AATCC 61-2007 耐洗色牢度


AATCC 61AATCC 61AATCC 61AATCC 61水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色

AATCC 61AATCC 61AATCC 61AATCC 61水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色

AA TCC 61AA TCC 61AA TCC 61AA TCC 61水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色牢度水洗色牢度测试程序测试程序测试程序测试程序7-1 表I列举了一些测试条件。

表I:测试条件测试选项测试选项测试选项测试选项温度温度温度温度溶液体积溶液体积溶液体积溶液体积洗涤剂浓度洗涤剂浓度洗涤剂浓度洗涤剂浓度有效氯有效氯有效氯有效氯钢球数钢球数钢球数钢球数洗涤时间洗涤时间洗涤时间洗涤时间℃℃℃℃((((±°±°±°±°2))))℉℉℉℉((((±°±°±°±°4))))1A 40 105 200 mL 0.37 % None 10 45 Min 2A 49 120 150 mL 0.15 % None 50 45 Min 3A 71 160 50 mL 0.15 % None 100 45 Min 4A 71 160 50 mL 0.15 % 0.015% 100 45 Min 5A 49 120 150 mL 0.15 % 0.027% 50 45 Min 7-2 调节水洗色牢度仪以达到所需的水温,准备所需的洗涤溶液,并将洗涤液预热到所需的的温度。

7-3 对于选项1A,采用大小为500mL的钢杯进行洗涤。

对于选项2A、3A、4A和5A,采用大小为1200mL的钢杯进行洗涤7-3-1 对于选项1A、2A和3A,参照表I,向钢杯加入所需量的洗涤液。

7-3-2对于方法4A,制备一含1500 ppm有效氯的溶液。

先测定次氯酸钠漂白原液的含量(参见附录A1),然后再按如下所述方法将其稀释配成1升溶液:159.4/% NaOC1 = g (加入量)。

称取一定量的漂液(按上式所算),放入1升容量瓶中,稀释至1升,量取5ml 1500 ppm 有效氯的次氯酸钠溶液,加入45 ml的洗涤剂配成总体积50 ml。

水洗色牢度 AATCC61

水洗色牢度 AATCC61

家庭和商业洗涤色牢度加速法AATCC61-1996测试方法1.设备洗涤剂及材料1.1水洗色牢度试验机1.1.1带旋转密封不锈钢罐,水浴温度控制在40+2rmp1.1.2不锈钢杯1型,500ml,7.5x12.5cm(3.0x5.0in),用测试方法1A 1.1.3不锈钢杯2型,1200ml,9.0x20.0cm(3.5x8.0in),用测试方法2A,3A,4A,5A。

1.1.4水洗机带放置不锈钢杯的杯座1.1.5不锈钢球,直径0.6cm(0.25in)1.1.6聚四氟乙烯垫圈1.1.7预热/储存舱1.2.评测用灰卡1.2.1AATCC颜色转移灰卡1.2.2AATCC变色灰卡1.2.3AATCC沾色灰卡1.3洗涤剂及材料1.3.1多纤维附布1号和FB(0.8cm[0.33in]宽的纤维条)包括醋纤,棉,尼龙,丝,粘胶和羊毛)多纤维附布10号和FA(0.8cm[0.33in]宽的纤维条)及10A和FAA (1.5cm[0.6in]宽的纤维条)包括醋纤,棉,尼龙,聚酯,聚丙稀酯和羊毛1.3.2测试用漂白棉布组织结构为32x32ends x picks/cm(80x80ends x picks/in.),克重为136+10g/平方米(4.0+0.3oz/平方码),不含荧光增白剂。




