




【写作要求】1. 请结合个人经历,描述你与书籍之间的情感联系。

2. 可以叙述一两个与书籍相关的重要事件或经历。

3. 表达你从书籍中获得的感悟或启示。


























Find out the point and support in the following paragraph and essay.The Hazards of Movie-goingAlthough I love movies, I’ve found that there are drawbacks to movie-going. One problem is just the inconvenience of it all. To get to the theater, I have to drive for at least thirty minutes or more if traffic is bad. It can take forever to find a parking spot, and then I have to walk across a huge parking lot to the theater. There I encounter long lines, sold-out shows, and ever-increasing prices. And I hate sitting with my feet sticking to the floor because of other people’s spilled snacks. Another problem is my lack of self-control at the theater. I often stuff myself with unhealthy calorie-laden snacks. My choices might include a bucket of popcorn, a box of Milk Duds, a giant soda, or all three. The worst problem is some of the other moviegoers. Kids run up and down the aisle. Teenagers laugh and shout at the screen. People of all ages drop soda cups and popcorn tubs, cough and burp (打嗝), and talk to one another. All in all, I would rather stay home and wait to see the latest movie hits on cable TV in the comfort of my own living room.The Hazards of Movie-goingI am a movie fanatic. My friends count on me to know movie trivia and to remember every big Oscar awarded since I was in grade school. My friends, though, have stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies. While I love movies as much as ever, the inconvenience of going out, the temptations of the theater, and the behavior of some patrons are reasons for me to wait and rent the video.To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle (trouble) of the evening. Since small local movie theaters are a thing of the past, I have to drive for thirty minutes to get to the nearest multiplex. The parking lot is shared with several restaurants and a supermarket, so it’s always jammed. I have to drive around at a snail’s pace (像蜗牛般爬行) until I spot another driver backing out. Then it’s time to stand in an endless line, with the constant threat that tickets for the show I want will sell out. If we do get tickets, the theater will be so crowded that I won’t be able to sit with my friends, or we’ll have to sit in a front row gaping up at a giant screen. I have to shell out (pay) a ridiculous amount of money ―up to $8 ―for a ticket. That entitles me to sit while my shoes seal themselves to a sticky floor coated with spilled soda, bubble gum, and crushed Raisinets.Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need. Like most of us, I have to battle an expanding waistline. At home I do pretty well by simply not buying stuff that is bad for me. I can make do with (设法/勉强应付) snacks like celery (芹菜) and carrot sticks because there is no ice cream in the freezer. Going to the theater, however, is like spending my evening in a Seven-Eleven that’s been equipped with a movie screen and comfortable seats. As I try to persuade myself to just have a diet Coke, the smell of fresh popcorn dripping with butter soon overcomes me. Chocolate bars, the size of small automobiles, seem to jump into my hands. I risk pulling out my fillings (补牙用填料) as I chew enormous mouthfuls of Milk Duds. By the time I leave the theater, I feel disgusted with myself.Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand (影院里的贩卖处). Little kids race up and down the aisles, usually in giggling packs. Teenagers try to impress their friends by talking back to (反驳/回嘴) the screen, whistling, and making what they consider to be hilarious (欢闹的) noises. Adults act as if they were at home in their own living room. They comment loudly on the ages of the stars and reveal plot twists that are supposed to be a secret until the film’s end. And people of all ages create distractions. They crinkle (弄皱) candy wrappers, stick gum on their seats, and drop popcorn tubs or cups of crushed ice and soda on the floor. They also cough and burp, squirm (蠕动) endlessly in their seats, file out (鱼贯而出) for repeated trips to the rest rooms or concession stands, and elbow me out of the armrest on either side of my seat.After arriving home from the movies one night, I decided that I was not going to be a moviegoer anymore. I was tired of the problems involved in getting to the theater, resisting unhealthy snacks, and dealing with the patrons. The next day, I arranged to have premium (额外花费) movie channels installed as part of my cable TV service, and I also got a membership at my local video store. I may now see movies a bit later than other people, but I’ll be more relaxed watching box office hits in the comfort of my own living room.。









自考写作一试题及答案自考写作试题一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 写作中,以下哪个选项不是文章结构的基本组成部分?A. 引言B. 正文C. 结论D. 插图2. 以下哪项不是写作中常见的修辞手法?A. 比喻B. 排比C. 引用D. 反问3. 在写作中,为了增强文章的说服力,以下哪种方式是不恰当的?A. 使用事实和数据支持观点B. 引用权威人士的观点C. 过度使用个人情感色彩D. 逻辑清晰地展开论点4. 以下哪个选项不是写作中常见的文章类型?A. 议论文B. 记叙文C. 说明文D. 小说5. 文章的开头部分,通常被称为什么?A. 结尾B. 正文C. 引言D. 总结6. 在写作中,使用第一人称可以增加文章的什么?A. 客观性B. 权威性C. 可信度D. 主观性7. 以下哪个选项不是写作中常见的段落结构?A. 主题句+支持句B. 问题+回答C. 描述+总结D. 引言+正文8. 写作中,段落的结尾部分通常用来做什么?A. 引入新的观点B. 总结本段内容C. 提出问题D. 描述背景9. 在写作中,以下哪个选项不是文章的结尾方式?A. 总结全文B. 强调观点C. 提出建议D. 引入新问题10. 写作中,以下哪个选项不是文章的修改和校对的内容?A. 语法错误B. 拼写错误C. 逻辑结构D. 文章主题二、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请简述写作中如何有效地使用过渡词来增强文章的连贯性。

2. 请简述在写作中如何避免使用陈词滥调。

三、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述在写作中如何平衡文章的客观性与主观性。

2. 论述在写作中如何通过举例来支持论点。



答案一、选择题1. D2. C3. C4. D5. C6. D7. D8. B9. D10. D二、简答题1. 在写作中,过渡词是连接句子和段落的重要工具。



《写作(一)》第三章文学写作训练考点10 文学创作综论(★三级考点)1.文学创作,即写作主体运用写作载体、实现写作客体、沟通写作受体的一个不断物化的过程。







三、文学创作的情感性四、文学创作的个体无意识性五、文学语言的独特性考点11 小说(★★二级考点)1.小说文体的类型(一)古典小说类型从形式上分:笔记体小说文人创作,如《世说新语》、《聊斋志异》等;章回体小说民间集体创作,文人整理如冯梦龙、凌蒙初的“三言二拍”,明清古典长篇小说等。








