噻奈普汀钠片使用说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用噻奈普汀钠片使用说明书【药品名称】通用名称:噻奈普汀钠片商品名称:达体朗英文名称:TATINOL (Tianeptine Sodium Tablets)【成份】噻奈普汀钠【性状】白色包衣片。
雷替曲塞雷替曲塞,Raltitrexed英文化学名:S)-2-[(1-{5-[Methyl-(2-methyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-quinazolin-6-ylm ethyl)-amino]-thiophen-2-yl}-methanoyl)-amino]-pentanedioic acid 中文化学名:N-[5-[N-甲基-N-(2-甲基-4-氧代-3,4-二氢喹唑啉-6-基甲基)氨基]-2-噻吩甲酰基]-L-谷氨酸分子式: C21H22N4O6S分子量:458.49质量标准:企标成分:雷替曲塞、甘露醇、氢氧化钠和磷酸氢二钠。
性状:白色或类白色疏松块状物或粉末规格2mg/支【药物名称】雷替曲塞粉针 Raltitrexed Injection【分子式成分】N-[5-[N-甲基-N-(2-甲基-4-氧代-3,4-二氢喹唑啉-6-基甲基)氨基]-2-噻吩甲酰基]-L-谷氨酸【制剂规格】本品为白色冻干粉末,每瓶含雷替曲塞2 mg。
它对结肠直肠癌细胞系的抑制作用强于5-氟尿嘧啶,雷替曲塞的IC50长期给药为1.3~3.9 nmol/L,短期给药为80 nmol/L,而5-氟尿嘧啶与甲酰四氢叶酸合用长期给药IC50为330~5800 nmol/L,短期给药为150000 nmol/L。
对176例晚期结肠直肠癌患者进行的II期临床试验,给予雷替曲塞3 mg/㎡,每3周1次,有25.6%产生综合疗效,从治疗到病情进展平均时间为4.2周,存活期平均为11.2月。
1300多例晚期结肠直肠癌患者的3项III期临床研究结果表明,雷替曲塞治疗组(每3周1次,每次3 mg/㎡)与5-氟尿嘧啶加甲酰四氢叶酸治疗组(5-氟尿嘧啶425mg/㎡加甲酰四氢叶酸20 mg/㎡或5-氟尿嘧啶400 mg/㎡加甲酰四氢叶酸200 mg/㎡,每天1次,连续5天,每4~5周重复1次),所产生的客观有效率相似,分别为14.3%~19.3%和15.2%~18.1%,中位缓解时间分别为3.1~4.8和3.6~5.3个月,中位生存期分别为9.7~10.9和10.2~12.7个月。
说明书来源: 江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司
通用名称:注射用盐酸伊立替康 英文名称:IrinotecanHydrochlorideforInjection 商品名称:艾力
遗传毒性:伊立替康和SN-38在Ames试验中均未显示出致突变性。伊立替康在CHO细胞染色体畸变试验和小鼠微核试验中显示了致断裂作用。生殖毒性:在啮齿动物多次给药试验中,可见雄性动物生殖器官萎缩。雌性大鼠静脉注射14C-伊立替康,其放射性可透过胎盘屏障,大鼠和家兔试验中,可见本品对胚胎和胎儿的毒性反应。大鼠静脉注射放射性标记的伊立替康后5分钟内,可在其乳汁中检测到放射性,给药4小时后乳汁中药物浓度可达到血药浓度的65倍;雌性大鼠在围产期静脉注射本品可引起仔鼠学习能力和雌鼠仔鼠体重的下降。目前尚无足够的和严格控制的孕妇临床研究资料,若患者在孕期使用本品或在使用本品期间怀孕,应被告之对胎儿的潜在危害。有生育可能的妇女在本品给药期间应避免怀孕;母亲在接受本品治疗期间应停止哺乳。致癌性:尚未进行伊立替康长期给药的致癌性研究,但进行了大鼠连续三周、每周一次静脉注射伊立替康2mg/kg和25mg/kg,然后恢复91周的试验 (大鼠静脉注射伊立替康25mg/kg后,其Cmax和AUC分别约相当于人每周给药125mg/m2后的7倍和1.3倍),结果显示,子宫喇叭口处子宫内膜间质息肉和子宫内膜间质肉瘤发生率的增加有明显的剂量依赖性。
做为新一代水溶性胸苷酸合酶(TS)抑制剂, 该药通过细胞膜外还原型叶酸盐载体系统 将本品主动摄入细胞内,而后迅速代谢为 多谷氨酸类化合物抑制胸苷酸合酶活性, 并能在细胞内潴留,长时间发挥作用。它 对结肠直肠癌细胞系抑制作用强于5-氟尿嘧 啶.
