科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店(Ibis budget Koeln Messe)
ビール 〔名〕 啤酒
ウイスキー 〔名〕 威士忌
パーティー 〔名〕 联欢会
ペキンししゃ(北京支社) 〔专〕 北京分社
コンサート 〔名〕 音乐会
クリスマス 〔名〕 圣诞节
バス 〔名〕 公共汽车
エスカレーター 〔名〕 自动扶梯
エレベーター 〔名〕升降梯
コート 〔名〕 风衣,大衣
デジカメ 〔名〕 数码相机
Digital Camera
シャンハイ(上海) 〔专〕 上海
スイッチ 〔名〕 开关
ビデオ 〔名〕 录像机
サッカーボール 〔名〕 足球
レポート 〔名〕 报告
パスポート 〔名〕 护照
ドライブ 〔名〕 兜风,开汽车远游
ギョーザ(餃子) 〔名〕 饺子
シャワー 〔名〕 淋浴
フランスご(~語) 〔名〕 法语
キャンプ 〔名〕 野营
メールアドレス 〔名〕 邮件地址
メモ 〔名〕 记录
ドア 〔名〕 门
バーベキュー 〔名〕 户外烧烤
コピーします 〔动3〕 复印
ボート 〔名〕 小船,小艇
ベンチ 〔名〕 长椅,长凳
Keithley 2010 Digital Multimeter Manual
Manuale d’uso AX-70201.Descrizione generaleIl dispositivo descritto nel presente manualeèun multimetro analogico ad elevata sicurezza di utilizzoèstata aumentata notevolmente.Lo strumento di misuraèconforme allo standard CAT III 600V.Dispone di21intervalli di misurazione e consente la misurazione di tensione DC,tensione AC, corrente DC,resistenza e test di continuitàcon segnalazione acustica.(1)AttenzionePer evitare scosse elettriche,lesioni o il danneggiamento del dispositivo;prima di iniziare l’utilizzo del multimetro,leggere attentamente le informazioni contenute nelle avvertenze e nelle note sulla sicurezza.(2)Note sulla sicurezzaIl presente multimetro analogico soddisfa i requisiti della norma EN61010e dello standard CAT III600V. Utilizzare il multimetro conformemente al manuale d’uso,in caso contrario lo strumento di misura portebbe subire dei danni.2.Norme di sicurezza•Prima di iniziare l’utilizzo dello strumento di misura controllare il suo alloggiamento.Uno strumento di misura privo o con gli elementi di gomma danneggiati non saràfunzionante.Non utilizzare il multimetro in questo caso.•Controllare se la guaina di cavi di misura nonèdanneggiata,seèvisivile il conduttore o se i cavi non presentano segni di danni.In caso i cavi di misura siano danneggiati;prima di iniziare ad utilizzare il multimetro sostituirli con dei cavi nuovi.•Per controllare se lo strumento di misura funziona correttamente,eseguire una misurazione della tensione.Qualora il multimetro non funzioni correttamente,non utilizzare il dispositivo ed inviarlo ad un centro di assistenza tecnica per la riparazione.•Non applicare sulle prese d’ingresso del multimetro tensionsoni superiori al valore nominale consentito.•Prestare particolare attenzione durante l’utilizzo del multimetro con tensioni superiori a60V DC o30V AC,queste possono esporre al pericolo di scosse elettriche.•Utilizzare prese e intervalli di misura appropriati per la misurazione eseguita.•Non eseguire misurazioni di valori di tensione e di corrente superiori all’intervallo di misurazione consentito.Qualora non sia noto il valore approssimativo del segnale misurato,scegliere l’intervallo piùalto disponibile ed eseguire la misurazione.Prima di eseguire il test di continuitàdel circuito, scollegare l’alimentazione del circuito e diseccitare tutti i condensatori presenti nel circuito.•Durante l’utilizzo dei cavi di misura,tenere le dita al di sopra degli appositi anelli protettivi.•Non utilizzare o conservare lo strumento di misura in ambienti in cui sono presenti temperature elevate,umidità,in luoghi con sostanze infiammabili o esplosive,e in prossimitàdi forti campi elettromagnetici.•Durante la conservazione dello strumento di misura,per la pulizia delle superfici utilizzare un panno delicato ed un detergente non aggressivo.Non utilizzare sostanze abrasive o solventi in quanto ciòportare ad episodi di corrosione dell’alloggiamento o danneggiare lo strumento di misura.3.Simboli di sicurezza””-doppio isolamento””-messa a terra””-AC””-diodo””-’STANDARD EURO””-consultare il manuale d’uso””-attenzione,alta tensione”-DC”-fusibile”-batteria4.Struttura del dispositivo1.Custodia protettiva2.Alloggiamento del multimetroncetta4.Regolazione meccanica dello zero5.Pulsanti funzione6.Prese di ingresso7.Regolazione dello zero della resistenza8.Pannello frontale5.Scala graduata1.Scala della resistenza2.Scala a specchio3.Scala DC/AC4.Scala ACV,batteria e resistenza5.Scala DB6.Scala della corrente del diodo nel senso di conduzione6.Esecuzione delle misureAttenzioneSulle prese d’ingresso possono essere presenti tensioni pericolose.L’utenteètenuto a leggere attentamente il manuale d’uso prima di iniziare ad utilizzare il dispositivo,inoltre durante l’esecuzione delle misurazioni le dita devono essere tenute al di sopra degli anelli protettivi presenti sui cavi di misura.1.Tensione DC:(DCV)Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo DCV e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso rispettivamento alla presa d’ingresso nera e rossa,quindi collegare i cavi di misura al circuito testato per leggere il risultato della misurazione della tensione DC.L’utente puòscegliere tra gli intervalli DCV500V,250V,50V,10V, 2.5V,0.5V,0.1V e leggere il valore misurato sulla seconda scala graduata.2.Tensione AC:(ACV)Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo ACV e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso al circuito testato per leggere il risultato della misurazione della tensione AC.L’utente puòscegliere tra intervalli ACV500V, 250V,50V e leggere il risultato della misurazione sulla terza scala graduata.3.DC mAAttenzioneNell’intervallo di misurazione DC mA nonèpossibile effettuare misurazioni in DCV e ACV,in quanto ciòpuòcondurre al danneggiamento del dispositivo.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo di misurazione DC mA e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso rispettivamente alla presa d’ingresso rossa e nera,quindi collegare i cavi di misura al circuito testato,il risultato della misurazione DC mA verràvisualizzato sulla seconda scala DC mA.Dopo aver selezionatol’intervallo DC10A,collegare il cavo di misura rosso alla presa da10A.il cavo di misura rosso corrisponde alla polaritàpositiva,mentre il cavo nero a quella negativa.4.Resistenza:(Ω)AttenzionePrima di iniziare la misurazione della resistenza,assicurarsi che l’alimentazione del circuito testato sia stata scollegata e tutti i condensatori siano stati diseccitati.In caso contrario ci si espone al pericolo di scosse elettriche e di danneggiamento del dispositivo.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervalloΩe prima di iniziare la misurazione,azzerare la lancetta.Osservare la lancetta e controllare che questa sia posizionata sullo zero della scalaΩ.Se la lancetta non si trova sullo zero,azzerare la lancetta mediante l’apposita regolazione.Quindi collegare i cavi di misura alla resistenza testata e leggere il risultato della misurazione sulla prima scala graduata.Se dopo aver cortocircuitato i cavi di prova ed aver posizionato il selettore sull’intervalloΩ,la lancetta non si trova ancora sullo zero,ciòsignifica che la batteriaèscarica e deve essere sostituita.Prestare attenzione ad ogni intervallo della resistenza e mediante la procedura sopra descritta azzerare la lancetta prima di iniziare ogni misurazione.Il valore ottenuto per i diversi intervalli dovràessere moltiplicato per l’apposito fattore.L’unitàdi misura utilizzataèΩ.5.Misurazioni di LEDPosizionare il selettore sull’intervalloΩ*10e collegare i cavi di misura ai due poli del diodo.Sulla quarta scala graduata LI verràvisualizzata la corrente del diodo nel senso di conduzione(IF).La scala LV mostra la tensione del diodo nel senso di conduzione.6.Test di continuitàPosizionare il selettore sull’intervallo BUZZ(Rx1)e collegare i cavi di misura alla resistenza testata.Se il valore della resistenza saràinferiore a100Ω,verràgenerato un segnale acustico.7.Misurazione del livello sonoro dBLa misurazione viene effettuata similmente alle misurazioni in ACV.Se il circuito testato dispone di una componente DC,collegare in serie il condensatore di blocco con capacità0.1uF e tensione assorbita superiore a500.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervalo AC10V,sulla quarta scala graduata il multimetromostreràil valore-10~22dB,e per ciascun altra gamma ACV,per il valore bBV reale sarànecessario utilizzare la tabella sottostante per eseguire la conversione ADD,dB.7.Parametri tecnici1.Caratteristiche generali-Funzioni:ACV,DCV,DCA,Ω,dB,test di continuità,test di diodi.-Alimentazione:UM-3(AA),1.5V*2,6F22,9V*1-Fusibile:F0.5A/250V,Φ5*20mm-Fusibile:F10A/250V,Φ5*20mm-Condizioni di esercizio:0℃-40℃Umidità<70%RH-Condizioni di stoccaggio:-10℃-50℃Umidità<70%RH-Altitudine massima:2000m-Standard di sicurezza:IEC61010-1Cat III600V-Grado di inquinamento:Livello2-Peso:320g ca.-Dimensioni:168*95*46mm-Accessori:manuale d’uso,scatola colorata.Batteria non fornita.2.Parametri elettriciPrecisione:DC±3%,AC±4%,periodo di calibrazione:un anno.Condizioni di esercizion per i valori di precisione riportati:18℃-28℃,umidità<75%RH1-Intervallo2-Precisione3-Impedenza di ingresso4-Calo di tensione5-Valore centraleTensione DC:(DCV)Tensione AC:(ACV)Corrente DC:(DCA)Resistenza:(Ω)8.ManutenzioneAttenzionePer evitare scosse elettriche,prima di aprire l’alloggiamento posteriore del multimetro,scollegare i cavi di misura dal circuito testato.1.Lo strumento di misura descritto nel presente manualeèun dispositivo di precisione,non modificare i circuiti del dispositivo e proteggerlo contro umidità,polvere ed urti.2.Se non si intende utilizzare lo strumento di misura per un periodo prolungato di tempo,rimuovere le batterie per prevenire eventuali fuoriuscite di acido ed il conseguente danneggiamento del dispositivo.3.Qualora nell’intervalloΩdopo la cortocircuitazione dei cavi di misura la lancetta non sia presente sullo zero,ciòsignifica che la batteriaèscarica e deve essere sostituita con una batteria nuova.4.Qualora sia necessario sostituire il fusibile,sostiturilo con un fusibile nuovo delle stesse dimensioni e dello stisso tipo.5.In caso di eventuali malfunzionamenti dello strumento di misura,questo deve essere riparato presso un centro di assistenza tecnica qualificato.。
想象一下,万一哪天灾难从天而降,恐慌之中不知所措,半空突然投 影出3D文字和图像,告诉你哪有食物、哪能找到避难场所,是不是感 觉上帝来救你了?酒店提供的会议等活动场地,不需要借助任何实体 屏幕媒介,3D影像即可悬空投影,听起来很炫吧!
