



黑龙江省红十字 001016 赈济救护部 科员 会 黑龙江省计划生 001017 办公室 育协会办公室
专业技 术类 综合管 理类
1 社会在职
硕士研究生 医药学 及以上
参照公务员 不限 管理 参照公务员 不限 管理
文字综 01 合
1 社会在职 本科及以上 文史哲学
第一学历为统 招本科,具有 2年及以上 学士学位,会 基层工作经 计从业资格证 无 历 书,2年及以 上财会工作经 历。 2年及以上 本科及研究生 3年(含试 基层工作经 专业一致,具 用期) 历 有学历学位 2年及以上 3年(含试 基层工作经 具有学士学位 用期) 历 2年及以上 第一学历为 基层工作经 211大学本科 无 历 学历。 中共党员,具 有与学历相应 2年及以上 的学位,英语 5年(含试 基层工作经 四级,在机关 用期) 历 、事业单位、 国有企业从事 文字综合工作 2年及以上 基层工作经 学士学位 无 历 2年及以上 基层工作经 无 历 加试俄语专业 2年及以上 科目,从事俄 基层工作经 无 语翻译工作2 历 年以上。 全国统招同类 2年及以上 专业本科毕 3年(含试 基层工作经 业;研究生双 用期) 历 证 全国统招同类 2年及以上 专业本科毕 3年(含试 基层工作经 业;研究生双 用期) 历 证 2年及以上 基层工作经 无 历
统招硕士研 政法学 究生及以上 统招本科及 不限 以上 统招硕士研 不限 究生及以上
1 社会在职
政协黑龙江省委 办公厅、委 文字综 001011 01 员会 员会 合
3 不限
主任科 黑龙江省科学技 001012 调研宣传部 员及以 01 术协会 下













设立医药、政法类和 省人民政府所属部门 举办的中等职业学校 审批
一、《黑龙江省职业教育条例》(2005年6月24日修正) 二、《黑龙江省人民政府贯彻落实国务院关于大力发展职业教育决定 的实施意见》(黑政发〔2006〕53号)
- 3 -
丙级信息系统工程监 理单位资质认定
民用爆炸物品技术科 研成果验收
《关于印发〈民用爆炸物品科技管理办法〉的通知》 (工信安函〔2012〕137号)
省政府(省工信 委承办)
2个子项:1.民爆科 研立项备案;2.民爆 科技成果鉴定。
一、《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》(2012年12月28日修订) 二、《养老机构设立许可办法》(2013年民政部令第48号)
大型群众文化体育活 动安全许可
《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》 (2004年国务院令第412号)
公共安全技术防范系 统安装运营服务许可
弩的制造、销售、进 口、运输、使用审批
工业产品生产许可证 符合国家产业政策审 核
《关于工业产品生产许可工作中严格执行国家产业政策有关问题的通 知》(国家发改委、质检总局质检监联〔2006〕632号)





























其中, 牧业产值86.7亿元,占82.8%,增长7.1%;农业、林业、渔业、农林牧渔服务业产值分别为9.0亿元、3.6亿元、0.6亿元、3.5亿元,增长6.2%、2.2%、3.6%、6.8%。













405123018014常昕悦405黑龙江省气象局办公室机关财务出纳科员0901105.2 405123020101曾蕊405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405123020102张婷婷405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405123020111漆竹405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405123020113宋美萦405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405123020115李怀宇405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405123020120孙海娜405黑龙江省气象局监察审计处审计管理科员0901109.7 405223101226翟华405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.4 405223101228钟波405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.4 405270082523邹纯纯405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.4 405222145025杨树森405黑龙江省气象局业务科业务管理科员100198.1 405223101310杨鹏405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.8 405239280413庄珊405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.8 405243620930黄宏哲405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员100199.8 405222178605李端阳405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员1001109.5 405223101325孟雪君405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员1001109.5 405234202608李颖405黑龙江省气象局综合办公室综合管理科员1001109.5 405232143116苏杭405黑龙江省气象局业务科综合业务管理科员101295 405234242217姜晓欢405黑龙江省气象局业务科综合业务管理科员101295机关党委主任科员及以下0501107.4 234123017423马良234黑龙江测绘地理信息机关党委主任科员及以下0501107.4 234137047427王岳234黑龙江测绘地理信息282221181519孔微波282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106海事处科员0701106 282221201718刘鑫282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106 282223036203吕世强282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106 282223036204周鹏282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106 282233213404宋维航282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106 282235570815陈蓓雷282中华人民共和国黑龙282242026213黄立晶282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106海事处科员0701106 282242201712赵怡然282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701106 282244112720邓龙水282中华人民共和国黑龙282221131718刘冬冬282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9海事处科员0701102.9 282222116801王显明282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9 282222153716路瑶282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9 282222183528陈显亭282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9 282223036208张俊男282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9 282231211318徐世涛282中华人民共和国黑龙282233224401陈伟282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701102.9海事处科员0701102.9 282261052523隋海东282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701103.2 282211251823刘佳282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701103.2 282223036220张晓杭282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701103.2 282223036226张胜282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701108.8 282213139922朱会科282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701108.8 282221190209滕越282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701108.8 282223036410王静静282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701117.7 282223036412刘畅282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701117.7 282223036521张扬282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701117.7 282223036709郑佳鑫282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701117.7 282239190310王战282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282212180319康涛282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282212322229单士营282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282221021607吴世林282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282221060322徐晨282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282221100521耿浩楠282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282221121804张广旭282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282221141827苏达志282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282222149004董超282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282223036804徐永鑫282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282223036807王世财282中华人民共和国黑龙282223036808姬立全282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8海事处科员070198.8 282223036810刘家仑282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282223036812徐铁282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282233064423姜康康282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282233371613邓涛282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282237175305郑晏传282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282239130301吴跃辉282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070198.8 282242221506于琪282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701107 282232471512张敏282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0701107 282237782514张健282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070197.3 282212231408李岩282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070197.3 282221021122薛文博282中华人民共和国黑龙282223036827孙文博282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070197.3海事处科员070197.3 282237671307潘胜城282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070197.3 282237900202江春廷282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员070197.3 282239081510陈国政282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702103.5 282211310830崔彩玉282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702103.5 282223036828雷婕282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702103.5 282223036829王洪梅282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702105.4 282211070119侯晓莉282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702105.4 282212192125邓柳清282中华人民共和国黑龙海事处科员0702105.4 282223036905张文博282中华人民共和国黑龙0901106.6 322123017901李音322黑龙江省地震局发展与财务处财务工作主任科0901106.6 322123017908姜慧322黑龙江省地震局发展与财务处财务工作主任科0901106.6 322123017913王欣宇322黑龙江省地震局发展与财务处财务工作主任科0901106.6 322123017914胡舒萌322黑龙江省地震局发展与财务处财务工作主任科0901106.6 322143021126艾力克322黑龙江省地震局发展与财务处财务工作主任科0901110.5 322111651519李忠宇322黑龙江省地震局震害防御处震害防御管理工作0901110.5 322131063016谢春322黑龙江省地震局震害防御处震害防御管理工作0901110.5 322142115704赵耀322黑龙江省地震局震害防御处震害防御管理工作科员0701113.7 337221091610曾祥瑞337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.7 337223047224沈柏伊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.7 