雷替曲塞IC50(50%抑制浓度)长期给药为 1.3~3.9nmol/L,短期给药为80nmol/L,而 5-氟尿嘧啶与甲酰四氢叶酸合用长期给药 IC50为330~5800nmol/L,短期给药为 150000nmol/L。
南京正大天晴 广州办事处
通用名:注射用雷替曲塞 英文名:Raltitrexed Injection(Tumudex)
高选择性的胸腺嘧啶合成酶(TS)抑制剂 其代谢物为多聚谷氨酸类化合物,比母药发挥更 强的酶抑制作用
综上所述:雷替曲赛作为近几十年来第一 个新的一线细胞毒治疗药,可成为5-FU为 主的化疗方案的较好替代药。他的问世可 为医生和患者提供更多选择。为患者带来 方便,治疗效益显著。
注意事项:本能只做单独给药,避免与其 它药物混合使用。本品用0.9%生理盐水或 5%葡萄糖水溶液稀释后应避光保存,在24 小时内使用。轻度和中毒肝损伤患者使用 时无需调整本品剂量,但本品部分经粪便 排泄,严重肝损伤患者使用时应注意。孕 妇及哺辱期妇女禁用本品。
雷替曲塞需要在2 - 8℃的环境中保存。
”我给晓丽的建议就是,医院药房一定要配备专门的冰箱,能精确控制温度在2 - 8℃,而且要有遮光措施,比如那种不透光的小盒子。
丹曲洛林说明书丹曲林, 名称o 通用名称, 丹曲林o 常用名称, 丹曲洛林钠, 硝苯呋海因o 英语名称, Danlene, Dantamacrin, Dantrolen, Dantrolene Sodium Cpsules, Dantrolone Sodium Cpsuleso 商品名称, Dantrium, 药理基础o 药物类别, 麻醉科药物, 特异性药物, 麻醉辅助药, 骨骼肌松弛类药物, 肝毒性药物, 应用o 适应征, 恶性高热, 遗传痉挛性截瘫, 神经阻滞剂恶性综合征, 上运动神经原病症o 禁忌征, 绝对禁忌, 肝硬变, 毒副作用o 副作用, 胸水:嗜酸细胞增高/阳性o 诱发/加剧病症for the national strategy of developing the West, Yibin city as "Yangtze towns" and Southern towns, have become areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces central city location advantages, will take Chengdu, Chengdu, Chongqing, Chongqing's, 丹曲林作用/毒副作用, 胸腔积液, 剂量剂型用法o 剂型, 胶囊药物说明, 通用名称:丹曲林英文名:Dantrolene其他中文名:丹曲洛林、胆罗啉、旦著能其他英文名:Danlene、Dantrium[药理]本品系骨骼肌松弛药。
口服后达血峰浓度时间为 4,6h,半减期约是9h。
约 25,代谢物和小量原形物从尿中排出。
约 45,,50,出现在胆汁中。
伊立替康联合雷替曲塞二线化疗方案治疗晚期结直肠癌的疗效钱滨滨【摘要】目的分析伊立替康联合雷替曲塞二线化疗方案治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效.方法选取2014年4月—2017年8月于我院采用一线FOLFOX化疗方案治疗失败且拒绝靶向药物治疗的晚期结直肠癌患者71例作为研究对象.所有患者均采用伊立替康联合雷替曲塞二线化疗方案进行治疗,对其临床疗效、用药安全性进行研究分析.结果所有患者均顺利完成化疗,治疗效果为CR、PR、SD、PD的患者分别有3例、13例、35例、20例,DCR为71.83%,ORR为22.54%;对患者随访1年,有3例患者失访,40例患者病死,28例患者存活,存活率为41.18%;化疗过程中,患者出现的主要不良反应包括肝功能异常、食欲下降、疲倦、腹泻、呕吐、恶心等消化系统反应、贫血、中性粒细胞减少等骨髓抑制反应,只偶尔见到3~4级毒副作用,主要为1~2级.结论伊立替康联合雷替曲塞二线化疗方案治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效显著,患者能够耐受药物毒副作用.【期刊名称】《中国继续医学教育》【年(卷),期】2018(010)036【总页数】2页(P90-91)【关键词】伊立替康;雷替曲塞;二线化疗;晚期结直肠癌;临床疗效;药物毒副作用【作者】钱滨滨【作者单位】江苏省南通市通州区人民医院肿瘤科,江苏南通 226300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735结直肠癌属于全球第三大恶性肿瘤,死亡率高。
曲妥珠单抗 (Herceptin)使用说明书
曲妥珠单抗 (Herceptin)使用说明书曲妥珠单抗 (Herceptin) 使用说明书I. 药品信息曲妥珠单抗,商品名称为Herceptin,是一种单克隆抗体药物,用于治疗HER2阳性乳腺癌和HER2阳性转移性胃癌。
II. 药物治疗适应症曲妥珠单抗适用于以下症状的患者:1. HER2阳性乳腺癌:用于早期HER2阳性乳腺癌术后辅助治疗,以及未接受曲妥珠单抗的晚期或转移性HER2阳性乳腺癌患者的一线治疗和二线治疗。
2. HER2阳性转移性胃癌:与化疗药物联合使用可以作为一线治疗。
III. 药物使用方法1. 注射剂制剂:曲妥珠单抗为无色或淡黄色透明溶液,适用于静脉注射。
2. 首次治疗:推荐首次治疗方案为:初始剂量为8mg/kg,随后每周维持剂量为6mg/kg,连续治疗至少为18个疗程。
3. 维持治疗:治疗后期,维持剂量为6mg/kg,每三周一次,直至疾病进展或不可耐受。
4. 药物注射后,应监测患者的生命体征和药物不良反应。
IV. 注意事项和禁忌症1. 使用曲妥珠单抗前,应评估患者的心脏功能,并进行相关监测。
2. 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应避免使用曲妥珠单抗。
3. 对曲妥珠单抗或其他成分过敏的患者禁止使用。
4. 使用曲妥珠单抗可能引发心脏毒性反应,如心衰、心律不齐等,需密切监测患者的心脏功能。
V. 不良反应1. 常见不良反应包括:恶心、呕吐、腹泻、疼痛、乏力、头痛、发热等。
2. 严重不良反应:包括肺炎、肺水肿、心衰、过敏反应等。
VI. 药物相互作用1. 药物相互作用可能影响曲妥珠单抗的疗效或增加不良反应的风险。
2. 与其他心脏毒性药物联用应注意风险。
VII. 储存和处理1. 曲妥珠单抗冷藏储存,并在2-8摄氏度下保存。
2. 不要冻结曲妥珠单抗。
3. 未使用的药品应按照规定的处置方法处理。
VIII. 有效期限1. 未拆封的曲妥珠单抗有效期为36个月。
2. 拆封后,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境,根据说明使用。
1. 高血压病:一般建议起始剂量为每日50毫克,根据病情可逐渐增加到每日100-200毫克。
2. 心绞痛:一般建议起始剂量为每日50毫克,根据病情可逐渐增加到每日100-200毫克。
3. 心力衰竭:一般开始剂量为每日25毫克,根据病情一周后逐渐增加到每日50毫克,逐步调整至每日200毫克。
4. 冠心病:一般建议起始剂量为每日50毫克,根据病情可逐渐增加到每日100-200毫克。
TomudexSummary of Product Characteristics Updated 04-Dec-2017 | Hospira UK Ltd1. Name of the medicinal product'Tomudex'2. Qualitative and quantitative composition'Tomudex' contains 2 mg raltitrexed in each vial.3. Pharmaceutical formPowder for solution for infusion.4. Clinical particulars4.1 Therapeutic indicationsThe palliative treatment of advanced colorectal cancer where 5-Fluorouracil and folinic acid based regimens are either not tolerated or inappropriate.4.2 Posology and method of administrationFor instructions on reconstitution and dilution of the product before administration, see section 6.6 Instructions for use/handling.Adults: - The dose of 'Tomudex' is calculated on the basis of the body surface area. The recommended dose is 3 mg/m2 given intravenously, as a single short, intravenous infusion in 50 to 250 ml of either 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose (glucose) solution. It is recommended that the infusion is given over a 15 minute period. Other drugs should not be mixed with 'Tomudex' in the same infusion container. In the absence of toxicity, treatment may be repeated every 3 weeks.Dose escalation above 3 mg/m2 is not recommended, since higher doses have been associated with an increased incidence of life-threatening or fatal toxicity.Prior to the initiation of treatment and before each subsequent treatment a full blood count (including a differential count and platelets), liver transaminases, serum bilirubin and serum creatinine measurements should be performed.The total white cell count should be greater than 4,000/mm3, the neutrophil count greater than 2,000/mm3 and the platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3 prior to treatment. In the event of toxicity