




1. appeal-focused text【答案】感染型文本2. class shift【答案】词类转换3. commission【答案】委托4. transeme【答案】译素5. restricted translation【答案】受限翻译6. low countries group【答案】低地国家学派7. minimax principle 【答案】最大最小原理8. translation universals 【答案】翻译普遍特征9. verbal consistence 【答案】词语一致10. concordance【答案】一致性11. calque【答案】仿造12. controlled language 【答案】受控语言13. prototype【答案】原型14. modification【答案】调整15. covert translation【答案】隐型翻译第二部分:将下列术语翻译成英文(本题共15分,每一题1分)。

1. 自动翻译【答案】automatic translation2. 中枢语言【答案】pivot language3. 连贯【答案】coherence4. 子语言【答案】sub-language5. 可修正性【答案】correctability6. 形式对应【答案】formal correspondence7. 地道翻译【答案】idiomatic translation8. 规范【答案】norms9. 语料库【答案】corpora10. 异国情调【答案】exoticism11. 重写【答案】rewriting12. 法庭传译【答案】court interpreting13. 巴别塔【答案】Babel14. 内罗毕宣言【答案】Nairobi Declaration15. 释译【答案】paraphrase第三部分:英译汉(本题共60分,第一段25分,第2段15分,第三段20分)。



2014年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part A Terminology and phrase translationSection One:Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese(15 points,1point each)1.WHO【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)2.IOC【答案】国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)3.IPR【答案】知识产权(intellectual property rights)4.CPA【答案】注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant)5.CPI【答案】居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)6.OTC【答案】非处方药(over the counter)7.Skopos theory【答案】翻译目的论8.Poly system theory 【答案】多元系统论9.cultural pluralism 【答案】文化多元论10.Hermeneutic school 【答案】阐释学派11.catering industry 【答案】餐饮业12.balance sheet【答案】资产负债表13.deluxe suit【答案】豪华蜜月套系14.force majeure【答案】不可抗力15.opinion poll【答案】民意测验Section Two:Translate the following terms or phrases into English(15points,1 point each)1.第三产业【答案】tertiary industry2.母校【答案】Alma Mater3.京都协议书【答案】Kyoto Protocol4.国债【答案】national debt;government loan5.论语【答案】The Analects of Confucius十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台圣才电子书6.不良贷款【答案】non-performing loan7.软着陆【答案】soft landing8.不再生资源【答案】Non-renewable Resources9.秒杀【答案】flash sale10.学分【答案】academic credit11.国民待遇【答案】national treatment12.新华社【答案】the Xinhua News Agency13.保税区【答案】bonded area14.社会保障【答案】social security15.针灸【答案】AcupuncturePart B Translation between English and Chinese.(60points)Section A English to Chinese Translation(20points for each passage)Passage OneIt is usual to arrange for a delay of a few seconds between the release and the cutting-off of the current and the brake application;this gives the driver the opportunity of crossing quickly to the opposite side of his cab(驾驶室),as he may need to do momentarily for look-out purposes,without stopping his train by so doing.【参考译文】(驾驶火车的时候)通常在列车开口和切断当前运行系统、制动刹车系统之间会留出几秒的缓冲时间,这是让列车司机有机会迅速穿到驾驶室的另一边,因为他需要马上看一下目标物,这样就不用把火车停下来了。



