media and culture report




After we read the instruction, we know that there's language communication barriers in this conversation between Mr. Yang and Mr. Jian. They are misunderstood each other when exchange of information.Mr. Yang simply complained that the food is spicy but the comment was interpreted by Mr. Jain to have different meaning. Mr. Jain thought it is an opportunity to discuss Indian cuisine, so he replied by talking about the India cuisine which is the India's history about why the food is spicy. However, Mr. Yang commented again that the food was spicy to show that Mr. Jain misunderstood his meaning.First of all, the barrier would be Mr. Jian thought that people in Asian cultures generally favor a somewhat indirect approach for messages we would treat directly. But Mr. Yang actually use the direct approach to tell him that the food is too spicy to eat. As the textbook say “ even with the best effort on your part, not every act of cross-cultural communication will succeed. Like other kinds of communication, cross-cultural communication involves people – and people are unpredictable. In every culture, some persons are uncooperative, deceitful, prejudiced, or insensitive, while others are respectful, welcoming, sincere, and harmony-seeking. You can only make sure that you are as prepared as possible.” [1] Language barrier caused by unclear communication. Different people view things or issues differently and that can explain the miscommunication.Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially challenging. Cultures provide people with ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases.Stella Ting-Toomey describes three ways in which culture interferes with effective cross-cultural understanding. First is what she calls "cognitive constraints." These are the frames of reference or world views that provide a backdrop that all new information is compared to or inserted into.Second are "behavior constraints." Each culture has its own rules about proper behavior which affect verbal and nonverbal communication. Whether one looks the other person in the eye-or not; whether one says what one means overtly or talks around the issue; how close the people stand to each other when they are talking--all of these and many more are rules of politeness which differ from culture to culture.Ting-Toomey's third factor is "emotional constraints." Different cultures regulate the display of emotion differently. Some cultures get very emotional when they are debating an issue. They yell, they cry, they exhibit their anger, fear, frustration, and other feelings openly. Other cultures try to keep their emotions hidden, exhibiting or sharing only the "rational" or factual aspects of the situation.All of these differences tend to lead to communication problems. If the people involved are not aware of the potential for such problems, they are even more likely to fall victim to them, although it takes more than awareness to overcome these problems and communicate effectively across cultures. [2][1] cross-cultural communication_ supplemental Chapter C.pdf[2]。



英美影视文化差异英语作文In the realm of film and television, the cultural differences between the United States and the United Kingdom are as vivid as the characters they portray. While both nations have contributed immensely to the global entertainment industry, their approaches to storytelling, humor, and social commentary offer unique insights into their respective cultures.Narrative Style and PacingAmerican films and TV shows are often characterized by their fast-paced narratives and high-stakes drama. The "Hollywood ending" is a staple, with a clear resolution and a tendency towards optimism. In contrast, British productions may take a more measured approach, with a slower build-up and a greater emphasis on character development. British storytelling often leaves room for ambiguity and can end on a more contemplative note.HumorThe use of humor is a significant point of divergence. American comedies frequently employ slapstick, puns, and aself-deprecating style of humor that is overt and designed to elicit immediate laughter. British humor, on the other hand,is often more subtle, dry, and relies heavily on wit, sarcasm, and understatement. This difference in comedic style reflectsthe broader cultural tendencies towards directness in American culture versus a more reserved and nuanced approach in British culture.Class and Social CommentaryBritish TV and film often delve into class distinctions and social hierarchies, reflecting the country's history and the importance of social class in everyday life. Programs like "Downton Abbey" and "The Crown" are prime examples of this focus. American media, while not devoid of social commentary, tends to emphasize the "American Dream" and the idea ofsocial mobility, often through narratives of success and personal triumph over adversity.Production Values and AestheticsIn terms of production, American films and TV series are known for their high production values, with big budgets, extensive special effects, and a glossy finish. British productions, while also high-quality, often prioritize a more realistic and grounded aesthetic, which can be seen in the use of actual British locations and a focus on period detail in historical dramas.Characterization and DialogueCharacters in American shows are typically larger than life, with distinct personalities and clear motivations. Dialogueis often quick and snappy, designed to keep the audience engaged and entertained. British characters, by comparison,are more likely to be complex and nuanced, with dialogue that can be more naturalistic and reflective of everyday speech.Influence and Global ReachBoth cultures have had a significant impact on the global entertainment landscape. American media has a broad global reach, influencing cultures worldwide with its storytelling techniques and cultural exports. British media, while perhaps not as pervasive, has a strong following and is often associated with quality and sophistication.In conclusion, the differences between British and American film and television cultures are as diverse as the nations themselves. Each offers a unique perspective on storytelling, humor, and social issues, enriching the global cultural dialogue and providing audiences with a variety of narratives to enjoy. Understanding these differences can enhance the appreciation for the art of film and television and the cultural nuances they embody.。



