40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's death
60.Ronald Reagan Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day
61.Mario Matthew Cuomo Religious Belief and Public Morality
62.Edward M. Kennedy Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick
44. Mary Church Terrell What It Means to be Colored in Capital of the U.S
45. William Jennings Bryan Imperialism
46. Margaret Sanger The Morality of Birth Control
50. Spiro Theodore Agnew Television News Coverage
51.Jesse Jackson 1988 Democratic National Convention Address
52.Mary Fisher 1992 Republication National Convention Address
01. Dr Martin Luther King Jr I Have A Dream
02. John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address
03. Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Inaugural Address
04. Franklin D. Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation War Message
最伟大的100篇英文演讲排名 Top100 speeches
Top100 speeches 美国20世纪最伟大演讲100篇1Martin Luther King, Jr."I Have A Dream"2John Fitzgerald Kennedy Inaugural Address3Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Inaugural Address4Franklin Delano Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation5Barbara Charline Jordan1976 DNC Keynote Address6Richard Milhous Nixon"Checkers"7Malcolm X"The Ballot or the Bullet"8Ronald Wilson Reagan Shuttle ''Challenger'' Disaster Address9John Fitzgerald Kennedy Houston Ministerial Association Speech10Lyndon Baines Johnson"We Shall Overcome"11Mario Matthew Cuomo1984 DNC Keynote Address12Jesse Louis Jackson1984 DNC Address13Barbara Charline Jordan Statement on the Articles of Impeachment14(General) Douglas MacArthur Farewell Address to Congress15Martin Luther King, Jr."I've Been to the Mountaintop"16Theodore Roosevelt"The Man with the Muck-rake"17Robert Francis Kennedy Remarks on the Assassination of MLK18Dwight David Eisenhower Farewell Address19Thomas Woodrow Wilson War Message20(General) Douglas MacArthur"Duty, Honor, Country"21Richard Milhous Nixon"The Great Silent Majority"22John Fitzgerald Kennedy"Ich bin ein Berliner"23Clarence Seward Darrow"Mercy for Leopold and Loeb"24Russell H. Conwell"Acres of Diamonds"25Ronald Wilson Reagan"A Time for Choosing"26Huey Pierce Long"Every Man a King"27Anna Howard Shaw"The Fundamental Principle of a Republic"28Franklin Delano Roosevelt"The Arsenal of Democracy"29Ronald Wilson Reagan"The Evil Empire"30Ronald Wilson Reagan First Inaugural Address31Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Fireside Chat32Harry S. Truman"The Truman Doctrine"33William Cuthbert Faulkner Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech34Eugene Victor Debs1918 Statement to the Court35Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton"Women's Rights are Human Rights"mp336Dwight David Eisenhower"Atoms for Peace"37John Fitzgerald Kennedy American University Commencement Address mp3 38Dorothy Ann Willis Richards1988 DNC Keynote Address39Richard Milhous Nixon Resignation Speech mp3 40Thomas Woodrow Wilson"The Fourteen Points"41Margaret Chase Smith"Declaration of Conscience"42Franklin Delano Roosevelt"The Four Freedoms"mp3 43Martin Luther King, Jr."A Time to Break Silence"Off-Site.mp3 44William Jennings Bryan"Against Imperialism"45Barbara Pierce Bush1990 Wellesley College Commencement Address mp3 46John Fitzgerald Kennedy Civil Rights Address mp3 47John Fitzgerald Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Address mp3 48Spiro Theodore Agnew"Television News Coverage"mp3 49Jesse Louis Jackson1988 DNC Address50Mary Fisher"A Whisper of AIDS"mp351Lyndon Baines Johnson"The Great Society"52George Catlett Marshall"The Marshall Plan"mp3 53Edward Moore Kennedy"Truth and Tolerance in America"mp3 54Adlai Ewing Stevenson Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address mp3 55Anna Eleanor Roosevelt"The Struggle for Human Rights"56Geraldine Anne Ferraro Vice-Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech mp3 57Robert Marion La Follette"Free Speech in Wartime"58Ronald Wilson Reagan40th Anniversary of D-Day Address59Mario Matthew Cuomo"Religious Belief and Public Morality"60Edward Moore Kennedy"Chappaquiddick"mp3 61John Llewellyn Lewis"The Rights of Labor"62Barry Morris Goldwater Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address mp3 63Stokely Carmichael"Black Power"Off-Site mp3 64Hubert Horatio Humphrey1948 DNC Address65Emma Goldman Address to the Jury66Carrie Chapman Catt"The Crisis"67Newton Norman Minow"Television and the Public Interest"68Edward Moore Kennedy Eulogy for Robert Francis Kennedy69Anita Faye Hill Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee70Thomas Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Final Address71Henry Louis ("Lou") Gehrig Farewell to Baseball Address72Richard Milhous Nixon Cambodian Incursion Address mp3 73Carrie Chapman Catt Address to the U.S. Congress74Edward Moore Kennedy1980 