



近几年的中法流行词汇互译1.开发商promoteur (immobilier)2.期房logements vendus avant la fin de la construction / sur plans3.新兴产业secteurs prometteurs de l’économie ;nouveaux secteurs de l’activité économique ;secteurs émergents ; nouveaux secteurs àforte croissance ; nouvelles industries ; nouvelles branches industrielles4.智能交通gestion informatisée des transports5.智能性大厦batiment intelligent ;batiment entièrement équipé d’informatique ;batiment avec domotique6.标志性建筑édifice emblématique (d’une ville) ; édifice sym bole ;édifice servant de repère architectural d’une ville7.诚信为本、信誉为重attachement aux principes de loyauté et de crédibilité ;affirmer les principes de loyauté et de crédibilité ;insister sur le respect des règles de bonne foi et d’honneur ; primauté à la loyauté et àla crédibilité8.质量第一,信誉至上privilégier la qualité des produits et l’image de l’entreprise ; (donner la) primauté à la qualité et à l’image de la marque ; primauté à la qualité (des produits) et à la réputation (de l’entreprise)9.打绿色牌、名优牌、特色牌exploiter / miser sur les atouts tels que ?produits biologiques / verts?,? produits de marque? et? produits spécifiques ? ; exploiter les avantages des produits verts, des produits de marque et des produits spécifiques10.精品意识développer les valeurs liées aux produits haut de gamme ; attachement aux produits haut de gamme ;aiguiser le sens des produits de qualité ;valoriser davantage des labels spéciaux et de marque ;favoriser les produits labellisés / les labels spéciaux11.承受能力capacité d’adaptation (de la population / de la société) ;seuil de tolérance12.宽松的投资环境environnement favorable aux investissements ;bonnes conditions d’investissement ; favoriser les investissements13.软环境conditions non matérielles de l’investissement ;conditions immatéri elles d’investissement14.制度创新création / innovation institutionnelle15.产业空洞化déclin / morosité de tel ou tel secteur d’activité d?à la délocalisation des entreprises / des industries ;vide du secteur provoqué par la délocalisation des industries16.安置库区移民transfert des populations déplacées àla suite des travaux du barrage (des Trois Gorges) ;reloger les habitants déplacés ; réinstallation des personnes déplacées17.以……为主线,以……为切入点prendre ... comme fil conducteur / ligne directrice / axe et ... comme point de départ 18.导购conseiller / conseillère de vente19.专卖店magasins / boutiques franchisé(e)s / de marque20.物权法Loi sur les droits réels。



中国时政词汇汉法对译124.134.129.* 1楼1. 人才强国战略全面实施 mise en œuvre de la stratégie de renouveau / de redressement national / de la nation grâce àl’émergence de talents / par la valorisation des resources humaines2. 中国科学院知识创新工程 Programme d’innovation des connaissances de l’Académie des Sciences de Chine (CAS); Programme de création des connaissances de la CAS; Programme CAS de création des connaissances3. 国家知识创新工程试点 expérience pilote pour l’application du Programme national d’innovation des connaissances / du savoir 4. 跨学科或跨地域的知识创新基地 Centres interrégionaux ou interdisciplinaires d’innovation des connaissances5. 建设国家创新体系 perfectionnement / développement du système d’Innovation d’Etat6. 按需设岗、按岗聘任、择优上岗、开放竞争 création de postes (de travail) selon le besoin, engagement du personnel selon les postes établis et admission des meilleurs candidats par une compétition ouverte tous7. “基本工资、岗位津贴、绩效奖励”三元结构分配制度 système de(s) salaires / système de rémunération / régime de traitements trois composantes: salaire de base, allocations de fonction / de poste et prime de rendement / d’efficacité8. 面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划 Plan d’action pour le redressement de l’éducation tournée vers le 21e siècle9. 跨世纪素质教育工程 Programme de formation (des citoyens) tourné vers le 21e siècle10. 高层次创造性人才工程 Programme de formation des talents innovants de haut niveau / des talents innovateurs de haut niveau / des talents créateurs hautement compétents11. 跨世纪百万千人才工程 Programme « Baiwanqian » de formation pour le 21e siècle des talents trois niveaux, savoir: des centaines de grands savants de renommée mondiale, des milliers de chercheurs leaders et des dizaines de milliers de jeunes scientifiques12. 科技企业孵化器 incubateur / pépinière d’entreprises scientifiques et techniques / de haute technologie13. 留学人员创业园 zone pour la création d’entreprises par les étudiants chinois formés l’étranger; technopôle réservé aux étudiants chinois formés l’étranger14. 大学科技园 Technopôle universitaire15. 长江学者奖励计划 Programme Yangtsé pour récompenser des hommes de science de grand mérite; Programme Yangtsé de récompense des savants émérites16. 中国科学院百人计划 Programme CAS de formation des cent scientifiques de haute compéte nce 17. 优秀人才脱颖而出、人尽其才的有效机制 mécanisme favorisant l’émergence / l’écl osion de talents brillants / prometteurs et permettant chacun de donner le meilleur de lui-même / d e donner toute sa mesure18. 科学化、规范化、制度化的机制 mécanisme scientifique, normalisé et institutionnalisé19. 中国科学院及省部级成果奖 Prix CAS d’innovati on scientifique et technologique et prix sci entifiques aux niveaux provinciaux et ministériels20. 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖 Prix CAS des grandes innovations scientifiques et techniques。



