立 ” 当然 , 如何 引 导 、 鼓励 和 保 护 。 员 工的 这 种 创 新 意 识 , 是 需 要 企 业 在 管 理 制度 、 企 业 文 化 氛 围 上 下 功
夫 的
度依赖,所以 现 了跳槽频繁 的现
象 ; 反 过 来 , 跳 槽 也 成 为 一 种 驱 动
的 工 作游 刃 有 余 , 同时 也 可 能 因 此
人 力 资 源 配 置 允 许 的 情 况 下 , 实 行 人 员 交 替 服 务 , 避 免 因某 一 关 键 岗 位 的 人 事 变 化 而 使 公 司 常 业 务 工 作 山现 空 档 , 甚 至 蒙受 损 失 。 对 于 恶 性 跳 槽 人 员 的处 理 ,我
而产生惰性 。是在熟悉 的地方 混 日
子 ,还 是 接 受 新 的 冲 击 与挑 战 ?我 想 ,作 为 新人 ,应 该 跳 槽;有 了 广 泛 的 实 战经 验 之 后 , 再 选 定 适 合你 的
和你 所除非公司能掌握相当有利的证掘,
否 则很难通 过法律 程序获 得保护 。 其 事 后 处 理 , 不 如 事 前 防 范 。 另
苗: 常规的理 由可能是工资、 职
位 、 平 台 和 空 间 等 。 从 深 层 次 角 度 井,在 职 业化 程 度 越 来 越 高 的今 天 ,
利 的 。 因 为 新 加 入 的 员工 会带 来 新 的 思想 , 的 做 事 方式 ,对 企业 固有 新
伏 ,各 位 如何 看 待 这 一 现 象呢?
徽 勰 黼 娴 秆
主持人:非常感谢各位参 与今
天 的讨 论 。跳 槽 在 业 内早 已 司 空 见
惯 , 来 年 初 , 一 风 潮 曼是 此 起 彼 岁 这
7.2 Rainfall ............................................................................................................................... 45 7.3 Temperature ,Solar Radiation,Wind Speed,Relative humidity ................................ 45 第八章 输入文件的创建 ............................................................................................................... 46 第九章 输入修改——点源 ........................................................................................................... 49 第十章 输入修改——Inlet Discharges ......................................................................................... 52 第十一章 输入修改——水库 ....................................................................................................... 53 第十二章 输入修改——子流域 ................................................................................................... 57 12.1 编辑土壤参数(.sol).................................................................................................... 58 12.2 编辑气象生成器输入数据(.wgn) ............................................................................. 58 12.3 编辑子流域一般输入数据(.sub)............................................................................... 59 12.4 编辑HRU一般输入数据(.hru) .................................................................................. 60
Neptune Apex 系统手册说明书
6 Switch Toggle BoxA few steps of programming (telling the Apex how you want it to respond to the button) and you will be on your way.Below is a diagram of the default switch numbering for a Toggle Box, 1-6.All information that applies to programming the Neptune Systems tm breakout box also applies to programming the toggle box. For example, see pg. 108 in their comprehensive Apex guide.For the momentary buttons (Switch 2,3,4,5) the primary use is to start a timed program that will return to normal operation automatically after a user selected period of time. Here are some examples of what you might consider programming into your Apex.•Feed Mode: To shut off your pumps (or set smart pumps to a designated program) for a user-selected amount of time. Typically, users will turn offor reduce powerhead spread, turn off the return pump and protein skimmerduring a feed hold. This prevents food from being sucked into yourfiltration and allows fish and corals to eat without the food being blownaway. Typical duration is about 15 – 20 minutes which gives the fish plenty of time to consume the food in your display tank.•Photo Mode: To turn on/off or change the light spectrum for a user-selected amount of time. If you have “smart” lighting that is controlled via yourApex, you can designate a specific spectrum that compliments photography.Some users also like to shut off their pumps as well to make it easier tocapture corals and fish without a lot of fast movement. Many hobbyists will reduce the BLUE color to be more WHITE when taking photos. This results in a far truer to life color and a better-quality photo.•Lighting Override or Party Mode: Activating your lighting for a user-selected amount of time whilst outside the normal schedule in order to show off your tank to friends or put the system in a “Party Mode”. Some cleverideas would be turning the tank to change different colors and add weathereffects. You might also consider a very heavy blue/actinic color to makeyour corals glow. Making the light a solid red color will make night-timeviewing easier without disturbing the animals inside your tank.For the covered toggle switch button (Switch 1 and 6), the primary use is to have a direct action that will not end until the switch is turned back on. Here are some examples of what you might consider programming into your Apex.•Emergency Cutoff: The user can use the toggle switch to shut off all pumps, or additional devices, in the event of an emergency such as a water leakage, insufficient top-off, equipment failure, stray voltage, etc. An excellentbenefit to this toggle switch is that ANYONE with access to the button can do it. If the primary aquarist is not home, whomever is taking care of theaquarium can easily flip the switch. The toggle switch is covered whichmeans it requires two motions in order to activate making it more difficult to be accidentally used.•Water-change Mode: The user can use the toggle to shut off certain pumps for a water change or other maintenance routine and the equipment will stay off until the toggle is returned back to an open state. This means you canperform your maintenance without worrying about a timer that will returnpower to the equipment after a set period of time.Programming Guide for the Toggle Switch (Switch 1 and 6) Functions:The left toggle switch (Switch 1) will have a default name of SW.It will read as “Closed” when you open the cover and flip it up.To have it shut off a device, add “If SW1 closed then Off” to the device’s advanced programming.Below is how that would look on an outlet, for example the return pump. If the toggle switch is activated (“Closed”), the return pump will turn off. You can add this line to as many devices as you want, typically people will add this to all the pumps in their system.For example, when you want to do a water-change or there is an emergency such as water leaking/return blowing bubbles, the toggle switch can be activated to shut off the equipment.The toggle switch closes when it is activated, so you can use it to control any device you like, including activating specific profiles for pumps and lighting. “If SW1 closed then off” would be a standard statement to place on any outlet to have it shut off when the toggle is closed.Programming Guide for the Momentary Switch (Switch 2,3,4,5) Functions : As stated before, momentary buttons are used to activate timed functions such as a feed mode, lighting profile, etc.To summarize: the momentary button turns on a virtual outlet, and then a defer statement sets how long the virtual program will run. Individual outlets are set to respond to the virtual program.Firstly, create a virtual outlet in the “outlet” area of your Apex Fusion.In this example I will add a virtual outlet that I name “FeedMode”.Set the virtual outlet to be off (“Set OFF”), and then to turn on when the lower left button is pressed (“If SW3 closed then ON”). Then, write a defer statement, in the format “Defer 15:00 Then OFF” (The numbers refer to the amount of time the outlet will be off in minutes).Now, this outlet will turn ON when the button is pressed and wait for the designated amount of time before turning off again.This virtual outlet is called “FeedMode” and will run for 15 minutes after being triggered by the button.Next, on any device you want to be off during FeedMode, add “If outlet FeedMode = ON then OFF”. You can also use this to designate a specific lighting profile, pump profiles, etc.This is my return pump again - with both a previously mentioned switch program based on the left toggle “SW1” as well as the virtual program, “FeedMode”.From there, you can do anything. Creating program based off of a switch being closed is quite easy now that you have the general idea! There are endless possibilities, and for advanced use, the Official Neptune Systems Apex Community Group is an excellent resource!。
• 让顾客认清药品的特征
• 明确地展示药品的优点
• 配合身体语言推荐
• 让商品自我推荐
•我认为这个比较 好
• 不可忽视同行的人
---掌握同行的理由 ---徵求建议与同意 ---当做复数客来处理,找出有发言力的人。
• 可缩短决定的时间
---年青男女的场合,女性的发言力较强 ---夫妇的场合,要早点看清何者具有决定权
• 商店的第一印象在贩卖员身上
整 洁
• • • • • •
男 性 刮胡子了吗? 是否可以看得见鼻毛? 是否有头皮屑? 职业装袖是否清洁? 鞋子擦干净了吗? 徽章(胸牌)是否在 固定位置?
