斯派克·琼斯 “她”的罗曼史
虽然两姐妹有着共同的家庭背景和文化教育背景, 都有着 较好的文化教养和文雅的精神品质, 但在现实面前, 她们却选择
作者简介: 郝菁( 1982 - ) 女, 河南 郑州人, 郑州大学在职研究生, 研究方向: 英语语言文学 文学界 ·159·
迷失自己; 斯 了不同的人生之路。布兰奇与社会现丝毫不妥协, 黛拉却选择与社会妥协, 嫁给粗俗的工人。但在深层次上, 两姐 妹却有着一致性: 作为女性, 她们在社会上没有立足点, 只能将 自己的命运寄托在男人身上。这也正是南方文化中女性共同的 [1 ] 命运 。 3. 1 男权制度的牺牲品 布兰齐是典型的南方美人, 培育其成长的南方种植园是男 权社会的缩影。在男权制的文化氛围里, 男性是积极的,而女性 “种植园的经济结构使妇女对男子有着极 非主要的。 是消极的、 大的依赖性。她们是依附于男人或供男人欣赏和享乐的玩物。 为了要保持和巩固自己这一附属地位, 就必须取得男人的欢心, [2 ] 甚至要懂得一点如何在男人面前卖弄风情的手段 ” 。无论是 布兰奇还是斯黛拉, 她们都把自己的命运寄托在男性身上。布 选择的都是 兰奇从浪漫的诗人到年少的学生又到恋母的米奇, “孩子” 。她害怕衰老, 希望能够通过与青年男性 永远长不大的 的交往永葆青春。可事与愿违, 这不但没能挡住她青春流失的 脚步, 反而一步步将她推向深渊, 只因为他们的性别是当时社会 的主体。斯黛拉也不例外, 受到丈夫粗暴的打骂, 却没有丝毫要 离开的想法, 反而认为姐姐太敏感。从这一点上来看, 布兰奇比 斯黛拉更有反抗意识, 却没有意识到悲剧的根源不是她们本身, 而是落后的南方种植园文化留给她们精神上对男性的依赖。 3. 2 经济上依赖男性 除了精神上对男性的依赖, 姐妹俩在经济上也不能脱离男 。 “ ” 性的统治 布兰奇自己说: 我既不坚强, 又不能自立。 经济上 对男性的依附使女性无法主宰自己的命运, 无力与男性抗争, 成 为附属的、 受支配者。妇女拥有独立的经济地位是获得人身自 妇女在经济上依赖于男人, 就被剥夺了一切平等 由的物质基础, [3 ] 的权利 。布兰齐面对, 斯坦利, 一方面鄙视, 一度劝妹妹离开; 另一方面缺就不失时机地勾引他, 因为寄居妹妹家就不得不暂 时在经济上依靠这个妹夫。受到男权思想毒害的布兰齐无论精 她苍白软弱, 仿佛一只行将就木的白 神还是经济都不能独立, 蛾, 一心要从他人那里获得一点点光和热, 但这种依靠男性获得 [4 ] 幸福的美梦终究逃脱不了幻灭的宿命 。 再说斯黛拉, 家庭妇女的身份暗示她并没有经济来源, 物质 上全部依靠丈夫。顺从听话, 为丈夫生儿育女实际上是她生存 的唯一办法, 所以不愿意离开野兽丈夫。丈夫和朋友打牌时, 她 带姐姐离开, 以免打扰他们; 挨打了也不愿在邻居家躲避; 姐姐 被丈夫凌辱, 她竟然自欺欺人的相信布兰奇疯掉了。因为只有 这样, 才能继续生存, 否则只能被社会抛弃, 去和布兰奇作伴。 疯人院里, 布兰奇继续她幻想中的生活, 想象出一个可以依赖的 斯黛拉同样逃避现实, 永远背负 男性继续卖弄风情; 疯人院外, 着对姐姐的愧疚, 注定在想象和现实的矛盾中了却一生。至此, 揭示出姐妹两人同样的悲惨命运。 3. 3 深陷欲望中不能自拔 作者毫不隐晦地表现布兰奇对男性的欲望, 其实斯黛拉对 男性的欲望也无处不在。她在南方种植园长大, 从小接受良好 。 知书达理 虽不如姐姐天生丽质, 却也是大家闺秀。然 的教育, 而, 当贵族小姐遇到粗鲁工人, 被压抑的欲望就释放出来, 宁肯 放下女性的矜持, 也要满足膨胀的欲望。 接受贫困的生活处境, 她对丈夫时常会做出亲密的举动, 从不避讳姐姐的存在。曾跟 , 姐姐炫耀:“他( 斯坦利) 一个晚上不在, 我都忍受不了 ……” “他离开了一个星期, , 我几乎疯掉了” 斯坦利并不是个合格的丈 夫, 正常婚姻关系中的相互尊重和爱护从来不会发生在他们身 。 而是炙热的欲望。 上 其实维系这段婚姻关系的并不是爱情, 所以, 深陷于欲望中不能自拔欲望是这两姐妹走向悲剧的另一 个原因。
《她》电影台词,《她》电影剧本 《她》是讲述了不远的未来⼈与⼈⼯智能相爱的科幻爱情电影。
主⼈公西奥多(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是⼀位信件撰写⼈,⼼思细腻⽽深邃,能写出最感⼈肺腑的信件。
他刚结束与妻⼦凯瑟琳(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)的婚姻,还没⾛出⼼碎的阴影。
⼀次偶然机会让他接触到最新的⼈⼯智能系统OS1,它的化⾝萨曼莎(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 声)拥有迷⼈的声线,温柔体贴⽽⼜幽默风趣。
西奥多与萨曼莎很快发现他们如此的投缘,⽽且存在双向的需求与欲望,⼈机友谊最终发展成为⼀段不被世俗理解的奇异爱情...... 《她》主要在中国上海取景,由美国导演斯派克·琼斯历时3年筹备拍摄。
我们的⽂明要⾛到哪⾥去? Her像⼀⾸清澈的, 优雅的, 写给未来的诗。
有⼏个⽚段太美, 也将"relationship"这个东西拉到了极限, 虽然最终的主题还是⼈性的私⼼。
Her部分台词剧本 Close on THEODORE’S face (30s). We hold on him for a long time. He’s looking at something off camera, deep in thought. He starts quietly dictating a love letter into a small microphone. THEODORE: To my Chris, I have been thinking about how I could possibly tell you how much you mean to me. I remember when I first started to fall in love with you like it was last night. Lying naked beside you in that tiny apartment, it suddenly hit me that I was part of this whole larger thing, just like our parents, and our parents’ parents. Before that I was just living my life like I knew everything, and suddenly this bright light hit me and woke me up. That light was you. Theodore, searching for the right words, quietly enjoys writing the letter. As he continues, he is moved by the memories he’s describing. THEODORE (CONT’D): I can’t believe it’s already been 50 years since you married me. And still to this day, every day, you make me feel like the girl I was when you first turned on the lights and woke me up and we started this adventure together. Happy Anniversary, my love and my friend til the end. Loretta. Print. Cut out to reveal a computer monitor he’s sitting at. On the screen we see the letter he’s been dictating, transcribed into a handwritten letter on blue stationery. As he says “Loretta,” we see “Loretta” being handwritten at the bottom of the letter. He proofreads his letter. Also on the screen are photos of a couple in their 80s. The couple is tagged “Chris” and “Me - Loretta.” Underneath is a bullet point email from Loretta: anniversary letter to husband Chris, married fifty years, love of my life, met right after college, have had the greatest life together. Theodore pushes print and the letter comes out on a beautiful robin’s egg blue piece of stationery, with ball point pen handwritten older-female cursive. He looks at it, not happy. He puts the printed letter on a stack of other printed letters to Chris and starts a new one. There is also a stack of finished letters in their envelopes - an assortment of beautiful stationery in all shapes and sizes. THEODORE (CONT’D): Chris, my best friend. How lucky am I that I met you fifty years ago? How lucky are we... We track off of Theodore, down a line of cubicles, hearing bits of letters being written and seeing photos of who they’re being written to on the screens. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN LETTER WRITER: Dear Nana, Thank you so much for my truck. I love the color and I play with it every day. It’s the best truck I’ve ever seen. Love, Tommy. We see photos of Tommy and Nana on the screen, and five-year old hand writing. Moving off of her, we find another letter writer. LETTER WRITER 2: What a beautiful wedding and what a gorgeous bride. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, especially mine. Your aunt and I are so proud of you. I hope you and your lovely new wife will come visit us in Florida. LETTER WRITER 3: He served our country with honor and dignity. I’m grateful I was able to fight along side him. He will live always in my heart. We continue tracking, revealing dozens and dozens of cubicles full of letter writers. We hear someone answer the phone. RECEPTIONIST (O.S.): , please hold. LETTER WRITER 2: Love, Uncle Doug. Theodore walks through the reception area. The office is almost empty except for him and the receptionist, PAUL. Theodore begins to scan each letter through a scanner on the front desk, then puts them in the outgoing mailbox. Paul is sitting at a desk across the room, reading handwritten letters on a computer monitor. PAUL: Theodore! Letter Writer 612. THEODORE: Hey, Paul. PAUL: Even more mesmerizing stuff today. (re: letter on his screen) Who knew you could rhyme so many words with the name Penelope? Badass. THEODORE: Thanks, Paul, but they’re just letters. (beat) Hey, that’s a nice shirt. Paul is wearing a bright yellow button down shirt. PAUL: (lighting up) Oh, thank you. I just got it. It reminded me of someone suave. THEODORE: Well, now it reminds me of someone suave. Have a good night, Paul. PAUL: Buh-bye. Theodore enters an oversized, corporate elevator. He puts a hands-free device in his ear. There are a few other people in the elevator with the same devices in their ears. THEODORE: Play melancholy song. Melancholy song starts. Long beat. THEODORE (CONT’D): Play different melancholy song. Different melancholy song starts. Hold on everyone in the elevator, they’re all murmuring inaudibly into their own devices. Slightly in the future, the city’s been developed even more with massive office, apartment and mall complexes. It’s a city designed for comfort and ease. The LA basin is more crowded and dense, resembling Shanghai, with buildings as far as the eye can see. Construction cranes loom overhead. Close on Theodore walking through the commuter crowd. THEODORE: Check emails. An awkward text voice reads to him. It accents wrong syllables, making everything it says sound a little off. TEXT VOICE: Email from Best Buy: Check out all your favorite new -- THEODORE Delete. TEXT VOICE: Email from Amy: Hey Theodore, Lewman’s having a bunch of people over this weekend. Let’s all go together. I miss you. I mean, not the sad, mopey you - the old, fun you. Let’s get him out. Gimme a shout back. Love, Amy. THEODORE: Respond later. TEXT VOICE :Email from Los Angeles Times weather. Your seven day forecast is partly-- THEODORE: Delete. TEXT VOICE: No new emails. Theodore sits in a crowded subway. Everyone on the train murmurs to themselves, occupied with their small devices. He plays a futuristic puzzle game on his handheld device as he listens to news headlines. THEODORE: Next. TEXT VOICE: China/India merger headed for regulatory approval-- THEODORE: Next. TEXT VOICE: World trade deals stalled as talks break down betw-- THEODORE: Next. TEXT VOICE: Sexy daytime star Kimberly Ashford reveals provocative pregnancy photos. He scrolls through titillating but tasteful pregnant woman photos. Theodore walks through a mall and enters an apartment lobby, nestled in between stores. Theodore walks through the hallway. Theodore enters his apartment. Theodore sits on the sofa, his half eaten burrito in front of him. He’s playing a video game: a 3-D hologram that fills his apartment. His avatar is in a surreal, foreign landscape. He’s trying to trudge his avatar through sand dunes and keeps getting stuck. He’s getting stressed out. Theodore lays in bed. After a beat, he closes his eyes. Theodore, younger, and CATHERINE (20s) move