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APW & TPWAutomated Sample PreparationCompliant automated preparation of up to 300 samplesContent/Blend Uniformity, Potency, and Related Substances Assays Simplify extraction of difficult ER, CR, and tamper resistant formulations Robust, reproducible, and fit-for-purpose methodsFor Content Uniformity, Blend Uniformity, Potency, and Related Substances AssaySample preparation can be a very general term. When we talk about sample preparations at SOTAX, we’re referring to the volumetric preparations of API, solid/liquid oral dosage forms, creams, and pastes.Why automate? Automated Sample Preparation enhances laboratory productivity by minimizing resource allocation for repetitive tasks such as sample weighing, extraction, filtration, dilution, and transfer to analysis devices. This enables the repurposing of lab staff to mission critical tasks such as data analysis, reporting, and notebook documentation. Automated procedures can also reduce solvent usage and hazardous waste generation while improving analyst safety by minimizing exposure to hazardous reagents and samples.Do you want to streamline your laboratory workflow? Automation facilitates processing labor-intensive sam-ples for a broad spectrum of challenging formulations including tamper-resistant, osmotic pump, modified, ex-tended, and delayed release. With robust focused extrac-tion techniques the samples are consistently prepared across a variety of analysts and laboratories. Each step is gravimetrically confirmed and tracked in a secure data-base to ensure reproducible, high quality, traceable, compliant results.Recent initiatives to incorporate QbD and Continuous Process Improvement principles into the drug product lifecycle management process have increasingly raised laboratory productivity expectations. The demand for more sample throughput with the same or reduced head count is being imposed on laboratories across the industry. With 100’s of installations globally, processing hundreds of thousands of samples, SOTAX Automated Sample Preparation Systems have proven to be reliable and compliant solutions to enhance your laboratory’s effi-ciency and accelerate the workflow.Why Automate Sample Preparations?Automated… and in with the improved!Automate your sample preparationsso that they are performed the sameway every time. Each method stepis confirmed gravimetrically, repor-ted volumetrically, and docu m ent e delec t ronically.You will improve overall lab cycletimes and reduce solvent costs.Manual Out with the old …Volumetric glassware for tablet, capsule, and blend evaluations have long been the industry standard. Unfortunately, so have bottlenecks, OOS investigations, and excessive solvent costs. Traditional sample preparation relies on technique-dependent and labor-intensive laboratory steps often requiring error-prone data transcription.Coupled with the limited extraction efficiency of stirring, shaking, and sonication mechanisms, manual sam p le preparation is at the root of many time-consuming and costlylab investigations.APW and TPWEnhanced for Greater ProductivityThe APW and TPW Automated Sample Preparation Systems have recently been enhanced to provide even greater sample preparation productivity and reduced cycle time while streamlining your laboratory workflow. The TPW and APW provide productivity solutions to a broad variety of laboratories and applications. Typical products range from solid or liquid oral dosage forms for the pharma-ceutical industry to tooth paste and lipstick for the consumer products industry. Regardless of the industry or the degree of regulation, these platforms maximize efficiency and throughput for a vast array of applications. From API to suspen-sions to tablets to medicated feeds, the TPW and APW provide a range of support from simple sample preparation to barcoded sample ID and preparationwith on-line HPLC analysis and compliant data transfer to your validated CDS.> APW and TPWAutomated Sample Preparation WorkstationsExtractionThe TPW uses a high-shear homog-enizer probe to provide a consistent wet grinding process to quickly ex-tract samples. Alternately, the APW has a sonication probe coupled with a UV temperature sensor to deliver focused sample disintegration with-out overheating. With these tools, both TPW and APW can achieve effi-cient and reproducible extraction for even the most challenging of sample formulations. Cleaning of the extrac-tion path between samples is easily programmed into the method to eliminate sample carry-over, ensur-ing that each sample is handled iden-tically. The newly updated TPW and APW are enhanced to reduce cycle time by adding efficiency to the system cleaning process.Filtration & DilutionThe TPW uses a fluid metering pumpto filter extracted samples as theyare transferred from the extractionvessel to test tubes. Both the TPWand the APW also support a syringe-driven filtration process to filter so-lutions from one test tube to another.Post filtration, both systems can per-form up to 1:100,000 dilutions withina single method. Further dilutionsare also possible using the “MethodOverlap” feature. The volumes for allliquid handling operations are con-firmed gravimetrically for addedaccuracy and precision. For everysample, the system audit trail com-bined with the advanced error han-dling capabilities provides a detailedand comprehensive record of the en-tire preparation process.Analysis & StorageBoth units have HPLC injectors tosupport on-line HPLC analysis. AWaters Empower TM interface is alsoincluded to provide compliant datatransfer to Empower TM for stream-lined sample analysis with enhancedtraceability. All result-critical sam-ple preparation information is trans-ferred to Empower TM as the TPW/APWsample run-list progresses. In addi-tion to on-line HPLC analysis, sam-ples can also be collected in sealedHPLC vials to support various off-line analyses. Finally, both the TPWand APW have the capability to trans-fer sample to a UV spectrophotometerto act as an autosampler for on-lineUV analysis. The systems will thenuse an analog connection to triggerthe UV to read the sample in accor-dance with the external UV instru-ment control program.Fully Automated Steps> SAM Sample ManagerCollect samples with optionalcooling for off-line analysis orfurther processingBenefitsPerform High Quality Preparations Automated Sample Prep means robust and reproducible preparation that is equivalent or superior to your manual analytical procedures. Robust and reproducible means that automation guarantees uniform sample history.Sample weighing capabilities include 4- or 5-place weighing with automatic switching to 4-place mode for gravimetric confirmation of volumetric sample dilutions.“Uniform sample history in automatedsample preparation eliminates bias and error introduced by inconsistencies in manual preparation.”sample preparation method. This can result in Due to the physics of the focused homogenizerReduce and Simplify OOS InvestigationsDeficiencies in laboratory investigations are a major source of warning letters in the pharmaceutical industry, accounting for 12 % – 15 % of 483s annually. With TPW and APW, each method step is gravimetrically confirmed and recorded in the secure database to ensure high quality consistent results. The TPW and APW audit trail provides a compliant and comprehensive history of the entire sample preparation process. In the event of an unexpected result, this audit trail ensures a well-defined assignment of root cause to simplify the laboratory investigation process.“DOE and QbD for analytical methods are no longer just buzz words. TPW and APW are ‘designed for experiments’… today.”Automate Your Method Development Our user-friendly software interface provides rapid assimilation of the TPW and APW platforms in all envi-ronments from academic to industry AR&D to the QC lab. Advanced developer options accelerate the method development process to facilitate Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD). AQbD pairs good scientific principleswith quality risk management. Combined with the Empower™ interface, TPW and APW’s powerful dEsign™ variables fully automate AQbD to ensure robust, fit-for-purpose methods that deliver consistent results throughout the method lifecycle. These powerful soft-ware functions allow you to plan and execute method development DOE activities quickly and efficiently. The easy-to-use and intuitive software interface stream-lines the method transfer across sites.“No more auditing of pipettes and volumetric flasks and no need to store glassware around the lab for weeks.”SpecificationsAPW TPWMax. Sample Throughput per Run 300 samples (extraction mode 1 & 2)100 samples (extraction mode 1)200 samples (extraction mode 2)Sample Containers • 16 × 100 mm tubes• 20 × 150 mm tubes• 16 × 150 mm tubes• 16 × 100 mm tubesSample Confirmation5-place and 4-place weighing(min. weight of 100 mg or 200 mg, respectively)5-place and 4-place weighing(min. weight of 100 mg or 200 mg, respectively)Sample Tracking Linear barcode reader Linear barcode readerExtraction & Liquid HandlingExtraction Mode 1Sonicator (with UV Temperature sensor)Homogenizer (2k RPM – 20k RPM) Extraction Mode 2Vortexer VortexerExtraction Volume• 1 mL – 10 mL (16 x 100 mm test tube)• 20 mL – 100 mL (extraction vessel), or• 50 mL – 520 mL (extraction vessel), or• 1 mL – 10 mL (16 x 100 mm test tube) Filtration Syringe Fluid metering pump and syringe Syringe-driven LiquidDispensing0.05 mL – 10 mL0.05 mL – 10 mLMax. Dilution Ratio1:100,0001:52,000,000Max. Number ofSolvents Connected9 solvents 5 solventsAnalytical FinishOff-Line• Sample collection in test tube rackson APW platform• Sample collection into sealed vials in SAM • Sample collection in test tube racks on TPW platform• Sample collection into sealed vials in SAMHPLC On-Line• HPLC fixed loop injector• incl. Waters Empower TM interface • HPLC fixed loop injector• incl. Waters Empower TM interfaceUV-Vis On-Line Sample collection followed by automated transferinto UV-Vis Sample collection followed by automated transfer into UV-VisControls (Minimum Requirements)PC• Windows 7-64 bit • Dual Core ProcessorDatabase• MS SLQ Server 2000 or greater • Express, Workgroup or Standard EditionDimensionsAPW / TPW AutomatedSample Prep. Workstations• Height: 42” / 107 cm (incl. Light Tower) • Width: 45.5” / 116 cm (with balance LCD panel) • Depth: 36” / 91 cm SAM Sample Manager• Height: 27.5” / 69 cm • Width: 21.5” / 55 cm • Depth: 30” / 76 cmTechnical ServicesGlobal. Reliable. Customer-focused. The SOTAX Global Service Network is available worldwide, whenever and wherever you need us.• System installation and qualification• User training• First Line Responder training• Preventive maintenance• Technical support• Repairs• Updates, upgrades, and customization• Compliance services (cGMP compliant qualification: IQ, OQ, PQ, and customer-specific qualification)• Service contracts• RelocationsAssociated ServicesApplication ServicesAt SOTAX, we engineer solutions for development and quality control.We support you with expertise at each step of your process:Feasibility study Secure your instrument investment with data confirmation of “fit forpurpose” method capability on your productsMethod development Save time and resources by allowing SOTAX application scientists todevelop your methods in accordance with your method developmentrequirementsMethod transfer Use our trained hands to provide method training and facilitate thetransfer of your automated methods across sitesMethod validation Speed rollout by allowing us to facilitate and document validation ofyour method at your siteApplication support at installation Screen your applications for potential hurdles and prioritize methods to be automated to develop an efficient and effective plan for integrating automation into your laboratoryApplication training Come to our labs or invite SOTAX into yours to work with ourapplication experts to streamline the automation of your methods 11SOTAX > Automated Sample Preparation > APW & TPWEuropeSwitzerland (HQ Europe)Aesch/BaselP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +41 61 487 5454info @Czech Republic PragueP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +420 246 039 260info @France Saint-LouisP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +33 3 8970 0846info @Germany LörrachP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +49 7621 16 5635info @Great Britain LondonP Tech Support +44 20 8349 6946P Offi ce +44 20 8349 6947info @Italy MilanP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +39 02 8363 2641sotaxitalia @AmericasUSA (HQ Americas)Westborough, MAP Tech Support +1 508 544 4040P Offi ce +1 508 417 1112sotaxusa @Canada BramptonP Tech Support +1 800 931 4151P Offi ce +1 905 494 0114sotaxcanada @Asia-PacificIndia (HQ Asia-Pacifi c)MumbaiP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +91 22 42 95 01 -91 / -92sotaxindia @China ShanghaiP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce + 8621-6135 6268, ext. 205sotaxchina @SOTAX WorldwideM B 30002E N _02_2015-11。


本文所提及且已知为商标或服务标志的所有专用名词均已采用适当的首字母大写形式。 Invensys Systems, Inc. 无法证实此类信息的准确性。在本文档中使用某个专用名词不 应视为会影响任何商标或服务标志的有效性。 Alarm Logger、 ActiveFactory、 ArchestrA、 Avantis、 DBDump、 DBLoad、 DT Analyst、 FactoryFocus、 FactoryOffice、 FactorySuite、 FactorySuite A2、 InBrialRAD、 IndustrialSQL Server、 InTouch、 MaintenanceSuite、 MuniSuite、 QI Analyst、 SCADAlarm、 SCADASuite、 SuiteLink、 SuiteVoyager、 WindowMaker、 WindowViewer、 Wonderware 以及 Wonderware Logger 均为 Invensys plc 及其子公司与附属公司的商标。所有其它品牌 可能是其相应所有者的商标。
$LogicRunning 系统标记 ................................................37
第 4 章 脚本语言 ................................................39
基本语法规则 ......................................................................40 子程序 ..............................................................................40 语句.................................................................................. 40 缩进.................................................................................. 40 注释.................................................................................. 40 标记引用 ..........................................................................41 数据值 ..............................................................................41 值表达式 ..........................................................................41 语法验证 ..........................................................................41


4、药物在基质中分散均匀,单剂量更加准确; 5、滴丸剂与片剂,胶丸等其他制剂相比,最显著的特点在于作用迅速,生物利用度高,可保障 药物合理的使用剂量。
100%安全100%有效 新 斯 诺
片剂 曲线分布比较分散 血药浓度 范围为8-29ng/ml
滴丸 曲线分布比较集中 血药浓度 范围10-18ng/ml
气流粉碎粒子撞击原理示意图 Page 20
三. 新斯诺产品特点和价值
100%安全100%有效 新 斯 诺
Page 21
100%安全100%有效 新 斯 诺
国内外20年专利 唯一滴丸类紧急避孕药
性状:白色至淡黄色滴丸。 剂型:滴丸 规格:0.75mg×2粒/盒 临床适应症及用法用量:
崩解特点 药物内左炔诺孕酮含量均匀,入口 即开始吸收,不会出现呕吐,绝对 (安全性) 安全
有效率 据最新临床研究证明新斯诺有效率 据不完全统计有6%的消费者出现避孕失败 高达 99.9% ,为行业内最高 (有效性)
服用时间 很方便:72小时内随时服用,随买 麻烦:需要在饭后或睡前吃,以减少呕吐的发 随服,可以空腹服,可以饭后服, 生,对紧急避孕起限制时间作用,不方便 (方便性) 可舌下含服 达到血药峰 平均2小时,不呕吐,不影响避孕 效果 值时间 专利保护
左炔诺孕酮滴丸 获得国临床批件
Page 19
原 料 辅 料
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通过气流微粉化到小于1微米粒径细粉 (特点:粒径细不产热)
通过机械粉碎粒径多在50微米以上(粒径粗、 易产热) 国产淀粉、微晶纤维素等片剂填充辅料

