect the Testing and Certification plan, the interpretation of the Testing data, the actions that will be taken as a result of the Testing data collected, the selection of parameters to be measured from ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) Table 2 and the selection of parameters to be measured in ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) Table A.1. This plan is based on ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) section 4.3 Monitoring and will include individual written reports for all laminar flow Clean Rooms, Controlled Environments and Laminar Flow Clean Benches at JPL per ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) , section 4.3.2, and will include Note 1 and Note 2 under this Certification program.2.0- APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSNote: The following documents are used to govern clean room testing for various individual cleanliness plans and applications and become part of certification and testing practices as required by the project or customer.ISO 14644-1- Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E)- Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part 2: Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance with ISO 14644-1American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards:F25 Method for Sizing and Counting Airborne Particulate Contamination in Cleanroomsand other Dust-controlled areas Designed for Electronic and Similar applicationsF50 Method of Test for Continuous Counting and Sizing of Airborne particles in DustControlled areas by the Light -Scattering Principle.22.0- APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS (Cont.)D-17874 NASA:SN-C-0005 Rev. D Specification; Contamination Control Requirements for the Space Shuttle ProgramGSFC-TLS-PR-7324-01: Contamination Control Procedure for the Tapelift Sampling ofSurfacesMilitary Standard:MIL-STD- 1246C: Product Cleanliness Levels and Contamination Control program3.0 - DEFINITIONS3.1 - GeneralClean Room- A room in which the concentration of particles is controlled and which is constructed and used in a manner to minimize the introduction, generation and retention of particles inside the room, and in which other relevant parameters i.e., temperature, humidity and pressure are controlled as necessary.Clean Zone, Controlled Environment, Clean Bench- A space dedicated within a room where the concentration of airborne particles is controlled and has the same parameters as a cleanroom. This zone may be in an open or enclosed area and may or may not be located in a clean room.Installation- A Clean Room or one or more Clean Zones, together with all appurtenant structures, air treatment systems, services and utilities.Classification- The level (or the process of specifying or determining the level) of airborne particulate cleanliness applicable to a Clean Room or Clean Zone, expressed in terms of ISO class N, which represents the maximum allowable concentrations (in particles per cubic meter of air) for considered sizes of particles. Particle size- A diameter of a sphere that produces a response, by a given particle-sizing instrument, that is equivalent to the response produced by the particle being measured.Particle concentration- The number of individual particles per unit volume of airParticle size distribution- Cumulative distribution of particle concentration as a function of particle size.Ultra fine particle- A particle with an equivalent diameter less than 0.1µ.Macroparticle- A particle with an equivalent diameter greater than 5.0µ.Fiber- A particle having an aspect (Length to width) ratio of 10 or moreCustomer- The organization or person responsible for requesting the services of the Contamination Control Laboratory Services.Supplier- The organization engaged to satisfy the specified requirements of the Clean Room or Clean Zone, including the Contamination Control Lab.33.2-DESCRIPTORSU descriptor- A measured or specified concentration, in particles per cubic meter of air, including ultrafine particles.M descriptor- A measured or specified concentration of macroparticles per cubic meter of air, expressed in terms of the equivalent diameter that is characteristic of the measurement method used.3.3-OCCUPANCY STATESAs built is a condition where the installation is complete with all services connected and functioning but with no production equipment, materials or personnel present.At rest is the condition of the installation with the equipment installed and operating in a manner agreed upon by the customer and supplier, but with no personnel present.Operational is the condition where the installation is functioning in the specified manner, with the specified number of personnel present and working in the manner agreed upon.4.0 - ACRONYMS/ SYMBOLSDPC- Discreet Particle Counter, An instrument, such as an optical particle counter or a condensation nucleus counter, capable of resolving responses from individual particles.CNC- Condensation Nucleus Counter, An instrument for counting small airborne particles, approximately 0.01µ and larger, by optically detecting droplets formed by condensation of vapor upon the particles. Sometimes known as an aerosol photometer.