高一英语必修一?Unit2Poems ?教案教案【一】教学目标教学目标(TeachingAims)知识与技能(KnowledgeandSkills)了解教学大纲关于语法填空的命题特点。
情感态度与价值观(Feeling,AttitudesandValues) 学习应对语法填空是与课文相结合,让学生在了解各种不同诗歌形式的背景下学习语法填空的设题与解题特点,从而更加理解英语诗歌的特色,更加懂得如何阅读和欣赏英语诗歌。
教学重难点教学重点(ImportantPoints) :1.让学生了解语法填空的命题特点掌握语法填空的解题方法与技巧教学难点(DifficultPoints) :语法填空中词性的转换教学过程(Teachers’Activities)StepI :Lead-inReviewthenewwordsandexpressionsofthisunitbythemtogether,andthendoTask1---speakouttheotherformsaccordingtothegivenwords ListentothesongJingleBellsandtrytofillawordintoeachblank.StepII :Pre-practisingQuestionsDoyouthinkitisdifficulttocompletetheitemsofblank-fillingwithgrammarknowledge?②Haveyoufiguredoutthe characteristicsoftheitem?2.ExplainingInthisitemthereare10blanksforyoutofillinwithlessthanoneproperword someblankswithagivenwordwhileotherswithnonefillintheblankswiththeproperformofthegivenwordaccordingtoitsgrammaticalandlogicalmeaning. chooseapreposition,pronoun,conjunctionoranarticletofillintheblankwithoutanygivenword. DiscussionHowcanwefinishtheitemsstepbystepwithourgrammarknowledge?___________________________________________.___________________________________________.___________________________________________.StepIII:While-practisingMakinganitemofgrammaticalblank-fillingbasedon theparagraphofthetext.morethan5blanks.someblankswithgivenword.otherswithnone.exchangetheitemyoumadeforyourpartnertocompleteit.Thewholeclassfinishtheonetheteacherpreparedforthem.StepIV:Post-practisingsomeofthestudents’anwsersandgivecomments.aconclusionStepV :HomeworkAssignmentFurtherimproveyourskillsofdealingwiththegrammarfilling.onPage10,NanfangNewClass教案【二】教学准备教学目标Teachinggoals1.Targetlanguagea.ImportantwordsandphrasesPoem,poetry,recite,aspect,convey,nursery,rhyme,diamond,cottage,balloon,sparrow,tease,sal ty,endless,translate,nurseryrhyme,takeiteasy,runoutof,makeupofb.ImportantsentencesWhichpoemisaboutthingsthatdon ’tmakesense?Poetsusemanydifferentformsofpoemstoexpressthemselves.Ihadn’ttakenmyeyeofftheball.Wehadn’ttakeniteasy.Thepoemismadeupoffivelines.AlotofTangpoetryhasbeentranslatedintoEnglish.ThetranslationshaveafreeformthatE nglishpeopleliketocopy.2.Abilitygoalsa.EnableSstotalkaboutdifferenttypesofpoems:nurseryrhymes;listpoems;cinquain,;haiku;Tangpoemsb.EnableSstotalkaboutdifferentpurposesofwritingpoems.c.Understandthemainthemeofeachpoem.d.EnableSstochantsomeoftheirfavoritepoems.3.LearningabilityEnableSstodistinguishdifferenttypesofpoems教学重难点TeachingimportantpointsTalkaboutfivemaintypesofpoems.Understandthemainpurposeofwritingthepoems.Teachingdifficultpoints Findtherhythmofeachpoem.Chantthepoem.Understandthemainpurposeofwritingthepoems.教学过程Teachingprocedures&waysStep1.GreetingsStep2.PresentationAskSstothinkbackandtrytorememberpoemsfromtheirearlychildhood, eitherinChineseorinEnglish.Talkaboutsomefamouspoetsbothhomeandabroad,eitherancientonesormodernones.Brainstorming:Whatwillyouthinkofwhenwetalkabouttheword“poem〞?Step3.WarmingupReadthequestionsinthispart,remindingSswhattheynoticeabouttheabovepoems.(e.g.theyhaveastr ongbeat,ortheyhaverhyme,ortheyplaywithwordsandsounds,orperhapssomeofthemarefunnybecausetheym akenosense.)TellSsthattherearemanyreasonswhypeoplewritepoetry.GivetheexamplesontheBb.AskSswhytheythinkth epoetswrotethepoemstheyhavejustrecited..Writetheirsuggestionsontheboard. GiveSsatimelimitofafewminutes.Dividetheclassintogroupsoffourtodiscussthepurposeofwritingpoem s.Askonepersonfromeachgrouptoreadtheirgroup’slistandaddtheirsuggestionstothelistontheboard. (Suggestedreasons:tocreatecertainfeelingsorimagesinthereader;toshareafeelingorexperience;todescribesomethingin detailorgiveanimpression;togetthereadertothinkaboutanidea;toexpressapointofview;tomaketherea derexperiencethesight,sounds,smells,feelandtastesofsomething;tocreateamood,toplaywithwords---theirsounds,rhymeandrhythm.)Iftimepermits,insmallgroupsorasaclass,discussthekindsoftopicsthatpoetswriteabout.