



Lesson 13: How Is School Going?[Teaching Aims]Knowledge goals:1.Master the following words: life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social, myselfmon phrases: sport meet, twice a week \ year, long \ high jump, be good at, social studies, by oneselfAbility goal:1 ・ Continue to build up the ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially enable the students to make sentences in English about their school life.Emotion goal:1 ・ Get students to know how to describe their school life correctly・[Important Points 】1 ・ How is ... going?[Difficult Points]How is ... going?[Teaching Aids]Multimedia, radio-tape.【Teaching Procedures ]Step 1 Lead-inShow the students two pictures about their beautiful school and some studentsschool life.Ask and Answer:T: Our school life includes four aspects・ They arc school buildings, people, subjects and activities. Can you say something about these aspects?(The teacher presents the pictures to help students to answer the question.)SI: Teaching Building, Office, Washroom, libraryS2: Our English teacher is Miss Dai.S3: We have math, English, Chinese, music, art and so on.S4: We play basketball after class.T: What do you usually do after class?SI: I usually play football with my classmates.S2: I usually go to the library to read some books.S3:1 usually go to the school yard to take a walk.S4:1 usually have a talk with my friend.(The teacher presents the pictures to help students to answer the question.)Step 2 Aims presentationShow the aims to students and make them know about the aims.Step 3 Learn the new words1.Show pictures to learn new words. At the same time make a sentence with each word・2.Read the words to partners and show in the classStep 4 ListeningT: Play the audiotape for Lesson 13 (How Is School Life Going?) Play it once and ask the students just to listen.T: Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to answer two questions・T: Cheek the answers as a class.Step 5 ReadingSs: Read the text twice and answer five questions.(1 )How is Jennyschool life going?(2)How many classes docs Wang Mei have every day?(3)What is Wang Mei?s favourite subject?(4)What is Jenny's favourite subject?(5)What did Jenny make in shop class last week?T: Check the answers as a class.Step 6 Language points1.How is ... going?意思是“.... 怎么样?”用来询问对方最近学习、工作、生活等状况。



冀教英语七年级上学期Lesson 14 Colours and Feelings

冀教英语七年级上学期Lesson 14 Colours and Feelings

D. Hear to
3. The shirt _____A_____ comfortable(舒适的). I like it.
A. feels
B. tastes
C. smells
D. sounds
【点拨】句意分析法。句意为“这件衬衣________ 舒服。我喜欢它”。feel摸起来;taste尝起来; smell闻起来;sound听起来。结合句意可知是“摸 起来”,故选A。
Smiling can help you stay healthy.
A. Smile
B. Smiling
C. To smile
D. Smiled
二、按要求完成下列各题 11. He is happy today.(改为一般疑问句) _____I_s____ _____h_e____ happy today?
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
2. Jenny can tell me the story ____D____ Chinese.
A. with
B. at
C. for
D. in
3. —Sorry, I can’t answer your ____B_____.
8. 并且红色可以表示“生气”的意思。 And red can ___m_e_a_n___ “ ___a_n_g_r_y___ ”.