337223047309段慧妍337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701120.6 337211311120崔佳丽337黑龙江省国家税务局337223047629胡雨珊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701120.6科员0701120.6 337223048325刘静文337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114 337222132903许晶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114 337223048506曹利337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114 337235650127林小岑337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701117.7 337222146501李世佳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701117.7 337223048523王海伶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701117.7 337223048529鞠鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局337223048710刘剑钊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.7科员0701110.7 337223048712蔡旭东337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.7 337223048718张国威337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701119.1 337223048927马野337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701119.1 337223050128徐龙337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701119.1 337253410910李宝玲337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.8 337222159611刘佩东337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.8 337223051128朱文英337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.8 337223051129洪竹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337211161814张晓莹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337213103107韩迎召337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337221520227陈刚337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337223051220于梦楠337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337242016403吴超艳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112 337270020623张迎337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2 337222126607张开宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2 337222131923姜欣博337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2 337222153520曹秋辰337黑龙江省国家税务局337223051305许可337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2科员0701105.2 337223051307姜丽娟337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2 337223051312潘美丽337黑龙江省国家税务局337223051313张永慧337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2科员0701105.2 337223051314徐静337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.2 337223051317赵丹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.3 337223051508刁羽佳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.3 337223051511杨善宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.3 337223051601李文馨337黑龙江省国家税务局337223051920陈云龙337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.3科员0701115.3 337223052012程航337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.3 337237340121汤美玲337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337222158625王宏宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337223052126杨凯麟337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337223052206张璐瑶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337223052223王禹天337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337223052228李琲茜337黑龙江省国家税务局337239101805薛丹丹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111科员070196.4 337223052313崔宏婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070196.4 337223052317于雷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070196.4 337223052325王烨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.1 337223052504杨庚辇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.1 337223052628葛丹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.1 337248023014林晓波337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.8 337211071528吴伟刚337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.8 337223052717刘利国337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.3 337221161225于乐337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.3 337223052721迟明歌337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.3 337223052730张柠337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223052817周静337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223052818李查德337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223052824田野337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.6 337223052906王春龙337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.6 337223052919张雨薇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111.6 337234130607赵璐337黑龙江省国家税务局337211171008吕佩珊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.3科员0701113.3 337222167206甄理337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.3 337223053021王岚337黑龙江省国家税务局337223053303孟飞337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.3科员070196.5 337223053316闫向梅337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070196.5 337223053319张贵武337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070196.5 337223053320张颖337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.1 337223053407刘一莹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.1 337223053410徐鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局337223053425闫春阳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.1科员0701105.1 337223053501孙婉婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.1 337223053512张羽彤337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.1 337223053515田玥337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701118.8 337222126717左玉峰337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701118.8 337223053727孙安琪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701118.8 337223053901于洋337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111 337222136928孟雪337黑龙江省国家税务局337223054003邓晨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701111科员0701111 337223054113李坤鹏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223054415刘青337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223054419田思宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223054427杨媛337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070194.1 337223054430冯靖敏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070194.1 337223054505宋丽丽337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070194.1 337223054506王金艳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070191.1 337212222203于颖337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070191.1 337222167908薛昌一娃337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070191.1 337223054510于忠强337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337223054513夏梦雪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337223054518刘杨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337223054520王梓祎337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337223054522高陆337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337223054602郭婷婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197 337239351217王忠超337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.9 337223054615姜大龙337黑龙江省国家税务局337223054620王宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.9科员0701106.9 337223054801金意真337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701116.4 337223054809赵明磊337黑龙江省国家税务局337243614524张春阳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701116.4科员0701116.4 337244116527杜心宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.1 337221510510齐笑姝337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.1 337222182213宁若愚337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.1 337223055510刘蜜337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.1 337223055520范伟男337黑龙江省国家税务局337223055617刘思雨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.1科员0701104.1 