



PSP中文游戏全集本合集特征:◆最完整的PSP平台汉化和官中iso,收录众多稀缺资源◆查重,更新,勘误(网上流传的500合集其实重复和错误很多)◆版本收录考究(比如零之轨迹1.33钓鱼死机,故收录1.32)◆单个压缩,减小体积,方便下载◆会员网盘共享,长期有效◆无毒、无插件、无捆绑◆为防止网络一键转卖,添加解压密码oldmanemu. ne t(去掉空格)游戏清单(按Ctrl+F查询):PSPCH001 – 12点的钟声与灰姑娘万圣节婚礼 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH002 – 428 被封锁的涩谷 V1.1 [简][PLAY汉化组&扑家汉化组&KIDSFC特创组] PSPCH003 – AKB1 48 与偶像恋爱的话 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH004 – AKB1 48与偶像恋爱的话在关岛[简][ACG汉化组](含特典映像UMD+DLC+特典主题)PSPCH005 – AKB1 149 恋爱总选举合盘版 [简][Play汉化组&东京不够热字幕组] PSPCH006 – Ever17 时空轮回白金版 [简][KIDSFC特创组]PSPCH007 – Fate Tiger大乱斗 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH008 – GT赛车 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH009 – G弦上的魔王[汉化Lavis版]PSPCH010 – J联盟创造球会6 [简][PLAY汉化组]PSPCH011 – Love at once 麻将[简体中文版][Play汉化组]PSPCH012 – Never7 无限轮回的终结 [简][KFC汉化组]PSPCH013 – PSP Minis 爱神丘比特(恋爱丘比特) [ACG汉化组]PSPCH014 – PSP Minis 爱神丘比特(恋爱丘比特) [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH015 – PSP Minis 蛋糕成堆 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH016 – PSP Minis 糕点棋 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH017 – PSP Minis 将棋 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH018 – PSP Minis 金属决斗 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH019 – PSP Minis 绝对音感 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH020 – PSP Minis 空间魔球进化 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH021 – PSP Minis 拉面天国(拉面天堂) [ACG汉化组]PSPCH022 – PSP Minis 拉面天国(拉面天堂) [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH023 – PSP Minis 梦幻棒球 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH024 – PSP Minis 绵羊防御 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH025 – PSP Minis 喷嚏泡泡 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH026 – PSP Minis 数独与数迷 [游戏饭饭汉化组]PSPCH027 – PSP Minis 双人划艇 [ACG汉化组]PSPCH028 – PSP Minis 双人划艇 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH029 – PSP Minis 水下大作战 [GGG汉化者]PSPCH030 – PSP Minis 水下大作战 [风魔&穿云之光&三角&哥斯蕙&不容易] PSPCH031 – PSP Minis 甜点工厂 [ACG汉化组]PSPCH032 – PSP Minis 甜点工厂 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH033 – PSP Minis 旋转弹珠 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH034 – PSP Minis 雅蜜雅蜜厨房 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH035 – PSP Minis 指尖传情 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH036 – Remember11 无限轮回的时光[v1.1][简][请在此输入汉化组名称汉化组] PSPCH037 – SD高达G世纪超越世界 [v1.2人物介绍汉化][简][WGFWGF]PSPCH038 – SD高达G世纪世界 [简][WGFWGF]PSPCH039 – SD高达G世纪携带版 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH040 –安琪莉可魔恋之六骑士 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH041 –白骑士物语德古玛战争[简体][ACG汉化组]PSPCH042 –白色相簿2 序章[简体中文版][CK GAL汉化组]PSPCH043 –白衣性恋爱症候群复诊汉化版PSPCH044 –薄樱鬼本篇(薄樱鬼~新选组奇谭) [v1.0][翼之梦风流鬼汉化组](修正觉书问题)PSPCH045 –薄樱鬼游戏录完全汉化v1.1版PSPCH046 –北斗神拳雷奥外传天之霸王 [简][Cogodo汉化组]PSPCH047 –北欧女神蕾娜斯 [简][北欧女神专题站]PSPCH048 –笨蛋测试召唤兽携带版 Beta4 [简][DOTS汉化组]PSPCH049 –比波猴学院2 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH050 –变态王子与不笑猫[v1.2最终版][简][美丽神话汉化组]PSPCH051 –便利店携带版汉化版[And汉化组]PSPCH052 –玻璃心公主[简][心游之域]PSPCH053 –不可饶恕汉化第二版 [繁][PSPChina]PSPCH054 –不可思议的迷宫风来的西林3 携带版 V2 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH055 –不可思议的迷宫风来的西林4 加强版 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH056 –不可思议之国的冒险酒场[简][扑家汉化组]PSPCH057 –苍翼默示录厄运扳机 [繁] [官方中文版][Arc System Works]PSPCH058 –苍翼默示录连锁反应2 [繁] [官方中文版][Arc System Works]PSPCH059 –超级弹丸论破2 再见绝望学园 [简][弹丸轮舞吧&扑家汉化组]PSPCH060 –超级机器人大战A 携带版最终汉化版 [简][ACG汉化组 & wgf J]PSPCH061 –超级机器人大战MX 携带版[v1.10][smkingdom123]PSPCH062 –阿克西斯的威胁V[98%剧情汉化][时光汉化组]PSPCH063 –超级星尘携带版[官方中文版]PSPCH064 –超杰交融 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH065 –超时空要塞 V2.0 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH066 –赤红灯火妖魅行 (UMD Disc 1) [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH067 –赤红灯火妖魅行 (UMD Disc 2) [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH068 –出发阿源君夕阳下的大工物语 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH069 –初音将全部的歌献给未来的你PSPCH070 –初音注视着你瞳里的未来歌谣PSPCH071 –初音岛少女恋色交响曲 [简][翼梦汉化组]PSPCH072 –初音未来歌姬计划 [繁][浜咲学园汉化组]PSPCH073 –初音未来歌姬计划扩展版 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH074 –初音未来歌姬计划2nd [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH075 –初音未来歌姬计划2nd(特惠版) [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH076 –初音之歌铃音之声 C75[中文版]PSPCH077 –传颂之物携带版 (模拟器版) [简][澄空学园]PSPCH078 –传颂之物携带版 [简][澄空学园]PSPCH079 –纯白交响曲[v1.1][杏子御津爱护同好会联合汉化组]PSPCH080 –刺客信条血缘 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH081 –大富翁3中文版PSPCH082 –大航海时代IV [简][大航海爱好者]PSPCH083 –大江户千两箱 [繁体][愚人节汉化测试版][付众杰&大便纸&拉拉★王] PSPCH084 –大空军 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH085 –大骑士物语(圣骑士物语)[V2修正版][扑家汉化组]PSPCH086 –大众高尔夫携带版2 [简][游鱼汉化组]PSPCH087 –大众网球 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH088 –但丁的地狱 [简][huaixiaozi6]PSPCH089 –弹丸论破希望的学园和绝望的高中生 [简][弹丸轮舞吧&扑家汉化组] PSPCH090 –蛋糕成堆简体中文汉化版[ACG汉化组]PSPCH091 –刀剑神域无限的瞬间 [简][K1&扑家汉化组]PSPCH092 –德贝赛马时代 [繁体][愚人节汉化测试版][付众杰&大便纸&拉拉★王] PSPCH093 –德古拉亡灵复苏简体中文版[CGTP汉化组]PSPCH094 –抵抗惩罚[不完美汉化版][ACG汉化组]PSPCH095 –地狱犬计划 [简][And汉化组]PSPCH096 –第二次超级机器人大战Z 破界篇 [繁][星组]PSPCH097 –第二次超级机器人大战Z 破界篇 [简][星组]PSPCH098 –第七龙神2020 [繁][7thDragon2020临时汉化组]PSPCH099 –第七龙神2020[v1.20剧情润色][简][7thDragon2020临时汉化组] PSPCH100 –第七龙神2020-2[v1.7][繁][7thDragon2020临时汉化组]PSPCH101 –第七龙神2020-2[v1.7][简][7thDragon2020临时汉化组]PSPCH102 –第三次生日寄生前夜3 全剧情汉化版[电玩巴士&DNR]PSPCH103 –电击的皮罗德天空之绊 [简][恶魔岛汉化组&CG汉化组]PSPCH104 –订购吧我们的世界! [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH105 –东方雀神[官中]PSPCH106 –东京鬼祓师鸦乃杜学园奇谭 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH107 –冬季恋歌携带版 [RC3汉化版][SNOW携带版汉化委员会](菜单繁体文本简体)PSPCH108 –冬季恋歌携带版 [心速汉化组]PSPCH109 –冬季恋歌携带版[MS2+汉化版][龙神传承组]PSPCH110 –恶代官漫游记正义之刃 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH111 –恶魔城X历代记[汉化测试版][中国恶魔城联盟]PSPCH112 –发明工坊[简体中文版][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH113 –翻译精灵 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH114 –翻译精灵欧洲语言(Soft Tantaiban) [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH115 –方块精灵[[Moyanchina]]PSPCH116 –绯色的碎片携带版 [v1.01][翼之梦汉化组]PSPCH117 –绯色的碎片3 苍黑之楔携带版 [v1.1][游戏饭饭汉化组]PSPCH118 –绯色流星携带版 [v1.2][游戏饭饭汉化组]PSPCH119 –富豪街勇者斗恶龙与最终幻想(人生街道 DQ & FF角色大集合) V0.1 [繁][NeoCore汉化组]PSPCH120 –高达生存突击(突击幸存者)[V3][ACG汉化组]PSPCH121 –高达战斗宇宙 [繁][不明]PSPCH122 –高达混战 [ACG汉化组][Xinyu]PSPCH123 –高达战争战术对决[繁][木棉Z]PSPCH124 –给牺牲者的通告第一卷 [简][千夏汉化组]PSPCH125 –公主同盟(公主联盟) [1.1][简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH126 –咕噜小天使 V1.0 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH127 –怪物猎人携带版 [繁体][PSP部落&CNGBA联合汉化]PSPCH128 –怪物猎人携带版2 汉化豪华版 [繁][PSPChina&雷神汉化]PSPCH129 –怪物猎人携带版2nd G [繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH130 –怪物猎人携带版2nd G V1.6 [繁][PSPChina&雷神汉化]PSPCH131 –怪物猎人携带版2nd G V4 [繁][巴士汉化组]PSPCH132 –怪物猎人携带版2nd G V4 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH133 –怪物猎人携带版2nd G[完全汉化润化版][简][CG汉化组+巴士汉化组+ssyy11521]PSPCH134 –怪物猎人3rd 携带版 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH135 –怪物猎人3rd 携带版 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH136 –怪物猎人P3 HD 汉化版[PSP模拟器专用不建议实机运行] PSPCH137 –怪物猎人日记暖洋洋的猫猫村 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH138 –怪物猎人日记暖洋洋的猫猫村G [v2][简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH139 –怪物塔防(元素怪兽)PSPCH140 –官能昔话携带版 [简][CJ寺院家族]PSPCH141 –光明之刃 [v2][简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH142 –光明之舟 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH143 –诡计对逻辑-第一季 [简][udavid]PSPCH144 –鬼魂力量遗产 [简][扑家汉化组]PSPCH145 –鬼哭街[简体中文][萌乃妹汉化组]PSPCH146 –海猫鸣泣之时1 携带版 [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH147 –海猫鸣泣之时2 携带版 [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH148 –寒蝉鸣泣之时携带版 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH149 –撼天神塔黑暗回归 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH150 –合金装备和平行者[v1.1][DLC][简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH151 –合金装备掌上行动 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH152 –黑白棋大战 [注释汉化版]PSPCH153 –虹吸战士洛根之影[剧情汉化版][个人汉化]PSPCH154 –互动剧场季节拥抱 