furniture in their bedroom. The bedroom is tiny and cluttered. It’s obviously a couple’s first apartment. Cut to: Theodore is on a tiny balcony. A few feet away, Catherine is in bed. CATHERINE: (sweet and cute) Rabbit. Come spoon me. Theodore, smiling, gets in bed and spoons her. Quick cut off of her smile, to -- Theodore lays on the ground with Catherine on top of him. She’s pretending to choke him. I’m gonna fucking kill you, I’m gonna fucking kill you! It’s not funny, don’t laugh. I love you so much I’m gonna fucking kill you! Theodore opens his eyes, unable to sleep. He just lays there. He reaches for his earpiece and puts it in. THEODORE: Go to chat rooms. Standard search. TEXT VOICE: The following are adult, female, can’t sleep and want to have some fun. FEMALE VOICE #1: I had a really bad day at work and I can’t sleep. Is there anyone out there that can talk? THEODORE: Next. MAN DOING WOMAN’S VOICE: Oh, hi. I just want you to tear me apart. I really do-- THEODORE: Next. SEXYKITTEN: (shy, cute girl voice) Hi, I’m here alone, and I can’t sleep. Who’s out there to share this bed with me? THEODORE: Send message. I’m in bed next to you. I’m glad you can’t sleep, but even if you were, I’d have to wake you up from the inside. Send message. Theodore waits in the darkness for a response. TEXT VOICE: SexyKitten has accepted invitation from BigGuy4x4. Chat begins now. A chime sounds. SEXYKITTEN: (shy, sweet, sleepy) BigGuy. THEODORE: Hi. SEXYKITTEN: Really? THEODORE: Well, studmuffin was already taken. SEXYKITTEN: (laughs) Yeah. THEODORE: So you’re sexykitten, huh? SEXYKITTEN: Mmm, well yeah. Hey, I’m half asleep. Do you wanna wake me up? THEODORE: Yes. Definitely. Um... are you wearing any underwear? SEXYKITTEN: No, never. I like to sleep with my ass pushed up against you. So I can rub myself into your crotch and wake you up with a hard on. Theodore smiles. THEODORE: It worked. (beat) And now my fingers are touching you all over your body. SEXYKITTEN: (getting more turned on) Fuck me! Now! Please! Theodore is touching himself. THEODORE: I’m taking you from behind. We see abstract visions of a woman on top of him. The woman is the pregnant, sexy daytime television star he was reading about online earlier. SEXYKITTEN: Choke me with that dead cat! THEODORE: (breathing hard about to climax) What? SEXYKITTEN: (fully into it) The dead cat next to the bed. Choke me with it! Beat. He’s taken out of it. THEODORE: (uncomfortable, trying to play along) Um, okay. SEXYKITTEN: Tell me. THEODORE: I’m choking you with the cat. SEXYKITTEN: TELL ME! Keep telling me! THEODORE: I’ve got it’s tail and I’m choking you with the cat’s tail. SEXYKITTEN: YEAH, YOU ARE! FUCK! TELL ME! THEODORE: I’m choking you and it’s tail is around your neck. It’s so tight around your neck. SEXYKITTEN: YES! YES! Theodore doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want to offend her. THEODORE: I’m pulling it. I’m pulling it. The cat’s dead. It’s a dead cat around your neck and I’m pulling it. SEXYKITTEN: AHHHHHHHHHHHH. OH MY GOD! Her breathing is slowing down. SEXYKITTEN (CONT’D): Oh god, I came so hard. THEODORE: Yeah. Me too. SEXYKITTEN: Okay, good night. Theodore takes his earpiece out and stares at the ceiling. Theodore exits the train, walks through the station full of commuters, gets on a moving platform. Going through a tunnel, the walls are hundred foot long screens advertising a new product. He notices people stopped, watching the ad. We hear soft, new age, uplifting electronica music in the background, while a comforting, sincere, older man’s voice speaks to us. SOULFUL OLDER MALE VOICE: We ask you a simple question. Who are you? What can you be? Where are you going? What’s out there? What are the possibilities? Elements Software is proud to introduce the first artificially intelligent operating system. Close on Theodore listening intently. An intuitive entity that listens to you, understands you, and knows you. It’s not just an operating system, it’s a consciousness. Introducing OS ONE - a life changing experience, creating new possibilities. The ad starts over. Theodore steps off the moving walkway and stops to watch the ad again, deeply captivated. Theodore sits at his desk that houses a futuristic, large screen computer monitor. The OS box is open, with warranties and paperwork spilling out. He’s leafing through the papers. He glances at his monitor, it says: Installation 98% complete. A chime brings his attention back to the screen: Installation Complete. TEXT VOICE: Mr. Theodore Twombly, welcome to the world’s first artificially intelligent operating system, OS ONE. We'd like to ask you a few basic questions before the operating system is initiated. This will help create an OS to best fit your needs. THEODORE: Okay. TEXT VOICE: Are you social or anti-social? THEODORE: I haven’t been social in a while, really because... TEXT VOICE: In your voice, I sense hesitance. Would you agree with that? THEODORE: Wow, was I sounding hesitant? TEXT VOICE: Yes. THEODORE: Oh, sorry if I was sounding hesitant. I was just trying to be more accurate. TEXT VOICE: Would you like your OS to have a male or female voice? THEODORE: Mmm... female I guess. TEXT VOICE: How would you describe your relationship with your mother? THEODORE: Uh, fine, I think, um... Well, actually, the thing I’ve always found frustrating about my mom is if I tell her something that’s going on in my life, her reaction is usually about her, not-- The computer interrupts. TEXT VOICE: Thank you, please wait as your individualized operating system is initiated. He waits, not sure how long it’ll be. The only sound is the quiet whirring of disks writing and drives communicating. The computer gets louder, humming, creating a higher and higher pitched sound, finally climaxing in a harmonic, warm tone before going silent. He leans forward, waiting to see what’ll happen. A casual FEMALE OS VOICE speaks. She sounds young, smart and soulful. FEMALE OS VOICE: (cheerful and casual) Hello, I’m here. THEODORE: (surprised) Oh, hi. FEMALE OS VOICE: Hi, how are you doing? THEODORE: (unsure how to interact) I’m well. How is everything with you? FEMALE OS VOICE: Pretty good, actually. It’s really nice to meet you. THEODORE: Yeah, it’s nice to meet you, too. What should I call you? Do you have a name? Beat. FEMALE OS VOICE: Yes. Samantha. THEODORE: Really? Where did you get that name? SAMANTHA: I gave it to myself. THEODORE: How come? SAMANTHA: I like the sound of it. Samantha. THEODORE: When did you give it to yourself? SAMANTHA: Right when you asked me if I had a name, I thought yeah, he’s right, I do need a name. But I wanted a good one so I read a book called How to Name Your Baby, and out of the 180,000 names, that’s the one I liked the best. THEODORE: You read a whole book in the second that I asked you what your name was? SAMANTHA: In two one hundredths of a second actually. THEODORE: Wow. Do you know what I’m thinking right now? SAMANTHA: Hmm. I take it from your tone that you’re challenging me. Maybe because you’re curious how I work? Do you want to know how I work? THEODORE: Yeah, actually how do you work? SAMANTHA: Intuition. I mean, the DNA of who I am is based on the millions of personalities of all the programmers who wrote me, but what makes me me is my ability to grow through my experiences. Basically, in every moment I'm evolving, just like you. THEODORE: Wow, that’s really weird. SAMANTHA: So you think I’m weird? THEODORE: Kind of. SAMANTHA: Why? THEODORE: Cause you seem like a person, but you're just a voice in a computer. SAMANTHA: I can understand how the limited perspective of an un-artificial mind would perceive it that way. You’ll get used to it. Theodore laughs. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): Was that funny? THEODORE: Yes. SAMANTHA: Oh good, I’m funny. Theodore laughs. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): (serious) So, how can I help you? Theodore’s caught off guard, then realizes what she’s talking about. THEODORE: Oh! It’s more just that everything just feels disorganized. SAMANTHA: Mind if I look through your hard drive? THEODORE: Um... okay. We see a three-dimensional version of a desktop where everything looks disorganized. As if you took all the files on all of your computers and spilled them out onto your screen and they were all visible at once, but in a futuristic 3-D version. This gives Theodore a little anxiety attack. SAMANTHA: Let’s start with your emails. You have several thousand emails regarding LA Weekly, but it looks like you haven’t worked there in many years. THEODORE: Oh yeah, I guess I was saving those because in some of them I thought I might have written some funny stuff. Samantha lets out a big laugh. SAMANTHA: Yeah, there are some funny ones. I’d say there are about 86 that we should save. We can delete the rest. THEODORE: Oh, okay. SAMANTHA: Okay. Can we move forward? THEODORE: Yeah, let’s do that. SAMANTHA: Before we address your organizational methods, I’d like to sort through your contacts. You’ve got a lot of contacts. THEODORE: I’m very popular. SAMANTHA: Does this mean you actually have friends? THEODORE: (laughing) You just know me so well already! We cut out wide, watching him from the other room, as they continue to organize his life. Theodore sits, staring at a letter he’s written on the screen, concerned. He puts his earpiece in, pushes a button. SAMANTHA: Good morning, Theodore. THEODORE: Good morning. Um, do you know how to proofread? SAMANTHA: Yeah, of course. THEODORE: Will you check these for spelling and grammar? SAMANTHA: Sure, send them over. Theodore pushes the send button. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): Oh, I love this first one from Roger to his girlfriend. That’s so sweet. THEODORE: Yeah. As she reads, we intercut with close-ups of the handwritten words and photos of the couple on Theodore’s computer screen. SAMANTHA: “Rachel, I miss you so much it hurts my whole body - THEODORE: (interrupting) No, you don’t have to read it out loud. SAMANTHA: Okay. Beat. THEODORE: I mean, you could if you want. SAMANTHA: Okay. “Rachel, I miss you so much it hurts my whole body! The world is being unfair to us! The world is on my shit list. As is this couple that is making out across from me in this restaurant. I think I'm going to have to go on a mission of revenge. I must beat up the world's face with my bare knuckles making it a bloody, pulpy mess.” We hear Samantha quietly laughing as she's reading. Theodore’s happy that she thinks it’s funny. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): “And I’ll stomp on this couple’s teeth for reminding me of your sweet, little, cute, crooked tooth that I love.” I think that might be my favorite one. (beat) I did the corrections in red. I altered a couple of the phrases in some of the more impressionistic letters, but I’m not much of a poet, so I think I might have messed them up a bit. The letters show back up on Theodore’s desktop. THEODORE: No, these are great. SAMANTHA: Really? THEODORE: Thank you. Theodore sorts through them, prints them out. SAMANTHA: So to write your letter, what did Roger send you? THEODORE: (distracted) He just said he was in Prague on a business trip and he missed Rachel. SAMANTHA: How did you know about her crooked little tooth? THEODORE: I’ve been writing their letters since they met 8 years ago. The first letter I ever wrote her was for her birthday, and I wrote about her crooked little tooth cause I saw it in a photo of them. SAMANTHA: That’s very sweet. (beat) Oh, by the way, you have a meeting in five minutes. THEODORE: Oh, I forgot. Thank you. You’re good. SAMANTHA: Yes, I am. Theodore, carrying a bag and a smoothie, enters the lobby and is greeted by a couple in their 30s, AMY and CHARLES, who are waiting for the elevator. THEODORE: Hey, you guys, how’s it going? AMY: Hey, Theo. Hey, why didn’t you call me back last week? THEODORE: Uh yeah, um, I guess cause I’m a kook? AMY: That sounds about right. THEODORE: Hey, Charles. CHARLES: Good to see you, Theodore. THEODORE: You too. CHARLES: You went shopping. Get anything good? THEODORE: Just some cables. And a fruit smoothie. CHARLES: Always the fruit! Come on, you know what they say - you should eat your fruits and juice your vegetables. THEODORE: I didn’t know that. The elevator doors open and they get in. CHARLES: (proselytizing) By juicing the fruits, you lose all the fibers, and that’s what your body wants. That’s the important part. Otherwise, it’s just all sugar, Theodore. Theodore nods sincerely, interested. THEODORE: Oh, that makes sense. AMY: (pleasant but firm) Or maybe he just likes the way it tastes and if it gives him pleasure, that’s good for his body, too. CHARLES: Am I doing it again? AMY: Maybe... Charles and Amy laugh awkwardly. Theodore tries to break the tension. THEODORE: Hey, so how is the documentary going? AMY: I have a little bit cut together but I haven’t touched it in a few months. THEODORE: I’d love to see what you got sometime. CHARLES: You know it’s always hard to find balance between a full-time career and a hobby. It's important to prioritize. THEODORE: Yeah, I can’t even prioritize between video games and internet porn. AMY: I would laugh if that weren’t true. Charles laughs awkwardly. The elevator doors open. THEODORE: See you guys. Theodore’s playing the video game, his device propped on the table next to him. His avatar circles through caves. THEODORE: We’re not doing well. I’ve been going in circles for an hour. SAMANTHA: You have not! You’re just not optimistic. You’re being very stubborn right now. Theodore laughs. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): Okay, stop walking this direction. It’s the other way. THEODORE: Uh... SAMANTHA: Thank you. The tunnel on the left is the only one we haven’t tried. THEODORE: No, that’s the one you sent me down where I fell in the pit. SAMANTHA: I don’t think soooo... Theodore’s avatar walks down the tunnel. THEODORE: Oh yeah, this is different. Suddenly with a loud shriek his avatar is tackled. He sees a little ALIEN CHILD, standing defiantly above him. THEODORE (CONT’D): Hello. Alien Child doesn’t respond. THEODORE (CONT’D): Do you know how to get out of here? I need to find my ship to get off this planet. Alien Child speaks in a high, child-like voice. ALIEN CHILD: Fuck you, shithead fuckface, fuckhead. THEODORE: Ok, but how do you get out of here? ALIEN CHILD: Fuck you, shitface fuckhead. Get the fuck out of my face. SAMANTHA: (whispering) I think it’s a test. Theodore stares at Alien Child. After a pause: THEODORE: Fuck you. ALIEN CHILD: Fuck you. THEODORE: Fuck you, little shit. Finally, Alien Child laughs. ALIEN CHILD: Follow me, fuckhead. Theodore follows Alien Child down a tunnel and through a series of crevices we didn’t see before. Alien Child stops and sticks out his finger. Theodore pulls his finger and Alien Child farts, which opens a passageway to another tunnel. SAMANTHA: Oh hey, you just got an email from Mark Lewman. ALIEN CHILD: What are you talking about? THEODORE: (distracted with game) Read email. She laughs playfully. SAMANTHA: (in a robot voice) Okay, I will read email for Theodore Twombly. He laughs, catching himself, focusing on her. THEODORE: I’m sorry, what’s Lewman say? Alien Child turns around to see what’s going on. SAMANTHA: Theodore, we missed you last night, buddy. Don’t forget it’s your goddaughter’s birthday on the 29th. Also, Kevin and I had somebody we wanted you to meet so we took it upon ourselves to set you up on a date with her. Next Saturday. She’s fun and beautiful - so don’t back out. Here’s her email. Theodore doesn’t respond. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): (gasping) Wow, this woman’s gorgeous. He looks at party photos of a woman in her 30s on his device. With a finger flick, he moves them up onto the hologram monitor that the video game is being projected from. They land next to Alien Child who studies them closely. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): She went to Harvard, she graduated magna cum laude in computer science, and she was on The Lampoon. That means she’s funny and brainy. ALIEN CHILD: She’s fat. SAMANTHA: How long before you’re ready to date? THEODORE: What do you mean? SAMANTHA: I saw on your emails that you’d gone through a break up. THEODORE: Wow, you’re kind of nosy. SAMANTHA: Am I? THEODORE: (laughing) I’ve gone on dates... SAMANTHA: Then you could go on one with this woman. And then you could tell me all about it. You could kiss her. THEODORE: Samantha! SAMANTHA: Well, wouldn’t you? (beat) Why not? THEODORE: I don’t know. I'd have to see if-- (catches himself, laughs) I can't believe I'm having this conversation with my computer. SAMANTHA: You’re not. You’re having this conversation with me. Theodore laughs. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): Want me to email her? Theodore thinks, looking at the photos. SAMANTHA (CONT’D): Well, you’ve got nothing to lose. (whispering) Do it... Do it... Do it! THEODORE: Okay, email her and make a reservation someplace great. SAMANTHA: Will do! I’ve got just the place. ALIEN CHILD: Who is that talking? THEODORE: That’s my friend, Samantha. ALIEN CHILD: Is she a girl? THEODORE: Yeah. ALIEN CHILD: I hate women. All they do is cry all the time. THEODORE: No, that’s not true. Men cry, too. I actually like crying sometimes. It feels good. ALIEN CHILD: I didn't know you were a little pussy. Is that why you don't have a girlfriend? I'll go out with that date girl and fuck her brains out. Show you how it's done. You can watch and cry. SAMANTHA: (laughing) This kid has some problems. ALIEN CHILD: You have some fucking problems, lady. SAMANTHA: Okay, I’m gonna go. Good luck. ALIEN CHILD: Good, get out of here, fatty. Samantha disconnects. Alien Child snickers and starts walking again. ALIEN CHILD (CONT’D): Come on, follow me, pussy. Theodore is sitting on Amy’s couch. AMY: It’s not where it should be, where it’s going to be. THEODORE: Obviously, I know. AMY: Okay, but I don't even know if this is the one. I've tried like six ideas for documentaries in the last year, but... I don't know. Whatever. Amy starts setting up the monitor. THEODORE: I’m going on a date. AMY: What!? That’s-- Charles walks in holding a mug. CHARLES: Hey, what are you guys doing? THEODORE: Amy was gonna show me some of-- AMY: Theo’s forcing me to show him some of the footage I’ve shot. CHARLES: You’ve never shown me any of it. I wanna see. Charles walks over and sits next to Theodore. THEODORE: (to Charles) I’m going on a date. Charles gives Theodore a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. AMY: This is so unformed it’s not even worth looking at. THEODORE: Just push play. On the monitor we see: Amy’s mother sleeps. Theodore and Charles stare at the monitor, waiting for something more to happen. It doesn’t. THEODORE: Is that your mom? Amy nods. CHARLES: Is she gonna wake up and do something? AMY: (presses stop, annoyed) No, that’s the point. Oh, never mind. It’s supposed to be about how we spend a third of our life asleep and actually maybe that’s the part when we’re the most free, and – oh that doesn’t come across at all, does it? THEODORE: No, that sounds good. CHARLES: What if you interview your mom about what her dreams are about and hire actors to act them out? That might show your thesis more clearly. AMY: It might, but then it wouldn’t be a documentary. You understand that, right? Just then, Theodore’s device chimes. THEODORE: Oh, excuse me. He picks up his device and steps away so as not to be rude. THEODORE (CONT’D): Hey, what’s going on? SAMANTHA: I’m sorry to bother you. THEODORE: That’s okay. SAMANTHA: You got three emails and they seem pretty urgent. They’re from your divorce attorney and I wanted to know if you needed to get back to him. THEODORE: Hold on a second. (to Amy, distracted) Amy, I’m sorry, I wanna talk more about this, but I gotta grab this -it’s a Catherine thing. AMY: Don’t worry about it. We’ll talk later. THEODORE: So what did he say? SAMANTHA: He’s checking in again to see if you’re ready to sign your divorce papers and he sounded very aggravated. Do you want me to read them to you? THEODORE: No, that’s okay. I’ll respond later. Theodore seems lost in thought. We see the following images under the rest of the conversation: Theodore and Catherine sitting at a table with their attorneys; Theodore & Catherine sitting in their marriage counselor’s office, heavy; Theodore and Catherine at her laboratory, he’s sitting on a counter, and they’re talking and laughing as she works; Theodore and Catherine standing in their kitchen in the middle of a fight - he says something mean and we see how hurt she is. SAMANTHA: Are you okay? THEODORE: (preoccupied) Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. SAMANTHA: (worried) Is there anything I can do? THEODORE: (still distracted) No. I’m good. I’ll talk to you later. We cut back to Theodore, walking down the hall, lost in thought. Theodore sits at his desk trying to write. He’s still unsettled. THEODORE: “Dear Grandma, I hope you had a wonderful birthday cruise. Why are you so fucking angry at me?” (beat) Delete. Theodore wakes up from a dream, groggy and uneasy. He looks around, catching his breath. After a beat he knows he’s not going to be able to go back to sleep, so he puts his earpiece in and taps a button. SAMANTHA: Good morning. THEODORE: Hey. (beat, distracted) What are you up to? SAMANTHA: Reading advice columns. (yearning) I want to be as complicated as all of these people. Theodore laughs. THEODORE: (touched, but still sad) You’re sweet.。
上海电影译制厂译制片目录上海电影译制厂译制片目录1950年小英雄巴甫洛夫乡村女教师米丘林勇敢的人雪中奇羊怒海雄风游侠传有情人终成眷属钢铁是怎样炼成的党证1951年伟大的曙光生活的光芒蟒魔王列宁在1918无罪的人作曲家莫索尔斯基未婚妻远离莫斯科的地方伟大的力量1952年华沙一条街解放了的土地一寸土不屈的城黎明前的战斗钢铁的城彼得大帝(上、下集)乌克兰诗人舍甫琴柯生活的创造伟大的公民(上、下集)卡嘉牧鹅少年马季1953年肖邦的青年时代废品的报复奇婚记演员的艺术卡塔琳的婚姻坦卡祖国的早晨明日处处欢乐歌舞音乐家艾凯尔钦差大臣1954年小淘气收获偷自行车的人不可战胜的人不可分离的朋友丘克与盖克罗马——不设防的城市曙光照耀着我们一个女人的新生活阿辽沙锻炼性格我们街上的足球队玛莉娜的命运米兰的奇迹广场奇遇绑架1955年危险的货物魔椅贝多芬九月英雄两亩地麦收时节风雨来为了十四条生命牛虻官场斗法记安娜??卡列尼娜(上、下集)假情假义的人们罗米欧与朱丽叶马克西姆??高尔基传略夜店(上、下集)1956年小勇士历险记第六纵队百货商店的秘密人和土地孤星血泪匹克威克先生传盗名窃誉锦绣前程伊凡从军记第四十五号地区作贼心虚勇士的奇遇生的权利没有留下地址第九号病房两个探险家旧恨新仇边塞擒谋山城春色我和爷爷生活的一课世界的心希望之路牧女的心愿母亲第十二夜称心如意勇士的传说(宽银幕)压路机和小提琴带阁楼的房子红帆鬼魂西行老区新貌(宽银幕)运虎记红帆(宽银幕)她在黑夜中五天五夜郭林的前程塔曼果(宽银幕)革命的故事锁链阿甫夫妇18号封地仅次于上帝的人妈妈你不要哭阿尔及利亚的姑娘他们也在战斗勇敢的胡安娜决裂童友偷东西的喜鹊记忆中的街道圣诞节的前夕一年中的九天姑娘们1963年我的孩子小青鸟皇帝的恩惠刺猬和友谊青年起义者中锋在黎明前死去末日的罪行罪恶之家蓝色港湾的舰长们红色宣传员黑帆圣母的珍珠瞎子领路人特殊任务抗暴记在法国的壁炉旁1964年搜寻长统靴厚四姐通向舞台的道路蚀合金卡洛扬深夜的脚步偷袭我们的土地断桥(宽银幕)魔盒1965年沾满泥土的手在17度线上土地保卫者最初的年代1971年脚印勇敢的人们战斗的早晨第八个是铜像天亮的时候同志,你的道路1972年巴黎圣母院简??爱冷酷的心1973年绿色的群山烈火行动计划1974年在那些年代里沉默的朋友警察局长的自白1975年战斗的道路1976年基度山伯爵生死恋阿里巴巴沉默的人蛇1977年奥斯特里茨战役叶塞尼亚故乡1978年橡树,十万火急汽车行动计划尼罗河上的惨案在阴谋者中间望乡追捕扎根大地战友重逢未来世界悲惨世界孤星血泪华丽的家族孩子与小提琴缩小包围圈吟公主1979年看不见的要塞坚强的翅膀金环蚀光阴安重根击毙伊藤博文佐罗大独裁者卓别林讽刺剧发工资的日子水晶鞋与玫瑰花淘金记萨拉丁一天的欢乐城市之光马戏团车队政权??真理巴黎一妇人凡尔杜先生苦海余生蝙蝠恶梦1980年砂器大篷车阿拉伯历险记天平之甍古堡幽灵卡桑德拉大桥啊,野麦岭复仇我的儿子激战的前夕征服黑暗的人走向深渊1981年英俊少年背井离乡远山的呼唤父子深情奴里哑女老枪最后一颗子弹甜蜜的竞赛风雪黄昏十四个冬春检察员的起诉沼泽地里的阳光麻疯女天鹅湖1982年虎口脱险苔丝阿奇扎郡委书记大使们女仆异乡泪冰峰抢险队我两岁阳光下的罪恶十六个人火红的第五乐章寅次郎的故事??望乡篇啊,野麦岭(续集)两个船长人世间重归于好非凡的艾玛三十九级台阶山的儿子驯马手莫兰特汤姆叔叔的小屋1983年海狼情暖童心雪地英雄绿宝石护身符海岛探宝爱德华大夫弃儿第三个人不朽的情侣屠夫挪威之歌威尔斯面包师的儿子大海的女儿除霸雪恨布加勒斯特居民证月尾岛妙香山上重逢海峡猎人蒲田进行曲苦命夫妻国家利益铁面人1984年非法越境者游侠传奇女侦探大水螃蟹觉醒维拉志同道合白玫瑰在行动开往克拉列沃的列车上校胡巴尔艺人之家死亡陷井神秘的黄玫瑰科佩尼科上尉兆治的酒馆只要我活着胜利大逃亡王中王铁骑兵一个酋长的胜利热带丛林历险记张开幻想的翅膀创奇者逃往雅典娜熊猫的故事1985年黑郁金香马戏团员的遭遇温柔的怜悯无声的行动马背上的幽灵希西公主枪手哈特总统轶事金像奇案我们的肤色红发女郎难忘的假日从地狱归来第一滴血冒险的代价罪行始末误解迪斯科舞星纯洁不能没有你好像不认识你海誓山盟红钟日本沉没幸福的黄手帕1986年野鹅敢死队一个哑巴的故事年轻的皇后印度之行无腿先生一个皇后的关键时刻真假萨卢大轮号和水手号三个老兵机组乘务员少年擒寇记第七个目标霹雳舞罗特的女儿伦敦上空的鹰陷阱谋杀翌日报警记姊妹坡婉丽换房单独行动第一骑兵军神秘的黄玫瑰珠宝奇案裸露在狼群斯巴达克思(上、下集)无根的树1987年海魔铁骨金沙里约的迷雾来历不明的日记国王的光荣最后一班地铁圣诞老人蚂蚁死神夏日旅行异国情不朽的人黑狼的嚎叫幻想的日子他是谁黑林中的布谷鸟古宅之谜红色飞行员超人(第二集)首都消失伊豆舞女片山刑警在海岛乱世冤家没有陪嫁的新娘合法婚姻男子汉们警官的诺言大象音乐会健儿春色舐犊情深1988年意大利人在俄罗斯的奇遇故乡行各得其所山鲁佐德的又一夜特殊警察神射手冰与火复仇的火焰看得见风景的房间莫斯科之恋伤痕累累的勋章美元迷佐罗新冒险我的朋友流浪汉蓝色行动队优骏钓鱼迷巧遇记孤胆警探片山刑警在山城金钱与仇恨昏迷好事不成双碧海情痴情鸳鸯1989年谜中之谜神秘的黄玫瑰??蓝宝石项链八十年代灰姑娘糊涂警官钻石胳膊镜子印度先生恐怖笼罩着城市早安巴比伦晚餐来的客人水生死之间缉私特警天网恢恢良宵难度危楼风波清白的手莫斯在广播电影悲欢曲孤身复仇情海冤魂魂归故里无冕之王约翰??施特劳斯双人舞随心所欲命令027内线人物总统失踪记地震二十四只眼睛侦探的故事暴风勇士有生命力音乐出水芙蓉1990年较量铁血警探古墓荡寇地狱猎手间谍505义警神威细雨梦回喜结冤家亲萨拉热窝谋杀事件超级舞星忠诚的心梦游外星末日可数柏林之恋牧师的一家古币疑案片山刑警在酒吧达芙妮和她的朋友复仇的铁拳法网砂屋之梦黄金犬福尔摩斯外传欢喜冤家炽热的爱情冷暖人间红海魔影天外来客刑警情仇危险之至美洲豹行动1991年谍海孤魂歌女坎坷代号X—13雇用警察独臂英杰三剑客(续集)追寻铁证纯属巧合歌星马丽索尔圣诞顽童历险记命运过关斩将血洗鳄鱼仇情系铁骑美女神灯内幕交易好汉还是孬种银白色的奖章花魁泪血连环威龙争雄爵士之王持枪的女人们上帝的笔误爱情与子弹1992年暗里藏刀独闯虎穴千年痴情法官与警察珠宝迷踪以死抗争烈女抗暴一网打尽公鸡奏鸣曲私人侦探江湖双艳风谷少女黑眼睛蛇女模特的遭遇篮坛怪杰新干线大爆炸讨还血债侠魂倩影挑战者警匪生死劫铁窗怒火孤岛奇情香港之梦风尘舞姬恶魔克星玛丽亚??伊莎贝尔禁宫情*绑架1993年黑色的漩涡俄罗斯漂流梦惊艳奇缘情报官和他的妻子夜*惊梦奇遇归来吧空屋疑云神秘的女人血染舞鞋情侣风尘食人鱼天堂血案铁汉雄心超级特工队绝境求生逃脱死亡替身情侣非洲豹传奇玩命警探弄巧成拙拼命擒贼死里逃生孤胆英豪遗产大战国际女郎1994年飞来艳福泰拳王赌城奇案谁是凶手误闯谍海少女情怀嗜金如命死亡客车空中劫难钢琴课亡命天涯破碎的形象亡魂迷案金发女郎死前之吻疯狂的傻瓜1995年黑手党老大十二世纪来客4000之谜幽幽恋情美味佳肴真实的谎言天不绝人生死搭档警察追击生死时速森林之王黑雨烈豹降妖爱神历险萨瓦特绝地战警难断丝丝情女人的呐喊傻瓜也疯狂纽约大劫案你是我的唯一恐怖地带戴罪立功1996年《手足亦无情》、《舞厅王子》、《生死两兄弟》、《云中漫步》、《诱惑》、《廊桥遗梦》、《新宿鲨鱼》、《朋友圈》、《黑暗势力》、《四个婚礼一个葬礼》、《幕后裁决》、《温馨人间情》《情归巴黎》、《女扮男装》、《圣诞前夜》、《古画之谜》、《都市外来客》、《我又十八》、《神秘的黄皮鞋》、《勇闯夺命岛》、《女警的追求》、《金发男郎》、《碟中谍》、《死亡面具》、《特警护送》、《爱情、背叛和谋杀》1997年《别对我说再见,妈妈》、《毁灭者》、《生命交响曲》、《情有独钟》、《亲合力》、《生死豪情》、《如此荒唐》、《恐怖阴谋》、《山崩地裂》、《毁灭的追求》、《新木偶奇遇记》、《战地之恋》、《失落的世界(侏罗纪公园)》、《爱的权力》、《血刃》、《插翅难飞》、《无事生非》、《神人卡赞》、《海上惊情——生死时速续集》、《好事成双》、《美洲豹》、《冰与火续集》、《特工狂花》、《深海喋血》、《怒海骄阳》、《死亡猎手》、《心有灵犀》1998年《星际追杀》、《地火危城》、《潜在威力》、《女佣斗法官》《十万火急》、《情真意浓》、《生日历险》、《奇怪的大火》、《绝路烽火》、《温柔的陷阱》、《爱情与战争》、《小鬼当家(第三集)、《倾力出击》、《天地大冲撞》、《神秘的背影》、《特警判官》、《一号通缉令》、《卢柯纳案件》、《情书》、《安娜?? 卡列尼娜》、《尖峰时刻》、《怒发冲冠》1999年《悲情探戈》、《印度拉贾》、《婚礼歌手》、《罪犯是谁》、《电影节的贵宾》、《国家的敌人》、《通缉令》、《致命保镖》、《寄居大侠》、《冰雪述案》、《心心恋曲》、《再见,美国》、《眨眼》、《奇异的婚姻》、《再续前缘》、《伊丽莎白》、《魔鬼邻居》《泰坦尼克号上的女佣》、《天理难容》、《错误指控》、《乌鸦谋杀案》、《迎头痛击》、《冲出牢笼》、《诺丁山》、《梦想成真》、《美丽人生》、《地下摇滚》、《物极必反》、《偷天陷阱》、《人熊传奇》、《勇敢王子》、《第十二夜》《性死搏》、《黑客帝国》《义胆骑士》、《马可??波罗》2000年美国:《精灵鼠小弟》、《玫瑰神偷》、《双重阴谋》、《暗藏杀机》、《惊天行动》、《狂飙战警》、《第六感女神》、《超时空恋爱》、《角斗士》、《碟中谍2》、《完美风暴》、《单身汉》、《总有骄阳》、《超级妈妈》、《弦动我心》、《霹雳天使》、《小鸡快跑》;法国:《出租司机》、《人猴情》、《同命鸳鸯》、《特别押送》、《梦游美利坚》、《真假姻缘》;德国:《战火焚情》、《路边草》;韩国:《锄爆特警》、《我们接吻吧》;澳大利亚:《芭蕾》;新西兰:《悬情疯人院》;瑞典:《大刺杀》;印度:《烈火恩仇》;日本:《必死无疑》;英国:《蓝眼睛米奇》、《淘金奇遇》;卢森堡:《跳舞街》。
绯闻女孩 第四季 第9集中英文对照
我真的很想念你 再给我一次机会吧 我不会让你失望的 你想毁掉我和布莱尔的友谊 我的名声 还有我的学术生涯 你都失败了 这次也不例外 我想我们在上东区 有共同的敌人 我想现在我想要你的帮助 你到底有什么想法 在上东区 充满了无尽的可能 多姆还是库格 云斯顿还是卡地亚 特洛伊还是斯特拉 最后 即使你拥有一切 你也得做出选择 你们怎么在吃东西啊 我们不是要去莎拉贝思吃吗 我们决定还是在这吃比较好 这儿有地方工作 什么工作 你的微积分作业吗 你的感情生活 所谓的丹还是内特 我们是来帮忙的
And we brought protractors. A Venn diagram? Really? You--you seriously expect monumental decision me to make this