“一”写作提纲30例一、一的概念和基本含义:1. “一”字在汉字中是最简单的字形,表示最少、最小的数量。

2. “一”也可以表示独一无二,独特。

3. “一”有时用来表示代表整体,统一。

二、数学中的“一”:1. “一”是自然数中最小的正整数。

2. “一”是最基本的单位,可以用来计数。

3. “一”也表示一个整体的概念,例如“一本书”、“一支笔”。

三、“一”的象征:1. “一”表示唯一、独一无二的含义。

2. “一”也可以表示团结和合作,例如“众志成城,万众一心”。

3. “一”可以表示坚定和不变,例如“一往无前”,“一诺千金”。

四、“一”的引申含义:1. “一”可以用来表示同类之中最好、最高的,例如“世界第一”、“冠军”。

2. “一”有时用来表示迅速,例如“一瞬间”。

3. “一”可以表示固定的时间或顺序,例如“七点一刻”、“一年一度”。

五、“一”的习语和成语:1. “一无所有”表示一无所有或毫无收获。

2. “一马当先”表示领导先导。

3. “一丝不苟”表示做事认真细致,不漏一点瑕疵。

4. “一心一意”表示专心致志,全力以赴。

六、“一”的相关故事:1. 道家思想中的一:道家认为“道”是宇宙万物的根源,也代表着绝对的真理,一即为全。

2. 佛教思想中的一:佛教中有“一念清净”之说,表示心无杂念,达到纯净的境界。

3. 《三字经》中的一:三字经中有“天地玄黄”,表示天地之间的神秘而又无比纯净。

七、“一”的艺术表现:1. 书法中的“一”字,以其简洁的笔画和端庄的形态,被广泛运用于书法作品中。

2. 绘画中的“一”字,可以表示画面中的主角或突出的元素。

3. 诗歌中的“一”字,可以用来表达一种情感或思想,例如“山一程,水一程”。

八、“一”的道德观念:1. “一”与道德事业密切相关,道德的核心是“一”。


2. “一”代表尊严和自尊,一个人只有坚守原则、不犯错误,才能获得他人的尊重。





















2 多练少讲,注重操作,以学生动脑动手为主,师生互动,创造生动活泼的课堂气氛,力争在游戏般的情境中提高学生的学习自主性,切实提高学生的现代写作能力。






高考英语层级写作 1写作技巧篇 第2讲用高级句式增分课件(共75张ppt)

高考英语层级写作 1写作技巧篇 第2讲用高级句式增分课件(共75张ppt)
第二讲 用高级句式增分
·层级三 言简意赅的“非谓语” ·层级四 光彩夺目的“定语从句” ·层级五 丰富多样的“名词性从句” ·层级六 画龙点睛的“状语从句” ·层级七 委婉动人的“虚拟语气” ·层级八 重点突出的“强调句” ·层级九 风格独具的“特殊句式”
在写作中,如果出现过多的简单句会让人觉得单调乏味,句子与句子之 间的关系显得松散;而过多地出现复合句会让人读起来费劲。恰当地运用非 谓语动词对简单句和复合句进行转换,不仅显得句式多样、句子活泼,而且 读起来结构紧凑、言简意赅。
6.___H_a_v_i_n_g_a__tr_i_p__th_e_r_e__ will give you a good understanding of Chinese culture.(北京卷满分作文) 到那里旅行会使你对中国文化有一个很好的了解。
7.____I_n__o_r_d_e_r_t_o_m__a_k_e_o_u__r_s_c_h_o_o_l _li_fe__c_o_lo_r_f_u_l_a_n_d__m_e_a_n_i_n_g_f_u_l____________, our school has decided to organize a sports meeting. 为了使我们的校园生活既丰富多彩又有意义,学校决定组织一场运动会。
4.不定式:作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语等。 i feel much honored to have the chance to make my voice heard. (2019·天津卷满分作文) 我很荣幸有机会让大家倾听我的声音。 i think it’s a good chance for you to participate in the english spea competition. 我认为参加英语演讲比赛对你来说是一个好机会。



《写作》1习题集(答案)一、单项选择题1.确定主题要求深刻指的是(A)A.有鲜明的思想倾向B.具有统帅作用C.主题能充分地揭示事物的本质和规律D.有艺术的审美色彩2.张晓风的散文《高处何所有——赠毕业同学》的主题是(C)A.做学问的精神B.治学的三种境界C.攀登高山所需要的精神D.酋长的选择3.某些具有模糊性、含蓄性主题的文学作品,与下列哪项主题要求并不矛盾...?(C)A.深刻B.集中C.明确D.贴切4.凡用以提炼、表现主题的事物和观念都可以称之为文章写作的( B)A.素材B.材料C.题材D.资料5.用屈原的爱国来解读当代青年人的爱国行为,这两个材料是( D)A.文献资料和原始资料B.正面材料和反面材料C.历史文献和现实材料D.历史材料和现实材料6.老舍的“宁吃仙桃一口,不吃烂杏一筐”,体现了选择材料的什么原则?( C)A.材料要确凿B.材料要生动C.材料要新颖D.材料要典型7.表示文章内在逻辑联系结构单位的是( A)A.层次B.段落C.照应D.过渡8.鲁迅的《藤野先生》先写东京见闻,接着用一个独立成段的句子表示空间的转换:( D) “到别的地方去看看,如何呢?”然后写仙台求学。

这个独立成段的部分是A.线索B.照应C.层次D.过渡段9.对人物经历、事件发展、情景转换所作的叙说和交代的表达方式是( D )A.描写B.议论C.叙述D.说明10.作者叙述的身份和位置是( A)A.叙述人称B.作者的创作技巧C.作者的身份D.作品中的人物11.曹雪芹《红楼梦》:“只见晴雯挽着头发闯进来‘豁啷’一声,将箱子掀开,两手提着底子,往地下一倒,将所有之物尽都倒出来。

