



Ef f e c t o f pr e -s o a ki n g o n t h e a n t i o x i da nt c o mp o u nd s
a n d a n t i o x i d a n t a c t i v i t y o f Hi l l Go o s e b e r r y ( R. T o me n t o s a ) j u i c e
制 。 因此不 同的 预 浸 泡 方 式影 响 桃 金娘 果 汁 P P O和 P O D 的酶 活 , 而抗 氧 化 物 质 和 抗 氧化 活性 的稳 定 性 与 P P O和 P O D
的 活性 负相 关。
关 键词 : 桃 金娘 果 汁 , 预 浸泡, 抗氧 化 物 质 , 多 酚氧 化 酶 , 过 氧 化 酶
摘 要: 本研 究将 桃 金娘 整 果 分 别浸 泡 在 不 同温 度 的 水 、 盐酸 、 柠檬 酸、 抗坏血 酸和亚硫 酸氢钠溶液 中 1 0 、 2 O 、 3 0 m i n , 分 析 不 同 处理 对 桃金 娘 果 汁 中 总 多酚 、 总花 青 素 、 总黄 酮 和 抗 氧 化 活性 的影 响 。 结 果 表 明 , 在4 0 - 6 0℃ 水 中浸 泡 总黄酮含量和抗氧化活性显著降低 , 然而在 8 0℃热 水和 1 % 盐酸 中预 浸泡可保持或增加
抗 氧化 物含 量 。 柠檬 酸 、 抗 坏 血 酸或 N a H S O 溶 液 能 降 低 抗 氧 化 物 质 的 损 失 程 度 。 同 时研 究 了桃 金 娘 中多 酚 氧 化 酶 ( P P O ) 和过 氧化 酶 ( P O D) 在不 同 p H 和 温 度 下 的稳 定性 。 温度 达 到 1 0 0 o C、 p H 小 于 2时 P P O和 P O D活 性 才被 完 全抑























桃金娘的根功效与作用桃金娘(学名:Prunus persica)是一种常绿落叶乔木,属于蔷薇科蔷薇亚科桃属。




1. 清热解毒:桃金娘根具有清热解毒的作用,可以治疗火热内盛的症状,如热毒痈肿、口腔溃疡、喉咙痛等。


2. 利尿消肿:桃金娘根具有利尿消肿的功效,可以帮助排除体内多余的水分和废物,减轻水肿和浮肿的症状。


3. 平肝息风:桃金娘根具有平肝息风的作用,可以缓解肝风上扰的症状,如头晕、头痛、眩晕等。


4. 润肠通便:桃金娘根具有润肠通便的功效,可以缓解便秘和排便困难的症状。


5. 抗氧化抗衰老:桃金娘根富含抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E和多酚类化合物等,这些物质可以中和自由基,预防氧化应激的产生,从而延缓细胞的老化和衰老过程。


