



使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用手册方正笔记本电脑软件使用手册(下述所有软件使用指南都是针对windows操作系统,用户可根据实际情况来使用手册)目录一、方正ABSPRO SYSTEM使用介绍 (1)1.1软件概述 (1)1.2系统需求 (1)1.3程序界面及功能 (1)1.3.1 Windows下主要功能介绍: (2)1.3.2 一键救护平台主要功能介绍: (2)1.4快速安装说明 (3)1.5快速卸载说明 (4)二、金山互联网安全组合装使用介绍 (5)2.1软件名称及功能简介: (5)2.2系统需求 (5)2.3功能使用介绍 (5)2.3.1金山毒霸使用介绍 (5)2.3.2金山卫士使用介绍 (13)三、方正阳光学堂使用介绍 (20)3.1软件名称及功能简介: (20)3.2功能使用介绍 (20)四、农贸通使用介绍 (22)4.1软件名称及功能简介 (22)4.2系统需求 (22)4.3功能使用介绍 (22)4.4常见问题 (27)五、轻松学电脑使用介绍 (29)5.1软件名称及功能简介 (29)5.2系统需求 (29)5.3功能使用介绍 (29)备注:1. 本说明书根据Windows环境编写,出厂时上述软件已备份在随机附带光盘中,请妥善保管。


2. 如果您的笔记本屏幕小于12英寸,可能会出现部分软件界面显示不全的情况。

请将屏幕分辨率调整为1024* 768,并上下拖动鼠标即可浏览完整界面。

3. 预装软件的内容和安装方式可能会发生变化,请以实际预装内容为准。

4. 图示内容主要用作使用说明,具体内容请以实际出货的软件界面为准。

一、方正ABSpro System使用介绍1.1 软件概述方正ABSpro System安全系统是一个为方正笔记本电脑用户设计的备份恢复和数据安全方案,旨在增强用户电脑的安全性、稳定性和易用性,提高笔记本电脑的可维护性。

联想 笔记本电脑 说明书

联想 笔记本电脑 说明书


如果您最近才对笔记本电脑产生兴趣或仅仅是一位初学者的话, 您应 该阅读全文。

如果在您第一次阅读后有不懂的地方,请不必担心,将这 本手册放在计算机旁,边用边学。

无论您的电脑操作水平如何,请注意被标记的警告和安全信息,同时 请注意前言中的安全信息。

操作系统(如 WindowsXP 等)和应用软件(如文字处理、数据库软 件等)应有自己的使用手册。

如果你在使用这些程序时遇到问题,您应 该查阅它们各自的使用手册。

本机器上预装的操作系统或任何应用软件 的功能与本机器本身的功能是可分的,不能将任何预装软件的功能解释 为机器本身的功能。

1.1 系统软硬件兼容性说明本笔记本电脑推荐使用 WindowsXP 操作系统。

并不排除您可以在本笔记本电脑上安装其他操作系统,但因为未经 过严格测试,联想不能保证其它非预装的或本说明书未表明支持的操作 系统在本机上使用的稳定性、可靠性和安全性,以及该其他操作系统不 会对本机器原有性能、稳定性、可靠性和安全性产生影响,联想也不能 保证提供其它操作系统下的驱动程序。

11.2 产品硬件配置您的笔记本电脑系统配置如下(具体配置以装箱单为准): 1.CPU n Intel Mobile Pentium M 处理器nu FCPGA 封装2.Chipsetn北桥(North Bridge) 855GM : n南桥(South Bridge):ICH4-M3.内存 n256MB/512MB DDR SO-DIMM 内存 n最高 1GB(512MB×2) 4.硬盘n 2.5 英寸笔记本电脑专用硬盘5.声音系统 n符合 AC97 标准 n内置 2 个扬声器,1 个麦克风 6.内置结构 n光驱:DVD-ROM 或者 DVD-COMBO 7.显示系统 n共享显示内存: 8MB/16MB/32MB(可调整) n支持:TFT LCD 12.1” 最高分辨率 1024×768x32bit 8. 83 键 Windows 键盘 9.扩展接口 n 2 个 Type II 型 PCMCIA 插槽2n Modem 接口(RJ-11) n LAN 接口(RJ-45) n 直流电源接口 n 1 个视频输出接口(TV-out) n 1 个外接显示器(CRT)接口 n 1 个 Line-out(耳机)/S-PDIF 接口 n 1 个 Microphone-in(麦克风)接口 n 3 个 USB(2.0)接口 n 2 个 IEEE 1394 接口笔记本电脑重量尺寸:n重量:2.1Kgn尺寸:283*238*29-34.3 MM 注意:重量根据不同的配置可能有细微差别。



H3C S1526智能以太网交换机用户手册杭州华为三康技术有限公司资料版本:T1-UM-20060512-1.02声明Copyright ©2005-2006 杭州华为三康技术有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。


H3C、Aolynk、、IRF、H3Care、、Neocean、、TOP G、SecEngine、SecPath、COMWARE、VVG、V2G、V n G、PSPT、NetPilot、XGbus均为杭州华为三康技术有限公司的商标。




技术支持用户支持邮箱:soho@技术支持热线电话:800-810-0504网址:1. 前 言本书约定图形界面格式约定 格 式意 义< >带尖括号“< >”表示按钮名,如“单击<确定>按钮”。

[ ]带方括号“[ ]”表示窗口名、菜单名和数据表,如“弹出[新建用户]窗口”。

/ 多级菜单用“/”隔开。


2. 各类标志本书还采用各种醒目标志来表示在操作过程中应该特别注意的地方,这些标志的意义如下:小心、注意:提醒操作中应注意的事项,不当的操作可能会导致数据丢失或者交换机损坏。



