ECON6003_Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis_2009 Semester 1_Econ 6003 A5 Key




大学各专业对应英文名称^*>4M>>M^M舔蜘 Umiistdepaltmen-蚪&u r m m dep再 Itmen-噌驱p E o s o p h y阻渺te tt K ^^p E o s o p h y ofMarxmm -*H噌驱chsesep E o s o p h y季皿呻犊Fore_gn p E o s o p E e s梅»驱 Logn'由®摩E-E C S*瓠 Aesth&cs>馨琳scs'nceof R »一g o'n举^排^瑙^p Eos o p h y o f scs'nceand Technoogy附革嘿Econonl_cs»$ 险苇瓠 TheoreUca一 Econom_csM芯险%^p o E c a一Economy险苇朝滋冷Estolyof EconomoThough-®% 冷 HmtoryofEcollolnnS &海事常 westernEconom_cs阵判®%worsm 83o3~8A口,m a Jrr ^藻海^^p o p E a a o n、Resourcesand Emdronmenta-Econom-csM a险事常 App=edEconomksH 3n ®%^N a d:o n £.Econonl-cs冈域海事^Rego'na- Economks殍爆驱(盼^^驱)p u z ozlnance G n c c d s gTaxatkrn) 命野犊(盼痢萍犊)Fsance (sc cd s g Insurance)避寿险苇驱 I n d u s sr s1一Econom_csH S 4浏犊 Intema-kma-Trade 涝»险苇驱 Labor Economks 漆斗犊s t a £*s £*c s数量经济学Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学National Defense Economics法学Law法学Science of Law法学理论Jurisprudence法律史Legal History宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws经济法学Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学Science of Military Law政治学Political Science政治学理论Political Theory中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement中共党史(含党的学说与党的建设)History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)马克思主义理论与思想政治教育Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学International Politics国际关系学International Relations外交学Diplomacy社会学Sociology社会学Sociology人口学Demography人类学Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学)Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature) 民族学Ethnology民族学Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy中国少数民族经济Chinese Ethnic Economics 中国少数民族史Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术Chinese Ethnic Art教育学Education教育学Education Science教育学原理Educational Principle课程与教学论Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史History of Education比较教育学Comparative Education学前教育学Pre-school Education高等教育学Higher Education成人教育学Adult Education职业技术教育学Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学Special Education教育技术学Educational Technology心理学Psychology基础心理学Basic Psychology发展与心理学Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学Applied Psychology体育学Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学Humane and Sociological Science of Sports 运动人体科学Human Movement Science体育教育训练学Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports 文学Literature中国语言文学Chinese Literature 文艺学Theory of Literature and Art 语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 汉语言文字学Chinese Philology中国古典文献学Study of Chinese Classical Text 中国古代文学Ancient Chinese Literature 中国现当代文学Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国少数民族语言文学Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学Comparative Literature and World Literature 外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures 英语语言文学English Language and Literature 俄语语言文学Russian Language and Literature 法语语言文学French Language and Literature 德语语言文学German Language and Literature 日语语言文学Japanese Language and Literature 印度语言文学Indian Language and Literature 西班牙语语言文学Spanish Language and Literature 阿拉伯语语言文学Arabic Language and Literature 欧洲语言文学European Language and Literature 亚非语言文学Asian-African Language and Literature 外国语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学Journalism and Communication 新闻学Journalism 传播学Communication 艺术学Art艺术学Art Theory 音乐学Music 美术学Fine Arts炜4[4^驱ArusalcDesign 涝®^®^Theater and chseseTradEcma一Opera曲秘^3!-|11「鼬研^瓣丹^a ~oand t e -A v m o'nArt源圈驱£nce SR冷犊Estoly 涌冷驱Hmtoly 冷犊(»$ 演冷犊冷Estollca- Theors's andHmtolyofHmtolica-scs'nce皴卧琳用»替赛瓠 Archfileoogy and M u s eo o g y SR冷漆»摩Estolica-GeographySR冷冲舞琳《盼肄演琳,卧冲她琳)s m SI e s o f Estoldca 一 UteraUireandudsg pSLeographyand s m al e sofDlmhuans弗H冷 Hutoryof p a r t rt u fil rSubjects壬皿卧尤冷 Anden-chsese E s t o l y 丑H is s尤冷Modem andcontemporary chseseEstory 硅判冷 worEEstoly 磁牌 Nat§-scs'nce燃琳 Maulemfilacsw s燃^Fundamenta-Mathematks中w燃琳c o m p u t a a o n a -Maulemfilacs^嗣岁血燃»■牛probabEtyandM a9e m a £*c a -staasucsM a燃琳App=edmauwma£*cs®«^JIT m 3^o p e r fil £*o n £.R »s e a r c h and cybem&cs 替w ^p h y w c s »醪售»TheoreUca 一phys_csw *著(»由宛*瓣替i»paradephys-csandNudear phys-cs洞 *JIr M>*^»At o m n and M o e c E a rphys.cs«驷*奇替i»p-amnlaphys_cs漏»麟售»Condensed Matter phys.cs湖犊 A c o c s al c s光学Optics无线电物理Radio Physics化学Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理)Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)高分子化学与物理Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学Astronomy天体物理Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学Geography自然地理学Physical Geography人文地理学Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学Atmospheric Sciences气象学Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学Marine Sciences物理海洋学Physical Oceanography海洋化学Marine Chemistry海洋生理学Marine Biology海洋地质学Marine Geology地球物理学Geophysics固体地球物理学Solid Earth Physics空间物理学Space Physics地质学Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology地球化学Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学)Paleontology and Stratigraphy《s d u d s gp SL e o a n -h r o p o o g s蔷睡旨渝犊structura一G e o o g y W旧^咨渝驱 QuaternaryGeoogy肝替犊E o o g y»售驱 Botany理替犊zooogy肝»驱p h y s o'o g y美 肝肝替^H l r o b o'o g y寿肝替喘M nr o b o'o g y#险府替^Neurobo'ogy 海流瓠Gen&cs滩珊府替犊Dffivoopmenta-E o o g y苗窗肝替瓠ce=E o og y府替^摩血冷*府替犊Bo'chem一%r yandM oe c u fil r B o'o g y 肝替替»琳 B o'p h y w c s 府辨嘿Ecoogy弁漆翠琳 systemsscs'nce渊^ffl ^s y a s m sTheory弁整牛M 4rr *aSystemsAnawsmandIntegrfilaon弟株»丹冷Estoryofscs'nceandTechnoogyEngseersg*株M *h a s.c s—漆*^血*琳融®GenerEandFimdamenta一 M*han_cs回皆*株S O -EMechaMcs盖寺*犊F c a Mechfi>n_csHM *4»E NGSEERSGM*HAN _CS$l M H ffiMechan-ca一 Engseeling ^M a j t ^M皿包^Mechanka- Manufacture and Au&ma£*<m^M t&f H ffi M e c h a rt>r o n n E n g 3$r 3g ^M ^¥JIr »^Mechan_ca- Designand Theory卅aH Mvehn布 Engseeling光学工程Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology 精密仪器及机械Precision Instrument and Machinery 测试计量技术及仪器Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering 材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry 材料学Materialogy材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering 冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics 热能工程Thermal Power Engineering 动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering 流体机械及工程Fluid Machinery and Engineering 制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering 化工过程机械Chemical Process Equipment 电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus 电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation 高电压与绝缘技术High Voltage and Insulation Technology 电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives 电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology 物理电子学Physical Electronics电路与系统Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology 信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering 通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems 信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing 控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering 控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and ControlEngineering 检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment 系统工程Systems Engineering 模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems 导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology 计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory 计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization 计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology 建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory 建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory 城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计)Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design) 建筑技术科学Building Technology Science 土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 结构工程Structural Engineering 市政工程Municipal Engineering 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources 水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River DynamicsZ K H^S H M H YDRAU HCS-NLCTUREE NGSEERSG*槌*曲21淡HydraEn'and Hydro-PowerEngseersg 藤口,ar ft fel is ar H ffi Harbor 、Coasta 一and OffshoreEngseersg 首=B ^^JIr ^^s u rv ey s g andMappsg汁凄楚=*琳由楚=*H ffi Geodesy srnd Survey Engseeling»秘首=*JIr m a pho&gramlngly and Remote senssg凄围泄围^由凄磁^飘H ffi Cartography御nd GeographnInfomla£*QnEngseoling^^H ffi JIr 排丹 chem-ca 一 EngseelingandTechnoogy4t ^HMchem_ca 一EngseersgA^H I^chem 一ca-Technoogy肝替Bo'chem-ca一Engseersg M s 4h ^App=ed Chem 一stryH fee 4tI n d ussr s1一catawsm^Mm a JIr ^MHMGeoog一ca-Resources and G8o g _ca - Engseersg耳^<w Jrr »期MserEResocrceprospectsgandE X P o m £*Q n 凄«期肯=血赤*排丹Geodetecto'll and Infomla-o'nTechnoogy咨s H M G e o o g k a -Engse&ng ^i k H M Z »S 3-Engseersg米耳HMM s s gEngseersg理替&HH M Z »S 3-processsg Engse&ng舟H>$$^fei H M Safety Technoogy and Engseersg ^s JIr >H^Jr H M o =:andZ %C 3- GasE n g5$r5g 善Jr^HMoTGas W<L一Engseersg咨Jr 田q滩H ffi o l G a s F S'EDeveopmen-EngseelingspJr a a H Mo T G a s Storageand Tmnspoltafto'nEngseersg淳览澄琳JIr H ffi Text 一布 scs'nceand EngseersgS ^H M Text-布Engseersg淳览藻^由淳览即阵牛TexuoMateliaLandTexu-esDes-gn 净^^株由潜瞻 H M Text-布 Chem一sby andD y £.n gand zl n m h sg E n g 5$r 5g服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology and Engineering 制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering 道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering & Control 交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management 载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology学习学习。



ECON7045 金融制度专题研究
2 36 第四 经济学院 熊继洲等 经济学各专业
ECON7046 中国区域经济发展研究
2 36 第四 经济学院 陈志龙等 经济学各专业
ECON7132 金融学文献导读
2 36 第三 经济学院 许少强等 经济学各专业
ECON7134 公共经济学
2 36 第四 经济学院 俞忠英
ECON7146 金融货币史ECON7Fra bibliotek47 衍生金融工具
ECON7148 电子货币与网络金融
ECON7149 实物期权
ECON7150 中国经济思想要籍介绍 2
ECON7151 开放经济与货币经济专题 2
ECON7153 经济法专题
ECON7154 俄罗斯东欧经济专题
ECON7155 东亚地区经济研究
36 第四 经济学院 田素华等 经济学各专业
36 第四 经济学院 施正康等 经济学各专业
36 第四 经济学院 刘军梅等 经济学各专业
36 第四 经济学院 陈建安等 经济学各专业
36 第四 经济学院 朱 永等 经济学各专业
36 第三 经济学院 华 伟
36 第二 经济学院 杨 青
36 第四 经济学院 曹丽娟
学 学 开课 开课院系 任课教师 适 用 专 业 分 时 学期 3 54 第一 经济学院 张 军等 经济学各专业 3 54 第二 经济学院 袁志刚等 经济学各专业 3 54 第一 经济学院 严法善等 经济学各专业 3 54 第二 经济学院 谢为安等 经济学各专业
学 学 开课 开课院系 任课教师 适 用 专 业 分 时 学期 3 54 第三 经济学院 马 涛等 经济思想史、经济史 3 54 第三 经济学院 吴申元等 经济思想史、经济史 3 54 第三 经济学院 洪远朋等 政治经济学、经济思想史、经济



云南怒江水电开发中经济发展与生态保护的悖论及破解冯芸(昆明理工大学社会科学学院,云南昆明650224)摘要 深入分析了怒江水电开发中经济发展与生态保护两难悖论的典型性和特殊性,在研究经济发展与生态保护之间关系的基础上,提出了在保护的前提下实现怒江水能资源开发中经济发展与生态保护“双赢”的对策与建议。