常见时事及时政热点翻译词汇短语64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …66.采取有效措施来…take effective measures to do sth. 67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位social status72.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩大知识面expand one’s scope of knowledge 74.身心两方面both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…76.提出折中提议set forth a compromise proposal 77.可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that\时政热点词汇1. 科学发展观scientific outlook (thinking) on development2. 倡导公正、合理的新秩序观to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order3. 以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking (outlook) on development focusing on equality and mutual benefit4. 推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5. 主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster new thinking featuring the respect for different civilizations6. 新能源观new thinking on energy development7. 疏导公众情绪defuse (allay, ease) (public) anger (discontent, resentment and complaints); properly channel public sentiments8. 诚信缺失 lack of credibility 9. 发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people10. 和谐共赢harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony11. 真正意义上的和谐社会在逐步发展a harmonious society in its true sense is emerging; a truly harmonious society is emerging12. 实现社会公平与正义to ensure social equity and justice13. 利益协调机制interest coordinating (balancing) mechanism14. 社会救助体系social assistance (aid) system15. 人民群众安全感people’s sense of security时政热点词汇•Deepening reform and opening up 深化改革扩大开放•The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义理论•The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论•One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点•Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心•Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则•Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放•Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,•wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定•Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义生产力•Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国力•Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提高人民生活水平•Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体•Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展•Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革•Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系•Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改革与促进发展•Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步•Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位•Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力•Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制•A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施•Reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策•Reform measures 改革措施•Speed up reform 加快改革•Reform of economic system 经济体制改革•Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革•Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理•Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革•Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革•Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改革•Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革•Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革•Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革•Reform of housing system 住房制度改革•Planning system 计划管理体制•Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能•Open door policy 开放政策•Open economy 开放经济•Open-door to the outside world 对外开放•Opening up 扩大开放•Open domestic market 开放国内市场•Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和•managerial experiences 管理经验•Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区•Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区•One country, two systems 一国两制•Special administrative region 特别行政区•Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制•to the household•Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距•Eliminate poverty 消除贫困•Common prosperity 共同富裕•ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济•Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济•Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分•State-owned economy 国有经济•Non-state economy 非国有经济•Collective economy 集体经济•Individual economy 个体经济•Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存•Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展•National economic budget 国民经济预算•Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展•Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略•Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论•Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策•Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象•Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济•Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展•Commodity economy 商品经济•Market economy 市场经济•Free market economy 自由市场经济•Developed market economy 发达的市场经济•Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济•Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济•Mature market economy 成熟市场经济•Market economy country 市场经济国家•Extensive economy 粗放型经济•Intensive economy 集约型经济•Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为•mode into intensive one 集约型经济•Mixed economy 混合经济•Regional economy 地区经济•Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济•Closed economy 闭关自守经济•Economic growth point 经济增长点•Economic growth mode 经济增长方式•Economic growth rate 经济增长率•Economy measure 经济手段•Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济•Economic situation 经济形势•Economic cycle 经济周期•Economic fluctuation 经济波动•Economic miracle 经济奇迹•Economic take-off 经济起飞•Economic recovery 经济复苏•Economic potential 经济潜力•Economic sanction 经济制裁•Global economy 全球经济•Economic globalization 经济全球化•Integration of world economy 世界经济一体化•International economic integration 国际经济一体化•New international economic order 国际新经济秩序•Multi-polarization of world economy 世界经济多极化•Economic community 经济共同体•MACRO-CONTROL 宏观调控•Strengthen macro-control 加强宏观调控•Soft landing 软着路•Macro-economic situation 宏观经济形势•Macro control and micro invigoration 宏观控制与微观搞活•Control of overall volume and economic restructuring 总量控制与经济结构调整•Tight control on investment in fixed assets 紧缩固定资产投资控制•Tight financial and monetary policy 从紧的金融货币政策•Moderately tight monetary policy 适度从紧的货币政策•Moderately tight credit policy 适度从紧的信贷政策•Loosening tight monetary policy 放松紧缩的货币政策•Adequate amount of the money supply 适度货币供应量•Excessive amount of currency issue 过度货币发行量•Maintain monetary stability 保持货币稳定•Cheap money policy 低息货币政策•Adjustment of interest rate 利率调整•Cut interest rate 降低利率•Control of interest rate 利率控制•Deflation policy 紧缩政策•Market intervention 市场干预•State intervention 国家干预•Administrative interference 行政干预•Administrative intervention 行政干预•Administrative measure 行政措施•Economy measure 经济手段•Risk-control mechanism 风险控制机制•Overheated economy 过热的经济•Consumer price index 消费品价格指数•Commodity price index 商品物价指数•Retail price index 零售物价指数•Average price index 平均物价指数•Cost-of-living index 生活费用指数•Control of inflation 通货膨胀控制•Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀•Double digit inflation 两位数字通货膨胀•Excessive inflation 过度的通货膨胀•Galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀•Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀•Hidden inflation 隐性通货膨胀•Structural inflation 结构性通货膨胀•Stagflation 经济停滞型的通货膨胀•Inflation factor 通货膨胀因素•Inflation of credit 信用膨胀•Inflation rate 通货膨胀率•Inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力•Curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀•Curb the real estate craze 抑制房地产热•Development zone craze 开发区热•Overall demand and supply 总需求和总供给•Balance between supply and demand 供需平衡•Supply and demand relation 供求关系•Supply over demand 供过于求•Supply exceeds demand 供过于求•Economic crisis 经济危机•Economic depression 经济萧条•MANAGEMENT OF STATE-OWNED PROPERTY 国有资产管理•Establish a system for the management, supervision 建立国有资产管理,监督和营运体系•and operation of State assets•Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革•Clearly defining property rights, specifying rights and 产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,•responsibilities, separating ownership from daily 管理科学•management and adopting scientific management•Regulation on the supervision and management 国有企业监督管理条例•of the state-owned enterprises•Laws and regulations on the administration of 国有资产管理法律法规•state-owned property Operate independently, assume sole responsibility 自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,•for its profits and losses, seek self-development 自我约束•and self-reliance•Uphold the principle of separating the functions of 坚持政企分开的原则,转变政府•government from those of enterprises and alter the 经济管理职能•gov ernment’s role in economic management •Safeguard state property 保卫国有资产•Preserve and increase value and prevent losses 保值增值防止流失•Prevent the drain of State-owned property 防止国有资产流失•Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革•Definition of property rights 产权界定•Clarification of property rights 明晰产权•Registration of property rights 产权登记•Annual checks of the registration of property rights 产权登记年检•Certificate of title 产权证书•Change of registration 变更登记•Change of title 产权变更•Transfer of property rights 产权转让•Transaction of property rights 产权交易•Property rights transfer agency 产权交易机构•Inspection of assets 资产清查•Re-evaluation of fixed assets 固定资产重估•Asset appraisal 资产评估•Productive assets 经营性资产•Non-productive assets 非经营性资产•Return on assets 资产收益•Balance sheet 资产负债表•Consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表•Reform of State-Owned Enterprises国有企业改革•Step up efforts to reform State-owned enterprises 加大国有企业改革力度•Readjust and reorganize State-owned enterprises to 调整改组国有企业促进资产重组•promote re-arrangement of assets and raise the 提高国有经济的总体素质•overall quality of the State sector of the economy •Concentrate on rejuvenating State-owned large 集中力量抓好国有大型企业和•enterprises and enterprises groups 企业集团•Develop trans-regional and inter-trade enterprise 发展跨地区跨行业的企业集团•groups Reform, reorganization and upgrading 改革,改组和改造•Re-organization, association, merger, joint 改组,联合,兼并,股份合作制•partnership, leasing, contract operation 租赁,承包经营和出售•and sell-off•Manage well large enterprises and adopt a flexible 抓好大的,放活小的•p olicy towards small ones•Give small State-owned enterprises greater freedom 放活国有小企业•Standardize bankruptcy procedures, encourage 规范破产程序,鼓励企业兼并,•merging of enterprises and promote re-employment 促进再就业•Allow money-losing enterprise to merger 允许亏损企业兼并或破产•or go bankrupt•Dispersion of redundant employees 分流富余人员•Re-employment funds 再就业基金•Conscientiously strengthen the operation and 切实加强企业经营管理•management of enterprises•Strengthen financial management of enterprises 强化企业财务管理•Tighten control over extrabudgetary funds 加强预算外资金管理•Increase capital and reduce debts through various 多渠道增资减债•channels•Strive to help enterprises eliminate losses and 抓好企业扭亏增盈•increase profits•Develop various modes of operation and marketing 发展多种营销方式•Alleviate enterprises’social burdens 减轻企业的社会负担•By tapping the potential and upgrading the 通过挖潜改造•technology•Mechanism for selecting the superior and eliminating 优胜劣汰机制•the inferior•Enjoy more decision-making power 享有更多的决策权•Allow employees to hold some shares 允许职工持股•Give more productive enterprises the power to engage 给更多的生产企业自营出口权•in export independently•Protect the interests of the working class 保护工人阶级利益•Technological upgrading 技术改造•Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革•Deepening of the reform of State-owned enterprises 深化国有企业改革•Modern enterprise system 现代企业制度•Reorganization of state-owned enterprises 国有企业重组•Transform the enterprises’ management mechanisms •of State-owned enterprises 转换国有企业经营机制•Adjustment of industrial structure 行业结构调整•Industrial policy 产业政策•Support and develop large enterprises and release small •enterprises 支持发展大企业放开小企业•Large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises can be•turned into corporate enterprises 大中型企业可转变为股份公司•Smaller enterprises can become shareholding co-operatives 小企业可转变为股份合作制•Readjust the asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprises 调整国有企业资产负债比•State-owned independent accounting industrial enterprises 国有独立核算企业•Pioneer enterprise 试点企业•Enlarge the right of self-management 扩大自主权•Optimize capital structure 优化资本结构•Optimize resource allocation 优化资源配置•Optimize investment structure 优化投资结构•Recapitalization 调整资本结构•Capital reorganization 资本重组•Promote rational flow of property right 促进产权合理流动•Reduce staff to improve efficiency 减员增效•Investment risk mechanism 投资风险机制•Project capital system 项目资本金制度•Legal person responsibility system 法人责任制•Responsibility for one’s own profit and loss 自负盈亏•Enterprise contract management responsibility system 企业承包责任制•Unreasonable economic structure 不合理的经济结构•Unreasonable product structure 不合理的产品结构•Repeated construction 重复建设•Repeated introduction of foreign equipment and technology 外国设备和技术的重复引进•Regional and departmental protectionism 地区和部门保持主义•Government supervision 政府监督•Operating strategy 经营战略•Out-dated management styles 落后的管理方式•Backward in management 管理落后•Relying on government subsidy 依赖政府补贴•Heavy social subsidy 沉重的社会补贴•Heavy social burdens 沉重的社会负担•Excessive production capacity 过剩的生产能力•Merger and acquisition 兼并与收购•Encourage merger 鼓励兼并•Preferential policy for bankruptcy and merger 对破产和兼并企业的优惠政策•Standardize bankruptcy procedure 规范破产程序•Prevent false bankruptcy 防止假破产•Construction of a multi-layer social security system 建立多层次的社会保障制度•Re-employment projects 再就业工程•Re-employment of redundant workers 富余职工再就业•Laid-off workers 下岗职工•ENTERPRISE AND COMPANY 企业和公司•Central enterprise 中央企业•Local enterprise 地方企业•Backbone enterprise 骨干企业•Large and medium enterprise 大中型企业•State-owned enterprise 国有企业•Enterprise solely funded by the State 国有独资企业•State-owned firm 国有公司,国有企业•Corporate enterprise 股份制企业•Collective enterprise 集体企业•Collective firm 集体企业,合作企业•Township enterprise 乡镇企业•Partnership enterprise 合伙企业•Individual enterprise 个体企业•Foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业•Top 500 enterprises 最大500家企业•Small business 小企业•Primary industry 第一产业•Secondary industry 第二产业•Tertiary industry 第三产业•Corporate Law 公司法•Township Enterprise Law 乡镇企业法•Independent legal entities 独立法人•Board of directors 董事会•Board of supervisors 监事会•Shareholders conference 股东大会•Entrepreneur 企业家•Firm 公司,企业•Company 公司•Incorporation 公司•Corporation 股份公司•Group of enterprises 企业集团•Conglomerate 企业集团,综合性大企业•Company limited by shares 股份有限责任公司•Controlling company 控股公司•Holding company 控股公司•Bank holding company 银行控股公司•Company with limited liability 有限责任公司•State-owned holding company 国家控股公司•Public company 上市公司•Private company 非上市公司•Listed company 上市公司•Overseas-listed company 境外上市公司•Parent company 母公司•Subsidiary company 子公司•Group company 集团公司•Large-scale industrial group 大型工业集团•International conglomerate 跨国企业集团•International corporation 跨国公司•Multinational corporation 跨国公司•Multinational market group 跨国市场集团•Banking institution 金融机构•Banking sector 银行部门•Intermediary bank 中介银行•Development bank 开发银行•Commercial bank 商业银行•Investment bank 投资银行•Credit bank 信贷银行•Cooperative bank 合作银行•Mortgage bank 抵押银行•Clearing bank 清算银行•Credit union 信用社•Non-bank financial institution 非银行金融机构•Financing corporation 金融公司•Securities company 证券公司•Underwriting company 担保公司•Loan and trust company 信托公司•Insurance company 保险公司•Life insurance company 人寿保险公司•Utility company 公共事业公司•MERGER AND ACQUISITION 兼并与收购•Reorganization 重组•Association 联合•Merger 兼并•Acquisition 收购•Joint stock partnership 股份合作•Leasing 出租•Contract operation 承包经营•Auction 拍卖•Develop trans-regional and trans-industry enterprise groups 发展跨地区跨行业的企业集团•Strategic acquisition 战略性收购•Combination of enterprise 企业合并•Concentric acquisition 集中收购•Conglomerate merger 集团企业合并•Consolidation by lease 租赁式合并•Consolidation by merger 兼并式合并•Leveraged buy-out (LBO’s) 杠杆收购•Stock merger 股票兼并•Vertical acquisition 纵向收购•Vertical merger 纵向兼并•Vertical consolidation 纵向合并•Vertical integration 纵向合并•Horizontal merger 横向兼并•Horizontal acquisition 横向收购•Horizontal combination 横向合并,同行业合并•Horizontal integration 横向联合•Acquisition cost 收购成本•Acquiring enterprise 收购方企业•Corporate reorganization 公司重组•Bankruptcy Law 破产法•Bankruptcy code chapter 7--- liquidation 破产法第七章清算•Bankruptcy code 11 --- reorganization 破产法第十一章重组•Act of bankruptcy 破产法案•Antitrust Law 反托拉斯法•Bankruptcy court 破产法庭•Bankruptcy debtor 破产债务人•Bankruptcy notice 破产公告•Bankruptcy petition 要求宣布破产•Declaration of bankruptcy 宣告破产•Arrangement in bankruptcy court 破产法庭内的协调•Arrangement out of bankruptcy court 不经破产法庭的协调•Creditor’s equity 债权人权益•Bankruptcy trustee 破产受托人•Creditor’s meeting 债权人会议•Creditor of bankruptcy 破产债权人•MARKET AND COMPETITION 市场和竟争•Commodity market 商品市场•Securities market 证券市场•Bond market 债券市场•Stock market 股票市场•Futures market 期货市场•Options market 期权市场•Property rights market 产权市场•Capital market 资本市场•Free market 自由市场•Labour market 劳动力市场•Flea market 跳蚤市场•Bear market 股票市场的熊市•Bull market 股票市场的牛市•Market competition 市场竟争•Market development 市场开发•Market forecast 市场预测•Market potential 市场潜力•Market risk 市场风险•Market share 市场份额•Seller’s market 卖方市场•Buyer’s market 买方市场•Market abroad 海外市场•Marketability 市场能力•Marketable 销路好的•Marketing channel 销售渠道•Marketing strategy 销售战略•Competition market 竟争市场•Perfect competition 完全竟争•Imperfect competition 不完全竟争•Low-level competition 低水平竟争•Monopolistic competition 垄断竟争•Competitor 竟争对手•Natural monopoly 自然垄断•International monopoly 国际垄断•Market 市场•bear market 股票市场的熊市•bond market 证券市场•bull market 股票市场的牛市•capital market 资本市场•emerging market economic 新兴市场经济•majority market economic 成熟市场经济•market abroad 海外市场•market analysis 市场分析•market approach to fair market value 求得公平市场价值的市场法•market competition 市场竟争•market demand price 市场需求价格•market development 市场开发•market economy country 市场经济国家•market factor 市场因素•market forecast 市场预测•market index 市场指数•market information 市场信息•market investigation 市场调查•market potential 市场潜力•market quotation 市场行情•market replacement cost 市场重置成本•market research 市场调查,市场研究•market risk 市场风险•market share 市场份额,市场占有率•market value method 市价法•market-oriented 面向市场的•market-to-cost method 市价成本法•property right market 产权市场•seller’s market 卖方市场•social market economy 社会主义市场经济十六大报告部分词汇•reform and opening up and in the modernization drive 改革开放和社会主义现代化建设•put into practice the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of the CPC and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents 以邓小平理论和”三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻落实党的十六大精神•Per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值•financial strength grew noticeably 财力明显增强•total government revenue 全国财政收入•total import and export volume 进出口总额•laid-off workers 下岗失业人员•urban per capita disposable income 城镇居民人均可支配收入•rural per capita net income 农民人均纯收入•grew in real terms 实际增长•first manned spaceflight 首次载人航天飞行•overall national strength 综合国力•communicable disease 传染性疾病•mobilized the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak 在全国范围内实行群防群控•primary-level organizations 基层组织•prevention and treatment work 预防救治工作•anti-SARS campaign 抗击非典斗争•expand domestic demand 扩大内需•a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy 积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策•macro-control 宏观调控•rectify and standardize the order of the land market 整顿和规范土地市场秩序•stop disorderly and unauthorized acquisition of farmland 制止乱征滥占耕地•deposit-reserve ratio 存款准备金率•an appropriate amount of fine-tuning 适度微调•agriculture, rural areas and farmers "三农"•major grain producing areas 粮食主产区•important raw and processed materials 重要原材料•strategic restructuring of the economy 经济结构战略性调整•the second phase of the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 三峡水利枢纽二期工程•transmitting natural gas from the west to the east 西气东输•transmission of electricity from the west to the east 西电东送•south-to-north water diversion project 南水北调工程•large-scale development of the western region 西部大开发•social undertakings 社会事业•treasury bonds 国债•national public health system 全国公共卫生体系•public health infrastructure 公共卫生设施•pilot projects 试点项目•medical care system and medical assistance system 医疗制度和医疗合作制度•central budget 中央财政预算•modern distance education 现代远程教育•strategically important hi-tech research 战略高技术研究•industrial application of new and high technologies 高新技术产业化•a national medium- to long-range program for scientific and technological development 国家中长期科学和技术发展规划•feasibility studies 可行性研究•family planning work 计划生育工作•land and resources administration 国土资源管理•social security work 社会保障工作•vital interests 切身利益•employment and reemployment 就业再就业•college expansion plan 高校扩招计划•regular institutions of higher learning 普通高校•"two guarantees" (guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full) "两个确保"(确保国有企业下岗职工的基本生活,确保离退休人员的基本生活,保证按时足额发放基本养老金)•"three-stage guarantee" for laid-off workers "三条保障线"(国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障、失业保险、城市居民最低生活保障制度三条保障线)•subsistence allowances for the urban poor 城市居民最低生活保障•special funds 专项资金•ex-servicemen 退役军人•disabled revolutionary servicemen 革命伤残军人•post-disaster reconstruction 灾后重建•the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers 拖欠农民工工资问题•institutional innovation 体制创新•state assets 国有资产•a mechanism for oversight and management of thebanking sector 银行业监管体系•administrative examination and approval system 行政审批制度•Fresh progress was made in transforming state-ownedenterprises into stock companies. 国有企业股份制改革继续推进。