(people ,animals,nature,landscapes,thesea,theseasons,stories,death,war,youthandoldage,feelingandexpe riences,emotionslikelove,hate,sadness,regretanddesire,etc.)Step4.Pre-readingPeoplefromdifferentcountrieswritedifferentkindsofpoems.GetSstodiscussthequestionsonPage9withtheirpartners:DoyouhaveafavoritepoeminChinese?Why?DoyouhaveafavoritepoeminEnglish?Why?Astoexercise2,giveSspracticeinanimportantreadingskill:scanningatext,thatis,lookingthroughatextquicklytofindspecificinformation.Readthetableinexerc ise2withtheSs.Tellthemthattheyaregoingtolookfortheinformationinthetable,justinthepoemsthemse lves,notintheotherpartsofthetext.Theyaretolookonlyforthosepiecesofinformationandnotreadevery word.Doanexamplewiththem.Suggestedanswerstoexercise2 :Step5.ReadingScanningGettheSstoreadthepassagequicklyandaccuratelyandmeanwhilehelptheSstoformagoodhabitofreadi ng.TeachergivesSsacoupleofminutestolookthroughthewholepassage.Tellthemtoreadthetextsilentlya ndthenasksomedetailedquestionsaboutthetextontheslideshow.TeachershouldencourageSstoexpressth eirideas.Q1.Whydopeoplewritepoetry?Q2.Howmanyformsofpoemsarementionedinthepassage?Whatarethey?Q3.Whatdoes“nurseryrhyme〞mean?Whydotheydelightsmallchildren?Q4.What’sthecharacteristicof“listpoems〞?Whatabout“cinquain〞?Q5.WhydoEnglishPeoplelike “Haiku〞?Q6.AreyoufamiliarwithTangPoems?Doyouknowthetitleofthelastpoeminthetext?ListeningBeforeSsreadthetext,havethemclosetheirbooksandlistentothetextwiththeireyesclosed.ThisgivesSstheopportunitytolistentothesoundsor “music〞ofthepoemsbeforereadingthemindetail.Tellthemthatitdoesn ’tmatteriftheydon ’tunderstandeveryword.FirstreadingGetSstoreadthetextcarefully,findingtheone sentencethatsumsuptheparagraphofeachpart..Underlinethetopicsentence.SecondreadingTellSsthattheyaregoingtolookattherhythmoftwoofthepoems.Makesuretheyknowwhatrhythmis.ReadthelimerickaloudandhaveSslistenforthestrongbeats .Thenhavethemclapthestrongbeatsasyouread.Markthestrongbeatsonthelimerickontheboard. TherewasanoldmanwithabeardWhosaid“itisjustas Ifeared 〞.“FourinsectsandthenTwobirdsandahenHaveallmadeahomeinmybeard 〞.NowreadthepoemA&B.Askthemtomarkthestrongbeatsonthetwopoemsthathaveastrongrhythm.Checktheiran swers.Thenplaythetapeandgetthemtoclaptothestrongbeatsinthosetwopoems.ThirdreadingJustasanyscenecanserveasthesubjectofapainting, soanypartofdailylifecanprovidematerialforapoem..Ofcourse,thechoicethattheartistorpoetmakesre latestohisorherpurpose.Poetryisusuallyshortandcompact,soitshouldbereadseveraltimes,preferabl yaloud,toappreciateitsmeaning.Readthelastpoem(PoemH),andanswerthefollowingquestions :Q1.Whatpartsofthepoemsuggestthatthewomanlovesherhusband?Q2.Howdoyouunderstandthesentence〞journeyerreturn,thisstonewouldutterspeech.thesentence inyourownwords.Shouldthe 〞?ExplainQ3.Whatpicturedoyouhaveinyourmindwhenyoureadtheabovesentences?Q4.DoyouknowtheChinesetitleofthispoem?DoyouknowtheChineseversionofthepoem? Step6.Makeashortsummaryofthisperiod.课后习题HomeworkSurfsomewebsitestofindoutmoreinformationaboutpoets.Reviewthecontentofthereadingpassage.2.FinishtheexercisesonPage12&13.。
