BE新COMPACT X简要操作流程-CN(1)





2、测量循环时间进入菜单模式,选择setting-->Meas.interval 可以根据需要设置13分钟、15分钟、20分钟、30分钟、1小时、2小时及触发测量。

3、设置校准周期进入菜单模式,选择setting→Calibration ,可以根据需要设置1至7天的校准周期,如选择off,则不校准。

4、设置清洗周期进入菜单模式,选择setting→ Cleaning ,可以根据需要设置1至7天的校准周期,如选择off,则不清洗。

5、模拟输出设置进入菜单模式,选择setting→ Recorder Output,设置20毫安对应的最高值,在0至240mg/l范围内设定。





另外有一个单独的维护程序包含在分析仪中表8 维护程序频率任务每周污垢检查每月更换试剂,请看7.2.1每3个月更换分析仪管线,请看7.2.3检查测量池受污染的程度。









Compaction介绍Compaction介绍Compaction是buffer->flush->merge的Log-Structured Merge-Tree模型的关键操作,主要起到如下⼏个作⽤:1)合并⽂件2)清除删除、过期、多余版本的数据3)提⾼读写数据的效率Minor & Major Compaction的区别1)Minor操作只⽤来做部分⽂件的合并操作以及包括minVersion=0并且设置ttl的过期版本清理,不做任何删除数据、多版本数据的清理⼯作。


从这个功能上理解,Minor Compaction也不适合做Major的⼯作,因为部分的数据清理可能没有意义,例如,maxVersions=2,那么在少部分⽂件中,是否是kv仅有的2个版本也⽆法判断。

下⾯是引⽤:There are two types of compactions: minor and major. Minor compactions will usually pick up a couple of the smaller adjacent StoreFiles and rewrite them as one. Minors do not drop deletes or expired cells, only major compactions do this. Sometimes a minor compaction will pick up all the StoreFiles in the Store and in this case it actually promotes itself to being a major compaction.After a major compaction runs there will be a single StoreFile per Store, and this will help performance usually. Caution: major compactions rewrite all of the Stores data and on a loaded system, this may not be tenable; major compactions will usually have to be done manually on large systems.Compaction诱发因⼦在什么情况下会发⽣Compaction呢?参数名配置项默认值minFilesToCompact pactionThreshold3maxFilesToCompact paction.max10maxCompactSize paction.max.size Long.MAX_VALUEminCompactSize paction.min.size memstoreFlushSizeCompactionChecker是RS上的⼯作线程(Chore),设置执⾏周期是通过threadWakeFrequency指定,⼤⼩通过hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency配置(默认10000),然后乘以默认倍数multiple(1000),毫秒时间转换为秒。





二、准备工作在开始操作之前,请确保您已经完成以下准备工作:1. 确认所需操作的设备或工具已经准备齐全。

2. 了解操作过程中的所有安全注意事项,并保持警惕。

三、操作步骤以下是本产品的操作步骤,请按照顺序进行操作:1. 第一步:详细描述第一步的具体操作步骤,包括所需的操作对象、工具或设备以及操作方法。


2. 第二步:详细描述第二步的具体操作步骤,同样包括所需的操作对象、工具或设备以及操作方法。

3. 第三步:详细描述第三步的具体操作步骤,同样包括所需的操作对象、工具或设备以及操作方法。


4. ......(根据具体操作的步骤数,继续进行描述)四、常见问题解答在操作过程中,可能会遇到一些常见问题,这里为您提供了一些解答,以便您能够迅速解决问题:1. 问题一的解答:详细解释问题一出现的原因,并提供解决方案。

2. 问题二的解答:详细解释问题二出现的原因,并提供解决方案。

3. 问题三的解答:详细解释问题三出现的原因,并提供解决方案。

4. ......(根据常见问题的数量,继续进行解答)五、注意事项在操作过程中,请务必注意以下事项,以确保您的安全和操作顺利进行:1. 注意安全:在操作过程中,遵循所有的安全指导和注意事项,确保自身和他人的安全。

2. 维护保养:及时进行设备或产品的维护保养,以延长其使用寿命。

3. 常规检查:定期检查设备或产品的工作状态和性能,确保其正常运行。

4. 存储保管:妥善存储设备或产品,防止损坏或丢失。

5. ......(根据具体情况,继续列举其他的注意事项)六、附录在附录中,您可以找到一些有用的参考资料或相关链接,以便您获取更多关于产品或操作的信息。



BE-2.0生物芯片识读仪标准操作程序1 目的建立规范标准的百傲 BE-2.0 生物芯片识读仪操作程序。

2 适用范围适用于临床分子诊断中心经授权的检验专业技术人员。

3 定义BE-2.0 生物芯片识读仪用于显色型生物芯片检测结果的识读和分析。

4 职责经培训合格后,经授权的检验专业技术人员操作,由科技术主管和质量主管分别负责技术指导和质量监督。

5. 程序5.1 仪器简介BE-2.0 生物芯片识读仪用于显色型生物芯片检测结果的识读和分析。


5.2 仪器工作原理BaiO生物芯片识读仪采用显色原理,采集图片灰度值,自动完成数据分析。

5.3 仪器的基本资料适用对象:采用显色原理,标准载玻片为片基的基因芯片和蛋白芯片检测信号:灰度值/灰度相关值/反射值检测速度: 30s/4cm2分辨率:最高可达 5μm性能稳定可靠读取速度快:读取 200 个点,只需要不到 10 秒的时间配套软件自动完成数据分析和打印输出使用环境要求低重量轻,体积小5.4 试剂组成无5.5 授权操作人检验科培训的合格人员。

5.6 仪器常规操作将芯片放入生物芯片识读仪中,用BaiO®基因芯片图像分析软件(Baio Array Doctor)V 2.0 进行图像扫描与数据分析,输出检测结果。

5.7 室内质控操作无5.8 仪器校准程序5.8.1 该仪器校准工作定期由专业工程师进行。


5.8.2 由工程师出具仪器检修校准报告,以明确仪器运转良好,结果归入仪器档案。

5.10 仪器维护与保养5.10.1 仪器每日维护与保养:清洁仪器外表面使用前检查仪器运行是否正常5.10.2 仪器每周维护与保养:清洁仪器内部灰尘5.10.3 仪器每月维护与保养:仪器全面清洁对电脑进行碎片整理并备份相关数据数据库整理5.10.4 仪器每年维护与保养:根据需要可联系工程师对机器进行保养5.11 注意事项5.11.1 开始检测前请仔细阅读本说明书全文。



有地线。 5是否为加样针受损。
八、注射器联结加样针的端口流水或突然脱落 1 是否为联接管的联接处老化。 2 是否为接口处的小胶垫脱落、老化或是方向反了。

1 可能是由于非法关机造成的。 2 电脑的CPU散热有问题。 3 4 住没有排出来

1 2 调节加样针的“Z” 3 传 感器与针的上部分可能短路或针的套管破损漏液
德国BE-XRM血凝仪的日常操作及 常见问题
射洪县人民医院检验科 沈小玲
德国BE的血凝仪在原理上采用了光学法和磁珠法 之长处 ,以光学动态速率比浊法作为检测基础 ,同时 结合磁珠法的优点 ,建立了光电磁原理这一新方法 : 凝血过程即纤维蛋白原转化为纤维蛋白的过程 ,当样 本凝固时 ,纤维蛋白缠绕于旋转的磁珠上 ,造成光通 路上凝血反应前后液体浊度的强烈变化。通过稳定 的光学检测系统进行动态速率扫描 ,测试出每一个实 验的检测曲线 ,经计算机处理后 ,将凝固瞬间线性区 的分析结果转化为实验结果。这一方法通过大量临 床实验证明能有效地排除黄疸、脂血、溶血、低凝、 低纤维蛋白标本的干扰 ,确保检测结果的精确性 。
一、标本 1 采血量(2ml采血管<1.8ml结果影响很大) 2 抗凝血,不能凝固

二、结果之间的相关性 1 过高、过低结果必须复查 2 单项很高的要注意

三、仪器的保养问题 1由于检测的是血浆,里边含有纤维,可以造成加样 针的堵塞,需要浸泡或者通针 2注意仪器轨道的清洁 3废物袋(盒)要及时清理 4废液的处理

一、 实验的重复性不好或不凝结 1 试剂的问题。 2 对于FIB实验是否为Kaolin没有充分混匀或是到 出的量过多、使用时间过长导致水分挥发、结晶析 出。 3 仪器加样时产生大气泡。 4 抗凝剂的问题 5 可能使用的是肝素或EDTA等。 6 用的是玻璃试管 7 抗凝血在室温下时间过长。

