Inhibition of Fish Nodavirus by Gymnemagenol Extracted from Gymnema sylvestre




濒危鱼类英文作文The endangered fish species are facing a serious threat to their survival. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution have all contributed to the decline in their population.It's crucial for us to take action to protect these endangered fish species. This can be done through the establishment of marine protected areas, implementing sustainable fishing practices, and reducing pollution in their habitats.Many people are unaware of the plight of these endangered fish species. It's important to raise awareness about their situation and the actions that can be taken to help conserve them.Conservation efforts for endangered fish species require collaboration and cooperation between governments, conservation organizations, and local communities. Byworking together, we can make a real difference in protecting these vulnerable species.The loss of these endangered fish species would have a significant impact on the marine ecosystem. It's important to recognize the interconnectedness of all species and the role they play in maintaining a healthy and balanced environment.We must also consider the cultural and economic significance of these endangered fish species to local communities. Their loss would not only affect the environment but also the livelihoods and traditions of those who depend on them.In conclusion, the conservation of endangered fish species is a complex and urgent issue that requires immediate attention and action. By working together and taking steps to protect these species, we can help ensure their survival for future generations.。



动物医学进展,2009,30(3):77-81Pr ogress in Veterinary Medicine鱼类迟钝爱德华菌病诊断与防治研究进展王亚婷,李晓玥,赵宝华*(河北师范大学生命科学学院,河北石家庄050016)摘要:迟钝爱德华菌(Ed w ar dsiella tard a)是目前水产养殖中危害极大的病原菌,它可引起鱼类产生迟钝爱德华菌病,使鱼类腹部积水肿胀、体表出血、肠内出现黏液,造成鱼类的大量死亡,严重危害了鱼类的养殖,带来了巨大的经济损失。




关键词:迟钝爱德华菌;鱼;致病性;防治中图分类号:S941.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-5038(2009)03-0077-05在鱼类的病原菌中,爱德华菌属(Edw ar dsiella)的迟钝爱德华菌(E.tard a)是多种淡、海水养殖鱼类的一种重要病原菌[1]。

迟钝爱德华菌在许多资料中也被记为迟缓爱德华菌或缓慢爱收稿日期:2008-12-10基金项目:河北省重点科技攻关项目(N O:06780503)作者简介:王亚婷(1986-),女,河北石家庄人,硕士研究生,主要从事水生微生物学工作。

*通讯作者[20]Kiupel M,Steven son G W,Galb reath E J,et al.Porcine cir-covirus type2(PCV2)caus es apoptosis in ex perim entallyinoculated BALB/c mice[J].BM C Vet Res,2005,1:7. [21]L iu J,Chen I,Kw ang J,et al.Characterization of a p rev-iou sly u nidentified viral protein in porcin e cirovirus typ e2in-fected cells and its role in virus-indu ced apoptosis[J].J Virol,2005,799(13):8262-8274.[22]Ram amoorthy S,M eng X J.Porcin e circoviruses:a minu s-cule yet m amm oth paradox[J].An im H ealth Res Rev,2008,9(2):1-20.[23]Fenaux M,Opriessnig T,H albur P G,et al.A chimeric p or-cine circovirus(PCV)w ith the immun og enic capsid gene ofthe pathogen ic PCV type2(PCV2)clon ed into the g enomicbackb on e of th e nonpathogen ic PCV1indu ces protective im-munity against PCV2in fection in pigs[J].J Virol,2004,78(12):6297-6303.Progress on Immunosuppression Mechanism of PCV-2SH I L-i jun,REN Lin-zhu,LI Gang(I nstitute of Animal S cience and Veterinary M e dicine,Chinese A cad emy of A gr icu ltural Sc ie nc e,Beij ing,100193,China) Abstract:Im muno suppressio n occurs in infected swine of porcine circo virus type2(PCV-2).The cells par-ticipated in imm une respo nse are depleted in PCV-2infected pigs,such as m ono cytes,dendritic cells, CD4+T cells,CD8+T cells and macr ophages.The depletio n of CD4+T cells and CD8+T cells by the w ild-ty pe v ir uses might contribute to higher viral load.T he cytokines participated in regulated im mune response have chang ed after infectio n w ith PCV-2.Infection o f PCV-2do w nregulates the secretion of interfer on. These facts hav e led some to sugg est that PCV-2infection might cause im muno suppressio n.Open reading fram e3protein o f PCV-2plays an impo rtant role in im muonsuppression.Open reading fr am e3plays a m a-jo r ro le in virus-induced apo ptosis,it activates caspase-8not caspase-9pathway.Key words:Porcine circo virus ty pe2;biolog ical characteristics;imm unosuppr ession m echanism德华菌,由迟钝爱德华菌所引起的鱼类迟钝爱德华菌病,不仅流行面积广、发病率及死亡率高,而且能引起多种鱼类感染发病,已引起水产养殖业的高度重视。