英语:unit 2《Poems》教案-reading1(新人教版选修6)
Unite 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading (1)Teaching Goals:1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about English poems.2. To develop Ss’ ability of comparison.3. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about different types of poems in the wo rld.4. To develop some basic reading skills.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about their own little poems.The white sun sets behindmountains,The Yellow River flows into thesea.Go further up one flight of stairs,And you'll widen your view athousandli.——Wang ZhihuanShow the poem written by Wang Zhihuan and a photograph of the writer. Ask Ss to read the poem and. And see if they can remember any poems that they have learnt, either in Chinese or in English, and then ask them to recite one of them.Step 2: Warming UpPurpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a discussion.1. Pair workGet Ss to ask their partners the questions, and then ask them to present it before the class.(1) Which poem is written to tell a story?(2) Which poem is written to express feelings?(3) Which poem is written to make other laugh?…2. Group workGet Ss to talk about the world famous poets. The pictures below can be used for Ss to talk about, and Ss can also talk as much as they can.William Shakespeare George Gordon Byron Li Bai威廉·莎士比亚乔治·戈登·拜伦李白(1) William Shakespeare: English playwright and poet whose body of works is consideredthe greatest in English literature. His plays, many of which wereperformed at the Globe Theatre in London, include historical works,such as Richard II, comedies, including Much Ado about Nothing andAs You Like It, and tragedies, such as Hamlet, Othello, and KingLear. He also composed 154 sonnets. The earliest collected edition ofhis plays, the First Folio, contained 36 plays and was publishedposthumously (1623).(2) George Gordon Byron: British poet acclaimed as one of the leading figures of theRomantic Movement. The Byronic hero lonely, rebellious, andbrooding first appeared in Manfred (1817). Among his other works areChilde Harold (1812-1818), The Prisoner of Chilton (1816), and theepic satire Don Juan (1819-1824). Byron was notorious for his loveaffairs and unconventional lifestyle. He died while working to secureGreek independence from the Turks.(3) Li Bai: Chinese poet who spent much of his time wandering and composingromantic, wine-inspired verse.Conclusion: All these poets are well known to the whole world and do you know any poems written by them? Can you recite to all the class?Step 3. Pre-readingPurpose: To help Ss learn about the context of the Reading part.1. Group workAsk Ss to discuss the questions with their partners in groups of four.(1) Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese?(2) Why is it your favorite poem?(3) Do you have a favorite poem in English?(4) Why is it your favorite poem?For example:(1) My favorite poem in Chinese is: 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。
高二英语Unit 2 poems Reading说课教案
笔者将Pre-reading、Reading和 Post-Reading三部分进行适当地删减和补充设计为一节阅读课。在本节阅读课前,笔者要求学生通过预习课文,完成Post-reading中的第一和第二部分的细节性问题。并自觉主动通过网络查找资料,了解不同时期的英国著名诗人和英文诗的特点,为能更好地展开该节阅读课学习做好充分地准备。Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。通过组织学生对这些问题的讨论,回答,激活他们头脑中相关的内容模式,为下一步"阅读"做好铺垫。在处理阅读文章的过程中,要求学生在读后对文章的各段主旨大意进行概括,帮助学生整体把握文章的脉络。其次要求学生逐段阅读文章,旨在使学生了解英文诗,英文诗的历史和不同时期的英文诗人及其在文学殿堂中的作用。同时,锻炼学生对英文诗的欣赏;并让学生深刻体会到poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West的含义。笔者根据学生的认知水平和实际情况,在处理阅读文章的过程中,还适当穿插了一些中英文诗歌让学生欣赏。目的在于进一步增加学生的语言体验和文化、情感的熏陶。