反腐:anti-corruption“两个一百年”奋斗目标:Two Centenary Goals全面二孩政策:universal two-child policy全面建成小康社会:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革:comprehensively deepen reform全面依法治国:comprehensively implement the rule of law全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline三严三实:Three Stricts and Three Steadies丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road四个全面:Four Comprehensives“四个全面”战略布局:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy一带一路(规划):The Belt and Road (Initiatives)中高速增长:medium-high economic growth中国经济新常态:China's New Normal中国梦:the Chinese Dream中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日:the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-fascist War中华民族的伟大复兴:the great renewal of the Chinese nation中华民族伟大复兴中国梦:the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation。



1. truth-seeking and pioneering spirit 求真务实、开拓进取的精神2. build the army through diligence and thrift 勤俭建军3. system of classified management of cadres and personnel 人事分类管理制度4. quality-oriented education 素质教育5. system of markets for cultural products 文化市场体系6. nationwide fitness campaign 全民健身运动7. rational flow of trained people 人才合理流动8. judicial organs 司法机关9. develop a circular economy 发展循环经济10. Asia-Europe Finance Ministers’Meeting 亚欧财长会议11. defense capabilities 防卫作战能力12. will of the state 国家意志13. give more publicity to the legal system 加强法制宣传教育14. combine punishment and prevention打防结合15. system of military rules and regulations军事法规体系16. Reconciliation benefits both. 和则两利17. Reconciliation leads to harmony. 和则生谐18. social assistance (aid) system 社会救助体系19. to ensure social equity and justice 实现社会公平与正义20. address both the symptoms and root cause 标本兼治21. Thousand times no! 绝对办不到!22. Don't push me. 别逼我。



