歌词 诗词中英对照翻译
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若吾早逝,锦缎裹尸 刺玫满榻,香身如嫁 晨曦似蜡,沉入河下 一曲离别,空留叹息 呜呼… 吾身化虹,家慈沐光 螺鬓墨存,安在佳人 事不如意,毋忆往昔 天无黛迹,母子孑立 白驹过隙,满目荆棘 时日足兮 白裳草履,寒舍陋室 芊芊玉指,尚无金石 吾至爱汝,称心快意 携汝之手,时驻三秋 另有弱水,更替沧海 断肠绝哀,别去怎奈 白驹过隙,满目荆棘 时日足兮 吾之毫厘,汝之千里 只等流年,情比金坚 把酒言欢。感念依然 人故名传,徒增笑谈 归鸟寄情,衔爱独行 挽袖拭泪,笑靥如水 尘封独醉,适时来归 过隙白驹,荆棘满目
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You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains。 You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines。 You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows。 This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too。
藏身于雨雪之中 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 看着熙熙攘攘的街道 却只能听见自己的心跳 这么多的人 在世界上 请告诉我在哪里可以找到 像你一样的女孩 将我留存心间 与你的灵魂相伴 给我你的手,在我老去之前 问情为何物 在我们彼此离开前 问奇迹上演 他们说没有什么可以天长地久 我们也能此时相守 现在或者永不回头 请带我一起远走 请爱我吧 与你的灵魂相伴 给我你的手拥我入怀 问情为何物 让星辰照亮我路 其实爱我真的很简单 站在高山之颠 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情 不需要繁琐的言语 甚至可以一语不发 我仅仅需要 一个能让我欢乐而歌的人
Affective Meaning
Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the reader. There are basically three types of affective meanings: positive, neutral and derogatory.
办法 措施 静 寂静
安排 部署 光亮 晶莹
私下 擅自 半夜 子夜
这 此 寂寞 寂寥
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Stylistic Meanings
Informal Neutral Formal (Literary)
broke, flat broke, hard up
poverty-stricken, penniless, underprivileged, indigent, in want
Company Logo
funny: 褒义①a funny story 滑稽的故事 ②a funny writer风趣的作家 ③He is being funny. 他在逗乐。 中性 ①There is something funny about the matter.事情有 点蹊跷。 ②a funny black hat古怪的黑帽子 贬义①You’ll be sorry if you try anything funny in class.你要 是在课堂上玩什么鬼花样,肯定要后悔的。 ②She is a bit funny sometimes.她有时候有点疯疯癫癫 的。 ③Don’t get funny with your boss! 不得对老板放肆!
31353请根据内容ko 1. 素质教育 :Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业: the insurance industry4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包: mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社: credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障: a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度: the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷: export credit 12. 贷款质量: loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法: the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程: flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易 : illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇: foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构: non-bank financial institutions不会启用宏?点击查看帮助: office2003帮助点击朗诵16国外语:需要启用宏后才能使用朗诵功能启用方法:先启用编辑,然后启用宏内容。
SAP 词语中英文对照翻译
Words(foreign) exchange gain (foreign) exchange loss (investment) support allocation list (investment) support allocation year 13 period accounting 4-4-5 period accounting Aabap/4 cluster database abap/4 code abap/4 data type abap/4 development workbench abap/4 dictionary abap/4 dictionary information system abap/4 key word abap/4 module pool abap/4 native sql abap/4 open sql abap/4 parameter abap/4 program abap/4 query abap/4 report abap/4 repository abap/4 repository information system abap/4 select option abap/4 variable abc analysis abc usage summary (inv220) abc usage summary report abnormal (value,data) abnormal end abnormal termination abort absolute total commitments absolute value absorb absorb forecast absorption absorption of forecasts acc. to accelerated cost recovery system accelerated depreciation accept acceptance dates acceptance test access access authorizationaccess character access depth access directions access number access path access protection access rate access routine access sequence access sequences access to accessible accompanying sheet accord according to product account account allocation account assignment account assignment category account assignment element account assignment elements account assignment group account balance account balance inquiry account balance interest calculation account category account category reference account changes account code structure account codes account comparison account control indicator account data account definition account definition inquiry account definition listing account definition maintenance account definition program (gld103) account description account details account determination account determination key account determination procedure account determination type account group account group info account groups and number rangesaccount hierarchy account holder account inquiry (acr300) account life account lookup account lookup display(screen gld381-01) account lookup program (gld381) account maintenance account management account master load program (gld080) account no. account number account number segment account number sequence account payable account reading account receivable account reconciliation account record type account relationship account security level account statement account statement entry account summarization account symbol account total account type account type life accounting accounting and production control purposes accounting area accounting bases accounting document accounting period accounting period group of controls accounting period inquiry accounting projection accounting purposes accounting transaction accounting year inquiry accounts payable accounts payable applications control program accounts payable bank reconciliation file accounts payable code accounts payable file (aph) accounts payable g/l distribution file accounts payable g/l distribution file (apg)accounts payable guide accounts payable liability accounts payable line file (apl) accounts payable payment file (amh) accounts payable payment line file (amt) accounts payable product accounts payable reconciliation accounts payable reconciliation file (abr) accounts payable report accounts payable statement accounts payable tax amount paid file (atp) accounts payable tax history file (atx) accounts payable transactions accounts payable/maintenance accounts payablt interface accounts radio button accounts receivable accounts receivable aging by salesperson accounts receivable balance accounts receivable cash and memo posting accounts receivable document accounts receivable file accounts receivable period colse accounts receivable processing accounts receivable product accounts receivable run instructions accounts receivable statement accounts receivable trial balance accounts statement accredited standards committee x12 accrual accrual account accrual amount accrual and deferral accrual and reversal accrual billing document accrual date accrual interval accrual period accrual profit center accrual profit certer/account code combination accrual reversal accrual reversal date accrual reversal flag value accrual/deferral document accrual/deferral posting accruals accountaccruals and deferrals account accrue accrue (interest) accrued expense and deferred income accrued income accrued item accrued liability account accrued liability account amount accrued