6. 护肝养肝:桃金娘根具有护肝养肝的作用,可以减轻肝脏负担,促进肝细胞的再生和修复。


7. 强壮身体:桃金娘根中富含多种营养物质,如维生素B族、维生素C、钙、铁等,这些物质可以增强机体的抵抗力,提高身体的免疫力。




Antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins from Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.)and identification of the major anthocyaninsChun Cui a ,Shaomin Zhang a ,Lijun You a ,Jiaoyan Ren a ,Wei Luo b ,Wenfen Chen a ,Mouming Zhao a ,⇑a College of Light Industry and Food,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China bAnalysis and Testing Center,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 30October 2012Received in revised form 5January 2013Accepted 28January 2013Available online 10February 2013Keywords:Rhodomyrtus tomentosa AnthocyaninsAntioxidant activity Cyanidin-3-O-glucosidea b s t r a c tThe anthocyanins in the fruits of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ACN)were extracted by 1%TFA in methanol,and then purified by X-5resin column and C 18(SPE)cartridges.The purified anthocyanin extract (ART)from the fruits of R.tomentosa showed strong antioxidant activities,including DPPH radical-scavenging capacity,ABTS radical scavenging capacity,reducing power and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC).The purified anthocyanin extract was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).The major anthocyanins were purified by semi-preparative HPLC and Sephadex LH-20column chromatography,and were identified as cyanidin-3-O-glucoside,peonidin-3-O-glucoside,malvidin-3-O-glucoside,petunidin-3-O-glucoside,delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside by HPLC–ESI/MS and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside was consid-ered as the most abundant anthocyanin,which was 29.4mg/100g dry weight of R.tomentosa fruits.Addi-tionally,all the major anthocyanins were identified from R.tomentosa fruit for the first time.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.)Hassk,a member of the Myrtaceae family,commonly known as rose myrtle,is an abundant evergreen shrub native to southeast Asia,with rose-pink flowers and dark-purple edible bell-shaped fruits (Amporn,Tony,&John,2005).The stem,leaf,fruits of the whole plant can be used as medical materials.The R.tomentosa fruit possesses excellent pharmacolog-ical properties,including antibacterial activity against Gram-posi-tive bacteria,such as Streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli (Dachriyanus et al.,2002;Surasak &Supayang,2008).R.tomentosa fruit is widely distributed in south China;its bright purplish-red colour is due to anthocyanins.Anthocyanins,an important group of water-soluble pigments in natural products,are widely spread in flowers,fruits and leaves.They usually link with sugar moieties and constitute flavonoids,attracting more and more attention due to their usage as natural food additives and excellent functional properties for human health (Kaliora,Dedoussis,&Schmidt,2006;Li,Wang,Guo,&Wang,2011).On the basis of their structural characteristics,anthocyanins possess various biological activities,including antioxidant (Cerezo,Cuevas,Winterhalter,Garcia-Parrilla,&Troncoso,2010),anticancer (Wang &Stoner,2008),anti-inflammatory (Greenspan et al.,2005),anti-artery atherosclerosis,anti-hypertensive (Pinent et al.,2004)and antibacterial activities (Lacombe,Wu,Tyler,&Edwards,2010).In recent decades,the antioxidant activities of anthocyanin and its working mechanism have attracted growing global interest.As re-ported,anthocyanin might play its protective role through the working system of H atom transfer,single electron transfer and metal chelation (Monica,Nino,&Marirosa,2011).However,to our knowledge,the information regarding the antioxidant capacity and major anthocyanins of R.tomentosa is limited.The objectives of the present study were to extract and purify the anthocyanins from the fruit of R.tomentosa and to evaluate their antioxidant capacity.The major anthocyanins were further isolated by semi-preparative HPLC and column chromatography,and identified by HPLC–ESI–MS and NMR spectroscopy.2.Materials and methods 2.1.Plant materialThe wild-grown mature fruits of R.tomentosa (Ait.)Hassk were collected in Shanwei,Guangdong Province,China,in August (Fig.1),freeze-dried after being washed with clean sterile water,and then stored at À20°C prior to extraction.2.2.Chemicals2,20-Azobis (2-methylpropionamidine)dihydrochloride (AAPH),2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH),2,20-azino-bis (3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)(ABTS),6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetra-methyl-2-chromanecarboxylic acid (trolox),sodium fluorescein,0308-8146/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.01.107Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+862087113914.E-mail address:femmzhao@ (M.Zhao).30,60-dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1[3H],90[9H]-xanthen]-3-one (FL),ascorbic acid,CF3COOD and CD3OD were purchased from Sig-ma Chemical Co.(St.Louis,MO,USA).X-5resins were obtained from Haiguang Chemical Co.Ltd.,(Tianjin,China).Sephadex LH-20was purchased from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals Co.(Uppsala,Sweden) and Sep-Pak cartridges were purchased from Waters Co.,(Milford, Bedford,MA,USA).All the solvents for HPLC analysis were of HPLC grade.All the other chemicals used were of analytical grade.2.3.Extraction of anthocyaninsFree-dried sample(300g)was macerated with1000ml of TFA (trifluoroacetic acid):methanol(1:99;v/v)for48h in the dark at room temperature,and the remaining residues were extracted by 400ml of the extract solvent to extract anthocyanin.The superna-tants were obtained by centrifugation(8000g,15min)in a GL-21M refrigerated centrifuge(Xiangyi Instrument Co.Ltd.,Changsha,Chi-na)andfiltration.Finally,the acidic methanol extracts were com-bined and evaporated,using a rotary evaporator(RE-52AA, Yarong Instrument Factory,Shanghai,China)at40°C.2.4.Purification of anthocyaninsThe concentrated crude extract was purified by partition(sev-eral times)against ethylacetate and chloroform to remove non-po-lar compounds.The partial purified aqueous(10ml each time) phase was then subjected to a X-5resin column(1.6Â40cm)to remove free sugars,aliphatic acids and other water-soluble com-pounds by washing(several times)with the column volume of dis-tilled water.The adsorbed anthocyanins were eluted using methanol containing0.1%trifluoroacetic acid(TFA,v/v).The concentrated anthocyanin extract was further refined by solid phase extraction(SPE)in C18cartridges(Sep pak,Waters). The aqueous extract of anthocyanin was passed through a sorbent C-18Sep-Pak cartridge(Waters Associates,Milford,MA)previously activated with acidified methanol(0.01%HCl v/v)and equilibrated with water.The extract adsorbed onto the cartridge was rinsed with ultra-pure water to remove water-soluble impurities,and then eluted with acidified methanol(0.01%HCl,v/v).The acidified methanol solution was evaporated under vacuum,redissolved in water,and lyophilized(R2L-100KPS,Kyowa Vacuum Engineering, Tokyo,Japan).The dry fraction was dissolved with deionized water. Samples werefiltered through a0.45l mfilter before analysis. 