社会责任清单Document List (Aug 2012)

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Document List - 社会责任审核文件清单
一.管理实践 (Management Practice) 1. 营业执照 (Business License) 2. 组织架构图(Organization Chart) 3. 工厂工艺流程图/工厂平面图(Process Flow Map/ Plot Plan of Factory Compound) 4. 厂规厂纪/员工手册 (Facility Regulations/ Employee Manual) 5. 社会责任管理手册 ( CSR Management Manual) 6. 工会批文及活动,会议记录 (Records on Union Meeting and Activities) 二. 人事档案 (Personal Files) 7. 员工花名册 (Name list for all employees with entrance date, position, etc) 8. 所有员工履历表/求职申请表/身份证复印件或其它可证明本人身份的有效证件/照片(Personal Resume, Application form/ID Copy or Other Official Age Document/photo of all employees) 9. 劳动合同/集体合同-如果适用 (All employees’ labor contracts/ Group Labor Contract - if applicable) 10. 未成年工登记表/未成年工体检记录 (Juvenile Registration form and Physical Examination Record) 三. 工资工时 (Wages and Working hour) 11. 过去 12 个月工资表及相关记录(如:计件工人的产量记录)(Last 12 months’ Payroll and Related Wage Records, e.g. piece-rated workers’ production capacity records) 12. 过去 12 个月考勤记录 及请假纪录(Last 12 Months’ Attendance Records and applications for leave) 13. 工资条 (Pay Slip) 14. 社保凭证 (Social Insurance Invoice or other government documentations ) 15. 有薪节假日凭证(婚假/ 产假/年假/病假)( Documentation for Paid Leave) 16. 政府最低工資标准文件 (Updated Local Minimum Wage Standard) 17. 政府关于其它工作时间许可证明文件 (Other approval or permission authorized by governmental on Working Hours) 四.劳动安全 & 职业卫生 职业卫生 (Safety & Occupational Health) 18. 消防安全验收合格证(厂房和宿舍)(Acceptance Certificate on Fire Control, Including Production Buildings and Dormitory) 19. 消防安全员资格证 (Firefighter Professional Qualification) 20. 消防及疏散演习记录 (Fire Drill and Evacuation Records) 21. 事故应急措施/工伤记录 (Emergency Measure policy/ Accident Records) 22. 卫生许可证(食堂)/餐饮服务许可证和从业人员健康证 (Sanitation Certificate/License of Catering & Health Certificate) 23. 机器设备清单 (Machinery List) 24. 特种设备操作员上岗证,年检记录和保养维修记录(叉车,电梯,锅炉,电工,珩车等.)(Operation Certificate for Special Equipments, e.g. forklift, elevator, boiler, air compressor, etc) 25. 室内空气质量测试,噪音测试,粉尘测试报告(Reports of indoor air quality test, noise test, dust test) 26. 安全培训纪录(Safety Training Records) 27. 急救员资格证和急救培训记录 (First aiders Certificate and Training Records) 五.环境保护 28. 排污许可证/有效垃圾回收协议(Discharge Permit/valid Waste Reclaim Records) 29. 化学品清单和物质技术安全资料表( Chemical List & MSDS)