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH155 –互动剧场茉莉花 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH156 –互动剧场双重角色 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH157 –互动剧场雪割花 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH158 –互动剧场最后的吸血鬼 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH159 –花吻[中文版]PSPCH160 –花吻2 重装豪华版[繁体中文版]PSPCH161 –欢迎来到绵羊村携带版 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH162 –幻想传说[全程语音整合汉化版Extra][CG汉化组]PSPCH163 –幻想传说X 换装迷宫简单汉化版PSPCH164 –幻想国物语可可利亚王国 [简][玩家网汉化组]PSPCH165 –幻想国物语那鲁鲁王国 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH166 –幻想水浒传编织百年时光 [简][扑家汉化组]PSPCH167 –幻想水浒传1+2[汉化测试版][简][WGF]PSPCH168 –换装大战强化 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH169 –荒野兵器交叉火力 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH170 –皇家骑士团命运之轮典藏版[3DLC][简][Play汉化组]PSPCH171 –皇牌空战 X 诡影苍穹内部最终修正版 [繁][PSPChina&雷神汉化] PSPCH172 –皇牌空战X2 联合攻击 [简][A9AF汉化组]PSPCH173 –回转逆转变色龙 [繁] [官方中文版][Star Fish]PSPCH174 –混沌时代6[苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH175 –混沌之脑 LOVE ChuChu携带版[简体中文汉化版][妹乃萌汉化组] PSPCH176 –机动战士高达战斗编年史(高达战争编年史) [繁][PSPChina] PSPCH177 –机密武装 [简][GC汉化组]PSPCH178 –激斗传说(激斗传说) [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH179 –即刻出阵恋战 v1.1 [简][DA&扑家汉化组]PSPCH180 –寄生前夜第三次生日 [简][咸鱼汉化组]PSPCH181 –寂静岭破碎的记忆 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH182 –寂静岭起源 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH183 –加雷特编年史红辉的魔石(亚斯特尼西雅物语2)[简][扑家汉化组] PSPCH184 –家庭教师_HR_战斗竞技场[剧情汉化版]PSPCH185 –家庭星空(行星仪) 携带版 [简][CNGBA汉化组]PSPCH186 –简单2000系列 Vol.1 麻将图片汉化版[And汉化组]PSPCH187 –剑斗士起源[V2][DLC][简体][ACG汉化组+Thekingdom] PSPCH188 –剑舞者千年之约定 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH189 –金色的琴弦2f[翼之梦汉化组]PSPCH190 –金色琴弦2F 安可[简][心游汉化组]PSPCH191 –紧急出口2(脱逃大师2) [繁][不明]PSPCH192 –进攻!防守!战斗! [幽风&暴走硒&穿云之光&风魔]PSPCH193 –劲舞团携带版 V0.49 [简][[Moyanchina]]PSPCH194 –经典迷宫扶翼的魔装阵 [简][AGC汉化组]PSPCH195 –就算要我努力工作[简][V3][ACG汉化组]PSPCH196 –就算要我努力工作乙[汉化版v2][简体][ACG汉化组][全DLC] PSPCH197 –绝对迷宫格林童话七把钥匙与乐园的少女 [简][扑家汉化组] PSPCH198 –绝对英雄改造计划 [简][梦幻执迷]PSPCH199 –绝体绝命都市3[v2汉化][简繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH200 –凯蒂猫的快乐装饰简体中文汉化版PSPCH201 –凯蒂猫方块冲击123 [简][AND汉化组]PSPCH202 –科学超电磁炮[苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH203 –克兰娜德被光守护的坡道全卷 [PSP吧汉化组&CLANNAD吧]PSPCH204 –克兰娜德被光守护的坡道上卷 [PSP吧汉化组&CLANNAD吧](章节名称未汉化)PSPCH205 –克兰娜德光芒守护的小镇上卷[完美汉化V2版][多玩AND汉化组]PSPCH206 –克兰娜德光芒守护的小镇下卷[完美汉化版][PSP吧汉化组&CLANNAD吧联合汉化]PSPCH207 –克兰娜德全卷[v1.2汉化版][简][CG汉化组]PSPCH208 –克兰娜德上卷[简][CG汉化组]PSPCH209 –克兰娜德下卷[简][CG汉化组]PSPCH210 –克鲁顿方块[官方中文版]PSPCH211 –刻痕 II[个人汉化]PSPCH212 –库特Wafter 修改版 [简][Wafter汉化组]PSPCH213 –跨越真实[简体中文版][翼之梦汉化组V1.0PSPCH214 –困兽骑士汉化版PSPCH215 –兰岛物语少女的约定存档修正版[繁体中文版]PSPCH216 –蓝色玫瑰妖精和青眼的战士 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH217 –乐克乐克 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH218 –乐克乐克午夜狂欢节[繁体中文版]PSPCH219 –乐克乐克2 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH220 –离子射线++ [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH221 –廉价2500系列 Portable Vol.13 THE恶魔猎人驱魔圣女剧情汉化版[个人汉化]PSPCH222 –廉价2500系列Vol.5 打砖块龙之王国 [简][SCE]PSPCH223 –廉价2500系列Vol.13 恶魔猎人驱魔圣女 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH224 –恋爱与选举与巧克力携带版[简繁体中文0.9版][恋爱选举巧克力应援团]PSPCH225 –凉宫春日的约定 V1.1 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH226 –凉宫春日的约定 V1.2 [简][CGP汉化组&华盟字幕组]PSPCH227 –凉宫春日的追忆 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH228 –灵魂触发者 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH229 –流行之神2携带版警视厅怪异事件档案一话汉化版 [简][游鱼汉化组] PSPCH230 –流行之神3 警视厅怪异事件档案 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH231 –龙虎斗携带版 [简][v1.1][CG汉化组]PSPCH232 –龙士传说无限[ACG汉化组]PSPCH233 –龙战士 III [简][PLAY汉化组]PSPCH234 –龙之舞[v2.0汉化版][飞雪汉化组]PSPCH235 –龙珠Z 真武道会2 V1.02 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH236 –露娜银星和声 [简][WGFWGF]PSPCH237 –萝莉的时间PSPCH238 –萝球社 V1.1 [简][香菜汉化组]PSPCH239 –萝球社!秘密的失物 [简][镜月铃音汉化组]PSPCH240 –洛克人X 反乱猎人最终汉化版[OREZERO个人汉化]PSPCH241 –洛克人洛克人 [繁] [官方中文版][Capcom]PSPCH242 –玛娜传奇学园的炼金术士们携带版 [简][PLAY汉化组]PSPCH243 –漫画同人会 V1.10 [简][CK GAL中文化小组]PSPCH244 –梅泽由香里的简单围棋 [v1.1][3DM电玩之里汉化组]PSPCH245 –萌坑之魔法使中文版PSPCH246 –萌麻将 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH247 –萌妹梦工场EX 携带版 [简][PSP吧汉化组&SOMA汉化组]PSPCH248 –梦幻骑士 V1.25 [简][cogodo汉化组]PSPCH249 –梦幻之星2 携带版 [V2][简][ACG汉化组](全CG汉化)PSPCH250 –梦幻之星2 携带版 [简][梦幻羽翼]PSPCH251 –梦幻之星2 携带版无限 [v0.2_β公测物品汉化先行版][无限之星汉化组]PSPCH252 –梦想灯笼 [简][PSPchina]PSPCH253 –迷失王国魔窟的皇帝 [繁] [官方中文版][Goshow]PSPCH254 –密室献祭密室的祭品[v1.0][多玩And汉化组]PSPCH255 –密域奇魂伊底亚传承(密码之魂) [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH256 –明日的世界PSPCH257 –命运九重奏 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH258 –命运石之门比翼恋理的爱人 [简][拉面研究所]PSPCH259 –命运石之门[斯坦因之门][v1.1][简体中文][KFC特创组]PSPCH260 –命运之杖携带版[简体中文版][囧萌汉化组&扑家汉化组]PSPCH261 –模拟人生2 宠物当家 [繁] [官方中文版][EA]PSPCH262 –模组世界赛车 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH263 –魔法飞球汉化版PSPCH264 –魔法禁书目录[苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH265 –魔法少女奈叶A's 命运齿轮[繁][奈叶小站&Leoheart plus STC]PSPCH266 –魔法少女奈叶A's 王牌之战携带版 [繁][奈叶小站&Leoheart plus STC]PSPCH267 –魔法少女小圆携带版 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH268 –魔法师传奇永恒世界树与恋爱的魔法师 [简][AUGUST 中文化委员会](附全特典)PSPCH269 –魔鬼恋人(魔鬼爱人) 更多的血[简][心游汉化组]PSPCH270 –魔唤精灵携带版 [简][ CG汉化组]PSPCH271 –魔界战记携带版 [繁] [官方中文版][Nippon Ichi Software]PSPCH272 –魔界战记携带版通信对战版 [简][PSPChina]PSPCH273 –魔界战记2 携带版[简体中文版][PC汉化组]PSPCH274 –某魔术与科学的群奏活剧 [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH275 –牧场物语蜜糖村和大家的愿望 [简][GC汉化组]PSPCH276 –那由多之轨迹 v1.1[简][嗜身之蛇汉化组]PSPCH277 –脑力锻炼携带版2(岛隆太教授监修脑力训练者2)[文本汉化版][PC汉化组]PSPCH278 –鸟之诗 AIR [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH279 –女皇之门螺旋混沌部分汉化修复版[繁][执行者NO.X]PSPCH280 –女神异闻录3 携带版 v1.1[简][扑家汉化组]PSPCH281 –偶像大师闪耀祭典奇妙旋律 [简][Play汉化组&TFO汉化组]PSPCH282 –偶像大师闪耀祭典特殊音符[简体汉化版][PLAY&爱上电线杆的TFO汉化组]PSPCH283 –偶像大师闪耀祭典甜蜜音响[简体汉化版][PLAY&爱上电线杆的TFO汉化组]PSPCH284 –偶像大师SP 思念之月 [v0.9完美汉化版][爱上电线杆的TFO汉化组]PSPCH285 –啪嗒砰 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH286 –啪嗒砰2 咚锵 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH287 –啪嗒砰3 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH288 –叛逆的鲁鲁修失去的色彩 [简][反逆的鲁鲁修汉化组]PSPCH289 –叛逆的鲁鲁修失去的色彩 V2.1 [简][创造奇迹的汉化组]PSPCH290 –胖公主蛋糕一把抓 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH291 –坡上台风携带版 [简][坂上台风汉化委员会]PSPCH292 –普利尼俺当主角行吗 [简][游鱼汉化组]PSPCH293 –欺诈女神 Apate 中文汉化版PSPCH294 –枪声与钻石[ACG汉化组]PSPCH295 –强袭魔女白银之翼 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH296 –强袭魔女白银之翼 [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH297 –青空下的约定掌中乐园 [简][澄空学园]PSPCH298 –轻音!放学后演唱会 [v1.3][简体中文版][Play汉化组] PSPCH299 –秋叶原之旅 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH300 –秋叶原之旅加强版[v1.01][简][银の契约者]PSPCH301 –秋之回忆 [简][CG汉化组 & KIDSFC特创组]PSPCH302 –秋之回忆誓约的记忆 [繁][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH303 –秋之回忆誓约的记忆两人的风流庵 [简][KIDSFC特创组] PSPCH304 –秋之回忆雨后[简体Bate版][CK GAL中文化小组] PSPCH305 –秋之回忆2nd [简][CG汉化组 & KIDSFC特创组] PSPCH306 –秋之回忆3 想君 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH307 –秋之回忆4 从今以后 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH308 –秋之回忆4 从今以后Again [简][KIDSFC特创组] PSPCH309 –秋之回忆5 [简][KIDSFC特创组&CG汉化组]PSPCH310 –秋之回忆5 安可 [简][KIDSFC特创组]PSPCH311 –秋之回忆6 三角波澜 [简][KIDSFC特创组]PSPCH312 –秋之回忆6 下一篇章汉化版[KFC特创组]PSPCH313 –去北方[完美终结版][个人汉化]PSPCH314 –全民都爽快(大家的狂欢节) [繁] [官方中文版][SONY] PSPCH315 –全职猎人奇迹冒险[简体中文版][CG汉化组]PSPCH316 –忍道焰 [v1][繁][巴士汉化组]PSPCH317 –融合方块 [CG汉化组sis速汉队]PSPCH318 –三国将星传中原之霸者[繁][雷神汉化]PSPCH319 –三国将星传中原之霸者[汉化修正版][简][雷神汉化]PSPCH320 –三国志5 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH321 –三国志6 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH322 –三国志7 V1.2 [简][疾风劲草]PSPCH323 –三国志8 [40%汉化版][简]PSPCH324 –三国志9 威力加强版 [简][汉化v20190512][天下大同]PSPCH325 –杀手赞歌携带版 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH326 –赏金猎犬 [繁] [官方中文版][Namco]PSPCH327 –上吧!噗露喵们(出击!