L: He is selling socks. He says they are very good socks, but they are expensive! Ten yuan for one pair!
talks very loudly. He is showing socks to people here and there.) J: What is that man doing, Li Ming?
; 苹果售后维修点 / 苹果售后维修点 ;
顿写一封内容尖刻的信回敬那家伙。 “可以狠狠地骂他一顿。”林肯说。 斯坦顿立刻写了一封措辞强烈的信,然后拿给总统看。 “对了,对了。”林肯高声叫好,“要的就是这个!好好训他一顿,真写绝了,斯坦顿。” 但是当斯坦顿把信叠好装进信封里时,林肯却 叫住他,问道:“你要干什么?” “寄出去呀。”斯坦顿有些摸不着头脑了。 “不要胡闹。”林肯大声说,“这封信不能发,快把它扔到炉子里去。凡是生气时写的信,我都是这么处理的。这封信写得好,写的时候你己经解了气,现在感觉好多了吧,那么就请你把它烧掉,再 写第二封信吧。” 6、果断 有一个6岁的小男孩,一天在外面玩耍时,发现了一个鸟巢被风从树上吹掉在地,从里面滚出了一个嗷嗷待哺的小麻雀。小男孩决定把它带回家喂养。 当他托着鸟巢走到家门口的时候,他突然想起妈妈不允许他在家里养小动物。于是,他轻轻地把小 麻雀放在门口,急忙走进屋去请求妈妈。在他的哀求下妈妈终于破例答应了。 小男孩兴奋地跑到门口,不料小麻雀已经不见了,他看见一只黑猫正在意犹未尽舔着嘴巴。小男孩为此伤心了很久。但从此他也记住了一个教训:只要是自己认定的事情,决不可优柔寡断。这个小男孩长 大后成就了一番事业,他就是华裔电脑名人—王安博士。 7、将军和驴子 古罗马皇帝哈德良曾经碰到过这样一个问题。 皇帝手下的一位将军,觉得他应该得到提升,便在皇帝面前提到这件事,以他的长久服役为理由。“我应该升更重要的领导岗位”,他报告,“因为,我的经 验丰富,参加过10次重要战役。” 哈德良皇帝是一个对人及才华有着高明判断力的人,他不认为这位将军有能力担任更高的职务,于是他随意指着绑在周围的战驴说: “亲爱的将军,好好看这些驴子,它们至少参加过20次战役,可他们仍然是驴子。” 8、马蝇效应 1860 年美国总统大选结束后,林肯当选为总统。他任命参议员萨蒙?蔡斯为财政部长。 有许多人反对这一任命。因为蔡斯虽然能干,但十分狂妄自大,他本想入主白宫,却输给了林肯,他认为自己比林肯要强得多,对林肯也非常不满,并且一如既往地追求总统职位。 林肯对关心他 的朋友讲了这样一个故事: “在农村长大的朋友们一定知道什么是马蝇了。有一次,我和我的兄弟在肯塔基老家的一个农场犁玉米地,我吆马,他扶犁。这匹马很懒,但有一段时间它却在地里跑得飞快,连我这双长腿都差点跟不上。到了地头,我发现有一只很大的马蝇叮在它身上 ,我随手就把马蝇打落了。我兄弟问我为什么要打落它,我说我不忍心看着这匹马那样被咬。我兄弟说:“唉呀,正是这家伙才使马跑得快嘛。” 然后,林肯说:“如果现在有一只叫‘总统欲’的马蝇正叮着蔡斯先生,那么只要它能使蔡斯和他的那个部不停地跑,我就不想去打落 它。” 9、潜水艇中的15个小时 二战快结束时,有个叫罗勃?摩尔的小伙子正在海军服役。他讲述了亲身经历的一件事。 "1945年3月,我在中南半岛附近276英尺的海下,学习到了人生最重要的一课。当时我正在一艘潜水艇上,我们从雷达上发现了一支日本舰队—— 一艘驱逐 护航舰、 一艘油轮和一艘布雷舰朝我们这边开过来。我们发射了五枚鱼雷,都没有击中。突然那艘布雷舰直朝我们开来 (一架日本飞机把我们的位置用无线电通知了它)。我们潜到150英尺深的地方,以免被它侦察到,同时做好应付深水炸弹的准备,还关闭了冷却系统和所有的发电机。 "3分钟后,天崩地裂。6枚深水炸弹在四周炸开,把我们直压海底 276英尺的地方。深水炸弹不停地投下,整整15个小时,有十几个二十个就在离我们50英尺左右的地方爆炸 要是深水炸弹距离潜水艇不到17英尺的话,潜艇就会炸出洞来。 "当时,我们奉命静静地躺在自己的床上,保 持镇定。 我吓得几乎无法呼吸,不停地对自己说: 。这下可死定了。潜水艇的温度几乎有摄氏40度,可我却怕得全身发冷,一阵阵冒冷汗。15个小时后,攻击停止了,显然那艘布雷舰用光了所有的炸弹而离开了。 "这15个小时,在我感觉好像有1500万年,我过去的生活一一在眼前 出现,我记起了做过的所有坏事和曾经担心过的一些很无聊的小事。我曾经担心过:没有钱买自己的房子,没有钱买车,没有钱给妻子买衣服。下班回家,常常和妻子为一点芝麻小事而争吵。我还为我额头上的一个小疤——一次车祸留下的伤痕——发过愁。 "所有这些年来的愁苦烦 恼,在此时此刻都显得那么荒谬、渺小,而我过去居然对他们很在意。" 10、参照标准 一个人去买碗,他懂得一些识别瓷器质量的方法,即用一只碗轻撞其它碗,发出清脆声音的碗肯定是质地好的。但来到店里,他却发现每一只碗发出的声音都不够清脆。