the next scheduled dose should be withheld until signs of toxic effects regress. In particular, signs of gastrointestinal toxicity (diarrhoea or mucositis) and haematological toxicity (neutropenia or thrombocytopenia) should have completely resolved before subsequent treatment is allowed. Patients who develop signs of gastrointestinal toxicity should have their full blood counts monitored at least weekly for signs of haematological toxicity.Based on the worst grade of gastrointestinal and haematological toxicity observed on the previous treatment and provided that such toxicity has completely resolved, the following dose reductions are recommended for subsequent treatment:● 25% dose reduction: in patients with WHO grade 3 haematological toxicity (neutropenia or thrombocytopenia) or WHOgrade 2 gastrointestinal toxicity (diarrhoea or mucositis).● 50% dose reduction: in patients with WHO grade 4 haematological toxicity (neutropenia or thrombocytopenia) or WHOgrade 3 gastrointestinal toxicity (diarrhoea or mucositis).Once a dose reduction has been made, all subsequent doses should be given at the reduced dose.Treatment should be discontinued in the event of any WHO grade 4 gastrointestinal toxicity (diarrhoea or mucositis) or in the event of a WHO grade 3 gastrointestinal toxicity associated with WHO grade 4 haematological toxicity. Patients with such toxicity should be managed promptly with standard supportive care measures including i.v. hydration and bone marrow support. In addition, preclinical data suggest that consideration should be given to the administration ofleucovorin (folinic acid). From clinical experience with other antifolates, leucovorin may be given at a dose of 25 mg/m2i.v. every 6 hours until the resolution of symptoms. Further use of 'Tomudex' in such patients is not recommended.It is essential that the dose reduction scheme should be adhered to since the potential for life threatening and fatal toxicity increases if the dose is not reduced or treatment not stopped as appropriate.Elderly: - Dosage and administration as for adults. However, 'Tomudex' should be used with caution in elderly patients (see section 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use).Children: - 'Tomudex' is not recommended for use in children as safety and efficacy have not been established in this group of patients.Renal impairment:- For patients with abnormal serum creatinine, before the first or any subsequent treatment, a creatinine clearance should be performed or calculated.For patients with a normal serum creatinine when the serum creatinine may not correlate well with the creatinine clearance due to factors such as age or weight loss, the same procedure should be followed. If creatinine clearance is≤65 ml/min, the following dose modifications are recommended:Dose modification in the presence of renal impairmentCreatinine Clearance Dose as % of 3.0 mg/m2Dosing Interval> 65 ml/min Full dose3-weekly55 to 65 ml/min75%4-weekly25 to 54 ml/min50%4-weekly< 25 ml/min No therapy Not applicableSee Contraindications for use in patients with severe renal impairmentHepatic Impairment:- No dosage adjustment is recommended for patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment. However, given that a proportion of the drug is excreted via the faecal route, (see section 5.2 Pharmacokinetic Properties) and that these patients usually form a poor prognosis group, patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment need to be treated with caution (see section 4.4 Special warnings and special precautions for use).'Tomudex' has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment, clinical jaundice or decompensated liver disease and its use in such patients is not recommended.4.3 Contraindications'Tomudex' should not be used in pregnant women, in women who may become pregnant during treatment or women who are breast feeding. Pregnancy should be excluded before treatment with 'Tomudex' is commenced. (see section 4.6 Pregnancy and lactation).'Tomudex' is contraindicated in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 25ml/min).Administration of leucovorin (folinic acid), folic acid or vitamin preparations containing these agents with 'Tomudex' is contraindicated (see section 4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction).4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use'Tomudex' must only given by or under the supervision of a physician who is experienced in cancer chemotherapy, and in the management of chemotherapy-related toxicity. Patients undergoing therapy should be subject to appropriate supervision so that signs of possible toxic effects or adverse reactions (particularly diarrhoea) may be detected and treated promptly (see section 4.2 Posology and method of administration).In common with other cytotoxic agents of this type, caution