人教版必修四《Body Language》同步练习12


高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(含答案解析)

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(含答案解析)

高中英语必修4Unit4《BodyLanguage》单元同步测试(含答案解析)I单项选择(15分)1.Ifyoucomparefoodcoststoday___ofayearago,youwillfindthedifference.A.tothatB.tothemC.withthatD.withthose2.Anexpert,togetherwithsomeassistants,___senttohelpwiththeworktheotherday.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are3.Theboysarguingoverwhethertoplaybaseballorfootballfinally___byvoting.A.reachedgoalsB.cametotermsC.cametoanendD.gaveup4.Somanyyoungmenwantto___writing.A.takeinB.takeupC.takeoverD.takeoff5.Youcan____her;she’llneverletyoudown.A.believeB.believeinC.thinkD.thinkabout6.Thequestionisnot____.A.worthtoconsiderB.worthtobeconsideredC.worthconsideringD.worthbeingconsidered7.–Motherhasn’tcomebackyet.--Well,sheought____.A.toB.tobeC.todoD.tohave8.Withthehelpoftheforeignexperts,theyproduced___washingmachinesin2003astheyearbefore.A.astwicemanyB.astwiceasmanyC.asmanyastwiceD.twiceasmany9.____isnodoubtthatPremierWenJiabao’sUSvisithelpeddevelopChina-Useconomy.A.ItB.ThereC.ThisD.That10.____byhisteachers,hefeltnervous.A.HavingwatchedB.HavingbeenwatchingC.WatchingD.Beingwatched11.Jackcamehomesothinandweakthathischildrenhardly___him.A.knewB.receivedC.admittedD.recognized12.___hiswork,hestartedtoplaythecomputergames.A.BeingfinishedB.HavingfinishedC.FinishingD.Havingbeenfinished13.Studentsshouldplaymoreontheplaygroundto___uptheirbodies.A.holdB.setC.keepD.build14.Themiddle-agedwoman___thehabitofsmoking.A.improvedB.increasedC.supportedD.developed15.Thewinterisalreadyhere,and___tobeamostcoldone.A.goesB.promisesC.likesD.knowsII完形填空(20分)Ishallneverforgetthedaywhentheearthquaketookplace.Thetimewas5:15intheafternoonandIwasdrivingalongtheroadt o_16 mydaughterfromschool.Ourplanwastogo 17 together.Ihadfinishedworkatabout4o’clockandthen 18 tothepostoffice.ThenIstopped 19 atashopinordertogetsome 20 fruit.Weliketohavesomefruittoeatafterourswim. Iwasdrivingalongahighroadonmywaytotheschool.Overmyroadwasanotherwayforcarscomingtheotherway.Iwas 21 soIputthebagofapplesintheseat22 meandstartedtoeatone. SuddenlyIsawthecarsinfrontofmestarttomovefromsidetoside.Isloweddown.Then 23 startedtoshake.Ididn’tknowwhatwashappening. 24 somethinghadgonewrongwithmycar.Idrove 25 slower.Istoppedthecarandatthesamemomenttheroadfellontothecarsinfrontofme.Ifoundmyselfinthedark.Icouldn’tmove.Thebottompartsofbothmylegsandmy 26 werehurtingbadlyandIcouldn’tmovethem.Allaroundmewas 27 .ButbelowmeIcouldhearshoutsandalotofnoise.ThenI 28 whathadhappened.Ihadbeeninanearthquake.Forabouttwohoursnobodycame.LuckilyIcould 29 thebagofapples,soatleastIhadplentytoeat.ThenI 30 peopleclimbingtowardsme.Ateamofpeoplehadcometoseeifanyonewasunderthebroken31 .Icalledout“I’mhere!”I heardashout,soon32 climbedtothesideofthebridgenearmycar,“Howareyoudoing?”heasked.“Nottoobad,”I said,“butmyfeetandlegs33 asifthey’rebroken.”“We’llhaveyououtoftherejustas 34 aswecan,”hesaid.Theydidn’tgetmeout 35 thenextmorning.Ihadbeeninmycarfor14hours.16.A.take B.bring C.get D.send17.A.swimming B.shopping C.climbing D.skating18.A.arrived B.came C.got D.gone19.A.off B.away C.over D.here20.A.dried B.fresh C.expensive D.hard21.A.happy B.excited C.surprised D.hungry22.A.before B.below C.beside D.behind23.A.mycar B.myhands C.myfeet D.theroad24.A.Perhaps B.Surely C.Suddenly D.Quickly25.A.much B.more C.even D.alittle26.A.feet B.arms C.hands D.fingers27.A.dark B.quiet C.cold D.noisy28.A.wastold B.foundout C.discovered D.remembered29.A.see B.hold C.catch D.reach30.A.heard B.saw C.found D.recognized31.A.railway B.road C.car D.trees32.A.astranger B.afriend C.mydaughter D.adriver33.A.feel B.look C.seem D.appear34.A.fast B.easy C.soon D.possible35.A.on B.to C.until D.afterIII阅读理解(30分)ANotmanyyearsago,awealthyandratherstrangeoldmannamedJohnsonlivedaloneinavillageinthesouthofEngland.Heha dmadealotofmoneyintradingwithforeigncountries.Whenhewas75,hegave£12,000tothevillageschooltobuylandandeq uipmentforachildren’splayground.Asaresultofhiskindness,manypeoplecametovisithim.Amongthemwasanewspaperman.Duringtheirtalk,Johnsonr emarkedthathewas75andexpectedtolivetobe100,andthenewspapermanaskedhimhowhemanagedtobehealthyat75.Jo hnsonhadasenseofhumor.Helikedwhiskyanddranksomeeachday.“I haveaninjection(注射)inmyneckeachevening”,hetoldthenewspaperman,thinkingofhiseveningglassofwhisky. ThenewspapermandidnotunderstandwhatJohnsonmeant.InhisnewspaperhereportedthatJohnsonwas75andhadadaily injectioninhisneck.WithinaweekJohnsonreceivedthousandsoflettersfromalloverBritain,askinghimforthesecretofhis dailyinjection.36.Johnsonbecamearichmanthrough_____.A.doingbusinessB.makingwhiskyC.cheatingD.buyingandsellingland37.ThegiftofmoneytotheschoolsuggeststhatJohnson____.A.hadnochildrenB.wasastrangemanC.wasverywarm-heartedandfondofchildrenD.wantedpeopletoknowhowrichhewas38.ManypeoplewrotetoJohnsonprobablytofindout____.A.whatkindofwhiskyhedrankB.howtolivealoneC.howtobecomewealthyD.inwhichpartoftheneckhehadaninjectioneachday39.WhenJohnsonsaidhehadaninjectioninhisneckeachevening,hereallymeantthat____A.helikeddrinkingaglassofwhiskyintheeveningB.heneededaninjectionintheneckC.adailyinjectingintheeveningwouldmakehimsleepwellD.therewassomethingwrongwithhisneck40.FromthepassagewecaninferthatJohnsonwouldbevery____afterhereadthosepeople’sletters.A.miserableB.gladC.surprisedD.saidBBothwarm-bloodedandcold-bloodeddesertanimalshavewaystoescapethedesertheat.Warm-bloodeddesertanimals,su chasratsandmice,restduringtheday,oftenstayingincoolundergroundburrows.Atnighttheysearchforfood.Animalsthata