AATCC标准(美国纺织印染业)发布办公室: 上海司达信产品检测中心[转摘] | 发布时间: 2008-4-29 9:32:28 AATCC标准(美国纺织印染业)标签:纺织品干洗织物地毯分散染料标准代号标准名称AATCC 6-2001 耐酸碱色牢度AATCC 8-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AATCC 15-2002 耐汗渍色牢度AATCC 16-2003 耐光色牢度AATCC 17-1999 湿润剂,评定AATCC 20-2002 纤维分析:质量AATCC 20A-2000 纤维分析:数量AATCC 22-2001 排水:喷雾试验AATCC 23-1999 耐烟熏色牢度AATCC 24-1999 昆虫,纺织品耐AATCC 26-1999 硫染纺织品用剂:加速AATCC 27-1999 湿润剂:再湿润剂评定AATCC 28-1999 纺织品防昆虫、害虫AATCC 30-1999 耐真菌活性,纺织品材料的评定:纺织品材料耐霉菌防腐烂AATCC 35-2000 耐水渍:雨水试验AATCC 42-2000 耐水渍:冲击穿透试验AATCC 43-1999 丝光处理湿润剂AATCC 61-2003 耐家庭、商业洗涤色牢度:加速AATCC 66-2003 机织物折痕回复:回复角AATCC 70-2000 排水:滚筒水击动态吸收试验AATCC 76-2000 纤维表面电阻AATCC 79-2000 漂白纺织品的吸收性AATCC 81-2001 湿加工时纺织品水萃取PH值AATCC 82-2001 漂白棉布中纤维素分散质的流度AATCC 84-2000 纱线电阻AATCC 86-2000 干洗:应用设计和整理的耐久性AATCC 88B-2003 多次家洗后织物缝线处的平滑性AATCC 88C-2003 织物多次家洗后留下的折痕AATCC 89-2003 棉的丝光处理AATCC 92-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:单个取样法AATCC 93-1999 织物耐磨:加速剂方法AATCC 94-2002 织物整理:鉴别AATCC 96-2001 机织和针织物(毛织物除外)商业洗涤后尺寸变化AATCC 97-1999 原纱和/或已处理纺织品的可提取成分AATCC 98-2002 含过氧化氢的漂白槽中的碱AATCC 99-2000 机织或针织毛纺织品尺寸变化:松弛、收缩和毡合AATCC 100-1999 纺织品材料上耐细菌整理:评定AATCC 101-1999 过氧化氢漂白色牢度AATCC 102-2002 过氧化氢漂白,高锰酸钾滴定法:测定AATCC 103-1999 用于退浆的细菌性α淀粉酶,化验AATCC 104-1999 耐水滴色牢度AATCC 106-2002 耐水浸色牢度:海水AATCC 107-2002 耐水浸色牢度AATCC 109-2002 耐低湿度大气臭氧色牢度AATCC 110-2000 纺织品的白色AATCC 111-2003 纺织品耐气候性AATCC 112-2003 织物挥发甲醛,测定:封罐法AATCC 114-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:多次取样法AATCC 115-2000 织物静电依附:织物—金属试验AATCC 116-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:旋转垂直耐摩擦色牢度测定器法AATCC 117-1999 耐高温色牢度:干燥(不包括熨烫)AATCC 118-2002 排油:耐烃试验AATCC 119-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):屏蔽电线方法AATCC 120-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):金刚砂方法AATCC 121-2000 地毯玷污:可视评定法AATCC 122-2000 地毯沾污:使用沾污法AATCC 123-2000 地毯沾污:加速沾污法AATCC 124-2001 织物多次家洗后外形AATCC 125-1991 耐水耐光色牢度:交替暴露AATCC 127-2003 耐水性:流体静压试验AATCC 128-1999 织物折痕回复:外形AATCC 129-2001 耐高湿度大气臭氧色牢度AATCC 130-2000 排除污垢:油污排除法AATCC 131-2000 耐褶裥色牢度:蒸汽褶裥AATCC 132-2003 耐干洗色牢度AATCC 133-1999 耐高温色牢度:热压AATCC 134-2001 地毯的静电性AATCC 135-2003 机织和针织物自动家洗时尺寸变化AATCC 136-2003 黏合或层压织物的黏合强度AATCC 137-2002 瓷砖上小地毯背面沾污AATCC 138-2000 清洁:铺地织物的清洗AATCC 139-2000 耐光色牢度:致光色变现象的观察AATCC 140-2001 轧-烘处理过程中染料和涂剂泳移AATCC 141-1999 碱性染料与丙烯酸纤维的相容性AATCC 142-2000 植绒织物经多次家洗和/或在投币自动干洗后外形AATCC 143-2001 衣服和其他纺织成品多次家洗后的外形AATCC 144-2002 湿处理织物所含碱:整体AATCC 146-2001 分散染料的分散性:过滤试验AATCC 147-1998 织物材料抗菌活性测定:平行条纹法AATCC 149-2002 螯合剂:氨基聚羧酸螯合作用值及其盐分;草酸钙法AATCC 150-2003 服装自动家洗时尺寸的变化AATCC 151-2003 污物再沉积AATCC 154-2001 分散染料的热固定性AATCC 157-2000 耐溶剂滴色牢度:全氯乙烯AATCC 158-2000 全氯乙烯干洗后尺寸变化:机械法AATCC 159-1999 尼龙上酸和金属络合酸性染料的转移AATCC 161-2002 螯合剂:金属引起的分散染料色度阴暗;控制AATCC 162-2002 耐水浸色牢度:氯化水池AATCC 163-2002 色牢度:留存染料转印;织物对织物AATCC 164-2001 耐高湿度大气中氧化氮色牢度AATCC 165-1999 耐摩擦色牢度:铺地织物-AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AATCC 167-2003 分散染料的起泡性AATCC 168-2002 螯合剂:聚氨基聚羧酸的活性成分含量极其盐分;铜硝酸过氧化乙酰法(PAN)AATCC 169-2003 织物的耐气候性:氙灯暴露AATCC 170-2001 粉状染料的喷撒性:评定AATCC 171-2000 地毯:热水萃取法AATCC 172-2003 家洗耐无氯漂白色牢度AATCC 173-1998 CMC:小色差合格率计算AATCC 174-1998 地毯耐微生物活性测定AATCC 175-2003 耐脏:绒毛铺地材料AATCC 176-2001 染料剂分散质斑点:评定AATCC 178-1999 纬向染疵:可视测定和渐次调和AATCC 179-2001 自动家洗时缠绕引起织物和衣服变形AATCC 180-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度AATCC 181-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度和湿度AATCC 182-2000 溶液中染料颜色的相对强度AATCC 183-2000 紫外线穿透织物强度AATCC 184-2000 染料喷撒性能:测定AATCC 185-2000 螯合剂:过氧化氢漂白槽中的百分含量:铜硝酸过氧化乙酰(PAN)指示剂方法;AATCC 186-2001 耐气候性:紫外线和湿度暴露AATCC 187-2002 织物的尺寸变化:加速的AATCC 188-2003 家洗耐钠、次氯盐酸漂白色牢度AATCC 189-2002 地毯纤维含氟量AATCC 190-2003 耐活性氧漂白洗涤剂家洗的色牢度:加速酸性纤维素酶,作用于:最大负荷量洗涤器AATCC 191-2003 木纤维质酵酶酸一洗衣机顶部装载的影响AATCC 192-2003 织物的耐久性:有水或者无水情况暴露于电孤光下。



--耐水洗色牢度:加速法1.目的与范围1.1本加速洗涤测试方法,用于评价纺织品经频繁洗涤后的水洗色牢度,织物经五次经典的手洗或家庭洗涤的洗涤剂溶液和摩擦作用所引起的褪色及表面变化,接近于一次45 分钟的试验。




这些年来,由于实验室的一次加速洗涤过程不能重现各种不同的洗涤过程,商业洗涤过程已经变得包含了各种不同的过程,在2005 年,所有参考那些不能准确反映如今使用的典型商业洗涤过程已经被废止。

2.原理2.1 试样在合适的温度,洗涤液,漂白和摩擦作用下测试,试样的颜色变化可在较短时间内获得。


3. 术语3.1 色牢度——材料对于其任何颜色性能的变化,其染料转移到邻近材料或者两种现象同时出现的抗耐性,上述现象通常是材料在其加工,测试,储存或者使用中可能遇到的环境作用的结果。





必须参考和遵守所有的OSHA 标准和规定。



4.3AATCC 1993标准洗涤剂AATCC 2003标准洗涤剂可致敏,需注意不可碰到眼睛和皮肤。



5.设备及物料5.1皂洗机5.1.1皂洗机,可将密封的容器在恒温控制的水溶中转动,速度为40± 2rpm5.1.2 500ml的不锈钢杯,用于1A 测试 75 x 125 mm(3.0 x 5.0 inch)5.1.3 1200ml的不锈钢杯,90 x 200 mm(3.5 x 8.0 inch)(用于 1B,2A ,3A, 4A 和 5A测试)5.1.4将钢杯(5.1.3)固定在皂洗机上的架子。



AATCC61耐洗涤色牢度AATCC 61 耐洗滌色牢度:快速法1.目的和範圍1.1本快速洗滌測試可用來評定那些需經受多次家庭洗滌的紡織品的色牢度。

織物經五次典型的手洗、家庭或商業,含氯或不含氯洗滌的洗滌劑溶液和磨擦作用所引起的變褪色結果很接近於一次45 分鐘的試驗(查看9.2-9.6)。

但五次手工、家庭和商業典型洗滌的沾色效果不能完全符合45 分鐘試驗效果。




3.專業術語3.1 色牢度:材料抵抗顏色變化的能力,包含本身的顏色變化和沾到相鄰布上的情況,這種可能會出現在生產過程中,測試、儲存及使用過程中。

3.2 洗滌:對紡織材料,通過水溶液洗滌劑洗滌並清洗、脫水和乾燥,以洗去污漬的過程。




4.3 AATCC 1993標準參考洗滌劑可致敏,需注意不可碰到眼睛和皮膚。



5.儀器、試劑和原料5.1 水洗牢度儀5.1.1 水洗牢度機:可以在恒溫控制水浴中以40±2rpm 的速度轉動密封的鋼杯。

5.1.2 可鎖在儀器上的不銹鋼杯:型號I:體積:500ml,直徑:75mm,高為125m,適用於1A。

织物皂洗色牢度 AATCC-61标准分析方法

织物皂洗色牢度 AATCC-61标准分析方法


二、试验条件(1)按表8—21 AATCC 61—2003试验条件选择需要的试验方法。

(2)按表8—21 AATCC 61—2003试验条件设定耐洗色牢度试验机水浴温度。






在每一个杯中,加入5mL 0.15 oA有效氯溶液和45mL、洗涤剂,使总体积为50mL。











AATCC 61 家庭和商业水洗色牢度、快速法.