337223055705陈盼盼337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223055723王士伟337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223055805张莹莹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223055807李佳临337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223055818王小溪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223055904司慧喆337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.8 337223056013赵仕琦337黑龙江省国家税务局337223056112姚丹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070190科员070190 337232202519张玉337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070190 337237230623张鸥337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223056115迟云晖337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223056119王爽337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.6 337223056123王胜娥337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337221591128周晓玉337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337223056125董晟炜337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337223056201刘若愚337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337223056209张昊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337223056225赵兴潮337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701106.6 337223056226李鸿雨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.8 337215524511刘恒337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.8 337223056310梁相森337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.8 337223056311王鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070190 337223056317王晶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070190 337223056318徐元君337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070190 337223056319石东明337黑龙江省国家税务局337221701005沈浩南337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.4科员0701112.4 337223056322马红蕊337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.4 337223056515刘冰337黑龙江省国家税务局337223056618华琳琳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.4科员0701112.4 337223056708刘汉松337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.4 337223056915许钧洪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.7 337223056925徐洋洋337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.7 337223057010丛慧成337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104.7 337223057012戚琪337黑龙江省国家税务局337223057014林琳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198科员070198 337223057016李雪冬337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198 337223057018单晶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6 337221550426魏琳琳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6 337223057020黄宇齐337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6 337223057030路彦君337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6 337223057109薛雨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6 337223057227陈晓晨337黑龙江省国家税务局337232391902李红337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701112.6科员0701105.3 337222133818钟艳杰337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.3 337223057329牟芳兵337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.3 337223057410李恒嵩337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.3 337223057415裴煜337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.3 337223057419姜雪婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.3 337261060211宫雪晶337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337223057524国婷婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337223057525要思元337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337223057526周思音337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337223057529高旭阳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337223057530曹慧337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070197.4 337241100228李想337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员0701107.9 337222141712田青竹337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员0701107.9 337223057607崔英男337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员0701107.9 337232127311左宏波337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.7 337223057625王艺霖337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.7 337223057806于淼337黑龙江省国家税务局337223057822刘铭337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.7站前税务所科员0701120 337223058015丁宇楠337黑龙江省国家税务局站前税务所科员0701120 337223058018刘晓宇337黑龙江省国家税务局337223058021张智337黑龙江省国家税务局站前税务所科员0701120科员0701109.2 337223058329张宏宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.2 337223058415李双利337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.2 337223058506毛元吉337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.7 337213120324刘岩337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.7 337221812504周建华337黑龙江省国家税务局337223058519高芳芳337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.7科员0701109.1 337222132224唐程337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.1 337223058613吕帅337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.1 337223058627李琬秋337黑龙江省国家税务局税源管理科科员0701110 337223058817孙哲337黑龙江省国家税务局税源管理科科员0701110 337223058820刘思雨337黑龙江省国家税务局税源管理科科员0701110 337223058821李旭337黑龙江省国家税务局税源管理科科员0701110 337223058829贾松奇337黑龙江省国家税务局337239040112赵海锦337黑龙江省国家税务局税源管理科科员0701110税源管理科科员0701110 337241361514倪慧颖337黑龙江省国家税务局人教科科员0701116.2 337222163426王彦超337黑龙江省国家税务局人教科科员0701116.2 337223059009孙亚娜337黑龙江省国家税务局人教科科员0701116.2 337223059021卜天映337黑龙江省国家税务局三间房税务所科员0701110.2 337221370121纪蕾337黑龙江省国家税务局三间房税务所科员0701110.2 337223059323张晓峰337黑龙江省国家税务局三间房税务所科员0701110.2 337241101503王静可337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223059428赵琳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223059430魏婷337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.4 337223059506谢艳茹337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.8 337211141201乔栗方337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.8 337223059512李平337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701109.8 337223059527吕晓庆337黑龙江省国家税务局雅尔塞税务分局科员0701103.7 337223059629曲鑫滢337黑龙江省国家税务局雅尔塞税务分局科员0701103.7 337223060105于莹莹337黑龙江省国家税务局雅尔塞税务分局科员0701103.7 337223060113张婉君337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.8 337223060310刘丹平337黑龙江省国家税务局337223060320杨丹玲337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.8科员0701110.8 337250144710王琪337黑龙江省国家税务局华安税务分局科员0701100.8 337223060323董函霏337黑龙江省国家税务局337223060324黄婉莹337黑龙江省国家税务局华安税务分局科员0701100.8华安税务分局科员0701100.8 337223060330王梦琪337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员070194.7 337223060407郭宇达337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员070194.7 337223060408张宪文337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员070194.7 337241361802郭欣欣337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337222162217周羽337黑龙江省国家税务局337223060412冀佳睿337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9科员0701100.9 337223060414张程337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337223060425丁璘337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337223060429庄美潓337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337223060503周雅慧337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员0701115.2 337215547727冯立国337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员0701115.2 337223060515邹婧喆337黑龙江省国家税务局收入核算科科员0701115.2 337223060516周丽静337黑龙江省国家税务局337221560129王薇337黑龙江省国家税务局稽查局科员0701105.1稽查局科员0701105.1 337223060810张哲谦337黑龙江省国家税务局稽查局科员0701105.1 337223060902邵春雪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337211350510韩鹏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337214143012刘洋337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100.9 337223060918李心笛337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701104.4 