reoutduringtheday,suchascold-bloodedlizardsandsnakes,areactiveonlyforshortperiods.Astheirbodytemperaturerises ,thesereptiles(爬行动物)moveintotheshadeinordertocooldown.Intheearlyevening,whenthesungrowsweaker,thereptilesbecomemoreactivean dbegintheirsearchforfoodagain.Gettingenoughwatertosurviveisamajorproblemforalldesertanimals.Somedesertanimals,likedesertbirds,managetofin dwaterholes.Otherdesertanimals,suchasthekangarooratandtherelatedjerboa,getwateronlyfromthefoodthattheyeat.Be causetheseanimalseatmainlydryseeds,theymustsurviveonatinyamountofwater.Mostdesertshaveonlyasmallnumberoffrogsandtoadsbecausetheseanimalsmustbenearwatertosurvive.Yeteventhesec reatureshaveadapted(适应)todesertconditions.Whensmallamountsofwatercollectintemporarystreams,thedesert-livingfrogsandtoadsbecome active.Afterarainfall,theylaytheireggs.Theeggsgrowintotadpolesinafewdaysandintoadultsinjustfourweeks.Whenthe puddles(水坑)dryup,theadultfrogsortoadsdigintotheground.Theirmetabolism(新陈代谢)slows,andtheystaybeneaththegrounduntilthenextrain,whichmaybeasgoodasayearaway.Untilthen,theirbodilyacti vitiescontinueatareducedrate.Thecamel—oftencalledtheshipofthedesert—isoneofthemostsuccessfuldesertanimals.Camelscangoforlongperiodsw ithoutwater,buteventuallytheymustdrink.Whenwaterbecomesavailabletothemafteralongdrought,theymaydrink95lit ersofwaterormore.Whenwaterisnotavailable,whathelpscamelssurvivethedesertheatisthefatstoredintheirhumps(驼峰).Acamel’shumpcontainsabout12kilogramsoffat.Fatisrichinhydrogen.Asthefatisdigested,hydrogenfromthefatco mbineswithoxygenintheairthatthecamelbreathes.TheresultisH2O,orwater.Eachkilogramoffatthatacameldigestsprod ucesaboutaliterofwater.41.Desertanimalsareusuallymoreactiveatnightbecause_____.A.itiscooleratnightB.itiseasiertofindwaterC.theylikethedarkD.theyarelesslikelytobeattackedatnight42.Whichofthefollowingdesertanimalscangetwateronlyfromthefood?A.Thecamel.B.Thekangaroo.C.Thefrog.D.Therat.43.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Allthedesertanimalsrestduringtheday.B.Allthedesertanimalsdon’trestduringtheday.C.Cold-bloodeddesertanimalsareoutmostoftheday.D.Noneofthecold-bloodeddesertanimalsgooutduringtheday.44.Thetitleforthispassagecouldprobablybe_____.A.HotDesertsB.DesertAnimalsC.HowDesertAnimalsGetWaterD.WaysToEscapetheDesertHeat45.Theunderlinedword“burrows”inthefirstparagraphcanbereplacedby_____.A.holesB.cavesC.roomsD.openingsCInbringingupchildren,everyparentwatcheseagerlythechild’sacquisition(学会)ofeachnewskill—thefirstspokenwords,thefirstindependentsteps,orthebeginningofreadingandwriting.Itiscommo nthatparentshurrythechildbeyondhisnaturallearningrate,butthiscansetupdangerousfeelingsoffailureandstatesofworr yinthechild.Thismighthappenatanystage.Ababymightbeforcedtouseatoilettooearly,andayoungchildmightbeencoura gedtolearntoreadbeforeheknowsthemeaningofthewordshereads.Ontheotherhand,though,ifachildisleftalonetoomuch ,orwithoutanylearningopportunities,heloseshisnaturalenthusiasm(热情)forlifeandhisdesiretofindoutnewthingsforhimself.Parentsvarygreatlyintheirdegreeofstrictnesstowardstheirchildren.Somemaybeespeciallystrictinmoneymatters;other saresevereovertimeofcominghomeatnightorpunctuality(准时)formeals.Ingeneral,thecontrolsimposed(强加的)representtheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunity(社区)asmuchasthechild’sownhappiness.Asregardsthedevelopmentofmoralstandards(道德标准))inthegrowingchild,consistency(连贯性)isveryimportantinparentalteaching.Toforbidathingonedayandexcuseitthenextisnofoundationformorality.Also,paren tsshouldrealizethat“exampleisbetterthanprecept”.Iftheyarenotsincereanddonotpractisewhattheypreach(说教),theirchildrenmaygrowconfused,andemotionallyinsecurewhentheygrowoldenoughtothinkforthemselves,andreal izetheyhavebeentosomeextentfooled.Asuddenawarenessofamarkeddifferencebetweentheirparents’principlesandtheirmoralscanbeadangerousdisappoint ment.46.Eagerlywatchingthechild’sacquisitionofnewskills_____.A.shouldbeavoidedB.isuniversalamongparentsC.setsupdangerousstatesofworryinthechildD.willmakehimloseinterestinlearningnewthings47.Whenchildrenarelearningnewskills,parentsshould_____.A.encouragethemtoreadbeforetheyknowthemeaningofthewordstheyreadB.notexpecttoomuchofthemC.achieveabalancebetweenpushingthemtoohardandleavingthemontheirownD.createasmanylearningopportunitiesaspossible48.Thesecondparagraphmainlytellsusthat_____.A.parentsshouldbestrictwiththeirchildrenB.parentalcontrolssatisfyonlytheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunityC.parentalrestrictionsvary,andarenotalwaysenforcedforthebenefitofthechildrenaloneD.parentsvaryintheirstrictnesstowardstheirchildrenaccordingtothesituation49.Theunderlinedword“precept”(inParagraph3)probablymeans“_____”.A.ideaB.punishmentC.behaviorD.instruction50.Inmoralmatters,parentsshould_____.A.observetherulesthemselvesB.beawareofthemarkeddifferencebetweenadultsandchildrenC.forbidthingswhichhavenofoundationinmoralityD.satisfytheirchildren’sneedsIV短文改错(10分)Idon’tknowJohnDenver.However,I’veheardhim.51.________Hepreferredcountrymusicforpopmusic.Ilikehis52.________songsandsometimesIkeeplistenallday.He53.________madelotsofrecordsandhismusichadbroadcaston54.________theradio.Hewasnotjustasingerbutasongwriter.55.________Whenpeoplewereangrywithsocietybutdidn’tthink56.________wellofpoliticalleaders,hebeginstoturntothis57________subjectwithothersingers.Theymadeofunofthem58.________bysingingsongsfullofangry.ThoughDenverdied,59.________countrymusichavebecomemoreandmorepopular.60.________V书面表达(25分)人类已经进入一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。



