文秘英语 unit 2

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sending gifts
… …
Dining Etiquette
Dining Etiquette
1. seat arrangement 2. introduction
3. use of napkins
4. Table setting 5. Sequence of dishes 6. Table manners
Tips for good table manners
• posture • talking • pace • soup • bread
• food with bones and shells
• drinks • silverwares
• accept or refuse
• bills • tooth picking
2. Introduction
Self-introduction your name, capacity, place of work, nationality, your desire and honor to know him or her. Introducing others to know each other to introduce a guest to a host, a man to a woman, the younger to the older, the junior to the senior and the unmarried lady to the married one unless the latter is very much the younger.
Side dish:
Fish, seafood, egg, chicken Steak, Lamb Chop, mixed grill
Main course:
Dessert: Ice-cream, pudding, fruits, pie, cookie, cake,
Drinks: black tea, coffee, brandy, juice
Chinese convention
Western convention

男 女 男

女 主 人
男 主 人

宴请客人,一般主陪在面对房门的位置,副主陪 在主陪的对面,1号客人在主陪的右手,2号客人 在主陪的左手,3号客人在副主陪的右手,4号客 人在副主陪的左手,其他可以随意。
桌次地位的高低以距主桌位置的远近而定。以主人 的桌为基准,右高、左低,近高,远低。就座次的 高低而言,主要考虑以下几点:首先,以主人的座 位为中心,如果女主人参加时,则以主人和女主人 为基准,近高远低,右上左下,依次排列。其次, 通常要把主宾安排在最尊贵的位置,即主人的右手 位置,主宾夫人安排在女主人的右手位置。再次主 人方面的陪客要尽可能与客人相互交叉,便于交谈 交流,避免自己人坐在一起,冷落客人。如果碰上 外宾,翻译一般都安排在主宾右侧。
• Never turn a wine glass upside down to decline wine. It is more polite to let the wine be poured and not draw attention. Otherwise, hold your hand over the wine glass to signal that you don't want any wine. • • If food falls off your plate, pick it up with a piece of silverware and place it on the edge of your plate. Never spit a piece of bad food into your napkin. Remove it from your mouth with the silverware you put it in with. Place it on the edge of your plate and cover it with another piece of food if you can.
Unit 2
Etiquette is defined as the formal rules for polite behavior in society or in a particular group. dining talking dressing hand shaking sitting in a car
Dining Etiquette
1. Seat arrangement Basic principle: Our seating is based on respect, comfort and convenience. 1) Door 2) Wall 3) View 4) Platform
面门为上:倘若用餐时,有人面对正门而坐,有人 背对正门而坐,依照礼仪惯例则应以面对正门者为 上坐,以背对正门者为下座。 观景为佳:在一些高档餐厅用餐时,在其室内外往 往有优美的景致或高雅的演出,可供用餐者观赏, 此时应以观赏角度最佳处为上座。 临墙为好:在某些中低档餐厅用餐时,为了防止过 往侍者和食客的干扰,通常以靠墙之位为上座,靠 过道之位为下座。
1. 称呼(Addressing the party) 2. 表示欢迎或感谢(Extending welcome or expressing thanks) 3. 谈谈两国或两公司间现有关系(Comments on the existing relations between the two countries in general or between the two firms) 4. 说明来访或举办活动的重要意义(Significance of the current visit or of the activity) 5. 表示良好祝愿(Good wishes) 6. 祝酒(Toasts)
临台为上:宴会厅内若有专用的讲台时,应该 以靠讲台的餐桌为主桌,如果没有专用讲台,有 时候以背邻主要画幅的那张餐桌为主桌。 各桌同向:如果是宴会场所,各桌子上的主宾 位都要与主桌主位保持同一方向。 以远为上:当桌子纵向排列时,以距离宴会厅 正门的远近为准,距门越远,位次越高贵。
左低右高:当两人一同并排就座时,通常 以右为上座,以左为下座。 中座为尊:三人一同就餐时,居中坐者在 位次上要高于在其两侧就座之人。
(not ex-president)
3. The use of napkins
Signal of the beginning of the meal Catch food that fall on the lap Dab the corners of your lips Do not use napkins for nose, face or forehead keep the napkin invisible to others Leave during the meal---on the chair At the end of the meal—to the right of your plate, do not refold, wad up, twist, crumple
Do you know the appropriate addressing terms for different people?
A man ----Mr.
A woman--- Mrs.
Miss. Ms.
Judges Bishops
Senator----senator President----president (in office)
Sitting in a car
1. When the host drives the car,
Practical writing
致词人(或代表谁)在什么情况 下,向出席者表示欢迎、 感谢和问候;谈成绩、作用、意义;展望未来,联系面临的 任务、使命。
• Never let the knife, fork or spoon touch the table after you started eating.
Using the knivFra Baidu biblioteks, forks and spoons
• When you take a break from eating, you simply put your knife and fork on the plate. • When you have finished eating, you should put your knife and fork together pointing to the left.
• Don't clean up spills with your own napkin and don't touch items that have dropped on the floor. You can use your napkin to protect yourself from spills. Then, simply and politely ask your server to clean up and to bring you a replacement for the soiled napkin or dirty utensil. •…………
6. Table manners
Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to professional success. Regardless of whether we are having lunch with a prospective employer or dinner with a business associate, our manners can speak volumes (很 有意义) about us as professionals.
5. Menus and dishes
Starter (appetizer): jelly, caviar (鱼子酱), cocktail
clam soup(蛤蜊)
salad, mashed potato, minced duck liver,
Soup: borsch, ox tail soup, mushroom soup, onion soup, cream soup,
White Wine Glass Red Wine Glass Champagne Glass
General rules for the use of tableware
• Liquids on your right and solids on your left. • Work from the outside" to the "inside." The utensils farthest away from the plate are used in the first courses of the meal, and as you proceed with your meal, you begin to use the utensils closest to the plate.
4. The Table Setting
Knives and forks
Dinner Fork
Soup Spoon Dessert Spoon Butter Knife
Salad Fork Dinner Knife
Using the knives, forks and spoons
• When you hold the knife or fork, you should relax your fingers.