2014年武汉大学357英语翻译基础英语翻译基础考研试题考研试题考研试题((回忆版回忆版)) 一、短语翻译短语翻译 英译汉1.Federal Reserve2.Export subsidy worth4.hard shoulder5.China New service6.population ageing7.default fine8.ISO9.documentary translation10.Skopos theory11.ST12.Antidumping13.tax evasion14.intellectual property15.population ageing汉译英1.宽松货币政策2.养老保险3.文化逆差4.城镇化5.资源配置6.居民储蓄存款7.扩大内需8.中国创业板9.原油价格10.蛇年11.住房公积金12.宽带速度13.钱权交易14.网络推手15.民生二、短文翻译短文翻译1.英译汉Tyltyl was a fine, tall little fellow, stout and well-setup, with curly black hair which was often in a tangle, for he was fond of a romp. He was a great favourite because of his smiling and good-tempered face and the bright look in his eyes; but, best of all, he had the ways of a bold and fearless little man, which showed the noble qualities of his heart. When, early in the morning, he trotted along the forest-road by the side of his daddy, Tyl the woodcutter, for all his shabby clothes he looked so proud and gallant that every beautiful thing on the earth and in the sky seemed to lie in wait for him to smile upon him as he passed.His little sister was very different, but looked ever so sweet and pretty in her long frock, which Mummy Tyl kept neatly patched for her. She was as fair as her brother was dark; and her large timid eyes were blue as the forget-me-nots in the fields. Anything was enough to frighten her and she would cry at the least thing; but her little child's soul already held the highest womanly qualities: she was loving and gentle and so fondly devoted to her brother that, rather than abandon him, she did not hesitate to undertake a long and dangerous journey in his company.2.汉译英晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。



对外经济贸易大学201 4年翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试初试试题考试科目:357英语翻译基础Part I Terminology and Phrase Translation (30 points)Section One: Translate the following terms rnto Chinese, Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points,l point each).1. Anti-Dumping Duty Order 6.par value2. countertrade w of diminis hing marginal utility3. holdingcompany 8.treasury bills4. workingcapital 9.zero sum game5. contingencyfund 10.niche marketSection Two: Translate the following terms into English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points,1 point each).1.即期汇票6.远期汇率2.资本流动性7.最低限价3.抵押贷款8.金融租赁公司4.指令经济9.微信5.机会成本10.雾霾Section Three: Give the full forms of the following abbreviations and translate them into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(10 pornts, 1 point each). l. MOOC 6. ICC2. TPP 7. ITC3. CAFTA 8. SBA4. CFR 9. UNCTAD5. GSP 10. USAIDPartⅡ Passage Translatron (120 points)Section One: Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).Global financial stability has improved over the past six months, bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies, but fragilities remain. The two-speed recovery-modest in advanced economies and robust in emerging market economies-has posed different policy challenges for countries. In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis, governments and households remain heavily indebted, to varying degrees, and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the overall economy. Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand, rapid credit growth, relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies, and large capital infl.ows. Geopolitical riskscould also threaten the economic and financial outlook, with oil prices increasing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic ar,d liquidity support to more structural policies-less "leaning" and more "cleaning of the financial system. This vnll entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline, while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition. Thus, ongoing policy efforts to withdraw (implicit) public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets, ensuring medium-term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.For policymakers in emerging market economies, the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities- to avoid "cleaning" later. Emerging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies, accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows. This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage, potential asset price bubbles, and inflationary pressures. Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability. In a number of cases, this will entail a tighter macroeconomic policy stance, and, when needed, the use of macro-prudential tools to ensure financial stability. Increasing the financial sector's capacity to absorb higher flows through efforts to broaden and deepen local capital markets will also help.Section Two: Translate the following Chinese passage into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。




本试题由网友perseveranceZY提供 词条英汉互译
2、office of the United States Trade Representatives
9、United combatant Demands
10、league of Arab States
11、UN Charter





1/8【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。


北京外国语大学(原题)汉语写作和百科知识一、词语解释:鲧弗洛伊德地球日地球村川端康成的三部代表作三一律杜甫的三吏金文欧盟佛教四大名山中国四大发明四大文明古国两河流域古希腊三大悲剧诗人2/8【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2明清之际三大思想家二、应用文:考察的是广告说明文写作。

