DNC Address75Lyndon Baines Johnson On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election mp376Franklin Delano Roosevelt Commonwealth Club Address77Thomas Woodrow Wilson First Inaugural Address78Mario Savio"Sproul Hall Sit-in Speech/An End to History"mp3 79Elizabeth Glaser1992 DNC Address80Eugene Victor Debs"The Issue"81Margaret Higgins Sanger"Children's Era"82Ursula Kroeber Le Guin"A Left-Handed Commencement Address"83Crystal Eastman"Now We Can Begin"84Huey Pierce Long"Share Our Wealth"85Gerald Rudolph Ford Address on Taking the Oath of Office mp3 86Cesar Estrada Chavez Speech on Ending His 25 Day Fast87Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Statement at the Smith Act Trial88Jimmy Earl Carter"A Crisis of Confidence"mp3 89Malcolm X"Message to the Grassroots"90William Jefferson Clinton Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address91Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm"For the Equal Rights Amendment"92Ronald Wilson Reagan Brandenburg Gate Address93Eliezer ("Elie") Wiesel"The Perils of Indifference"mp3 94Gerald Rudolph Ford National Address Pardoning Richard M. Nixon mp3-Excerpt 95Thomas Woodrow Wilson"For the League of Nations"96Lyndon Baines Johnson"Let Us Continue"mp3 97Joseph N. Welch"Have You No Sense of Decency"mp3 98Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Adopting the Declaration of Human Rights99Robert Francis Kennedy"Day of Affirmation"100John Forbes Kerry"Vietnam Veterans Against the War"。
Martin Luther King介绍--英文作文
Martin Luther King, was an American priest, social activists and human rights activists and American people's rights movement leader, also is the 1964 Nobel peace prize. He wanted to achieve the basic rights in the form of non-violent. Martin Luther King has a famous speech "I have a dream" ,the speech make the movement reached the peak. The non-violent protest action as the main means for black civil rights struggle of the masses, have a huge influence around the world, it can make people see they can through legitimate mass movement for their rights , it also make people see the world will certainly to move towards the equality . It not only changed the fate of black americans, giving them a largely the equality, freedom and dignity, also deeply affect all American life and ideas. At the same time, the civil war wins civil rights for blacks.We have learned the article "I have a dream", after learning I think deep. I really like Martin Luther King, I admire him for his courage and wisdom. He let the black to have equal rights, with a correct way to maintain their own interests. At the same time, he has a strong belief, as he said, We must accept disappointment, because it is limited, but we must never lose hope, because it is infinite. On the other hand, I think everyone should be equal to, regardless of race, color, poor.We must truth that all men are created equal, and We should advocate justice and peace, and try our best to avoid unfair things happen.。
马丁·路·德金Martin Luther King, Jr【人物介绍】精美PPT
他将全部奖金(54600美元)献 给了自由运动。1964年通过的新的 民权法案,规定凡是接受美国政府 资助的组织都必须平等地对待黑人。 1965年一项新的选举权法案成立, 从那以后,所有黑人都享有选举权。
由于马丁.路德.金 从事黑人解放运动的工 作,所以树敌众多。有一 次,一枚炸弹爆炸,毁了 他的房屋。
他相信,如果黑人们得不到民权, 那么要求社会变革则是正确的,也是必 要的。他认为,可以通过和平革命达到 社会变革的目的,而不通过战争和杀戮。
1955年12月,一位名叫做罗沙· 帕克斯的 黑人妇女在公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座位, 因而被蒙哥马利节警察当局的当地警员以违 反公共汽车座位隔离条令为由逮捕了她 。 金遂同几位黑人积极分子组织起“蒙哥 马利市政改进协会”,号召全市近5万名黑人 对公共法与公司进行长达1年的抵制,迫使法 院判决取消地方运输工具上的座位隔离。这 是美国南部黑人第一次以自己的力量取得斗 争胜利,从而揭开了持续10余年的民权运动 的序幕,也使他锻炼成民权运动的领袖。
<I Have A Dream>视频2分钟版
铭记流金, 谢谢观看。
1929年1月15日,马丁·路 德·金出生在美国亚特兰大市奥 本街501号,一幢维多利亚式的 小楼里。小时候他喜欢打篮球网 球,特别喜欢踢足球。他把大量 时间用来读书。 他的父亲是一位基督教牧师, 母亲是教师。他从母亲那里学会 了怎样去爱、同情和理解他人; 从父亲那里学到了果敢、坚强、 率直和坦诚。但他在黑人区生活, 也感受到人格的尊严和作为黑人 的痛苦。
【1968年4月3日 马丁· 路德· 金 (右二)在遇刺 前一天还和其他 领导人在一起】
Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream演讲者简介:马丁路德金(Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929年1月15日—1968年4月4日),著名的美国民权运动领袖,1964年度诺贝尔和平奖获得者,有金牧师之称。
1954年马丁路德金成为亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利的德克斯特大街浸信会教堂(Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)的一位牧师。
我有一个梦想,马丁·路德·金演讲稿篇一:马丁·路德金演讲稿:《我有一个梦想》Ihaveadream1.Iamhappytojoinwithyoutodayinwhatwillgodowninhistoryasthegreatestd emonstrationforfreedominthehistoryofournation.今天,我高兴地同大家一起,参加这次将成为我国历史上为了争取自由而举行的最伟大的示威集会。
Fivescoreyearsago,agreatAmerican,inwhosesymbolicshadowwestandtoda y,signedtheemancipationproclamation.Thismomentousdecreecameasagrea tbeaconlightofhopetomillionsofnegroslaveswhohadbeensearedintheflames ofwitheringinjustice.Itcameasajoyousdaybreaktoendthelongnightoftheirca ptivity.100年前,一位伟大的美国人——今天我们就站在他象征性的身影下——签署了《解放宣言》。