碳酸“胶囊”饮料机 咖啡果汁任你选
近日,惠而浦推出一款名为“B.blend”的胶囊式饮料机, 与一般胶囊咖啡机不同的是,B.blend能够通过可更换的 二氧化碳气瓶生成碳酸,从而制作出各式各样的冷热饮。
随时随地找手机 还可充当充电宝的智能台灯
“Pretty Smart Lamp”智能灯最大的优点在于可以随时 随地帮客人找到手机,通过灯光的不断闪烁来进行智能手 机的通知。当你发现手机不见了,再也不需要满屋寻找、 也不需要求助别人打你电话 ,只需要轻轻点击 Pretty Smart Lamp底座即可。这时默默躲在角落里的手机将会开 始闪烁并且响起铃声,即便是调至静音模式也没有影响。 这款Pretty Smart Lamp智能台灯将于今年8月开始正式出 货,售价约合人民币496元。
伦敦斯顿广场酒店(Eccleston Square, London)
斯顿广场酒店外观就散发出浓重的历史气息,但其内部 核心却是高科技的结晶,这反映在大量科技便利设施的应 用上。房间里配备有触摸感应键盘来控制音乐和灯光 ;房 间内置的iPad可以为你提供服务向导 ;通过按钮,可以把 浴室的透明墙壁变成多彩的墙壁 ;浴室的镜子里嵌入了平 板电视,客人可以一边洗澡一边享受精彩的电视节目。
该酒店装有嵌入式红外检测器,可以提醒客房部员工某 个房间是否有客人入住,因此可以避免任何不必要的重复 订房等乌龙事件发生。同时,酒店还设有一个交叉的IP设 施,允许客人自己选择房间的温度、艺术品和音乐。
Thermo Fisher Scientific 生物科学产品说明书
Nantong ShanghaiDarmstadtIrvineLenexaSt. LouisSongdoLiquid Centers St.Louis, MO USA Irvine, Scotland, UK Nantong, ChinaDry Powder Media Centers Lenexa, KS USAIrvine, Scotland, UK Darmstadt, GermanyimMEDIAte ADVANTAGE ® Centers Lenexa, KS USA St.Louis, MO USA Nantong, ChinaSongdo, South KoreaManufacturing plant Redundant supply facility New manufacturing facility R&D centers for cell culture media & related productsMANUFACTURING LOCATIONSKnowing your cell culture mediaLack of consistency in cell culture media can create significant variation in your upstream process. Our supply chain experts are committed to providing you with the highest quality and most consistent cell culture media — regardless of manufacturing site location.Understanding Trace Element VariabilityGLOBAL QUALITY MANAGEMENTRAW MATERIALSMANUFACTURING CAPABILITIESThe role of trace elements and the impact on protein and product quality is well documented. We offer the right data to begin understanding this variability.• Quantitative testing by ICP-MS • Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Ni, V, Al, Se, Cr, Co • Results reported on the CofAGlobal Raw Materials VendorManagement ProgramMaterial QualificationSupplier QualificationChange NotificationGlobal ManufacturingNetworkGeneration of Qualified Raw Materials List Procurement from Qualified Raw Materials ListA cornerstone of our focus, our global program for the control, management, and procurement of raw materials provides theconfidence you need for consistent, quality product.High-quality products, comprehensive documentation, and superior customer support for qualification, risk assessment, and process optimization. Now available for a range of cell culture media.Quality ControlStandard testing with options to add customized quality testing.Finished Product Testing MethodologyNA EU ChinaAppearance Uniformity/color • • •pHUSP 791 • • • OsmolarityUSP 785 • • •Bioburdon (Powder) USP 61 • • •Sterility (Liquid) USP 71 • • •Endotoxin USP 85 • • •(Kinetic, Chromogenic, Gel clot LAL)Redundant Supply FacilitiesWe know the challenges global biopharma companies can have with securing dual source of cell culture media. We provide the solution by offering two sister sites-same technology, single source of raw materials and global quality management to deliver dual sourcing from one supplier.Irvine, UKLenexa, KS, US Custom Capabilities Small Scale imMEDIAte ADVANTAGE ® Services• Pre-GMP product intended for bioprocess development studies • Liquid; 1-200L batch sizes• Powder: 0.5 - 20kgs batch sizesCustom Capabilities Large Scale• Clinical to commercial supply • Liquid: 50 - 10,000 L batch sizes • Dry powder: 25-6000 kg batch sizesRaw MaterialsOption to use unique,non-qualified raw materialsfor your experimentsRight Technology & ProcessesEquivalent liquid and dry powder manufacturing methods as compared to large scale facilitiesDocumentation to SupportCertificate of analysisand safety data sheet with each batch Quality Services: Customer InquiriesGlobal Quality Management SystemOur cell culture media sites are certified as ISO 9001:2015 * Voluntarily comply to the Joint IPEC-PQG Guide on GoodManufacturing Practices for Excipients and applicable sections of Annex 1of the EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products. Apply to Lenexa, St. Louis-Broadway, Irvine, Darmstadt, and Nantong (liquid) sites.NEW! IPEC-PQG compliance*Design SupportLet one of our R&D teams or our designs specialist help you develop your customcell culture media.Our global network of manufacture sites are specifically designed and operate to exceed industry standards for cell culture media intended for bioprocesses.Front Line ContactProduct documentation,Q&A TIER1Technical & Quality Workflows Appropriate team support TIER2Expert SupportScientific or site expert supportTIER3NEW! Emprove ®Cell Culture MediaPharma & Biopharma Raw Material SolutionsThe life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck, SAFC, Emprove, imMEDIAte ADVANTAGE, and the Vibrant M are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessibleresources. © 2020 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.Lit. No. MK_FL6630EN Ver 1.0 10/2020/emproveLearn more/ccmsupply。
SAP Experience Center Newtown Square 访客指南说明书
VISITOR GUIDESAPEXPERIENCE CENTER®NEWTOWN SQUAREWELCOMESAP is committed to helping companies become best-run businesses and to deliver the Intelligent Enterprise. With dedicated spaces to meet, inspire, and engage, SAP®Experience Centers serve as the physical front-end for a digital transformation.At this SAP Experience Center you can explore innovative solutionsand technologies through real-life demos,showcases,and presentations across the SAP solution portfolio. You can kick-start new projects in hands-on workshops and design-thinking sessions. You can also meet experts and executives to learn about SAP’s strategic direction and identify milestones for your digital transformation journey.SAP Experience Centers provide a global platform to get innovation done. Here we turn challenges into viable opportunities, apply newly gained knowledge, and translate it into concrete action items and road maps.W e look forward to meeting you.Jessica LeeDirector of SAP Customer Experience Newtown Square437,000+ customers in more than 180 countries.100+locations across the worlddeveloping solutioninnovations.Fivegenerations of employeeswork at SAP.Since 1972SAP has been driving IT innovation forward to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. With more than 96,000 employees globally, SAP has become the world’s largest provider of enterprise application software and is committed to help every customer to become a best-run business.ABOUT THIS LOCATION:▪North Americanheadquarters▪Data Center,Cyberfusion SecurityCenter, and MissionControl Center oncampus▪First building opened in1999▪ 2 buildings: NSQ1 andNSQ2▪NSQ2 is LEED (LeadershipEnergy EnvironmentalDesign) certified at theplatinum level▪1,900 employees on-site▪Diverse workforce fromall nationalitiesMEETGet to know our solution experts and executivesto start, drive, and accelerate your journey.INSPIREExperience showcases, innovative demos, and immersive stories about new solutions and business models.ENGAGEKick-start your transformation and digital innovation journey in hands-on workshops.11,200+travel and transportation providers in 138 countriesinnovate with SAP solutions.SAP Experience Center 3999 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073Reception:+1 610-661-1491SAP.Experience.Center.Newtown**************RIDLEY CREEK STATE PARK 5 miles ~15 minSAP Experience Center Newtown