最后店员拿出价格高昂的 工艺碗,结果还是让他不甚满意。店员最后不解地问:“你为什么拿着碗轻撞它呢?”那人说这是一种辨别瓷器质量的方法。 店员一听,立即取过一只质量上好的碗交给他:“你用这只碗去试试。”他换了碗,再去轻撞其它的碗,声音变得铿锵起来。 原来他手中拿着的是一只 质地很差的碗,它去轻碰每一只碗,都会发出混浊之音。合作者变了,参照标准变了,一切也就变了。 生活也是如此,你的参照标准如果错了,那么你眼中的整个世界也就错了。 11、最深刻的记忆 美国普林斯顿大学教授丹尼尔?卡尼曼将心理学的知识引入经济学,并因此获得2002 年诺贝尔经济学奖。 卡尼曼得出的结论看上去颇为荒谬,甚至违反直觉。1996 年,卡尼曼做了一个最为有名的实验,他研究了682 名做结肠镜检查的患者。他将病人随机分为两组,其中一组病人的结肠镜检查稍做延长,即检查结束后,先不抽出管子,而是静静地放一会儿,这时候 病人会感到不舒服,但已没什么大痛。做延长检查的病人(不管开始阶段有多么痛苦)事后都反应不错,觉得下次选择还是要选结肠镜而不是钡餐和X光。而那些没有延长检查时间的病人下来后则大叫:“真像下地狱啊。” 卡尼曼由此得出结论:“我们在评价某种经验时,有一个时 间长短的因素。也就是说,最后阶段的痛苦(或欣悦)程度决定了我们对整个事件的记忆与评价。这对我们预期某种决策以及每天利用这一“捷径”做出上百个决定极为有用。 12、热爱的奇迹 美国西部电器公司委托著名的梅奥教授,希望他能使下属的一家工厂里的女工提高生产效 率。 根据这些工人从事的非常单调的电磁铁绕线圈的工作,梅奥提出下午让工人们有10分钟的喝咖啡的休息时间,结果产量立刻增长。这时,梅奥进一步在上午也给工人10分钟喝咖啡的休息时间,生产再次增长。 但是,梅奥没有就此罢手,他开始宣布取消了下午的休息时间, 产量仍在增长;接着他又取消了上午的喝咖啡时间,但是产量继续增长着,工人们没有抱怨和怠工现象。这是为什么呢? 这项工作的确是单调枯燥的。当有了休息后,工人们都喜欢这一段轻松愉快的时间,他们互相说笑着,谈论着感兴趣的话题。当听到梅奥向她们解释了她们在参 与一个实验。她们就感到自己正在一个有意义的程序中工作,有光荣的参与感。不知不觉中她们热爱上了这项工作,热爱上了这个集体。 于是这推动了工业心理学一个新的探索:热爱或兴趣似乎比休息、增加报酬等更能提高人们的生产力。热爱让我们无论身处什么样的环境,而精 神都住在一个自由、美丽的天堂里。热爱应该成为我们的生存内容之一。 13、看着我的眼睛 2002年,德国发生了一桩血案。一个19岁的小伙子,2001年留级,2002年又因伪造假条,被校方开除。他决心报复学校。4月26日上午发 猎枪,闯进学校,见人就打,主要是瞄准老师,他觉得是他们让他蒙受了羞辱。在20分钟的疯狂射击中,他的手枪共打出了40发子弹,将17人打死,其中有13名老师。他还有大量的子弹,足够把数百人送进坟墓。这时候,他的历史老师海泽先生走过来,抓住他的衬衣,试图同他说话。这 个血洗了母校的学生认出了他的老师,他摘掉了自己的面具。海泽先生叫着他的名字说,罗伯特,扣动你的扳机吧。如果你现在向我射击,那就看着我的眼睛!那个杀人杀红了眼的学生,盯着海泽先生看了一会儿,缓缓地放下了手枪,说,先生,我今天已经足够了。后来海泽先生把凶手 推进了一间教室,猛地关门,上了锁。此后不久,凶手在教室里饮弹自杀。 我惊讶海泽先生的勇敢,更惊讶他在这种千钧一发之时说出的这句话。 正是这句话,唤起了凶手残存的最后一丝良知,停止了暴行。 海泽先生是非常自信的。这不是一种技巧,而是一种坚定的修 养。是一种长期潜移默化修炼提升的结果。一位老师所有的岁月和经验,就化成了超人的勇气和智慧。 14、命令是这样传递的 据说,美军1910 年的一次部队的命令传递是这样的: 营长对值班军官:明晚大约8点钟左右,哈雷彗星将可能在这个地区被看到,这种彗星每隔76年 才能看见一次。命令所有士兵着野战服在操场上集合,我将向他们解释这一罕见的现象。如果下雨,就在礼堂集合,我为他们放一部有关彗星的影片。 值班军官对连长:根据营长的命令,明晚8点哈雷彗星将在操场上空出现。如果下雨,就让士兵穿着野战服列队前往礼堂,这一罕见 的现象将在那里出现。 连长对排长:根据营长的命令,明晚8点,非凡的哈雷彗星将身穿野战服在礼堂中出现。如果操场上下雨,营长将下达另一个命令,这种命令每隔76年才会出现一次。 排长对班长:明晚8点,营长将带着哈雷彗星在礼堂中出现,这是每隔76年才有的事。如 果下雨,营长将命令彗星穿上野战服到操场上去。 班长对士兵:在明晚8点下雨的时候,著名的76岁哈雷将军将身着野战服,开着他那“彗星”牌汽车,经过操场前往礼堂。 15、死亡暗示 非洲刚果有个黑人青年在朋友家作客,朋友准备了一只野鸡作为早餐。黑人青年的部落严 禁吃野鸡,他就问朋友,早点是不是野鸡。朋友答,不是野鸡。黑人青年便享受了一顿美味的早餐。数年后,他们二人再次见面。那位朋友问他想不想吃野鸡,青年回答说那是不可能的,因为巫师郑重警告过他绝不可以吃野鸡。