AATCC 61 家庭和商业水洗色牢度、快速法.

8-1-2 颜色变化也可采用对色仪测定,对色软件请参照 AATCC 评级程序 7。

8-2 沾色评定 8-2-1 采用沾色灰卡参照评级程序 2 和采用沾色彩卡参照评级程序 8 可评定多纤维布的沾色,报告中应注明是采用沾色灰卡还是沾色彩卡。

5 级:可以忽略或者没有沾色。

4.5 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 4-5 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 4.5 级。

4.0 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 4-5 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 4.0 级。

3.5 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 3-4 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 3.5 级。

3.0 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 3 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 3.0 级。

2.5 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 2-3 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 2.5 级。

2.0 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 2 级或 9 级AATCC 沾色彩卡的 2.0 级。

1.5 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 1-2 级或 9 级 AATCC 沾色彩卡的 1.5 级。

1.0 级:颜色沾色情况相当于沾色灰卡的 1 级或 9 级 AATCC 沾色彩卡的 1.0 级。

8-2-2 试样上的颜色转移到多纤维布或漂白棉布上的程序可通过和未洗的多纤维布或漂白布相比较而定,如果采用多纤维布 NO.10A 或 FAA,其多纤维条的宽度较测色仪孔径宽,因此这种多纤维布的沾色可采用测试仪测定。

9. 结果解释 9-1 由这此测试得到的结果大致等同于 5 次典型的家庭或商业洗涤的情况,本标准采用快速法测试,通过一些条件而获得。



9-2 选项 1A:本方法采用低温来评定纺织品色牢度抗重复手洗的能力。


使用适当的比色计或分光光度计以及合适的软件(见AATCC EP 7《仪器评定试样变色》),定量地评定未洗涤样品和试样之间的颜色变化程度。



AATCC测试方法61-2003 家庭及商业上颜色之洗涤坚牢此测试于1950年由AATCC RA60委员所发展,并于1952,1954,1957,1960,1961,1970,1972,1986(更改名字)作过更改,于1956,1962,1965,1968,1969,1975,1980,1985重新肯定,并于1973,1974,1975,1976,1981,1983,1984作过更改。


一、目的与范围1.1 此加速洗涤测试,是专为评估织物对经常洗涤下其颜色的坚牢度。




二、原理2.1 样本是在适当的温度,洗衣粉溶液,漂白及磨蚀的条件下试验,使颜色如在手洗、商业/家庭中机洗般起类似的改变。



三、专业术语3.1 色牢度——如物质在进行操作、试验、储存或应用时,该物质的颜色变更抵抗能力,或该物质的颜色转移往邻近的物质的结果。

3.2 洗涤——就纺织物而言,一个用水溶液将其污渍除去的过程,通常包括后来的清洗、脱水及烘干。

四、安全的预防措施略五、设备及物料5.1 皂洗机5.1.1 皂洗机,可将密封的容器在恒温控制的水溶中转动,速度为40±2RPM(参考12.1)5.1.2 500ml的不锈钢杯(参考12.1),用于1A测试75 x 125 mm (3.0 x 5.0 inch) 5.1.3 1200ml的不锈钢杯,90 x 200 mm(3.5 x 8.0 inch)(用于2A,3A,4A 和5A测试)5.1.4 用来固定钢杯(5.1.3)在皂洗机上的架子。

AATCC61 水洗色牢度

AATCC61 水洗色牢度

参考标准:AATCC 61家庭和商业洗涤色牢度:加速法1.目的和范围1.1这些加速洗涤方法用于评价耐频繁洗涤纺织材料的耐洗涤色牢度,织物由于5次手洗、家洗涤或商业洗涤中的洗涤剂和摩擦作用产生的掉色和表面变化,通过45分钟的测试大致模拟,但是,对于5次手洗、家庭洗涤和商业洗涤的沾色不总是能由45min的测试获得。



3.设备、试剂和标准物质及测试样的准备3.1水洗牢度机(AATCC Launder-Ometer)3.1.1 恒温水浴:转速40±2rpm3.1.2 不锈钢罐Type1,500ml,75mm*125mm, 用于1A方法3.1.3不锈钢罐Type2,1200ml,90cm*200cm,用于2A,3A,4A,5A方法3.1.4 紧固板,在水洗牢度机支架上,用于固定不锈钢罐的。

3.1.5 不锈钢珠:直径6mm3.1.7预热/存储装置3.2 评级卡3.2.1 AATCC彩色转移灰卡3.2.2 变色灰卡3.2.3 沾色灰卡3.3 试剂和材料3.3.1 多纤维贴衬织物No.1和FB(纬向织物条,包含醋酸纤维、棉、尼龙、丝、粘胶和羊毛、0.8cm宽),No.10A和FAA(经向织物条,包含醋酸纤维,棉,尼龙,涤纶,腈纶和羊毛,1.5cm宽),No.10和FA(纬向织物条,包含醋酸纤维,棉,尼龙,涤纶,腈纶和羊毛,0.8cm宽)。