butonehundredyearslater,thenegrostillisnotfree.onehundredyearslater,theli feofthenegroisstillsadlycrippledbythemanaclesofsegregationandthechains ofdiscrimination.onehundredyearslater,thenegrolivesonalonelyislandofpo vertyinthemidstofavastoceanofmaterialprosperity.onehundredyearslater,thenegroisstilllanguishedinthecornersofAmericansocietyandfindshimselfane xileinhisownland.Andsowe'vecomeheretodaytodramatizeashamefulcondit ion.然而,100年后,黑人依然没有获得自由。
英语故事-Martin Luther King
英语故事Martin Luther King马丁·路德·金的传奇一生和伟大梦想Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Having skipped both the ninth and twelfth grades, Dr. King entered Morehouse at the age of fifteen. He entered the Christian ministry and was ordained in February 1948 at the age of nineteen at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta. From 1960 until his death in 1968, he was co-pastor with his father at Ebenezer Baptist Church and President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.Dr. King was a pivotal figure in the Civil Rights Movement. His lectures and remarks stirred the concern and sparked the conscience of a generation; the movements and marches he led brought significant changes in the fabric of American life; his courageous and selfless devotion gave direction to thirteen years of civil rights activities; his charismatic leadership inspired men and women, young and old,in the nation and abroad.Dr. King’s concept of somebodiness gave black and poor people a new sense of worth and dignity. His philosophy of nonviolent direct action, and his strategies for rational and non-destructive social change, galvanized the conscience of this nation and reordered its priorities. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, for example, went to Congress as a result of the Selma to Montgomery march. His wisdom, his words, his actions, his commitment, and his dreams for a new cast of life, are intertwined with the American experience.Three decades after King was gunned down on a balcony in Memphis, Tenn., he is still regarded mainly as the black leader of a movement for black equality. That assessment, while accurate, is far too restrictive. For all King did to free blacks from the yoke of segregation, whites may owe him the greatest debt, for liberating them from the burden of America’s centuries-old hypocrisy about race. It is only because of King and the movement that he led that the U.S. can claim to be one member of the “free world.” Had he and the blacks and whites who marched beside him failed, vast regions of the U.S. would have remained morally indistinguishable from South Africa under apartheid, with terrible consequences forAmerica’s standing among nations. How could America have convincingly protest against the Iron Curtain while an equally oppressive Cotton Curtain covered the South?Even after the Supreme Court struck down segregation in 1954, what the world now calls human-rights offenses were both law and custom in most areas of America. Before King and his movement, a tired and thoroughly respectable Negro seamstress like Rosa Parks could be thrown into jail and fined simply because she refused to give up her seat to some white men. A 14-year old black boy like Emmett Till could be hunted down and murdered by a Mississippi gang simply because he had supposedly make suggestive words to a white woman. Even highly educated blacks were routinely denied the right to vote or serve on juries. They could not eat at lunch counters, register in motels or use whites-only restrooms; they could not buy or rent a home wherever they chose. In some rural areas in the South, they were even compelled to get off the sidewalk and stand in the street if a white person walked by.The movement that King led swept all that away. Its victory was so complete that even though those outrages took place within the living memory of the baby boomers, they seem like ancient history. And though this revolution was theproduct of two centuries of agitation by thousands upon thousands of courageous men and women, King was its culmination. It is impossible to think of the movement developing as it did without him at its helm. He was the right man at the right time.To begin with, King was a preacher who spoke in biblical cadences ideally suited to leading a stride toward freedom. Being a minister not only put King in touch with the spirit of the black masses but also gave him a base within the black church, then and now the strongest and most independent of black institutions.Moreover, King was a man of extraordinary physical courage. From the time he assumed leadership of the Montgomery, Ala. bus boycott in 1955 to his murder 13 years later, he faced hundreds of death threats. His home in Montgomery was bombed, with his wife and young children inside. He was under the investigation of Hoover’s FBI, which bugged his telephone and hotel rooms, spread gossip about him and even tried to force him into committing suicide after he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. As King told the story, the