智能药片测试系统 SmartTest 50说明书

智能药片测试系统 SmartTest 50说明书

Swiss QualityHigh quality components paired with Swiss preci-sion engineering provide for a long product life and minimize costly machine downtime. In order to ensure maximum reliability of your SmartTest 50, all instruments are tested according to strict inter-nal quality standards before they leave our factory. Hardness TestingW ith more than 40 years of experience and more than 20'000 testers in the market, Dr. Schleuniger ® Pharmatron measuring technology is a safe invest-ment. Like all our hardness testers, the SmartTest 50 offers consistently accurate test results and fully complies with current USP (chapter 1217, tablet breaking force) and EP (2.9.8, resistance to crushing of tablets) requirements.Quality matters.C er t if i e d S y s t e mI S O9001SmartTest 50The SmartTest 50 sets new standards in fast and efficient semi-automatictesting of up to five physical parameters. Weight, thickness, width, diameter/length and hardness of virtually all tablet shapes can be tested in full compli-ance with current Pharmacopeia requirements. Proven Dr. Schleuniger®hardness measuring technology guarantees accurate and highly reliable testdata that can be evaluated immediately. An integrated color touch screen withsimple icon-based navigation makes operating the SmartTest 50 very intuitive consequently reducing operator training time to an absolute minimum. Per-fectly suited for both laboratory and production environments, the SmartTest50 has been designed to optimize efficiency of your quality control processwithout limiting the range of possible applications.→ SmartTest 50Semi-automatic tablet testing system→ Semi-automatic testing of virtually all tablet shapes and sizes with the SmartTest 50→ SmartAlign TM to measurediameter & hardness→ SmartAlign TM to measure width → SmartAlign TM to measurelength & hardnessThe SmartTest 50 is capable of testing virtually all tablet shapes and can easily be programmed to meet your individual testing requirements. Tablet samples are placed in a feeder carousel by the operator and all further testing is done automatically. The patented SmartAlign TMsystem guarantees reliable orientation of samples in the integrated measuring stations and automatically turns both oblong and oval shapes for width and length measuring prior to hardness testing.Smart, Smarter, SmartTest 50Especially when it comes to testing oval, oblong or other shapes, the SmartTest 50 combines maximum flexibility with reliable tablet orientation for high precision results. The integrated single-flap SmartAlign TM system ensures correct positioning of test samples at all times. As a standard, the SmartTest 50 first measures the width of tablets and then quickly re-positions them for precise length and hardness measuring – all in the same integra-ted measuring station. If width measuring is not required, tablets are immediately oriented for combined diameter (length) and hardness measurement.After each measurement, an integrated cleaning function removes debris and broken tablet fragments from all contact surfaces of the hardness station for trouble-free operation. Short cycle times are maintained at all times.To «future-proof» your investment, the SmartAlign TM system does not limit the application range of the SmartTest 50 in any way. From small to large tablet sizes – almost all shapes can be tested in standard configuration. When equipped with a custom feeder carousel, there are no limits for testing even the most complex specialtablet shapes.BCAAccommodating for most standard testing needs, up to 23 tablet samples are measured in one test run. If testing larger sample sizes is required, results from several test runs can be combined in a single test report – with the push of a button.Only the combination of quality components, state-of-the-art electronics and correct tablet orientation provides test results you can rely on. The SmartTest 50 with pro-ven Dr. Schleuniger ® Pharmatron measuring technology complies with all current USP and EP requirements and offers consistently accurate results. Tablet hardness is measured using a precision S-beam load cell with a line-arity of 99.95% over the entire measuring range. Featuring innovative light-weight construction, the integrated thickness gauge is extremely precise and applies only minimal pressure on tested tablets. To ensure stable test conditions – particularly for the integrated balance – the SmartTest 50 can be equipped with an anti-static safety cover protecting all measuring stations.Flexibility and Precision→ Top view of SmartTest 50 A: Integrated balance (depending on model) B: Thickness measuring stationC: Width / Length (Diameter) / Hardness measuring stationwith integrated SmartAlign TM system6Hardness testing → Semi-automatic tablet testing system →SmartTest 50→ Fast and intuitive icon-basedtouch screen operationOperating a semi-automatic tablet testing system has never been easier. The intuitive icon-based touch screen user in-terface sets new standards for fast and user-friendly control. Three test modes allow using the SmartTest 50 according to individual reporting requirements.From executing simple tests to programming products with T1/T2/PL limits and methods – everything is configurable using the touch screen menu. Intuitive icon-based navigation and logical menu structures with intelligent operator assistance provide for fast test setup, short training time and error-free data entry.Different views can be selected while test runs are executed, allowing theoperator to display currently measured value, complete series of measure-ments and even graphical hardness curves. Professional reports are auto-matically printed at completion of a test run.For paperless reporting and central data management in full compliance with 21 CFR, Part 11 requirements, the SmartTest 50 can be networked with the q-doc PC er-friendliness“FullTest” modeAll product and method specifica-tions can be pre-programmed and easily retrieved for fast test setup. Up to 100 products including nominal values and T1/T2/PL limits for all test parameters are conveniently stored directly on the SmartTest 50. Oncompletion of each test run, a com-prehensive report is printed automa-tically. The report shows all product and test parameters, calibration data and individually measured valuesalong with statistical analysis.“EasyTest” modeFor tests without T1/T2/PL limits, the “EasyTest” mode allows fast anduncomplicated setting of the desiredsample size for each parameter. No programming of product specifica-tions is required. The same reportingfunctions as in the “FullTest” mode are available.“SingleTest” modeTo quickly measure single tablets without printing a report, simply ac-tivate the parameter(s) you would like to test and press start.PC SoftwareAll SmartTest 50 tablet testers can be connected with PC software for 21 CFR, Part 11 compliant electronic data management. M easured results and test reports are collected in a data-base and can be exported in various formats such as PDF, XM L, HTM L, and TXT.→ Example: q-doc with 2 x SmartTest 50(TDH version and WTDH version)→ TDH version, connected to external balanceThe SmartTest 50 with external balance inter-face (instead of being equipped with an inte-grated weighing module) has been designed for alternative testing requirements.The operator first measures the weight of samples individually on a connected external balance and then places them in the SmartTest 50 feeder carousel. Measured results are automatically transferred to the tester. As soon as the required sample size has been reached, testing of thickness, width, diameter/length and hardness parameters proceeds automatically. Upon completion of the test, a report with all results – including manually measured weight values – is auto-matically generated.Models20014042016-01Your local sales & service partner1。