is necessary in patients with depressed bone marrow function, poor general condition, or prior radiotherapy.Patients whose disease progressed on previous treatment for advanced disease with 5-Fluorouracil based regimens may also be resistant to the effects of 'Tomudex'.Elderly patients are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of 'Tomudex'. Since renal function tends to decline with age and the plasma clearance of raltitrexed is reduced with renal function impairment, there is a potential for accumulation of raltitrexed in elderly patients. Extreme care should be taken to ensure adequate monitoring of adverse reactions especially signs of gastrointestinal toxicity (diarrhoea or mucositis) and myelosuppression (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, infection) and dose should be reduced and /or delayed as appropriate. A proportion of the 'Tomudex' is excreted via the faecal route, (see section 5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties) therefore, patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment should be treated with caution.Treatment with 'Tomudex' in patients with severe hepatic impairment is not recommended.It is recommended that pregnancy should be avoided during treatment and for at least 6 months after cessation of treatment if either partner is receiving 'Tomudex' (see also section 4.6 Pregnancy and lactation).There is no clinical experience with extravasation. However, perivascular tolerance studies in animals did not reveal any significant irritant reaction.'Tomudex' is a cytotoxic agent and should be handled according to normal procedures adopted for such agents (see section 6.6 Instructions for use/handling).4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interactionNo specific clinical drug - drug interaction studies have been conducted in man.Leucovorin (folinic acid), folic acid or vitamin preparations containing these agents must not be given immediately prior to or during administration of 'Tomudex', since they may interfere with its action.Clinical trials evaluating the use of Tomudex in combination with other antitumour therapies are currently ongoing.'Tomudex' is 93% protein bound and while it has the potential to interact with similarly highly protein bound drugs, no displacement interaction with warfarin has been observed in vitro. Data suggest that active tubular secretion may contribute to the renal excretion of raltitrexed, indicating a potential interaction with other actively secreted drugs such as non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). However, a review of the clinical trial safety database did not reveal evidence of clinically significant interaction in patients treated with 'Tomudex' who also received concomitant NSAIDS, warfarin and other commonly prescribed drugs.4.6 Pregnancy and lactationPregnancyPregnancy should be avoided if either partner is receiving 'Tomudex'. It is also recommended that conception should be avoided for at least 6 months after cessation of treatment.'Tomudex' should not be used during pregnancy or in women who may become pregnant during treatment (see section 5.3 Preclinical safety data). Pregnancy should be excluded before treatment with 'Tomudex' is started.Breastfeeding'Tomudex' should not be given to women who are breast feeding.FertilityFertility studies in the rat indicate that 'Tomudex' can cause impairment of male fertility. Fertility returned to normal three months after dosing ceased. 'Tomudex' caused embryolethality and foetal abnormalities in pregnant rats.4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines'Tomudex' may cause malaise or asthenia following infusion and the ability to drive/use machinery could be impaired whilst such symptoms continue.4.8 Undesirable effectsAs with other cytotoxic drugs, 'Tomudex' may be associated with certain adverse drug reactions. These mainly include reversible effects on the haemopoietic system, liver enzymes and gastrointestinal tract. Table 1 presents the possible adverse drug reactions occurring with 'Tomudex' treatment.In this section undesirable effects are defined as follows: Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to ≤1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to ≤1/1,000); very rare (≤1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).Table 1: Adverse drug reactions in patients treated with Tomudex for advanced colorectal carcinoma divided by System Organ Class and frequencySystem Organ Class Frequency Adverse drug reactionInfections & infestations Common CellulitisSepsisFlu-like syndrome Blood and lymphatic disorders Very Common Leucopenia (neutropenia in particular) a, bAnaemia aCommon Thrombocytopenia a, b Metabolism and Nutrition Disorders Very Common AnorexiaCommon DehydrationNervous system disorders Common HeadacheHypertonia (usually