6.2 Special Operator Overloading 1




C++基础系列——运算符重载1. 运算符重载简介所谓重载,就是赋予新的含义。

函数重载(Function Overloading)可以让⼀个函数名有多种功能,在不同情况下进⾏不同的操作。

同样运算符重载(Operator Overloading)可以让同⼀个运算符可以有不同的功能。

可以对 int、float、string 等不同类型数据进⾏操作<< 既是位移运算符,⼜可以配合 cout 向控制台输出数据也可以⾃定义运算符重载:class Complex{public:Complex();Complex(double real, double imag);Complex operator+(const Complex &a) const;void display() const;private:double m_real;double m_imag;};// ...// 实现运算符重载Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex &A) const{Complex B;B.m_real = this->m_real + A.m_real;B.m_imag = this -> m_imag + A.m_imag;return B;// return Complex(this->m_real + A.m_real, this->m_imag + A.m_imag);}int main(){Complex c1(4.3, 5.8);Complex c2(2.7, 3.7);Complex c3;c3 = c1 + c2; // 运算符重载c3.display();return 0;}运算结果7 + 9.5i运算符重载其实就是定义⼀个函数,在函数体内实现想要的功能,当⽤到该运算符时,编译器会⾃动调⽤这个函数,它本质上是函数重载。




计算机专业英语考试试题及答案:判断1.(√)The cpu and memory are located on a special circuit beard in the system unit called the montherbocrd2.(√)the main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that supercomputers are designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible,whereas mainframes are designedto handle many programs running at the same(but at a slower pace)3.(×)Being computer fluent means that you should be able to builda computer yourself.4.(√)Embedded computers are selfcontained computer devices that have therv own programming and do not receive input5.(√)Currently,the performance of tasks by robot is based on preprinted algorithms1.(×)A web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with devices on a network2.(√)data can be a number a word a picture,or a sound3.(√)strictly defined,a computer is a data processing device4.(√)one of the benefits of becoming computer fluent is being a savvy computer user and consumer and knowing how to avoid viruses the programs that pose treats to computer security 。



二级计算机java考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Java中,下列哪个关键字用于定义一个类?A. classB. publicC. interfaceD. package答案:A2. 以下哪个选项是Java中合法的变量名?A. 2ndVariableB. intC. _privateD. $amount答案:C3. Java中,下列哪个数据类型用于表示布尔值?A. byteB. booleanC. charD. int答案:B4. 在Java中,下列哪个方法用于将字符串转换为整数?A. parseInt()B. toInt()C. Integer.parseInt()D. String.toInt()答案:C5. 下列哪个关键字用于定义一个接口?A. classB. interfaceC. abstractD. final答案:B6. Java中,下列哪个关键字用于声明一个方法?A. functionB. methodC. procedureD. void答案:D7. 在Java中,下列哪个关键字用于抛出异常?A. catchB. throwC. tryD. finally答案:B8. Java中,下列哪个关键字用于实现多态?A. finalB. abstractC. extendsD. implements答案:D9. Java中,下列哪个关键字用于声明一个私有方法?A. publicB. privateC. protectedD. static答案:B10. 在Java中,下列哪个关键字用于声明一个静态变量?A. staticB. finalC. volatileD. transient答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Java中,使用关键字________来声明一个类的方法。

答案:void2. Java中,使用关键字________来声明一个类。

答案:class3. 在Java中,使用关键字________来声明一个接口。




First, the company needs to submit the application materials to the local special equipment supervision and management department.2.申请材料包括公司营业执照、叉车购置发票、叉车使用单位意见书等相关文件。

The application materials include the company's business license, forklift purchase invoice, forklift user opinion form, and other related documents.3.特种设备监督管理部门进行审核,并核实叉车的品牌、型号、规格等信息。

The special equipment supervision and management department will review and verify the forklift's brand, model, specifications, and other information.4.审核通过后,企业需要缴纳特种设备使用登记费用。

After the review is approved, the company needs to paythe special equipment registration fee.5.缴费后,特种设备监督管理部门办理叉车的特种设备使用登记手续。

After payment, the special equipment supervision and management department will process the special equipment registration procedures for the forklift.6.叉车的特种设备使用登记手续办理完成后,企业即可取得特种设备使用登记证书。

计算机专业英语教程 第四版 部分翻译和简答题

计算机专业英语教程 第四版 部分翻译和简答题

翻译:1、C++’s advantages include strong typing, operator overloading, and less emphasis on the preprocessor.C++的优点包括强类型,运算符重载和较少地强调预处理器。

2、A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an address.程序指令和数据是存储在主存中一个特殊的位置,称为地址空间3、A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instructions. This is possible not because computer processors are now so technologically advanced that they can ‘understand’ these langu ages. You should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processors. Compilers can accomplish this task. This does mean that a high-level language program is not directly executable: it must be compiled to produce processor program, which is executable.高级语言是一门人工的我们可以写入各种各样指令的语言。