辽宁省辽阳市2022年中考[英语]考试真题与答案解析同卷城市:本溪市、葫芦岛市第一部分:选择题I. 单项选择从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

1. We're glad to see that Shenzhou-14 rose into the sky___________ June 5, 2022.A. inB. atC. onD. to2. The self-service ___________makes it convenient for us to borrow books.A. hotelB. bankC. libraryD. hospital3. Students should learn some living skills to take good care of ___________.A. herselfB. himselfC. yourselvesD. themselves4. Before handing in your paper, check if your name and number are___________.A. directB. correctC. specialD. basic5. Teenagers should do some housework___________ they finish their homework.A. untilB. butC. afterD. unless6. The soup ___________a little salty, there is no need to add more salt.A. looksB. smellsC. soundsD. tastes7. —The paper cutting is pretty lively, who made it?—It ___________be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.A. wouldB. needC. mustD. can8. —Now we can "plant trees” at the bottom of the sea.—It's a new way to __________the sea.A. paintB. protectC. createD. describe9. Miss Ye is ___________us sometimes, but she truly cares about everyone.A. hard onB. thankful toC. sure aboutD. similar to10. Please ___________the tall buildings if the wind blows hard.A. run out ofB. catch up withC. get on with eD. keep away from11. The Olympic spirit tells us nobody can win___________, so just enjoy the games.A. all the timeB. in timeC. at the same timeD. on time12. —Why is Kate absent from class?—Oh, she ___________the meeting.A. was attendingB. attendedC. is attendingD. attends13. Five more clubs ___________next week to make our school life rich and colorful.A. set upB. are set upC. will be set upD. were set up14. —I wonder___________.—It was wonderful! We had fun at the city park.A. where you went last weekendB. how your last weekend wasC. why you were busy last weekendD. what you did last weekend15. —What about joining the science club with me?—___________. I'm looking forward to it.A. Good ideaB. With pleasureC. Never mindD. It doesn't matterII. 补全对话从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。