”是( D )A.心理描写B.肖像描写C.环境描写D.行动描写12.不同作家的文章有不同的语言风格:冰心的清新,巴金的真诚,朱自清的清丽,林语堂的机智俏皮。

这体现了语言的( D)A.生动性B.符号性C.语境性D.个体性13.“在法律许可的范围内,农村、城市都需要一部分人先富裕起来。



Unit 1PART Ⅱ FOCUSDenotation and ConnotationSuggested answer to the questionIf it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance (e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotes protection but in a serious fashion.wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness.2.a. In the West, every male person has the good qualities of males, such as bravery, spirit, and toughness.b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy. AttitudeReference for the Classroom Activities1.2. a. unique b. pigheaded c. flattered d. fossil e. spinsterCollocationSuggested answers to the exercise1a.do somebody a favorb.do somebody goodc.make a gestured.do evile.do harmf.make an effortReference for the Classroom Activities1.1) D 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) BFalse FriendsSuggested answers to the questionThe misunderstanding occurs due to the use of homonyms or false friends—flour orflower, ground (as the past participle of the verb grind) and ground (meaning the solidsurface of the earth). In this excerpt, the use of false friends adds a humorous effect to the text.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.The false friends are lie meaning to keep one's body in a flat position, and lie meaning to say something dishonest.2.a. Your fever rose yesterday.b. That racket is bad enough to make Aunt Ella's eyebrows raised.c. Jack has been lying around all day.d. The soldiers laid aside their weapons.e. A heavy fog lay over the land.f. White stationery is always appropriate.g. Is that table stationary, or can it be moved to another corner of the room?h. It is easier to talk about a principle than to live by it.i. Our principal played on the faculty football team against the schoolall-stars.3. Some other false friends:fair vs. fareIt's not fair to put all the blame on him.Bus fares are going up again.passed vs. pastI passed the landlady on the stairs this morning.Several boys went past us on mountain bikes.intense vs. intensiveShe suddenly felt an intense pain in her stomach.He took an intensive course on English.farther vs. furtherThe fog's so thick; I can't see farther than about five meters.Every day she thinks further and further into depression.PART III GARMMARSubject-Verb AgreementWhen the subject is compound2Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummaryit when most in cases, but with and takes a plural verb 1.A compound subject expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb., the verb but…nor, not…2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do not3.affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions rather as, as much well such as as as, or prepositions or prepositional phrases. includingthan, along with, in addition to, together with, with, plus, andWhen the subject expresses quantityReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummarya take measurement normally time, money, weight and 1.Nominal phrases of singular verb., take a singular or all, most, half, the last, the rest Some words or phrases, such as 2.plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows.take singular or plural verbs depending on Phrases like l ots of, heaps of, loads of3.the form of the nouns that follow.a modifying the subject noun, the verb or many4.In sentences with more than one should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.structure -clause, or in the there-be When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesHe was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaign pledges. a. campaign carry out his the candidates who was able to He was the only one of pledges.What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents. b.What one thinks and says are not always the same.There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden. c.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summaryand person the same that), the verb has a 1.After relative pronoun (who, which, the number as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent is .), not the candidatesonly one a in what-clause is But the verb is usually singular. if the a 2.After what-clause,compound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesNobody in town admits seeing him. a.Does anyone want to go with me?b.Are any of you going to the exhibition?c.None works/work so hard as he does.d.Books are her chief source of enjoyment.e.The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up the meeting.f.The jury is finally complete.g. 3h.The jury were divided in their opinions.i.New York Times is his bible.PART Ⅳ WRITINGNotes (I)Sample 1Suggested answers to the questions1.Notes are the simplest and shortest form of written communication and they are quick, easy and convenient.2.A note has three essential components:--the addressee—the person(s) to whom the note is written;--the message;--the sender.3. Notes are characterized by their brevity, informality in style, and dedication to a single topic.Sample 2Suggested answers to the questions1.The date is put at the upper right-hand corner. Besides the date or weekday, you may, at times, need to state the hour or even the minute.2.You can add the word Dear before the addressee's name and a complimentary close.3.A complimentary close is put before your signature as the sample show.PART V FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES1.a. The little boy was chicken-hearted.b. The statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.c. We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.d. We need to drink the milk before it sours.e. The child had difficulty finding his way to school.f. The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.g. My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.h. Our university can accommodate 4000 students.i. Social customs vary greatly from country to country.2. The writer's attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences.43. (1) experienced (2) elapsed (3) attempting (4) with(5) take up (6) made (7) endeavor (8) true4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.b. We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.d. We must pursue this matter further.e. The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astoundingsuccess.f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h. The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.i. (correct)j. He was awaked to the risk.5. My sister Lulu accepted a scholarship to study in the UK. She had done verywell in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teachher a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her agreat deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was not self-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she wasuninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences betweenthetwo countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland.Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitudetowards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. andbecame a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. a. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.b. The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.c. Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.d. Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was/is eager to win the contest.e. Corn bread and milk is a popular breakfast in the rural South.f. The instructor as well as the students was at fault.g. He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.h. The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.i. Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.j. The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.k. He believes that athletics improves school morale.l. Up goes the starter's gun, and each of the runners becomes tense.m. Either The Times or The Tribune is a reliable source of news.n. The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.o. She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.5。



Drills in English Writing (1st)I. Read the following sentences and decide which type of sentence each of the following belongs to.1. It is a pleasure to read good hooks.The simple sentence2. She missed the step and sprained her ankle.The simple sentence3. Badly frightened by the explosion, the boy rushed out of the laboratory.The simple sentence4. The Whites must have gone away for the summer holidays, for we have not seenthem for two or three weeks.The compound sentence5. There were the translators in their booths, and the girl secretaries at the doors,and the reporters grumbling and scribbling in their seats.The compound sentence6. Our friends, who had started before us, promised that they would meet us, butwhen we arrived at the bus stop, they were nowhere to be seen.The compound-complex sentence7. The new thing that happened to me in the town was that I was thrown intoexperiences that finally seemed to cut my ties to the walled-world of my childhood.The complex sentence8. In the speeches of politicians towards the close of 1919 and the spring of 1920,there was manifest an increasing recognition of the fact that what is called the capitalist system ― the private ownership system that is, in which private profit is the working incentive ― was on trial.The compound-complex sentence9. It cannot be done by the Government; it cannot be done by Parliament.The compound sentence10. There are still two widely different methods of getting what you want.The periodic sentenceII. Read the following, point out the mistakes and make necessary corrections. 1. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, he had been amember of an exploration team working in the Arctic.Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, who had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic.2. When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I had not heard him when he came back.Because I had been sleeping soundly.When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I did not hear him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly.3. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, that was why hegot higher pay than others.Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, which waswhy he got higher pay than others.4. No student could answer that question, even Xiao Y ao, who was usually quick inanswering questions, was silent.No student could answer that question,even Xiao Y ao who was usually quick in answering questions was silent.5. Lin looks like Li, however, they are not related.Lin looks like Li, but they are not related.6. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed,looking very sleepy.The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looks very sleepy.7. The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, thus, theyover fulfilled their quota.The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, so they over fulfilled their quota.8. Mark Twain, a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on asteamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer.Mark Twain is a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer.III. Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into compound or complex sentences, or sentences with participial, prepositional, or other phrases.1. Xu comes from a working-class family. He enrolled in college last fall.Xu who comes from a working-class family enrolled in college last fall.2. The dean issued a bulletin. It said the library would remain open on weekends.The dean issued a bulletinwhich said the library would remain open on weekends.3. Last night was a windy night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. Therain fell in torrents.Last night was a windy night, the thunder roaring, the wind blowing a gale.the rain falling in torrents.4. There are icicles on the trees. The temperature must have fallen considerablyduring the night.The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night for there are icicles on the trees.5. He returned to his hometown. He had been away for twelve years. He lookedin vain for the familiar landmarks.After he had been away for twelve years, he returned to his hometown, looking in vain for the familiar landmarks.6. We have made some progress. We still have a long way to go.Although we have made some progress, we still have a long way to go.7. The sky was cloudless. The sun was shining brightly.The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane. About one third ofthem were foreigners.There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane, about one third of whom were foreigners.9. The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child. Her mother wasa famous pianist.The girl whose mother was a famous pianist began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.10. Napoleon was born in 1769. At that time Corsica had just been acquired byFrance.Napoleon was born in 1769 when Corsica had just been acquired by France.11. She appeared on the stage. A stormy applause broke forth.When she appeared on the stage, a stormy applause broke forth.12. The gypsies are really a nomadic people from India. They migrated into Europe.Once they were thought to be Egyptians.The gypsies once who were thought to be Egyptians are really a nomadic people from India. They migrated into Europe. .13. The new workers are young and inexperienced. They are eager to learn from theveteran workers.The new workers are young and inexperienced so they are eager to learn from the veteran workers.14. It was a poor quarter. There were a lot of small huts. They had mud walls andstraw roofs. They dotted a hillside.It was a poor quarter. There were a lot of small huts which had mud walls and straw roofs, dotting a hillside.15. He heard that his father was ill. He was anxious to go home to see him. He went tothe station early in the morning to buy a ticket.He heard that his father was ill. He was anxious to go home to see him so he went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket.IV. Underline the topic sentence in each of the following paragraphs.The forest is a sanitary agent. It is constantly eliminating impurities from the earth and the air. Trees check, sweep, and filter from the air quantities of filthy, germ-laden dust. Their leaves absorb poisonous gases from the air. Roots assist in drainage, and absorb impurities from the soil. Roots give off acids, and these acids, together with the acids released by the fallen, decaying leaves, have a sterilizing effect upon the soil. Trees help to keep the earth sweet and clean, and water which comes from a forested watershed is likely to be pure. Many unsanitary areas have been redeemed and rendered healthy by tree planting.She was an old woman and lived on a farm near the town in which I lived. All country and small-town people have seen such old women, but no one knows much about them. Such an old woman comes into town driving an old worn-out horse or she comes afoot carrying a basket. She may own a few hens and have eggs to sell. She brings them in a basket and takes them to a grocer. There she trades them in.She gets some salt pork and some beans. Then she gets a pound or two of sugar and some flour. Afterwards she goes to the butcher' s and asks for some dog-meat. She never visits with any one, and as soon as she gets what she wants she starts for home.The need for humane studies, both in themselves and for scientists and professional men, is greater than it ever was. In international affairs and in a world where we have already reached the point where we can annihilate ourselves, the problem that we face will certainly not be solved by better and better weapons in the hands of opposing armed nations. They will be solved by a better understanding of men, by a public educated and enlightened enough to support that diplomacy. Until that solution appears, our governments must continue to arm and to develop weapons against the idiotic possibility of war, but our only hope of a long-term peace comes not from better weapons, but from humane agreement between men and nations.VI. Supply a topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs:There are two methods to get what you want.------------------------------------------------.One is to make yourself so useful that others are glad to pay you, or give you what you want, in return for your service or your product; the other is to make yourself so dangerous that others will be afraid to refuse what you demand. The one appeals to good will; the other to fear. The one is constructive; the other is destructive. The one is the method of civilized mend; the other is the method of savages.A cat is different from a dog----------------------------------. A dog will follow his master anywhere, but a cat keeps to the house it is used to: and even when the house changes hands, the cat will remain there, so long as it is kindly treated by the new owners. A cat does not seem to be capable of the personal devotion often shown by a dog. It thinks most of its own comfort, and its love is only cupboard love.Everyone must be careful when driving cars------------------------------------------. Only last year I witnessed what might have been a fatal accident on the Beijing-Chengde Road. I was motoring up from Beijing; and as I neared Chengde, I came upon the wreckage of two cars on the road. The smash had been caused by a car coming down, which swept round a sharp corner at eighty kilometers an hour and crashed into a car coming up. Happily no one was killed; but several were badly injured, and the two cars were wrecked. To drive at such a speed down a twisting mountain road is simply courting disaster.Different colour has different meaning-----------------.Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is also used for signs of danger, such as stop signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively color. They associate orange with happiness. Y ellow is the color of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in spring.People say it is a refreshing color.。