c.情感目标:To let Ss experience the spirit of the poems and encourage the Ss to learn to appreciate poems.
d.学习策略:To some extend, students develop the abilities of study, effective communication, dealing with information and thinking and expressing in English. e .Teaching important& difficult points:
高中英语《Unit 2 Poems》优质课教案、教学设计
2.be made up of/make up for/makeup
b.They hurried onto
the lost time.
c.She spent anhour
before the party.
Part I Basic knowledge
Step I
Words dictation:
Let the students master the important words, phrases and sentence patterns of this unit through
Let the students read the phrases loudly after the teacher and correct
their pronunciation.
Let the students grasp the usage of the important phases and enable the students use them flexibly in different sentences.
10. The truck wasl(装载)withallkindsofgoods.
Step II
Tell the differences:
1.run out of/run out
the consequence will be unimaginable.
Unit 2 Poems 教学设计3-公开课-优质课(人教选修6精品)
Unit 2 Poems教学案3教学目标Knowledge & ability goalspoem, recite, aspect, rhyme, rhythm, nurse ry rhyme, diamond, endless, branch, translation, transform, joy, anger, make up of重点句式Some poems tell a story or ... Others ... P10They delight small children because ... P10Enable the students to know more about the poems, including the reason why people write poems and the simple types of poems.Teaching procedures & ways Skimming and scanning;individual, pair or group workdiscussion.Emotional and valuable aims小组合作交流中,培养学生合作意识和协作精神激发探究诗歌的兴趣和动机,养成求真、求实的科学态度,提高对诗歌的审美情趣在学习中体验合作与成功的快乐教学重点Enable the students to learn more about poems.教学难点Enable the students to talk about their opinions about a poems..教学方法Discussion.教学用具A computer and a projector.教学内容Step 1 Leading-inShow the poem written by Wang Zhihuan and a photograph of the writer. Ask Ss to read the poem and. And see if they can remember any poems that they have learnt, either in Chinese or in English, and then ask them to recite one of them.Step 2: Warming Up1. Pair workGet Ss to ask their partners the questions, and then ask them to present it before the class.(1) Which poem is written to tell a story?(2) Which poem is written to express feelings?(3) Which poem is written to make other laugh?…2. Group workGet Ss to talk about the world famous poets. The pictures below can be used for Ss to talk about, and Ss can also talk as much as they can.William Shakespeare George Gordon Byron Li Bai威廉•莎士比亚乔治•戈登•拜伦李白(1) William Shakespeare: English playwright and poet whose body of works is considered the greatest in English literature. His plays, many of which were performed at the Globe Theatre in London, include historical works, such as Richard II, comedies, including Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It, and tragedies, such as Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. He also composed 154 sonnets. The earliest collected edition of his plays, the First Folio, contained 36 plays and was published posthumously (1623).(2) George Gordon Byron: British poet acclaimed as one of the leading figures of the Romantic Movement. The Byronic hero lonely, rebellious, and brooding first appeared in Manfred (1817). Among his other works are Childe Harold (1812-1818), The Prisoner of Chilton (1816), and the epic satire Don Juan (1819-1824). Byron was notorious for his love affairs and unconventional lifestyle. He died while working to secure Greek independence from the Turks.(3) Li Bai: Chinese poet who spent much of his time wandering and composing romantic, wine-inspired verse.Conclusion: All these poets are well known to the whole world and do you know any poems written by them? Can you recite to all the class?Step 3. Pre-reading1. Group workAsk Ss to discuss the questions with their partners in groups of four.(1) Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese?(2) Why is it your favorite poem?(3) Do you have a favorite poem in English?(4 ) Why is it your favorite poem?For example:(1) My favorite poem in Chinese is: 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。
2.课型设计与课时划分①SectioniTextcomprehending(Period1-2)②SectioniiLanguagepointsstudying(Period3-4)③SectioniiiGrammar(Period5)④SectioniVwriting(Period6)SectioniTextcomprehending教学目标1.ToarouseSs’interestinlearningaboutpoems.2.Todevelopsomebasicreadingskills.3.Tolearnsomenewwords.4.Toknowaboutthedifferentstylesofpoems.教学流程StepiLeading-in Showthepoemwrittenbywangzhihuanandaphotographofthewriter.askSstor eadthepoemand.andseeiftheycanrememberanypoemsthattheyhavelearnt,ei therinchineseorinEnglish,andthenaskthemtoreciteoneofthem.Step2:warmingUpPurpose:ToleadSstothetopicofthisunitthroughadiscussion.1.PairworkGetSstoasktheirpartnersthequestions,andthenaskthemtopresentitbeforethe class.(1)whichpoemiswrittentotellastory?(2)whichpoemiswrittentoexpressfeelings?(3)whichpoemiswrittentomakeotherlaugh?…2.GroupworkGetSstotalkabouttheworldfamouspoets.ThepicturesbelowcanbeusedforSst otalkabout,andSscanalsotalkasmuchastheycan.StepiiFast-reading(1)askSsiftheyarecuriousaboutsomeEnglishpoems.dotheywanttoappreciat esomekindofpoems?andgetthesomeSstoanswerthisquestion.(2)Readthroughthetext,preferablytheparagraphsbesidethesevenpoemsandt hendecidewhichpoemyoulikebest?Givereasons.(3)Trytoanswerthequestionsaboutthepassage.①whatisthemaintopicofthereadingpassage?②whatfivekindsofpoemsdoesthereadingpassagetalkabout? Suggestedanswers:①:ThemaintopicofthereadingpassageisaboutsomesimpleformsofEnglishp oems.②:Thefivekindsofpoemsthatthereadingpassagetalksaboutare:nurseryrhym es,listpoems,thecinquain,haikuandTangpoems. Stepiiicomprehending一、Readthetextcarefullyandtrytogetsomedetailsfromthetext.workinpairsandtr ytoaskandanswerquestionsfromthetext.Questionscanbelikethese.①Therearetwopoemsthathaveastrongrhythm.whichonesarethey?②whichtwopoemshaverhyminglines?circlethepairsofrhymingwords.③whichpoemsgiveyouoneclearpictureinyourmind? Suggestedanswers:Q1.TheyarePoemaandPoemB.Eachpoemhasfourbeatsaline.Forexample:hu sh,baby,don’t,word;Pa,buy,don’t,mockingbird;etc.Q2.TheyarePoemsaandB.Poema’srhymingpairs:word/mockingbird,sing/ring,brass/looking-glass,broke/bill y-goat,away/today;PoemB’srhymingpairs:fire/squire,high/sky,lead/dead,race/lace,cat/hat,too/true.Q3.inmyopinion,mostprobablytheyarePoemsF,G,H.StepiVSummary ThepassagemainlysummarizedthecharacteristicsoffivesimpleformsofEngli shpoems,suchasnurseryrhymes,listpoems,cinquain,haikuandTangpoems,e xamplesoftheseformsincluded. SectioniiLanguagepointsstudying重点单词1convey双语释义v.表达,传递,传达(communicate);运送;输送(transport)(1)完成句子①words_cannot_convey_howangryiamwithher.语言无法表达我对她有多么的生气。
高中英语优秀教案:Unit2《Poems》Period 2(新人教版选修6)