–This course, which is taught both in English and Chinese, will acquaint you with the relationship between media and society in the information age. In addition to an introduction tothe influence of media on society, the course also aims to increase s tudents‘ media literacy.–Media effects–Media effects are changes in cognitions(认知), attitudes, emotions, or behavior that result from exposure(揭露)to the mass(大众)media.–The term is often used to denote(指代)changes in individuals(个人的)that are caused by exposure to the media.–Media Impacts–As opposed(相反的)to individual effects, broader(广泛的)impacts on society are also of concern to us.–We will use the broader term media impacts to encompass(围绕)the complex relationship between media and society––Content Analysis内容分析–Experimental Research实验研究–Survey Research调查研究–Ethnographic Research––Content Analysis–Content analysis is a quantitative description定量描述of the content of the media–Content analysis creates detailed profiles详细的简介of media content and identify认识、鉴别trends in content over time.–However, they cannot be used to draw conclusions about the effects of the media.––Experimental Research–ER studies media effects under carefully controlled conditions that manipulate操纵media exposure and content.–The most influential media effects experiments were conducted by Albert Bandura(1965)A Bobo doll–generalizability–The degree to which the results apply to other–populations and settings.Survey research–Make generalizations概括about a population of people by addressing questions to a sample of that population.–Questionnaire问卷–Ethnographic Research–Ethnography is a naturalistic自然主义research method in which the observer obtains detailed information from personal observation or interviews over extended periods of time.–Theories of Media ImpactsHypodermic Needle/bullet model子弹论–Posits断定powerful, direct effects of the mass mediaThe Multiste p Flow传播流–The multistep flow model assumes that media effects are indirect and are mediated调节by opinion leaders.Selective Processes有选择性的过程–Limited effects holds that the effects of theMass media on individuals are slight.Social Learning Theory–Explains media effects in terms of imitating behavior seen in the media.–observational learning.–rewardsCultivation theory培养理论–Heavy exposure to television imparts a worldview that is consistent with the―world‖ of television.n Literacy:the state of beingable to read and writeo What is Media Literacy?n The ability to understand and use median It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media… concerned wit h helping students develop an informed and critical understanding of thenature of mass media, the techniques used by them, and the impact of these techniques. More specifically, it is education that aims to increase the students' understanding and enjoyment of howthe media work, how they produce meaning, how they are organized, and how they constructreality. Media literacy also aims to provide students with the ability to create media products.Importance of media literacy"Being literate in contemporary society means being active, critical, and creative users‖Eight Key ideas in media literacyAll media messages are constructed. (DOVE EVOLUTION麻雀变凤凰)o The media do not present simple reflections of external reality客观现实. Rather, theypresent carefully crafted constructions.All media messages are constructed.o Media Literacy works towards deconstructing解构these constructions, taking themapart to show how they are made.2The media provide us with much of material upon which we build up our personal understandings of the world.3Audiences negotiate meaning in the media.o Different people see the same media message differentlyo we all "negotiate" meaning according to individual factors: personal needs and anxieties, the pleasures or troubles of the day, family and cultural background, and so forth oMedia: power and profito Media have commercial considerationso A relatively small number of individuals control what we watch, read and hear in themedia.News Corp AOL/Time Warner(CNN)Disney NBC VIACOM5. Media use languages with their own set of ruleso Different media will report the same event, but create different impressions意念and messages信息.6. Media convey传达values & points-of-viewo All media products are advertising, in some sense, in that they proclaim宣传values and ways of life.o Media have social and political implicationso The media have great influence on politics and on forming social change.o They give us an intimate sense of national issues and global concerns, so that we become citizens of Marshall McLuhan's "Global Village."o Each medium has a unique aesthetic审美form.o Just as we notice the pleasing rhythms of certain pieces of poetry or prose, so we ought to be able to enjoy the pleasing forms and effects of the different media.Critical thinking/viewing questions related to media messageso Who created/paid for the message?o What is its purpose?o Who is the?target audience‘?o What techniques do they use?o What lifestyles are promoted?o Who or what might be omitted and why?o Is there bias or stereotypes in the message?o Who benefits?Representations of people involve a typology of repeated surface charact eristics- appearance and behavior-that through repetition reinforce ideas about the type and or group depicted.This typology falls into some main categories, marked by the intensity of recognition, and depth of cultural history.Arche types原型are characters which are recognizable across genres, have few but very dominant鲜明的features and characteristics.For, instance, the heroic male adventurerAppearance--muscularmasculinityAttractiveFearlessFaithful–STEREOTYPE is the making of generalizations about groups of people on the basis of limited information.Stereotypes are equally recognizable, but rather less mythic.They come out of conservative and dominant aspects of ideology.They may distil体现the characteristics of specific social roles, or of more contemporary occupations.Which channel causes stereotypes?Personal experience亲身体验CommunicationInterpersonal口耳相传mass me dia大众传媒Representation &stereotype :Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly understand information Gender StereotypeGender stereotyping refers to stereotyped images of males and females.Women should sacrifice their careers for their familiesWomen are often portrayed as sexual objects for men.Nowadays, how do the media represent the male and female in the home appliances ads? (provide specific examples)性别语言差异(英文):POLICEMAN,CHAIRMAN,FIREMAN, SPOKESMAN(中文):职业女性,女强人流行语:干得好不如嫁得好女怕嫁错郎,男怕入错行Challenge to stereotype masculinityMetrosexual–Mark Simpson invented this term in 1994,and it drifted slowly from one media source to another throughout the rest of 1990s and early 2000s.A retro sexual is a man with a generally poor sense of style -- not necessarily a boor; rather, someone who rejects being finicky about physical appearance. It is the opposite of a metrosexual.They tend to prefer such terms as "real man", or "masculine".媒体长时间聚焦于一个地方,集中报道一些具有相似或相同属性的东西,就容易造成总体形象的失真,从而导致刻板印象的形成。

Media and Culture 媒体与文化关系

Media and Culture 媒体与文化关系

Final Project of Chapter 6 Media and CultureSchool of Mechanical EngineeringRecently I watched a hot movie whose name is Inception. I fell in love with the film and I watched it twice. Here are two articles I found on the Internet.Passage 1The mind-blowing movie event of the summer arrives just in time to hold back the flow of Hollywood sputum that’s been sliming the multiplex. ‘Inception’…will be called many things, starting with James Bond Meets ‘The Matrix.’ You can feel the vibe of Ridley Scott’s‘Blade Runner’ in it, and Nolan’s own ‘Memento’ and ‘The Dark Knight.’ But ‘Inception’ glows with a blue-flame intensity all its own. Nolan creates a dream world that he wants us to fill with our own secrets. I can’t think of a better goal for any filmmak er.Of course, trusting the intelligence of the audience can cost Nolan at the box office. We’re so used to being treated like idiots. How to cope with a grand-scale epic, shot in six countries at a reported cost of $160 million, that turns your head around six ways from Sunday? Dive in and drive yourself crazy, that’s how.My wordsThis is an article from Rolling Stone, a famousmagazine about fashion and music in USA. Thepassage introduced Inception as soon as it was onthe screen. The editor compared the movie withMemento and the Dark Knight, which are alsodirected by the director of Inception, Nolan. Thepassage is aimed to attract audience to see the movie. And I think it needn’t to be censored because there are no aggressive words or sensitive topics in the article.Passage 2It is NOT a dream: The WEDDING RING gives it away.I have now seen this movie three times. The first time I saw it I thought it was not a dream and he was home. When I saw discussions to the contrary, I saw it again looking for any clues to tell whether he is dreaming the whole time, and questioned the ending thoroughly. It was not until I saw a post about someone saying he is only wearing a wedding ring when he dreams. Multiple people shot it down saying that they saw him wearing it in reality or that he was not wearing it in this dream or that one. My third viewing had me looking for the ring in almost every shot, seeing if his totem ever falls in a dream (Something someone said happened), looking at his children's faces to see if they are the same.My analysis as follows: The Wedding Ring:……Conclusion: The movie isn't a dream. Cobb isn't caught in some "limbo that looks a lot like reality." Cobb spends the entire movie trying to get to his kids in reality, why would he settle for shades in a limbo? What proof is there that he is dreaming the whole time? If he is dreaming at the end, where is he dreaming? Limbo? So he goes from talking to Saito to just waking up on a plane, all as a part of a dream in limbo? Really? Think about it.Nolan would never take the "eeet was aaaaalll a dreeeeaaaammmmm" cliché way out. But the fact that he cut the film before the top falls over does have a meaning. He is planting a seed of doubt in your mind. He uses inception on the audience to have them question the ending. The concept of the movie thus becomes reality to the viewer, a heavy thing to think about and something that hasn't been done before.My wordsThis is a comment written by a professional foreign movie fan. Director Nolan makes the film a mystery. A high IQ is required to understand it. Many people debated online after they finish watching. I think this passage owns an insight toward the truth. Maybe Dreidel is the totem, the wedding ring is the key. If Cobb wears the ring, he is in dream. So at the end of the film, Cobb came back to the reality. Furthermore, I think it doesn’t have to be censored. As it is reported, Inception is imported into China with original edition. Seldom foreign films can be imported without cutting. So no aggressive words, negative opinions and sensitive topics can be found in both the movie and this article.。



中国的大众传媒英语作文1The mass media in China play a crucial role in people's lives. They include TV, radio, newspapers, and the Internet. CCTV's news reports have great influence, providing accurate and timely information. Newspapers offer in-depth analysis and commentary. The Internet, like Weibo, enables rapid dissemination of news and interaction. Radio reaches a wide audience, especially in rural areas.TV shows various programs, from entertainment to educational ones. The Internet has changed the way people get and share information.In conclusion, the mass media in China have a significant impact on society, influencing people's thoughts and behaviors, and promoting cultural exchange and development.2In China, mass media face both challenges and opportunities.The issue of information authenticity is a major concern. False news can mislead the public and cause chaos. For instance, some rumors can have negative impacts on social stability.The rapid rise of short-video platforms is an opportunity. They spread information fast, but also bring problems like shallow content.To address these, media should strengthen self-regulation andimprove the verification mechanism. The government should enforce strict regulations. Only in this way can mass media in China develop healthily and provide valuable information.3When I was a child, my favorite thing to do was to watch educational TV programs. One of them was about science, which sparked my interest in exploring the unknown world.As I grew older, I started to make friends through social media platforms. We shared our hobbies and dreams, and it made me feel less lonely.Recently, I participated in an online charity event. It was an amazing experience. I saw how people came together to help those in need. It made me realize the power of unity and kindness.The development of mass media in China has truly enriched my life and broadened my horizons.4In recent years, the mass media in China has witnessed significant growth. The market size has expanded rapidly, reaching an estimated $X billion in 2023. For instance, in the eastern region, the demand for online media has soared by XX% in the past five years. The number of users of short-video platforms has also increased dramatically, with millions of newusers joining every month.The development trend shows a shift towards digital and mobile platforms. Traditional media like newspapers and magazines are facing challenges, while online news and social media are gaining more popularity.In conclusion, China's mass media industry is evolving at a fast pace, presenting both opportunities and challenges. It is crucial for media companies to adapt to the changing landscape to stay competitive.5The mass media in China play a significant role in our daily lives. They include various forms like television, the Internet, and newspapers. The ways they spread information are diverse. For instance, news can be spread quickly through TV and online platforms.Advertising is a common form that influences consumers' behaviors. It reaches people through different channels and affects their purchasing decisions.The factors affecting the mass media include technology and social trends. As technology advances, the way we receive and share information keeps changing. Social trends also shape the content and style of the media.。



In the globalized world we live in,the concept of coexistence and harmony is more important than ever.The diversity of cultures,languages,and traditions that make up our world is a source of richness and learning.However,it also presents challenges in terms of understanding and accepting differences.One of the key aspects of achieving a harmonious world is to embrace the idea of unity in diversity.This means recognizing and valuing the unique qualities that each culture brings to the table,while also finding common ground that unites us all.It is through this mutual respect and understanding that we can build bridges between different communities and foster a sense of global unity.Education plays a crucial role in promoting harmony among diverse groups.By teaching children about different cultures and traditions from a young age,we can instill in them a sense of curiosity and openness towards the world.This can help to break down stereotypes and prejudices that may arise from ignorance or lack of exposure to different ways of life.In addition,the media also has a responsibility to portray diverse cultures in a fair and balanced manner.By showcasing the positive aspects of different societies and highlighting the achievements of individuals from various backgrounds,the media can contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society.Moreover,international cooperation and exchange programs can serve as platforms for fostering mutual understanding and respect.By encouraging people from different countries to work together on common goals,we can create opportunities for cultural exchange and learning.This can help to break down barriers and promote a sense of camaraderie among nations.However,it is important to acknowledge that achieving a harmonious world is not without its challenges.Conflicts and misunderstandings can arise due to differences in beliefs,values,and practices.It is essential for individuals and communities to engage in open and respectful dialogue to address these issues and find common ground.In conclusion,the pursuit of a harmonious world is a collective effort that requires the commitment of all members of society.By embracing our differences,promoting education,and encouraging international cooperation,we can work towards a more inclusive and peaceful global community.It is through this shared journey that we can truly experience the beauty of our diverse world and its potential for unity and growth.。



The Cultural Characteristics and Influence of the 21st Century
Representative figures and works of variable era combinations
The early 20th century saw the emergence of several key figures in English literature, which works have had a last impact on the field
Overview of the structure and content of the report
Introduction: Briefly introduce the research background and objectives.
Teaching methods: Analyze the teaching methods used in English classrooms, including the advantages and disadvantages of traditional teaching methods and interactive teaching methods.
With the development of globalization, the importance of English as an international lingua franca is becoming increasingly prominent. In order to improve students' English application ability, the school has reformed English classroom teaching. This report conducts research based on this background.

Field Trip Report

Field Trip Report

GES2140 Media, Society and Culture Field Trip: RTHK, 30 Oct. 2009Daisy, Wei Li 06592764Field Trip Report: RTHKBy Daisy Wei (06592764)The field trip to RTHK, although very short, was an unforgettable experience from which we get a real-life sense of how mass media is created. The talk by the producer of Hong Kong Story, Mr. Chan, aroused further thinking about mass media production. We asked many questions which were raised in class and waited to be answered. The personal involvement of the producer, the special status of RTHK as a public service institution and the particular features of the program all narrow down the topic to make the discussion very productive.In this report, I will focus mainly on the three paradoxes that I have identified from the talk by the producer and from what we have learned and discussed in class. Although these three paradoxes may seem to be more of questions than of solutions and answers, the wonders still serves as the first step leading to further study and research.The first paradox is the conflicting approaches taken by RTHK as it assumes the responsibility of educating the mass audience. Although someone may doubt whether it is appropriate for the media producers to assume the responsibility of education in the first place, as a public media broadcaster, it is RTHK’s mission to educate the audience (RTHK, 2009). This goal is difficult to achieve. Education cannot be possible unless audience are attracted to the program and spend time viewing the content. Thus, should RTHK stick to its mission and provide educational programs or instead pamper the public taste to win over viewers from the plenitude ofTV channels offered by other commercial broadcasters? It seems that RTHK chooses the latter: when the program was moved to a timeslot when the major viewers are housewives and the retired, RTHK adjusted the content of the program to meet their needs. They shifted their focus to old stories, forgotten legends and other stories to remind people of Hong Kong’s history. These are the things most familiar to the target audience and can arouse the most resonance from them. But in that way, the responsibility of education is never discharged. It re-emphasized their own social identities and encouraged them to stay or even locked them inside their own social stratum. Without informing them new things that help them keep pace with the society and stimulate them to mobilize upward, RTHK seems to have surrendered to the market and betrayed its original mission.The second paradox lies in its mission. It is stated in the mission, and also mentioned by Mr. Chan, that RTHK caters to the need of minority interest groups (RTHK, 2009). However, what is meant by minority seems to be a major concern. Are they simply people who are not “major”in Hong Kong or are they groups of people who have been marginalized and underprivileged? According or RTHK, this term seems to mean more of those who are southeast asian grassroot ethnic minorities instead of successful european businessmen working as CEOs. However, This does not mean that Hong Kong Story’s target audience are minorities. Instead, it targets the majority citizens and introduces to them lives of those minorities. Its intention is to help the mass audience understand the lives and cultures of minorities, hence create a sense of respect towards them. But do they constitute what Hong Kong is? Will theiridentities as minorities be emphasized and amplified? Do they really want to be known and recognized by the majority or simply to be treated NOT like a minority? Without really identify their needs, RTHK can hardly claim to have helped the minorities.The third paradox is concern with the role of RTHK as a public service and the role of its nature as a media broadcaster faced with fierce competitive from the commercial world. As a public service unit, RTHK receive funds from the government. Thus, serving the government can hardly be excluded from their priority lists. Though it is explicitly written in its value and also explicitly admitted by Mr. Chan that RTHK has “editorial independence”(RTHK, 2009), I doubt whether this independence is fully exercised. When asked about RTHK’s role in enhancing national and Hong Kong identity, Mr. Chan said that enhancing national identity equals to enhancing Hong Kong identity. However, it is quite commonsense that Hong Kong identity will fade at least to some extent if not completely if national identity is emphasized time after time. Thus, I believe in this matter, which is quite political sensitive, Mr. Chan withheld some of his own views. This makes me worry about the true independence and freedom of editing and broadcasting in a public institution. And what concerns me more is the efficiency and competitiveness of such an organization discharging public education duties. Is it better to leave it to the market in a form that governmental joint-venture with commercial television to make more efficient use of resources?And yet another concern is about the huge impact broadcasting timeslot has ontelevision program. A change in the timelot would change the target audience and thus the content of the program. Does RTHK really need to yield to pamper the tast of the audience instead of stick to its education mission? Moreover, such stories are less attractive to young or highly-educated intelligent workers than news reports or prime time TV series. But the program has much more possitive effect on those audience in helping them understand their own city---its culture, its history and moreover, its people and community. Without being broadcasted in prime time, Hong Kong Story, although with relatively high production quality, seems to have wasted some part of its efforts.In conclusion, I think the visit to RTHK has given me a picture, or perhaps only a part of the whole picture, about how media productions are created. It is amazing only by thinking about how important such a small studio is in impacting million’s of people’s mind and life. I am looking forward to the next field trip and getting more knowledge about media consumption.ReferencesRTHK. (2009). RTHK Vission Mission and Values Statement. Retrived 6 Nov. 2009 from .hk/about/vmvs/vmvs_eng.htm.。