337223061002李恒337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701104.4 337223061005冯建华337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701104.4 337223061009郑福鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.3 337223061019袁辉337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.3 337223061023冯雪松337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.3 337223061024曲金玲337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337222154807李雪337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337223061110王聪337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337223061113张杨337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337223061120孙伟杰337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337223061121刘晓倩337黑龙江省国家税务局集市税务所科员0701106.6 337223061202刘楠337黑龙江省国家税务局337223061226王明鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.8科员0701115.8 337231231007李朝鹏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.8 337241102809马志远337黑龙江省国家税务局337223061327何佳熹337黑龙江省国家税务局查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1 337223061329刘瑀337黑龙江省国家税务局查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1 337223061401于航337黑龙江省国家税务局查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1 337223061402李思仪337黑龙江省国家税务局查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1 337223061404刘莹莹337黑龙江省国家税务局查哈阳农场税务分局070195.1 337223061405毛禹337黑龙江省国家税务局337223061407林化瑞337黑龙江省国家税务局税政科科员070191.9税政科科员070191.9 337223061408刘程程337黑龙江省国家税务局税政科科员070191.9 337223061412王昭337黑龙江省国家税务局甘南镇税务分局科员070194 337223061414崔人仁337黑龙江省国家税务局甘南镇税务分局科员070194 337223061419邱佳斌337黑龙江省国家税务局甘南镇税务分局科员070194 337223061423马春阳337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701107 337223061517王清宇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701107 337223061521张佳337黑龙江省国家税务局337223061522杨凯威337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701107科员0701110 337215023307赵云鹏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110 337223061706王卉337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110 337223061723姜美玲337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110 337223061726焦志勇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110 337223061808张祁337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110 337237500906沈旭337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062001姜育京337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062010计蕴倬337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062103高佳楠337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062107史月良337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062110周琳琳337黑龙江省国家税务局平洋税务分局科员0701105.7 337223062118刘娜337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员070194.6 337223062121李东东337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员070194.6 337223062125赵娜337黑龙江省国家税务局政策法规科科员070194.6 337223062127张楠337黑龙江省国家税务局阳春税务分局科员0701106 337223062129刘世英337黑龙江省国家税务局阳春税务分局科员0701106 337223062207闫迪337黑龙江省国家税务局337223062210杨秀[莹]337黑龙江省国家税务局阳春税务分局科员0701106征收管理科科员0701103.7 337223062227侯艳玲337黑龙江省国家税务局征收管理科科员0701103.7 337223062304张志富337黑龙江省国家税务局337223062306董桓维337黑龙江省国家税务局征收管理科科员0701103.7办税服务厅科员070193.6 337215382611于海跃337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员070193.6 337223062309李宽337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员070193.6 337246012318李炎真337黑龙江省国家税务局克山农场税务分局科员070196.2 337223062316关楠337黑龙江省国家税务局克山农场税务分局科员070196.2 337223062318常美丽337黑龙江省国家税务局337223062319姜婉莹337黑龙江省国家税务局克山农场税务分局科员070196.2克山农场税务分局科员070196.2 337223062320张丹337黑龙江省国家税务局克山农场税务分局科员070196.2 337242195329刘格格337黑龙江省国家税务局克山农场税务分局科员070196.2 337270080704高颖337黑龙江省国家税务局北兴税务分局科员070192.9 337223062321王宇337黑龙江省国家税务局北兴税务分局科员070192.9 337223062322张馥琳337黑龙江省国家税务局北兴税务分局科员070192.9 337223062327杨健337黑龙江省国家税务局北兴税务分局科员070192.9 337223062328王龙海337黑龙江省国家税务局337223062329王博337黑龙江省国家税务局北兴税务分局科员070192.9税政科科员0701117.1 337211373227刘璐337黑龙江省国家税务局税政科科员0701117.1 337223062520李帅337黑龙江省国家税务局税政科科员0701117.1 337223062601宋昊宇337黑龙江省国家税务局税政科科员0701117.1 337223062610臧妤337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701100.6 337223062726郭莉娜337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701100.6 337223062801张倩337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701100.6 337223062802邵涵瑾337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701116.2 337223062807李洋洋337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701116.2 337223062809王金梅337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701116.2 337223062826许珊337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701110.9 337223063106张文慧337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701110.9 337223063108赵亦宁337黑龙江省国家税务局办税服务厅科员0701110.9 337237220808姜晶晶337黑龙江省国家税务局征收管理科科员070196 337223063113曲光赫337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.7 337222115224李洋337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.7 337223063130陈慧敏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701105.7 337223063213葛文东337黑龙江省国家税务局337223063219李莹337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701105.5办公室科员0701105.5 337223063222白雪337黑龙江省国家税务局办公室科员0701105.5 337223063223杨金凤337黑龙江省国家税务局337223063310潘云飞337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100科员0701100 337223063314朱彦冬337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701100 337223063325周璇337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.3 337223063421齐妍337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.3 337223063423王雪337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.3 337223063427潘宇彤337黑龙江省国家税务局337223063428张博337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.3科员070198.3 337223063429王雪竹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员070198.3 337223063504吕宝鑫337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.9 337222183309张瀛337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.9 337223063517刘莹莹337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701114.9 337223063713吕东玉337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.8 337211131422霍春红337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701115.8 337221570118翟佳慧337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104 337221100719高飞337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104 337221570511范晓慧337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104 337223064005张璐337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104 337223064006陶升辉337黑龙江省国家税务局337223064008王端坤337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701104科员0701104 337223064010卢淳钰337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.8 337215391809郭胜男337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.8 337223064104姜帆337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701113.8 337223064111王飞337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337223064126苗萌337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337223064218李文凯337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337223064222张晨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337234080824崔永健337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337241103827刘鹏337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701101.8 337250044003张欢337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.5 337223064313赵昌顺337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.5 337223064317付超337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701102.5 337241261816陈晨337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.6 337223064402刘岩337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.6 337234094424卜玲玲337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701110.6 337243058807金雯337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337222151318赵旭337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337235125002计爽337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337239181120王曦337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337214251402王雪威337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337223064514魏天润337黑龙江省国家税务局337223064524李璐337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4科员0701109.4 337223064616徐丽媛337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337223064709韩枭337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701109.4 337223064710朱晓旭337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701103.9 337223064713刘文洋337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701103.9 337223064715赵雪松337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701103.9 337223064821陈广明337黑龙江省国家税务局科员0701103.9 337231302120朱虹337黑龙江省国家税务局。