Hand在表示“内行,精通某项业务的人” 例如:an old Parliamentary hand (精通议会事务的人)。 某人在某个领域是行家, a good/great hand at。 但a cool hand(不熟悉)?, 它的意思是“大胆而厚脸皮的人”。 真正的“生手”其实是“a fresh/green hand” , not much of a hand at(不擅长)。
Despite a flag-down fare of 7 yuan ($1.03), 2 yuan more than other taxis, Fu's Ford also charges passengers 2.4 yuan per km traveled while the other models charge only 1.8 yuan for the distance. 尽管7元人民币(约合1.03美元)的起步价已经 比其他出租车高2元了,但是付先生的福特车每 公里计价2.4元人民币,仍高于其他出租车每公 里1.8元的价格。
given a high rating to the New Year blockbuster "Assembly," which is unprecedented among the country's holiday hits, according to a survey by the China Film Association. 报道中说,根据中国电影学会近日所作的一项 调查显示,大约86%的中国观众选择观看贺岁 电影《集结号》,这部电影成为元旦假期空前 热门的大片之一。
请看新华社的报道: China's national pension fund has



如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!时政热点词汇1.经济的快速发展the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's living standard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that…6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…9.热烈的讨论/ 争论a heated discussion/ debate10.有争议性的问题a controversial issue11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument12.一些人…而另外一些人…Some people…while others…13.就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点argument on both sides17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少be indispensable to …19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes:20.…也不例外…be no exception21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement26.竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation 27.开阔眼界widen one's horizon/ broaden one's vision 28.学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills29.经济/心理负担financial burden / psychological burden 30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration31.从另一个角度from another perspective 32.做出共同努力make joint efforts33.对…有益be beneficial / conducive to…34.为社会做贡献make contributions to the35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for…36.综合素质comprehensive quality37.无可非议blameless / beyond reproach39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…40.应当承认Admittedly41.不可推卸的义务unshakable duty42.满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of…43.可靠的信息源a reliable source of information44.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources45.因特网the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)46.方便快捷convenient and efficient47.在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life 48.环保(的)environmental protection / environmentally friendly49.社会进步的体现a symbol of society progress50.科技的飞速更新the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology51.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue52.支持前/后种观点的人people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence54.在一定程度上to some extent/ degree / in some way 55.理论和实践相结合integrate theory with practice 56.…必然趋势an irresistible trend of…57.日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly fierce social competition58.眼前利益immediate interest/ short-term interest59.长远利益. interest in the long run60.…有其自身的优缺点…has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages61.扬长避短Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones62.取其精髓,取其糟粕Take the essence and discard the dregs. 63.对…有害do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to 64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …66.采取有效措施来…take effective measures to do sth.如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位social status72.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩大知识面expand one’s scope of knowledge 74.身心两方面both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…76.提出折中提议set forth a compromise proposal 77.可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that\时政热点词汇1. 科学发展观scientific outlook (thinking) on development2. 倡导公正、合理的新秩序观to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order 3. 以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking (outlook) on development focusing on equality and mutual benefit4. 推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5. 主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster new thinking featuring the respect for different civilizations6. 新能源观new thinking on energy development7. 疏导公众情绪defuse (allay, ease) (public) anger (discontent, resentment and complaints); properly channel public sentiments8. 诚信缺失lack of credibility9. 发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people10. 和谐共赢harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony11. 真正意义上的和谐社会在逐步发展a harmonious society in its true sense is emerging; a truly harmonious society is emerging12. 实现社会公平与正义to ensure social equity and justice13. 利益协调机制interest coordinating (balancing) mechanism14. 社会救助体系social assistance (aid) system15. 人民群众安全感people’s sense of security时政热点词汇•Deepening reform and opening up 深化改革扩大开放•The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics建设有中国特色的社会主义理论•The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论•One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点•Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心•Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则•Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放•Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,•wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定•Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义生产力•Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国力•Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提高人民生活水平•Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体•Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展•Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革•Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系•Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改革与促进发展•Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步•Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位•Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!•Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制•A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施•Reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策•Reform measures 改革措施•Speed up reform 加快改革•Reform of economic system 经济体制改革•Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革•Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理•Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革•Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革•Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改革•Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革•Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革•Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革•Reform of housing system 住房制度改革•Planning system 计划管理体制•Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能•Open door policy 开放政策•Open economy 开放经济•Open-door to the outside world 对外开放•Opening up 扩大开放•Open domestic market 开放国内市场•Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和•managerial experiences 管理经验•Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区•Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区•One country, two systems 一国两制•Special administrative region 特别行政区•Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制•to the household•Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距•Eliminate poverty 消除贫困•Common prosperity 共同富裕•ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济•Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济•Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分•State-owned economy 国有经济•Non-state economy 非国有经济•Collective economy 集体经济•Individual economy 个体经济•Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存•Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展•National economic budget 国民经济预算•Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展•Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略•Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论•Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策•Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象•Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济•Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展•Commodity economy 商品经济•Market economy 市场经济•Free market economy 自由市场经济•Developed market economy 发达的市场经济•Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济•Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济•Mature market economy 成熟市场经济•Market economy country 市场经济国家•Extensive economy 粗放型经济•Intensive economy 集约型经济•Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为•mode into intensive one 集约型经济•Mixed economy 混合经济•Regional economy 地区经济•Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济•Closed economy 闭关自守经济•Economic growth point 经济增长点•Economic growth mode 经济增长方式•Economic growth rate 经济增长率•Economy measure 经济手段•Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济•Economic situation 经济形势•Economic cycle 经济周期•Economic fluctuation 经济波动•Economic miracle 经济奇迹•Economic take-off 经济起飞•Economic recovery 经济复苏•Economic potential 经济潜力•Economic sanction 经济制裁。