µ- Micron (Micrometer), A unit of measurement equal to one-millionth of a meter or approximately0.00003937 inch.ISO- International Organization for StandardizationN-NumberHEPA- High Efficiency Particulate Air filtersULPA- Ultra Low Penetration Air filterDOP- Dioctylphthalate, A liquid pump oil type fluid which is aerosolized and used to challenge HEPA and ULPA filters for efficiency.JPL- Jet Propulsion Laboratory45.0- C ERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEAN ROOMS AND ASSOCIATEDENVIRONMENTS AT JPL AND RELATED JPL OFF SITE FACILITIES5.1- GeneralThe Contamination Control Laboratory personnel will perform Laminar Flow Cleanroom, Clean Bench and Controlled Environment Certification for the JPL community per the ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) Standard. The classification of the Clean Areas will be documented per the ISO 14644-1 standard. These tests include but are not limited to Airborne particulate counting and sizing, Air velocity testing, and differential pressure testing. All HEPA and ULPA filtered areas will be tested under these conditions to prove compliance with the standard. The Controlled Environment areas (> class 100,000) will require only particulate testing unless otherwise requested by the customer. The optional tests in Annex A Table A.1 of ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) will not be performed unless specifically requested by the customer or determined to be necessary by Contamination Control personnel.5.2- Required testingContamination Control personnel will measure the square footage of each Clean Room or Controlled Environment to establish the number of samples to be taken in the area. The Contamination Control personnel will take the proper number of samples at each location as defined by the ISO 14644-1 Annex B Section B.4.1.1 using a (DPC) Calibrated particle counter (Calibrated within 180 days) designated to count the required particle sizes for the area which will determine the classification of the clean area.5.2.1- Contamination Control personnel will perform a velocity test in the clean area, and the number of tests performed will be based on the square footage of the area. This information will be recorded on the Certification data or memo to the customer. Contamination Control personnel will determine if theflow is adequate for the specified area and make recommendations to the customer in writing where theflow is deemed to be low or out of specification.5.2.2-Differential pressure readings will be performed in all clean areas to determine the existence of positive pressure. Where there are rooms that already have differential pressure gauges, the readings on those gauges will be recorded on the data for the customer providing that the gauge is calibrated. If the gauge is out of calibration, Contamination control personnel will perform the test and record the information on the data sheet or memo provided to the customer.5.2.3-The Contamination Control personnel will perform a visual cleanliness survey of the Clean Area tobe tested under the ISO standard. This test will be conducted per the SN-C-0005 Contamination Control Requirements for the Space Shuttle (Section 1.4) for visual cleanliness. Survey data will be recorded and kept on file.5.3- OPTIONAL TESTING5.3.1-The Contamination Control Lab can also provide particulate fallout plates to determine the largersize particulates which may be entering the clean area.5.3.2-Tapelift samples can be provided for testing hardware cleanliness, cleanliness of the walls, floors orany equipment in the clean area.5.3.3-The Contamination Control Laboratory will also perform Low-Volatile Residue sampling by providing a clean sample plate (For airborne collection) or (wipe samples) for product testing if required by the customer56.0- OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR CLEANROOM CERTIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Contractors who perform work on JPL clean rooms shall comply with all the applicable requirementsset forth in the ISO 14644-1 and ISO/DIS 14644-2:1998 (E) controlling documents. The Customer shall instruct the Contractor to interface with Contamination Control Service personnel on all Certification and Clean Room installations at JPL. The contractor shall supply to the JPL Contamination Control Laboratory a documentation package that certifies the work complies with all the ISO standard requirements, and specifies the type of work performed, and any optional tests performed.6.1- New Cleanroom constructionThe contractor shall build the new Clean Room facility in accordance to the ISO 14644 documentsand supply to the JPL Contamination Control Laboratory documentation which shall includeall tests in accordance with that document, and the sizes, part number or manufacturer