liability account code accrued liability account total acct groups/numbers accumulate accumulate year-to-date checkbox accumulated balance audit trail accumulated depreciation accumulated depreciation account accumulated depreciation ackowledgement accumulated reserve accumulated yearly payments accumulation of accounts accumulation of totals accurate and timely inventory balance acdess achilles' heel acknowledgement advice acknowledgement request ackowledge (to) ackowledgement notice acquisition and production costs acquisition list acquisition tax acquisition tax cred acquisition tax deb. acquisition year across the board action action bar action bucket action chart action code action codes action column action diagramming action index action message action procedure action statementactivate activate a field activate accesses activate all activate period activation administrator activation flag activation type active active component active control indicator active date active file active ingredient active item journal entry active material allocations active operation active potency component active product active quote active version active window activities activity activity category activity element activity elements activity flag activity input activity manufacturing activity output activity price activity price computation activity reason activity recording activity type activity/operation number actual actual conversion factor actual cost actual cost data actual cost roll-up actual cost system actual cost total actual cost variance data actual costs actual count dataactual date of the transaction actual dates actual discount actual document actual download actual facility/item costs actual input actual invoice entry (acp500) actual item cost actual labor costs actual manufacturing activities actual output actual output hours actual parameter actual percentage discount actual price actual price total actual production/purchasing decisions actual releas/due date actual route actual run rate actual shop floor cost actual statistic radio button actual tax rate actual to buget values actual value actuals adapt add-on add into inventory add maintenance mode add mode add pushbutton addendum additional account assignment additional data additional description text additional fields additional information additional line items lookup additional note text line additional tax additional time additional value (cap) additional value days additive constant addr. recursivenessaddress address administration address block address data address for reverse routing address line address list address space address specifics addressing mode adjust adjust downward adjust during batch balancing flag adjust inventoty (to) adjust to adjust tolerance days adjust upward adjusted standard cost estimate adjusting agent adjusting entry adjustment adjustment field adjustment to net income for the period adjustment to net income for the period/retained earni adjustment to retained earnings adjustment to stock administration block administrative data administrative time adopt advance advance correction advance payment advanced process industries advanced process industries instructions advanced process industries main menu advanced process industries product advanced program to program communication advanced training advanced training class adverse advertising campaign advertising material adw position affect affect inventory or sales affect p.o. quantity in inspectionaffect receipts affect resupply order affecting net income affiliate age age (v.) receivables age (verb) age of an invoice aged payables aged payables report (acp210) aged trial balance aggrebate inventory values aggregating relationship type aggressive forcast aging aging days aging period aging report by company (acr410) aging report by salesperson (acr430) aging report payables (acp210) agreement agreement number agreement type aisle alert monitor alert type algebraic relationship alignment key all companies to be consolidated all sales areas allocatable allocatable warehouse allocate allocate material component allocate production resource/tool allocate to invoices allocated and on-order quantities allocated customer order line allocation allocation (of articles) allocation (of costs) allocation adjustment program allocation base allocation concept allocation data allocation date allocation detailallocation detail report allocation flag allocation from inventory allocation group allocation indicator allocation logic allocation overrides allocation program allocations of inventory allow allow post flag allowance allowance wage allowed values allowed volume allowed weight alpha-sequenced alpha customer look-up (acr310) alpha look-up key alpha look-up name alpha order alpha search alpha search key alphabetic sequence alphanumeric alphanumeric code alphanumeric extreme alphanumeric field alphanumeric or numeric extreme alter alternate item alternate item description alternate item list alternate item maintence alternate item number alternate item print alternate item screen alternate operation alternate vendor alternate vendor number alternative alternative sequences alternative units of measure alternative chart of accounts alternative determination alternative minumum tax alternative modealternative payer alternative sequence alternative straight method alternative to item alternative unit (of measure) alternative unit of measure alternatives amend amendable fields amendment amortization of intangible assets amount amount available amount break amount due amount entered amount on hand amount ordered amount outstanding amount override amount paid amount projections amount refunded amount remaining amount selected amount summary amount to amount to cost amount tolerance filter amount type amount variance amount weighted by index amountliability amounts per period analysis of discount taken analysis of potential analysis of the competition analysis period analysis report analysis requirements analysis work analyst buget data upload and operation annonce annoncement annoncement date annual amountannual fee annual inventory quantity annual report annual rule annual sales annual sales (batch input) annual tax return annualize ansi asc x12 anticipate anticipated discount any range(s) of companies api item master api maintenance program append append structure appending appendix application-wide application-wide default application application area list application area symbol application areas application backlog application code application control application control file application control listing application control maintenance application control parameter application control program application data application date application development application development backlog application document application files application filter application icon application id application