2014年北京外国语大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each):1. UNDP【答案】联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Programme)2. OECD countries【答案】经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)成员国3. bailout loans【答案】紧急援助贷款;救济融资;拯救性贷款4. EBITA【答案】息税摊销前利润(Earnings before Interest, T axes and Amortization)5. venture capital【答案】风险投资;风险资本6. telepresence【答案】思科网真;远程监控;远端临场;远程呈现7. carbon footprint【答案】碳足迹;碳排放量8. forensic medicine【答案】法医学9. key encryption technology 【答案】密钥加密技术10. United Arab Emirates 【答案】阿拉伯联合酋长国11. extradition treaty【答案】引渡条约12. seismic monitoring【答案】地震监测13. procrastination【答案】拖延(症)14. flip phone【答案】翻盖式移动电话15. Mack Daddy【答案】万人迷II. Translate the following terms into English (15 points; 1 point each): 1. 大部制【答案】Giant department; Super-Ministry System2. 石油输出国组织【答案】Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)3. 生物圈【答案】biosphere; ecosphere4. 涨停板【答案】raising limit5. 浮动汇率【答案】floating exchange rate6. 计划免疫【答案】planned immunity; planned immunization7. 学生减负【答案】to reduce study load; alleviate the burden on students8. 通识教育【答案】liberal education; general education9. B超【答案】B-mode ultrasonography; B-ultrasound10. 自媒体【答案】we-media; self-media11. 土地承载能力【答案】land carrying capacity; land bearing capacity12. 小产权房【答案】limited property house; houses with limited property rights13. 土豪【答案】Tu-hao; upstart; local tyrant14. 胶原蛋白【答案】collagen15. 经济适用男【答案】budget husband; economical and applicable manIII. Translate the following terms into English (15 points; 1 point each):1. Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the North. The abysm between North and South is now so huge, that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident.The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders, have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice. We were asked to be ultraliberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North, but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism.The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing, that is, subsidizing inefficient products. Today, vis-a-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South, it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance among ourselves.【参考译文】世界从未像现在这样具有如此惊人的科技潜力和创造财富与幸福的能力。



北京科技大学2014年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 357 试题名称:英语翻译基础(共 3 页)适用专业:翻译说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

============================================================================================================= 一、英汉互译短语翻译(30分)IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)GNP (Gross National Product)Gini coefficientcarbon taxresource recyclingquantitative easinggenetically modified foodurbanization ratio核心竞争力资源配置绿色增长可燃冰社交网络雾霾碳交易二、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)In 1992, Deng underscored the need to follow through on the “modernisation” course that he initiated in the 1980s and he emphasised the need for the economy to strengthen investment and become far more export-oriented. These policies, pursued by Deng’s successors, spurred extraordinary overall economic growth including the emergence from poverty into the mainstream of hundreds of millions of Chinese.Now, however, Xi and Li accept that the era of double-digit annual GDP growth has ended. They are building Communist Party support—and this is why the forthcoming plenary session is important—for rapid action on an economic agenda that they hope can deliver sustained annual growth of between 7 and 7.5 per cent. 三、将下列短文译为汉语(35分)Seven years ago Beijing’s government set a target of making the city a “liveable” one by 2020, with “fresh air and a beautiful environment”. Few praise its progress. Complaints abound about its congestion, pollution, desperate shortage of water and hugely expensive housing. Even in the state-controlled media, suggestions are sometimes made that it is time to build a new capital.Beijing has been Ch ina’s capital for most of the past 600 years. Since the Communist victory in 1949, the Chinese have been taught to revere the city as an embodiment of China’s power, the party’s might and their country’s glorious history. To propose a move strikes many as heretical. In recent years, however, some have broken ranks. In 2000 even China’s then Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, joined the sceptics. The capital, he declared, might have to move if measures to curb its sandstorms failed.Since then officials have claimed some success in reducing the frequency of these lung-clogging calamities. But other problems have grown. Beijingers fed up with traffic gridlock sometimes pronounce the word “shoudu”, meaning capital, in a different tone so that it sounds like “the most congested”. For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city. The rate of birth defects has doubled over the past decade. The environment is thought to be a contributory factor. Several scholars have suggested, in newspapers as well as online, that these and other problems would best be solved by relocating the central government.Beijing’s bureaucrats are unlikely to be persuaded. Their privileges, common to all those registered as Beijing citizens (ie, not migrants from other provinces), include readier access than most other Chinese have to some of the country’s best educational and medical facilities. Some local officials in places favoured by scholars as potential capital sites have been proclaiming their merits. But given the allure of Beijing’samenities, it is little wonder that the central authorities keep quiet.四、将下列段落译为英语(25分)今年是中国发展进程中不平凡的一年。

