20050530 Control for Wind Turbine [English][Old]




☿࡯থϹॖ⛁ᎹႮࡼ࣪ᴃ᪱DL/T701-1999থᜬᯊⒸ:2002-1-15Ё ढҎ ⇥ ݅੠ ೑Ϲ࡯ ᜐ Ϯ ᷛ ޚ࡯থϹॖThermopower automation-vocabularyfor fossil fired power plant2000-02-24থᏗ2000-07-01ЁढҎ⇥݅੠೑೑ᆊথᏗࠡᣄϹ࡯ᎹϮᾬ[1995]44Ϲ࡯ᜐϮᷛޚᩥՈᅝՈDŽˈ៥೑☿࡯থϹॖՈৡDŽϵՈ೑ᆊˈּՈৡˈ಴ˈᕜDŽЎ೑┉ǃ೑ݙՈѸˈᔶՈᩨ੠ˊˈේᷛޚDŽᷛޚՈ෎Ё“੠Ҿᜬ”ՈᾬGB/T13983-92੠GB/T13283-91ՈᴵDŽ ᷛޚՈ┈AՈ┈DŽᷛޚϵϹ࡯ᎹϮᾬᷛޚ࣪DŽ ᷛޚ᰻˖Ё೑ϹᴎЁᖗDŽ ҎDŽ Ϲ࡯ᎹϮᾬᷛޚ࣪DŽֲ⃵ࠡ ᇇᓩϬᷛޚ෎ᴀᴃ☿࡯থϬᴃ┈$˄ᦤ߾Ո┈˅ ᆵᴀᷛޚᢈ࡯থϬՈᴃˈৃᩥǃᅝǃˊ਍ᮍՈ᭛ӊϬ᪱DŽϟ߫ޚ᠔Ոᴵ᭛ˈỞ೼ᴀᷛޚЁϬ໐ᵘ៤ᴀᷛޚՈᴵ᭛DŽᴀޚߎČᯊˈ᠔߾ČᴀഛDŽ᠔ޚ῁ˈՓϬᴀᷛޚՈ৘Ϭϟ߫ޚ᳔ᴀՈৃDŽ*ˋ7 ü Ꮉ⌟ₓ੠᥻ࠊϬẔ⌟Ҿᜬ੠ᰒ߾Ҿᜬஂܲᑺ਍൫ *ˋ7 ü Ҿ఼Ҿᜬ෎ᴀᴃˊ Ⴎ D₋ϬẔ⌟ϢࠊிඣˈᇍϣˈҹҷՈᮑDŽᇍ☿࡯থˈᰃ࡯ϣ࡯থࠊՈᘏDŽ೼ϔѯĀҾᜬϢࠊā Lˈ , DŽˊ ˊ ⛁ D₋ϬẔ⌟Ϣࠊிඣᇍ☿࡯থՈ⛁࡯ϣˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ H D₋ϬẔ⌟Ϣࠊிඣᇍ☿࡯থՈথˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑѠ V GD DŽˊ ˊ ẋ S D₋ϬẔ⌟ϢࠊிඣᇍϣˈҹҷՈ᥾ᮑDŽ ˊ ˊ ܼ Z S Dᭈਃࡼǃ᫇ǃذᴎϢˊঞՈₑਃࡼ਍᪡ˊ ˊ ֕ PᢆඣঞՈẔখ᭄ঞˈҹܲখ᭄੠źˈẔߎϡখ᭄੠źDŽЏ⌟ₓிඣՈϔϾ៪໮বₓᑊᇚᝯ⌟ؐϢؐՈDŽˊ ˊ ֕ VᇍϣՈ֕੠᥻ࠊDŽ◄ᯊˈẜࣙՈᅝᡸ᪡DŽ ˊ ˊ ▊ඣF G P V▊ඣϵ఼ǃবễ఼ঞᩥਜ਼ᴎϢՈ໪ඈ៤ˈᰃϔⒸ៪ᭈՈ᠔Ոখ᭄▊ࠊ֜ ৄ ϞՈҾᜬ៪& খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ϟ߾ˈҹ֓ؐʱˊ៪ᇍϣࠊDŽˊ ˊ ிඣᎹ HிඣᎹඣՈֲՈˈ໐ᇍிඣᇍᬥᵘ៤௤ǃඈᵘǃǃ᥻ࠊᴎᵘ਍ẟ੠᪂ᩥՈDŽϔՈࠊᇍᬥඣˈϬᑊՈඈ៤Ո݋Ո᳝ᴎᭈDŽ໐ඣᴀẜᰃՈϔϾඣՈඈ៤DŽˊ ⌟ₓϢᜬ P D G Lˊ ˊ ⌟ₓ PҹܲₓؐЎՈՈ᪡DŽˊ ˊ >⌟Ո@ₓ >@Tৃ៪ᅮₓܲՈϔᬥˈЎ៪Ոˊ ˊ >ₓ@ؐ Y > D @ϬϔϾ᭄੠ϔϾᔧՈ⌟ₓᜬ߾Ոₓˈབ Pǃ ǃϔ ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ বₓ Y݊ؐৃব⌟ߎՈₓ៪źDŽˊ ˊ বₓ L Y఼ҾᜬՈবₓDŽˊ ˊ ߎবₓ R Yϵ఼ҾᜬߎՈবₓDŽˊ ˊ ᝯ⌟বₓ P G Y⌟ₓՈবₓDŽᝯ⌟বₓỞ⏽ᑺǃ࡯ǃₓǃᑺ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᝯ⌟ؐ P G Y೼ᢈᴵӊՈⒸˈϵ⌟ₓញՈˈᑊҹ᭄ؐ੠⌟ₓᜬ߾Ոₓؐˊ ˊ >఼ҾᜬՈ@߾ؐ L GL> D P L@ Ҿ఼Ҿᜬ᠔Ոᝯ⌟ₓՈؐDŽˊ ˊ >ₓؐ@ףؐ W Y> D @ᜬ߾ℷ೼ₓᯊ᠔ᴵӊϟՈₓՈؐDŽ⊼˖ₓՈףؐᰃϔϾˊˈϔޚܲՈˈỞϬףؐᴹףؐDŽˊ ˊ >ₓՈ@൪ףؐ F W Y > D @ ЎϔᅮՈৃҹҷףؐՈₓؐDŽ⊼˖ ˊϔˈףؐᝯףؐՈˈᇍѢϔᅮՈϬˈؐৃᩥDŽˊϔϾₓՈĀףؐāˈϔϬՈஂܲᑺՈҾᜬ੠ᮍDŽˊ ˊ Hᝯ⌟বₓՈᝯ⌟ؐ੠ף᭄ؐDŽ⊼˖ ˊᔧ⌟ؐףؐᯊˈ˙⌟ؐϔףؐDŽˊᔧᜬ៪ញՈ᭄ߎᯊˈᖙᜬ៪ញՈޚDŽˊ ˊ ߾ؐ H R L GL ҾᜬՈ߾ؐ⌟ₓՈ ףؐDŽ ˊ ˊ ᓩϬ GX HҾᜬՈ߾ؐҹᢈؐˈᑊҹ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ᇍ HҾᜬՈ߾ؐҹᝯ⌟ₓՈ ףؐˈᑊҹ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ෎ᴀ L H೼খ↨ᴵӊϟҾᜬՈ߾ؐDŽˊ ˊ ޚ ஂ ܲᑺ DҾᜬ߾ؐϢ⌟ₓ ףؐՈϔᑺDŽˊ ˊ ޚ ஂ ܲᑺ਍൫ D FҾᜬޚ ஂ ܲᑺՈ਍൫DŽˊ ˊ V೼ᢈՈᎹᴵӊϟˈҾᜬ៪ញ೼ᢈᯊⒸݙবՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ Ẕ⌟Ҿᜬ P L੠⌟ₓՈҾᜬDŽҹᰃবễ఼ǃӴ఼៪Ⴎߎӊ੠ᰒ߾ញՈҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ Ẕߎӊ VˈGH GHߎ఼ˈ᳝ᯊӊDŽָ⌟বₓˈᑊᇚḰᤶ⌟ₓՈՈӊ៪఼ӊDŽবₓ੠ẔߎӊߎⒸՈ݇ՈˈϡবDŽ ˊ ˊ Ӵ఼ W GXᛳ⌟ₓˈᑊϔᅮᇚ݊Ḱᤶ៪ՈߎₓՈҾᜬDŽ ᳝ՈӴ఼ˈˊɴᬥՈᗻՈˈབ˖⏽ᑺӴ఼ˈǃᑺǃᑺǃᑺӴ఼ˈₑₓǃ࡯ǃ࡯఼ˈ఼DŽˊ ˊ বễ఼ WߎᷛޚՈӴ఼DŽবễ఼ৃˈབ˖⏽ᑺবễ఼ǃ࡯বễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃₓবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃবễ఼ǃḰợবễ఼ǃϹবễ఼ǃবễ఼਍DŽˊ ˊ বễ఼V Wញᖂˊ఼Ոবễ఼ˈৃᇍ⌟ₓؐẟ᭄ˊ ࣙ ˈߎޚ῵ᢳ੠ˋ៪᭄ˈ݋੠Ⴎ࡯Ոবễ఼DŽ ˊ ˊ ᩥ ᜬ P⌟ₓ੠߾ᝯ⌟ؐՈញDŽϔϬ៪᭄߾খ᭄ؐՈࢴĀᜬāDŽ ᩥ ᜬ Ϭˈབ⌕ₓᩥǃ⏽ᑺᩥǃ࡯ᜬDŽ ˊ ˊ ᰒ߾ҾᜬGL Lᰒ߾ ߾ǃ਍ ᝯ⌟ₓؐՈҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ߾Ҿᜬ L GLˈL GL L߾ᝯ⌟ₓؐ៪݊݇ؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ᜬ U GHˈU GL L⌟ₓؐ៪݊݇ؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ˊ ᜬ L L೼ᯊⒸˈ῁߾ϔᢈᯊⒸࠄ᭄ᯊⒸՈᝯ⌟বₓᩥؐՈᰒ߾ҾᜬDŽˊ ᥻ࠊ FᇍϣՈ᪂ ǃǃϹᴎǃϹ਍ࠊӊ ẟՈ ᓔǃ݇ǃਃǃذ DŽˊ ˊ ႮࠊD F៪Ⓒ᥹ࠊӊՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ P Fϵᴎᴎᵘ៪݊ࠊӊՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ᓔɳࠊ R O Fߎবₓϡᴀࠊ԰ϬՈ᥻ࠊDŽ῵ᢳᓔɳࠊ໪ˈẜ᳝੠ࠊ਍݊DŽˊ ˊ ࠊ ࠊ F G O F᥻ࠊ԰ϬবₓՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᅮؐ᥻ࠊ F Z G VüSࠊDŽՓবₓֱᴀՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ বᅮؐ᥻ࠊF Z Y VüSՓবₓՈᅮؐব࣪ՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠡࠊ G G FᇚϔϾ៪໮ᇍᝯবₓՈźՈḰᤶҹ໪Ո┈ϬՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ࠊ԰ϬՓবₓϢؐՈDŽℸϬৃᮑ೼ᓔɳ៪ࠊϞDŽˊ ˊ ൫᥻ࠊ F GH FЏࠊ఼ՈߎবₓᰃϔϾ៪໮ࠊ఼Ոখ↨বₓՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ࠊ WüS FՈব࣪ˈߎᓔ៪݇ϸՈ᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ῵எࠊ FᇚՈஂܲₓḰ῵எₓˈ῵எˊ੠ˈߎஂܲₓՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ D GD F₋ϬႮՈᮍব᥻ࠊᢈ៪ ੠ ᪂খ᭄਍ˈҹࠊிඣᗻՈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᳔ࠊ R F೼ᢈՈᑺϟˈՓՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ VüW FᇍẋՈᔧՈ៪᳔ՈᗻˈႮࠊ఼ᭈখ᭄Ո᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ O FỞᓔ݇ₓᓔ݇ₓߎՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ V FϔϔிՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᭄ָࠊ GL GL F ''Ϭᩥਜ਼ᴎҷࠊ఼ঞࠊញˈָᇍϣՈ᥻ࠊDŽ᭄ָࠊᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎ᥻ࠊՈ ϔˈϔ൫ᩥਜ਼ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣՈϔ൫ˈϬᖂൟᩥਜ਼ᴎ៪ᖂˊ఼ᴹ˗ᩥ ਜ਼ᴎᩥਜ਼੠᪂ඣՈؐDŽˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊிඣ D F Vϵᇍᬥ੠᥻ࠊញᵘ៤Ոˈ࿁ᇍᝯᇍᬥՈᎹࠊՈிඣDŽ᥻ࠊញ੠ᝯ ᥻ᇍᬥПⒸՈ੠Ϭᵘ៤ࠊிඣՈẔDŽϔϬ᭄ े᭄῵ൟ ˈϬᩥਜ਼ᴎ ᭄ᴎঞ῵ᢳᴎ ẟ᭄῵ᢳˈ៪ᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎϢ῵ᢳDŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F F VₓᰃₓǃߎₓгₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ೼ඣЁˈϡӊˈ৘ඈ៤ӊ Ոߎₓ῁ₓՈ᭄DŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ GL F Vₓᰃₓ៪ₓˈ໐ߎₓᰃₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽிඣЁӊˈϔ ࠊிඣ ఼ࣙ ੠ࠊிඣ ࣙӊ DŽˊ ˊ ᴎᵘ DˈD Hᇚ᥻ࠊবЎՈᴎᵘDŽ੠ָˈՈࡼ࡯ Ϲ੠⇨ᴎᵘDŽˊ ˊ ᫇ᴎᵘ U Hϵᴎᵘব᪡বₓՈᴎᵘˈབࠊǃ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊ F YDŽ ϵࠊᴎᵘ᫇ՈˈҹবₓՈ᫇ᴎᵘDŽˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣF Vˊ ˊ ϔ J Yˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲᩥਜ਼ᴎ H F࿁੠਍ₓẔՈϹDŽᑓϬѢᩥਜ਼ǃ᭄ˊ੠Ⴎࠊ਍ᮍDŽỞ఼ǃ᥻ࠊ఼ǃ఼ঞߎ੠ᰒ߾᪂਍ඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ᩥਜ਼ᴎ GL F₋Ϭᜬ߾᭄ˈϬਜ਼੠ᇍ᭄ՈϹᩥᴎDŽỞ఼ǃ᥻ࠊញǃݙᄬ఼੠໪਍ඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂˊ఼ P₋Ϭ῵៪῵ࠊ԰ՈЁˊ & ˈᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎՈӊˈᅠ੠᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ P݋ҹՈᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽҹᖂˊ఼Ўˈҹ῵Ո఼ǃߎ᥹੠݊ᵘ៤ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ V G PᴎDŽ೼ϔࠊϹᖂ>ൟ@ᩥਜ਼ᴎ৘ӊՈᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽϔ֜԰ˈᑊ᭄߾఼ҹᰒ߾࣏៪᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ꮉࠊᴎ S F݋Ո῵ᢳ੠ ៪ ᭄᭄Ո࿁࡯ˈᑊ῵੠ ៪ ᭄ࠊˈҹᅲࠊ੠ ៪ ֕Ո᭄ᩥਜ਼ᴎDŽՈ˖ǃᡫᑆᡄ࡯ᔎˈ࿁ˈᯊ᥻ࠊՈᡅˈ᳝Ոẋབ˖῵ᢳₓǃᓔ݇ₓǃ᭄ₓǃₓǃ᭄ₓߎǃᓔ݇ₓߎঞüᴎỞ਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ӊ P GXඈញՈӊӊˈϔҹඈՈᷛޚՈӊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD᳝˖D Ϭᜬ߾ǃ៪ˈҹ៪ႮǃḰᤶ៪໘ˊDŽǃ៪Ոϔ៪Ⴎǃ៪໘ˊՈՈᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ L೼᭄ˊЁˈҹϔᅮՈ᭄ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥹ Lϵǃ੠ՈDŽ೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎЁˈ᥹Ոӊ ࣙᩥਜ਼ᴎ৘Ⓒǃᩥਜ਼ᴎᩥਜ਼ᴎⒸҹঞᩥਜ਼ᴎϢඣⒸՈ ˈ៪៪Ոᩥਜ਼ᴎ࣏Ո఼៪఼ՈϔᾬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏඃᡞ ៪࿁ₓ ՈഄՈỞDŽӊⒸՈඃˈᰃ᭄Ոϔ᭄ՈϔՈᘏDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD Kϔᴵ᭄ඃՈঝⒸӴՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD QϔϾ᭄੠ϔϾ៪໮᭄ⒸӴՈDŽϔϾ᭄ҹϔϾ៪໮᭄ˈՈ៪ϡՈ៤DŽ᭄᭄Ոঝݙඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ O D Q $ϔ೼Ϭˈ೼᳝ݙϬѢ᭄ঝⒸẟ᭄Ո᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎˊՈ༘݇Ո᭄Ո▊DŽϔϾ᭄Ոϔᾬ៪ܼˈᑊϔϾඈ៤DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ҎᴎỞ PüP FᴎᇍDŽᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎ੠᭄˗ᩥਜ਼ᴎỞ߾ញᇚ໘ˊ੠᥻ࠊ߾ߎᴹDŽЎᴎỞˈᑨࠊǃՈӊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ X W៪ࢴᴎ᥹ P L DŽỞϬϬᴹᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣẟՈǃߎ᪂DŽབ˖ᴎǃ֜Ոᰒ߾఼ǃՈ߾఼਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ LˈV₋Ϭᖂˊ఼ˈϵݙࠊՈǃ݋᭄੠ϔᅮᩥਜ਼ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᓔඣ R Vޚẟˈ࿁ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈϔᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ Vᩥਜ਼ᴎՈிඣ࣏ǃϬ࣏ǃ᪡ඣঞ᭄ˊ੠᥻ࠊ᳝݇ՈᴀᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ V V೼࣏ࠊẋˈࣙᩥǃẔǃϬՈᎹ݋DŽབࠊՈ᪡ඣ੠᪱ˊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᑨϬӊ D VЎϬϬՈӊˈབ᭄ˊǃ᥻ࠊ਍ᑨϬӊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ K GZᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁՈᘏDŽབǃ῵ӊǃߎỞǃ఼਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ӊᅠՈ῵ഫ఼ӊDŽ খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᴵˊ ˊ ੠ V D G GLˊ ˊ ˊ VϔϾ៪খ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔϾ៪বₓՈՈˊবₓDŽখ᭄ࢴՈĀখ᭄āDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄GL Vখ᭄ᜬɴϬ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔඈؐЁՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳ D Vখ᭄ᜬɴݙؐՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ GL೼ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁˈЎᇍϣՈ֕੠᪡ˈ೼߾఼ খᢅ ˊ ˊ ˊ ϞՈ ৘߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏ R GLᜬ߾ᝯᇍᬥ੠᪂ǃখ᭄៪᥻ࠊிඣՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ẋ S GLᜬ߾ϔᝯᇍᬥՈϣǃ᪂੠খ᭄ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊ F G Lᜬ߾ẋবₓՈ⌟ؐǃ᪂ؐǃؐǃߎؐ੠ᭈখ᭄ҹঞ਍ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪϿ D GLࠊߎՈẋ᡹ᨪՈˈҹϡՈ៪ϡՈ߾᡹ᨪՈϔDŽỞ ˈ᪡ҹᮍϔϾ៪ϔ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᅲᯊ UüW W G GLϔᅮՈ₋ᯊⒸ བ ˈᇚϔᯊⒸⒸ བ ݙখ᭄Ո᭄ˈ఼Ёˈ ᑊҹඃ߾ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ K W G GLϔᅮՈ₋ᯊⒸ བ P ˈᇍϡՈখ᭄ẟᯊⒸ བ G ₋఼Ёˈ೼◄ ᡅᯊˈৃҹ᫇ߎᯊⒸݙՈ᭄ˈҹඃ߾ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎ᡹ᨪϿ V GL D GLᇍẋࠊঝǃ᪡ঝǃỞ਍ẟˈᔧᯊᰒ߾݊ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ F GLҹᜬ߾ϔඈখ᭄ བᴎ⏽ᑺ ՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᓔ GL Z GRᇚՈϔ߾೼ˈҹ֓ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˋߎ LˋR ,ˋˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ₓ GL L ',ϡՈ᭄ₓˈгᓔ݇ₓ RüR L DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳₓ D L $,ব࣪ՈˊₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ₓߎ GL R 'ϡՈ᭄ₓՈߎˈгᓔ݇ₓߎ RüR R DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳₓߎ D R $ব࣪ՈˊₓՈߎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₓ S L ,ϡՈₓՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₓߎ S RϡՈₓՈߎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ GHˈL X೼᭄ˊிඣЁ᭄ℸඣՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߎ᪂ R GHˈR X೼᭄ˊிඣЁඣễߎ᭄ՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߎ᪂ LüR GHˈLüR X ೼᭄ˊிඣЁϬᴹᇚ᭄ඣˈ៪ඣ᥹᭄ˈ៪Ո᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋߎỞ S LˋR FDŽָՈ੠ߎӊՈᘏDŽӊᇚᝯখ᭄ བ⏽ᑺǃ࡯ǃₓˈ ǃǃ៤ˈˈ਍ Ո῵ᢳₓǃ᭄ₓǃᓔ݇ₓǃₓ੠ ਍ˈḰᤶࠊᩥਜ਼ᴎ᠔Ո᭄ₓˈᑊࠊᩥਜ਼ᴎߎՈ᭄ₓḰ ࠊ᠔ՈˊₓDŽˊ ˊ ໪ S Hᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣЁ੠Џ఼ߚՈ݊ՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ Sϔߎ᪂ˈᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎߎǃ೼Ո᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ K G FD ៪೼ᰒ߾ញՈDŽᩥਜ਼ᴎՈߎ៪೼ˈָՈ᭄ӊ ᡹ਞǃᜬ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ˋ᭄ǃ᭄ˋ῵Ḱᤶ఼ $ˋ'ǃ'ˋ$ FᇚՈ῵ᢳₓ བ˖ǃϹ਍ ḰᤶՈ᭄ₓᑊḰᤶՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ֜ Gϔඈ᳝Ոᵘ៤Ոញˈ᭄݊੠Ոˈᑊᇚ݊੠ЏᴎDŽˊ ˊ ˊ֜ϞՈϔࠊˈҹ᪂ǃ៪ᅠϔϾՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄֜ϞՈϔDŽᔧᅗϬᯊˈৃҹᅲ᭄ǃՈ៪ᅠDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߾఼F GH U W &៪ࢴ߾఼ Y GR GL Xˈ'8 DŽᩥਜ਼ᴎߎՈᰒ߾఼ˈৃҹᰒ߾ǃᜬǃ᪱਍ˈỞϬඃ߾DŽᰒ߾఼ϟ┈ ᪂֜៪ǃ఼਍ˈϬ៪੠ᰒ߾఼ᴎᇍDŽˊ ˊ ˊ O SӊՈ⌟ញDŽϬѢ⌟ᰒ߾఼Ոˊˈᩥਜ਼ᴎᑊᇍՈ ǃ៪DŽˊ ˊ ˊ W᥻ࠊᰒ߾఼ϞՈϔDŽỞˈ᥻ࠊՈᮍDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ఼ Pᩥਜ਼ᴎՈϔ఼ˈỞ೼ϔᜬ☦DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ꮉঝ H VկࠊᎹϬՈˈᇍᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣẟඈᗕǃǃׂ਍ՈঝDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᪡ঝ R VկϬՈϔࠊৄDŽᰃᩥਜ਼ᴎⒸՈҎᴎ᥹ˈϔϾ߾఼ˈẜ ࣙϔϾ៪໮ˈབ⏲֜ǃ៪਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ Vˊ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣ F P Vᇍϣখ᭄៪᪂⌟ˈᑊˊৢ߾ǃǃ᡹ᨪՈᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽϬ ѢࠊிඣՈϔᾬᯊࢴĀ᭄ඣā GDˈ'$ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣ F V VᇚϣՈখ᭄ǃᝯᇍᬥ⌟໘ˊˈᑊՈࠊᢈǃࠊ Ոᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD Dᇚᩥਜ਼੠੥ˊẋҹঞࠊЁՈ᭄ҹ₋ˈḰᤶ᭄ᔧˊՈẋDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ˊ GD Sᇍ᭄ඣՈ᪡ˈབඃǃ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ GD U GˈGD Oᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎẔ⌟໘ˊẋՈ᭄ˈϔᴎߎᴹDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ K GD PᇚₑՈẔখ᭄ᅮ఼Ёˈ೼ᖙᯊˈৃҹᯊ᫇ߎᰒ߾៪ˈᯊⒸৃҹᰃϔϾǃϔ៪᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᅮᯊ S GL Oᇚᩥਜ਼ᴎẔ⌟໘ˊՈ᭄ՈᯊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ S O೼ᴎඈߎɴᯊˈᇚǃৢϔᅮᯊⒸݙᣛՈখ᭄᭄ߎᴹDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ U W Oਃࡼ៪Ոᮍ খ᭄᡹ᨪǃ᪂ਃذ਍ ਃࡼᴎˈঞᯊᇚ᳝݇খ᭄៪᪂Ոᓔ݇ߎᴹDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ӊ V R H೼থᯊˈᓔ݇ՈˈᯊⒸߎᴹDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ߚ࡯ UϬᴹҹՈᴵՈ᳔ⒸˈᇍѢϔϾ⌟ₓிඣˈҹ⌟ₓՈ᳔᭄ₓ˗ᇍѢϔϾࠊிඣˈҹ᥻ࠊՈ᳔ₓ˗ᇍϹˈᓔ݇Ո᳔ᯊⒸⒸˈϔ൫˗ᇍ&ˈǃᜬՈᑺDŽˊ ˊ ˊ V Uҹ᭄ᜬ߾ՈϔிՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ₋ V S GࠊிඣЁⒸՈᯊⒸⒸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ &߾ & GLᇚ᭄ඣЁՈẔ⌟੠໘ˊ೼&߾ߎᴹˈབඈখ᭄ᰒ߾ǃ߾ǃ߾ǃඃ߾ǃ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᗻᩥਜ਼ S Fᇚ᭄ඣЁ⌟੠໘ˊՈ᭄ˈՈᇍᴎඈẔᩥਜ਼ˈབϬϹˈǃᴎᬜǃᴎඈᬜǃ(໛ǃ⛁਍DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᪡ R J GDᇍᴎඈਃǃذǃˊՈϬ៪᭛߾ˈг᡹ᨪߎˈؐʱҹDŽˊ ˊ ߚࠊிඣ GL G F V '₋Ϭᩥਜ਼ᴎǃỞ੠߾ˈᅲᇍϣՈ᭄ǃ᥻ࠊ੠ᡸ਍ˈϬỞ᭄Ո໮ᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣˈ݊ˈ᭄ˈৃDŽ݋ԧгҹᰃӊՈߚDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ẋࠊ൫ S F OߚࠊிඣᵘЁՈϔ൫ˈ൫ϵՈẋঝǃ᥻ࠊঝඈ៤ˈ৘ঝ⌟Ҿᜬ੠ᴎᵘˈᅠ᭄Ո₋੠໘ˊˈᑊᇍᎹࠊ੠֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ֕൫ V OߚࠊிඣᵘЁ൫ՈϞϔ൫DŽϵᴎ᥹݇ඈ៤DŽ൫ЏࠊϢࠊҹঞˊ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ੥ˊ൫ P OߚࠊிඣᵘЁՈϔ൫ˈϵˊҎᴎ᥹਍ඈ៤DŽ൫ҹˊϢˊˈࣙᑺǃிඣǃₓ᥻ࠊǃࠊ԰᡹ᜬǃ᭄੠ẟǃᦤ਍DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊঝ F Vߚࠊிඣẋࠊ൫ЁՈϔঝˈϬҹᅲᇍᎹՈ᭄ָࠊDŽ ᥻ࠊঝҹˈг᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ঝGD D Vߚࠊிඣẋࠊ൫ЁՈϔঝˈϬѢₓՈẔখ᭄៪ᅲ᭄Ո₋ˈᇚ݊ᔧՈḰᤶ੠໘ˊDŽ ᭄ঝҹˈгҹϢ᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊঝ V F Vϵࠊ఼ S O F ៪ߚࠊிඣ᥻ࠊঝඈ៤ˈϬҹᅲՈࠊDŽࠊঝҹˈг᭄ඈ៤൫֕ඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋঝ S Vᰃࠊঝ੠᭄ঝՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ഫࠊ៤Ո݋ǃ໘ˊǃ᫇ࠊǃǃ᡹ᨪ਍Ո࣏῵ഫDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈᗕǃ F೼ߚࠊிඣЁˈϬඣᡅᇍϡՈ῵ഫᔧඈՈẋӊඈᗕDŽ ೼ߚࠊிඣЁˈϬඣᡅˈᇚϡՈঝǃ῵ӊ੠໪ˊඈӊDŽˊ ˊ ੥ˊඣ P L V ,ᰃϔϾ੠ᩥਜ਼ᴎՈҎᴎிඣDŽˊ᠔ҹϔϾՈϣ੠DŽϔǃ᥻ࠊ੥ˊ੠ˊᵘ៤DŽඣˈϣǃᩥǃǃǃǃҎǃ਍ඣDŽிඣҹ᭄ǃ᡹ᜬՈᮍˊˈҹᇍՈˊ੠᳔ࠊDŽ ҹॖˈϵ൫ՈϣǃᩥǃǃǃǃҎǃ਍ඣඈ៤Ո੥ˊඣˈࢴ൫੥ˊඣDŽˊ ˊ ॖ൫֕ඣ S V L V Ϭᇚ৘ᴎඈᩥਜ਼ᴎ֕ඣЁՈ᳝݇ᯊ᭄ؐ ᘏ Ո᪡ঝˈЎؐ ᘏ ֕ᴎඈᅝՈᅲᯊDŽᯊгᑺᇚᴎඈՈ'DŽ ˊ ৃ U᳝˖D ೼ᢈᴵӊϟ੠ᢈՈᯊⒸݙᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣᅠՈ࿁࡯DŽ೼ՈᯊⒸ៪೼ՈՓϬ⃵᭄ݙˈ᪂ ఼ࣙӊ ࿁ՈDŽϵඣᩥ⌟ₓ᳝ˈ᠔ҹϔϬⒸᯊⒸᜬ߾DŽ ˊ ˊ ৃ PᴵӊᇍՓϬՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣˈẟՈᑺˈ៪Ո࿁࡯DŽˊ ˊ ৃϬᯊⒸ D WϬՈᢆߎথˈ೼໪ᴵӊབǃ⇨਍ℷՈϟˈிඣ៪ញϬՈᯊⒸDŽˊ ˊ ᯊⒸ P W ೼Ҿᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈᢈݙˈ೼ᢈᴵӊϟⒸՈᯊⒸؐDŽˊ ˊ ᯊⒸ P W W UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣ೼ᢈݙˈ೼ᢈՈᴵӊϟˈẟՈᯊⒸՈؐDŽˊ ˊD ᇍϡՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញˈՈᎹᯊⒸ៪ᬙՈᯊⒸˈҹ P W W ᜬ߾DŽᇍৃՈҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញˈⒸՈᎹᯊⒸˈᯊᯊⒸDŽˊ ˊ ᬙிඣ៪ிඣЁՈ Ҿᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣ ϡՈDŽˊ ˊ ৃϬ DϔϾ៪ிඣℷՈᯊⒸ੠ᩥՈᘏᯊⒸˈϬ᭄ᴹᜬ߾ˈेˋ DŽˊ ˊ GX GD GHᇍிඣЁ݇⏲Ո໘ϬźՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ῵ֵ F P GH Vᯊ೼Ѣ ߎ ੠ⒸՈؐ੠ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ P GH Y೼Ѣ ߎ ੠ⒸՈǃ਍ؐՈϹDŽҹᰃᴎ៪⌟ₓ᥹DŽˊ ˊ ῵ᑆᡄ F P GH Lϵ೼῵ՈߎՈব࣪DŽˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ F P GH UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣࠊ῵ṗᇍ݊ߎՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ↨ F P GH U UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣՈ῵ˈϢߎՈ݋ՈDŽ ῵ࠊ↨Ϭ↨ؐ៪ؐՈ Ոߚ᭄ᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ῵ֵ V P GH VҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣϬՈDŽˊ ˊ ῵ V P GH Y೼ᝯ⌟ϹϬՈDŽˊ ˊ ῵ᑆᡄ V P GH Lϵ೼῵߾ؐ៪ߎՈব࣪DŽˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ V P GH UҾᜬǃ᥻ࠊញ៪ᩥਜ਼ᴎிඣࠊ῵ṗᇍ݊ߎՈ࿁࡯DŽ ˊ ˊ ῵ࠊ↨ V P GH U Uߎব࣪Ո῵ֵؐᇍѻߎব࣪ₓDŽ῵ࠊ↨Ϭ↨ؐ៪ؐՈ Ոߚ᭄ᜬ߾DŽ ☿ˊ Ⴎ D OᰃᇍϔϾࠊ᠔Ո࣏ᑺDŽ݊খ᭄Ẕ⌟ǃ᭄ˊǃႮࠊǃࠊǃ᡹ᨪ੠ᡸঞඣ᪂ᩥՈᅠᑺˈ᳔೼ؐʱՈ᭄ₓ੠᠔ՈDŽ☿࡯থՈႮᴎࠊₓঞ˗ᜬঞࠊ᪂ₓ˗ඣ᪂ᩥՈᅠᑺ˗ᮑᎹₓ˗ᡸ௤ᯬՈDŽˊ ⛁ᩥ GH R S S D ᩥᇍᬥՈᴵӊ੠ᡅˈϔ݋ᇍখ᭄Ẕ⌟ P ǃ᡹ᨪ D ǃ᥻ࠊ F ῵ᢳₓ᥻ࠊǃࠊ៪ᓔϔ݇ࠊ ੠ᡸ S ೼ݙՈႮඣDŽेᇍǃᴎඈঞ࡯ிඣǃ(୍ࠊ໛ඣˈǃǃǃկǃˊǃ⊍⊍ඣ੠ᡸ᠔ՈҾᜬ੠᥻ࠊ᪂ඣϔՈிඣ᪂ᩥ੠ᅝᩥDŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ࠊᮍ F P GHؐʱ੠᥻ࠊᴎඈ៪݊࡯᪂ՈẔՈˈЏݙࠊ֜ ৄ Ո੠᠔Ո֕DŽϔࠊ੠▊ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ O F᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ೼Џ བǃᴎ ៪ඣ བ┨ඣǃ⛁࡯ඣ ┈ˈ៪Ⓒ བˊḪⒸǃկ⊍⋉ ݙˈؐʱࠊ֜ϞˈߚᇍᝯᇍᬥՈẔ੠᥻ࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ▊ࠊ F G Fᇚ೼ϣՈ᪂੠݇ඣՈ᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙˈؐʱᇍՈᴎඈẟՈ֕੠᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ᴎࠊ üW F G FᇚǃᴎՈ᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙDŽЏϬѢඣЎࠊՈᴎඈDŽˊ ˊ ࠊ X F G Fᇚᴎඈ ǃᴎঞᴎ Ո᥻ࠊ֜ ৄ %֜ ▊೼᥻ࠊݙˈؐʱᴎඈ԰ϔϾ੠᥻ࠊDŽϬѢ੠ϹඣഛࠊՈᴎඈDŽˊ ˊ ḪⒸؐʱࠊ QüR F GH ϡؐʱˈඣᇍϣࠊՈḪⒸˈℸିⒸՈᡸிඣᅠˈ೼ᬙᯊৃҹႮՈ᪂DŽ ˊ ῵ᢳₓ᥻ࠊிඣ P GX F Vᅲǃᴎঞඣখ᭄ႮࠊՈᘏDŽ೼ඣЁˈᐌখ᭄Ⴎࠊঞ᡹ᨪˈᇍࠡˈ݊ߎₓЎₓՈ᭄DŽ೼ᇍ໪ӊЁгࠊிඣ&GOü W V DŽ ˊ ˊ ᴎඈࠊ X F GL G Fᇚüᴎඈ԰ϔϾࠊˈỞࠊಲᴎඈ೼ႮՈᎹˈǃᴎՈႮඣথߎˈҹব࣪Ո◄ˈᴎඈ᫇ǃ᫇Ո࿁࡯DŽϬՈ൫ᰃࠊிඣ੠ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ P GH W % ᴎ᥻ࠊ ᓔɳ ˈࠊ ˈՓՈ ᴎব࣪Ո◄DŽℸ࢑ҹϬˈˈгᴎՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ W P GH 7 ࠊ ᓔɳ ˈᴎႮࠊ ˈՓᴎࠡDŽℸ࢑ᴎඈᴎࠡ࡯ˈˈг೼ᯊϡՈϔDŽˊ ˊ ˊ F GL G P GHǃᴎᯊ᥹ࠊ੠Ոࠊிඣˈℸ࢑ՈϬˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F VᅲࠊՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ GüZ F᥻ࠊẟₓՈႮࠊிඣDŽᇍˈࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ F F᥻ࠊẟ੠ₓՈ᥻ࠊிඣˈेࠊՈႮࠊிඣՈˈࣙǃₓ੠࡯᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࡯᥻ࠊ S F᥻ࠊ࡯ ៪ℷ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ễࠊ D F᥻ࠊₓՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ F᥻ࠊẟՈₓ (ˈ⊍ˈϬ⇨བǃǃ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ẋ⏽ࠊ V V W F ᥻ࠊ⏽ᑺՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⏽ࠊ U V W F᥻ࠊ⏽ᑺՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ (ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣ S ˈP ᅲ(ᴎ৘ࠊՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (୍⏽ᑺ᥻ࠊ S W F(ˈ᥻ࠊ(ᴎߎ(୍⏽ᑺՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (ᴎҎ ࡯ ᥻ࠊ P L S F ᇍ(ᴎҎ࡯ ᥻ࠊՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ(ᴎ੠ࠊඣՈϡˈ᥻ࠊবₓ៪ᝯₓᰃՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ (ᴎࠊ O G F R P᥻ࠊẟՈ(ₓˈՓ(ᴎ೼᳔ϟẔՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣ W F Vᅲᴎ৘ࠊՈᘏDŽेᴎḰợ੠៪থᴎՈ੠೼ؐՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎࠊிඣ P K GU F ϵᴎˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲࠊிඣ HüK GU F ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᭄ࠊிඣ GL üK GU ' ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃ᭄ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ ǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ᭄DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ῵ᢳࠊிඣ D üK GU $ ϵˊ᪂ᩥՈӊǃ῵ᢳǃˊ᪂ᩥՈӊ੠ᴎᵘᵘ៤Ոᴎ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ῵ᢳDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎϹࠊிඣ PüHüK GUϬᖂൟᴎ ᩥਜ਼ᴎ ঞᴎᵘᅲᴎႮࠊ৘Ո᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ⊼˖г᭄ࠊிඣˈᴎՈĀ'āˈĀˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎႮਃذிඣ D GR $7ᴎՈ⛁࡯៪݊খ᭄ˈᴎ᥻ࠊிඣᅠᴎՈਃࡼǃᑊ៪ذՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎ⛁࡯֕ඣ W V V V ₋Ϭ᭄῵ൟ៪ˊ῵ൟՈᮍ⌟ḰᄤՈ⛁࡯ˈᇚᴎ᥻ࠊிඣˈϬҹࠊՈ੠ՈˈֱḰᄤ࡯೼ݙՈႮඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᴎඣ H W V೼ᴎẔˈߎɴᯊ࿁ᮑẟˊˈᑊ೼ᯊˈ࿁ᮑˈذᴎẔՈֱᡸிඣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ḱợࠊ V G Fᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈϬѢਃࡼǃ੠ᅮḰợࠊDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊˋ O G Jᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈϬѢᇍᴎඈࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ O G Oᴎ᥻ࠊிඣЁՈ᥻ࠊϔˈỞࠊᴎ᫇Ոᓔᑺᴹࠊᴎඈߎ࡯DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡸ᥻ࠊ RüV G S F ᡸ᥻ࠊᰃϔࠊՈ᥻ࠊDŽ᳝ϬᑺࠊᮍՈˈгϬࠊᮍՈˈབᴎḰợḰợՈ ˁᯊˈ݇⒱ˈᔧḰợᯊᓔਃ᫇ˈབℸডˈָḰợࠊಲҹḰợ˗៪ᯊ₋ϬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᡸ RüV G S WᴎֱᡸிඣϔˈᔧᴎḰợϔؐᯊႮᴎ݇੠ЏDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊ YüS Fᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈָࠊ᫇ᓔᑺՈ᥻ࠊᮍDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Q JϬবՈᮍবẟₓՈ᫇DŽ$ S DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ā JϬবẟᓔᑺՈᮍবẟₓՈ᫇DŽ$ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ U R O Gᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈᇚᴎℷϟ᠔Ոˈ೼থՈⒸݙ៪ᾬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᫇ Yᴎ᥻ࠊிඣϔˈᔧⒸᬙᴎᑺᯊˈ݇⒱ˈᑊ೼ᓊảϔڱᯊⒸৢˈᓔਃ᫇ˈҹᴎ੠ϹՈˈ࡯ிඣՈˈϡ࡯ிඣሥDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ϹḰᤶ఼HüK GU F೼᥻ࠊிඣЁˈᇚϹࠊḰᤶࠊՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍,ǃߕ S WϹḰᤶ఼Ёࠊ੠᫇⊍ₓ੠ᮍՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ᴎ VỞ⊍៪Ϲࠊࡼ࡯⊍ˈՓ៪ЏՈᴎᵘDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ˊ Y Pᅮǃ ੠ব࣪Ոᡅˈব᫇Ոᓔਃᮍˈᴎ೼ ܼ ៪ ᾬ ՈϟẔDŽḰᤶ $ˋ$W DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḱợ਍ ᑺবࡼ GU S V G Y ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣඃՈDŽỞҹᇍᑨՈḰợؐϢḰợؐՈ᭄ᴹᜬ߾DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ả෗ GH G Gඃϟᜐᯊ݋Ոϡˈࢴả෗DŽả෗ҹϔϟᜐඃᇍᑨՈḰợؐϢḰợؐՈ᭄ᜬ߾DŽ ˊ ˊ ݊ˊ ˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ F V %੠ᴎՈႮ࡯ǃ⏽ᑺႮࠊிඣՈᘏDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎࠊ D J F $*ࠊথᴎՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎᑺிඣ D GL V $'ǃᝯᴎඈᖂ੠ඃˈᅲᑺ ՈႮࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ⴎඣ D V G V $೼ᴎ᥻ࠊிඣՈϟˈᅲᴎႮՈ᥻ࠊிඣDŽ ˊ ᓔ݇ₓ᥻ࠊிඣ üR Vᅲǃᴎঞਃǃذ៪ᓔǃ݇ՈᘏDŽˊ ˊ ࠊிඣ V F VᇍϔᎹඣ៪ЏᴎϔᅮࠊՈ᥻ࠊிඣ ᓔɳࠊ៪ࠊ DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈ൫᥻ࠊ J Fᡞ݋ՈՈ᪂ϔϾՈ᥻ࠊˈབࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ඈ൫᥻ࠊ V Fᡞϔᴎঞ៪ϔඣϔϾՈ᥻ࠊˈབᴎǃᓩᴎǃՈ᥻ࠊǃ఼ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ໛Ϭ᪂ࠊ D V Gü F៪ҹϞՈ᪂ བ ˈ೼Ẕذ៪ߎ࡯ᯊˈ໛Ϭ᪂ਃࡼՈ᥻ࠊDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ఼᥻ࠊிඣ F V %ব࣪Ոᡅ੠఼ˈႮ఼Ո᥻ࠊඣDŽ೼ЁⒸࠊඣЁ៪៤ᇍՈ఼˗೼ָࠊඣЁϔৄ(ᴎঞՈਃذ᥻ࠊிඣˈгϔҹ᥹ՈࠊிඣDŽˊ ˊ RüWüR Fࠊᓔ݇ ៪ ᇍᑨϔৄϹᴎՈ఼ ᥹఼ ˈᑊᇍৄ఼ ᥹఼ ẟ ᓔǃ݇ ᪡DŽˊ ˊ ඃ V FϬᇍϹᴎՈ఼ ᥹఼ ẟˈ໐ϬՈ᪡ᓔ݇ ᇍϹᴎ఼ ᥹఼ ẟ ᓔǃ݇ ᪡DŽˊ ˊ ᓔ݇ₓ᪡఼ üR VϬѢᇍᴎẟਃǃذ៪ᓔǃ݇Ո᪂DŽϔᓔ݇៪DŽˊ ᡹ᨪ Dˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪඣD V݋ߎˈҹᜬ៪᥻ࠊிඣϡ៪ிඣখ᭄ؐՈႮඣDŽˊ ˊ ؐ᡹ᨪ O DẔߎবₓ៪ϟՈ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪGH DẔߎবₓؐՈ᡹ᨪDŽˊ ˊ ఼ Dᜬ݇੠খ᭄ՈDŽᇍҹᜬ߾᡹ᨪݙՈ఼ࢴDŽˊ ˊ ߎ಴ RֱᡸࡼˈỞˊញϬ߾ߎᓩᡸࡼՈϔ಴DŽ ˊ ˊ ᡹ᨪᡥࠊ D F R᡹ᨪՈϔˊᮍˈབ೼ བਃࡼ ϟˈখ᭄ؐ᡹ᨪؐᡅˈᬥˈЎ᡹ᨪՈ᥾ᮑDŽˊ ֱᡸϢ S Lˊ ˊ ඣ G ᔧᯊˈֱᡸ ໪៪ݙ ໐੠᥻ࠊᮑՈႮඣDŽࣙඣ V V ੠఼᥻ࠊிඣ % DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᘏ P Wϵ៪ֱᡸˈՈ᠔DŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ R W݇⒱⊍ˈՈ᠔⊍ₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Wϵ៪Ẕ ϔ(୍ ႮDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿੠ḰবЎՈ࣪ᢅ៪݊ˊᜬDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ Hᇚ੠ḰবЎᢅ៪ϡᢅՈDŽˊ ˊ ˊ V೼Ո᳔ব࣪ϟˈՈ☿DŽ ˊ ˊ ˈ ☿⌟఼ GHẔ⌟☿ᔎߎৃϬՈϹՈ᪂DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ܼ O R Dᜬ߾Ոϔˈᵘˈ᳝ϟ߫DŽD ᇍ˖Ϭ఼☿⌟៪⌟ᮍˈᔧϔ⌟఼Ẕ⌟Ո ˋ ᯊ˗Ϭܼ⌟ᮍˈᔧ ˋ ៪ҹϞՈ☿⌟఼Ẕ⌟ϡᯊˈᅮDŽᇍ:ൟ ⚻ᓣ♝ၟ˖ᔧẔ⌟ࠄ☿Ѣϔ᭄ₓᯊ ৃ ⚻᭄ₓঞ ˈᅮ♝ၟ☿DŽF ᇍᓣ ⚻♝ၟ˖ᔧϔ߫ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼Ẕ⌟ࠄՈ☿Ѣϔ᭄ₓᯊˈᅮ♝ၟ☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ L G ϔ ⚻ѢẔ⌟৘ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ ☿Ẕ⌟ H Gᓣ♝ၟˈ೼ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼ˈϬ ⚻ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ܼ♝ၟ☿Ẕ⌟ G೼ϔ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟఼ˈϬẔ⌟ܼ♝ၟ ⚻☿Ẕ⌟ᮍᓣDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ FẔ ⚻ ˁ៪ ˁ ⚻☿ˈ೼ϔᅮᯊⒸ བ V ݙּᯊՈ☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ☿ O R O W D Fᓣ ⚻♝ၟϔˈ᳝ ⚻ˈߎ ⚻ ᭄ₓৃ Ո☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᾬ☿ S O R♝ၟϔϾ៪໮☿៪ ⚻☿DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ♝ၟ HϬₓϟˈễ♝ၟˈҹ┨ӏ ˈᑊ˖D ᯊⒸѢ P♝♝ၟݙ ⃵DŽˊ ˊ ˊ Āₓ S UϡѢܼₓՈ ˁˈᯊѢ ˁₓDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ V೼ ⚻៪☿఼ৢˈՓ៪੠ ⚻ ᭭DŽˊ ˊ ˊ ⊍ V V R YˈV W Y ᭭៪԰ˈႮ ⚻ ᭭៪☿ DŽˊ ˊ W V L 7 ֕ ǃǃǃ਍ᴎ᭄ ՈDŽ ˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ D PˈW S P ֕ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ W V P֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ G H P֕DŽˊ ˊ ˊ D ҹˈ⌟ₓDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ Ḹ U H P֕ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ḹ Ḹ Vˋ Y P ֕Ḹ៪ḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ] VᰃϔϾˈϬḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Wϔ⃵ˈDŽ⌟ₓḸ᭄ˈᑊ⌟ߎখDŽˊ ˊ ˊ Ϲ H F Sϔᓣˈҹ԰ˈ࿁⌟ₓ⌟ᜬѢᅝDŽˊ ˊ ˊ W⌟ₓḸDŽˊ ˊ ˊ ᬙ D U Hü P $'ᰃϔϾ ৘Ḹ᭄ˈỞẔˈᇍǃ៪໘DŽẔ⌟ঞ᭄੠DŽ ˊ ˊ L᳝˖D ೼ བṗǃ♝ ⚻ ˈϔ᪂ᯊˈЎৢ⃵៪ৢՈ԰DŽ Ўߎ៪ϡ԰࣏ˈ໐ˈ₋៪԰࣏ˈҹ԰ˈབʌࡴDŽˊ ˊ ᴎ F៪থᯊˈՓ♝ϔˈৢˈৃᓣ˖D ˁ)ˈᰃᓣDŽˁ)ˈᰃ♝ᓣDŽˊ ˊ U 5ᰃDŽ བඝǃễǃᓩ থǃᴎᯊˈDŽ ˊ ˊ L Fϔখ᭄ࠄ៪ϔ᪂ᯊˈᯊ᥻ϔ᪂DŽ ˊ ᥻ǃ᥻ F UˈF֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻៪ĭDŽ ˊ ˊ X F U᳝ᯊࣙ֜ Ո֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻DŽˊ ˊ ᥻ F U֜ ৄ ˈᇍ੠᥻DŽབൟ☿࡯ǃ♝ǃ┨DŽˊ ˊ Џ H Fࣙǃবǃկ Ո֜ৄˈ੠᥻ĭDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ៪Ϲ F UկDŽˊ ˊ O F Uˈᅝ៪ி֜ ৄ Ոˈབ♝ǃǃǃ┨ǃǃ ┨ᇬ ᥻DŽˊ ˊ ᴎ♝ üW F U♝ˈ♝ǃ֜ ৄ ՈDŽˊ ˊ HüQ F U֜ৄǃᇍDŽˊ ˊ Ϲ H Uᅝ ࣙ ᶰDŽˊ ˊ ؐ V H UϹ԰ՈˈݙDŽˊ ᥻֜ ৄǃᶰˊ ˊ ֜ǃሣ SݙDŽ ϬѢᅝǃ៪DŽˊ ˊ ᶰ Fˈੵ᳝੠ ៪ ݙǃ᥻DŽੵDŽˊ ˊ ᥻֜ Fǃ᥻੠਍Ո֜ ሣǃᶰ DŽ ˊ ˊ ᥻ৄ F԰ਬৄDŽৄϞ֜ ਍DŽˊ ˊ ᴎ֜ %֜ W J S᥻♝ǃǃথ֜ ৄ DŽˊ ˊ ֜D S┨֜໪ˈ݊੠᥻֜DŽˊ ˊ ֜ ሣ P S֜ ሣ Ϟ߾ˈҾǃ߾֜ ሣ DŽˊ ˊ ֜ ሣ VüP S೼֜ ሣ Ϟ߾֜ ሣˊ ˊ ֱੵ ᶰ Zü Fੵ ᶰ ݙࡴˈ࿁ݙੵ ᶰ DŽ֜ ሣ Ϟ߾DŽ᥻ᇬ⓶ੵ៪ᶰDŽࡴˊ ˊ ⛁ᶰ ੵ üG Ўᶰ ੵ ˈᶰݙֱ݊DŽᶰᓣᓣ੠ᓣϸDŽˊ ˊ ੵ ᶰǃᶊ W FˈUկੵ ᶰǃᶊ ˈݙDŽˊ ˊ ᶰ U Fញ៪ࡴᶰDŽˊ ˊ ਍൫ G R S਍൫ * ü ਍ᬜ, ᷛẔˈᇍੵ ᶰ ˈĭ ࣙᇬ඗ ẟ៪DŽ, Lü W S ߾DŽ ˊ V៪ ੠ ᥻DŽˊ ˊ ☿Ϲ S S Vᇍ԰ˈ࿁ˈЎDŽ ᭄݊Ո߾ǃǃ᪡԰ǃႮ੠਍DŽˊ ˊ ܼǃ Ϣ֜ǃৄঞ݊Ϟ੠ϔDŽẔ ৘᭄ՈϔˈᑊᯊՈˈDŽˊ ˊ ǃ U V K U᭄Ոϔˈ֜ǃৄ԰њDŽ೼ ǃˈ໐DŽˊ ˊ Ởൟ J Vϔˈ֜ ৄ ǃൟ԰њˈ ᳝DŽˊ ˊ੠ᝯ੠᥻ǃࡼDŽ ˊ ˊ ĭ Sĭ੠᥻֜ǃৄDŽ ˊ ˊ ᝯ SϵDŽǃ᥻᭄ൟ੠᭄਍ ՈDŽˊ ˊ ৄ ৄ L V੠֕ˈϔৄ&੠֜ˈ ࡴ੠ϔϾDŽˊ ˊ V VϬDŽ˖D Ϲൟ˗ৄ˗F ੠˗G ᩥ԰ி੠ᅲDŽˊ ˊ V F ԰ՈDŽϔ˖D Ꮉ ˗ᯊ˗F ᬙ੠┨˗G Ẕǃൟ˗H ੠ₑ˗ᅲᯊ੠ǃ˗J ˗K ໪᭄໘˗L ˗DŽˊ ˊ ԰ R Vᇍ៪԰Ոˈϔϔৄ੠ϔϾ֜ˈ԰֜DŽˊ ˊ ,ˋ2 ,ˋ2 L Hᇍ֜Ϟˈϔ$ˋ'ǃ'ˋ$ǃ',ǃ'2਍DŽˊ ˊ Ϲൟ S P Vǃᅲᯊഄǃ੠԰Ոˈ݊੠Ѣൟ੠ϬDŽˊ ˊ L V VЎ੠DŽˊ ˊ ੠⌟᪙ G D W V ᇍ ࣙǃᜬ֜᪂੠,ˋ2 ẟ੠੠⌟᪙DŽᆵ᭛௦ᓩAabsolute expansion monitor of turbine .............................................. accuracy ...........................................................................3.2.17 accuracy class......................................................................3.2.18 actuator, actuating element ........................................................3.3.20 adaptive control ...................................................................3.3.11 air flow control ................................................................... alarm ..............................................................................4.5 arm cut out ........................................................................4.5.6 alarm display....................................................................... alarm system .......................................................................4.5.1 analog electro hydraulic control (AEH) ............................................. analog input ˄AI ˅.................................................................. analog output (AO) ................................................................. analogue signal ................................................................... annunciator ........................................................................4.5.4 application software .............................................................. automated diagnostics for steam turbine [rotating equipment] (ADRE) ............... automation ........................................................................ 3.1 automatic control ................................................................. 3.3.1 automatic control system ...........................................................3.3.17 automatic dispatch system (ADS) .................................................... automatic generation control (AGC) ................................................. automatic level ................................................................... 4.1 automatic synchronized system (ASS) ............................................... automatic stand-by control ........................................................ automatic turbine startup or shutdown control system (ATC) ......................... auxiliary panel ................................................................... 4.8.6 available time .....................................................................3.5.2 availablity ....................................................................... 3.5.7 axial movement .................................................................... Bbar chart display ................................................................. (function) block .................................................................. boiler control system ............................................................. 4.3.2boiler follow mode (turbine base) (BF) ............................................. boiler-turbine centralized control................................................. 4.2.4 boiler-turbine control room ........................................................4.7.6 boiler turbine generator panel......................................................4.8.5 burner control system (BCS)......................................................... bus ............................................................................... ............................................................................ ...4.8.2bypass control system (BPC)......................................................... cabinet.............................................................................4.8.2cable room..........................................................................4.7.4 cascade control ................................................................... 3.3.8 cathode ray tube (CRT) ............................................................ centralized control ............................................................... 4.2.3 centralized monitoring system.......................................................3.1.7 combustion control.................................................................. common mode interference .......................................................... 3.5.11 common mode rejection ............................................................. 3.5.12 common mode rejection ratio ....................................................... 3.5.13 common mode signal..................................................................3.5.9 common mode voltage ................................................................3.5.10 computer monitoring system.......................................................... computer systems....................................................................3.4 computer supervisory................................................................3.4.5 computersupervisory system.......................................................... configuration ..................................................................... console.............................................................................4.8.4 continuous control system ......................................................... 3.3.18 control ........................................................................... 3.3control board.......................................................................4.8.3control building....................................................................4.7control display..................................................................... control mode........................................................................4.2.1control room....................................................................... 4.7.2control station.................................................................... control valve.......................................................................3.3.22control with fixed set-point........................................................3.3.5 control with variable set-point.....................................................3.3.6 conventional true value[of a.quantity] .............................................3.2.11 A/D, D/A onverter................................................................... closed loop control.................................................................3.3.4critical flame...................................................................... data................................................................................ acquisition.................................................................... acquisition station............................................................ data base........................................................................... highway........................................................................ processing..................................................................... record, data logging........................................................... dead band........................................................................... degree of protection................................................................4.8.13 design of thermal power plant automation........................................... 4.2 detecting device....................................................................3.2.21 deviation alarm.....................................................................4.5.3 diagnostic and test software........................................................4.9.15 differential expansion monitor...................................................... digital electro-hydraulic control (DEH)............................................. digital computer.................................................................... digital input (DI).................................................................. digital output (DO)................................................................. digital signal...................................................................... digital control (DDC)........................................................3.3.16 discontinuous control system........................................................3.3.19 display............................................................................. for window.................................................................. display instrument..................................................................3.2.26CRT display......................................................................... distributed control system (DCS)....................................................3.4.6 droop............................................................................... current probe.................................................................. electric automation.................................................................3.1.2 electric control building ..........................................................4.7.3 electric-net control room...........................................................4.7.7 electro-hydraulic control (EHC)..................................................... electro-hydraulic converter........................................................ room....................................................................4.7.8 elevation flame detection........................................................... emergency trip system (ETS)......................................................... engineer station.................................................................... error...............................................................................3.2.12error of indication.................................................................3.2.13Ffast cut back (FCB).................................................................4.6.4fast valving........................................................................ fault...............................................................................3.5.6 feedforward control.................................................................3.3.7feed-water control.................................................................. fiducial error..................................................................... 3.2.14 firmware............................................................................ out...........................................................................4.5.5 flame............................................................................... envelope...................................................................... detector...................................................................... fired power plant simulator..................................................4.9.1 fuctional fidelity..................................................................4.9.5fuel control........................................................................ trip........................................................................... furnace flame detection........................................................ scope high realism simulator...................................................4.9.2 function group control.............................................................. function key........................................................................ pressure contro............................................................. furnace purge....................................................................... furnace safetyguard supervisory system (FSSS).......................................4.6.1 fuzzy control.......................................................................3.3.10Ggeneric simulator...................................................................4.9.4H hardware............................................................................ copy........................................................................... trend display............................................................ [of a measuring instrument]..............................................3.2.9 indicator ˈindicating instrument ...................................................3.2.27 individual burner flame detection................................................... information......................................................................... device ˈinput unit............................................................ input/output ˄I/O ˅.................................................................3.4.3input-output device, input-output unit.............................................. input variable..................................................................... 3.2.5integrating instrument .............................................................3.2.29intelligent terminal................................................................ ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 4.6.3interlock control ................................................................. 4.6.6intrinsic error ................................................................... 3.2.16instructor station................................................................. 4.9.8instructor station software ........................................................4.9.14 I/O interface eguipment ............................................................4.9.12 Kkeyboard............................................................................ transducer .............................................................. areanetwork (LAN)............................................................ life................................................................................3.5.5light pen...........................................................................4.4.8limit alarm.........................................................................4.5.2load control of ball mill ......................................................... load governing...................................................................... limit ......................................................................... control...................................................................... 4.2.2local control room ................................................................ 4.7.5logic control ..................................................................... 3.3.14loss of all flame ................................................................. of flame to a corner ..........................................................6.1.13。