写作一(二)完形填空(Ⅰ)一OfferValidity time of offer An offer becomes (1) when it reaches the offeree (CISG Art.15). On this point,the laws in all states--1.C.effective2.A.proposal3.B.coincides4.C.confirms5.A.withdrawal6.B.unfavorable7.B.arouses8.A.provides9.B.irrevocable10.D.reliance二Claim DamagesIn most cases,bona fide party to an international sales contract will best to (1)his duties either—1.C.perform2.A.inconsistent3.B.breaches4.D.remedial5.C.varied6.C.total7.C.light8.B.worthy9.A.prevent10.D.entitled三WTOIt is well known that the World Trade Organization (WTO)is thje only international organization---1.A.dealing2.C.supersedesprising4.A.consensus5.C.conform6.A.multilational7.B.ratified8.A.exceptional9.B.unprecedented10.A.predecessor四BOT InvestmentBOT (Build, Operate,Transfer), as a way of(1) is still a newconcept in China.If isalso not----1.A.investment2.C.project3.B.arrangement4.A.infrastructure5.C.embark6.B.coordinated7.C.linking 8.A.shared9.B.shortage10.B.issuance五Text StockNoadays,corporationsusually need a largeamount of capital forthe (1)of theirproduction and---1.A.boost2.B.adequate3.B.issuer4.C.principal5.C.propertied6.D.withdraw7.C.bankruptcy8.A.depart9.B.fluctuate10.C.Bull六Credit cards areinstruments issued bybanks to customers(card-holders)to enablethem to -----1.C.ranging2.A.creditability3.B.accept4.C.validity5.D.sign6.C.approve7.A.return 8.A.payment9.D.payment10.A.contributory七BondMany borrower wishto(1)funds by way ofbondissuance.especiallythose who seek for----1.D.raise2.A.security3.B.aggregated4.C.currency5.A.Foreign6.B.assessment7.C.creditworthy8.A.favor9.D.underwrite10.B.expiration(Ⅱ)(一)Many of today’sbanking services werefirst practiced in ancientLydia,Phoencia,China,----1.C.The increase oftrade in 13th-centuryItaly prompted therevival of banking2.A.Three other earlybanks,each managed bya committee of cityoffcials,were the bankofAmsterdam(1609),thebank ofVenice(1587),and theBank ofHamburg(1619)3.D.During the 19thcentury,members of theRothschid familybecame the mostinfluential bankers in allEurope and probably inthe world .Thisinternational bankingfamily was founded byGerman financierMayer AmschelRothschild(1743~1812),but it soonspread to all the majorEuropean financialcapitals4.B.This worked aslong as the originaldepositors did notwithdraw all their goldat one time5.F.The first importantbank in the UnitedStates was the Bank ofNorthAmerica,established in1781 by the SecondContinental Congress.Itwas the first bankchartered by theemment(二)Simulations ofair,sion and watercontamination oncomputer areincreasingly beinghailed-----1.G.this finding altersthe current perceptionthat the bay’s greatestproblems stem frommore local waterbornepollution,such assewage and runoff fromagriculture2.E.But the extensivemodel revealed thatsuch pollution presentsa much largerproblem:25percent ofnitrogen pollution isstill being carried aloft 500 miles from its source3.Dennis asserts that although controls on water pollutionmust not be abandoned,attempts to lower nitrogen levels in the bay may not be fully successful unless air pollution is also reduced4..C.Then,intricate computer programs,which consider details down to the movement of atorns.fill in aspects such as how a compound will degrade in the environment,whether any secondary products will be toxic,how the chemicals might percolate down to the water table or how they might accumulate in widlife.In some cases,the toxic compound being studied may not have been produced yet5.A.And although experiments also cannot evaluate every detail,models in particular trigger complants about accuracy(三) When did humans first arrive at the concept of money.9 What conditions spawned it.9And ----1.E.They believedmoney was born,ascorns,alongthe coasts ofthe Mediterranean theseventh or sixthcenturyBC,aproduct ofthe civilization that latergave world theParthenon,Plato,andAristotle2.B.In the process,theyhave pushed the originsof cash far beyond thesunny coats of theMediterranean,back tothe world’s oldest citiesin Mesopotamia,thefertile plain created bythe Tigris and Euphratesrivers3.F.but like us,ancientmesopotamians andPhoenicians seldommade the error oftossing out cash,andonly rarely did theybury their most preciousliquid assets inground.Even whenarcheologists havefound buriedcash,though,they’vetrould all still bebartering.We wouldhave been stuck withthat.Money opened thedoor to trade,whichopened the door forspecialization.And thatmade possible a modernsociety4.C.As it evolved inBronze Agecivilizations along theMediterranean coast,itfostered sea trade. Builtlucrative cottageindustries,and underlayan accumulation ofwealth that might haveimpressed DonaldTrump5.A. Five hundred yearslater,the pictographshad evolved into a moresupple system ofwriting a partiallysyllabic script known ascuneiform that wascapable of recording thevernacular.firstSumerian,a languageunrelated to any livingtogue,and laterAkkadian an ancientSemitic language(四) On behalf of theCompany’sshareholders,the Boardof Directors isresponsible foroverseeing--1.E.The Board does nothave limits on thenumber of terms adirector may serve.TheBoard does not haveany retirement or tenurepolicies that would limitthe ability of a directorto be nominated forreelection2.G.Directors areexpected to attendBoard meetings andmeetings of thecommittees on whichthey serve,and to spendthe time needed to carryout their responsibilitiesas directors,includingmeeting as frequently asnecessary to properlydischarge thoseresponsibilities3.A.Each director isfree to suggest items forinclusion on the agendaand to rise at any Boardmeeting subjects thatare not on the agendafor that meeting4.C.Thenon-managementdirectors meet inregularly scheduledexecutivesession(i.e.withoutdirectors who aremembers ofmanagement)5.The Board criticallyreviews any amountsthat a director mightreceive directly orindirectly from theCompany,as well as anycharitable contributionsthe Company may maketo organizations withwhich a director isaffiliated,in determingwhether a director isindependent(五)Adertising inthe United States issuccessful under thefollowingcircumstances(1)whenit----1.A.Effectiveadvertising is a powerful image-builder 2.B.As a result of all this image-making activity,the advertiser arrives at a composite of all the images projected,a national image with which the majority of consumers can identify3.F.It was the motivation analysts who found that companies must sell emtional security first and foremost4.G.People watch the commercial and listen to the sales message,but often pay little attention to what is going on5.E.We hum the tunes,recount the tales who foundthat companies must sell emotional security first and foremost(六) Can computer users adapt to new types of keyboarder Somer----1.D.However,consumer s readily adapted to the tiny keys and thumb-tuping style of the BlackBerry and Treo 6002.Although the keyboard is small than traditional models,the keys measure the same 19millimeters across.”That,s for the big American SUVhand,”said LindaMarroquin,FmgPad’schief executive.”Wewant to do everythingwith one hand.How areyou going to do thatwith 104keys?”3.A.Although it’sdifficult to say whetherthese newer devices canhope to rivalBlack-Berry stylekeyboards,theengineering is prettyinteresting4.Key combinations arepossible,because”thecomputer doesn’treceive the datauntilrelease thekey,”Marroquinexplained.In traditionalkeyboards,data goes inthe down stroke,whichmakes chords difficultto process.5.E.The function keysalso present acoordinationchallenge,as the urge isto hit all the necessarykeys simultaneously.Acapital”L”forexample,requires hitson the H key,the Shiftkey and the space bar.(七) A funny thinghappened on the way tothe way to thecommunicationsrevolution:we ----1.E.Evidently,theunlettered electronicvoice is preferable tohuman contact2.A.Every advance incommunicationstechnology is a setbackto the intimacy ofhuman interaction3.C.As almost everyconceivable contactbetween human beingsgets automated,thealienation index goes up4.B.It’s their unintendedconsequences that makeme cringe5.D.the industrydevoted to helping mekeep in touch is makingme lonelier—or leastfacilitating myantisocial instincts(八) The importanceof the Internet as amedium of intercultualcommunication will bemore---1.A.At present,the mostimportant thing forChina to do on thedevelopment of theInternet is to fullyrealize the potentialeffect of the Internt andrelease more electronicpublications in Englishon the net makingforeign users able toable to hear China’svoice directly onvarious affairs,whethernational orintemational.2.E.It is ture that thereexist misunderstandingsabout China’s image inthe American massmedia because therehave always existedlimits in understandingChina amongthe”gatekeepers”ofAmerican media,eitherdeliberately orunconsciously.3.B.now VOA also hasits website on theInternet.It will send itsreports to anyone inchina via e-mail as longas Chinese users ask forthem.In thiscase.China’s voicedirectly on the Intemetseems even moreimportant,for at leastChinese users shouldhave an equalopportunity to know theattitude of Chinesejournalists so as to froma more”balanced”andmore objectivejudgment4.C.China should speakour her voice on suchissues as the humanrights problem5.F.It is not rational toargue that foreignersshould first learn theChinese language if heywant to understandChina(Ⅲ)汉译英一.1.世界贸易组织成立于1995年,其前身是美税和贸易总协定The world TradeOrganization came into being in 1995.it is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade2.新的世纪充满着机遇和挑战,让我们共同合作,迎接挑战,使多边贸易体制得到巩固和加强,为世界经济贸易的稳定和发展不断做出贡献The new century is full of opportunities and challenges.Let us work together to meet these challengs,and to consolidate and strengthen the multilateral trading system and to make continued contributions to the stability and development of world economy and trade3.我们从贵国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是轻工业产品的进口商We have learned from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing are importers of light industrial products4.收到贵公司8月2日询价,得悉你们对我们MP208型号的真空吸沉机感兴趣,先将你们所需的插图目录单和价格表附寄给你们。