关键词 怒江水电开发;经济发展;生态保护;悖论及破解中图分类号 X171 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2008)34-15188-02Pa ra do x b e tw e e n th e E c on om ic D e v e lo pm en t an d E c o lo g ic a l Pro te c tio n in th e H y dro pow e r D e v e lo pm e n t o f Nu jian g R iv e r o f Y un n a n Pro v in c e an d Its D e c la s s ific a tio nFENG Yun (S ch oo l o f S ocia l S cien ce s ,K u nm in g U n iv er sity o f S cien ce an d E n g in ee rin g ,K u nm in g ,Y u nn an 650224)A b s tra c t T h e typ ica lity and pa rticu la r ity o f tw o -d ifficu lt pa radox be tw eenth e econ om ic deve lopm en t and en v ironm en t pro te ction inth e h ydropow e r de-ve lopm en t o f N u jian g R ive r w ere deep ly an a ly zed .B ased onstudy i n gth e re la tion sh ip be tw eenth e econ om ic deve lopm en t an d en v ironm en t p ro tection,so m e cou n te rm ea su re s an d su gg estion s for rea lizin g th e dou b le w in s o f econ o m ic deve lopm en t an d en v ironm en t pro te ctioninth e w a te r en e rg y resou rce exp lo ita tion o f N u jian g R iv er un de r th e prem ise o f p ro tection w e re u t fo rw ard.K e y w o rd s H ydyopow e r dev e lopm en t o f N u jian g R ive r ;E con om ic dev e lopm en t ;E co lo g ica l pro te ction ;P a radox an d its de class ifica tion作者简介 冯芸(1972-),女,云南昆明人,讲师,从事区域可持续发展研究。


第十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十五分。
1995 Robert E. Lucas Jr.
1994 John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten 1993 Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North 1992 Gary S. Becker
Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969
for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes
Ragnar Frisch Norway
Jan Tinbergen the etherlands
Economic Forecasts. 4rd ed. McGraw-HILL,1998.
[21] Veerbeek M. A Guide to Modern Economertrics.England:John Wiley and Sons Ltd,2000.
第四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十五分。
1972 John R. Hicks, Kenneth J. Arrow 1971 Simon Kuznets 1970 Paul A. Samuelson
1969 Ragnar Frisch, Jan Tinbergen
第十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十五分。
The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in
中级计量经济学 讲课提纲
第一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十五分。
[1] 李子奈 . 计量经济学 (第二版 ). 北京:高等教育出版社, 2005. [2] 于 俊 年 . 计 量 经 济 学 ( 第 二 版 ). 北 京 : 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版


























Econ1320期中攻略更新一:关于使用Lilliefors Test或K-S test检测正态性的问题,在将样本值调整到标准正态形态,使用x-μ/δ时,样本标准差δ的计算应是(x-xbar)^2/n-1,如是进行无偏估计,大家可回忆统计学或概率论内容。





另,此门课极重应用(p.s. 对于学过2300的同学,这一点和2300有差异,2300的最终考核中对数理考核较严而应用较松),于数理证明几乎不详细讨论,所以对号入座,确定题目的考核内容后,假设检验过程中死记五步法步骤而不乱,注意calculated值公式细节,注意critica值自由度、置信度,则不难获得高分。


以下内容中红色的部分我建议进入考场能开始写时(也就是听instruction,收到命令填签到卡、填姓名学号等,之后,听到命令开始Perusal 可以开始在草稿纸上写时写在草稿纸上,以提醒自己);蓝色的部分是我自己的一些数理认识,有需求的同学可以看,也可以跟我讨论(我可能理解错误),而想免除麻烦的同学跳过即可。

正文首先,要读懂Kadd的Output!否则给出来了不认得不会用就麻烦了....在复习时,我曾经的Pass leader给出这样的建议:要总结检验名称、作用、假设(假设主要考察一些概念型选择或简答)、五步法(从H0、H1,到Decision Rule[hereafter DR],Test Statistics,Decision,Conclusion)的写法。


总结起来,自20世纪80年代来邓宁对其OLI理论或者 分析范式进行了三次非常有意义的完善或者改进以维持其 解释力:一是针对学术界对OLI批评的完善,主要反映在OLl 分析范式中动态化方面¨1;二是针对近二十年来经济全球化 和技术进步所带来的经济活动的显著变化,进一步提出了关
于联盟资本主义时代0u分析范式问题,并对OH进行扩 展旧’;三是最近几年邓宁将制度作为最重要的因素纳入OH 分析危式之中oi"3.41然而,令人遗憾的是。对于OH的发展和 演变国内对其研究和跟踪甚少。目前我们所运用的OH理 论依然停留在70年代中期的认识上.这未免显得与当前全 球化趋势格格不入。本文在回顾0L[理论的演进和内涵变 化的基础上,指出了0U扩展对跨国公司国际投资的重要意
第三,治理结构出现显著变化。由于跨国合作或者并购 形式出现了显见的变化,反映在跨国公司治理上,出现了一 种有别于股权控制(层级资本主义)的治理结构,即合作企业 的决策不再是通过股权比例行使决策权而是通过“一致”方 式形式决策,而且这种决策机制往往没有正式的权力结构。 换言之,联盟资本主义时代合作企业(例如R&D合作)的决 策机制是一种非正式的治理安排。



⿇省理⼯化⼯数值分析第六课10.34, Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical EngineeringProfessor William H. Green Lecture #6: Modern Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations.1D-Problemunknown: T of reactor f(x) = 0Q rxn exp(-Ea /RT ) + h(T – T a ) + c(T 4 – T a 4) = 0heat of reaction convection radiation (+) (-) (-)steady state temperatures Make a plot with MATLAB *nethe a t.m* function qdot = netheat(T) % computes the net heating rate of a reactor % qdot = 0 at the steady state qdot = Q.*exp(-Ea/(R.*T)) + h.*(T-Ta) + c.*(T.^4-Ta.^4);Figure 2. Professor Green modified variables Q and c until the plot looked likethe one above. Increased Q and decreased c.T o solve for steady state zerosf(T Figure 1. 1D problem Q = -2e-5; Ea = 5000; R = 1.987; h = 3; Ta = 300; c = 1e-8; Tvec = linspace(300,3000)qdot = netheat(Tvec) plot(Tvec,qdot) Figure 3. Have computer bracket in and find smallrange where plot goes from negative to positive.Bisection10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical EngineeringLecture 6 Prof. William GreenPage 2 of 4start a,b such that f(a)<0 and f(b) < 0 2b a x +=Figure 4. Funif f(x) · f(a) > 0 a = xelse b = xThis is a problem of TOLERANCEif((b-a) < tol) stopTypes of tolerance Absolute tolerance Relative tolerance atol: has unitsif |f(x)| < atol·f rtol: if(b-a) < rtol*|a| has to be BIG numberIn MATLAB while abs(b-a) > atolx x = (a+b)/2 if f(x)·f(a) > 0 a = x else b = x end *bisect.m* function x = bisect(f,a,b,atolx,rtolx, atolf) %solves f(x) = 0 while abs(b-a) > atolx x = 0.5*(b+a); if((feval(f,x)*feval(f,a))>0) a =x; else b=x; end endCommand Window x = bisect(@netheat,300,2000,0.1,0,0) x = 1.2373e+003CHECK: netheat(1237) = -1.0474 í closeKeep in mind: never get actual solution, but can come closeWe can change tolerances to improve results. ? while(abs(b-a)>atolx)&&(abs(b-a)>(rtolx*abs(a)))x = 0.5*(b+a); AND: must satisfy both conditions if(a bs(fev a l(f,x))x = 1.2363e+003 looser tolerance gives less accurate answerBisection cuts interval by 2 each timeEvery time we cut 3 times, we lose a sig figIn bisection, time grows linearly with the number of significant figures.a < x true < bx true = x soln ± b-a/2Newton’s Method (1-D)evaluates slope of f(x)next guess is the x new that satisfies f(x new)=0for a line from f(x guess) with the slope at f(x guess)Figure 5. Newton’s Method.For a good guess Newton’s method doublesthe number of significant figures after everyiteration; however, we lose robustness ifguess is poorf(x) = f(x0)+f’(x0)*(x-x0)+O(Δx2)0 = f(x guess)+f’(x guess)*(x-x guess)If f’(x guess) ≈ 0 -- doesn’t workx new = x guess – f(x guess)/f’(x guess)Figure 6.NO intersectionAnother drawback is one needs a derivative of the function. Secant Methodsame as Newton’s, but uses f’(x) approximate]1[][]1[][)()()('=kkkkapproxxxxfxfxfBisection method works only for 1D problems, but Newton/Secant can be used for problems with greater dimension 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Lecture 6 Prof. William Green Page 3 of 4 Broyden’s Method (Multi-dimensional) F(x) = F(x 010.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical EngineeringLecture 6 Prof. William GreenPage 4 of 4f(x) = 0 approx J = B 2][1||||x B BΔ+=+k ][k Outer Product:ΔΔΔΔΔΔ (32221)2312111x F x F x F x F x F x FNewton’s Method (Multi-dimensional)O = F(x 0)+J(x 0)·(x-x 0)J*Δx = -F(x 0) B [k]Δx = -FLU LU [k+1] without redoing factorization Done in detail in homework problem.。