运动裤猫娘)[简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH328 –上海 [简][游鱼汉化组]PSPCH329 –深红房间逆转 [繁][PSPchina]PSPCH330 –神眷之力[ACG汉化组]PSPCH331 –神秘岛 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH332 –神隐 V2.2 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH333 –圣诞之吻加强版 v2.0 [简][圣诞之吻汉化组]PSPCH334 –圣女贞德 V1.06 [防死机补丁][繁][PSPChina&雷神汉化]PSPCH335 –尸体派对暗影之书 [简][天神小学汉化部]PSPCH336 –尸体派对文选集幸子的恋爱游戏歇斯底里生日2U [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH337 –尸体派对血之复盖无止境的恐惧 [简][游戏嗯蛋&PSP吧汉化组&Play汉化组]PSPCH338 –失忆症 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH339 –失忆症CROWD [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH340 –失忆症LATER [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH341 –十二勇士战国封神传[简]PSPCH342 –十三支演义偃月三国传 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH343 –十一只眼睛交叉十字 [简][夜月の神]PSPCH344 –十字架引导~给有爱的人[简单汉化版]PSPCH345 –时间幻想 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH346 –时间旅行者 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH347 –实况力量职业棒球2010[菜单汉化版]PSPCH348 –实况足球 2008 [v2.0][EPT小组]PSPCH349 –实况足球 2009 [简][EPT汉化组]PSPCH350 –实况足球 2009 PES [v1.0][WECG&WSI联合汉化](带中文名存档) PSPCH351 –实况足球 2009 WE [v2.0国庆狂热版][WECG汉化组]PSPCH352 –实况足球 2009 球员真衣+真脸完美汉化版PSPCH353 –实况足球 2010 蓝色武士的挑战 [简][WECG汉化组]PSPCH354 –实况足球 2011 [繁] [官方中文版][KONAMI]PSPCH355 –实况足球 2012 [繁] [官方中文版][KONAMI]PSPCH356 –实况足球 2013 PES [v1.0][WECG汉化组]PSPCH357 –实况足球 2014 V0.5 [简][tomas1985&zmpcao](欧版汉化) PSPCH358 –实况足球 2014 V0.5 [简][tomas1985&zmpcao](日版汉化) PSPCH359 –实况足球 2014 中超版[v1.0][简][WECG汉化组汉化版] PSPCH360 –实况足球 PES6 [v2.0][EPT小组]PSPCH361 –实况足球 PES6 V3.0 [简][PSPChina&完全实况]PSPCH362 –实况足球 PES10 V1.5 [简][PSPChina&完全实况]PSPCH363 –世界传说光明神话2 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH364 –世界上最NG的恋爱 [简][famille汉化组]PSPCH365 –侍道携带版 V1.1 [繁][lim2222]PSPCH366 –侍道2携带版[V1.1][繁体中文版][lim2222]PSPCH367 –噬神者爆裂[ACG汉化组]PSPCH368 –数独10000问[完整版][巴士汉化组]PSPCH369 –数码宝贝大冒险 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH370 –数码暴龙机携带版(数码宝贝初回特典小游戏)[简体中文版][Play汉化组] PSPCH371 –双星物语 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH372 –水晶守卫简体中文版 [COGODO&178联合汉化]PSPCH373 –死或生热带天堂 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH374 –死神灵魂嘉年华 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH375 –死神灵魂嘉年华2 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH376 –死神灵魂升温6 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH377 –死神灵魂升温7 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH378 –塔里安行星星空之梦(星之梦)[v1.0][PC汉化组&KFC汉化组]PSPCH379 –太阁立志传 IV 汉化体验第一版 [繁][Zergr]PSPCH380 –太空侵略者EX[文字汉化版][巴士汉化组]PSPCH381 –讨鬼传[ACG汉化组]PSPCH382 –提亚拉之泪花冠的大地携带版 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH383 –天才麻将少女阿知贺篇携带版 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH384 –天才麻将少女携带版完全汉化版[PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH385 –天地之门 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH386 –天地之门2 武双传 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH387 –天神乱漫无忧无虑 [简][妹乃萌汉化小组]PSPCH388 –天外魔境第四默示录[繁][飞云]PSPCH389 –天外魔境第四默示录[简][飞云]PSPCH390 –天诛4 影子刺客 [繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH391 –天诛4 影子刺客 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH392 –突击!战车队PSPCH393 –瓦尔哈拉骑士 [v1.0][CG汉化组]PSPCH394 –完美大战略战场的霸者 [简][蓝色宇宙]PSPCH395 –王国之心梦中诞生 [v2修正版][ACG汉化组]PSPCH396 –王牌鉴定人(赝品画廊) [v2.0][简][PSPchina]PSPCH397 –维纳斯与布雷斯[汉化到第三章的大后半][绯红月晓]PSPCH398 –未名传奇(无尽传说) 刀锋兄弟会[简]PSPCH399 –未闻花名 [简][火花汉化组]PSPCH400 –我的出租车[汉化正式版][清文&SNAKE&SPIKE]PSPCH401 –我的妹妹不可能那么可爱不可能有续作(UMD Disc 1) [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH402 –我的妹妹不可能那么可爱不可能有续作(UMD Disc 2) [简][PSP吧汉化组&苏帕尔莎汉化组]PSPCH403 –我的妹妹不可能那么可爱携带版 V1.1 [简][游戏嗯蛋&PSP吧汉化组&俺妹吧]PSPCH404 –我的暑假昆虫博士与天边山的秘密 [ACG汉化组]PSPCH405 –我的暑假4 濑户内少年侦探团我和秘密的地图 [简][Play汉化组] PSPCH406 –我的造型师 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH407 –我是航空管制官成田机场 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH408 –我是航空管制官关空篇[正式版][ACG汉化组]PSPCH409 –我是航空管制官机场英雄那霸 [简][巴士汉化组]PSPCH410 –无双大蛇 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH411 –无双大蛇魔王再临增值版 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH412 –无头骑士异闻录 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH413 –无限回廊 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH414 –武装神姬战斗大师Mk.2(v2) [简][月下汉化组] PSPCH415 –侠盗猎车血战唐人街汉化测试[简]PSPCH416 –侠盗猎车自由城的故事 [简][PLAY汉化组]PSPCH417 –侠盗猎车罪恶都市传奇 V2.0 [简][PLAY汉化组] PSPCH418 –夏空的独白[简][心游汉化组]PSPCH419 –仙境传说光之圣女诸神的黄昏 [简][PSPChina] PSPCH420 –小小大星球 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH421 –小小克星携带版 1.10汉化版[澄空CK GAL汉化小组] PSPCH422 –心跳回忆4 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH423 –心之彼端2 携带版 [简][CK GAL汉化组]PSPCH424 –新纪幻想圣魔战记2 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH425 –新牧场物语无暇人生(纯真生活) [简][CG汉化组] PSPCH426 –新世纪福音战士钢铁女友特别篇携带版 [简][CG汉化组] PSPCH427 –新天魔界浑沌世代5[系统汉化测试版]PSPCH428 –新天魔界混沌世代4[简][部分汉化版]PSPCH429 –星色赠礼携带版 [简][79B汉化组]PSPCH430 –星之海洋初次启航 [简][3DM TV汉化组]PSPCH431 –杏仁怪盗携带版 [繁][PSM汉化组&WIKIGT]PSPCH432 –杏仁怪盗携带版[繁][汉化修正版][梦影℃无幽] PSPCH433 –兄弟之争激情粉红 [简][游戏饭饭汉化组]PSPCH434 –兄弟之争闪亮蔚蓝 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH435 –宿命传说2 字幕版 [简][个人汉化&CG汉化组]PSPCH436 –喧哗番长兄弟东京大混战 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH437 –旋转方块汉化版PSPCH438 –学生会的一己之见Lv.2 携带版 [简][残响死灭汉化组]PSPCH439 –学园K 完美校园生活 [心游之域地图我们不黑学院]PSPCH440 –学园天国又一章[扑家汉化组 & 翼之梦汉化组]PSPCH441 –学园天堂男孩子的爱情争夺战(UMD Disc 1) [简][扑家汉化组&翼夢汉化组]PSPCH442 –学园天堂男孩子的爱情争夺战(UMD Disc 2) [简][扑家汉化组&翼夢汉化组]PSPCH443 –雪之少女 [繁][巴士汉化组]PSPCH444 –遥远的时空中八叶抄[简][心游汉化组]PSPCH445 –遥远的时空中5 风花记 [简][心游汉化组]PSPCH446 –遥远的时空中5[简][翼の梦汉化组]PSPCH447 –一骑当千交叉冲击简体中文汉化版[ACG汉化组]PSPCH448 –一骑当千雄辩之拳 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH449 –伊苏菲尔迦纳的誓约 [简][FFC同好会]PSPCH450 –伊苏6 那比斯汀的方舟PSPCH451 –伊苏7 [繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH452 –伊苏7 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH453 –伊苏vs.空之轨迹抉择传奇 [简][FFC汉化组]PSPCH454 –异形战机策略版(R TYPE战略版) [繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH455 –银魂的双六 [简][Play汉化组&LAC字幕组]PSPCH456 –隐形妖怪 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH457 –英雄传说白发魔女 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH458 –英雄传说白发魔女[繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH459 –英雄传说碧之轨迹 [简][噬身之蛇汉化组]PSPCH460 –英雄传说碧之轨迹[简][PC官中文本导入版] PSPCH461 –英雄传说空之轨迹 [繁][CG汉化组]PSPCH462 –英雄传说空之轨迹 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH463 –英雄传说空之轨迹3RD [简][GC汉化组]PSPCH464 –英雄传说空之轨迹SC UMD1 V1.1 [繁][CG汉化组] PSPCH465 –英雄传说空之轨迹SC UMD1 V1.1 [简][CG汉化组] PSPCH466 –英雄传说空之轨迹SC UMD2 V1.1 [繁][CG汉化组] PSPCH467 –英雄传说空之轨迹SC UMD2 V1.1 [简][CG汉化组] PSPCH468 –英雄传说空之轨迹SC 合盘版 V1.1 [简][CG汉化组] PSPCH469 –英雄传说零之轨迹 V1.32 [简][FFC汉化组] PSPCH470 –英雄传说零之轨迹[简][PC官中文本导入版] PSPCH471 –英雄传说朱红之泪 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH472 –英雄传说5 海之槛歌汉化版PSPCH473 –樱花大战1&2 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH474 –樱花庄的宠物女孩 V1.01 [简][苏帕尔莎汉化组] PSPCH475 –永恒传说简体中文汉化版[aswhl个人汉化] PSPCH476 –勇敢的故事新的冒险者(勇者物语) [简][Play汉化组] PSPCH477 –勇者别嚣张 [v1.0][简][VPG汉化组]PSPCH478 –勇者别嚣张3D [简][勇者别嚣张吧]PSPCH479 –勇者别嚣张or2 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH480 –游戏王卡片力量SP [v1.00][PLAY汉化组] PSPCH481 –游戏王5D's 卡片力量4 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH482 –游戏王5D's 卡片力量5 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH483 –游戏王5D's 卡片力量6 [简][Play汉化组]PSPCH484 –游戏王对战怪兽GX卡片力量汉化测试第四版 [简][PSPChina]PSPCH485 –游戏王对战怪兽GX卡片力量2 全卡片剧情汉化版 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH486 –游戏王对战怪兽GX卡片力量3 [简][CG汉化组]PSPCH487 –游戏也要听爸爸的话 [简][镜月铃音]PSPCH488 –缘之空 v1.0汉化移植版PSPCH489 –约束之地利维艾拉 [v1.21][繁简汉化版][狼狼小酷汉化]PSPCH490 –炸弹人[简体中文版][个人汉化]PSPCH491 –粘土人世纪 [简][PSP吧汉化组]PSPCH492 –战场的女武神2 高卢王立士官学校 [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH493 –战场女武神3[V3完美汉化][中文DLC][ACG汉化组]PSPCH494 –战神奥林匹斯之链 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH495 –战神斯巴达之魂 [繁] [官方中文版][SONY]PSPCH496 –长门有希的暴走PSPCH497 –召唤之夜4(v2) [简][ACG汉化组]PSPCH498 –召唤之夜5[v2][ACG汉化组]PSPCH499 –这间活动室被不回家部占领了学园瞬息万变篇携带版 [简][萌萌璐汉化组]PSPCH500 –侦探歌剧少女福尔摩斯1.5 [v1.10][caoyang131]PSPCH501 –侦探歌剧少女福尔摩斯2 [简][caoyang131]PSPCH502 –真三国无双二度进化 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH503 –真三国无双联合突袭 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH504 –真三国无双联合突袭 2 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]PSPCH505 –真三国无双5 特别版 [繁] [官方中文版][KOEI]。