identification code application interfaces application layer application level application logic application menuapplication of overhead application program application program interface application reference application server application set application software application specification cloning application test application toolbar applications applications programmer apply apply a credit memo apply a debit memo apply against apply costs apportionment number appropriate appropriate command key appropriate processing option appropriation of net income approximate calculation architecture archive archive (verb) archive document id archive header archive id archive lable archive, optical archivelog mode archives (noun) archiving date archiving time archiving, asynchronous archiving, online archiving, synchronous area menu area of responsibility area of validity argument argument/filter screen argument/filter selection screen arithmetic operation arithmetic register arithmetic unitarray array offset arrearage arrival sequence arrival time arrow key arrow keys as appropriate as is analysis as/400 as/400 server as/400 server files as/400 system interface instalation procedure as/net as/set ascending numeric sequence ascending order ascoli piceno assemble, compile assemble-to-order assemble-to-order company assemble-to-order item assemble assembled collection assembler global assemblies assembly assembly item assembly line assembly list assembly number assembly order assembly overview assembly parts list assembly scrap assess assessed value assessment assessment cost element asset asset account asset accounting asset acquisition asset capacity usage asset catalog asset class asset class catalogasset data from previous years asset fiscal year change asset goods receipt asset group asset history asset history sheet asset item asset life asset line item asset list asset management asset master maintenance asset purchase order asset retirement asset transfer asset type asset under construction asset value date asset view asset year-end closing assets & liabilities assets directory assign assign a value assign values assigned assigning assigning new key assignment assignment control assignment rule assignment table assignment transaction associate associated associated commission code association assigned code assum assumption asterisk asterisk border asynchronous transmission at a later time at billing time at data entry time at final assembly order release timeat order entry time at run-time at shop order release time at standard at this stage at two levels atp accumulated atp inquiry program atp inquiry screen atp quantity attach attach manager attach to (to) attach to attention key attached mode attached mode radio button attaching to host dialog box attention key attribute attribute feature audit audit adjustment audit listing audit log audit menu audit period audit report audit report of postings audit trail audit trail report auditing purposes auditor augment augmentation author authority for exemption authorization authorization administrator authorization body authorization check authorization class authorization code authorization component authorization concept authorization date authorization fieldauthorization group authorization information authorization name authorization number authorization object authorization path authorization profile authorization trace authorize authorize detail report authorized to perform (function) authorized to run (procedure) auto-distribution account auto post automatic account determination automatic container need calcuations automatic cost estimate automatic credit check automatic data transfer automatic distribution automatic general ledger distribution of payables automatic lot allocation automatic p.o. number generation automatic posting automatic posting from billing automatic pricing automatic reorder point planning automatic retrieval automatic reversal automatic time-stamping automatic under run planning adjustments automaticlly posted automobile component supplier industry auxiliary account auxiliary file auxiliary function auxiliary program availability availability check availability control availability dates available-to-promise calculation available-to-promise inquiry available available amount available capacity available choiceavailable date available performance measures available to promise (atp) average average /hour average costs average daily requirement average efficiency average hourly basis average invoice days average invoice size average payment days average quantity average rate average rate type average sales avil閟 seaport awaiting lab check Bb/b discount (bill back) b/n back-end allocation back-end allocation file back-end allocation identifer back-end allocation listing back-end allocation maintenance back-end allocation maintenance program (gldlll) back-end allocation master file back-end allocation processing back-end allocation processing program (gld530) back-order code back-up (to) back-up copy back order back up backdated tax calculation backflush backflush (as verb) backflush transaction backflushing backflushing capability background job background processing background processing system backlog backlog calculation backlog is dispatchedbacklon amount backlon problem backorder backorder flag backorder handling backorder processing backorder status backordering backorders backup backup copy backup diskette backup simulation (for630) backward consumption backward scheduling backward/forward lot tracing screen backward-schedule backward lot trace backward trace backwards lot traceability bacs (cash) bad debts bad raw material badge badge card readers badge no balance audit trail balance carried forward balance check balance confirmation balance inquiry balance notification balance request balance sheet balance sheet account balance sheet adjustment balance sheet change balance sheet for tax purposes balance sheet item balance sheet value balance statement balance/net indicator balance-forward balance (inventory) balance (verb) balance accountbalance inventory balance out balance quantity balance sheet exchange rate balance sheet rate balance sheet rate type balance to zero balance trial balanced by balanced set of books ban bank account bank account code bank account master maintenance (acp140) bank account number bank bill bank branch bank branch maintenance bank buying rate bank charge and interest expense account bank charge expense bank charge expense accont bank charge issued bank charges bank charges and/or stamp taxes bank code bank code/branch bank collection procedure bank data... bank details bank direct debiting procedure bank expense bank information to other program bank key bank master (acp140) bank master data bank master listing bank master maintenance bank number bank reconciliation file bank selling rate bank statement