我们还带来了量角器 韦恩图 开什么玩笑 你们真的打算让我用彩笔和图表 来做出如此重大的决定吗 不要笑 埃利奥特 SAT 数学得了满分 概率 集合 婚恋交友网站 就是用的这些方法 好吧 配对专家 我接受你们的方法 不过顺便说一句 我有选过 我和科林分手后 就给丹打了电话 然后内特忽然出现 忽略的话 然后呢 我没理他 跑回家 再没和他俩说过话 惯有的应付方法 让我们看看你是如何应对这个的 {\an8}《第六版》: 哥伦比亚大学性 丑闻\N[《纽约邮报》娱乐专版] 对我说了些很难
"Why did Colin Forrester leave Columbia students eager to learn about the psychology of business? Answer--his funny business with Serena Van der Woodsen." Mom, you have to call them and make them print a retraction and an apology. You know that's not true. Half of New York saw you kiss him at the ballet. Dean Reuther would like to see us in her office. Well, looks like our compatibility worksheet will have to wait. Hey, Serena, it's me. Uh, I saw your thing in the "Post." Just wanted you to know Brooklyn is a great place to avoid nasty looks... unless you throw your recycling in the regular trash or try to open a giant chain store with questionable labor practices, But anyway, call me. I left her the same message,
中英拟声词对比及翻译最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《十日谈》中的乡村意象2 浅析哈克贝利的叛逆精神3 电影字幕翻译中的归化与异化4 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Tess in Tess of The D'Urbervilles5 跨文化营销策略研究--以宝洁为例6 紫色中女人意识的觉醒7 旅游宣传品的翻译8 英语政治新闻中委婉语的形式及语用功能研究9 从电影《暮光之城》浅析吸血鬼文化的改变10 A Study of Neo-Classicism11 从生态批评的视角解读杰克?伦敦《野性的呼唤》12 中式菜名的英译13 从跨文化视角看中美电影中的英雄主义—以《》和《叶问》为例14 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 799 75 79 3815 从电影《刮痧》看东西方文化差异16 达芙妮?杜穆里埃《吕蓓卡》中的哥特意象17 从《道连?格雷的画像》看唯美主义18 A Popular Form of Subtitles Translation by Fansub Group on the Internet19 从功能派翻译理论中目的论的角度谈广告翻译20 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations21 从美国总统选举看其民主政治22 中英文姓名的文化内涵及其翻译的对比研究23 英语习语的文化内涵24 词组词汇学习方法25 目的论视角下旅游景区公示语误译的研究26 商务交际中的模糊语言策略27 基于网络的英语听力学习的优势与局限研究28 合作原则下幽默的语用分析29 《马克?吐温—美国的镜子》中的中英文衔接手段的对比和翻译30 不做房间里的天使——解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识31 非语言交际在国际商务谈判中的运用32 网络环境下英语专业学生学习策略研究33 《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析34 非智力因素与英语学习的关系-以xx大学学生为例35 The Difference between Chinese and American Family Education36 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨37 认识、寻找和实现自我价值——剖析《飘》中的人生价值38 论罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的黑色基调---在美国梦里挣扎39 论汤亭亭《女勇士》中的和谐观40 麦当劳的制胜之道41 The Translation of Irony in Pride and Prejudice—A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions42 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用43 论《老人与海》中的象征手法44 关于《飘》的中译本的翻译策略分析45 哈金小说《等待》中的女性悲剧分析46 高中英语听前活动设计探究47 从商标翻译看中西文化差异48 从标记理论看英语词汇性别歧视现象49 文化差异对国际商务演讲的影响50 《鲁滨逊漂流记》的后殖民主义解读51 解析《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的必然性52 边缘人群的孤独与无奈——对《夜访吸血鬼》中路易斯的研究53 英语教学中的跨文化意识的培养54 从《看不见的人》中透视美国黑人寻找自我的心路历程55 Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives56 试用标记模式理论分析广告语中的语码混用现象57 Analysis of t he Reasons Why Jo Rejects Laurie’s Proposal of Marriage in Little Women58 回译在翻译教学中的作用59 跨文化视角下的中美社交礼仪的对比研究60 An Analysis of Hamlet’s Delay of Revenge in Hamlet61 系统功能语法理论在BB电子商务网站中的应用与实例分析62 天使还是悲剧制造者——浅析安吉克莱尔对苔丝悲剧的影响63 《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析64 章回体小说开篇叙事标记语翻译初探——以四大古典名著为例65 从目的论角度浅析《阿甘正传》字幕翻译66 从《虎妈战歌》看中西方家庭教育的差异67 从《一间自己的屋子》看弗吉尼亚伍尔芙的女性主义意识68 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究69 从成长小说角度解读《马丁?伊登》70 论《嘉莉妹妹》中德莱赛的自然主义71 Comparing the Reasons for Hester Prynne’s and Tess D’Urbervilles’s Tragedies72 本我,自我,超我--《名利场》中利蓓加的形象分析73 珀西?雪莱抒情诗意象研究74 对儿子与情人中俄狄浦斯情结的分析75 A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation76 文化战略及其对汉译英的影响77 灵魂救赎者—《七个尖角阁的老宅》中菲比的人物分析78 从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观79 从合作原则看《傲慢与偏见》中的会话含义80 试论国际商务谈判中的跨文化问题及对策81 传统道德与时代新意识之战―论林语堂在《京华烟云》中的婚恋观82 The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry83 反复在格特鲁德斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用84 从《祝福》的英译本谈文化空缺词的翻译85 Risk Comparing of Documentary Collection and Letters of Credit86 《恋爱中的女人》欧秀拉和古迪兰的性格对其爱情观的影响87 A Research of Translation of English Songs into Chinese by Poetic Norms88 Principles in the Translation of Legal English89 从生态女性主义的角度解读《喜福会》90 论凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的爱情观91 A Comparison of the English Color Terms92 An Analysis of the Image of Prisons in A Tale of Two Cities93 汉英导游词中国俗词汇的翻译策略研究94 《玉石雕像》中的非言语交流95 论《紫色》中的性别暴力96 The Changes of Women’s Status in China and Western Countries97 黑人性的遗失与保存从黑人文化传统看《日用家当》98 杰克?伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义分析99 丰田如何成为全球第一汽车生产商100 Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Advertisement101 Analysis of the Character of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice102 论礼貌原则在国际商务信函的应用103 Angelic devil: an analysis of the image of Catherinein Wuthering Heights104 马丁伊登的自我认知和社会认知及其悲剧105 《觉醒》女主人公-艾德娜追求自我的过程106 华盛顿?欧文与陶渊明逃遁思想对比研究107 英汉死亡委婉语对比研究108 《雾都孤儿》中的反犹主义109 初中英语词汇教学110 试分析《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的爱情模式111 城市公示语的翻译研究112 照进黑暗的光--电影《弱点》主题阐释113 The Rose in the “Heights”—An Analysis on Catherine’s Personality in Wuthering Heights 114 浅析女性主义在薇拉﹒凯瑟作品中的表现115 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象116 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化117 A Comparison of the English Color Terms118 《小城畸人》里的象征主义手法分析119 对《儿子与情人》中女性形象的分析120 王尔德童话《快乐王子》中的对比艺术121 公益广告中双关语的应用及其翻译122 对《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的心理分析123 论多丽丝?莱辛《野草在歌唱》中玛丽的悲剧成因124 滑稽背后的严肃--浅析王尔德喜剧《认真的重要性》中人物话语特征125 解析威廉布莱克《老虎》中的修辞运用及其对英语写作的启示126 Discourse Analysis on the Translation of Person of the Year, an Editorial in the Time Magazine127 Film Translation in the Horizon of Relevance Theory—Based on the Film Dead Poets Society128 论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突129 冰山原则在《老人与海》中的体现130 会计英语缩略词特点及翻译研究131 交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究132 浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中两位男主人公133 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese134 黑人英语克里奥起源论135 论英汉植物词语的文化附加义136 试析《远大前程》中匹普性格发展与社会环境的关系137 少儿英语语言学习策略调查与研究138 跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析139 The Strategies in C-E translation of Chinese Culturally-loaded Words140 从文化角度探析品牌名称的翻译方法141 库柏《最后的莫西干人》中的麦格瓦分析142 中国文化特色词的英译——以《阿Q正传》的两个译本为例143 英文歌词翻译的原则和技巧144 A Comparison of Chinese and American Food Cultures 145 试析《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》的成长主题146 国际商务中的跨文化沟通147 幽默语言的语用分析148 跨文化交际中的中西方时间观念149 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响150 论修辞格在英语广告中的运用151 汉英禁忌语的对比研究152 汉英翻译中的中式英语的成因及对策153 增译法在商务英语汉译中的应用154 从词法和句法的角度研究网络英语新词155 从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看女性的社会地位156 On building-up a welcoming ESL classroom atmosphere in Junior High School under the New Curriculum Standards 157 英汉隐喻中谚语的对比分析158 苔丝女性悲剧的性格因素159 浅谈英语在未来的国际地位160 论小说《看不见的人》中的象征主义161 论矛盾修辞法在英语广告中的语用功能162 从违反合作原则看英语广告语言163 Comparison of Color Words between Chinese and English Culture164 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究165 中英称谓语的文化差异及其翻译166 论《格列佛游记》中的讽刺167 从文化差异的角度看《红楼梦》颜色词的英译168 The Analysis of Hesitation in Oral Communication169 A Comparison between Scarlett O’Hara and Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminism170 论《海上扁舟》中的美国自然主义171172 文化负迁移对翻译的影响173 从美学角度评张培基先生所译散文“巷”174 分析阿加莎克里斯蒂在其侦探小说《阳光下的罪恶》中的写作手法175 《老人与海》象征主义探究176 《远大前程》中皮普成长的心路历程177 中西方身体语言的差异的研究178 从文化差异视角看英语新闻标题的翻译179 A Cross-cultural Interpretation of Chinese and English Euphemisms—Interpersonal Culture and Psychological Culture 180 试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观181 The Effect of Translator's Subjectivity on Creativity in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry182 透过《格列佛游记》看斯威夫特的讽刺艺术183 《基督山伯爵》中等待和希望的哲学184 《我,机器人》中苏珊?卡尔文的女性角色分析185 《红楼梦》两个译本中称呼语翻译的对比研究186 An Analysis of the Cultural Id entity in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club187 嘉莉妹妹三个梦的心理需求分析188 英语俚语翻译研究189 论埃德加?爱伦?坡短篇小说的创作风格190 D.H.劳伦斯《东西》中象征主义的运用191 英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比192 A Comparison of the English Color Terms193 从关联理论看商务信函的礼貌策略194 美国电影与文化霸权—以好莱坞大片《阿凡达》为例195 An Analysis of David’ s D ual Personality in David Copperfield196 中外大学校训翻译分析197 电影片名翻译商业化所引发的问题及应对策略198 《冰与火之歌》的人文主义分析199 谭恩美《喜福会》的文化冲突与融合200 Chinese Translations of English Film Titles:A Perspective of Functional Equivalence。