2.5.Isolation and identification of the main anthocyanins from the purified extract2.5.1.IsolationThe purified extract,containing the major anthocyanin-derived pigments,was isolated by semi-preparative HPLC,using a Waters X-bridge reversed-phase C18column(5l m,10Â150mm,i.d.)at 35°C with aflow rate of 4.5ml/min and was monitored at 520nm.The solvents were(A),water/formic acid(98:2),and(B), formic acid/methanol(2:98),with the following gradient:10–15%B over5min,15–18%B over5min,18–23%B over20min, from23%to25%B over10min.and then each fraction was further chromatographed on a Sephadex LH-20column(1.0Â60cm), eluting with a mixture of methanol/water/trifluoroacetic acid at a ratio of20:79.5:0.5to obtain compounds1–6,respectively.2.5.2.Molecular weight determinationA MS system(Esquire HCT PLUS,Phenomenex,Torrance,CA, USA),equipped with a Hewlett–Packard1100series liquid chroma-tography system,was used to determine the molecular weight of each compound.One hundred microlitres of sample solution (100l g/ml)was injected into the MS system.Mass spectra in the positive-ion mode were generated under the following conditions: HV capillary=2800V;HV end plate offset=À500V;nebulizer pressure=10psi;dry temperature=300°C;dry gas=5.00l/min; m/z range=100–1000.A reversed-phase column(250Â4.6mm, 5l m,C18),thermostatted at35°C,was used for separation;sol-vents were(A)aqueous0.1%trifluoroacetic acid,and(B)100%ace-tonitrile,establishing the gradient as described in2. identificationThe NMR results were obtained at400MHz and100MHz for1H and13C,respectively,on a Bruker AVANCE Spectrometer(Bruker DRX400,Bruker Biospin Co.,Karlsruhe,Germany)in the solvent, CF3COOD–CD3OD(5:95;v/v);coupling constants were expressed in Hertz,and chemical shifts were given on a d(ppm)scale with TMS(tetramethylsilane)or solvent signals as an internal standard.2.6.Determination of total anthocyanin content(TAC)TAC was determined according to the pH differential method by Kim,Jeong,and Lee(2003).Absorbance was measured at520and 700nm in buffers at pH1.0and4.5,using A=[(A520ÀA700)pH1.0-À(A520ÀA700)pH 4.5]and expressed as mg of cyanidin-3-glycoside (molar extinction coefficient of26,900and molecular weight of 449.2)equivalents per100g of dry fruit weight.TAC was calcu-lated using the following equation.Data were reported as means±standard deviation of triplicate determinations.TACðmg=100gÞ¼AÂMWÂDFÂ1eÂLÂVMÂ100ð1Þwhere A is absorbance,e is cyanidin-3-O-glucoside molar absor-bance(26,900),L is the cell pathlength(1cm),MW is the molecular weight of cyanidin-3-glucoside(449.2Da),DF is the dilution factor, V is thefinal volume(ml),and M is the dry weight(mg). Fig.1.The fruit andflower of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(Ait.)Hassk collected in Guangdong province.2.7.DPPH radical-scavenging activity assayDPPH radical-scavenging activity was measured according to the method of Wu,Chen,and Shiau(2003)with a slight modifica-tion.Aliquots(2.0ml)of0(control),2,4,6,8,10,12,20and30l g/ ml of anthocyanin extract(ART)dissolved in distilled water were added to2.0ml of0.2mM DPPHÅthat was dissolved in95%etha-nol.The mixture was then shaken vigorously using a mixer(QT-1 Mixer,Tianchen Technological Co.Ltd.,Shanghai,China).The reac-tion mixture was incubated for30min at30°C in the dark.The absorbance of the resulting solution was recorded at517nm by a spectrophotometer(UV2100,Unico Instrument Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai, China).The scavenging activity was calculated using the following equation:Scavenging activityð%Þ¼ðA DPPHÅsampleÀA sample controlÞÂ100=A DPPHÅblankð2Þwhere A DPPHÅsample=absorance of2ml of sample solution+DPPH solution;A sample control=absorance of2ml of sample solution+2ml of95%ethanol;and A DPPHÅblank=absorbance of2ml of95%etha-nol+DPPHÅsolution.Ascorbic acid was used as the reference.IC50 value(l g compound mlÀ1),the concentration of extract that was required to scavenge50%of radicals,was calculated.2.8.AbtsÅ+radical cation-scavenging activity assayABTS radical cation-scavenging activity of anthocyanins was determined as described by Wang and Xiong(2005)with a slight modification.The ABTSÅ+solution was prepared withfinal concen-trations of7mM ABTSÅ+and2.45mM potassium persulfate.The solution was incubated for16h at room temperature in the dark until the reaction was completed.Prior to the assay,the absor-bance of the ABTSÅ+solution at734nm was adjusted to 0.70±0.02by dilution with0.2M sodium phosphate-buffered sal-ine(pH7.4).Then40l l of ART(30,50,80,100,120,160,200l g/ ml)were added to4ml of diluted ABTSÅ+solution.The mixture was shaken vigorously for30s and allowed to stand in the dark for6min.An equivalent volume of distilled water,instead of the sample,was used for the blank.The absorbance of the resultant solution was measured at734nm.A standard curve was obtained by using trolox standard solution at various concentrations(0.4, 0.8,1.2,1.6,2.0,2.4mM)with ethanol.The standard curve was prepared by reacting40l l of trolox(0.4,0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4mM)with4ml of diluted ABTSÅ+solution.The degree of ABTS radical-scavenging activity of anthocyanins was calculated,based on the trolox standard curve,and was expressed in terms of mg trolox equivalents(TE)/mg anthocyanin.2.9.Reducing power assayThe reducing power of anthocyanins was determined according to the method of Oyaizu(1988)with a slight modification.ART were dissolved in distilled water to obtain various concentrations (10,20,40,60,80,100l g/ml)for analysis.Sample solution (1ml)was mixed with2.5ml of sodium phosphate buffer(0.2M, pH6.6)and2.5ml of1%(w/v)potassium ferricyanide.The mixture was incubated at50°C for20min.Then,2.5ml of10%trichloro-acetic acid were added.After centrifugating at1000g for10min, 2.5ml of the supernatant were collected and mixed with2.5ml of distilled water and0.4ml of0.1%(w/v)ferric chloride in a test tube.After incubation at room temperature for10min,the absor-bance was measured at700nm.Distilled water,instead of the sample,was used as the blank.The reducing power of ascorbic acid was also assayed for comparison.Decreased absorbance,at 700nm,of the reaction mixture indicated decreased reducing capacity.The concentration of the test sample needed to raise the absorbance at700nm to0.5was evaluated.2.10.ORAC assayThe