

商务英语口译Unit 6 Company Profile

商务英语口译Unit 6 Company Profile

Part Two
Unit 6 Company Profile
• C: Hi, Mr. Wilson, nice to see you again.
• W: Me, too. What are your job responsibilities?
• C: I am in charge of recruitment, selection and training of the employees.
Unit 6 Company Profile
• Background Knowledge
• In business activities, it is basic requirement for the staff to make a truly detailed introduction when the clients come to your company. You should greet them with smiles to show your concern for them, introduce your company in detail, and answer the questions that clients raise with enthusiasm.
Part Two
Unit 6 Company Profile
• Section One Situational Dialogue • Directions: Students must be able to recite these dialogues

商务英语翻译教程(第三版)Unit6 Product Descriptions

商务英语翻译教程(第三版)Unit6 Product Descriptions

Sec 3
d. Efficacy component and content f. Production Date i. Disagree people n. Advertent item 6. 食用方法及食用量 7. 规格 8. 保质期 9. 净重 10. 贮藏方法
Sec 4
l. Executive standard m. Ingredient (Mostly material) n. Specification
1. Introduction 2. Lead-in 3. Methods and Techniques 4. Useful Words and Expressions 6. Notes 7. Practice 8. Classic Translation
Sec 2
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
II. 产品说明书的翻译技巧(2) (2)注意语言的可读性和感染力。由于说明书对广告具有辅助作用,其 语言要做到通俗易懂,适当时候可以运用一些文学语言,以完成其广告效应。 但同时又要注意不要过分夸大。例如: ① Add sugar and milk to taste. 译文:加入适量的牛奶和糖,味道更佳。 ② A nourishing beverage for all ages. An excellent gift in all seasons.
Sec 2
Sec 3
1. 产品说明书的标题。虽然说明书的标题不如广告的标题重要,甚至有 些说明书没有标题,但这不等于说产品说明书的标题不重要,从宣传效果上 看,标题仍然很重要,它起到了引导作用,说明书的标题如同广告的标题, 也分为直接性标题和间接性标题,有时还有副标题。 2. 产品说明书的内容。一般有几个部分组成:产品的特征、功能和主要 成分(结构)、 安装或者使用(操作)的方法、注意事项、主要性能指标及 规格等。 产品说明书的翻译要结合说明书自身的语言特点,也要注重信、达、雅 在翻译过程中的作用,毕竟产品说明书是产品广告宣传的一个重要组成部分。 产品说明表达不当,会给用户、消费者造成误解,诱发产品质量责任纠纷等。

口译6Business Adevertiosement

口译6Business Adevertiosement

Text A

All ads want you like the product. Even very informative ads can be delivered in such a way as to have human appeal and interest.

所有广告都希望你喜欢它的产品。即使是 信息性很强的广告,也可以做得很有人情 味,富有感情。

4. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving qualities and is also easy to operate.

4. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving qualities and is also easy to operate. // 我们生产的电脑具有品质好,体积小, 节省能源的特点,而且易学好用。
Unit 6 Business Advertising
Phrase Interpreting

消费者广告 企业广告 地方广告 全国广告 全球广告

消费者广告 企业广告 地方广告 全国广告 全球广告
consumer advertising business advertising local adverting national advertising global advertising

5. 我们的产品具备了你所需的各项特色, 而且比日本产品便宜20%,所以我们向你 极力推荐。

商务英语口译 ppt课件

商务英语口译 ppt课件
Performing --Memorizing (Story-retelling)
Listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve your notes. Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes.
Decoding in Interpreter’s Training Three Guidelines for Active Listening
1. Listen to the Meanings instead of Words 2. Listen for both Content and Attitude 3. Listen with Ears, Eyes and Heart
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
Preparing ---Leabharlann Warm-up Exercises
1. At American restaurants, what are you usually served before you order?
2. Why do some customers ask for a “doggie bag”? 3. Does every state make its own laws about the