本论文以斜带石斑鱼神经坏死病毒(orange-spotted grouper nervours necrosis vius, OGNNV)的类病毒颗粒(virus-like particle, VLP)作为病毒材料,以NNV易感的海鲈(seabass,SB)全鱼细胞为宿主细胞对介导OGNNV入侵的受体进行了药物筛选,通过特异性抑制细胞表面蛋白、糖类、脂质以及唾液酸的药物对细胞进行处理,然后利用VLP入侵SB细胞,进行细胞免疫荧光来判断不同药物对VLP感染细胞的影响,初步鉴定OGNNV入侵受体的类型;同时,根据前人结果,利用简并引物扩增及RACE技术获得一个可能为OGNNV入侵受体的锚蛋白的全基因序列,并利用实时荧光定量PCR和细胞定位初步鉴定了该基因作为受体的可能性。

药物筛选实验结果显示,磷脂酶C和高碘酸钠均不能影响VLP的入侵而蛋白酶K可以抑制VLP的入侵,推测OGNNV的细胞受体不是糖类和脂质而是蛋白;细胞经衣霉素处理后VLP进入量明显减少,进入细胞的VLP的量和衣霉素浓度具有量效关系,表明病毒受体为具有N-连接糖基化的糖蛋白;VLP侵染对特异性切割寡糖链上的唾液酸的神经氨酸酶neuraminidase敏感而对重组改造的α(2→3,6)Neuraminidase不敏感,表明OGNNV 的受体蛋白上含有唾液酸成分,并且该唾液酸以α(2→8)的形式连接到寡糖链末端。



1 NCC 的发现与特性1984年,Evans 等[3]首次从斑点叉尾中分离出非特异性细胞毒性细胞,随之,有关NCC 的研究日益增多。

据文献报道,NCC 广泛存在于虹鳟 (Onchorhynchus mykiss )、罗非鱼、雀鲷 (Stegastes partitus )和鲤(Cyprinus carpio L.)等鱼类的淋巴器官如胸腺、肾脏和脾脏,以及腹腔和血液中。

肾、腹腔中NCC 最多,血液中较少,且血液中的NCC 活性最低。

NCC 是最小的白细胞,呈多形性,核有裂口和相对少的细胞质,表面有微绒毛,通过长的胞膜纤维吸附于靶细胞上。

NCC 的杀菌作用是自发的,不需要任何诱导。

其溶解靶细胞的敏感性与靶细胞的激活状态无关,即NCC 与靶细胞混匀后,细胞毒性立即起作用,在2~8 h 内,毒性作用达到最强。

NCC 的细胞毒性虽然是非特异性的,但其作用对象有选择性。

它能够识别和杀伤人类细胞系包括NC -37、P3HR -1、K562和鼠细胞系YAC -1和P815,对成纤鱼类非特异性细胞毒性细胞(NCC )的研究进展魏世娜,简纪常,吴灶和,鲁义善,闫秀英(广东海洋大学 水产学院,广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室暨广东省高等学校水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东 湛江 524025 )摘要:自然杀伤细胞(NK )进化上的前体细胞在鱼类中被称作非特异性细胞毒性细胞(NCC ),主要来源于血液和淋巴器官,是防御细菌、病毒、寄生性原生动物等入侵的第一道防线,在非特异性免疫中起重要作用,还具有体外杀伤肿瘤细胞的功能。