muscular cramps)Taste perversion Eye disorders Common ConjunctivitisGastrointestinal disorders Very Common Nausea cDiarrhoea d,eVomiting c,eConstipationAbdominal PainCommon StomatitisDyspepsiaMouth ulcerationFrequency unknown Gastrointestinal Bleeding f,gHepato-biliary disorder Common HyperbilirubinemiaSkin & subcutaneous tissue disorders Very Common RashCommon AlopeciaPruritusSweatingUncommon DesquamationCommon ArthralgiaMusculoskeletal, Connective tissue & bonedisordersVery Common Asthenia hGeneral disorders and administration siteconditionsFever hMucositisCommon Peripheral oedemaPainMalaiseInvestigations Very Common AST increased iALT increased iCommon Weight lossAlkaline phosphatase increaseda Leucopenia (neutropenia in particular), anaemia and thrombocytopenia, alone or in combination, are usually mild to moderate and occur in the first or second week after treatment and recover by the third week.b Severe (WHO grade 3 and 4) leucopenia (neutropenia in particular) and thrombocytopenia of WHO grade 4 can occur and may be life-threatening or fatal especially if associated with signs of gastrointestinal toxicity.c Nausea and Vomiting are usually mild (WHO grade 1 and 2), occur usually in the first week following the administration of 'Tomudex', and are responsive to antiemetics.d Diarrhoea is usually mild or moderate (WHO grade 1 and 2) and can occur at any time following the administration of 'Tomudex'. However, severe diarrhoea (WHO grade 3 and 4) can occur, and may be associated with concurrent haematological suppression especially leucopenia (neutropenia in particular). Subsequent treatment may need to be discontinued or dose reduced according to the grade of toxicity (see Section 4.2 Posology and method of administration).e Diarrhoea and vomiting may be severe and if untreated may proceed to dehydration, hypovolaemia and renalimpairmentf from spontaneous reportingg Gastrointestinal bleeding may be associated with mucositis and/or thrombocytopenia.h Asthenia and fever were usually mild to moderate following the first week of administration of 'Tomudex' and reversible.Severe asthenia can occur and may be associated with malaise and a flu-like syndrome.i Increases in AST and ALT have usually been asymptomatic and self-limiting when not associated with progression ofthe underlying malignancy.Reporting of suspected adverse reactionsReporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions viaYellow Card SchemeWebsite: /yellowcard or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store4.9 OverdoseThere is no clinically proven antidote available. In the case of inadvertent or accidental administration of an overdose, preclinical data suggest that consideration should be given to the administration of leucovorin. From clinical experience with other antifolates leucovorin may be given at a dose of 25mg/m2 i.v. every 6 hours. As the time interval between 'Tomudex' administration and leucovorin rescue increases, its effectiveness in counteracting toxicity may diminish.The expected manifestations of overdose are likely to be an exaggerated form of the adverse drug reactions anticipated with the administration of the drug. Patients should, therefore, be carefully monitored for signs of gastrointestinal and haematological toxicity. Symptomatic treatment and standard supportive care measures for the management of this toxicity should be applied.5. Pharmacological properties5.1 Pharmacodynamic propertiesRaltitrexed is a folate analogue belonging to the family of anti-metabolites and has potent inhibitory activity against the enzyme thymidylate synthase (TS). Compared to other antimetabolites such as 5-Fluorouracil or methotrexate, raltitrexed acts as a direct and specific TS inhibitor. TS is a key enzyme in the de novo synthesis of thymidine triphosphate (TTP), a nucleotide required exclusively for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis. Inhibition of TS leads to DNA fragmentation and cell death. Raltitrexed is transported into cells via a reduced folate carrier (RFC) and is then extensively polyglutamated by the enzyme folyl polyglutamate synthetase (FPGS) to polyglutamate forms that are retained in cells and are even more potent inhibitors of TS. Raltitrexed polyglutamation enhances TS inhibitory potency and increases the duration of TS inhibition in cells which may improve antitumour activity. Polyglutamation could also contribute to increased toxicity due to drug retention in normal tissues.In clinical trials, 'Tomudex' at the dose of 3mg/m2 i.v. every 3 weeks has demonstrated clinical antitumour activity with an acceptable toxicity profile in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.Four large clinical trials have been conducted with 'Tomudex' in advanced colorectal cancer. Of the three comparative trials, two showed no statistical difference between 'Tomudex' and the combination of 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid for survival while one trial showed a statistically significant difference in favour of the combination of 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid. 