(第一章:Task 1-2)I. Directions: Write an application letter according to the following information. (40%)参考答案略。


II. Directions: Complete the chronological resume worksheet with your own information.(40%)参考答案略。


III. Directions: Translation exercises. (20%, 4 points for each sentence)(1)As a student in International Trade and a prospective June graduate, I should very much liketo be considered for the position of sales assistant that you have advertised in today’s Guangzhou Daily.(2)Since I was 15 years old I have helped my father to run his small import-and export business.I have been involved in helping a variety of clients and also the general administration of thebusiness.(3)You will find enclosed an outline of my education and copies of three letters ofrecommendation.(4)我有着外向、勤奋的个性,我享受忙碌的工作环境带来的挑战。



写作(一)考点:开头常见方法第一种,由远及近式(渐入主题式)例 1:我国大陆海岸线长达 1.84 万公里,拥有渤海、黄海、东海和南海四大海域。

我国拥有领海权的海域面积 37 万平方公里,管辖的领海、毗邻区、专属经济区和部分国际海底区域面积近 300 万平方公里,相当于我国陆地面积的 1/3.点评:谈有关海洋资源保护问题,先不就事论事,而是先从远处、从海洋谈起,缓缓说来、渐渐深入。


第二种,俗语破题式(突兀而起式)例 2:民以食为天,古今中外概莫能外。





第三种,虽然但是式(先好后坏式)例 3:改革开放 30 年来,我国社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,经济发展迅速,人民生活水平不断提高,综合国力不断增强。




第四种,开门见山式(直奔主题式)例 4:怒江水电开发问题由来已久,自提出以来就引起广泛注意,争议的焦点主要是围绕着经济建设与生态环境建设的关系展开。





改革开放后,我们的生活正在发生日新月异的变化,请你以“My life in 20 years”为题,写一篇80词左右的文章,大胆设想你20年后的学习生活情况。


My life in 20 years
Now our life is different every day. I think life will be much better in 20 years.
My life in 20 years
Now our life is different every day. I think life will be much better in 20 years. We don’t need to go to school every day, we can study at home because teachers teach us on the internet. We won’t have tests any more. When we grow up, we can do what we like. Food is free and delicious, we can order it on the Internet and someone will send it to our
homes. We don’t need to work. Robots will do everything for us. We can travel around the world as much as we want, but we don’t need to pay for it.。




















Unit 1: 段落和篇章知识(Paragraph and whole composition)1. What is a paragraph?A paragraph is a division of writings expressing one central idea. It usually consists of several closely related sentences. It can also be called a unit of thought. It is a unit in itself and part of a la5ger whole.2. What is a paragraph made up of?Paragraph is made up of a group of sentences which altogether express a controlling idea or central idea. It includes topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. The paragraph is the basic unit of a composition3. What are the features of an effective paragraph?1)It focuses on one major idea. This major idea is called the topic sentence.2)It provides enough details to develop the idea. An effective paragraph does not waste the r eader’s time. It doesn’t start something without finishing it. It contains enough specific details to enable the reader to understand the writer’s point.3)It is sensibly organized: An effective paragraph does not bore the reader. It is organized so the reader has no trouble following the writer’s progression of thought—so the reader can see three parts in aparagraph—1) the topic sentence; 2) supporting details, and 3) the concluding sentence.4. What is the topic sentence and why is it important?A topic sentence is a brief statement of the subject of the paragraph. It is very important because it determines the content of the whole paragraph. Therefore, special attention should be paid to it.5. Which sentence is the topic sentence in the following paragraph?My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don't argue with parents;they will think you don't love them. Don't argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Don't argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don't argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mother's rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words: Don't argue.My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others.6. The following topic sentences are not good ones, try to make them better.●There is much to say about any problem.●Time is money●He found an old book in our library last Thursday afternoon●There is much to say about the problem of unemployment.●It is a shame to waste time in college years.● One of his interests is to spend time in libraries.7. What are the requirements of a good topic sentence?1) A good topic sentence presents both a subject and an attitude toward that subject.2) A topic sentence only states one fact or one opinion.3) The topic should be neither too abstract nor too specific.4) Furthermore it is better to be placed at the beginning of the paragraph.8. What are the requirements of supporting details?1)Supporting details deal with different aspects of a topic sentence.2)Supporting details never say things that are irrelevant to the topic sentence.3)Supporting details should be developed naturally and logically from one to another.4)Each supporting detail should not be either too long or too short.9. What is the concluding sentence?The concluding sentence is the restatement of the topic sentence. It usually summarize the idea of the whole paragraph and to open doors to the next paragraph. Therefore, a concluding sentence of a paragraph is supposed to be the link between the two paragraphs.It may be absent in some paragraphs.10. What is a composition made up of? What is the function of each part?1) Most, if not all, compositions are made up of a beginning, a middle, and an end.2)●The beginning ( the introduction) rouses the reader’s interest in and secures his attention to the subjectmatter of the essay or provides necessary background information.●The middle (the body) gives a clear and logical presentation of the facts and ideas the writer intends to putforth.●The end ( the conclusion ) winds up the essay often with an emphatic and forceful statement to influencethe reader’s final impression of the essay and shows the implication or consequences of the argument.11. How many ways can you write your introduction ?● A quotation●Figures or statistics● A question or several questions●The time and place of the event to be described●Relevant background material●An analogy● A definitionUnit 2: 记叙文和论说文(Narration and argumentation)1. What are narrate and narration?To narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events. In its broadest sense, narrative writing includes stories, real or imaginary, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems.Narration, in its broadest sense, is any account of an event or series of events. When it is defined simply, narration is the telling of a trued or imaginary story.2. How many types of narration ?Matter-of-fact Narration : It is an exact account of what happened. In this kind of account the facts are stated in chronological or time order. Narration with plot: this kind of narration is used to tell a story so it includes enough details for clearness and some description to make the story vivid. It often follows a chronological order with one action after another as it happened and developed in original experience.It mainly includes travel account (游记) , news (新闻), biography (传记), diary (日记), essay (散文,杂文), anecdote (逸闻趣事), adventurous personal experience (亲历的冒险事件), historic events (史记), epitaph (墓志铭).3. What aspects should you consider when you plan a narration?●Purpose: when a writer begins to narrate, there must be a purpose in his mind for writing. He shouldchoose enough details and design the plot of his narration carefully in order to let others tounderstand what he wants to express clearly.● Organization: Events in a narration are usually related in the order in which they occur. That is to say,it is written in chronological order. But sometimes it is also possible to start from the middle or fromthe end of the narration with the event that is most important to arouse the interest of the reader andthen go back t the beginning by using flashbacks. Generally, a narration is made up of three parts: a beginning, a middle part and an end. There is no need to make a concluding paragraph when thestory is clearly told and comes to the end naturally. However, sometimes, it is necessary to add oneor more paragraphs about the significance of the story or about what happens afterwards.●Context: In narrative writing, it should be often made clearly at the beginning that “when” “where”and “to whom” the action in the narration happened, which provides with a context, or circumstances to the reader so as to help him to understand the whole narration.●Selection of details: In order to help the reader know what is happening, the writer should offerenough details. But, there should not be too many details. To highlight the development of narration, the useful and effective things are only relevant details or things that contribute to bring out the main ideas of the narration.4. What is an argumentation?An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical reasoning, examples, and research.5. What is the organization of an argumentation?●Title●Introduction: Thesis statement●Body Paragraphs●Constructing Topic Sentences●Building Main Point●Countering the Opposition●Conclusion6. What is a thesis statement?The most important sentence in your paper●Lets the reader know the main idea of the paper●Answers t he question: “What am I trying to prove?●Not a factual statement, but a claim that has to be proven throughout the paper7. What is the role of the thesis statement?●The thesis statement should guide your reader through your argument.●The thesis statement is generally located in the introduction of the paper.● A thesis statement may also be located within the body of the paper or in the conclusion, depending uponthe purpose or argument of the paper.How Do People Keep HealthyAs the living standard improves more and more people are paying attention to their health conditions. Different people usually have different ways to stay healthy. In my opinion, the most important thing is to keep a healthy attitude toward life.It is true that physical factors affect on e’s health conditions a great deal, but at the same time, we should not neglect the mental factors. Many scientific researches have shown that anger, suspicion and envy do great harm to human bodies while being optimistic can cure some small diseases. We have also heard of many people who live much longer than doctors’ prediction after they have been diagnosed incurable diseases. That is, because they keep a good mood and struggle with the difficulties in life. Compared with those people who suffer serious physical pain, we healthy people are much more lucky and therefore have more reasons to maintain a healthy attitude to life no matter what kind of hardship life may give us.People use all kinds of methods to keep healthy because they want to live happily. Then in my point of view, there is no other way than keeping a healthy attitude toward life can make people happier or more healthy, both physically and mentally..Should Raising Pets be Banned?With the steady growth in the coun try’s economy as well as the people’s living standard, a great many city dwellers take up the hobby of keeping pets. To their mind, pets bring great happiness and fun to their life. In reality, pets have become a member of the pet owner’s family. However, recently this phenomenon has triggered a heated discussion as to whether city people should be allowed to raise pets. There are people on both sides of the argument who have very strong feelings.The pet lovers claim that raising a pet benefits us a lot. First of all, a pet is a faithful and obedient companion to its owner. Pets are affectionate and cute. Secondly, they possess the inborn ability to entertain people, providing a rich source of pleasure and fun. They help people rid their loneliness and ease the tense life pressure. Moreover, keeping a pet does good to childr5en’s psychological development,because it teaches children how to care for others and how to appreciate life while helping them to cultivate a strong sense of responsibility. Pets also have some practical uses. They can be a loyal companion, a doorkeeper or a guide dog. In some special cases, pets even act as the protector and savior of the owner. In a word, there are many advantages to keeping a pet at home.On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly condemn this hobby. From their point of view, pets bring far more harm than good to us city dwellers. To begin with it is a costly and time-consuming hobby. You have to accommodate them, care for them and spend time with them. How can a bustling city person afford that? Moreover, it is very dirty. They litter everywhere and may carry some fatal viruses, which are great threats to human health. They even spread some infectious diseases to their owners and sometimes even those people around the. Last of all, they are troublemakers to the neighborhood. Some pet dogs or cats enjoy barking or miaowing at midnight, which is an irritating disturbance to the neighbors. Pets may sometimes attack neighbors and passers-by. On some occasions, they cause some damage to other’s property. On any accounts, they are unwelcome and troublesome.J ust as the saying goes, “so many people, so many minds”, it is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. As far as I am concerned, it is advisable not to keep a pet in a city, because this hobby brings us more drawbacks than merits. If there were too many pets running on the streets, baking at night, lettering everywhere better give up this hobby for the common good.Unit 3: 说明文和描写文(Exposition and description)1. What is an exposition?Exposition means explaining or expounding something, the purpose of which is to inform or instruct, to make the reader understand what he reads. It is a kind of writing that is used often by a scientist, a specialist, a professional or a college student. In expository writing, the writer may present a concept, a process or a fact, and explain it by using the ways of listing the elements or steps, which make up the concept, the process or the fact. It deals with processes and relationships mainly.2. What are the common methods of writing an exposition?Illustration by example●Division and classification: The purpose of division is to divide a thing into parts and it is used to dealwith one thing.