黑龙江省教育厅关于印发2014年全省学校安全管理工作要点的通知正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 黑龙江省教育厅关于印发2014年全省学校安全管理工作要点的通知(黑教安函〔2014〕47号)各市(行署)教育局,省农垦、森工总局教育局,绥芬河市、抚远县教育局,各普通高等学校,厅直属各单位:现将《2014年全省学校安全管理工作要点》印发给你们,请按照全省安全稳定工作会议要求,结合本地、本单位实际抓好贯彻落实。











2014年黑龙江省公务员考试《行测》试题和答案第一部分常识判断1.下列将项与其表彰对象对应关系错误的是()A. 菲尔兹奖――数学家B. 普利策奖――记者C. 南丁格尔奖――医生D. 图灵奖――计算机科学家2.地震是地球上的主要自然灾害之一。

下列关于地震的说法,错误的是()A. 地震活动在时间分布上具有一定的周期性B. 环太平洋地震带是地球上地震最活跃的地区C. 里氏地震规模每增强一级,释放的能量约增加10倍D. 有纪录以来最大的一次地震是1960年的智利大地震,其震级为9.5级3.下列关于医学常识的说法,错误的是()A. 临床上一般以血红蛋白的浓度值作为诊断贫血的依据B. 卡介苗是一种疫苗,一般在婴儿出生后接种,可以预防结核病C. 游戏时应避免将水咽入口中,以免水通过鼻咽部进入中耳引发中耳炎D. 人体骨密度在达到高峰值后会逐年下降,男性下降幅度较女性大4.下列物品利用凸透镜透光原理的是()A. 近视镜B. 显微镜目镜C. 汽车观后镜D. 手电筒反光罩5.下列历史文化遗址位于我国最南边的是()A. 半坡遗址B. 周口店遗址C. 河姆渡遗址D. 大汶口遗址6.关于《四库全书》,下列说法错误的是()A. 编修于乾隆时期B. 反映了清代图书的全貌C. 在编纂过程中纪晓岚贡献突出D. 分经、史、子、集四目7.关于京剧艺术,下列说法错误的是()A. 《红灯记》和《智取威虎山》是现代京剧B. 京剧表演的艺术手段主要有唱、念、做、打C. 京剧的主要题材是才子佳人的故事D. 京剧的脸谱一般用于净、丑两个角色8.下列语句与出处对应错误的是()A. 不战而屈人之兵――《孙子兵法》B. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也――《韩非子》C. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和――《孟子》D. 青出于蓝而胜于蓝――《荀子》9.以下是一组古迹的图片,下列选项中国家排序与这组古迹对应关系正确的是()A. 墨西哥―英国―智利―希腊B. 墨西哥―希腊―英国―智利C. 智利―希腊―英国―墨西哥D. 智利―希腊―墨西哥―英国10.下列哪组词语都与中国古代科举考试有关?()A. 蟾宫折桂、桂冠、连中三元B. 问鼎中原、独占鳌头、蟾宫折桂C. 连中三元、五子登科、名落孙山D. 金榜题名、桂冠、独占鳌头11.《三国演义》开篇称:“天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。



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2014 年黑龙江省专升本英语考试题考试日期:3 月09 号考试时间:09:00 -11:002014 年黑龙江省专升本英语(绝密启用前注意事项:1.试卷共10 页,用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案字直接写在答题纸上,写在试题上一律无效。


3. 满分100分(I V ocabulary and Structure (1point each;20points in allDirections:each of the following blank1,or four choices are given. Youare required to choose the most appropriate one and put the correspondingletter in the bracket before each sentence.1. To be honest with yourself is to ________ yourself. (A. look atB. doC. refuseD. respect2. Mary enjoys a(n ______ ability to sing well.(A. styleB. unfortunateC. gladD. natural3. Do you always ______ an English-Chinese dictionary when you come across (遇到 new words in your reading? . (A. considerB. cheatC. consultD. contact4. The whole composition is good _____ some careless mistakes. (A. except forB. except thatC. exceptD. except from5. The country is experiencing fast ______ in science and technology. (A. movingB. speedC. developmentD. making6. His white hair was in sharp _____ to his dark skin. (A. differenceB. contrastC. oppositeD. background7. The little girl got much ______ from her father when she told him about her pains.(A. detailB. recognizeC. sympathyD. teach8. We were all _____ to hear the news that Tom, the silly boy, had won an award.. (A. fluentB. rudeC. amazedD. successful9. The president was invited to address the audience at the opening______ of the Olympic Games. (A. ceremonyB. speechC. meetingD. celebration10. He is more _____ for the job than the other candidates because he has more experience in this field. (A. favorableB. suitableC. equalD. qualifying11. When his team arrived on ______, there was a loud cheer (欢呼.(A. courtB. floorC. placeD. ground12. I've learned from my uncle that dogs _______ people by their smell. (A. improveB. recognizeC. expectD. teach13. Charlie thinks money will _____ all his problems. (A. performB. solveC. scoreD. force14. The sudden lightning (闪电 ______ me so much that I dropped the cup. (A. stoppedB. pushedC. scaredD. made15. While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for _____ to the beach. (A. contactsB. contentsC. materialsD. directions16. After writing the letter, she put it in the ______ and sealed (封 it.(A. coverB. sheetC. envelopeD. box17. You should read more books to enlarge (扩大 your _____.(A. vocabularyB. memoryC. brainD. score18. Jack is among the brightest of his _____: he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.(A. honorB. abilityC. generationD. edge19. They were _____ to hear that their son had been arrested for taking drugs.(A.wanderedB. ruinedC. preparedD. shocked20. Unfortunately, we now have plenty of _____ that many children do not do half as well on tests as they actually could if they tried. (A. evidenceB. blocksC. suitabilityD. instruction(II Cloze (2 point each; 20 points in allEvery culture has its own body language, and children understandand learn its __21___, along with words. For example, a Frenchman talks and moves in French ways, while an Englishman and a __22___ American cross their legs very differently. It is also interesting to note that in talking, Americans are likely to end a sentence with a dropping of the head or hand, as well as with a lowering of the __23___. They finish up a question with a raise of the hand, a lift of the __24___, or a wideningof the eyes.What's__25___, there are regional phrases too; an expert can sometimes pick out a __26__ of Wisconsin just by the way a person uses his or her eyebrows during conversations. Everything from your sex,__27___ background, social class, and communication style all influences your body language.A person who truly knows two languages uses both body languages too. A good example of this is New York's famous __28___, Fiorello La Guardia, who communicated in English, Italian and Yiddish. When films of his __29___are run without sound, it's not too difficult to tell from his gestures the language being spoken. In fact, one of the reasons English__30___ foreign films often seem flat is that the gestures just don't match the language.(21.A. values B. important C. meanings D. cultural(22. A.man B. male C. woman D. people(23. A. eyelids B. eyelashes C. chin D. eyes(24. A. chest B.arm C.leg D. chin(25. A. more B.much C. up D.wrong(26. A. citizen B.native C.place D. couple(27. A. family B.national C.fascial D. racial(28. A. major B. mayor C.provost D. dean(29. A. talks B. speaks C. says D. speeeches(30. A.played B.dubbed C. peformed D. edited(III阅读理解(2 point each; 30 points in allTask 1In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of Ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students whowere working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates (考生for the doctor‘s degree.Generally , however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all Students are tested on the on the same questions,was probably not known until the nineteenth century.