'Tomudex' as a single agent was as effective as the combination of 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid in terms of objective response rate in all trials.5.2 Pharmacokinetic propertiesFollowing intravenous administration at 3.0 mg/m2, the concentration-time profile in patients was triphasic: Peak concentrations, found at the end of the infusion, were followed by a rapid initial decline in concentration. This was followed by a slow elimination phase. The key pharmacokinetic parameters are presented below:Summary of mean pharmacokinetic parameters in patients administered 3.0 mg/m2 Raltitrexed byintravenous infusionC m ax (ng/ml)AUC o-∞(ng.h/ml)CL(ml/min)CL r(ml/min)V ss(l)t1/2β(h)t1/2γ(h)656185651.625.1548 1.79198 Key:C m ax: Peak plasma concentration.AUC: Area under plasma concentration-time curve.CL: Clearance.V ss: Volume of distribution at steady state. t ½γ: Terminal half life.CL r: Renal clearancet½β: Half life of the second (β) phase.The maximum concentrations of raltitrexed increased linearly with dose over the clinical dose range tested.During repeated administration at three week intervals, there was no clinically significant plasma accumulation of raltitrexed in patients with normal renal function.Apart from the expected intracellular polyglutamation, raltitrexed was not metabolised and was excreted unchanged, mainly in the urine, 40 - 50%. Raltitrexed was also excreted in the faeces with approximately 15% of the radioactive dose being eliminated over a 10 day period. In the [14C] - raltitrexed trial approximately half of the radiolabel was not recovered during the study period. This suggests that a proportion of the raltitrexed dose is retained within tissues, perhaps as raltitrexed polyglutamates, beyond the end of the measurement period (29 days). Trace levels of radiolabel were detected in red blood cells on Day 29.Raltitrexed pharmacokinetics are independent of age and gender. Pharmacokinetics have not been evaluated in children.Mild to moderate hepatic impairment led to a small reduction in plasma clearance of less than 25%.Mild to moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance of 25 to 65 ml/min) led to a significant reduction (approximately 50%) in raltitrexed plasma clearance.5.3 Preclinical safety dataPerivascular tolerance in studies in animals did not reveal any significant irritant reaction.Acute toxicityThe approximate LD50 values for the mouse and rat are 875-1249 mg/kg and >500 mg/kg respectively. In the mouse, levels of 750 mg/kg and above caused death by general intoxication.Chronic toxicityIn one month continuous and six month intermittent dosing studies in the rat, toxicity was related entirely to the cytotoxic nature of the drug. Principal target organs were the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow and the testes. In similar studies in the dog, cumulative dose levels similar to that used clinically, elicited only pharmacologically-related changes to proliferating tissue. Target organs in the dog were therefore similar to the rat.Mutagenicity'Tomudex' was not mutagenic in the Ames test or in supplementary tests using E. coli or Chinese hamster ovary cells.'Tomudex' caused increased levels of chromosome damage in an in vitro assay of human lymphocytes. This effect was ameliorated by the addition of thymidine, thus confirming it to be due to the anti-metabolic nature of the drug. An in vivo micronucleus study in the rat indicated that at cytotoxic dose levels, 'Tomudex' is capable of causing chromosome damage in the bone marrow.Reproductive toxicologyFertility studies in the rat indicate that 'Tomudex' can cause impairment of male fertility. Fertility returned to normal three months after dosing ceased. 'Tomudex' caused embryolethality and foetal abnormalities in pregnant rats.CarcinogenicityThe carcinogenic potential of 'Tomudex' has not been evaluated.6. Pharmaceutical particulars6.1 List of excipientsMannitol Ph Eur, USPDibasic sodium phosphate (heptahydrate USP or dodecahydrate Ph Eur)Sodium hydroxide Ph Eur, USNF6.2 IncompatibilitiesThere is no information on incompatibilities at present and therefore 'Tomudex' should not be mixed with any other drug.6.3 Shelf lifeThe expiry life of 'Tomudex' is 36 months when stored below 25°C, protected from light.Once reconstituted, 'Tomudex' is chemically stable for 24 hours at 25°C exposed to ambient light. For storagerecommendation, see Instructions for Use/Handling.6.4 Special precautions for storageAddressHorizon, Honey Lane, Hurley, Maidenhead, SL6 6RJ, UK WWWMedical Information Direct