bank statement posting (acp710) bank statement posting program (acp710) bank transfer bar-coder pick listbar chart screen bar code bar graph bar graph summaries bar segment barcoder base unit of measure base (for) base amount base amount selected base condition base condition type base currency base currency amount base currency code base currency epuivalent balance base currency screen base discount base for tax/si contributions base insurable value base object costing base object group base object item base object master data base object name base object text base or transaction currency value base order amount base p/c base planning object base price/item alone method base quantity base rate base software package base table base unit of measure base value baseline baseline application template baseline date baseline date for payment basic arithmetic operations basic code basic component basic concept basic conversationbasic data/values basic dates basic finish date basic formula basic function basic information basic inventory data basic item information basic key figure basic list basic path basic set basic start date basic value basic_formula basis layer basis system batch batch (n.) batch (to) batch allocation batch allocation program (sfc730) batch balancing batch balancing allocation (sfc720) batch balancing applications batch balancing u/m batch balancing unit of measure batch bill of material batch copy batch data transfer batch detail batch editing batch file batch input batch input command batch input message batch input session batch interface batch interface file batch interface file format batch interface file report batch interface report batch job batch job description batch job queue name batch journalbatch journal entry batch message batch mode batch order batch order allocation batch physical quantity due batch processing batch program batch pull list batch pulling batch quantity calculations batch quantity component batch queue batch queue processing batch size batch split batch standard interface file batch standard interface processing batch total batch weight batch weight calculation batching bbm data file library bbm installed be accounted for (to) be based on (to) be baseded (to) be driven off (statistics) be flagged (to) be initialized (to) be keypunched (to) be left-justified (to) be multiple issied (to) be occupied (to) be printed (to) be relieved (to) be shown pegged to be sorted (to) be subtotaled to be tied up (to) be tiedd be zeroed (to) become effective become overstocked beginning effective date beginning of message beginning pointbelow benefit best-fit technique best fit method best fit modeling best price beta factor betterment (of asset) bill-to address bill-to party bill bill (a customer) bill charges bill discount note bill holdings bill item bill of entry bill of exchange bill of exchange charges statement bill of exchange collection bill of exchange liability bill of exchange payable bill of exchange payment request bill of exchange presentation bill of exchange receivable bill of exchange renewal bill of exchange usage bill of lading bill of material bill of material accuracy bill of material changes bill of material component type bill of material explosion bill of material extract audit report bill of material file bill of material inquiry program bill of material listing (bom200) bill of material maintenance program bill of material maintenance screen bill of material merge report bill of material offset lead time bill of material record bill of material reorganization bill of material simplification bill of materials (bom) bill of materials components bill of materials components invoicebill of materials header bill of materials mass bill of materials mass replace bill of resources bill of resources file bill of resources maintenace (cap140) bill on demand bill routing billing-to-g/l posting costant billing billing a third-party item billing and tax calculations billing application billing block billing category billing cycle billing date billing details billing document billing document to be accrued billing documents billing due list billing element billing header billing index billing invoice print program billing item billing menu billing plan billing procedure billing processing options billing product billing product menu billing program (bil500) billing record billing register billing release billing release program billing rounding billing schedule billing status billing system parameters billing system parameters screen billing time (bil500) billing type billing updates binbin/rack binder bir general-purpose library bir(bpcs information retrieval) bit comparison bit string bits per inch blank blank (character) blank (field) blank bill of material blank employee id blank out blank value blank warehouse location blanket blanket order blend blinking bar block diagram block indicator block of transaction block size block/delete envir. blocked a account blocking data blocking reason blow-through bill of material blow through bnr (bpcs modification request) board of directors board of directors meeting body boe-yilmaz algorithm bom bom item bom usage bom alternatives bom application bom category bom explosion bom explosion control bom explosion number bom group bom header bom itembom level by level bom notes bom number bom status bom tree structure business case bom types bom unit of measure bom usage bom validity bom where-used inquiry (bom300) boms book (noun) book depreciation book depreciation area book inventory book inventory data book listing book number book to actual book transfer book value book value method book versus actual (inv.) book vs physical book vs physical inventory book vs physical inventory reporting book/actial difference book-to-actual discrepancies booking amount boot the system border control office border crossing point border customs office bottleneck bottom-up (bom) bounced bill of exchange boundary bounded disposition boycott list bpcs accounts payable application bpcs affiliate bpcs bbm library bpcs billing product bpcs budget bpcs business modeling bpcs business modeling (bbm) productbpcs business planning control system bpcs components usage code maintenance program bpcs costing product bpcs customer order and shop order product bpcs custorm order product bpcs cycle counting bpcs cycly counting sub-system bpcs electronic mail bpcs financial analyst menu bpcs information retrieval library bpcs information retrieval product bpcs information retrieval program bpcs inventory bpcs main menu bpcs mps/mrp program bpcs product bpcs purchasing product bpcs reserved id bpcs security maintenance (sys600) bpcs security officer bpcs upload/download menu branch branch account branch bank branch code branch construction branch number branch operation branch status branch warehouse brand brass plate operation break (amount break) break (price