defining moment of his life came during the early days of the bus boycott. A threatening telephone call at midnight alarmed him: “Nigger, we are tired of you and your mess now. And if you aren’t outof this town in three days, we’re going to blow your brains out and blow up your house.”Shaken, King went to the kitchen to pray. “I could hear an inner voice saying to me, ‘Martin Luther, stand up for righteousness. Stand up for justice. Stand up for truth. And I will be with you, even until the end of the world.’”King’s most famous speech — I Have a Dream — was featured with demands. “We have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check,” King said. “When the architects of our Public wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir,” King said. “Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.’” These were not the words of a cardboard saint advocating a Hallmark card-style version of brotherhood. They were the singing phrases of a prophet, a man demanding justice not just in the hereafter, but in the here and now.Dr. King was shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, by James Earl Ray who was sentenced to ninety-nine years in theTennessee State Penitentiary. His funeral services were held April 9, 1968, in Atlanta at Ebenezer Church and on the campus of Morehouse College, with the President of the United States proclaiming a day of mourning and flags being flown at half-staff. The area where Dr. King was entombed is located on Freedom Plaza and surrounded by the Freedom Hall Complex of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Historic Site, a 23-acre area was listed as a National Historic Landmark on May 5, 1977, and was made a National Historic Site on October 10, 1980 by the U.S. Department of the Interior.。
Martin Luther King
• 中文名:马丁·路德·金 • 外文名:Martin Luther King, Jr. • 别名 :美国民权运动 领袖 • 国籍:美国 • 出生地:美国亚特兰大 • 出生日期:1929.01.15
• • 马丁· 路德· 金日, 1月的第三个星 期一 1986年1月20日,星期一,全国各 地的人们都在庆祝第一个官方的马 丁· 路德· 金日,这是唯一一个纪念 美国黑人的联邦假日。在乔治亚州 亚特兰大的一个车站举办的纪念仪 式尤其感人。成百上千的人聚集到 那里游行唱歌。其中很多人曾经于 1965年在阿拉巴玛州的两个城市之 间徒步行走50英里,以反对针对美 国黑人的种族隔离和种族歧视。 在27个州和华盛顿特区很多年来1 月15日都被视作法定假日。最后, 在1986年里根总统宣布1月的第三 个星期一为联邦法定假日,以纪念 马丁· 路德· 金博士的生日。
• • • • •
• •
我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛:“我们认为这 些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。” 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子能够同昔日 奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,亲如手足。 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州——一个非正义和压迫的热浪逼人的 荒漠之州,也会改造成为自由和公正的青青绿洲。 我梦想有一天,我的四个儿女将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以 品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里。 我今天怀有一个梦。 我梦想有一天,亚拉巴马州会有所改变——尽管该州州长现在仍滔滔不 绝地说什么要对联邦法令提出异议和拒绝执行——在那里,黑人儿童能够和 白人儿童兄弟姐妹般地携手并行。 我今天怀有一个梦。 我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,上帝 的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。 这是我们的希望。这是我将带回南方去的信念。有了这个信念,我们就 能从绝望之山开采出希望之石。有了这个信念,我们就能把这个国家的嘈杂 刺耳的争吵声,变为充满手足之情的悦耳交响曲。有了这个信念,我们就能 一同工作,一同祈祷,一同斗争,一同入狱,一同维护自由,因为我们知道, 我们终有一天会获得自由
In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of thirty-five. Matin Luther King was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize.
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” ......
The Life of Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was an American civil rights leader. In the 1950s, he did a lot of work to improve the social rights and status (地位) of black Americans .
In April 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered at the age of 39. Since 1986, the U.S. government has designated (指定) the third Monday in January as Martin Luther King Jr. National Day.
...... “I have a dream that one day this
精彩片段 我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛:“我们认为真理是不言而喻,人人生而平等。” 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够和昔日奴隶主的儿子坐在一起,共叙兄弟情谊。 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州这个正义匿迹,压迫成风,如同沙漠般的地方,也将变成自由和正义的绿洲。 我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评价他们的国度里生活。 今天,我有一个梦想。我梦想有一天,亚拉巴马州能够有所转变,尽管该州州长现在仍然满口异议,反对联邦法令, 但有朝一日,那里的黑人男孩和女孩将能与白人男孩和女孩情同骨肉,携手并进。 今天,我有一个梦想。 我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降;坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,满照人间。 这就是我们的希望。我怀着这种信念回到南方。有了这个信念,我们将能从绝望之岭劈出一块希望之石。有了这个 信念,我们将能把这个国家刺耳的争吵声,改变成为一支洋溢手足之情的优美交响曲。 有了这个信念,我们将能一起工作,一起祈祷,一起斗争,一起坐牢,一起维护自由;因为我们知道,终有一天, 我们是会自由的。 在自由到来的那一天,上帝的所有儿女们将以新的含义高唱这支歌:“我的祖国,美丽的自由之乡,我为您歌唱。 您是父辈逝去的地方,您是最初移民的骄傲,让自由之声响彻每个山岗。” 如果美国要成为一个伟大的国家,这个梦想必须实现! 让自由之声从新罕布什尔州的巍峨的崇山峻岭响起来! 让自由之声从纽约州的崇山峻岭响起来! 让自由之声从宾夕法尼亚州的阿勒格尼山响起来! 让自由之声从科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的落基山响起来! 让自由之声从加利福尼亚州蜿蜒的群峰响起来! 不仅如此,还要让自由之声从佐治亚州的石岭响起来! 让自由之声从田纳西州的了望山响起来! 让自由之声从密西西比的每一座丘陵响起来! 让自由之声从每一片山坡响起来! 当我们让自由之声响起,让自由之声从每一个大小村庄、每一个州和每一个城市响起来时,我们将能够加速这一天 的到来,那时,上帝的所有儿女,黑人和白人,犹太教徒和非犹太教徒,耶稣教徒和天主教徒,都将手携手,合唱 一首古老的黑人灵歌:“自由啦!自由啦!感谢全能上帝,我们终于自由啦!”