peroxyl radical-scavenging activity of ART was measured according to the method of You,Zhao,and Liu(2011).2.11.HPLC analysis of purified anthocyanin extractHPLC analyses were performed using a Waters600pump (Waters,Milford,MA)equipped with a Waters2998photodiode array detector at520nm.Separation was performed with a Waters C18column(5l m,250mmÂ4.6mm,i.d.)at30°C.Elution was carried out by using a gradient procedure with a mobile phase con-taining solvent A(0.1%TFA in water)and solvent B(acetonitrile)as follows:0–5min,10–15%B;5–10min,15–18%B;10–20min,18–20%B;20–25min,20–23%B;25–30min,23–10%B;40–45min; 10%B(Paola-Naranjo,JoséSánchez-Sánchez,&González-Paramás, 2004).The solventflow rate was1.0ml/min,and the injection vol-ume was20l l.2.12.Statistical analysisThe total anthocyanin content was measured in triplicate and data represent mean values±standard deviation(n=3).Samples were analyzed in triplicate and one-way analysis of variance per-formed using SPSS11.5(SPSS Inc.,Chicago,IL,USA).Significant dif-ferences were detected at P<0.05.3.Results and discussion3.1.Total anthocyanin contentThe total anthocyanin content of the purified R.tomentosa ex-tract,determined by the pH differential method,was 62.8±1.2mg/100g of freeze-dried weight of R.tomentosa fruits, expressed as cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and reported as the average of three determinations.Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside was the major anthocyanin detected in large amount(47%),followed by peoni-din-3-O-glucoside(34%)and malvidin-3-O-glucoside(8%).3.2.Antioxidant activity3.2.1.Radical-scavenging activityDPPH and ABTS radical-scavenging activities of the purified anthocyanin extracted from R.tomentosa and ascorbic acid control are shown in Table1and Fig.2,respectively.As shown in Fig.2A,the purified anthocyanin extract showed strong DPPH radical-scavenging activity in a dose-dependent man-ner,and exhibited good DPPH radical-scavenging activity at the concentration of2l g/ml and it almost completely inhibited DPPH radicals(>90%)at a concentration of20l g/ml.The IC50value of DPPH radical-scavenging activity was6.27±0.25l g/ml(Table1). Furthermore,DPPH radical-scavenging activity was linearly corre-lated(positive)with the concentrations of anthocyanin extracts from0to10l g/ml,while ascorbic acid exhibited the activity from 2to30l g/ml,respectively.ABTSÅ+is often used for in vitro determination of free radical activity and the relative ability to scavenge the ABTSÅ+radical has been compared with the standard trolox.Fig.2B shows a steady in-crease in ABTS radical-scavenging capacity,up to a concentration of0.20mg/ml,that is equivalent to1.32mg/ml of trolox.The IC50 value of ABTS radical-scavenging activity was90.3±1.52l g/ml.It is noteworthy that both DPPH and ABTS radical-scavenging activities of the tested extract were higher than those of V CC.Cui et al./Food Chemistry139(2013)1–83(IC50=6.27±0.25l g/ml,206±2.37l g/ml)which is always con-sidered as an excellent tool for determining the antioxidant activ-ity of hydrogen-donating antioxidants and of chain breaking antioxidants.3.2.2.Reducing power activityReducing power is often used as an indicator of electron-donat-ing activity,which is an important mechanism for testing antioxida-tive action of phenolics.The reducing powers of ART and ascorbic acid control are shown in Table1and Fig.2C,respectively.As shown in Fig.2C,the tested ART extract exhibited high reducing power in a dose-dependent manner,but showed a slightly weaker ability com-pared with those of ascorbic acid.The value,raising the absorbance at700nm to0.5,of reducing power was51.7±0.74l g/ml(Table1). Furthermore,the reducing power was linearly correlated(positive) with the concentrations of anthocyanin extracts and ascorbic acid from0to0.08mg/ml.The corresponding correlation coefficients were0.996for anthocyanin extracts(Y=7.591X+0.107)and 0.995for ascorbic acid(Y=15.17X+0.026),respectively.3.2.3.ORAC capacity testThe ORAC assay is the only antioxidant test that combines both inhibition time and degree of inhibition into a single quantity.The assay uses a biologically relevant radical source,and is also an assay where an added antioxidant competes with a substrate(fluores-cein)for the radicals generated by thermal decomposition of azo compounds,like AAPH,and inhibits or retards substrate oxidation (Walton,Lentle,Reynolds,Kruger,&Mcghie,2006).As mentioned in2.9,final ORAC values were expressed as l mol of trolox equiva-lents(TE)/mg of ART,and a higher ORAC value indicated stronger antioxidant activity.As shown in Table1,The ORAC value of the tested ART extract was9.29±0.08l mol TE/mg,which was signifi-cantly higher than that of ascorbic acid(1.79±0.03l mol TE/mg). The result indicated that ART exhibited very good antioxidant activity.3.3.HPLC analysisUnder the optimital HPLC separation condition,a satisfactory separation of the purified anthocyanin extract of R.tomentosa was obtained and the HPLC chromatogram is shown in Fig.3A.The Major anthocyanins represented about99%of the total peak area with regard to the UV–Vis spectrum taken on-line during HPLC and chromatographic features.However,other minor peaks were also detected which had percentage areas of less than1%. No UV absorbance maxima in the310–320nm range were de-tected,indicating no acylation of anthocyanins with aromatic acids (Giusti&Jing,2001).3.4.Identification of compoundsThe detailed MS data,including retention times,molecular ion peaks,MS2fragments and percent area at520nm,of all anthocya-nins are summarized in Table2.Fig.4shows the electrospray mass spectrum and the structures of the isolated anthocyanins.Two major peaks,peak2and peak5(P2,P5)were obtained as amorphous red powder.As shown in Table2,P2and P5showed peaks at449m/z and463m/z from ESI–MS,which were in accor-dance with the mass calculated for C21H21O11(449.1)and C22H23O11(463),on the basis of the MS2detected mass fragments at m/z287and m/z301related to the loss of one hexose ([MÀ162]+)molecule,respectively,and the UV–Vis spectrum of the two compounds showed the visible k max to be516nm withTable1Antioxidant activities of anthocyanins(ART)extracted from Rhodomyrtus tomentosa and ascorbic acid using the DPPHÅassay,ABTSÅ+assay,reducing power assay and ORAC test.Samples IC50/DPPHÅ(l g/ml)A IC50/TEAC(l g/ml)B A700nm=0.5/reducing power(l g/ml)C ORAC value(l mol TE/mg)ART 6.27±0.25b90.3±1.52b51.7±0.74a9.29±0.08aAscorbic acid17.4±0.31a206±2.37a31.3±0.93b 1.79±0.03bAll the trials were performed in triplicate(n=3)and all the data represent the means±standard deviation(n>3).Data in the same column with different letters are significantly different(P<0.05).A The antioxidant activity was calculated as the concentration