山东省济宁市2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题一、阅读理解Florida has regained its position as the best American state for retirees in 2024, according to WalletHub’s latest “Best and Worst States to Retire” study.WalletHub’s Best and Worst States to Retire in 2024WalletHub used three main categories to rank the retirement friendliness of all 50 states: Affordability. Quality of life. Health care.While Florida ranked first overall as the best state for retirees and No. I in the quality of life category, it scored lower for health care and affordability. Popular Florida cities rank among WalletHub’s top 10 places hit hardest by inflation (通货膨胀), so retirees need to anticipate a potentially higher cost of living due to inflation. On the other hand, the state doesn’t demand any income tax, which means income from Social Security and withdrawals from retirement accounts won’t be taxed at the state level. Besides, retirees may enjoy the state’s mostly pleasant weather and miles of shoreline.Remember, while lists like these can be helpful as you figure out where you’d like to eventually spend your post-work years, your idea of the “perfect” place to retire will depend on a number of personal factors, such as your own circumstances, preferences and priorities. 1.Which state ranks last for retirees in 2024 according to WalletHub?A.Florida.B.Kentucky.C.Wyoming.D.Oklahoma. 2.Which aspect of Florida may appeal to retirees most?A.Medical services.B.Low living expenses.C.Income security.D.Favorable tax policy.3.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A finance book.B.A geography textbook.C.A public report.D.A commercial speech.Located on the banks of Lake Atitlán, Santa Catarina Palopó is a small town with amazing natural views. Despite its natural beauty and cultural heritage, the community struggled with economic development for years until they had the opportunity to use the power of art and transform the town.Pintando Santa Catarina Palopó (PSCP) was born out of a desire to bring color and life to the town through the act of painting all 960 buildings with traditional symbols and designs inspired by the blouses woven (编织) by local women. Under the leadership of Claudia Boschand the Casa Palopó hotel, the project took shape with the support of local authorities, volunteers, sponsors, and the community.The painting process was structured to ensure efficiency and community involvement. Local families were brought into the process, working with project teams to decide how their homes would be painted. The family would then help sand, clean, and prime (上底漆) the walls before the professional painters joined in to complete the painting process. Throughout the project, the team ensured that no family was left behind, and the professional painters provided guidance to ensure that every building was exceptional.The project has changed the lives of residents and visitors alike. It has increased cultural tourism awareness, created new jobs, and improved the overall quality of life in the community. Alongside this project, the community has worked to champion growing and celebrating local produce, strengthen family interests, and promote community development. The paintings symbolize hope and progress, inspiring other communities to hug the magic of art in their own ways.4.What was the original purpose of establishing PSCP?A.To bring liveliness to the town.B.To rebuild symbolic houses.C.To guarantee the locals a job.D.To pass down tailoring skills.5.What is the highlight in the painting process?A.Professional training.B.Painters’ leading role.C.Traditional materials.D.Families’ engagement.6.What can we learn about the project from the last paragraph?A.It inspires the locals to pursue an art career.B.It shows how to measure community spirit.C.It goes far beyond just economic benefits.D.It proves art is a must for successful projects. 7.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.Art of Painting: A Treasure for Human Beings B.Natural Beauty: The Drive for Rural TourismC.The Colourful Story of Santa Catarina PalopóD.Big Cultural Heritage of a Small TownOne inconvenient truth for the clean energy industry is the undeniable fact that wind turbines (涡轮机) kill birds. Researchers say smarter turbines could dramatically cut the toll.The American Bird Conservancy claims that at least one million bird deaths as a result of wind turbines a year in the US alone is likely to be an underestimate. That’s substantially less than the estimated 980 million birds a year that die crashing into buildings, or the 1.4 to 3.7 billion per year killed by domestic cats. But it’s still an unacceptable number, and a problem that needs to be addressed—because a fully green energy network will need more and more turbines over the coming decades.Researchers at SINTEF and the Norwegian Centre believe they have an idea that could help in a lot of cases. The idea—known as SKARV—is fairly simple: each turbine will have cameras fitted, capable of spotting birds flying directly into the path of the rotors (螺旋桨). Software will automatically calculate their predicted path, and if it looks like they’re in danger of being hit, the system will send control signals to slow the rotors down.In simulations (模拟), the system is able to avoid the vast majority of crashes. This, of course, doesn’t describe all situations. For example, if a young, inexperienced bird approaches a turbine displaying irregular flight behavior, it will not be possible to predict exactly where it will be a few seconds later. Prediction is also more difficult if several birds approach at the same time.Some researchers argue that birds are learning to avoid turbines voluntarily. But if morethan a million birds a year haven’t got the memo yet, it’s still a problem worth solving. We look forward to hearing how trials progress.8.What does the underlined phrase “cut the toll” in paragraph I probably mean?A.Maximize efficiency.B.Reduce deaths.C.Lower costs.D.Prevent errors.9.What can be inferred about bird death caused by wind turbines in paragraph 2?A.It tops the list of bird deaths.B.It calls for immediate action.C.It has been properly solved.D.It shows progress in technology.10.How does SKARV make wind turbines intelligent?A.By keeping a constant speed.B.By recording birds’ behavior.C.By predicting potential danger.D.By sending warnings to birds.11.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.Challenges presented in simulations.B.Features of birds’ flying patterns.C.Examples of SKARV’s application D.Approaches to crash avoidance.It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when spending time outside your home culture, even for an eagerly anticipated vacation. Feelings of discomfort, dislocation, and overload are so common among travelers that they’re referred to by many as “culture shock”.Although the term has existed since the 1950s, says Susan B.Goldstein, a psychology professor at the University of Redlands, it’s an outdated way to describe these adjustment challenges. “Culture shock” implies a dramatic, unexpected, negative event. Though the vast majority of travelers will experience such challenges, “a real sense of ‘shock’ is uncommon,” she adds, “so uncommon that many researchers no longer use the term.”Previously many researchers adopted the idea that culture shock progressed through a remarkably consistent and universal set of stages. Modern research, however, suggests that the experiences of acculturation (文化适应) are individual, not universal. People will have their ups and downs, but for the most part, they will become increasingly comfortable and competent over time.While many blame the causes of culture shock on the host culture itself, an individual’s internal expectations are just as important. When travelers’ image of their destination does notcorrespond with reality, it can result in discomfort and even distress (忧虑). Realistic expectations can help, but so can a traveler’s attitude.In a 2023 study of 2,500 teenage exchange students, researchers found that though cultural stress was common among participants, those who faced those stresses head-on instead of turning to avoidance tended to perform better and were likelier to finish out their year without switching families or going home early.As for Mark Twain, the bad-tempered writer was able to ride out his feelings of distress while traveling. He eventually finished out his European tour — and in his bestselling travel memoir The Innocents Abroad, famously remarked that travel is “disastrous to prejudice and narrow-mindedness”. With the right attitude and the willingness to seek help, it’s more than likely that you, too, can adapt to new settings, building new memories with each new stamp in your passport.12.What is Susan B.Goldstein’s opinion about culture shock?A.It doesn’t live up to the name.B.Its cause is rarely researched.C.It is unavoidable and harmful.D.Its influence is understudied.13.Which factor determined exchange students’ performance from the study?A.Support from family.B.The level of stress.C.Their personal attitude.D.Ways of seeking help.14.How did Mark Twain feel about the European tour?A.It was a rather intolerable experience.B.It was challenging yet rewarding.C.It was an inspiration for his career.D.It was full of regrets and sorrows. 15.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To call on travelers to bridge cultural gaps.B.To recommend a book on traveling abroad.C.To stress the significance of cultural diversity.D.To clarify the misunderstanding of culture shock.How effective are your brainstorming sessions? Does everyone get a chance to share their opinions? Do people with the loudest voices dominate the discussion? 16A popular and lively form of brainwriting is known as 6-3-5. During a 6-3-5 session,brainwriting exercises are divided into several rounds. In each round, six people write down three ideas each within five minutes. After the first round, everyone exchanges their piece of paper with someone else, reads what’s on it, and then writes down three more ideas. 17 After six rounds, all the ideas on the worksheets are shared with the group.Although this example uses six people, you can invite any number of people to your brainwriting session. Other details can also be adapted to suit your needs, including the number of rounds. 18Different from traditional brainstorming, everyone is equal in brainwriting. 19 People also have more time to think through their ideas and to develop them. This can help to encourage creativity, because it empowers people to put forward ideas that they might — in a normal brainstorming session — have considered too risky.If you think your team could benefit from a brainwriting session, you can try the skills to boost their creativity. 20 So, gather your team members, prepare enough paper, and you’re ready to go!A.Brainwriting has many advantages, too.B.Brainwriting works well as a pen-and-paper exercise.C.That’s because all participants get to contribute at the same time.D.Regular brainstorming is a tried-and-true way to generate new ideas.E.These can be new ideas, or build on ideas that have already been shared.F.One way to ensure that everyone gets a fair hearing is to use brainwriting.G.But most people find that aiming for three ideas in each round brings the best results.二、完形填空On Sept.17, 2022, a father and son set out to begin the Ironman competition in Cambridge. Jeff Agar, 59, and his son Johnny, 28, weren’t 21 competitors. Johnny’s cerebral palsy (脑瘫) presented a big 22 . But his dream of being a runner never stopped.23 to show Johnny that he could pursue his dream of being an athlete, Jeff helped him engage in 24 . They began waking up at 4 a.m. so Jeff could run while 25 his son in a special wheelchair called a racing chair. Every morning, they 26 themselves to runincreasingly longer distances. 27 , Johnny could even run a few miles using a rolling walker. Soon, they 28 5K races, then on to Ironman competition.The race began with a 2.4-mile swim. Jeff and Johnny dived into the Choptank River.29 jellyfish stings (伤), they completed the swim in 90 minutes and moved on to the bike ride. Nine hours later, they 30 the final part: a marathon. After 16 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds — with only minutes to 31 , father and son crossed the finish line together. Seeing the 32 scene, the crowd burst into cheers.For Jeff, the race was more than just 33 the finish line; it was about giving Johnny his moment to 34 . A father’s love and a son’s courage turned a disability into a story of 35 .21.A.ambitious B.typical C.specific D.successful 22.A.chance B.advantage C.feature D.challenge 23.A.Hesitant B.Discouraged C.Determined D.Anxious 24.A.sports B.hobbies C.amusements D.studies 25.A.lifting B.pushing C.shaking D.hugging 26.A.allowed B.reminded C.drove D.invited 27.A.Accidentally B.Unluckily C.Gradually D.Probably 28.A.entered B.watched C.quit D.hosted29.A.In case of B.In terms of C.In sight of D.In spite of 30.A.started B.missed C.enjoyed D.skipped 31.A.waste B.wait C.abandon D.spare 32.A.moving B.funny C.helpless D.messy 33.A.finding B.reaching C.imagining D.locating 34.A.think B.exercise C.shine D.relax 35.A.health B.survival C.satisfaction D.victory三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