• • • • • • 要保持清洁 容易引人注目 易于取得 提高商品价值 要有量感 要有关连性
---用何种方式来陈列 ---用何种顺序来陈列 ---视商品的性格来陈列 • • • • • • • 依品种的陈列法 依材质的陈列法 依用途的陈列法 依对象的陈列法 依尺寸、规格的陈列法 依色彩的陈列法 依价格的陈列法
何处使用? 何人使用? 何时使用?
5 W 1 H
何时(When )
第四届广告大赛获2项一等奖:报纸平面设计一等奖,电 视广告制作一等奖;
“海信空调” 获四川省第五届优秀广告作品平面广告铜奖;(家
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客户部含盖了客户服务和制定营销计划两项重 要职能。
AE具有良好的沟通能力,在客户处代表公司,在公司 内代表客户,是客户与公司沟通的桥梁;AE,对整个广告 运动有充分的了解,根据客户的需求按照4C理念制定营销 计划 ;另外AE具备项目进度掌控能力,充分调动公司资源, 并在计划时间内协调各个执行部门完成客户的要求。
“兆峰陶瓷”与APEX合作六年,已跃升为中国陶瓷第一品牌,现已竣 工的二期工程,年生产能力达3千万件,即将动土的三期工程,年生产 能力将达到6千万件,1999年“兆峰陶瓷”更名为“华陶瓷业”;
“花水湾”从96年招商融资开始与APEX合作,现已成为成都乃至四川 最大的温泉疗养地及重点旅游开发路线,已经开业的 “樱花宾馆”和在建 的“花水湾温泉公园”将进一步扩大其开发规模。企业股票已在98年发行, 预计将在2002年上市;
创作部根据客户部提出的营销计划思想为基 础,围绕核心诉求点进行文案创作、平面设计和 CF创作。目的是使产品利益点通过有效的视听 感知等手段促动目标消费群的购买欲望,产生购 买行为。
APEX 网络与主机安全最佳实践指南说明书
APEX™ Cybersecurity Best Practices MAN-00462 Revision 009Table of Contents1.0OVERVIEW (4)2.0INTRODUCTION (5)2.1.A UDIENCE (5)2.2.R EMARKS (5)2.3.D EFINITIONS,T ERMS AND A BBREVIATIONS (6)2.4.R EFERENCES (6)3.0NETWORK SECURITY (7)3.1.A CTIVE D IRECTORY (7)3.2.S EGMENTATION (7)3.3.1 VLANs (7)3.3.2 Firewall segmentation (7)3.3.E GRESS F ILTERING (7)3.4.N ETWORK M ONITORING (8)3.5.R EMOTE A DMINISTRATION (8)4.0HOST BASED SECURITY (9)4.1.A NTI-VIRUS P RODUCTS (9)4.2.H OST-BASED F IREWALLS (9)4.3.S YSTEM-LEVEL A UDITING (9)4.4.I NTERNET U SAGE (9)4.5.A UDITING (10)4.6.S YSTEM P ATCHING (10)5.0PHYSICAL SECURITY (10)5.1.D ESKTOP S ECURITY (11)5.2.O NSITE V ENDORS (11)6.0SECURING WINDOWS® (11)6.1.CPU H IBERNATION (11)6.2.N ULL S ESSIONS (11)6.3.D ISABLING S ERVICES (12)6.4.P ASSWORD S ECURITY (12)6.5.A CCOUNT L OCKOUT P OLICY (12)7.0FURTHER ASSISTANCE (13)© 2019 Hologic, Inc. Printed in the USA. This manual was originally written in English. Hologic, APEX™, and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks ofHologic, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, and product names are the property of their respective owners.This product may be protected by one or more U.S. or foreign patents as identified at /patents.1.0OverviewHologic, Inc. develops and markets a full line of Bone products including the APEX™ system. Ensuring the integrity of our systems is a top priority for Hologic. This document provides a guide for user “best practices” to ensure the integrity of Hologic products through their lifecycle. Additionally, this document outlines the most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the appropriate methods for securing our products. Hologic uses Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems in its Hologic DXA medical products. Although Hologic performs extensive testing prior to the deployment of our computer systems, ongoing computer security threats may pose a significant threat to the security of these systems on a daily basis. These Cybersecurity Best Practice recommendations have been performed in a laboratory environment and have undergone extensive testing. Adherence to these security recommendations will minimize the risk of cybersecurity threats. An experienced IT professional should be able to follow these instructions with minimal difficulty.2.0IntroductionHologic continually monitors the current state of computer and network security to assess potential threats to our systems. Once the concern has been identified and properly classified, Hologic performs a risk analysis to determine the potential consequences of cyber attacks. Additionally, the risk analysis will assess the potential consequences for actively mitigating the threat by inducing a product change.Hologic also has an on-going maintenance program for the entire life cycle of our products. The on-going maintenance program consists of:•Periodic Vulnerability Assessments•Laboratory evaluation of Anti-virus products•Critical security updates validation•Creation of a Cybersecurity teamHologic is committed to delivering and maintaining our products in the rapidly changing environment of cybersecurity threats. By following the Cybersecurity Best Practices below and incorporating them into your facilities security policies and protocols, your cybersecurity risk and vulnerabilities will be minimized.2.1.AudienceThis document contains information related to the Hologic DXA system. It is intended to aid in securing the customer’s network infrastructure and network environment that incorporates Hologic products.The reader of this document should be familiar with the OSI model, networking, and network security.2.2.RemarksIt is recommended that the customer implement and maintain a set of facility security policies and procedures. These security policies and procedures should address the following:•Discretionary access control•Methods of auditing•Disaster Recovery Plans / Business Continuity Plans•Password reset policy•Perimeter security (e.g., firewalls, IDS, proxy servers)•Internal security (e.g., network topology monitors, log file review, weekly vulnerability scans)•Physical Security (e.g., biometrics, locks, cameras)•Security AwarenessIt is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information technology resources in its organization.2.3.Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations802.1q: The IEEE standard for VLAN taggingACL: Access control listCBAC: Content Based Access ControlCLOC: Cyber level of concernDAC: Discretionary Access ControlDHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDMZ: Demilitarized zoneEgress: Traffic destined outboundFTP: File Transfer ProtocolIP: Internet ProtocolISL: Inter-switch link protocolLAN: Local Area NetworkLayer 3: Any device that utilizes the 3rd layer of the OSI model (AppleTalk, IP, etc.)IDS: Intrusion Detection SystemOSI model: Open Systems Interconnection Reference ModelVLAN: Virtual LANTCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suiteTFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol2.4.References•FDA Guidance for Off-The-Shelf Software Use in Medical Devices, 2016•FDA General Principles of Software Validation ; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff, 2002 •NEMA Patching Off-the-Shelf Software Used in Medical Information Systems, 20043.0Network Security3.1.Active DirectoryHologic APEX systems are compatible with Active Directory however connecting them to network domains may cause undesirable behavior because of transfer of domain policies and other configurations to Hologic systems Since domain controllers override Hologic APEX system’s factory settings, Hologic cannot support issues caused by domain policies and recommends you remove the system from network domain should unexpected behavior occur.3.2.SegmentationProperly segmenting Hologic’s products from the rest of your network can further increase the security of the systems. The goal with segmentation is to prevent unauthorized access to the system(s) by utilizing ACLs. 3.3.1 VLANsVLANs (or Virtual LAN) are a way to create several different broadcast domains on a single switch. VLAN capability is available on most modern switches.Utilizing VLANs allows you to apply some level of security (access control lists and CBAC) to protect certain extensions of your network. If implemented correctly, this creates a “virtual” DMZ.Resources needed:•VLAN capable switch•Layer 3 switch OR existing router capable of recognizing different VLAN tagging (i.e.: 802.1q, ISL) •Knowledge of networking and Cisco productsNote: VLANs were designed for management purposes and not for security. There are specific cybersecurity threats (attacks) where a user can “jump” VLANs. A more effective way of segmenting a LAN would be using a physical interface off of a firewall.3.3.2 Firewall segmentationMany hardware firewalls are equipped with a 3rd interface. This interface is typically used as a DMZ in small to mid-size network. However, this 