EON ONE Compact 一体式可充电个人扩声系统 用户手册说明书

EON ONE Compact 一体式可充电个人扩声系统 用户手册说明书

用户指南一体式可充电个人扩声系统EON ONE Compact目录第 1 节:重要安全指引 (2)第 2 节:注意事项 (4)第 3 节:EON ONE Compact 系统符合性声明 (5)第 4 节:EON ONE Compact 系统简介 (6)入门指南 (6)功放基本信息 (7)深入了解 EON ONE Compact 有源混音器 (7)音频输入 (8)切换模式和编辑通道参数 (8)幻像电源免责声明 (9)蓝牙输入 (10)音频输出 (11)USB 电源接口 (11)更换电池 (12)第 5 节:下载、安装和使用应用程序 (13)下载和安装应用程序 (13)使用蓝牙广播 (13)主屏幕 (17)输入混音器页面 (18)FX 页面 (19)第 6 节:配件 (20)背包 (20)安装架 (20)第 7 节:系统规格 (21)第 8 节:缆线连接器 (22)第 9 节:联系方式 (23)第 10 节:保修信息 (24)1第 1 节:重要安全指引请避免让扬声器处于高湿度环境。


长时间暴露在直接的紫外线 (UV) 照射下,会导致驱动器悬挂架过早变干,外饰表面退化。

EON ONE Compact 系统可能会产生相当大的能量。



因长期暴露在高声压级下而导致的听力损伤EON ONE Compact 系统能够产生的声压级可以轻易导致演员、制作人员和观众听力永久性受损。

应尽量避免长期处在声压级超过 85dB 的环境中。

保养和清洁清洁 EON ONE Compact 系统时,请使用干燥的抹布。







1.beitian 用户手册概述
一、beitian 用户手册概述
本手册是为使用 beitian 软件的用户提供操作指南和参考资料。

手册内容详尽,涵盖了软件的各项功能和使用方法,旨在帮助用户更好地掌握和应用 beitian 软件。








希望本手册能为您提供有益的帮助,祝您使用 beitian 软件愉快!。






3.操作程序3.1 开机过程3.1.1开机前检查相关试验项目的试剂量,蒸馏水量,Desorb试剂量。






3.2 检测标本3.2.1 样本准备:把装有离心好的血标本的试管编号,放到标本托架上。

3.2.2输入样本号:在“Plasma Prep.”菜单中,在“ID No”处输入标本编号或病人名称,在“Test”中设定需要进行质控的项目。




3.2.5 按“F2”开始试验。

3.3 关机过程3.3.1试验完毕后,将试剂瓶盖盖好(注意不同试剂的不能混用),将试剂盘与试剂一同放入冰箱2-8℃储存3.3.2准备5%的Naclo溶液。

3.3.3选择“Fill System”,“needle special wash”用5%的Naclo溶液清洗采样针,以避免由于针和液体的交叉污染而引起的检测错误。


显示“Fill 1ml Clean solution into the washing station 〈ENTER〉”。








3)状态窗口。 此窗口可根据主菜单选择改变显示内容。当光标在主菜单移动时,此窗口内容可跟随改变,提供 信息或编辑。
4)为信息窗口。 系统状态显示区(系统或报警信息)
6)信息窗口颜色指示变化含义。 在信息窗口框架中有一个带颜色的指示界面,有可能出现以下情况: 绿色:样品架未在测试过程中,它可能移出了。 红色(闪动):病人信息已经确认,开始进行试验。
可随时插入急诊。可自动进行复检。 仅需很少的准备既可以很方便的进行操作。
-填装杯子 -输入病人信息 -放原始管 -装入试剂盘 -启动
第六章 测量系统
4 折反应杯架从反应杯寄存器传送到加液位置,将血浆和试剂分别加入到反应杯中。然后,反应杯 架移到温育位置,在这里可对三个杯架同时温育,温育后,杯架传送到测试位置。图表显示倾斜过程:
注意! 遵循所有的警告和粘贴在仪器上的提示,或手册中的指导要求。
注意! 未经制造厂家的明确认可增加或修改本产品,导致无法工作。由用户承担修复费用
注意! 对任何由于忽视本说明书的指导,以及由于不符合本产品的指导处理试剂、生物液体或其他 情况,造成的任何损害结果厂商均不负责
注意! 连接到仪器的数据处理设备,如:计算机或打印机,必须分别符合 EN60950 或 UL1950 的规定
3. 试剂盘: 包括一个带磁搅拌子的冷藏平台 16℃-22℃,是带有试剂位置和质控位置,以及标本预稀释位置的 托架。特定位置具有搅拌功能。
4. 清洗位: 每次加完样品血浆以及每一次变换试剂以后,采样针自动浸泡并且内外同时进行清洗。另外,为了 防止污染,在清洗前,采样针可以吸入另一种高清洁度的清洁液。
5. 稀释器: 通过其控制液体的灌注和分配.
6. 反应杯寄存器: 58 个反应杯托架安装在寄存器上。

BE Compact X血凝仪操作规程

BE Compact X血凝仪操作规程















2、在“Plasma Prep”菜单中,在“ID No.”栏手工输入标本名称或病人名称,在“Test”栏中输入要检测的项目,然后回车确认。




五、检测结果A.检测结果查看,在“Report”菜单中可以查找和处理数据,光标移到Report 菜单回车确认,选择“Result Data”进行历史结果查看。









目录BE安装 (1)BE界面介绍 (10)备份 (11)恢复 (25)作业监视器 (32)警报 (33)报告 (33)设备 (34)介质 (34)备份前的设置准备 (35)用户登录和服务启动 (36)设备(存储) (37)介质(策略) (40)选项(事前准备) (43)关于将作业报告发送邮件 (45)备份和恢复 (46)文件备份(Windows) (46)文件恢复(Windows) (52)文件备份(Linux & Unix) (53)文件恢复(Linux & Unix) (54)卸载客户端(Linux & Unix) (55)MSSQL备份 (56)MSSQL恢复 (57)Exchange备份 (57)Exchange恢复 (59)Oracle备份(Windows) (60)Oracle备份(Linux) (62)Oracle恢复 (66)Active Directory备份 (67)Active Directory恢复 (68)备份作业时间安排 (69)作业运行情况说明 (69)BE安装将光盘放入光驱自动执行,或执行光盘中的browser.exe,首先弹出语言选择菜单选择后,进入安装主页面三个选项1.启动BE 环境检查将会执行服务器自身环境检查,并生成报告文件,以检测本机是否满足安装Backup Exec 的条件。


2.BE安装安装Backup Exec Server主模块。

3.BE Agent安装安装BE受控客户端。

选择第二项,启用BE安装本地安装可直接安装BE server以及其他选件,以及远程管理控制台(CASO)远程安装可将介质服务器或其他代理推送到远程服务器。







AVL COMPACT 3 简明操作手册山东执信公司目录1仪器简述 (1)2检测项目 (2)3主要参数 (3)4仪器要求 (4)5仪器结构 (5)6安装、停机 (11)7操作规程 (16)8定标 (19)9保养 (20)10附录 (29)1仪器简述∙AVL Compact 3为微型全自动血气分析仪,并配有内置热敏打印机。