Unit 4 Body language(答题时间:60分钟)一、单项选项1. All_________ to the earthquake-hit areas were cut off, which made the rescue much more difficult.A. approachesB. meansC. plansD. projects2. If you are afraid of losing _______ face, you will not be able to learn _________ English language well.A. the; 不填B. your; 不填C. the; theD. 不填; the3. _________, babies begin to talk between 12 and 15 months, but they can use body language to communicate before they learn to speak.A. In commonB. In particularC. In generalD. In public4. Many young students are very curious _________ the lifestyles of film stars, but actually they are also common people after they step off the screen.A. inB. atC. ofD. about5. She understood nothing, nor _________ want to understand.A. she didB. did sheC. she doesD. does she6. You have _______ him -he was not laughing at you; in fact, he just wanted to show his friendliness.A. respectedB. misunderstoodC. affectedD. amused7. Parents, of course, will do everything they could to ________ their children from harm.A. defendB. convinceC. overcomeD. reduce8. ____________ to the left, you will find a bookstore and you won’t miss it.A. If turnB. TurnC. To turnD. Turning9. Peter phoned to say they’d arrived safely, so put your mind _____.A. with easeB. by heartC. in peaceD. at ease10. If you hurry up, I think it quite ______that you will catch the flight to Hong Kong. There are 40 minutes left.A. probablyB. likelyC. possiblyD. certainly11. What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.A. the wayB. in the way thatC. in the wayD. the way which12. Smoking is one of the _____causes of cancer, killing millions of people each year.A. majorB. similarC. commercialD. chemical13. As we all know, the dove and the olive branch ______peace.A. presentB. markC. replaceD. represent14. Bill opened the door for Harold and ______him with cries of welcome.A. shoutedB. wavedC. shookD. greeted15. On hearing the news that his father returned from abroad, Jack got up quickly, ______the breakfast ______.A. leaving; unfinishedB. leaving; unfinishingC. left; unfinishedD. left; unfinishing 二、阅读理解AThere is one language that is used in every country in the world. The people who use it are young and old, short and tall, thin and fat. It is everybody’s second language. It is easy to understand, although you can’t hear it. It is sig n language.When you wave to a friend who is across the street, you are using sign language. When you smile at someone, you are saying, “I want to be friendly”, but you are not using speech. You are using sign language. When you raise your hand in class, y ou are saying, “Please ask me. I think I know the correct answer.”Babies who can’t talk can point at things. They are using sign language. A policeman who wants to stop traffic holds up his hands. He is using sign language.Many years ago, a French priest, Charles Michel de Epee, became interested in education for deaf people. He invented a finger alphabet (字母表). It is still in use. People can make the sign for letters and spell words with their hands, and deaf people can read and understand them. Soon there were schools for the deaf in many countries. The only university for the deaf is Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C..Today, in the United States, there are special TV news programs for deaf people. The newsreader tells the news in sign language. At the same time, the words appear on the TV screen.The actors in the Theatre of Deaf don’t spell every word. Sometimes they use hand signs. When they put two hands together, it means sandwich. They can make a roof with their hands when they want to show a ho use. One finger in front of an actor’s mouth can mean quiet. You can talk to people who are behind windows that are closed. And when you go swimming with your friends, you can have conversations under water.How many hand signs do you use every day?1. Which of the following about sign language is TRUE?A. It is a special language used in a few countries in the world.B. It is a way to express one’s ideas without words.C. It is only used by the deaf.D. It can be heard.2. If you want to express the idea that “I am very friendly” to someone, you will ______.A. raise your handB. put one hand onto the otherC. smile to the personD. make a roof with your hands3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Hand signs instead of finger signs are used everyday.B. There are schools, colleges and universities for the deaf in the USA.C. The French priest Charles invented sign language.D. Even babies are using sign language.4. The passage is mainly about ______.A. an introduction to sign languageB. the importance of sign languageC. a famous priest in FranceD. how to use sign languageBThere is an English saying:“laughter is best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter had similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programmes. The group that tolerated(忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny programme. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.5. Doctors have proved the following EXCEPT that .A. smiling does good to healthB. laughter can be toleratedC. there is a way to reduce painD. laughter can work the muscles in the feet6. The main idea of the passage is .A. laughter and physical exercise have similar effects on the human bodyB. smile can produce the same effects as laughterC. pain can be reduced by laughterD. laughter is the best medicine7. The students who tolerated the pain for the longest time.A. listened to different radio programmesB. could produce a kind of chemicalC. don’t have stress of painD. listened to a funny programme8. The underlined word “diminish” is similar to .A. testB. stopC. reduceD. increase9. Doctors hold laughter clinics _________.A. to give better condition to their patientsB. in order to improve patients’ healthC. to make patients smileD. to prove smile and laughter have the same effect三、单词拼写1. The government issued a _______ (陈述)urging the public to protect the environment.2. He ____________(打招呼) me in the street with a friendly wave of hand.3. In the Western countries, “V” often __________ (代表)victory.4. We ___________ (接近)the birds quietly and watched them.5. The ____________(误解) between them became deeper and deeper after they quarreled.6. Send a recent __________(面部的)photograph of yourself with your application.7. He handed her a cup of coffee to put her at _______ (舒适).8. The machine will not ________(运转)properly if it is not kept well-oiled.9. He was _______ (好奇的)to know what was happening in the office.10. The sun is the _______ (主要的)source of our energy for our planet.Unit 4 Body language答题卡【试题答案】1.A 考查名词辨析。