介绍名人 马丁路德金 Martin Luther King Jr 英语作文
Martin Luther King Jr>Martin Luther King Jr Essay:Martin Luther King Junior, born as Michael King Jr was an American activist who became one of the most famous American spokespersons of all time. He was an advocate of civil rights through non-violence and civil disobedience.He was mostly influenced by the Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi who is known to be the flag-bearer of “Ahimsa” or “Non-violence” as a path to civil liberty. King was the first presidentof the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).While presiding over SCLC, he led an unsuccessful struggle against the Albanian segregation of 1962. Martin Luther received a Noble Prize for combating racial violence in the year 1964.Long and Short Essays on Martin Luther King Jr Essay for Students and Kids in EnglishWe are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essayof 150 words on the topic on Martin Luther King Jr.Long Essay on Martin Luther King Jr Essay Essay 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Martin Luther King Jr Essay Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Martin Luther King Junior was born on 15th January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia to Reverend Michael King sr. and Alberta King. He was an American Christian minister who was also a human activist.King was a Christian believer and was influenced by the Biblical scriptures from a very young age. As a child, he witnessed his father standing against segregation and various forms of discrimination.In his adolescent years, King witnessed the racial discrimination that he and his family had to face in the South. In his school, King became an eloquent speaker and joined the school’s debate team with hordes of opinions.King graduated from Morehouse College with a bachelor of arts in Sociology. He got married toCoretta Scott who was also an activist on 18th June 1953.Montgomery bus boycottThe year 1955 saw spurge of activism when Claudette Colvin, a black teenager refused to give up her seat for a white man, violating the Jim Crow Laws of the Southern United States that enforced racial discrimination.A similar incident later happened as well, and this led to the Montgomery bus boycott, which continued for 365 days. Martin Luther King Jr led the movement.Southern Christian leadership ConferenceThis was a group created by King and his associates to conduct non-violent protests and civil disobedience for the black Christians. King presided over the conference until his untimely death.Other civil rights activists involved with SCLC were James Bevel, Allen Johnson, Bayard Rustin and more. King led varied movements demanding the Black’s right to vote. He led marches for desegregation and other civil rights.Some of the important movements led by KingAlbany Movement of 1961The Albany Movement was a movement against segregation which was led by King. Though unsuccessful in the end, this movement caught a lot of attention from the rest of the world and focused on the leadership abilities of Martin Luther King the jr.You can now access more Essay Writing on this topicBirmingham Campaign 1963King was arrested while leading the Black liberation movement in Birmingham in the year 1963. This was his 13th arrest out of the 29 times that he was arrested. This campaign was a success because this movement scraped down the Jim Crow law.King is mostly remembered for his 17-minute emphatic speech called “I have a dream” that he delivered the March on Washington in 1963. This speech is still considered to be one of the world’s finest orations. The March on Washington was one of his greatestachievements and paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.King opposed the Vietnam War for he felt it to be a showcase of military power and a futile loss of resources.King was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for his activism against Racism.Assassination-Martin Luther King Junior was fatally assassinated by James Earl Ray at 6:01 pm on4th April 1968at the Lorraine Motel, Tennessee while he was only 39 years old.7th April was declared a national mourning day while 20th January is now regarded as the Martin Luther King Jr day.Short Essay on Martin Luther King Jr Essay Essay 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Martin Luther King Jr Essay Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Born on 15th January 1929, Martin Luther King was an American Christian minister and civil rights, activist. He is well known for his movements in South America against the racial declaration.He was awarded the Noble prize for peace for his advocacy on black civil rights. King was a believer in the doctrine of non-violence or Ahimsa propagated by the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi.Some of King’s very well-known movements were the Albany movement, Birmingham Campaign, St. Augustine movement in FloridaThe 1963 March on Washington was his most successful campaign where he delivered the world-known “I have a dream” speech.It is still regarded as one of the most proficient orations of the world.The Salem voting rights movement and the Chicago open housing movement were led by King and pave the way for a more liberal world for the blacks.Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated by James Earl Ray on 4th April 1968.Martin Luther King Jr Day is celebrated on 20th January every year, honouring the civil rights leader.10 Lines on Martin Luther King Jr Essay Essay in English1. His most famous speech is called “I have a dream”.2. He was just 39 years old when he died.3. King was against the Vietnam War.4. 7th April 1968 was declared a national mourning day for him.5. He is regarded as an icon of American progressivism.6. He was the father of four children.7. His famous book on non-violence is called ‘Stride toward Freedom’.8.Byard Rustin was one of his close associates. 9. He led the SCLC until his untimely death. 10. King was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously by Jimmy Carter.FAQ’s on Martin Luther King Jr EssayQuestion 1.Was Martin Luther King Jr an American?Answer:Yes, King was an American Christian and not an immigrant.Question 2.Are Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr, the same person?Answer:No, Martin Luther brought about the reformation movement. Luther King Jr, on the other hand, was a civil liberty activist.Question 3.How old was King when he died?Answer:King was just 39 years old when he died.Question 4.Who killed King?Answer:King was assassinated by a man called James Ray.。
Martin Luther King马丁 路德 金 的介绍
I have a dream
----by ----by Martin Luther King
• I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. • I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: self"We hold these truths to be selfevident: that all men are created equal."