3.3.2 漂白织物:纯棉,退浆,无荧光增白剂,32*32根/cm,比重为136±10g/m2。

3.3.3 1993 AATCC标准洗涤剂WOB(不含荧光增白剂和磷酸盐)。



AATCC 61 家庭和商业水洗色牢度:快速法1.目的和范围1-1本快速洗涤测试可用来评定那些需经受多次家庭洗涤的纺织品的色牢度。

织物经五次典型的手洗、家庭或商业含氯或不含氯洗涤的洗涤剂溶液和磨擦作用所引起的变褪色结果很接近于一次 45 分钟的试验。

但五次手工、家庭和商业典型洗涤的沾色效果不能完全符合 45 分钟试验效果。




3.术语3-1 色牢度:材料抵抗颜色变化的能力,包含本身的颜色变化和沾到相邻布上的情况,这种可能会出现在生产过程中,测试、储存及使用过程中。

3-2 洗涤:对纺织材料,通过水溶液洗涤剂洗涤并清洗、脱水和干燥,以洗去污渍的过程。





4-1 应遵循优秀实验室的操作方法,在实验室里要佩带防护眼镜。


4-3 AATCC 1993标准参考洗涤剂可致敏,需注意不可碰到眼睛和皮肤。

4-4 应就近装备安全雨淋设施以备急用。

4-5 当操作仪器时,应参照仪器生产商的安全说明。

5. 仪器、助剂及原料5-1水洗牢度仪5-1-1 水洗牢度机:可以在恒温控制水浴中以 40± 2 rpm 的速度转动密封的钢杯。

5-1-2 可锁在仪器上的不锈钢杯:型号I:体积:500ml,直径:75mm,高为125m,适用于1A。

5-1-3 可锁在仪器上的不锈钢杯:型号Ⅱ:体积:1200ml,直径:90mm,高为200mm,适用于2A、3A、4A和5A。


ISO 105 E05-2006
BS EN ISO 105 E05-2006
DIN EN ISO 105 E05-2006
NF EN ISO 105 E05-2006
AS 2001.4.12-1981
DIN EN ISO 105 B04-1997
NF EN 耐人造气候色牢度试验方法氙弧
GB/T 8430-1998
AATCC 163-2007
GB/T 22700-2008附录C
ISO 105 Part X18- 2007
AS 2001.4.6-1990
GB/T 6152-1997
ISO 105 B04-1994
BS EN ISO 105 B04-1997
GB/T 5716-1997
ISO 105 E07-1989
BS EN ISO 105 E07-1997
DIN EN ISO 105 E07-1997



AATCC测试方法61-2003 家庭及商业上颜色之洗涤坚牢此测试于1950年由AATCC RA60委员所发展,并于1952,1954,1957,1960,1961,1970,1972,1986(更改名字)作过更改,于1956,1962,1965,1968,1969,1975,1980,1985重新肯定,并于1973,1974,1975,1976,1981,1983,1984作过更改。


一、目的与范围1.1 此加速洗涤测试,是专为评估织物对经常洗涤下其颜色的坚牢度。




二、原理2.1 样本是在适当的温度,洗衣粉溶液,漂白及磨蚀的条件下试验,使颜色如在手洗、商业/家庭中机洗般起类似的改变。



三、专业术语3.1 色牢度——如物质在进行操作、试验、储存或应用时,该物质的颜色变更抵抗能力,或该物质的颜色转移往邻近的物质的结果。

3.2 洗涤——就纺织物而言,一个用水溶液将其污渍除去的过程,通常包括后来的清洗、脱水及烘干。

四、安全的预防措施略五、设备及物料5.1 皂洗机5.1.1 皂洗机,可将密封的容器在恒温控制的水溶中转动,速度为40±2RPM(参考12.1)5.1.2 500ml的不锈钢杯(参考12.1),用于1A测试75 x 125 mm (3.0 x 5.0 inch) 5.1.3 1200ml的不锈钢杯,90 x 200 mm(3.5 x 8.0 inch)(用于2A,3A,4A 和5A测试)5.1.4 用来固定钢杯(5.1.3)在皂洗机上的架子。

Colorfastness Test (色牢度)

Colorfastness Test (色牢度)

源下测试,以标准灰卡评级,结果分5级,5级为最好,1级为最差。目前, 项目的测试方法标准相对齐全,但设备和技术条件不尽相同。
Colorfastness Test
Apparatus, Reagent and Material
Colorfastness Test
After 1min.
Water Clorox Specimen
CLB : Water = 1 : 5 (v/v) Clorox solution
Dry and do not rinse and visually rate the amount of color change
This test predicts the results after 5 home launderings. Colorfastness to Chlorine and Non-chlorine bleach (TS-001)

Test conditions(ISO/GB)
∨ ∨

Test conditions(AATCC)
Preparation of composite specime nylon
Polyester (silk)
Acrylic (viscose rayon)
ISO 105-X12-2002(GB/T 3920-2008)

Colorfastness Test
Colorfastness to Water Sea Water Perspiration

耐洗色牢度AATCC 61测试准备条件

耐洗色牢度AATCC 61测试准备条件

耐洗色牢度AATCC 61测试准备条件耐水洗色牢度仪各种纺织品的水洗色牢度、干洗色牢度、漂洗色牢度、洗衣粉效能及其它耐洗、耐干洗色牢度的试验,最高温度可达95℃,还可考核染料耐洗色牢度性能的试验。

本文重点介绍关于耐洗色牢度AATCC 61测试准备条件。


原理(1) 样品在适当的温度,洗涤液、漂白和磨擦条件下产生的变色可模拟5次手洗、家用或商用洗涤效果。


(2) 磨擦作用是通过织物与筒子之间磨擦、低浴比溶液和钢珠在织物上产生的影响。

3.准备条件(1)洗水牢度仪(2)标准的不锈钢杯仪器/材料根据测试样No.1A -75 ? 125 mm (3.0? ? 5.0?),选用的容量为500毫升For Test No. 2A - 90 ? 200 mm (3.5? ? 8.0?), 1200 ml capacity根据测试样No.2A-90 ? 200 mm (3.5? ? 8.0?),选用的容量为1200毫升(3)不锈钢珠,直径为6 mm(0.25?)(4)经漂白、退浆过的无荧光增白剂的棉织物,32?32经密?纬密/厘米(80?80经密?纬密/英寸)结构,布重136 ± 10 g/m2 (4.0 ± 0.3 oz/yd2)。

(5)多纤维测试织物No. 1 与FB, No. 10 与FA 和No. 10A 与FAA(6)AATCC颜色转移卡(7)AATCC变色灰尺(8)AATCC沾色灰尺(9)1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂WOB(不含荧光增白剂及无磷酸盐)(10) 标准洗涤剂(含荧光增白剂)(11)蒸馏水/去离子水(12)1升的容量瓶(13)250ml的量筒(14)2000ml,500ml的烧杯(15) C0 - 100°C的温度计(16) Hot plate。

AATCC61 水洗色牢度

AATCC61 水洗色牢度

参考标准:AATCC 61家庭和商业洗涤色牢度:加速法1.目的和范围1.1这些加速洗涤方法用于评价耐频繁洗涤纺织材料的耐洗涤色牢度,织物由于5次手洗、家洗涤或商业洗涤中的洗涤剂和摩擦作用产生的掉色和表面变化,通过45分钟的测试大致模拟,但是,对于5次手洗、家庭洗涤和商业洗涤的沾色不总是能由45min的测试获得。



3.设备、试剂和标准物质及测试样的准备3.1水洗牢度机(AATCC Launder-Ometer)3.1.1 恒温水浴:转速40±2rpm3.1.2 不锈钢罐Type1,500ml,75mm*125mm, 用于1A方法3.1.3不锈钢罐Type2,1200ml,90cm*200cm,用于2A,3A,4A,5A方法3.1.4 紧固板,在水洗牢度机支架上,用于固定不锈钢罐的。