Unit 4 Body languageⅠ.重点单词分类记A.拼写高频单词1.n.怒气;怒火2.n.等级;军衔3.vi.猛冲;突进4.vi.&vt.拥抱5.n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的6.n.作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转7.n.安逸;舒适vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)8.vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径cases B.联想拓展单词1.n.主题;对象→adj.主观的2.vt.陈述;说明→n.陈述;说明3.adj.主要的vi.主修→n.大多数4.vt.保护;保卫→/n.防御;保卫5.vt.代表;象征→n.代表(人士)6.vi.&vt.迎接;问候→n.迎接;问候;招呼7.adj.好奇的→adv.好奇地→n.好奇心8.vi.&vt.把……联系起来→n.社团;联系;联想9.adj.口语的→adj.非口语的;未说出口的10.vt.误解;误会→n.误解;误会C.识记阅读单词1.cassette n.2.dormitory n.3.flight n.4.posture n.5.false adj.6.truly adv.Ⅱ.重点短语快速记1.防御;保卫……以免受2.很可能……;有希望……3.总的来说;通常4.相反5.丢脸6.背对7.防御;保卫8.舒适;快活;自由自在9.对……感到紧张10.在大多数情况下Ⅲ.完成句子1.(第一个到达的人)was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.(动词不定式作后置定语)2.(各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同),nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.(not all...表部分否定)3.(握起拳头)and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.(动词-ing形式作主语)4.We can often be wrong about each other,so(这真是件令人惊奇的事)that we understand each other as well as we do!(it作形式主语)IV.阅读理解When we communicate with others,we do not only express ourselves through words,but also through our tones of voice,facial expressions and body language.In fact,many scholars believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (非口头地).Body language is just an important part of non-verbal communication.Learning another language is more than just learning its words and grammar;it also involves learning another culture.We learn much of our body language before we learn to speak from the time we are children.Body language varies from culture to culture,so it's important for us to pay attention.Sometimes,cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstanding too.For example,there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two speakers.If you are used to keeping distance with people,you will feel very uncomfortable when people get closer to you while talking at a party.We call this the “personal comfort zone”.Another common example of misunderstanding is the use of a smile. In some Asian cultures,a smile can show embarrassment or apology.However,smiling at a teacher who is unhappy with you is probably not a good idea in most English-speaking cultures!So it's worth learning the cultural differences in body language. Understanding any cultural or regional attitudes can help you improve your communicative(交际的)skills.判断正(T)误(F)。

重点单词(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(同步练习)

重点单词(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(同步练习)


1. The doctor will give you some medicine to (减轻) your pain.2. The library is (起作用) as a temporary hospital to cope with people injured in the earthquake.3. The boy is now an (成年人) and ought to be earning his own living.4. The way they interpreted their past was highly (主观的).5. All the (航班) were delayed due to bad weather.6. At the meeting they discussed three different (方法) to the study of mathematics.7. Please decide whether the following statements are true or (错误的).二、七选五补缺题。

“You are what you eat.” goes the common English saying. But actually, you are what you drink. Why? Because 75 percent of your body is water!1.When we don’t give our bodies enough water, our organs cannot work properly. We are also easier to catch diseases. When we are sick, drinking plenty of water should be one of the first things we do. 2.Is your body asking for more water?If you experience headaches, sleepiness, allergies (过敏) or dizziness (头昏眼花), your body might be telling you to drink more water. 3.Even problems such as nervousness or forgetfulness can be caused by lack of water. In addition, the medicines that treat these illnesses can sometimes dry out your body further. The more water you are lacking in, the worse your health will be—no matter how much medicine you take. 4.How much water is enough for you?Most experts suggest drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. However, if you weigh more than 128 pounds, you need even more water. Drink an extra glass of water for every 15 pounds of body weight.Drink more water in the hot summer months and when you exercise to replenish (补充) the water lost through sweating. Caffeine makes your body lose water very quickly. So drink extra water if you drink beverages such as coffee, tea and soda.Helpful tipsTry these tips to help yourself drink more water.● Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink. 5.● Plan to have enough w ater.● Carry a bottle of pure water with you wherever you go.● Don’t hesitate by frequent trips to the toilet.Drinking plenty of water can take as much time as you need and prevent serious illness in the future. So pour yourself a glass of water and drink up!A. Drink water regularly and drink each time.B. All kinds of drink will contribute to your health.C. If you’re thirsty, you’re already lack of water.D. Instead, we usually depend on drugs to make us well.E. Lack of water may be the real reason for your sickness.F. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body when it asks for a drink!G. With this fact in mind, it’s no surprise that drinking enough water is crucial for good health三、短文改错。

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4 Body Language Using language 课时同步练习习题(含解析)

高中英语 必修4 Unit 4 Body Language Using language 课时同步练习习题(含解析)

高中英语必修4Unit4BodyLanguageUsinglanguage课时同步练习习题(含解析)第4课时Usinglanguage基础练习本单元重点知识归纳总结:一、重点词汇:(写出汉意及词性)1.represent______________2.curious_______________3.defend______________4.approach______________5.belikelyto______________6.ingeneral______________7.atease______________8.loseface______________9.turnone’sbackto______________二、重点句式:1.prohibitionandwarning(禁令和警告):Donot...;Stop!;Keepawayfrom...;Alwaysstay...;Watchout!Lookout!Goaway.Don’tenterhereBecarefulwhen...,Comehere.Youmaynot...Youwillbefined...,Don’tsmokehere.Don’tslip;2.obligation(义务和责任)Youmust...,Youshouldnever...,Youwillbe...,Youwillhaveto...,Youwillneedto...,Weoughtto...,He’s supposedto...三、课文重点句型:1.Notallculturesgreeteachotherthesameway,noraretheycomfortableinthesamewaywithtouchingordistancebetweenpeople.1.各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。


Unit 4《Body Language》同步练习12(人教版必修4)

Unit 4《Body Language》同步练习12(人教版必修4)