number,and statement that the filters were not tested with Dioctylphthalate (DOP) , plasticizer test materialsor other non- approved JPL test methods with a CNC for the HEPA or ULPA filter installation. Low outgassing materials shall be considered in the construction phase. In addition the clean room must meet the requirements of MIL-STD 1246C Level A in Table II Non-Volatile Residue Cleanliness Levels. Waivers to this must be approved by management and documentation must be supplied to theJPL Contamination Control Laboratory for their files.7.0-HEPA/ULPA AND RELATED FILTER REPLACEMENTSThe HEPA/ULPA filters have a life expectancy of 3-5 years in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Typically the filters at JPL require replacement in 6-7 years. There are some filters that have been purchased by JPL that have a life expectancy of 10 years, warranted by the manufacturer, at additional costs. The Contamination Control personnel will determine by the tests performed in the certification process when the filters require replacement based on the air flow or the differential pressure drop of the filter. The customer will be notified of this condition and a recommendation for replacement will be sent to the customer. This replacement can be performed by the Contamination Control Lab in most cases.7.1-Pre-Filter replacementPre-filters will extend the life of the HEPA and ULPA filters. The Contamination Control Lab will replace these accessible filters at the time of Certification of the Clean Room, Controlled Environment, Clean Zone or Clean Bench. Pre-filters should be checked monthly by the customer or the Contamination Control lab personnel to determine the loading of the filter. The Contamination Control Lab will maintain a stockroom with most pre-filter sizes available. Special sizes of filters require placing an order.68.0- CERTIFICATION CLASS LEVELSClean Room, Controlled Environment or Clean Bench shall have a designated class level numberN which corresponds to the ISO 14644-1 Table 1 cleanliness classes. Listed below are the cleanliness classes and a comparison to the FED-STD 209E document.TABLE 1-Cleanliness comparison of ISO 14644-1 and FED-STD 209EISO 14644-1 Class N FED-STD 209E FED-STD 209EMetric1231M1.5410M2.55100M3.561,000M4.5710,000M5.58100,000M6.59> 100,0008.1-Classification of Cleanroom or Controlled environmentThe project determines the level of cleanliness for each Clean Room or Controlled Environment they will use. The project or customer will provide the Contamination Control personnel with the project requirements. The customer operating facilities will determine the classification level they require for the Clean Room or Controlled Environment based on all usage . If the levels differ, the more stringent classification will apply. All Clean Benches must meet an N 5 or cleaner level.8.2-Re-Certification RequirementsRe-certification tests shall be performed on the cleanrooms at specific intervals to demonstrate compliance with ISO 14644-1 according to the classification of the installation. The following is thethe time interval for classes 1 to 9.Class N Re-Certification schedule (Not to exceed # of Days)1 6 months1902 6 months1903 6 months1904 6 months1905 6 months1906 6 months1907 6 months1908 6 months1909 12 months400The customer will be notified 7 days prior to the expiration date of their Certification that aRe-Certification test will be required. The Customer will be notified by phone, Mail or e-mailwhen this is to take place so that a schedule may be set up that will not inconvenience the customer.79.0 CERTIFICATION LABELA Certification label shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or on each certified laminar flow clean room, clean bench or controlled environment. This label will identify the location, (NASA I.D. # on clean benches or clean tents) Classification, Date of Certification, the next Certification date and other tests performed. The test technician will initial and stamp the “certified by” line on the label. (See figure 1)FIGURE 1 (Sample certification label)(NOT TO SCALE)10.0- N ON-COMPLIANCEIn the cases where the cleanroom, controlled environment or clean bench does not meet the specifications of ISO 14644 or the customer does not want the certification, the customer will be notified of the non-compliance condition in writing and by e-mail (return requested) and a label will be posted on the cleanroom, controlled environment or clean bench stating: Notice of Non-compliance- Not Certified. This label (Yellow with red lettering) will have a date and a file number which will be referenced on the memo. (See figure 2) Contamination Control personnel shall maintain a data base record of all Non-compliance clean rooms, controlled environments and clean benches.The non-compliance label shall be posted in a conspicuous place on all non-certified laminar flow clean room, clean bench or controlled environment. This label will identify the location, (NASA I.D. # on clean benches or clean