课时跟踪检测(二十六) Art


人教版高中生物课时跟踪检测(二十六) 细胞的分化

人教版高中生物课时跟踪检测(二十六)  细胞的分化











课时跟踪检测(二十六) 正弦定理和余弦定理

课时跟踪检测(二十六)  正弦定理和余弦定理

课时跟踪检测(二十六) 正弦定理和余弦定理[达标综合练]1.在△ABC 中,若A =60°,C =45°,c =3,则a =( ) A .1 B.322 C.233D .2解析:选B 由正弦定理得,a =c sin A sin C =322.2.△ABC 中,已知面积4S =a 2+b 2-c 2,则角C 的度数为( ) A. 135° B. 45° C. 60°D. 120° 解析:选B 由4S =a 2+b 2-c 2,得4×12ab sin C =2ab cos C ,解得tan C =1,又角C为△ABC 的内角,所以C =45°.3.在△ABC 中,如果A =60°,c =4,23<a <4,则此三角形有( ) A .无解 B .一解 C .两解D .无穷多解解析:选C 根据正弦定理,可得a sin A =csin C ,所以sin C =c ·sin A a =23a , 因为23<a <4,所以sin C ∈⎝⎛⎭⎫32,1, 又由c >a ,则60°<C <120°,有两个C 满足条件,所以此三角形有两解. 4.在△ABC 中, cos 2B 2=a +c2c ,则△ABC 的形状为( )A .正三角形B .直角三角形C .等腰或直角三角形D .等腰直角三角形解析:选B 因为cos 2B 2=1+cos B 2,所以1+cos B 2=a +c 2c ,有cos B =ac =a 2+c 2-b 22ac ,整理得a 2+b 2=c 2,故C =π2, △ABC 的形状为直角三角形.5.已知锐角三角形的三边长分别为1, 2, a ,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .(3,5) B .(3,5) C .(3,5)D .(5,3)解析:选A 要使锐角三角形的三边长分别为1, 2,a ,则保证2所对应的角和a 所对应的角均为锐角即可,即⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧1+a 2-42a>0,1+4-a24>0,a >0,解得3<a < 5.6.在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,若a cos B +b cos A =4sin C ,则△ABC 的外接圆面积为( )A .16πB .8πC .4πD .2π解析:选C 设△ABC 的外接圆半径为R ,∵a cos B +b cos A =4sin C ,∴由余弦定理可得a ×a 2+c 2-b 22ac +b ×b 2+c 2-a 22bc =2c 22c =c =4sin C ,∴2R =csin C =4,解得R =2,故△ABC 的外接圆面积为S =πR 2=4π.7.如图,点D 是△ABC 的边BC 上一点,AB =7,AD =2,BD =1,∠ACB =45°,AC =________.解析:∵AB =7,AD =2,BD =1,∠ACB =45°, ∴由余弦定理可得cos ∠ADB =AD 2+BD 2-AB 22AD ·BD =4+1-72×2×1=-12,∵∠ADB ∈(0,π),∴∠ADB =120°, ∴∠ADC =180°-∠ADB =60°,∴由正弦定理可得AC =AD ·sin ∠ADC sin ∠ACB=2×3222= 6.答案: 68.在△ABC 中,给出下列5个命题:①若A <B ,则sin A <sin B ;②若sin A <sin B ,则A <B ;③若A >B ,则1tan 2A >1tan 2B ;④若A <B ,则cos 2A >cos 2B ;⑤若A <B ,则tan A 2<tan B 2.其中正确命题的序号是__________.解析:在△ABC 中,A <B ⇔a <b ⇔sin A <sin B ⇔sin 2A <sin 2B ⇔cos 2A >cos 2B ,故①②④正确;若A =75°,B =30°,则1tan 150°<1tan 60°,∴③错误;∵0<A <B <π,∴0<A 2<B 2<π2,∴tan A 2<tan B2,故⑤正确.答案:①②④⑤9.(2019·浙江高考)在△ABC 中,∠ABC =90°,AB =4,BC =3,点D 在线段AC 上.若∠BDC =45°,则BD =________,cos ∠ABD =________.解析:如图,易知sin C =45,sin A =35,cos A =45.在△BDC 中,由正弦定理可得BD sin C =BC sin ∠BDC ,∴BD =BC ·sin Csin ∠BDC=3×4522=1225. ∴cos ∠ABD =cos(45°-A )=cos 45°cos A +sin 45°sin A =22×45+22×35=7210. 答案:1225 721010.