Square PhiladelphiaPHLPhiladelphia17 miles, ~45 minVALLEY FORGE NATIONALHISTORICAL PARK 10 miles ~30min303I-476I-95202I-76I-276SAP Experience Center Newtown SquareVisitor ParkingMain Line Health CenterMEET INSPIRE ENGAGEHOW TO FIND US FLOORPLANDemo D Demo EDemo C Demo BDemo AInspire AreaDemo F Benjamin FranklinIndependence HallImmersive ExperienceValley GreenReception DeskCafé9/10of the largest hotel groups in the worldrun SAP solutions.This list contains personal recommendations from SAP employees and customers and does not deliberately exclude other locations. If you would like some more suggestions, please just get in touch with us. Price indicators come from (July 2021).Hilton Garden Inn3743 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073 +1 484-420-7500Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Broomall 100 Lawrence Road Broomall, PA 19008 +1 610-355-2335Radnor Hotel591 East Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087 +1 610-688-5800Courtyard by Marriott Devon762 West Lancaster Avenue Wayne, PA 19087 +1 610-687-6633Courtyard by Marriott Springfield400 West Sproul Road Springfield, PA 19064 +1 610-543-1080Embassy Suites by Hilton Valley Forge888 Chesterbrook Boulevard Wayne, PA 19087 +1 610-647-6700Courtyard by MarriottValley Forge/King of Prussia 1100 Drummers Lane Wayne, PA 19087 +1 610-687-6700Residence Inn by Marriott Great Valley/Malvern10 General Warren Boulevard Malvern, PA 19355 +1 484-899-7800Home2 Suites by Hilton King of Prussia/Valley Forge550 West Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 +1 610-962-0700Crowne Plaza Valley Forge 260 Mall BoulevardKing of Prussia, PA 19406 AMERICANFirepoint Grill3739 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 484-428-3093$$$| Upscale American restaurant and bar with covered patio seatingUNO Pizzeria & Grill3910 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 610-353-8667$$| Chicago-style deep-dish pizzAutograph Brasserie503 West Lancaster AvenueWayne, PA+1 610-964-2588$$$| Vintage-style restaurant with a variety of American selectionsWhite Dog Cafe Wayne200 West Lancaster AvenueWayne, PA +1 610 225 3700$$$| Farm-to-table restaurant with seasonal, locally grown ingredients Founding Farmers King of Prussia255 Main Street #180King of Prussia, PA 19406+1 484-808-4008$$$| Farmer owned and locally sourcedCity Works220 Main StreetKing of Prussia, PA 19406+1 484-690-4150$$| American food with vast variety of beer on draftP.J. Whelihan’s Pub & Restaurant4803 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 610-848-4100$$| Sports bar famously known for its chicken wingsASIAN FINE DININGNectar1091 Lancaster AvenueBerwyn, PA 19312+1 610-725-9000$$$| Pan-Asian and sushi TeikokuTeikoko5492 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 610-644-8270$$| Japanese and Thai food with a tatami roomSpice Indian Thai Bistro4843 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 610-356-5262$$| BYOB Indian and Thai foodDanDan Wayne214 Sugartown RoadWayne, PA 19087+1 484-580-8558$$| Sichuan and Taiwanese menu with an outdoor patio and private seating Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 555 Lancaster AvenueRadnor, PA 19087+1 610-688-9463$$$$| Upscale steakhouseSavona100 Old Gulph RoadGulph Mills, PA 19428+1 610-520-1200$$$| Farm-to-table restaurant withItalian fare, wine bar, and outdoor patio seatingThe Capital Grill236 Mall BoulevardKing of Prussia, PA 19406+1 610-265-1415$$$$| Upscale steakhouseEddie V’s Prime Seafood670 West Dekalb PikeKing of Prussia, PA 19406+1 610-337-7823$$$$| Seafood and steakhouse featuring a cocktail lounge with live jazz musicITALIAN MISCELLANEOUSTeca Newtown Square191 South Newtown Street Road Newtown Square, PA 19073+1 484-420-4010$$| Wood-oven pizza, pasta, andItalian dishes with a vast selection of winesLa Locanda Ristorante Italiano4989 West Chester PikeNewtown Square, PA 19073+1 610-353-7033$$| Traditional Abruzzi fareAmis Trattoria138 West Lancaster Avenue #140 Devon, PA 19333+1 610-590-4782$$$| Homestyle Italian dishes Paladar Latin Kitchen & Rum Bar 250 Main StreetKing of Prussia, PA 19406+1 484-965-9779$$| South American dishes and rum bar Estia Taverna222 North Radnor Chester Road Wayne, PA 19087+1 484-581-7124$$$| Greek selection and fish dishesAt the Table11 Louella CourtWayne, PA 19087+1 610-964-9700$$$| French BYOBFogo de Chão155 Main Street Building LKing of Prussia, PA 19406+1 484-965-9655$$$| Brazilian steakhouseThis list contains personal recommendations from SAP employees and customers and does not deliberately exclude other locations. If youHIGHLIGHTS:▪King of Prussia Mall ▪iFLY Indoor Skydiving ▪Chaddsford Winery ▪Longwood GardensNewtown Square is located less than one hour outside of Philadelphia and this is where you'll find t he North American headquarters of SAP. We are lucky in that we are very close to many restaurants,parks, and shops.Now owning the distinction as the largest winery in Pennsylvania, the Chaddsford Winery is nestled in the heart of the scenery that at painter Andrew Wyeth made famous. International awards, such as the Tasters Guild International Wine Competition Gold Medal, keep piling in for the husband-and wife owners,who can quite rightly boast about all of their premium varieties, with special emphasis on their Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and spiced apple wine.A short trip down the road,you can stroll along the many paths of Longwood Gardens .Enjoy acres of exquisitely maintained grounds featuring 11,000 different types of plants. This conservatory is a lush world of exotic flowers, cacti, bromeliads, ferns, and bonsai.If you are looking for a little adventure, head on over to iFLY Indoor Skydiving in King of Prussia. Experience the thrill of skydiving without having to jump out of a plane.Make sure you stop at the country’s third-largest mall –the King of Prussia Mall . You’ll find everything you need (and probably a few things you don’t) at this one-stop shopping extravaganza.WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR VISITIN NEWTOWN SQUARE.72839 | © 2021 S A P S E o r a n S A P a f f i l i a t e c o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。
雅高集团的成功给其他国际酒店管理集团的冲 击和影响较为深远,雅高成功的速度“太快 了”;正因为其速度非常快,引得世人惊讶。 (1)抓住一个战略机遇。从一个区域地区的 某个行业发展的角度来看,任何一个行业都会 出现一个高速增长期,如何在这个增长期获得 快速的成长,不同的投资者具有不同的看法和 认识。
诺富特 领导商务酒店住宿潮流,世界知名的商务型 酒店品牌
诺富特品牌分布于主要城市以及旅游胜地, 为商务散客和商务团体以及度假客人提供达 国际标准的住宿及服务,让客人充分体验物 有所值。合乎时尚的诺富特是具备国际水准 及现代化设施的商务酒店。
美 居:城市真貌,异曲同工
美居品牌的特色是让酒店能够体现当地特色。从 旅游胜地的豪华度假村酒店到便利经济的美居经济 酒店,为客人展现了各个美居品牌酒店不同的精粹 和风格。美居酒店特别注重将当地民俗风情、饮食 和本土员工的融合,并以此来贴切地反映出美居的 精华:城市真貌,异曲同工。美居酒店涵盖了豪华酒 店、酒店式公寓、度假酒店市场。每间酒店都展示独 特风格及服务,反映了地域特色、文化及个性。
1960年,保罗•杜布吕接受其老师,经济学 家贝尔纳•图季约的建议,开始研究美国 holiday inn(假日饭店)成功的原因,分 析其起居设备和家具的功用、合理的价格、 旅馆在城市的地址等。1963年8月,保罗产 生了在法国建设一个类似holiday inn(假 日饭店)的饭店,与 holiday inn联系建立 法国分店,遭到拒绝。
宜必思 Ibis Tianjin Tanggu 天津塘沽宜必思酒店 Ibis Zhongshan TheCenter 中山中心宜必 思酒店
Ibis Ya’an Downtown 雅安宜必思酒店
宜必思明古连街酒店1月27日(星期一)廿七第一天机场到酒店2新币,建议在樟宜机场地铁站买EZ Llin卡,可以乘地铁和巴士。
易通卡的余额在机场站可以退,不过要把底卡拿来哦从樟宜机场乘地铁到Tanah Merah丹那美拉地铁站EW4下(这里全部人都得下车,不然又会返回机场。
从机场到Tanah Merah站是停在中间的月台,两边分别是去Joo Koon和Pasir Ris 地铁站。
你只需走去对面“去Joo Koon”方向的月台Platform B-To City(走几步而已)机场下来后乘地铁到EW12(武吉士地铁站)下,从C出口出来,上到地面,有一个红绿灯,过马路,从白沙浮(是一个市场),从市场穿过去,走到头,穿过马路从白浮沙市场走过,再穿过一些摆摊摊位,直走到马路边(不要过马路),向左转走2分钟,可看见对面马路有一个日晶酒店(比较老旧),日晶酒店对面就是Ibis店了(这是酒店后门),Ibis店旁有一个大点的7-11店。