tents) by using a file number and date of the non-compliant condition. Do not remove this label it is to notify the user and Quality Assurance personnel that a non-compliant condition exists and that flight hardware will not be allowed in the clean area or on the clean bench. Contamination Control Services personnel will notify the user of this non-compliant condition by form which will include the date and file number. (See figure 2)FIGURE 2 (Sample of Non-compliance label)(Not to scale)NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCENOT CERTIFIEDFOR RECERTIFICATION, CALL (818) 354-4031DATE _______________FILE NO. _________JPL 11007 2/99 FF#11.0-RECORD KEEPINGAfter the certification or non-compliance tests are performed, the test technician will use theprint out data from the particle counter to determine the classification level. The data will be entered into the computer data base and shall include the certification classification or non-Compliance data of the clean room, clean bench or controlled environment, the date of the test, re-certification date, the standard to which the test was performed, the location and identification code or NASA property number.An Inter-Office Memo will be initiated with the classification , differential pressure and velocitydata, customers name, charge number, location of the work performed and the calibration date of the particle counter. One copy of this information will be sent to the customer, and one copy will be retained in the Contamination Control Lab files along with the raw data collected. A copy will also be sent to the Disaster Recovery file in Bldg. 125.9D-1787411.0-Record keeping (Cont.)Certification and non-compliance records are kept in the Contamination Control Lab computerdata base and in hard copy form together with the raw data created during the certification process. The customer may upon request inspect either forms of data control records. These active records are maintained on file for ten years in accordance with JPL Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Technical Instruction 1b.12.0-REPORTING TO THE CUSTOMERThe Contamination Control Laboratory will provide the customer with all the data related to the customers clean room, controlled environment or clean bench for compliance with the ISO standards in a memo form. The Contamination Control Lab personnel will provide a Certification form and place a Certification label on the customers clean room, controlled environment or clean bench when they meet the compliant conditions. In a Non-compliant condition the customer will be notified by mail using a survey form with a file number which matches the file number on the non-compliant label placed in a conspicuous area of the clean room, controlled environment or clean bench. The customer shall also be contacted by telephone and notified of this non-compliant condition.13.0- BASIC RULES FOR JPL AND ASSOCIATED OFF SITE CLEAN ROOMSA copy of the “Rules for the JPL clean rooms” will be provided at the completion of the certification process. These rules shall be sent along with the data included in 12.0 (Reporting to the customer)See Figure 3.14.0-HOW TO OBTAIN CERTIFICATION SERVICESTo request Certification of your Clean Room, Controlled Environment, Clean Zone or Clean Bench, call the Contamination Control Lab at 4-4031 or 4-3465. The Contamination Control Lab works from Services Request forms supplied to the customer or by Work Authorization Memos.10FIGURE 3Contamination Control CapabilitiesClean room Certification to ISO 14644 Standards and JPL Contamination control monitoring plan D-17874Clean room and laminar flow bench maintenance programsClean room tent and curtain installationsClean room HEPA and ULPA filter replacements and repairsPre-filter maintenance programsLaminar flow clean bench certifications, repairs and refurbishment Laminar flow clean bench procurementsTesting of environmentally controlled areasLong term airborne particulate monitoring (Light scattering method) Clean room conversions and upgradingMotorized HEPA and ULPA filter installationsAir Velocity testingDifferential pressure testingClean room consultingClean room materials testing for particulate and outgassingClean room airborne particulate (Microscopic method)Molecular contamination testingFlight hardware Low-Volatile/ Non- volatile Residue testingSampling for large particulates in clean rooms (Microscopic method) Particulate sizing and counting (Microscopic method)Contamination identification and analysisClean room supply procurementsClean room contamination control plansOff site facility consulting and testing (NASA/JPL contracts)Flight hardwareCalorimeter fabrication, assembly and testingVacuum pressure gauge fabrication, assembly and testingMaterials list review and recommendationsParticulate and molecular analysisContamination control monitoringEngineering supportTechnician supportPlease contact: William Neiderheiser at (818) 354-3465orLinda Love at (818) 354-4031 to schedule services。