of the test sample needed to decrease the absorbance at517nm by50%.B The antioxidant activity was evaluated as the concentration of the test sample required to decrease the absorbance at734nm by50%.C The antioxidant activity was evaluated as the concentration of the test sample needed to raise the absorbance at700nm to0.5.4 C.Cui et al./Food Chemistry139(2013)1–8the ratio of A 440nm /A k max exceeding 0.20,corresponding to cyani-din-3-O-glucoside and peonidin-3-O-glucoside (Cerezo et al.,2010;Zhang,Xue,Yang,Ji,&Jiang,2004).The NMR data of P2and P5were as follows:Peak 2(P2):1H NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 6.64(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-6),d 6.86(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-8),8.22(1H,dd,J =8.8,2.2Hz,H-60),8.02(1H,d,J =2.2Hz,H-20),7.04(1H,d,J =8.8Hz,H-50),8.98(1H,s,H-4);5.31(1H,d,J =7.8Hz,H-1glc),3.69(1H,m,H-2glc),3.56(2H,m,H-3,5glc),3.46(1H,m,H-4glc),3.73(1H,dd,J =12.2,5.6Hz,H-6b glc),3.96(1H,dd,J =12.2,2.2Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 164.5(C-2),145.8(C-3),137.2(C-4),159.6(C-5),103.7(C-6),170.8(C-7),95.4(C-8),157.9(C-9),113.6(C-10),121.5(C-10),118.7(C-20),147.6(C-30),156.0(C-40),117.7(C-50),128.4(C-60),104.1(C-1glc),75.0(C-2glc),78.3(C-3glc),71.3(C-4glc),79.0(C-5glc),62.6(C-6glc).Peak 5(P5):1H NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 6.64(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-6),6.88(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-8),7.02(1H,d,J =8.4Hz,H-50),8.21(1H,dd,J =8.4,2.0Hz,H-60),8.16(1H,d,J =2.0Hz,H-20),8.99(1H,s,H-4),3.99(3H,s,OCH 3);5.31(1H,d,J =8.0Hz,H-1glc), 3.65(1H,m,H-2glc),3.56(2H,m,H-3,5glc),3.46(1H,m,H-4glc),3.73(1H,dd,J =12.0,4.0Hz,H-6b glc),3.94(1H,dd,J =12.0,2.0Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 163.2(C-2),144.7(C-3),136.5(C-4),158.5(C-5),103.1(C-6),170.6(C-7),94.5(C-8),157.0(C-9),112.8(C-10),120.3(C-10),114.5(C-20),148.7(C-30),155.7(C-40),116.8(C-50),128.1(C-60),103.5(C-1glc),75.1(C-2glc),78.5(C-3glc),71.1(C-4glc),78.8(C-5glc),62.5(C-6glc),57.0(OCH 3).The 1H NMR spectra of P2showed the presence of two meta-coupled doublet (J =1.2Hz)protons on the A-ring at d 6.64and 6.86ppm,which were assigned to H-6and H-8,respectively.Two sets of doublet and one set of double doublet of an ABM sys-tem at d 7.04(1H,d,J =8.8Hz),8.22(1H,dd,J =8.8, 2.2Hz),8.02ppm (1H,d,J =2.2Hz)were observed which were characteris-tic of H-50,H-60and H-20,respectively.The ring C was a flavanone moiety.The proton signal at d 3.46–5.31(H-1-glc–H-6-glc)showed a D -glucopyranose moiety which was assigned as -configuration based on the large proton-coupling constants of its anomeric proton d 5.31ppm (1H,d,J =7.8Hz,H-10)(Byamukama,Kiremire,showing the six anthocyanin profiles of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa extract monitored at 520nm.(Table 2isolated from the fruits of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa .Table 2LC–MS characteristics of anthocyanins separated from Rhodomyrtus tomentosa :retention time,wavelengths of maximum absorption (k max ),molecular ion,fragmentation pattern and tentative identification.Peak no.Elution time (min)Peak area (%)(520nm)k max (nm)Molecular ion [M +],m /z a Mass loss (M+H +)–MS 2m /z MS 2of [M +],m /z b Peak assignment Contents (mg/100g dry fruits)111.75 3.35523/277465À162302.9Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside2.07±0.03213.2047.27516/280449/286.9À162286.9Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside29.4±0.39313.73 5.42526/277479/316.9À162316.9Petunidin-3-O-glucoside3.51±0.14414.780.85516/281433/271.0À162271.0,415.1Pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside0.49±0.05515.4634.22506/279463/300.9À162300.9Peonidin-3-O-glucoside21.3±0.33615.908.86527/277493/331.0À162331.0Malvidin-3-O-glucoside5.69±0.16a,bThe fragment ions are shown in order of their relative abundance.Andersen,&Steigen,2005).The cross peak at d 5.31/145.8(H-1glc/C-3)in the HMBC spectrum of P2indicated that the sugar moiety was attached to C-3,which was confirmed by Zarena and Sankar (2012).Based on the above results and literature (Lee &Choung,2011),P2was identified as cyanidin-3-O-glucopyranoside.Comparing the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of P5with those of P2,its spectral features were closely similar to those of P2,except for the excess of the three-proton signal at d 3.99(3H,s)in the 1H NMR spectra and one carbon signal at d 57.0in the 13C NMR spectra,which was due to a methyl group attached to oxygen.Further sup-port for this structure was obtained by the mass spectrum of P5displaying a [M]+ion peak at m /z 463,corresponding to the excess of an methylene moiety (14mass units)from P2([M]+).Based on the above evidence,the structure of P5,which differed from P2by a methyl group attached to the H-30position instead of a hydro-xyl group attached to the H-30position on the B ring entity,was de-duced to be peonidin-3-O-glucoside and the chemical structure of P2was further confirmed by comparison of the NMR and MS data with the literature (Fossen,Slimestad,Øvstedal,&Andersen,2002).Peak 1(P1):amorphous red powder;ESI–MS m /z 465;1H NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 6.66(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-6), 6.87(1H,d,J =1.2Hz,H-8),7.74(2H,d,J =2.2Hz,H-20,60),8.93(1H,s,H-4);5.34(1H,d,J =7.8Hz,H-1glc),3.73(1H,m,H-2glc),3.60(2H,m,H-3,5glc),3.51(1H,m,H-4glc),3.79(1H,dd,J =12.2,5.4Hz,H-6b glc), 3.94(1H,dd,J =12.2, 2.0Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR (CF 3COOD–CD 3OD):d 164.2(C-2),144.6(C-3),136.8(C-4),159.4(C-5),103.1(C-6),170.8(C-7),95.4(C-8),157.8(C-9),113.0(C-10),121.5(C-10),113.7(C-20),147.6(C-30),146.0(C-40),147.9Electrospray mass spectrum of identified anthocyanins.Peak 1:delphinidin-3-O-glucoside;peak 2:cyanidin-3-O-glucoside;peak 3:petunidin-3-O-glucoside;pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside;peak 5:peonidin-3-O-glucoside;peak 6:malvidin-3-O-glucoside.