2检测项目AVL Compact 3血气分析仪可测量全血的pH, PCO2和PO2。






BESTER Compact 250 操作手册说明书

BESTER Compact 250 操作手册说明书

IM300312/2008Rev. 1 Compact 250BESTER S.A.ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19A, 58-260 Bielawa, PolandDeclaration of conformityBESTER S. A.Declares that the welding machine:Compact 250 s/nconforms to the following directives:73/23/CEE, 93/68/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 92/31/CEEand has been designed in conformance with the following norms:EN 50199, EN 60974-1BESTER S.A., ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19A, 58-260 Bielawa, Poland06/03INDEX Safety (4)Installation and Operator Instructions (5)Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (8)Technical Specifications (9)Spare Parts (10)Electrical Schematic (12)Accessories (13)Safety06/03WARNINGThis equipment must be used by qualified personnel. Be sure that all installation, operation, maintenance and repair procedures are performed only by qualified individuals. Read and understand this manual before operating this equipment. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual could cause serious personal injury, loss of life, or damage to this equipment. Read and understand the following explanations of the warning symbols. Lincoln Electric is not responsible for damages caused by improper installation, improper care or abnormal operation.Installation and Operator InstructionsRead this entire section before installation or operation of the machine.Location and EnvironmentThis machine will operate in harsh environments. However, it is important that simple preventativemeasures are followed to assure long life and reliable operation.• Do not place or operate this machine on a surfacewith an incline greater than 15° from horizontal.• This machine must be located where there is freecirculation of clean air without restrictions for air movement to and from the air vents. Do not cover the machine with paper, cloth or rags when switched on.Preparation for WorkMAINS SUPPLY VOLTAGE• Installation and mains outlet socket should be madeand protected according to appropiate rules. • Dirt and dust that can be drawn into the machineshould be kept to a minimum.• Mains supply to the machine must be earthed. • Ensure machine is switched off before connectingmains supply. • This machine has a protection rating of IP21. Keepit dry when possible and do not place it on wet ground or in puddles.• Locate the machine away from radio controlledmachinery. Normal operation may adversely affect the operation of nearby radio controlled machinery, which may result in injury or equipment damage. Read the section on electromagnetic compatibility in this manual.Return Welding Cable Connection• Insert plug of the return welding cable into the socketand screw inti the end.• Connect other end of this cable to the welded piecewith the work clamp. • Do not operate in areas with an ambienttemperature greater than 40°C.Welding Torch Connection• Insert the welding cable into the socket and fasten itby the nut of the welding torch.Work Cycle and Overheating• You should remember to equip the welding torch withthe contact tip and the wire guide tube suitable for the MIG wire diameter and welded material. •The work cycle of welding machine is a percentage participation of 10 minutes at which the welder can weld at the rated value of the welding current, without overheating and necessary break time of work.Feeding the MIG Wire•Excessive extension of the work cycle will cause activity of the thermal protection circuit. • Raise side cover of the semi-automatic welder. • Put on the driving roll with the diametercoressponding to the wire diameter.• Load the spool with the wire onto the sleeve of thesemi-automatic welder.• Adjust the brake torgue of the sleeve with the spoolof the MIG wire.• Insert the MIG wire into the wire feeder.• Adjust force of presurre roll of the wire feeder. •The welder is protected against excessiveoverheating from the transformer by yhe thermal limiter. Activation of the thermal protection is indicate by the signalling lamp. Afer cooling down of winding to the safe temperature the welder automatically switches on and signalling lamp lights out.View and Controls of the Wire Feeder INSERTING MIG WIRE INTO WELDING TORCH• Set wire feeding speed knob in its central position.• Ater switching the semi-automatic welder on (theswitch in position ‘I’) press the button on the welding torch until the MIG wire leaves the contact tip of thewelding torch.• During this it should be taken precautions for thesake of cut possibility.ATTENTION: Above action should be done by taking the contact tip off and it should be screwed in after the wire is leaving and switching the semi-automatic welder off.ASSEMBLING OF THE DRIVING ROLL OF THE WIRE FEEDERDriving roll should be assembled properly :LOADING OF SPOOL WITH MIG WIRE• Load the wire spool (type A, diameter 300) on thehub assembly in such a way that, by dragging outer end of the wire, the spool runs round clockwise. • Make sure that the spool locating pin on the hubassembly goes into the fitting hole on the spool. • Free the end of the wire and cut off the bent endmaking sure it has no burr.• Rotate the roll anticlockwise and thread the end ofthe wire into the entrance guide tube pushing it into the wire guide of the welding torch.ADJUSTMENT OF BRAKE TORGUE OF HUB• For avoiding of spontaneous unrollingof the weldingwire he hub is fitted with the brake.• Adjustment is curried by rotation of its two springs,which are placed inside of the sleeve frame.• Turnning the springs anticlockwise you can increasthe brake torque, turnning hem clockwise you can decrease it.• Adjust the brake torque with a narrow screwdriver (3-4 mm) without dismanting anything.ELECTRODE WIRE INSERTING INTO FEEDER• To enable MIG wire inserting into the feeder youshould release the pressure roll lever of the feeder. • Insert the wire end into the guide tube at the rear partof the feeder and carry it over the driving roll and then insert it through the leading end into the guide tube of the torch.• Pres the wire in the groove of driving roll and lock thepressure roll lever.ADJUSTING OF FORCE OF PRESSURE ROLL LEVER• Before welding you should remember about properstting of the adjustment nut of the pressure force. • Pressure force is adjusted by turn ot the adjustmentnut ; clockwise – force increasing, anticlockwise – force decreasing.ATTENTION: At too low-pressure force the driving roll slides on the wire. At too high pressure force increases feeding resistance and the wire is deformed and it maycause damage.GAS SUPPLYING 1 Thermal Overload IndicatorPLEASE ENSURE YOU READ THE REGULATOR OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. 2 Wire Feed Speed Control3 Power on/off SwitchFor shielding gas supplaying you should : 4 Welding Voltage Switch• Chain as cylinder to ruuning gear, wall, or other stationary support so cylinder cannot fall and break off vave. 5 Lifting Hook6 Euro Gun Connection Socket7 Return Welding Cable Socket• Take off the hub cap o safety valve of the shieldinggas cylinder and open it for a moment to removepotential impurities.8 Welding Clamp Attachment• Install the regulator on the gas cylinder. REAR PANEL• Connect the gas hose of the semi-automativ welderto the regulator.• If it is necessary to connect the power supply of gasheater to the socket.• Close the cylinder valve when not in use.PREPARATION FOR WELDING• Insert the plug of the return welding cable into thesocket and connect its other end to the welded pieceby means of the work clamp.• Insert plug of the welding torch into the socket.• Connect the shielding gas cylinder to the welder withthe gas hose.• Insert the mains cable plug of the welding machine tothe mains socket.• Install MIG wire into the wire feeder.• Switch the welder on – the power indicator lights onand the fan switches on.• Choose suitable settings of welding parametersaccording to the selected mode and thickness ofwelding pieces.• Select the range of the welding voltage by means ofthe welding voltage switch.• Adjust the welding current by means of the knob ofthe MIG wire feed speed control.• Obeying the appropriate rules you can begin to weld.OPERATING CONTROLS9 Gas Cylinder Bracket0 Gas Cylinder Protecting Chain! Gas Cylinder Shelf@ Hose for Gas SupplyingWELDING MODE• The MIG/MAG welding method requires adjustingonly two parameters : welding voltage and MIG wirespeed.• Welding current level is depended only on MIG wirespeed and it should be matched for thickness ofwelded pieces.CONTINUOUS WELDING• For joining metal elements and metal sheets at pointof contact.• Switch the welder on – the lamp lights and fanswitches on.• Set the required welding voltage with the switch.• Set the required MIG wire speed with the control.• Select the desired welding torch mode with theswitch.• Start the welding process by pressing of the buttonon the welding torch.WELDING PARAMETERS• The MIG/MAG welding method requires adjustingonly two parameters : welding voltage and MIG wirespeed.• Increasing the MIG wire feed speed causesshortening the arc length, increasing the welding current and increasing the depth of filling up. • Decreasing the MIG wirefeed speed causeslenghtening of the arc length, dereasing the welding current and decreasing depth of filling up.• Increasing the welding voltage causes lengthening ofthe arc length.• Decreasing the welding voltage causes shortening ofthe arc length.• Too high MIG wire feed speed causes ‘pushing up’ ofthe torch. The MIG wire falls behind to melt into the arc and pushes back the torch.• Too low the MIG wire feed speed or too high welding voltage creates big drops of melted metal on the end of the wire, which fall down into the molten pool. • To big splashes show that the welding voltage is too low or the MIG wire feed speed is too high. • You may educe he welding voltage about 1-2V during ‘from up to down’ welding.• You may increase the welding voltage about 1- 4V during making filling welding seams.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)02/02This machine has been designed in accordance with all relative directives and norms. However, it may still generate electromagnetic disturbances that can affect other systems like telecommunications (telephone, radio, and television) or other safety systems. These disturbances can cause safety problems in the affected systems. Read and understand this section to eliminate or reduce the amount of electromagnetic disturbance generated by this machine.This machine has been designed to operate in an industrial area. To operate in a domestic area it is necessary to observe particular precautions to eliminate possible electromagnetic disturbances. The operator must install and operate this equipment as described in this manual. If any electromagneticdisturbances are detected the operator must put in place corrective actions to eliminate these disturbanceswith, if necessary, assistance from Lincoln Electric.Before installing the machine, the operator must check the work area for any devices that may malfunction because of electromagnetic disturbances. Consider the following.• Input and output cables, control cables, and telephone cables that are in or adjacent to the work area and themachine.• Radio and/or television transmitters and receivers. Computers or computer controlled equipment. • Safety and control equipment for industrial processes. Equipment for calibration and measurement. • Personal medical devices like pacemakers and hearing aids.• Check the electromagnetic immunity for equipment operating in or near the work area. The operator must be surethat all equipment in the area is compatible. This may require additional protection measures.• The dimensions of the work area to consider will depend on the construction of the area and other activities that aretaking place.Consider the following guidelines to reduce electromagnetic emissions from the machine.• Connect the machine to the input supply according to this manual. If disturbances occur if may be necessary to takeadditional precautions such as filtering the input supply.• The output cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned together. If possible connect thework piece to ground in order to reduce the electromagnetic emissions. The operator must check that connecting the work piece to ground does not cause problems or unsafe operating conditions for personnel and equipment. • Shielding of cables in the work area can reduce electromagnetic emissions. This may be necessary for specialapplications.Technical SpecificationsINPUTInput Voltage 240 V ± 15%1 phase Maximum InputCurrent45ARated Input Current / Maximum PowerConsumption45A / 10.8 kW @ 20% Duty Cycle23A / 5.8kW @ 60% Duty Cycle13A / 3.1kW @ 100% Duty CyclePower Factorcos M0.92 (240A)50 Hertz (Hz)RATED OUTPUT AT 40°CWelding Current / Output Voltage 240A / 23.5V @ 20% Duty Cycle 160A / 20.0V @ 60% Duty Cycle 110A / 18.0V @ 100% Duty Cycle Open Circuit VoltageRange15 – 37 VWelding Current Range45 – 240 ANumber of WeldingVoltage Steps8OUTPUT RANGEInsulation ClassF Degree of ProtectionIP 21RECOMMENDED INPUT CABLE AND FUSE SIZESFuse or Circuit Breaker Size25 A SuperlagInput Power Cable3 Conductor, 2.5 mm2 WIRE FEEDERWire Feeding Range X1 – 17 m/min Steel Wire (V-type rolls)0.6 – 1.2 mmFlux Cored Wire (VK-typerolls)0.9 – 1.2 mmAluminium Wire (U-typerolls)0.8 – 1.6 mmPHYSICAL DIMENSIONSHeight 740 mmWidth430 mmLength850 mmWeight78 KgOperating Temperature –20°C to +40°C Storage Temperature -25°C to +55°CFor any maintenance or repair operations it is recommended to contact the nearest technical service center or Lincoln Electric. Maintenance or repairs performed by unauthorized service centers or personnel will null and void the manufacturers warranty.Spare PartsSpare Parts K: 14006-1; Code: 5009numberQtyPos. Description Type Part1 MAIN TRANSFORMER 250 C-4244-362-3R 1CHOKE L 250 C-4244-367-3R 1 2TEMPERATURE SENSOR 160°C 1115-769-112R 1RECTIFIER SET V 250 D-4639-044-3R 1 3TEMPERATURE SENSOR CZOT AO2\96-103 1115-769-088R 13141 0873-100-092R 14 FAN MEZAXIAL5 AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER C-4244-270-7R 16 SWITCH S1 250 ŁK 25R/4.881 1115-260-132R 1CONTACTOR K 220/250 CI 25 220-240V 50Hz 1115-212-223R 1 7AUXILIARY CONTACT CB-NC 1115-212-206R 18 CONTROL CIRCIUT BOARD US-62 0918-432-067R 19 GAS VALVE ELRA 5536 230V 0972-423-004R 110 HANDLE C-2687-008-1 1361-599-600R 111 EURO SOCKET (complete) C-2985-005-6R 112 EURO COVER B10973-1 113 EURO SOCKET (outlet guide) D-1829-066-1R 114 MAIN SWITCH W4.1.8 GREEN O/I 1115-270-005R 1H1 LS3-N1 0917-421-043R 115 LAMP16 POTENTIOMETERS PR246-10KOHM 1158-113-304R 117 KNOB 1158-910-025R 118 RETURN CABLE D-5578-159-1R 119 FRONT PANEL with STICKERS D-3721-343-3R 120 STICKER 2719-107-349R 121 STICKER 2719-107-437R 122 TURNING WHEEL SCP 80 1029-660-080R 2200 1029-660-200R 223 WHEEL FI24 FEEDING UNIT (complete) B-6713-009-1R 125 MOTOR KSV 4030/266 1111-722-044R 126 FIXING ARM D-2535-012-1R 127 PRESSURE ARM D-4732-001-1R 128 FEED PLATE C-2774-081-1R 129 INLET GUIDE 1361-599-397R 130 CAP 1361-599-686R 131 MOUNT RING 1361-599-364R 1ROLL V 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2 C-2481-007-1 BP10084-1 132ROLL VK0.9/1.2* D-2481-048-1 BP10138-1 1ROLL U 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.6* C-2481-007-2 BP10115-1 133 SLEEVE C-3891-001-1R 134 TOP PANEL D-3773-019-2/08R 135 RUBBER MAT for TOP PANEL D-2732-096-8R 136 LIFTING LUG D-2687-152-1R 237 CHAIN SUPPORT C-2631-242-2/08R 138 CHAIN 0652-410-003R 139 DIVIDER PANEL D-3721-377-2/08R 140 BOTTOM PANEL D-3774-029-1/08R 141 RUBBER MAT for CYLINDER TRAY D-2732-096-2R 142 REAR PANEL C-3721-783-1/08R 143 GASHOSE 5x2 1361-410-005R 2,5m44 MAIN CABLE D-5578-158-2R 1LEFT SIDE PANEL wirh STICKER D-2721-966-2R 1451 STICKER 2719-107-234RRIGHT SIDE PANEL with STICKER D-2721-965-3R 1461 STICKER 2719-107-234R47 SIDE PANEL LOWER D-3721-395-2/02R 1(complete) NOT SHOW B-7639-420-1R 148 HARNESSElectrical SchematicAccessoriesGround Cable with the Work Clamp 3mMains Cable without PlugGas Hose 2mMIG Gun with Blue Handle Type MB 25 (Binzel)Chain to Secure Gas Cylinder 0.7mBP10084-1 V-type Roll 0.6 / 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.2 )30MANUAL REVISIONSDO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE IN THE MANUAL. REV 1:• Incidate all changes here.。