USERS’MANUALWIND TURBINE GENERATOR SYSTEM(2008-8-16)2Warnings:●This guide has been carefully checked by engineers of Yangzhou Shenzhou Wind-driven Generator Co.,Ltd.●Please excuse from specification alterations without notice.●It is required to comply with the local law,regulation or the permission from local government before installing WTGS.●Only under no wind weather should proceed with the installation,maintenance and dismantling of WTGS.●The installation of wind turbine generators including mechanical and electrical equipment should be operated by professional personnel.Special attention should be paid also.●Color or figuration of pictures might be varied against physical goods.●Two-year warranty is offered with inverter six months since the purchasing date (natural disaster or case of force majeure should excluded from the warranty).●Please do not leave the wind turbines working under the unload state (eg.Without connecting with battery bank)●Please do not dismantle the inner structure of wind turbines until get any instructions from us.Any personal actions without our hints to dismantle should be excluded from the rights of warranty.SW G3Distinguished end users,We are appreciating your purchase of WTGS developed by Yangzhou Shenzhou Wind-driven Generator Co.,Ltd.What we offer to you are wind turbine generators that are with the advantages of easy installation,stable performance and strong service durability.These WTGS have been sold to more than sixty countries with the total sales volume 40,000sets.Engaged in manufacturing wind turbine generators since 1996,we target at developing and selling wind turbines for civil use and small-scale industry.Our products have received wide welcome from both home and abroad customers.Based on the appliance of excellent materials such as Nd-Fe-B,aluminum alloy,carbon fiber etc.and progressive exterior design and technical level,our products have been receiving wide welcome from customers home and abroad.Please indulge yourself in the infinite convenience that brought to you by utilizing wind power.If you have any questions,please refer to this manual or consult the distributors.Yangzhou Shenzhou Wind-driven Generator Co.,LtdAddress:Xinhe Industrial Park,Xiannv Town,Jiangdu City,Jiangsu Province,China Postal code:225267Phone:0086-514-86292873/86290068Fax:0086-514-86290873URL:SW G4ContentsModels&specification table---------------------------------------------------------------------5 Wind turbine generator constituent diagram-----------------------------------------------------------6 Wind turbine generator installation------------------------------------------------------------------8 Battery configuration specification-------------------------------------------------------------------14 Electrical wiring-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Maintenance----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 How to disconnect wind turbine generator system------------------------------------------------22 FAQS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23S WG51.Models &specification tableThe manual is applied to the following wind turbine generators:ModelFD2.1-200FD2.5-300FD2.7-500FD3.0-1000FD3.6-2000Rated power (W)20030050010002000Rated voltage (V)24242448120Rotor diameter (M) 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.7 3.2Start-up wind speed (m/s)32.5222Rated wind speed (m/s )67899Security wind speed (m/s)3535353535Ratedrotatingspeed (r/m )450400400400400Blade material fiber glass fiber glass fiber glass fiber glass fiber glass Blade No.33333Suggested batterycapacity12V100AH*212V150AH*212V200AH*212V200AH*412V200AH*10ModelFD4.0-3000FD6.4-5000FD8.0-10000FD12.0-20000Rated power(W)300050001000020000Rated voltage(V)240240240360Rotor diameter(M) 4.5 wind speed(m/s)2222Rated wind speed (m/s )10101012Security wind Speed (m/s)45452545Rated rotating speed (r/m )22020018090Blade material Fiber glass Fiber glass Fiber glass Fiber glass Blade No.3333Suggested batterycapacity12V200AH*2012V300AH*2012V400AH*2012V600AH*30SW G62.Wind turbine generator constituent diagram2.1Constituent diagram for wind turbine 2KW and below:Note:The actual packing contents are not represented by the above diagram.Please refer to the packing list for the contents you have ordered.SW G2.2Constituent diagram for wind turbine3KW and above:GS WNote:The actual packing contents are not represented by the above diagram.Please refer to the packing list for the contents you have ordered.783.Wind turbine generator installation3.1Tower assemblyFirstly,choose installation yard.Wind turbine generator should be installed as high as possible to a certain extent to be far away from the obstacles in order to obtain relatively strong wind speed.Meanwhile,the soil quality of installing site should be taken into consideration.Please avoid installing wind turbine generator systems on soft sands,uneven ground or areas where the ground can be easily influenced by the climates.The distancebetween the battery bank and the site of installing wind turbine generator should be also taken into consideration.The shorter the distance is,the shorter the transmitting cables will be involved.Thus,there will be less power that will be wasted during the process of transmission.If the distance is longer,we do recommend you having much thicker standard cables in order to prevent any power waste.Please refer to the tower users ’manual for tower assembly.After tower assembling,please position the upper section of tower on the stand (please refer to the following pic.).The height for the tower is 1m to 1.5m for the sake of installing turbines easily.SW G93.2Procedures to assemble the wind turbine generator.(1)To elicit the generator cables with cables for anemoscope and dogvane (anemoscope and dogvane for 3KW &above models)from the tower bottom to the tower end by using the thin steel wires.(2)Hang up the wind generator by crane or chain block together with triple-angle stand.Make sure the generator axis face above and adjust the generator to make it near to the upper flange of tower upper section.(3)<For 2kw &2kw below models>connect the cables to the three output wires from the generator (three-phase wires,without identifying positive and negative electrodes).(4)<For 3kw &3kw above models>there are three thicker cables from the generator making “To turbine ”.Connect these three wires to the generator rear terminal marking “generator input ”(three-phase wires,without identifying positive and negative electrodes).Connect the two thinner cables (marking “Signal Out+”and “Signal out-”)to the single terminals with positive +and negative -.Elicit the dogvane cable from the dogvane position hole and insert the aviation plug from the cable into theSW G10terminal of dogvane bottom.And then position the dogvane to the generator by bolts (Please refer to the following pic.).Special attention needs to be paid to the position of installing dogvane.Make sure that the five holes are successfully positioned before screwing the bolts.After finished the cable connection and dogvane installation,fix up the cables by the rubber plate inside the generator (please refer to the following pic.)SW G11(5)Adjust the height and position of the generator to make sure the gyro flange aiming at the upper flange of tower,and then screw all the bolts (not screw deadly).Finally screw all the bolts deadly.(6)Position the blade hub to the generator axis (blade hub for 3KW &3KW has already been installed on the generator).Special attention should be paid to the flat key to be aimed at the pit on hub.(7)Blade installation.Make note that the concave face of blades is towards wind.Cover the press plate and screw the bolts.Special attention should be paid to the blade balance when install the blades.First,do not screw the bolts deadly,adjust the blades to make sure the equal distance between the blade tips and then screw the bolts deadly (Please refer to the following pic.)SW G12Make sure L1=L2=L3(allowed difference:±5mm).Screw the bolts according to the following orderafter finishing adjustment.Please choose torque wrench when screw the bolts for blades,please refer to the following table for theSW G13according torqueModel Required torque (Nm )200W,300W 15±1500W,1KW,2KW 30±13KW,5KW,10KW,20KW50±1※Please following the above regulation when installing the blades.Any mistakes result in blade or hub broken due to not following the regulation will be excluded from our responsibility.(8)Install the front nose cone.Note:it is required to install the rear nose cone for 3KW,5KW and 10KW.(9)<2KW &2KW below models>Install the tail vane onto the end of the tail rod on the ground,and then install the tail rod with tail vane onto the generator.Insert the axis pin and screw the bolts (Attention:put on the taper liner).※Notes:The tail rods for 2KW &2KW below models are designed to have the distortion at the end,please do not revise it.(9)<3KW &3KW upper models>Please thread the anemoscope able into the anemoscope pole,and then insert the aviation plug on the anemoscope terminal (Attention:the holes of anemoscope plug should be perfectly matched).Position the anemoscope on the anemoscope bracket by bolts.The place where anemoscope will be installed should be square and near the wind turbine generator.It should be vertical against the ground with the height less than the generator.3.3Tower erectionPlease refer to the users ’manual for tower for the detailed tower erecting procedures.SW G144Battery configuration specificationsBattery bank should be put in a building where is broad and ventilated with stable temperature and dry air.According to the output voltage of the battery to decide the number of battery and choose a way to connect them in series or in parallel,and then design the shelf to place batteries,controller and inverter.To connect batteries in parallel or series,according to the requested capability and voltage,and greased all the wire heads with butter or other anti-corrosion material.To avoid the interference of electro magnet,the lead between battery and controller should be less than 3meters.As the suggested battery capability of all models of wind turbine generator,please refer to the model and parameter table.The means of linking battery in series:Connect the anode of one battery to the cathode of the other in consecutive.The graph as follow (the red position is the anode of the battery,and the blue position is the cathode of battery)The means of linking battery in parallel:connect the anode of one battery to the anode of the other,and the cathode of one battery to the cathode of the other.The graph as follow (the red position is the anode of battery,and the blue position is the cathode of battery)SW G15※As the notices and instructions of battery,please refer to the battery manual.SW G165.Electrical wiring5.1Off-grid solution (please refer to the followingdiagram).Make sure that the voltages among the wind turbine output,battery bank and inverter input should be the same.Please do not mistakenly connect the position cathode and the negative cathode,whichSW G17might burn down the generator,batteries or inverter.5.1.1Connection procedure(1)<3KW &3KW upper models>Connect the signal cables to the signal terminals on controller (Attention to differentiate the positive cathode and negative cathode);Insert the plug of anemoscope cable into the anemoscope terminal on controller.And then connect the controlling signal cables to controller;(2)Connect negative cathode of the DC output on controller with the negative cathode of battery;(3)Connect positive cathode of the DC output on controller with the positive cathode of battery;(4)Connect the three wires from generator to the terminals for generator on controller (not need to pay attention to the wire color.Three-phase output,not need to differentiate the positive and negative cathode);(5)Switch off the inverter,and then connect the negative cathode of battery bank to the inverter ’s;(6)Connect the positive cathode to the inverter ’s;(7)Turn on the inverter,and then connect the household appliance to the inverter.Switch off the inverter when you finish the usage;※If there is any requirement for the DC,you can connect directly to the battery or connect to the DC output terminal on controller (not all the models have the DC output terminals).SW G185.2On-grid solution (please refer to the followingdiagram).SW GOn-grid connection should follow the local law permission.And on-grid inverter should be purchased by the customers;※Please see the users’manual of controller for3KW&3KW upper models when connecting the 3KW&3KW upper modelsGS W19206MaintenanceTo maintain the whole system smooth operation,we need to carry on the inspection andmaintenance regularly for wind-driven generator,because its condition maybe extremely bad or even possible to meet all kinds of complex weather condition.6.1Notes:(1)To check the tower cable whether too loose or too tight and do adjustment in time,especially at theinitial stage of installation or after suffering the heavy wind.(2)We should pay attention to the maintenance electrolyte altitude of the batteries,if reduced,increasepromptly.For the concrete method,please refer to the users’manual of the batteries.(3)Before suffering the storm or execrable weather,we do suggest to take the tower down in order toavoid the unpredictable loss.(4)In order to prevent any unpredictable loss,we do recommend laying down the tower before the storm or any adverse weathere.6.2Maintenance schedule(Please refer to the following table)No.Item AfterWinter AfterStormPer year Per fiveyearsPer tenyears1Check blades:look for cracks orabnormal bends.If you locate anydamage caused by storms or weather,replace the blades as using damagedor unbalanced blades will compromisethe efficiency and lifetime of thewindmill.√√√2Grease ball bearings.√√3If it is guyed cable tower,check forcable tension and adjust as needed.√√√4Check to see if nuts and bolts haveremained tight on mill and tower.√√5Check electric power cables forcorrosion and damage.If you detect√√S WGany abnormal corrosion,replacecables.√6Check state of the rotor for abnormaltear and wear.If needed,replace orretool to ensure proper functioning.7Replace gaskets.√√8Paint touch up areas with weatherdamage.9Replace blades with new set of blades.√√10Replace electric power cables goingfrom windmill to converter/controller.GS W7How to disconnect wind turbine generator system(1)Only under no wind weather can proceed with the disconnection of wind turbine generator system.And turn off the inverter switch.(2)<3KW &models above 3KW>Wind turbine 3KW and aboveFirstly,shut down the wind turbine generator.We could set the switch as manual on the operation board,and then press the button of clockwise or reversal,until the blades face to the wind in 90degrees,to realize the generator shutdown.When the blades stop rotate,disconnect the link of the three output wire with the controller,then make a short circuit to avoid the blades to continue to rotate.Press again the clockwise or reversal button to make sure the blades backward to the direction of the earth to prevent from the damage of blades when put down the generator.Disconnect the link of the signal wires,dogvane and anemoscope with the controller.(3)<2KW &models below 2KW>disconnect the link between the three output cables and controller,and then make a short circuit of the three cables.(4)Disconnect the link between battery and controller.(5)Disconnect the link between inverter and battery.S W G8FAQS1.Why doesn't the electric equipment work normally after it is connected to the system?Please check the left energy of batteries,for the equipment can't work smoothly if the energy is not enough.But if the energy is enough,make sure whether the wiring between batteries and inverter is correct.2.Why can't the batteries be charged?Check whether the blades are turning or not,because the generator has no output at too high or too low wind speed.But if the blades are running normally,please disconnect the cables of batteries and inverter at first,then check the output of the generator with a voltage meter.If the output is in gear,please examine the batteries are ok or not,if the output is zero,please check the cable of the generator.3.Why can't the blades turn at a normal wind speed?If the output wire of the generator is connected short,the blades don't work,please disconnect the cables of batteries and inverter,and then check the generator's cable.4.Whether can the using time of electro-equipment be prolonged through enhancing the capacity of the batteries?If the suggested batteries capacity is added,it will cause the batteries to be a situation of lacking energy in a long time,which will influence the life-span of batteries and lead waste.5.The generator of 3KW and above can't automatic follow the wind direction.1)Check the anemoscope is broken or not.Method:observe the controller to make sure whether it can show the wind speed or not.2)Check the dogvane is broken or not.Method:pull out the plug of the dogvane from the controller,andyou will see three lines with the mark of 1,2,3.Measure the resistance of 1and 2with the multimeter,S W Git should be about1000Ω.And then measure the resistance of1and3,2and3respectively.The both of figures should be equal to the figure of1and2.3)If the above checked result is normal,then ensure that the controller board is set on the automaticsituation.Otherwise,it can't automatic follow the wind direction.If like this,it still can't follow the wind direction,maybe because the wind speed is too low.Only when the wind speed is more than3m/s and keeps the speed more than30seconds,can it follow the wind direction and change the angle of facing wind.GS W。