(C-50),113.4(C-60),103.5(C-1glc),74.8(C-2glc),78.0(C-3glc),71.2 (C-4glc),78.8(C-5glc),62.3(C-6glc).The MS analysis of P1(t R=11.75min)showed an[M]+ion at m/ z465and a major fragmentation in MS2at m/z303(À162amu) which would correspond to the monoglucoside of delphinidin(Cer-ezo et al.,2010),The UV–Vis spectrum of this compound showed the visible k max to be523nm;the ratio of absorbance at440nm to the absorbance at visible maximum wavelength(A440nm/A k max ratio)for peak1was found to be0.28,indicating that the com-pound is delphinidin-3-O-glucoside(Longo&Vasapollo,2006).The1H NMR spectra of P1showed the presence of two meta-coupled doublet(J=1.2Hz)protons on the A-ring at d6.66and 6.87ppm,which were assigned to H-6and H-8,respectively.One set of doublets of an AM system at d7.74(2H,d,J=2.2Hz)was ob-served which was characteristic of H-20and60.The analysis of the NMR spectral data also revealed only a single glucose moiety with a proton signal at d5.34(1H,d,J=7.8Hz)coupled with the C-3 aglycone at144.6ppm,indicating a D-glucopyranose moiety with a b-configuration attached to the C-3position.Thus the structure of P1was elucidated to be delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and was in agreement with the report of Pazmiño-Durán,Giusti,Wrolstad, and Glória(2001).Peak3(P3):amorphous purple powder;ESI–MS m/z479;1H NMR(CF3COOD–CD3OD):d6.64(1H,d,J=1.2Hz,H-6),6.89(1H, d,J=1.2Hz,H-8),7.74(1H,d,J=2.2Hz,H-60),7.90(1H,d, J=2.2Hz,H-20),8.97(1H,s,H-4),3.99(3H,s,OCH3);5.33(1H,d, J=8.0Hz,H-1glc),3.69(1H,dd,m,H-2glc),3.57(2H,m,H-3,5 glc),3.42(1H,m,H-4glc),3.74(1H,dd,J=12.2,5.6Hz,H-6b glc),3.92(1H,dd,J=12.2,2.0Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR(CF3COOD–CD3OD):d162.9(C-2),145.0(C-3),135.6(C-4),158.9(C-5),103.4 (C-6),170.6(C-7),95.5(C-8),157.1(C-9),113.3(C-10),119.7(C-10),109.6(C-20),149.5(C-30),146.0(C-40),147.7(C-50),113.0(C-60),103.5(C-1glc),74.5(C-2glc),78.0(C-3glc),71.0(C-4glc), 78.2(C-5glc),62.6(C-6glc),57.5(OCH3).The ESI–MS spectrum of peak3(t R=13.73min)was character-ized by an ion signal at m/z479with an MS2fragment at m/z 317([MÀ162]+)coinciding with the molecular formula C22H23O12 of petunidin aglycone linked with a glucose moiety(Lin,Harnly, Pastor-Corrales,&Luthria,2008).The UV–Vis spectrum of pigment 3,taken on-line during HPLC,showed a visible maximum at 526nm.Comparing the1H and13C NMR spectra of P3with those of P1, its spectral features were closely similar to those of P1,except for the excess of the three-proton signal at d3.99(3H,s)in1H NMR spectra and one carbon signal at d57.5in13C NMR spectra due to a methyl group attached to the H-30position instead of a hydro-xyl group attached to the H-30position on the B ring entity.By comparison with previous research data(Lee et al.,2009),P3was assigned as petunidin-3-O-glucoside.Peak4(P4):amorphous red powder;ESI–MS m/z433;1H NMR (CF3COOD–CD3OD):d6.67(1H,d,J=1.2Hz,H-6),6.94(1H,d, J=1.2Hz,H-8),7.05(2H,d,J=8.8Hz,H-30,50),8.60(2H,d, J=8.8Hz,H-20,60),9.08(1H,s,H-4), 5.34(1H,d,J=8.0Hz,H-1 glc),3.68(1H,m,H-2glc),3.54(2H,m,H-3,5glc),3.42(1H,m, H-4glc),3.80(1H,dd,J=12.2,6.0Hz,H-6b glc),4.04(1H,dd, J=12.2, 2.0Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR(CF3COOD–CD3OD):d164.8 (C-2),145.8(C-3),137.4(C-4),159.9(C-5),103.7(C-6),170.9(C-7),95.5(C-8),158.1(C-9),114.5(C-10),121.5(C-10),136.8(C-20), 118.6(C-30),166.0(C-40),118.7(C-50),136.4(C-60),104.1(C-1 glc),75.3(C-2glc),78.5(C-3glc),71.3(C-4glc),79.0(C-5glc), 62.6(C-6glc).The molecular ion[M]+at m/z433received from the ESI–MS analysis of P4(t R=15.46min)confirmed the molecular formula, C21H21O10,for glucoside derivatives of pelargonidin aglycone.The fragment ion[M+HÀ162]+at m/z271was consistent with the structure of pelargonidin with a loss of glucose moiety from pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside(Hong&Wrolstad,1990).The UV–Vis spectrum of this compound showed the visible k max at506nm.The1H NMR and13C NMR spectra suggested that P4contained a flavanone moiety;the proton signals at d6.67(1H,d,J=1.2Hz)and 6.94(1H,d,J=1.2Hz)implied the presence of two meta-coupled doublet protons on the A-ring which were assigned to H-6and H-8,respectively.Two sets of doublets of an AB system at d7.05 (2H,d,J=8.8Hz)and8.60(2H,d,J=8.8Hz)were observed,which were characteristic of H-30,H-50and H-20,H-60,respectively.As P2, the large coupling constants(J=8Hz)for the anomeric protons (d5.34,1H,d,J=8.0Hz,H-1glc)confirmed the presence of a b-D-glucosidic linkage in P4.By comparison with the literature,P4 was further confirmed as pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside(Pedersen, Andersen,Aksnes,&Nerdal,1993).Peak6(P6):amorphous dark red powder;ESI–MS m/z493;1H NMR(CF3COOD–CD3OD):d6.74(1H,d,J=1.9Hz,H-6),7.06(1H, d,J=1.9Hz,H-8),7.96(2H,d,J=2.2Hz,H-20,60),8.96(1H,s,H-4), 3.90(6H,s,2ÂCH3);5.37(1H,d,J=7.8Hz,H-1glc),3.64(1H,m, H-2glc),3.74(1H,m,H-3glc),3.79(1H,m,H-5glc),3.43(1H, m,H-4glc),3.51(1H,dd,J=12.4,4.8Hz,H-6b glc),3.96(1H,dd, J=12.4, 2.2Hz,H-6a glc).13C NMR(CF3COOD–CD3OD):d163.0 (C-2),145.0(C-3),136.2(C-4),158.9(C-5),103.1(C-6),170.5(C-7),95.1(C-8),157.4(C-9),112.9(C-10),120.0(C-10),110.5(C-20), 149.1(C-30),146.7(C-40),149.2(C-50),111.0(C-60),103.8(C-1 glc),74.6(C-2glc),78.0(C-3glc),70.9(C-4glc),77.8(C-5glc), 67.3(C-6glc),57.3(2ÂOCH3).The last peak in the chromatogram was peak6,with the MS and MS2profiles from ESI–MS spectra showing strong ion peaks at m/z 493and331for peak6(t R=15.91min)coinciding with the molec-ular ion of malvidin-3-O-glucoside with a loss of a glucose moiety (Li et al.,2011).Based on the spectrum data and comparing with previously reported data(Alcalde-Eon,Escribano-Bailón,Santos-Buelga,&Rivas-Gonzalo,2006),P6was identified as malvidin-3-O-glucoside.As shown in Fig.3A,there are six principal anthocyanin peaks, and two major peaks(peak2and peak5)with concentrations of 47%(29.4±0.39mg/100g)and34%(21.3±0.33mg/100g)of the total peak area with retention times of13.20and15.46min,respec-tively,(Table2).The elution times of the other four peaks with the concentration of3.35%(peak1,2.07±0.03mg/100g),5.42%(peak 3, 3.51±0.14mg/100g),0.85%(peak4,0.49±0.05mg/100g), 8.86%(peak6,5.69±0.16mg/100g)were11.75(peak1),13.73 (peak3),14.78(peak4),15.90(peak6)min.Thefinal structures of the six compounds isolated and identified are shown in Fig.3B.Based on the available literature,there have been only a few re-ports in previous studies regarding the extraction and preliminary qualitative research of the anthocyanins in R.tomentosa fruits.This is thefirst time that all the major anthocyanins were systemati-cally isolated and identified from R.tomentosa fruits.4.ConclusionsThe total anthocyanin content of the purified R.tomentosa(Ait.) Hassk fruits extract was62.8±1.2mg/100g of freeze-dried weight of R.tomentosa fruits and it possessed excellent in vitro free radi-cal-scavenging activity.Pure anthocyanins were isolated and ana-lyzed by ESI–MS and NMR spectroscopy.The six anthocyanin structures characterized were delphinidin-3-O-glucoside,cyani-din-3-O-glucoside,petunidin-3-O-glucoside,pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside,peonidin-3-O-glucoside,and malvidin-3-O-glucoside. As a result,this study has systematically documented,for thefirst time,the presence of six anthocyanin derivatives from the tested extract.Fruits of R.tomentosa also contain important amounts of other phenolics,amino acids and ascorbic acid.These phytochemi-cals may partially explain the diverse bioactive properties of thisC.Cui et al./Food Chemistry139(2013)1–87。