3.1.5 不锈钢珠:直径6mm3.1.7预热/存储装置3.2 评级卡3.2.1 AATCC彩色转移灰卡3.2.2 变色灰卡3.2.3 沾色灰卡3.3 试剂和材料3.3.1 多纤维贴衬织物No.1和FB(纬向织物条,包含醋酸纤维、棉、尼龙、丝、粘胶和羊毛、0.8cm宽),No.10A和FAA(经向织物条,包含醋酸纤维,棉,尼龙,涤纶,腈纶和羊毛,1.5cm宽),No.10和FA(纬向织物条,包含醋酸纤维,棉,尼龙,涤纶,腈纶和羊毛,0.8cm宽)。

3.3.2 漂白织物:纯棉,退浆,无荧光增白剂,32*32根/cm,比重为136±10g/m2。

3.3.3 1993 AATCC标准洗涤剂WOB(不含荧光增白剂和磷酸盐)。






aatcc水洗牢度测试方法概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述在纺织行业中,对于面料的颜色和图案保持稳定性的测试非常重要。



1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分,每个部分涵盖了具体的内容。

除引言外,还包括AATCC 水洗牢度测试方法的概述、解释说明、局限性与改进方向以及结论。

1.3 目的本文的目的是介绍AATCC水洗牢度测试方法,并解释其应用领域、测试步骤以及结果评定和数据分析等关键要素。



2. AATCC水洗牢度测试方法概述2.1 AATCC水洗牢度测试的定义AATCC水洗牢度测试是一种用于评估纺织品染色牢度的标准化方法。



2.2 水洗牢度测试的重要性水洗牢度是评估纺织品质量和耐久性的关键指标之一。



2.3 AATCC水洗牢度测试方法的应用领域AATCC水洗牢度测试方法广泛应用于纺织和服装行业的产品开发、质量控制和标准制定过程中。



以上是“2. AATCC水洗牢度测试方法概述”部分内容的解释说明。





AATCC 61-2009
ISO 105 C10:2006
BS EN ISO 105 C10:2007
DIN EN ISO 105 C10:2007
NF EN 20105 C01 to C05:1993
ISO 105 C06:1994
BS EN ISO 105 C06:1997
DIN EN ISO 105 C06:2008
NF EN ISO 105 C06:1997
ISO 105 C09:2001
BS EN ISO 105 C09:2002
DIN EN ISO 105 C09:2007
NF EN ISO 105 C09:2003
纺织品-耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度,用有低温漂白剂的无标准洗涤剂测试氧化漂白反应 CAN/CGSB-4.2 No.19.1-M2004
AS 2001.4.15-2006
GB/T 3921-2008
GB/T 12490-2007