●Classification is used to organize things sharing certain qualities and the purpose of which is to groupthese things systematically.●Comparison and contrast: a comparison means the way to explain how things are similar; butcontrast explains how tings are different.●Cause and effect: it means a piece of expository writing which shows or explains the cause and effectof something.Definition: it means the way that a writer uses when he wants to introduce to the reader a new and unfamiliar term or concept.3. What is a Description?Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object, or scene.My favorite ColorWhen referring to colors, we have certain aspects of them. For instance, red may stand for passion, white for peace and purity, black for mystery, and so on. As far as I am concerned, blue is my favorite color, and there are a brief story and reasons behind it.The story could be traced back to my childhood. At the age of 8, I received a gift from my dear grandparents who paid their first overseas visit to Japan. It was a blue Mickey Mouse watch. The watchband was made of leather dyed in navy blue, and the watchcase was also of navy stainless with inside a cutenavy-uniformed Mickey Mouse whose hands pointed at the hours and minutes. At that time, about 22 years ago, this kind of watch was rare and Mickey Mouse seemed to me a fairytale which I could only imagine instead of possessing the real object; therefore, every time I put the watch on, I gained jealousy from my peer and classmate s. In other words, this behavior satisfied my childish vanity then. However, since it was a delicate and beautiful watch, I seldom put it on. On one rainy evening, my younger sister, Wen-fang, had a serious fever. Having decided to take her to see a do ctor, my mother had my brother on her back, held my other 2 sisters’ hands and asked me to embrace my sick young sister, and we walked half an hour to the clinic. After coming home, I found my Mickey Mouse watch disappeared. I hurried to seek for my lost watch in the exact path that we walked through, but couldn’t find it. I was quite sad about it, but fortunately, my sister soon recovered under the doctor’s treatment. Till now, I still remember that lost blue watch vividly and from then on, I made a specia l and favorable impression on blue.Moreover, it is magical that blue sky and blue sea have enchanting and amazing power over me. Whenever I am depressed, I especially enjoy looking up the blue sky and if it is allowed, I like going to see the deep blue oc eans as well. It’s a great relief to see the blue color, and it really soothes my nerves. Under this enormous blue vault, I, myself, and my depression are too tiny to be compared to it; the peaceful deep blue seas with the touchable melody of which the waves compose is the best cure for my unhappiness or sadness.To sum up, my definition of blue stands for relief and freedom of soul. Though some may consider blue is a sign of gloom, since I am an optimistic and independent person, when I am blue, I will tell myself to look on the bright side instead of including myself into being over sorrowful. I favor blue for its fine distinction and definition as mentioned above. Hence, I consider that no other colors are more suitable to me than blue.The Pet I KeptMany people have an experience of raising a pet. They may have different feeling and sensations towards their pets. No matter how they feel, the same feeling of having a pet is love. People treat their pets with love and the pets also spend their whole lives companying with their masters. When we have pets, we have to take care and love them. Therefore, keeping a pet is not a tough work but as a good learning experience to learn how to be responsible and patient.I kept a dog as a pet when I was in elementary school. Its name was “little white” because it was white in color. I got the puppy from my classmate because there were too many dogs after his mother-dog reproduced. He wanted me to pick up one from 7 puppies. I choose “little white” because it has a pair of beautiful and bright eyes and a very cute face. I happily brought it home and cleaned it and fed with milk. From that moment, the puppy became one of my family members.Few months later, when it grew up, it became a big dog with a short month, sharp teeth, bright eyes, a small black nose, fox-like ears and a feather duster-like tail. It had bad temper and was interested in bitinganything, especially people. I was been one of the victims. Although it got a terrible temper, it gave me the unforgettable and happy moments during my childhood.After possessing “little white”, I could have a little realization about how difficult of being parents. The puppy could have faces anywhere in the house and I got to clear them up. The defecation smelt bad and made me feel vomitive. Every time after I cleaned the feces, I shout to the puppy to release my bad emotion of cleaning the stink shit. Besides, I had to catch the fleas, which are too small to be caught on the puppy. Moreover, I had to clean the puppy regularly. The puppy was so hated to be scrub that it ran away when it heard “taking washing”. Therefore, every time I had to chase the dog on the street and catch it back and then tie it up and give a rinse. Thus, cleaning dog is not only a hard work but also an exhausted exercise.However, having a pet did not mean having a trouble. Sometimes, a pet can play an important role in our mental health. For example, when I was in bad mood, the puppy became my royal listener and stayed with me and never could not “complain” because it could not speak “human language” to grumble at me. When I was in good mood, I played with the dog and shared my happiness through having good time on the playground or giving some special abundant meals. On the contrary, the dog also had its own emotions and would have many special method of expressing its feeling. For instance, when “little white” was in good mood, it would ask me to play with it by “throwing” its “toys”, such as the fake bones or some clothes it liked to sleep with. Also, the “little white” had emotional reactions and would show its feeling on face. When the dog was happy, it would not only shake its tail but also “smile”. When the dog felt bored, it would ask me to play with it by biting my pants. When the puppy wanted to go out for fun, it would scratch the door and bark. When the dog was hungry, it would bark like “begging”. Although the puppy could not talk, it also could express its feeling through many ways In addition, the “little white” was also the security guide of family because of its “sharp nose, ears, and bad temper”. The dog almost barked at and bit anyone who tried to get into my house, including our friends, classmates, neighbors, visitors, and even the passerby except my family. Therefore, when the visitors came, we had to catch the “little white” and locked it into the “toilet” until the visitor left. After a long time, all my friends knew that I had a very bad temper dog.. As a result, keeping a pet is not a tough work but a good learning experience to learn how to be responsible and patient. After raising a dog, I not only learn how to take care of a dog but also realize that “little white” as a pet is a life, which has feelings and thought as human did and spends all its life with me, and depends on me, and trusts me. Therefore, I shall cherish the relation between us.Unit 4: 实用文(Practical writings)1. What aspects should you pay attention to when you design a cover letter?Whether mailing or hand-delivering a resume, always include a short covering letter. The following aspects you should especially pay attention to:●Address your letter to an individual, not to a title alone. Although you may address your resume to Mr.Patrick Burns, Marketing Manager, don't address your letter (or envelope) to Marketing Manager. The employer may conclude that, because you were unable or unwilling to search out his actual name,you will demonstrate an equal lack of initiative on the job. He may be instinctively more sympatheticto the applicant who uses his correct name.●Stipulate the type of job you are applying for. If you don't mention the specific job or type of work, itimplies that you are simply looking for "work." If so, you may not be the interested, motivated, anddedicated individual that the employer is looking for. Tell also what caused you to apply, whether anadvertisement, the recommendation of a friend who works there, etc, or your own research, etc. Bedirect and to the point. Don't waste the employer's time.●Be specific and factual. Mention any personal characteristics that may be relevant to the opening. Bespecific and factual. Avoid generalities and exaggeration. Back up any claim modestly and succinctly.●Be direct and natural. Write as if you were speaking face to face to the employer. Avoid ostentation.Stay clear of complicated grammar.●Be brief. Keep the letter to one page. Write as if you were speaking face to face to the employer.Avoid ostentation. Stay clear of complicated grammar.●Be brief. Keep the letter to one page.●Propose a next step (e.g., a meeting).●Tailor your letter to different readers. Although you may want to send the same resume to allemployers, you probably should vary the covering letter somewhat in order to emphasize differentinterests or strengths. Certain of your qualifications may be of more importance to one employer than to another.2. Write on Answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.December 7, 2011 Dear Jack,I have heard that you want to sell your walkman. You know, I want to buy a used walkman in order to do some listening practice. I want to know if your walkman functions well. And I offer 200 yuan to buy it. Please give me some detailed information about it as soon as possible.Yours sincerelyHenryEnglish DepartmentZhejiang UniversityWenzhou,325608ChinaDec. 21, 20113. Write a business letter to your customer to talk about the price your company offers to buy his/hercomputers. You think that the price he/she offers is too high and you think that 5800 RMB for eachcomputer is better for both sides. Now write a business letter to express this intention. Pay attention to the form of a business letter.Wang YingzhiEnglish DepartmentZhejiang UniversityWenzhou, 325608ChinaOct.20, 2011Prof. Harvey MillerComputer International444 Madison AvenueNew York, NY 10022U.S.ADear Prof. Harvey:Last weekend ,I had read the price your company offers to buy your computers. I think that the price you offered is too high. I would be very grateful if you could sell 5800 RMB for each computer .We are all looking forward to your reply.Yours Sincerely,Wang Yingzhi 4. Suppose now you are a freshman (大一学生) in a college. You want to have a part-time job. Yet yourparents don’t agree with you and urge you to focus your time and energy on your study. Now write a letter no less than 150 words to tell them the importance and value of part-time job to a college student, ensure them that you can balance your study and the part-time job well, and therefore persuade them to agree with your choice at last.Pay attention to the form of a letter: the heading, the salutation, complementary ending , and makeyour letter as powerful as possible.October 20, 2011Dear,In our country there are more and more college students undertaking a part-time job or even more than one part-time job. It’s becoming quite common to see students busy running errands after lessons.Although it is a truth that for a college student, his most important goal must be to learn well and to get a high score in examinations, it surely does not need to be the only target. In fact, college life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student’s life, part-time work can broaden his social experience. He will have the precious opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility and team-work spirit, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.For all of these reasons above, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are at college. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. To sum up, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.Sincerely,Wang Yingzhi。