近年来免疫荧光显微镜技术表明NCAMP -1和NCCRP -1两种受体蛋白均表达于NCC 膜上,并且这种免疫细胞从鱼类到哺乳动物上的进化是保守的,这些膜蛋白在鱼类炎症反应期可能通过颗粒胞吐途径参与抗菌的先天性免疫。

本文就NCC 的分离鉴定、形态结构、功能受体作用机制等方面的研究成果作一综述,旨在为深入研究NCC 在鱼类先天性防御中的作用提供依据。



海洋生物濒危的原因的英语作文The Causes of Endangered Marine Life.Marine life, encompassing a diverse range of organisms from microscopic plankton to majestic whales, is a crucial component of our planet's ecosystems. However, this remarkable biodiversity is increasingly threatened by a range of anthropogenic and natural factors. The present state of many marine species is a dire reminder of the urgent need to address these threats and conserve our oceanic heritage.Overfishing.One of the primary reasons for the decline in marine biodiversity is overfishing. With the advent of modern fishing technology, humans have been able to harvest fish stocks at unprecedented rates. This has led to the depletion of many fish species, particularly those with high commercial value. The practice of using large-scalefishing fleets, often operated illegally, has further exacerbated this issue.Habitat Destruction.Marine habitats are constantly being degraded and destroyed due to various human activities. Coastal development, including the construction of resorts, ports, and urban areas, often leads to the destruction of coral reefs, mangroves, and other critical habitats. Additionally, seabed mining and dredging activities can cause significant damage to marine life and their habitats.Pollution.Pollution is another significant threat to marine biodiversity. Industrial waste, oil spills, and plastic debris are among the most common pollutants found in our oceans. These pollutants can have devastating effects on marine life, causing long-term health issues, mutations,and even death. Microplastics, in particular, have been found to accumulate in the bodies of marine organisms,posing a significant risk to their health.Climate Change.Climate change is having profound impacts on marine ecosystems. Rising sea temperatures, acidification of the oceans due to increased carbon dioxide levels, and extreme weather events are all contributing to the decline of marine biodiversity. Coral reefs, in particular, are highly sensitive to these changes and are experiencing widespread bleaching and mortality.Invasive Species.The introduction of non-native species into marine environments can have devastating consequences. These invasive species can outcompete native species for resources, leading to their displacement or extinction. Additionally, they can introduce new predators or parasites that can decimate native populations.In conclusion, the endangered state of marine life is acomplex issue that requires urgent attention. The combined effects of overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and invasive species are pushing many marine species to the brink of extinction. To address these challenges, it is crucial to adopt sustainable fishing practices, protect critical habitats, reduce pollution, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and manage the introduction of non-native species. Only through concerted efforts can we hope to conserve our marine biodiversity and ensure a healthy and diverse ocean for future generations.。