break) break (quantity break) break character break even point break message break point break pointion breakage breakdown breakdown indicator breakpoint condition breakpoint counter breakpoint display bremen and bremerhavenbring in line bring together browse browser view bubble bubble memory bubble number bubble number sequence bucket (cost) bucket (time) bucketing bucketless (mrp) budget budget account budget amount budget assumptions budget bar budget data budget data upload budget extension budget filter budget formular budget information budget input budget input maintenance budget line budget maintenance budget manipulation budget master file budget master listing budget master maintenance budget name budget name inquiry budget pro-forma budget profile budget revision budget rollover selection budget spreadsheet budget transfer budget update dialog box budget update panel budget update table budget update worksheet budgetary information budgeted balance sheet budgetholder budgeting informationbudgeting process budgets and modeling buffer buffer frame buffer handler buffer period buffer technique buffer utilization buffering type building building access path for file.... building block bulk material bulk processing business address business administration business and sales business area business area allocation business data business development business entity business graphics business information technology business modeling business object business operations business partner business partner who is a customer business partner who is a vendor business plan business planning and control system business process business reengineering business transaction business transaction having an effect on liquidity business transaction type busy busy flag busy item number busy item number message busy processing busy status buyer buyer code buyer code order buyer code rangebuyer range buying habits buying party by-product fixed quantity by-product variable by-products by default by inventory transaction by item by item and location by item class by item family by item number by item, warehouse and cost by item/whse/cost by lot by pick sequence number by product by registered mail by special delivery by the gallon by unit by warehouse by warehouse and item by way of report by whse/item bypass bypassed tax Ccad calculate calculate back calculate down calculate up calculated costs calculated holding cost calculated key figure calculated revenue calculation base calculation factor calculation key calculation of imputed costs calculation of interest on arrears calculation of standard values calculation period calculation procedure calculation procedure for tax on sales/purchases。
文言文词语翻译文言文词语翻译700字1. 滥竽充数:指没有真正的才能或资格,却冒充如此。
2. 锱铢必较:形容对小事非常计较。
3. 一败涂地:形容失败得非常彻底。
4. 杯弓蛇影:形容人因误会或多心,而过分地疑神疑鬼。
5. 损人利己:指为了自己的利益而损害他人。
6. 后悔莫及:指事情发生后,才后悔已经无法挽回了。
7. 连绵不断:形容时间、事情等持续不停。
8. 百密一疏:形容事物虽然做得十分谨慎,但可能因为疏忽造成的错误。
9. 一意孤行:形容坚持自己的意见,不听从别人的劝告。
10. 画蛇添足:指做多余的事情,不但不加分,反而拖累了整个工作。
11. 麻痹大意:形容人精神松懈,不再警惕。
12. 背信弃义:形容不守信用,不讲道义。
13. 深思熟虑:形容人做事认真考虑,不轻率行事。
14. 流言蜚语:指没有根据的谣言和揣测。
15. 守望相助:形容互相帮助、支持。
16. 风马牛不相及:形容两件事情完全不相关。
17. 知己知彼:指了解自己和对手的情况,以制定更好的战略。
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主要颜色词对比二: Green4 • 英语当中,绿色作为大家青睐的颜色,经常用 来指代跟植物有关的事物。 • Green belt 绿化带 • Green fingers 园艺技能 • Green lungs of the city 公园 • Green winter 没有下雪的冬天 • Green revolution 农业革命
主要颜色词对比一:红4 • 英汉语言中的红都可以表示 “身体健康”。例 如,汉语的 “红光满面”、 “面色红润”等; 英语中 “a fine old gentle man, with a face as red as a rose”意思是 “一位红光满面、精神矍铄的 老绅士”。
主要颜色词对比一:红5 • 英汉语里红色都可以用来表示情感,如 “脸红” (难为情),相当于英语的become red-faced/ turn red。但英语的 “see red”却不同于汉语的 “见红”,前者表示 “火冒三丈”之意,后者表 示 “妇女分娩前流血”,是一种委婉的说法。 • The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green. • 俗话说,夫妇吵得脸红耳赤之时,便是律师招 财进宝之日。
诗句中的颜色词1 • Vernal breezes green • 春风一吻泰河绿。 the Thames with a kiss. • 春风又绿江南岸。 • Spring wind of itself turns the south shore
诗句中的颜色词2 • 日出江花红胜火,春 来江水绿如兰。 • The sunshine basks the blooms in fiery glow; and the spring waters of blue as sapphire flow. • Two golden oriols sing amid the willows green; A row of white egrets fly into the blue sky.
清代「論詞絕句」論晏殊詞探析趙福勇*摘 要論詞絕句為清代詞論之重要載體,而晏殊乃北宋前期詞壇大家。
關鍵詞:晏殊、論詞絕句、珠玉詞、清代、詞論The Study and Analysis of the “Ci Poem Evaluation with Poems” in the Qing Dynasty upon Yen Shu’s Ci Poems *東方技術學院通識教育中心講師。
成大中文學報 第二十五期2009年7月 頁153-178國立成功大學中文系成大中文學報第二十五期Chao Fu-YungInstructor, Center for General Education,Tung Fang Institute of TechnologyAbstract“Ci Poem Evaluation with Poems” was an important carrier of comment on ci poems in the Qing Dynasty. Yen Shu was a master in early stage of Northern Song period. In the study, we gather eight “Ci Poem Evaluation with Poems” in the Qing Dynasty upon Yen Shu, and deeply analyze them. The points in terms of Yen Shu can be inducted into following: (1) Like a sturdy chancellor and romantic ci poems: Wang Tseng-Po pointed that the characteristic of Yen Shu was sturdy and he had romantic ci poems. Tang Yin claimed that Yen Shu’s ci poems were full of “women language.” Cheng En-Tse thought that he had good career in government and was talent as well as thoughtful. (2) In succession to Young-Tsung volume, descendant can be guided: Jiang Yu claimed that the ci poems of Yen Shu not only inherited the style of Southern Tang, but also inspired Yan Ji-Dao, Ou-Yang Hsiou and Fan Jhong-Yan. Moreover, Tang Yin thought that his ci poems were full of women language, thus was similar to Fong Yen-Si. (3) Beautiful rhyme and orthodox ci poems: Shen Chu indicated that the ci poems of Yen Shu were gorgeous. Moreover, Shen Dao-Kuan claimed that the ci poems of Yen Shu were brisk and pure. Hua Chang-Ching and Tang Yin praised the ci poems of Yen Shu were pure and fresh and full of prosperity. Chu Yi-Chen fully praised that the statement of Wang Shih-Chen on Yen Shu’s ci poems as the orthodoxy.Keywords: Yen Shu, Ci Poem Evaluation with Poems, Chu-Yu Ci, the Qing Dynasty, comment on ci poems趙福勇:清代「論詞絕句」論晏殊詞探析清代「論詞絕句」論晏殊詞探析趙福勇一、前言論詞絕句濫觴於唐、宋,1至清代大盛,蔚為詞論之重要載體,而其內容或辨詞體,或評詞人,或論詞集,或品名作,或析流派,不一而足。
药品检验报告中的一些词语的英文翻译检验报告Certificate of analysis化工chemical CO. , LTD制药(药业) Pharmaceutical co. ,Ltd.化工厂CHEMICAL PLANT精细化工FINE CHEMICAL CO., LTD品名PRODUCT //title批号batch NO.生产日期manufacturing date // manu. Date检验日期Analysis date有效期Exp date // expiry date检验标准quality standard //inspecting basis //Specification数量QUANTITY 报告日期report date 包装规格package企业标准Company Standard//enterprise standard检查项目test items//analytical items性状appearance // characteristics//description//Character分子式molecular formula 分子量molecular wt化学式Chemical formula鉴别identification溶液外观appearance of solution澄清度&颜色clarity & color白色或类白色结晶粉末white or almost white crystalline powder味微苦 a little bitter taste无色无味odorless,smelless酸碱度acidity and alkalinity铅盐Plumbum salts 砷盐Arsonium salts有关物质related substances 分为:individual impurity substance NMT….;total impurity substance NMT。
第三章 词语的英译
他是我父亲。 He is my father. 这姑娘是漂亮。 The girl is really beautiful.