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in populationand the development of modern Industry, A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and Carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobilefactory. Certainly, , during examinations teachers and students are expected to actlike machines.One type of test ins sometimes called an objective test . It isintended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writhes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly.31. In the Middle Ages students(A. took objective testsB. were timed by electric clocksC. specialized in one subjectD. never wrote exams32. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that (A. workers now take examinationsB. the population has grownC. there are only written exams todayD. examinations are now written and timed33. The kind of exams where students must select answers are (A. personalB. spokenC. objectiveD. written34. Modern industry must have developed(A. before the Middle AgesB. in Greece of RomeC. around the 19 th centuryD. machines to take tests35. It may be concluded that testing(A. should test only opinionsB. has hanged since the Middle AgesC. should always be writtenD. is given only in factoriesTask 2For millions of people around the world, the very word "Christmas" brings warmth and joy to their hearts and homes. To some, it is simply a very popular holiday. But for many, it honors the birth of Jesus Christ. Here is a brief history of Christmas and some of the traditions connected with it.Why December 25th?Well, during the first two centuries after Jesus' death, Christmas wasnot celebrated at all. Various attempts were made to determine the date of birth of Jesus, and at first, May 20th became the favored date. By the middle of the fourth century, however, Pope Julius selected December25th as the day on which to celebrate Christ's birth. Before that, December 25th had been a widely celebrated day in the Roman world. On that date, people honored a Roman sun god. Many modern Christmas customs, such as having a tree in the house and preparing special meals, came from this ancient celebration.Let's decorate the tree!The Christmas tree tradition was started in Germany in the late fifteenth century. At that time, there was a popular theater play which included afir tree hung with apples. Today, more than 80 percent of American families buy and decorate a tree at Christmas.How many Christmas cards do you usually send?The first commercial Christmas cards were made in London in 1843. A rich man paid an artist to design a card. He then proudly sent it to his friends and relatives to wish them a "Merry Christmas." It was a good idea and it soon caught on. Today, Americans exchange millions of Christmas cards every year.Santa Claus is coming to town!St. Nicholas was the original Santa Claus or "Father Christmas". He was widely known as a kind man who loved children. After his death, a story developed that he used to visit children on Christmas Eve and give them presents. When the Dutch people came to live in America many years ago, they brought their St. Nicholas, or Sinter Klaas in Dutch, with them. Sinter Klaas is therefore where we get the name Santa Claus.What's in that stocking?According to the story, the practice of hanging up stockings is connected with St. Nicholas. It is believed that St. Nicholas learned about a man who was hopelessly in debt. He also learned that the man and his daughters were about to be sold as slaves. Nicholas went to the man's home at night and threw a bag of gold through the man's window. The bag of gold landed in one of the daughters' stockings that had been hungup to dry.Today, all the above traditions are still kept as ways of celebrating Christmas.36. Lots of people celebrate Christmas to(A. show respect for Jesus ChristB. get warmth and joyC. spend money while shoppingD. spend money while shopping37. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOTtrue? (A. People tried many times to decide the date of birth of Jesus.B. People tried many times to decide the date of birth of Jesus.C. December 25th used to be a day on which to show respect to a Roman sun god.D. Christmas was celebrated widely soon after Jesus' death.38. What does "it soon caught on" in Paragraph 7 mean? (A. It was not allowed by the people in London.B. It was popular among the people.C. It was not welcomed by the man's relatives and friends.D. It was very expensive.39. From the text, we can learn that the story of Father Christmas may come from(A. the GermansB. the RomansC. the DutchD. the Americans40. Why does Father Christmas put the presents in the stockings? (A. Because he doesn't know where to put the presents.B. Because the stockings are good places for the presents.C. Because he wants children to spend time finding them.D. Because the gold thrown by St. Nicholas happened to fall in the stockings.Task 3Even the most powerful computer in the world can't be a genius because it has no character. It can remember and calculate quickly andaccurately, and handle great amounts of information—but it can't think about the information like we can. It has no feelings, no opinions, no moments of madness.Study the great human geniuses and you'll see that they all have special parts to their character, qualities that allow them to go beyond everything previously achieved. Their lives hold many of the secrets to having great ideas and putting them into practice. To be a genius you need to:—Have fun. Leonardo da Vinci was well known for his jokes and funny stories. Galileo had a busy social life and was another great joker. Bill Gates, the world's richest man, and the genius behind Microsoft, has been described as "a big teenager". He once said that one of his favorite hobbies was playing with earthmoving equipment on building sites! —Be curious. Geniuses spend their lives asking questions about the world around them.Leonardo da Vinci filled many notebooks with his questions that he wanted to answer. Here is one passage from his notebook:"I wandered about the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand: why shells existed on the tops of mountains... why thunder lasts longer than that which causesit... how the various circles of water form around the spot that has been struck by a stone... how a bird flies..."—Be brave. Geniuses simply can't be afraid of making mistakes. Orville and Wilbur Wright had many crashes and ruined many planes before they finally got off the ground. Inventor Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he managed to turn electricity into light. He told his friends that, because he knew so many ways that didn't work, he was much closer than any other inventor to finding the right answer! Geniuses must also be prepared to shock people. New ideas can seem strange and even frightening to others, and great thinkers are often described as being odd and foolish.—Keep trying. Thomas Edison once said that genius was "onepercent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".To become a genius you must be prepared to work long and hard, often in the face of great difficulties.