看到一个写着Bencoolen Link的路牌,左边就是酒店了。
去singaporevistors center(新加坡旅客询问中心)去拿一些旅游资料。
新加坡艺术博物馆sigapore are museum 就在地铁旁边(我们走前一天才发现!!),是旧建筑改造的,改得不错既有历史感又有现代的舒适通透,值得一去(周五晚上6-9点免费,否则需要花10新币1人买票进入的,包含街对面另一个叫做sam的艺术展馆),这个艺术馆的后面就是一个哥特式小教堂也可以看看。
另外,离新加坡国家博览馆national museum of sigapore)也很近。
香港酒店中英文名对照酒店英文名酒店中文名地址Ashley Apartments Hotel 亚士里酒店尖沙咀亚士厘道18号B P International House 龙堡国际宾馆柯士甸道8号九龙尖沙咀Bishop Lei International House 宏基国际宾馆罗便臣道四号香港岛半山Booth Lodge (The SalvationArmy救世军卜维廉宾馆永星里11号九龙油麻地Caritas Oswald CheungInternational House明爱张奥伟国际宾馆田湾街20号香港岛香港仔Central Park Hotel 中环丽柏酒店中环荷李活道263号香港岛上环Century Inn 宜必思世纪轩北角渣华道136-142号Charterhouse 利景酒店香港湾仔道209-219号City Garden Hotel 城市花园酒店城市花园道9号香港岛北角Concourse Hotel 京港酒店香港九龙旺角荔枝角道22號Conrad Hong Kong 港丽酒店香港金钟道88号太古广场Cosco 中远酒店西环坚尼地城海旁路20-21号Cosmo Hotel 丽悦酒店皇后大道东375至377号香港岛湾仔Cosmopolitan Hotel 丽都酒店皇后大道东387-397号香港岛湾仔Disney's Hollywood Hotel 迪士尼好莱坞酒店香港迪士尼乐园度假区Dorsett Far East Hotel 远东帝豪酒店香港新界九龙荃湾青山道135-143 Dorsett Olympic Hotel 帝豪奥运酒店晏架街46-48号九龙大角咀Dorsett Seaview Hotel 帝豪海景酒店(原明珠海景酒店)上海街268号九龙油麻地Eaton Hotel Hong Kong 香港逸东酒店弥敦道380号九龙佐敦Emperor (Happy Valley) 香港英皇骏景酒店宏德街1号香港岛跑马地Empire Hotel Hong Kong 港岛皇悦酒店轩尼诗道33号香港岛湾仔Empire Hotel Kowloon 九龙皇悦酒店金巴利道62号九龙尖沙咀Evergreen Hotel 万年青酒店油麻地吴松街48号Excelsior Hong Kong 香港怡东酒店告士打道281号香港岛铜锣湾Express by Holiday Inn Causeway Bay 香港铜锣湾快捷假日酒店霎东街33号香港岛铜锣湾Faton Hotel Hong Kong 香港逸东酒店香港九龙弥敦道380号Fleming 芬名酒店香港香港岛湾仔41号菲林明道Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 香港四季酒店金融街8号香港岛中环Furama HOTEL 香港富丽华酒店中环干若道中1号Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 香港君悦酒店港湾道1号香港岛湾仔Grand Plaza Hotel 康兰酒店香港鰂鱼涌康山道2号Grand Stanford Harbour View 香港海景嘉福酒店香港九龙尖沙咀东麽地道70号Grand Tower Hotel 雅兰酒店旺角弥敦道627号Great Fagle Hotel 香港朗廷酒店(鹰君)香港九龙尖沙咀北京道8号Guangdong Hotel Hong Kong 香港粤海酒店宝勒巷18号九龙尖沙咀Harbour Plaza Hong Kong 香港红勘海逸酒店黄埔花园德丰街20号九龙红磡Harbour Plaza Metropolis 都会海逸酒店都会道7号九龙红磡Kowloon Hong KongHarbour Plaza North Point 北角海逸酒店英皇道665号香港岛鰂鱼涌Harbour Plaza Resort City HongKong香港嘉湖海逸酒店天恩路18号新界天水围Harbour View InternationalHouse香港湾景国际宾馆港湾道4号香港岛湾仔Holiday Inn Golden Mile 香港金域假日酒店弥敦道50号九龙尖沙咀Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 香港迪士尼乐园酒店香港迪士尼乐园度假区Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel 香港黄金海岸酒店九龙青山湾青山公路1号Hotel LKF by Rhombus 兰桂坊酒店香港中环兰桂坊云咸街33号Hotel Nikko Hongkong 香港日航酒店麽地道72号九龙尖沙咀东部Hyatt Regency Hong Kong 香港凯悦酒店香港九龙弥敦道67号Ibis North Point 世纪轩渣华道138号香港岛北角Imperial Hotel 帝国酒店弥敦道30-34号九龙尖沙咀InterContinental Grand StanfordHong Kong海景嘉福酒店麽地道70号九龙尖沙咀东部InterContinental Hong Kong (Formerly Regent Hotel) 香港洲际酒店(原丽晶酒店)梳士巴利道18号九龙尖沙咀Island Pacific Hotel 港岛太平洋酒店干诺道西152号香港岛中环Island Shangri-La, Hong kong 港岛香格里拉大酒店法院道太古广场香港岛中环JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong 香港JW万豪酒店香港金钟道88号太古广场香港岛金钟Kimberley Hotel 君怡酒店金巴利道28号九龙尖沙咀King's Hotel Hong Kong 王子酒店香港湾仔谢斐道303号Kowloon Hotel 九龙酒店弥敦道19-21号九龙尖沙咀Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel 九龙香格里拉大酒店麽地道64号九龙尖沙咀东部Lan Kwai Fong Hotel 中环兰桂坊酒店香港中环九如坊3号香港岛中环Landmark Mandarin Oriental,Hong Kong香港置地文华东方酒店香港中环皇后大道中15号Langham Hotel, Hong Kong 香港朗廷酒店北京道8号九龙尖沙咀Langham Place Hotel, Mongkok,Hong Kong香港旺角朗豪酒店上海街555号九龙旺角Lanson Place Boutique Hotel &Residences逸兰精品酒店礼顿道133号香港岛铜锣湾Le Meridien Cyberport 数码港艾美酒店数码港100号香港岛香港仔L'hotel Causeway Bay HarbourView香港铜锣湾海景酒店英皇道18号香港岛北角Luk Kwok Hotel 香港六国酒店告士打道72号香港岛湾仔Luxe Manor 帝乐文娜公馆金巴利道39号九龙尖沙咀Majestic Hotel 香港大华酒店香港九龙尖沙咀弥敦道348号九龙油麻地Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong 香港文华东方酒店干诺道中5号香港岛中环Marco Polo Gateway 马哥孛罗港威酒店九龙尖沙咀海港城九龙尖沙咀Marco Polo Hong Kong 马可孛罗香港酒店九龙尖沙嘴广东道13号海港城Mayfair Garden Hotel(Formerlly Dorsertt Garden) 美菲花园酒店(原帝豪花园酒店/明珠花园酒店)南京街30号九龙佐敦Metropark Hotel Causeway Bay (Formerly Metropark Hotel) 铜锣湾维景酒店(原维景酒店)铜锣湾道148号香港岛铜锣湾Metropark Hotel Kowloon (Formerly The Metropole Hotel) 九龙维景酒店(原京华国际酒店)窝打老道75号九龙何文田Metropark Hotel Mongkok (Formerly Hotel Concourse) 旺角维景酒店(原京港酒店)荔枝角道22号九龙旺角Metropark Hotel Wanchai (Formerly Hotel New Harbour) 湾仔维景酒店(原星港酒店)轩尼诗道41-49号香港岛湾仔Mexan Harbour Hotel 盛逸酒店新界青衣路1号Minden 棉登酒店棉登径7号九龙尖沙咀Mingle Place 名乐居天文台围8号九龙尖沙咀Miramar Hotel 香港九龙美丽华香港九龙尖沙咀弥敦道118-130号Nathan Hotel 弥敦酒店弥敦道378号九龙佐敦New Harbour Hotel 香港星港酒店香港湾仔轩尼诗道41-49号New Kings Hotel 新高雅酒店弥敦道473-473A 九龙油麻地New San Diego Hotel 新圣地亚哥酒店九龙佐敦志和街1-5号Newton Hotel Hong Kong 香港丽东酒店电气道218号香港岛北角Newton Hotel Kowloon 九龙丽东酒店界限街58-66号九龙旺角Newton Inn North Point 北角丽东轩春秧街88号香港岛北角Novotel Century Harbourview 诺富特世纪海景酒店皇后大道西508号香港岛西区Novotel Century Hong Kong 世纪香港酒店谢斐道238号香港岛湾仔Novotel Citygate Hong Kong 诺富特东荟城酒店香港东涌文东路51号Panda Hotel 香港悦来酒店荃华街3号新界荃湾Park Hotel 百乐酒店漆咸道南61-65 号九龙尖沙咀Park Lane Hong Kong 柏宁酒店告士打道310号香港岛铜锣湾Peninsula Hong Kong 香港半岛酒店梳士巴利道九龙尖沙咀Prince Hong Kong 马可孛罗太子酒店九龙尖沙嘴广东道23号海港城Pruton Prudential Hotel 香港恒丰酒店弥敦道222号九龙尖沙咀Ramada Hong Kong Hotel 香港华美达酒店德辅道西308号香港岛西区Ramada Hotel Kowloon 九龙华美达酒店漆咸道南73-75号九龙尖沙咀Rambler Oasis Hotel 青逸酒店香港新界青衣路一号Regal Airport Hotel 香港富豪机场酒店畅达路9号香港国际机场离岛赤鱲角Regal Hongkong Hotel 富豪香港酒店香港铜锣湾怡和街88号香港岛铜锣湾Regal Kowloon Hotel 香港富豪九龙酒店麽地道71号九龙尖沙咀Regal Oriental Hotel(Formally Regal Kaitak Hotel) 香港富豪东方酒店(原富豪启德)沙浦道30-38号九龙九龙城Regal Riverside Hotel 香港丽豪酒店大涌桥道34-36号新界沙田Renaissance Harbour ViewHotel Hong Kong香港万丽海景酒店港湾道一号香港岛湾仔Renaissance Kowloon Hotel,Hong Kong香港九龙万丽酒店梳士巴利道22号九龙尖沙咀Ritz Carlton, Hong Kong 香港丽嘉酒店干诺道3号香港岛中环Rosedale on the Park 香港珀丽酒店信德街8号香港岛铜锣湾Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店麽地道69号九龙尖沙咀Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers 皇家太平洋酒店广东道33号中港城九龙尖沙咀Royal Park Hotel 帝都酒店白鹤汀街八号新界沙田Royal Plaza Hotel 帝京酒店太子道西193号九龙旺角Royal View Hotel 帝景酒店新界荃湾青山公路353号San Diego Hotel 旧圣地亚哥酒店香港九龙佐敦吴松街173-189号Shamrock Hotel 新乐酒店弥敦道223号九龙佐敦Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel &香港喜来登酒店弥敦道20号九龙尖沙咀TowersSilvermine Beach Hotel 香港银鑛湾酒店梅窝银鑛湾D.D.2地段648离岛大屿山South China Hotel, The 香港粤华酒店渣华道67-75号香港岛北角South Pacific Hotel 香港南洋酒店摩理臣山道23号香港岛湾仔Stanford Hillview Hotel 仕德福山景酒店天文台道诺士佛台九龙尖沙咀Stanford Hotel 仕德福酒店豉油街118号九龙旺角Two Macdonnell Road 麦当劳道贰号麦当劳道2号香港岛中环Warwick Hotel Cheung Chau 长洲华威酒店东湾第1147号地段离岛长洲Wesley 香港卫兰轩酒店轩尼诗道22号香港岛湾仔West 九龙卫晴轩九龍油麻地偉晴街39號Wharney Guang Dong HotelHong Kong 香港华美粤海酒店香港湾仔骆克道57-73号Windsor Hotel 香港温沙酒店香港九龙尖沙咀巴利道39-43A号YMCA Anne Black Guest House 女青年会柏颜露斯宾馆何文田文福道5号YMCA Garden View花园国际女青年会宾馆麦当劳道1号香港岛中环International HouseYMCA International House 青年会国际宾馆窝打老道23号九龙油麻地YMCA Salisbury of Hong Kong 香港基督教青年会尖沙嘴梳士巴利道41号。
IHG works with more than 2,000 hotel owners throughout the world. They are our business colleagues and one of our greatest strengths.Successful hotel development depends on matching owners with the right brands and markets. The IHG Global Development website provides the information owners need to learn more, make contact and get started.HistoryWilliam Bass sets up a brewery in Burton-on-Trent. The Bass business thrives兴旺, developing into one of the UK's leading brewers酿酒者.The Bass red triangle becomes the first trademark商标to be registered in the UK.Bass acquires购入a number of well-known regional brewing companies including Mitchells & Butlers in the Midlands (1961), before merging融入with Charringtons in London in 1967. These acquisitions兼并make Bass one of the largest brewers and pub酒馆owners in the UK.Bass makes its first significant象征international move into the hotel industry, buying Holiday Inns International.The Beer Orders legislation立法is passed. This limits the number of tied pubs that major brewers can own and signals a major industry restructuring调整.Bass reduces降低the number of pubs that it owns dramatically and focuses on larger