Period 2Language Study整体设计教学内容分析The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words,phrases and sentence patterns in Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language.There are altogether 50 new words and phrases in these five parts.22 of them are marked with triangles,which shows that the students needn't learn them by heart.It is enough to recognize them when meeting them while reading the passage.The other 28 should all be remembered,among which the following 8 words and expressions are even more important:concrete,take it easy,in particular,flexible,eventually,transform,run out of,be made up of.They are all very useful and important.So are the sentence patterns “Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.”,“Some rhyme(like B) while others do not(like C).” and “Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made up of five lines.” We ought to pay more attention to them.三维目标设计Knowledge and skills1.To get the students to learn to use the following important new words and phrases freely:rhyme,concrete,pattern,tease,endless,translation,take it easy,in particular,convey,flexible,branch,eventually,transform,forever,run out of,be made up of.2.To get the students to understand and use the following important and useful sentence patterns:(1)Some poems tell a story or describe something in_a_way_that_will_give_the_reader_a_strong_impression.(2)Some rhyme(like B) while others do not(like C).(3)Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made_up_of_five_lines.Process and methods1.To help the students to understand the meanings of the above useful new words and expressions in the context,and then give some explanations about them,and at last offer some exercises to make the students master their usages.2.To ask the students to make up their own sentences by imitating the above sentence patterns.3.At the end of the class,make students do more exercises for consolidation.In doing so,they can learn,grasp and use these important language points well.Emotion,attitude and value1.To stimulate students' interest in learning English.2.To develop students' sense of cooperation and teamwork.教学重、难点1.Important new words and expressions:rhyme,concrete,pattern,tease,endless,translation,take it easy,in particular,convey,flexible,branch,eventually,transform,forever,run out of,be made up of.2.Important and useful sentence patterns:(1)The attributive clause with the antecedent “way”.(2)Compound sentences with “while”.(3)Past participles as the postpositive attributive.3.Some difficult and long sentences in the text.教学过程1Revision1.Check the homework exercises.2.Ask some students to tell about some simple forms of English poems.2Reading and findingGet students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book.3Practice for useful words and expressions1.Turn to Page 12.Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.2.Give them several minutes to finish the exercises.They may first do them individually,and then discuss them with their partners.3.Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.4Vocabulary studyⅠ.简单知识扫描1.poem/poetry(P9)Poet(P10)【原句再现】These little poems and songs might have been some of the first poetry you learned.这些小诗歌或许就是你最早学到的一些诗歌。
Unit_2_Poems-poems PPT课件
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend, it’s hard ng in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air, pretty girls are everywhere;
Tang Poem
What forms are the following poems? ★★
What forms are the following poems?