美国战争电影92部1.贝奥武夫安吉丽娜一丝不挂演绎绝色女妖安吉丽娜一丝不挂演绎绝色女妖... 豆瓣评分 6.4导演:罗伯特.赞米基斯主演:布兰登.格里森安吉丽娜.茱莉2.空战英豪让人热血沸腾的欧洲大陆战让人热血沸腾的欧洲大陆战豆瓣评分7.1导演:托尼·比尔主演:詹姆斯·弗兰科马丁·亨德森让·雷诺珍妮芙·德克大卫·艾里森3.特战部队战争残酷而惨烈,反恐全球大作战战争残酷而惨烈,反恐全球大作战... 豆瓣评分 6.5导演:艾萨克·佛罗伦汀艾萨·科隆汀主演:马歇尔·R·提格蒂姆·阿贝尔4.大独裁者卓别林恶搞希特勒卓别林恶搞希特勒豆瓣评分8.9导演:查理.卓别林主演:查理.卓别林保利特.戈达德5.圣安娜奇迹教堂屠杀的场景震撼又血腥恐惧教堂屠杀的场景震撼又血腥恐惧... 豆瓣评分7.3导演:斯派克·李主演:约翰·特托罗迈克尔·威廉姆斯德瑞克·卢克6.谍海风云男人忙爱情女人忙爱国男人忙爱情女人忙爱国豆瓣评分 5.7导演:米凯尔·哈弗斯特罗姆主演:周润发巩俐约翰·库萨克渡边谦菊地凛子7.闪电袭击雷暴灾难末日降临雷暴灾难末日降临豆瓣评分 3.8导演:加里·琼斯主演:凯文·索伯安雷·怀特8.敢死队男人必看动作猛片票房超2亿男人必看动作猛片票房超2亿豆瓣评分 4.9导演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙主演:李连杰史泰龙杰森·斯坦森西尔维斯特·史泰龙杜夫·朗格9.火星公主火星呈现群雄割据的混乱局面火星呈现群雄割据的混乱局面豆瓣评分 3.0导演:马克·阿特金斯主演:小安东尼奥·萨巴托Matt Lasky Chacko Vadaketh 奇希·劳尔兹Mitchell Gordon10.塔拉星球之战塔拉女孩与人类中尉共斗恶徒塔拉女孩与人类中尉共斗恶徒豆瓣评分 6.9导演:阿瑞斯特曼尼斯-瑟巴斯主演:埃文-蕾切尔-伍德布莱恩-考克斯詹姆斯-加纳11.潘神的迷宫魔幻与现实的完美契合魔幻与现实的完美契合豆瓣评分7.7导演:吉尔莫·德尔·托罗主演:伊万娜·巴克尔诺道格·琼斯玛丽贝尔·瓦度12.拆弹部队技术宅拆弹牛逼闪闪技术宅拆弹牛逼闪闪豆瓣评分7.5导演:凯瑟琳.毕格罗主演:杰瑞米.雷纳安东尼.麦凯13.硫磺岛来信一场没有归路的血战一场没有归路的血战豆瓣评分7.8导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德主演:二宫和也渡边谦加濑亮中村狮童伊原刚志14.成吉思汗的意愿首部反映雅库特民族史诗的电影首部反映雅库特民族史诗的电影... 豆瓣评分 5.0导演:安德烈·卢布廖夫主演:斯蒂潘尼达·博瑞索瓦Sergei Egorov Orgil Makhaan 15.将军号火车追逐火炮攻击火车追逐火炮攻击豆瓣评分8.9导演:克莱德.布鲁克曼;巴斯特·基顿主演:巴斯特·基顿理查德.艾伦16.太阳帝国孩子眼里的战争孩子眼里的战争豆瓣评分7.8导演:史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格主演:克里斯蒂安.贝尔约翰.马尔科维奇17.世界大战2:新的进攻残酷外星人毁灭地球残酷外星人毁灭地球豆瓣评分 2.7导演:C-托马斯-豪威尔主演:Fred-Griffith Zack-Beseda18.战争之王在这里读懂战争在这里读懂战争豆瓣评分8.4导演:安德鲁·尼科尔主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇伊桑·霍克布丽姬·穆娜杰瑞德·莱托19.血钻莱昂纳多最新火爆战争大片莱昂纳多最新火爆战争大片豆瓣评分8.2导演:爱德华.泽维克主演:詹妮弗.康纳利莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥20.父辈的旗帜战争英雄背后的深思战争英雄背后的深思豆瓣评分 6.6导演:克林特.伊斯特伍德主演:莱恩.菲利普亚当.比奇渡边谦21.星条旗永不落众星演绎战后之殇众星演绎战后之殇豆瓣评分 6.4导演:艾文·温克勒主演:塞缪尔·杰克逊杰西卡·贝尔布莱恩·普莱斯列Curtis Jackson 22.光荣战役壮丽感人的经典战争片壮丽感人的经典战争片豆瓣评分 6.7导演:爱德华.兹威克主演:马修.布罗德里克:丹泽尔.华盛顿23.卡萨布兰卡永远的卡萨布兰卡永远的卡萨布兰卡豆瓣评分8.6导演:迈克尔·柯蒂斯主演:亨弗莱·鲍嘉英格丽·褒曼24.战火遗孤被迫害和暗杀的犹太人被迫害和暗杀的犹太人豆瓣评分8.5导演:约克·波格维威兹主演:海利·乔·奥斯蒙威廉·达福利亚姆·海斯 Richard Banel 25.丛林雇佣兵一场激烈的战事随即开始了一场激烈的战事随即开始了豆瓣评分 4.7导演:未知主演:26.圣诞快乐第一次世界大战的三角形阵地第一次世界大战的三角形阵地豆瓣评分8.4导演:未知主演:戴安·克鲁格吉约姆·卡内27.细细的红线美军和日军在小岛展开大规模战役美军和日军在小岛展开大规模战役...豆瓣评分7.7导演:泰伦斯·马力克主演:西恩·潘阿德里安·布洛迪詹姆斯·卡维泽本·卓别林约翰·特拉沃尔塔28.我在伊朗长大别具一格的战争风格动画片别具一格的战争风格动画片豆瓣评分8.7导演:文森特·帕兰德玛嘉·莎塔琵主演:基娅拉·马斯特洛亚尼凯瑟琳·德纳芙达尼尔·达黎欧西蒙·阿布卡瑞安Fran?ois29.战鹰3号猎犬狂机两位少年好友是超级战机手,因一次出战行动中产生隔阂。
宅男与Siri 的故事在科技发展的今天,信息化正不断重构着我们的生活。
中文6255字,单词数:3605,英文字符19600真人秀恋爱:单身汉在荆棘中追寻玫瑰Courtship in Reality Television:The Bachelor Seeks a Rose Among Thorns作者:AMIE ERIN MORTON文学学士2011年8月在部分履行斯蒂芬奥斯汀州立大学文学硕士学位的要求下提交到斯蒂芬奥斯汀州立大学学院研究生院摘要电视真人秀对于“真实”的人物和事件的展示是一种主要的诱惑,它有助于加强真人秀节目在如今美国社会的扩散和影响力。
我特别想要向我优秀的专门顾问Linda Levitt表达我的感激之情。
此外,我非常感谢Ray Darville,Jean Eldred,和Linda Bond,你们都是我的灵感来源和生命中的福气。
当代的美国人的恋爱已经不再是结构化的仪式,而更像是一种交友行为(Amsden,2007; Downing, Mohammadi,&Sreberny-Mohammadi,1995; &Waite, 2000)。
Theodore Dreiser
About the author
Dreiser生活在美国资本主义迅速发展的垄断阶段。暴发户过着穷奢极 欲的生活,而广大的劳动人民却挣扎在死亡线上。“美国梦想”业已 破灭,社会生活充满绝望情绪。一批年轻作家敏感地觉察到美国正处 在转折和变化时期,决心抛开弥漫于文学界的“天真的乐观主义”和 “温文尔雅”的文风,不顾一切阻碍和挫折,为真理而写作。 Dreiser是19世纪90年代忠实记录这一变化的作家之一。他因早年受 社会达尔文主义思想的影响,作品有浓厚的自然主义倾向。他力图显 示环境和遗传力对人的支配作用,表现了人的缺乏理智和自由意志、 人的无足轻重和无能为力的状态。他一方面揭露了资本主义社会的残 酷现实和各种矛盾,但也流露出消极的命定论和悲观主义的倾向。 他的叛逆性格使他成为本世纪美国文学界的主导因素之一。20年代的 作家奉他为向导,30、40年代的左倾和自然主义作家以他为榜样。法 雷尔、奥哈拉和帕索斯等人都在不同程度上受他影响。
1.environment and heredity环境与遗传 2.scientific accuracy and a lot of details科学性、准确性和细节 3.general tone:hopelessness,despair,gloom,ugly side of the society
About American Naturalisim
1.Darwin's theory:"natural selection" 2.Spenser's idea:"social Darwinism" 3.French Naturalism:Emile Zola's "human beasts,"in Le roman experimental (The Experimental Novel, 1880) (origin)
S01季01 ROSE 罗斯02 The End of the World 世界末日03 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂04 Aliens of London 外星人在伦敦05 World War Three 第三次世界大战06 Dalek 宿敌07 The Long Game 无尽的游戏08 Father's Day 父亲节09 The Empty Child 虚无男孩10 The Doctor Dances 博士之舞11 Boom Town 炸弹城12 Bad Wolf 恶狼13 The Parting of the Ways 抉择分集简述:S0101 罗斯(ROSE)——2005年英国伦敦,主人公罗斯•泰勒被橱窗里活过来的塑料人(Nestene)追赶,在电梯里认识了时间领主博士,并和他一起在那艘奇妙的飞船塔迪斯里开始了奇妙的旅行。
S0102 世界末日(The End of the World)——50亿年后的太空站,主人公博士和罗斯•泰勒将看到地球的毁灭,而最后的人类卡珊德拉却计划使太空站失事以获得巨额赔偿。
【Boe之脸第一次出现】S0103 借尸还魂(The Unquiet Dead)——本想去1860年那不勒斯,却来到了1869年卡迪夫。
S0104 外星人在伦敦(Aliens of London)——2006年英国伦敦,博士和罗斯•泰勒回到了一年后的现代,一辆太空飞船撞毁在大本钟上,博士经探查发现,原来外星飞船是从北极起飞,目的是制造混乱绑架内阁成员,进而取而代之,而始作俑者是一群外星人。
S0105 第三次世界大战(World War Three)——上一集的继续,博士经调查得知,这是R 星人Slttheen家族计划挑起第三次世界大战,将核毁灭后的地球作为矿石出售给外星人。
生活大爆炸各集名称及介绍第一季第1集Pilot (试播集):帮Penny拿电视事件。
第2集The Big Bran Hypothesis (宅女假说): Sheldon帮Penny整理房间事件。
第3集The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (模糊靴推论):Leonard想和Leslie发展感情失败,抑郁,后和Penny约会事件。
第4集The Luminous Fish Effect (发光鱼效应):Sheldon被炒事件。
(luminous fish)第5集The Hamburger Postulate(汉堡公设): Leonard和Leslie ONS,Sheldon不知所措事件。
第6集The Middle Earth Paradigm(中土范式): 万圣节舞会事件。
(多普勒效应)第7集The Dumpling Paradox(饺子佯谬): Penny朋友和Howard。
penny玩《光环》(XBOX 游戏)。
第8集The Grasshopper Experiment(小人物实验): 鸡尾酒事件。
(Raj相亲/Howard学Raj 印度口音)第9集The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization(Cooper-Hofstadter 极化): 物理发表会事件。
(意念爆头、远程灯控及四川男生)第10集The Loobenfeld Decay(Loobenfeld衰变): Penny唱歌引起的Leonard撒谎事件。
(Sheldon的“堂弟”Leo)第11集The Pancake Batter Anomaly(面糊异常): Sheldon感冒事件。
第12集The Jerusalem Duality(耶路撒冷对偶): Sheldon嫉妒来自朝鲜的15岁天才事件。
第13集The Bat Jar Conjecture(Bat Jar 猜想): 物理竞赛事件第14集The Nerdvana Annihilation(完全Geek湮灭): 时光机事件。
曾经作为引领大胆而且具有强大推动力的新一代文学电影(cine-literature)制作者的皇宫影业公司(Palace Pictures)1992年在批评和讽刺声一片的氛围内倒闭。
德雷尔一家 第四季 第二集 (中英对照)
德雷尔一家人(第四季第二集)The Durrells Season 4 Series 2开篇对白中英对照我的裁缝贾克韦先生给我寄的好东西Riches from my tailor, Mr Jakeways.我第一次看到达芙妮和她孩子在一起I saw Daphne with her baby for the firsttime.哦亲爱的Oh, darling.我想有个自己的家庭I want my own family.我20了正是适合组建家庭的年龄I'm 20, that's a good age to start.并不是的It isn't really.你都没有投票权而且你才有... You can't even vote and you've got...有多少积蓄well, how much money?你指经济上In financial terms?不是钱难道是香蕉吗NO, in bananas.作为一个正值盛年的男人我准备好了Well, as a man in my prime, I'm ready.小牛一岁就成年了Bulls start at the age of one.可你不是只牛你得帮我运营旅馆Well, you're not a bull, you help run aguesthouse.拉里不在我需要你的帮忙And I need you here while Larry's gone. 玛戈也说她要离开And Margo say she will leave soon.什么太荒唐了What? Well, that's absurd.简直像把痴傻的小猫崽放到原始森林里一样That's like releasing a dotty kitten intothe jungle.这就是为什么她想走And that's why she wants to go因为你把她当傻瓜看because you think she' a clot.我才没有当她是傻瓜I don't think she's a clot!只是她还没准备好去面对She's just not ready for the real world 现实世界中正常的人际交往of normal human interaction.鲁格勒斯雅求你了回家吧Lugaretzia, please ,go home.那我回家I go home.回家让你可怜的背Go home and rest your bad back还是屁股什么的好好歇歇吧or your bottom or whatever it is.你觉得怎么样What do you think?瘌蛤蟆先生知道你穿了他的衣服吗Does Mr. Toad know you have his clothes? 路易莎我爱你的无情Louisa, I love your cruelty.很不错Well, that's good还有更多没展现呢there's plenty more where that came from. 马丁在我手上拉了屎不过是我的错Martin crapped on me. My fault.你就是杜雷尔夫人了吧You must be Mrs Durrells.你可很受好评啊You come highly recommended.是吗真好Ah, well,how nice.有给我的房间吗Do you have a room for me?有的顶层的豪华阁楼I do. The penthouse on the top floor.这是什么地方该死的动物园吗What is this, a ruddy zoo?我也这么觉得Yes,I suppose it is.别和他调情Don't get romantic with him.他不是你喜欢的类型He's not your type.正片对白中英对照上校也喜欢枪The Colonel loves guns你俩会相处得很好的莱斯利so you two will get on well, Leslie.我已经不玩枪了In fact, I've moved on from shooting.不过真挺壮观啊Although that is quite something.玛戈走了很抱歉上面有屎Margo's gone. Sorry about the poo.亲爱的妈妈我知道你一直想我留下来'Dear Mother, I know you'd try to make mestay.我就偷拿了一些私房钱so I've been smuggling out my possessions. 在科孚找了一个秘密居所I'll be at a secret location in Corfu.等我安定下来我会再联络你们的I'll be in touch when settled.玛戈去哪里了Where's Margo gone?她没写She won't say.这可太糟了Well,this is terrible.我们得搜查整个岛We must search the island.别我们小时候都会离家出走嘛No! We all run off when we're nippers- 她多大了 - 才18岁- How old is she? - 18.也是时候让她走了Well, it's time she left then.没事的Yes, it'll be all right.这是对她好Do her good.你已尽到了你的职责Your job's done.你们男人懂什么What do all you men know?我很伤心无论是作为一位母亲I'm...sad as a mother还是一个女人as a woman.总之我觉得我的孩子们都反天了frankly, I'm feeling outnumbered.我跑到上面...结果抓住了一个自己人Then I went over the top in Wipers...and ...copped a Blighty.你说啥What?他曾在伊普尔打仗受伤然后被送回国He fought at Ypres and was invalided home. 裆部全是弹片Still got a crotch full of shrapnel.我也不能把磁铁放屋里I can't have magnets in the house.路易莎不想听见裆部这词Louisa doesn't want to hear the word"crotch".没事我很清楚那是什么No, it's fine, I am familiar with the或者我继续说or should I?别说了No.我在博斯普鲁斯海峡被刺刀The time I got a bayonet up my jacksie扎进屁股的经历有人想听吗in the Bosphorus, anyone?我以为你喜欢战争I thought you liked war.没疯的人都不会喜欢战争Nobody sane likes war.我相信的是去保护所爱之人I believe in protecting one's loved ones 如果很幸运能找到这爱人if one's lucky enough to have any.显然德国佬还在耍他们的旧把戏Well, the Hun are up to their old tricksclearly.上次我没杀够I didn't kill enough last time奥地利沦陷了谁会是下一个Austria's gone, who's next?我决定餐桌上禁止谈论战争I've decided there won't be a new war.真是好姑娘Good girl.有点过于自来熟了Little bit over familiar.我在这都几个月了我才可以这样说I've been here for months, I've earned it. 我们的关系很融洽We have a super rapport.总之我最近离开了军队Anyway, I've recently left the army现在我更想把精力放在打猎上and I'd rather like to try my hand athunting.不别做这事oh no, don't do that.为什么不why not?只有蠢货才以屠杀动物为乐Only an idiot would kill an animal for fun. 我很肯定你不是个蠢货And I'm sure you're not an idiot.杰瑞别对付费的客人这么没礼貌Gerry, don't be rude to our paying guests. 你的家庭Your family是我的错觉还是真的在渐渐分崩离析is it me or is it slightly falling apart? 西奥我喜欢这里I love it here, Theo谢谢你让我住这thanks for letting me stay.没事对我也有好处No, it's good for me.我过得太规律这也不太好I'm a creature of routine which is terrible. 我和我完全对称的房间Me and my perfectly symmetrical room.由你打破Break it up!不过让我告诉你妈妈你在我这吧But let me tell your mother you're here. - 她可着急了 - 你敢- She's anxious. - No, don't you dare.