Wind Turbine Control Toolbox for MatlabThe Wind Turbine Control Toolbox,for use with M ATLAB R , provides you with all of the tools needed to design and test con-trol systems for wind turbines all within the M ATLAB environ-ment.FeaturesThe Wind Turbine Control Toolbox provides a comprehensive set of functions for the design,simulation,and analysis of wind turbines and their control systems.Specific features include:•Wind models including deterministic,stochastic and wind farm models.Includes GIS wind data interface.•Electric generator models including permanent magnet,re-luctance and induction.•Multibody wind turbine model•Easy to use simulation graphical user interface •Estimation algorithms including extended Kalman Filter and the Unscented Kalman Filter.•Fault detection algorithms including detectionfilters and par-ity space methods.Every function is fully documented.Descriptions of the inputs and outputs are provided,along with examples for proper us-age.References to relevant textbooks,papers,and websites or included throughout.Most functions include built-in demos, which automatically produce illustrative plots.In addition,a powerful FileHelp system is provided with the toolbox–it en-ables you to search all function titles and headers for keywords so that you may navigate the depth of the toolbox with ease. Numerous demo scripts are included.Prototype Systems QuicklyThe Wind Turbine Control Toolbox allows you to design and test control systems in a matter of hours,not days or weeks.You can simulate a variety of turbine configurations.Changes are easy to make and you have excellent visibility into the result-ing software.Prototyping your control systems and simulation models will reduce both development time and cost.M ATLAB frees you from the expensive edit/compile/link cycle because it is interpretive and fully interactive.The M ATLAB code can be easily ported to C++using the Princeton Satellite Systems MatrixLib software.Controller DesignThe toolbox provides a variety of control design tools including frequency domain,eigenstructure,output feedback,Lyapunov based nonlinear and linear quadratic design functions.For ex-ample,the plots below show the advantage of using blade pitch control in a Vertical Axis WindTurbine.The toolbox also includes a variety of tools for building state and parameter estimators.These include Kalman Filters,Ex-tended and Extended Iterated Kalman Filters along with Un-scented Kalman Filters.Fault detection algorithms,including detectionfilters and parity space methods are included.Wind ModelsWind models include deterministic with tower shading and stochastic models.Power coefficient models for both HAWT and V AWT are included.Blade element models for vertical and horizontal axis wind turbines are included.In addition the toolbox can read NREL GIS windfiles.Wind Turbine ModelingModels for every element of wind turbine systems are included.This includes rotor/wind interaction models,generator models,motor models(for actuating pitch control),electric system mod-els(including inverters,circuit elements and the grid).Gen-erator and inverter models include both Direct-Quadrature andABC models.The toolbox includes a multi-rigid-body modelthat allows you to model all the articulated components.Jointscan be rotational or prismatic.Any topological tree can be mod-eled.The multibody code uses an efficient recursive solver.Graphics and SimulationThe toolbox provides a GUI that allows you to organize the var-ious dynamical models in a wind turbine.SupportThe toolbox comes with full email and telephone support for1year.In addition Princeton Satellite Systems offers designsupport including custom functions and scripts for a very rea-sonable price.CompatibilityThe toolbox is compatible with M ATLAB v7,WindowsXP/NT/2000,UNIX,and MacOS X.Contact UsFor more information contact Dr.Pradeep Bhatta atpradeep@.。