冀教版英语七年级下册Lesson 14.ppt

冀教版英语七年级下册Lesson 14.ppt

4. Something solf and colorful.People use it to make clothing.s i l k 5. An event for many different people to show their projects. f a i r 6.An instrument. People use it to play music. g u i t a r
4.But sometimes we play on our own. on one's own为固定搭配,意为“单独,独自”,相当 于alone或by oneself。own在此短语中作名词,意为 “自己的”。需要注意的是one's要跟随主语使用相应 的形容词性物主代词。 如:That boy is only 5 years old,but he does his things on his own.那个小孩只有5岁,但是他都是独立 完成自己的事。
3.And this week we will print our own Tshirts. print在句中为及物动词,意为“印刷,打印, 印图案于”。其形容词形式为printed(印刷的), 名词有两种形式:printer(印刷工人,打印机) 和printing(印刷)。如:Please print this form for me.请帮我打印这个表格。
C.on D.with
6. —Who taught you English?
—Nobody.I learnt it ___B_____my own.
B.on C.with D.for
1. Learned some new words and phrases. 2. Learned to make your own printed T-shirt. 3.Learned how to talk about one's favoutite subject.



冀教版七年级英语(下)习题精选Lesson 1-4 习题精选(一)基础卷Ⅰ. 词汇(A) 根据句意填入适当单词,使句子完整通顺。

1. Shenzhen is from Beijing.2. There are three sixty- five in a year.3. A bicycle is than a bus.4. It's about 8,000 from here.5. My son and I are on a trip to Dali.(B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. Let go first; (they)7. I like a bus to. school. (take)8. A plane is than a train. (fast)9. Our school has two students. (thousand)10. a lot for your help. (thank)Ⅲ. 将下列句子改为同义句21. Ii Ming often goes to school by bus.Li Ming often bus to go to school.22. A train is faster than a bus.A bus is a train.23. Jenny goes shijiazhuang in the afternoon.Jenny shijiazhuang in the afternoon.24. My little brother is v ery young . He can’t go to school.My little brother is young go to school .25. Dalian is not near shijiazhuang.Dalian is shijiazhuang.Ⅳ. 从下面的选项中选出三项补全对话A: hello, Li Ming. We are going on a trip to the Summer Palace tomorrow.B: 26 .A: Sure.B: When do we leave?A: 27 .B: Is it near here?A: 28 Let’s go there by bicycle.B: Ok. See you tomorrow.A: See you.A: No, it isn’t.B: May I go with you?C: It’s about 3,000 kilometersD: At seven in the morning.E: On Sunday.Ⅴ. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

冀教版九年级英语全一册 Lesson 14 教学设计

冀教版九年级英语全一册 Lesson 14 教学设计

Lesson 14 Accidents Happen教学设计Title Lesson 14: Accidents happen! Period oneLearn objectives:Skills: Enable Ss to write an accident report as a reporter. Knowledge: Enable Ss to use new words: expect, recover, in time, etc. Affect: Know how to avoid car accidents as pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists.Important points: New words: expect, wound, recover, ugly, etc. Phrase: jump out, in timeDifficultpoints:Write a list of how to avoid accidentsLearning strategy: Listening for gist by noting down information words. Read for gist to match information.Teachingmethod:Task based teaching learning in doingMaterials:PPT, blackboard, markerProcedure content InteractionpatternsTime Aim:Step1:Lead Greeting.Show pictures and ask Ss what happened.----Car accidents. Teacher-The whole30sec.Tointroduce-in class the topicStep2: Presentatio n Vocabulary:Give pictures or explanations to show newwords: ugly, expect, recover, wound,etc.ListenListen and fill in the blanks.1.Ann was hit by ________.2.The street was _____and the carcouldn’t stop ________.3.Mr. Morin knows ________.4.Ann has a ________leg and an_______shoulder wound.Check answersRead and match:Check answersLanguage useT: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms ofT-SsThe wholeclassT-SThe wholeclass2mins3mins3minsTo letstudentsknow newwordsListeningforspecificinformation.To getmoreinf ormation byreading.the words or phrases in the box.in time recover expect wound 1.”Don’t worry! You will _________soon,” the doctor says.2. “Please show me your_______,” the doctor says.3. We all _______the foreign teachers to visit our school next week.4. I arrived for my flight to London just _________.Check answers. The wholeclass3minsTo checkstudentswhethermaster theimpo rtantlanguagepoints.Step3: Discussion How to avoid car accidents.To us?To the drivers?Do match questions.Check answers.the wholeclass13minsToconcludethe tips ofavoidingthe caraccidents.Step4: Production Write a report about a car accident as areporter.The wholeclass10minsT o letstudentsuse targetlanguage.Step5: Homework 1.Listen and read.2.Finish exercises of this lesson3.Write the report on your notebooks.T-Thewholeclass1 min Toconsolidate theknowledge afterclassBoard plan:Lesson 14: Accidents happen!New words: expect, wound, uglyPhrase: in time, j ump outHow to avoid car accidents?To us…To the drivers…。

冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson 14 教案

冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson 14 教案

Write down as many words about colours and feelings as they can. (写出关于颜色、感觉的词汇)[设计思路:利用头脑风暴让学生以最短的时间写出关于颜色和感觉的词汇,利于后面的新知学习。

