



德国大使馆面签户口本翻译件模版Art der Residenz 户口类型(农业或非农业)Name des Hausbesitzer 户主Residenz Nr. 号码Adresse地址Stempel des Registerrichter : Ausgabedatum : 发行日期说明:该页是户口本总页,其中Art der Residenz 可填写农业户口(LandwirtschaftlicherResidenz )或非农业户口(Nichtlandwirtschaftlicher Residenz )Stempel von Polizeibeh?rdeDer Provinz Hubei (相应修改) (Für Anmeldungszweck)Stempel von MeldungsbehürdeLiushanhu(相应修改) ?rtliche Polizeirevier Polizeibeh?rde der Stadt Chibi (相应修改) (Stempel)Meldebescheinigung der Dauerhaften BewohnerLandwirtschaftliche Residenz Name 户主名Beziehung zum Haushaltsvorstand HausbesitzerFrühere Name Geschlecht 性别Geburtsort出生地Nationalit?t Han Herkunft籍贯Geburtsdatum出生日期Andere Adresse in der StadtReligion是否有宗教信仰ID-Nr.身份证号码Gr??e身高Blutgruppe血型Ausbildungsniveau教育程度Familien-stand婚姻状况Milit?rdienst兵役Service-Stelle BerufFrüher Residenz vor dem Umzug in dieStadt und Datum des UmzugsFrüher Residenz vor dem Umzug in dieseAdresse und Datum des Umzugsewig lebenStempel des Registerrichter: Ausgabedatum:说明:该页是户主页。



Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and therelationships between household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot bealtered, transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organof Household Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairsare changed, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Registration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。



户口本德语翻译模板(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Hausstand-VerzeichnisUnter Aufsicht des Ministeriums für öffentliche Sicherheitder Volksrepublik China(封面页)Zur Beachtung1. Das Hausstand-Verzeichnis hat die Aufgabe, den Status eines Einwohners und dessen Familienmitglieder zu ermitteln. Es ist die Grundlage für Untersuchungen und Prüfungen der Meldebehörde. Im Falle einer solchen Untersuchung und Prüfung muss der Haushaltsvorstandauf eigene Initiative das Hausstand-Verzeichnis vorlegen.2. Das Hausstand-Verzeichnis muss vom Haushaltsvorstand sorgfältig aufbewahrt werden. Keinerlei Änderung, Weitergabe und Überlassung ist erlaubt. Der Verlust des Hausstand-Verzeichnisses muss umgehend der Meldebehörde angezeigt werden.3. Erfassungen im Hausstand-Verzeichnis dürfen nur von der Meldebehörde vorgenommen werden. Keine anderen Behörden oder Personen haben die Erlaubnis, hier Eintragungen vorzunehmen.4. Jeglicher Zuwachs oder Abgang von Familienmitgliedern im Hausstand oder jeglicheÄnderung von Eintragungen müssen durch Anzeige bei der Meldebehörde im Hausstand-Verzeichnis vorgenommen werden.5. Wenn die ganze Familie aus dem rechtlichen Gebiet des Wohnorts wegzieht, muss das Hausstand-Verzeichnis an die Meldebehörde zur Löschung zurueckgegeben werden.(注意事项页)(户主页)Meldebescheinigung des Dauerhaften EinwohnersWohnort-Nummer XXXXXXErfassungsbeamter:Erfassungsdatum: 20XX-XX-XX 日期承办人(Das Siegel von 派出所 Polizeirevier nurfür Bescheinigung des Hausstand-Verzeichnisses)(个人页)附录:注1.文化程度:Grundschule 小学Untere Mittelschule 初中Mittelschule 高中Bachelor 本科Master 硕士博士注2.婚姻状况:ledig 单身verheiratet 已婚geschieden 离婚verwitwet 丧偶注3.常见职业:Schüler (中小学)学生Schülerin 女(中小学)学生Student 大学生Studentin 女大学生Arbeiter 职工Arbeiterin 女职工。



户口本翻译件标准模板(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ ofHousehold Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs arechanged, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Type of theNonagricultural Family Name of HouseholderHouseholdHousehold Number DomicileRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。