此人是书can reach.
是可忍,孰不可忍? If this can be tolerated, what cannot? 是古非今 praise the past to condemn the present
• But on account of their good looks and charm they were nicknamed Sweetie and Lovely. (杨宪益、戴乃迭) • … because of their looks and affected manners, were universally known by the nickname of Darling and Precious. (David Hawkes)
1.1 Lead-in:Signs & Symbols
橄榄枝(Olive Branch): Peace 玫瑰(Rose):Love 牡丹( Peony ): Riches and Honor 家里来客人,主人敬茶 Tea Ceremony: Hospitality • 除夕夜的团圆饭 Family Reunion Dinner :Best Wishes for the New Year • • • •
In-classroom discussion:signs & symbols in our life
1.2 Semiotics(符号学)
• Semiotics, semiotic studies, or semiology is the study of signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. It includes the study of how meaning is constructed and understood. • Semioticians also sometimes examine how organisms make predictions about and adapt to their semiotic niche in the world. In general, semiotic theories are about signs, while the study of the communication of information in living organisms is covered in biosemiotics or zoosemiosis.
9. 他决定洗心革面,脱胎换骨。 He is determined to turn over a new l eaf. 10. 你怎么能过河拆桥、忘恩负义呢? How can you kick down the ladder? 11. 陈词滥调 old stuff 12. 痴心妄想 wishful thinking, fond dream 13. 丰功伟绩 great contributions 14. 灵丹妙药 miraculous cure, heal-all 15. 自以为是、夜郎自大 self-conceited, arrogant 16. 以怨报德、恩将仇报 return kindness with ingratitude 17. 低三下四、奴颜婢膝 humble oneself 18. 宽宏大量、既往不咎 forgive and forget
Words and Phrases
1)A. As the war progressed, he would symbolize their frustration, the embodiment of all evils. 随着战争的进行,他成了他们受挫的象征,成了一切坏 事的化身。 B. To them, he personified the absolute power. 在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。 2)Most US spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions. 美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按照设计,在完成使命后就在 大气层中焚毁。 3)Stevenson was eloquent and elegant– but soft. 史蒂文森很有口才、有风度,但是很软弱。 史蒂文森能言善辩,风度翩翩,可是很软弱。
意义是语义学(semantics)研究的范畴。 英国语义学家利奇(Geoffrey Leech )把词 义分为七种类型,可以归纳为概念意义 (conceptual meaning )和非概念意义 (non-conceptual meaning 附加意义)两 大类型。 本书的指称意义可以等同于概念意义;蕴 涵意义可以等同于其他各类非概念意义。
3.1.1指称意义的理解与表达:Designative meaning : comprehension & expression 指称意义(Designative meaning)是指 符号和它所指事物或指称对象间的关系体 现的意义。 一个词语可能具有几种不同的指称意义。 例如:包袱(package); 文体(style); 是(eg1); 知(eg2: a.知道;b.修养);收拾(eg3); 算账 (cast accounts);黄色;水分等。
例:古汉语“爱”的多重指称意 义
1.敬重,爱护:“吴广素爱人,士卒皆为用者” 《史记。陈涉世家》 2.喜欢,喜好 :“予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染” 《爱莲说》 3. 爱惜,珍重 :“向使三国各爱其地”《六国论》 4. 吝啬,舍不得:“齐国虽褊小,吾何爱一牛?” 《孟子。梁惠王上》
3.1.2 蕴涵意义的理解与表达
3.1 Designative meaning and Connotative meaning 美国语言学家、翻译家和翻译理论家奈达 (Nida)指出“翻译就是意义的翻译。语 义是翻译的永恒话题”。词语是基本的翻 译单位,因此词语分析和语义选择是翻译活 动的一个重要步骤。同样一个简单的字或 词语,在不同的上下文(context)中,就可能含 有不同的意义。
翻译 语言内翻译
文体 跨文化翻译
直译 literal translation; word-for-word translation 意译 free translation e.g. 1. It's a Smoke Free Area. 直译:这是个自由吸烟区。 意译:这是个无烟区。 e.g. 2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map. 直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。 意译:莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。
Wittgenstein:The meaning of a word is its use in the language. Firth: Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Mr. Colllins has a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were k i ndly s mi led on by th e moth er a nd da ughter. ( J. Au s ten : P r i de a n d P r e j u d i c e , C h . 1 4 , V. I I ) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,又举了个例子,母女俩听了,都粲然一笑。(P) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,还暗示了一下原因,母女俩听了,都粲然一笑。
教学要点与要求: 词语翻译的注意事项 英汉词语和汉语词语在表达上的差异
第三章 英汉翻译中的 词语翻译
3.1 词语翻译的注意事项 常用词的翻译(切忌望文生义)