outlets批发商点. At the same time, it directs cashflow现金流转into developing an international hotel business.Bass buys the North American Holiday Inn business and Holiday Inn grows internationally国际性地.Bass launches Holiday Inn Express快捷假日, a complementary brand in the limited service segment.Bass launches Crowne Plaza皇冠假日五星, a move into the upscale迎合高层次消费者hotel market.Bass's pubs酒吧business continues to grow. The business has also become increasingly branded. Bass opens the first O'Neill’s public house小旅馆in 1994 and acquires the restaurant chain Harvester in September 1995.The Harvester acquisition, the development of the All Bar One brand in 1994 and the acquisition of the Browns restaurant chain marks a significant commitment to the growing eating out外出就餐market in the UK.BrandsOur seven hotel brands include some of the best-known and most popular in the world. We've built up a portfolio that covers everything from luxurious upscale hotels in the world's major cities and resorts to reliable family-oriented hotels that offer great service and value.This diverse不同的portfolio means that we have the flexibility灵活性to respond to most types of hotel development opportunity. What's more, our hotel owners can choose the hotel brand that will work for them and maximise尽量增大the potential of a particular特别的site. And whether our guests are travelling for business or leisure安逸, for a honeymoon or a family holiday, we'll have a hotel that's right for them.InterContinental Hotels & Resorts is our most prestigious有名望的hotel brand, located in major cities in over 60 countries worldwide, offering business and leisure travellers the highest level of service and facilities.57,002 rooms, 168 hotels, 62 hotels in the pipeline在准备中Did you know?InterContinental is the world's first hotel brand to provide destination specific concierge门房websites and videos.A dynamic有活力的hotel brand located in nearly 60 countries around the world. Truly international, Crowne Plaza offers premium accommodation, designed for the discerning眼光敏锐的business and leisure traveller who appreciates simplified elegance高雅.103,678 rooms, 376 hotels, 125 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Crowne Plaza Changi airport was ranked among the world’s best airport hotels by Forbes Traveler.A new innovative创新的brand designed for the style-conscious注重风格traveller looking for the individual approach and facilities of a boutique hotel精品饭店. Our hotels are located in urban, mid-town and suburban areas, close to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues throughout America.4,264 rooms, 36 hotels, 57 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Hotel Indigo hotels will be located in urban, mid-town and near-urban markets proximate to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues.Holiday Inn offers today’s business and leisure travellers dep endability可靠性, friendly service, modern facilities and excellent value.You’ll find them throughout the world – in small towns and major cities, along quiet roadways and near bustling airports.240,025 rooms, 1,315 hotels, 308 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?100 million guest nights every year globally.A fresh, clean, uncomplicated hotel choice offering comfort, convenience and good value. Holiday Inn Express (or Express by Holiday Inn) is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in its segment.192,264 rooms, 2,101 hotels, 501 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The complimentary Express Start breakfast bar, represented the most rapid food and beverage implementation in the hospitality industry. Available at more than 1,600 hotels in the US.Staybridge Suites is an all-suite hotel brand for extended-stay guests looking for a residential-style住宅式的hotel for business, relocation迁徙or leisure.20,323 rooms, 184 hotels, 110 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?In 2007 Staybridge Suites reached its 100th hotel opening faster than any other brand in the extended-stay segment.Candlewood Suites' high-quality accommodation caters to迎合mid-market business and leisure travellers looking for a multiple多样的night hotel stay.26,996 rooms, 273 hotels, 139 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The first Candlewood Suites property was opened in Wichita, Kansas in 1996.Priority优先Club is the largest reward scheme in the hotel industry, offering our members a variety of privileges特权and rewards as well as unparalleled无比的levels of freedom and choice through our Any Hotel, Anywhere scheme.Did you know?We have 300,000 new members each month and have 52 million members worldwide (as at Interim Results 2010).What are our Winning Ways?IHG’s Winning Ways are how we behave every day – a set of behaviours based on our values that are helping us to become one of the very best companies in the world.They reflect the values that are important to us and were developed through research with our employees across the world into how they behave at work every day – and how they want the people they work with to behave.Our Winning Ways provide a strong sense of shared purpose, and are critical to driving our business performance forward, as well as making us a great, enjoyable place to work. They make us a high-performing organisation that helps deliver our company’s core purpose –‘Great Hotels Guests Love’.The heart of our company has always been our people. It is our people who bring our brands to life for our guests.We operate hotels in three different ways – as a franchisor授予特许者, a manager and on an owned and leased basis.Our business model focuses on managing and franchising hotels, whilst同时our business partners own the bricks and mortar房产. We have approximately 2,000 business partners – hotel owners – throughout the world.FranchisingThis is the largest part of our business: over 3,800 hotels operate under franchise agreements.ManagingWe manage 633 hotels worldwide.OwningWe own 15 hotels worldwide (less than 1% of our portfolio).。
会奖目的地·掠影·MICE DESTINATION巴黎5大特色博物馆推荐● 文:付晓 ● 责任编辑:常予莹****************Recommended 5 special museums浪漫生活博物馆名称:Musée de la vie romantiques 地址: 16 Rue Chaptal, 75009, Paris 交通:地铁12号线Saint-Georges站,地铁2号、12号线Pigalle站,地铁2号线Blanche站开放时间:周二至周日10:00-18:00(咖啡厅开放至17:30)门票:常展免费,临时展览7欧元(14岁以下免费)在巴黎的蒙马特高地的小巷中,隐藏了一家浪漫生活博物馆。
这里曾是著名荷兰画家 Ary Scheffer 的住宅,他在1811年搬到了巴黎,并在这座建筑中开设了自己的画室。
来自英国的糕点师Rose Cararrini在她丈夫的家乡法国创立了这个品牌,以推广来自英国的手工糕点。
享受下午茶的绝佳选择Tips :这座小小的博物馆以及露台咖啡厅在巴黎本地人当中知名度很高,周末游览的话建议早上就过来占座。
in Paris巴黎现代艺术博物馆名称:Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris地址: 11 avenue du PrésidentWilson,16e Paris交通:地铁6号线Boissière站,地铁9号线Alma-Marceau站开放时间: 10h00-18h00下午6点,周四开放到22点,周一闭馆永久展览:免费入场特殊展览:成人5-11欧;14 到 26 岁半价,14岁以下免费如果你想全方面体验现代艺术的精华,建立于1937年的巴黎城市现代艺术博物馆是不容错过的。
北京美国上海希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton Hotels Corporation)国际五星级酒店洲际酒店集团胜腾酒店万豪国际集团雅高酒店集团希尔酒店集团洲际酒店集团洲际集团成立于1777年,是目前全球最大及网络分布最广的专业酒店管理集团,拥有洲际、皇冠假日、假日酒店等多个国际知名酒店品牌和超过60年国际酒店管理经验。
胜腾酒店 Cendant公司是全球最大的商业与消费性服务公司之一,胜腾酒店管理集团作为世界最大的特许连锁饭店集团,成立于1995年,旗下有九个连锁酒店品牌,包括天天旅馆 Days Inn Of America ,霍华德??约翰逊特许系统(Howard Johnson Franchise Systems),Knight Inn,华美达特许系统(Ramada Franchise Systems),超级8汽车旅馆(Super 8 Motel), Travelodge, Villager Lodge,Wingate Inn等多个连锁系统。