]Step 3 Learn the new words.Show the students some pictures and sentences and help them to learn how to use the words and phrases correctly and freely.singer [ˈsɪŋə]] n. 歌手Michel Jackson is one of my favorite singers. He sang a lot of songs, like The earth song, Thriller, We are the World and so on.feeling [ˈfi:lɪŋ] n 感觉;情感〔常用作复数〕—What’s your feeling?—I feel hot and I want to eat an ice cream.question[ˈkwestʃən] n. 问题The gi rl wants to answer the teacher’s question. She is really active.sick [sik] adj. 病的;生病的The child feels sick. He has a bad stomachache.scared [skeəd] adj. 恐惧的---What are you scared of?---I’m scared of scary animals.smile [smail] n. &v. 微笑A girl shows a board with a smiling face during an activity to celebrate the upcoming World Smile Day at No. 10 Middle School in Xingtai, north China's Hebei Province, May 7, 2021. The World Smile Day falls on May 8.wave [weiv] v. 挥手;招手Santa Claus is waving his hand to us. He is saying hello.mean [mi:n]] v. 意思是adj.刻薄的1. What do you mean by saying that?2. Don’t be so mean to others, or you’ll lose friendship.* What’s the meaning of this word?(设计意图:通过图片展示新词,突出重点、突破难点;通过语篇进展解释,使学生利用语境记单词和短语的含义。

冀教版九年级全一册英语 Lesson 14 教案(教学设计)

冀教版九年级全一册英语 Lesson 14 教案(教学设计)

Unit 3 Safety Lesson 14 Accidents Happen单词accident,town,reporter,roll,fault,掌握本课的词汇和短语。


Step 1:Warming up多媒体出示几起车祸的图片。

T:Boys and girls,what happened in the pictures?Ss:They are car accidents.T:Yes. Can you describe them?S1:Yes. The accident happened on a road.S2:A car hit an old man.S3:...T:OK. Well done!Now this lesson we will learn a car accident.Are you ready?设计意图:此环节利用图片,通过师生间的对话导入本课的话题“车祸”,利用会话将学生带入车祸现场,预热本课的词汇和句型。

Step 2:Pre-readingTask 1 Teach the words,phrases and practice the sentence patterns.教师出示本课单词的图片,导入词汇、短语、句型的学习。

T:Boys and girls,accidents happen around us every day!We must be always careful. Yes?Ss:Yes!T:First,let’s have a look at some word cards and learn the new words,OK?T:The first card,read after me “accident accident”.(The Ss follow the teachertwo times)T:An accident happened at about 7:00. An accident happened at about 7:00 .(The Ss follow the teacher two times)T:Very good!T:OK. How about the next card?“icy icy”.(The Ss follow the teacher two times)T:be icy be icy .(The Ss follow the teacher two times)T:The street was icy.(The Ss follow the teacher two times)T:You are wonderful!设计意图:此环节通过师生间的对话,引入词—短语—句型操练,学习过程从词到句,从句子到对话,通过教师领读,师生对话学习单词,词组与句型。

新冀教版九年级全一册英语Lesson 14 Accidents Happen课件

新冀教版九年级全一册英语Lesson 14 Accidents Happen课件
Language points 7
until /ən'tɪl/ conj. & prep. 直到……为止
until conj.直到……为止,引导时间状语从句。
(1)当主句是肯定句时, 其谓语动词必须 是延续性动词,表示这一动作或状态 一直延续到until后所表示的时间。
You can answer these questions:
·When and where did the accident happen?
·How did the accident happen?Who was the victim? ·Who was there when the accident happened?Did they help?
eg: I worked until all the workmates left last night. 昨晚我一直工作到所有的同事都走了。
(2)当主句是否定句时,其谓语动词一般是非延续性 动词,强调动作是从until所表示的时间才开始。 eg:I didn't know anything about it until the teacher
Mrs. Andrews said that she could see what was going to happen. “I shouted to the girl. I wanted to stop her from running after the ball,but she didn't hear me.” After the a


Caller: Sure, the injured person's name is John Doe, and he's ___ years old. His ___ number is ___.
Police: ___! We'll send an ___ to the scene right away. ___ everyone to ___ and ___.
Caller: Well, a ___ occurred between a car and a motorcycle. The ___ on the motorcycle was injured.
Police: ___! We need to ___ right away. Can you ___ the ___ and ___ of the injured person?
本节课的主要教学内容为冀教版九年级英语全册Lesson 14 "Accidents Happen"。通过学习本节课,学生需要掌握以下知识点:
1. 事故相关词汇:学生需要掌握与事故相关的词汇,如 accident, injury, emergency, call for help 等。
2. 描述事故的句型:学生需要学会用英语描述事故发生的情况,如:There was a car accident on the road./ A fire broke out in the building./ Someone got hurt and needs help. 等。

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Lesson 14 Accidents Happen 课后练习(含答案)

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Lesson 14 Accidents Happen 课后练习(含答案)