介绍水母的英语作文Jellyfish are fascinating creatures that inhabit the worlds oceans. They are known for their translucent umbrellashaped bodies and their gentle floating movements. Here is an essay that introduces the various aspects of jellyfishTitle The Enchanting World of JellyfishJellyfish are among the most ancient and intriguing marine animals having existed for over 650 million years. They belong to the phylum Cnidaria which also includes corals and sea anemones. These creatures can be found in every ocean from the surface to the deep sea and in both warm and cold waters.Anatomy and AppearanceJellyfish are characterized by their bellshaped gelatinous bodies that can range in size from a few millimeters to over a meter in diameter. Their translucent bodies allow them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings making them both beautiful and elusive. The outer layer of a jellyfishs body is called the epidermis which is covered with stinging cells known as cnidocytes. These cells contain specialized structures called nematocysts which are used for defense and capturing prey.Life CycleThe life cycle of a jellyfish is complex and involves both asexual and sexual reproduction. It starts with a tiny freeswimming larva that settles on a hard surface and transforms into a polyp which is the sessile immature stage of the jellyfish. The polyp then reproduces asexually by budding off tiny young jellyfish called ephyrae. These ephyrae grow into mature medusae which are the familiar bellshaped swimming adults.Diet and PredatorsJellyfish are primarily carnivorous and feed on a variety of small marine animals including plankton small fish and crustaceans. They capture their prey using their tentacles which are covered with stinging cells. These cells paralyze the prey allowing the jellyfish to consume it. Despite their apparent fragility jellyfish have few natural predators. Some sea turtles and certain species of fish are known to feed on jellyfish without being affected by their stings.Importance in the EcosystemJellyfish play a significant role in marine ecosystems. They are an important food source for larger marine animals and help control the population of plankton and small fish. However an overabundance of jellyfish can be problematic as they can outcompete other species for resources and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.Human InteractionWhile jellyfish are generally not aggressive towards humans their stings can cause a range of reactions from mild irritation to severe pain and in rare cases even death. However not all jellyfish are harmful some species are harmless to humans. Jellyfish are also of interest to scientists for their unique biological properties such as their ability to regenerate lost body parts.Conservation EffortsDespite their resilience some jellyfish populations are threatened by environmental changes including pollution overfishing of their natural predators and climate change. Conservation efforts are focused on monitoring jellyfish populations and understanding the impacts of human activities on their habitats.In conclusion jellyfish are not just beautiful and mysterious creatures of the deep they are also vital components of marine ecosystems. Understanding their biology life cycle and ecological role is crucial for the preservation of our oceans and the biodiversity they support.。



鱼类保护作文英语In the vast and diverse ecosystem of our planet, fish play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of aquatic life. However, due to various human activities, the survival ofmany fish species is under threat. This essay aims tohighlight the importance of fish conservation and the stepswe can take to protect these vital creatures.Firstly, it is essential to understand the ecological significance of fish. They are not only a source of food for larger aquatic animals but also serve as a primary foodsource for humans in many parts of the world. Moreover, fish contribute to the health of aquatic ecosystems by controlling the population of smaller organisms and recycling nutrients.Despite their importance, fish populations are declining atan alarming rate due to overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. Overfishing, in particular,has led to the depletion of certain fish species to the point of endangerment. The use of destructive fishing methods, such as bottom trawling, not only captures fish indiscriminatelybut also damages the seafloor and the habitats of marine life.To conserve fish populations, a multifaceted approach is necessary. Governments and international bodies must enforce sustainable fishing practices and establish protected areas where fishing is restricted or prohibited. These marine reserves can allow fish populations to recover and maintaintheir natural balance.Additionally, the public must be educated about theimportance of fish conservation and the impact of their choices on aquatic life. By choosing sustainably sourced seafood and supporting policies that protect marine ecosystems, consumers can play a significant role in fish conservation.Technological advancements can also aid in conservation efforts. For instance, the use of GPS tracking and monitoring systems can help regulate fishing activities and prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.Furthermore, addressing the broader issue of plasticpollution is vital. Many fish ingest plastic debris, whichcan lead to injury or death. Reducing plastic use and improving waste management can significantly decrease the amount of plastic that ends up in the oceans.In conclusion, the conservation of fish is not only a moral imperative but also a necessity for the health of ourplanet's ecosystems. Through sustainable practices, education, and technological innovation, we can work together to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures for generationsto come.请注意,这篇作文是虚构的,旨在回应您提供的标题。



奇思妙想作文海洋生态保护鱼英文回答:Ocean ecosystems are incredibly important and must be protected. As a fish, I have witnessed firsthand the impact that human activities have on the health of the ocean. Pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction are just a few of the threats that we face.One of the biggest issues is pollution. When humans dump waste and chemicals into the ocean, it can have devastating effects on marine life. For example, oil spills can coat fish and other animals, making it difficult for us to swim and breathe. Additionally, plastic pollution is a major problem. Many fish, including myself, often mistake plastic for food, which can lead to starvation or death.Overfishing is another issue that needs to be addressed. When humans catch too many fish, it disrupts the balance of the ecosystem. For example, if a certain type of fish isoverfished, their prey may become too abundant, leading to a decrease in other species. This can have a ripple effect throughout the entire food chain.Habitat destruction is also a concern. When humans destroy coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other important habitats, it can have a significant impact on the fish and other organisms that rely on these areas for food and shelter. For example, many fish, including myself, use coral reefs as a breeding ground. If these reefs are destroyed, it can lead to a decline in fish populations.It is crucial that we take action to protect the ocean and its inhabitants. One way to do this is by reducing pollution. Humans can make a conscious effort to properly dispose of waste and avoid using single-use plastics. Additionally, stricter regulations can be put in place to prevent oil spills and other forms of pollution.Another solution is to implement sustainable fishing practices. This includes setting catch limits, protecting breeding grounds, and using selective fishing methods. Bydoing so, we can ensure that fish populations remainhealthy and that the ecosystem remains balanced.Lastly, it is important to preserve and restore habitats. Efforts can be made to protect and restore coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other vital habitats. This can be done through the establishment of marine protected areasand the implementation of conservation programs.In conclusion, protecting the ocean and its ecosystemsis essential for the survival of fish and other marine life. By addressing issues such as pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction, we can ensure a healthy and thriving ocean for generations to come.中文回答:海洋生态系统非常重要,必须加以保护。



石斑鱼病毒性神经坏死病防治的研究现状石斑鱼病毒性神经坏死病(nervous necrosis disease,简称NND)是一种严重影响石斑鱼养殖的疾病,由NNV病毒引起,主要侵害石斑鱼的大脑和脊髓,导致鱼类运动异常、食欲减退、呼吸困难和骨质疏松等症状。



目前,常用的病毒检测方法包括PCR、RT-PCR、ELISA 等。
















免疫检测技术用浮游生物网采取样本,将其 转移到实 验 室,通 过 蔗 糖 梯 度 离 心,分 离 双 壳 类 幼体和微 藻 以 及 其 它 生 物,如 小 型 甲 壳 类 动 物。 初筛 后,双 壳 类 幼 虫 与 两 种 抗 体 培 育,第 一 种 “adheres”只和 Mytilus幼体的基因结合;而第二 种抗体含黄色荧光染料,和第一个抗体结合。这 样,如果样品中有智利贻贝幼体将被 “染”成黄 色,尤其是 在 壳 的 边 缘,因 此 它 们 可 以 在 多 种 双 壳类幼体中被区分出来。目前,在可持续贻贝养 殖技术 推 广 中 心 (CETMIS)和 智 利 生 产 促 进 会 (CORFO)的支持下,该技术由 Chinquihue基金推 行。智利湖大区各地智利贻贝幼体数量在通过 免疫检测技 术 确 定 后 公 布 (http://www.cetmis. cl/home/servicios/informelarvario/)。 杨林林译自 Chile:Musselseedrecruitmentboosted withimmunofluorescenceFIS,2017-12-7
新西兰水域物种的变化可能包括更多的入 侵物种,以 及 可 能 影 响 当 地 生 态 系 统 的 新 疾 病。 然而,这也可能会带来好处。金枪鱼在其水域可 能更丰富,因 为 它 们 更 喜 欢 温 暖 的 水 域,其 他 渔 业也可能从中受益。该研究结果发表在新西兰 《海洋与淡水》研究杂志上。 杨林林译自 NewZealand:Warmingoceantoaffect fisheriesbyendofcentury,FIS,2017-12-7
通过实验室技术可以知道自然环境中智利 贻贝 (Mytiluschilensis)幼 体 的 数 量,这 有 助 于 生 产决策的制定,如安装收集器。

鱼类病毒性神经坏死症(Viral Nervous Necrosis Disease, VNN) 防疫

鱼类病毒性神经坏死症(Viral Nervous Necrosis Disease, VNN) 防疫
目前分離的四種病毒株之發現如下: RGNNV – 皆發現於溫暖水域的魚種中 TPNNV、BFNNV – 皆發現於冷水域魚種 SJNNV – 介於中間
四種不同基因型 NNV 病毒的最適複製溫度 如下 (Iwamoto et al., 2000):
BFNNV – 15-20℃ TPNNV – 20℃ SJNNV – 20-25℃ RGNNV – 25-30℃
因此,由海水魚分離出的結病毒在分類上 被成立一新的屬,為魚類結病毒屬 (Piscine nodavirus) 或稱 betanodavirus,而 昆 蟲 的 結 病 毒 則 稱 為 alphanodavirus (Nishizawa et al., 1995)。
純化四種 NNV 基因型病毒株製備兔子多 源抗血清,接著以交叉中和反應檢測四種 NNV 基因型之間的血清類源關係,結果 可分成三種血清型 (NakaHale Waihona Puke et al., in press):
發病魚苗失去平衡,病魚的腦及視網膜有 壞死現象。
以電子顯微鏡觀察病變組織,發現大量不 具外套膜、型態介於圓形與二十面體之間, 直徑約 34 nm 之病毒顆粒,被認為是造成 此疾病的病原體,稱之為神經壞死症病毒
(Nervous necrosis virus, NNV) (Yoshikoshi and Inoue, 1990)。
1994 年 Nishizawa 等人依據 SJNNV 的 RNA2 核 酸 序 列 設 計 出 兩 條 順 向 引 子 (forward primer) F1、F2,及三條逆向引子 (reverse primer) R1、R2、R3。
以萃取出的病毒核酸作為模版,以 RTPCR 的方式經不同引子對的組合進行反應, 可擴增出五種大小不同之目標片段 (T1,T2,T3,T4,T5)。




依据发布在《鱼类疾病杂志》( Journal of FishDis eases )上的论文,这条大白鲨嘴巴上的肿瘤长、宽均大约为 30 厘米。

到当前为止,科学家已经在起码 23 种鲨鱼身上发现了肿瘤,包含上边提到的两种。

早在 1853 年,科学家就在一条团扇鳐(学名: Raja clavata )的尾巴上发现了一个长 30 厘米的带蒂纤维瘤。

论文作者之一蕾切尔·罗宾斯( Rachel Robbins )说:“研究所传达的一个主要信息,就是在鲨鱼中发现了愈来愈多肿瘤形成的凭证,这与鲨鱼不会患这种疾病的流行看法是相对峙的。


图片根源: Scientific American2020 年发布在《癌症研究》( Cancer Research )杂志上的一篇综述称,对鲨鱼软骨能治疗癌症的迷信已经使一些患者放弃了其余有效的治疗方法。


依据国际自然保护结盟(IUCN )的报告,在已知的软骨鱼类(包含鲨类、鳐类)中,已经有六分之一的物种面对灭绝的威胁。


不过,过去 20 年来,有关大海动物,特别是大海哺乳动物中出现恶性肿瘤的报告向来在不断增添。


鲨鱼不会得癌症的说法,以及后来对于鲨鱼软骨可有效抗衡人类癌症的传说,能够追忆到 20 世纪 70 年月约翰·霍普金斯医学院的两个研究;以后在 1992 年,一本名为《鲨鱼不会得癌症》( Sharks Don ’t Get Cancer)的书第一版刊行,后来电视节目对这本书又进行了宣传,使这种说法更为人心所向。