`普通高等学校本科专业目录汉英对照表01学科门类:哲学Field of Study:Philosophical Sciences0101哲学类Philosophical Sciences010101哲学Philosophy010102*逻辑学Logic010103*宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:哲学概论Introduction to Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学史History of Marxism Philosophy中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy现代中国哲学Modern Chinese Philosophy西方哲学史History of Western Philosophy现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics伦理学Ethics逻辑学Logic心理学Psychology中外哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Foreign and Chinese Philosophic works马克思主义哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Marxist Philosophic Works数理逻辑Mathematical Logic宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies形而上学Metaphysics知识论Epistemology科学哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy of Science美学原理Aesthetics010102逻辑学Logics主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy数学分析Mathematical Analysis线性代数Advanced Algebra抽象代数Abstract Algebra概率统计Probability Statistics逻辑导论An Introduction to Logic数理逻辑Mathematic Logic集合论Set Theory归纳逻辑Inductive Logic模态逻辑Modal Logic应用逻辑学Applied logic四轮导引Introduction to Four Theories(公理集合论Axiom Set Theory模型论Model Theory递归论Recursion Theory证明论Proof Theory)逻辑史Logic History逻辑哲学Logic Philosophy程序语言设计Program Language Design操作系统Operation System西方逻辑史History of Western Logic010103宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Introduction to Marxism Philosophy 哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy逻辑学导论Introduction to Logic现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy外国哲学史History of Foreign Philosophy东方哲学Orient Philosophy宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies佛教史History of Buddhism中国佛教史History of Chinese Buddhism道教史History of Taoism基督教史History of Christianity中国基督教史History of Chinese Christianity伊斯兰教史History of Islam民间宗教研究Folk Religious Research宗教社会学Religious Sociology宗教心理学Religious Psychology宗教伦理学Religious Ethics宗教问题社会调查与方法Social Research and Methodology on Religious Problems宗教学原著选读Selected Reading in Religious Original Works宗教哲学Philosophy of Religion宗教社会学Religious Sociology圣经导读Introduction to Bible古代汉语Ancient Chinese02学科门类:经济学Field of Study:Economics Sciences201经济学类Economics Sciences020101经济学Economics020202国际经济与贸易International Economics&Trade020103财政学Public Finance020104金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics资本论On Capitalism西方经济学Western Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学说史History of Economic Thought发展经济学Development Economics企业管理Enterprise Management市场营销学Marketing国际金融International Finance国际贸易理论International Trade宏观经济学原理Principles of Econ:Macroeconomics微观经济学原理Principles of Econ:Microeconomics数理经济学入门Introduction to Mathematical Economics统计学及计算机应用Statistics with Computer Application中级微观经济学Intermediate Microeconomics Theory中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory经济学史History of Economics经济数学入门Introduction to Economathemetics经济学专题Topics in Economics货币与银行Money and Banking公共金融Public Finance国际贸易International Trade国际金融International Finance环境经济Environmental Economics工业组织Industrial Organization经济发展-理论及问题Economic Development-Theory and Problems 020202国际经济与贸易International Economics&Trade主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics世界经济概论World Economics国际贸易理论International Trade国际贸易实务Application of International Trade国际结算International Settlements货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学原理Principle of Economics应用统计Applied Statistics管理学原理Principle of Management Science会计学原理Principle of Accounting风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law中国对外贸易概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance国际营销学International Marketing世界贸易组织概论Introduction to World Trade Organization世界市场行情World Market Survey期货市场Futures Market国际技术贸易International Technology Trade国际服务贸易International Service Trade国际商务谈判International Business Negotiation区域经济一体化Regional Economic Interdependence 国际海上运输International Ocean Transportation国际陆空运输International Land and Air Transportation 采购学原理Principle of Procurement国际经济合作International Economic Cooperation国际投资International Investment国际工程承包International Project Contracting国际税收International Taxation组织行为学Organizational Behavior:Concepts人力资源管理Human Resources Management营销调研Marketing Research财务会计Financial Accounting公司理财Corporate Finance020103财政学Public Finance主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics货币银行学Monetary Banking国际经济学International Economics财政学Cameralistics国家预算State Budget税收管理Taxation Management国际税收International Taxation国有资产管理State-owned Capital Management财务会计Financial Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting财务管理Financial Management税收Chinese Taxation税务管理Tax Management政府预算Government Budget国有资产State Assets Administration公债Government Bond社会保障Social Security税务检查Tax Inspection国际税收International Taxation预算会计Budget Accounting财税电算化Finance and Taxation Program020104金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics财政学Finance货币银行学Money and Banking国际金融管理International Finance Management证券投资学Securities Investment保险学Insurance商业银行业务管理Management of Commercial Bank Business 中央银行业务Central Bank Business投资银行理论与实务Theory and Application of Investment Bank 经济学原理Principle of Economics计量经济学Econometrics管理学原理Principle of Management会计学原理Principle of Accounting财务会计Financial Accounting应用统计Applied Statistics风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law国际贸易实务Application of International Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance商业银行管理Commercial Banking Management国际信贷International Credit投资分析Investment Analysis国际金融管理International Finance Management金融衍生市场Financial Derivatives Markets公司理财Corporate Finance会计学专业(本科)会计学Accounting Principles成本会计Cost Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting审计学Auditing Principles会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems投资学Investment Principles财务管理Financial Management货币银行学Money and Banking财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance国际会计International Accounting财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes 预算会计Budget Accounting内部审计与政府审计Internal Auditing and Government Auditing 会计审计实务Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计研究方法Accounting Research Methods国际会计专题International Accounting Special Subject微观经济学Microeconomics微积分Calculus统计学Principle of Statistics财务学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance保险学Insurance财务案例分析Case Analysis of Finance Management国际财务管理International Financial Management资产评估Assets Appraisal项目评估Projects Appraisal宏观经济学Macroeconomics财务管理Financial Management管理信息系统Systems of Management Information运筹学Operational Research策略管理Strategic Management管理会计Managerial Accounting微观经济学Microeconomics管理学Principles of Management微积分Calculus统计学Principles of Statistics货币银行学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking管理信息系统System of Management Information宏观经济学Macroeconomics策略管理Strategic Management保险学Insurance银行会计Bank Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade财务管理Financial Management国际金融International Finance租赁与信托Hiring and Affiancing证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务Practice of Business Bank国际结算International Balance项目评估Projects Appraisal金融市场学Financial Marketing人力资源管理Human Resource Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析Case Analysis of Financial Management市场营销学专业(本科)营销管理Marketing Management公共关系Public Relationship国际贸易International Trade消费者行为Consumer Behavior管理信息系统Systems of Management Information营销调研Marketing Research推销学Sales Strategies国际金融International Finance营销预测与规划Marketing Forecasting and Planning销售渠道管理Sales Channels Management国际市场营销International Marketing商业谈判Business Negotiation广告管理Advertising Management营销案例分析Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务Practice of International Trade服务业营销Service Industry Marketing企业伦理Enterprise Ethics新产品开发New Products Development管理学Principles of Management企业管理专业(本科、硕士、博士)管理学Principles of Management微观经济学Microeconomics宏观经济学Macroeconomics管理信息系统Systems of Management Information产业经济学Industrial Economics财务管理Financial Management项目评估Projects Appraisal战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Negotiation国际商务谈判Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究Special Research of Transnational Corporation 国际贸易International Trade公司组织与管理Organization and Management of Corporate 国际营销研究International Marketing Research战略管理Strategic Management生产管理研究Operation Management企业伦理Enterprise Ethics组织行为学Organizational Behavior运筹学Operational Research人力资源管理Human Resource Management国民经济计划与管理专业(硕士、博士)宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis产业组织Industrial Organization金融与证券市场研究Security Market Research财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue 国际金融研究International Finance Research公司组织与管理Organization and Management环境与资源经济学Economics of Environment and Resources 投资与金融理论Theories of Investment and Finance货币金融管理Money and Finance Management金融工程Finance Project经济计量学Economics Metrology统计学专业(硕士)统计学Principles of Statistics多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics应用统计学Applied Statistics微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis应用计量学Applied Metrology预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills国民经济核算National Economic Accounting管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Informatio管理科学专业(硕士)微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics高级经济计量Advanced Economic Metrology管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Information预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills决策支持系统与专家系统Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems 面向对象的程序设计Object Oriented Programming管理科学专题Management Science Special Subject金融工程Finance Project应用经济计量学Applied Economic Metrology工商管理硕士专业(MBA)管理学Principles of Management管理经济学Management Economics营销管理与分析Marketing Management and Analysis生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management财务管理与分析Financial Management and Analysis宏观经济学Macroeconomics人力资源管理Human Resource Management国际金融International Finance战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Communication运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade国际财务管理International Finance营销决策与分析Marketing Decision and Analysis03学科门类:法学Field of Study:Law0301法学类Law030101法学Law法理学Jurisprudence中国法制史History of Chinese Legal System宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure民法Civil law商法Commercial law知识产权法Law of Intellectual Property经济法Economic law刑法Criminal law民事诉讼法Civil Procedure Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedure Law国际私法International Private Law国际经济法International Economic Law民法总论General Theory of Civil Law刑法总论(刑法一)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law I)刑法总论(刑法二)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law II)企业法/公司法Enterprise Law/Corporation Law商法总论General Theory of Commercial Law国际公法Public International Law法学原理Introduction to the Law物权法Law of Property债权法Law of Obligation法学方法论Introduction to Legal Methodology中国法律思想史History of Chinese Legal Thought西方法律思想史History of Western Legal Thought外国法制史History of Foreign Legal System外国刑法Foreign Criminal Law法律文书写作Drafting of Legal Document亲属法与继承法Family Law and Law of Inheritance犯罪学Criminology竞争法Law of Competition财政税收法Fiscal Law and Taxation Law金融法、银行法Financial Law劳动法与社会保障法Labor Law and Social Security Law国际海洋法Law of Sea专业英语Legal English国际税法International Taxation Law海商法Maritime Law国际技术转让法Law of International Transfer of Technology法医学Forensic Medicine司法精神病学Judicial Psychiatry外国宪法Foreign Constitutional Law比较司法制度Comparative Judicial Systems外国民商法Foreign Civil and Commercial Law票据法Law of Negotiable Instruments刑事侦查学Criminalistics立法学Studies of Legislation罗马法The Roman law外国行政法Foreign Administrative Law保险法Insurance Law刑事执行法Law of Criminal Enforcement司法鉴定学Science of Medical Legal Expertise法律职业与法律伦理Legal profession and Legal Ethics环境法Environmental Law台港澳法导论Introduction to the Laws of Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao国际投资法International Investment Law英美法导论Introduction to Anglo-American Law法律实务Practice of Law国际金融法International Financial Law会计法与审计法Accounting Law and Audit Law外国诉讼法Foreign Procedural Law国际航空法International Air Law国际组织法(全校通选)Law of International Organization0302马克思主义论类Marxist Theoretical Studies030201*科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism& International Communist Movement030202*中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution&History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:科学社会主义原理Scientific Socialism Principle国际共产主义运动史History of International Communism Movement当代国际共产主义运动Current International Communism Movement马列主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist and Lenin Classics邓小平理论Deng Xiao Ping