Notes1.The household register has the legal effect of verifying the identity conditions of citizen andthe relationships between family members. It is the main basis of household investigation and check used by permanent resident registration authority. When the employees from permanent resident registration authority investigate and check the household condition, the householder or the members must hand in it for check.2.The householder should be responsible for keeping the household register. It is forbidden toalter, transfer or lend it privately. It should be reported to the permanent resident registration authority if lost.3.The registration right of the register belongs to the permanent resident registration authority.It is forbidden for any unit or individual to make any record on it.4.If the members in this house increase, decrease or the registration items change, the additionalregistration is required to be completed in the household register by the permanent resident registration authority.5.When the whole family wants to move out of permanent resident administration area, thehousehold register should be returned to the permanent resident registration authority.Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: Febrary 28, 2009 Household Special Seal of Y uqiao Police Station, Beijing Public Security Bureau (Seal)Seal of undertaker: Yuqiao Police Station Dinling (Seal) Date of registration: August 2, 2010 Household Special Seal of Y uqiao Police Station, Beijing Public Security Bureau (Seal)。


Andere Adresse in der Stadt
Religiöser Glaube
4. Eine Veränderungan Personalbestand oder anderen Angabensollt sich der Meldebehörde auf demEinwohnerregister(Hukou Ben)angemeldet werden.
5. Die ganze Familie, die aus dem zuständigen Bezirk umzogen sind, sollt denEinwohnerregister(Hukou Ben)bei der Meldebehörde abgeben.
1. DerEinwohnerregister(Hukou Ben)ist Nachweis der Staatsbürgerschaft, die Familienangehörigkeit und die wichtigste Grundlage bei Haushaltsbefragung/-Kontrollieren. Bei Haushaltsbefragung/-Kontrollieren ist dasFamilienoberhauptoder die Haushaltsmitglieder verpflichtet, derEinwohnerregisteranzubieten.



?Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and therelationships between household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot bealtered, transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organof Household Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairsare changed, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the HouseholdRegister shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.?Type of the Household NonagriculturalFamilyName of HouseholderHousehold Number& DomicileRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident.。



Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully,which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of HouseholdRegister. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, thehouseholder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district,the Household Registershall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.No.Type of the HouseholdHousehold NumberNonagricultural FamilyDomicileName of HouseholderProvincial Public Security Organ Permanent Residence Registration OrganSpecial Seal for Residential Registration Special Seal for Residential Registration shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau Chaoyangmen (Special Seal for Hukou)Police Department(Special Seal for Hukou) Stamp of Operator:Issued on:Domicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureMarriedHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodTypeDomicile Alteration RegistrationDomicile after Alteration Date for Alteration Stamp of OperatorRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentNameName Ever UsedPlace of BirthNative PlaceOther Domicile inthe City (County)Resident’s ID CardNo.EducationPlace of ServiceWhen and from where to this city (county) When and from where to this domicile MaritalStatusStatureHouseholder orRelationship withHouseholderSexNationalityDate of BirthReligionMilitaryServiceProfessionBloodType。


Highest Academic
Marital Status
Military Service
Place of Work
Saving teller
Name of House Owner
Residence No.
Certified Seal for Hukou of Certified Seal for Hukou of
Provincial Public Security Organs Household Registration Organs
Former Name
Place of Birth
Native Place
Date of Birth
Other Dwelling Place in the City/Town
Religious Belief
After alteration、Correction
Date of alteration
Seal and sign of person in charge
Registration Card of Permanent Resident
Householderor Relationshipwith theHouseholder



Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C4XXXNotes1. Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationships | . .・■■ d between household members. It is ail important gist for the Registration Organ of Household | i. Register to take census and check・ When the working persomiel of the Registration Oigan of jHousehold Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall I hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered, I transferred orlent in private・If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household j Register iiimiediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of Household ; Register.Aliy other unit or individual caimot take any record ill the register.9. 4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, the Ihouseholder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the \ Household Register.5. In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the Household Register ; shall bereturned to the Registi'ation Organ of Household Register for cancellation・/?Basic Information of HouseholdDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentWEI Yali (Seal)Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau West-City Police Department (Special Seal for Hukou)Registration Card for Permanent Resident貫CHEN Xuiliong (Seal)Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau West-City Police Department (Special Seal for Hukou)Alteration and Correction Record of Registered Items。



Notes1.Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationshipsbetween household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively.2.The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered,transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately.3.The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of HouseholdRegister. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register.4.If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, thehouseholder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register.5.In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the Household Registershall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation.Type of the Household Nonagricultural Family Name of HouseholderHousehold Number DomicileProvincial Public Security Organ Permanent Residence Registration OrganSpecial Seal for Residential Registration Special Seal for Residential Registrationshanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau Chaoyangmen (Special Seal for Hukou) Police Department(Special Seal for Hukou)Stamp of Operator:Issued on:Registration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentRegistration Card for Permanent ResidentDomicile Alteration RegistrationRegistration Card for Permanent Resident。

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