桃金娘根的功能主治桃金娘根简介桃金娘(学名:Rehmannia glutinosa),中草药,主要生长在中国北方的河北、山西、内蒙古等地。






































































































园林新秀——桃金娘作者:韩飞黄小春来源:《现代园艺·综合版》2017年第10期摘要:桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(Ait.)Hassk.),其叶浓绿、花色艳丽、秋果累累,具有很高的观赏价值、食用价值以及药用价值。


关键词:园林新秀;桃金娘桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(Ait.)Hassk.)为桃金娘科桃金娘属常绿灌木,别名山稔、乌肚子、桃舅娘等,盛产于我国南部和东南部。













1. 温经散寒:桃金娘可温经散寒,对于寒凝经络、经脉不通的症状有一定的改善作用。

2. 活血化瘀:桃金娘有活血化瘀的作用,能够改善血液循环,促进组织修复和新陈代谢。

3. 抗菌消炎:桃金娘具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于治疗感染性疾病和炎症。

4. 调节内分泌:桃金娘对于女性内分泌的调节作用比较显著,可缓解痛经、月经不调等问题。

5. 改善肝脏功能:桃金娘可以促进肝脏的排毒功能,有助于改善肝脏健康,预防和治疗肝脏疾病。

6. 抗氧化:桃金娘中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,可以抑制自由基的生成,减少氧化损伤,对于抗衰老、保护细胞健康有一定效果。




桃金娘根的作用与功能主治桃金娘根简介桃金娘(学名:Rehmannia glutinosa)是一种常见的草本植物,属于玄参科,又被称为狗牙参、Di Huang等。









































但当前桃金娘本身的繁殖率低、无适合市场需要的改良品种关键词:桃金娘繁殖无籽化处理市场开发及应用桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)为桃金娘科桃金娘属,又名桃娘、棯子、山棯、仲尼等。

















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桃金娘叶的化学成分研究朱春福;刘洪新;贺峦;王建国;邱声祥【摘要】In order to understand the chemical constituents ofRhodomyrtus tomentosa(Ait.) Hassk., ten compounds were isolated from alcohol extract ofR. tomentosaleaves. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as: lupeol (1), myricetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (2), rhodomyrtone (3), 4,8,9,10-tetrahydroxy-2,3,7-trimethoxyanthracene-6-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), stigmasterol (5), kaempferol-3-O-α-L-furanoarabinoside (6), myricetin (7), 23-hydroxytormentic acid (8), 2α,3β,19α,23-tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (9) and laricitrin (10). Compounds5–10 were obtained from this plant for the ifrst time. Compound3 showed antibacterial activity againstStaphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereusandB. subtiliswith MIC=0.78 μg mL–1.%为了解桃金娘[Rhodomyrtustomentosa(Ait.) Hassk.]的化学成分,从其叶的醇提物中分离得到10个化合物,经波谱分析分别鉴定为羽扇豆醇(1)、杨梅素-3-O-α-L-鼠李糖苷(2)、rhodomyrtone (3)、4,8,9,10-四羟基-2,3,7-三甲氧基蒽醌-6-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(4)、豆甾醇(5)、山奈酚-3-O-α-L-呋喃阿拉伯糖苷(6)、杨梅素(7)、23-羟基委陵菜酸(8)、2α,3β,19α,23-四羟基乌苏-12-烯-28-酸28-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(9)和laricitrin (10)。