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高分作文起始段引入主题的常用句式1. As the popular proverb says...2. As a popular saying goes…In my opinion, what really counts is not….3. One of the universal issues causes increasing concern is that…4. According to the information given in the table/graph/picture, we can find that…5. According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people...6. Now many people prefer…because it hasa significant role in our daily life.7. Recently the problem…has been brought into focus/brought to public attention.8. In recent few years, there is a sharp increase/decline in…9. In the past few years, a trend of…has been becoming more and more clear.10. It seems that the whole society is talking about…11. The past decade has witnessed a steadyrise in…12. Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern.13. Nowadays …plays an important role in our life.14. From the above graph/picture it is evident/clear/obvious/apparent that…2. 中间段的展开方式中间段是四级作文的主体段落,这个部分是考生语言能力的主要体现,也是作文成败的关键。



本书提供了四级写作中各种活学活用模板及句式练习,此处精选了常用过渡词汇与句式:中间高分作文常用过渡词汇与句式1. Obviously, similarly2. In addition to... therefore,3. The change in... mainly result from...4. Many people would claim that...5. There are numerous reasons why....6. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, We can…Another solution is to…7. Confronted with…we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation8. Several factors contribute to the sharp increase/rise/derease/fall/deduction/ in the amount of…9. The explanation of the problem involves many factors.10. There are numerous reasons why…and Ishall here explore/state only a few of themost important ones.11. When asked about/ When it comes to/ Faced with …, some people12. It is generally believed that...13. A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more about...14. This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found out15. The same is true of many cases in life.16. If this is true/the case, what accounts for such an issue?17. Most people have realized the seriousness/potential of what this survey exposes...18. Whether the definition/interpretation of... is constant or changeable…3. 结尾段的表达方式结尾段是首段与中间主体段发展的自然结果,它与前面两个段落相互呼应,在文章结构和脉络上形成统一的整体。


结尾段的写作方法:1) 总结归纳简要总结归纳文章要点,从而深化主题印象。

In a word, I think the university campus should be open to the tourists.2) 重申主题再次强调和明确文章开头阐述的中心思想。

Admittedly, science has created atomic bombs and produced pervasive pollution. However, it has transformed the lives of millions of people. It has multiplied man’s energy, hopes, ambitions, and understanding. It has elevated and will continue to elevate man intellectually and spiritually.3) 预测展望围绕首段和主体段,立足当前,放眼未来。

Undoubtedly, the rapid economic growth, heightened environmental consciousness and support of people are all having a favorable impact on our society. Now, we are increasingly confident that China is capable of hosting the best Olympic Games on earth.4) 提出建议提出解决问题的途径、方法或呼吁人们采取相应的行动。

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life style and try tocultivate a good living and studying habit. Then, when an annoying situation occurs, you will have to deal with it properly and patiently. Finally, you will have to tolerate your roommates even if he has irregular living habits. In short/in summary/in brief, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory atmosphere for the purpose of desirable university life.5) 提出问题提出发人深省的问题,从而突出中心思想。

Old people may choose to live alone for themselves and even embrace this living pattern. Nevertheless, in the deep part of their hearts, they must feel lonely. They need their children to stay with, to talk with, and take care of them. Why can’t young people think of the days when they are getting old?高分作文结尾段常用句式1. It is essential that effective actions should be taken to end the situation.2. It is necessary that immediate measures should be taken to (do…)3. Undoubtedly, adequate attention should be paid to…4. It is clear, therefore, that the task of…demands great attention.5. It is no doubt that special attention must be paid to the problem of …6. For the reasons given above, I strongly recommend that…7. We must call for an immediate action,because the current tendency, if permitted to continue, will surely lead to…8. As far as I am concerned, I prefer the former/the latter.9. In my opinion, both of the above views are only partly right.10. Here are many choices for us to attain the purpose.11. It is high time that something was done about it.12. To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reason below.4.小结各个段落是一篇文章的组成部分,又是一个个自成一体、相对独立的整体。