3rd interface may also be utilized to create a dwelling for machines that need increased security.3.3.Egress FilteringIt is recommended that you employ egress filtering on your network. This will reduce the chances of external data theft and/or loss. In the beginning stages of a system compromise, one of the first things an attacker will do is TFTP or FTP to a remote server that stores privilege escalation tools. Implementing proper egress filtering will reduce the chances of this occurring.work MonitoringEffective monitoring of your network may detect the initial reconnaissance stages of a potential attack. This is vital information to capture, as it may indicate how and when a system may be compromised. Network monitoring can be accomplished by utilizing an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).3.5.Remote AdministrationHologic does not allow the installation of remote monitoring programs like LogMeIn or VNC on the Hologic DXA System. Any administration that needs to be accomplished should be done physically at the PC or using Hologic Connect™. Alternatively, you can contact your local service representative for assistance.4.0Host Based Security4.1.Anti-virus ProductsIt is recommended that you employ anti-virus software to protect your APEX™ system. While there are several “All in one” anti-virus products available on the market, Hologic does not recommend using these as they may compromise system stability. These “All in one” anti-virus products usually include: an Antivirus engine, Anti-spy ware and stateful firewall. These can significantly raise CPU usage and memory usage during regular usage, which may result in:•CPU Deprivation•System hangs•Performance degradation•Potential data corruptionHologic recommends that anti-virus products be configured for "on-demand" scanning and not "real-time protection." Real-time protection can significantly raise CPU usage and memory usage which may result in problems during image acquisition.In the event that real time protection or auto scans can’t be disabled, it is recommended to create exceptions for Hologic specific folders to exclude them from anti-virus scans.4.2.Host-based FirewallsHologic does not allow the installation of 3rd party host based firewalls on our systems. Some 3rd party host-based firewalls are vulnerable to denial of service attacks and if improperly configured, may let an intruder gain system level access to the system. The APEX™ system comes shipped with Windows built in firewall enabled.4.3.System-level AuditingHologic’s products are shipped with auditing enabled to track security events. This is to provide accountability and to help diagnose potential problems that may arise. Please do not attempt to disable auditing. It is recommended daily review of the logs be completed to ensure the integrity of the system.4.4.Internet UsagePlease do not allow any users or staff to access the Internet from any of the Hologic DXA systems. This exposes your systems to a plethora of vulnerabilities such as:•Viruses•Spyware•Trojans•Hostile code (embedded into webpages)Hologic's products are considered medical devices; therefore you are not permitted to installunauthorized software on your own. Peer to peer software can expose your entire hard drive to any individual running the same type of software.4.5.AuditingHologic depend upon auditing to provide for accountability and to track system changes. It also assists us with diagnosing potential problems that may arise. Hologic has tested the Hologic DXA system with auditing enabled and determined that proper operation is not compromised.To enable auditing:1.Click START > run, and type gpedit.msc.2.Browse to Computer Configuration > Windows® Settings > Security Settings > Local Policy >AuditPolicy.3.Define every object for both “Success” and “Failure.”4.Browse to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.5.Right click on “Security” and select properties.Browse to Control panel > Administrative Tools. Double click “Event Viewer.” Expand “Event viewer (Local)” > “Windows Logs” in the tree in left pane. Right click “Security” and select properties. Ensure that auditing is set to overwrite as needed. Maximum log size should not be smaller than 1000Kb. Failure to ensure this setting is enabled may prevent access to the machine should the hard drive become full.NOTE: It is important the clock on your system is set correctly. If the time is set incorrectly, it will not provide proper accountability in the event of a system compromise. Hologic recommends using an in-house NTP server to synchronize the clock on all your systems (including all network based monitoring devices)4.6.System PatchingHologic’s products are considered medical devices, therefore you are not permitted to upgrade the operating system or apply service packs that have not been validated by Hologic. Hologic periodically performs regression testing on critical patches and service packs.5.0Physical SecurityIt is recommended you employ some method of physical security when dealing with our systems. This ensures only authorized personnel have access to Hologic’s products.There are several vulnerabilities a malicious user could exploit locally. Some examples are: •Theft of equipment•Local password cracking•Installation of hardware keyloggers5.1.Desktop SecurityIt is of vital importance to ensure desktop security is addressed in your environment. Some examples of desktop security are:•Log out of system when not in use•Utilize a form of close captioned monitoring•Physically segment the systems in a secure room5.2.Onsite VendorsIf your organization uses vendors to assist in the administration of your network infrastructure, please make them aware of the recently added Hologic products. Ensure they do not make any configuration changes in any network devices. Doing so may adversely affect the performance of our products. It is also advised that you do not permit any outside vendors near our systems unless there is an absolute need (i.e., faulty network drop).6.0Securing Windows®6.1.CPU HibernationAPEX systems are configured from factory to never hibernate. This eliminates the possibility of scan being interrupted due to unexpected sleep timeouts.6.2.Null SessionsNull sessions are a built-in part of Microsoft’s operating system. They allow systems and users to view available resources from other servers or domains. This can be useful if you manage a large enterprise. However, there are severe risks with null sessions. Null sessions do not require authentication and leave no trace if the proper auditing isn’t in place. Windows is protected against null sessions by default. However, improper configuration can resurrect this vulnerability. To ensure your machine is protected against Null Sessions, perform the following:1.Open up Administrative tools (via control panel).2.Double click Local Security Policies.3.Expand Local Security Policies and highlight “Security Options.”4.Locate the parameter titled “Network Access: Do Not Allow Anonymous Enumeration of Samaccounts.”5. Ensure this is set to “Enabled.”6. Perform the same for “Network Access: Do Not Allow Anonymous Enumeration of Sam accounts andshares.”Additionally, disabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP and Unbinding File and Print Sharing will remove all SMB based protocols in the Hologic DXA system. This will effectively thwart all SMB based password attacks.6.3.Disabling ServicesBrowse to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>ServicesLocate the following services. Set the services to a “stopped” and “disabled” state.