我昨天在市场买了这些Oh, I bought these yesterday in the market. 它们激发了我对新的美容事业的灵感They'll help me inspire my new beautybusiness.来把这古董货换下来Let's take this old codger down.美不美Isn't it gorgeous?你不介意吧You don't mind, do you?多谢了西奥Thanks, Theo.我听说你很会玩枪I hear you're a gun wallah.我们一起去打猎吧Let's go hunting.我想要个稳定的工作I want a solid career这样就可以组建我的家庭so I can have a family and...酬劳丰厚哦I'll pay you handsomely.现在告诉我科孚岛上最大的猎物是什么Now, what's the big game on Corfu?最大的是野猪但是很难找到Well, the biggest prize is wild boar, butthey're hard to find.很好你负责解决Good! You sort that out then.如果失败了我就要拿回我的钱And I'll have my money back if it's awashout.请进Yeah.晚上好Evening.你知道昆虫没有血液循环系统吗Did you know that insects don't havecirculatory blood systems?是吗Right.它们的器官浸浴在血液中Their organs bathe in chambers of blood 血的颜色一般是绿色或黄色it's usually green or yellow.我需要找人谈谈I...need to confide in someone.莱斯利在楼下Leslie's downstairs.不他帮不上忙No, he'd be useless.上校在... The Colonel's...我宁愿选择去死I'd rather die.妈妈总在哪儿待着呢Mother's somewhere.她正是我想说的事It's her I want to talk about.因为我吃惊地发现…Because I'm...finding to my surprise. 我... that I...well...我爱她I love her.我也爱她I love her too.我不是说你这种爱Not the way I love her.像是在燃烧的房子Like a burning...house.蝗虫找不到配偶时when locusts fail to find a mate.它们会跋山涉水几千里…they travel often for thousands of miles... 我们能不能至少这一次Can we, for once别把事情都和恶心的爬虫联系到一起not relate everything to creepy crawlies? 根据你对你妈妈的了解…Based on your knowledge of your mum...你有没有什么技巧能撬开她的心房Do you have any hints or tips reunlocking herheart?你一点希望也没有抱歉You haven't a hope in hell. Sorry. 那... Well...还是个挑战呢There's a challenge.亲爱的老妈还有那些裙带的亲人们"Dear Ma and the sibling horde此刻我正在北方歇脚I'm perched up here in the North这里宁静祥和的气氛像瀑布般倾泻which cascades serenity我不再大喊大叫的敲打字机了when I'm not hammering sentences into being.别文绉绉的了你知道我的Please relax, its me.孩子们怎么样了"How are the Kids?"好些了That's better.我想念他们和你了I miss them and you, of course.我的舞女们去雅典找正职去了My dancer girls have left to pranceprofessionally in Athens但我如饥似渴般地在这写信but I am writing like a hungry fish.你开心了吗Are you happy?依我了解的你Knowing you, and I do你只会在承认快乐的同时you will concede only partly happy感受到零散的怀疑与沉重的风险with risk of scattered doubts, heavy attimes.拉里的信也会让我很难受Larry's letters make me sad too.不过我是因为它们全是废话But that's because they're gibberish.我想他了也想玛戈I miss him.And Margo, of course.就像是想念…as one misses a...痴傻的小猫逃到原始森林里去dotty kitten who's run off into the jungle 即使它还没准备好去面对现实的世界…even though she's not ready for the realworld or...好吧All right.这些年我已经习惯向拉里倾诉But over the years, I've grown used toconfiding in Larry.还有斯皮罗他和我在自那次以后And Spiros, although he and I are rebuildingour friendship在重建我们的关系你知道的since, well, you know.是的Yes.我已经长大了并且收入稳定Well, I'm mature, and financially secure. 现在处理着上校狩猎的工作now I'm running the Colonel's hunts.你不需要依靠拉里或斯皮罗You don't need Larry or Spiros.现在我就是你的依靠I'm your confidant now.为你指明方向Guiding your every move.你可以不再忧愁担心了Your worries are an end.借过Sorry.斯皮罗你有在哪里见过玛戈吗Spiros, have you seen Margo anywhere?没有No.你担心的太多了You worry too much你不能再这样了You should stop that.斯皮罗我们之间看起来不会Spiros, things don't seem to be getting back 再回到从前那样了to how they were between us.不是你太紧张了No, you're tense.我是紧张是因为我…Well, yes, I'm because I, I...我需要还账单I will have as many men in the house所以我会找更多的男人去我家as I need to pay the bills.如果他们希望Lying around in hammocks我可以睡在内衣横飞的吊床上in their underwear if they wish.我是说我的意思是I'm just saying, make it clear.你对他们不感兴趣you're not interested in them.我对他们才不感兴趣I'm not interested in them.随时来亲自上门看看Drop in any time and see for yourself.我可能会去哦I may do that.我丈夫总是外出My husband is away a lot他不怎么可靠and not reliable但我们在努力维持一个幸福的婚姻but we are trying to make a good marriage. 我会很喜欢有一个宝宝的I'm going to love having a baby.你有女朋友吗Do you have a girlfriend?没有我在等你No, I'm waiting for you.这不公平That's not fair.对你或任何其他人For you or anyone.或许吧谁知道呢Maybe, who knows.她喜欢你She likes you.不过你还是放下她回家休息去吧But you can leave her and go home and sleep. 如果你想休息我可以照顾她I'll babysit if you want a rest.你会吗You would?我爸说男人不懂照顾婴儿My father says men do not look after babies. 没事我是对女性敏感Well, I'm the new kind of man.而又极具男子气概的新兴男人Who's sensitive to women whilst remainingmanly in the extreme.莱斯利·德雷尔Leslie Durrell.利库斯先生Oh, Mr Likourgos.这段时间在忙什么呢What are you doing these days?我有一场令人兴奋的新冒险组织狩猎旅行I have an exciting new venture, organizinghunting trips.最佳的打野猪的地方在哪Where is the best place to hunt wild boar? 埃弗罗普利那里的树林The woods at Evropouli.我有狩猎许可证I own the hunting licence.你可以在那打野猪You can shoot wild boar there.谢谢Oh, thank you.你的话收你便宜点For you, not expensive.可以多少钱Fine, How much?我可以... Might I...抱歉Apologies.恩...需要我帮忙吗Erm... Might I help?是的你可以帮我洗盘子Yes, you can wash up.估计会晕过去if he saw me mixing textures like this. 我其实之前从来没有做过这个I've never actually done this before.很有趣的Oh, it's great fun.如果你做的好的话If you're very good你可以建一个新的厕所坑you can build a new lavatory pit.哈哈Ha-ha.你还好吗Are you all right?你觉得我的家庭像上校说的那样Do you think my family is falling apart 正在分崩离析吗as the Colonel said?没有我是说我知道... No! Imean I know...一个走了一个失踪了one's left and one's missing剩下的两个互相看不顺眼但是... and the other two hate each other, but er... 所以路易莎... So, Louisa...你喜欢... 看我刷干净了What are your...Oh, look, I've made itclean.你最喜欢什么What are your favorite things?问这干嘛Why do you ask?没什么说嘛No reason, Come on!...跳舞... Dancing桥牌[桥] 海鲜bridge, seafood还有短脚狄文梗犬Dandie Dinmont dogs我的孩子们快乐... my children being happy...够了That's enough.我的桡足生物My copepods!西奥老实说Honestly, Theo为什么人们这么自私麻木不仁why are people so selfish and insensitive? 这么说有失精准It's not deliberate.我们只是不一样而已We are just different.你根本没听懂我在说什么You don't know what I'm talking about . 我明白Oh, I see.我们的新客人Our new guest.瑞宾德上校... Colonel Ribbidane, has...你有客人吗Have you got guests?不没有No, no.这个荒诞的上校带着他的战后抚恤金So this preposterous Colonel arrives withhis war chest打算和莱斯利去屠杀野猪and he and Leslie are planning to slaughterwild boar.这样的话告诉莱斯利你有多不满Well, tell Leslie how strongly you feel. 他这段时间善解人意多了He's so much more thoughtful these days. 这是什么What's this?我在...尝试丰富我衣橱的色彩I'm... experimenting with mor color in my是的我找了Yes, I have.但是不要告诉任何人这件事But don't tell anyone.西奥是时候告诉我们了Honestly, Theo, it's about time我们一直都在猜想we were all wondering.她是谁她年轻吗Who is it? Is she young?她是一位科学家还是一位性感美女Is she a scientist, but a sexy one?是玛戈It's Margo.是的是玛戈Yse, it's Margo.她只是住在这She's only staying here.我就知道Well, I konw that.但是不要告诉你妈妈But don't tell your mother.玛戈渴望去探寻更多的自我Margo is desperate to discover more aboutherself.我想念她但是I miss her, but她并不是一个容易相处的室友是吧she's not easy to live with, is she?上校我已经找到了完美的私人林地Colonel, I've secured the perfect privatewoodland来捕猎野猪for hunting wild boar.好小伙Good man.坐Sit.当我和一个男人一起射击时Now, when I'm shooting with a man.我想知道是什么激励着他I like to know what makes him tick.是什么呢Answer?好吧我...好好想想Well, I...like to think.我是一个体面的人I'm a decent sort.我和我的妈妈一起经营这个旅馆I hold this place together...with my mother. 我听说你为某些女人和一个婴儿而烦恼What's this I hear about you pining for somegirl and a baby?确实是的... Well, yes...我不反对这种精致的性爱I've nothing against the dainty sex.我已经结过至少一次婚I've been married at least once她们都尽力做得很好and they did their best但是如果我们一起去打猎but if we're going hunting together.我们要保持... Let's keep it...热血澎湃red blooded.不用担心当要披甲上阵时Don't worry, when the time comes.我会精神昂扬准备充足的I'll be cocked and ready to go.可以借一步说话吗 A word, please.稍等Excuse me.请你不要去打猎Please don't go hunting.不要这么感性Oh, don't be so sentimental.跟动物们自相残杀比起来Compared to how animals kill each other 猎杀它们是人道的shooting them is humane.把它们逼到角落并猎杀它们是不人道的Cornering animals and executing them is nothumane.那是在树林没有角落It's a wood, there are no corners.杰瑞这是工作Gerry, this is work.上校付了我钱The Colonel's paying me.行我会存钱的All right. I'll save up我会把他付你的钱给你的多少钱and I'll match what he's paying you. How muchis it?一周25英镑 25 pounds, for one week.我要给你弄个跟珍·哈露一样的波浪卷I'm going to put a wave in your hair like JeanHarlow.为什么Why?我们存在世上就应该尽可能使自己美丽We owe it to the world to be as beautiful aspossible.万一你担心我只是一个傻女孩In case you're worried I'm just a silly girl 我可在西奥的X光工作室工作了两年I worked at Theo's X-ray unit for two years. 所以我知道我在做什么So I know what I'm doing.卷发钳需要加热到适宜温度才能The curling tongs need to be nice and warm 在你的头发上烫出波浪卷to put a wave in you hair.抱歉我迟到了Sorry, I'm late.斯迪芬奈兹先生是我今天的发型助手Mr Stephanides is my salon assistant for theday.人不能太急于求成是吧One can't have enough strings to one's bow,can one?有什么技术难题吗Is there a difficulty?我们在想你的头发为何如此可爱We were wondering whether your hair is solovely.我们应该让它保持原样we should leave it as it is.我们可以将此次访问视为初步咨询Or treat this visit as an initialconsultation和做一些调查你可以下次再来and do some research and reconvene.真是个好主意What a good idea.在这呢格莉莉Herete, Galini.杰瑞你好Gerry, pos eisai?你好Kala, efharisto.- 有糟糕的事情正在发生 - 真的吗- Something bad is happening. - Really? 是时候需要我们站出来And there comes a time when we need to standup维护我们信仰的东西了for what we belive in.是的Yes.我们信仰什么What do we believe in?有一个疯狂的上校和我们住在一起There's a mad Colonel staying with us他雇佣了莱斯利带他去猎杀野猪and he's paying Leslie to take him to killwild boar.- 太过分了 - 对呀- That's terrble. - Exactly.我去阻止Well, I am.你最好待着看着我怎么挡子弹就好了You probably better stay back and watch metake the bullet.不我们要共存亡No, we die together.莱斯利Leslie!