目录第1章产品简介...............................................................................1-1第2章通过Web页面配置................................................................2-12.1 配置准备.............................................................................2-12.2 登录Web网管.....................................................................2-12.2.1 配置页面介绍...........................................................2-22.2.2 菜单介绍..................................................................2-32.2.3 常用按钮介绍...........................................................2-42.2.4 Web用户超时处理....................................................2-52.3 系统管理.............................................................................2-52.3.1 系统信息..................................................................2-52.3.2 修改密码..................................................................2-62.3.3 恢复缺省配置...........................................................2-62.3.4 重启动......................................................................2-72.3.5 软件升级..................................................................2-72.4 端口管理.............................................................................2-92.4.1 端口设置..................................................................2-92.4.2 端口汇聚................................................................2-112.4.3 端口镜像................................................................2-132.4.4 端口限速................................................................2-142.4.5 广播风暴抑制.........................................................2-162.5 VLAN................................................................................2-162.5.1 VLAN类型选择.......................................................2-172.5.2 802.1Q VLAN........................................................2-172.5.3 基于端口的VLAN...................................................2-222.6 QoS..................................................................................2-252.6.1 QoS简介................................................................2-252.6.2 交换机QoS的配置..................................................2-252.7 电缆诊断...........................................................................2-262.8 保存配置...........................................................................2-272.9 退出..................................................................................2-27第3章通过Console口配置..............................................................3-13.1 通过Console口搭建配置环境.............................................3-13.2 用户配置.............................................................................3-63.2.1 修改Web网管密码....................................................3-63.2.2 设置IP地址...............................................................3-73.2.3 恢复出厂缺省设置....................................................3-73.2.4 保存当前配置...........................................................3-73.2.5 重启交换机...............................................................3-8第4章附录 - 技术规格....................................................................4-1第5章附录 - 安装TCP/IP协议........................................................5-1第6章附录 - IP地址配置.................................................................6-1第1章产品简介H3C S1526智能以太网交换机(以下简称S1526)适用于中小企业、网吧及家庭组网。

IRSoft PC-Software 指导手册说明书

IRSoft PC-Software 指导手册说明书
IRSoft 软件用于分析、处理和存放 testo 880 热成像仪 (下称“ 仪器” )所记录的图像。它还集成了清晰的数据表达报告 功能。 可通过仪器控制器对连接好的热成像仪进行设置。
操作系统 软件可以在以下操作系统中运行: • Windows® XP ServicePack 2 (SP2) • Windows Vista 有限功能范围: • Windows® 2000 SP4(无仪器控制器) • Windows® XP,无 SP2 计算机 要使软件顺畅工作,应满足以下要求: • 1.2 GHz 以上的 Pentium 处理器或同等性能的处理器 • 256 MB RAM • 100 MB 硬盘剩余空间 • CD-ROM 驱动器 • USB 2.0 接口 • Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 1 或更高版本
6.7.1. 用户界面 .................................................................................................33 6.7.2. 功能和命令..............................................................................................34 6.7.3. 编辑报告模板 ..........................................................................................34
3 说明 ...................................................................................................6 3.1. 使用 ........................................................................................ 6 3.2. 系统要求 .................................................................................... 6










项目开发者:××学院计算机科学系“图书管理系统”开发小组:×××(×号,组长),×××(×号),……用户单位:××大学定义主键 (Primary Key) :每一笔资料中的主键都是表格中的唯一值。

换言之,它是用来独一无二地确认一个表格中的每一行资料外键(Foreign Key):设表t1,t2中都有一个name字段,而且是t1的主键,那么如果设t2中的name为外键的话,向t2中添加数据的时候,如果name值不在t1之中就会报错。

参考资料张海藩:《软件工程导论》第五版清华大学出版社肖刚等:《实用软件文档写作》清华大学出版社李涛等:Visual C# SQL Server 数据库开发与实例清华大学出版社2用途功能需求规定的详细内容,请参考独立文档《软件需求说明书》。




方正 扫描仪 说明书

方正 扫描仪 说明书
本使用手册的屏幕图例是使用 Windows XP 画面。若您使用的系统是 Windows 2000 或 Vista,您屏幕上的实际画面会略有不同,但功能其实是一样的。
Hale Waihona Puke 目录介绍 ...................................................................................................................3 如何使用本手册........................................................................................................... 3 本手册所使用的标示.................................................................................................... 3 图标说明 ..................................................................................................................... 3 安全注意事项 .............................................................................................................. 4 系统需求 ..................................................................................................................... 4 产品及附件 .................................................................................................................. 5 扫描仪功能简介........................................................................................................... 6 产品信息 ..................................................................................................................... 6