将泵的卡盘卸掉。 注意卸掉原先的计量管线。 如果有必要的话,清洁一下泵的
转子,然后使用豌豆大小的一滴 硅树脂润滑脂(Cat.No. EZH051) 润滑泵的卡盘。 将新的计量管线安装好,重新夹 上泵的卡盘。卡盘两边的切口可以 指示正确的位置。 选择Prime菜单选项
当湿度感应器干了以及此标志在“statue”菜单中被确认后, 测量模式重新进行。
100-240 V+10%,50/60Hz,安装目录:II
AmtaxCompact哈希在线氨氮分析仪使 用说明书及培训手册
根据试剂的不同,分为以下三个量程: 0.2-12mg/L NH4 -N 2-120mg/L NH4 -N 20-1200mg/L NH4 -N
注:一般污水排放的氨氮指标大约为25mg/L NH4 -N以下,所以用于污水检测时(尤 其是经过环保处理过的污水),量程应选 2-120mg/L NH4-N比较有实际意义。
5.用5%的次氯酸钠溶液将海绵弄湿,仔细清洁过滤膜。 (如果水样水质比较硬,则可以用5%的酸溶液清洁)。
6.至少清洁10分钟后,立刻把过滤器模块重新安装好。 注意安装之前不要让他接触水,这样残留在过滤膜上 的溶液可以用来对样品管线起到清洁的作用。把每个过 滤膜的样品和空气管线连接上到模块容器上,选择OK, 屏幕上会显示“Install module holder”。