中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 6 Money Matters(2).ppt

中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 6 Money Matters(2).ppt
you waiting. Here is RMB 24,616.8 and the exchange memo. Client: Thank you for your help. Goodbye. Bank clerk: Bye.
6.2 International Ocean Shipping Costs 国际海运费用
bank clerk receives and serves her.
Reading and Discussing Read the script of the conversation and think over these questions: 1. What is the service charge of cashing a traveler’s check in the same
Unit 6 Money Matters (2)/ 货款(二)
收兑币种: 英镑、美元、瑞士法郎、新加坡元、瑞典克郎、丹麦克郎、挪威克郎、日圆、 加拿大元、澳大利亚元、芬兰马克、菲律宾比索、泰国币及港币、新台币、 澳元货币。另外,以欧元和西班牙比塞塔为面值的支票也可兑付。从2002年1 月起,欧元已正式流通。
Client: Here you are. Bank clerk: And please sign again on the exchange memo. Client: OK. Is that all? Bank clerk: And I need your passport. Client: Here it is. Bank clerk: Wait a moment please. (After a few minutes) Sorry to have kept

简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6

简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6
尼奥总是(用这样一句话来)结束自己的故事:“世道就是这样,善 行往往得恶报。”
6.I had believed that it was an accident, but it seems not. 我本以为这是起事故,但(现在)看来不是。
7.Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity. 不要在过冷、(过)热、灰尘(过多)、湿度(过大)的情况下使用此
1.There is a grand task to perform and a long way to go in solving the environmental protection.
2.It gives me great pleasure to attend this luncheon, meeting all the friends, old and new.
10.They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines and canals. 他们修路、(盖)房、(架)桥、(造)船、(铺)管道、
1.It was strange that though they never had seen each other before, they seemed as brothers.
Without really understanding it, these two businessmen had discovered a previously untapped market: the “mush” market. People just loved their cards. They loved even messages in them. Who cared if they were sloppy and sentimental? Who cared if the verses were childishly simple? The important thing was that they expressed feelings in a way which the sender could understand. It was great to have someone else write a nice little poem for you and put it on a pretty card. After all, we can’t all be poets or artists. This simple idea soon made Hallmark into a billion-dollar business. The company is now the world’s leading manufacturer of greeting cards.



Text A
Worker receives unwelcome text message
Katy Tanner’s cell phone beeped with a startling message – you’ve fired.
Tanner, 21, had a migraine headache and took a sick day last week from her job at Blue Banana, a body-piercing studio, she said on Monday. She turned on her cell phone the next day to discover she’d been fired from her sales position. ‘We’ve reviewed your sales figures and they’re not really up to the level we need,’ shp manager Ale Barlett wrote in the message. ‘As a result, we will not require your services any more. Thank you for your time with us.’
Harry’s only plans so far are to pay off the rest of his mortgage and take his grandchildren on holiday. No one at his old factory was available to comment on how they would be replacing the six worke we’ll call you!

商务英语口译 ppt课件

商务英语口译  ppt课件
Business English : An Interpreting Course
Unit 1 Emma Zhao
Learning Objectives
• To grasp some basic interpreting skills • To build concepts of finance and business • To communicate with an international
Additional Materials: 上海高级口译教程
• Well begun is half done. • Interpreting skills 1 : Prediction
• Background Information : A new client has just arrived and you’re going to meet her at the airport. It’s her first trip in Wuhan. Your company has planned everything for her such as hotel, interpreter and so on.
mind • To appreciate professional knowledge and
• Module 1 : Unit 1; Unit 2; Unit 3 • Module 2: Unit 5; Unit 7 • Module 3: Unit 11 • Module 4: Unit 14

简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6

简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 6
Section A
Get Your Pronunciation Right
这一部分主要用于训练英语字母组合 “ cr” “gr”的发音,( [kr]中的 [k]读似“ku”音, 例 如,cry; [gr]中的[g]读似“gu”音,例如, green。) 请反复操练。
英汉两种语言有着不同的语言习惯、语法特点、 文化背景知识,翻译时,在意义上、结构上和修 辞上需要增加原文中没有出现但实际内容包含的 词,用恰当的词或词组进行增补,使得译文既忠 实于原文,又通顺流畅。使用增补法必须始终坚 持“增词不增意,增词不解释”的原则。
1.A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 一本书,紧紧合上,只是一堆(废)纸。 2.Success is often just an idea away. 成功(与失败)往往只是一念之差。
19.There still exists racial discrimination in our society.
20.Would you like an ice cream?
பைடு நூலகம் 21.He was staring at the computer screen all the time.
Section B Translation Skills 意义残缺—增词法
16.The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.
17.We have been granted a sum of money for the building of an expressway.
18.Words cannot describe my joy just at this moment.