operator重载运算符的理解英文版Understanding the Overloading of the Operator in C++In the realm of programming, operators are symbols that perform specific tasks on data. In C++, these operators can be overloaded, meaning their default behavior can be altered to perform user-defined operations. This flexibility adds a significant amount of power to the language, enabling developers to create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.What is Operator Overloading?Operator overloading is a concept in C++ that allows programmers to redefine the behavior of existing operators for user-defined types. This means that you can create a class and define how operators like +, -, *, /, ==, etc., behave when applied to objects of that class.Why Use Operator Overloading?Operator overloading is useful in several scenarios. Here are a few reasons why you might want to overload an operator:Intuitiveness: It allows objects to behave like built-in types, making code more readable and intuitive.Convenience: It removes the need to create separate functions for every operation, simplifying code.Encapsulation: It hides the implementation details of a class, providing a cleaner and more abstracted interface.How to Overload Operators?Operator overloading in C++ is done by defining a function within a class that has the same name as the operator you want to overload. Here's a simple example of how to overload the + operator for a custom class ComplexNumber:cppCopy class ComplexNumber {private:double real;double imag;public:ComplexNumber(double r, double i) : real(r), imag(i) {} // Overload the + operatorComplexNumber operator+(const ComplexNumber& other) {return ComplexNumber(real + other.real, imag + other.imag);}// Other member functions and operators...};class ComplexNumber {private:double real;double imag;public:ComplexNumber(double r, double i) : real(r), imag(i) {} // Overload the + operatorComplexNumber operator+(const ComplexNumber& other) {return ComplexNumber(real + other.real, imag + other.imag);}// Other member functions and operators...};In this example, the + operator is overloaded to add two ComplexNumber objects together, component-wise.Best Practices and ConsiderationsWhen overloading operators, there are a few best practices and considerations to keep in mind:Consistency: Ensure that the overloaded operator behaves consistently with its default behavior and with other overloaded operators.Intuitive Naming: Use operator names that are intuitive and consistent with the language's syntax.Avoid Overuse: Don't overuse operator overloading. It should be done sparingly and only when it adds clarity and convenience.Documentation: Provide clear documentation explaining the behavior of overloaded operators.ConclusionOperator overloading is a powerful feature of C++ that allows developers to create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. However, it should be used judiciously, following best practices to ensure code clarity and maintainability. By understanding the concepts and considerations behind operator overloading, you can harness its power to create more expressive and efficient code.中文版理解C++中的运算符重载在编程领域,运算符是对数据执行特定任务的符号。

typescript 重载运算符

typescript 重载运算符

typescript 重载运算符TypeScript是一种创建大型应用程序的强类型编程语言。





本文将深入涵盖TypeScript 的运算符重载功能。

## 运算符重载的定义TypeScript允许开发人员重载一些内置的运算符,以支持自定义数据类型的计算。







到目前为止,TypeScript支持以下运算符重载:- 后缀和前缀一元运算符 - 二元运算符## 后缀和前缀一元运算符一元运算符是只有一个参数的运算符。

在TypeScript 中,我们可以重载两种类型的一元运算符:前缀和后缀。



### 前缀一元运算符前缀一元运算符的运算结果根据参数的类型进行自定义。








1. 方法(Methods):- 创建对象(Create Object):使用类定义创建一个新的对象。

- 销毁对象(Destroy Object):删除一个对象并释放其占用的资源。

- 存取函数(Accessors):用于获取和设置对象的属性。

- 操作符重载(Operator Overloading):定义一组特定的操作符对对象进行操作,例如+、-、*、/等。

- 事件处理(Event Handling):定义处理/响应特定事件的函数。

- 初始化(Initialization):对象创建后,初始化对象的属性和状态。

- 复制(Copying):创建一个对象的副本。

- 显示(Display):以适当的方式显示对象的信息,可以是打印到控制台或显示在用户界面上。

2. 属性(Properties):- 状态(Status):描述对象的当前状态,如开/关、启用/禁用等。

- 大小(Size):描述对象的大小,可以是像素、字节等单位。

- 类型(Type):描述对象的类型或类别。

- 值(Value):描述对象的值,可以是数字、字符串、布尔值等。

- 位置(Location):描述对象在程序中的位置,如屏幕上的坐标。

- 颜色(Color):描述对象的颜色。

3. 姿态(Poses):ABAPOLE中的姿态可以理解为行为或状态的组合,用于定义对象在不同情况下的特定行为或状态。


- 攻击(Attack):描述对象进行攻击的行为和属性。

- 移动(Move):描述对象的移动行为和属性。


VHDL 操作符

VHDL 操作符

1.3 算术操作符
2. 求积操作符
* (乘)、 / (除)、 MOD (取模) 、RED (取余)
3. 符号操作符
“ + ”、“ - ”
1.3 算术操作符
4. 混合操作符
“ ** ”、“ ABS ”
【例8-22】 SIGNAL a,b : INTEGER RANGE -8 to 7 ; SIGNAL c : INTEGER RANGE 0 to 15 ; SIGNAL d : INTEGER RANGE 0 to 3 ; a <= ABS(b) ;
严格遵循在基本操作符间操作数是同数据类型的规则。 严格遵循操作数的数据类型必须与操作符所要求的数据类 型完全一致。
类型 算术操作符
表8-1 VHDL操作符列表
加整数Βιβλιοθήκη 减整数并置
port ( input: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 DOWNTO 0); output: OUT BIT_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0));
END decoder3to8; ARCHITECTURE behave OF decoder3to8 IS BEGIN output <= "00000001" SLL CONV_INTEGER(input); --被移位部分是常数! END behave;
SIGNAL l,m,n,o,p : BOOLEAN ;

c++ 仿函数和运算符重载

c++ 仿函数和运算符重载

c++ 仿函数和运算符重载C++ 中的仿函数(functor)和运算符重载(operator overloading)是两个与函数和运算符相关的概念,它们在C++ 编程中非常有用,可以增强代码的可读性和可维护性。

1. 仿函数(Functor)在C++ 中,仿函数是指一个重载了operator()的类的对象。


下面是一个简单的仿函数的例子:cppclass Add {public:int operator()(int a, int b) {return a + b;}};int main() {Add addObj; // 创建仿函数对象int result = addObj(3, 4); // 像调用函数一样调用仿函数对象std::cout << "The result is: " << result << std::endl; // 输出 7return0;}在这个例子中,Add类是一个仿函数类,因为它重载了operator()。


2. 运算符重载(Operator Overloading)在C++ 中,运算符重载是一种形式的多态,它允许程序员为自定义的数据类型重新定义运算符的行为。


下面是一个简单的运算符重载的例子:cppclass Complex {public:Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) : real(r), imag(i) {} // 重载 + 运算符Complex operator+(const Complex& c) {return Complex(real + c.real, imag + c.imag);}void print() {std::cout << real << " + " << imag << "i" << std::endl;}private:double real, imag;};int main() {Complex c1(1.0, 2.0), c2(3.0, 4.0);Complex c3 = c1 + c2; // 使用重载的 + 运算符c3.print(); // 输出 4.0 + 6.0ireturn0;}在这个例子中,Complex类重载了+运算符,以便可以对两个Complex对象执行加法操作。



Chapter 1:Destktop 桌面,桌上型电脑Laptop 手提电脑evaluate 评价pros and cons 正反正反component 组件modular case 模块箱vertical 垂直的horizontal 水平的processor 处理器portable 便携的tablet 写字板stylus 铁笔operating system 操作系统client 客户security 安全convenient 方便的modify 修改configure 配置graphics controller 图形控制杆flat-panel 平板motherboard 主板disk drive 磁盘驱动器expansion card 扩展卡memory 存储器hard drive 硬盘computer-aided 计算机辅助的agent 代理specification 规格说明书circuit board 电路板plug 插头upgrade 升级socket 插座drive bays 驱动槽capacity 容量central processing unit(cpu)configuration 配置adjustment 调节器调整cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管accessory 附件time-consuming 耗时的generator 发生器wireless 无线的central processor 中央处理器typewriter 打字机打字机reconstruct 重建重建combination 联合联合proprietary 所有权所有权unique 唯一的唯一的identity 识别识别chapter 2: domain 范围范围microwave 微波微波hardware 硬件硬件software 软件软件instruction 指令指令embed 嵌入嵌入organization 组织组织classification 分类分类 characteristic 特征特征integrate 集成集成semiconductor 半导体半导体control unit 控制单元控制单元arithmetic-logic unit 算术逻辑单元算术逻辑单元 perform 执行执行access 存取存取decode 解码解码execution 执行执行register 寄存器寄存器architecture 体系结构体系结构cycle 周期周期sequence 次序次序performance 性能执行性能 执行instruction pipeline 指令流水线指令流水线 microsequenced CPUs 微序列CPU transfer 传递传递transmit 传输传输bidirectional 双向的双向的 unidirectional 单向的单向的memory location 存储单元存储单元 routine 程序程序synchronize 同步同步trigger 触发器触发器terminology 术语术语primary storage 主存主存 summarize 总结总结nonvolatile 非易失性的非易失性的illustrate 举例说明举例说明tri-state 三态三态remedy 校正校正corresponding 相应的通信的相应的 通信的hierarchical 分等级的分等级的cache 高速缓冲存储器高速缓冲存储器virtual memory 虚拟存储器虚拟存储器 subsystem 子系统子系统interfacing 界面连接接口连接界面连接 接口连接variant 变量变量interrupt 中断中断archetype 原型原型chapter 3:natural language 自然语言自然语言 multiple 多样的多样的punctuation 标点标点versatility 多功能性多功能性assembly language 汇编语言汇编语言 linguistic 语言上的语言上的random access memory 随机存储器随机存储器随机存储器executable 执行的执行的statement 声明声明 陈述陈述compiler 编译器编译器command 命令命令manipulate 熟练操作熟练操作procedure-oriented 面向过程的面向过程的 functional 功能的功能的object-oriented 面向对象的面向对象的 redeclared 重新声明重新声明outgrowth 长出长出attribute 属性属性hierarchy 层次层次inhert 继承继承artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能 emerge 显现显现stand-alone 单机卓越单机 卓越browser 浏览器浏览器real-time 实时的实时的architecture neutral 结构中立的结构中立的 multithread 多线程的多线程的 comprehensible 可理解的可理解的 inheritance 遗产遗产operator overloading 操作符重载操作符重载implementation 执行执行garbage collector 垃圾回收器垃圾回收器interpreter 解释程序解释程序 注释器注释器microkernel 微核微核uniform resource locator (URL)统一资源定位器统一资源定位器 platform 平台平台compilation 编译编译upload 上传上传benchmark 基准基准single-threding 单线程单线程predefine 预定义预定义tag 标签标签tag library 标记库标记库fixed-template 固定模式固定模式scripting 脚本脚本chapter 4:application program interface(API)应用程序接口应用程序接口 definition 定义定义microprocessor 微处理器微处理器offset 偏移量偏移量pointer 指针指针encapsulate 压缩压缩toolkit 工具箱工具箱dictate 指令指令simplify 单一化单一化OLE 对象链接和嵌入对象链接和嵌入Microsoft developer network (msdn)微软的开发商网络微软的开发商网络 Unicode 统一字符编码标准统一字符编码标准ASCII Alphabet 字母表字母表Font files 字体文件字体文件Hexadecimal 十六进制的十六进制的Procedure 程序程序Alter 改变改变Mode programming 模块化编程模块化编程Dynamic-link 动态链接动态链接Firewall 防火墙防火墙Fitfall 专用程序入口专用程序入口Semaphore信号量信号量Out-gate 输出门输出门Device type 设备类型设备类型Chapter 5:Tar pit 焦油坑焦油坑Ultimately 最后最后Algorithm 算法算法Debug 调试调试Syntax 语法句法语法 句法Bug 程序缺陷程序缺陷Tractable 易处理的易处理的Visible output 可见光输出可见光输出Pattern 模式模式Encrypt 加密加密Malfunction 故障故障Trial-and-error 反复试验反复试验Container 容器容器Chapter 6:Most-awaited 最值得等待的最值得等待的Database 数据库数据库Online transaction processing (OL TP)联机事务处理联机事务处理 Online analytical processing (OLAP)联机分析处理联机分析处理 Framework 框架框架DTS 数据传输服务数据传输服务Topology 拓扑拓扑Enterprise edition 企业版企业版Microsoft desktop engine 微软桌面引擎微软桌面引擎微软桌面引擎Standard edition 标准版标准版Migration 移植移植Transaction 事务事务Requirement 需求需求Scheme 安排方案安排 方案Chapter 7:Telecommunication 电信电信Broadband 宽带宽带Collection 集合聚集集合 聚集Peripheral 外围设备外围设备Facility 设备设备Fiber 光纤光纤Bandwidth 带宽带宽Laser 激光激光Standardize 使符合标准使符合标准Host 主机主机Circuit switching 电路交换电路交换Computer terminal 计算机终端计算机终端Protocol 协议协议Distributed 分布式的分布式的Hypermedia 超媒体超媒体Audio 音频的音频的Hyperlink 超链接超链接Font 字体字体credit card 信用卡信用卡virus 病毒病毒chapter 8:background 背景背景sidebar 工具条工具条calendar 日历日历control panel 控制面板控制面板graphical user interface (GUI)图形用户接口图形用户接口 preinstall 预安装预安装application program 应用程序应用程序workstation 工作站工作站dial-up connections 拨号连接拨号连接internet explorer 因特网浏览器因特网浏览器wordpad 写字板写字板pictorial 图示的图示的taskbar 任务栏任务栏mission control 任务控制任务控制sound board 声卡声卡modem 调制解调器调制解调器folder 文件夹文件夹icon 图标图标multitask 多任务多任务compatibility 兼容性兼容性extension 扩展名扩展名process 过程步骤过程 步骤spreadsheet 报表电子表格报表 电子表格driver 驱动程序驱动程序disk scanner 磁盘扫描程序磁盘扫描程序calculator 计算器计算器notepad 记事本记事本pane 窗口窗口active window 活动窗口活动窗口system menu button 系统菜单按钮系统菜单按钮系统菜单按钮double-click 双击双击single-click 单击单击web browser 网页浏览器网页浏览器hacker 计算机黑客计算机黑客italics 斜体斜体clipboard 剪切板剪切板 backspace 退后一格退后一格 scanner 扫描仪扫描仪 compress 压缩压缩chapter 9:navigation 导航导航logo 标识语标识语 hyperspace 超空间超空间XML 扩展式标记语言扩展式标记语言 Parser 解析器解析器Chapter 10:FCL 框架类库框架类库Palmtop 掌上电脑掌上电脑 Polymorphism 多态多态 Metadata 元数据元数据 Subfolder 子文件夹子文件夹 Dialog box 对话框对话框 Invoke 调用调用COM 公共对象模型公共对象模型 Console 控制台控制台 Constructor 构造器构造器 Subroutine 子程序子程序 Chapter 11:Teleconference 电信会议电信会议 Multimedia 多媒体多媒体TCP 传输控制协议传输控制协议 Manner 方式方式Regional networks 区域网区域网 Packet 信息包信息包 Destination 目标文件目标文件 Bridge 桥电子器件电子器件 Gateway 网关网关 Repeater 重发器重发器Router 路由器路由器LAN 局域网局域网Handle 处理处理 Attachment 附件附件 Format 格式格式Binary 二进制二进制 Subscribe 预定预定Spam 垃圾邮件垃圾邮件Website 站点站点Interactive 交互式的交互式的 Developer 开发者开发者Log in 请求联机注册请求联机 注册Menuing system 菜单系统菜单系统 Download 下载下载Upload 上传上传Account number 账号账号Ethernet 以太网以太网Netware 局域网络操作系统局域网络操作系统 Speaker 音响音响Udisk U盘Optical disk 光盘光盘Floppy disk 软盘软盘Decode 解码解码Capacity 容量容量Buffer 缓冲器缓冲器Nonvolatile 非易失性存储器非易失性存储器 Semiconductor 半导体半导体Scale 尺度尺度 维virtual memory 虚拟存储器虚拟存储器 Software life cycle 软件生命周期软件生命周期软件生命周期manufacturerd products 生产产品生产产品 prototype 原型原型modular design 模块设计模块设计 preprocessing 预处理预处理 maintenance 维护维护incremental model 增量模型增量模型 waterfall model 瀑布模型瀑布模型URL 统一资源定位器统一资源定位器SSL 安全套接层安全套接层Data mining 数据采掘数据采掘SGML 标准通用标记语言标准通用标记语言ISP 互联网服务提供商互联网服务提供商EDI 电子数据交换电子数据交换。