Foregene RT EasyTM I 说明书

Foregene RT EasyTM I 说明书

RT Easy TM IMaster Premix for first-strand cDNA synthesisCat.No.RT-01011/01012Fast and highly sensitive reverse transcription system for generating first-strand cDNA using pg-level RNAFor research use only Store at-20℃目录产品介绍 (3)产品特点 (3)试剂盒应用 (3)产品质量控制 (4)试剂盒内容 (4)运输及储存条件 (4)试剂盒组分信息 (5)注意事项 (5)RT Mix耐受性 (6)●酒精耐受性分析 (6)●胍盐耐受性分析 (6)操作前准备事项 (7)逆转录引物用量 (7)RNA模板用量 (7)实验材料和设备 (7)自备试剂 (8)安全性 (8)操作指南 (9)操作示意图 (10)问题分析指南 (11)本公司的2×RT Easy TM Mix合成第一链cDNA的温度高达50℃,有利于复杂二级结构RNA模板进行逆转录反应。


福际2×RT Easy TM Mix对酒精和胍盐显示出极高的耐受性,对RNA样品中酒精的最高耐受为45%,胍盐的最高耐受为750mM。

即使不纯的RNA也可用福际2×RT Mix进行逆转录反应。


此产品可与Foregene公司的荧光定量产品Real Time PCR Easy TM配合使用,能获得高质量的实验结果。



S2 Pharma Laser 产品说明书

S2 Pharma Laser 产品说明书

C h e c k w e i g h e r sLaser marker operating terminalOption: combined use of a single operating terminal for all data entries etc.(operation of the laser marker is through the weighing terminal)GARVENSS2 Pharma Laser• dynamic checkweighing and industrial laser marking • in one perfect operation• with Garvens checkweigher S2, Sator laser marker and OCR cameraRenowned specialists have combined to offer a system of the highest quality made in Germany:GARVENS checkweighers of the S2 design series are the result of focused research and development, with their proven technology they are used world-wide. Sator Laser – a leading company in industrial laser marking technology – now offers the optimum enhancement to the S2 checkweigher: the DynaMark ®laser,top performer wherever the transfer of information onto a package surface is required, whatever the packaging material.New cost-saving process with low laser power: white pharmaceutical cartons can now be printed with dark lettering in highest quality (prerequisite is that the surface to be marked is coated with laser-sensitive ink). Monitored by a camera check system using OCR equipment. Process synchronization, enormous cost advantages due to integrated system. The overall system can be validated to 21 CFR part 11.CharacteristicsS2 checkweigher• "Weights and Measures" approved in specified countries (on enquiry)• automatic or manual re-zero control• askew packages detection (prior to laser marking)• open flap detection• flexible integration into production lines• transversal adjustment facility for laser marker and weighframe• follows GMP philosophy• rejection of wrongly printed (laser marked),off weight, unsealed, and wrongly orientated products • total system easy to service – easily accessible Weighing terminal• touch screen, colour LC display: TFT 12.1",resolution 800 x 600 pixel (SVGA)• user-friendly: TachoControl-style gauges, operator prompts/menus• multiple language support for on-screen dialogue • 200 article memory locations• up to 7 weight zones for weight classification • password protection for multiple access levels • networks (Ethernet, FreeWeigh)• comprehensive display of all current, important weight and production data or configuration screensTechnical details SchematicGARVENSS2 Pharma LaserWeighing range*within the range 0 to 600 g, specific to article weight Accuracy** from ±0.02 gThroughput (weighings / minute)** max. 250Roller centres (A-A), weighing conveyor 200, 250 mmBelt width (B-B), weighing conveyor100, 120, 150, 200 mm Roller centres (A-A), infeed/outfeed conveyor 250, 400, 600, 800 mm Belt width (B-B), infeed/outfeed conveyor100, 120, 150, 200 mm Standard sorting/rejecting deviceair jet* depending on the design and dimensions of the weighing belt used** depending on the weight, dimensions and transport behaviour of the product to be weighedTypical dimensions in mmSubject to technical modifications.Printed in Germany 0605/98 UK© Mettler-Toledo Garvens GmbH Kampstrasse 7D-31180 GiesenTelephone +49 (0) 5121 933-0Facsimile +49 (0) 5121 933-456********************Visit us atSator Laser 'T Series' laser marking unit • vector marking technology for superb, clear quality of texts, logos, special characters and graphics• unequalled speed of operation • maximum reliability and uptime • minimum maintenance• high positioning and repeat accuracy due to DynaMark ®laser printing software• absolute safety due to countercheck and OCR camera system (optical character recognition)• extraction systems with functional and exhaust air monitoring。