•Remote Registry6.4.Password SecurityIn today’s world, passwords can be compromised in literally seconds by using a wide variety of tools and techniques. As new automated tools are invented each year, the more trivial it becomes to crack passwords (both remotely and locally). To lower the possibility of a compromised password, it is vital that a set of protocols be adhered to.•Choose a password between 7-10 characters (choosing a password 15 characters or greater ensures the password is not stored as LmHash).•Use special characters in the password (i.e., @ % & ).•Do not share your password.•Do not base your password on a pet, loved one or dictionary name.•Do not write down your password.•Make your password alphanumeric. This can trick a potential attacker (some tools only crack passwords upper-case).•Examine the back of your host computer system for hardware keyloggers.•Do not leave your account logged in.•Routinely examine the event viewer logs. Under the “Security” tab, look for failed attempts. This may be a sign of an attack.•Define an “Account lockout policy” (see below).Furthermore, your Hologic DXA system is configured so any local passwords are not stored as LANMAN. This will thwart most locally based password attacks.6.5.Account Lockout PolicyDefining an “Account Lockout Policy” ensures a user account will be locked out after a pre-defined amount of failed attempts. This is important to define, as it will protect your user account from being “brute forced attacked.”7.0Further AssistanceHologic is here to help. If at any time you need further assistance or just have general questions regarding the security of Hologic products, please do not hesitate to contact us at 800.321.4659. You may also reference our Security Center at https:///hologic-products/breast-skeletal/horizon-dxa-system。
Salesforce Apex 编程教程说明书
About the T utorialApex is a proprietary language developed by . It is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the platform server in conjunction with calls to the API.AudienceThis tutorial is targeted for Salesforce programmers beginning to learn Apex. This will bring you to an Intermediate level of expertise in Apex programming covering all the important aspects of Apex with complete hands-on code experience.PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of Salesforce platform and development is needed. Apex is a programming language which has to be used with Salesforce. This tutorial assumes that you already have set up the Salesforce instance which will be used to do our Apex programming.Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2017 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i 1.APEX – OVERVIEW (1)What is Apex? (1)Features of Apex as a Language (1)When Should Developer Choose Apex? (2)Flow of Actions (3)Understanding the Apex Syntax (3)2.APEX – ENVIRONMENT (5)Executing Code in Developer Console (7)3.APEX – EXAMPLE (10)Enterprise Application Development Example (10)Creating the Custom Fields for Customer object (12)Creating Invoice Object (15)Creating the Custom Fields for Invoice object (17)4.APEX – DATA TYPES (21)Understanding the Data Types (21)Primitive Data Types (21)5.APEX – VARIABLES (25)6.APEX – STRINGS (27)String Methods (27)7.APEX – ARRAYS (30)8.APEX – CONSTANTS (32)9.APEX – DECISION MAKING (33)Apex - if statement (34)Apex – if else statement (35)Apex - if elseif else statement (36)Apex – nested if statement (37)10.APEX – LOOPS (39)Apex – for Loop (40)Apex – SOQL for Loop (41)Apex – Java-like for Loop (43)Apex – While Loop (47)Apex – do-while Loop (48)11.APEX – COLLECTIONS (50)Lists (50)Methods for Lists (51)Sets (52)Methods for Sets (52)Maps (53)Methods for Maps (53)12.APEX – CLASSES (55)What is a Class? (55)Creating Classes (55)Apex Class Structure (57)Access Modifiers (57)Sharing Modes (58)Class Variables (58)13.APEX – METHODS (60)Class Methods (60)Access Modifiers for Class Methods (60)Class Constructors (61)Overloading Constructors (62)14.APEX – OBJECTS (64)Object Creation from Class (64)sObject creation (64)Static Initialization (65)15.APEX – INTERFACES (66)Standard Salesforce Interface for Batch Apex (67)16.APEX – DML (70)DML Statements (70)Insert Operation (70)Update Operation (71)Upsert Operation (72)Delete Operation (73)Undelete Operation (74)17.APEX – DATABASE METHODS (77)Differences between Database Methods and DML Statements (77)Insert Operation (77)Update Operation (78)18.APEX – SOSL (80)SOSL (80)SOQL (81)19.APEX – SOQL (82)SOQL Example (82)Traversing Relationship Fields (82)Fetching Child Records (83)Fetching Parent Record (84)Aggregate Functions (85)Binding Apex Variables (85)20.APEX – SECURITY (86)Data Security and Sharing Rules (86)With Sharing Keyword (86)Without Sharing Keyword (87)Setting Security for Apex Class (87)21.APEX – INVOKING (91)From Execute Anonymous Block (91)From Trigger (93)From Visualforce Page Controller Code (94)22.APEX – TRIGGERS (96)Trigger Example 1 (96)Trigger Example 2 (97)23.APEX ─ TRIGGER DESIGN PA TTERNS (98)Bulk Triggers Design Patterns (98)Trigger Helper Class (99)Single Trigger on Each sObject (100)24.APEX ─ GOVERNOR LIMI TS (102)What are Governor Limits? (102)Avoiding SOQL Query Limit (102)DML Bulk Calls (105)Other Salesforce Governor Limits (107)25.APEX – BATCH PROCESSING (108)What is Batch Apex? (108)Start (109)Execute (109)Finish (109)Batch Apex Example (110)Scheduling the Apex Batch Job using Apex Detail Page (112)Scheduling the Apex Batch Job using Schedulable Interface (113)26.APEX – DEBUGGING (115)Debugging via Developer Console (115)Debugging via Debug Logs (117)27.APEX – TESTING (123)Test Classes (123)Creating Test Class (124)Running the Test Class (126)28.APEX – DEPLOYMENT (128)What is Deployment in SFDC? (128)Deployment using Change Set (131)Apex 7What is Apex?Apex is a proprietary language developed by the . As per the official definition, Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute the flow and transaction control statements on the platform server in conjunction with calls to the API.It has a Java-like syntax and acts like database stored procedures. It enables the developers to add business logic to most system events, including button clicks, related record updates, and Visualforce pages.Apex code can be initiated by Web service requests and from triggers on objects. Apex is included in Performance Edition, Unlimited Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Developer Edition.Features of Apex as a LanguageLet us now discuss the features of Apex as a Language:IntegratedApex has built in support for DML operations like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and also DML Exception handling. It has support for inline SOQL and SOSL query handling which returns the set of sObject records. We will study the sObject, SOQL, SOSL in detail in future chapters. Java like syntax and easy to use1.Apex is easy to use as it uses the syntax like Java. For example, variable declaration, loop syntax and conditional statements.8Strongly Integrated with DataApex is data focused and designed to execute multiple queries and DML statements together. It issues multiple transaction statements on Database.Strongly TypedApex is a strongly typed language. It uses direct reference to schema objects like sObject and any invalid reference quickly fails if it is deleted or if is of wrong data type.Multitenant EnvironmentApex runs in a multitenant environment. Consequently, the Apex runtime engine is designed to guard closely against runaway code, preventing it from monopolizing shared resources. Any code that violates limits fails with easy-to-understand error messages.Upgrades AutomaticallyApex is upgraded as part of Salesforce releases. We don't have to upgrade it manually.Easy TestingApex provides built-in support for unit test creation and execution, including test results that indicate how much code is covered, and which parts of your code can be more efficient.When Should Developer Choose Apex?Apex should be used when we are not able to implement the complex business functionality using the pre-built and existing out of the box functionalities. Below are the cases where we need to use apex over Salesforce configuration.Apex ApplicationsWe can use Apex when we want to:∙Create Web services with integrating other systems.