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Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook2013U.S. Department of TransportationFEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATIONFlight Standards Servicei iPrefaceThe Glider Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are preparing for glider category rating and for currently certificated glider pilots who wish to improve their knowledge. Certificated flight instructors will find this handbook a valuable training aid, since detailed coverage of aeronautical decision-making, components and systems, aerodynamics, flight instruments, performance limitations, ground operations, flight maneuvers, traffic patterns, emergencies, soaring weather, soaring techniques, and cross-country flight is included. Topics such as radio navigation and communication, use of flight information publications, and regulations are available in other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publications.The discussion and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). Persons working towards a glider rating are advised to review the references from the applicable practical test standards (FAA-G-8082-4, Sport Pilot and Flight Instructor with a Sport Pilot Rating Knowledge Test Guide, FAA-G-8082-5, Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Guide, and FAA-G-8082-17, Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide). Resources for study include FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA-H-8083-2, Risk Management Handbook, and Advisory Circular (AC) 00-6, Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel, AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services, as these documents contain basic material not duplicated herein. All beginning applicants should refer to FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, for study and basic library reference.It is essential for persons using this handbook to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The AIM is available online at . The current Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material and learning statements for all airman certificates and ratings can be obtained from .This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-13, Glider Flying Handbook, dated 2003. Always select the latest edition of any publication and check the website for errata pages and listing of changes to FAA educational publications developed by the FAA’s Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630.This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from .This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:********************************************John M. AllenDirector, Flight Standards Serviceiiii vAcknowledgmentsThe Glider Flying Handbook was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA). The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors: Sue Telford of Telford Fishing & Hunting Services for images used in Chapter 1JerryZieba () for images used in Chapter 2Tim Mara () for images used in Chapters 2 and 12Uli Kremer of Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co for images used in Chapter 2Richard Lancaster () for images and content used in Chapter 3Dave Nadler of Nadler & Associates for images used in Chapter 6Dave McConeghey for images used in Chapter 6John Brandon (www.raa.asn.au) for images and content used in Chapter 7Patrick Panzera () for images used in Chapter 8Jeff Haby (www.theweatherprediction) for images used in Chapter 8National Soaring Museum () for content used in Chapter 9Bill Elliot () for images used in Chapter 12.Tiffany Fidler for images used in Chapter 12.Additional appreciation is extended to the Soaring Society of America, Inc. (), the Soaring Safety Foundation, and Mr. Brad Temeyer and Mr. Bill Martin from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their technical support and input.vv iPreface (iii)Acknowledgments (v)Table of Contents (vii)Chapter 1Gliders and Sailplanes ........................................1-1 Introduction....................................................................1-1 Gliders—The Early Years ..............................................1-2 Glider or Sailplane? .......................................................1-3 Glider Pilot Schools ......................................................1-4 14 CFR Part 141 Pilot Schools ...................................1-5 14 CFR Part 61 Instruction ........................................1-5 Glider Certificate Eligibility Requirements ...................1-5 Common Glider Concepts ..............................................1-6 Terminology...............................................................1-6 Converting Metric Distance to Feet ...........................1-6 Chapter 2Components and Systems .................................2-1 Introduction....................................................................2-1 Glider Design .................................................................2-2 The Fuselage ..................................................................2-4 Wings and Components .............................................2-4 Lift/Drag Devices ...........................................................2-5 Empennage .....................................................................2-6 Towhook Devices .......................................................2-7 Powerplant .....................................................................2-7 Self-Launching Gliders .............................................2-7 Sustainer Engines .......................................................2-8 Landing Gear .................................................................2-8 Wheel Brakes .............................................................2-8 Chapter 3Aerodynamics of Flight .......................................3-1 Introduction....................................................................3-1 Forces of Flight..............................................................3-2 Newton’s Third Law of Motion .................................3-2 Lift ..............................................................................3-2The Effects of Drag on a Glider .....................................3-3 Parasite Drag ..............................................................3-3 Form Drag ...............................................................3-3 Skin Friction Drag ..................................................3-3 Interference Drag ....................................................3-5 Total Drag...................................................................3-6 Wing Planform ...........................................................3-6 Elliptical Wing ........................................................3-6 Rectangular Wing ...................................................3-7 Tapered Wing .........................................................3-7 Swept-Forward Wing ..............................................3-7 Washout ..................................................................3-7 Glide Ratio .................................................................3-8 Aspect Ratio ............................................................3-9 Weight ........................................................................3-9 Thrust .........................................................................3-9 Three Axes of Rotation ..................................................3-9 Stability ........................................................................3-10 Flutter .......................................................................3-11 Lateral Stability ........................................................3-12 Turning Flight ..............................................................3-13 Load Factors .................................................................3-13 Radius of Turn ..........................................................3-14 Turn Coordination ....................................................3-15 Slips ..........................................................................3-15 Forward Slip .........................................................3-16 Sideslip .................................................................3-17 Spins .........................................................................3-17 Ground Effect ...............................................................3-19 Chapter 4Flight Instruments ...............................................4-1 Introduction....................................................................4-1 Pitot-Static Instruments ..................................................4-2 Impact and Static Pressure Lines................................4-2 Airspeed Indicator ......................................................4-2 The Effects of Altitude on the AirspeedIndicator..................................................................4-3 Types of Airspeed ...................................................4-3Table of ContentsviiAirspeed Indicator Markings ......................................4-5 Other Airspeed Limitations ........................................4-6 Altimeter .....................................................................4-6 Principles of Operation ...........................................4-6 Effect of Nonstandard Pressure andTemperature............................................................4-7 Setting the Altimeter (Kollsman Window) .............4-9 Types of Altitude ......................................................4-10 Variometer................................................................4-11 Total Energy System .............................................4-14 Netto .....................................................................4-14 Electronic Flight Computers ....................................4-15 Magnetic Compass .......................................................4-16 Yaw String ................................................................4-16 Inclinometer..............................................................4-16 Gyroscopic Instruments ...............................................4-17 G-Meter ........................................................................4-17 FLARM Collision Avoidance System .........................4-18 Chapter 5Glider Performance .............................................5-1 Introduction....................................................................5-1 Factors Affecting Performance ......................................5-2 High and Low Density Altitude Conditions ...........5-2 Atmospheric Pressure .............................................5-2 Altitude ...................................................................5-3 Temperature............................................................5-3 Wind ...........................................................................5-3 Weight ........................................................................5-5 Rate of Climb .................................................................5-7 Flight Manuals and Placards ..........................................5-8 Placards ......................................................................5-8 Performance Information ...........................................5-8 Glider Polars ...............................................................5-8 Weight and Balance Information .............................5-10 Limitations ...............................................................5-10 Weight and Balance .....................................................5-12 Center of Gravity ......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Forward ofForward Limit .......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Aft of Aft Limit ..5-13 Sample Weight and Balance Problems ....................5-13 Ballast ..........................................................................5-14 Chapter 6Preflight and Ground Operations .......................6-1 Introduction....................................................................6-1 Assembly and Storage Techniques ................................6-2 Trailering....................................................................6-3 Tiedown and Securing ................................................6-4Water Ballast ..............................................................6-4 Ground Handling........................................................6-4 Launch Equipment Inspection ....................................6-5 Glider Preflight Inspection .........................................6-6 Prelaunch Checklist ....................................................6-7 Glider Care .....................................................................6-7 Preventive Maintenance .............................................6-8 Chapter 7Launch and Recovery Procedures and Flight Maneuvers ............................................................7-1 Introduction....................................................................7-1 Aerotow Takeoff Procedures .........................................7-2 Signals ........................................................................7-2 Prelaunch Signals ....................................................7-2 Inflight Signals ........................................................7-3 Takeoff Procedures and Techniques ..........................7-3 Normal Assisted Takeoff............................................7-4 Unassisted Takeoff.....................................................7-5 Crosswind Takeoff .....................................................7-5 Assisted ...................................................................7-5 Unassisted...............................................................7-6 Aerotow Climb-Out ....................................................7-6 Aerotow Release.........................................................7-8 Slack Line ...................................................................7-9 Boxing the Wake ......................................................7-10 Ground Launch Takeoff Procedures ............................7-11 CG Hooks .................................................................7-11 Signals ......................................................................7-11 Prelaunch Signals (Winch/Automobile) ...............7-11 Inflight Signals ......................................................7-12 Tow Speeds ..............................................................7-12 Automobile Launch ..................................................7-14 Crosswind Takeoff and Climb .................................7-14 Normal Into-the-Wind Launch .................................7-15 Climb-Out and Release Procedures ..........................7-16 Self-Launch Takeoff Procedures ..............................7-17 Preparation and Engine Start ....................................7-17 Taxiing .....................................................................7-18 Pretakeoff Check ......................................................7-18 Normal Takeoff ........................................................7-19 Crosswind Takeoff ...................................................7-19 Climb-Out and Shutdown Procedures ......................7-19 Landing .....................................................................7-21 Gliderport/Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations .....7-22 Normal Approach and Landing ................................7-22 Crosswind Landing ..................................................7-25 Slips ..........................................................................7-25 Downwind Landing ..................................................7-27 After Landing and Securing .....................................7-27viiiPerformance Maneuvers ..............................................7-27 Straight Glides ..........................................................7-27 Turns.........................................................................7-28 Roll-In ...................................................................7-29 Roll-Out ................................................................7-30 Steep Turns ...........................................................7-31 Maneuvering at Minimum Controllable Airspeed ...7-31 Stall Recognition and Recovery ...............................7-32 Secondary Stalls ....................................................7-34 Accelerated Stalls .................................................7-34 Crossed-Control Stalls ..........................................7-35 Operating Airspeeds .....................................................7-36 Minimum Sink Airspeed ..........................................7-36 Best Glide Airspeed..................................................7-37 Speed to Fly ..............................................................7-37 Chapter 8Abnormal and Emergency Procedures .............8-1 Introduction....................................................................8-1 Porpoising ......................................................................8-2 Pilot-Induced Oscillations (PIOs) ..............................8-2 PIOs During Launch ...................................................8-2 Factors Influencing PIOs ........................................8-2 Improper Elevator Trim Setting ..............................8-3 Improper Wing Flaps Setting ..................................8-3 Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch .........8-3 Pilot-Induced Yaw Oscillations During Launch ........8-4 Gust-Induced Oscillations ..............................................8-5 Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise .................8-5 Pilot-Induced Pitch Oscillations During Landing ......8-6 Glider-Induced Oscillations ...........................................8-6 Pitch Influence of the Glider Towhook Position ........8-6 Self-Launching Glider Oscillations During Powered Flight ...........................................................8-7 Nosewheel Glider Oscillations During Launchesand Landings ..............................................................8-7 Tailwheel/Tailskid Equipped Glider Oscillations During Launches and Landings ..................................8-8 Aerotow Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ............8-8 Abnormal Procedures .................................................8-8 Towing Failures........................................................8-10 Tow Failure With Runway To Land and Stop ......8-11 Tow Failure Without Runway To Land BelowReturning Altitude ................................................8-11 Tow Failure Above Return to Runway Altitude ...8-11 Tow Failure Above 800' AGL ..............................8-12 Tow Failure Above Traffic Pattern Altitude .........8-13 Slack Line .................................................................8-13 Ground Launch Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ....................................................................8-14 Abnormal Procedures ...............................................8-14 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-14 Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency Procedures ..............8-15 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-15 Spiral Dives ..................................................................8-15 Spins .............................................................................8-15 Entry Phase ...............................................................8-17 Incipient Phase .........................................................8-17 Developed Phase ......................................................8-17 Recovery Phase ........................................................8-17 Off-Field Landing Procedures .....................................8-18 Afterlanding Off Field .............................................8-20 Off-Field Landing Without Injury ........................8-20 Off-Field Landing With Injury .............................8-20 System and Equipment Malfunctions ..........................8-20 Flight Instrument Malfunctions ................................8-20 Airspeed Indicator Malfunctions ..........................8-21 Altimeter Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Variometer Malfunctions ......................................8-21 Compass Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Glider Canopy Malfunctions ....................................8-21 Broken Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Frosted Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Water Ballast Malfunctions ......................................8-22 Retractable Landing Gear Malfunctions ..................8-22 Primary Flight Control Systems ...............................8-22 Elevator Malfunctions ..........................................8-22 Aileron Malfunctions ............................................8-23 Rudder Malfunctions ............................................8-24 Secondary Flight Controls Systems .........................8-24 Elevator Trim Malfunctions .................................8-24 Spoiler/Dive Brake Malfunctions .........................8-24 Miscellaneous Flight System Malfunctions .................8-25 Towhook Malfunctions ............................................8-25 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-25 Drogue Chute Malfunctions .....................................8-25 Self-Launching Gliders ................................................8-26 Self-Launching/Sustainer Glider Engine Failure During Takeoff or Climb ..........................................8-26 Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/SustainerGlider Engine While Airborne .................................8-27 Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions ........8-27 Self-Launching Glider Electrical System Malfunctions .............................................................8-27 In-flight Fire .............................................................8-28 Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear ...................8-28 Survival Gear Checklists ..........................................8-28 Food and Water ........................................................8-28ixClothing ....................................................................8-28 Communication ........................................................8-29 Navigation Equipment ..............................................8-29 Medical Equipment ..................................................8-29 Stowage ....................................................................8-30 Parachute ..................................................................8-30 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-30 Accident Prevention .....................................................8-30 Chapter 9Soaring Weather ..................................................9-1 Introduction....................................................................9-1 The Atmosphere .............................................................9-2 Composition ...............................................................9-2 Properties ....................................................................9-2 Temperature............................................................9-2 Density ....................................................................9-2 Pressure ...................................................................9-2 Standard Atmosphere .................................................9-3 Layers of the Atmosphere ..........................................9-4 Scale of Weather Events ................................................9-4 Thermal Soaring Weather ..............................................9-6 Thermal Shape and Structure .....................................9-6 Atmospheric Stability .................................................9-7 Air Masses Conducive to Thermal Soaring ...................9-9 Cloud Streets ..............................................................9-9 Thermal Waves...........................................................9-9 Thunderstorms..........................................................9-10 Lifted Index ..........................................................9-12 K-Index .................................................................9-12 Weather for Slope Soaring .......................................9-14 Mechanism for Wave Formation ..............................9-16 Lift Due to Convergence ..........................................9-19 Obtaining Weather Information ...................................9-21 Preflight Weather Briefing........................................9-21 Weather-ReIated Information ..................................9-21 Interpreting Weather Charts, Reports, andForecasts ......................................................................9-23 Graphic Weather Charts ...........................................9-23 Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast ..............9-23 Composite Moisture Stability Chart .....................9-24 Chapter 10Soaring Techniques ..........................................10-1 Introduction..................................................................10-1 Thermal Soaring ...........................................................10-2 Locating Thermals ....................................................10-2 Cumulus Clouds ...................................................10-2 Other Indicators of Thermals ................................10-3 Wind .....................................................................10-4 The Big Picture .....................................................10-5Entering a Thermal ..............................................10-5 Inside a Thermal.......................................................10-6 Bank Angle ...........................................................10-6 Speed .....................................................................10-6 Centering ...............................................................10-7 Collision Avoidance ................................................10-9 Exiting a Thermal .....................................................10-9 Atypical Thermals ..................................................10-10 Ridge/Slope Soaring ..................................................10-10 Traps ......................................................................10-10 Procedures for Safe Flying .....................................10-12 Bowls and Spurs .....................................................10-13 Slope Lift ................................................................10-13 Obstructions ...........................................................10-14 Tips and Techniques ...............................................10-15 Wave Soaring .............................................................10-16 Preflight Preparation ...............................................10-17 Getting Into the Wave ............................................10-18 Flying in the Wave .................................................10-20 Soaring Convergence Zones ...................................10-23 Combined Sources of Updrafts ..............................10-24 Chapter 11Cross-Country Soaring .....................................11-1 Introduction..................................................................11-1 Flight Preparation and Planning ...................................11-2 Personal and Special Equipment ..................................11-3 Navigation ....................................................................11-5 Using the Plotter .......................................................11-5 A Sample Cross-Country Flight ...............................11-5 Navigation Using GPS .............................................11-8 Cross-Country Techniques ...........................................11-9 Soaring Faster and Farther .........................................11-11 Height Bands ..........................................................11-11 Tips and Techniques ...............................................11-12 Special Situations .......................................................11-14 Course Deviations ..................................................11-14 Lost Procedures ......................................................11-14 Cross-Country Flight in a Self-Launching Glider .....11-15 High-Performance Glider Operations and Considerations ............................................................11-16 Glider Complexity ..................................................11-16 Water Ballast ..........................................................11-17 Cross-Country Flight Using Other Lift Sources ........11-17 Chapter 12Towing ................................................................12-1 Introduction..................................................................12-1 Equipment Inspections and Operational Checks .........12-2 Tow Hook ................................................................12-2 Schweizer Tow Hook ...........................................12-2x。

Control of Wind Turbines

Control of Wind Turbines

CONTROL OF WIND TURBINES© M. Ragheb1/6/2008INTRODUCTIONWind turbines are optimized to produce maximum power output at the most probable wind speeds around 15 m/s, 33 mph, or 33 knots. It would be uneconomical to design them for operation at the improbable higher wind speeds.It is necessary to limit the power output in high wind conditions on all wind turbines; otherwise a runaway turbine will be overloading its rotors, mechanical power train, as well as its electrical generator leading to catastrophic failure.It is unavoidable in order to protect the structural integrity of the wind turbine to ignore the energy production potential of these improbable wind gusts and to provide power controls in modern wind turbines to stop the turbine when these occur.Fig. 1: Electronic orientation yaw drive and pitch control mechanism in the direct drive Enercon E66 1.5MW wind turbine. Notice the absence of a gear box in thisdesign.Wind turbines have to also be oriented perpendicular to the wind stream using wind orientation mechanism or yaw control. In addition their brakes must be applied under unfavorable high wind conditions. Some of these controls are performedmechanically in older wind machines, but in newer machines they are performed hydraulically, and in the most recent designs they are done using stepped up motors. This is similar to the evolution in aircraft from manual controls to hydraulic controls to fly by wire controls.Fig. 2: Mechanical orientation drive, brake and pitch control mechanism in anearlier design wind turbine.MECHANICAL PITCH CONTROLIngenious methods were developed to control the pitch or the angle of attack that a rotor airfoil presents to the wind stream. In a spring operated mechanism, the higher rotational speed of the rotor generates a centrifugal force on a regulating balancing weight which compresses a spring. The force of the weight rotates the blade about a pivot decreasing the angle of attack of the airfoil to the wind stream and reducing its rotational speed. The compressed spring tends to restore the airfoil to its original angle of attack once the wind speed decreases.Fig. 3: Mechanical spring loaded pitch control of rotor blades.In modern wind generators the mechanical spring loaded pitch control was replaced by power operated controls.PITCH POWER CONTROLIn pitch power controlled wind turbines an electronic controller senses the power output of the turbine several times per second. If the power level exceeds a prescribed safe level, an electronic signal is generated which turns or pitches the blades out of the wind. When the power level is lower, they are pitched back to catch the wind at the optimal angle of attack of the blade’s airfoil.In pitch control the rotor blades are rotated around their longitudinal axis a fraction of a degree at a time while the rotor continues its normal rotation.Clever design is needed to pitch the rotor blades the optimal amount so as to maximize the power output at all wind speeds.The pitch control mechanisms are hydraulically controlled, even though electrical controls using stepped electrical motors are replacing them much the same as fly by wire is replacing the hydraulics in airplane controls.About one third of the installed wind machines use pitch control mechanismsFig. 3: Passive and active stall regulation and pitch power control.PASSIVE STALL POWER CONTROLPassive stall power controlled wind turbines use a simpler form of blades that are attached to the hub at a fixed angle. The rotor airfoil profile is aerodynamically designed such as when the wind speed exceeds a safe limit, the angle of attack of the airfoil to the wind stream is increased, and laminar flow stops and is replaced by turbulence on the top side of the airfoil. The lift force on the blade stops acting stalling its rotation.In stall controlled wind turbines the blade is slightly twisted along its longitudinal axis. This ensures that the blade stalls gradually rather than abruptly as the wind speed reaches its critical stall value.The advantage of stall control in wind turbines is that it avoids the introduction of moving parts into the rotor. This advantage is obtained as interplay between the aerodynamic design and the structural dynamic design of the rotor airfoil so as to avoid stall induced vibrations. Two third of the installed wind turbines are stall controlled.ACTIVE STALL POWER CONTROLLarger wind turbines with larger than 1 MW rated capacity are equipped with active stall power control mechanisms. In this case they use pitchable blades resembling the pitch controlled machines.To get a large torque or turning force at low wind speeds, the control system pitches the blades in steps like the pitched control machines at low wind speeds.The situation is different when the turbine reaches its design rated power level, at that point the stall controlled machines operate differently than pitch controlled machines. If the electrical generator is going to be overloaded, the control system pitches the blades in the opposite direction of what a pitch controlled machine would do. In this case itincreases the angle of attack of the airfoil leading to a stall condition, rather than decreasing the angle of attack to reduce the lift and the rotational speed of the blades.An advantage of active stall control is that the power output can be controlled so as to avoid overshooting the generator’s rated power at the start of wind gusts. A second advantage is that the machine would deliver its rated power at high wind speeds, in contrast to a passive stall controlled machine which will normally experience a drop in its electrical power output level at high wind speeds since its rotor blades experience a deeper stall.COMBINATION PITCH AND STALL CONTROLCONSTANT SPEED TURBINES: STALL-PITCH REGULATIONCombined stall-pitch regulation was used on constant-speed turbines such as the Siemens SWT-1.3-62 and SWT-2.3-82 turbines. At low and medium wind speeds, the blade pitch setting is slowly adjusted to provide maximum power output at any given wind speed. When the rated wind speed is reached, the blades are adjusted to a more negative pitch setting, tripping aerodynamic stall and thereby spilling the excess power. At higher wind speeds, the pitch angle is adjusted continuously to maintain the maximum power specified.The advantage of such regulation is that it is very simple and efficient, working well with constant speed operation. The disadvantages are that the noise level and blade deflection in high wind are somewhat higher than with pitch-stall regulation. These disadvantages are of minor importance for smaller turbines, but for very large turbines they tend to outweigh the benefits of the robust constant speed operation.VARIABLE SPEED TURBINES: PITCH-STALL REGULATIONCombined pitch-stall regulation was used on variable speed turbines such as the Siemens SWT-2.3-82 VS, SWT-2.3-93 and SWT-3.6-107 turbines. At low and medium wind speeds the blade pitch setting is slowly adjusted to provide maximum power output at any given wind speed. When the rated wind speed is reached, the blades are adjusted to a more positive pitch setting, thereby reducing the aerodynamic forces and maintaining the power level programmed into the turbine controller. At higher wind speeds, the pitch angle is adjusted continuously to maintain the maximum power specified.The advantage of pitch-stall regulation is that it provides low aerodynamic noise and moderate blade deflections. Lower noise can be obtained by special operation. The disadvantage is that variable speed operation is required to provide the necessary flexibility in regulation. This disadvantage is of minor importance for large turbines, where the benefits of pitch-stall regulation outweigh the added complexity of variable speed operation.FLAP POWER CONTROLSome wind machines have their rotors equipped with ailerons or flaps like aircraft. In this case the geometry of the wing airfoil is altered to provide increased or decreased air lift.YAW POWER CONTROLIt is possible to yaw or rotate the whole rotor mechanism out of the wind to decrease its rotational speed and power output. This technique is used for small wind turbines of 1 kW rated power or less. It would subject large wind turbines to cyclic stresses that could lead to the fatigue failure of the entire structure.ORIENTATION YAW CONTROLThe yaw position control mechanism is used to orient the wind turbine rotor in such a way that it perpendicularly faces the wind stream.The wind turbine undergoes a yaw error, if the rotor is not perpendicular to the wind. The existence of a yaw error suggests that a lower fraction of the energy in the wind will be flowing through the rotor area and available for extraction. The lost power fraction is proportional to the cosine of the yaw error angle:cos(P )αε∆l (1)where: ε is the yaw error angle,∆P is the power loss caused by the yaw error.If the yaw error would only lead to a decrease in the power output, it would be an acceptable method of power control. However this is not the case since a side effect occurs.The part of the rotor that is closer to the wind becomes subject to a larger bending torque than the rest of the rotor. This means that the rotor has a propensity to automatically yaw against the wind and this applies to either upwind or downwind machine designs. The rotor blades under a yaw error would be bending back and forth in a flap-wise fashion for each turn of the rotor. Running a wind turbine with a yaw error subjects it to a large fatigue load that could lead to its eventual fatigue failure. It becomes necessary to equip wind machines with yaw mechanism placing them in a direction that is perpendicular to the wind direction.Forced yawing is used in most horizontal axis wind turbines. The mechanism uses electric motors and gear boxes to keep the turbine yawed perpendicularly to the wind stream.Fig. 4: Wind generator yaw mechanism.The yaw mechanism under the nacelle of a 750 kW machine looking from the bottom is shown in Fig. 4. The yaw bearing is situated around its outer edge, and the gears of the yaw motors and the yaw brakes are placed on the inside. Manufacturers of upwind machines include provisions for braking the yaw mechanism whenever it is not used. The yaw mechanism is activated by the electronic controller which interrogates the position of the wind vane on the turbine, several times per second.SAFETY FEATURE: CABLE TWIST COUNTERA wind turbine accident situation is that it could continue yawing continuously in the same direction direction. Electrical cables carry the current from the wind turbine generator down through the structural tower. These cables could become twisted if the turbine accidentally keeps yawing in the same direction more than one rotation.Wind turbines are equipped with an engineered safety feature consisting of a cable twist counter which informs the controller when it becomes necessary to untwist the power cables. It is connected to a circuit breaker which is activated if the cables become too twisted and brakes the yaw rotation mechanism. No more than five full twist rotations are allowed.。

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines风力涡轮机的空气动力学

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines风力涡轮机的空气动力学

Appendix A: Basic Equations in Fluid Mechanics Appendix B: Symbols Index
List of Figures and Tables
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4.1 4.2 4.3 Horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) Machine layout Schematic view of streamlines past an airfoil Definition of lift and drag Explanation of the generation of lift Polar for the FX67-K-170 airfoil Different stall behaviour Computed streamlines for angles of attack of 5° and 15° Viscous boundary layer at the wall of an airfoil Schematic view of the shape of the boundary layer for a favourable and an adverse pressure gradient Schematic view of the transitional process Streamlines flowing over and under a wing Velocity vectors seen from behind a wing A simplified model of the vortex system on a wing More realistic vortex system on a wing Induced velocity from a vortex line of strength Γ The effective angle of attack for a section in a wing and the resulting force R, lift L and induced drag Di Computed limiting streamlines on a stall regulated wind turbine blade at a moderately high wind speed Rotor of a three-bladed wind turbine with rotor radius R Radial cut in a wind turbine rotor showing airfoils at r/R Schematic drawing of the vortex system behind a wind turbine Illustration of the streamlines past the rotor and the axial velocity and pressure up- and downstream of the rotor Circular control volume around a wind turbine Alternative control volume around a wind turbine 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 12 14 14 15 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 28 29 30



Abnormal Data of Wind Turbine Identification Based onImproved Group Internal Variance AlgorithmXiao-yu WangAmu Gu-lengGuan-ping LiPing-yang PanRui-lin GaoHui Liu(Inner Mongolia Branch of CGN New Energy Investment (Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.)Abstract:Due to the effect of data measurement errors,wind curtailment and electricity limiting,downtime,there are a large number of abnormal data in the SCADA collection data of wind turbines.Cleaning and eliminating abnormal data is a prerequisite for effective performance analysis and prediction research of wind turbine.In this paper,an improved optimal internal variance algorithm is used to identify abnormal data of wind turbines.Field examples show that the improved optimal internal variance algorithm can accurately and effectively identify four types of abnormal data in the wind speed-power curve,bottom accumulation type,middle accumulation type,upper accumulation type,and surrounding dispersion type without adding hardware equipment.Keywords:Wind Turbine;Wind Speed-Power Curve;Improved Optimal Variance Algorithm;Data Cleaning摘要:由于受数据测量误差、弃风限电及停机等因素的影响,风电机组SCADA 采集数据中存在大量异常数据,清洗剔除异常数据是有效进行风电机组性能分析与预测研究的前提。

Wind turbine, a method for controlling the wind tu

Wind turbine, a method for controlling the wind tu

专利名称:Wind turbine, a method for controlling the wind turbine, a power generation and powertransmission system including the windturbine, a computer program for controllingthe operation of the wind turbine, and acontrol program for controlling theoperation of the system side bridge of thepower converter in the wind turbine Systemside bridge controller发明人:ポール ブライアン ブロウガン,ニコレーウス ゴレンバウム,ライナー ズロフスキー申请号:JP2016135272申请日:20160707公开号:JP6312166B2公开日:20180418专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method for controlling the operation of a wind turbine (120) comprises (a) receiving an active power reference signal (P*conv, PrefWT) being indicative for active power to be generated by the wind turbine (120) and an active power feedback signal (Pfb) indicative for active power generated by the wind turbine (120); (b) determining, based on the active power reference signal and the active power feedback signal, a first voltage control signal (Vd) and a power controller frequency signal ( É PC); (c) receiving a power reference signal (Pumb*) indicative for a desired power flow through an AC auxiliary power transmission system (164) and a power feedback signal (Pumbfb)indicative for the actual power flowing via the AC auxiliary power transmission system; (d) determining, based on the power reference signal and the power feedback signal, a power offset frequency signal ( É uPC) indicative for an actual power offset within the AC auxiliary power transmission system; (e) determining, based on the power controller frequency signal ( É PC), a second voltage control signal (Vq); (f) determining, based on the power offset frequency signal, an angle signal (¸0) indicative for an actual angle of a rotating dq reference frame; and (g) controlling the operation of a power converter (240) based on the first voltage control signal, the second voltage control signal, and the angle signal. It is further described a network bridge controller, a wind turbine, a power generating and forwarding system, and a computer program which are all capable of carrying out or controlling the described control method.申请人:シーメンス アクチエンゲゼルシヤフト地址:ドイツ連邦共和国 D-80333 ミュンヘン ヴェアナー-フォン-シーメンス-シュトラーセ 1国籍:DE代理人:アインゼル・フェリックス=ラインハルト,前川 純一,二宮 浩康,上島 類更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Speed control gear for turbines

Speed control gear for turbines

专利名称:Speed control gear for turbines发明人:ATKINSON MYLES BIRKETT,BARRATT FREDERICK HARRY申请号:US16170461申请日:19611222公开号:US3209772A公开日:19651005专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:1,004,986. Turbines. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Dec. 11, 1961 [Dec. 28, 1960], No. 44458/60. Heading FIT. [Also in Division G3] An overspeed limiting control for steam turbines comprises a piston 3 slidable in a cylinder 2, connected by a rod 16 to a pilot valve of the steam valve of the turbine. The movement of piston 3 is controlled by a valve 1, actuated by a solenoid 9, which admits or exhausts oil from the cylinder 2 through connections 1a, 1b. The piston is loaded by a spring 7 to the position shown in which the steam valve is closed. Ports 4 are provided through the piston and a valve 5 is loaded by a spring 6 to a position closing these ports, the valve being connected to a dashpot piston 10 by a rod 14 having a loose fit in a bush 12. A ball valve 15 is provided to by-pass the dashpot. In operation when the turbine is moving normally the valve 1 allows oil from inlet 1a to flow into the cylinder 2 whereby the piston 3 and valve 5 are moved downwards against the spring loading and the valve spindle abuts a plate 8. The valve 15 opens during this movement to prevent cavitation. When the speed of the turbine suddenly rises due to a loss of load, the solenoid is energised to move the valve 1 upwards to the position shown and the piston 3 starts to rise under the action of spring 7. Due to the dashpot, movement of the valve 5 is retarded and the ports 4 areopened thus allowing flow from the cylinder 2 through these ports to provide a rapid movement of the piston 3 to close the steam valve. The solenoid 9 has a short time constant which may be further reduced by a large resistor arranged in series.申请人:ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED更多信息请下载全文后查看。

System for the monitoring of the wind incidence an

System for the monitoring of the wind incidence an
申请人:General Electric Company 地址:1 River Road Schenectady, NY 12345 US 国籍:US 代理机构:Bedford, Grant Richard 更多信息请下载全文后查看
专利名称:System for the monitoring of the wind incidence angle and the control of theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱwind t ur bine
发明人:Pierce, Kirk Gee,Herr, Stefan,Leclair, Ryan, Michael,Winslow, Christopher J.
申请号:EP09161879.3 申请日:20090603 公开号:EP 2133564 A2 公开日:20091216 专利附图:
摘要:A wind turbine (100) including a control system and at least one wind turbine
blade (108) having a pressure measurement system (200) is disclosed. The pressure measurement system (200) includes a pressure probe (300) that provides a measurement of inflow angle to the control system. The control system adjusts the blade pitch angle of the at least one turbine blade (108) in response to the inflow angle measurement to improve energy capture. The pressure probe (300) is mounted by a probe support structure (302) at a predetermined position from the leading edge (201) of the at least one wind turbine blade (108).



专利名称:LEADING EDGE PROTECTION OF A WINDTURBINE BLADE发明人:Wout Ruijter,Christian Meldgaard,BrianBækdahl Damgaard申请号:US16484859申请日:20180216公开号:US20200063718A1公开日:20200227专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The invention relates to a leading edge protection cover for a wind turbine blade. The protection cover comprises first and second longitudinally extending edges,and outer and inner arcuate surfaces extending there between. The inner arcuate surface is shaped to be attached to an outer surface portion of the wind turbine blade such as to cover at least a part of the leading edge of the blade, and with the first longitudinally extending edge being attached to a suction side of the wind turbine blade. The protection cover further comprises a number of vortex generating members positioned on the outer arcuate surface of the protection cover along at least a part of the first longitudinally extending edge. The proposed protection cover results in an increased protection of the wind turbine blade against impacting particles and improved fluid properties over the surface of the wind turbine blade. The invention further relates to a method of preparing a wind turbine blade with a leading edge protection cover, comprising the steps of moulding a leading edge protection cover comprising a number of vortex generating members and attaching the leading edge protection cover to an outer surface portion of the wind turbine blade.申请人:MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S地址:Aarhus N DK国籍:DK更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:WIND TURBINE GENERATOR INSTALLATION BY AIRSHIP发明人:KIRT, Rune,THOMSEN, Mads Bækgaard申请号:EP10724259.6申请日:20100615公开号:EP2443031A1公开日:20120425专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a method for handling at least one wind turbine generator component. The method comprises the steps of loading said at least one wind turbine generator component to an airship at a site of loading, transporting the airship with the at least one wind turbine component from the site of loading of the at least one wind turbine generator component to the site of installation of the at least one wind turbine component, and unloading said at least one wind turbine generator component from the airship at the site of unloading by means one or more guide elements extending between the at least one wind turbine generator component and the other wind turbine generator component. The invention also relates to use of an airship for installing wind turbine generator components.申请人:Vestas Wind Systems A/S地址:Hedeager 44 8200 Aarhus N DK国籍:DK更多信息请下载全文后查看。


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Presentation: results may be presented graphically and can be combined into a word
– processor compatible report.
D-2: Hardware
• Sensors: Eye & Ear
– Speed, Current, Voltage, Force, Temperature, Frequency
D: How to Control?
• Control in Mind
– Mathematics Model
• Control by Machine
– Hardware
• Control by People
– Operation
D-1: Mathematics Model
• Create Model
D-1: Design Software
• Common:
– – – – Protel: for Circuits AutoCAD, Solid work: for structure MATLAB: for Science Compute Database: for Data Store and analysis
• Low Speed
– Max Output
• Medium Speed
– Stable Output
• High Speed
– Safety
• Integration
– Optimized Output
C: What to Control?
• Power—Main Loop • Safety • Secondary Parts
P=K*R^2*S ^3 uncontrolled
P=K*S* P=K*V* T C S,T<Ma x Cone
C-2: Safety
• Limits
– Wind Limits – Aerodynamics Limits : Speed, Angle… – Mechanics Limits: Force, Torque, Fatigue… – Electrics Limits: Voltage, Current, Temperature, Frequency…
• Wind Software
– BLADED – WT_Perf, YawDyn ,AeroDyn…
• Self Developed Software
– Visual C++, C++, Basic, Fortran…
• • Specification of all wind turbine parameters, wind inputs and load cases. Rapid calculation of steady-state performance characteristics, including:
• Drivers: Muscles
– Hydraulic, Motor, IGBT
• Network: Nerves
– Bus, I/O, Isolated Circuits, Elect magnetic Compatibility
• Computer: Brain
– Software: IQ and Experience – Database: Knowledge
A-2: Generator
• Input: Rotating Speed, Torque • Output: Current, Voltage, Frequency • Other Limits: Temperature • Control Point: No
– Permanent Magnetic – Direct Drive
Control for Wind Turbine
--Robin ZHAO --Robin
• A: Subsystem Control • B: Why need Control? • C: What to Control? • D: How to Control?
• Challenges:
– No Control, so Design is Important, Hard
A-3: Power Electronics
• Input: Current, Voltage, Frequency • Output: Current, Voltage, Frequency • Limits: IGBT limits Voltage & Frequency • Control Point: open/shut of IGBT • Challenges:
– Aerodynamic information – Performance coefficients – Power curves – Steady operating loads – Steady parked loads – • Dynamic simulations covering the following cases: – Normal running – Start-up – Normal and emergency shutdowns – Idling – Parked – Dynamic power curve
A-1: Aerodynamics
• Input: Wind Speed, Wind Direction • Output: Rotating Speed, Torque • Control Point
– Hydraulic ->Coning/Pitch
• Challenges:
– Unexpected Wind Speed: Turbulence – Uncertified Model: Coning model – Complex Model: Weight + Torque + Inertia Force + Centrifugal Force-Detecting – User Interface – Networks
B: Why need control?
• Possibility for Supplying Energy • Survive/Safe • Cost-Effective
– Maximize Effective – Minimize Cost
• Error Detecting
C-3: Secondary Parts
• Yaw System • Some Drivers
– Hydraulic Driver i.e.
• *Cooling System • User Interface Center • Other Sensors and Data Recorders • In fact, all parts maybe needs control
– Unsymmetrical IGBT performance – Output good enough for Utility Networks
A-4: Other subsystems
• Materials
– Maybe it needs some sensors
• Structure
– Sensors for structure and resonance
• User Interface Center: Talking to others
D-3: Operation
• Operation Rules & Training & Logs • Maintenance Rules & Training & Logs • Data Sampling and Record • Data Analysis
B: Wind
• Direction: Yaw System • Speed: Coning/ Pitch/ Stall..
– Mean Speed: Start-up, stop, Cut-in, Cut-out – Turbulence: Detecting
B: Ideal Power Output
C-1: Power -- Main Control
Wind Speed, Direction Rotor Speed, Torque Generato AC-DC-AC r Voltage, Current Voltage, Current, Frequenc y P=K*V*C V,F=const Open/Shu t
– – – – Understanding Equations, Limits, Parameters Data, Software (Matlab, Bladed) Information on Hardware is needed
• Analyze and Optimize Model
– System Structure and Main Factor – Optimize Destination & its Calculability – Control Method: PID, Self-adaptive, Fuzzy ..
– Online Analysis: Detecting – Offline Analysis: Optimizing Design

Post-processing of results to obtain:
– – – – – – – – – – Basic statistics Periodic component analysis Probability density, peak value and level crossing analysis Spectral analysis Cross-spectrum, coherence and transfer function analysis Rain flow cycle counting and fatigue analysis Combinations of variables Annual energy yield Ultimate loads (identification of worst cases) Flicker severity