药厂urs编写范本 -回复

药厂urs编写范本 -回复







四、药物研发与生产工艺1. 药物研发a. 新药研发流程:详细描述药物研发的各个阶段,包括药物发现、药物设计、药物合成等。

b. 药物研发技术要求:列出所需要的技术设备、实验室设施、研发团队等要求。

c. 研发项目管理:说明项目管理的方法和流程,包括进度控制、质量管理和风险评估等。

2. 药物生产工艺a. 生产流程:详细说明药物生产的各个阶段,如原料采购、制剂生产、包装等。

b. 生产设备与工艺控制:列出所需的生产设备和工艺控制要求,包括技术参数和操作规范。

c. 质量控制:阐明所需的质量控制系统和相关要求,包括质量检测和数据记录等。

d. 安全与环境保护:说明对于员工安全和环境保护的要求,包括安全培训和应急预案等。










Eyecon 药房自动化系统说明书

Eyecon 药房自动化系统说明书

Prescription Validation,Counting and Filling SystemRevolutionary Tabletop AutomationDistributedBy:*******************************Eyecon® is a revolutionary pharmacy automation system Eyecon is fast becoming the preferredchoice of pharmacies that have decidedto automate their prescription fillingprocess. Filling automation improves Rxaccuracy, resulting in improved customersafety, inventory control and customersatisfaction, saving an average pharmacythousands of dollars per year.Eyecon’s unique Visual Counting System™is up to 76% faster and significantlymore accurate than manual counting.It helps reduce tedium and stress whileallowing employees to spend more timewith customers. Customers benefit fromimproved customer service andRx accuracy.How Eyecon worksThe Eyecon is a unique machine visioncounting system. A camera mounted above the counting platter captures photo images used to count pills five times per second. An added benefit of the machine vision technology is thedetection of pill fragments or foreign matter on the counting platter. The Eyecon alerts the operator when pill fragments or foreign matter are present on the counting platter. This feature ensures the quality of the prescriptions filled on the Eyecon.Safety –• Validation mode ensures customer safety with proper dispensing. Separate sulfa and penicillin platters prevent cross-contamination. Speed –• Counts poured pills in 200 ms,updating pill count up to 5 times per second. Accuracy –• Field-tested near 100%.Confidence – • Open design ensures quick and easy visual inspection of medication.Quality – • Recognizes and identifies tablet fragments and foreign material on platter.Versatility – • Counts all sizes and shapes of capsules and tablets. Can also be used for validation and inventory of ointments, creams, solutions and pre-packs. Longevity – • Regular updates to drug database and user interface.Cleaning – • No hidden compartments or disassembly required.The highlighted shadow images represented on the left side of the display illustrate the location of the pill fragments or foreign matter on the counting platter.Operator displayMachine visioncameraCounting trayBarcode readerDispensing spoutSulfa/penicillin platter storage1 425365/2010 eyecon_L_500353.indd (C&D) AWT35-500353© Avery Weigh-Tronix, LLC 2010. All rights reserved. This publication is issued to provide outline information only which, unless agreed by Avery Weigh-Tronix, LLC in writing, may not be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. Avery Weigh-Tronix, LLC reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service.1000 Armstrong Drive Fairmont, MN 56031-1439*********************Toll-Free: (800) 533-0456 Phone: (507) 238-4461SPECifiCAtionSPlatter Surface Area:• 48” sqDimensions:• 28” H x 11” W x 17.5” D Weight:• 16-18 lb (28 lb ship weight)Screen:• 6.5” Color LCD flat panel touchscreen Integrated Barcode Scanner:• Class I Laser, Standard symbologies Warranty:• One year limited Pill database updates • Interfaces to pharmacy• management software systems Two (2) USB Ports • Ethernet Port• Power:•100-240 VAC, 47-60 HzApprovals:• FCC, ETL US Patent # 7,599,516•performed 5 times to calculate average Rx fill time.Individual results may vary.Pill Count Product Avg. Fill Time 30 pillsGSE Eyecon®13.6 sec GSE Model 664 Scale 15.6Competitive brand 17.1Hand counting 26.960 pillsGSE Eyecon®14.1 sec GSE Model 664 Scale 16.9 Competitive brand 21.9Hand counting 47.790 pillsGSE Eyecon®15.9 sec GSE Model 664 Scale 17.0Competitive brand 26.8Hand counting66.6For more information or to arrange for a free demonstration unit, please visit us at: *********************866-260-6540Your local representative is:T o schedule an in-house demo800-922-9142oremail:*******************。