∙Create email services for email blast or email setup.∙Perform complex validation over multiple objects at the same time and also custom validation implementation.∙Create complex business processes that are not supported by existing workflow functionality or flows.∙Create custom transactional logic (logic that occurs over the entire transaction, not just with a single record or object) like using the Database methods for updating the records.∙Perform some logic when a record is modified or modify the related object's record when there is some event which has caused the trigger to fire.9Working Structure of ApexAs shown in the diagram below (Reference: Salesforce Developer Documentation), Apex runs entirely on demand Platform:Flow of ActionsThere are two sequence of actions when the developer saves the code and when an end user performs some action which invokes the Apex code as shown below:Developer ActionWhen a developer writes and saves Apex code to the platform, the platform application server first compiles the code into a set of instructions that can be understood by the Apex runtime interpreter, and then saves those instructions as metadata.End User ActionWhen an end-user triggers the execution of Apex, by clicking a button or accessing a Visualforce page, the platform application server retrieves the compiled instructions from the metadata and sends them through the runtime interpreter before returning the result. The end-user observes no differences in execution time as compared to the standard application platform request.Since Apex is the proprietary language of , it does not support some features which a general programming language does. Following are a few features which Apex does not support:∙It cannot show the elements in User Interface.∙You cannot change the standard SFDC provided functionality and also it is not possible to prevent the standard functionality execution.∙Temporary file creation is not supported.∙Creating multiple threads is also not possible as we can do it in other languages.10Understanding the Apex SyntaxApex code typically contains many things that we might be familiar with from other programming languages.Variable DeclarationAs strongly typed language, you must declare every variable with data type in Apex. As seen in the code below (screenshot below), lstAcc is declared with data type as List of Accounts.SOQL QueryThis will be used to fetch the data from Salesforce database. The query shown in screenshot below is fetching data from Account object.Loop StatementThis loop statement is used for iterating over a list or iterating over a piece of code for a specified number of times. In the code shown in the screenshot below, iteration will be same as the number of records we have.Flow Control StatementThe If statement is used for flow control in this code. Based on certain condition, it is decided whether to go for execution or to stop the execution of the particular piece of code. For example, in the code shown below, it is checking whether the list is empty or it contains records.DML StatementPerforms the records insert, update, upsert, delete operation on the records in database. For example, the code given below helps in updating Accounts with new field value.Following is an example of how an Apex code snippet will look like. We are going to study all these Apex programming concepts further in this tutorial.1112Apex13In this chapter, we will understand the environment for our Salesforce Apex development. It is assumed that you already have a Salesforce edition set up for doing Apex development. You can develop the Apex code in either Sandbox or Developer edition of Salesforce. A Sandbox organization is a copy of your organization in which you can write code and test it without taking the risk of data modification or disturbing the normal functionality. As per the standard industrial practice, you have to develop the code in Sandbox and then deploy it to the Production environment.For this tutorial, we will be using the Developer edition of Salesforce. In the Developer edition, you will not have the option of creating a Sandbox organization. The Sandbox features are available in other editions of Salesforce.Apex Code Development ToolsIn all the editions, we can use any of the following three tools to develop the code:∙ Developer Console ∙ IDE∙Code Editor in the Salesforce User InterfaceNote: We will be utilizing the Developer Console throughout our tutorial for code execution as it is simple and user friendly for learning.2. Developer ConsoleThe Developer Console is an integrated development environment with a collection of tools you can use to create, debug, and test applications in your Salesforce organization.Follow these steps to open the Developer Console:Step 1: Go to Name->Developer ConsoleStep2: Click on "Developer Console" and a window will appear as in the following screenshot.Following are a few operations that can be performed using the Developer Console.∙Writing and compiling code - You can write the code using the source code editor.When you save a trigger or class, the code is automatically compiled. Any compilation errors will be reported.∙Debugging - You can view debug logs and set checkpoints that aid in debugging.∙Testing- You can execute tests of specific test classes or all classes in your organization, and you can view test results. Also, you can inspect code coverage.∙Checking performance- You can inspect debug logs to locate performance bottlenecks.14∙SOQL queries - You can query data in your organization and view the results using the Query Editor.∙Color coding and autocomplete - The source code editor uses a color scheme for easier readability of code elements and provides auto completion for class and method names.Executing Code in Developer ConsoleAll the code snippets mentioned in this tutorial need to be executed in the developer console. Follow these steps to execute steps in Developer Console.Step 1: Login to the using . Copy the code snippets mentioned in the tutorial. For now, we will use the following sample code:Step 2: To open the Developer Console, click on Name -> Developer Console and then click on Execute Anonymous as shown below.15Step 3: In this step, a window will appear and you can paste the code there.16Step 4: When we click on Execute, the debug logs will open. Once the log appears in window as shown below, then click on the log record:Then type 'USER' in the window as shown below and the output statement will appear in the debug window. This 'USER' statement is used for filtering the output.So basically, you will be following all the above mentioned steps to execute any code snippet in this tutorial.17Apex18Enterprise Application Development ExampleFor our tutorial, we will be implementing the CRM application for a Chemical Equipment and Processing Company. This company deals with suppliers and provides services. We will work out small code snippets related to this example throughout our tutorial to understand every concept in detail.For executing the code in this tutorial, you will need to have two objects created: Customer and Invoice objects. If you already know how to create these objects in Salesforce, you can skip the steps given below. Else, you can follow the step by step guide below.Creating Customer ObjectWe will be setting up the Customer object first.Step 1: Go to Setup and then search for 'Object' as shown