Compact II逆渗透系统操作手册说明书

Compact II逆渗透系统操作手册说明书

OPERATING MANUALReverse Osmosis EquipmentModel: Compact - IIMade in U.S.A.TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS R. O. SYSTEM INSTALLATIONSYSTEM PRE-START AND START CHECK LIST GENERAL MAINTENANCEITEMIZATION OF COMPONENTSIMAGE OF COM-II MODEL, front viewIMAGE OF COM-II MODEL, back viewEXPLODED VIEW OF WASTE/RECYCLE VALVE WIRING DIAGRAMTROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1)Read this manual before installing system.2)Electrical connection must be made by a licensed electrician or qualified personthat can make all connections to code.3)Check that the proper-sized breaker(s) is used to prevent possible fire risk. ThisR.O. system must be grounded.4)All water connections must be made by a licensed plumber.5)Make sure that all electrical connections will not become exposed to water incase of leaks or possible rupture in water lines due to pressure spikes, possible component failure, etc.6)Give the area around the system plenty of room for servicing and generalmaintenance. Allow for plenty of ventilation in the room where the system isplaced. Some installations may have to be made where the system is placedoutside. If installed outside, it is advisable to construct a small box around thesystem to protect it from the elements.7)The water supply must be turned off before servicing.INSTALLATION GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTSELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: A label identifying the voltage requirement is affixed to the junction box where the power cord is located. The voltage will be either “220v or 110v” and “50HZ or 60HZ, single-phase”.WATER SUPPLY: A minimum of a 1/2" copper or PVC pipe leading close to the R. O. System as possible. From there, feed line requirements to the system vary depending on system size:150, 250, 450 gpd models have 3/8" FPT connection.The 800 gpd model has 1/2" FPT connection.DRAIN: The drain for R. O. waste water can be one of the following:Floor sinkStandard household or commercial ABS drain line (accessible)Leach field - used only if local laws allow waste discharge from an R. O. to be drained into a leach field.FEED WATER CONDITIONS: In order to operate efficiently, the conditions of the feed water must be:Turbidity freeSilica level @ 50 ppm maximumIron level @ .05 maximumFree of hydrogen sulfideFeed water temperature 85o F maximumFeed water pressure 40 - 80 psiOperating pressure 200 psi maximumpH range 3 - 11Feed water TDS 2,000 ppm maximum. If levels are higher than 2,000, consult the factory for possible system design changes.R. O. SYSTEM INSTALLATIONThe following is a typical installation procedure for installing the R. O. System in a normal application. There may be other procedures for installing the R. O. System, since the application varies for R. O. system use (such as pre-treatment, post-treatment, reclaim and processing). Consult factory if there are any special circumstances for installation.Decide where the R. O. System is to be placed, keeping in mind that sufficient space is available to service the system. There must be ample space around the system for heat dissipation from the motor. A drain must be accessible. Feed water must be accessible. Electrical supply must be available.ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS:110v: The R. O. System uses very little current for operation. If designed for 110v power supply, the R. O. System can be plugged into any household outlet receptacle.220v: If the R. O. System was specified to be built for a 220v power supply, you will need to supply your own 220v plug (can be purchased at a local hardwarestore or electrical parts supplier). Install the 220v plug onto existing power cord of the R. O. System.Have a licensed electrician run conduit for a power supply and connect to the R.O. System, if the system is to be hard-wired.FLOAT SWITCH CONNECTION (optional)The float switch (if supplied) is a non-mercury style liquid-level switch. The switch is supplied with a piggy back plug.For 110v power requirements, the R. O. System plugs directly into the piggyback plug of the float switch. The other side of the piggy back plug to plug into 110v outlet. Instructions are supplied by the manufacturer of the float switch.For 220v power requirements, the piggy back plug must be cut-off of the floatswitch cord. Then, follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of thefloat switch.FEED WATER CONNECTION: The feed water fitting is to be supplied by the installer. The connection is made at the inlet of the pre-filter.Models 150, 250, 450 gpd R. O. Systems have 3/8" FPT.The 800 gpd R. O. System has 1/2" FPT connection.NOTE: If there is a considerable distance from the R. O. System to feed water supply, it is best that 1/2" copper or PVC is used to bring the water supply as close to the R. O.System as possible. This will help eliminate a potential cycling problem due to insufficient water pressure or volume supplies. Make sure that a shut-off is located at the end of the piping for turning off water supply to the R. O. System.DRAIN CONNECTIONUse 3/8" polyethylene tubing from drain (waste) water connection on the R. O.System to drain. Make sure that a tubing insert is used as a tubing support.CAUTION: Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possible leaks. Refer to drawing for more details on drain fitting.Connect drain (waste) line according to local codes if using a floor sink.A drain saddle may be used if connecting drain line to a typical sink drain.The drain (waste) water from the R. O. System should not be elevated more than necessary (maximum 10 feet). If drain line is elevated, use a 2 PSI, or less,check valve so the waste water does not return back to the R. O. System. This will help prevent contamination, in case of sewage back-up.PRODUCT WATER CONNECTION(pressurized or atmospheric storage “open storage”)Use 3/8" polyethylene tubing from R. O. System to storage tank. Make sure a tubing insert is used as a tubing support. Install into tubing and tighten.CAUTION: Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possible leaks. Refer to drawing for more details on product fitting.PRODUCT WATER CONNECTION - pressurized storage:If the R. O. System was purchased with pressure switch operation, the systemwill be set-up for that purpose. When the pressure in the product water linereaches 50 PSI (or field re-adjusted pressure setting), the product pressureswitch on the R. O. System will turn the R. O. System off. It will then turn backon when the pressure in the product water line drops to approximately 20 PSI,re-filling the pressurized storage tank. When using a pressurized storage tank(bladder tank), make sure that the tank is approved for reverse osmosis orpurified water use. The diaphragm pressure should be set to about 15 PSI.IMPORTANT: Some tanks are supplied with galvanized inlet fittings. Thesegalvanized fittings will deteriorate when subjected to reverse osmosis or purerwaters. Replace these fittings with PVC.Use a T-connection on the pressurized tank. One side of the T-connection willbe connected with polyethylene tubing from product water of the R. O. System.The other side of the T-connection will be used as a connection to P.O.U. (Point Of Use) after post-filtration. It is advisable to install a ball-valve on the tankconnection to shut-off water flow coming out of the tank, in case of emergency or service. CAUTION: Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possibleleaks.PRODUCT WATER CONNECTION - Atmospheric (open) storageIf your R. O. System was purchased for float switch operation, there will be afloat switch supplied for this operation. Read all instructions regarding this float switch for proper set-up and understanding of float switch operation. If you donot use the float switch provided, the R. O. System will not turn off and willoverflow the storage tank, causing flood damage.When using an atmospheric storage tank, connect 3/8" polyethylene tubing from product connection to the upper portion of tank. Use a bulkhead (tank adaptor) for making this connection. Make sure that the connection is not higher thanfloat switch shut-off level. Follow directions enclosed in float switch carton foroperation. CAUTION: Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possible leaks.NOTE: Installation connections such as feed water, tank adaptors, tank fittings, 220v electrical plugs, drain clamps, polyethylene tubing, and misc. accessories are not included with the R. O. System due to many types of installations. These are common items found at your local hardware or electrical supply store.SYSTEM PRE-START AND START CHECK LISTAfter the R. O. System connections have been made, including the post-treatment and dispensing mechanism, a Checklist has been provided to review that all required steps have been followed:______Feed water connection has been made and secured.______Drain connection has been made and secured.______Product from R. O. System has been made to storage tank and secured. ______Float switch (if applicable) is installed into tank, adjusted and secured.______Post-treatment installed, plumbed, and secured, including faucet and post-filters.______Necessary shut-off valves installed on feed water supply, storage tank, etc., and turned-off.______Install pre-filters into the R. O. System in order, according to the R. O.System diagram.______Turn water supply on from feed water connection and check for any leaks on all pre-filters for the R. O. System.______Connect R. O. System to electrical supply and turn power on. At this time, the inlet solenoid valve will open and allow water to enter into thepump. After the pressure stabilizes throughout the R. O. System, it willstart to run. The R. O. System may start and stop a few times. If the R.O. System continues to start and stop, disconnect power and refer to thetrouble shooting guide.______When the R. O. System continues to run, observe system pressure gauge. If the pressure exceeds 200 PSI, adjust the pressure relief valvelocated on the pressure pump. ***200 PSI MAXIMUM***. If your R. O.System has been equipped with an automatic hourly flush feature,pressure adjustments must NOT be made during flushing cycle.Adjustments must now be made to the waste and recycle valves.When adjusting the waste and recycle valves, the system pressure andwaste flow rates must be monitored.TO ADJUST VALVES (with optional flow meters):1. Note system pressure2. Note waste flow rate.3. If the system pressure is low, slowly close waste valve to increase pressure.In doing so, the waste flow rate will drop. DO NOT EXCEED 200 PSI.4. If the flow rate to waste is too low (depending on desired recovery rate), thewaste valve must be opened a little.The recycle valve can now be closed slowly to increase system pressure. DONOT EXCEED 200 PSI. Check the waste flow rate again to make sure desiredrecovery rate is correct.TO ADJUST VALVES (without optional flow meters):1. Same as above, but the waste flow must be monitored manually. To do this, use a container which has capacity markings to catch the waste water. Calculations must be made for a 24/hour period. This will indicate the total for the waste flow. Use this method to determine desired recovery rate.Recovery rate is the amount of total water used, divided into good waterproduced. Example:150 gpd product flow and 300 gpd waste flow equals:450 total gallons150 gallons divided by 450 gallons equals:33 % recoveryIt is not suggested to obtain more than 33 % recovery if there is no pre-treatment used in front of the R. O. System, such as water softener, antiscalant injections, etc.If proper pre-treatment is in place, or the water conditions allow, a 50 % recovery could be set.______Check to ensure water is running to drain.______Check product pressure shut off.If pressurized storage tank application, turn off valve at pressurizedstorage tank and dispensing faucet. At this time, pressure will begin tobuild. The R. O. System should shut off after a while. The gauge on thefront panel is used to check system ON and OFF pressures. The productwater must fill all post-treatment and associated lines. This will determinehow long it will take to pressurize and shut-off the R. O. System. Watershould discontinue to run to storage tank and drain. Once the R. O.System shuts off, check all post-treatment water lines, filters, etc. Storagetank pressure can be increased (instructions located inside pressureswitch cover), but DO NOT EXCEED 80 PSI turn off pressure.______If atmospheric storage tank application, allow the R. O. System to run.Raise float switch inside the storage tank and check for system shut-off.Water should discontinue to run into tank and drain line.______Turn storage tank shut-off to the ON position.______Turn off feed water supply and check the R. O. System for low water pressure shut-off. Make sure the R. O. System stays turned off whenwater supply is interrupted. If the R. O. System turns off and on too long,the low pressure switch must be set for a higher setting. Adjustmentinstructions are inside low pressure switch cover.______Turn water supply back on.______Instruct customer about all shut-off valves and electrical disconnections.Also, tell customer that the storage tank will take some time to fill. Oncestorage tank is full, the post-filter should be rinsed before using the water.GENERAL MAINTENANCEPRE-FILTERS: There are pre-filter-in and pre-filter-out gauges mounted on the front panel. These gauges measure the water pressure before and after the pre-filters. When there is a drop 10 - 15 psi difference of pressure readings between the two gauges, the pre-filters are getting clogged and must be changed.R. O. MEMBRANE: The quality of the product water should be checked periodically for rejection of total dissolved solids (TDS). When the rejection isbelow desired limit, the membrane should be changed or cleaned.PRESSURE SWITCHES: The operation of the pressure switches should be checked at least once a year for proper operation.PUMP: The single-stage vane pump and has carbon impellers to increase the water pressure. Over time, the impeller may begin to wear. Adjustments can be made to the pressure relief on the pump to bring the pump back to desiredoperating pressure. If the impellers are too worn, the pressure relief adjustment will have little or no effect on system pressure. If this occurs, the pump must be replaced.ITEMIZATION OF COMPONENTS(refer to front and back view image of system)1)SYSTEM PRESSURE GAUGE: This gauge is liquid-filled with a range of 0-300psi. It will register the pressure of water applied to the input of the membraneonly while system is running.2&PRE-FILTER INLET AND OUTLET PRESSURE GAUGES:3)The two gauges on the pre-filters sense the pressure between the inlet and finalpressure after passing through the pre-filters. When there is a pressure drop of15 psi or more between gauge readings, the filters should be changed. The pre-filter in gauge will register a reading at all times. The pre-filter out gauge willregister a reading only while system is running.4)PRESSURIZED STORAGE PRESSURE GAUGE (if applicable):This gauge is used to monitor tank pressure. System product ON and OFFpressures can be set by viewing this gauge.5)20" CARBON BLOCK PRE-FILTER AND HOUSING: The carbon block filter isused before the membrane to remove the chlorine from the inlet water. TFCmembranes used on this system are chlorine sensitive. Care must be taken toensure that all chlorine is removed from the water supply. It is suggested that a ½ cu.ft. carbon filter is used on 800 gpd R. O. Systems to limit the frequency ofcarbon pre-filter change-outs.6)20" 5 MICRON PRE-FILTER AND HOUSING: The sediment pre-filter (rated at 5micron) removes the dirt particles to 5 micron and larger. This filter helps extend membrane life.7)INLET WATER CONNECTION: The feed water connection is made at the inletof the sediment pre-filter. The fitting is to be supplied by the installer.Connection sizes 3/8" FPT or 1/2" FPT.8)INLET SOLENOID VALVE: The inlet solenoid valve provides positive water flowshut-off when the R. O. system is not in operation.9)LOW INLET WATER PRESSURE SWITCH: This switch registers the amount ofinlet water pressure supplied to the R. O. pump. If the inlet pressure is too low,(below 10 psi) the pump will not start. This is a protection feature to extendpump life. This switch is rated for 30 amps9)AUTOMATIC FLUSHING SOLENOID VALVE (optional): This is an optionalfeature to the R. O. System. Once an hour for two minutes, only during systemoperation, this valve opens. The drain flow is dramatically increased at this time.This increased flow rate helps remove any particles clogged in the membrane.11)R. O. MEMBRANE AND HOUSING: The Thin Film Composite membraneremoves up to 99%+ of the suspended solids. The membrane housing contains the R. O. membrane.12)WASTE ADJUSTING VALVE: This valve restricts the flow of waste water exitingthe membrane. It creates the necessary operating pressure in the membrane.CAUTION: This waste control valve should NEVER be closed completely.Recovery rates are determined by pre-treatment used and the type of watersupply the R. O. System is installed on.13)RECYCLE ADJUSTING VALVE: This valve takes a portion of the waste waterfrom the R. O. membrane and feeds it back into the inlet side of the pump. It is used to fine-tune and adjust the pressure of the pump.14)SINGLE-STAGE ROTARY VANE PUMP: The pressure pump increases the inletpressure and flow to the membrane. The increased pressure must not be more than 200 psi maximum. The pump is constructed of brass with carbon impellers.15)PRESSURE RELIEF ADJUSTING SCREW: The pressure relief adjustment willincrease or decrease the operating pressure of the pump. Adjustments with the relief valve should only be used when pump output flow decreases due tocarbon impeller wear over time.16)MOTOR: The motor turns the pump at 1725 rpm at a 60hz electrical supply and1425 rpm at 50hz electrical supply. On 50hz electrical supplies, the operatingpressure will be lower than 200 psi because the motor turns slower than thepump output specifications require.17)ELECTRICAL CORD (110v comes with plug, 220v without plug): The electricalcord is provided for connection to a power supply.18)JUNCTION BOX WITH ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS AND RATING: A labelis affixed to the junction box identifying voltage requirements. There should be no reason for removing this cover, unless any of the electrical components onthis R. O. System is to be replaced.19)PRESSURIZED STORAGE TANK PRESSURE SWITCH: This pressure switch isstandard and is necessary for pressurized storage tanks. It will allow the R. O.System to fill the pressurized storage tank until 45 - 50 psi is sensed by theswitch and shuts off the R. O. System. This switch is rated for 30 amps.20)PRODUCT OUTLET CONNECTION: This is where the product water comes outof the membrane. This water must be connected to the pure water storage tank.A plastic compression fitting is at this location that has a 3/8" OD dimension.MUST USE 3/8" POLYETHYLENE TUBING. Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possible leaks.21)WASTE OUTLET CONNECTION: There must be water flowing across themembrane at all times during operation. There is a portion of water that is “de-salted”; what’s left behind is a concentrate. This concentrate must be directed to the drain at a certain flow rate. This flow rate is adjusted with the waste valve.This valve must NEVER be completely turned off. Damage to the membrane will occur. A plastic 3/8" compression fitting will make the connection to drain.MUST USE 3/8" POLYETHYLENE TUBING. Failure to use polyethylene tubing can result in possible leaks.TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDESYSTEM NOT STARTING1) Check power supply to system2) Inlet solenoid non-functional3) Pre-filter clogged4) Low pressure switch defective5) Not enough water pressure(must be at least 15 psi)6) Defective motor7) Product pressure switch non-functionalSYSTEM NOT TURNING OFF WHENTANK IS FULL1) Defective product pressure switchSYSTEM CYCLING ON AND OFF1) Clogged pre-filters2) Malfunctioning low pressure switch3) Defective product check valveSYSTEM NOT UP TO FULL PRESSURE (175-195 psi)1) Defective pump2) Defective flow controlFOUL TASTE OF PRODUCT WATER1) Defective membrane2) Check carbon post-filter。