课后练习 2
1、将下列单词和词组译成日语。注意下划线词语的翻译。 ①自动控制 ②自动铅笔 ③自动生产线 ④ 满足于现状 ⑤人心动摇 ⑥山 势险恶 ⑦气候干燥 ⑧满足要求 ⑨接见外国来宾 ⑩参考国外先进经 验 2、将下列句子译成日语。注意下划线词语的翻译。 ①领导应多跟群众接触。 ②上海是一个商业发达的城市。 ③他是一个彻底的素食主义者。 ④严厉打击犯罪分子。 ⑤我同情你的不幸遭遇。 ⑥谢谢你对我的关心。 ⑦咱们俩的认识完全一致。 ⑧我们需要有一支强大的科学技术队伍。 ⑨必须迅速掌握世界最新的科学技术。 ⑩扎扎实实抓它几年,中华民族教育事业空前繁荣的新局面,一定持てないとは、大変深刻な問題です。 たちが一生働いても家 てないとは、大変深刻な問題です。 一生働いても 深刻 です 皆心配するから そんな深刻 するから、 深刻な をしないでください。 2、皆心配するから、そんな深刻な顔をしないでください。 日本文学史を んでから、日本の文学をより をより深 理解できるようになりました できるようになりました。 3、私は日本文学史を学んでから、日本の文学をより深く理解できるようになりました。 彼女の っている意味はとても深 意味はとても 4、彼女の言っている意味はとても深い。
させ、就業のチャンスを拡大し 農民の収入を やすための重 させ、就業のチャンスを拡大し、農民の収入を増やすための重 のチャンスを拡大 方途である である。 要な方途である。
②在汉语中是他动词或自、他动词,在日语中是自动词 在汉语中是他动词或自、他动词,
1、建设一个国家,不要把自己置于封闭状态和孤立 建设一个国家,不要把自己置于封闭状态和孤立 地位。 邓小平文选第三卷》 地位。《邓小平文选第三卷》 2、前线的战斗生活,既紧张,又匆忙,又充实。 前线的战斗生活,既紧张,又匆忙, 充实。 我的父亲邓小平》 《我的父亲邓小平》 的社会秩序。 努力保障和巩固健全的、安定的社会秩序 3、努力保障和巩固健全的、安定的社会秩序。 訳: 国家を建設するにあたっては するにあたっては、 らを閉鎖状態 閉鎖状態、 1、国家を建設するにあたっては、自らを閉鎖状態、孤 した位置 位置に いてはならない。 立した位置に置いてはならない。 前線での生活は緊迫して での生活 して、 しかったが、充実してい 2、前線での生活は緊迫して、慌しかったが、充実してい た。 健全な 安定した社会秩序を保障し 定着させるよう した社会秩序 3、健全な、安定した社会秩序を保障し、定着させるよう 努めなければならない。 めなければならない。
虚词的英译translation of function words
纵然生的好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。 译文1:Though endowed with handsome looks is he,His heart is lawless and refractory. lawless无法无天的;违法的;法律不及的;无艺
study a foreign language 学习成绩 academic records 互相学习 learn from each other 以雷锋为学习的榜样 follow the example of Lei Feng
产品质量有待提高。 The quality of the products should be improved. 他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。
They are really kind to me.
The building is not well built.
这个问题很好回答。 This question is easy to answer. 啊,好票!
Oh,a good seat !
He presented all his books to the library.
谨以此书献给徐教授以表敬慕和感激之情。 To Prof Xu I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.
第20卷第3期2007年5月宁波大学学报(人文科学版)JOURNAL OF N I N G BO UN I V ERSI TY (L I B ERAL ARTS E D I TI O N ) Vol .20No .3May . 2007英语新词的汉译理据与语用分析李昌标(宁波大学外语学院,浙江宁波315211)摘要:英语新词是指为适应社会发展的需要而产生的新词语,以及原有词语在新的文化环境下增添新义后形成的词语。
关键词:英语新词;构成特点;汉译理据;语用功能中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5124(2007)03-0043-05 收稿日期:2007-01-15 作者简介:李昌标(1966-),男,湖北荆州人,宁波大学外语学院英语系讲师,硕士。
一、引言B l oomfield 认为,一切语言都是发展的,而不是一成不变的。
目前,社会上出现的不少新词汉译翻译不准确、不得体,如un wedding cere mony 译成了“不结婚仪式”,其实是divorce cere mony (好说好散的离婚宴会仪式);furkid 译成了“毛孩”,令人匪夷所思,应该是a pet treated as if it were one ’s child (被当作孩子般对待的宠物)。
Before I felt ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents.关键是:“横行霸道” 可用“get everything / all things my own way 或者be the bully”2钓鱼可分为三个阶段。
There are three states for fishing.3跨世界的青年一代应该用什么样的姿态迎接充满希望的新世纪,这是我们必须回答的问题。
What kind of attitude the cross-century young generation will have to meet the new centurythat promises so much hope is the question we must answer.2)表示模糊的词1昨天看电影我没有买到好票。
I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film.2这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。
The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society.3)比喻词汇1老师答应给这几个学生“开小灶” The teacher has promised to give these students special tuition.2他是个“墙头草”,谁强就跟谁He always sits on the fence and falls on the side of the stronger.1)动词——> 名词1他得出这一结论是深思熟虑的结果。
His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.2吃头两个菜时,你也会赞不绝口。
是 他是我老师。他是博学,因为他是书就读。在课 堂上他经常是古非今,比如谈到当今子女多有不 孝之时,他会说“是可忍,孰不可忍”。 He is my teacher. He is really knowledgeable/ learned because he reads whatever books that he can lay his hands on. He often praises the old times to condemn the present. For instance, when he mentioned the lack of filial respect among the young men , he uttered words like “If this can be tolerated, what else can’t?”