Thermal Printer User’s ManualCatalogue1 Introduction (2)1.1 Brief introduction (2)1.2 Main features (2)2 Specification (3)2.1 Specification (3)2.2 Printing material requirements (5)2.2.1 Paper parameters (5)2.2.2 Mark paper parameters (5)2.2.3 Paper using attention (5)2.3 Printing and paper cutting position (6)2.3.1 Printing position (6)2.3.2 Paper cutting position (6)3 Appearance and components (7)3.1 Appearance and components (7)3.2 Indicator and buzzer instruction (8)4 Printer installation (9)4.1 Open the package (9)4.2 Requirements of installation position (9)4.3 Connect to power adapter (9)4.4 Connect Communication cables (9)4.5 Connect to cash drawer (9)4.6 Paper roll loading (10)4.6.1 Printing paper type confirmation (10)4.6.2 Loading or change paper roll (10)4.7 DIP switch setting (12)4.8 Printing self-test page (12)4.9 Set Ethernet port IP Address. (12)5 Interface pin definitions (14)5.1 Parallel interface pin definition(DB25M) (14)5.2 USB interface pin definition(standard B type female base) (14)5.3 Power interface pin definition(MPC-3-001B) (15)5.4 Cash drawer interface pin definition(RJ11-6P6C) (15)5.5 Serial port pin definition(DB9F) (16)5.6 Ethernet interface pin definition(RJ45) (16)6 Faults handling (17)6.1 Printer does not work (17)6.2 Indicator error and buzzer warning (17)6.3 Problems when it is printing (17)6.4 Problems when cutting paper (18)6.5 Paper jam and cutter retraction troubles removal (18)1 Introduction1.1 Brief introductionCB821 is a thermal POS printer with auto-cutter. It has good printing quality, high printing speed and high stability, which is widely used in POS system, food service industry and many other fields.CB821 connects other devices via USB, Serial, Ethernet port. It offers drivers for WINDOWS and LINUX operating systems.The supported operating systems are as below:WINDOWS XPWINDOWS 7 32/64WINDOWS 8WINDOWS 10UBUNTU 12.04 32/64UBUNTU 14.04 32/64MAC OS1.2 Main features·Low noise, high-speed printing, 250mm/s·With auto-cutter·With cash drawer interface·USB, Serial, Ethernet port communication, Bluetooth optional.Long-life, high print quality, durable performance.Support mark paper and continuous paper printing.Easy paper loading design, widely used in various industries2 Specification2.1 SpecificationItem ParameterPrinting parameter Printing method Thermal printingResolution 203DPI,8 dots/mmPrinting width 72mm(576 dots)Printing speed About 250 mm/sInterfacesStandard: cash drawer / USB/ serial/ EthernetOptional Wireless Communication: BluetoothPage mode / SupportCommand set / ESC/POS compatible commandsStorageRAM RAM 8M bytes, receive buffer area 1M bytes FLASH FLASH 4M bytes, NV bitmap 256K bytescharactersChinese GB18030 24×24Words, figures ASCII 9×17,12×24User-defined SupportCode pagesOptional international character sets 45TRADITIONAL CHINESECHINESECP437 [U.S.A., Standard Europe]KatakanaCP850 [Multilingual]CP860 [Portuguese]CP863 [Canadian-French]CP865 [Nordic]WCP1251 [Cyrillic]CP866 Cyrillic #2MIK[Cyrillic /Bulgarian]CP755 [East Europe,Latvian 2]IranCP862 [Hebrew]WCP1252 Latin IWCP1253 [Greek]CP852 [Latina 2]CP858 Multilingual Latin Ⅰ+Euro)Iran IILatvianCP864 [Arabic]ISO-8859-1 [West Europe]CP737 [Greek]WCP1257 [Baltic]ThaiCP720[Arabic]CP855CP857[Turkish]WCP1250[Central Europe] CP775WCP1254[Turkish]WCP1255[Hebrew]WCP1256[Arabic]WCP1258[Vietnam]ISO-8859-2[Latin 2]ISO-8859-3[Latin 3]ISO-8859-4[Baltic]ISO-8859-5[Cyrillic]ISO-8859-6[Arabic]ISO-8859-7[Greek]ISO-8859-8[Hebrew]ISO-8859-9[Turkish]ISO-8859-15 [Latin 3] Thai2CP856Chart / Supports different density dots and images printingsSupports grating bitmap printingSupports download bitmap printing, every bitmap size should less than 256K, and the total capacity of download bitmap is 256K.Bar codes 1DUPC-A、UPC-E、EAN-8、EAN13、CODE39、ITF、CODEBAR、CODE128、CODE932D PDF417、QR CodeDetection function Sensor Paper out, cover opened, un-take out printed paper(optional)LED indicatorPower indicator Green Paper out indicator Red Error indicator RedPaper RequirementType Standard thermal receipt paper Width 79.5±0.5mmThickness 0.056~0.1mmDiameter 80mm(Max.)Physical characteristicsPaper loading Easy paper loadingPaper cutting Manual or automatically cut paper Operating condition -10℃~ 50℃,25% ~ 80%RH Storage condition ~40℃~ 70℃,≤93%RH(40℃)Outline dimension 145mm×195mm×144mm(W×L×H)Weight 1.8KgReliabilityTPH life 100kmCutter life 1,000,000 times Motor life 360,000 hoursSoftware function Driver procedure Windows(WIN7/WIN8/WIN10/Vista/XP/2000)Ubuntu 12.04 32/64, Ubuntu 14.04 32/64 MAC OS2.2 Printing material requirements2.2.1 Paper parameters1)Paper type: thermal receipt paper/thermal black mark paper2)Paper width:80±0.5 mm3)Paper roll diameter: 80 mm (Max.)4)Paper thickness:0.065 ~ 0.10mm2.2.2 Mark paper parametersBlack mark imprint position is on the front side of the receipt when using mark paper. The black mark reflectivity is no more than15%, the other parts of paper reflectivity should be more than 85%.There are not any patterns in black mark area, such as ad, and the mark size shall be satisfied with requirements as below:2.2.3 Paper using attentionNote:1)Please use good quality paper, otherwise, it will effect printing quality and even reduce printer head life.2)Don’t make the paper stick on axis.3)Paper will be fading out or reduced thermal sensitivity if it is polluted by chemical or oil, which will affectprinting effects.4)Don’t use nail or hard things to clash printing paper, otherwise, it will be fade out.5)Paper will be fading out if the environment temperature exceeds 70°C. So please take note the temperature,humidity and illumination effects.2.3 Printing and paper cutting position2.3.1 Printing positionL1-Paper storehouse’s width: 82±0.5mmL2-Effective printing width: 80mmL3-Distance between print head to paper storehouse’s left edge (fixed width): 3±0.3mmL4-Distance between print head to paper storehouse’s right edge (fixed width): 3±0.3mmL5-Left margin: Default is 4mmL6-Printing area width: it is set by commands (refer to programming manual). Default is 72mm. L7-Right margin: Default is 4mm.2.3.2 Paper cutting positionThe distance between print head to cutter: 12.5mm3 Appearance and components 3.1 Appearance and componentsFunction instruction of components1)Power switchPress “O” side to power off, press “I” side to power on.2)Power indicator(green)The indicator is on when power on, and it is off when power off.3)Error indicator (Red)Error indicator is on when it detects error. Such as: paper out, upper cover is open and cutter is stocked. 4)Paper indicator(red)Paper out indicator is on when it detects the paper is out. Please put a new paper roll to printer inside then.3.2 Indicator and buzzer instruction1)Function instruction of indicators and buzzerName Status InstructionPower indicator (Power) On Printer is power on Off Printer is power offError indicator (Error) On Printer is in error status Off Printer is in normal statusPaper out indicator (Paper)On Printer is in paper out status Off Printer is in normal statusDescription Power Indicator Error Indicator Paper Indicator Buzzer Open printer cover On On On It rings 6 times by 1.5s.Paper is enough On Off Off Silent Paper out On On On It rings 3 times by 1.5s.Note: Printer detects printer head temperature via thermal resistance. It will cut off print head powerand stop printing if print head is overheat. The print head protection temperature is 80℃.4 Printer installation4.1 Open the packagePlease make sure everything is in good status when you open the package. Otherwise, please contact to distributor in time.4.2 Requirements of installation position1)Put the printer on a stably place.2)Let the printer far away from water, fire, and sunlight.3)Avoid to put it on oscillatory and impassive place.4)Make sure to connect printer with ground safety4.3 Connect to power adapter1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect power adapter’s DC output plug to the printer.3)Connect power adapter’s AC input plug to a power outlet.4)Please be careful to operate correctly when plug out the plug of power cord to avoid damage.4.4 Connect Communication cables1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect communication cable to the printer’s port, and fix it as plug lag spike (or snap spring).3)Connect communication cable to the other side host.4.5 Connect to cash drawer1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect cash drawer to cash drawer port behind the printer.Warning: The Voltage of cash drawer port is 24V. (It cannot connect to telephone cable.)4.6 Paper roll loading4.6.1 Printing paper type confirmationYou can load paper roll to print after connecting power adapter and communication cables. Please make sure the printing paper type before printing. The default paper type is continuous thermal receipt paper.4.6.2 Loading or change paper roll1)Power off the printer.2)Slide or press paper roll storehouse button, and then open storehouse cover.3)Draw out paper roll tap, and load paper roll as below.4)Draw out a printing paper, and leave some on the paper out month, then close the storehouse cover.Warning: Please make sure the paper roll in tense status, if not, it maybe cause paper jam or other problems.5)The status after paper loading4.7 DIP switch settingDIP switch Switch Function On Off Default 1 Cutter Forbidden Enable Off 2 Buzzer Enable Forbidden On 3 Printing density DarkLight Off 4 Multi-byte encoding Single-byte encodingmulti-byte encodingOff 5 Max. number of Printing characters in each line42 48 Off 6 Cash drawer EnableForbiddenOn 7 Baud rate options (bps)Ref. Chart 1Off 8OffChart 1:Baud rate optionsBaud rate Switch 7 Switch 8 Default9600 On Off 19200 19200 Off Off 38400 On On 115200Offon4.8 Printing self-test page1) Make sure the printer loaded paper roll correctly.2) Press down [FEED] button and hold on, then power on the printer, the printer will print a self-test page.4.9 Set Ethernet port IP Address.The printer ’s Ethernet IP address can be set directly via printer inserted web setting page. The operation steps are as below:1. Connect printer and PC in a same Ethernet LAN.2. Print a printer self-test page to get printer recent IP address (self-test page printing operation method refers to “4.8 printer self-test ” instruction):You can find the printer ’s IP address is same as in self-test page “IP address:” 3. Set network card IP address in PC and printer IP address as different IP address in the same networksegment.(Such as 192.168.1.xxx, xxx is a number among 1 to 254);4. Please enter address “http://printer IP address ” in browse of PC after making sure that printer connects with Ethernet.(e.g.: If printer IP address is “”, please enter “”), then press Enter key,open Ethernet port setting page in browser as below:5. Click “Configure Interface” link in the left side, then enter the modified target IP and click “save” button tosave setting. Click “Reboot” button to reset printer if you want the setting to take effect.6. Enter the new IP address as the above step 4 procedure, and re-open printer Ethernet port setting web page, then click “Printer Status” link in the left side. And click “Printer Test Page” button to print self-test page, andcheck the IP Address contents in the self-test page is right or not.5 Interface pin definitionsThe printer has a cash drawer driver interface and many kinds of communication interfaces: parallel, serial (RS-232), USB and Ethernet ports. USB port and cash drawer interfaces are standard interfaces, and it has Ethernet, serial and parallel ports as optional.5.1 Parallel interface pin definition(DB25M)Number Signal Function Number Signal Function1 /STROBE Gate. Low level is10 /ACK Confirm. Low level is effectiveeffective2 DATA0Data bit is 011 BUSY Busy3 DATA1Data bit is 112 PE Paper out4 DATA2Data bit is 213 SEL Choose5 DATA3Data bit is 314 /AUTOFEED Change line automatically. Lowlevel is effective6 DATA4Data bit is 415 /ERROR Error. Low level is effective7 DATA5 Data bit is 516 /INIT Initialize. Low level is effective8 DATA6 Data bit is 617 /SELIN Choose input. Low level iseffective9 DATA7 Data bit is 718-25 GND Ground wire5.2 USB interface pin definition(standard B type female base)1)Pin definitionPin Number Signal name Typical wire color1 VBUS Red2 D- White3 D+ Green4 GND Black5.3 Power interface pin definition(MPC-3-001B)1)Pin definitionPin number Signal name1 +24V2 GND3 N.CSHELL F.G5.4 Cash drawer interface pin definition(RJ11-6P6C)1)Electrical specificationDriver voltage: DC24VDriver current: Max. 0.8A (within 510ms)Cash drawer status tests signal: “L” = 0~0.5 V ; “H” = 3~5 V2)Cash drawer interface socket uses RJ-11 6P type connector;3)Interface signal definitionPin number Signal function1 FG Printer cover2 DRAWER 1 Cash drawer 1 driver signal3 DRSW Cash drawer status detection signal4 VDR Cash drawer driver power5 DRAWER 2 Cash drawer 2 driver signal6 GND Common ground circuitNotes:1) Prohibit socket with power to pull out communication wire plug.2) Please avoid to parallel with strong power when wring communication cables av通讯线布线时应避免和强电并行;3) Communication cables use with shielded cables.5.5 Serial port pin definition(DB9F)Printer serial port is compatible with RS-232, the interface socket is DB9 female socket.User can check interface setting status via printing setting self-test page. Printer default serial interface is set as: baud rate 19200bps, 8 bit data bits, no parity,1 bit stop bit, and the handshakes method is DTR/DSR。