中英对照汉语时事、时政词汇大全整理中英对照汉语时事、时政词汇大全杂费miscellaneous (incidental) express砸牌子ruin reputation灾民flood victims; flood-stricken people宰客swindle money out of customers宰人rip off载人卫星manned satellite再贷款re-lending; subloan再就业服务中心re-employment service center再就业工程re-employment project / program再生纸recycled writing paper在孵(孵化器)企业incubated enterprises (incubator)在建项目后续资金additional funding for projects under construction在途资金fund in float在线(计算机) on-line在线网上书店online bookstore在职博士生on-job doctorate在职研究生on-job postgraduates在字面上兜圈子festoons of words赃款赃物proceeds of crime脏弹dirty bomb脏乱差dirty, disorderly and bad糟粕dross早恋puppy love早市morning session造假帐falsified accounts造林运动afforestation drive (campaign)噪声治理noise abatement责任编辑editor in charge责任追究制度system of accountability增发股票increase issues in stocks增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation 增强人民体质build up people's health增强型短信服务EMS (Enhanced Message Service)增值税value added tax(VAT)渣打银行The Chartered Bank斋月(伊斯兰教) Ramadan/ month of fast债台高筑become debt-ridden债务人持有资产debtor-in-possession (DIP)债转股debt-to-equity swap沾光benefit from one's association占便宜profit at others' expense占着茅坑不拉屎be a dog in the manger战俘prisoner of war (POW)战俘营prisoner-of-war (POW) camp战斧式巡航导弹T omahawk cruise missile战略防御计划Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)战略伙伴关系strategic partnership站得住脚hold water站票standing-room-only ticket站台票platform ticket涨落线advance balance line掌上电脑palm pilot帐外设帐keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones招标invite a bid招标投标制the system of public bidding for project招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful招股说明书prospectus招牌菜signature dishes招商局China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (China Merchants) 招商引资attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas)招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office 折旧费depreciation charge折衷方案a compromise proposal侦察飞机surveillance plane珍爱之人或物apple of one's eyes珍稀濒危植物rare or endangered species真空包装vacuum packing真善美the true, the good and the beautiful; truth, good and beauty振兴经济revitalize the economy振兴中华make China powerful and strong; revitalize the Chinese nation 震感seismaesthesia, feel of the earthquake(tremor)震级earthquake magnitude震区seismic zone震源focus (of an earthquake), seismic origin震中epicenter震中烈度epicentral intensity震中区epicentral area争端解决机构dispute settlement body争议地区disputed area正气uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude正式会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA)正式照会formal note证券化securitisation证券监督管理委员会securities supervision commission证券交易委员会Securities and Exchange Commission证券营业部stock exchange; security exchange政策倾斜policy support政策性贷款policy-based lending; policy-related loan政策性亏损policy-related losses; losses incurred due to policy decisions政策性住房"policy-related house, policy-based house"政策银行policy banks政策组合policy mix政法委politics and law committee政府采购government procurement政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏"Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show. "政府干预government intervention政府工作报告government work report政府廉洁高效a clean and efficient government政府上网工程Government Online Project政府特殊津贴获得者winner of special government allowance 政府贴息贷款discount government loans政府职能转变transform/shift the government functions政改方案(英国对香港) constitutional package政企不分without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises; the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up政企分开separate government functions from enterprise management政务公开make government affairs public政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良,纪律严明,保障有力"be qualified politically and competent militarily, have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support"政治局politburo政治局常委member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau政治迫害political persecution; witch hunt政治体制改革political restructuring政治协商、民主监督、参政议政exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs支付能力payment capacity支原体mycoplasma支柱产业pillar / cornerstone industry知己知彼,百战不殆Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.知识产权intellectual property知识经济knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy 知识就是力量Knowledge is power.知识密集knowledge-intensive知识转让transfer of knowledge知识资本knowledge capital执法人员law enforcement officials; law-executor; law enforcer直播"live broadcast, live telecast"直接道歉a straight-out apology直接三通与双向交流three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade) and bilateral exchanges直接选举direct election直辖市municipality directly under the Central Government 直销direct marketing; door-to-door sale职称professional title职工工资集体协商制度management-labor negotiation system for determining employee wages 职工股staff share职能转换transformation of functions职务发明on-duty invention职务犯罪crime by taking advantage of duty职业高中(职高)vocational high school职业介绍所career service center; job center职业经理人professional manager职业培训job training职业资格证书制度professional qualification certificate system 植物群落plant community植物人human vegetable; vegetable只读存储器read-only-memory (ROM)纸包不住火Truth will come to light sooner or later.纸上谈兵be an armchair strategist制海权command of the sea制空权air space control; air supremacy; command of the air; air mastery; air domination制止外汇流失prevent foreign exchange flight治理整顿improve the environment and rectify the order; improvement and rectification质量管理quality control质量认证体系认证证书certificate of the system of quality certification质量守恒定律law of conservation of mass致命要害Achilles' heel掷钱猜先toss智力引进recruit / introduce (foreign) talents智力支持intellectual support智囊团、思想库the brain trust;think tank智商intelligence quotient (IQ)滞后影响lagged effect滞销商品unmarketable goods置业house purchasing中程导弹intermediate-range missile; medium-range missile 中东和平进程the Middle East peace process中关村科技园区Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 中国出口商品交易会(广交会) China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair)中国电信China Telecom中国工程院the Chinese Academy of Engineering中国结Chinese knot中国经济景气监测中心China Economic Monitoring Center中国联通公司China Unicom中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)中国新经济峰会China New Economy Summit中国新闻出版报社China Press and Publication News中国沿海专属经济区China's exclusive economic waters中国移动通信公司China Mobile中国预防医学科学院the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine中国证监会China's Securities Regulatory Commission中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC中华世纪坛China Millennium Monument中华医学会Chinese Medical Association中介intermediary agent中立国neutralized state中流砥柱mainstay; chief cornerstone中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other中日友好四项原则: 和平友好,平等互利,互相信赖,长期稳定The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability 中山装Chinese tunic suit中式快餐Chinese fast food中文信息处理系统Chinese information processing system中心环节key link中型商用飞机mid-size G200 business jets中央大型企业工委Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises中央国家机关China's State organs中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC中央经济工作会议the Central Economic Working Conference 中央领导集体central collective leadership中央商务区central business district (CBD)中央统战部United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee中央综治委“严打”整治斗争检查组Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security.中药traditional Chinese medicine中专生secondary specialized or technical school student终点控制区terminal control area终端服务器terminal server终身职务制life-long tenure终审权right of adjudication; right of giving final approval种植业crop farming众口难调It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.众矢之的target of public criticism重点发展prioritize重复建设building redundant project; duplication of similar projects重复生产duplication of production重复引进inroduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities重合同,守信用abide by contracts and keep one's words; honor credit and promise重合同、守信用的原则the principle of equality and mutual benefit and “honoring contracts adn standing by reputation”重灾区the harder-hit area洲际弹道导弹intercontinental ballistic missiles珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma诸边协议plurilateral agreement主板市场main board of the stock market主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games主持人anchorperson主叫方付费caller-pays system主渠道main channel主权豁免sovereign immunity主体经济the mainstay of the economy主体思想(DPRK)Juche Idea主页home page住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation住房零首付zero-yuan first payment (for apartments)住宅小区residence community助跑"approach run, run-up"助学行动activity to assist the impoverished students注册会计师certificated public accountant (CPA)注册资本registered capital驻港部队People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong抓大放小to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves抓大放小,三改一加强(Efforts were focused on) the reform, reorganization, upgrading and better management of enterprises, aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones抓住机遇seize the opportunity抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定seize the current opportunity, deepen the reform, open China wider to the outside world, promote development and maintain stability 专访exclusive interview专利产品,仿冒必究patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed专卖店exclusive agency; franchised store专门的营销机构market boards专门人才professional personnel; special talents专升本upgrade from junior college student to universitystudent; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study 专题报道special coverage专业化分工division of labor based on specialization专业化经营specialized operation专属经济区exclusive economic zone转败为胜turn the tables (on someone)转轨transfer to a different track; retracking转轨经济economies in transition; transition economy转化机制(of State-owned enterprises) to shift to new management mechanisms转基因生物GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)转配股transferred allotted shares转世灵童reincarnated soul boy转体truck rotation, turn, twist转业transferred to civilian work转移支付transfer payment撞线breast the tape追潮族fashion follower追车族auto fan追赶型和跨越式发展pursuant and leap-forward development 追究责任call to account; ascertain where the responsibility lies追平produce the equalizer追星族star fan; groupie坠落的残骸、碎片falling debris准备金reserve fund; capital reserves准博士all but dissertation (ABD)准上市公司pro-listed companies资本充足率capital adequacy资本额过多overcapalisation资本利润率rate of return on capital资本外逃capital flight资不抵债insolvency资产保值增值maintain and increase the value of assets; maintenance and appreciation of assets value资产剥离peel off (bad) assets of a company资产调控assets control资产负债表balance sheet资产阶级自由化bourgeois liberalization资产评估asset assessment资产置换replacement of assets资产重组reorganized assets; assets reorganization资金到位fully funded (project)资金划拨capital allocation资金汇划fund remittance and transfer资源配置the distribution (allocation) of resources资源优化配置most optimum distribution of resources姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心的主要建筑twin towers自动柜员机automatic teller machine (ATM)自发罢工,野猫式罢工(未经工会批准的罢工)wildcat strikes自费留学go to study abroad at one's own expense自律机制the self-discipline system自然保护区natural reserve; nature preservation zone自然耗损natural wearing自然资源保护区natural resource protection areas自我保护意识self-protection awareness自学成才become well-educated through self-study自学考试self-taught examination自营self-run自营性存款self-operating deposit自由港free-trade port,free port自由竞争free competition自由流通free flow自由贸易区free-trade zone自由职业者free lance自治权right ti autonomy; autonomy自主经营,自负盈亏make one's own management decisions and take full responsibility for one's own profits and losses 自助银行self-help bank自足经济self-sufficient economy自作自受stew in one’s own juice综合国力comprehensive national strength综合经济效益overall economic efficiency; composite economic results综合授信comprehensive credit line综合素质comprehensive quality综合业务数字网ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 综合整治comprehensive improvement综合指数composite index综合治理comprehensive treatment综艺节目variety show总裁助理assistant president总经理负责制general manager responsibility system走过场go through the motions走后门get in by the back door走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progress走新型工业化道路T ake a new road to industrialization走穴"(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary incomewithout approval by the unit they belong to "阻碍司法obstruction of justice组委会organizing committee祖传handed down from one's ancestors祖国和平统一大业peaceful reunification of the motherland最不发达国家LDCs (Least-developed countries)最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)最低工资保障制度minimum wage guarantee system最低生活保证制度system for ensuring a minimum standard of living最后的投票make the final vote最惠国待遇most-favored-nation status最终用户end user遵纪守法、廉洁奉公observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one's official duties左倾pinko左右为难between the devil and the deep blue sea; between the rock and the hard place坐视不管sit idle做假帐salt a false account。



时事政治词汇国内时事Domestic Affairs中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会17th National Congress of Communist Party of China (17th NCCPC)中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection中共中央委员会CPC Central Committee全国人民代表大会(简称全国人大) National People’s Congress (NPC)九届全国人大四次会议the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress全国人大代表deputy to the National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会主席团the NPC Presidium全国人民代表大会常务委员会the NPC Standing Committee全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协) National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院Supreme People’s Procuratorate最高人民检察院检察长Procurator-General国务院State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defense国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People’s Bank of China审计署Auditing Administration中共中央总书记General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee政治局常委Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee 政治局委员Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee书记处书记Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee中央委员Member, Central Committee候补委员Alternate Member省委/市委书记Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC党组书记secretary, Party Leadership Group中华人民共和国主席/副主席President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress秘书长Secretary-General主任委员Chairman委员Member(地方人大)主任Chairman, Local People’s Congress人大代表Deputy to the People’s Congress国务院总理Premier, State Council副总理Vice Premier国务委员State Councilor秘书长Secretary-General(国务院各委员会)主任Minister in Charge of Commission for(国务院各部)部长Minister部长助理Assistant Minister司长Director局长Director省长Governor常务副省长Executive Vice Governor自治区人民政府主席Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government地区专员Commissioner, prefecture香港特别行政区行政长官Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region市长/副市长Mayor/Vice Mayor区长Chief Executive, District Government县长Chief Executive, County Government乡镇长Chief Executive, Township Government秘书长Secretary-General办公厅主任Director, General Office(部委办)主任Director处长/副处长Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief科长/股长Section Chief科员Clerk/Officer有中国特色的社会主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory三个代表three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time. 两大历史性课题(提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力)the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程forge ahead with the new great project of Party building三讲教育:讲学习,讲政治,讲正气three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)新闻发布会news conference政府工作报告government’s work report国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOE)人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product (GDP)国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)经济房low-cost housing西部大开发the strategy of developing the western region西部大开发战略develop-the-west strategy扩大住房贷款,助学贷款和大件消费品贷款expand housing loans, student loans and major commodity loans弱势群体disadvantaged groups (对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。