Are you sleeping
Are you sleeping Are you sleeping, Brother Bear, Brother bear Morning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing
Nursery rhymes
Five forms of poems
List poems
Tang poems
5 mins
Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1. Which type of the poems can be used for formative education(启蒙教育)? 2. Which two poems have rhyming words? 3. Why did the players in poem C lose the game? 4. Which two poems give you clear pictures in your mind? 5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
选修六 2.2《Unit 2 Poems》 公开课一等奖课件
II. Analysis of the teaching methods III. Teaching important and difficult points,
IV. Teaching aids
V. Teaching procedures and ways
I. Analysis of the teaching material
1). The new curriculum advocates the cooperative learning, taskbased learning and communicative learning. Therefore, I’ll create as many chances as possible to get my students to participate in various activities. The class will be divided into several groups of 5 or 6 students, between which competitions will be held. They’ll get marks if they complete certain task. Before the class is over, we'll see how many marks each group gets and which is the champion. 2). Apply an understanding of learning styles to teaching. There are three kinds of learning styles, namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic. A visual learner likes to learn by reading, seeing or watching with his own eyes; an auditory one likes to learn by listening, by having things explained; a kinesthetic one likes to learn by doing and touching or practicing. Therefore, I’ll apply multi-functional teaching equipment to cater for different characteristics of students’ learning habits.
Friend and enemy too four words (opinions or feelings) mine restates(反复) the subject in
anther single word
Summer Sleepy, salty Drying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out
I saw a fish-pond all on fire,
I saw a house bow to a squire, 我看见一种房子属于乡绅。
I saw a person twelve-feet high,
I saw a cottage in the sky,
to tell a story to describe something to convey certain emotions to express feelings to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to make others laugh
Poem A
Find the words that rhyme:
sing brass
broke away
Poem B
fire high lead race cat
today too
squire sky dead lace hat true
Read the text carefully and find out the characteristics of each form.
Unit 2 Poems2nd period Reading (I) A few Simple Forms of English Poems(The a nalysi s of teaching materials)This Unit mainly focuses on poems.The aim is to let the Ss enjoy the beauty in poems. Therefore they need to know some basic knowledge in poetry, such as the forms of poems, the characteristics. With this basis, we can promote the Ss’ emotional development.(The analysis of the students)The Ss have read a lot of Chinese poems. This cultural foundation c an make them understand “rhythm, rhyme” easily. On the other hand, the Ss need broadern their horizon in English poems. This lesson can give them a rough but systematic knowledge of English poems.(Teaching aims)*知识目标(Knowledge aims)Important words and phrases:Poem, poetry, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, nursery rhyme, take it easy, run out of, make up of*能力目标(Ability aims)Enable the students to know more about the poems, including the reason why people write poems and the simple types of poems.* 情感目标(Emotional aims)Promote the Ss to enjoy the beau ty in poems and try to use this technique to express themselves. (Teaching important points)1. Talk about five main types of poems.2. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.(Teaching and difficult points)1. Find the rhythm of each poem.2. Chant the poem.3. Understand the main purpose of writing the poem6.教学过程(Teaching procedures)Step I Warming upAsk the Ss the following questions.1. Have you prepared a favorite poem in Chinese or in English?(Ask one or two students to present their favorite poems emotionally.)2. Why do people write poems?3. Do you know the characteristics of poems?Step 2 Fast readingAsk the Ss to read the words aloud in this reading.Ask the Ss to go through this passage and finish the following exercise.①What does this passage mainly refer to?A. How to write Tang poems.B. How to teach poems.C.Several forms of English poemsD.The kind of Japanese poems②What does poem H belong to?A. Tang poemsB.Song poemsC. Nursery rhymesD. Cinquain③Which of the following can we find in poem A?A. AngerB. SorrowC. D arknessD. Joy④Which poems are made up of five line?A.Poems D and EB.Poems B and CC.Poems C and DD. Poems F and H⑤How many syllables are there in Haiku?A. 5B. 7C. 17D. 20(Keys :CADAC)Step 3 Detailed readingAsk five Ss to read the text and try to fill in the following form.Poem D—H: Translate themStep 5 SummaryAccording to the functions of poems and contents of the form, summarize this lesson.。
Unit 2 Poems 教学设计2
Unit 2 Poems教学案2教学内容分析I.教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是诗歌。
Warming up部分围绕诗歌(poems)这一话题设置了三个问题。
Reading 部分介绍了几种简单的英语诗歌。
Comprehending 部分的重点放在文中的几首诗歌上。
Learning about language的词汇部分设置了三个练习。
Unit 2 Poems 一等奖教案(选修6)
Unit 2 Poems Ⅰ. 单元教学目标Ⅱ. 目标语言Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Poems为话题,从学生初次接触诗歌,一直谈到诗歌创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格)等。
1.1 Warming Up部分要求学生回顾所学诗歌,启发学生以小组活动形式分析、列举人们进行诗歌创作的原因。
1.2 Pre-reading 部分首先要求学生说出自己最喜欢的中英文诗歌并阐明理由;然后通过快速阅读Reading部分内容填写列表,区分诗歌种类。
1.3 Reading部分是一篇介绍诗歌基础知识的文章。
1.4 Comprehending 部分根据阅读内容设置了三个习题。
1.5 Learning about Language分words and expressions和structures两部分。
1.6 Using Language共设置了三个任务:第一项任务通过一首小诗展开听力、口语、阅读训练,加深学生对诗歌韵律知识的理解;第二项任务通过Miss Jiang与学生谈论诗歌竞赛的一段录音学习,练习“意愿(intentions)”的表达。
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When all at once I turn my head, find her there lantern light is dimly(朦胧 地) shed.