考勤管理系统用户手册Rev: N2 1.0目录软件安装说明 (4)第一章系统功能特性 (5)第二章系统要求 (6)2.1.硬件要求 (6)2.2.运行环境 (6)第三章软件的安装 (7)3.1.软件安装 (7)3.2.软件初次使用 (8)第四章软件功能说明 (13)4.1.人员管理 (13)4.1.1人员管理 (13)4.1.2人员信息同步 (28)4.1.3U盘人员管理 (30)4.2.考勤管理 (33)4.2.1.补签到 (34)4.2.2.请假登记 (36)4.2.3.考勤制度管理 (37)4.2.4.考勤报表 (43)4.2.5.人员排班 (53)4.3.设备管理 (56)4.3.1.连接设备 (57)4.3.2.设备数据下载 (72)4.4.系统维护 (73)4.3.3.系统维护详细项设置 (74)4.3.4.数据备份 (82)4.3.5.数据还原 (82)4.3.6.系统更新 (83)第五章SQL版本操作 (84)5.1.安装配置SQL数据库环境 (84)5.2.SQL数据库配置 (85)5.3.SQL数据库备份 (88)5.4.SQL数据库还原 (89)第六章常见问题解答 (90)1.无法与电脑通讯 (90)2.无法安装软件 (90)3.运行软件时弹出“应用程序末能启动”的对话框 (91)4.考勤管理系统软件应该怎样进行智能排班呢 (91)5.统计异常原因 (92)6.如何重新设定管理员密码 (92)7.如何清空软件的所有数据 (92)软件安装说明1)如果你的系统是Windows XP,系统必须安装有Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0。

运行安装光盘内Framework 文件夹下面的Check.exe,可自动检查系统是否安装Framework。

2)如果在安装过程中提示缺少“Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1”请在文件夹Windows Installer中找到对应系统的更新补丁,安装后再重试。












目录目录 (1)第一篇汉王电子白板软件 (4)第一章汉王电子白板软件特点 (5)第二章软件安装与卸载 (6)第一节系统要求 (6)一.系统要求 (6)第二节汉王电子白板软件安装 (6)一.汉王电子白板软件安装 (6)二.汉王自动更新安装 (18)第三节汉王电子白板软件卸载 (19)一.汉王电子白板软件卸载 (19)二.汉王自动更新软件卸载 (24)第二篇汉王电子白板软件使用详解 (25)第一章Hanvon Board主界面 (25)第一节:页面简介 (25)一.白板编辑区 (25)二.主工具栏显示区 (25)三.子工具栏显示区 (27)四.时间、日期显示区 (28)五.页码显示区 (28)六.坐标显示区 (28)第二节:系统配置 (28)一.操作说明 (29)二.窗口介绍 (29)三.主要功能 (31)第三节:工作模式 (39)一.Hanvon Board完整模式: (39)二.Hanvon Board桌面模式: (40)三.Hanvon Board全屏模式: (44)第二章工具栏介绍 (46)第一节:主工具栏功能 (46)一.笔 (46)二.橡皮 (51)三.填充 (53)四.线 (55)五.曲线 (56)六.图形 (60)七.立体 (65)八.测量 (68)九.插入 (76)十.识别 (97)十一.考试 (99)十二.工具 (112)十三.文件 (144)十四.漫游 (157)十五.缩放 (157)十六.页面管理 (159)十七.历史记录 (161)十八.对象处理 (162)第二节:子工具栏功能 (178)一.索引功能 (178)二.资源管理 (180)三.对象属性 (186)四.添加附件 (191)五.动画效果 (193)六.考试功能 (196)七.其他功能 (199)第一篇汉王电子白板软件汉王电子白板软件是配合电子白板产品针对教学和演示应用的一套专业多媒体互动教学和演示工具,它同时也是一套功能强大的多媒体课件及教案制作工具。


2 功能与环境 ...................................................................................................................................5
2.1 功能.........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 运行环境.................................................................................................................................5
MODBUS 通信协议接口使手册
MODBUS 通信协议接口使用手册 ................................................................................................1
1 概述 ...............................................................................................................................................4
3 接口说明 .......................................................................................................................................6



用户使用手册目錄1.简介………………………………………………………………………………………………2.系统操作要求………………………………………………………………………………..…..3.交易平台的操作方法………………………………………………………….. 3.1.交易平台屏幕 ...……………………………………………………….... 3.2.开始使用 ………………………………………………………………… 3.2.1.登錄交易平台…………………………………………………..……… 3.2.2.登入设定 ……………………………………………………………… 3.2.3.菜单 …………………………………………………………………… 3.3.账户资料 ………………………………………………………….…….. 3.4.实时市场价格 …………………………………………………….…….. 3.4.1.弹出报价 ………………………………………………………...….…. 3.5.终端方框 ……………………………………………………..…………. 3.5.1.交易 ……………………………………………………………...……. 3.5.2.账户歷史 ………………………………………………………………. 3.5.3.警报 ……………………………………………………………………. 3.5.4.邮箱………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.5.5.日志 ……………………………………………………………………………...…. 3.6.更改密码 ………...…………………………………………………………….....…... 4.限价定单…………………………………………………………….…………………….…….. 4.1.新增限价单…………………………………………………………………...……………. 4.2.修改限价单………………………………………………………………..……….……… 4.3.取消限价单……………………………………………………………………………….. 5.市场定单……………………………………………………...…………………………….…. 5.1.新增新价单……………………………………………………….………... 5.2.新增平仓合约…………………………………………….………………... 6.金市图表 ………………………………………………………..…………………………….… 6.1.图表时间周期…………………………………………….………………... 6.2.图表類型……………………………………………………………….……... 6.3.放大或缩小图表……………………………………………………………... 6.4.开启或关闭每分钟更新……………………………………………………... 6.5.技术指标………………………………………………………………... 6.6.直线 …………………………………………………………………….. 6.7.通道 …………………………………………………………………….. 6.8.江恩……………………………………………………………………... 6.9.斐波纳奇………………………………………………………………... 6.10.图形……………………………………………………………………... 6.11.箭头 …………………………………………………………………….. 6.12.图表 ……………………………………………………………………..44 4 45 567 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 14 16 16 16 16 19 20 21 21 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29交易平台软件下载:可在公司网站下载(1)点击”软件下载”,将交易软件存至本地电脑(2)双击下载后的安装程序,通过提示安装软件。



目录第一章软件的安装和软件主界面介绍 (5)1.1 软件的运行环境 (5)1.1.1硬件环境 (5)1.1.2软件环境 (5)1.2软件安装与卸载 (5)1.2.1软件安装 (5)1.2.2软件卸载 (8)1.3 软件主界面介绍 (10)1.3.1主界面的构成 (10)1.3.2主界面菜单栏的介绍 (10)1.3.3主界面工具栏的介绍 (11)第二章软件功能介绍 (14)2.1 清单计价软件-[新建向导] (14)2.1.1新建向导 (14)2.1.2新建单位工程 (15)2.1.3新建项目管理 (16)2.1.4导入电子标书 (17)2.1.5打开已有工程 (18)2.1.6导入ZBS、ZBS2、TBS、TBS2、BD、BD2数据 (18)2.2 基本信息 (18)2.2.1招投标信息 (18)2.2.2总说明及填表须知 (19)2.2.3基本信息 (20)2.3 分部分项 (20)2.3.1插入清单 (20)2.3.2清单描述 (21)2.3.3标准图集 (23)2.3.4工程量计算规则 (27)2.3.5插入定额子目 (28)2.3.6补充定额 (28)2.3.7定额子目换算 (31)2.3.8定额子目取费调整 (33)2.4 高级功能工具栏 (35)2.4.1窗口隐藏/显示按纽—— (35)2.4.2展开分部/清单/子目按纽—— (35)2.4.3快速调价—— (35)2.4.4增加费—— (36)2.4.5超高降效—— (38)2.4.6自动报价—— (39)2.4.7添加模板到措施项目 (40)2.4.8措施项目模板到分部分项 (41)2.4.9设置直接输入条目 (42)2.4.10重排清单流水号 (42)2.4.11清单排序 (42)2.4.12分部整理 (43)2.4.13块操作 (43)2.4.14列显示/隐藏 (44)2.4.15清单编号及数目统计 (44)2.5 措施项目 (44)2.5.1界面介绍 (44)2.5.2清单设置栏 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。





交流配电箱分解图如图 1-1所示。

图 1-1 XP256交流配电箱分解图
整个机柜的供电从交流配电箱中输出,而交流配电箱输入电源来自A、B两路220V AC。



表 3-1版本升级更改一览表

8560MFP 彩色多功能一体机使用手册说明书

8560MFP 彩色多功能一体机使用手册说明书

Paper input
100-sheet Tray wide range
of custom media and sizes
2 525-sheet main tray. Add one or two additional 525-sheet trays for a total capacity of 1,675 sheets
Go ahead, get creative. Print on business card stock, postcards, labels, transparencies and more. You can expect the same brilliant output no matter what the media.
Phaser® 8560MFP Letter-size Color Multifunction Printer
Xerox® Phaser® 8560MFP Multifunction Printer Affordable power for the busiest office
Phaser® 8560MFP Multifunction Printer
A color printer that meets the challenge
The Phaser 8560MFP multifunction printer delivers fast, attention-grabbing results.
• P ick up the pace with a first-page-out print time as fast as 6 seconds. Both black-andwhite and color print at up to 30 ppm.