以下是中国重要时政术语的英语翻译:1.中国特色社会主义(Chinese-style socialism)这是中国共产党提出的一种新型社会主义,它强调坚持中国道路、中国特色、中国经验,把马克思列宁主义基本原理同中国革命和建设的具体实践相结合,以改善人民生活和实现全面发展为目标。

2.四个全面(Four Comprehensives)四个全面是指全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。


3.中国梦(Chinese Dream)中国梦是习近平主席提出的一个概念,它强调实现中华民族的伟大复兴,包括国家强大、民族团结、人民幸福等方面。

4.一带一路(The Belt and Road Initiative)一带一路是中国政府提出的一个重大倡议,旨在促进全球治理体系的变革,通过加强与沿线国家的经贸合作、推进基础设施建设、加强文化交流等方面,实现各国共同发展。

5.新时代中国特色大国外交(New Era Chinese Diplomacy)新时代中国特色大国外交是习近平主席提出的一种外交理念和战略,强调坚持和平发展、开放合作、推动建设人类命运共同体等方面。

6.供给侧结构性改革(Supply-side Structural Reform)供给侧结构性改革是中国政府推行的一项重大改革,旨在通过优化供给结构、削减过剩产能、降低企业成本以及改善国民经济结构等方面,促进中国经济持续发展。

7.质量兴国(Quality-driven Development)质量兴国是中国政府提出的发展战略,强调把质量作为发展的核心,通过推进质量提升、加强创新、提高品牌影响力等方面,实现经济高质量发展。

8.人民军队是人民的军队(The People's Army Belongs to the People)人民军队是中国共产党领导下的人民军队,它的使命是保卫国家安全和人民利益。



54 A P PR EN D R E L E FRA N A I S2009.1中国时政词汇汉法对译(27)●中国译协中译外委员会中译法分会1.【和】harmonie ;paix ;entente ;concorde ;coh ésion ;r éconciliation◆中国自古就有以~为贵、~而不同、~实生物的思想。

Dep uis la plus haute antiquit é,les Chinois sont les adeptes d πune p hilosop hie fo nd ée sur la primaut éde la paix ,l πentente respect ueuse de la diversit éet l πéquilibre actif des diff érences.◆“~”是中国文化传统的基本精神,也是中华民族不懈追求的理想境界。

L πharmo nie rep r ésente une valeur fondamentale du pat rimoine cult urel de la Chine ,un id éal pour lequel la nation chinoise n πa jamais cess éd π≠uvrer/auquella nation chinoise n πa jamaiscess éd πadh érer.◆“以~为贵”就是说国家之间、民族之间、人与人之间要以团结互助、友好相处为最高境界。

La 1primaut éde la paix 2signifie que la solidarit é,l πent raide ,l πentente et l πamiti édoivent pr évaloir comme p rincipes supr êmes dans les rapport s ent re ∗tat s ,nations/peuples et individus/entre les ∗tat s ,ent re les nations et ent re les hommes.◆“~而不同”就是说一个国家、一个民族既能容纳不同文明的存在,又能保留自己的优秀文明传统。



常见时事及时政热点翻译词汇短语常见时事及时政热点翻译词汇短语64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …66.采取有效措施来…take effective measures to do sth. 67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因⼈⽽异Views on …vary from person to person.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位social status72.把时间和精⼒放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩⼤知识⾯expand one’s scope of knowledge 74.⾝⼼两⽅⾯both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…76.提出折中提议set forth a compromise proposal 77.可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that\时政热点词汇1. 科学发展观scientific outlook (thinking) on development2. 倡导公正、合理的新秩序观to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order3. 以平等互利为核⼼的新发展观new thinking (outlook) on development focusing on equality and mutual benefit4. 推动树⽴以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5. 主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新⽂明观foster new thinking featuring the respect for different civilizations6. 新能源观new thinking on energy development7. 疏导公众情绪defuse (allay, ease) (public) anger (discontent, resentment and complaints); properly channel public sentiments8. 诚信缺失 lack of credibility 9. 发展为了⼈民、发展依靠⼈民、发展成果由⼈民共享development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people10. 和谐共赢harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony11. 真正意义上的和谐社会在逐步发展a harmonious society in its true sense is emerging; a truly harmonious society is emerging12. 实现社会公平与正义to ensure social equity and justice13. 利益协调机制interest coordinating (balancing) mechanism14. 社会救助体系social assistance (aid) system15. ⼈民群众安全感people’s sense of security时政热点词汇Deepening reform and opening up 深化改⾰扩⼤开放The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特⾊的社会主义理论The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论One focus, two basic points ⼀个中⼼,两个基本点Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中⼼?Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则?Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改⾰开放Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改⾰,wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩⼤开放,促进发展,保持稳定?Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义⽣产⼒Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国⼒Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提⾼⼈民⽣活⽔平Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建⽴Deepening economic reform 深化经济改⾰Relationships among reform, development and stability 改⾰发展和稳定的关系Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改⾰与促进发展Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第⼀⽣产⼒Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制?A series of policies and measures ⼀系列政策措施?Reform and opening up policy 改⾰开放政策?Reform measures 改⾰措施Speed up reform 加快改⾰Reform of economic system 经济体制改⾰Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改⾰?Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改⾰Reform of property rights system 产权制度改⾰?Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改⾰?Reform of foreign tradesystem 外贸体制改⾰?Reform of personnel system ⼈事制度改⾰Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改⾰?Reform of housing system 住房制度改⾰Planning system 计划管理体制Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能?Open door policy 开放政策Open economy 开放经济Open-door to the outside world 对外开放Opening up 扩⼤开放Open domestic market 开放国内市场Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资⾦,先进技术和managerial experiences 管理经验Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区?One country, two systems ⼀国两制Special administrative region 特别⾏政区Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制to the householdNarrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩⼩贫富差距Eliminate poverty 消除贫困Common prosperity 共同富裕ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济?Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分State-owned economy 国有经济Non-state economy ⾮国有经济Collective economy 集体经济Individual economy 个体经济Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展National economic budget 国民经济预算?Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展?Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略?Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论?Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策? Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济?Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展?Commodity economy 商品经济Market economy 市场经济Free market economy ⾃由市场经济Developed market economy 发达的市场经济?Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济?Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济Mature market economy 成熟市场经济Market economy country 市场经济国家Extensive economy 粗放型经济Intensive economy 集约型经济Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为?mode into intensive one 集约型经济Mixed economy 混合经济Regional economy 地区经济Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济Closed economy 闭关⾃守经济Economic growth point 经济增长点Economic growth mode 经济增长⽅式Economic growth rate 经济增长率Economy measure 经济⼿段。




英文:The Israeli government has launched airstrikes on Gaza, targeting what it said were Iranian military facilities in the enclave. Palestinian militants have fired rockets into Israel in response. The violence has escalated in recent weeks, leaving scores of people dead and injured. The UN and Egypt have been mediating to broker a ceasefire, but progress has been slow.中文:以色列政府对加沙发动空袭,打击其所说的伊朗军事设施。




英文:In the wake of the recent escalation of violence in Gaza, Israel has beefed up its military presence in the area, deploying more troops and tanks. Palestinian militants have been firing rockets into Israel, while Israeli aircraft have been carrying out airstrikes on Gaza. The situation has been described as extremely volatile, with fears of further bloodshedand destruction.中文:随着加沙地区暴力事件的升级,以色列加强了在该地区的军事存在,部署了更多的部队和坦克。


grössere Transparenz / die Transparenz(Durchsichtigkeit) verbessern
sich institutionalisieren; etw. zu einer Institution machen
eine harmonische Welt des dauerhaften Friedens und der gemeinsamen Prosperität schaffen
Aufbau einer harmonischen Gesellschaft
Die Volkswirtschaft weist ein relativ schnelles Wachstum vor, was die gute Effizienz, die stabilen Preise und die zunehmende Vitalität belegen.
Die Kluft zwischen Süd und Nord wurde weiterhin vergrößert
Internationale Probleme wieTerrorismus,grenzüberschreitende Kriminalität, Umweltverschmutzung und folgeschwereansteckendeKrankheiten wurden in den Vordergrund gerückt。