Lesson 14Accidents HappenⅠ.根据课文内容,完成短文At about 7:30 a.m. on December 7, an accident happened in North Town, Alberta. The victim(受害者) was a girl named Ann Brown, who was 1.________ years old. She and her brother were on their way to an early basketball practice in a 2.________. But she 3.________ her ball and it rolled onto the street. When she raced to 4.________ her ball, a car was coming. The street was 5.________,so the car couldn't stop in 6.________. Though the witness (目击者), Mrs. Andrews 7.________ to the girl, she didn't hear Mrs. Andrews. So the accident happened. The driver, Bill Morin, jumped out and called an 8.________. He knew first aid and he didn't 9.________ Ann. Ann's leg and shoulder were wounded. She is 10.________ in the hospital and can expect to return to school in about a week.Ⅰ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空call, expect, move, recover, return11.Kitty tried ________ her legs, but she couldn't.12.What about ________ the books to the library today?13.The driver ________ an ambulance after the accident.14.You can't ________ to learn a foreign language in a few months.15.He is still ________ from his operation.Ⅰ.根据句意及所给提示,写出单词的正确形式16.The road is i________. It is covered with ice.17.Why should I say sorry when it's not my f________?18.An a________ is a vehicle that can be used for taking sick people to the hospital.19.Li Yang was ________(严重地) hurt in that accident.20.One of the man's ________(肩) is a little higher than the other.21.This is an ________(难看的) building.Ⅰ.根据句意,用适当的介词填空22.Tom was hit ________ a motor car yesterdayevening.23.We shouldn't be late ________ class.24.A bag of apples fell off a truck and some apples rolled ________ the street.25.When I walked by a coffee shop, I heard someone shout ________ me.26.We are looking forward to finishing the work ________ one week.Ⅰ.单项填空()27.Do you know when ________ accident happened yesterday?A.a B.an C.the D./()28.As a teenager, we should learn to ________ when someone offers us a cigarette.A.get B.receiveC.refuse D.stop()29.I once stepped on a snake and ________ very quickly.A.put up B.jumped upC.turned up D.jumped out()30.After you find the mistake in your homework, you should correct it __________.A.in time B.on timeC.at times D.for a long time()31.The boy loves music very much, and no one can ________ him ________ singing.A.encourage; to B.stop; fromC.see; from D.protect; from()32.The two policemen are ________ a thief.A.running away B.running outC.running after D.running into()33.I waited and waited ________ my mother came back home last night.A.if B.afterC.until D.when()34.We all expect him ________ that difficult problem by himself.A.to working out B.work outC.working out D.to work out()35.I saw several children ________ kites in the field on my way home.A.fly B.flyingC.flies D.to fly()36.If you take good care of your wound, it ________ soon.A.receive B.will recoverC.hurt D.will hurtⅠ.句型练习(A)连词成句。

2024年冀教版七年级英语下册教案Lesson 14 Jenny's School Life

2024年冀教版七年级英语下册教案Lesson 14  Jenny's School Life

Lesson14Jenny’s School Life教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1.在语境中正确运用middle、grade、print、guitar、fair、on one’s own 等词汇。

2.在语境中正确使用句型“There is/are+某物+某地”表达“某地有某物”。


语篇研读What:本课语篇主要介绍了Jenny的学校生活,包括学校的概况以及Jenny 所学习的科目,并重点介绍了她最喜欢的手工课。






教学目标学习活动效果评价Lead-in通过图片导入本课Show some pictures aboutdifferent classes.Ask students totalk about them.教师观察学生表现,根据学生的表现预判学生对学校科目的认识,并了解学生的兴趣设计意图通过展示图片,导入本课主题,激发学习兴趣续表教学目标学习活动效果评价Activity1:Listening 听并完成填空Listen twice and fill in the blankson the PPT.教师观察学生能否完成词汇填空,判断学生对课文的初步掌握情况设计意图通过听课文填空练习,一方面锻炼了学生获取信息的能力,另一方面检测学生对课文的初步理解情况【学习理解】Activity2:Careful reading通过细节阅读,学生对文本内容进行深度解析1.Read paragraph1and fill in theblanks on the PPT.2.Read paragraph2and completethe chart on the PPT.3.Read paragraph3and4and talkabout social studies and othersubjects.4.Read paragraph5and answerthe question:What will Jenny dothis year?观察学生能否准确地获取并理解文章的细节;能否通过分段细读更深入地理解文章要点,把握学生内化所学内容和语言的情况,同时要关注是否能够培养学生的语言运用能力设计意图细读文章,了解Jenny的学校生活,培养学生根据问题从原文中寻找答案的能力。