高中英语作文《媒体与公众舆论》(中英文版)Title: Media and Public OpinionIn today's society, the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion.It serves as a bridge between events happening around the world and the general public.The influence of media on public opinion is undeniable.The media has the power to shape our perception of reality.It provides us with information about what is happening in the world, and it is up to us to form our opinions based on this information.However, the media is not always neutral.Sometimes, it can be influenced by political or commercial interests, which can distort the information it provides.This can lead to a skewed public opinion, as people may be influenced by inaccurate or biased information.Furthermore, the media can also shape public opinion by highlighting certain issues while ignoring others.This can create a skewed perception of reality, as people may not be aware of all the important issues that are happening in the world.For example, the media may focus on sensationalist stories, while ignoring more mundane but important issues such as climate change or economic inequality.In addition, the media can also influence public opinion by providing analysis and commentary on current events.This can shape the waypeople perceive events, and can even influence their political beliefs.For example, a news outlet may provide a biased analysis of a political event, which can influence people's opinions of the event and the political party involved.In conclusion, the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion.However, it is important for individuals to be critical consumers of media, and to seek out diverse sources of information in order to form well-rounded opinions.Otherwise, we risk being influenced by inaccurate or biased information, which can lead to skewed public opinions.中文翻译:标题:媒体与公众舆论在今天的社会中,媒体在塑造公众舆论方面发挥着至关重要的作用。


pace with the replacement of the media; 2.All of the traditional culture can not be expressed perfectly
by new media; 3. A fine traditional culture of the nation should not be
Reason one
1) Media is the carrier of cultural transmission 2) Different cultures in different places are spread
through the media; 3) Cultural exchange is one of the performance
Korean dramas
Ways to know Korea
analysis 1
• about the ways to understand the South Korea's
• news:
• Korean dramas: 60%
• books:
Media and Culture
By 魏雅洁 张洪春 郑岩 姜瑞双 徐艳春
Introduction Hypothesis
1)The relationship between media and culture 2)Media,s impact on the culture 3)New media and old media
forgotten because of the new media development.