2014年厦门大学357 英语翻译基础考研试题(回忆版)

2014年厦门大学357 英语翻译基础考研试题(回忆版)

考研资料下载中心 获取更多考研资料,请访问2014年厦门大学353577英语翻译基础考研试题英语翻译基础考研试题((回忆版回忆版))











有高厉者,清虚者,绵婉者,雄伟者,悲梗者,淫冶者;要皆归本于性情之正, 彰瘅之严,此万世之公理,中外不能僭越。而独未若却而司·迭更司文字之奇特。 天下文章,莫易于叙悲,其次则叙战,又次则宣述男女之情。等而上之,若忠臣、 孝子、义夫、节妇,决胆溅血,生气凛然,苟以雄深雅健之笔施之,亦尚有其人。 从未有刻画市井卑污龌龊之事,至于二三十万言之多,不重复,不支厉,如张明 镜于空际,收纳五虫万怪,物物皆涵涤清光而出,见者如凭栏之观鱼鳖虾蟹焉; 则迭更斯盖以至清之灵府,叙至浊之社会,令我增无数阅历,生无穷感喟矣。(选 自:林纾《孝儿耐女传》)
第三篇 只要人们在革命中,在土地制度改革中做出了贡献,在今后多年的经济建设和文 化建设中有所贡献,那么到私营产业国有化和农业社会化的时候,人们是不会忘 记他们的,他们的前途是光明的。(这篇不知哪里找的。)
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第一篇 I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part ofthe time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating.I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable assolitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men thanwhen we stay in our chambers. (亨利·梭罗《孤独》)



十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台圣才电子书 2014年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)一、英汉互译1.CBD【答案】中央商务区(Central Business District)2.NYSE【答案】纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)3.Royal Swedish Academy of Science【答案】瑞典皇家科学协会4.Chicago Board of Trade【答案】芝加哥交易所(世界最大的谷物交易所)5.stakeholder【答案】利益相关者6.multi-polar world【答案】多极世界7.economic aggregate十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台圣才电子书【答案】经济总体数字;经济活动总量8.GPS【答案】全球定位系统9.UNESCO【答案】联合国教科文组织10.an irrevocable letter of credit【答案】不可撤销信用证11.shareholding system【答案】股份制12.extensive deforestation【答案】过度砍伐13.sustainable development【答案】可持续发展14.技术传播【答案】technology transfer15.全球价值链【答案】Global Value Chains16.国际货币基金组织【答案】International Monetary Fund(IMF)17.国有企业【答案】state-owned business18.诚实守信【答案】Honest and Trustworthy19.碳排放【答案】carbon emission20.虚拟经济【答案】Virtual Economy21.准据法【答案】applicable law22.边际成本【答案】marginal cost23.高速公路【答案】expressway24.诺贝尔文学获奖者【答案】The Nobel Prize winner25.金砖四国【答案】BRIC(Brazil Russia India China)26.创意产业顾问【答案】a consultant of Creative Industries27.另有说明除外【答案】except where otherwise provided28.石油输出国组织【答案】OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)2015年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)一、英汉互译1.Noah’s Ark【答案】诺亚方舟2.Costa Rica【答案】哥斯达黎加3.Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific【答案】亚太自由贸易区4.Scottish Independence Referendum【答案】苏格兰独立公投5.Immigrant Investor Program【答案】投资移民计划6.Zero tolerance【答案】零误差7.Cyberpower【答案】硕天电源8.European Monetary Integration 【答案】欧洲货币一体化9.Carpooling【答案】拼车10.Anti-apartheid icon【答案】反种族隔离偶像11.Air defense identification zone 【答案】防空识别区12.Residence permit【答案】长期居留许可;居住证rmation sovereignty【答案】信息主权14.Mutual visa-exemption agreement 【答案】互免签证协议。