1. We have a variety of samples in the showroom. 2.Our products are hand-made and good in quality. 3.When was your factory founded? 4.Ho 5.I’m impressed with the new equipment in your
1. We have a variety of samples in the showroom. 2. Our products are hand-made and good in quality. 3. When was your factory founded? 4. How many employees do you have? 5. I’m impressed with the new equipment in your
Recite the the sentences you dictated.
You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress.
With it, there is accomplishment. Without it ,there are only alibis.
Dialogue 2
Visiting the Factory

商务英语口译 Unit 6 Foreign Direct Investment

商务英语口译 Unit 6  Foreign Direct Investment

• 1. 159 years and 40 World Expos have passed since then. The Expo has grown in scale and influence, taking forward technical innovations and bearing witness to human progress. From ice-cream cones, bottled water and electric lamps, to lifts, cars and aircraft, – all of these have emerged from Expos to become part of our daily lives. The themes of the Expo have also evolved, moving gradually from industrial strength, scientific and technological breakthroughs to where they are today, thinking about the future and the need for a harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
FDI. 3. Form a postive attitude towards FDI.
Translate the followings from English to
Chinese or vice versa.
• 1. 时光荏苒,159年过去了,世博会规模和影响已今非 昔比,人类已见证了40届世界综合性博览会。世博会 推动着人类的科技创新,见证了人类进步的足迹。小 到蛋筒冰淇淋、瓶装水、电灯,大到电梯、汽车、飞 机,都是从世博会走入公众的视野,最终融入人们的 日常生活。因此诞生了这么一句名言,“一切始自世 博”。世博会的主题也在不断演变,从展示国家实力、 追求科技突破,逐步转向对人与自然和谐共存、人类 社会发展前景的人文主义思考。