unit1 Body language-grammar测试1) Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A) having been fined B) to have been finedC) to be fined D) being fined2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____ from you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hearC) for hearing D) hearing3) The thief took away the woman's wallet without____.A) being seen B) seeingC) him seeing D) seeing him4) People appreciate ____wit him because he has a good sense of humor. (CET-4 1998,1)A) to work B) to have workedC) working D) have working5) I've enjoyed ____ to talk with you.A) to be able B) being ableC) to been able D) of being able6) No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influencedC) influencing D)having influence7) They are considering ____ before the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the houseC) buying the house D) to buy the house8) He thought that ____.A) the effort doing the job was not worth B) the effort was not worth in doing the jobC) it was not worth the effort doing the job D) it was not worth the effort by doing the job9) If I had remembered ____ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A) to lock B) lockingC) to have locked D)shavings locked10) Your shirt needs ____. You'd better have it done today.A) iron B) to ironC) ironing D) being ironed11) You can't help ____ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.A) to hear B) to be heardC) hearing D) with hearing12) My transistor radio isn't working. It ____.A) need repairing B) needs to repairC) needs repairing D) need to be repaired13) It is no use ____ me not to worry.A) you tell B) your tellingC) for you to have told D)shavingstold14) He is very busy ____ his papers. He is far too busy ____ callers.A) to write...to receive B) writing...to receiveC) writing...receiving D) to write...for receiving15) The suspect at last admitted ____ stolen goods but denied ____ them.A) receiving...sellingB) to receive...to sellC) to receiving...to sellingD) to have received...to have sold16) She apologized for ____ to come.A) her not being able B) her being not ableC) not being able D) that she's not able to17) I really appreciate ____ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.A) you to offer B) that you offerC) your offering D) that you are offering18) Please stop ____, boys, I have something important to ____ you.A) saying ...talk B) telling ... sayC) talking ...speak D) talking ... tell19) Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficulty ____ his tape recorder?A) to fix B) fixing C) for fixing D) fix20)"Why isn't Nancy going to meet us?""It's my fault. I forgot all about ____ her."A) telephoning to B) to telephoneC) to telephone to D) the telephoning to21)"Why were you late?""I had a hard time ____ up this morning."A) to get B) get C) got D) getting22) I remember ____ to help us if we ever got into trouble.A) once offering B) him once offeringC) him to offer D) to offer him23) John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.A) not going B) not to goC) not been going D) not to be going24) It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A) sleep B) to sleepingC) slept D) to sleep25) He gives people the impression ____ many poems.A) of written B) to have writtenC) of being written D) to write26) Do you feel like ____ out or would you rather ____ dinner at home?A) going...to have B) to go...to haveC) to go...having D) going...have27) Prior to ____ the formal speech, first he will introduce himself.A) delivering B) deliverC) being delivering D) being delivered28)I don't mind ____ by bus, but I hate ____ in queues.A) to travel...standing B) traveled...standingC) traveling...to stand D) traveling...standing29) What about ____ double quantities of everything today? We have hardly time to go____ next week.A) buying...to shop B) buy...shoppingC) buying...shopping D) to buy...shopping30) We had some trouble ____ the house and nobody seemed ____ where it was.A) in finding...knowing B) finding...to knowC) to find...knowing D) to find...to know31) We can't imagine ____ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school.A) she succeeding B) her succeedingC) she succeed D) her to succeed32) I don't like ____ at me.A) them laughing B) their laughC) them laugh D) them to have laughed33) We suggested ____ in hotels but the children were anxious ____ out.A) sleeping...to camp B) sleeping...campingC) to sleep...to camp D) to sleep...camping34)I have no objection ____ the evening with them.A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending35) After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) being interviewed B) interviewedC) interviewing D) interviewed36) The match was cancelled because most of the members ____ a match without a standard court.A) objected to B) were objected to haveC) objected to have D) were objected to having37) Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ____ for her examination.A) to prepare B) to be preparedC) preparing D) being prepared38) It is no good ____ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.A) trying to B) to try toC) try to D) tried to39) After ____ him better, I regretted ____ him unfairly.A) getting to know...to judgeB) getting to know...to have judgedC) getting to have know...judgingD) getting to know...having judged40) He is looking forward to ____ his holiday in Britain.A) spend B) have spentC) spending D) been spending41) Before ____ the house, you should get a surveyor____ over it.A) buying...looking B) bought...to lookC) buying...to have looked D) buying...to look42) In some countries people favor ____ together even though there is much more space.A) to stay B) stayC) staying D) stayed43)"Why was Fred so upset?""He isn't used ____ criticized."A) be B) to be C) to being D) been44) It's no use ____ to get a bargain these days.A) to expect B) expectingC) wanting D) you expect45)"Why were you so late for work today?""____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic."A) Driving B) I droveC) To drive D) That I drove46) It was impolite of him ____without ____good-bye.A) to leave, saying B) leaving, to sayC) to leave, to say D) leaving, saying47) He kept ____to his parents.A) putting off to write B) to put off to writeC) putting off writing D) to put off writing48) I'll go with you after I get through with ____the house.A) cleaning B) to cleaningC) to be cleaned D) cleaned49) With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn't resist ____four pounds.A) to take B) took C) taking D) have taken50 )How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?A) run B) to run C) running D) being run动名词部分练习题答案:1)D 2)D 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)A 10)C11)C 12)C 13)B 14)B 15)A 16)A 17)C 18)D 19)B 20)A21)D 22)B 23)A 24)B 25)C 26)D 27)A 28)D 29)C 30)B31)B 32)A 33)A 34)B 35)A 36)A 37)C 38)A 39)D 40)C41)D 42)C 43)C 44)B 45)A 46)A 47)C 48)A 49)C 50)C。