鱼类致病杀鲑诺卡氏菌(Nocardia salmonicida)特异性PCR检测方法的建立

鱼类致病杀鲑诺卡氏菌(Nocardia salmonicida)特异性PCR检测方法的建立

鱼类致病杀鲑诺卡氏菌(Nocardia salmonicida)特异性PCR检测方法的建立夏洪丽;鲁义善;汤菊芬;蔡佳;汪美;夏立群【期刊名称】《广东海洋大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(034)004【摘要】鱼类诺卡氏菌病是全球性的鱼病,杀鲑诺卡氏菌(Nocardia salmonicida)是引起鱼类诺卡氏菌病的主要病原之一.根据杀鲑诺卡氏菌16S-23S转录间隔区(ITS)序列设计引物,建立特异性PCR检测杀鲑诺卡氏菌的方法.结果表明,筛选的PCR引物可特异性地扩增出杀鲑诺卡氏菌的ITS片段,检测灵敏度(DNA浓度)为28.3 pg·μL-1.检测人工感染杀鲑诺卡氏菌的鱼组织,结果显示,该方法可从未分离到病原菌的病鱼组织中检出阳性片段,较传统细菌分离鉴定方法更为高效灵敏.【总页数】6页(P56-61)【作者】夏洪丽;鲁义善;汤菊芬;蔡佳;汪美;夏立群【作者单位】广东海洋大学水产学院;广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室;广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东湛江524088;广东海洋大学水产学院;广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室;广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东湛江524088;广东海洋大学水产学院;广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室;广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东湛江524088;广东海洋大学水产学院;广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室;广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东湛江524088;广东海洋大学水产学院;广东海洋大学水产学院;广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室;广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室,广东湛江524088【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S941.42【相关文献】1.鱼类致病鰤鱼诺卡氏菌(Nocardia seriolae)的LAMP检测技术建立与应用 [J], 王国良;刘璐;徐益军2.鸡白痢沙门氏菌与其它致病性沙门氏菌的血清型特异性PCR鉴别检测方法的建立 [J], 张童利;王曼宇;曹俊;王忠星;刘思国;于申业3.(鲕)诺卡菌特异性PCR快速检测方法的建立 [J], 蒋依依;李安兴4.[鱼师]诺卡菌特异性PCR快速检测方法的建立 [J], 蒋依依;李安兴5.(鱼师)鱼诺卡氏菌SYBR Green Ⅰ实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立与应用 [J], 王国良;刘璐;李思源因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。




由鱼类诺达病毒(piscine nodavirus)引起的病毒性神经坏死症(viral nervous necrosis,VNN),又称空泡性脑视网膜炎(vacuolatingencephalopathy and retinopathy,VER),是一种世界范围内

1.两种检测罗氏沼虾诺达病毒方法的比较 [J], 简贺君;谢俊刚
2.西尼罗病毒及其所致疾病的研究现状 [J], 宁北芳(综述);朱淮民(审校)
3.登革病毒及其所致疾病的研究概况 [J], 廖德芳
4.朊病毒概述及其所致疾病研究 [J], 李忠秋;王君伟;刘春龙
5.汉坦病毒及其所致的疾病 [J], 孙黎

Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的海水鱼阿米巴鳃病

Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的海水鱼阿米巴鳃病

Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的海水鱼阿米巴鳃病D. ZILBERG【期刊名称】《动物学报(英文版)》【年(卷),期】2005(051)004【摘要】海水养殖的鲑鱼及鲽鱼(Scophthalmus maximus)的阿米巴鳃病是由Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的.在西班牙,该病对鲑鱼的海水养殖造成巨大损失,同时也正威胁着鲽鱼的养殖.组织病理损伤主要是鱼鳃上皮细胞的增生和肥大.该虫仅寄生在鱼鳃表面.现已有证据证明,非特异免疫参与鱼类抵御该病,但还没有证明特异性免疫在此过程中发挥作用的相似证据.对鲑鱼来说,治疗该病惟一有效的方法就是用淡水浸泡%Amoebic gill disease (AGD) of maricultured salmonids and turbot Scophthalmus maximus is caused by Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis. It causes significant losses mainly in marine-cultured salmonids and is an emerging problem in turbot culture in Spain. Histopathological lesions are mainly hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the gill epithelium. The parasite is confined to the gill surface. There is evidence that non-specific immunity is involved in fish acquiring resistance to AGD and there is no similar evidence for acquisition of a specific immune response. For salmonids, the only effective treatment for AGD is a freshwater bath【总页数】3页(P554-556)【作者】D. ZILBERG【作者单位】The Albert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus 84990, Israel【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S8因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。