• I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. • I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
27. Anna Howard Shaw The Fundamental Principle of a Republic
28. Franklin Delano of Democracy
29. Ronald Reagan The Evil Empire
14. Barbara Charline Jordan Statement on the Articles of Impeachment
15. General Douglas MacArthur Farewell Address to Congress
16. Martin Luther King, Jr I've Been to the Mountaintop
08. Ronald Reagan The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address
Rank Speaker Title/Text/MultiMedia 1Martin Luther King, Jr.I Have A Dream2John Fitzgerald Kennedy Inaugural Address3Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Inaugural Address4Franklin Delano Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation5Barbara Charline Jordan1976 DNC Keynote Address6Richard Milhous Nixon Checkers7Malcolm X The Ballot or the Bullet8Ronald Wilson Reagan Shuttle ''Challenger'' Disaster Address 9John Fitzgerald Kennedy Houston Ministerial Association Speech 10Lyndon Baines Johnson We Shall Overcome11Mario Matthew Cuomo1984 DNC Keynote Address12Jesse Louis Jackson1984 DNC Address13Barbara Charline Jordan Statement on the Articles of Impeachment点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本14(General) Douglas MacArthur Farewell Address to Congress15Martin Luther King, Jr.I've Been to the Mountaintop16Theodore Roosevelt The Man with the Muck-rake17Robert Francis Kennedy Remarks on the Assassination of MLK 18Dwight David Eisenhower Farewell Address19Thomas Woodrow Wilson War Message20(General) Douglas MacArthur Duty, Honor, Country21Richard Milhous Nixon The Great Silent Majority22John Fitzgerald Kennedy Ich bin ein Berliner23Clarence Seward Darrow Mercy for Leopold and Loeb24Russell H. Conwell Acres of Diamonds25Ronald Wilson Reagan A Time for Choosing26Huey Pierce Long Every Man a King27Anna Howard Shaw The Fundamental Principle of a Republic点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本28Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Arsenal of Democracy29Ronald Wilson Reagan The Evil Empire30Ronald Wilson Reagan First Inaugural Address31Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Fireside Chat32Harry S. Truman The Truman Doctrine33William Cuthbert Faulkner Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech34Eugene Victor Debs1918 Statement to the Court35Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Women's Rights are Human Rights36Dwight David Eisenhower Atoms for Peace37John Fitzgerald Kennedy American University Commencement Address 38Dorothy Ann Willis Richards1988 DNC Keynote Address39Richard Milhous Nixon Resignation Speech40Thomas Woodrow Wilson The Fourteen Points41Margaret Chase Smith Declaration of Conscience点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本42Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Four Freedoms43Martin Luther King, Jr. A Time to Break Silence44Mary Church Terrell What it Means to be Colored in the...U.S.45William Jennings Bryan Against Imperialism46Margaret Higgins Sanger The Morality of Birth Control47Barbara Pierce Bush1990 Wellesley College Commencement Address 48John Fitzgerald Kennedy Civil Rights Address49John Fitzgerald Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Address50Spiro Theodore Agnew Television News Coverage51Jesse Louis Jackson1988 DNC Address52Mary Fisher A Whisper of AIDS53Lyndon Baines Johnson The Great Society54George Catlett Marshall The Marshall Plan55Edward Moore Kennedy Truth and Tolerance in America点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本56Adlai Ewing Stevenson Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address 57Anna Eleanor Roosevelt The Struggle for Human Rights58Geraldine Anne Ferraro Vice-Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 59Robert Marion La Follette Free Speech in Wartime60Ronald Wilson Reagan40th Anniversary of D-Day Address61Mario Matthew Cuomo Religious Belief and Public Morality62Edward Moore Kennedy Chappaquiddick63John Llewellyn Lewis The Rights of Labor64Barry Morris Goldwater Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address 65Stokely Carmichael Black Power66Hubert Horatio Humphrey1948 DNC Address67Emma Goldman Address to the Jury68Carrie Chapman Catt The Crisis69Newton Norman Minow Television and the Public Interest点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本70Edward Moore Kennedy Eulogy for Robert Francis Kennedy71Anita Faye Hill Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee 72Thomas Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Final Address73Henry Louis (Lou) Gehrig Farewell to Baseball Address74Richard Milhous Nixon Cambodian Incursion Address75Carrie Chapman Catt Address to the U.S. Congress76Edward Moore Kennedy1980 DNC Address77Lyndon Baines Johnson On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election78Franklin Delano Roosevelt Commonwealth Club Address79Thomas Woodrow Wilson First Inaugural Address80Mario Savio Sproul Hall Sit-in Speech/An End to History 81Elizabeth Glaser1992 DNC Address82Eugene Victor Debs The Issue83Margaret Higgins Sanger Children's Era点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本84Ursula Kroeber Le Guin A Left-Handed Commencement Address85Crystal Eastman Now We Can Begin86Huey Pierce Long Share Our Wealth87Gerald Rudolph Ford Address on Taking the Oath of Office88Cesar Estrada Chavez Speech on Ending His 25 Day Fast89Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Statement at the Smith Act Trial90Jimmy Earl Carter A Crisis of Confidence91Malcolm X Message to the Grassroots92William Jefferson Clinton Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address93Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm For the Equal Rights Amendment94Ronald Wilson Reagan Brandenburg Gate Address95Eliezer (Elie) Wiesel The Perils of Indifference96Gerald Rudolph Ford National Address Pardoning Richard M. Nixon 97Thomas Woodrow Wilson For the League of Nations点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本98Lyndon Baines Johnson Let Us Continue99Joseph N. Welch Have You No Sense of Decency100Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Adopting the Declaration of Human Rights点击演讲标题,即可查看对应文本。
品读10-14 黑人怎样才能“满足”?
当警察停止对黑人的野蛮迫害时 当黑人能和白人一样找到旅馆住宿时 当黑人的基本活动不被局限在贫民区内时 当黑人能和白人一样享有选举权时 当正义和公正滚滚而来时
马丁•路德•金的“梦想”是? 政治上:
获得了超过一百项奖项, 其中最显著的便是1993
年的诺贝尔和平奖。南 非首位黑人总统,被尊称 为南非国父。
贝利 1940年10月23日 出生在巴西的一 个贫寒家庭,是 二十世纪最伟大 的足球明星之一, 被喜爱他的人尊 为“球王”。
演讲一开始,马丁•路德•金就以形象生动的语言阐 述了此次集会的起因和目的。 接下来,作者提醒自己的黑人同胞,一定要注意斗 争的方式和策略。 再接下来,作者鼓舞黑人士气,要他们树立信念和 理想,团结起来,共同前进。 最后,作者表达了对自由、平等的渴望和作为一个 黑人内心最热烈的梦想。
是由三个或三个以上结构相 同或相似、内容相关、语气 一致的短语或句子排列在一 起,用来加强语势、强调内 容、加重感情、增添形式美 的修辞方式。
充沛的情感是这篇演讲词的主线。 演讲者充满激情,用心在演讲,用生 命在呼唤,使听众的情绪受到感染并 得以升华。
顺应时代,代表大众心声,危急 关头,想民之所想,讲民之所不敢 讲。
康多莉扎·赖斯 (Condoleezza Rice) 继克林顿政府的马德 琳·奥尔布赖特之后 美国历史上第二位女 国务卿。
• I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today!