中国时政词汇汉法对译(2)●中国译协中译外委员会中译法分会全国各族人民peuple chinois multiethnique /pluriethnique ;diff érentes ethnies de /qui composent la nationchinoise“一边一国”论assertion dite (d π)“un pays de chaque c t é”取其精华,去其糟粕absorber la quintessence de qqch.et en rejeter lalie全面建设小康社会travailler la r éalisation compl ète d πune soci ét érelativement ais ée /d πaisance moyenne ;tra 2vailler sur tous les plans l πédificaiton /la cons 2truction d πune soci ét éau niveau de vie relative 2ment élev é;construire une soci ét écapabled πassurer au peuple une vie relativement ais ée surtous les plans ;faire acc éder ,sur tous les plans ,notre soci ét é une aisance moyenne 人才辈出émergence massive de personnes de talent /depersonnes hautement qualifi ées人心向背(évolution de l π)opinion publique ;sentimentspopulaires ;adh ésion populaire ;soutien popu 2laire ;社会经济成分composantes économiques生态建设am énagement écologique ;protection de l πenvironnement 58 APPRENDRE L E FRAN AIS2003.6思想道德素质niveau de conscience et qualitémorale四项基本原则Quatre Principes fondamentaux(sπen tenir la voie s ocialiste, la dictature de démocratie populaire, la direction du Parti communiste chinois,au marxisme-léninisme et la pensée Mao Z edong)缩小和剔除各种错误思想观点借以滋生的土壤réduire le terrain favorable la propagation des idées erronées et leséliminer radicalement以权谋私、贪赃枉法abus de pouvoir pour rechercher des intérêts per2 sonnels et se laisser corrompre;abuser de ses fonctions en vue dπen retirer des avantages per2 sonnels au mépris de la loi;utiliser son pouvoir des fins personnelles envers et contre tout脱离实际简单地加以排斥rejeter de fa on simpliste et au mépris de/sans tenir compte de la réalité脱颖而出émergence de personnes qualifiées (制度的)稳定性stabilitédes institutions物质财富极大丰富abondance des biens matériels先进性和纯洁性puretéet caractère progressiste是统一的整体,相互联系,相互促进parties dπun ensemble liées entre elles et en inter2 action;former un tout aux parties interdépendantes et en interaction形成既得利益集团constituer des clans pour défendre les intérêts ac2 quisAPPRENDRE L E FRAN AIS2003.659严重脱离群众的现象s érieuse coupure /s éparation d πavec les masses ;s érieux foss éentre...et les masses ;perdre lecontact avec les masses ;se couper du peuple把依法治国同以德治国结合起来,为社会保持良好的秩序和风尚营造高尚的思想道德基础combiner le gouvernement du pays selon la loi etl πadministration du pays en insistant sur une no 2ble morale /gouverner (le pays )et par la loi etpar la vertu pour cr éer une solide base id éologiqueet morale favorable au maintien d πun bon ordre etde bonnes m ≠urs sociales一身正气demeurer d évou é;d évouement total ;nobles sen 2timents ;comportements exemplaires一些带有迷信、愚味、颓废、庸俗等色彩的落后文化une culture arri ér ée o ùse m êlent la superstition ,l πignorance ,la d écadence (ou pourriture )et lamesquinerie一支强大的现代化、正规化革命军队une arm ée r évolutionnaire puissante ,moderne etorganis ée d πapr ès des normes unifi ées移风易俗r éformer les us et coutumes ;faire évoluer les uset coutumes以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人armer les citoyens /la population avec desth éories scientifiques ,les orienter l πaided πopinions justes ,leur inculquer un esprit nobleet les encourager par des ≠uvres de qualit é主心骨pilier sur lequel notre peuple entier puisses πappuyer ;soutien moral /spirituel义不容辞的使命mission qui incombe有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律的公民citoyens instruits et disciplin és ,ayant de noblesid éaux et morales 60 APPRENDRE L E FRAN AIS2003.6加强有说服力的思想政治工作renforcer lπéducation politique et idéologique/le travail politico-idéologique pour la(le)rendre plus convaincante(convaincant)增强自立意识,竞争意识,效率意识,民主法律意识和开拓创新精神développer son sens de lπautonomie,de la con2 currence,de lπefficacité,de la démocratie,de la légalitéet de lπinitiative;développer la confiance en soi,le sens de la compétition,de lπefficacité, de la démocratie et de la légalité,et exalter lπesprit dπinitiative“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”的总要求principe de“haute conscience politique,excel2 lente aptitude au combat,style de travail exem2 plaire,discipline de fer et logistique s re”知人善用,广纳群贤savoir apprécier les gens leur juste titre/valeur et les employer judicieusement志存高远、胸怀宽广animédπun noble idéal et prêt embrasser les plus vastes horizons;avoir de nobles ambitions et une grande ouverture dπesprit治党治国diriger les affaires du Parti et de lπ∗tat自重、自省、自警、自励avoir le sens de la dignité,faire lπexamen de sa propre conscience/procéder son examen de conscience,se tenir sur ses gardes et se montrer toujours enthousiaste;respect de soi,autoexa2 men de conscience,vigilance constante et ardeur au travail(ou volonté/désir de bien faire)创造力、凝聚力和战斗力faire preuve de créativité,de cohésion et de combativitéAPPRENDRE L E FRAN AIS2003.661集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定的原则principe de la direction collective ,du centralisme d émocratique ,des d élib érations particuli ères et des d écisions prises l πissue des r éunions 科教兴国renouveau /redressement de la nation par les sciences et l πéducation 科学化、规范化、制度化的机制m écanisme scientifique ,normalis éet institutionnalis é物质文明和精神文明相辅相成,协调发展la compl émentarit éet le d éveloppement har 2monieux des valeurs morales /de la civilisation spirituelle et de la civilisation mat érielle 与时俱进avancer avec son époque ;être en phase avec sontemps /l πesprit du temps总揽全局、协调各方的原则principe de la ma trise de l πensemble de la situa 2tion et de la coordination des opinions /des ac 2tions des parties diverses ;principe consistantconcilier l πint ér êt collectif /g én éral avec lesint ér êts particuliers 南北之间的发展差距、贫富鸿沟在扩大下去aggravation du foss é/des disparit és Nord-Suden mati ère de d éveloppement et des in égalit és so 2ciales ;le foss ése creuse entre le Nord et le Sudcomme entre les nantis et les pauvres国际展览事业rayonnement des expositions internationales “城市,让生活更美好”“Meilleure ville ,Meilleure vie ”△62 APPRENDRE L E FRAN AIS2003.6。


Le président de l’UMP Nicolas Sarkozy fera voter les adhérents de son parti sur le nom “ LesRépublicains ” à la veille du congrès du 30 mai, a déclaré dimanche Nathalie Kosciuko-Morizet, confirmant une information du JDD.
refonte n.m.重熔;重铸
Grâce à la forte croissance de ses ventes d’iPhone et à ses succès en Chine, le bénéfice d’Apple s’est envolé de 33%au trimestre achevé fin mars, ledeuxième de son exercice décalé.