关键词桃金娘;形态特征;生长习性;价值;盆栽技术中图分类号 S567.19 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1007-5739(2018)03-0153-02Abstract Rhodomyrtus tomentosa has many value,such as nutritional value,medicinal value,ecological value and garden value. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa potted has attractive flowers and fruits,and its ripe fruits can be eaten raw with unique flavor. Therefore,Rhodomyrtus tomentosa potted should have broad market prospect.This paper introduced morphological characteristics and growth habit of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa,development and utilization prospects of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa were analyzed. Potted cultivation techniques of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa were summarized,including potting nutrient soil preparation,seedling cultivation,management and pest control,so as to provide references for the application and cultivation of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa.Key words Rhodomyrtus tomentosa;morphological characteristic;growth habit;value;potted cultivation technique桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa),灌木,高可达2 m,花期4—5月。

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6 - s u l f o n i c a c i d ) a mmo n i u m s a l t ,AB T S )自由基 ( AB T S ・)清除能力相 当于3 0 . 4 p mo l 的抗坏血酸和7 . 8 p mo l 没
食 子酸 ;对 三价铁 的还原能力相 当于2 8 . 7 g mo l 的抗坏血 酸和3 . 1 ̄ t mo l 没食子 酸 。野生 桃金娘 的总多酚含量和 总黄
p h e n o l i c s , t o al t l f a v o n o i d s ,a s c o r b i c a c i d c o n t e n t s , nd a nt a h o c y ni a n c o mp o s i t i o n . Ul t r a p e r f o m a r nc e l i q u i d c ro h ma t o g r a p h y
2 . Gu a n g d o n g S a s k a t c h e wa n Oi l s e e d s J o i n t La b o r a t o r y , J i n a n Un i v e r s i t y& Un i v e r s i t y o f S a s k a t c h e wa n, Gu ng a z h o u 5 1 0 6 3 2 , Ch i n a )
I T . MS )鉴 定花青素 类化合物 ,通过高通 量的 自由基清 除方 法测定抗 氧化能力 。结果表 明:野生桃金 娘具有较 高
的抗氧化能力 。每克桃金 娘的1 , 1 . 二 苯基 . 2 . 三硝基 苯肼 ( 1 , 1 . d i p h e n y 1 . 2 . p i c r y l h y d r a z y l ,D P P H) 自由基清 除能力相 当于6 7 . 2 I x mo l 的抗坏血 酸和2 8 . 5 ̄ t mo l 没食子酸 ;过氧化氢 自由基清 除能力 ( P S C单位 )相 当于2 3 . 2 ̄ t mo l 的抗坏血 酸和l 4 . 3 ̄ t mo l 没食子酸 ;2 , 2 ’ . 联氮双 ( 3 . 乙基苯 并噻唑啉. 6 . 磺 酸 )二铵盐 ( 2 , 2 ' - a z i n o b i s( 3 - e t h y l b e n z o t h i a z o l i n e 一
f r o m S o u t h e r aCh i n a
LUO S h u a n g y a n , W ANG Ch a o , DUAN Ha n y i n g 一, L UO Ya o x i n , YU Bi n g
( 1 . D e p a r t me n t o f F o o d S c i e n c e a n d E n g i n e e r i n g , J i n n a Un i v e r s i t y , G u ng a z h o u 5 1 0 6 3 2 , C h i n a ;
( u l t r a p e r f o r ma n c e l i q u i d c h r o ma t o g r a p h y c o u p l e d t o p h o t o — d i o d e a r r a y a n d i o n — t r a p ma s s s p e c t r o me t r y, UP LC— P DA・
酮 含量分别是4 9 7 6 mg没食子 酸/ 1 0 0 g( 以干质量计 )和4 9 . 7 mg ) L 茶酚/ 1 0 0 g( 以干质量计 ),总抗坏血酸含量 是 9 me , / 1 0 0 g( 以鲜质量计 )。总花青素含量相当于4 1 4 mg 矢车菊素/ 1 0 0 g( 以干质量计 ),共有飞燕草素3 . D一 葡萄糖 苷 等7种花青素类化合物被鉴别 出来 。
良 晶 科 学
2 0 1 5 , V o L 3 6 , N o . 1 7 7 7
野生桃 金娘主要抗氧化 成分及其抗氧化 能力
罗 爽妍 ,王 超 ,段翰 英 ,罗尧 欣 ,虞
广东 广州 5 1 0 6 3 2 ) 摘 要 :本 实验研 究了野 生桃金娘 ( R h o d o m y r t u s t o me n t o s a )的抗氧化 能力 、总 多酚 含量 、总黄 酮含量、抗坏 血
Ab s t r a c t : T h e r i p e f r u i t o f wi l d h i l l g o o s e b e r r y( R h o d o m y r t u s t o m e n t o s a ) w a s na a l y z e d f o r i t s nt a i o x i d a n t a c t i v i t y , t o t a l
关键词 :桃金娘 ;花青素 ;抗氧化 成分 ;抗氧化 能力
Ma i n An t i o x i d a n t C o mp o n e n t s a n d An t i o x i d a n t Ac t i v i t y o f Wi l d Hi l l Go o s e b e r r y F r u i t s ( R h o d o m y r t u s t o m e n t o s a )
Hale Waihona Puke 兵 ( 1 . 暨南大 学食 品科 学与工程系 ,广东 广州 5 1 0 6 3 2 ;2 . 暨南大学一 萨斯喀切温大学 油料生物炼制与营养联合实验室 ,
酸 含量和花青素 类成分 。采用超 高效液相串联光 电二极 管阵列 ( p h o t o . d i o d e a r r a y ,P DA)检测器和离子肼 质谱法