below. Then click on the Objects link as shown below:3.Apex19Step 2: Once the object page is opened, then click on the 'Create New Object' button as shown below:Step 3: After clicking on button, the new object creation page will appear and then enter all the object details as entered below. Object name should be Customer. You just have to enter the information in the field as shown in the screenshot below and keep other default things as it is.Enter the information and then click on the 'Save' button:By following the above steps, we have successfully created the Customer object.Creating the Custom Fields for Customer objectNow that we have our Customer object set up, we will create a field 'Active' and then you can create the other fields by following similar steps. The Name and API name of the field will be given in the screenshot.Step 1: We will be creating a field named as 'Active' of data type as Checkbox. Go to Setup and click on it.20Step 2: Search for 'Object' as shown below and click on it:Step 3: Click on object 'Customer':Step 4: Once you have clicked on the Customer object link and the object detail page appears, click on the New button:21Step 5: Now, select the data type as Checkbox and click Next:Step 6: Enter the field name and label as shown below:Step 7: Click on Visible and then click Next:Step 8: Now click on 'Save'.22By following the above steps, our custom field 'Active' is created. You have to follow all theabove custom field creation steps for the remaining fields. This is the final view of customerobject once all the fields are created:Creating Invoice ObjectStep 1: Go to Setup and search for 'Object' and then click on the Objects link as shown below:23Step 2:Once the object page is opened, then click on the 'Create New Object' button as shown below:Step 3: After clicking on the button, the new object creation page will appear as shown in the screenshot below. You need to enter the details here. The object name should be Invoice. This is similar to how we created the Customer object earlier in this tutorial.2425End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://26。
Sieger Apex Flexibility说明书
Sieger ApexEasy to Install• S ensor can be remotely mountedup to 100m from the transmitter• O n board relays allow for local audible/ visual alarms• S trong integral 316 STST mounting bracket • Large easy access cable entries• Easy access terminal blocks• Wide range of accessoriesEasy to Use• Intuitive menu operating system• Clear on screen instructions guide user • Simple for button operation• Multiple language options• T ransmitter recognizes new sensor cartridges• Easy to change gas types• Large clear backlit graphical LCD displayEasy to Maintain• S imple plug in under power sensor cartridge • Smart cartridges are supplied pre calibrated • Common transmitter for all gas types • Simple filter replacement Apex takes all the best elements of gas detection design and combines them into one unit. Apex provides the highest performance, installation flexibility, a wide range of accessories and a choice of communication outputs. All this is provided in a package that is easy to install, operate and maintain. Typical applications include:PetrochemicalExploration drilling rigs, production platforms,FPSO’s, oil and gas terminals, chemical plants,oil and gas tankersHeavy IndustrialSteel manufacture, ship buildingManufacturingAutomotive, glass and ceramics, aerospace,printing and coating, cosmeticsPharmaceuticalResearch labs, solvent storage areas, process areas,demineralisation plantsTransmitterThe robust hazardous area approved Apextransmitter housing and mounting bracket is madefrom 316 Stainless Steel. It has a large backlit LCDdisplay, simple 4 button operation,3 fully configurable relay outputs and selectablesink, source or isolated 4-20mA signal. Thetransmitter is common to all types of sensor.SensorThe Apex Sensor can be mounted directly on thetransmitter or remotely up to 100m away. There aretwo versions of sensor; one for both catalytic andelectrochemical type sensor cartridges and one forthe thick film (semi conductor) type cartridges.Smart cartridgeThe sensors can be fitted with a choice of over40 toxic gas ranges and wide range of detectableflammable gases. Each cartridge is pre calibratedand simply plugs into the sensor. The IntrinsicallySafe design allows cartridges to be changed withthe unit under power. The transmitter recognizes anewly fitted sensor cartridge and automaticallyreads all the configuration information from it.TEX II 2G EEx d ia IIC, CSA Class 1, Division 1 groups B, C and D C22.2 No.152UL Class 1, Division 1 groups B, C and D, and Class 1, Zone 1 AExd [ia] IIC*For other gases and ranges not listed contact Honeywell Analytics.H_Apex DS0284_V3 6/10© 2010 Honeywell AnalyticsH W A 6019Honeywell Analytics Lines of BusinessCommercialGas detection from standalone units to fully engineered, multi-point systems, all offering cost-effective regulatory compliance» Applications: parking structures, chillers, mechanical rooms, office towers, commercial buildings,shopping centers, swimming pools, golf courses, schools and universities, laboratoriesIndustrialRenowned Sieger and Manning gas detection systems with advancedelectrochemical, infrared and open pathsensing technologies» Applications: oil and gas, cold storage, water/wastewater treatment,chemicals, engine rooms, plastics and fibers, agriculture, printing and light industrialHigh Tech/GovernmentA complete portfolio of gas and chemical detection instrumentation includinginfrared spectroscopy (MST) with no cross interference, to Chemcassette paper-based solutions (MDA Scientific) offering detection down to parts per billion » Applications: semiconductormanufacturing and nanotechnology, aerospace propulsion and safety,s pecialty chemicals industry, research laboratories, emergency responsePortablesSingle or multi-gas Lumidor and other premium detectors with compact, lightweight designs ranging from simple alarm only units to advanced, fully configurable and serviceable instruments» Applications: underground utility and electricity ducts, boiler rooms, post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene, first responder teams, remote fleetsTechnical Services24/7 global network includes post-sales service and Systems Integration teams» Emergency call out, servicecontracts, on/off-site repair, training and commissioning» Complete range of spares, consumables and accessoriesPlease Note:While ever effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions.Data may change, as well as legislation, and you are strongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations, standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract.。
1. 报纸选择:成都商报、成都晚报、四川金融投资报 2. 版位选择:选择金融证券(财金)版面;同时可兼选前八版(如 国际新闻、体育版)等进行品牌类广告的投放 杂志《证券市场》(周刊)
1.投放方式:采用脉动式投放 2.投放长度及频次:选择45秒广告长度,频次为8次/天,
目标消费群以25-50岁、受教育程度一般(初中以上), 收入不稳定的自由职业者、股民、私营企业主 性别差异不明显 对股票信息的需求主要表现为及时、全面和专业,生 活节奏快捷,对生活和工作的主动性、计划性、掌控 性要求较高 愿意为能给自己的投资带来方便、有效及商业机会的 (股票)信息付出成本
GRP预定为 点(待定),在总收视点确定的情况下, 选择低到达率、高接触频次的策略,即强调在总收视 人群中占小比例的目标收视人群中追求高有效到达率
1. 频道选择:成都经济台33频道《每日财金报道》、省有线一套频 道《怀新解盘》、市有线电视台《成都经济周刊》2. 栏目选择:以 财经栏目为主,配合新闻、时事、综艺、资讯类栏目(在适当机会 可考虑专题电视直播晚会) 3. 时段选择:以常规时段为主,但由于大部分目标受众的收视习惯 较晚,故可选择适量的后边缘时段配合(费用较低,可投放专题片 进行详细说明)
以电视媒体为主,选择收视率高的媒体,第一波选择收视 范围以成都地区为主,第二波选择具有一定覆盖性的省级 媒体及预定二级城市的强势媒体,投放促销广告; 以报纸媒体为辅,选择传播面广、阅读率高的媒体,投放 形象广告、活动告知广告标受众的移动通信终端和 传呼机的拥有率明显高于非目标受众,故选择中文短信息 直接传送此类目标受众
时通过产品改造制造新的市场兴奋点,继 续走在竞争对手的前面。
成都阿佩克思广告有限公司 APEX-IMC APEX-IMC 11
• 以桑拿为主的中高档营业场所基本未发生经营实质变化, 在传播上依旧采用线下推广,对大卫营不构成威胁; • 以各类游泳池为代表的低档消费市场容量不断增加,但由 于产品单一,只在季节竞争上对大卫营构成一定程度的威 胁; • 以大浴场为主题的产品已经涌现:如海兰云天、海龙王、 海洋之星,在概念和服务设置上完全模仿上海模式,同时 也是在大卫营前期概念市场推广基础上顺利产生(市场跟 随者)。
成都阿佩克思广告有限公司 APEX-IMC APEX-IMC 3
am I
• 背景、市场研究和考察(定位的变迁) • 消费者的形态变化(行业现状) • 消费者需要什么样的休闲方式?