Theory国际政治学International Politics当代世界社会主义Current World Socialism社会主义思想史History of Socialism Thought政治学Politics行政管理学Administration Management中共党史History of Communist Party of China世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy世界近现代史Modern and Contemporary World History中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China行政法学Administration Law领导科学Leadership Science法律基础Law Framework社会调查与方法Social Investigation and Methods计算机基础Computer Base专业外语Special English030202中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution and History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World国际共产党主义运动史History of International Communist Party Movement中共党史History of Communist Party of China中国革命史History of Revolution of China中华民国史History of Republic of China中国近代经济史History of Modern Economy of China政治学概论Politics Generality当代中国政治Contemporary Politics of China中国共产党文献与无产阶级革命家著作选读Selected Readings in Literature of Chinese Communist Party and Proletariat Revolutionist Works国史概论Introduction to National History党的建设Party Building党务工作概论Introduction to Party Affairs中共党史研究理论和方法Research Theory and Methodology on History of Chinese Communist Party中国党史史料学Historical Data of Chinese Communist Party中国党史人物选讲Selected Topics on Historical Heroes of Chinese Communist Party中共三代领导集体治国方略当代中国政府和政治Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics0303社会学类Sociological Sciences030301*社会学Sociology030302社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research社会心理学Social Psychology中外社会思想史History of Foreign and Chinese Social thinking古典及现代社会学理论Classical and Modern Sociology Theory社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Computer Application中国社会Chinese Society社会人类学Social Anthropology西方社会学理论Theory of Western Sociology社会统计学Social Statistics中国社会学史History of Chinese Sociology马克思主义社会学经典原著选读Selected Readings in Classical Works of Marxist Sociology社会学定性研究方法Sociological Qualitative Research Methods社会学定量研究方法Sociological Quantitative Research Methods经济社会学Economic Sociology农村社会学Rural Sociology软件统计分析Software Statistics and Analysis城市社会学City Sociology社会问题Social Problems西方社会学名著选读Selected Readings in Western Sociological Works社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work家庭社会学Family Sociology消费社会学Consumption Sociology文化社会学Culture Sociology青年社会学Youth Sociology环境社会学Environment Sociology组织社会学Organization Sociology医学社会学Medical Sociology人口社会学Population Sociology传播社会学Propaganda Sociology社区工作Community Work教育社会学Education Sociology政治社会学Politic Sociology科学社会学Scientific Sociology制度分析基础System Analysis Base老年社会学Senile Sociology中国社会Chinese Society社会分层与流动Social and Flow宗教社会学Religious Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology社会性别研究Research on Social Sex民俗学Forklore030302社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social work个案与团体工作Case and Party Work社区工作Community Work社会行政Social Administration社会保险与社会福利Social Insurance and Social Welfare社会环境保护Social Environment Protection人口社会学Populace Sociology组织社会学Structure Sociology社会心理学Social Psychology青少年社会工作Social Work for Teen-agers老年社会工作Social Word for Elders社会调查方法Social Survey Method社会统计学Social Statistics社会学原理Principle of Sociology社会学说史History of Sociology社会发展理论Theory on Social Development社会发展战略概论Introduction to Social Development Stratagem 中国社会思想史History of Chinese Social Thought当代社会学主要流派Major Schools of Contemporary Sociology西方社会发展理论Theory on Western Social Development社会学方法论Sociological Methodology社会调查方法Social Research Methods社会哲学Social Philosophy公共关系学Public Relations信息社会学Information Sociology民政工作概论Introduction to Civil Administration Work0304政治学类Political Sciences030401政治学与行政学Political Science&Public Administration 030402国际政治International Politics030403*外交学Science of Diplomacy030404思想政治教育Idealogical&Political Education主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle行政学概论Introduction to Administration Study中国政治制度史History of Chinese Politic System当代中国政治制度Chinese Current Politic System比较政治制度Comparative Politic System中国政治思想史History of Chinese Politic Thinking当代西方政治思潮Western Current Politic Thoughts中国社会政治分析Chinese Social Politic Analysis比较政党制度Comparative Party System市政学Municipal Administration公共政策概论Introduction to Public Policy行政法学Administrative Law人事行政学Personnel Administration社会调查与社会统计Social Survey and Social Statistics中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际关系概论Introduction to International Relations世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy法律基础Law Base政治社会学Political Sociology人力资源管理Human Resources Management公务员制度Civil Servant System of Various Countries030402国际政治International Politics主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization比较政治制度Comparative Political System当代国际关系Current International Relation近现代国际关系Modern International Relation近现代中国外交Modern Chinese Diplomacy西方国际关系理论Western International Relation Theory国际政治经济学International Politic Economics美国外交政策American Diplomatic Policy亚太地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in Pacific-Asian Region欧洲地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in European Region各国政治与经济Polity and Economy in Various Countries国际关系理论Theory on International Relations世界经济World Economy国际贸易与金融International Trade and Finance外事管理Foreign Affairs Management中国外交Chinese Diplomacy法律基础Law Base公共政策和管理Public Policy and Management030403外交学Science of Diplomacy主要课程:外交学Science of Diplomacy国际关系理论Theory of Diplomacy and International Relation中国外交史History of China’s Diplomacy当代中国外交Contemporary China’s Diplomacy国际政治导论Introduction to International Polity国际关系史History of International Relation当代国际政治与外交Contemporary International Polity and Multilateral Diplomacy 国际政治经济学International Politic Economics世界经济概论International World Economy国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization外国政治制度Politic System of Foreign Countries中国政治制度Politic System of China宗教与国际政治Religion and International Polity谈判学Negotiation Study专业外语Professional Foreign Languages战后国际关系史History of Postwar International Relations中外文化交流史History of Chinese and Foreign Culture Intercourse涉外礼仪Foreign Etiquette国际战略和安全International Stratagem and Safety新中国外交理论与原则Diplomatic Theory and Principles of New China外交政策分析Analysis on Diplomatic Policy国家和地区政治经济现状研究Research on Politic and Economic Current Situation of Countries and Regions领事侨务业务Management of Consulate and Overseas Chinese030404思想政治教育Ideological and Political Education主要课程:马克思主义思想政治教育理论基础Theoretical Base on Marxist Ideological and Political Education思想政治道德观教育Ideological and Political Ethics Education中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China伦理学Ethnics教育学Pedagogies管理学Management心理学基础Psychology Base思想政治教育学原理Ideological and Political Education Principle思想政治教育方法论Ideological and Political Education Methodology思想政治教育史History of Ideological and Political Education思想政治教育案例分析Case Analysis in Ideological and Political Education政治经济学Political Economy当代世界经济与政治Contemporary World Economy and Politics法学概论Introduction to Law政治学概论Introduction to Politics社会学概论Introduction to Sociology普通逻辑General Logics中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World思想政治教育(师范)主要课程:马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy马克思主义政治经济学Marxist Political Economics政治学Politics毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Ideology邓小平理论概论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory世界政治经济与国际关系World Political Economy and International Relation马克思主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist Classical Works法学概论Law Introduction马克思主义伦理学Marxist Ethnics思想政治教学原理Ideological and Political Teaching Principle中学思想政治教学论Middle-school Ideological and Political Teaching Thesis辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism历史唯物主义Historical Materialism西方经济学Western Economy中国政治制度史History of Chinese Political System当代中国政治制度Contemporary Chinese Political System比较政治制度Comparative Political System教育概论Education Introduction教育心理学Educational Psychology伦理学Ethics世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics and Economy and International Relations0305公安学类Science of Public Security030501治安学Science of Public Order030502侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation030503边防管理Management of Frontier Order0305公安学类Science of Public Security030501治安学Science of Public Order主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management侦查学总论Investigation Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting治安学Science of Public Order治安管理学Science of Public Order Administration户政学安全防范技术Safety and Technology道路交通管理学Road Traffic Management公共安全管理Public Safety Management治安案件查处Investigation and Disposition on Cases of Public Order 物证技术Technology of Material Evidence刑事照相Criminal Photographing法医Medical Jurisprudence现场勘查Science of scene Investigation查缉战术tactics出入境管理Exit and Entry Management030502侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management治安学总论Public Order Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit 自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting侦查学原理Investigation Pandect刑事侦查学Criminal Investigation政治保卫学Political Security经济犯罪对策学Science of Economic Offense Countermeasure物证技术学Material Evidence Technology法医学Medical Jurisprudence侦查询问学Science of Investigation Inquiry现场勘查学Science of scene Investigation犯罪心理学Criminal Psychology公安通信Communication of Public Security侦查策略Investigation Tactics警察学概论Introduction to Police Science国家安全学National Safety电子侦防技术Electronic Investigation and Protection Technology侦查情报学Investigation Informatics侦查心理学Investigation Psychology030503边防管理Management of Frontier Order主要课程:国际法Law of Nations刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit当代世界政治经济Contemporary World Polity and Economy边防公安法规Law and Regulations of Frontier Security公安学概论Introduction to Public Security治安管理学Public Order Management刑事侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation边境管理学Science of Frontier Management边防勤务学Science of Frontier Service边防战术学Frontier Tactics边防情报学Frontier Informatics边防检查学Science of Frontier Inspection护照签证制度Passport Visa System边防专业外语Professional Foreign Languages of Frontier法理学jurisprudence宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure警察法学Police Law政治学Politics行政管理学Administrative Management犯罪学Criminology文件检验Documentation inspection.侦查措施Investigation Measure擒敌技术驾驶技术Driving Technology04学科门类:教育学Field of Study:Education0401教育学类Educational Studies040101教育学Pedagogy040102学前教育Preschool Education040103特殊教育Special Education040104教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology教育心理学Education Psychology中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育通论General Thesis on Education教学论Teaching Methodology德育原理Moral Education Principle教育社会学Educational Sociology教育统计测量评价Educational Statistic Measurement and Evaluation教育研究方法Educational Research Methods教育管理学Educational Management教育经济学Educational Economics教育哲学Educational Philosophy课程理论Curriculum Theory中小学语文或数学教学法Teaching Methodology of Chinese or Mathematics of Middle and Junior school教学设计原理Introduction to Teaching Design课程开发和设计Curriculum Development and Design教育法学Educational Law人体解剖学Body Anatomy儿童心理学Children Psychology040102学前教育Preschool Education主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology人体解剖生物学Human Body Anatomic Biology教育概论Introduction to Education教育统计与测量Educational Statistics and Measurement中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育社会学Education Sociology琴法声乐Vocality舞蹈Dancing美术Fine Arts学前教育学Pre-school Education幼儿心理学Pre-school Philosophy幼儿教育心理学Pre-school Educational Philosophy幼儿保健学Pre-school Health Care幼儿园课程Pre-school Course Design幼儿教育研究方法Researching Methodology of Pre-school Education中外幼儿教育史History of Foreign and Chinese Pre-school Education幼儿游戏理论Theory on Pre-school games幼儿园教育活动设计与指导Designing and Instructing of Pre-school Educational Activity 幼儿玩具设计与制作Designing and Manufacturing of Children’s Toys幼儿音乐舞蹈创编与技法Creation and Techniques of Children’s Music and Dancing 040103特殊教育Special Education主要课程:特殊教育导论Introduction to Special Education盲童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Blind Children弱智儿童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Children with Weak Wisdom残疾儿童心理与病理Psychology and Pathology of Disabled Children残疾儿童康复Special Children Recovery特殊教育技术Techniques of Special Education实验心理学Experimental Psychology教育听力学Educational Listening心理测量与设计Psychological Measurement and Design特殊教育史History of Special Education特殊儿童评估Evaluation on Special Education特殊儿童早期干预Early Intervention in Special Education特殊儿童康复与训练Recovery and Training of Special Education言语语言病理学Speech and Language Pathology手语Hand Language040104教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:教育技术学Educational Technology教学系统设计Teaching System Design计算机教育基础Computer Education Basis网络教育应用Network Education Application。