)2014年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础考研试题回忆版)英语翻译基础考研试题((回忆版欢乐自控日记提供英汉词组互译 每部分各15个一、英汉词组互译汉译英汉译英大部分感觉来自今年的十八届三中全会报告1、社会的道德和心理底线2、国家法制的统一、尊严与权威3、基层民主(这是12年考过的)4、中国文化走出去5、人民的社会和文化生活6、各类市场主体其他不记得了英译汉英译汉1、trade term 贸易术语2、no angling 禁止垂钓3、commit no nuisance 禁止小便4、indicative price 指示价格5、customs valuation 海关估价6、special preference 特惠7、sleeper with couchette 火车卧铺8、film industry cinemarography 影视行业电影艺术9、deluxe hotel 豪华酒店10、high comfort hotel 四星酒店11、China-Asean free trade area 中国 - 东盟贸易自由区12、distributor 分销商13、the board of census 人口普查委员会14和15忘了汉译英二、汉译英明代绘画,200个字左右,节选自《中国画》。

文章大致讲的是明代早中后期其绘画方面的发展,有诸如水墨意象花鸟画,帝后画像及宫廷行乐场景之类的词 英译汉三、英译汉大致讲的是一个大学教授对学生做研究中一直被一些诸如选题,研究方法和论文标题的文学性所干扰,并没有真正做好研究本身。








2013年北京语言大学357英语翻译基础考研试题英语翻译基础考研试题((回忆版回忆版))Ⅰ、Translate the following abbreviations and phrases into corresponding meanings .1.HTTP 超文本传输协议2.V AT 增值税3.EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟4.APEC 亚太经合组织5.NPT (military ) 不扩散核武器条约6.IPO 首次公开募股;首次公开上市7.strait exchange fundation 海基会(SEF )8.The Milky Way 银河9.dollar policy 金元外交10. a five percent discount 九五折11.returns on equity 股权回报率12.running expense 经营费用13.mass transit system 公共客运系统14.Equalitarianism 平均主义15.International Date Line 国际日期变更线16.磁悬浮列车 Maglev train17.保质期 gurantee period18.自主招生 independent recruitment19.工笔画 traditional Chinese realistic painting20.公积金 public accumulation fund21.限购 property-purchasing limitations22.军国主义 militarism23.三权分立(西方) separation of executive ,legislative and judicial powers24.鸿门宴 Hongmen Banquet25.中国证监会 China Securities Regulatory Comission (CSRC )26.《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror27探月工程 lunar probe program .28.党内民主 Inner-party democracy29.制海权 command of sea30.弱势群体 the disadvantaged / vulnerable groupⅡ、篇章翻译篇章翻译((120’)1.英译汉(60’)Source 1(25)In bad economic times the temptation to bash immigration is overwhelming. “Get the stench out of Greece,” runs a slogan of Golden Dawn, an increasingly popular anti-immigrant party there. David Cameron has pledged to more than halve annual net migration into Britain by 2015. In America Republicans are wondering how much anti-immigration rhetoric contributed to Mitt。



2014英语翻译基础真题和部分答案(回忆版)2014年广东外语外贸大学研究生入学考试英语翻译基础一、短语翻译(30分)1,十八届三中全会2,国家民族事务委员会3,中国地震局4,主管部门5,玩忽职守6,徇私舞弊7,以……为把手8,国际会议口译员协会9,绿化覆盖面积10,行政问责制11,暂行规定12,一站式服务13,国际惯例14,得寸进尺15,《西厢记》16,National Council for US-China Trade17,Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development 18,The Baltimore Sun19,court of first instance20,underwriting contract21,licensee of a patent22,China-EU maritime transport agreement23,venture capital24,The Great Depression25,strategic agility26,occupational health and safety27,low-end processing28,information asymmetry29,diamonds cut diamonds30, The Catcher in the Rye二、英译中关于秘鲁前副总统劳尔·迭斯·坎塞科Raul Diez Canseco Terry的一篇简介,难度不大但是篇幅较长,人名和学校名都给出了注释,地名要自己翻译。