(一)1. 美国国债已经达到27000亿美元,占其国内生产总值的56%,年平均利息1500亿美元。加拿大国债占其国内生产总值的69.5%,巴西6.1%, 德国44.1%, 法国37.2%,意大利96.5%, 日本67.3%。2. Growth rate of world population at present is 1.2%, growth rate of most underdeveloped countries is the highest, up to 2.4% while that of developed and less developed countries is 0.25% and 1.46% respectively1. American national debt has added up to US$2700 billion, or about 56% of theUnited States’ gross domestic product, with an annual interest of US$150 billion. Canada’s national debt is 69.5% of its gross domestic product, Brazil, 6.1% Germany, 44.1%, France, 37.2%, Italy, 96.5% and Japan, 67.3%.2. 目前世界人口增长率为1.2%,其中大多数不发达国家的人口增长率最高,达到2.4%, 发达及欠发达国家的人口增长率分别为0.25%和1.46%。(二).1 Hughes, a close friend of the President has once served as President Bush’sWhite House counselor during his presidency from 2001 to 2002. ThePresident asked her to come back in 2005, after he was reelected for secondterm, to serve in her current position.2. Transicold is our transport-refrigeration company, providing truck, trailer andmarine container refrigeration. It is really a global operation and accounts foralmost 20 percent of our global revenues.3. For the third quarter of 2007, the company reported revenue of US$63.7 million,an increase of 35% from US$47.1 million for the comparable period in 2006.Operating income was US$5.5 million in the quarter, a 27% increase over US$4.3 million in the previous year.4. Providence will hold a conference call at 11,00 a.m. on WednesdayNovember 7, 2007 to discuss its financial results and corporate developments.5. In 2002, Unilever has 14 global brands with a turnover of US$0.9 billion or more. The growth rate of the leading brands is 5.4% with foods 4.4% from 1.9% in 2000.6. 2007年前9个月,收入从去年同期的1.359亿美元增长到1.865亿美元, 同比增长 37%。9个月的营业收入同2006年头9个月的1440万美元相比, 增长了17%, 达到 1680万美元。7. 也可以拨打(866)356-3377, 国际长途请拨打(617)597-5392。可在2007年11月14 日之前通过拨打(888)286-8010或(617)801-6888要求重播。8. 2001年债务为669万英镑,占净流动资产的42.3%,只比2000年增加了7.9%。9. 2000年4月,Ben&Jerry’s同意接受联合利华的购买意向,以每股43.6美元的价格出售了公司的840万股份,共计三亿二千六百万美元。10. 2002年北美市场总量为十四亿八千五百万美元,约占联合利华全球冰淇淋销售量的33%。1. 休斯,这位总统的亲密战友,曾在布什总统2001至2002 年任期间担任白宫法律顾问。2005 年总统成功连任后,又将其召回担任如今的职务。2. Transicold是我们的冷冻运输公司,提供卡车、拖车和海运集装箱冷藏服务。它是个全球化公司,约占我们全球收入的20%。3. 2007年第三季度,公司宣布收入6370万美元,2006年同期4710万美元,同比增长35%。该季度营业收入550万美元,去年同期430万美元,同比增长27%。4. 普罗维登斯将于2007年11月7日,星期三,上午11点召开会议,讨论财政问题和管理事务。5. 2002年联合利华拥有14个全球品牌,营业收入达到9亿美元或更多。一流品牌的增长率是5.4%,其中食品从2000年的1.9%增长到4.4%。6. For the first nine months of 2007, revenue increased 37% to US$186.5 millionfrom US$135.9 million for the same period last year. Operating income gained17% to US$16.8 million for the nine month period compared to US$14.4 millionin the first nine months of 2006.7. The call is also available by dialing (866)356-3377, or for international callers(617)597-5392. A replay will also be available until November 14, 2007 bydialing (888)286-8010 or (617)801-6888.8. Debt in 2001 was £6 690 000, 42.3% of the net current asset, only 7.9% over2000.9. In April 2000, Ben &Jerry’s accepted the offer from Unilever of US$43.6 pershare for all of the 8.4 million shares of the company with a total ofUS$326million.10. In 2002, the total North American market of US$ 1485 million amounts to 33%of Unilever’s global ice cream.(三)1. Packing has a close bearing on sales.2. I do hope they can reach us in due time and be on the market for the season.3. We did hope we could be appointed as your agent at the very beginning ofyour putting goods on market.4. It is hopeful that annual turnover for the next 3 years will increase greatly.5. We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.6. 我们来不及更换包装。7. 您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。8. 同时还加固了包装,以便使货物遭到损坏的风险减小到最低程度。9. 我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细研究的。10. 等时机成熟,我们将考虑委托你方为我方在那个地区的独家代理。1. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。2. 我真的希望这些货能准时到达我处,赶上销售季节上市。3. 我们真的希望在将产品投入市场之初担任你们的代理。4. 接下来的3年里年销售量有望快速增长。5. 协议到期后我们可以续签。6. We cannot afford time to change the packing.7. You can find our packing for this product beautiful and quite well-done.8. And we’ll also reinforce the cartons to minimize any possible damage to the goods.9. We’ll give your claim our careful consideration.10. When opportunity matured, we would consider making you our exclusive agent for the region.A: 我们可以提出包装问题来讨论了吗?Shall we bring up packing for discussion?B: Yes, I’d like to know if your contract price includes the packing.可以的。我想知道你们的合同价格是否包括了包装费用。A: 一般来说,合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。但你知道,不同的产品有不同的包装要求。买方通常需支付特殊包装费用。Generally speaking, packing charge is included. But you know, different products have different packing requirements. Buyers usually bear the charges of special packing.B: I see. Packing has a close bearing on sales. If it catches the eye, packing will ofcourse help us push the sales.我明白了。包装直接关系到产品的销售。如果包装醒目,将有助于我们推销产品。A: 是的。这是我们通常的包装和唛头条款。你可以看一下,有没有特殊要求。或者也可以回去跟同事商量一下,然后通知我们。但你们得在装船前通知我们,否则我们来不及更换包装。Yes. This is our usual stipulations about the packing and shipping mark. You can go through it and see if you have any special requirements or you can discuss it with your colleagues and inform us of the result afterwards. But you have to advise us before the shipping date. Otherwise we cannot afford time to change the packing.B: We have no objection to the stipulations. The packing is very advanced andtasteful.我们同意关于包装和唛头条款。包装挺先进的, 十分精美。A: 太好了,您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。That’s great. You can find our packing for this product beautiful and quite well-done.B: Well, I think it can be on a par with that of the international market.我认为它都可以与国际市场上的相媲美了。A: 真高兴你这么说。