尼康 COOLPIX P900使用手册说明书

尼康 COOLPIX P900使用手册说明书

Shutter release button 8.3x Optical Zoom-Nikkor lensfor sharp clear images from 36mm to 300mmMacro Lens as close as 1/2 inch Audio Video Cable •PictureProject CD-ROM Record voice memoAFTERBEFOREPrint directly from your cameraYou can send images directly to print,without the need of a PC,when usingPictBridge and USB Direct Printcompatible printers.Hook directly to your TVshow friends and family the resultson a grand scaleOne Touch Upload to the Webjust touch the TRANSFER button onceto upload images to the site,thenenjoy exciting features such as easyalbum creation,e-card personalization,simple editing,and even gift shoppingSelect mode on Mode Dial Position subject in framing guide and shootNight Portrait:(No guides are displayed in monitor.)Use to focus on subject in center of frame.Night Portrait left:Use to focus on subject in left half of frame.Night Portrait right:Use to focus on subject in right half of frame.Night Portrait close-up:Use to focus on subject’s face in top half of frame.Night Portrait couple:Use to focus on two subjectsNight Portrait figure:Use to compose a vertical portrait.focuses on subject’s face in top half of frame.Portrait:Camera focuses on subject in center of frame.Portrait left:Camera focuses on subject in left half of frame.Portrait right:Camera focuses on subject in right half of frame.Portrait close-up:Camera focuses on subject’s face in top half of frame.Portrait couple:Camera focuses on two subjectsPortrait figure:Use to compose a vertical portrait.focuses on subject’s face in top half of ndscape:(No guides are displayed in monitor.) screen of branches.Focus is fixed at infinity.Scenic View:and closer objects in bottom third.Architecture:horizontals aligned with the frame.Group right:background at left of frame.Group left:Use to compose portraits with portrait subjects Sports:shutter-release button is not pressed.Sports spectator:Sports composite:Each time shutter-release button is pressed,camera takes 16 shots in about two secondsIf distant details matter, 8.3x optical zoom matters. Array of 2,288 x 1,712 pixels.quality up to 11”x17”.If the picture matters the camera mattersAdditional accessories can be found at on the Coolpix 4800 pageCoolpix 4800 Optional Accessories:Coolpix Soft Carrying Case AC Adapter MH-53 Battery Charger (battery not included)EN-EL1Li-ion Rechargeable BatteryDigital Camera SpecificationsNikon Inc.,1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 / 1-800-Nikon-UXCDP-4800-01All products indicated by trademark symbols are trademarked and/or registered by their respective companies.Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. 9/04 ©2004 NIKON INC.Type:Digital camera E4800Effective pixels:4.0 million CCD:1/2.5-in.type (4.24 million total pixels) Image modesHigh (2288*),Normal (2288),Normal (1600),PC screen (1024),TV Screen (640)Lens8.3x Zoom-Nikkor;6.0-50mm (35mm format equivalent to 36-300mm);Digital zoom:up to 4x LCD monitor:1.8-in.;118,000-dot low-temp.polysilicon TFT LCD with brightness adjustment Storage media:Internal memory:approx.13.5 MB;SD memory card (optional)Shooting modes:Auto,Scene Assist (Portrait,Landscape,Sports,Night Portrait),Scene(Party/Indoor,Beach/Snow,Sunset,Dusk/Dawn,Night landscape,Close up,Museum,Fireworks show,Copy,Back light,Panorama assist)Capture modes:Single,Continuous (1.5 fps),Multi-shot 16 (16 frames 1/16 in size),3 shot buffer (1 fps)Movie with sound:TV movie (640) at 15 fps,Small size (320) at 15 fps,Smaller size (160) at 15 fpsNumber of frames:(w/ Internal memory):High (2288*):approx.7,Normal (2288):approx.14,Normal (1600):approx.27Built-in Speedlight:Shooting range:approx.1.4-14.1 ft /0.4-4.3m (W),approx.3.3-8.6 ft./1.0-2.6m (T);Flash modes:Auto,Red-eye Reduction,Flash Cancel (off),Anytime Flash (fill flash)and Slow Sync.Interface:USBBattery LifeApprox.240 frames with one EN-EL1,approx.360 frames with one 2CR5Power requirements:One EN-EL1 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery,One 2CR5/DL245 Lithium Battery(optional),EH-54 AC Adapter (optional)Supported languages:English/German/French/Spanish/Italian/Dutch/Swedish/Japanese/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese/Korean selectable in menu display Dimensions (WxHxD):Approx.4.2 x 2.6 x 2.2 in.(106 x 66 x 54mm)Weight:Approx.9.0 oz.(255g) (Without battery and SD memory card)Supplied accessories:Strap,USB cable,Audio Video cable,EN-EL1 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery,MH-53 Battery Charger,PictureProject CD-ROM Optional accessories:EH-54 AC Adapter,Soft Case and SD memory card PictureProject OS:Mac ®OS X (10.1.5 or later),System requirements RAM:64 MB or more recommended for Macintosh Hard disk:60 MB required for installation Display:800 x 600 with 16-bit colors (full color recommended) Others:CD-ROM drive required for installation PictureProject OS:Windows ®98SE,Windows ®ME,Windows ®2000 Professional,Windows ®XP System requirements Home Edition,Windows ®XP Professional pre-installed model for Windows RAM:64 MB or more recommended Hard disk:60 MB required for installation Display:800 x 600 with 16-bit colors (full color recommended)Others:CD-ROM drive required for installation Product Number:25520UPC code:018208255207Nikon Coolpix ®4800。