LineUnopened vial - Do not store above 25°C. Keep container in the outer carton.Reconstituted vial - Refrigerate at 2-8°C.6.5 Nature and contents of container'Tomudex' is packed in 5ml clear neutral type I glass vials, with a bromobutyl rubber closure and an aluminium crimp seal with a plastic flip-off cover.The vials are packed in individual cartons to protect the product from light.6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handlingEach vial, containing 2mg of raltitrexed, should be reconstituted with 4ml of sterile water for injections to produce a 0.5 mg/ml solution.The appropriate dose of solution is diluted in 50 - 250 ml of either 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose (dextrose) injection and administered by a short intravenous infusion over a period of 15 minutes.There is no preservative or bacteriostatic agent present in 'Tomudex' or the materials specified for reconstitution or dilution. 'Tomudex' must therefore be reconstituted and diluted under aseptic conditions and it is recommended that solutions of 'Tomudex' should be used as soon as possible. Reconstituted 'Tomudex' solution may be stored refrigerated(2 - 8°C) for up to 24 hours.In accordance with established guidelines, when diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose (dextrose) solution, it is recommended that administration of the admixed solution should commence as soon as possible after admixing. The admixed solution must be completely used or discarded within 24 hours of reconstitution of 'Tomudex' intravenous injection.Reconstituted and diluted solutions do not need to be protected from light.Do not store partially used vials or admixed solutions for future patient use.Any unused injection or reconstituted solution should be discarded in a suitable manner for cytotoxics.'Tomudex' should be reconstituted for injection by trained personnel in a designated area for the reconstitution of cytotoxic agents. Cytotoxic preparations such as 'Tomudex' should not be handled by pregnant women.Reconstitution should normally be carried out in a partial containment facility with extraction e.g. a laminar air flow cabinet, and work surfaces should be covered with disposable plastic-backed absorbent paper.Appropriate protective clothing, including normal surgical disposable gloves and goggles, should be worn. In case of contact with skin, immediately wash thoroughly with water. For splashes in the eyes irrigate with clean water, holding the eyelids apart, for at least 10 minutes. Seek medical attention.Any spillages should be cleared up using standard procedures.Waste material should be disposed of by incineration in a manner consistent with the handling of cytotoxic agents.7. Marketing authorisation holderHospira UK LimitedHorizon, Honey Lane, HurleyMaidenhead,SL6 6RJUnited Kingdom8. Marketing authorisation number(s)PL 04515/02259. Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation25th June 200010. Date of revision of the text11/2017Ref: gxTM 3_1Company Contact DetailsHospira UK Ltd+44 (0)1304 616161 Fax+44 (0)800 098 8653Medical Information Fax+44 (0)1304 656221。
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55%~ 19%(平均值: 5。
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2. 不良反应较多,但易处理国内大型III临床研究(临床肿瘤学杂志2012年):“雷替曲塞或氟尿嘧啶/亚叶酸钙联合奥沙利铂治疗局部晚期或复发转移性结直肠癌的随机对照多中心Ⅲ期临床试验",试验组1~2 级中性粒细胞减少( 48.2% vs.29.4%, P= 0.005) 和转氨酶升高( 49.1% vs。
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对照组呕吐的发生率明显高于试验组( 61.8% vs. 40.2%, P = 0。
雷替曲塞联合奥沙利铂治疗结直肠癌肝转移的疗效发布时间:2022-06-16T00:40:48.824Z 来源:《中国医学人文》2021年34期作者:任云会[导读] 目的:分析雷替曲塞联合奥沙利铂治疗结直肠癌肝转移的疗效及其改善效果任云会大庆龙南医院黑龙江大庆 163453【摘要】目的:分析雷替曲塞联合奥沙利铂治疗结直肠癌肝转移的疗效及其改善效果。
雷替曲塞联合内生场热疗治疗晚期结直肠癌的疗效评估发表时间:2013-09-10T09:53:07.107Z 来源:《医药前沿》2013年第23期供稿作者:朱麟玉朱纪华武建毅姚晓祥黄晓东[导读] 高热还可促使肿瘤细胞分泌的血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)浓度明显下降,诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,直接杀伤肿瘤细胞朱麟玉朱纪华武建毅姚晓祥黄晓东(上海市普陀区人民医院肿瘤科 200060)【摘要】目的探讨雷替曲塞(Raltitrexed,商品名赛维健)联合内生场热疗治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效。
方法 23例晚期结直肠癌患者,静脉滴注雷替曲塞3mg/m2,第1天给药,之后行腹部内生场热疗(每周二次,每次一小时),21天为一周期。
结果 23例患者的客观缓解率为30%,中位无疾病进展生存期(MPFS)7.4个月,一年生存率61%。
【关键词】结直肠肿瘤内生场热疗化疗雷替曲塞【中图分类号】R730.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2013)24-0027-02结直肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤之一。
本品对结肠直肠细胞系的抑制作用强于5- Fu。
雷珠单抗注射液Ranibizumab 英文名称: Ranibizumab Injections商品名称: 诺适得Lucentis【成分】活性成份:雷珠单抗,化学名称:G1,抗-(人血管内皮生长因子)Fab片段(人-鼠单克隆rhuFabV2γ-1链),二硫键结合人-鼠单克隆rhuFabV2κ-链)分子量:48KD【性状】透明至微乳白色液体。
【处方组成】每1ml 含10mg 雷珠单抗,预装在注射器中。
【汉语拼音】Sɑitipɑi Zhusheye
转移性乳腺癌: 本品适用于HER2过度表达的转移性乳腺癌:作为单一药物治疗已接受过1个或多个化疗方案的转移性乳腺癌;与紫杉醇或者多西他赛联合,用于未接受化疗的转移性乳腺癌患者。 乳腺癌辅助治疗: 本品单药适用于接受了手术、含蒽环类抗生素辅助化疗和放疗(如果适用)后的HER2过度表达乳腺癌的辅助治疗。 转移性胃癌: 本品联合卡培他滨或5-氟尿嘧啶和顺铂适用于既往未接受过针对转移性疾病治疗的HER2过度表达的转移性胃腺癌或胃食管交界腺癌患者。 曲妥珠单抗只能用于HER2过度表达的转移性胃癌患者,HER2过度表达的定义为使用已验证的检测方法得到的IHC3+或IHC2+/FISH+结果。