FQA10N80C 800V/10A/0.93Ω/TO3P
FQA13N80 800V/13A/0.58Ω/TO3P
FQA7N90 900V/7.4A/1.2Ω/TO3P
FQA9N90C 900V/9A/1.12Ω/TO3P
FQA11N90C 900V/11A/0.91Ω/TO3P
FQA40N50 500V/40A/0.085Ω/TO264
2N60 小 N-FET
30N120 1200V 30A TO-3PN IGBT
4N50 500V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
4N80 800V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
50N06 46A 60V 105W TO-220 N-FET
6N60 600V 6A 125W TO-220F N-FET
IRF9530 100V 12A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9540 100V 19A 125W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FEቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
IRF9640 200V 11A 125W TO-220 P-FET
7N60 600V 7A 147W TO-220F N-FET
BUP203 1000V 23A 165W TO-220 IGBT
BUP304 1000V 35A 310W TO-3PN IGBT
GT40T101 1500V 40A TO-3PN IGBT
GT60N90 900V 60A TO-3PN IGBT
SGP20N60RUFD 600V/32A/195W/TO-3P



gq105管式离心机技术参数英文版GQ105 Tubular Centrifuge Technical ParametersThe GQ105 Tubular Centrifuge is a high-performance separation equipment designed for various industrial applications. It offers efficient and reliable separation of solids and liquids, making it an ideal choice for numerous processes. Below are the detailed technical parameters of the GQ105 Tubular Centrifuge.Capacity and Dimensions:Maximum Capacity: 105 litersLength: 1200 mmDiameter: 400 mmHeight: 2000 mmRotational Speed:Maximum Speed: 3000 RPM (Revolutions Per Minute)Adjustable Speed Range: 1000 - 3000 RPMSeparation Factor:Up to 3000 x g (gravitational force)Power Requirements:Power Supply: 220V AC, 50/60 HzPower Consumption: 2.5 kWMaterial of Construction:Stainless Steel 304/316 for corrosion resistanceSeals and bearings made of high-grade materials for durabilityOperating Temperature:Ambient Temperature: 0°C to 40°COperating Temperature Range: -20°C to 80°CControl System:PLC-based control system for precise operationTouchscreen interface for easy operation and monitoring Maintenance and Safety:Easy access for cleaning and maintenanceSafety features include automatic shutdown in case of overloads or malfunctionsThe GQ105 Tubular Centrifuge, with its advanced technical parameters, offers exceptional performance and reliability, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.中文版GQ105管式离心机技术参数GQ105管式离心机是一种高性能的分离设备,专为各种工业应用而设计。