4.Rosa Parks was arrested for hitting a white man.
5.The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1965.
StepⅡReading comprehension
Task one: Give us the main idea of each paragraph
Forty Anniversary of His Death
• President Bush Honors Martin Luther King
Dr Martin Luther King Jr– A HistoricalPerspective
Scan the reading passage and choose “T” or “F”.
• I have a dream,
马丁路德金的英文简介 (1)
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Social context
His achievements
Martin Luther King Day
In the late of 19 century, the rights of African American suffered discrimination and restraint. In daily life, the United States blacks were often isolated, such as not with the white in a school, a public transport and a place. African American equality problem had become a serious social problem.
I have a dream
He was murder
On April 4, 1968, as he was leaving hotel. Dr. Martin Luther King, was killed by shooting.He was just 39 years old.
People will rt Do People Do?
Some educational establishments mark the day by teaching their pupils or students about the work of Martin Luther King and the struggle against racial segregation and racism. Some schools and colleges close but others stay open and teach their students about the life and work of Martin Luther King. .
马丁路德金英文简介马丁·路德·金简介Martin Luther King (Jr., January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968), the famous American civil rights leader.Graduated from university in 1948. From 1948 to 1951, continuedin Philadelphia on the east coast of the United States. In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. met with President Linden Baines Johnson, calling for a new civil rights law to give blacks equal rights. August 28, 1963, before the Lincoln Memorial Hall, published "I have a dream" speech. Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1964. In April 1968, Martin Luther King went to Memphis City, leading the workers after the strike, was assassinated, only 39 years old.From 1986 onwards, the US government will be the first day of January each year, as Martin Luther King National Day. Martin Luther King Gold was named the eighth of the 100 characters in the United States by the American Journal of the Atlantic.马丁·路德·金生平履历Early schoolMartin Luther King, the "non-violent" and "direct action" as one of the most prominent advocates of social change. On January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King was born in a small Victorian building at 501 Auburn Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King is the grandson of the priest Adam Daniel Williams, the priest of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Atlanta; Martin Luther Kim is the old Martin Luther King's son, the old Martin Luther King Kim inherited his father Williams became Ebenezer's pastor, the mother is a teacher. Martin Luther King's family originated in the African-American Baptist Church. At the age of 15, he was able to enter the Moorhouse Academy for honors with honors, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree at the end of his studies at the University of AtlantaMöller. Martin Luther King graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Clausheological Seminary and Boston University. In 1951 he received a bachelor's degree from the Colonel Theological School. In 1955 he received a doctorate degree from the University of Boston. In his study, Martin Luther King Jr. deepened his understanding of theology and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy in social reform.Pre-exerciseIn 1953, Martin Luther King and Corita Scott married. The second year, he was in the Montgomery Montgomery Dexter Avenue Baptist Church as a pastor. In 1955, he received a doctorate degree in systematic theology.December 5, 1955, because a black woman did not give the white seat, was sentenced to prison for two years, so the civil activist Rosa Parks refused to comply with the Montgomery bus on the apartheid policy, after which the blacks initiated The boycott of the bus and elect gold for their new form under the Montgomery Rights Promotion Association leader. The bus resistance campaign lasted for a year in 1956, and Martin Luther King was fame for his leadership. In December 1956, the Supreme Court of the United States declared that Alabama's apartheid laws violated the Constitution and the apartheid provisions on the Montgomery City bus were also abolished.In order to seek further development after Montgomery's victory, Martin Luther King and other southern black leaders established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957. In 1959, MartinLuther King went to India to travel and further developed Gandhi's nonviolent strategy. At the end of that year, Martin Luther King resigned from Dexter's office and returned to Atlanta, and his father became an Ebenezer Baptist priest.In 1960, black college students lifted the wave of protests, which promoted the formation of non-violent coordinating committees. Martin Luther King supported the student movement and showed interest in the youth division that created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The student militants admired him, but they were dissatisfied with Martin Luther King's top-down leadership style and decided to gain autonomy. As a consultant to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Ela Baker, who served as deputy head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, told the representatives of other civil rights organizations that the student nonviolent coordination committee would remain a student-led organization. 1961 "free ride", Martin Luther King Kim refused to participate in the activities of being criticized, exacerbated his tensions with young radicals. The contradiction between the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee continued in the 1961 and 1925 Baltimore campaigns.Grow and developOn April 12, 1963, Martin Luther King and the leaders of the Southern Christian Leaders led a large-scale mass demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Kim was arrested on the same day. He wrote "the book from Birmingham prison" in prison. In the book, he elaborated the original intention, expectation and dream of the American civil rights movement, and criticized the accusations of the civil rights movement. In the summer of 1963, when the priest at theWhite House met with US President Kennedy, he said: "There is no Birmingham, we can not sit here today." Here to white police strongly opposed to racial integration is known. Freehand protesters andpolice officers equipped with police dogs and fire water guns, as headlines throughout the world. President Kennedy responded to Birmingham's