zapx 操作流程

zapx 操作流程

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Gasoline Portable Air CompressorInstallation, Operation and Maintenance ManualTo the Owner:Thank you for purchasing a NorthStar Air Compressor. Your machine is designed for long life, dependability, and the top performance you demand! Please take time now to read through this manual so you better understand the machine’s operation, maintenance and safety precautions. Everyone who operates this machine must read and understand this manual. The time you take now will prolong your machine’s life and prepare you for its safe operation. Enjoy the exceptional performance of your NorthStar Air Compressor, the industry leader! The manufacturer reserves the right to make improvements in design and/or changes in specifications at any time without incurring any obligation to install them on units previously sold.Quick FactsEngine Oil Engine is shipped without oil. Fill before starting.Use SAE 10W-30 motor oil.Pump Oil Check pump oil level before starting.Use non-detergent pump oil (part # 35605).Air Filter Replacement air filter part number is AB2281000 for Item #45920 & 45921,and filter #35409 for Item #45922Maximum Pressure Item #45920 & #45921 maximum pressure = 130 psi. Item #45922 maximum pressure = 175 psiMaintenance ScheduleEngine: Oil: change after first 20 hours, then annually or every 100 hours.Spark Plug: clean every 100 hrs., replace annually or every 300 hrs.Air Filter: clean weekly, replace annually or every 1000 hrs.Tank: Drain water dailyCompressorPump:Oil: change after first 50 hours, then every 3 months or 500 hours. Read and understand all manuals before operating.NorthStar Product SupportCall 1-800-270-0810Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM to 5:00 PMSaturday 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM Central TimeManual# M35644K.5Important Safety Instructions 2 Maintenance 6 Receipt and Inspection 2 Kits & Service Parts 6 Machine ComponentIdentification3 Exploded View / Component List 7-10 Assembly4 Pneumatic Schematic Diagrams 11 Operation5 Troubleshooting 12DEFINITIONSDANGER!WILL cause DEATH, SEVERE INJURY or substantial property damage.WARNING!CAN cause DEATH, SEVERE INJURY or substantial property damage.CAUTION!WILL or CAN cause MINOR INJURY or property damage.GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSALWAYS wear eye protection when operating or servicing compressor.NEVER operate where flammable or explosive liquids or vapors such as gasoline, natural gas and solvents are present.NEVER remove, paint over, or deface decals. Replace any missing decals.NEVER operate with guards or shields removed, damaged or broken.NEVER operate indoors, this compressor intended for outdoor use only. Avoid inhaling exhaust fumes, risk of asphyxiation. Exhaust fumes are deadly.NEVER add fuel when the product is operating or hot. NEVER directly inhale compressed air.NEVER over-pressurize the receiver tank or similar vessels beyond design limits.NEVER use a receiver tank or similar vessels that fail to meet the design requirements of the compressor. NEVER drill into, weld or otherwise alter the receiver tank or similar vessels.NEVER remove, adjust, bypass, change, modify or make substitutions for safety/relief valves, pressure switches or other pressure control related devices. NEVER use air tools or attachments without first determining the maximum pressure recommended for that equipment.NEVER point air nozzles or sprayers toward people or animals.NEVER touch the compressor pump, engine or discharge tubing during or shortly after operation. These parts become hot. BREATHING AIR PRECAUTIONNorthStar air compressors are not designed, intended or approved for breathing air. Compressed air should not be used for breathing air applications unless treated in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations.Before signing the delivery receipt, inspect for damage and missing parts. If damage or missing parts are apparent, make the appropriate notation on the delivery receipt, then sign the receipt. Immediately contact the carrier for an inspection. All material must be held in the receiving location for the carrier’s inspection. Delivery receipts that have been signed without a notation of damage or missing parts are considered to be delivered “clear” Subsequent claims are then considered to be concealed damage claims. Settle damage claims directly with the transportation company. If you discover damage after receiving the air compressor (concealed damage), the carrier must be notified within 15 day of receipt and an inspection must requested by telephone with confirmation in writing. On concealed damage claims, the burden of establishing that the compressor was damaged in transit reverts back to the claimant.Read the compressor nameplate to verify it is the model ordered, and read the motor nameplate to verify it is compatible with your electrical conditions. Make sure electrical enclosures and components are appropriate.1.) Engine - Engine is NOT shipped with oil. Refer to engine owners’ manual for proper viscosity and capacity of oil for your engine.2.) On/Off Switch - Make sure switch is at “ON” position when starting engine (Model 8.3 PC has a kill switch).3.) Compressor Air Filter - Make sure your air filter is clean and particle free. See pump exploded view for replacement filter part number.4.) Belt Guard - Covers the belt, motor pulley and flywheel. NEVER operate compressor without belt guard.6.) Lifting Eyes - Also use as tie down locations.7.) Ball Valve - 3/8” NPT.9.) Unloader - Lift knob to relieve pressure when starting the engine.10.) Pneumatic Tires - Keep tire pressure at 20 psi for easy movement.11.) Pressure Gauge - Easy to read liquid filled gauge.12.) ASME Safety Valve - This valve automatically releases air if the tank pressure exceeds the preset maximum.13.) Discharge Tube - This tube carries Array compressed air from the pump to the check valve. This tube becomes very hot during use. To avoid the risk of severe burns, never touch the discharge tube.14.) Engine Control - Location of choke,engine speed and fuel valve.Model 45920Assemble tire on air compressor as shown.Model 45921 & 45922Assemble tires on air compressor as shown.Attach rubber feet as shown Attach handles with grips as shown. Item# Description Qty Item # Description Qty 2215 Rubber Foot 2 34767 Left Handle 1 82016 5/16 X 1” Flange Bolt 2 34768 Right Handle 1 82019 5/16 Flange Nut 2 30747 Grip 282018 5/16 X 2” Flange Bolt 482019 5/16 Flange Nut 482021 5/16 Flat Washer 4 Model 45920check pump oil level. Add SAE 30 non-detergent pump oil (NorthStar part #35605), if necessary. Hand tighten breather cap.4. Refer to engine manual to start your engine.5. Once the engine has started, move the pressure relief knob to the engine run position.CAUTION! Unusual noise or vibration indicates a problem. Do not continue to operate until you identify and correct the source of the problem.CAUTION! Do not attach air tools to open end of the hose until start-up is completed and the unit checks out OK.6. Run the unit for 30 minutes, with ball valve open, to break in pump parts.7. Close the ball valve to shut off air flow. The compressor is now ready for use.8. After 50 hours of operation change the compressor oil.WARNING!Never disconnect threaded joints with pressure in the tank.NOTE: Reduce tank pressure below 10 psi, then drain moisture from tank daily to avoid tankcorrosion. Drain moisture from tank(s) by opening the drain petcock located at the bottom of the tank.COMPRESSOR LUBRICATIONCAUTION! Do not operate without lubricant or with inadequate lubricant. Use of compressor without lubricant or inadequate lubricant voids all warranties.Synthetic LubricantsSynthetic lubricants are recommended after 50 hour break-in. Compressor life is greatly increased with the use of synthetic lubricants. CAUTION! If you will be using synthetic lubricant, all downstream piping material and system components must be compatible.Suitable Viton ®, Teflon ®, Epoxy (Glass Filled), Oil ResistantAlkyd, Fluorosilicone, Flourocarbon, Polysulfide, 2-Component Urethane, Nylon, Delrin ®, Celcon ®, High Nitrile Rubber (Buna N. NBR more than 36 Acrylonite), Polyurethane, Polyethylene, Epichlorohydrin, Polyacrylate, Melamine, Polypropylene, Baked Phenolics, Epoxy, Modified Alkyds( ® indicates trademark of DuPont Corporation)Not RecommendedNeoprene, Natural Rubber, SBR Rubber, Acrylic Paint, Lacquer, Varnish, Polystyrene, PVC, ABS, Polycarbonite, CelluloseAcetate, Latex, EPR, Acrylics, Phenoxy, Polysulfones, Styrene Acrylonitile (San), ButylAlternate Lubricants. You may use petroleum-based lubricant that is premium quality, does not contain detergents, contains only anti-rust, anti-oxidation, and anti-foam agents as additives, has a flashpoint of 440°F (227°C) or higher, and has a auto-ignition point of 650°F (343°C) or higher.See the petroleum lubricant viscosity table below. The table is intended as a general guide only. Heavy duty operating conditions require heavier viscosities. Refer specific operating conditions to NorthStar Product Support at 1-800-270-0810 Monday - Friday 7:00 AM-5:30 PM, Saturday 7:30 AM-11:30 AM Central Standard Time.Viscosity GradeTemperature aroundCompressor ISO SAEBelow 40°F (4°C)60 20 40°F to 80°F(4°C to 27°C)100 30 80°F to 100°F(27°C to 37°C)150 40Pump Capacities.Refer to the following table for crankcase capacity Item # Crankcase capacity 45920 24 oz 45921, 45922 42 ozWARNING! Disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and release air pressure from system before performing maintenance.NOTE: All compressed air systems contain maintenance parts (e.g. lubricating oil, filters, separators), which are periodically replaced. These used parts may be, or contain, substances that are regulated and must be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations.NOTE: Take note of the position and locations of parts during disassembly to make reassembly easier. The assembly sequences and parts illustrated may differ for your particular unit.Daily or before each operation•Check lubrication levels. Fill as needed. •Drain receiver tank condensate.