说明书来源: 上海罗氏制药有限公司
通用名称:注射用曲妥珠单抗 英文名称:Herceptin(TrastuzumabInjection) 商品名称:赫赛汀
活性成分:的人源化单克隆抗体,是由悬养于无菌培养基中的哺乳动物细胞 (中国仓鼠卵巢细胞CHO) 生产的,纯化过程包括特定的病毒灭活和去除步骤,采用的是用亲合色谱法和离子交换法。稀释液为含1.1%苯甲醇的20ml灭菌注射用水 (以下称稀释液) 。赋形剂:L-盐酸组氨酸,L-组氨酸,α,α-双羧海藻糖,聚山梨醇酯20。
以下不良反应会在说明书的其他部分进行更详细的讨论: 心肌病[见注意事项] 输注反应[见注意事项] 化疗引起的中性粒细胞减
此类的药物外渗常引起皮肤炎症、脱皮, 顺铂、柔红霉素脂质体、多西他赛、多柔比星
刺激性物质可能导致疼痛、静脉炎,可伴 卡铂、依托泊苷、伊立替康、替尼泊苷。 发或不伴发炎症反应,通常不发展为组织 损伤。
外渗后引起的反应较温和,通常为局部皮 阿扎胞苷、硼替佐米、氟尿嘧啶、甲氨蝶呤、
类别 发泡剂
剥离素 刺激性物
质 炎性物质 中性物质
的损伤,包括疼痛、水肿、红斑、起泡, 甚至坏死。非DNA结合型物质发生外渗 后可快速代谢、失活并自我修复; DNA 结合型物质,外渗后易残留在组织中导致 长期损伤。
非DNA结合型物质(长春碱、长春瑞滨、长 春新碱)、 DNA结合型物质(表柔比星、丝 裂霉素、阿霉素、柔红霉素)、安吖啶、白消 安、卡莫司汀、氮芥、达卡巴嗪、放线菌素、 紫杉醇、链脲霉素
分级 0级 1级
皮肤发白,水肿范围的最大处直径<1英寸(2.5cm),伴 有或不伴有疼痛。
皮肤发白,水肿范围的最大处直径1-6英寸(2.5-15cm), 皮肤发冷,伴有或不伴有疼痛。
皮肤发白,半透明状,水肿范围的最大处直径>6英寸 (15cm),皮肤发冷,轻到中度疼痛,可能有麻木感。
注射方法:推荐5点式注射法,即在渗漏区域边缘平均分5个注射 点进行注射,每个注射部位30u(0.2ml),一般15-30min 后肿胀会明 显减轻,也可增加剂量或加入利多卡因或普鲁卡因以减轻注射部位的 疼痛问题。
② 酚妥拉明:通过舒张血管平滑肌扩张血管,主要用于缩血管药 物渗漏引起的组织损害,增加血流供应及促进回流,减轻缺血、缺氧 带来的组织损害。5-10mg 酚妥拉明稀释于10ml 氯化钠溶液局部注射, 酚妥拉明的应用越早越好,最迟不超过渗漏事件发生后12h 。
注射用雷替曲塞说明书说明书来源:南京正大天晴制药有限公司【药品名称】通用名称:注射用雷替曲塞英文名称:RaltitrexedforInjection 商品名称:赛维健【成份】本品活性成份为雷替曲塞辅料:甘露醇、磷酸氢二钠及氢氧化钠。
【用法用量】成人:推荐剂量为3mg/m2,用50-250ml 0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液溶解稀释后静脉输注,给药时间15分钟,如果未出现毒性,可考虑按上述治疗每3周重复给药1次。
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成人:推荐剂量为3mg/m2,用50-250ml 0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液溶解稀释后静脉输注,给药时间15分钟,如果未出现毒性,可考虑按上述治疗每3周重复给药1次。本药应避免与其它药物混合输注。增加剂量会致使危及生命或致死性毒性反应的发生率升高,所以不推荐剂量大于3mg/m2。每次用药治疗前需检查全血细胞计数(包括白细胞分类计数和血小板计数)和肝、肾功能。治疗前应该白细胞计数>4.0×108/L、中性粒细胞计数>2.0×109/L和血小板计数>1.0×1011/L。出现毒性反应时,下一周期用药需延迟至不良反应消退;尤其是胃肠道毒性(腹泻或粘膜炎)及血液学毒性(中性粒细胞减少或血小板减少)需完全恢复才可进行后续治疗,出现胃肠道毒性者应至少每周检查一次全血细胞计数以监测血液学毒性。根据前一治疗周期观察到的最严重的胃肠道及血液学毒性等级,如果此类毒性已完全缓解,推荐按前一周期最严重的胃肠道、血液学毒性(以下毒性均按WHO标准分级)进行剂量调整:剂量减少25%:血液学毒性(中性粒细胞减少或者血小板减少)3级或胃肠道毒性2级(腹泻或粘膜炎);剂量减少50%:血液学毒性(中性粒细胞减少或者血小板减少)4级或胃肠道毒性3级(腹泻或粘膜炎)。一旦减量,后续治疗的剂量也须按减量后给药。出现4级胃肠道毒性(腹泻或粘膜炎),或3级胃肠道毒性伴4级血液学毒性时必须中止治疗;同时迅速给予标准支持治疗,包括静脉补水和造血功能支持。临床前研究提示可以使用亚叶酸治疗,按照临床经验需每6小时静脉注射25mg/m2亚叶酸直至症状缓解。对于此类患者建议停用本药。肾功能不全:血清肌酐异常者,每次用药治疗前应监测肌酐清除率。对于因年龄或体重下降等因素使血清肌酐可能与肌酐清除率相关性不好而血清肌酐正常的患者,应按相同程序操作。如果肌酐清除率<65ml/min,作如下剂量调整:肝功能不全:对于轻到中度的肝功能损害患者不需调整剂量,但是因为部分药物经粪便排出(见药代动力学),且这些患者预后较差,故应慎用本药。本药未在重度肝功能损害患者中进行研究,因此对于显性黄疸或肝功能失代偿的患者不推荐使用。
国外临床研究资料显示,患者注射3mg/m2雷替曲塞,药物浓度与时间呈三室模型。注射结束时浓度达最高峰,然后迅速下降,之后进入慢消除相。静脉注射3mg/m2雷替曲塞主要药代动力学参数如下,根据27名肿瘤患者静脉输注雷替曲塞15分钟进行计算: 最初分布相(α)的t1/2α约为10分钟,反映雷替曲塞在体内的分布变化非常迅速,由于时间短,这项测定结果的可靠性不如t1/2β和t1/2γ,消除相半衰期t1/2γ也即最长半衰期代表了药物从体内清除的速率。虽然患者间存在一些差异,雷替曲塞的平均最大浓度在1.6-3mg/m2剂量范围内成比例地增加。在临床剂量范围内雷替曲塞的Cmax与用药剂量呈线性关系。肾功能正常者3周间期连续用药血浆中无明显药物蓄积。除在细胞内被聚谷氨酸化外,雷替曲塞不被代谢,主要以原形经尿排出(40%-50%)。10天约15%雷提曲塞经粪便排泄。观察期间碳-14标识的雷替曲塞约一半没有回收到,即部分(以聚谷氨酸盐的形式)贮留于组织中。29天红血球中检测到微量放射标记。性别、年龄对雷替曲塞药代动力学参数无影响,儿童药代动力学尚无研究。初步研究显示肝损伤患者用药雷替曲塞的清除率降低,但降低程度尚未明确。轻到中度的肝功能不全患者血浆清除率下降低于25%。轻到中度的肾功能不全(Cr:25-65ml/min)Hale Waihona Puke 血浆清除率明显下降(约50%)。
本品须由掌握肿瘤化疗并能熟练处理化疗相关的毒性反应的临床医师给药或在其指导下使用。接受治疗的患者应配合监护,以便及时发现可能的不良反应(尤其是腹泻)并处理。 与其他细胞毒性药物一样,造血功能低下、一般状况差、既往经放疗者慎用。 老年患者更易出现毒性反应,尤其是胃肠道毒性(腹泻或粘膜炎),应严格监护。 本药部分经由粪便排泄(见药代动力学),因此轻度到中度的肝功能损害者应慎用,而重度肝功能损害者不推荐使用。 夫妻任何一方接受本药治疗期间以及停药后至少6个月内应避孕。 无药液外渗的临床经验,但动物试验时药液外渗无明显刺激性反应。 雷替曲塞系细胞毒性药物,药物配制及操作按同类药物常规进行。 此前使用5-氟尿嘧啶治疗方案疾病仍然进展患者可能会对雷替曲塞产生耐药。
说明书来源: 南京正大天晴制药有限公司
通用名称:注射用雷替曲塞 英文名称:RaltitrexedforInjection 商品名称:赛维健
国外临床试验信息与其他细胞毒性药物相似,雷替曲塞的主要不良反应包括对胃肠道、血液系统及肝酶的可逆性影响。胃肠道系统最常见的不良反应为恶心(58%)、呕吐(37%)、腹泻(38%)和食欲不振(28%)。较少见的不良反应包括粘膜炎、口炎(包括口腔溃疡)、消化不良和便秘,有报道胃肠道出血可能与粘膜炎和/或血小板减少有关。腹泻通常为轻或中度(WH01/2级),可发生于雷骛曲塞给药后任何时间,也有可能发生重度腹泻(WHO3/4级),且可能与并发的骨髓毒性尤其是白细胞减少(特别是中性粒细胞减少)有关。可停止给药或根据毒性反应的等级降低剂量(见用法用量)。恶心和呕吐通常为轻度(WHO1/2级),常于用药一周内发生,可用止吐药治疗。造血系统可能与药物有关的不良反应为白细胞减少(特别是中性粒细胞减少)、贫血和血小板减少(发生率分别为22%、18%和5%),可单独发生或同时发生,这些反应通常为轻到中度(WHO1/2),于用药后第1或2周内发生,第3周前恢复。也有可能发生重度(WHO3/4级,白细胞减少(特别是中性粒细胞减少)和WHO4级的血小板减少,可能会危及生命或致命,尤其与胃肠道毒性反应同时发生时。肝脏常见AST和ALT的可逆性升高(发生率分别为16%和14%),当这些变化与潜在的恶性肿瘤的进展无关时,通常表现为无症状和自限性。其他较少见的不良反应包括体重下降、脱水、外周性水肿、高胆红素血症和碱性磷酸酶升高。心血管系统据报道,在治疗晚期结直肠癌临床试验中一些患者出现心律和心功能异常,包括窦性心动过速、室上性心动过速到房颤和充血性心衰。使用雷替曲塞治疗的患者心律及心功能异常的发生率分别为2.8%和1.8%,而对照组患者的发生率分别为1.9%和1.4%。由于多数异常与潜在的情状如败血症及脱水同时发生,且治疗前超过三分之一的患者已发生心血管异常,故不能确定与给药间的因果关系。肌肉骨骼和神经系统小于2%的患者可发生关节痛和张力过强(通常为肌痉挛)等不良反应。皮肤、附件和特殊感官皮疹较为常见(发生率14%),有时伴有瘙痒,其他较少见的反应有脱皮、脱发、出汗、味觉异常和结膜炎。全身乏力最为常见(发生率49% )和发热(发生率22%),通常为轻到中度,在用药一周内发生,且可逆。有可能发生重度乏力并伴有身体不适和流感样症状,其他较少见的反应为腹痛、疼痛、头痛、蜂窝织炎和败血症。以下为临床试验中结直肠癌患者使用雷替曲塞治疗时发生率为2%或以上可能与药物有关的不良反应。 下表列出在4项结直肠癌临床试验中报道的严重不良事件数量,包括将住院治疗作为严重不良事件的标准。参加这些临床试验的患者中总计有37%的患者经历过1次包括住院治疗的严重不良事件。国内临床试验信息在国内进行了一项多中心,随机盲法、阳性药物平行对照的临床研究,评价注射用雷替曲塞(3mg/m2)联合奥沙利铂(130mg/m2)(21天重复)与5-FU/CF(375mg/m2/200mg/m2)联合奥沙利铂(130mg/m2)(21天重复)比较治疗局部晚期或转移性结盲肠癌患者的疗效和安全性。本试验入组患者216例,试验组113例。分析安全集(SS)214例,试验组112例。国内临床试验显示本品联合奥沙利铂的不良反应主要包括恶心、呕吐、乏力、腹泻、中性粒细胞减少、贫血、血小板减少、转氨酶升高等。试验组粒细胞减少的发生率高于对照组,但两组因粒细胞缺乏所致的剂量调整无明显差别,两组使用升白药物患者的比例相当,未发生与粒细胞减少相关的严重不良事件。转氨酶升高多为I/II度,无症状且可逆。与对照组相比III/IV度转氨酶升高的发生率两组间无明显差别。试验组与对照组相比,恶心(57.1%/75.5%,P=0.006)、呕吐(37.5%/60.8%,P=O.O01)的发生率明显降低。国内临床试验中本品联合奥沙利铂用药所产生的不良事件及发生率见下表。