】【全国人民代表大会】Assemblée populaire nationale de Chine【全国人大】APN(“全国人民代表大会”的简称)~常务委员会Comité permanent de l’APN~委员长Président du Comité permanent de l’APN~副委员长 Vice-Président du Comité permanent de l’APN~各专门委员会commissions permanentes de l’APN【人大】assemblée populaire~代表député à l’APN(指全国); représentant à l’assemblée populaire provinciale, municipale...(指省市等地方); rep résentant du peuple各级~assemblées populaires aux différents échelons地方~assemblées populaires locales【各位代表】Camarades Députés〔称呼,指人大代表〕【中国人民政治协商会议】Conférence consultative politique du Peuple chinois~第十一届全国委员会第二次会议Deuxième Session plénière du 11e Comité national de la CCPPC【全国政协】CCPPC(“中国人民政治协商会议”的简称~主席Président du Comité national de la CCPPC~副主席 Vice-Président du Comité national de la CCPPC~委员membre du Comité national de la CCPPC【地方政协】comités locaux de la CCPPC; comités de la CCPPC aux échelons locaux~委员membres des comités locaux de la CCPPC; membre du comité provincial/municipal ... de la CCPPC【提案委员会】Commission des Motions【主任委员】Président de la Commission...【副主任委员】Vice-Président de la Commission【两会】sessions (annuelles) de l'APN et de la CCPPC【议程】ordre du jour【今年的两会是在……背景下召开的】Les deux sessions de cette année se tiennent dans un contexte marqué par 【今年的两会是在……时刻召开的】Les deux sessions de cette année ont lieu à un moment où【工作报告】rapport d'activité**~rapport d'activité du gouvernement做**~présenter le rapport d'activité du gouvernement【听取和审议】écouter et examiner~**工作报告écouter et examiner le Rapport d'activité du gouvernement【各代表团进行讨论】discussions au niveau des délégations 【审查和批准】examiner et approuver【十一五规划】XIe Programme quinquennal de développement économique et social【2009年国民经济和社会发展计划】Plan de développement économique et social pour 2009【2008年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2009年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告】Rapport sur l'exécution du Plan de développement économique et social pour 2008 et sur le projet de Plan de déve loppement socio-économique pour 2009【2008年中央和地方预算执行情况与2009中央和地方预算草案的报告】Rapport sur l'exercice budgétaire 2008 des instances centrales et locales/aux niveaux central et local ainsi que sur le projet de budget 2009 aux niveaux central et local【2009年中央预算】budget des instances centrales pour2009【全国人大常委会工作报告】Rapport d'activité du Comité permanent de l'APN【最高人民法院工作报告】Rapport d'activité de la Cour populaire suprême【最高人民检察院工作报告】Rapport d'activité du Parquet populaire suprême【热点问题】sujets/questions d’actualité (brûlante)【振兴经济计划】plan de relance de l’économie【扩内需,保增长】stimuler la demande intérieure/interne/domestique et assurer la croissance 【建言献策】suggérer des idées; faire des propositions; formuler des suggestions/propositions【反腐倡廉】lutter contre la corruption et promouvoir/encourager/exalter l'intégrité; combattre la corruption et promouvoir la probité/droiture/rectitude 【凝聚共识】fédérer les esprits; dégager un consensus général【统一思想】unifier les idées【举全国之力】mobiliser toute la nation/le peuple tout entier; mobiliser toutes les ressources du pays ; rassembler les énergies populaires/de tous/de tous les secteurs de la société chinoise 【开成民主、团结、务实、奋进的大会】placer la session sous le signe de la démocratie, de l’unité, du pragmatisme/de l'action et de la vaillance; placer la session sous le signe de la démocratie, de l’unité, du réalisme et de l’effort/l’engagement【共商国是】discuter tous ensemble des affaires de【惠农政策】mesures politiques en faveur de l’agriculture et au bénéfice des paysans; politique favorisant le développementrural; mesures politiques qui profitent aux populations rurales 【共克时艰】ensemble pour vaincre l’adversité; conjuguer les efforts pour surmonter l’adversité/sortir de la situation difficile/vaincre les épreuves【大学生就业问题】question de l’emploi des diplômés d’universités/des écoles d’enseignement supérieur 【农民工就业问题】question de l’emploi des travailleurs migrants【基础设施建设】projets/chantiers d’infrastructure【保持社会和谐和稳定】assurer l’harmonie et la stabilité dans la société【住房】habitat; logement【就业】emploi【物价】prix (sur le marché)【医改】réforme de la couverture médicale【教育】enseignement; éducation【会务】travaux de la session【奏国歌】exécution de l'hymne national; exécuter l'hymne national【会议工作】travaux de la session【审议】examiner; examen再次~réexaminer【开幕】ouverture; s'ouvrir【举行】tenue【闭幕】clôture; se clôturer【任期】mandat【列席】assister à; être présent à【出席】participer à【届】législature(指立法机关)11~(de la) 11e législature【新闻发言人】porte-parole【新闻发布会】point de presse; briefing【记者招待会】conférence de presse【秘书处】secrétariat【主席团】présidium【执行主席】président en exercice【分组会议】réunions en groupe/en commission/au niveau des délégations【法】législation; loi【法规】lois et règlements; législation【立法】légiférer; faire des lois~权pouvoir législatif【提案】projet de résolution提交~présenter/déposer un projet de résolution联合~人 co-auteurs d'un projet de résolution【预算】budget~报告rapport sur le budget de l'état【决算】exercice budgétaire; exécution du budget (de l'état)~报告rapport sur l'exécution du budget de l'état【修订】amender; révise r【修改】modifier; retouche【修正】amender; amendement; réviser【报道】couvrir; couverture médiatique; reportage~两会 couvrir les sessions de l'APN et de la CCPPC【采访】 faire un reportage; interviewer; interview[英]; faire un reportage sur qch.; couvrir qch.要求~de mander/solliciter une interview; demander à interviewer qn/couvrir (un événement)接受某人~ accorder une interview à~某人 interviewer qn被~的人士personnalité interviewée~新闻recueillir des informations; faire/réaliser un reportage; couvrir un événement/une manife station【关注】attacher/accorder une haute attention à; marquer un vif intérêt à; porter une grande attention成为媒体~的焦点polariser l'attention des médias【与会者】participant【代表团】délégation......省~délégation de la province de...~团长chef de délégation【发言】prendre la parole; intervenir~者 orateur; intervenant【讨论】discuter; discussions; débat; délibération~热烈discussions très animées【发表意见】faire des remarques; émettre/faire part de son avis; s'exprimer; se prononcer【交换意见】échange d'idées; échanger ses idées avec q n; échanger leurs avis/opinions【看法】vue; point de vue; remarque; observation交换~échanger ses vues avec qn; échanger leurs points de vue谈~faire part de son point de vue; faire des remarques/observations【总结经验】dresser le bilan des expériences (du passé); faire la synthèse des expériences【回顾过去】évoquer le passé/le chemin parcouru; jeter un regard rétrospectif sur【吸取教训】tirer la leçon de ...【正确分析形势】analyser correctement/judicieusement/de façon pertinente la situation【坚定信心】raffermir sa confiance【迎接挑战】affronter les/relever les/faire face aux défis【确定战略】élaborer/concevoir une stratégie【食品安全】sûreté alimentaire【食品安全法】Loi sur la sûreté alimentaire【中国特色】originalité/identité/spécificité/authenticité chinoise; à la chinoise; aux couleurs chinoises; typiqu ement chinois建设有~的社会主义édifier/construire/batir un socialisme à la chinoise走~的社会主义道路suivre une voie originale, celle d'un socialisme chinois/aux couleurs chinoises沿着有~的社会主义道路前进avancer dans la voie d'un socialisme chinois/à la chinoise【坚持改革开放】applique r résolument/poursuivre fermement la politique de réforme et d’ouverture【关注民生是重中之重】accorder la priorité des priorités à l'amélioration du bien-être du peuple【和谐社会】société harmonieuse【最高人民法院院长】Président de la Cour populaire suprême 【最高人民检察院检察长】Procureur général du Parquet populaire suprême【投票】voter; déposer son bulletin de vote~表决mise au vote; voter无记名~vote à bulletins secrets; scrutin secret【达到法定人数】atteindre le nombre requis【通过】adopter; approuver一致~adopter à l'unanimité以压倒多数~être adopté à une écrasante majorité【赞成】approuver; approbation; voter pour~票 voix pour投票~ voter pour【反对】désapprouver; désapprobation; s'opposer~票 voix contre投票~ voter contre【弃权】abstention (de vote); s'abstenir【选举】élection; élire【候选人】candidat~名单 liste des candidats【提议】proposer; proposition; proposer la candidature de 根据……~ sur proposition de【当选】être élu【任命】nommer; nomination* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *【国际经济环境严峻】une situation/conjoncture économique rude sur le plan international【国际经济危机】cri se économique internationale【国际金融危机】crise financière internationale【世界各大股市狂泻】chutes vertigineuses/plongeons vertigineus des principales places boursières du monde 【缺乏信心】manque de confiance【救市计划】plan de sauvetage de l’économie【减税】allègements fiscaux【发消费劵】distribution de bons d'achat à; offrir des coupons d'achat/de consommation【拨款】débloquer/affecter une somme【投入巨资】injecter/engager des sommes colossales【共谋对策】rechercher ensemble des solutions【共同努力】agir en synergie; conjuguer leurs efforts; travailler/oeuvrer ensemble à【贸易保护主义抬头】montée du protectionnisme (économique)【经济萧条】dépression économique; marasme (économique/de l’économie); stagnation; languir【全面萧条】dépression sur tous les secteurs; morosité générale; marasme général【生意萧条】mévente; stagnation/ma rasme des affaires; affaires qui languissent【经济不景气】marasme/dépression économique〔即“经济萧条”〕【商业不景气】commerce languissant〔即“商业不振”、“商业萧条”〕【经济陷入衰退】L’économie est entrée en récession.【全面衰退】récession générale【大批裁员】licenciements massifs【复苏】reprise【把挑战变为机遇】faire des défis des opportunités【加强银行监管】renforcer la réglementation bancaire【同舟共济】renforcer la solidarité; rester étroitement solidaires; affronter l’épreuve/la situation difficile dans un esprit d’entière solidarité; s’unir pour affronter ensemble l’adversité; affronter les défis dans l’unité et la solidarité; s’unir pour le meilleur et pour le pire; Soyons solidaires pour vaincre les dures épreuves; ensemble pour relever les défis 【危机,萧条,复苏,高涨】la crise, la dépression, la reprise (d'activité) et l'essor〔quatre phases du cycle de la reproduction capitaliste 资本主义再生产周期四个阶段)。

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les émissions de gaz à effet de serre
à coup sûr
En perspective
Le Fonds européen d'investissement stratégique (FEIS)
欧洲战略投资基金Europeen Fund for strategic investments
Par le biais de
tenir la corde
Le carnage
une conjoncture
à l'issuede
2. [后接a. ]显得,表现得:
se ruer
Un engouement
la reddition
hors de contrôle
La lâcheté
à l'enconrede(eng.: against)
le tribunal correctionnel
Une aberration
脱离常规; <转>谬误,荒唐
Sinistré(des sinistrés)
coéquipier , ère
Letroisième larron
Le parquet
Brander(brandir un étendard)
flambant neuf
un lagon à ciel ouvert
avoir beau (+inf. )
4 trophées du genre sur sa cheminée
le suffrage universel
le réchauffement climatique
un navire de guerreun navire marchand
garde à vue
dévoilerun plan
Il a beau être tard, je vais me mettre en route.
Avoir de quoi (faire)(eng.:Have enough to do or to be going on with)
Yavoir de quoi(eng: for good reason)
Un contentieux
se précipiter
sous jacent
【财】不稳定的,易波动的;变化无常的:cours ~s波动的汇率
cahier des charges
tenir uneconférence de presse
passer en revue
lesmesures qui visent à......
la régulation financière
la lutte contre la fraude fiscale
une prise d’otages
le preneur d'otages
une surenchère
une insurrection
tirer son épingle du jeu