•Check for unusual noise or vibration.•Ensure belt guards and covers are securely in place.•Ensure area around compressor is free from rags, tools, debris, and flammable or explosive materials.Weekly •Check safety/relief valves by pulling rings. Replace safety/relief valves that do not operate freely. •Inspect air filter element. Clean if necessary.Monthly•Inspect for air leaks. Squirt soapy water around joints during compressor operation and watch for bubbles. Tighten fittings if necessary. •Clean exterior.3 months or 500 hours•Change petroleum lubricant while crankcase is warm. 12 months or 1000 hours•Replace air filter element.DRIVE BELTBelts will stretch in normal use. Properly adjusted, a 5 pound force applied to the belt between the motorTO ADJUST DRIVE BELT:1. Remove the belt guard cover.2. Loosen the four fasteners holding the engine/motor to the made.runs parallel to the straight edge.positioned.8. Tighten the four fasteners holding the engine/motor to the compressor. 9. Attach belt guard cover.Service PartsAir filter (Item #45920 & 45921): Part #AB2281000Air filter (Item #45922): Part #35409Non-detergent Oil: Part #35605Ref Description Model Part #Qty 1 BeltGuard ALL 37195 12 Rotating Equip. Decal ALL 35189 13 GuardBracket ALL 35610 14 Set Screw (1/4-20) ALL 37851 25 WarningDecal ALL 34782 1 6 Sheave,AK49H-3/4 ALL 37176 17 Engine, Honda GC160 ALL 35618 18 Hot Muffler Decal ALL 305546 19 RecoilDecal ALL 305543 110 Carbon Monoxide Decal ALL 6022 111 PC Honda Decal ALL 35373 112 Decal ALL 34784 113 ReceiverTank ALL 37139 1 14 BridgePin ALL 30312 2 16 5/8”Axle ALL 37115 117 Wheel ALL 22785 118 Safety Valve, 150 psi ALL 35120 119 Nameplate ALL 35177 120 GeneralDecal ALL 35180 1 21 Air Gauge, Liquid Filled ALL 34699 1 Ref Description Model Part #Qty22 Bumper ALL 2215 223 HondaBushing ALL 35669 1 24 ThreadedClamp ALL 36509 1 25 CushionedClamp ALL 36508 126 Idle Solenoid Cable ALL 35126 127 DrainValve ALL 34700 228 1/8” NPT Elbow ALL 35620 129 UnloaderValve ALL 35025 130 5/8” Comp. Sleeve ALL 34723 231 5/8” Comp. Nut ALL 35405 232 5/8” Copper Tube ALL 34721 133 5/8” Comp. 1/2” Elbow ALL 34937 134 3/8” Ball Valve ALL 34696 135 3/8”Elbow ALL 22891 1 36 RubberGrip ALL 30747 2 37 3/8”Plug ALL 2248 1 38 TubeCap ALL 30748 239 Operation Instr. Decal ALL 35606 140 Pump,B2800B ALL 779100 1 41 Belt,A53 ALL 34731 1 42 Belt Guard Cover ALL 37198 1Item Description Model Part # Qty1 BeltGuard ALL 37633 12 Decal ALL 34782 13 GX Honda Decal ALL 35374 14 Decal ALL 34784 15 Belt Guard Cover ALL 37636 16 Rotating Equip. Decal ALL 35189 145921 356117 GuardBracket45922 34785145921 347528 Belt,A5545922 347521Pump, B3800B 45921 779101 9Pump, B4900B 45922 779102110 LeftHandle ALL 34767 111 RightHandle ALL 34768 112 RubberGrip ALL 30747 213 DrainValve ALL 34700 214 Bumper ALL 2215 215 8 Gallon Tank ALL 37144 116 3/8” NPT Male Elbow ALL 22891 117 3/8” Ball Valve ALL 34696 145921 3477718 Decal45922 34778119 Air Gauge, Liquid Filled ALL 34699 120 5/8” x 3.5” Bolt ALL 82123 221 Tire ALL 22785 222 5/8” Jam Nut ALL 82126 223 5/8” Nut ALL 82125 2 Item Description Model Part # Qty Safety Valve, 150 psi 45921 3512024Safety Valve, 200 psi 45922 351211Unloader, 100-130 psi 45921 3502526Unloader, 145-175 psi 45922 356261275/8” CompressionSleeveALL 34723 2 28 5/8” Compression Nut ALL 34724 245921 3473029 5/8” Copper Tube45922 34732130 1/2”Elbow ALL 34937 1Engine, Honda GX160 45921 6059031Engine, Honda GX270 45922 33392132 CushionedClamp 45921 36508 145921 3512633 Idle Solenoid Cable45922 35624134 CO Warning Decal ALL 6022 135 ThreadedClamp ALL 36509 136 HondaBushing ALL 35669 145921 3517937 Nameplate45922 35181138 Operation Instr. Decal ALL 34783 139 Warning Hot Decal ALL 35064 1Sheave, AK54H-3/4 45921 77779140Sheave, AK59H-1 45922 371781Set Screw (1/4-20) 45920 3785141Set Screw (5/16-18) 45921 378522Ref Description Model Part # Qty 1 Head ALL AB3860400 12 Head Bolt(M8 x 45mm SHCS)ALL AB9101594 63 AftercoolerGasket ALL AB3670200 1 4 Aftercooler,118mm ALL AB2870100 15 Aftercooler Bolt(M6 x 20mm SHCS)ALL AB9101144 26 HeadGasket ALL AB2850400 17 Valve Plate Assembly ALL AB2840050 18 CylinderGasket ALL AB2850300 1 9 Reducer ALL AB9050283 134794 AB283000010 Cylinder, Cast Iron Sleeve34795 AB3630000111 CrankcaseGasket ALL AB3650201 1 12 CoverN.D.E. ALL AB2060690 113 Bearing Cover Gasket ALL AB2050500 214 Bearing ALL AB9170030 215 Oil Sight Glass ALL AB9022001 134794 AB286010016 Crankcase34795 AB3660100117 Cylinder Bolt(M6 x 20 mm SHCS)ALL AB9107254 618 Oil Drain Plug ALL AB9101154 119 Cankcase Bottom Bolt(M5 x 15mm HHCS)ALL AB9119273834794 AB266016020 OilPan34795 AB36601601Ref Description Model Part # Qty34794 AB265010121 Oil Pan Gasket34795 AB3650100134794 AB286020022 Crankshaft34795 AB3660200123 CoverD.E. ALL AB2060590 124 OilSeal ALL AB9163010 125 Screw, Reverse Thread ALL AB9110014 126 FlywheelWasher ALL AB9004008 1Flywheel, 280 mm 34794 AB260010027Flywheel, 350 mm 34795 AB3600100128Bearing Housing Bolt(M6 x 15mm SHCS)ALL AB9101094 834794 AB281010029 ConnectingRod34795 AB3610100230 Circlip ALL AB9140040 431 WristPin ALL AB3021200 234794 AB142110032 Piston,Aluminum34795 AB1021100233 Piston Ring, ROF ALL AB9020071 134 Piston Ring, ROS ALL AB9020041 135 Piston Ring, AC ALL AB9020011 136 BreatherCap 34795 AB9024003 137 FilterAssembly ALL AB2281000 138 Filter Assembly Bolt ALL AB9114279 2(M6 x 25mm SHCS)34795 AB3650055 Complete Gasket Kit 34794 AB2850055 1This section provides a list of the more frequently encountered compressor malfunctions, theircauses and corrective actions. Some corrective actions can be performed by the operator ormaintenance personnel, and others may require assistance of a qualified electrician or ServiceCenter.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE Engine does not start. A,B,C,D,EAir delivery drops off. H, I, J, L, M, N, P Compressor does not come up to speed. F, G, J, K Compressor is slow to come up to speed. F, G, J, K, L Compressor will not unload cycle. H, L, N, P Compressor will not unload when stopped. H, L, N, P Excessive starting or stopping. N, Q, S Moisture in crankcase, “milky” substance in oil. ROil in discharge air. TSafety/relief valve “pops”. L, M, NLow interstage pressure. WHigh interstage pressure. V POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONA.) Low Oil Shutdown Fill engine with the adequate amount of oil.B.) Cold Engine Choke engine to start.C.) No Fuel Add gas to engine. Make sure fuel shutoff valve is openD.) Engine not turned ON Place ON/OFF switch in the ON position.E.) Spark plug wire not attached Attach spark plug wire to spark plug.F.) Compressor viscosity too high for ambient temperature. Drain existing lubricant and refill with proper lubricant.G.) Belt tension too tight or sheaves not aligned. Check tension/ alignment.H.) Air leaks in discharge piping. Check tubing connections, Tighten joints or replace as required.I.) Compressor components leaky, broken, loose. Inspect components. Clean or replace as required.J.) Loose flywheel or motor pulley, excessive end play in motor shaft or loose drive belts. Check flywheel, motor pulley, crankshaft drive belt tension/alignment. Replace or repair as required.K.) Leaking check valve or check valve seat blown out. Replace check valve.L.) Clogged or dirty inlet and/or discharge line. Clean or replace.M.) Defective safety/relief valve. Replace.N.) Pressure switch unloader leaks or does not work. Realign stem or replace.O.) Inadequate ventilation around flywheel. Relocate compressor for better air flow. P.) Leaking, broken or worn inlet unloader parts at check valve. Inspect parts and replace as required. Q.) Excessive condensation in receiver tank. Drain receiver tank.R.) Detergent lubricant in crankcase. Replace with proper lubricant.S.) Light duty cycle. Increase duty cycle.T.) Lubricant level too high. Drain excess lubricant.U.) Worn cylinder finish. Deglaze cylinder with 180 grit flex-hone. V.) Low pressure inlet valve leaking. Inspect, clean or repair as required. W.) High pressure inlet valve leaking. Inspect, clean or repair as required.。