指令:ZCZC CH NNNN (输入)回复的流水号+1才是你要拍发的电报流水号。






举例:B 关于地址:地址由3部分组成:城市(机场)代码部门代码公司代码例如:①:北京②:国内值机③:中国国际航空公司这样,电报就会发送到指定的终端。


C 关于发电日期时刻日期是当前日期,时刻是当前世界协调时间【过去用格林威治时间(GTM),我看都一样】。


(纯国内电报很多员工习惯用北京时间)D 关于电报类别代码/电报识别代码根据业务性质有很多代码运输调度有:客、货加班申请、答复、变更、取消……售票方面有:销售通知、申请座位、答复申请、特殊旅客通知……客运方面有:载量报、旅客名单报、转机报、特殊服务报、行李查询报、集装设备控制报……货运方面有:吨位申请、答复申请、不正常货物查询、特种货物通知、更改电报……*NAC:来电信息不够明确,要求补充说明情况后才能采取行动。



计算电磁学简介一. 计算电磁学的重要性在现代科学研究中,“科学试验,理论分析,高性能计算”已经成为三种重要的研究手段。

在电磁学领域中,经典电磁理论只能在11 种可分离变量坐标系中求解麦克斯韦方程组或者其退化形式,最后得到解析解。




20 世纪60 年代以来,随着电子计算机技术的发展,一些电磁场的数值计算方法也迅速发展起来,并在实际工程问题中得到了广泛地应用,形成了计算电磁学研究领域,已经成为现代电磁理论研究的主流。





二. 电磁问题的分析过程电磁工程问题分析时所经历的一般过程为:三. 计算电磁学的分类(1) 时域方法与谱域方法电磁学的数值计算方法可以分为时域方法(Time Domain或TD)和频域方法(Frequeney Domain或FD)两大类。


最著名的时域方法是时域有限差分法(Finite Difference Time Domain或FDTD)。


2.1.1 电源开启程序..........................................................................................................................16
Page 1 of 33
第三章 维修与维护.................................................................. 21
3.1 概述................................................................................................ 21
1.1.1 回流焊锡机危害........................................................................................................................4
1.2 废气与内部清理.............................................................................. 4
1.3 工作场所安全性.............................................................................. 5
1.4 氮气危害.......................................................................................... 6


前馈控制功能 不但能根据冷水出水温度调节机组负 荷,而且还能根据冷水进水温度的变 化率来预测和补偿空调负荷的变 化。这 项功能使得特灵冷水机组调节 负荷的速度更快,出水温度更稳定。 冷水变流量控制功能 CH530控制器具备变流量自适应功 能,保证系统在变流量状态下出水温 度波动小,运行更稳定。
热回收机组运行必须有足够的冷负荷 (通常为机组名义冷量的75~95%)。通 常将热回收机组与其它单冷机组组合 在一个系统中,以保证有足够的基本 冷负荷提供给热回收机组。
空调系统通常以满足冷负荷需求为首 要任务,为确保冷水机组运行效率, 热回收出水温度不宜过高,建议采用 辅助加热设备以满足使用需要。
自问世以来,该机组以其性能优越、质量 可靠和投资回报率高而赢得了用户的青 睐,在美国及全球的销量远远超过其它品 牌的机组,成为世界空调行业的首选。
能效比COP高达7.85W/W(0.448 kW/Ton),是世界上效率最高、投 资回报率最高的机组。
在ARI标准工况下,机组效率比常规离心 机组高16~25%。机组效率的提高,可 以给您最高的投资回报。
CVHE /G&CDHG 三级压缩离心式冷水机组
CenTraVac® Water -Cooled Liquid Chillers 400~1300&1200~2500Tons
产品简介 ...................................................................3 产品特性 ...................................................................4 CH530控制器 ...........................................................5 系统应用 ...................................................................6 机组特性解析............................................................8 型号说明 ...................................................................9 CVHE/G技术参数表 ................................................10 CVHE/G冷凝器流量 ................................................12 CVHE/G蒸发器流量 ................................................13 CVHE/G机组外形与接管尺寸..................................14 CVHE/G机组尺寸....................................................15 CDHG机组..............................................................19

SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书

SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书

技术文档反馈 .............................................................................................................. 13
mySupport 文档 .......................................................................................................... 14
3 说明............................................................................................................................................... 23
参数,用于测量结果检查和补偿 .................................................................................. 55
经验值、平均值和公差参数的影响 ............................................................................... 60
平面定义,工件类型.................................................................................................... 30
可使用的测量头........................................................................................................... 34

CL130 热电巧校准仪说明书

CL130 热电巧校准仪说明书

27 -58
81 2.0 3.6
27 736 81 1357 1.0 1.8
736 1768 1357 3214 0.5 0.9
27 -58
81 2.0 3.6
27 1179 81 2154 1.0 1.8
Accessories Model No.
Price Description
CL130-CASE CL-300-CABLE-(*)-2
Displacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, Pressure Reference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters, Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, Valves
Polycarbonate, Permanently Static Dissipative, ESD Protection Enclosure with Boot: 173 H x 89 W x 33 mm D (6.8 x 3.5 x 1.3")
-168 -86 -270 -123 0.3 0.5 -86 346 -123 655 0.2 0.4
$895 Thermocouple calibrator

格里特12000BTU h壁挂式热泵系统说明书

格里特12000BTU h壁挂式热泵系统说明书

INDOOR UNIT Minimum clearence
Space to the ceiling at least 3 inch
Space to the wall at least 2 inch
Space to the floor at least 48 inch
• Wi-Fi Included • Low Ambient Cooling down to 0°F (Range 0°F to 115°F) • Low Ambient Heating down to -13°F (Range -13°F to 75°F) • Coil (Indoor and Outdoor) Copper Tube / Aluminum Fin • Blue Colored Fin - 500 Hrs Salt Spray Tested
Schedule No.
XE71 (Optional)
• AHRI Certificate: 210278962 • High Efficiency DC Inverter Technology • Compact and Quiet Design • Wireless Remote with LCD Display • Wired Controller Options • Composite Drain Pan
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
G R E E C O M F O R T . C O M / S Y S T E M - D O C U M E N TAT I O N