2024年新媒体背景下的文化意识形态分析研判报告英文版Title: Analysis and Prediction Report on Cultural Ideology in the Background of New Media in 2024In the ever-evolving landscape of new media, the influence of cultural ideology is becoming increasingly prominent. This report aims to delve into the implications of this phenomenon in 2024 and provide insights for the future.The integration of new media platforms has revolutionized the way cultural ideologies are disseminated and consumed. Traditional modes of communication have been overshadowed by the speed and reach of digital media, leading to a proliferation of diverse voices and perspectives.With the rise of social media influencers and online communities, cultural ideologies are no longer confined to traditional institutions. The democratization of information has empowered individuals to shape andchallenge prevailing norms, leading to a more dynamic and inclusive cultural landscape.However, this unprecedented access to information has also given rise to concerns about the spread of misinformation and the manipulation of cultural narratives. The viral nature of new media can amplify extremist views and polarize societies, posing a threat to social cohesion and stability.In the midst of these challenges, it is crucial for stakeholders to navigate the complexities of new media and uphold the values of critical thinking and media literacy. By fostering a culture of dialogue and debate, we can harness the potential of new media to promote understanding and bridge cultural divides.As we look ahead to 2024, it is clear that the intersection of new media and cultural ideology will continue to shape our collective consciousness. By staying vigilant and proactive in our engagement with new media, we can ensure that cultural ideologies evolve in a way that is inclusive, informed, and reflective of our diverse realities.。

The Impact of Social Media on Culture

The Impact of Social Media on Culture

The Impact of Social Media on Culture Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and its impact on culture cannot be overstated. It has transformed the way we communicate, interact, and consume information. While it has brought about many positive changes, it has also had negative consequences that have affected our culture.One of the most significant impacts of social media on culture is the way it has changed the way we communicate. With social media, we are no longer limited to face-to-face interactions, and we can connect with people from all over the world. This has led to the creation of online communities where people can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. These communities have also created opportunities for people to form new friendships and relationships.However, social media has also led to a decrease in the quality of communication. People are more likely to communicate through text messages or social media posts rather than having a face-to-face conversation. This has led to a decrease in the ability to read social cues and body language, which are essential for effective communication.Another impact of social media on culture is the way it has transformed the way we consume information. Social media has made it easier for us to access news and information from all over the world. However, it has also led to the spread of fake news and misinformation. This has had a significant impact on our culture, as people are more likely to believe false information that is shared on social media.Social media has also had a significant impact on our personal lives. It has become a platform for people to share their personal lives with others. This has led to a culture of oversharing, where people share every aspect of their lives on social media. This has led to a decrease in privacy and has also had a negative impact on mental health.Another impact of social media on culture is the way it has transformed the way we consume entertainment. Social media has led to the creation of new forms of entertainment, such as memes and viral videos. It has also led to the rise of influencerculture, where people are paid to promote products on social media. This has led to a culture of consumerism, where people are more likely to buy products that are promoted on social media.Finally, social media has had a significant impact on politics and activism. Social media has become a platform for people to express their political views and to engage in activism. It has also led to the rise of social movements, such as the #MeToo movement and Black Lives Matter. However, social media has also led to the spread of hate speech and online harassment.In conclusion, social media has had a significant impact on culture. It has transformed the way we communicate, consume information, and entertain ourselves. While it has brought about many positive changes, it has also had negative consequences that have affected our culture. It is essential to recognize the impact of social media on our culture and to take steps to mitigate its negative effects.。



关于传统文化的新闻报道英语作文English Answer:Traditional Culture News Report.The recent resurgence of interest in traditionalculture has sparked numerous news reports and media coverage. From the revival of ancient crafts to the preservation of endangered languages, these stories highlight the significance of safeguarding and celebrating our cultural heritage.Importance of Traditional Culture.Traditional culture encompasses the collective customs, beliefs, values, and practices that have been passed down through generations. It provides a sense of identity and continuity within communities, fosters social cohesion, and promotes cultural diversity. By preserving traditional culture, we not only protect our past but also ensure itscontinued relevance for future generations.Reviving Ancient Crafts.One notable aspect of the traditional culture revival is the resurgence of ancient crafts. Skilled artisans are rediscovering and practicing traditional techniques in fields such as pottery, weaving, and woodworking. This renewed interest has led to the creation of new products and designs that blend traditional aesthetics with contemporary functionality.Preserving Endangered Languages.Another important focus of traditional culture preservation is the protection of endangered languages. Around the world, many indigenous languages are facing the threat of extinction due to globalization and cultural assimilation. News reports have highlighted the efforts of linguists and community members to document and revitalize these languages, ensuring their survival for future generations.Cultural Tourism.The preservation and promotion of traditional culture has also led to the development of cultural tourism.Visitors from around the world are eager to experience the unique customs and traditions of different cultures. This type of tourism not only generates economic benefits butalso fosters greater intercultural understanding and appreciation.Government Initiatives.Recognizing the importance of traditional culture, governments around the world have implemented various initiatives to support its preservation and promotion. These initiatives include funding for cultural organizations, the establishment of cultural heritage sites, and educational programs that raise awareness about the significance of traditional culture.Challenges and Opportunities.While the revival of traditional culture is a positive trend, it also faces certain challenges. One challenge is the potential for cultural appropriation, where elements of traditional culture are adopted by mainstream societywithout proper acknowledgment or respect. Another challenge is the need to balance preservation with adaptation, ensuring that traditional culture remains relevant whilestill evolving to meet the needs of contemporary society.Overall, the news coverage surrounding traditional culture highlights its multifaceted importance. By preserving and promoting our cultural heritage, we not only safeguard our past but also ensure its continued vibrancy and relevance for future generations.中文回答:传统文化新闻报道。






