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Ex. 1

Translate the following into Chinese.

●It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they

who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly revolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.



Ex. 2

●Translate the followings from English into Chinese or from Chinese into


● 1. He became an artist after a fashion.


● 2.You can’t be too careful while driving.


● 3. Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan.


● 4. I warmly welcome those reforms and that success.


● 5. It is no use telling grown-up children not to make mistakes, both because they will not

believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education.



● 6. A shepherd lost the whole of his flock by a dreadful illness.


●7. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after

themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult.



●8. I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal

interests involving appropriate activities.




●I find it a great honour to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.


●There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.

●11. I am heartened by the assurance which your Government has repeatedly given that

the arrangements for Hong Kong contained in the Agreement are not measures of expediency.



●12. 病情应得到及时控制,否则会延误急性感染的治疗,对病人是不利的。

●Delay in treatment of any acute infection is unfavorable to the patient unless the

condition is brought under control in time.

Ex. 3

1. A kiss planted on the forehead of a young Iranian director by a well-known actress has landed the pair in the court and sparked heated protests in the Islamic Republic over physical contact between the sexes.


2.Under Iran’s stric t laws, implemented after the 1979 revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khommeini, touching between unrelated men and women, even a handshake, is forbidden.


3. In course of time the boy, now grown into a man, began to steal things of greater value, till at length being caught in the very act, he was bound and led to execution.


4.A miser, to make sure of his property, sold all that he had and converted it into a great lump of gold, which he hid in a hole in the ground, and went continually to visit and inspect it. This roused the curiosity of one of his workmen, who, suspecting that there was a treasure, when his master’s back was turned, went to the spot, and stole it away.


5.A wretched beggar, carrying a ragged old wallet, was creeping along from house to house; and, as he grumbled at his lot, he kept wondering that folks who lived in rich apartments, and were up to their throats in money and in the sweets of indulgence, should be always unsatisfied, however full their pockets might be, and that they should go so far as often to lose all they have, while unreasonably craving for, and laying their hands on, new riches.


6. A snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a severe bite on the cottager’s infant son, of which he died, to the great grief of his parents.