高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***unit1 Body language-grammar测试1) Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A) having been fined B) to have been finedC) to be fined D) being fined2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____ from you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hearC) for hearing D) hearing3) The thief took away the woman's wallet without____.A) being seen B) seeingC) him seeing D) seeing him4) People appreciate ____wit him because he has a good sense of humor. (CET-4 1998,1)A) to work B) to have workedC) working D) have working5) I've enjoyed ____ to talk with you.A) to be able B) being ableC) to been able D) of being able6) No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influencedC) influencing D)having influence7) They are considering ____ before the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the houseC) buying the house D) to buy the house8) He thought that ____.A) the effort doing the job was not worth B) the effort was not worth in doing the jobC) it was not worth the effort doing the job D) it was not worth the effort by doing the job9) If I had remembered ____ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A) to lock B) lockingC) to have locked D)shavings locked10) Your shirt needs ____. You'd better have it done today.A) iron B) to ironC) ironing D) being ironed11) You can't help ____ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.A) to hear B) to be heardC) hearing D) with hearing12) My transistor radio isn't working. It ____.A) need repairing B) needs to repairC) needs repairing D) need to be repaired13) It is no use ____ me not to worry.A) you tell B) your tellingC) for you to have told D)shavingstold14) He is very busy ____ his papers. He is far too busy ____ callers.A) to write...to receive B) writing...to receiveC) writing...receiving D) to write...for receiving15) The suspect at last admitted ____ stolen goods but denied ____ them.A) receiving...sellingB) to receive...to sellC) to receiving...to sellingD) to have received...to have sold16) She apologized for ____ to come.A) her not being able B) her being not ableC) not being able D) that she's not able to17) I really appreciate ____ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.A) you to offer B) that you offerC) your offering D) that you are offering18) Please stop ____, boys, I have something important to ____ you.A) saying ...talk B) telling ... sayC) talking ...speak D) talking ... tell19) Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficulty ____ his tape recorder?A) to fix B) fixing C) for fixing D) fix20)"Why isn't Nancy going to meet us?""It's my fault. I forgot all about ____ her."A) telephoning to B) to telephoneC) to telephone to D) the telephoning to21)"Why were you late?""I had a hard time ____ up this morning."A) to get B) get C) got D) getting22) I remember ____ to help us if we ever got into trouble.A) once offering B) him once offeringC) him to offer D) to offer him23) John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.A) not going B) not to goC) not been going D) not to be going24) It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A) sleep B) to sleepingC) slept D) to sleep25) He gives people the impression ____ many poems.A) of written B) to have writtenC) of being written D) to write26) Do you feel like ____ out or would you rather ____ dinner at home?A) going...to have B) to go...to haveC) to go...having D) going...have27) Prior to ____ the formal speech, first he will introduce himself.A) delivering B) deliverC) being delivering D) being delivered28)I don't mind ____ by bus, but I hate ____ in queues.A) to travel...standing B) traveled...standingC) traveling...to stand D) traveling...standing29) What about ____ double quantities of everything today? We have hardly time to go____ next week.A) buying...to shop B) buy...shoppingC) buying...shopping D) to buy...shopping30) We had some trouble ____ the house and nobody seemed ____ where it was.A) in finding...knowing B) finding...to knowC) to find...knowing D) to find...to know31) We can't imagine ____ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school.A) she succeeding B) her succeedingC) she succeed D) her to succeed32) I don't like ____ at me.A) them laughing B) their laughC) them laugh D) them to have laughed33) We suggested ____ in hotels but the children were anxious ____ out.A) sleeping...to camp B) sleeping...campingC) to sleep...to camp D) to sleep...camping34)I have no objection ____ the evening with them.A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending35) After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) being interviewed B) interviewedC) interviewing D) interviewed36) The match was cancelled because most of the members ____ a match without a standard court.A) objected to B) were objected to haveC) objected to have D) were objected to having37) Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ____ for her examination.A) to prepare B) to be preparedC) preparing D) being prepared38) It is no good ____ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.A) trying to B) to try toC) try to D) tried to39) After ____ him better, I regretted ____ him unfairly.A) getting to know...to judgeB) getting to know...to have judgedC) getting to have know...judgingD) getting to know...having judged40) He is looking forward to ____ his holiday in Britain.A) spend B) have spentC) spending D) been spending41) Before ____ the house, you should get a surveyor____ over it.A) buying...looking B) bought...to lookC) buying...to have looked D) buying...to look42) In some countries people favor ____ together even though there is much more space.A) to stay B) stayC) staying D) stayed43)"Why was Fred so upset?""He isn't used ____ criticized."A) be B) to be C) to being D) been44) It's no use ____ to get a bargain these days.A) to expect B) expectingC) wanting D) you expect45)"Why were you so late for work today?""____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic."A) Driving B) I droveC) To drive D) That I drove46) It was impolite of him ____without ____good-bye.A) to leave, saying B) leaving, to sayC) to leave, to say D) leaving, saying47) He kept ____to his parents.A) putting off to write B) to put off to writeC) putting off writing D) to put off writing48) I'll go with you after I get through with ____the house.A) cleaning B) to cleaningC) to be cleaned D) cleaned49) With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn't resist ____four pounds.A) to take B) took C) taking D) have taken50 )How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?A) run B) to run C) running D) being run动名词部分练习题答案:1)D 2)D 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)A 10)C11)C 12)C 13)B 14)B 15)A 16)A 17)C 18)D 19)B 20)A21)D 22)B 23)A 24)B 25)C 26)D 27)A 28)D 29)C 30)B31)B 32)A 33)A 34)B 35)A 36)A 37)C 38)A 39)D 40)C41)D 42)C 43)C 44)B 45)A 46)A 47)C 48)A 49)C 50)C。

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4《Body language》同步测试

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4《Body language》同步测试

Period Two Integrating Skills基础落实Ⅰ、课文理解1.Which one of the following is RIGHT?A.Body language is more important than spoken language、B。

Body language is as important as spoken language、C.Body language is not so important as spoken language、D.Body language is less important than spoken language、2.Why may a person smile if he loses face?A.To show his anger、B。

To hide his embarrassment(尴尬).C.To threaten others、D。

To laugh at others、3.It you are not interested in someone’s talking,you may ________、A.look away from himB.yawnC。

hold your arms across your chessD.A and B4。

We can infer from the text that ________、A。

we can communicate successfully with others using body languageB.people from different countries will not misunderstand each other using body languageC.we should try to learn more about other countries’ customsD。