Fast reading
The reading passage discusses five forms of poems. What are they?
1. Which type of the poems can be used for formative education(启蒙教育)? A. List poems B. Tang poems C. Nursery poems D. The cinquain
2. Which two poems have rhyming words? A. Poem A and B B. Poem C and D C. Poem E and F D. Poem G and H
Nursery rhyme
Homework Write a poem to your parents :
To My Parents You were always there To _______me You were always there To _______me You were always there To _______me …… But most important You were always there To _______me
1. Nursery rhyme:
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa’s going to buy you another today.
Nursery rhymes
Five forms of poems
List poems
Tang poems
5 mins
Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1. Which type of the poems can be used for formative education(启蒙教育)? 2. Which two poems have rhyming words? 3. Why did the players in poem C lose the game? 4. Which two poems give you clear pictures in your mind? 5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
3. Why did the players in poem C lose the game? A.They stayed up too late the night before B. Then didn't have thousands of fans screaming C. They ran out of energy D. They didn't play well enough 4. Which two poems give you clear pictures in your mind? A. Poem A and C B. Poem F and G. C. Poem B and D D. Poem E and H
List poems
What forms are the following poems?
green every spring bright r
What forms are the following poems?
3. cinquain
Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too mine
Cinquain is a poem made up of five lines , with which, students can ____ a strong picture in a few convey ______________ words.
4. Tang poems
望夫石 王健 望夫处,江悠悠。
Where she awaits her husband, On and on the river flows. Never looking back, Transformed into stone. Day by day upon the mountain top, wind and rain revolve. Should the journey return, this stone would utter speech.
4. Haiku
A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. look, a butterfly! (by Moritake)
Japanese form of poetry Haiku is a _______ 17 that is made up of ____syllables. 音节
5. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. The development of English poems B. The future of English poems C. All kinds of poems D. Some kinds of poems
The furthest distance in the world
The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you
世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死 而是 我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Shelley--- Ode to the west wind
冬天来了 春天还会远吗?
A Tranquil Night Abed, I see a silver light, I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.
Seasons in the sun
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend, We’ve known each other since we were nine or ten; together we’ve climbed hills and trees, learned of love and A-B-C`s, skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend, it’s hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky; now that the spring is in the air, pretty girls are everywhere; Rhyme 押韵 think of me and I’ll be there, We have joy we had fun We have seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb were just seasons Out of time......
I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.
2. List poem(清单诗)
We would have won… If Jack had scored that goal, If we’d had just a few more minutes, If we had trained harder, If Ben had passed the ball to Joe, If we’d had thousands of fans screaming, If I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball, If we hadn’t stayed up so late the night before, If we hadn’t take it easy, If we hadn’t run out of energy. We would have won… If we’d been better!
Life is Life is Life is Life is Life is Life is Life is Life is