Open the GuoChuangYi app and click on the "login" button.2.输入用户名和密码,点击“确认”按钮。

Enter your username and password and click on the "confirm" button.3.选择需要操作的床位,点击“确认”按钮。

Select the bed you want to operate and click on the "confirm" button.4.连接床位设备,确保设备状态正常。

Connect the bed equipment and make sure the equipment is in good condition.5.选择相应的操作指令,比如抬起、放下或者调整床位高度。

Choose the corresponding operation command, such as raising, lowering, or adjusting the bed height.6.确认操作指令,点击“确认”按钮。

Confirm the operation command and click on the "confirm" button.7.操作床位设备,完成所需的操作。

Operate the bed equipment to complete the required operation.8.检查床位设备是否正常工作,确保操作成功。

Check if the bed equipment is working properly to ensure the operation was successful.9.退出过床易App,点击“退出”按钮。

kotlin by用法(一)

kotlin by用法(一)

kotlin by用法(一)Kotlin by用法Kotlin的by关键字在代码中有着广泛的应用。






interface SoundPlayer {fun playSound()}class MediaPlayer : SoundPlayer {override fun playSound() {println("Playing sound with the media player")}}class SoundPlayerDelegate(private val soundPlayer: Sound Player) : SoundPlayer {override fun playSound() {()}}class Game(soundPlayer: SoundPlayer) : SoundPlayer by So undPlayerDelegate(soundPlayer)fun main() {val mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer()val game = Game(mediaPlayer)() // Output: Playing sound with the media player}在上面的例子中,Game类通过使用by关键字将SoundPlayer 接口的实现委托给SoundPlayerDelegate类。