ARome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel (旅社). The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central location (位置) with security and comfort.Yellow HostelIf I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. It’s one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. It’s affordable, and it’s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it’s close to the main train station.Hostel Alessandro PalaceIf you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There’s also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other travelers during the summer.Youth Station HostelIf you’re looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn’t charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room. Hotel and Hostel Des ArtistesHotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station andit’s close to all of the city’s main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need to pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.21. What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?A. Comfort.B. Security.C. Price.D. Location.22. Which hotel best suits people who enjoy an active social life?A. Yellow Hostel.B. Hostel Alessandro Palace.C. Youth Station Hostel.D. Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.23. What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes?A. It gets noisy at night.B. Its staff is too talkative.C. It charges for Wi-Fi.D. It’s inconveniently located.BIn 1916, two girls of wealthy families, best friends from Auburn, N. Y. — Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood — traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one-room schoolhouse. The girls had gone to Smith College. They wore expensive clothes. So for them to move to Elkhead, Colo. to instruct the children whose shoes were held together with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject of Nothing Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden, who is a magazine editor and Dorothy Woodruff’s granddaughter.Why did they go then? Well, they wanted to do something useful. Soon, however, they realized what they had undertaken.They moved in with a local family, the Harrisons, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the morning. Some mornings, Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to find the children weeping from the cold. In spring, the snow was replaced by mud over ice.In Wickenden’s book, she expanded on the history of the West and also on feminism, which of course influenced the girls’ decision to go to Elkhead. A hair-raising section concerns the building of the railroads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling through the Rockies, often in blinding snowstorms. The book ends with Rosamond and Dorothy’s return to Auburn.Wickenden is a very good storyteller. The sweep of the land and the stoicism (坚忍) of the people move her to some beautiful writing. Here is a picture of Dorothy Woodruff, on her horse, looking down from a hill top: “When the sun slipped behind the mountains, it shed a rosy glow all around them. Then a full moon rose. The snow was marked only by small animals: foxes, coyotes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter.”24. Why did Dorothy and Rosamond go to the Rocky Mountains?A. To teach in a school.B. To study American history.C. To write a book.D. To do sightseeing.25. What can we learn about the girls from paragraph 3?A. They enjoyed much respect.B. They had a room with a bathtub.C. They lived with the local kids.D. They suffered severe hardships.26. Which part of Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising?A. The extreme climate of Auburn.B. The living conditions in Elkhead.C. The railroad building in the Rockies.D. The natural beauty of the West.27. What is the text?A. A news report.B. A book review.C. A children’s story.D. A diaryCCan a small group of drones (无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year? That is the very likely future of applying today’s “eyes in the sky” technology to make sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure (基础设施) worldwide are safe for trains on a 24/7 basis.Drones are already being used to examine high-tension electrical lines. They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points. The more regularly they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved. Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient (高效) across the board.That includes huge savings in maintenance costs and better protection of railway personnel safety. It is calculated that European railways alone spend approximately 20 billion euros a year on maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, often at night, to inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerous work that could be avoided with drones assisting the crews’efforts.By using the latest technologies, drones could also start providing higher-value services for railways, detecting faults in the rail or switches, before they can cause any safety problems. To perform these tasks, drones for rail don’t need to be flying overhead. Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones of the future. They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously. Very small drones with advanced sensors and AI and travelling ahead of the train could guide it like a co-pilot. With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.28. What makes the application of drones to rail lines possible?A. The use of drones in checking on power lines.B. Drones’ ability to work at high altitudes.C. The reduction of cost in designing drones.D. Drones’ reliable performance in remote areas.29. What does “maintenance” underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Personnel safety.B. Assistance from drones.C. Inspection and repair.D. Construction of infrastructure.30. What function is expected of the rail drones?A. To provide early warning.B. To make trains run automatically.C. To earn profits for the crews.D. To accelerate transportation.31. Which is the most suitable title for the text?A. What Faults Can Be Detected with DronesB. How Production of Drones Can Be ExpandedC. What Difficulty Drone Development Will FaceD. How Drones Will Change the Future of RailwaysDMinimizing the environmental damage that new roads cause is generally regarded as a good thing. But to do that, it helps to understand just how new roads cause the damage of which they are accused.Recently, a group of researchers led by Dr. Gonzalez conducted an experiment and proved that immigration is good for the health of animal populations. A road destroys only a small part of thehabitat, thus destroying just a few local populations of creatures. So the argument that road-building itself is bad for biodiversity is not self-evidently correct. Those who nevertheless hold this view say that apparently separate local populations of animals are, in fact, parts of much larger populations connected via migration.According to this theory, when a local population struggles to move about – because of an epidemic, for example – individuals from neighboring communities can fill the gaps.The implications of the theory are straightforward. Cut local populations off from each other and each is more likely to disappear. And roads are good at doing just that. Testing the theory with experimental roads, however, would be expensive. Dr. Gonzalez’s brainwave was to do the whole thing on a