根据语言环境选择译文用词 He (one who speaks or writes in a foreign language) will be caught out every time, not by his grammar…not by his vocabulary…but by his unacceptable or improbable collocations. (Peter Newmark) 身体好,学习好,工作好。 Keep fit, study well and work hard.
词汇的蕴涵意义 词语的蕴含意义指词语内含的情感和联想意义, 是词语的隐含意义,反映了该民族特有的思维方 式和社会文化。 主要体现在词语的修辞色彩、文体特征、文化内 涵等方面。
蕴涵意义:修辞 1 咱们俩的事,一条绳 上栓着两只蚂蚱—— 谁也跑不了!(老舍 《骆驼祥子》) We are like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away. 这简直就是瞎子点灯 白费蜡。 It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.
在古代诗词中写景诗句有很多,下⾯就和®⽆忧考⽹⼀起来欣赏下,欢迎阅读!关于写景的古诗词篇⼀ 《村居》作者是清朝⽂学家⾼⿍。
其古诗全⽂如下: 草长莺飞⼆⽉天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。
【翻译】 农历⼆⽉,村⼦前后青草渐渐发芽⽣长,黄莺飞来飞去。
其古诗全⽂如下: 篱落疏疏⼀径深,树头花落未成阴。
【翻译】 在稀稀落落的篱笆旁,有⼀条⼩路伸向远⽅,路旁树上的花已经凋落了,⽽新叶却刚刚长出,还没有形成树阴。
其古诗词全⽂如下: 江林多秀发,云⽇复相鲜。
【翻译】 江畔林⽊茂盛,花⼉盛开;天上云朵落⽇相辉映,景象明丽。
其古诗全⽂如下: 绿遍⼭原⽩满川,⼦规声⾥⾬如烟。
【翻译】 ⼭坡⽥野间草⽊茂盛,稻⽥⾥的⽔⾊与天光相辉映。
其全⽂古诗如下: 碧⽟妆成⼀树⾼,万条垂下绿丝绦。
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Usually you call us brothers, join in our hinges, never lay down the law, just let us do as we like.2….老通宝家在东村庄上被人人所妒羡,也正像“老陈爷家”在镇上是数以数二的大户人家。
Tong Bao’s family was the envy of the people of East Village, just as the House of Chen ranked among the first families in the market town.原文黑体部分,译文保留其结构,在此前提下,适当地处理好“数一数二”的汉译。
Rank above 高于rank among列于…之中,rank first(second, third…)in/on 在……中/上排第一(二,三……)。
Works produced by writers who did not belong to their own clique were blacklisted and shelved.黑体字是限制性前置定语,说明“作品”的。
Blacklist 是列为“黑名单”即“禁止”,shelve是“放在书架上”,即“束之高阁”。
You should go back to China, we Chinese have a saying “Even if a tree is ten thousand feet tall, its fallen leaves will return to the roots”. If I were younger, I would also return to China.5.生活和工作,双管齐下地夹攻这整个农村。
The burden of life and work weighed down upon the whole like a heavy yoke.如果从保留原文的结构考虑选词,由于原文是主谓宾结构,“夹攻着”是谓语,其中的“着”主要表示状态。
Weigh down upon 是“把…压在…之上”(二)保留原文主语部分句子主语的语用意义有时能确立整个句子意义的走向和词汇意义的选择。
The “cultural revolution” swept across the country. What was Big head Li really, but just one drop in the ocean?“文化大革命”是句子的主语,由于它的性质,可以决定句子语义的走向:有着“顺我者昌,逆我者亡”的气势,据此可以确定抽象词的意义和整个句子的意义。
The dean’s speech at the welcoming party is nothing but a rehash of the mere platitude.“系主任在迎新晚会上的讲话”是主语部分,也很具体,可以先行译出。
This was as bad as taking advantage of another man’s danger to abduct his wife or daughter.“以事情的结果来判断”一语在英语里,往往指代上文内容,引起下文的“结果”,因此,可以用This代替,连接上文与成为因果关系。
His works, which were once lauded to the skies, are merely mediocre.汉语句子的主语有较强的修饰语时,可以用各种短语或定语从句对它修饰,放在被修饰的主语名词的后面,保留整个主语部分的结构不变。
The currents of Liu yang River, which is rapid, are dangerous.练习:1.那家伙已经到了不可救药的地步。
5.你还是等毕了业吧,你爹供你上学不容易,何必半途而废呢?参考译文:1.That fellow is beyond cure.2.He ordered a table of the most expensive dishes for us in a luxury restaurant inorder to show off his wealth.3.Yet for all that how could the essential point be better made than in his words?There surely wouldn’t be much to choose between them.4.Ever since I was a little girl, we all held it as an indisputable truth that “womenhold up half the sky”, and that women are just as good as men.5.You had better wait till you have graduated, your father had to make great sacrificesto send you to school. Don’t give up halfway.二、根据核心结构的意义选择词语英语句子的语义构成,有时以核心词基础(特别主语和谓语动词),起着至关重要的作用;有时以结构为基础决定句子的意义。
The era in which He now lives has been a turbulent, vital, brilliant, colorful time.原文的核心词是“时代”。
It was mid-winter with ice and snow all around.“数九寒冬”是核心词语,处理妥当后,其余就好翻译了。
He used to start something new in order to different when matters arose.4.我们将积极、合理、有效地利用外资。
We shall use foreign capital actively, rationally, and effectively.(二)具体词决定抽象词汉语和英语,描述动态语言事件时,两种语言常常是相同的。
I both cried and laughed along with my principal characters, and often despondently scratched my head.2.我们走路,不是两个脚同时走,总是参差不齐的。
When we walk, our two feel do not move forward together, but always one after theother.两个脚走路,很具体,人人都知道。