我们会通知厂商按要求包装。We are glad you say that. We will inform the manufacturer to have them packed as per the instruction.B: OK. By the way, what about the outer packing?好的。对了,外包装怎么样的?A: 我们包装很小心的。我们一纸箱装5打,每箱毛重45公斤。同时还加固了包装,以便使货物遭到损坏的风险减小到最低程度。We pack the goods very carefully. We’ll pack five dozen to one carton, gross weight around 45 kilos a carton. And we’ll also reinforce the cartons to minimize any possible damage to the goods.B: Cartons? Could you use wooden cases instead?纸箱?你们能用木箱吗? A: 为什么用木箱?Why use wooden cases?B: I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a long voyage.我担心纸箱不够结实,经不起长途海运。A: 你没必要担心这个。纸箱很适合海运。在我们运往欧洲大陆港口的货物中纸箱被广泛使用。还从来没有客户提出过申诉。No need to worry about that. Cartons are quite seaworthy. They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports. There are never any complaints from our clients.B: All right, I’ll take cartons. Can you mark wording “Handle With Care” on the cartons?好吧。就用纸箱。你们能在纸箱上标明“小心轻放”字样吗?A: 没问题。No problem.B: I believe this will turn out to the satisfaction of our clients.我相信包装一定会让我们的客户满意的。A: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr. Roberson.罗宾逊先生,我有件不愉快的事跟你说。B: 哦?什么事?Oh? What’s it?A: The goods have been shipped to the destination. They seemed in good condition when we received them the day before yesterday. We unpacked and unfortunately found goods in two cartons did not match the quality of the samples.货物已运到目的地。前天收到货物时状况良好。我们打开包装,结果发现两箱货物的质量跟样品质量不符。B: 很遗憾。我们一定会就你们提出的索赔做仔细研究的。I’m so regretful. We’ll give your claim our careful consideration.A: Thank you.谢谢。B: 有时候,航运公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim.A: I know. But the packages were in sound condition. It was the quality that we claimed for.我知道。但货物包装完整,状况良好。我们是对质量提出索赔。B: 我明白。不过,我向你们保证会及时处理的。我们会调查清楚,尽快给你们答复。I see. Well, I assure you of our prompt attention. We will investigate it and give you a reply soon.B: 怀特女士,我们已调查情况,找出了劣质的原因。Ms. White, we have looked into the case and found the reason for the inferiorquality.A: Yes?是什么?B: 是工厂工人质量检查疏忽了。我们已安排发运正确的货物到你方港口。20天内就会到达你处。希望没给你带来什么不便。There is an overlook on quality check on part of the staff in the factory. We have arranged the dispatch of correct quality to your port. They will reach you in no more than 20 days. I hope it will not cause any inconvenience to you.A: It is good to find the reason. You know these coming two months are the selling season for the goods of this nature. I do hope they can reach us in due time and be on the market for the season.找到原因就好。你知道,接下来的两个月是这种产品的销售季节。我真的希望这些货能准时到达我处,赶上销售季节上市。B: 我真的很抱歉给你们带来了不便。我们已采取措施改正,你放心,不会再出现类似情况了。I’m really regretful for the inconvenience. We have taken measures to put things right and assure you that similar case will in no case happen again. A: Hope so. How about the wrong goods? Shall we deliver them back to you?希望如此。发运错的货物怎么办?我们把它们运回去给你们吗?B: 没必要这么做。如你们接受这些货物,我们可以给你们打6折。No need to do so. If you could accept the goods, we can offer you a 40% discount.A: That’s acceptable.可以接受。B: 希望这次不愉快的事件不会影响我们将来的生意。I do hope this unpleasant incident will not affect our business in future.A: Of course not. We appreciate your positive action towards this affair.当然不会。我们很赞赏你们对此事件采取的积极措施。A: 早上好。很高兴见到你。Good morning, nice to see you.B: Good morning, I’m here to have a face-to-face talk with you about the agency.早上好。我来是想跟你面对面谈谈代理一事。A: 我等着你来呢。I’ve been expecting your coming.: Two years ago we talked about the agency of your products in our local market.两年前我们谈过在我们市场上担当你们产品的代理。A: 是的。我们当时说,等时机成熟,我们将考虑委托你方为我方在那个地区的独家代理。Yes, and we said when opportunity matured, we would consider making you our exclusive agent for the region.B: Yes, we did hope we could be appointed as your agent at the very beginning of your putting goods on market.对。我们真的希望在将产品投入市场之初担任你们的代理。A: 但是这么少的销售量怎么委托你们充当我们的代理啊?我们当时还没准备好考虑代理事宜。所以就暂时把代理问题搁置下来了。But how could we appoint you as our sole agency for such a small quantity? We were not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration at that time. So we left aside the problem of agency.B: I understand. We have made great achievements in the past two years and played an important role in pushing the sale of your products. I’m coming today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our localmarket我明白。在过去的两年里我们取得了很大成绩,在推销你方产品方面发挥了重要的作用。我今天来是为了申请做你方产品在我方市场上的独家代理。A: 好啊。Great.B: I want to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of 3 years.我想和你们签定一项为期三年的独家代理协议。A: 你知道如果你们担当了我们的独家代理,就对你方市场上我们产品的销售全权负责, 年销售量就要提高。You know if you are our sole agency, you will be responsible for the whole sales of our products in your market. The annual turnover shall be improved. B: We have made detailed plan for the marketing and it is hopeful that annual turnover for the next 3 years will increase greatly.我们已做出了详细的营销计划,接下来的3年里年销售量有望快速增长。A: 很高兴听到这些。那么你们建议的协议年销售量是多少?I’m pleased to hear that. Then what annual turnover would you suggest for the agreement?B: The annual turnover at present is US$500,000. How about an annual increase of US$500,000?目前年销售量是50万美元。每年增长50万美元怎么样?A: 听起来很振奋人心啊。有了独家代理协议,市场上你们就没有竞争了,很容易控制市场。肯定会带来更大的销售量。That’s inspiring. With the sole agency in your hand, there will be no competition and you could easily control the market. This would naturally result in bigger sales.B: Yes. We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.是的。协议到期后我们可以续签。A: 太好了。还有一件事。作为我们的独家代理,你们不能经营其他供应商的同类或类似产品,也不允许将我们的货卖到代理区域之外的其他地方。That’s great. One more thing, as our sole agency, you cannot handle the same or similar products of other suppliers, and you are not allowed to resell our goods to any other place outside your own.B: We promise that. When can we sign the agreement?可以保证。什么时候签协议?A: 拟好了就可以签了。As soon as you make it out.1。