B-28© 2022 Glenair, Inc • 1211 Air Way, Glendale, CA 91201 • 818-247-6000 • • U.S. CAGE code 06324 • Series 80 Mighty MouseG e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n a n d R e f e r e n c eSERIES 80Mighty Mouse Connectors and CablesScreening/Outgassing for Space ApplicationsNASA Screening and Outgassing Modification CodesNASA Screening Level Special Screening Only Special Inspection and OutgassingOven Bakeout Thermal Vacuum Outgassing Level 1Highest Reliability Mod 429B Mod 429J 48 Hours at 175°C Mod 429C 24 Hours at 125°C Level 2 High Reliability Mod 429Mod 429K 48 Hours at 175°C Mod 429A 24 Hours at 125°C Level 3Standard Reliability(Use standard partnumber)Mod 186S 48 Hours at 125°CMod 186M 24 Hours at 125°CSeries 80 Connectors for Space FlightHow To Order Space Grade Series 80 ConnectorsStep 1: Find a Standard Part NumberElectroless nickel plated shells are preferred for space flight.Cadmium plating is prohibited.Step 2: Select a NASA Screening LevelThe term “Screening Level” refers to the final inspection procedure.Level 1 for mission-critical highest reliability Level 2 for high reliabilityLevel 3 for standard reliabilityStep 3: Choose OutgassingAn explanation of outgassing effects and methods is provided on the following pages. Fluorosilicone rubber seals commonly used on aerospace-grade connectors such as MIL-DTL-38999 and Series 80 connectors, along with certain bonding agents and inks, do not meet NASA outgassing requirements without additional processing. Glenair outgassing tests have shown oven baking or thermal vacuum outgas processing reduce outgassing levels to NASA standards. Oven baking is more economical than thermal vacuum outgassing.Step 4: Select the Mod Code that Matches the Desired Level ofScreening and OutgassingUse the table below to choose the right modification code. Add the mod code to the connector part number. Example: 801-007-16M6-7PA-429J will produce a connector that has undergone specialinspection per NASA EEE-INST-002 and outgassed for 48 hours at 175° C.The small size and reduced weight of the Series 80 connector make it an excellent choice for space instrumentation. Series 80 connectors are available with special screening and outgassing for satellites and space vehicles. This section explains NASA guidelines for connector selection, screening, and outgassing. This section also explains how to order connectors screened to meet NASA EEE-INST-002.Five things you should know about Series 80 connectors for space flight1Material Selection: What materials are approved for space-grade connectors? What materials are prohibited? Does the Series 80 connector contain space-approved materials?2 Outgassing : What isoutgassing, why is it important, and how does it affect connector selection? Is special processing required to meet outgassing requirements?3Screening : What is NASA screening and what level of screening is required?4Magnetic permeability : Are nonmagnetic connectors required?5Cryogenic exposure : Are these connectors suitable for -200° C exposure?e n e r a l I nf o r m a t i o n a n d R e f e r e n c e1Material Selection : Whatmaterials are approved for space flight? What materials are restricted? How to choose the right materials for Series 80 connectors.What materials are approved for space flight?Section C2 “Connectors and Contacts” of NASA EEE-INST-002 provides guidelines for materials used in connectors for space flight applications. Aluminum is a preferred material for connector components, and electroless nickel is the preferred finish. Beryllium copper is a preferred material for contacts. 50 microinch minimum gold plating is the preferred contact finish. LCP is a preferred material for dielectric insulating materials.What materials are prohibited?100% tin plating shall not be used. Pure tin can grow “whiskers” which can lead to catastrophic electrical short circuits. Silver plating is prohibited because of corrosion concerns. Cadmium is prohibited because it is unstable in vacuum environments.Specifying Series 80 connectors for space flightStandard Series 80 connectors meet NASA guidelines for material selection. Specify “M” for aluminum shells with electroless nickel finish. The table below lists the Series 80 materials.Series 80Connectors for Space Flight2Outgassing : What isoutgassing and how does it affect connector selection? Isspecial processing required to meet outgassing requirements?What is outgassing?Plastic and rubber materials give off gaseous molecules. For example, the smell inside a new car is caused by polymer outgassing. Heat and vacuum increase the rate of diffusion. In a spacecraft the gases coming off polymers can contaminate optical surfaces and instruments. The result is degraded performance.How is outgassing measured?The space industry has adopted a standardized test procedure, ASTM E 595, to evaluate outgassing properties of polymers. Small samples of material are heated to 125° C at a vacuum of 5 X 10-5 torr for 24 hours.Then the sample is weighed to calculate the Total Mass Loss (TML). The TML cannot exceed 1.00% of the total initial mass. During the test, outgassed matter condenses on a cooled collector plate. The quantity of outgassed matter is calculated to determine the Collected Volatile Condensable Material (CVCM). The CVCM cannot exceed 0.10% of the original specimen mass.Outgassing At-a-Glance1Fluorosilicone rubbercomponents and encapsulants exceed NASA outgassing limits.2NASA recommends outgassing processing to reduce outgassing to acceptable levels.3An inexpensive oven bakeout has better results than the more costly thermal vacuum outgassing. The higher temperature of the oven bakeout is more effective at removing volatile materials. However, both methods assure compliance with outgassing limits.4Glenair Mod 429 codes provide an easy ordering solution, whatever the outgassing option.Is special outgassing processing necessary on Series 80 connectors?NASA states “A bakeout for outgassing control is driven by the application a n d m a y b e r e q u i r e d w h e r e t i g h t c o n t a m i n a t i o n c o n t r o l must be maintained.” NASA generally recommends that military circular connectors undergo outgassing processing. This processing can be performed by Glenair; however, some customers prefer to fabricate higher level subassemblies before outgassing processing.B-30© 2022 Glenair, Inc • 1211 Air Way, Glendale, CA 91201 • 818-247-6000 • • U.S. CAGE code 06324 • Series 80 Mighty Mouse4Magnetic permeability : Are nonmagnetic connectors required?Spacecraft designers generally avoid the use of ferromagnetic materials, which can become magnetized and can interfere with sensitive instruments. Series 80 aluminum shell connectors have a maximum permeability of 2 mu. Hermetic Series 80 connector pins are iron alloy, a highly magnetic material.5Cryogenic exposure : Space programs sometimes need cryogenic connectors capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -270° C. Can Series 80 connectors operate satisfactorily at this temperature?Series 80 connectors are rated to -65° C. Glenair does not have data to validate these connectors for cryogenic applications. EEE-INST-002 states “...experience has proven it is possible for (non-certified) connector types to be used successfully at cryogenic temperatures. It is recommended that connector samples should be subjected to five cycles of cryogenic temperature...(followed by examination for cracks and DWV)”.NASA EEE-INST-002 Screening RequirementsInspection/ Test NASA Level 1NASA Level 2Visual Inspection 100%100%Mechanical 2 pcs. 2 pcs.Voltage (DWV) 2 pcs. 2 pcs.Insulation Resistance 2 pcs. 2 pcs.Contact Engagement and Separation Force (socketcontacts) 2 pcs.N/ACoupling Force 2 pcs.N/AAir leakage (Hermetic connectors only)100%100%Solderability/Resistance to Soldering Heat 2 pcs.N/A 1. NASA screening requirements from Table 2A of EEE-INST-002 “Screening Requirements forCircular Connectors...”3Screening : What is NASAscreening and what level of screening is required?What is NASA screening?NA SA specification EEE-INST-002 provides instructions on selecting, screening and qualifying parts for use on NASA GSFC space flight projects. Table 2A in the NASA specification contains inspection instructions for circular connectors including MIL-DTL-38999. Series 80 connectors are not mentioned in the NA SA spec but are similar to D38999 connectors, so Table 2A applies by similarity to Series 80 connectors.What screening level is required?NASA defines three levels of screening: level 1 for highest reliability, level 2 for high reliability, and level 3 for standard reliability. Level 3 equates to standard lot acceptance inspection. Levels 1 and 2 call for additional testing.What about qualification requirements?P rojects using connectors covered bymilitary specifications are typically able to waive qualification testing. The Series 80 connector has been rigorously tested by Glenair but is not covered by a military specification. Projects considering using the Series 80 for space flight should obtain guidance from the overseeing space agency regarding the suitability of existing Glenair Series 80 test data, available on request.e n e r a l I nf o r m a t i o n a n d R e f e r e n c eOutgassing Properties of Materials used in Series 80 connectorsComponent Material TML %TCVML %Test Reference Front and Rear InsulatorLCP0.07 0.0Glenair test at Pacific Testing Laboratories 07-25-2017Rear Grommet Interfacial Seal Peripheral SealBlended flourosilicone/silicone elastomer, 30%silicone per ZZ-R-765, 70% flourosilicone perMIL-R-259880.480.14Glenair testing conducted at NuSil Technology 02/27/2001Front-To-Rear Insulator BondingMaterial Eccobond 104 A/B0.52 0.08Emerson & Cuming Data SheetInsulator-to-Rubber BondingMaterial DC3145 RTV, per MIL-A-461462.52 0.58NASA Test GSC28621Coupling Nut RetainerTorlon® 4203L1.88 0.01Glenair Test at NuSil Technology03-12-2003Coupling Nut Epoxy Hysol C9-42150.48 0.01Glenair TestO-Ring Flourosilicone Rubber 0.32 0.03NASA Test GSFC8687White Epoxy Ink for SilkscreeningMarkem 7224 White0.49 0.03NASA Test #GSC19899Black Ink for Part NumberIdentification Videojet #16-5600Q TBD TBDPotting Compound, Solder Cup andPC Tail Connectors Hysol C9-42150.48 0.01Glenair TestPotting Compound, Solder Cup andPC Tail ConnectorsDC3145 RTV, per MIL-A-461462.52 0.58NASA Test GSC28621Potting Compound, FilterReceptaclesStycast epoxy, 2850FT/Catalyst 110.290.02Mfgr Data Sheet。