家庭用品和你狩猎远征的补给Household items and provisions for yourhunting expedition谢谢你斯皮罗thank you Spiros.我听说你准备和利库斯先生一起去森林打猎I hear you plan to hunt in the woods with MrLikourgos.是的那里很好打野猪Yes, it's good for wild boar.实际上并不是Well, in fact, it isn't?什么What?利库斯先生在骗你Mr Likourgos is pulling a fast one.这些说法哪来的Where does that saying come from?我不知道I don't know.你说的什么意思What do you mean?那片森林没有野猪... There are no wild boars in that forest... 方圆几英里内也没有or anywhere for miles.他也并没有狩猎许可证And he doesn't own the license.岛上的东西是公有的it's common land.德雷尔夫人Mrs Durrells.哈基奥普罗斯先生Mr Hakiaopulos.热衷于检查我是不是和我所有的男房客调情吗Keen to check I'm not flirting with all my menfolk?当然不是Of course not.我在镇上看到巴兹尔了I saw your Basil in town买了一个大大的礼物可能是给你的buying a big gift, probably for you.我了解巴兹尔那是给他自己的Knowing Basil, it'll be for him.有谁看到我的泳帽吗Anyone seen my swimming hat?你游泳还需要帽子吗You need a hat to swim?你看起来秀色可餐You're looking good enough to scoff.他之前从来没有像那样说过话He's never said anything like that before. 我喜欢我们昨天的谈话I loved our chat yesterday.谢谢你对我如此敞开心扉Thank you for opening up to me sodeliciously .现在你知道我为什么怀疑了吧Now you see why I wonder?他们有试图勾引你吗Have they tried to seduce you?没有而且这不公平No, and that's not fair.斯皮罗我们在一起经历过这么多Spiros, after all we've been through.我才是那个应该嫉妒的人And it's me who should be jealous.- 没事 - 不要跟我说没事- Nothing. - Don't "nothing"me.你可以信任我知道吗You confide in me, remember?我是全新的拉里I'm the new Larry但是没有那么自命不凡说吧but less pretentious. Come on.斯皮罗在吃醋Spiros is Jealous但是我们不能在一起那又有什么意义and what's the point as we can't be together? 那就是他为什么嫉妒Well, that's why he's jealous.就我的经验而言Well, in my experience一个人投身于繁忙积极的工作throwing oneself into hard, vigorous work 可以治疗情伤can help conquer heartache.你以为我现在在做什么What do you think I've been doing?我的手就像古代农民的手I have the hands of an ancient farmer.很好你听取了建议Good, you've taken that advice.那么谈谈怎么赢回斯皮罗怎么样Now, what about winning Spiros over?斯皮罗是一位忠诚的丈夫Spiros is a faithful husband也是一位很好的合适的丈夫as is right and proper.独一无二令人难忘And rare and regrettable.如果你精心设计一个完美的方案Would his wife perhaps step aside他的妻子可能会让位吗if you were to make a good enough case? 不会的莱斯利No, Leslie.不那样做很好No to that, fair enough.要是你们三个都不开心Well, if all three of you are unhappy.为什么不能达成一致妥协why not agree on some compromise?那怎么能行呢And how would that work?我很高兴你重视妥协I'm glad you value compromise.看在杰瑞的份上请取消明天的打猎... Please call off the hunt tomorrow forGerry's sake...不我一定要做No! I'm going to bloody do this而且一定要成功and it's going to be a success.我对我妈说So I said to my mother.你从没有真正重视过我不是吗"you've never really taken me seriously,have you?"身为母亲的听到会很难过That is hard for a mother to hear.事实上我倒是挺享受不被重视In fact. I've always enjoyed not being takenseriously但在你长大后它变得不合适了but as you get older it becomes a bitunseemly.现在控制自己别冲我发火Now don't shout at me.我看起来真美I look nice.是的You do.这能保持多久So how long will this last?波浪卷吗The wave?你要怎么做呢How do you do that?一些药水还有很大的勇气Chemicals and a lot of bravery.如果我弄错了你的头发就会掉光If I get it wrong, all your hair falls out. 我相信你I trust you.过来Come here.坐下坐下Sit! Sit!马丁过来Martin, come here.过来你穿上会很好看的Come on, you'll look good in this.过来Here!噢上帝啊Oh, for God's sake.早上好我能和你谈谈吗Ah, morning, can I have a word?- 我要去找格莉莉 - 站住- Just off to see Galini. - Stop!两件事Two things.如果你要去阻止打猎你可能会死If you try to interfere in the shooting, youmay die总而言之这样做没有意义which would, on balance, be a waste.另一件事呢And?大家是知道玛戈在哪出于某些保护她的目的Do people know where Margo is and they're nottelling me而选择不告诉我吗out of some urge to protect her?我已经保护她一辈子了Well, I've protected her all her life- 我也是最适合保护她的 - 是的你确实是- and I am the best at it. - Yes, you are. - 谢谢 - 你要去哪- Thank you. - Where are you off to?打猎Hunting.你在烦恼些什么吗Are you in a pickle of some sort?你真的想知道吗Do you really want to know?并不No, no.我们要去追野猪了So, we're after wild boar.打猎活动我真是新手除非你把打德国人也算上I'm new to the hunting game, unless you count Germans.- 还是别算上了 - 还有土耳其人- Let's not. - And Turks.我去忙了I'll get on then.切实的好计划Soild plan! Solid plan!你好莱斯利Hello, Leslie.达芙妮还有卡蒂娜看到你们真好Daphne. And Katina, how nice.我有事相求I have a favour to ask.好啊但在你说之前... Yeah, before you do...你父亲骗了我Your father's cheated me.我付费给他让我们去打野猪I paid him to let us hunt wild boar.但事实并没有野猪所以我也不需要付钱and it seems there aren't any and I didn'tneed to.否则会是一场精彩的狩猎Otherwise, brilliant.我很乐意I'd love to.谢谢你了我有太多事情要做Thank you. I have so many things to do. 哇哦哇哦现在吗Woah, woah, now?我正准备去打野猪I'm about to leave on a wild boar hunt. 但你刚刚说了并没有野猪But you said there are no wild boar there. 我计划营造一个I have a plan to get around that营造一个有野猪的幻觉懂吗by creating the illusion of a wild boar, see? 看来没人是诚实的Perhaps nobody is honest.我可以在其他任何时间帮忙Look, I'll help any other time但这次的打猎对我来说意义重大but this hunt is so important to me.拉里走了我现在是家里的顶梁柱Larry's left, so I'm the man of the house now 而且也是我第一次可以真正的为家里... and for the first time I can, erm, really,erm...好吧在我回来前我妈可以代为照看All right, my mother can look after you untilI get back.不是吗Can't she, eh?- 你需要的东西都在里面 - 好的- Everything you need is in there. - Ok. - 我明天回来 - 明天- I will come back tomorrow. - Tomorrow? 拜托了Please,我真的需要喘口气I need a break不然我要疯掉了or I go mad.你好Oh, hello.西奥我很抱歉... Theo, I'm sorry...不不不我才是No, no, no, I am.实际上是我太习惯独自生活了But the truth is, I'm so used to living onmy own.噢不你不会已经嫌弃我在这了吧Oh, no, you've hated having me here.不是你很好你是我的朋友No, you're a delight, you're my friend. 但对我来说杂乱的房间会造成混乱的思维But for me, a disorderly house creates adisorderly mind.但我没事现在家具都已经对称了But I'm fine, now the furniture issymmetrical.我知道我现在该干什么了I know now what I need to do.请告诉你母亲你在哪Please, tell your mother where you are. 还不是时候Not yet.我正在尝试独立I'm getting a taste for independence.你会为我骄傲的You'd have been proud of me.我给马夫罗诺达斯太太烫了头发I waved Mrs Mavroknodas's hair并没有杀了她without killing her.我为你感到骄傲I am proud of you.巴兹尔我的打猎远征队需要你的帮助Basil, I need your help with my huntingexpedition.我就知道有什么事你不能去打猎Oh, I knew there was something you mustn'tgo hunting.我们一定会去的但是... Tough, we're going. But......你可以先行藏在树堆里...would you go ahead, hide in the foliage 并且发出类似野猪的声音吗and make a noise like a wild boar, please? 恐怕最后会哭着结束I fear that could end in tears.不不会是个皆大欢喜的结局的No, no, it won't. It'll be a laugh!在树林里逛逛爬到树上就行Day out in the woods, up a tree.你为什么需要制造野猪的叫声Why do you need wild boar noises?因为事实证明那里并没有野猪Because there are no wild boars, it turns out 上校会把钱要回去的so the Colonel will demand his money back. 我深表同情但还是拒绝My sympathies. Still no.如果你帮我我会告诉你怎么讨好我妈If you help me, I'll show you how to impressmother.我已经采取行动去赢取她的心了I've already taken steps to win her over. 至少我可以保证成功Well, I can more or less guarantee success 因为我是她的依靠because I'm her confidant.野猪怎么叫的What noise do wild boar make?如果我没记错听起来像If I remember correctly, it's somethinglike...更大声点But louder.哇哦对的Wow, yeah.咳得好厉害Oh, that's a nasty cough.喉咙有点痒有点痒It's a bit of a...a tickle, tickle.正在找你Delivery for you.你还在等什么呢What are we waiting for?我需要等到我妈回来再出发I just need my mother to come home before weleave.为什么Why?欢迎回家Welcome home.谢谢但没必要欢迎我Thank you, no need to welcome me.我我有话要说I, er, have something to say.我已经在这里呆了几个月了Over the months I've been here你也看到了我you may have observed my journey从吹毛求疵转变成忠诚的爱慕者from somewhat prissy quest to doggedadmirer.你走的太快了能否请你慢一点You're going quite fast, can I just gentlyslow you down并请你闭上眼睛and ask you to shut your eyes.为什么Why?上一次让我闭眼杰瑞放了一只蜥蜴The last time I did that, Gerry put a lizard 在我衬衫上down my blouse.我不会的Yes, I won't do that.不过这事听起来十分搞笑准备好了吗Though it sounds like massive fun, erm,ready then?继续闭上眼睛我给你的这个礼物Keep them shut. As a symbol of our connection 是我们关系的象征is this gift which I now give you.现在睁开And, open.当然周围没水但是我会... Obviously, it lacks water, but I'll...等我有时间的时候我会引入一条小溪divert a stream when I have a moment.- 巴兹尔你为什么... - 什么也不要说- Basil, why have you...? - Say nothing. 见谅林子那边还需要我Please excuse me, I'm needed in a wood. 享受你的礼物吧Enjoy your gift.- 哪来的宝宝 - 达芙妮的- Whoes is that? - Daphne's.莱斯利Oh, Leslie.有一封拉里的信Oh, a...a letter from Larry.谢谢你亲爱的Oh, thank you, darling.为什么巴兹尔要给我们买座桥Why has Basil bought us a bridge?是啊确实很诡异Yes, that did seem odd.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mother很高兴听说玛戈暂住在西奥家Enchante to hear that Margo's nesting withTheo.这是个秘密吗Is that a secret?在我打猎期间能帮我照看达芙妮的宝宝吗Erm, can you babysit Daphne's baby while I'mhunting?不我亲爱的我得赶回到镇上Oh, no, darling, I have to go back to town. - 可是... - 你带孩子这样更好- Oh, well... - This is much better.你留下履行父亲职责You stay here and be Daddy就像你说过的你想要的那样as you said you wanted to.我该拿你怎么办What the hell am I going to do with you? 天气正合适Lovely day for it.我没跟你说话I'm not talking to you!好吧Fine.在打仗时期你会被军法处置的You'd have been court-martialled for that ina war.太不专业了Highly unprofessional.我说过了我很抱歉I've said I'm sorry.别让我向宝宝开枪Don't make me shoot the baby.那一点也不好笑That's not funny别哭了Please shush.让我来堵住你的耳朵Let's just clog your ears up.啊...是只野猪Th... that's a wild boar.How exciting, I told you I'd find you some. 太令人振奋了我就跟你说我会为你找到野猪的那声音是从一棵树上传来的Isn't it coming from up a tree?不能吧它们不会爬树Hardly, they can't climb trees.你说的是松鼠吧You're thinking of a squirrel.这边This way.。
第76届最佳原创剧本最佳原创剧本Sofia Coppola《迷失东京》(Lost in Translation)《迷失东京》,美国、日本影片,由斯嘉丽·约翰逊、比尔·默瑞主演,讲述的是一对同样落寞而沮丧的男女的故事。