riboSCRIPTTM mRNA lncRNA qRT-PCR Starter Kit 使用说明说

riboSCRIPTTM mRNA lncRNA qRT-PCR Starter Kit 使用说明说

ribo SCRIPT TM mRNA/lncRNA qRT-PCR Starter Kit使用说明RN:R11088.2产品简介ribo SCRIPT TM mRNA/lncRNA qRT-PCR Starter Kit是研究基因表达变化的通用检测方法。

然而,与mRNA 不同的是,lncRNA 表达水平相对较低,通常需要进行多个要素的系统优化才能准确地检测分析。

ribo SCRIPT TM mRNA/lncRNA qRT-PCR Starter Kit是锐博生物推出的基于SYBR Green I 嵌合荧光法的qRT-PCR 试剂盒,其包含已优化浓度的RT 酶,Taq 酶,缓冲液,SYBR Green I 荧光染料,RT引物和内参qPCR引物,仅需结合推荐浓度的qPCR引物即可实现mRNA或lncRNA表达情况的快速、高效、准确的检测。




血浆/血清/外泌体的mRNA/lncRNA qPCR检测需要在提取RNA前加入外参。

实验方法1. mRNA/lncRNA RT反应1)取Random Primer (200µM) 和Oligo (dT) 18 (25µM),恢复至室温,振荡混匀。

2以上体系混匀后,瞬时离心,RT反应程序为:42℃60 min,70℃10 min。

注:1)Random Primer和Oligo (dT)混合使用,可以高效合成cDNA。

实验目的不同,也可以用单引物或者基因特异性RT引物,使用量如下:2)RT反应结束后请立即将cDNA产物取出,快速置于冰上冷却备用或-20度以下保存;3)体系可按照实验需求等比放大,20μL反应体系建议不超过5μg的Total RNA。

2. mRNA/lncRNA qPCR反应1)SYBR Green Mix:包括Taq酶、dNTP mix、PCR Buffer、SYBR Green Ⅰ等。





















1. 成人:每次XXX mg,每日X次。

2. 儿童:请咨询医生。

1. 常见不良反应为XXX,XXX,XXX等。

2. 严重不良反应请立即停药并就医。

1. 对本品过敏者禁用。

2. 对XXX有过敏史者禁用。

3. 其他禁忌症请咨询医生。

1. 本品不宜长期连续使用。

2. 操作机器、驾驶车辆等需要警觉的活动时慎用。

3. 与其他药物同时使用时请咨询医生。

4. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女和儿童慎用。

1. 本品与XXX同时使用可能增加/减弱其效果。

2. 与其他药物同时使用时请咨询医生。










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