much smaller scale.The team studied moss-covered rocks. On some rocks the researchers left the moss untouched; on others they made “roadways” across to leave the moss isolated. After waiting six months, they found that in the disturbed habitats nearly all the bug population had declined compared with undisturbed moss, and 40% of the species had become extinct.The real test came in the second part of the experiment. In this, the researchers removed moss much as before, but they left narrow moss paths to bridge the no-bug’s-land between islands. The islands with bridges did far better than isolated islands – a result that supports the notion that population exchange is necessary to keep an ecosystem healthy.Whether these results can be translated to large-scale ecosystems remains uncertain. But if they can, they would cause more, not less, concern about the ecological effects of road-building. On the other hand, they also suggest a way out. In Britain, tunnels are often built under roads for animals of regular habits, such as badgers(獾), to be able to travel their traditional routes without having to fight with traffic. Extending that principle, perhaps special bridges might be a cheap way of letting man and nature rub along a bit better.32. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Calling on us to stop building roads for a healthy ecosystem.B. Warning us of potential dangers of animal immigration.C. Informing us of the environmental damage caused by new roads.D. Suggesting a new way to avoid the damage caused by new roads.33. Dr. Gonzalez’s experiment found that__________.A. building roads is expensiveB. immigration is good for animalsC. roads cut off animal immigrationD. tunnels should be built under roads34. How does the author present his point?A. By analyzing facts.B. By giving examples.C. By providing scientific findings.D. By comparing possible effects.35. According to the passage, which of the following statements will the writer agree with?A. The impact of road-building is not as serious as we thought.B. Road-building is beneficial to animal immigration.C. Environmental damage caused by road-building is still uncertainD. environmental damage caused by road-building might be lessened第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Accor Hotel Profile / 雅高酒店简介About Accor/ 雅高概况Founded in 1967, headquartered in Paris成立于1967年,总部设于巴黎Worldwide leader in hotels, tourism and services, present in more than 140countries 全球酒店、旅游及企业服务的领导者Two complementary activities两大主要业务领域-network of over 4,000 hotels in worldwide全球超过4,000家酒店的网络-Accor Corporate Services雅高企业服务Sofitel(deluxe) –one of the world’s premier luxury hotel brands索菲特(豪华)-全球高品质豪华酒店品牌之一Refined luxury, outstanding service风格细致豪迈,服务精粹超群Novotel(first class) –Accor’s“business class”brand representsvalue and international consistency.诺富特(高级)-雅高商务级酒店品牌,代表优良品质及一贯的国际标准Excellent quality and great locations品质卓越非凡,绝佳地理位置’Mercure(a multi-tiered mid-market brand) –covers all the spectrum of the market with distinctive style and service.美居(多层面中等品牌) -以鲜明的个性和服务涵盖了整个市场Key to the city, unity in diversity城市真貌,异曲同工Ibis (economy class) –renowned throughout the world fortheir simplicity, quality and value for money宜必思(经济型) -以其简洁、品质及高度的性价比而享誉全球Well located and great value for money处地优势,经济实惠Accor in China / 雅高在中国One of the first int’l hotel management company to enter China in 1985 1985年首次进入中国,是国内最早的国际酒店管理公司之一All Accor hotels are situated in major metropolitan areas and gateway cities所有雅高酒店都分布于中国重要城市及度假胜地Currently operates 43hotels in 23 cities and over 60 hotels are scheduled to open before Year 2010 with No. of cities& regions increased to over 40目前在全国23个城市及地区经营43家酒店,在2010年以前预计有超过60家酒店开业, 届时城市及地区分布超过40个Ibis Hotel Concept / 宜必思酒店概念A “real hotel”for today现代的“真正酒店”A full range of services, at a basic level but of high quality全面的服务,基本但高质量的标准A competitive standard rate, either sold directly to the customer or withminimal distribution costs富有竞争力的标准价格,面向客户直销或尽量降低销售成本Ensures the best price-quality-service value possible确保最佳价格-质量-服务比An extremely large network of Accor and over 700 Ibis hotels in 36 countries 雅高巨大的网络以及在36个国家超过700家宜必思酒店Mainly geared towards frequent business travellers. And in addition, geared towards couples travelling privately主要面向经常作商务旅行的客户, 此外,面向自助旅游的夫妇Ibis Development Strategy / 宜必思酒店发展策略¾By year 2010,open 100 Ibis hotels in China至2010年,在中国发展到100家宜必思酒店¾By Mar. 2007 -6 Ibis hotels in operation 至2007年03月-6 家宜必思酒店投入营运¾By Dec. 2007 -12 Ibis hotels in operation至2007年12月-12 家宜必思酒店投入营运¾By Dec. 2008 -40 Ibis hotels in operation 至2008年12月-40 家宜必思酒店投入营运¾By Dec. 2009 -70 Ibis hotels in operation至2009年12月-70 家宜必思酒店投入营运¾By Dec. 2010 -100 Ibis hotels in operation至2010年12月-100 家宜必思酒店投入营运Ways of Ibis Development / 宜必思酒店发展模式Land purchase/rent and construct by Ibis with a land of 3,000 –4,000 sqm 购买/租用土地,由宜必思酒店自行建设,土地面积约3,000 -4,000平米Purchase/lease on tailor-made new property to be built with a total area of 5,000 –10,000 sqm购买/租赁为宜必思酒店定制的新建物业,约5,000 –10,000平米Purchase/Lease on existing property for renovation, in Line with Ibis Technical Requirement购买/租赁现有符合宜必思酒店技术要求的物业进行改造Criteria of Ibis Site Selection / 宜必思酒店选点要求Good accessibility by easy ingress and egress良好的可接近性,方便的出入口Good visibility along city major road良好的可视性,坐落于城市主要道路Productive trade area close to target business and office environment 有效的商圈,接近目标商务顾客及写字楼Convenient transportation will be a plus, eg. airport, train station, long-distance bus terminal, subway etc.便捷的交通,例如临近机场、火车站、长途汽车站、地铁站等;Nanjing青岛天津成都无锡武汉中山6 Ibis Hotels Open / 6家宜必思酒店开业47 Ibis Committed / 47家宜必思酒店已签约北京重庆成都济南绍兴西安扬州福州沈阳杭州上海雅安宜宾德阳淄博江阴镇江常熟江门苏州、吴江、昆山凉山齐齐哈尔常州哈尔滨武汉南京包头满洲里天津大连唐山马鞍山金华嘉兴海拉尔潍坊惠州都江堰Committed 已签约北京深圳广州大连沈阳常州宁波杭州武汉无锡中山烟台37 Ibis Under Negotiation / 37家宜必思酒店在商谈中Under Negotiation 商谈中Homelike guestroom -contemporary style, comfortable bed, full-functioned restroom, simple but real pleasure to stay in…家一样的卧室-现代风格, 舒适、休息充分的床,功能齐全的卫生间,简单但真实的愉悦...Front Desk / 前台24-Hour Service Restaurant / 24小时提供服务的餐厅Bar & Business Corner / 酒吧和商务角Hotel: Tianjin Ibis酒店:天津宜必思Open Date: 28th Jan., ‘04 开业日:2004年1月28日No. of Rooms: 222客房数:222间Room rate: RMB168.00房价:168元Hotel: Chengdu Ibis酒店:成都宜必思Open Date: 18th Oct., ‘05开业日:2005年10月18日No. of Rooms: 256客房数:256间Room rate: RMB148.00房价:148元Hotel: Qingdao Ibis酒店:青岛宜必思Open Date: 18th Apr., ‘06开业日:2006年4月18日No. of Rooms: 171客房数:171间Room rate: RMB158.00房价:158元Hotel: Wuxi Ibis酒店:无锡宜必思Open Date: 28th Dec., ‘06开业日:2006年12月28日No. of Rooms: 212客房数:212间Room rate: RMB158.00房价:158元Hotel: Wuhan Ibis酒店:武汉宜必思Open Date: 8th Feb., ‘07开业日:2007年2月8日No. of Rooms: 243客房数:243间Room rate: RMB158.00房价:158元Hotel: Zhongshan Ibis 酒店:中山宜必思Open Date: 1st Mar., ‘07开业日:2007年3月1日No. of Rooms: 150客房数:150间Room rate: RMB138.00房价:138元Hotel: Xi’an Ibis酒店:西安宜必思Open Date: May, ‘07开业日:2007年5月No. of Rooms: 220客房数:220间Hotel: Shenyang Ibis 酒店:沈阳宜必思Open Date: Sep., ‘07开业日:2007年9月No. of Rooms: 322客房数:322间Hotel to Open / 即将开业酒店Hotel: Hangzhou Ibis酒店:杭州宜必思Open Date: Dec., ‘07开业日:2007年12月No. of Rooms: 200客房数:200间Hotel: Nanjing Ibis酒店:南京宜必思Open Date: Year 2008开业日:2008年No. of Rooms: 297客房数:297间Hotel: Chongqing Ibis 酒店:重庆宜必思Open Date: Year 2008开业日:2008年No. of Rooms: 150客房数:150间Hotel: Jiangmen Ibis酒店:江门宜必思Open Date: Year 2008开业日:2008年No. of Rooms: 198客房数:198间Hotel: Zibo Ibis酒店:淄博宜必思Open Date: Year 2008开业日:2008年No. of Rooms: 220客房数:220间Hotel: CD Kehua Ibis 酒店:成都科华宜必思Open Date: Year 2008开业日:2008年No. of Rooms: 192客房数:192间。