速度,通常以 g 值表示。








ge125-l0标准GE125-L0标准是指通用电气(General Electric)公司制定的关于低压电气设备的技术规范。

以下是对该标准的多角度全面回答: 1. 背景和目的:GE125-L0标准是为了确保低压电气设备的安全和性能而制定的。


2. 适用范围:GE125-L0标准适用于各种低压电气设备,包括开关、断路器、接触器、保护装置、控制装置等。


3. 设计要求:GE125-L0标准要求低压电气设备的设计应符合相关的国际标准和规范,如IEC(国际电工委员会)标准。


4. 制造要求:GE125-L0标准规定了低压电气设备的制造过程中的要求,包括材料选择、加工工艺、装配过程等。


5. 测试要求:GE125-L0标准要求对低压电气设备进行各种类型的测试,包括电气性能测试、机械性能测试、环境适应性测试等。


6. 安全要求:GE125-L0标准强调低压电气设备的安全性,要求设备具有适当的绝缘保护、过载和短路保护、接地保护等功能。





格伦风暴线性格栅说明书 GL15

格伦风暴线性格栅说明书 GL15

anddto introduced newer, better and efficient systems that addressed these needs. With an uncompromising approach towards quality and unflinching commitment to perfection, the company successfully established it’s a brand GLENSTORMS, in the segment.Application & Design:Duly powder coated extruded aluminium linear horizontal fixed bar grills, with 15 deg. deflection blade having pitch of 13 mm.Rating:Pressure Drop (∆Pg)-Velocity- 3 m/s10 mm of w.g.200 C7.3 mTemperature-Throw-Standard Construction:Dimension:1.Frame-Powder Coated Extruded Aluminium Section.Powder Coated Extruded Aluminium Section. 2.Louver-Height10051509200132501630020350234002745030No. OfBlades Frame:Louver:Size Limitations:Minimum Size- 4" (100 mm) ⬜70.9"(1800 mm) ⬜Maximum Size-All Dimensions are in mm.Model : GL 15Blade Deflection:0Model : GL 15(Noise rating)Model : GL 15Optional Features:-Available with Aluminium/steel Construction opposed blade Collar Damper with a screw driver operation system through the face of the grille.Available in black or white vertical spacers.Available louver thickness 0.6 mm, 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm & 2.0 mm from back.Model : G-HV Application & Design:All Dimensions are in mm..These grills are duly powder coated extruded aluminium double adjustable louver grills, with fronthorizontal and rear vertical.This grille controls the airstream in both the horizontal and vertical planes.It is Available in powder coated/anodised finish.Optional Features:-Model : G-HV(Noise rating)Model : G-CNV-OSF, G-CNV-BSFApplication & Design:These grills are powder coated extruded aluminium constructionwith horizontal fixed vanes normally used as a door grille.These grilles are carefully designed to suit the needs of air transferin those areas where privacy is not intended to be compromised.The construction is 100% non -vision ensures that no visibility ispossible in any condition.Model : G-CNV-OSF, G-CNV-BSF(Noise rating)Application & Design:All Dimensions are in mmThese Diffusers are duly powder coated extruded Aluminium ceiling mounted multi-slot Diffuser 2.Blade : 20 Ga, Aluminium Extrusion Section.Model : G-DSModel : G-DSNo. of Slots Air Flow (CFM)Velocity (FPM)Throw(m)Pressure Drop (in mm w.g)Noise (db)Performance TablePerformance Notes:1291201.9 5.1---59239 3.114-----88359 4.73215591202.23.51182394.414118159 3.6 6.3176359 6.632171762395.4122353197.225142352396.2142942997.822112942397.4243533599.5322535328710.7332041233512.642242345Pressure: All pressure are in mm of water.Maximum throw to a terminal velocity of 70 fpm.Throw data is based on supply air & room air being at isothermal conditions.The noise values are based on a room absoption of 10 db.Application & Design:These diffusers are powder coated extruded/stamped aluminium muti-cone ceiling diffuser withStandard Construction:1.Flange-Powder Coated Extruded Aluminium Section.Powder Coated Stamped Sheet.2.Ring-Model : G-RDC-FAvailable in powder coated-white finish.Other colour shades available on request.Optional Features:-Quick Selection:Model : G-RDC-F(Noise rating)Application & Design:Standard Construction:1.Flange-Powder Coated Extruded Aluminium Section.Model : G-RDC-GPowder Coated Stamped Sheet.2.Ring-All Dimensions are in mm.These diffusers are duly powder coated stamped aluminium multi-cone grid type ceiling diffuser with removable centre core helps to facilitate cleaning and damper adjustment.Out to out size: 595 X 595 mm neck size 450 x 450 mm.Model : G-RDC-GQuick Selection:Available in powder coated-white finish.Other colour shades available on request.Optional Features:-(Noise rating)Application & Design:Size Limitations:Minimum Size-11.81 in.(300 mm) x 11.81 in.(300 mm) 23.62 in.(600 mm) x23.62 in.( 600 mm)Maximum Size-Model : G-RDC-PNeck sizeNeck Velocity,fpm Velocity pressure,mm of wg. Total pressure, mm of wg.Total pressure, mm of wg.Total pressure, mm of wg.Flow Rate, CFMFlow Rate, CFMFlow Rate, CFMNCNCNCThrow (ft.)Throw (ft.)Throw (ft.)Performance TablePerformance Notes:200 x 2000.450.73 1.06 1.44 1.87 2.36 2.924000.255000.406007000.558000.789001.0110001.26 1.57145180205240274306340----2124292-53-64-74-85-96-96-100.75 1.14 1.65 2.23 2.92 3.70 4.57---192427322152703243804314865403-64-85-96-106-117-128-121.04 1.652.363.224.215.336.57310390465560624702780--15212431344-85-106-117-128-139-1410-15 250 x 250300 x 300Pressure: All pressure are mm of water gauge.The NC values, sound pressure level, are based on a room absorption of 10 DB & one diffuser. Blanks(-) indicates an NC level below 15Throw of air is given in feet (each side) with terminal velocities of 100 fpm & 50 fpm (maximum). Air flows is in cubic feet per minute, cfm.Model : G-SWD-F Application & Design:Fixed blade swirl diffusers presents an attractive and aerodynamically efficient alternative to conventional square ceiling terminals. These diffusers are design to produce a horizontal, radial air pattern with a turbulent, high induction jet characteristics and are ideally suited for applications with high heating or cooling differentials.It is manufactured from aluminium with press formed blades, the units can be supplied complete with a duct mounting collar for easy assembly. The steel duct mounting collar can be used as a means of fixing and supporting the diffuser from rigid duct work, or alternatively ceiling support brackets (supplied as standard) can be fitted for use with flexible ducting.Model : G-SWD-F Selection CriteriaJet throw data is expressed in meters and is based on a terminal velocity of 0.5 m/s and a 10 C cooling differential.NR levels are based on sound pressure levels with an assumed 8 dB room absorption factor. pressure loss data is shown in terms of static pressure loss (Pa) based on a diffuser fitted with aDM collar, or for a diffuser installed in a WTP plenumPerformance TableG-CDStandard Construction:1.Flange-Powder Coated Extruded Aluminium Section.Powder Coated Stamped Sheet.2.Ring-Application & Design:All Dimensions are in mm.Model : G-CD-SFModel : G-CD-SF(Noise rating)Model : G-JND Application & Design:These diffusers are powder coated aluminium rotatable jet nozzle and diffuser which allows bothAll Dimensions are in mm.Model : G-JNDPerformance Notes:(Noise rating)Application & Design:These diffusers are duly powder coated aluminium double skin eye-ball type rotable jet nozzle .This type of supply nozzles are capable of delivering air to spaces where long distance penetration and low noise levels are required. Suitable for cold and warm air supply applications, these versatile adjustable units are ideal for providing focussed ventilation or where precision is required. Where grouped penetration can be considerably enhanced.Inner Cowl-Outer Cowl-High grade Aluminum spinning High grade Aluminum spinning Standard(a) Epoxy polyester powder coated of white/pure white.(b) Natural Anodized.Finish-Standard Construction:Model : G-JNSize Limitations:Minimum Size- 4 in.(100 mm) dia. 16 in.(400 mm) dia.Maximum Size-Flow G-JNRate ThrowPressureNoiseLossSize cfm m Pa dBA100271035<20 55207527 803015042125361012<20 421123<20 72205020 105301503716048108<20 301320<20 6320 5224 148301003220063105<20 1051718<20 70203321 14830802525080107<20 1611814<20 224203021 31730702331510110<5<20 2072010<20 31730282040013510<5<202731208<203172415<204133030<20Model : G-JNModel : G-SD Application & Design:ODOGModel : G-SD******************* +91 9911214199, 8585919596。