—Be inspired. The answers you're looking for may be close by—you just have to know where to look. Travel is another good source of inspiration. Mozart picked up many good musical ideas during his travels. While still a teenager, Albert Einstein persuaded his parents to let him tour the main cities of Italy. He came back with some exciting ideas. —Stay fit. An ancient saying goes, "A healthy mind in a healthy body". So it's very important for your body to be operating at its best so that your mind can also function powerfully.As well as being a philosopher, poet and politician, Sophocles wasalso a champion in sports and won many prizes. Leonardo da Vinci was famous for his strength and special ability in riding horses.So it is clear then, that to be a genius is to push the limits, in your mind, and beyond.41. The passage is mainly about _________.A. the qualities of geniusesB. the lives of geniusesC. the hobbies of geniusesD. the ideas of geniuses42. One thing that was NOT true about Leonardo da Vinci is that_______.A. his notebooks were full of his questionsB. he liked telling jokesC. he enjoyed playing on the building sitesD. he was very skillful at riding horses .43. Great thinkers are often considered to be strange and silly because_______.A. they have strange living habitsB. her college friends their ideas seem strange and frighteningC. doctorsthey have unusual charactersD. they behave in strange ways44. According to the text, travel is good in that it brings people _______.A. great fun.B. great funC. rich experiencesD. new and fresh ideas45. Your mind will work most efficiently if you ______.A. take exercises regularlyB. take exercises regularlyC. have a healthy bodyD. I'm sorry for where I am now have enough time to rest(IVFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only. (1 point each; 10 points in alldeclare tend disorder bear delight microphone pretend loosenowhere various1. I was _______ when I knew my best friend had won the race.2. In the winter break, I went _______ but stayed at home.3. The teachers are discussing the good points and weak pointsof _______ teaching methods (教学方法.4. Without the _______ , the speaker could hardly be heard.5. He was surprised at her rude remarks, but he _______ he did not hear.6. The captain (船长 of a ship _______ a heavy responsibility.7. A college graduate _______ to show little interest in poorly-paid jobs.8. Don't let the boy _______ in the garden; he'll pull up all the flowers.9. The rich young man_______that he would marry the poor girl.10. She looks ill, as she has been experiencing a sleeping _______ for some time.(VTranslate the following into English.(2 point each; 10 points in all1.我明白了一个道理:永远不要让你的朋友失望。



面试 最终成绩 成绩 77.8 81 80 65 79 73.8 82.8 78.6 79.8 76 75.6 80 84.4 81.2 72 76.4 77 79.2 78 75.4 80.2 79.4 75.4 77.6 72.8 73.2 74 73.8 71.8 68.6 73 77.8 70.4 77.2 76.6 74.2 65.06 64.844 63.382 60.52 67.38 67.066 65.44 62.276 60.872 73.256 65.156 68.478 65.836 65.73 63.824 62.54 68.306 66.306 64.924 69.688 69.224 69.082 66.79 66.582 65.786 65.682 64.312 66.968 65.402 63.644 62.654 61.742 60.796 67.372 65.918 65.198
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张某的行为构成何罪?A.非法持有枪支、弹药罪B.盗窃枪支、弹药罪C.非法储存枪支、弹药罪D.非法携带枪支、弹药罪1.答案及解析:C 《刑法》第109条规定了叛逃罪。










A.②①④⑥⑤③ B.②①⑤③④⑥ C.④⑥②①③⑤ D.④⑥③⑤②①2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是A.妨碍功夫片钟灵毓秀管中窥豹,可见一斑B.梳妆吊胃口瞠目结舌文武之道,一张一驰C.辐射入场券循章摘句风声鹤唳,草木皆兵D.蜚然直辖市秘而不宣城门失火,殃及池鱼3、下列各句中加点词语的使用,不恰当的一项是A.“2015年度中国文化跨界论坛”日前在北京举行,届时来自世界各国的艺术家、企业家和媒体人围绕当前文化创意产业发展中的热点进行了交流。










MA097 黑龙江省哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、绥化、 (相邻省引种) 佳木斯、牡丹江、黑河甜菜产区 HDTY02 HTD0919 HI1003 KU07-2147 黑龙江省哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、绥化、 佳木斯、牡丹江甜菜产区 黑龙江省哈尔滨、牡丹江、佳木斯、 绥化、甜菜产区 黑龙江省哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、绥化、 佳木斯、黑河甜菜产区 黑龙江省油菜栽培区
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2014 年黑龙江省普通高校专升本考试基础英语试卷本试卷共 8 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟1.应考者必须在答题卡上按要求填涂,不能答在试卷上。


I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences.(1%x20)=20%1. The speaker _____ for a moment, and then began to answer the question.A. shookB. pausedC. pressedD. tripped2. It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the _____ of failing the exam.A. dangerB. warningC. surpriseD. possibility3. Friends and neighbors can be a good _____ of support to families who are experiencing difficulty.A. sourceB. geniusC. qualityD. equipment4. It was reported that the earthquake was the most _____ to have struck that area in fifty years.A. specialB. powerfulC. favoriteD. exciting5. New medicines are _____ remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.A. findingB. requiringC. solvingD. producing6. The whole composition is good _____ some careless mistakes.A. except forB. except thatC. exceptD. except from7. Do you know why she looks so _____? She got high marks in the final examinations.A. cheerfulB. sadC. angryD. confused8. Although we are of the same age, we _____ in height and weight (体重).A. varyB. variousC. differentD. very9. Do you always ______ an English-Chinese dictionary when you come across (遇到)new words in your reading?A. considerB. cheatC. consultD. contact10. The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival ( 端午节) as a(n) ______ holiday.A. longB. springC. officialD. universal11. The country is experiencing fast ______ in science and technology.A. movingB. speedC. developmentD.making12. You are ______ to choose two books from those on the shelf.A. spokenB. allowedC. likedD. interested13. Please tell me the ______ idea of your paper.A. mainB. bigC. highD. good14. Tony often ______ with his wife about money.A. arguesB. interviewsC. embarrassesD. improves15. All the students in Mrs. Black's class are working very hard in order to ______ themselves in English.A. expectB. compareC. improveD. learn16. The teacher ______ Tom's homework with Mike's and found little difference.A. comparedB. experiencedC. sensedD. decided17. If you think getting a certificate means getting a job, you are ________ yourself.A. keepingB. havingC. cheatingD. doing18. A good ________ is the first step to a good job.A. educationB. unitC. textD. subject19. It took the experts several months to decide on the _____ for the new airport.A. sourceB. earthC. siteD. character20. She is so strange. She always tries to _____ talking to me.A. preferB. protectC. avoidD. assureII. Cl o z e. Decide which of the choices below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. (1%x10)=10%The world 21. ________ many interesting sounds. Some are unpleasant to ourears while 22. ________ are very pleasant to hear. In a single day you probably hear 23. ________sounds. All sounds are different. Some 24. ________ loud, some sounds are high, others are low, some sounds are useful. 25. ________sound we can not talk or listen to each other. The ringing of the alarm clock wakes people up. The hooting (鸣笛声)of a car warns people of danger. Some sounds are harmful. When planes fly low 26. ________the land, the very loud sounds can damage the house. Very loud sound can even make people deaf. We know sound travels about one kilometer in three 27. ________. In a thunder storm you see the lighting first and then hear thethunder. This is because light travels 28. ________ than sound. Next time you see lighting count the number of seconds before you hear the thunder. Divide this number 29. ________ This will tell you 30. ________kilometers away the thunder storm is.21. A. full of B. fill with C. is filled of D. is filled with22. A. others B. the other C. another D. the others23. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundred24. A. may B. maybe C. may be D. can25. A. Of B. With C. Without D. By26. A. in B. on C. across D. over27. A. hours B. days C. minutes D. seconds (秒)28. A. more fast B. much faster C. more faster D. much fast29. A. in B. of C. by D. at30. A. how much B. how many C. how far D. how longIII. Reading Comprehension (2%x15=30%)Passage 1She is widely seen as proof that good looks can last for ever. But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with the Mona Lisa.The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1505, is gettingworse by the year, according to the Louver Museum where it is housed.