常见经济类‎词汇ZT‎eco‎n omis‎t经济学‎家soc‎i alis‎t eco‎n omy ‎社会主义经‎济cap‎i tali‎s t ec‎o nomy‎资本主义‎经济co‎l lect‎i ve e‎c onom‎y集体经‎济pla‎n ned ‎e cono‎m y 计划‎经济co‎n trol‎l ed e‎c onom‎y管制经‎济rur‎a l ec‎o nomi‎c s 农村‎经济li‎b eral‎econ‎o my 自‎由经济m‎i xed ‎e cono‎m y 混合‎经济po‎l itic‎a l ec‎o nomy‎政治经济‎学pro‎t ecti‎o nism‎保护主义‎auta‎r chy ‎闭关自守‎p rima‎r y se‎c tor ‎初级成分‎p riva‎t e se‎c tor ‎私营成分,‎私营部门‎p ubli‎c sec‎t or 公‎共部门,公‎共成分e‎c onom‎i c ch‎a nnel‎s经济渠‎道eco‎n omic‎bala‎n ce 经‎济平衡e‎c onom‎i c fl‎u ctua‎t ion ‎经济波动‎e cono‎m ic d‎e pres‎s ion ‎经济衰退‎e cono‎m ic s‎t abil‎i ty 经‎济稳定e‎c onom‎i c po‎l icy ‎经济政策‎e cono‎m ic r‎e cove‎r y 经济‎复原un‎d erst‎a ndin‎g约定‎c once‎n trat‎i on 集‎中hol‎d ing ‎c ompa‎n y 控股‎公司tr‎u st 托‎拉斯ca‎r tel ‎卡特尔r‎a te o‎f gro‎w th 增‎长eco‎n omic‎tren‎d经济趋‎势eco‎n omic‎situ‎a tion‎经济形势‎infr‎a stru‎c ture‎基本建设‎stan‎d ard ‎o f li‎v ing ‎生活标准,‎生活水平‎p urch‎a sing‎powe‎r, bu‎y ing ‎p ower‎购买力‎s carc‎i ty 短‎缺sta‎g nati‎o n 停滞‎,萧条,不‎景气un‎d erde‎v elop‎m ent ‎不发达u‎n derd‎e velo‎p ed 不‎发达的d‎e velo‎p ing ‎发展中的‎init‎i al c‎a pita‎l创办资‎本fro‎z en c‎a pita‎l冻结资‎金fro‎z en a‎s sets‎冻结资产‎fixe‎d ass‎e ts 固‎定资产r‎e al e‎s tate‎不动产,‎房地产c‎i rcul‎a ting‎capi‎t al, ‎w orki‎n g ca‎p ital‎流动资本‎avai‎l able‎capi‎t al 可‎用资产c‎a pita‎l goo‎d s 资本‎货物re‎s erve‎准备金,‎储备金c‎a llin‎g up ‎o f ca‎p ital‎催缴资本‎allo‎c atio‎n of ‎f unds‎资金分配‎cont‎r ibut‎i on o‎f fun‎d s 资金‎捐献wo‎r king‎capi‎t al f‎u nd 周‎转基金r‎e volv‎i ng f‎u nd 循‎环基金,周‎转性基金‎c onti‎n genc‎y fun‎d意外开‎支,准备金‎rese‎r ve f‎u nd 准‎备金b‎u ffer‎fund‎缓冲基金‎,平准基金‎sink‎i ng f‎u nd 偿‎债基金i‎n vest‎m ent ‎投资,资产‎inve‎s tor ‎投资人s‎e lf-f‎i nanc‎i ng 自‎筹经费,经‎费自给b‎a nk 银‎行cu‎r rent‎acco‎u nt 经‎常帐户 (‎美作:ch‎e ckin‎g acc‎o unt)‎curr‎e nt-a‎c coun‎t hol‎d er 支‎票帐户 (‎美作:ch‎e ckin‎g-acc‎o unt ‎h olde‎r) ch‎e que ‎支票 (美‎作:che‎c k)‎b eare‎r che‎q ue, ‎c hequ‎e pay‎a ble ‎t o be‎a rer ‎无记名支票‎,来人支票‎cros‎s ed c‎h eque‎划线支票‎trav‎e ller‎'s ch‎e que ‎旅行支票‎c hequ‎e book‎支票簿,‎支票本 (‎美作:ch‎e ckbo‎o k)e‎n dors‎e ment‎背书t‎r ansf‎e r 转让‎,转帐,过‎户mon‎e y 货币‎issu‎e发行‎r eady‎mone‎y现钱‎c ash ‎现金re‎a dy m‎o ney ‎b usin‎e ss, ‎n o cr‎e dit ‎g iven‎现金交易‎,概不赊欠‎chan‎g e 零钱‎bank‎n ote,‎note‎钞票,纸‎币 (美作‎:bill‎)to ‎p ay (‎i n) c‎a sh 付‎现金do‎m esti‎c cur‎r ency‎, loc‎a l cu‎r renc‎y] 本国‎货币co‎n vert‎i bili‎t y 可兑‎换性co‎n vert‎i ble ‎c urre‎n cies‎可自由兑‎换货币e‎x chan‎g e ra‎t e 汇率‎,兑换率‎f orei‎g n ex‎c hang‎e外汇‎f loat‎i ng e‎x chan‎g e ra‎t e 浮动‎汇率fr‎e e ex‎c hang‎e rat‎e s 自由‎汇兑市场‎f orei‎g n ex‎c hang‎e cer‎t ific‎a te 外‎汇兑换券‎h ard ‎c urre‎n cy 硬‎通货sp‎e cula‎t ion ‎投机sa‎v ing ‎储装,存款‎dep‎r ecia‎t ion ‎减价,贬值‎deva‎l uati‎o n (货‎币)贬值‎r eval‎u atio‎n重估价‎runa‎w ay i‎n flat‎i on 无‎法控制的通‎货膨胀d‎e flat‎i on 通‎货紧缩c‎a pita‎l fli‎g ht 资‎本外逃s‎e curi‎t ies ‎b usin‎e ss 证‎券市场s‎t ock ‎e xcha‎n ge 股‎票市场s‎t ock ‎e xcha‎n ge c‎o rpor‎a tion‎证券交易‎所sto‎c k ex‎c hang‎e证券交‎易所,股票‎交易所q‎u otat‎i on 报‎价,牌价‎s hare‎股份,股‎票sha‎r ehol‎d er, ‎s tock‎h olde‎r股票持‎有人,股东‎divi‎d end ‎股息,红利‎cash‎divi‎d end ‎现金配股‎s tock‎inve‎s tmen‎t股票投‎资inv‎e stme‎n t tr‎u st 投‎资信托s‎t ock-‎j obbe‎r股票经‎纪人st‎o ck c‎o mpan‎y, st‎o ck b‎r oker‎a ge f‎i rm 证‎券公司s‎e curi‎t ies ‎有价证券‎s hare‎, com‎m on s‎t ock ‎普通股p‎r efer‎e nce ‎s tock‎优先股‎i ncom‎e gai‎n股利收‎入iss‎u e 发行‎股票pa‎r val‎u e 股面‎价格, 票‎面价格b‎u ll 买‎手, 多头‎bear‎卖手, ‎空头as‎s igne‎d过户‎o peni‎n g pr‎i ce 开‎盘clo‎s ing ‎p rice‎收盘h‎a rd t‎i mes ‎低潮bu‎s ines‎s rec‎e ssio‎n景气衰‎退dol‎d rums‎景气停滞‎dull‎盘整e‎a se 松‎弛rai‎s ing ‎l imit‎涨停板‎b reak‎暴跌b‎o nd, ‎d eben‎t ure ‎债券Wa‎l l St‎r eet ‎华尔街‎s hort‎term‎loan‎短期贷款‎long‎term‎loan‎长期贷款‎medi‎u m te‎r m lo‎a n 中期‎贷款le‎n der ‎债权人c‎r edit‎o r 债权‎人deb‎t or 债‎务人,借方‎borr‎o wer ‎借方,借款‎人bor‎r owin‎g借款‎i nter‎e st 利‎息rat‎e of ‎i nter‎e st 利‎率dis‎c ount‎贴现,折‎扣red‎i scou‎n t 再贴‎现ann‎u ity ‎年金ma‎t urit‎y到期日‎,偿还日‎a mort‎i zati‎o n 摊销‎,摊还,分‎期偿付r‎e demp‎t ion ‎偿还in‎s uran‎c e 保险‎mort‎g age ‎抵押al‎l otme‎n t 拨款‎shor‎t ter‎m cre‎d it 短‎期信贷c‎o nsol‎i date‎d deb‎t合并债‎务fun‎d ed d‎e bt 固‎定债务,长‎期债务f‎l oati‎n g de‎b t 流动‎债务dr‎a wing‎提款,提‎存aid‎援助a‎l lowa‎n ce, ‎g rant‎, sub‎s idy ‎补贴,补助‎金,津贴‎c ost ‎成本,费用‎expe‎n ditu‎r e, o‎u tgoi‎n gs 开‎支,支出‎f ixed‎cost‎s固定成‎本ove‎r head‎cost‎s营业间‎接成本o‎v erhe‎a ds 杂‎项开支,间‎接成本o‎p erat‎i ng c‎o sts ‎生产费用,‎营业成本‎o pera‎t ing ‎e xpen‎s es 营‎业费用r‎u nnin‎g exp‎e nses‎日常费用‎,经营费用‎misc‎e llan‎e ous ‎c osts‎杂项费用‎over‎h ead ‎e xpen‎s es 间‎接费用,管‎理费用u‎p keep‎cost‎s, ma‎i nten‎a nce ‎c osts‎维修费用‎,养护费用‎tran‎s port‎cost‎s运输费‎用soc‎i al c‎h arge‎s社会负‎担费用c‎o ntin‎g ent ‎e xpen‎s es, ‎c onti‎n genc‎i es 或‎有费用a‎p port‎i onme‎n t of‎expe‎n ses ‎分摊费用‎i ncom‎e收入,‎收益ea‎r ning‎s利润,‎收益gr‎o ss i‎n come‎, gro‎s s ea‎r ning‎s总收入‎,总收益‎g ross‎prof‎i t, g‎r oss ‎b enef‎i t 毛利‎,总利润,‎利益毛额‎n et i‎n come‎纯收益,‎净收入,收‎益净额a‎v erag‎e inc‎o me 平‎均收入n‎a tion‎a l in‎c ome ‎国民收入‎p rofi‎t abil‎i ty, ‎p rofi‎t ear‎n ing ‎c apac‎i ty 利‎润率,赢利‎率yie‎l d 产量‎收益,收益‎率inc‎r ease‎in v‎a lue,‎appr‎e ciat‎i on 增‎值,升值‎d uty ‎税tax‎a tion‎syst‎e m 税制‎taxa‎t ion ‎征税,纳税‎fisc‎a l ch‎a rges‎财务税收‎prog‎r essi‎v e ta‎x atio‎n累进税‎制gra‎d uate‎d tax‎累进税‎v alue‎adde‎d tax‎增值税‎i ncom‎e tax‎所得税‎l and ‎t ax 地‎租,地价税‎exci‎s e ta‎x特许权‎税bas‎i s of‎asse‎s smen‎t估税标‎准tax‎a ble ‎i ncom‎e须纳税‎的收入f‎i scal‎i ty 检‎查tax‎-free‎免税的‎t ax e‎x empt‎i on 免‎税tax‎p ayer‎纳税人‎t ax c‎o llec‎t or 收‎税员国民‎生产总值‎G NP (‎G ross‎Nati‎o nal ‎P rodu‎c t)‎人均国民生‎产总值 p‎e r ca‎p ita ‎G NP‎产值 ou‎t put ‎v alue‎鼓励‎g ive ‎i ncen‎t ive ‎t o投‎入 inp‎u t宏‎观控制 e‎x erci‎s e ma‎c ro-c‎o ntro‎l优化‎经济结构‎o ptim‎i ze t‎h e ec‎o nomi‎c str‎u ctur‎e输入‎活力 br‎i ng v‎i gor ‎i nto ‎改善经济‎环境 im‎p rove‎econ‎o mic ‎e nvir‎o nmen‎t整顿‎经济秩序‎r ecti‎f y ec‎o nomi‎c ord‎e r有‎效地控制通‎货膨胀 e‎f fect‎i vely‎cont‎r ol i‎n flat‎i on‎非公有成分‎non-‎p ubli‎c sec‎t ors ‎主要成分‎domi‎n ant ‎s ecto‎r实在‎的 tan‎g ible‎全体会‎议 ple‎n ary ‎s essi‎o n解‎放生产力‎l iber‎a te/u‎n shac‎k le/r‎e leas‎e the‎prod‎u ctiv‎e for‎c es ‎引入歧途‎l ead ‎o ne t‎o a b‎l ind ‎a lley‎举措‎m ove ‎实事求是‎seek‎trut‎h fro‎m fac‎t s引‎进、输入‎i mpor‎t atio‎n和平‎演变 pe‎a cefu‎l evo‎l utio‎n试一‎下 hav‎e a g‎o (at‎sth.‎)精华‎、精粹、实‎质 qui‎n tess‎e nce ‎家庭联产‎责任承包制‎fami‎l y-co‎n trac‎t res‎p onsi‎b ilit‎y sys‎t em ‎搞活企业‎i nvig‎o rate‎ente‎r pris‎e s商‎品经济 c‎o mmod‎i ty e‎c onom‎y基石‎corn‎e rsto‎n e零‎售 ret‎a il‎发电量 e‎l ectr‎i c en‎e rgy ‎p rodu‎c tion‎有色金‎属 non‎f erro‎u s me‎t als ‎人均收入‎per ‎c apit‎a inc‎o me‎使负担 b‎e sad‎d led ‎w ith ‎营业发达‎的公司 g‎o ing ‎c once‎r ns‎被兼并或挤‎掉 ann‎e xed ‎o r fo‎r ced ‎o ut o‎f bus‎i ness‎善于接‎受的 re‎c epti‎v e增‎额、增值、‎增长 in‎c reme‎n t发‎展过快 e‎x cess‎i ve g‎r owth‎抽样调‎查 dat‎a fro‎m the‎samp‎l e su‎r vey ‎扣除物价‎上涨部分‎p rice‎incr‎e ase ‎a re d‎e duct‎e d(ex‎c lude‎d) 实‎际增长率‎a ctua‎l gro‎w th r‎a te‎国际收支‎i nter‎n atio‎n al b‎a lanc‎e of ‎p ayme‎n ts‎流通制度‎c ircu‎l atio‎n sys‎t em‎总工资 t‎o tal ‎w ages‎分配形‎式 for‎m s of‎dist‎r ibut‎i on‎风险资金‎r isk ‎f unds‎管理不‎善 poo‎r man‎a geme‎n t农‎业 far‎m ing ‎林业 f‎o rest‎r y畜‎牧业 an‎i mal ‎h usba‎n dry ‎副业 s‎i deli‎n e pr‎o duct‎i on‎渔业 fi‎s hing‎第一产‎业 pri‎m ary ‎i ndus‎t ry‎第二产业‎s econ‎d ary ‎i ndus‎t ry第三‎产业 te‎r tiar‎y ind‎u stry‎生产资‎料 mea‎n s of‎prod‎u ctio‎n生活‎资料 me‎a ns o‎f liv‎e liho‎o d/su‎b sist‎e nce ‎生产关系‎rela‎t ions‎of p‎r oduc‎t ion ‎生产力‎p rodu‎c tive‎forc‎e s公‎有制 pu‎b lic ‎o wner‎s hip ‎私有制‎p riva‎t e ow‎n ersh‎i p全‎民所有制‎o wner‎s hip ‎b y th‎e ent‎i re/w‎h ole ‎p eopl‎e社会‎主义集体所‎有制 so‎c iali‎s t co‎l lect‎i ve o‎w ners‎h ip‎厉行节约,‎反对浪费‎t o pr‎a ctic‎e str‎i ct e‎c onom‎y and‎comb‎a t wa‎s te‎外资企业‎f orei‎g n-fu‎n ded ‎e nter‎p rise‎合资企‎业 joi‎n t ve‎n ture‎合作企‎业 coo‎p erat‎i ve e‎n terp‎r ise ‎独资企业‎whol‎l y fo‎r eign‎owne‎d/fun‎d ed e‎n terp‎r ise ‎一个中心‎、两个基本‎点one ‎c entr‎a l ta‎s k an‎d two‎basi‎c poi‎n ts‎以经济建‎设为中心,‎坚持四项基‎本原则(1‎)社会主义‎道路(2)‎党的领导(‎3)人民民‎主专政(4‎)马列主义‎毛泽东思想‎、坚持改革‎开放t‎h e ce‎n tral‎task‎refe‎r s to‎econ‎o mic ‎c onst‎r ucti‎o n an‎d two‎basi‎c poi‎n ts a‎r e th‎e fou‎r car‎d inal‎prin‎c iple‎s - a‎d here‎n ce t‎o the‎soci‎a list‎road‎, to ‎C ommu‎n ist ‎P arty‎lead‎e rshi‎p, to‎the ‎p eopl‎e's d‎e mocr‎a tic ‎d icta‎t orsh‎i p an‎d to ‎M arxi‎s m-Le‎n inis‎m and‎Mao ‎Z edon‎gTho‎u ght ‎- and‎pers‎i stin‎g in ‎r efor‎m and‎open‎i ng. ‎改革是“‎社会主义制‎度的自我完‎善和自我发‎展”。

essential mathematics for economic analysis

essential mathematics for economic analysis

essential mathematics for economicanalysisEssential Mathematics for Economic AnalysisMathematics is a crucial tool for understanding the complex relationships and patterns in economics. It helps economists to model the economy, make predictions, and measure the impact of policies and events.Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis is a fundamental concept in economics that involves a range of mathematical techniques used to analyze economic data and model economic phenomena. This article will outline some of the essential mathematical tools used in economic analysis.1. CalculusCalculus is a core tool used in economics for modeling relationships between variables. It is used to describe how the economy changes over time and to analyze the effects of different policy interventions. Calculus is used to calculate derivatives and integrals, which are used to find rates of change, slopes, area under curves, and optimization.2. Linear AlgebraLinear algebra is used in economics to model and solve complex systems of equations. It is the study of linear equations and their properties, including matrices, vectors, determinants, and eigenvalues. Linear algebra is used in economic models, such as input-output modeling and general equilibrium modeling.3. StatisticsStatistics is used in economics to analyze data and test hypotheses. It is used to estimate parameters of economic models, such as the mean, variance, and correlation coefficients. Statistical methods are also used to make predictions and forecast future trends in the economy.4. Game TheoryGame Theory is used in economics to analyze strategic interactions among agents in the economy. It is amathematical framework used to study decision-making behavior, such as pricing decisions by firms or voting behavior by individuals. Game theory is used to model situations where individuals or firms may have conflicting goals or interests.5. Differential EquationsDifferential equations are used in economics to modelthe relationship between two or more variables. It is a mathematical tool used to describe dynamic processes in the economy, such as population growth, inflation, and economic growth. Differential equations are used in macroeconomic models to describe the relationship between output, consumption, and investment.In conclusion, essential mathematics for economicanalysis is a critical tool for understanding the economy and making sound economic decisions. It includes calculus, linear algebra, statistics, game theory, and differential equations, among others. These mathematical tools are essential for modeling economic phenomena and analyzing economic data. By using these tools, economists can make predictions and inform public policy decisions that can have a significant impact on society.。

ECON6003_Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis_2009 Semester 1_ECON6003 Study Guide

ECON6003_Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis_2009 Semester 1_ECON6003 Study Guide

ECON6003 Mathematical Methods of Economic AnalysisSemester 1, 2009 Unit of Study OutlineInstructor: Dr. Jian HongOffice: Room 438 Merewether BuildingPhone: 9351 6943Email: j.hong@.auOffice Hours: Wednesday, 3:30-4:30PM or by appointmentClasses: Monday 5-8pm at Merewether Lecture Room 41. Unit of study information1.1. Faculty Handbook descriptionThis unit is an introduction to mathematical economics. It has three purposes. First, to introduce students to the mathematical concepts and methods that are central to moderneconomics. Second, to give a set of economic applications of the mathematical methods.Third, to develop the students' ability to formulate logical arguments with the degree ofprecision and rigour demanded in modern economics. The mathematical topics coveredinclude introductory analysis and topology, convex analysis, linear algebra, calculus offunctions of several variables, optimisation, and introduction to dynamic programming and dynamical systems. The particular economic applications presented may vary from year toyear, but usually include demand theory, production theory, and growth theory.1.2. Aims and contextThe key purpose of this unit of study is to provide the mathematical tools necessary forMasters students to be able to read current advanced research in economics. It is a core unitin the Master of Economics degree and is a complement to ECON6001 and ECON6002.2. Learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities & assessment2.1. Intended learning outcomes1. Apply economic theories and concepts to problems and practice.2. Critically evaluate underlying theories, concepts, assumptions, limitations and argumentsin economics and related fields of study in business.3. Develop coherent arguments when recommending solutions and critically evaluatingtheories in major fields of study.2.2. Learning and teaching activitiesIn this unit, topics are presented in the first two-hours of lectures. The third hour is a workshop in which assignment from the previous week are discussed. There are 12 weeks of lectures and 12weeks of workshops. Workshops begin in week 2; especially, the midterm will be review right after the exam.Textbook: Mathematics for economists, by Simon and Blume, Norton, 1994.The textbook is available from the University Co-operative Bookshop located on the ground floor of the Noel Martin Sports Complex. This text is highly recommended.Blackboard: Blackboard will be used to disseminate all information concerning this unit. Workshop questions will be uploaded after each lecture.2.3. AssessmentAssessment task Weighting Date Learning outcomes Midterm 2-hour in class 25% 20 April 1, 2 and 3Assignments 25% 10 weeks 1, 2 and 3Final Exam 2-hour 50% TBA 1, 2 and 32.4. Assessment detailsMidterm – Topics covered up to the end of week 6 and the associated workshop material will be examined in a 2-hour exam, in class.Assignment – There are 10 assignments and only 4 of them will be randomly chosen for grading. The assignment will be collected at the beginning of class if it has been chosen. Late submission is not accepted.Final Exam – All topics covered in all lectures and workshops will be examined in a two hour exam.2.5. Workload and minimum requirementsThe Academic Board student workload for six credit point units equates to an average of 9-12 hours of student effort per week per 13-week semester. This is what is expected of you.2.6. FeedbackThe midterm will be marked as soon as possible after the exam and the marks placed on blackboard. The exam will handed back and brief answers placed on blackboard. It will also be discussed in a workshop.Assignments will be marked as soon as possible and the marks placed on blackboard. The assignments will be returned before the end of semester and will be discussed in a workshopThe final exam will be marked as soon as possible after the exam and results will be available on the web according to university requirements.2.7. Academic honesty and plagiarismCommencing students should complete the academic honesty module available viaBlackboard before their first assessment submission. Students should refer to theUniversity’s policies on academic honesty and plagiarism (.au/policy), the Faculty’s procedures for dealing with allegations (.au/sio) and use the assessment cover sheet.Academic honesty is important to protect students' right to receive due credit for work submitted for assessment. It is clearly unfair for students to submit work for assessment that dishonestly represents the work of others as their own and gain marks and degrees, which are not based on their own efforts and abilities. Deliberate breaches of academic honesty constitute academic misconduct. These breaches include: plagiarism, fabrication of data, recycling previously submitted material, engaging someone else to complete an assessment on one’s behalf and misconduct during supervised assessments.The penalties for academic misconduct may include: a mark of zero on the assessment; a fail grade in the unit of study, additional assessment (including an unseen exam), and reference of the matter to the University Registrar.3. Student evaluation and feedbackStudent feedback on this unit of study will be obtained via a Unit of Study Evaluation survey administered near the end of the semester. This is the first time I have taught this unit of study so I have used student feedback obtained from other units I have taught in designing this unit. In the past, students have requested more questions be set and I have responded by doing so in the workshop program.4. University policies and servicesAll students must comply with all Faculty and University policies and procedures.Faculty policies are contained in the Administration Manual for Students athttps://.au/StudentManual/ (e.g. special consideration, appeals, late submission, feedback mechanisms, academic honesty and plagiarism). Assistance is available from the Faculty’s Student Information Office at https://.au/sio/University policies at .au/policy/ include: academic , . Assistance is available from the University’s Student Centre .au/studentcentre/The code of conduct is an important policy which outlines the University’s expectations about treating all staff employees and students with respect, dignity, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity and refrain from acts of discrimination, harassment or to other student services and resources are included on Blackboard and on theFaculty’s Learning and Teaching website .au/students/learningsupport/ (e.g. counselling services)Special Consideration:Special consideration will be granted where a student misses an exam and submits a Special Consideration Form that complies with the requirements set out in the Administration Manual for Students (including the requirement that the form be submitted within a week of the assessment). Special consideration will not be granted where a student attempts an assessment and submits a Special Consideration Form for that assessment, unless the student can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Chair of Discipline that their serious illness or misadventure occurred during the exam.If you experience serious illness or misadventure that would impact on your performance in an exam, you should not sit the exam and submit a Special Consideration Form.If you are in doubt about these procedures, please contact your lecturer.Special ArrangementsAdministration Manual for Students outlines the limited set of circumstances for which students may be granted special arrangements for assessments and examinations (e.g., for students with special needs), and explains the procedures to follow to apply for Special Arrangements.5. Week-by-Week Topic Guide (Tentative, subject to change)1. Introduction and Foundations, Simon and Blume, Chs 1-2.2. Univariate Calculus and Applications, Simon and Blume, Chs 3-4.3. Linear System and Linear Algebra, Simon and Blume, Chs. 6-7, 10-11.4. Linear Algebra, Vector Space and Matrix, Simon and Blume, Chs. 8-11.5. Multivariate Calculus, Simon and Blume, Chs 13-14.6. Implicit Functions, Simon and Blume, Ch 15.AVCC Common Week: 12-17 April, No ClassMidterm Exam: 20 April, in class7. Quadratic Forms, Simon and Blume, Ch. 16.8. Unconstrained Optimization, Simon and Blume, Ch. 17.9. Optimization with Equality Constraints, Simon and Blume, Chs. 18-19.10. Optimization with Inequality Constraints, Simon and Blume, Chs. 18-19.11. Dynamics, Simon and Blume, Chs. 23-24.12. Review of Assignments and TopicsStudy Vacation: 8-12 June, No ClassFinal Exam: 15 July at Quad Room S421。



外国文学作选读Selected Reading of Foreign Literature现代企业管理概论Introduction to Modern Enterprise Managerment电力电子技术课设计Power Electronics Technology Design计算机动画设计3D Animation Design中国革命史China’s Revolutionary History中国社会主义建设China Socialist Construction集散控制DCS Distributed Control计算机控制实现技术Computer Control Realization Technology计算机网络与通讯Computer Network and CommunicationERP/WEB应用开发Application & Development of ERP/WEB数据仓库与挖掘Data Warehouse and Data Mining物流及供应链管理Substance and Supply Chain Management成功心理与潜能开发Success Psychology & Potential Development信息安全技术Technology of Information Security图像通信Image Communication金属材料及热加工Engineering Materials & Thermo-processing机械原理课程设计Course Design for Principles of Machine机械设计课程设计Course Design for Mechanical Design机电系统课程设计Course Design for Mechanical and Electrical System 创新成果Creative Achievements课外教育Extracurricular education。


The American mathematical monthly
Discrete mathematics
Linear algebra and its applications
Journal of functional analysis
Annals of pure and applied logic
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
Journal of graph theory
Journal Of symbolic Computation
Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und
Acta arithmetica
IMA journal of applied mathematics



`普通高等学校本科专业目录汉英对照表01 学科门类:哲学Field of Study: Philosophical Sciences0101 哲学类Philosophical Sciences010101 哲学Philosophy010102* 逻辑学Logic010103* 宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:哲学概论Introduction to Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学史History of Marxism Philosophy中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy现代中国哲学Modern Chinese Philosophy西方哲学史History of Western Philosophy现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics伦理学Ethics逻辑学Logic心理学Psychology中外哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Foreign and Chinese Philosophic works马克思主义哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Marxist Philosophic Works数理逻辑Mathematical Logic宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies形而上学Metaphysics知识论Epistemology科学哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy of Science美学原理Aesthetics010102 逻辑学Logics主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy数学分析Mathematical Analysis线性代数Advanced Algebra抽象代数Abstract Algebra概率统计Probability Statistics逻辑导论An Introduction to Logic数理逻辑Mathematic Logic集合论Set Theory归纳逻辑Inductive Logic模态逻辑Modal Logic应用逻辑学Applied logic四轮导引Introduction to Four Theories(公理集合论Axiom Set Theory模型论Model Theory递归论Recursion Theory证明论Proof Theory )逻辑史Logic History逻辑哲学Logic Philosophy程序语言设计Program Language Design操作系统Operation System西方逻辑史History of Western Logic010103 宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Introduction to Marxism Philosophy 哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy逻辑学导论Introduction to Logic现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy外国哲学史History of Foreign Philosophy东方哲学Orient Philosophy宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies佛教史History of Buddhism中国佛教史History of Chinese Buddhism道教史History of Taoism基督教史History of Christianity中国基督教史History of Chinese Christianity伊斯兰教史History of Islam民间宗教研究Folk Religious Research宗教社会学Religious Sociology宗教心理学Religious Psychology宗教伦理学Religious Ethics宗教问题社会调查与方法Social Research and Methodology on Religious Problems宗教学原著选读Selected Reading in Religious Original Works宗教哲学Philosophy of Religion宗教社会学Religious Sociology圣经导读Introduction to Bible古代汉语Ancient Chinese02 学科门类:经济学Field of Study: Economics Sciences201经济学类Economics Sciences020101 经济学Economics020202 国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade020103 财政学Public Finance020104 金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics资本论On Capitalism西方经济学Western Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学说史History of Economic Thought发展经济学Development Economics企业管理Enterprise Management市场营销学Marketing国际金融International Finance国际贸易理论International Trade宏观经济学原理Principles of Econ: Macroeconomics微观经济学原理Principles of Econ: Microeconomics数理经济学入门Introduction to Mathematical Economics统计学及计算机应用Statistics with Computer Application中级微观经济学Intermediate Microeconomics Theory中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory经济学史History of Economics经济数学入门Introduction to Economathemetics经济学专题Topics in Economics货币与银行Money and Banking公共金融Public Finance国际贸易International Trade国际金融International Finance环境经济Environmental Economics工业组织Industrial Organization经济发展-理论及问题Economic Development-Theory and Problems020202 国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics世界经济概论World Economics国际贸易理论International Trade国际贸易实务Application of International Trade国际结算International Settlements货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学原理Principle of Economics应用统计Applied Statistics管理学原理Principle of Management Science会计学原理Principle of Accounting风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law中国对外贸易概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance国际营销学International Marketing世界贸易组织概论Introduction to World Trade Organization世界市场行情World Market Survey期货市场Futures Market国际技术贸易International Technology Trade国际服务贸易International Service Trade国际商务谈判International Business Negotiation区域经济一体化Regional Economic Interdependence 国际海上运输International Ocean Transportation国际陆空运输International Land and Air Transportation 采购学原理Principle of Procurement国际经济合作International Economic Cooperation国际投资International Investment国际工程承包International Project Contracting国际税收International Taxation组织行为学Organizational Behavior:Concepts人力资源管理Human Resources Management营销调研Marketing Research财务会计Financial Accounting公司理财Corporate Finance020103 财政学Public Finance主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics货币银行学Monetary Banking国际经济学International Economics财政学Cameralistics国家预算State Budget税收管理Taxation Management国际税收International Taxation国有资产管理State-owned Capital Management财务会计Financial Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting财务管理Financial Management税收Chinese Taxation税务管理Tax Management政府预算Government Budget国有资产State Assets Administration公债Government Bond社会保障Social Security税务检查Tax Inspection国际税收International Taxation预算会计Budget Accounting财税电算化Finance and Taxation Program020104 金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics财政学Finance货币银行学Money and Banking国际金融管理International Finance Management证券投资学Securities Investment保险学Insurance商业银行业务管理Management of Commercial Bank Business 中央银行业务Central Bank Business投资银行理论与实务Theory and Application of Investment Bank 经济学原理Principle of Economics计量经济学Econometrics管理学原理Principle of Management会计学原理Principle of Accounting财务会计Financial Accounting应用统计Applied Statistics风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law国际贸易实务Application of International Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance商业银行管理Commercial Banking Management国际信贷International Credit投资分析Investment Analysis国际金融管理International Finance Management金融衍生市场Financial Derivatives Markets公司理财Corporate Finance会计学专业(本科)会计学Accounting Principles成本会计Cost Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting审计学Auditing Principles会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems投资学Investment Principles财务管理Financial Management货币银行学Money and Banking财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance国际会计International Accounting财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes 预算会计Budget Accounting内部审计与政府审计Internal Auditing and Government Auditing 会计审计实务Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计研究方法Accounting Research Methods国际会计专题International Accounting Special Subject微观经济学Microeconomics微积分Calculus统计学Principle of Statistics财务学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance保险学Insurance财务案例分析Case Analysis of Finance Management国际财务管理International Financial Management资产评估Assets Appraisal项目评估Projects Appraisal宏观经济学Macroeconomics财务管理Financial Management管理信息系统Systems of Management Information运筹学Operational Research策略管理Strategic Management管理会计Managerial Accounting微观经济学Microeconomics管理学Principles of Management微积分Calculus统计学Principles of Statistics货币银行学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking管理信息系统System of Management Information宏观经济学Macroeconomics策略管理Strategic Management保险学Insurance银行会计Bank Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade财务管理Financial Management国际金融International Finance租赁与信托Hiring and Affiancing证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务Practice of Business Bank国际结算International Balance项目评估Projects Appraisal金融市场学Financial Marketing人力资源管理Human Resource Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析Case Analysis of Financial Management市场营销学专业(本科)营销管理Marketing Management公共关系Public Relationship国际贸易International Trade消费者行为Consumer Behavior管理信息系统Systems of Management Information营销调研Marketing Research推销学Sales Strategies国际金融International Finance营销预测与规划Marketing Forecasting and Planning销售渠道管理Sales Channels Management国际市场营销International Marketing商业谈判Business Negotiation广告管理Advertising Management营销案例分析Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务Practice of International Trade服务业营销Service Industry Marketing企业伦理Enterprise Ethics新产品开发New Products Development管理学Principles of Management企业管理专业(本科、硕士、博士)管理学Principles of Management微观经济学Microeconomics宏观经济学Macroeconomics管理信息系统Systems of Management Information产业经济学Industrial Economics财务管理Financial Management项目评估Projects Appraisal战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Negotiation国际商务谈判Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究Special Research of Transnational Corporation 国际贸易International Trade公司组织与管理Organization and Management of Corporate 国际营销研究International Marketing Research战略管理Strategic Management生产管理研究Operation Management企业伦理Enterprise Ethics组织行为学Organizational Behavior运筹学Operational Research人力资源管理Human Resource Management国民经济计划与管理专业(硕士、博士)宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis产业组织Industrial Organization金融与证券市场研究Security Market Research财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue 国际金融研究International Finance Research公司组织与管理Organization and Management环境与资源经济学Economics of Environment and Resources 投资与金融理论Theories of Investment and Finance货币金融管理Money and Finance Management金融工程Finance Project经济计量学Economics Metrology统计学专业(硕士)统计学Principles of Statistics多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics应用统计学Applied Statistics微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis应用计量学Applied Metrology预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills国民经济核算National Economic Accounting管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Informatio管理科学专业(硕士)微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics高级经济计量Advanced Economic Metrology管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Information预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills决策支持系统与专家系统Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems 面向对象的程序设计Object Oriented Programming管理科学专题Management Science Special Subject金融工程Finance Project应用经济计量学Applied Economic Metrology工商管理硕士专业(MBA)管理学Principles of Management管理经济学Management Economics营销管理与分析Marketing Management and Analysis生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management财务管理与分析Financial Management and Analysis宏观经济学Macroeconomics人力资源管理Human Resource Management国际金融International Finance战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Communication运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade国际财务管理International Finance营销决策与分析Marketing Decision and Analysis03 学科门类:法学Field of Study: Law0301 法学类Law030101 法学Law法理学Jurisprudence中国法制史History of Chinese Legal System宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure民法Civil law商法Commercial law知识产权法Law of Intellectual Property经济法Economic law刑法Criminal law民事诉讼法Civil Procedure Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedure Law国际私法International Private Law国际经济法International Economic Law民法总论General Theory of Civil Law刑法总论(刑法一)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law I)刑法总论(刑法二)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law II)企业法/公司法Enterprise Law/Corporation Law商法总论General Theory of Commercial Law国际公法Public International Law法学原理Introduction to the Law物权法Law of Property债权法Law of Obligation法学方法论Introduction to Legal Methodology中国法律思想史History of Chinese Legal Thought西方法律思想史History of Western Legal Thought外国法制史History of Foreign Legal System外国刑法Foreign Criminal Law法律文书写作Drafting of Legal Document亲属法与继承法Family Law and Law of Inheritance犯罪学Criminology竞争法Law of Competition财政税收法Fiscal Law and Taxation Law金融法、银行法Financial Law劳动法与社会保障法Labor Law and Social Security Law国际海洋法Law of Sea专业英语Legal English国际税法International Taxation Law海商法Maritime Law国际技术转让法Law of International Transfer of Technology法医学Forensic Medicine司法精神病学Judicial Psychiatry外国宪法Foreign Constitutional Law比较司法制度Comparative Judicial Systems外国民商法Foreign Civil and Commercial Law票据法Law of Negotiable Instruments刑事侦查学Criminalistics立法学Studies of Legislation罗马法The Roman law外国行政法Foreign Administrative Law保险法Insurance Law刑事执行法Law of Criminal Enforcement司法鉴定学Science of Medical Legal Expertise法律职业与法律伦理Legal profession and Legal Ethics环境法Environmental Law台港澳法导论Introduction to the Laws of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao国际投资法International Investment Law英美法导论Introduction to Anglo-American Law法律实务Practice of Law国际金融法International Financial Law会计法与审计法Accounting Law and Audit Law外国诉讼法Foreign Procedural Law国际航空法International Air Law国际组织法(全校通选)Law of International Organization0302 马克思主义论类Marxist Theoretical Studies030201* 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism & International Communist Movement030202* 中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution & History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:科学社会主义原理Scientific Socialism Principle国际共产主义运动史History of International Communism Movement当代国际共产主义运动Current International Communism Movement马列主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist and Lenin Classics邓小平理论Deng Xiao Ping Theory国际政治学International Politics当代世界社会主义Current World Socialism社会主义思想史History of Socialism Thought政治学Politics行政管理学Administration Management中共党史History of Communist Party of China世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy世界近现代史Modern and Contemporary World History中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China行政法学Administration Law领导科学Leadership Science法律基础Law Framework社会调查与方法Social Investigation and Methods计算机基础Computer Base专业外语Special English030202 中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution and History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World国际共产党主义运动史History of International Communist Party Movement中共党史History of Communist Party of China中国革命史History of Revolution of China中华民国史History of Republic of China中国近代经济史History of Modern Economy of China政治学概论Politics Generality当代中国政治Contemporary Politics of China中国共产党文献与无产阶级革命家著作选读Selected Readings in Literature of Chinese Communist Party and Proletariat Revolutionist Works国史概论Introduction to National History党的建设Party Building党务工作概论Introduction to Party Affairs中共党史研究理论和方法Research Theory and Methodology on History of Chinese Communist Party中国党史史料学Historical Data of Chinese Communist Party中国党史人物选讲Selected Topics on Historical Heroes of Chinese Communist Party中共三代领导集体治国方略当代中国政府和政治Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics0303 社会学类Sociological Sciences030301* 社会学Sociology030302 社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research社会心理学Social Psychology中外社会思想史History of Foreign and Chinese Social thinking古典及现代社会学理论Classical and Modern Sociology Theory社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Computer Application中国社会Chinese Society社会人类学Social Anthropology西方社会学理论Theory of Western Sociology社会统计学Social Statistics中国社会学史History of Chinese Sociology马克思主义社会学经典原著选读Selected Readings in Classical Works of Marxist Sociology社会学定性研究方法Sociological Qualitative Research Methods社会学定量研究方法Sociological Quantitative Research Methods经济社会学Economic Sociology农村社会学Rural Sociology软件统计分析Software Statistics and Analysis城市社会学City Sociology社会问题Social Problems西方社会学名著选读Selected Readings in Western Sociological Works社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work家庭社会学Family Sociology消费社会学Consumption Sociology文化社会学Culture Sociology青年社会学Youth Sociology环境社会学Environment Sociology组织社会学Organization Sociology医学社会学Medical Sociology人口社会学Population Sociology传播社会学Propaganda Sociology社区工作Community Work教育社会学Education Sociology政治社会学Politic Sociology科学社会学Scientific Sociology制度分析基础System Analysis Base老年社会学Senile Sociology中国社会Chinese Society社会分层与流动Social and Flow宗教社会学Religious Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology社会性别研究Research on Social Sex民俗学Forklore030302 社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social work个案与团体工作Case and Party Work社区工作Community Work社会行政Social Administration社会保险与社会福利Social Insurance and Social Welfare社会环境保护Social Environment Protection人口社会学Populace Sociology组织社会学Structure Sociology社会心理学Social Psychology青少年社会工作Social Work for Teen-agers老年社会工作Social Word for Elders社会调查方法Social Survey Method社会统计学Social Statistics社会学原理Principle of Sociology社会学说史History of Sociology社会发展理论Theory on Social Development社会发展战略概论Introduction to Social Development Stratagem 中国社会思想史History of Chinese Social Thought当代社会学主要流派Major Schools of Contemporary Sociology西方社会发展理论Theory on Western Social Development社会学方法论Sociological Methodology社会调查方法Social Research Methods社会哲学Social Philosophy公共关系学Public Relations信息社会学Information Sociology民政工作概论Introduction to Civil Administration Work0304 政治学类Political Sciences030401 政治学与行政学Political Science & Public Administration 030402 国际政治International Politics030403* 外交学Science of Diplomacy030404 思想政治教育Idealogical & Political Education主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle行政学概论Introduction to Administration Study中国政治制度史History of Chinese Politic System当代中国政治制度Chinese Current Politic System比较政治制度Comparative Politic System中国政治思想史History of Chinese Politic Thinking当代西方政治思潮Western Current Politic Thoughts中国社会政治分析Chinese Social Politic Analysis比较政党制度Comparative Party System市政学Municipal Administration公共政策概论Introduction to Public Policy行政法学Administrative Law人事行政学Personnel Administration社会调查与社会统计Social Survey and Social Statistics中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际关系概论Introduction to International Relations世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy法律基础Law Base政治社会学Political Sociology人力资源管理Human Resources Management公务员制度Civil Servant System of Various Countries030402 国际政治International Politics主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization比较政治制度Comparative Political System当代国际关系Current International Relation近现代国际关系Modern International Relation近现代中国外交Modern Chinese Diplomacy西方国际关系理论Western International Relation Theory国际政治经济学International Politic Economics美国外交政策American Diplomatic Policy亚太地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in Pacific-Asian Region欧洲地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in European Region各国政治与经济Polity and Economy in Various Countries国际关系理论Theory on International Relations世界经济World Economy国际贸易与金融International Trade and Finance外事管理Foreign Affairs Management中国外交Chinese Diplomacy法律基础Law Base公共政策和管理Public Policy and Management030403 外交学Science of Diplomacy主要课程:外交学Science of Diplomacy国际关系理论Theory of Diplomacy and International Relation中国外交史History of China’s Diplomacy当代中国外交Contemporary China’s Diplomacy国际政治导论Introduction to International Polity国际关系史History of International Relation当代国际政治与外交Contemporary International Polity and Multilateral Diplomacy 国际政治经济学International Politic Economics世界经济概论International World Economy国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization外国政治制度Politic System of Foreign Countries中国政治制度Politic System of China宗教与国际政治Religion and International Polity谈判学Negotiation Study专业外语Professional Foreign Languages战后国际关系史History of Postwar International Relations中外文化交流史History of Chinese and Foreign Culture Intercourse涉外礼仪Foreign Etiquette国际战略和安全International Stratagem and Safety新中国外交理论与原则Diplomatic Theory and Principles of New China外交政策分析Analysis on Diplomatic Policy国家和地区政治经济现状研究Research on Politic and Economic Current Situation of Countries and Regions领事侨务业务Management of Consulate and Overseas Chinese030404 思想政治教育Ideological and Political Education主要课程:马克思主义思想政治教育理论基础Theoretical Base on Marxist Ideological and Political Education思想政治道德观教育Ideological and Political Ethics Education中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China伦理学Ethnics教育学Pedagogies管理学Management心理学基础Psychology Base思想政治教育学原理Ideological and Political Education Principle思想政治教育方法论Ideological and Political Education Methodology思想政治教育史History of Ideological and Political Education思想政治教育案例分析Case Analysis in Ideological and Political Education政治经济学Political Economy当代世界经济与政治Contemporary World Economy and Politics法学概论Introduction to Law政治学概论Introduction to Politics社会学概论Introduction to Sociology普通逻辑General Logics中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World思想政治教育(师范)主要课程:马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy马克思主义政治经济学Marxist Political Economics政治学Politics毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Ideology邓小平理论概论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory世界政治经济与国际关系World Political Economy and International Relation马克思主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist Classical Works法学概论Law Introduction马克思主义伦理学Marxist Ethnics思想政治教学原理Ideological and Political Teaching Principle中学思想政治教学论Middle-school Ideological and Political Teaching Thesis辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism历史唯物主义Historical Materialism西方经济学Western Economy中国政治制度史History of Chinese Political System当代中国政治制度Contemporary Chinese Political System比较政治制度Comparative Political System教育概论Education Introduction教育心理学Educational Psychology伦理学Ethics世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics and Economy and International Relations0305 公安学类Science of Public Security030501 治安学Science of Public Order030502 侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation030503 边防管理Management of Frontier Order0305 公安学类Science of Public Security030501 治安学Science of Public Order主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management侦查学总论Investigation Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting治安学Science of Public Order治安管理学Science of Public Order Administration户政学安全防范技术Safety and Technology道路交通管理学Road Traffic Management公共安全管理Public Safety Management治安案件查处Investigation and Disposition on Cases of Public Order 物证技术Technology of Material Evidence刑事照相Criminal Photographing法医Medical Jurisprudence现场勘查Science of scene Investigation查缉战术tactics出入境管理Exit and Entry Management030502 侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management治安学总论Public Order Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit 自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting侦查学原理Investigation Pandect刑事侦查学Criminal Investigation政治保卫学Political Security经济犯罪对策学Science of Economic Offense Countermeasure物证技术学Material Evidence Technology法医学Medical Jurisprudence侦查询问学Science of Investigation Inquiry现场勘查学Science of scene Investigation犯罪心理学Criminal Psychology公安通信Communication of Public Security侦查策略Investigation Tactics警察学概论Introduction to Police Science国家安全学National Safety电子侦防技术Electronic Investigation and Protection Technology侦查情报学Investigation Informatics侦查心理学Investigation Psychology030503 边防管理Management of Frontier Order主要课程:国际法Law of Nations刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit当代世界政治经济Contemporary World Polity and Economy边防公安法规Law and Regulations of Frontier Security公安学概论Introduction to Public Security治安管理学Public Order Management刑事侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation边境管理学Science of Frontier Management边防勤务学Science of Frontier Service边防战术学Frontier Tactics边防情报学Frontier Informatics边防检查学Science of Frontier Inspection护照签证制度Passport Visa System边防专业外语Professional Foreign Languages of Frontier法理学jurisprudence宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure警察法学Police Law政治学Politics行政管理学Administrative Management犯罪学Criminology文件检验Documentation inspection.侦查措施Investigation Measure擒敌技术驾驶技术Driving Technology04 学科门类:教育学Field of Study: Education0401 教育学类Educational Studies040101 教育学Pedagogy040102 学前教育Preschool Education040103 特殊教育Special Education040104 教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology教育心理学Education Psychology中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育通论General Thesis on Education教学论Teaching Methodology德育原理Moral Education Principle教育社会学Educational Sociology教育统计测量评价Educational Statistic Measurement and Evaluation教育研究方法Educational Research Methods教育管理学Educational Management教育经济学Educational Economics教育哲学Educational Philosophy课程理论Curriculum Theory中小学语文或数学教学法Teaching Methodology of Chinese or Mathematics of Middle and Junior school教学设计原理Introduction to Teaching Design课程开发和设计Curriculum Development and Design教育法学Educational Law人体解剖学Body Anatomy儿童心理学Children Psychology040102 学前教育Preschool Education主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology人体解剖生物学Human Body Anatomic Biology教育概论Introduction to Education教育统计与测量Educational Statistics and Measurement中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育社会学Education Sociology琴法声乐V ocality舞蹈Dancing美术Fine Arts学前教育学Pre-school Education幼儿心理学Pre-school Philosophy幼儿教育心理学Pre-school Educational Philosophy幼儿保健学Pre-school Health Care幼儿园课程Pre-school Course Design幼儿教育研究方法Researching Methodology of Pre-school Education中外幼儿教育史History of Foreign and Chinese Pre-school Education幼儿游戏理论Theory on Pre-school games幼儿园教育活动设计与指导Designing and Instructing of Pre-school Educational Activity 幼儿玩具设计与制作Designing and Manufacturing of Children’s Toys幼儿音乐舞蹈创编与技法Creation and Techniques of Children’s Music and Dancing040103 特殊教育Special Education主要课程:特殊教育导论Introduction to Special Education盲童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Blind Children弱智儿童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Children with Weak Wisdom残疾儿童心理与病理Psychology and Pathology of Disabled Children残疾儿童康复Special Children Recovery特殊教育技术Techniques of Special Education实验心理学Experimental Psychology教育听力学Educational Listening心理测量与设计Psychological Measurement and Design特殊教育史History of Special Education特殊儿童评估Evaluation on Special Education特殊儿童早期干预Early Intervention in Special Education特殊儿童康复与训练Recovery and Training of Special Education言语语言病理学Speech and Language Pathology手语Hand Language040104 教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:教育技术学Educational Technology教学系统设计Teaching System Design计算机教育基础Computer Education Basis网络教育应用Network Education Application。

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