RAUL DIEZ CANSECO TERRY: THE ENTREPRENEURMr. Diez-Canseco, a Peruvian citizen, founded the preparatory academy ”San Ignacio de Loyola”40 year ago and became its Executive Director in 1970. In 1995, he co-founded the“Universidad San Ignacio de Lo yola” and was elected Chairman of the Board of the holding organization; “Organizacion San Ignacio de Loyola.” In 1983, Mr. Diez- Canseco co-founded the “Instituto Superior Te cnologico”, and in 1990 founded “San Ignacio de Recalde” school.The organization expanded internationally, and in 1993 “San Ignacio de Loyola School” was established in Asuncion, Paraguay. Raul Diez-Canseco passion and commitment to education was a decisi ve factor in bringing the “Junior Achievement” organization to Peru in 1996. Mr. Diez-Canseco is currently a shareholder of the Junior Achievement organization and sits on its Board of Directors.The Escuela de Chefs has been preparing culinary arts andbaking and pastry professionals for over 10 years. Excellent reputation, outstanding professionals and facilities made possible to partner with internationally recognized culinary schools such us Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France; Hofmann Hotel Management School in Barcelona, Spain, and Apicius International School of Hospitality in Florence, Italy. These international partnerships allow San Ignacio students to participate in more culturally diverse experiences and expose them to the highly competitive business world.The Escuela de Chefs in Lima opened “Restaurante Don Ignacio”, th e first student run restaurant in Peru. At Restaurante Don Ignacio, students prepare and present international cuisine plates under the guidance and tutelage of some of the most highly trained chefs in the business.Over the past 30 years, Raul Diez-Canseco has been a pioneer in bringing world-famous restaurants and entertainment franchises to Peru, including Chili’s,Se?or Frog’s, Carlos & Charlie’s, Cosmic Bowling, Pizza Hut, Ke ntucky Fried Chicken, and Burger King. He was also the first entrepreneur to bring the concept of “home-delivery” to Peru.Apart from his entrepreneurial endeavors, Raul Diez-Canseco has been involved in the political arena, serving as a political advisor for several years before being elected vice-president of the Republic of Peru in the year 2001. He has also written several books on politics and continues to contribute articles to major Peruvian newspapers.Above everything, Raul Diez-Canseco is a dedicated advocate for the economic and cultural advancement of Peru. He firmly believes that education is the only path to upward mobility, both individually and as a society. He can tell countlesstriumphant stories of students -from a variety of social and economic status- who have become successful professionals, politicians, business owners and educators, all working to raise the standard of living of Peruvians.三、中译英是翻译《天衢丹阙:老北京风物图卷》的序言,以下是原题内容:首都北京,是国家历史文化名城,世界著名古都。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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2014年北京大学年北京大学 357357英语翻译基础英语翻译基础
考研试题考研试题((回忆版回忆版)) 英语基础部分英语基础部分::
选择题7个,28分,考的关于一本书的内容,将lr 刚果河附近制造美国原子弹,以及原子弹对日本影响。


讲了picaresque、Bildungsroman、confessional 关系,回答50词以内,不能用文章的原话。

作文,mark twain,the fear of death is fear of life

记得的有,clone、 futurology、virusbuster、emmy、backboard、broad jump、good friday、penalty kick、DINK、办实事,北京通、秉公办事、从善如流、留后劲、侨务政策。

是woodsworth 的Translators of History,翻译出来容易翻译好了很难。



是说严复的,虽然严复的直属上司李鸿章时任直隶总督,且受到慈禧倚重,专门 处理侨务,严复并不能借助李鸿章的支持以使自己在官场一展所长....认定自己是“...(几小句半文言)...”,在几几年到几几年8月的时间里钻研八股文,参加了四次乡试但都以失败告终。




习,ROI框架,smaul Berman,aligned analytical adapted,创新造市,战略性服务托付。