Property Delegation(属性委托)Kotlin的属性委托功能使我们能够通过将属性的getter和setter委托给另一个对象来简化属性的访问。

MVR 2 突电保护器操作说明书

MVR 2 突电保护器操作说明书

Surge arrester Type MVRContent1 About this document (3)1.1 Validity (3)1.2 T arget group (3)2 Safety (3)2.1 Symbols and advices (3)2.2 Basic safety precautions (4)2.2.1 Product safety (4)2.2.2 Personnel-related measures (4)2.2.3 Organisational measures (4)3 Description (4)3.1 Intended use (4)3.2 Structure and function (4)3.3 T echnical data (5)3.3.1 T echnical data on the surge arrester (5)3.3.2 Application guidelines (5)3.3.3 Behaviour in fire (5)4 Transportation, Unpacking and Storage (6)4.1 Transportation (6)4.2 Unpacking (6)4.3 Storage (6)5 Commissioning (7)5.1 Safety (7)5.2 Electrical check before commissioning (7)5.3 Installation location and protective distance (7)5.4 Mounting (8)5.4.1 System voltage (8)5.4.2 Installation position (8)5.4.3 Minimum distances between surge arresters and earth (8)5.4.4 Connections (8)5.5 Earthing (9)6 Maintenance, Upkeep (10)6.1 Safety (10)6.2 Replacement after overloading (10)7 Disposal (11)2 | Operating instructions| EN | 1HC0076178 AD1 About this documentThese operating instructions are part of the MVR surge arrester and describe safe and proper use for all phases of operation.Language of the original operating instructions: German1.1 ValidityThese operating instructions are valid only for the MVR surge arrester.1.2 Target groupThe target group of these operating instructions is professionals in the field of high-voltage techno-logy. The MVR may only be commissioned and maintained by persons instructed in proper use andhandling.2 Safety2.1 Symbols and advicesImportant information and technical notes are emphasised in order to illustrate the correct operation.measures marked with the safety sign to avoid injuries, death and damage to materials.This safety sign warns you of the danger of death or serious injury from electric shocks.Follow all measures marked with the safety sign to avoid injuries and death.X This mark indicates that an action is to be performed.Warnings in these operating instructions indicate special dangers and list measures for prevention ofthe danger. There are three levels of warning:WARNING Possible impending endangerment of your life and healthCAUTION Possible impending danger of light injuries or damage to materialsWarnings are structured as follows:WARNING WORD!The type and source of danger appear here.Possible consequences, which could occur if the measures are not followed, appear here.X Measures for avoiding the danger appear here.1HC0076178 AD| EN| Operating instructions | 34 | Operating instructions | EN | 1HC0076178 AD2.2Basic safety precautions 2.2.1 Product safetyThe MVR has been constructed using state-of-the-art technology and officially recognised safety-related rules. Danger to life and health of the user or third parties could arise or damage of the MVR and other property could occur while the MVR is in use, however.X The MVR is only to be used when it is in technically sound condition, for the intended purpose, and with safety and the possible dangers in mind while observing the operating instructions. X Keep the operating instructions intact and fully readable, and store them in such a way that they are accessible to operating personnel at all times.X Decommission and replace overloaded or damaged MVR units.2.2.2 Personnel-related measuresX Train personnel in professional and safe working with high-voltage technology.X Train and instruct personnel in working on the MVR using the operating instructions. X Personnel being trained, instructed or provided with general education may only work with the MVR under constant supervision by an experienced high-voltage technology professional.2.2.3 Organisational measuresX Observe all safety- and danger-related information regarding the MVR.X The safety rules of the owner of the high- and medium-voltage system and all regulations of the respective national safety authorities are to be observed.X Only trained and instructed professionals may be authorised.X Clearly assign areas of responsibility for working with the MVR. Make them known and adhere to them.X Only personnel who have read and understood the operating instructions, especially the …Basic safety precautions“ section may be allowed to carry out activities with the MVR. X Check to ensure that work is being performed in a safety-conscious way with awareness of possi-ble dangers and while observing the operating instructions.3Description 3.1 Intended useThe MVR is a surge arrester intended for use in low- and medium-voltage applications. Surge ar-resters protect the insulation of devices against unacceptable over-voltages which are caused by lightning or switching operations.The manufacturer is not liable for resulting damages from further, unintended use. The operator accepts all responsibility for using the MVR outside of its intended application range as specified in this document.3.2 Structure and functionThe MVR surge arrester is constructed from one or more non-linear metal-oxide (MO) resistors. The-se MO resistors have an extremely non-linear resistance property. At the maximum operating voltage of U c , only a small capacitive current will flow in the mA range. With an increase in voltage, the MO resistors enter a highly-conductive state practically without delay. Thus any further increase in volta-ge is limited to the specified residual voltage values. After the decline of the overvoltage the arrester immediately turns back to the non- or slightly-conductive state. The MO arrester converts the energy of the surge into heat, which it transfers to the surrounding air.The MO-resistor or stack of MO resistors is connected with the terminals. The directly molded PURhousing protects it from all environmental and weather influences. This design has proven to be thebest solution in every environment for years.The MVR is especially suited for overvoltage protection of:transformerscables and cable sheathcapacitorsother low- and medium-voltage apparatuses and systemsThe surge arresters MVR 0.44 … 0.80 K5/K10 are suitable for the use in a.c. and d.c. systems.The surge arresters MVR 1.0 … 6.6 G5/G10 are suitable for the use in a.c. systems, only.3.3 Technical dataThe technical data, dimensions, weights and installation distances are specified in the following do-cuments:surge arresters MVR 0.44 … 0.80 K5 in the pamphlet 1HC0076311surge arresters MVR 0.44 … 0.80 K10 in the pamphlet 1HC0093989surge arresters MVR 1.0 … 6.6 G5 in the pamphlet 1HC0093990surge arresters MVR 1.0 … 6.6 G10 in the pamphlet 1HC00939913.3.1 Technical data on the surge arresterThe rating plate molded in PUR for MVR 0.44 … 0.80 K5/K10 contains the following data:= 5 kAnK10 for I= 10 kAnfor a.c. applications ... V AC Maximum permissible continuous operating voltage Ucfor d.c. applications ... V DC Maximum permissible continuous operating voltage Uc20xx Y ear of manufactureThe rating plate molded in PUR for MVR 1 … 6.6 G5/G10 contains the following data:= 5 kAnG10 for I= 10 kAnfor a.c. applications Uc … kV Maximum permissible continuous operating voltage Ucfor a.c. applicationsUr … kV Rated voltage UrIn … kA Nominal discharge current In123456Identification number (optional)20xx Y ear of manufacture3.3.2 Application guidelinesThe following guidelines apply for the use of MVR surge arresters:…Application guidelines - Overvoltage potection“ Dimensioning, testing and application of metal-oxide surge arrresters in medium voltage systems, pamphlet 1HC00755613.3.3 Behaviour in fireThe PUR housing of the surge arrester is not self-extinguishing.1HC0076178 AD| EN| Operating instructions | 56 | Operating instructions | EN | 1HC0076178 AD 4Transportation, Unpacking and Storage 4.1TransportationCAUTION!Improper handling during transportation.Damage to surge arresters due to improper handling.X Observe safety precautions printed on the packaging for proper handling during transportation and storage.X Secure surge arresters against falling before transportation.4.2 UnpackingThe surge arresters provided are