“The thin, wooden panel(画板)on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,” the museum said. Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the world’s most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current chemical state.Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile. “It is very interesting that when you’re not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,” said Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University. “It’s because direct vision is excellent a t picking up details, but less suited to looking at shadows(阴影). Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.”Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to France’s King Francis I in 1519.During World War Ⅱ, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell.31. In the first paragraph, “catching up with” means _____________.A. coming up from behindB. getting along withC. making up forD. having effect on32. It is difficult to repair this painting due to ___________.A. painting materialB. wooden panelC. long historyD. good name33. Mona Lisa is smiling when you look ___________.A. at herB. from the corner of your eyesC. into the shadowsD. for details34. Para. 4 is mainly about __________.A. the history of the Mona LisaB. the condition of the Mona LisaC. the secret of Mona Lisa’s smileD. the secret of Mona Lisa35. During World War II the famous painting was in ________.A. ItalyB. FranceC. BritainD. GermanyPassage 2Telephone, television, radio, and the Internet help people communicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in another country. An international football match comes into the homes of everyone with a television set. News of a disaster, such as a flood, can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way. This is because modern technology information travels fast.How has this speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of course, this does not mean that the world is actually physically smaller. It means that the world seems smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced people's actions. For example, a few battles in the war of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided. A peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During these six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought. Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been signed. They would not have died if news had come in time. In the past, communication took much more time than it does now. There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today.36. Thanks to ________, we can gain brand-new ideas and news of events from all over the world.A. modern technologyB. EuropeC. ocean travelD. disasters37. What attitude did the writer hold to the people who died in the War of 1812?A. Curious.B. Amazed.C. Sympathetic.D. Angry.38. What took six weeks a couple of hundred years ago?A. The War of 1812 between the US and England.B. Agreeing on peace during the War of 1812.C. The Battl e of New Orleans that wasn’t avoided.D. Ocean travel between Europe and America.39. Some battles in the war between England and America could have been avoided if ________.A. people had signed the peace agreement soonerB. the peace agreement had reached America earlierC. the peace agreement had not been lost on the wayD. people of the two countries had taken some action40. Which is the most appropriate title for this passage?A. Modern Technology and CommunicationB. People Today in the Small WorldC. The Unnecessary War of 1812D. People in the Information AgePassage 3On a summer afternoon in 1795, a teenage boy named Daniel McGinnis was exploring a tiny island off the eastern coast of Canada. He was walking through a meadow (草地) of tall grass when he noticed something strange. In the center of meadow was a huge oak (橡树) tree. The ground beneath it was lower than the surrounding ground.Daniel knew that pirates (海盗) had once sailed in the waters around the island. The next day Daniel returned to the island with shovels (铲子) and two friends. The boys began digging and soon discovered a layer of stones. Under the stones was a hole about four meters wide. It was filled with loose dirt. The boys kept digging for several days. Three meters below the ground their shovels hit an oak floor. They kept digging.But when they discovered another oak floor nine meters below the ground, they decided that they couldn’t dig any deeper.Eight years later, Daniel McGinnis returned with a group of men to continue digging beneath the oak tree. One evening, 30 meters below the ground, their shovels hit a large wooden box. The box had to be a treasure chest (大箱子)! The men went home to rest until daylight. When they returned in the morning, there was an unpleasant surprise—the hole had filled with water. The men couldn’t remove the water.During the following 200 years, dozens of search groups have dug in the hole, but each group only made the hole bigger. The hole that was once four meters wide isnow enormous. The oak tree is now gone. Where is the hole Daniel McGinnis found? Today nobody knows for sure, and there is still the problem of water in the hole.41. Daniel McGinnis _______.A. had ancestors who were piratesB. was curious about the valuable treasure of piratesC. was a pirate himselfD. recovered the valuable treasure of pirates42. When Daniel and his two friends dug for the treasure, they _______.A. discovered an oak thereB. gave up because they had dug too deepC. found an oak floorD. dug for about 12 meters deep43. When Daniel and his friends continued digging eight years later, the major problem was _______.A. removing the dirtB. making the hole biggerC. locating the large wooden boxD. getting water out of the hole44. Which of the following explains the disappearance of the hole found by Daniel McGinnis?A. The oak tree was planted elsewhere.B. The hole was made much bigger.C. Seawater drowned (淹没) the island.D. Other search groups gave up onfinding the hole.45. The best title for the passage is _______.A. Legend (传奇) of Daniel Mc GinnisB. Mystery of the Hidden TreasureC. Discovery of the Hidden TreasureD. Explorers of the Mysterious IslandIV. Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each bland with one word only. (1%x10=10%)attempt necessarily base amount prefer importance wound communicate cruel interview46. It was difficult to tell how many people had been ________in the earthquake.47. We need a huge ______of money to build a new high school for the children in this area.48. He has no language talent at all, so learning English is a(n) ________ thing to him.49. Traveling abroad isn't _______ expensive as long as you find hotels and restaurants of reasonable prices.50. Teamwork is _______on mutual (相互的) respect, trust, and understanding.51. They accept what is happening without _________ to change it.52. Mr. Black ________ famous people every week in his radio program.53. In the online classroom, people _______with each other by writing.54. My parents would _______that I study law at university.55. In the end, he realized the _______of foreign languages.V. Translation (4%x5=20%)56. 房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。













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