1)、正文字体统一采用TIMES NEW ROMAN, 其中一级标题用黑体3号字,二级标题为4号字,正文用小4号字,行距为固定值22。

2)、页边距:(上:3厘米;下:2.5厘米; 左:3厘米;右:2厘米)
A:Life should be carefully scheduled.
B:Life should be free and flexible.
Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology 跨文化交际英语课程报告
Trainees 完成人:王博
Instructor 导师:王鹏
Class 班级:涉外121班
Major 专业:涉外工程翻译
Finishing Time完成时间:2013年06月


( para 3-4 )
• Images of Luxury and power in tourists and on TV ( para 5 ) • The effects on their lifestyle ( Para 6-7 ) • The effects on young people ( Para 8-9 )
The relationship between media and culture
➢Media is an important way of cultural transmission ➢Different culture in different places are spread through the
➢ Culture promotes the develop of the media, and the media
accelerates the spread of culture
Impacts of foreign culture on Chinese via media
➢Education ➢Language ➢Democracy ➢Festival ➢Eating ➢Life-style ➢…
Body: The effects on their lifestyle
• paragraph 6 :
A. Young Ladhakis feel their lives are foolish
• paragraph 7 :
B. They can only see attractive materialism of Western culture C. They can't see negative social or psychological problems



英语传统文化报道作文范文Traditional English Culture Report。


England is a country with a rich history and culture.Its traditions and customs have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to be celebrated today. In this report, we will explore some of the mostwell-known aspects of traditional English culture.Food and Drink。

One of the most famous English dishes is fish and chips. This dish consists of battered fish and deep-fried chips, which are often served with vinegar and salt. Another popular dish is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, which isa hearty meal typically served on Sundays. In addition, England is known for its love of tea, with afternoon tea being a popular tradition. This typically involves drinkingtea and eating small sandwiches, scones, and cakes.Holidays and Celebrations。










**道格拉斯·凯尔纳(Douglas Kellner),1943年生,现为美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授,主要研究晚期马克思主义和社会批判理论,并致力于媒体文化批判和教育哲学研究,近些年在后现代主义、当代美国文化批判与多元文化路径探索等方面取得了突出的成果。





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The characteristic of culture 章节标题
1.More and more people participated in the development of mass culture
2.the characteristic of mass culture:Time-travel TV series(穿越剧)、 “Shanzhai ”culture(山寨文化)、increasing phenomenon of “leftover singles”(剩男剩女) 10
1、The mass media play a tremendous role in shaping public opinion regarding certain events & thus helping to shape public policy
2、Culture is “a whole of pattern of behavior ,arts religion belief ,any kind of human activity of production and mentality and their characteristics which transferred from generation to generation ”
Media and Culture
Reporter : Yu Xiao Li
1. What is the meaning of media and culture
2.The media and culture from 1960 to 1980
. 3.The media and culture from 1980 to 2000
1、Because of economic backwardness . people were lack of culture living
2、People could make use of a few cultural resources
The characteristic of culture 章节标题
1.The mass media has in every aspect penetrated into the society just like air wandering around us 2.the rapid development of new media, such as blogs, micro blogs and BBS (bulletin board system), is providing a new channel for citizens to communication 9
The characteristic of culture 章节标题
1.the traditional Chinese culture is invaded by foreign cultures. 2. We had a rich cultural life
From 2000 to 2012 章节标题
The relationship between culture and media
1.The modern society is a multi-culture society, where popular culture and commercial culture are in fashion and people's value is becoming more and more secular and plane.
4.The media and culture from 2000 to 2012 5.The relationship between culture and media
6. summarization
Examples of mass media
The internet
Chinese media should preserve, promote and utilize Chinese culture for the sake of the image of China and Chinese, of the development of our cultural industry, of passing on our culture to generations.
1.More traditional and “china stmission and development were slowly
章节标题 From 1980 to 2000
1.Both the development of economic society and the improvement of spreading media have changed our culture formation 2.The process of cultural transmission became multidirectional(多渠 道) and fast.