警告事项本品仅限室内(温度-20℃-60℃、湿度10%-90%)使用,电源适配器只限工作于AC 90V-264V 50/60HZ交流电源下。













目录一、产品概述 (2)二、产品外观 (2)三、技术参数 (3)四、使用指南 (5)4.1 工作环境 (5)4.2 产品接口 (6)4.3 设备连接 (7)4.4 网页插件安装 (8)4.5 网页管理 (8)一、产品概述天地伟业卫士系列网络摄像机是基于最新的H.264视频压缩技术开发的新一代个人及家庭视频监控产品,天地伟业卫士系列网络摄像机采用高性能ASIC核心处理芯片,具备强劲的视频压缩处理能力,与市场上大部分的民用摄像机只能在ADSL下提供每秒5-7帧的M-JPEG图像相比,天地伟业卫士系列网络摄像机采用最先进的H.264压缩算法,可以实现高清分辨率下每秒25帧的全实时流畅传输。



【项目名称】用户使用手册文档控制:版本历史保密等级定义☐公开资料☑内部资料☐保密资料☐机密资料目录1. 引言 (1)1.1 编写目的 (1)1.2 背景 (1)1.3 定义 (1)1.4 参考资料 (1)2 软件综述 (1)2.1 软件的结构 (1)2.2 程序表 (1)2.3 文卷表 (1)3 安装与初始化 (2)3.1 数据处理层安装与配置 (2)3.2 商务逻辑层安装与配置 (2)3.3 安装与配置 (2)4 运行说明 (3)4.1 启动系统 (3)4.2 登陆系统 (3)4.3 打开模块 (3)4.4 模块操作 (3)4.5 切换模块 (3)4.6 重新登陆(更换用户) (3)4.7 退出系统 (3)5 常见问题及处理方法 (3)6 非常规过程 (3)7 联系我们 (3)用户使用手册1.引言1.1 编写目的说明编写这份操作手册的目的,指出预期的读者。

1.2 背景说明:a.这份操作手册所描述的软件系统的名称;b.该软件项目的任务提出者、开发者、用户(或首批用户)及安装该软件的计算中心。

1.3 定义列出本文件中用到的专门术语的定义、外文首字母组词的原词组和这些术语的解释。

1.4 参考资料列出有用的参考资料,如:a.本项目的经核准的计划任务书或合同、上级机关的批文;b.属于本项目的其他已发表的文件;c.本文件中各处引用的文件、资料,包括所列出的这些文件资料的标题、文件编号、发表日期和出版单位,说明能够得到这些文件资料的来源。

2 软件综述2.1 软件的结构结合软件系统所具有的功能包括输入、处理和输出提供该软件的总体结构图表。

2.2 程序表列出本系统内每个程序的标识符、编号和助记名。

2.3 文卷表列出将由本系统引用、建立或更新的每个永久性文卷,说明它们各自的标识符、编号、助记名、存储媒体和存储要求。

3 安装与初始化一步一步地说明为使用本软件而需要进行的安装与初始化过程,包括程序的存载形式,安装与初始化过程中的全部操作命令,系统对这些命令的反应与答复,表征安装工作完成的测试实例等。



目录功能概述 (3)注意事项 (4)认识机型 (6)按键功能说明 (6)主要界面显示说明 (7)基本操作 (7)系统菜单 (7)音乐播放 (7)视频播放 (10)图片浏览 (10)电子书 (11)附加功能 (13)游戏模式 (13)录音模式 (13)资源管理器 (15)设置功能 (15)使用USB磁盘 (17)使用TF卡扩充 (17)故障解决 (18)申明 (19)为了您能尽快轻松自如地操作索爱数码播放器,我们随机配备了内容详尽的用户手册,从中您之不理可以获取有关的产品介绍,使用方法等方面的知识,在您开始使用MP5数码播放器之前,请仔细阅读我们随机提供的所有资料,以便您能正确使用产品。

功能概述●高清晰真彩2.4寸TFT彩屏显示,支持320×240分辨率●支持MP3、WMA、WA V、FLAC等音乐格式●支持MPEG-4(A VI)、RMVB、RM 视频格式不需转换,其它格式需转换●支持插卡功能TF卡128M/256M/512M/1GB/4GB●支持高清晰JPEG和GIF格式图片浏览●数码录音,A-B复读功能●节能设置:亮度可自由调节,自定义关机时间●支持自动关机功能●支持3D音效环绕效果、微软音效、可自定义EQ●多种播放模式:单曲一次、单曲重复、全部一次、全部循环、试听、顺序播放、随机播放●支持多国语言●USB2.0高速传输●支持电子书阅读,书签功能●自由变换桌面背景,桌面设置,及界面设置。



●播放器播放电影不流畅或格式不支持,请用本公司赠送光盘视频转换工具进行转换视频文件●本产品无防潮和防水功能●非专业维修人员请勿自行更换电池,以免操作不当导致电池产生爆炸●避免摔落或强烈碰撞产品,不要让TFT屏遭到猛烈震动,否则可能导致TFT屏损坏或显示不正常●请选择合适的音量,使用耳机不宜过大音量,若感到耳鸣,请调小音量或停止使用●在下列情况下请充电:A、电池电量图标显示空时B、系统自动关机,再次开机后很快关机C、操作按键没有反应●本播放器采用的是高容量锂电池,可重复充电使用. 在前几次充电必须充够8小时,并且每次用完电量再进行充电,以保证电池的使用寿命。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。



交流配电箱分解图如图 1-1所示。

图 1-1 XP256交流配电箱分解图
整个机柜的供电从交流配电箱中输出,而交流配电箱输入电源来自A、B两路220V AC。



表 3-1版本升级更改一览表