成都阿佩克思广告有限公司 APEX-IMC APEX-IMC
叁大卫营是谁?(who am
• 高消费者:数量有限,追求高附加值消费方式、对产
• 中档消费者:数量较多,追求新颖时尚的生活方式、
• 低档消费者:数量最多,消费能力及潜力低,比较没
成都阿佩克思广告有限公司 APEX-IMC APEX-IMC
• 卖场冷清、缺少活化装饰和标识
成都阿佩克思广告有限公司 APEX-IMC APEX-IMC
策略性思考 整理
数量/金额/发展评估 三年的发展趋势
控制系统/售点种类 人员特性/未来发展
了解消费者如何接触并取得 产品评估设计促销
隐含消费者生活形态及认知 有助于安排媒介投放
品 牌
媒介组合 促销方式及频率
以往创意作品 创作、投放日期
知名度;偏好度 记忆与联想
竞 争 状 况
人文、心理特征 品牌差异
购买者描述/购买 性质:冲动/理性
了解目标对象,尤其心理 因素
决定促销地点与产品组合 可作SOM的参考
准确的/清晰的 量化的/可评估的
ImpulseRC Apex 飞机组装说明书
Step 1 - Frame Kit ContentsApex Base Frame KitThe Apex Base kit includes the following items:Carbon fiber partsFull hardware kitAluminium standoffs and SMA clampRubber battery pad and velcro battery padInjection molded skids, bumper and Immortal-T mountInjection molded motor wire protectionImpulseRC battery strapRound and flat diamond filesWarranty cardApex HD Frame KitThe Apex HD kit contains the same items as the Base kit with the following minor changes:The top, upper main and camera plates are modified to fitthe DJI air unit and cameraThe aluminium SMA clamp is removed because it is nolonger requiredTPU camera shims are included to adapt the DJI camera to the correct widthMr Steele Apex Frame KitThe Mr Steele Apex kit contains the same items as the Base kit, along with multiple extras including custom electronics and wiring harness.See the Steele Apex section of this page for more details.Mr Steele Apex Frame Kit - Light WeightThe Mr Steele Apex Light Weight kit contains the same items as the Mr Steele kit, along with upgraded 7075-T6 aluminium hardware to save weight.See the Steele Apex section of this page for more details.Step 2 - Arm PressnutsInstall the pressnuts in to the four arms.Prepare an M3x6mm cap head bolt and a cone washer.Place a pressnut in to the hole at the end of the arm.Pull the pressnut in to the arm from the oppsite side using the bolt and washer.Repeat process for the remaining three arms.InformationWhen fully installed the top of the pressnuts should sit just below the surface of the arm.WarningPull the pressnuts in slowly and gently! Once you feel theshoulder of the pressnut reach the ridge inside the arm,stop immediately.The pressnuts will become fully seated when securing the arms to the frame in Step 7.Step 3 - Upper Main PressnutsInstall four pressnuts in to the Upper Main plate.Prepare an M3x6mm cap head bolt and a cone washer.Place a pressnut on one of the outer holes, on the opposite side of the plate to the countersinks.Pull the pressnut in to the plate using the bolt and washer.Repeat process for the remaining three pressnuts.InformationWhen fully installed the shoulder of pressnut should sitflush with the plate.CautionT ake care to install the pressnuts on the opposite side tothe countersink holes.Step 4 - Stack Mounting BoltsInstall flight electronics stack mounting bolts.Decide whether to use the 20x20 or 30x30 mountingholes.Decide whether to use the included M3 10mm, 16mm or20mm countersink stack mounting bolts.Place the bolts in to the selcted countersink holes andsecure with an M3 nylock nut.Tighten the nylock nut sufficiently such that the bolt willnot rotate when installing additional mounting hardware tosecure your stack.Please consider which length of bolt will best suit the electronics you wish to mount.Once the frame is assembled the heads of the stack mounting bolts are not directly accessible.InformationThe Mr Steele Light Weight kit comes with only one size of stack mounting bolts, M3x10mm in 7075-T6 aluminium, as well as aluminium nylock nuts.Secure arms and key to lower main plate.Prepare an M3x8mm cap head bolt with threadlocker anda cone washer.Insert bolt with washer in to one of the inner arm mounting holes.Attach arm to lower main plate using the embeddedpressnut, do not fully tighten.Repeat process to attach three arms.Rotate two arms such that they are correctly aligned andthe tips are braced together. Rotate the third arm out tothe side to create space to install the key.Install the key and rotate the third arm in to position.Attach the fourth arm to secure the key in place.InformationDo not fully tighten the bolts, the arms should still be ableto rotate.Step 6 - Shoulder BoltsInstall shoulder bolts through lower main plate and arms.Prepare an M3 cap head shoulder bolt with threadlockerand a cone washer.Insert bolt with washer in to one of the outer arm mounting holes.Repeat process to install all four shoulder bolts.The shoulder bolts should fit through the arms easily but without any lateral movement.If one of the bolts begins to slide out when lifting the assembly, you can apply a light sideways force to that arm. This will create more friction to hold the bolt in place while you work.Install upper main plate.Place upper main plate over the arms and align thepressnuts with the exposed threads of the shoulder bolts.Tighten each of the shoulder bolts one revolution at a time, working in a star pattern, until fully secured.Tighten the inner arm bolts installed in Step 5, working in a star pattern, until fully secured.InformationWorking from the outer bolts to the inner bolts andfollowing a star pattern will ensure all components arecorrectly seated and aligned.Step 8 - SMA MountInstall SMA mount to top plate.Place an M3x16mm button head bolt in to one of the rearthree-quarter mounting holes.Place SMA mount over the bolt and secure with a 10mmhex standoff.Repeat process for the other side of SMA mount.The SMA mount has slots on either side for a zip tie to secure your main battery leads.This piece is optional and works best with a TBS SMA bulkhead mount as supplied with TBS Unify video transmitters. If you choose not to install this SMA mount we also include in the kit 20mm standoffs and M3x6mm button head bolts as replacements.For TBS SMA bulkhead mounting instructions, please refer to the Antennas section of this page.Step 9 - Immortal-T ClampInstall Immortal-T clamp and rear standoffs to upper main plate.Place two 20mm hex standoffs in to the Immortal-T clamp.Secure the assembly to the upper main plate using twoM3x6mm button head bolts.This piece is optional, if you choose not to use an Immortal-T antenna or prefer another mounting method, simply install the standoffs to the upper main plate without the Immortal-T clamp in place.For TBS Immortal-T mounting instructions, please refer to the Antennas section of this page.InformationThis part is not compatible with the HD Apex because thestandoffs are spaced wider apart to fit the DJI Air Unit.Step 10 - FPV Camera MountInstall front bumper, camera plates and front standoffs to lower main plate.Place an M3x8mm button head bolt through the frontbumper and lower main plate.Secure