目录1 概述............................................................................... - 3 -1.1 什么是MST?................................................................................... - 3 -1.2 B120B的主要特点 ............................................................................. - 3 -2 组网及应用 ......................................................................... -3 -2.1 传统话音业务的接入.......................................................................... - 3 -2.2 数据及其它业务的接入与混传................................................................. - 4 -2.3 灵活可变的单路接入.......................................................................... - 4 -2.4 512×512的全数字交叉......................................................................... - 4 -2.5 E1通道保护功能 .............................................................................. - 5 -2.6 与MST-B120/MST-A15的结合使用 .............................................................. - 6 -3 技术指标 ........................................................................... - 6 -3.1 E1接口规范................................................................................... - 6 -3.2 局端电话接口卡(MBFXO)/用户端电话接口卡(MBFXS)规范...................................... - 6 -3.3 热线电话接口卡(MBPRA)规范.................................................................. - 7 -3.4 磁石电话接口卡(MBMAG)规范.................................................................. - 7 -3.5 EM2/4线接口卡(MBEM2/4)规范................................................................. - 7 -3.6 64K同向接口卡(MB64K)规范................................................................... - 7 -3.7 V.24接口卡(MBV24)规范 ...................................................................... - 7 -3.8 V.35接口卡(MBV35)规范 ...................................................................... - 7 -3.9 以太网接口卡(MB10Base-T)规范 .............................................................. - 7 -3.10 基带传输卡(MB2B)规范 ...................................................................... - 8 -3.11 DSL小卡(MBDSL)规范......................................................................... - 8 -3.12 网管接口规范................................................................................ - 8 -3.13 机箱尺寸、重量 ............................................................................. - 8 -3.14 功耗......................................................................................... - 8 -4 设备组成 ........................................................................... - 8 -4.1 主机说明 ..................................................................................... - 8 -4.2 单元盘说明................................................................................... - 9 -4.3 后面板说明.................................................................................. - 12 -5 用户接口卡 .........................................................................- 13 -5.1 局端电话接口卡(MBFXO) ..................................................................... - 13 -5.2 用户端电话接口卡(MBFXS)................................................................... - 13 -5.3 热线电话接口卡(MBPRA) ..................................................................... - 13 -5.4 磁石电话接口卡(MBMAG) ..................................................................... - 13 -5.5 EM2/4线接口卡(MBEM2/4) .................................................................... - 14 -5.6 64K同向接口卡(MB64K)....................................................................... - 15 -5.7 V.24接口卡(MBV24).......................................................................... - 15 -5.8 V.35接口卡(MBV35).......................................................................... - 16 -5.9 以太网接口卡(MB10Base-T).................................................................. - 17 -5.10 基带传输卡(MB2B).......................................................................... - 17 -5.11 MBDSL接口卡(MBDSL)........................................................................ - 18 -6 安装...............................................................................- 18 -6.1 包装方式 .................................................................................... - 18 -6.2 安装所需工具................................................................................ - 18 -6.3 机械安装 .................................................................................... - 18 -6.4 电气安装 .................................................................................... - 18 -7 开关设置 ...........................................................................- 21 -7.1 时钟开关设置................................................................................ - 21 -7.2 网络号、节点号(站号)开关设置 ............................................................. - 22 -8 网管设置 ...........................................................................- 22 -9 B120B设备传输故障汇总...............................................................- 23 -10 设备识别 ..........................................................................- 24 -10.1 零器件识别................................................................................. - 24 -10.2 板卡识别................................................................................... - 25 -1概述1.1什么是MST?MST(Multi-Service Terminal)综合业务复用设备是使用专用集成电路芯片研制生产的多业务接口设备。



ECO-12TMBID SPECIFICATIONPRODUCT FUNCTIONS/FEA TURES•Recover/recycle, evacuation and recharge of auto A/C systems (R-12 refrigerant)•Microprocessor-controlled•Meets all current SAE, UL and CSA standards for operation,performance and purity•Electronic scale for measurement of recovery tank amounts (dispensed, recycled and remaining)• Manual recover/recycle sequence with oil capture procedure•Single pass recycling system•Manual purge of non-condensable gases•Sight glass with color eye moisture indicator for refrigerant quality• Manual A/C system evacuation sequence with leak test procedure•Manual recharge sequence with charge amount measured by weight•Filter/dryer for removal of moisture and particulate matter •Hour meter indicates filter dryer change•Oil separator for removal of oil and other contaminants •Oil drain valve with graduated oil cup •High pressure shut-off•Automatic tank full shut-off for recovery tank •Warning Indicators:- High pressure - Tank full - Overload•Reflective liquid crystal display (LCD)•LCD displays:- recovery tank status (full/empty)- gross weight- amount charged/recovered• Recovery tank amount display in lbs.-ozs.• Optional and standard tool trays• Optional Refrigerant Identifier attaches laterally to unit and verifies purity of refrigerants in vehicles, storage containers and A/C service equipment to 98% accuracy.PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS•Operating Temperature Range: 50 - 120 degrees F.•Relative Humidity: Up to 80% non-condensing•Unit Operating Pressure Range: 30 in.Hg to 300 psi •Manifold Gauge Set Ranges:High Side: max. 500 psi Low Side: max. 300 psi•Refrigerant Charge Amount: 0 - 25 lbs •Recovery Amount: 0 - 25 lbs.•Compressor: 1/3 hp reciprocating •Condenser: fan-cooled•Recovery Rate: 1 lb. per min. maximum•Control Panel Pressure Gauge: max. 400 psi•Control Panel Temperature Gauge : -58 - 302 degFCAPACITIES•Recovery: up to 25 pounds •Pump displacement: 1.12 CFM •Vacuum: 29 in Hg •Oil separator: 12 oz.POWER/WEIGHT/DIMENSIONS•Dimensions: 45” H x 18” W x 24”D •Shipping Weight: 128 pounds•Power: Model EEAC 307B -- 108 - 132 VAC, 1 PH, 50/60 Hz @ 4 ampsSTANDARD PARTS/ACCESSORIES•0647-0196-01GM Adapter,high side•0647-0197-01Quick Disconnect, GM/Ford Adapter •0647-0199-01Quick Disconnect, Large GM Adapter •0647-0200-01Ford Adapter•EAAO157C00A Recovery Tank, 30lb.•EAH0013C00A Gauge Assembly R-12 with hoses (USA)•4719-0055-01 R-12 anti-blowback valveOPTIONAL PARTS/ACCESSORIES•0647-0281-01GM Adapter A,F,U, W bodies •EAK0095C01AB Filter/Dryer Kit •EAK0029C00AB Oil Change Kit•EAH0013C22A Gauge Assembly R-12 with hoses (Japan)•EAH0013C21A Gauge Assembly R-12 with hoses (Europe)•ACT111B Oil Injection Kit for R-12•EAK0155L02A Refrigerant Identifier Kit •EAK0139L01AB Tool Tray•EAKAC307ACV Polyester Protective CoverModel EEAC307BSAFETY INFORMATION•Products may have inherent risk to the user.•Read, understand and follow all safetymessages on the product, user manual andvehicle to be serviced before operating ECO-12.•Improper use may result in injury.SS 1599Copyright 1998 Snap-on Technologies, IncSpecifications are subject to change without notice.Snap-on is a registered trademark of Snap-on Tools Company.ECO is a trademark of Snap-on Technologies, Inc.。








VOT系列数字视频光端机产品VOT1012VOT4012VOT8228VOT系列产品特点■支持视频/音频无损再生中继■完全色彩兼容■ LED指示关键的运行状态■无模拟调频、调相、调幅光端机的交调干扰■支持任何高分辨率视频信号■自动兼容PAL、NTSC、SECAM视频制式■支持多路视频、音频、数据、电话语音等多种信号并行传输■独立模块或机架式设备,即插即用,支持热插拔技术指标■视频接口●视频接口:BNC●视频输入/输出阻抗:75Ω(非平衡)●视频输入/输出电压:1Vp-p(典型值)●视频采样位宽:8bit/10bit●视频带宽:8MHz●微分增益:<1%●微分相位:<0.6°●场倾斜:<0.5%●信噪比:>67dB(加权)■数据接口●数据格式:RS-232/485/422/TTL● RS232速率:DC-115.2Kbps● RS-485/422速率:DC-1.2Mbps● RS-485/422距离:0~1200米●误码率:不大于10e-9● RS-485/422协议:透明支持任意RS-485/422协议■供电要求●交流220V±20%■音频接口●输出阻抗:600Ω(平衡/非平衡)●输入阻抗:100kΩ●频率响应:10Hz~20KHz●音频采样位宽:24bit●音频信噪比:>95dB(加权)■光纤接口●物理接口:FC/SC/ST●中心波长:1310nm/1550nm●发送功率:-10dB~-6dB●接收灵敏度:≤-34dB●光纤种类:单模/多模光纤,单纤●传输距离:多模,800m单模,30km/60km/100km■环境要求●工作温度:-40℃~+70℃●储存温度:-40℃~+85℃●相对湿度:<95%(无冷凝)应用方案■平安城市平安城市(城市监控报警联网系统)是覆盖整个城市的集成式、多功能、综合监控报警网络系统。

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丝印公差%%p0.15mm.按键与LOGO线条宽度公差:%%p0.05mm 2、丝印白色油墨厚度H≤28um; 按键处油墨总厚≤35um
4、CG材质:旭硝子;应力层深度: 8-15um 应力值:>450MPa

8、未标注尺寸以图纸实际测量为准; 公差为%%P0.1mm。

丝印公差%%p0.15mm.按键与LOGO线条宽度公差:%%p0.05mm 2、丝印黑色油墨厚度H≤14um; 按键处油墨总厚≤21um
4、CG材质:旭硝子;应力层深度: 8-15um 应力值:>450MPa

8、未标注尺寸以图纸实际测量为准; 公差为%%P0.1mm。