1.日本科学家从微型藻类中分离出抗高血压肽 [J], 汪开治
2.日本从番鸭中分离出鹅细小病毒 [J], 黄安国
3.日本从可燃冰中分离出天然气 [J],
4.韩国科学家从进口辐射松原木中分离出12种长喙壳科真菌 [J], 汪开治
5.从感染传染性皮下组织和造血器官坏死病毒的对虾中分离到一种新病毒 [J], Yuanan Lu;陈怀青



摘要 海洋微生物因其具有产生新型生物活性物质的巨大潜力, 已受到全世界海洋研究工作者的重视。近年来, 从海洋微生物中已分 离到许多结构新颖的抗肿瘤活性物质。对来自海洋放线菌、海洋真菌及海洋细菌中的抗肿瘤活性物质的最新研究进行了综述, 并展望 了其发展前景。 关键词 海洋微生物; 海洋放线菌; 海洋真菌; 海洋细菌; 抗肿瘤活性物质 中图分类号 X 145 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517- 6611( 2011) 07- 03815- 03
N ocard ia sp. A ctinoplanes sp.
聚酮化合物 LOX IMV I、M 14等
醌环类 HMO 2、H ePG2
生物 碱
A 549、 BEL-7402、 H L60
聚酮化合物 HT-29
生物 碱 大环 内酯
H CT-116
A 549、HT 29、MDAMB-231
环肽类 HCT-116 氯化异黄酮 MDA-M B-231
M, 这表明加氯对染料木黄酮的生物活性有显著影响, 这可 能为研究染料木黄酮结构活性关系的提供重要信息。 2 来源于海洋真菌的活性物质
海洋真菌可分为两类, 一类真菌只能生活在含有一定盐 度的水中 (海水或人工海水 ), 另一类真菌可以在淡水或海水 中生存。近年来, 人们从不同种属的海洋真菌中发现了许多 抗肿瘤 活性 物质, 大 多具 有结构 新颖、作 用 独特 的特 点 (表 2)。
IMV I, M 14, SK-MEL-2, SK-MEL-5, UACC-257和 UACC-62) 有 很好的抑制作用, 其 LC50最低只有 5. 0 nM。 Schneider等 [ 2] 从海洋放线菌 Verrucosispora中分离到一类具有抗增殖作用



高考英语双语阅读首次发现科学家找到“专吃病毒”的生物A type of freshwater plankton has become the first organism seen thriving on a diet of viruses, according to a new study by researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the US.根据美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校研究人员的一项新研究,他们发现了一种淡水浮游生物成为第一种以病毒为食的生物。

Viruses are often consumed incidentally by a range wide of organisms, and may even season the diets of certain marine protists.病毒经常被各种各样的生物偶然吞食,甚至可能成为某些海洋原生生物饮食中的调味品。

But to qualify as a true step in the food chain –described as virovory –viruses ought to contribute a significant amount of energy or nutrients to their consumer.但是,要想成为食物链中真正一环(可以被描述为以病毒为食)的话,病毒应该为其吞食者提供大量的能量或营养。

图片“halteria”淡水浮游生物The microbe Halteria is a common genus of protist known to flit about as its hair-like cilia propel it through the water. Not only did laboratory samples of the ciliate consume chloroviruses added to its environment, the giant virus fueled Halteria's growth and increased its population size.微生物"Halteria"是一个常见的原生生物属,以其毛发状的纤毛推动它在水中游动。

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