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Developed in 1950 by AATCC Committee RA60; revised 1952, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1972, 1986 (title change), 1989, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2003, 2006 (title change), 2007; reaffirmed 1956, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1975, 1980, 1985; editorially revised 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2002, 2004; editorially re-vised and reaffirmed 2001. Partly equivalent to ISO 105-C06.1.Purpose and Scope1.1These accelerated laundering tests are to evaluate the colorfastness to laun-dering of textiles which are expected to withstand frequent laundering. The fabric color loss and surface changes resulting from detergent solution and abrasive ac-tion of five typical hand or home launder-ings, with or without chlorine, are roughly approximated by one 45 min test (see 9.2-9.6). However, the staining ef-fect produced by five typical hand or home launderings cannot always be pre-dicted by the 45min test. Staining is a function of the ratio of colored to undyed fabrics, fiber content of fabrics in the wash load and other end-use conditions which are not always predictable.1.2 When this test method was origi-nally developed, various options of this method were intended to evaluate the color change and staining by five home or commercial launderings, on an accel-erated basis. Throughout the years, com-mercial laundering procedures have changed and commercial cleaning today involves many different types of pro-cesses, dependent on the type of product being cleaned that cannot be duplicated by one accelerated laboratory procedure. In 2005, all references to commercial laundering were removed as it is not known if these procedures accurately rep-licate typical commercial laundering pro-cesses used today.2. Principle2.1Specimens are tested under appro-priate conditions of temperature, deter-gent solution, bleaching and abrasive ac-tion such that the color change is similar to that occurring in five hand or home launderings. The color change is obtained in a conveniently short time. The abra-sive action is a result of the frictional ef-fects of fabric against canister, the low li-quor ratio and the impact of the steel balls on the fabric.3. Terminology3.1colorfastness, n.—the resistance ofa material to change in any of its colorcharacteristics, to transfer of its color-ant(s) to adjacent materials or both, as aresult of the exposure of the material toany environment that might be encoun-tered during the processing, testing, stor-age or use of the material.3.2laundering, n.—of textile mate-rials, a process intended to remove soilsand/or stains by treatment (washing) withan aqueous detergent solution and nor-mally including subsequent rinsing, ex-tracting and drying.4. Safety PrecautionsNOTE: These safety precautions arefor information purposes only. The pre-cautions are ancillary to the testing proce-dures and are not intended to be all inclu-sive. It is the user’s responsibility to usesafe and proper techniques in handlingmaterials in the test method. Manufactur-ers MUST be consulted for specific de-tails such as material safety data sheetsand other manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. All OSHA standards and rulesmust also be consulted and followed.4.1Good laboratory practices shouldbe followed. Wear safety glasses in alllaboratory areas.4.2All chemicals should be handledwith care.4.3The 1993 AATCC Standard Refer-ence Detergent WOB may cause irrita-tion. Care should be taken to prevent ex-posure to skin and eyes.4.4An eyewash/safety shower shouldbe located nearby for emergency use.4.5Manufacturer’s safety recommen-dations should be followed when operat-ing laboratory testing equipment.5. Apparatus, Reagents and Materials5.1Launder-Ometer or other compara-ble equipment (see 12.1).5.1.1A laundering machine for rotat-ing closed canisters in a thermostaticallycontrolled water bath at 40 ± 2 rpm (see12.1).5.1.2Stainless steel lever lock canis-ters Type 1 (see 12.1) 500 mL (1 pt), 75 ×125 mm (3.0 × 5.0 in.) for Test No. 1A.5.1.3Stainless steel lever lock canis-ters Type 2 (see 12.1) 1200 mL, 90 × 200mm (3.5 × 8.0 in.) for Tests No. 2A, 3A,4A and 5A.5.1.4Adapter plates for holding canis-ters (see 5.1.3) on laundering machineshaft (see 12.1).5.1.5Stainless steel balls, 6 mm (0.25in.) in diameter (see 12.1).5.1.6Teflon fluorocarbon gaskets (see7.4.2, 12.1 and 12.2).5.1.7Preheater/storage module (see7.4, 12.1 and 12.3).5.2Scales for rating test results.5.2.1AA TCC Chromatic TransferenceScale (see 12.4).5.2.2Gray Scale for Color Change (see12.4).5.2.3Gray Scale for Staining (see12.4).5.3Reagents and materials.5.3.1Multifiber test fabrics No. 1 andFB (8 mm [0.33 in.] bands) containsbands of acetate, cotton, nylon, silk, vis-cose rayon and wool. Multifiber test fab-rics No. 10, and FA (8 mm [0.33 in.]bands) and No. 10A and FAA (15 mm[0.6 in.] bands) contain bands of acetate,cotton, nylon, polyester, acrylic and wool(see 12.5).5.3.2 Bleached cotton test fabric, 32 ×32 ends × picks/cm (80 × 80 ends ×picks/in.) construction, 100 ± 3 g/m2 (3.0± 0.1 oz/yd2), desized without fluorescentwhitening agent (see 12.5).5.3.31993 AATCC Standard Refer-ence Detergent WOB (without fluores-cent whitening agent and without phos-phate) (see 10.5 and 12.6).5.3.41993 AATCC Standard Refer-ence Detergent (with fluorescent whiten-ing agent) (see 10.5 and 12.6).5.3.5Water, distilled or deionized (see12.7).5.3.6Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)bleach (see 12.8).5.3.7Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).5.3.8Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 10% (see12.8.1).5.3.9Potassium iodide (KI), 10% (see12.8.1).5.3.10Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3),0.1N (see 12.8.1).5.3.11Crockmeter test cloth cut in 50mm (2 in.) squares (see 12.9).5.3.12White cards (specimen mounts)with Y tristimulus value at least 85%.6. Test Specimens6.1The sizes of the specimens requiredfor the various tests are as follows:50 × 100 mm (2.0 × 4.0 in.) for TestNo. 1A,50 × 150 mm (2.0 × 6.0 in.) for TestsNo. 2A, 3A, 4A and 5A.6.2Test only one specimen in eachcanister.6.2.1Test one specimen per laboratorysample. Replication may be advisable forAATCC Test Method 61-2007Colorfastness to Laundering: Acceleratedimproved precision.6.3To determine staining in Tests No. 1A and 2A, use multifiber test fabric. To determine staining in Test No. 3A, use ei-ther multifiber test fabric or bleached cot-ton test fabric. With respect to Test No. 3A, the use of multifiber test fabric is optional but the staining of acetate, nylon, polyester and acrylic is disregarded unless one of these fibers is present in the fabric being tested or known to be in the final garment. For Test 3A, multifiber test fabric with heat-sealed edges is recommended. Stain-ing is not determined in Tests No. 4A and 5A (see 12.10 and 12.11).6.4Specimen preparation.6.4.1Preparation with multifiber test fabric with individual component bands 8mm (0.33 in.) wide or with bleached cotton test fabric. Prepare pieces with a 50 mm (2.0 in.) square of multifiber test fabric cloth or bleached cotton test fabric (as required) sewn, stapled or suitably attached along one 50 mm (2.0 in.) edge of the test specimen and in contact with the face of the material. When multifiber test fabric is used, attach it so that each of the six fiber bands is along the 50 mm (2.0in.) edge of the specimen with the wool on the right. The fiber bands in the multifiber test fabric will be parallel to the lengthwise direction of the test specimen.6.4.2Preparation with multifiber test fabric with individual component bands15 mm (0.6 in.) wide. Prepare pieces witha 50 × 100 mm (2.0 × 4.0 in.) rectangle of multifiber test fabric sewn, stapled or suitably attached centered along one 100 mm (4.0 in.) or 150 mm (6.0 in.) edge of the test specimen and in contact with the face of the material. Attach it so that each of the six fiber bands will be parallel to the widthwise direction of the specimen. Attach and secure the wool band at the top of the specimen to avoid fiber loss. 6.4.3It is recommended that knitted fabrics be sewn or stapled at the four edges to equivalent size pieces of bleached cotton test fabric to avoid rolled edges and to assist in obtaining a uniform test result over the entire surface. Attach the multifiber test fabric to the face of the knitted fabric.6.4.4For pile fabric specimens with a pile lay direction, attach the multifiber test fabric at the top of the specimen with the pile lay direction pointing away from the top of the specimen.6.5When the textile to be tested is yarn, specimens may be tested using Op-tion 1 or Option 1. Knit yarn on an appro-priate sample knitting machine. Prepare specimens and multifiber test fabrics ac-cording to 6.1-6.4.3. Keep one knitted