packaged in stable cardboard boxes or wooden crates.The routine test report for the final electrical inspection is included in the packaging material. X After receiving the shipment, compare the order and delivery documents immediately to check for completeness and accuracy of the shipment. In case of incompleteness or deviations, inform thesupplier and shipper immediately.WARNING!Damaged surge arresters.Material damage and personal injury due to the installation and commissioning of damaged surge arresters.X Do not use damaged surge arresters.X Examine shipment immediately to check for damage.X Notify the insurance company, the shipper and the supplier of the damage immediately and create a damage log.4.3 StorageThe original packaging materials can be used for storage.X Store surge arresters in a well-ventilated, clean room.X Remove plastic film to prevent the formation of condensation water.Storage temperature: -40 … +60°C5 Commissioning5.1SafetyDANGER!System uses high voltage.Death, serious bodily harm and damage to the switching gear may result from an electric shock. X Allow only authorised professionals to perform work on the surge arrester.X Observe the safety rules of EN 50110-1 before working on the system:àDisconnect the system from the power supply.àSecure the system against being switched on again.àEnsure that the system is deenergised.àEarth the system and short-circuit it.àCover or cordon off neighbouring energised parts.5.2 Electrical check before commissioningEach surge arrester is tested by the manufacturer. Additional electrical testing before commissioning is not necessary.5.3Installation location and protective distanceDANGER!Danger of fire and injury with overloading of the surge arrester.Danger of injury from bursting plastic and flying (housing) parts.X Mount the surge arrester with a suitable cover or in a safe distance.Ignition of flammable materials by an arc and flying burning parts.X Do not store flammable materials near the surge arrester.X When working near the surge arrester, do not wear easily flammable clothing.Surge arresters only protect medium-voltage and low-voltage apparatuses when they are located within the protective distance The protective distance is only a few meters.X Always mount surge arresters as close as possible to the apparatus to be protected within the protective distance. The length of the connecting cables are decisive here.X In cases of doubt, calculate the protective distance according to the formulas in the …Application guidelines“.1HC0076178 AD| EN| Operating instructions | 75.4.1System voltageCAUTION!Damage to the surge arrester during insulation test.The surge arrester may be overloaded (damaged) if it is mounted during the insulation test of the system.XDisconnect surge arrester from switchgear during insulation tests.CAUTION!Incorrect system voltage.Damage to the switching gear and the surge arrester.X Do not use surge arresters MVR 1.0 … 6.6 G5/G10 intended for a.c. systems in d.c. systems.X Observe the …Application guidelines“ from ABB Switzerland Ltd.X Before mounting, ensure that the characteristic data on the rating plate of the surge arrester matches the requirements of the power system.X Ensure that the system voltage applied at the terminals of the arrester does not exceed the maximum permissible continuous operating voltage of the surge arrester.5.4.2Installation positionCAUTION!Deposits on the undersides of sheds.Conductivity of deposits hinders protective function of the MVR 1.0 … 6.6 G5/G10.X Always mount surge arresters in such a way that the sheds point downward.MVR 0.44 … 0.8 K5/K10 can be mounted in each position.5.4.3 Minimum distances between surge arresters and earthX Observe national regulations and the rules of the system owner regarding minimum permissibledistances between the surge arresters and the earth.X Mount the surge arrester with a suitable cover or in a safe distance.5.4.4 ConnectionsThe following materials made of stainless or galvanised steel are to be provided by the customer:boltsnutswashersbolt locksThe design of the surge arrester MVR is symmetrical.X Connect one terminal of the surge arrester with earth.X Connect the high voltage connection with the other terminal of the surge arrester. Use a strandedcable.X Carefully clean contact surfaces before mounting and lubricate with acid-free contact grease.X Ensure selection of suitable material pairs8 | Operating instructions| EN | 1HC0076178 ADX Observe national regulations and the requirements of the system owner.X Connect surge arresters to the system ground via the shortest path. Carefully clean contact sur-faces before mounting and lubricate with acid-free contact greaseX Observe recommended minimum diameters:Copper dia. 20 mm2Aluminum dia. 40 mm21HC0076178 AD| EN| Operating instructions | 910 | Operating instructions | EN | 1HC0076178 AD 6Maintenance, Upkeep 6.1SafetyDANGER!System uses high voltage.Death, serious bodily harm and damage to the switching gear may result from an electric shock. X Allow only authorised professionals to perform work on the surge arrester.X Observe the safety rules of EN 50110-1 before working on the system:àDisconnect the system from the power supply.àSecure the system against being switched on again.àEnsure that the system is deenergised.àEarth the system and short-circuit it.àCover or cordon off neighbouring energised parts.The surge arresters do not contain wearing parts and are therefore maintenance-free. Replacement parts are not needed.6.2 Replacement after overloadingOverloading during operation can lead to damaging (e.g. traces of fire, fractures) of the surge arres-ter from arcs.CAUTION!Damage to the surge arrester.Damaged surge arresters no longer protect the switchgear.X Check the surge arresters visually on a regular basis to ensure that they are in sound condition. X Replace damaged surge arresters.X Keep a small percentage of installed surge arresters in reserve.7 DisposalMVR surge arresters are environmentally-friendly products which must be disposed of based onthe respective applicable regional regulations in an environmentally-friendly manner. The materials should be given up for recycling.Constituent components are:PUR for the external insulationterminals and other parts made of steel or aluminiummetal-oxide varistorsPUR (polyurethane)PUR can break down into CO2 and NOx, thus uncovering the encased metal-oxide varistors.Metal-oxide varistorsThe metal-oxide varistors are sintered ceramics consisting of about 90% of ZnO. The following addi-tions are also contained within:percent by weight between 1 and 4%: Bi2O3and Sb2O3, which are considered to be dangeroussubstances according to EU ordinancespercent by weight between 0.1 and 1%: NiO and Cr2O3, which are considered poisonous and dan-gerous materials pursuant to EU guideline 91/689/EECMetal-oxide varistors are coated with a thin glass coating containing lead-oxide (<0.1% of the weight of the metal-oxide varistor).The substances are ligated as a mixed oxide in metal-oxide varistors. A wash-out test in accordance with an EPA specification (Federal Register/vol. 45, No 98 /Rules and regulations) has shown thatthe sintered metal-oxide varistors can be disposed of as industrial waste without infringing on EECguidelines.No danger to personal health or the environment is present during normal operation.1HC0076178 AD| EN| Operating instructions | 11For more information please contact: ABB Switzerland Ltd.High Voltage ProductsSurge ArrestersJurastrasse 45CH-5430 WettingenPhone: +41 58 585 29 11T elefax: +41 58 585 55 70E-Mail:***************.com /arrestersonline Notice:We reserve the right to maketechnical changes or modify the contents of this document withoutprior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particularsshall prevail. ABB does not acceptany responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproducation, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents– in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.Copyright© 2012 ABBAll rights reservedDocument-ID:1HC76178AD|EN。