酒店开放式大厅内,巧妙借山势美景布置而成的足浴咖啡吧代替了常见的前台,客人能够在泡脚享受welcome drink的同时,办好入住手续。
香港酒店中英文名对照酒店英文名酒店中文名地址Ashley Apartments Hotel 亚士里酒店尖沙咀亚士厘道18号B P International House 龙堡国际宾馆柯士甸道8号九龙尖沙咀Bishop Lei International House 宏基国际宾馆罗便臣道四号香港岛半山Booth Lodge (The SalvationArmy救世军卜维廉宾馆永星里11号九龙油麻地Caritas Oswald CheungInternational House明爱张奥伟国际宾馆田湾街20号香港岛香港仔Central Park Hotel 中环丽柏酒店中环荷李活道263号香港岛上环Century Inn 宜必思世纪轩北角渣华道136-142号Charterhouse 利景酒店香港湾仔道209-219号City Garden Hotel 城市花园酒店城市花园道9号香港岛北角Concourse Hotel 京港酒店香港九龙旺角荔枝角道22號Conrad Hong Kong 港丽酒店香港金钟道88号太古广场Cosco 中远酒店西环坚尼地城海旁路20-21号Cosmo Hotel 丽悦酒店皇后大道东375至377号香港岛湾仔Cosmopolitan Hotel 丽都酒店皇后大道东387-397号香港岛湾仔Disney's Hollywood Hotel 迪士尼好莱坞酒店香港迪士尼乐园度假区Dorsett Far East Hotel 远东帝豪酒店香港新界九龙荃湾青山道135-143 Dorsett Olympic Hotel 帝豪奥运酒店晏架街46-48号九龙大角咀Dorsett Seaview Hotel 帝豪海景酒店(原明珠海景酒店)上海街268号九龙油麻地Eaton Hotel Hong Kong 香港逸东酒店弥敦道380号九龙佐敦Emperor (Happy Valley) 香港英皇骏景酒店宏德街1号香港岛跑马地Empire Hotel Hong Kong 港岛皇悦酒店轩尼诗道33号香港岛湾仔Empire Hotel Kowloon 九龙皇悦酒店金巴利道62号九龙尖沙咀Evergreen Hotel 万年青酒店油麻地吴松街48号Excelsior Hong Kong 香港怡东酒店告士打道281号香港岛铜锣湾Express by Holiday Inn Causeway Bay 香港铜锣湾快捷假日酒店霎东街33号香港岛铜锣湾Faton Hotel Hong Kong 香港逸东酒店香港九龙弥敦道380号Fleming 芬名酒店香港香港岛湾仔41号菲林明道Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 香港四季酒店金融街8号香港岛中环Furama HOTEL 香港富丽华酒店中环干若道中1号Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 香港君悦酒店港湾道1号香港岛湾仔Grand Plaza Hotel 康兰酒店香港鰂鱼涌康山道2号Grand Stanford Harbour View 香港海景嘉福酒店香港九龙尖沙咀东麽地道70号Grand Tower Hotel 雅兰酒店旺角弥敦道627号Great Fagle Hotel 香港朗廷酒店(鹰君)香港九龙尖沙咀北京道8号Guangdong Hotel Hong Kong 香港粤海酒店宝勒巷18号九龙尖沙咀Harbour Plaza Hong Kong 香港红勘海逸酒店黄埔花园德丰街20号九龙红磡Harbour Plaza Metropolis 都会海逸酒店都会道7号九龙红磡Kowloon Hong KongHarbour Plaza North Point北角海逸酒店英皇道665号香港岛鰂鱼涌Harbour Plaza Resort City HongKong香港嘉湖海逸酒店天恩路18号新界天水围Harbour View InternationalHouse香港湾景国际宾馆港湾道4号香港岛湾仔Holiday Inn Golden Mile香港金域假日酒店弥敦道50号九龙尖沙咀Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 香港迪士尼乐园酒店香港迪士尼乐园度假区Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel 香港黄金海岸酒店九龙青山湾青山公路1号Hotel LKF by Rhombus 兰桂坊酒店香港中环兰桂坊云咸街33号Hotel Nikko Hongkong 香港日航酒店麽地道72号九龙尖沙咀东部Hyatt Regency Hong Kong 香港凯悦酒店香港九龙弥敦道67号Ibis North Point 世纪轩渣华道138号香港岛北角Imperial Hotel 帝国酒店弥敦道30-34号九龙尖沙咀InterContinental Grand StanfordHong Kong海景嘉福酒店麽地道70号九龙尖沙咀东部InterContinental Hong Kong (Formerly Regent Hotel) 香港洲际酒店(原丽晶酒店)梳士巴利道18号九龙尖沙咀Island Pacific Hotel 港岛太平洋酒店干诺道西152号香港岛中环Island Shangri-La, Hong kong 港岛香格里拉大酒店法院道太古广场香港岛中环JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong 香港JW万豪酒店香港金钟道88号太古广场香港岛金钟Kimberley Hotel 君怡酒店金巴利道28号九龙尖沙咀King's Hotel Hong Kong 王子酒店香港湾仔谢斐道303号Kowloon Hotel 九龙酒店弥敦道19-21号九龙尖沙咀Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel 九龙香格里拉大酒店麽地道64号九龙尖沙咀东部Lan Kwai Fong Hotel 中环兰桂坊酒店香港中环九如坊3号香港岛中环Landmark Mandarin Oriental,Hong Kong香港置地文华东方酒店香港中环皇后大道中15号Langham Hotel, Hong Kong 香港朗廷酒店北京道8号九龙尖沙咀Langham Place Hotel, Mongkok,Hong Kong香港旺角朗豪酒店上海街555号九龙旺角Lanson Place Boutique Hotel &Residences逸兰精品酒店礼顿道133号香港岛铜锣湾Le Meridien Cyberport 数码港艾美酒店数码港100号香港岛香港仔L'hotel Causeway Bay HarbourView香港铜锣湾海景酒店英皇道18号香港岛北角Luk Kwok Hotel 香港六国酒店告士打道72号香港岛湾仔Luxe Manor 帝乐文娜公馆金巴利道39号九龙尖沙咀Majestic Hotel 香港大华酒店香港九龙尖沙咀弥敦道348号九龙油麻地Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong 香港文华东方酒店干诺道中5号香港岛中环Marco Polo Gateway 马哥孛罗港威酒店九龙尖沙咀海港城九龙尖沙咀Marco Polo Hong Kong 马可孛罗香港酒店九龙尖沙嘴广东道13号海港城Mayfair Garden Hotel(Formerlly Dorsertt Garden) 美菲花园酒店(原帝豪花园酒店/明珠花园酒店)南京街30号九龙佐敦Metropark Hotel Causeway Bay (Formerly Metropark Hotel) 铜锣湾维景酒店(原维景酒店)铜锣湾道148号香港岛铜锣湾Metropark Hotel Kowloon (Formerly The Metropole Hotel) 九龙维景酒店(原京华国际酒店)窝打老道75号九龙何文田Metropark Hotel Mongkok (Formerly Hotel Concourse) 旺角维景酒店(原京港酒店)荔枝角道22号九龙旺角Metropark Hotel Wanchai (Formerly Hotel New Harbour) 湾仔维景酒店(原星港酒店)轩尼诗道41-49号香港岛湾仔Mexan Harbour Hotel 盛逸酒店新界青衣路1号Minden 棉登酒店棉登径7号九龙尖沙咀Mingle Place 名乐居天文台围8号九龙尖沙咀Miramar Hotel 香港九龙美丽华香港九龙尖沙咀弥敦道118-130号Nathan Hotel 弥敦酒店弥敦道378号九龙佐敦New Harbour Hotel 香港星港酒店香港湾仔轩尼诗道41-49号New Kings Hotel 新高雅酒店弥敦道473-473A 九龙油麻地New San Diego Hotel 新圣地亚哥酒店九龙佐敦志和街1-5号Newton Hotel Hong Kong 香港丽东酒店电气道218号香港岛北角Newton Hotel Kowloon 九龙丽东酒店界限街58-66号九龙旺角Newton Inn North Point 北角丽东轩春秧街88号香港岛北角Novotel Century Harbourview 诺富特世纪海景酒店皇后大道西508号香港岛西区Novotel Century Hong Kong 世纪香港酒店谢斐道238号香港岛湾仔Novotel Citygate Hong Kong 诺富特东荟城酒店香港东涌文东路51号Panda Hotel 香港悦来酒店荃华街3号新界荃湾Park Hotel 百乐酒店漆咸道南61-65 号九龙尖沙咀Park Lane Hong Kong 柏宁酒店告士打道310号香港岛铜锣湾Peninsula Hong Kong 香港半岛酒店梳士巴利道九龙尖沙咀Prince Hong Kong 马可孛罗太子酒店九龙尖沙嘴广东道23号海港城Pruton Prudential Hotel 香港恒丰酒店弥敦道222号九龙尖沙咀Ramada Hong Kong Hotel 香港华美达酒店德辅道西308号香港岛西区Ramada Hotel Kowloon 九龙华美达酒店漆咸道南73-75号九龙尖沙咀Rambler Oasis Hotel 青逸酒店香港新界青衣路一号Regal A irport Hotel 香港富豪机场酒店畅达路9号香港国际机场离岛赤鱲角Regal Hongkong Hotel 富豪香港酒店香港铜锣湾怡和街88号香港岛铜锣湾Regal Kowloon Hotel 香港富豪九龙酒店麽地道71号九龙尖沙咀Regal Oriental Hotel(Formally Regal Kaitak Hotel) 香港富豪东方酒店(原富豪启德)沙浦道30-38号九龙九龙城Regal Riverside Hotel 香港丽豪酒店大涌桥道34-36号新界沙田Renaissance Harbour ViewHotel Hong Kong香港万丽海景酒店港湾道一号香港岛湾仔Renaissance Kowloon Hotel,Hong Kong香港九龙万丽酒店梳士巴利道22号九龙尖沙咀Ritz Carlton, Hong Kong 香港丽嘉酒店干诺道3号香港岛中环Rosedale on the Park 香港珀丽酒店信德街8号香港岛铜锣湾Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店麽地道69号九龙尖沙咀Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers 皇家太平洋酒店广东道33号中港城九龙尖沙咀Royal Park Hotel 帝都酒店白鹤汀街八号新界沙田Royal Plaza Hotel 帝京酒店太子道西193号九龙旺角Royal View Hotel 帝景酒店新界荃湾青山公路353号San Diego Hotel 旧圣地亚哥酒店香港九龙佐敦吴松街173-189号Shamrock Hotel 新乐酒店弥敦道223号九龙佐敦Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel &香港喜来登酒店弥敦道20号九龙尖沙咀TowersSilvermine Beach Hotel 香港银鑛湾酒店梅窝银鑛湾D.D.2地段648离岛大屿山South China Hotel, The香港粤华酒店渣华道67-75号香港岛北角South Pacific Hotel 香港南洋酒店摩理臣山道23号香港岛湾仔Stanford Hillview Hotel 仕德福山景酒店天文台道诺士佛台九龙尖沙咀Stanford Hotel 仕德福酒店豉油街118号九龙旺角Two Macdonnell Road 麦当劳道贰号麦当劳道2号香港岛中环Warwick Hotel Cheung Chau 长洲华威酒店东湾第1147号地段离岛长洲Wesley 香港卫兰轩酒店轩尼诗道22号香港岛湾仔West 九龙卫晴轩九龍油麻地偉晴街39號Wharney Guang Dong HotelHong Kong 香港华美粤海酒店香港湾仔骆克道57-73号Windsor Hotel 香港温沙酒店香港九龙尖沙咀巴利道39-43A号YMCA Anne Black Guest House 女青年会柏颜露斯宾馆何文田文福道5号YMCA Garden View花园国际女青年会宾馆麦当劳道1号香港岛中环International HouseYMCA International House 青年会国际宾馆窝打老道23号九龙油麻地YMCA Salisbury of Hong Kong 香港基督教青年会尖沙嘴梳士巴利道41号。
科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店(Ibis budget Koeln Messe)
科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店(Ibis budget Koeln Messe)科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店位于科隆,是家1星级酒店,是科隆最热门的酒店之一。
中文名称科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店英文名称Ibis budget Koeln Messe酒店星级1星级房间数量168酒店地址Brügelmannstrasse 7, 50679 科隆, 德国周围景观霍亨索伦桥、莱茵游船、罗马-日耳曼博物馆、科隆巧克力博物馆、科隆大圣马丁教堂、古集市广场和市政厅、科隆长廊、4711香水博物馆、科隆火车站、科隆大教堂、路德维希博物馆【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. Ibis Budget Koeln Messe酒店提供免费无线网络连接2. <H>允许1名12岁以下的儿童,使用现有床铺免费。
</H>3. 设施,环境很好4. 设施,环境很好酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:科隆大教堂:打车7分钟,车程约3.8公里霍亨索伦桥:步行22分钟,或打车7分钟,车程约4.4公里科隆火车站:打车8分钟,车程约3.8公里古集市广场和市政厅:打车7分钟,车程约3.1公里4711香水博物馆:打车7分钟,车程约3.4公里科隆大圣马丁教堂:步行29分钟,或打车6分钟,车程约3.0公里科隆巧克力博物馆:打车10分钟,车程约4.6公里科隆长廊:打车9分钟,车程约4.2公里莱茵游船:打车7分钟,车程约3.4公里路德维希博物馆:步行28分钟,或打车8分钟,车程约3.8公里罗马-日耳曼博物馆:步行29分钟,或打车7分钟,车程约3.1公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Cologne_c285/209175.html酒店房型房价介绍每个客房都配有2015年4月3日前可免费取消,希望能让客户在入住时更加愉快惬意。
邓梅君 酒店业销售总监 Avaya 中国公司
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科隆展览中心宜必思快捷酒店(Ibis budget Koeln Messe)
英文名称Ibis budget Koeln Messe
酒店地址Brügelmannstrasse 7, 50679 科隆, 德国
1. Ibis Budget Koeln Messe酒店提供免费无线网络连接
2. <H>允许1名12岁以下的儿童,使用现有床铺免费。
3. 设施,环境很好
4. 设施,环境很好