七下英语冀教版第14课翻译Lesson 14 What Is He Selling?他正在卖什么?课文英汉对照THINK ABOUT IT!想一想!Is it expensive to buy things on the train? Why or why not?在火车上买东西贵吗?为什么(贵)或为什么不(贵) ?Do you like to buy things from salesmen on the train? Why or why not?你喜欢在火车上从推销员那里买东西吗?为什么(喜欢)或为什么不(喜欢) ?Why is the baby crying? What is the mother doing?这个婴儿为什么哭?妈妈正在干什么?Li Ming: What is that noise,Jenny?李明:是什么发出那么大声响,詹妮?Jenny: That’ s Danny. He is sleeping. He is snoring loudly! Snoooore! Whoooo!詹妮:是丹尼.他正在睡觉.他正大声打鼾.Li Ming: He is very loud!李明:他的声音非常吵(非常大)( A salesman enters the train. )(一个推销员进了这节车厢)Sal esman: Socks! socks! Wonderful socks! Look here! (The salesman is holding a pair of socks. He talks very loudly. He is showing socks to people here and there. )推销员: (卖)袜子, (卖)袜子! (卖)好袜子啦! 瞧一瞧,看一看(售货员正拿着一双袜子,大声叫卖.他正到处走动向人们推销袜子.)Jenny: What is that man doing,Li Ming?詹妮:那个男的在干什么,李明?Li Ming: He is selling socks. He says they are very good socks, but they are expensive! ten yuan for one pair!李明:他正在卖袜子,他说好些是非常好的袜子,但那些袜子价格很贵,十元钱一双. Jenny: Look! Wu Li is buying some socks.詹妮:瞧!吴丽正在买袜子.Li Ming: Listen! Ten baby is crying. The salesman is too loud.李明:听!那个婴儿在哭,那个售货员的声音太吵了.Jenny: Yes,the baby is tired. His mother is singing to him.詹妮:是的这孩子也累了,他母亲正在给他唱歌.Li Ming: Now,the baby is sleeping. He is quite.李明:现在,这孩子在睡觉,他很安静.Jenny: But Danny is still loud!詹妮:但丹尼还是那么吵!Danny: Snoooore! Whoooo!丹尼:打鼾声(呼呼...LETS DO IT! 做一做!Work in a small group. Write a role play and practice it. One of you is a salesman. The others are customers. What is the salesman selling? Present your role play to your classmates.在一个小组练习。

冀教版英语七年级下册教案 Lesson 14 Jenny’s School Life

冀教版英语七年级下册教案 Lesson 14 Jenny’s School Life

Lesson 14 Jenny’s School Life教学设计【教学目标】1.Master the words and phrases:middle, grade, print, guitar, --; homeroom teacher--2.Let the students master the usage of adverbs of frequency and understand the learning life of Canadian students.【教学重难点】重点:掌握本课的重点单词、短语及句型。


【课时安排】1课时【授课时间】2020年( )月( )日星期( )【教学过程】一、导入环节(2分钟)(一)导入新课,板书课题导入语:Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn:Lesson 14 Jenny’s School Life(二)出示学习目标过渡语:First ,let’s read the learni ng goals together.1.我要掌握单词和短语:middle, grade, print, guitar, --; homeroom teacher--2.通过学习,我要掌握频率副词的用法并了解加拿大学生的学习生活。

过渡语:I believe everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ? Let’s begin .二、先学环节(15分钟)过渡语:First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step.(一)出示自学指导1.读课文,划出不熟悉的单词、短语和句子2.完成自学检测(二)自学检测反馈I.抄写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思)(1)____________________(2)_____________________(3)__________________ (4)____________________(5)_____________________(6)__________________ II.英汉互译1.中学__ 2.弹吉他__ 3.科技展览会___4.用……制成5.一张加拿大地图6.print7.Grade Seven 8.homeroom teacher 9.in groups10.silk worm【Keys】1.Middle School 2.play the guitar 3.a science fair 4.make---from--- 5.a map of Canada 6.印图案于7.七年级8.班主任9.以小组为单位10.蚕III.根据汉语完成句子1.有时候,我独自一人完成作业。

Unit 3 14 Colours and Feelings 教案2023-2024学年冀教版英语七

Unit 3 14 Colours and Feelings 教案2023-2024学年冀教版英语七

Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 14 Colours and Feelings【教学目标】1. 能够掌握重点词汇: singer, question, sick, smile, mean, scared, wave2. 让学生了解如何用颜色表达情感, 对一般疑问句和特殊疑问句进行回答。

3. 掌握重点句型:①I feel blue.②In English, we use many colours for our feelings.③Blue can mean “sad”. Green can mean “sick”. Yellow can mean “scared”. And red can mean “angry”.④In China, red is a happy colour.⑤Don’t feel bad.4. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读课文中的对话。


【教学重难点】重点:能够听、说、读、写单词:singer, question, sick, smile, mean, scared, wave难点:让学生了解如何用颜色表达情感, 对一般疑问句和特殊疑问句进行回答。

句型:①I feel blue.②In English, we use many colours for our feelings.③Blue can mean “sad”. Green can mean “sick”. Yellow can mean “scared”. And red can mean “angry”.④In China, red is a happy colour.⑤Don’t feel bad.【教学方法】情景导入法、活动探究法。