specimen of each sample as an unwashed original.6.5.2Option 2. Prepare two 110 m (120 yd) skeins of each yarn. Fold the skein so that there is a uniform amount ofyarn across a 50 mm (2 in.) width with alength appropriate for the procedure to beused. Keep one skein of each sample asan unwashed original. Sew or stapleCrockmeter test cloth squares (see 12.9)or squares of bleached cotton test fabrichaving approximately the same weightfolded over each end of the layered yarnspecimen. Attach a multifiber test fabricaccording to 6.4.1 or Procedure7.1Table I summarizes the conditionsof the tests.7.2Adjust the laundering machine tomaintain the designated bath tempera-ture. Prepare the required volume ofwash liquor. Preheat this solution to theprescribed temperature.7.3Run Test No. 1A in 75 × 125 mm(3.0 × 5.0 in.) lever lock stainless steelcanisters. Run Tests No. 2A, 3A, 4A and5A in 90 × 200 mm (3.5 × 8.0 in.) leverlock stainless steel canisters.7.3.1For Tests No. 1A, 2A and 3A,add to the canister the amount of deter-gent solution designated in Table I.7.3.2For Test No. 4A, prepare a 1500ppm available chlorine solution. For 1 L,determine the amount of stock sodiumhypochlorite bleach solution (see 12.8) todilute as follows:159.4/% NaOCl = g to addWeigh the correct amount of bleach intoa volumetric flask and dilute to 1 L. Toeach canister, add 5 mL of 1500 ppmavailable chlorine solution and 45 mL ofdetergent solution making a total volumeof 50 mL.7.3.3For Test No. 5A, determine theamount of stock sodium hypochloritebleach solution (see 12.8) to dilute asfollows:4.54/% NaOCl = g to addWeigh the correct amount of bleach intoa graduated cylinder and add detergentsolution to make a total volume of 150mL. Prepare this solution separately foreach canister.7.3.4For all the tests, add the desig-nated number of stainless steel balls toeach canister.7.4The two options for preheating thecanisters to the test temperature are byuse of the laundering machine or the pre-heater/storage unit. If the canisters are tobe preheated in the laundering machine,proceed to the canisters in the pre-heater module at the prescribed test tem-perature. They are to remain in themodule for at least 2 min. Enter a wellcrumpled test specimen into each canister.7.4.2Clamp the covers on the canis-ters. A Teflon fluorocarbon gasket (see5.1.6) may be inserted between the neo-prene gasket and the top of each canisterto prevent contamination of the wash so-lution by the neoprene. Fasten the 75 ×125 mm (3.0 × 5.0 in.) lever lock canis-ters vertically and the 90 × 200 mm (3.5× 8.0 in.) lever lock canisters horizontallyin the adapters on the rotor of the laun-dering machine in such a manner thatwhen the canisters rotate, the coversstrike the water first. Place an equal num-ber of canisters on each side of the shaft.For canisters preheated in the module,proceed to the rotor and run it for at least2 min to preheat the canisters.7.6Stop the rotor and with a row ofcanisters in an upright position, unclampthe cover of one canister, enter a wellcrumpled test specimen into the solutionand replace the cover, but do not clamp it.Repeat this operation until all the canis-ters in the row have been loaded. Thenclamp the covers in the same order inwhich the canisters were loaded (delayclamping the covers to allow equalizationof pressure). Repeat this operation untilall rows of canisters have been loaded.7.7Start the laundering machine andrun it at 40 ± 2 rpm for 45 min.7.8The rinsing, extracting and dryingprocedures are the same for all the tests.Stop the machine, remove the canistersand empty the contents into beakers,keeping each test specimen in a separatebeaker. Rinse each test specimen threetimes, in beakers, in distilled or deionizedwater at 40 ± 3°C (105 ± 5°F) for 1 minperiods with occasional stirring or handsqueezing. To remove excess water, cen-trifuge, blot or pass the test specimensthrough wringer rolls. Dry the specimensin an air circulating oven in which theTable I—Test Conditions aTestNo.Temp TotalLiquorVolumePercentDetergentof TotalVolumeAvailableChlorineof TotalVolumeNo.SteelBalls Time °C (±°2)°F(±°4)1A40105200 mL0.37%None1045 Min 2A491201500.15None5045 3A71160500.15None10045 4A71160500.150.015%10045 5A491201500.150.0275045a Refer to Section 9 for objectives for each test method.temperature does not exceed 71°C (160°F), or tumble dry in a nylon mesh bag in an automatic tumble dryer at nor-mal cycle, which has an exhaust tempera-ture of 60-71°C (140-160°F), or air dry.7.9 Allow specimens to condition at 65± 2% relative humidity and 21 ± 1°C (70± 2°F) for 1 h before evaluating.7.10Prepare tested fabric specimens and adjacent fabrics for evaluation by trimming off raveled yarns and lightly brushing off any loose fiber and yarn on the fabric surfaces. Brush pile fabric specimens in required direction to restore them as nearly as possible to the same pile angle as the untreated specimens. Specimens should be smoothed or flat-tened if they are wrinkled and messy due to washing and/or drying. Specimens may be mounted on cards to facilitate identification and handling in their evalu-ation. For consistency in backing mate-rial, use a white mounting card with Y tristimulus value of at least 85%. Mount-ing material must not be visible in the area to be viewed and must not interfere with rating as specified in 5.1 of both AATCC Evaluation Procedures 1 and 2 for the Gray Scale for Color Change and Gray Scale for Staining or instrumental assessment of color according to AATCC Evaluation Procedure 7, Instrumental As-sessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen.7.10.1Yarn skein specimens should be combed and brushed for improved align-ment of the yarns before comparison with the unwashed original. The original spec-imens may also need further combing and brushing for uniformity of appearance.8. Evaluation8.1Evaluation of color change.8.1.1Evaluate the color change of the test specimens as directed in AATCC Evaluation Procedure 1 using the Gray Scale for Color Change. For improved precision and accuracy the specimens should be rated by more than one rater. Grade 5—negligible or no change as shown in Gray Scale Step 5.Grade 4.5—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 4.5.Grade 4—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 4.Grade 3.5—a change in color equiva-lent to Gray Scale Step 3.5.Grade 3—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 3.Grade 2.5—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 2.5.Grade 2—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 2.Grade 1.5—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step 1.5.Grade 1—change in color equivalent to Gray Scale Step color change can be quanti-tatively determined by measuring thecolor difference between the unwashedsample and a test specimen using a suit-able colorimeter or spectrophotometerwith the appropriate software (seeAATCC Evaluation Procedure 7, Instru-mental Assessment of the Change inColor of a Test Specimen).8.2Evaluation of staining.8.2.1Evaluate staining (see 12.10) asdirected in AA TCC Evaluation Procedure2 using the Gray Scale for Staining or asdirected in AA TCC Evaluation Procedure8 using the Chromatic TransferenceScale. The scale used should be indicatedwhen reporting the test results.Grade 5—negligible or no color transfer.Grade 4.5—color transfer equivalent toStep 4-5 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 4.5 on the 9-step AA TCC Chro-matic Transference Scale.Grade 4—color transfer equivalent toStep 4 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 4 on the 9-step AATCC ChromaticTransference Scale.Grade 3.5—color transfer equivalent toStep 3-4 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 3.5 on the 9-step AA TCC Chro-matic Transference Scale.Grade 3—color transfer equivalent toStep 3 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 3 on the 9-step AATCC ChromaticTransference Scale.Grade 2.5—color transfer equivalent toStep 2-3 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 2.5 on the 9-step AA TCC Chro-matic Transference Scale.Grade 2—color transfer equivalent toStep 2 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 2 on the 9-step AATCC ChromaticTransference Scale.Grade 1.5—color transfer equivalent toStep 1-2 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 1.5 on the 9-step AA TCC Chro-matic Transference Scale.Grade 1—color transfer equivalent toStep 1 on the Gray Scale for Staining orRow 1 on the 9-step AATCC ChromaticTransference Scale.8.2.2The color transferred to the mul-tifiber test fabric or bleached cotton testfabric square of 6.4.1 can be quantita-tively determined by measuring the colordifference between a piece of the originalmaterial and the stained material. Multifi-ber test fabrics No. 10A or FAA havebands of sufficient width to be within theaperture diameter capability of many col-orimeters and