overload 编译

overload 编译

Overload1. IntroductionIn computer programming, overload refers to the ability of a single function or operator to perform different tasks depending on the types of arguments passed to it. This concept allows programmers to write more efficient and flexible code by reusing functions with different parameters. Overloading is an essential feature in many programming languages, including C++, Java, and Python.2. Function OverloadingFunction overloading is a form of polymorphism where multiple functions can have the same name but different parameters. When a function is overloaded, the compiler determines which version of the function tocall based on the arguments provided. This allows programmers to create functions that perform similar operations on different data types without having to write separate functions for each type.2.1 Example#include <iostream>void print(int num) {std::cout << "Integer: " << num << std::endl;}void print(double num) {std::cout << "Double: " << num << std::endl;}int main() {print(10);print(3.14);return 0;}Output:Integer: 10Double: 3.14In the above example, two functions named print are defined with different parameter types (int and double). Depending on the argument type passed to the print function, the compiler selects the appropriate version of the function to execute.3. Operator OverloadingOperator overloading allows programmers to redefine the behavior of an operator for specific types. This feature enables us to use operators like +, -, *, etc., with custom data types. By overloading operators, we can make our code more expressive and intuitive.3.1 Example#include <iostream>class Complex {private:double real;double imaginary;public:Complex(double r, double i) : real(r), imaginary(i) {}Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const {return Complex(real + other.real, imaginary + other.imaginary);}void display() const {std::cout << real << " + " << imaginary << "i" << std::endl;}};int main() {Complex c1(2, 3);Complex c2(4, 5);Complex sum = c1 + c2;sum.display();return 0;}Output:6 + 8iIn the above example, the + operator is overloaded for the Complex class. The overloaded operator adds the real and imaginary parts of two complex numbers and returns a new Complex object. This allows us to use the + operator to add two Complex objects directly.4. Method OverloadingMethod overloading is similar to function overloading but applies to class methods. It allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Method overloading provides a way to define similar operations on different inputs within a class.4.1 Example#include <iostream>class Rectangle {private:int length;int width;public:Rectangle(int l, int w) : length(l), width(w) {}int area() {return length * width;}int area(int scale) {return length * width * scale;}};int main() {Rectangle rect(4, 5);int normalArea = rect.area();int scaledArea = rect.area(2);std::cout << "Normal Area: " << normalArea << std::endl;std::cout << "Scaled Area: " << scaledArea << std::endl;return 0;}Output:Normal Area: 20Scaled Area: 40In the above example, the Rectangle class has two methods named area. The first method calculates the area of the rectangle without any scaling, while the second method calculates the area after scaling the length and width by a given factor. By overloading the area method, we can perform different calculations based on the number of arguments provided.5. ConclusionOverloading is a powerful technique in programming that allows functions, operators, and methods to be used with different types or parameters. It provides flexibility and code reusability by enabling the creation of generic functions that can handle various data types. By understanding and utilizing the concept of overload, programmers can write moreefficient and maintainable code.。

C++ operator两种用法

C++ operator两种用法
又比如 STL 中的函数对象,重载(),如下所示 template<typename T> struct A {
T operator()(const T& lhs, co lhs-rhs;} };
2 operator casting
C++可能通过 operator 重载隐式转换,格式如下: operator 类型 T (),如下 所示 class A { public:
operator B* () { return this->b_;} operator const B* () {return this->b_;} operator B& () {return *this->b_;} private: B* b_; };
A a;
当 if(a),编译时,其中它转换成 if(a.operator B*()),其实也就是判断 if(a.b_)
1.operator overloading
C++可能通过 operator 重载操作符,格式如下:类型 T operator 操作符 (), 如比重载+,如下所示 template<typename T> class A { public:
const T operator + (const T& rhs) { return this->m_ + rhs; } private: T m_; };
C++ operator 两种用法