【教学过程】新课导入:1. Let’s Review!复习前面所学过的表示身体部位的单词。

2. 新课导入: 播放歌曲Let’s sing. Watch and learn学生跟唱歌曲,引入本课的学习内容。

新冀教版九年级全一册英语 Lesson 14 课前预习题单

新冀教版九年级全一册英语 Lesson 14 课前预习题单

Unit 3 SafetyLesson 14 Aidents Happen一、单项选择1.Parents always stop their children _______ what they like.A.doB.to doC.from doingD.does2.He often buys things on his way _______ school.A.to goB./C.toD.in二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.In the a_______, three people died and ten people were injured.2.It took him a long time to r_______ his health.3.I hurt my _______(肩膀)and it ached for a long time.4.To be honest, I thought the purse was really _______(丑陋的;难看的)!5.We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without_______ (缺点;错误).6.I have been in the small _______(城镇) for about ten years.7.It's dangerous to drive on the_______(结冰的) street.三、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文Children are often interested in fire.They like to play with matches(火柴).If they are not c1_______,they will start fires at home.They hide under beds or just cry with fear(恐惧)instead of running to s2_______.20%~25% of all fire deaths are children,so all children should learn about the dangers of fire.Most fires start out s3_______, but after a few minutes they can be big.The mostimportant thing to do is to hide all matches.Of course,young children should never be left a4_______ at home.Even if they don't play with fire, they may start a fire by trying to cook in a wrong way.It's also important for children to learn how to crawl(爬)on the floor and b5_______ the smoke to get out of the house and call for help from another place.Remember not to go back into the home for your pets or favourite toys. Everyone should prevent fires.But everyone doesn't have to fight(搏斗)with big fires.Remember that fire is a tool,not a toy.答案一、1.C 2.C二、1.aident 2.recover 3.shoulder 4.ugly 5.faults 6.town 7.icy三、1.careful 2.safety 3.small 4.alone 5.below。

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上一课我们已经学过频度副词通常位于be 动词、助动词等之后,行为动词之前。但 有的频度副词也可位于句首或句尾。 Sometimes I think he dislikes me. 有时我觉得他不喜欢我。 对这些频度副词进行提问时,要用 how often。如: Sometimes, Jenny plays computer games. (对划线部分提问) → How often does Jenny play computer games?
Review Lesson 13
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I can do the work by ______ myself (I). 2. He finished cleaning ______ (clean) the classroom at 5: 30p.
3. We have seven ______ classes (class) every day. 4. He wants to be the ______ winner (win). 5. Our school has a ______ sports (sport) meet every spring.
on one’s own 单独;独自
She's going on holiday on her own this year. 她今年独自一人去度假。 Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里, 但她那份工 作却是靠自己得到的。
II. 单项选择。 1. They can wear______ clothes. A.themselves B. they own C. their own 2. You can make things in _______. It’s interesting. A. art class B. shop class C. P. E. class D. science class 3. Jenny _______ the fair with her project last year. A. joined B. takes part in C. joins D. took part in
Let’s practise What’s your favourite subject? What do you do in that class? Talk about it. Example: A: What’s your favourite subject? B: English. A: What do you do in that class? B: We always play games in that class.
f________ fair w________ worm
v. 印图案于;印刷
n. 吉他
n. 展览会
n. 蠕虫
Listen to the statements and number the pictures.
Ⅰ. Read the text and translate the phrases. 1. make…from 由…制成 2. in social studies 在社会科学课 3. work in groups 小组合作 4. in the first term 在第一学期 5. have music 上音乐课 6. play the guitar 弹吉他 7. on our own 我们自己 8. have a science fair 一次科学展览会 9. take part in 参加 10. on a piece of hard paper 一张硬纸板 11. cut out 裁出,剪出
【探究总结】take part in, join和join in
选词并用其适当形式填空。 ( take part in / join / join in ) ①She ______ joined the Party in 2010.
②They all __________ joined in singing the song. took part in ③A great number of students __________
C. a piece of paper
D. two piece of paper
Homework ---DIY雪花T恤
如果你觉得自己的白T恤太过单调,可 以试着在上面画一片雪花。快动手试试 吧。 你需要准备好: 雪花模板(下载模板), 记号笔,纸,卡纸,白色纯棉T恤, 胶水,海绵刷,布彩颜料。
1. To preview Lesson 15: Making a Difference 2. To read the new words and expressions in Lesson 15.
4. He can make things _______ clay. A. on B. in C. for D. with 5. Don’t go there _______ your own. It’s too dangerous(危险的). A. with B. on C. for D. at 6. Can you give me _______? I need to write something. A. a paper B. some papers
Words print guitar fair worm silk worm v. 印图案于;印刷 n. 吉他 n. 展览会 n. 蠕虫 蚕
Have a try m________ middle g________ grade adj. 中等的
n. 年级
n. 木头;木材
w________ wood p________ print g________ guitar
Read the words and expressions loudly.
Words Edmonton 埃德蒙顿(加拿大西南部 城市,阿尔伯塔省省会) middle adj. 中等的 Greenwood 格林伍德中学 Middle School grade n. 年级 wood n. 木头;木材
Read and answer. 1. How many students are there in Jenny’s school? There are 400 students in her school. 2. What do Jenny and her classmates do in social studies? In social studies, they do a lot of projects. Sometimes they work in groups. Today, they worked on a map of Canada.
May4 Movement(五四运动).
I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. We try to find a suitable housing policy for the low and the m______ iddle income families. grade (年级). 2. Jackie is in the sixth ______ 3. I’m waiting for a document (文件) to print (印刷). _____ 4. He sat on the grass, strumming (弹奏) uitar his g_____. 5. I bought a wooden salad bowl at the fair (手工艺品展销). local craft _____
3. What does Jenny do in art class? She always draws and paints. 4. In music class, do the students always play songs as a class? No, they don’t. They usually play songs as a class. But sometimes they play on their own.
Sometimes we make things with clay. Sometimes we work in groups. But sometimes we 度副词 always,usually,often,这一课我们 将接触另一个频度副词sometimes,其 频率大小排列如下:always > usually > often > sometimes。