Biacore X100简易操作指南

Biacore X100简易操作指南

Biacore X100简易操作指南一、Biacore X100设备介绍分子相互作用分析系统Biacore是由仪器主机和电脑两部分组成。





根据实验目的,需要确定配体的偶联量,可通过以下公式进行计算,其中R max代表芯片的最大结合容量,为分析物在表面的最大响应值,Sm为化学计量比,LigandMW为配体的分子量,AnalyteMW为分析物的分子量,R L代表配体的偶联水平,也即需要求得的值,实际固定量一般设为1.5R L。

动力学分析中,R max需低于100RU。





三、实验操作在该部分中,选用CM5芯片,以配体mouse-anti-human β2-microglobulin antibody和分析物human β2-microglobulin的动力学分析为例进行操作介绍(样品均来自 Biacore getting started kit),实验流程为配体固定-表面测试-再生条件筛选-分析物进样-芯片再生-数据分析。



贝加莱PLC-X用户手册————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩX20系统用户手册Version: 2.00 (Feb2008)Model number: MAX20-CHI第一章系统特性在X20系统的基础上, 贝加莱正在制订新的自动化标准。

贝加莱企业文化的核心之一便是完美自动化,也就是"Perfection inAutomation"。



一、3 x 1结构X20系统由三部分组成:背板,电气模块,端子排。


(3)、支持热插拔功能二、分布式背板X20系统背板采用X2X总线传输,传输速率为12兆,不受固定底板数量限制,直接可将模块安装在导轨上所有的模块都连接在一个统一的背板(X2X Link)上,可以直接连X20模块,X67模块及阀导。


三、基于PC的技术X20采用了赛杨处理器,任务周期可以达到200us,指令周期可以达到0.01us,大容量的RAM 使得用户不需要担心内存的不够用,程序存储采用CF卡,最大可扩展到8G.四、可选的风扇设计正常情况下,贝加莱PCC是无风扇运行的,但为了保证在一些恶劣环境下不影响CPU的运行,X20也增加了风扇设计,即在一些环境恶劣的情况下,用户也可以选择安装风扇。

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