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globalization: 全球化; a vast potential market: 一个无法估量的巨大市场; contribute to: 为……做贡献; attract a fraction of that Chinese market: 在中国市场获
建议:注意英方发言时的一些惯用的表达方ports: 净出口; business investment: 商业投资; social security:社会保险; special favors: 特殊优惠; Silicon Valley: 硅谷; balanced economic growth: 经济的平衡发展; Medicaid: 医疗补助计划 ; trade imbalance: 贸易不平衡;
countryside and farmers; 经济增长方式:economic growth pattern; 市场机制:market mechanism; 外汇投资机构: foreign exchange investment institutions;
Sight Interpretation (1)
Vocabulary Work
经济体制问题:the economic system problem; 外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve; 非金融类的外汇投资: non-financial foreign investment; “三农”问题:the issue concerning agriculture and
Vocabulary Work
mass manufacturing: 大规模制造业; generate clean energy: 生产清洁能源; Medicare: 国家老年人医疗保险制度; social safety net: 社会保障; eliminate barriers: 清除障碍; mechanization of farming: 农业机械化;
Sight Interpretation (2)
消费品零售总额:the total retail sales of consumer goods; 批发和零售业:wholesale and retail sectors; 住宿和餐饮业:lodging and catering industry; 限额以上:above the designated size; 石油及其制品:petroleum and petroleum products; 建筑及装潢材料:construction and decoratng materials; 家用电器:household electric appliances; 音像器材:audiovideo equipment;
建议:注意一些词语的表达,有时看上去很难,见过了掌握了 就比较简单了。
Note-taking (1)
New York Stock Exchange: 纽约证券交易所; NASDAQ: 纳斯达克(美国一个电子证券交易机构); HQ: 总部(headquarters); aviation and marine insurance: 航空和海上保险; in the ever expanding area of derivatives trading:在不
Vocabulary Work
宏观调控:macro-regulation; 经济结构问题: problems about the economic
structure; 固定资产投资:fixed-asset investmen; 股权分置改革:reform of non-tradable shares; 节能降耗:energy-saving and cost-reducing; 经济的大起大落:economic ups and downs; 物价的过度上涨:excessive price increases;
第六章 新闻发布 Chapter 6
Press Conference
第六章 新闻发布(Press Conference)
Press Conference is a popular way of releasing information, expressing viewpoints by government agencies and organizations, and it is also a way for them to communicate with the press on policies, important events, major issues of corcern, crisis, special incidents, etc., in a direct way. Press Conference has become an international practice and it is an effective way of communication between the government and the civil society. the spokesperson mechanism (2006) Two parts: opening, question and answer sessions; Main features: timeliness, accuracy, interactiveness; Language: formal, but sometimes conversational and informal;
Note-taking (2)
两会:the NPC and CPPCC sessions (the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference);