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弟子规 圣人训 首孝悌 次谨信 或饮食 或坐走 长者先 幼者后 称尊长 勿呼名 三纲者 君臣义 父子亲 夫妇顺… 高曾祖 父而身 身而子 子而孙 自子孙 至玄曾 乃九 族 人之伦 父子恩 夫妇从 兄则友 弟则恭 长幼序
seniority in a family/clan, position in a family hierarchy patriarchal system, paternalism
Байду номын сангаас
3. 重视血缘观念。在古代,无论是帝王之家, 还是普通老百姓家庭,都把巩固血缘关系,维持血 缘关系的纯洁性视为头等大事。而西方社会强调个 人的独立性,因此个人是社会的基本单元;在家族 内部,血缘观念比较淡薄,亲属关系松散。
4 重视门第观念(family status)。所谓“门第”, 指家族的等级,根据姓氏,有高低贵贱之分。
5.孝悌观念(filial piety to parents and fraternal respect to elder brothers)。 孔子认为:子女应该从三个层次去孝敬父母: 养;敬;无违 亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤 亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声 古人特别强调:百善孝为先。
子曰:君子之教以孝也,非家至而日见之也;教以孝, 所以敬天下之为人父者也。教以悌,所以敬天下之为人兄 者也。教以臣,所以敬天下之为人君者也。 《孝经》 The reason why the gentleman teaches filial piety is not because it is to be seen in the home and everyday life. He teaches filial piety in order that man may respect all those who are father in the world. He teaches brotherliness in the young brother, in order that man may respect all those who are elder brothers in the world. He teaches the duty of the subject, in order that man may respect all who are rulers in the world.”
It teaches our children the first lessons in social obligations between man and man, the necessity of mutual adjustment, self-control, courtesy, a sense of duty, which is very well defined, a sense of obligation and gratitude toward parents, and respect for elders.
汉民族经历了极为漫长的封建社会,中国封 建家庭就是这一过程中的产物。 家庭关系以亲子的血缘关系与夫妻的婚姻关系 为基本结构,前者是构成家族关系的首要因素,姻 缘关系从属于血缘关系。
1. 大家庭
凤姐儿想一想,笑道:“一家子也是过正月节, 合家赏灯吃酒,真真的热闹非凡。祖婆婆,太婆婆, 媳妇,孙子媳妇,重孙媳妇,亲孙子媳妇,侄孙子, 重孙子,灰孙子,滴滴答答的孙子,孙女儿,外孙 女儿,姨表孙女儿,姑表孙女…哎呦呦!真好热 闹!…… (54)
Those who love their parents dare not show hatred to others. Those who respect their parents dare not show rudeness to others.
贾环道:“我拿什么比宝玉呢。你们怕他, 都和他好,都欺负我不是太太养的。” 说罢,便 哭了。宝钗忙劝导:“好兄弟,快别说这话,人家 笑话你。”(20) “How can I compare with Baoyu?” whined Jia Huan. “You keep in with him because you‟re afraid of him, but you bully me because I‟m a concubine‟s son.” He started to snivel.” “Don‟t talk like that, dear cousin, or people will laugh at you.” Baochai advised him.
原来这贾芸最凌厉乖觉,听宝玉这样说,便笑 道:“俗话说的,‘摇车里的爷爷,拄拐的孙子’。 虽然岁数大,山高高不过太阳。自从父亲没了,这 几年也无人照管教导。如若宝书不嫌侄儿蠢笨,认 作儿子,就是我的造化了。”(24)
Jia Yun had all his wits about him. He seized this chance to add: “As the proverb says,‘A grandfather in the cradle may have a grandson who leans on a stick.‟ I may be older than you but „The highest mountain can‟t shut out the sun.‟ These last few years since my father died I‟ve had no one to instruct me properly. If you don‟t think me too stupid to be your adopted son, Uncle Bao, that would be my great good fortune.”
宝玉退出,来至后面,进入上房。邢夫人见 了他来,先倒站了起来,请过贾母的安,宝玉方请 安。(24) Bayou went to the back, to Lady Xing‟s apartment, and when she had risen to convey her respects to his grandmother he bowed on his own account. 况且这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿, 竟是嫡亲的孙女似的。 Her whole air is so distinguished. She doesn‟t take after her father, sonin-law of our old Ancestress, but looks more like a Jia.
宝玉听了,忙上来悄悄地说道:“你这么个 明白人,难道连‘亲不见疏,先不僭后’也不知道? 我虽糊涂,却明白这两句话。头一件,咱们是姑舅 姊妹,宝姐姐是两姨姊妹,论亲戚,他比你疏。第 二件,你先来,咱们两个一桌吃,一床睡,长得这 么大了,他是才来的,岂有个为他疏你的?” (20)
Bayou stepped to her side and said softly, “Someone of your intelligence should know that distant relatives can‟t come between close ones, and new friends can‟t take the place of old. Dense as I am, I know that. Look, you‟re the daughter of my father‟s sister, while Baochai‟s a cousin on my mother‟s side---you‟re more closely related to me than she is. Besides, you came here first, we‟ve eaten at the same table, slept in the same bed and grown up together, while she has only recently arrived. How could I be less closer to you because of her? (Yang)
她从贫苦的姑家,又转到更贫苦的姨家。 (萧红《王阿嫂的死》) She had lived for a while with some impoverished paternal relatives, then had been bundled off to some maternal relatives who were, if anything, even worse off.
贾母扶着凤姐儿进来,与薛姨妈分宾主坐了。 薛宝钗史湘云坐在下面。王夫人亲捧了茶奉与贾母, 李宫裁奉与薛姨妈。贾母向王夫人道:“让他们小 妯娌服侍,你在那里做了,好说话儿。(35)
于是凤姐放了四双:上面两双是贾母薛姨妈, 两边是薛宝钗史湘云的。王夫人李宫裁等都站在地 下看着放菜。(35)
宝玉笑道:“你倒比先越发出息了,倒像我 的儿子。”贾琏笑道:“好不害臊!人家比你大四 五岁呢,就替你做儿子了?”宝玉笑道:“你今年 十几岁了?”贾芸道:“十八岁。”
这种等级差别表现在: (1)男尊女卑 (2)父亲的地位高于子女 (3)家族中男长子的地位高于其他人,且长兄的 地位高于其他人 (4)家族中女性既受制于直系长辈,又从属于自 己的丈夫和子女 (5)嫡尊庶卑
The western man is like a maiden who has only herself to look after, and who consequently manages to look neat and tidy, while the Chinese man is like the daughter-in-law of a big family who has a thousand and one household to attend to.
Where the parents are too selfcentered and autocratic, it often deprives the young man of enterprise and initiative, and I consider this the most disastrous effect of the family system on Chinese character.
Xifeng drained her cup and thought for a second. “In the middle of the first month,” she began, “during the Lantern Festival a family was having a fine lively time, enjoying lanterns and drinking together. There were the great grandmother, grandmother, grandmothersin-law, daughter-in-law, grand-nephews and a pack of grea-great-grandsons, as well as grand-daughters and grand-nieces on the paternal and maternal sides, and grand-nieces on the brothers‟ and sisters‟ sides…Aiya, it was really lively…”