from above with a 28mm hex standoff, do not fully tighten.Repeat for the other side of the front bumper.Install the two further 28mm standoffs using M3x6mmbutton head bolts, do not fully tighten.Align the four 28mm hex standoffs and install the cameraside plates into the slots in the lower main plates.Tighten all four bolts, taking care not to let the standoffsrotate out of alignment.Install your FPV camera in to the frame using the M2x4mm bolts provided with the camera, do not fully tighten.InformationThe standoffs must be aligned such that one of the flatfaces is braced against the edge of the camera plate. This bracing provides extra strength and structural integrity tothe front of the frame.Step 11 - Top PlateInstall top plate and battery pad.Place top plate over the frame and align the slots with thetabs on the camera plates.Insert the tabs of the camera plates in to the slots of thetop plate, adjusting the camera plate alignment asnecessary.Secure the top plate to the front four standoffs using fourM3x8mm button head bolts.Now the camera plates are held in place by the top plate,tighten the M2x4mm bolts holding the FPV camera.Secure the top plate to the rear two standoffs using twoM3x6mm button head bolts.From below, secure the rear three-quarter standoffs to the upper main plate using two M3x6mm button head bolts.Choose whether you would like to use the rubber or velcro battery pad and install on the top plate.The front four button head bolts are 8mm long to support installing an HD camera mount.Step 12 - MotorsInstall skids and motors to arms.Place an M3x10mm button head bolt through a skid andarm from below.Place a motor over the top of the arm and align mounting hole with exposed thread of the M3x10mm bolt.Attach the motor to the arm with the M3x10mm bolt, donot fully tighten.Repeat to install the further three motor bolts.Tighten the four motor bolts in a star pattern.Repeat with the remaining three skids and motors.The skids and arms have both 16x16mm and 19x19mm mounting holes.The motor skids are optional parts. We include both 8mm and 10mm button head bolts in the kit for securing the motors with or without the skids installed.InformationThe Mr Steele Light Weight kit comes with M3x8mm cap head bolts in 7075-T6 aluminium for mounting the motors without the skids. This is the preferred configuration of Mr Steele for the lightest possible build with a total weightsaving of 25g over a build using steel hardware and skids.We also include sixteen M3x10mm button head bolts in the Mr Steele Light Weight kit in case you do want to use the skids on your build.Build CompleteCongratulations! You have completed the assembly of your Apex frame kit.Now that the mechanical build is complete you can continue on to install your chosen flight electronics.Mr Steele Apex VariantsSteele ApexThe Mr Steele Kit comes with an accessory pack which contains the following extras:Apex graphical OSD and AGC microphone boardApex regulator and LED signal distribution boardTwo RGB LED stripsWiring harness for KISS FC and KISS 4in1 ESCFour rubber soft-mount standoffsTwo injection molded plastics kits in black and coyotebrownFoam strip for landing pads, HD camera mounting foamwedgeAdditional ImpulseRC battery strapSteele Apex Light WeightThe Mr Steele Light Weight kit comes with the same extras as the Mr Steele kit, along with upgraded hardware for a total weight saving of 12.5g in hardware alone.This kit was intended to be used without the arm skids by using the provided M3x8mm cap head motor bolts in 7075-T6 aluminium. This saves another 12.5g in plastic for a total of 25g weight savings. We do however also provide 10mm motor bolts in steel if you do wish to run the skids on your build.The Light Weight hardware kit changes the following parts from steel to 7075-T6 aluminium:Countersink stack mounting bolts and nylock nutsM3 6mm, 8mm and 16mm button head bolts for frameassemblyM3x8mm cap head bolts for mounting motors withoutskidsTBS Immortal-TInstall Immortal-T antenna in to clamp on upper main plate.Place Immortal-T coaxial cable in the channel betweenupper main plate and the antenna clamp.Install zip ties through upper main plate and antennaclamp, and around the plastic housing of the Immortal-Tantenna.Push the Immortal-T up in to the channel while tightening the zip ties.Trim excess length from zip ties.When the zip ties are fully tightened, the top edge of the cutout in the upper main plate should bite in to the plastic housing of the Immortal-T antenna. This results in a light weight and very secure mounting.TBS SMA BulkheadInstall TBS SMA bulkhead in to clamp on top plate.Insert the coaxial cable of the SMA bulkhead through theslot in the mount.Slide the SMA bulkhead back so that it is flush with themount.Secure the SMA bulkhead to the mount using twoM3x6mm button head bolts.WarningOnce you install your video transmitter antenna, it isimportant to secure the coaxial cable to the rear of the top plate with a zip tie.Fastening to the top plate ensures that the antenna cannot be pulled downwards and lever the SMA connectoragainst the bulkhead which is secured to the mount.Apex RegulatorsInstall Apex regulator board on upper main plate.Place an M2x10mm bolt in to one of the countersink holes on the upper main plate.Install a threaded M2 spacer to hold the bolt in place.Repeat process for the other three bolts.Install the Apex regulator board and secure with M2 nylock nuts.Apex OSDInstall Apex OSD board to back of camera plates.Ensure camera and camera plates have been installed inthe frame, as per Step 10 of the build guide, so that theyare aligned correctly.Remove camera and camera plate assembly from frame.Place the OSD on the rear of the camera plates, the wings of the OSD will fit between the notches on the cameraplates.Holding the OSD board in place, reinstall the assembly into the frame.Copyright © 2019 ImpulseRC. All rights reserved.。
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1. 引言APEX传奇是一款备受玩家喜爱的竞技类射击游戏,由于玩法创新和独特的角色设定,成为了当下备受瞩目的游戏之一。
2. 活动方案一:排位赛活动2.1 活动介绍排位赛活动主要是为了提高玩家的游戏技术和竞争力,增加游戏的挑战性和乐趣,同时激励玩家参与游戏。
2.2 活动流程2.2.1 报名阶段:在游戏中设置专门的报名渠道,玩家可以通过该渠道报名参加排位赛活动。
2.2.2 初赛阶段:根据玩家的报名情况,进行初赛分组,每组最多包括50人,通过多场比赛选拔出前10名晋级。
2.2.3 决赛阶段:每个小组的前10名将进入决赛,进行多场对决,从决赛中选拔出冠军和亚军。
2.3 活动奖励排位赛活动最大的吸引力在于奖励,我们可以提供以下奖励:2.3.1 冠军奖励:1个稀有皮肤、10000个游戏金币、特殊称号。
2.3.2 亚军奖励:1个稀有皮肤、5000个游戏金币、特殊称号。
2.3.3 其他参与奖励:参与者可以获得参与奖,例如游戏币或者特殊道具等。
3. 活动方案二:周年庆典3.1 活动介绍周年庆典是为了庆祝APEX传奇上线一周年而设计的活动,旨在提高游戏的知名度和关注度,同时感谢玩家对游戏的支持。
3.2 活动内容3.2.1 线上活动:发布周年庆典专属玩法,例如限时赛季、特殊角色解锁等,增加活动期间玩家的参与度。
3.2.2 礼包发放:发布周年庆典礼包,包含大量游戏金币、珍稀皮肤等珍贵物品,玩家在活动期间登录游戏即可领取。
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