spectrophotometers (seeAATCC Evaluation Procedure 6, Instru-mental Color Measurement and 12.14).9. Interpretation of Results9.1Results from these tests are in-tended to approximate the color changeeffects (see 1.1) of five typical homelaunderings. These are accelerated tests,and in obtaining the required degree ofacceleration some of the conditions, suchas temperature, were purposely exagger-ated. The tests have remained largely thesame over many years while laundry de-tergents, washers and dryers, laundrypractices and fabrics have changed (seeAATCC monograph “Standardization ofHome Laundry Test Conditions,” else-where in this T ECHNICAL M ANUAL).Consequently, caution in interpreting testresults is advisable.9.2Test No. 1A—This test is for eval-uating the colorfastness of textiles thatare expected to withstand repeated handlaundering at low temperature. Speci-mens subjected to this test should showcolor change similar to that produced byfive typical careful hand launderings at atemperature of 40 ± 3°C (105 ± 5°F).9.3Test No. 2A—This test is for eval-uating the colorfastness to washing oftextiles that are expected to withstand re-peated low temperature machine launder-ing in the home. Specimens subjected tothis test should show color change similarto that produced by five home machinelaunderings at medium or warm setting inthe temperature range of 38 ± 3°C (100 ±5°F).9.4Test No. 3A—This test is for eval-uating colorfastness to washing of tex-tiles considered washable under vigorousconditions. Specimens subjected to thistest should show color change similar tothat produced by five home machinelaunderings at 60 ± 3°C (140 ± 5°F),without chlorine.9.5 Test No. 4A—This test is for evalu-ating the colorfastness to washing of tex-tiles laundered in the presence of avail-able chlorine. Specimens subjected tothis test should show color change similarto that produced by five home machinelaunderings at 63 ± 3°C (145 ± 5°F) with3.74 g per L (0.50 oz/gal) of 5% availablechlorine per 3.6 kg (8.0 lb) load.9.6 Test No. 5A—This test is for eval-uating the colorfastness to washing oftextiles that may be laundered in the pres-ence of available chlorine. Specimenssubjected to this test should show colorchange similar to that produced by fivehome machine launderings at 49 ± 3°C(120 ± 5°F) with 200 ± 1 ppm availablechlorine.10. Report10.1Report the test number.10.2Report the grade number deter-mined for color change in 8.1 and thestaining grade numbers for the evaluatedfibers in the multifiber test fabric and/orbleached cotton test fabric as determinedin which scale (Gray Scale forStaining or AATCC Chromatic Transfer-ence Scale) was used in evaluating stain-ing (see 12.12).10.4Report the multifiber test fabric used and if bleached cotton test fabric was employed to avoid knit curling. 10.5Report the detergent used with color change and staining results (see 12.6).10.6Report which laundering ma-chine is used.11. Precision and Bias11.1Precision and bias statements have been developed for Tests No. 2A and 5A. Although correlation work has been done, no precision and bias state-ments have been developed for Tests No. 1A, 3A and 4A.11.1.1Because of changes in the deter-gents used in this method, these precision and bias statements may not apply to data or information obtained with the cur-rently available detergents.11.2Test No. 2A.11.2.1Summary. An interlaboratory test was carried out in May 1985 to estab-lish the precision of Test No. 2A. A part of the test was to determine if the wider 15 mm (0.6 in.) No. 10A multifiber test fabric could be substituted for the 8 mm (0.33 in.) wide No. 10. The complete test consisted of six laboratories evaluating 10 materials in duplicate by one operator using Test No. 2A.11.2.2Color Change. Three raters from six laboratories independently eval-uated nine materials in duplicate using the Gray Scale for Color Change. The components of variance as standard devi-ations of the colorfastness grades (aver-ages of variances for No. 10 and No. 10A multifiber test fabrics) were calculated as follows:Single-OperatorComponent0.29Within-LaboratoryComponent0.29Between-LaboratoryComponent0.29 11.2.3Critical Differences. For the components of variance reported in 11.2.2, two averages of observed values should be considered significantly differ-ent at the 95% probability level if the dif-ference is equal to or exceeds the critical differences shown in Table II.Table II—Critical Differences, Grades,for the Condition Noted aNo. of ObservationsSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LabPrecisionBetween-LabPrecision10.80 1.12 1.3730.460.92 1.2150.360.87 1.18a The critical differences were calculated using t=1.950 which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.11.2.4Staining. Three raters indepen-dently rated the six fibers of the multifi-ber test fabric (No. 10 and No. 10A) for10 materials at six laboratories using theGray Scale for Staining. Of the 60 possi-ble fiber/fabric combinations, only 51could be used. The components of vari-ance were averaged for the No. 10 andNo. 10A multifiber test fabrics and ap-pear below as standard deviations ofstaining ratings:Single OperatorComponent0.27Within-LaboratoryComponent0.34Between-LaboratoryComponent0.2511.2.5Critical Differences. For thecomponents of variance reported in11.2.4, two averages of observed valuesshould be considered significantly differ-ent at the 95% probability level if the dif-ference equals or exceeds the critical dif-ferences shown in Table III.11.2.6 Bias. Tests comparing fivehome launderings at 40°C (105°F) withone Launder-Ometer Test No. 2A indi-cate there is no bias between the twomethods for the colorfastness and stain-ing levels evaluated.11.3Test No. 5A, Chlorine Bleach.11.3.1Summary. An interlaboratorytest was carried out in 1984 to establishthe precision of Test No. 5A for deter-mining the effect of chlorine bleach onthe colorfastness of fabrics. All speci-mens were laundered in a Launder-Ometer by one operator. Color change inTest No. 5A was determined both visu-ally and instrumentally. Details of the sta-tistical analysis of the data can be foundin the report, Third Interlaboratory Studyof Proposed Launder-Ometer Test forColorfastness of Fabrics to Chlorine andNon-Chlorine Bleaches, October 21,1985, by J. W. Whitworth, Milliken Re-search Corp., Spartanburg, SC.11.3.2Visual Assessment. Four materi-als were tested at each of five laborato-ries. Three raters visually assessed thecolor change of four specimens. Thecomponents of variance as standard devi-ations of colorfastness grades were calcu-lated as follows:Table III—Critical Differences, Grades,for the Condition Noted aNo. ofObservationsSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LabPrecisionBetween-LabPrecision10.75 1.20 1.3930.43 1.03 1.2550.33 1.00 1.22a The critical differences were calculated using t=1.950 which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.Single OperatorComponent0.38Within-LaboratoryComponent0.28Between-LaboratoryComponent0.2711.3.3Critical Differences. For thecomponents of variance in 11.3.2, twoaverages of observed values should beconsidered significantly different at the95% probability level if the differenceequals or exceeds the critical differencesshown in Table IV.11.3.4Instrumental Assessment. Colorchange as total color difference(CIELAB) was measured on a spectro-photometer or colorimeter using aper-tures ranging in size from 13-51 mm(0.5-2.0 in.) in diameter, illuminant D65/10° observer or illuminant C/2° observer.Six materials were tested at each of sixlaboratories. One operator in each labora-tory tested four specimens of each fabric.The components of variance for ∆E* ex-pressed as coefficients of variation werecalculated to be:Single-OperatorComponent 6.8%Between-LaboratoryComponent11.2%11.3.5Critical Differences. For thecomponents of variance reported in11.3.4, two averages of observed valuesshould be considered significantly differ-ent at the 95% probability level if the dif-ference equals or exceeds the critical dif-ferences shown in Table V.Table IV—Critical Differences, Grades,for the Condition Noted aNo. ofObservationsSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LabPrecisionBetween-LabPrecision1 1.03 1.29 1.4930.590.98 1.2350.460.91 1.17a The critical differences were calculated using t=1.950 which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.Table V—Critical Differences, Percent ofGrand Average for the Conditions Noted a,bNo. ofObservations inEach AverageSingle-OperatorPrecisionBetween-LaboratoryPrecision118.736.2310.832.858.432.1a The critical differences were calculated using t=1.950 which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.b To convert the values of the critical differences tounits of measure, multiply the critical differences bythe average of the two specific sets of data beingcompared and then divide by 100.。