P1[6] P1-107[9]△ 2.超媒體(Hypermedia):除結合多媒體的文字、聲音、圖形與影像之外更加入了資料連結的特色,使得資訊的處理方式得以擺脫傳統的循序式資料呈現方式,具高度互動性資料表現型態的傳播媒界。


P2[6] P494[17]3.3C:指Computer電腦、Communication通訊、Consumer消費性電子三種不同領域商品的結合,互相應用、串連的結果,改變了人們的生活習慣、生活的視野。

870402中央日報12版☆ 4.ActiveX技術:Microsoft為了增加Internet上多媒體技術及Web上的表現能力所發展的新工具名稱。



主要成份為ActiveX Control、ActiveX Scripting、ActiveX Document。

P4[1]5.全球資訊網:(WWW:World Wide Web)以InterNet為體,以HyperMedia為用,以Client/Server為架構的多媒體資訊系統,WWW得以整合網路資源,並讓使用者以建立首頁的方式,成為資訊提供者,而不單是一個資訊使用者。


P4[6] P339[1] P1[5]6.人工智慧:模擬專家認知、思考及問題解決的過程。


P44[18]7.ITS(Intelligent Tutoring System智慧型家教系統):提供較為廣博的知識庫,任由學生選擇,可以記錄分析學生反應資料,藉以分析診斷學習的困難,可以應付學生主動提出的問題,質疑困難。



类中和类名同名的方法1. 构造方法(Constructor):用于创建对象并初始化其成员变量。



2. 成员方法:类中定义的普通方法,用于执行某些操作或者返回某些结果。


3. 静态方法(Static Method):属于类而不是对象的方法。

与类名相同且使用static 关键字修饰,可以通过类名直接调用,无需创建对象。

4. 重载方法(Overloaded Method):使用相同的方法名但参数列表不同的方法。


5. 覆盖方法(Override Method):继承自父类的方法,子类可以根据需要对其进行重新定义,即“覆盖”。


6. 访问方法(Accessor Method):用于获取对象的属性值。


7. 修改方法(Modifier Method):用于修改对象的属性值。


8. 抽象方法(Abstract Method):没有具体实现的方法,只有方法的声明而没有方法体。


9. 重载运算符方法(Operator Overloading Method):可以根据需要重载运算符,实现对类的对象进行特定操作。


10. 主方法(Main Method):类中的入口点方法,用于启动程序执行。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

cout << c c = ++d; cout << c
<< endl << d << endl; << endl << d << endl; << endl << d << endl;
two-dimensional array
arr[rows][cols] 总行数 总列
j 0
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Overloading the Function Call Operator
intTwoArray b(3, 4); class intTwoArray { public: b(0, 1) = 10; int& operator( )( int,int ); int m = b(1, 2); const int& operator( )( int,int ) const; intTwoArray( int s1, int s2 ); int get_rows( ) const { return rows; } int get_cols( ) const { return cols; } private: int rows, cols; int *a; int& intTwoArray::operator( )(int i, int j){ }; if( i < 0 || i >= rows ) throw( "FirstOutOfBound" ); if( j < 0 || j >= cols ) throw( "SecondOutOfBount" ); return a[ i * cols + j ]; }
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Overloading the Assignment Operator
拷贝构造函数和赋值操作符都可实现对象拷贝: The copy constructor copies a class object to a new object; The assignment operator copies a class object to an already existing object. Complex c1;
Overloading the Input and Output Operators Overloading the Assignment Operator Overloading Some Special Operators Sample Application: An Associative Array Memory Management Operators
class intArray { public: int& operator[ ]( int ); const int& operator[ ] ( int ) const; intArray( int s ); int get_size( ) const { return size; } //…… intArray array( 5 ); private: for( int i = 0; i < array.get_size; i++ ) int size; array[i] = i; int* a; }; int& intArray :: operator[ ] ( int i ) { if( i < 0 || i >= size ) // 数组下标越界检查 throw string( "OutOfBounds" ); return a[i]; } //……
语法占位符,表示自增/自减 运算符的后缀形式
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Overloading the Increment/Decrement Operators
Clock c, d(1, 30, 1);
11:59 AM 1:30 PM 1:31 PM 1:31 PM 1:31 PM 1:32 PM
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Overloading the Function Call Operator ( )
The function call operator ( ) must be overloaded as a method. Its declaration looks like:
class C { //……
Operator Overloading
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PowerPoint Presentation for LiuHui, Object-Oriented Programming for C++, 2nd Edition Copyright 2007 © SEI, All rights reserved.
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Overloading The Input and Output Operators
template <class E, class T = char_traits<E> > class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<E, T> {(右移) public: //…… basic_istream& operator>> ( bool& n ); int i; double d; basic_istream& operator>> ( short& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( unsigned short& n ); cin >> i; cin >> d; basic_istream& operator>> ( int& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( unsigned int& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( long& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( unsigned long& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( void *& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( float& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( double& n ); basic_istream& operator>> ( long double& n ); //…… };
Overloading the Subscript Operator [ ]
The subscript operator [ ] (下标运算符)must be overloaded as a method. Its declaration typically looks like
class C {
The system overloads the right-shift for formatted input of built-in types as a method in appropriate system class.
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Overloading The Input and Output Operators
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Overloading the Increment/Decrement Operators
通常以成员函数形式重载 class C { returntype returntype returntype returntype // ... ... }; operator++ ( ); operator--( ); operator++( int ); operator--( int );
}; class Complex { // 复数类 istream& operator>> ( istream& in, Complex& c ) { double real, return in >> c.real >> c.imag; imag; } //…… Complex c1; }; cin >> c1; Complex c1; cin >> c1;
returntype operator( ) ( paramtypes );
//…… }
paramtypes is the list of parameter types separated by commas
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Overloading the Function Call Operator
Object-Oriented Programming
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PowerPoint Presentation for LiuHui, Object-Oriented Programming for C++, 2nd Edition Copyright 2007 © SEI, All rights reserved.
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Overloading Some Special Operators