protest, and he proposed to Congress the request to liberalize civil rights legislation, which led to the adoption of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Later on August 28, 1963, mass demonstrations culminated in the movement of the "Washington Work and Freedom" process, where more than 250,000 protesters gathered in Washington, DC. At the Lincoln Memorial Hall, Martin Luther King published a famous speech "I Have A Dream".Life climaxMartin Luther King's prestige continued to rise with the annual figures of Time magazine in 1963 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. However, in addition to fame and praise, the internal leadership of the movement also appeared in contradiction. Malcolm Aix's legitimate defense and black nationalist ideas aroused the sympathy of the North, the role of urban blacks than gold for the non-violent call. At the same time, gold will also face the "black power" campaign activist Stoke Kay Michael's public criticism.On August 28, 2022, Martin Luther King's memorial statue was unveiled at the Washington National Square. In the past, only Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt and several other famous American history of the President here to commemorate the statue, Martin Luther King is the first born as a social critic of thecivilian political figures were here Commemorative, is also the first African-American political leaders of the monument, its significanceis unusual. Why he can win the prestige of these famous presidents, and that is to preserve the basic values of freedom and equality and democracy in the Declaration of Independence and the Federal Charter by peaceful protest, as he and the President The American people widely praised and renowned American history.Encounter assassinationIn 1967, inter-ethnic violence escalated, Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, took the opportunity to strengthen the overall effort to undermine gold leadership. Plus the public criticism of the US involvement in the Vietnam War, so that he and Linden Johnson government tensions.In December 1967, Martin Luther King launched a campaign aimed at combating economic problems, which was not supported by early civil rights activists. After a year, in a strike to support the Memphis cleaners, he delivered his final speech "I have reached the peak". On the evening of April 4, 1968, the second floor of the Los Angeles Motor Inn in Memphis, Tennessee was assassinated by racists, aged 39.。
关于马丁路德金的介绍关于马丁路德金1929年1月15日出生在佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个黑人牧师家庭1948年马丁·路德·金获得莫尔豪斯大学学士学位1949年,他进入著名的克拉泽神学院学习两年,获得神学学士学位1954年马丁·路德·金成为亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的德克斯特大街浸信会教堂(DexterAvenue Baptist Church)的一位牧师1955年他从波士顿大学获得神学博士学位,组织了蒙哥马利罢车运动(蒙哥马利市政改进协会)1957年金被推举为“南部基督教领袖联合会”主席1958年他因流浪罪被逮捕1963年金组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行1964年获得诺贝尔和平奖1968年4月4日,他在旅馆的阳台被一名种族分子刺客开枪正中喉咙致死。
YouthJan. 15th 1929, he was born in Atlanta.He studied at the three universities.在结束亚特兰大莫尔浩司学院的学业后,马丁·路德·金又在宾夕法尼亚州的克劳泽神学院和波士顿大学就读,在学习中,马丁·路德·金加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地在社会改革方面的非暴力策略。
Development and growthIn April 1963, the SCLC began a campaign against racial segregation and economic injustice in Birmingham, Alabama. The campaign used nonviolent but intentionally confrontationaltactics, developed in part by Rev.1963 年4月12日,马丁·路德·金和南方基督教领袖会议领导人在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰领导了大规模群众示威游行More than a quarter of a million people of diverse ethnicities attended the event, sprawling from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial onto the National Mall and around the reflecting pool. At the time, it was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington, D.C.'s history. King's "I Have a Dream" speech electrified the crowd.稍后,在1963年8月28日,群众示威行动在“华盛顿工作与自由游行”的运动过程中达到高潮,此次示威运动中有超过二十五万的抗议者聚集在华盛顿特区。
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40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's death
[ 2008-04-07 09:46 ]
/language_tips/auvideo/2008-04/07/content_6595651.h tm
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
Forty years ago, African-American civil rights leader, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior, was shot and killed. He died on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.
On Friday, in that city, presidential candidates, civil rights leaders, labor activists and thousands of citizens came together. They honored Doctor King for leading the struggle for racial equality and economic justice.
During the 1950s and 60s, Doctor King had led a campaign of nonviolent protests. His work was aimed at ending racial separation and discrimination against
His efforts led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That year, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Forty years ago, Doctor King was in Memphis to organize a strike for workers' rights. The sanitation workers in the city were protesting their low wages and poor working conditions. Doctor King was thirty-nine years old at the time, and had become the nation’s chief civil rights leader.
His murder incited riots in more than one hundred American cities. The race riots lasted for days. Many African-American neighborhoods burned. The government ordered about fifty thousand soldiers to help control the violence. An estimated twenty-one thousand people were arrested. Almost fifty people were killed. And millions of dollars in property was damaged or destroyed.
His murder also brought about a divisive and difficult period for race relations in the United States.
In the years since his death, Doctor King has often been called one of the most honored Americans in history. But for many, his work for racial equality remains unfinished.
In the past forty years, African-Americans have become successful in education, business, entertainment and politics. The rise of Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama is a powerful sign of racial progress. If elected in Novemb er, Mister Obama would become America’s first black president.
Yet experts say the black population as a whole has not reached equality with white people socially and economically. Black Americans experience greater rates of poverty and crime than whites.
Civil rights leaders say that forty years after his death, many African-Americans still seek Doctor King’s dream of equality and opportunity.
Martin Luther King Junior is best remembered for his 1963 "I Have a Dream"(Listen) speech. It brought together millions of people in the United States and around the world to work for racial justice.
And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I’m Steve Ember.。