【精品试题】人教版高中英语必修四:Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试

【精品试题】人教版高中英语必修四:Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试

Unit4 Body language单元同步测试I. 单项选择1.“Thanks” is a(n) _______ commonly used to express one’s gratitude to someonefor something he has done for you.A. wordB. idiomC. expressionD. phrase2. I don’t suppose he is ______ to come to our help when we get into trouble.A. maybeB. possibleC. likelyD. probable3. Her acting skills are ______ those of the world famous actress,.A. closely toB. approachingC. improvingD. getting near4. Afraid ______ face before his students, the teacher refused ______ that he was in the wrong.A. to lose; to admitB. of losing; admittingC. of losing; to admitD. to lose; admitting5. _____ English learners, we should not only be able to understand the meaningsexpressed by the language itself but also ______ expressed by postures, gestures and facial expressions.A. Like; thatB. As; thoseC. Like; thoseD. As; that6. He is not the kind of person that ______ in the comedy. In life, he is serious and conserved(保守).A. expressedB. is expressedC. representsD. is represented7. _______about the super thin material, she touched it and learned that it ______ like silk.A. Curiously; feelsB. Being curious; was feltC. Curious; feelsD. Being curious; felt8. Learning that their only son was sound and safe _____ the family ______.A. put; at easeB. made; easyC. set; easilyD. laid; at ease9. Whether you liked it or not, you shouldn’t have ___ to your mother when she was talking to you.A. turned backB. turned down your backC. turned your backD. turned your back away10. The power of words lies in _________the ideas and objects in the objective world.A. their connection withB. their relation toC. their joint withD. their association with11.I really appreciate their _______ to settling personal disputes.A. waysB. meansC. methodsD. approaches12. The same gestures, signs and so on, in other words, body language, may expressdifferent ideas or meanings in different cultures, so don’t use them _______ you are definitely sure of what they mean so as to reduce misunderstanding ______ the smallest number.A. until; withB. unless; toC. until; byD. unless; by13. People in China don’t often kiss or hug each other goodbyes or hellos, which______ a common _______ in some European countries.A. are; practiceB. is; exerciseC. are; exerciseD. is; practice14. China rank ______ in the Beijing Olympic Games and more and more countries_______ China as a friendly and powerful country.A. the first; rankB. first; rankC. the first; regardD. first; suppose15. Could you tell me why I am constantly yawning this afternoon?Yawning ______ an indication that your body lacks oxygen and needs a rest.A. acts asB. serves asC. functions asD. plays as16. In order not to miss his flight, he ran ______ the street, jumped______ the fenceand dashed into the waiting hall, ______ all about his own safety.A. across; over; forgettingB. through; across; forgotC. over; over;forgetting D. across; over; forgot17. People ______ are kind, honest and willing to help, but he is not a man of thiskind ______, in my opinion.A. on the whole; in generalB. in general; after allC. on the whole; at allD. in general; on the whole18. The accused woman _______ himself by saying that he killed the man totally outof self-defense and it was completely an accident.A. guardedB. protectedC. defendedD. prevented19. In the statement that the school sent to all parents, the headmaster _______theircomplaints about the conditions by saying that the school dormitory, canteen were beautifully decorated with healthy materials, classrooms _______and theplayground rubberized.A. replied to; were completely computerizedB. reacted to; were computerized completelyC. responded to; completely computerizedD. answered to; computerized completely20. One of his major shortcomings is that he always bases his judgment on ______opinions, which often ______prejudices (偏见)against something or somebody.A. objective; leads toB. subjective; results inC. objective; causesD.subjective; arise21. Shaking the fist is a ______ commonly used to express anger by male adults butthe ways to release one’s anger _______ greatly from person to person.A. gesture; rangesB. sign; variesC. symbol; changesD. posture; alters22. When the speaker finished his speech, he was affected to see his speech ________with cheers and applauses from the audience.A. was metB. was welcomeC. was popularD. was greeted23. I am truly sorry for the false information I provided _____ you ______ thequality of the newly developed cassetteA. with; withB. for; aboutC. for; forD. with; about24. _____ accident happened at _______ not far from the Communication Bank.A. An; a crossroadsB. The; crossroadsC. A; the crossroadsD. X; acrossroads25. “Why not ask your former boyfriend for help?”“How could I have ______to ask him again? Remember what happened last time?”“But _______brings success”A. cheek; cheekB. face; faceC. the cheek; cheekD. the face; face II.完形填空In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call 26 and love.I don’t remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did 27 the water. Any kind of 28 ride seemed to give pleasure. 29 he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.But I never really liked being on the water the way my father did. I liked being 30 the water, moving through it, 31 it all around me. I was not a strong 32 , or one who learned to swim early, for I had my 33 . but I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and 34 those summer days with my father, who 35 come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the 36 person not in swimsuit.After swimming, I would go 37 his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me 38 anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk 39 he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his 40 .but my father always 41 and said easily, “Oh, no, it’s 42 .” Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get 43 an ice cream…A poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is 44 .”and I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but 45 , in that childhood, looks at us.26. A. desire B. joy C. anger D. worry27. A. avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love28. boat B. bus C. train D. bike29. A, But B. Then C. And D. Still30. A. On B. off C. by D. in31. A. having B. leaving C. making D. getting32. A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner33. A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears34. A. spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining35. A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to36. A. next B. only C. other D. last37. A. away from B. out of C. by D. inside38. A. put up B. break down C. play with D. work out39. A. the moment B. the first time C. while D. before40. A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment41. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. lab equipment42. A. fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny43. A. the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself44. A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice45. A. which B. who C. what D. whoseIII. 阅读理解AWho are these people rushing by you in the street? More than 215 million people now call America “home”, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States, have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become “American” is really not true. In fact, what exists in America is more often a kind of “side-by-side” living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their customs and habits. They jointhe general American society only in certain areas of their lives—such as in schools, business, and sports—but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This living “side-by-side” has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. however, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas and dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her familiar world in the United States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspapers.46. More than 215 million people call America “home” because_______.A. they have their houses thereB. they settle there nowC. they want to make their home thereD. they like that land very much47. “Side-by-side” living style means _______.A. to make friends with native peopleB. to keep their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areasC. the groups of people who live nearbyD. that they get closer to American society48. according to the passage, people in the USA ________.A. share American customs and cultureB. live in a kind of “side-by-side” societyC. keep their own customs and habits firmlyD. make no choice to accept American customs49. Which of the following statements is true?A. They always stick to their own customs and habits.B. “Side-by-side” living style is not suitable.C. They face the society they are not familiar with.D. The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.50. Which is the best title for this passage?A. Advantages and Disadvantages.B. Different Customs and Habits.C. Home for the People.D. “Side-by-side” Living Style in America.BToyota Motor Corp, Japan’s biggest carmaker, said on Friday it will recall 1,489 Lexus sedans (高级轿车) sold in China. "It will take us some time to ship the fuel tanks and vent pipes to China to change those in these Lexus sedans for customers free of charge, if problems are found," said Yang Hongjian, a spokes- woman of Toyota’s China representative office.The expected recall will affect Lexus LS430 sedans made in Japan from July 29, 2003 to January 14, 2004, the representative office said in a statement. Toyota has not received complaints from Chinese customers, according to the statement. The move will be part of Toyota’s global recall of 18,200 Lexus LS430s. It will be the third car recall in China in two weeks. Although automobile recall is a common practice in developed markets, it remains new to Chinese customers. The Chinese government published long-awaited automobile recall rules on March 15, which will be officially carried out at the beginning of October.China’s auto market is forecast to reach 10 million units by . Automakers, especially Chinese producers, will face greater pressure from automobile recalls, which could be very costly sometimes, and should be in full preparations, accord-ing to the expert. The Japanese carmaker sold 1, 549 Lexus vehicles on the Chinese mainland during the first five months of this year, according to Yang. Lexus sales on the mainland reached 4,000 units last year, up from 1,600 units in 2002. (China Daily July 3, 2004)51. What can we learn from the text?A. Chinese customers are not satisfied with Toyota Lexus LS430 sedans.B. Chinese car market has seen car recalls three times so far.C. Toyota will have a worldwide recall of Lexus LS430 sedans.D. Toyota Motor start to recall Lexus Sedans due to the problems with fuel tanks.52. The carmakers were unwilling to recall their cars in the past mainly because ______.A. they were not fully preparedB. they couldn’t afford the cost for their car recallsC. their products could not meet the required standardD. there were no related rules and little pressure53. It is implied in the passage that ______.A. sales of homemade automobiles will grow even fasterB. automobile recalls will take place in China more frequentlyC. China’s car market is forecast to be the biggest by in the worldD. Toyota is likely to sell the most Lexus Sedans in China in the future54. Which of the following is the best tide of this passage?A. Toyota to Recall Its Lexus Sedans Sold in ChinaB. China Prepares to Recall CarsC. The Problems in China’s Car MarketD. Costly Japanese Car RecallsC_55_ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. _56_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. _57_ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you._58 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. 59 Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!A. That’s easy.B. Enjoy your own club!C. Invite a designer to join you.D. What are you interest in?E. Some vacation is just around the corner.F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.IV 短文改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。

重点单词(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(同步练习)

重点单词(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(同步练习)

重点单词(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(同步练习)Is your body asking for more water?If you experience headaches, sleepiness, allergies (过敏) or dizziness (头昏眼花), your body might be telling you to drink more water.3.Even problems such as nervousness or forgetfulness can be caused by lack of water. In addition, the medicines that treat these illnesses can sometimes dry out your body further. The more water you are lacking in, the worse your health will be—no matter how much medicine you take. 4.How much water is enough for you?Most experts suggest drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. However, if you weigh more than 128 pounds, you need even more water. Drink an extra glass of water for every 15 pounds of body weight.Drink more water in the hot summer months and when you exercise to replenish (补充) the water lost through sweating. Caffeine makes your body lose water very quickly. So drink extra water if you drink beverages such as coffee, tea and soda.Helpful tipsTry these tips to help yourself drink more water.● Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink.5.● Plan to have enough water.● Carry a bottle of pure water with you wherever you go.● Don’t hesitate by frequent trips to the toilet.Drinking plenty of water can take as much time as you need and prevent serious illness in the future. So pour yourself a glass of water and drink up!A. Drink water regularly and drink each time.B. All kinds of drink will contribute to your health.C. If you’re thirsty, you’re already lack of water.D. Instead, we usually depend on drugs to make us well.E. Lack of water may be the real reason for your sickness.F. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body when it asks for a drink!G. With this fact in mind, it’s no surprise that drinking enough water is crucial for good health三、短文改错。

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unit1 Body language-grammar测试1) Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A) having been fined B) to have been finedC) to be fined D) being fined2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____ from you sometime.A) to have heard B) to hearC) for hearing D) hearing3) The thief took away the woman's wallet without____.A) being seen B) seeingC) him seeing D) seeing him4) People appreciate ____wit him because he has a good sense of humor. (CET-4 1998,1)A) to work B) to have workedC) working D) have working5) I've enjoyed ____ to talk with you.A) to be able B) being ableC) to been able D) of being able6) No one can avoid ____ by advertisements.A) to be influenced B) being influencedC) influencing D)having influence7) They are considering ____ before the prices go up.A) of buying the house B) with buying the houseC) buying the house D) to buy the house8) He thought that ____.A) the effort doing the job was not worth B) the effort was not worth in doing the jobC) it was not worth the effort doing the job D) it was not worth the effort by doing the job9) If I had remembered ____ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A) to lock B) lockingC) to have locked D)shavings locked10) Your shirt needs ____. You'd better have it done today.A) iron B) to ironC) ironing D) being ironed11) You can't help ____ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another.A) to hear B) to be heardC) hearing D) with hearing12) My transistor radio isn't working. It ____.A) need repairing B) needs to repairC) needs repairing D) need to be repaired13) It is no use ____ me not to worry.A) you tell B) your tellingC) for you to have told D)shavingstold14) He is very busy ____ his papers. He is far too busy ____ callers.A) to write...to receive B) writing...to receiveC) writing...receiving D) to write...for receiving15) The suspect at last admitted ____ stolen goods but denied ____ them.A) receiving...sellingB) to receive...to sellC) to receiving...to sellingD) to have received...to have sold16) She apologized for ____ to come.A) her not being able B) her being not ableC) not being able D) that she's not able to17) I really appreciate ____ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.A) you to offer B) that you offerC) your offering D) that you are offering18) Please stop ____, boys, I have something important to ____ you.A) saying ...talk B) telling ... sayC) talking ...speak D) talking ... tell19) Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficulty ____ his tape recorder?A) to fix B) fixing C) for fixing D) fix20)"Why isn't Nancy going to meet us?""It's my fault. I forgot all about ____ her."A) telephoning to B) to telephoneC) to telephone to D) the telephoning to21)"Why were you late?""I had a hard time ____ up this morning."A) to get B) get C) got D) getting22) I remember ____ to help us if we ever got into trouble.A) once offering B) him once offeringC) him to offer D) to offer him23) John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.A) not going B) not to goC) not been going D) not to be going24) It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A) sleep B) to sleepingC) slept D) to sleep25) He gives people the impression ____ many poems.A) of written B) to have writtenC) of being written D) to write26) Do you feel like ____ out or would you rather ____ dinner at home?A) going...to have B) to go...to haveC) to go...having D) going...have27) Prior to ____ the formal speech, first he will introduce himself.A) delivering B) deliverC) being delivering D) being delivered28)I don't mind ____ by bus, but I hate ____ in queues.A) to travel...standing B) traveled...standingC) traveling...to stand D) traveling...standing29) What about ____ double quantities of everything today? We have hardly time to go____ next week.A) buying...to shop B) buy...shoppingC) buying...shopping D) to buy...shopping30) We had some trouble ____ the house and nobody seemed ____ where it was.A) in finding...knowing B) finding...to knowC) to find...knowing D) to find...to know31) We can't imagine ____ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school.A) she succeeding B) her succeedingC) she succeed D) her to succeed32) I don't like ____ at me.A) them laughing B) their laughC) them laugh D) them to have laughed33) We suggested ____ in hotels but the children were anxious ____ out.A) sleeping...to camp B) sleeping...campingC) to sleep...to camp D) to sleep...camping34)I have no objection ____ the evening with them.A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending35) After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) being interviewed B) interviewedC) interviewing D) interviewed36) The match was cancelled because most of the members ____ a match without a standard court.A) objected to B) were objected to haveC) objected to have D) were objected to having37) Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ____ for her examination.A) to prepare B) to be preparedC) preparing D) being prepared38) It is no good ____ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.A) trying to B) to try toC) try to D) tried to39) After ____ him better, I regretted ____ him unfairly.A) getting to know...to judgeB) getting to know...to have judgedC) getting to have know...judgingD) getting to know...having judged40) He is looking forward to ____ his holiday in Britain.A) spend B) have spentC) spending D) been spending41) Before ____ the house, you should get a surveyor____ over it.A) buying...looking B) bought...to lookC) buying...to have looked D) buying...to look42) In some countries people favor ____ together even though there is much more space.A) to stay B) stayC) staying D) stayed43)"Why was Fred so upset?""He isn't used ____ criticized."A) be B) to be C) to being D) been44) It's no use ____ to get a bargain these days.A) to expect B) expectingC) wanting D) you expect45)"Why were you so late for work today?""____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic."A) Driving B) I droveC) To drive D) That I drove46) It was impolite of him ____without ____good-bye.A) to leave, saying B) leaving, to sayC) to leave, to say D) leaving, saying47) He kept ____to his parents.A) putting off to write B) to put off to writeC) putting off writing D) to put off writing48) I'll go with you after I get through with ____the house.A) cleaning B) to cleaningC) to be cleaned D) cleaned49) With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn't resist ____four pounds.A) to take B) took C) taking D) have taken50 )How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?A) run B) to run C) running D) being run动名词部分练习题答案:1)D 2)D 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)A 10)C11)C 12)C 13)B 14)B 15)A 16)A 17)C 18)D 19)B 20)A21)D 22)B 23)A 24)B 25)C 26)D 27)A 28)D 29)C 30)B31)B 32)A 33)A 34)B 35)A 36)A 37)C 38)A 39)D 40)C41)D 42)C 43)C 44)B 45)A 46)A 47)C 48)A 49)C 50)C。