已知△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且2cos C (a cos C +c cos A )+b =0.(1)求角C 的大小;(2)若b =2,c =23,求△ABC 的面积. 解:(1)∵2cos C (a cos C +c cos A )+b =0,∴由正弦定理可得2cos C (sin A cos C +sin C cos A )+sin B =0, ∴2cos C sin(A +C )+sin B =0,即2cos C sin B +sin B =0, 又0°<B <180°,∴sin B ≠0,∴cos C =-12,又0°<C <180°,∴C =120°.(2)由余弦定理可得(23)2=a 2+22-2×2a cos 120°=a 2+2a +4,又a >0,∴解得a =2,∴S △ABC =12ab sin C =3,∴△ABC 的面积为 3.11.△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c .已知△ABC 的面积为a 23sin A .(1)求sin B sin C ;(2)若6cos B cos C =1,a =3,求△ABC 的周长. 解:(1)由题设得12ac sin B =a 23sin A ,即12c sin B =a 3sin A. 由正弦定理得12sin C sin B =sin A 3sin A ,故sin B sin C =23.(2)由题设及(1)得cos B cos C -sin B sin C =-12,即cos(B +C )=-12.所以B +C =2π3,故A =π3.由题设得12bc sin A =a 23sin A,即bc =8.由余弦定理得b 2+c 2-bc =9,即(b +c )2-3bc =9, 解得b +c =33.故△ABC 的周长为3+33.12.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c .已知a sin A +C2=b sin A .(1)求B ;(2)若△ABC 为锐角三角形,且c =1,求△ABC 面积的取值范围. 解:(1)由题设及正弦定理得sin A sin A +C2=sin B sin A .因为sin A ≠0,所以sin A +C2=sin B .由A +B +C =180°, 可得sin A +C 2=cos B 2,故cos B 2=2sin B 2cos B2.因为cos B 2≠0,所以sin B 2=12,所以B =60°.(2)由题设及(1)知△ABC 的面积S △ABC =34a . 由(1)知A +C =120°,由正弦定理得a =c sin A sin C =sin (120°-C )sin C =32tan C +12.由于△ABC 为锐角三角形, 故0°<A <90°,0°<C <90°.结合A +C =120°,得30°<C <90°, 所以12<a <2,从而38<S △ABC < 32.因此△ABC 面积的取值范围是⎝⎛⎭⎫38,32. [素养强化练]1.[数学运算]已知在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,b cos ∠BCA =a ,点M 在线段AB 上,且∠ACM =∠BCM .若b =6CM =6,则cos ∠BCM =( )A.104B.34C.74D.64解析:选B 设∠ACM =∠BCM =θ,则∠BCA =2θ. 又a =b cos ∠BCA ,b =6CM =6, ∴a =6cos 2θ,CM =1.则由面积关系S △ACM +S △BCM =S △ABC , 得12×6×1×sin θ+12×1×6cos 2θ×sin θ =12×6×6cos 2θ×sin 2θ,∴sin θcos θ(4cos θ-3)(3cos θ+2)=0. ∵0<θ<π2,∴cos θ=34,故选B.2.[数学建模]线段的黄金分割点定义:若点C 在线段AB 上,且满足AC 2=BC ·AB ,则称点C 为线段AB 的黄金分割点.在△ABC 中,AB =AC ,A =36°,若角B 的平分线交边AC 于点D ,则点D 为边AC 的黄金分割点.利用上述结论,可以求出cos 36°=( )A.5-14B.5+14C.5-12 D.5+12解析:选B 设AB =2,AD =x , 又AB =AC ,所以CD =2-x .由黄金分割点的定义可得AD 2=AC ·CD , 即x 2=2·(2-x ),解得AD =5-1. 在△ABD 中,由余弦定理得cos 36°=AD 2+AB 2-BD 22·AD ·AB =(5-1)2+22-(5-1)22×(5-1)×2=5+14.故选B. 3.[数学运算]已知a ,b ,c 分别是△ABC 三个内角A ,B ,C 所对的边,且a cos C +12c=b .(1)求A ;(2)若a =1,求△ABC 的周长l 的取值范围. 解:(1)∵a cos C +12c =b ,由正弦定理得sin A cos C +12sin C =sin B .又∵sin B =sin(A +C )=sin A cos C +cos A sin C , ∴12sin C =cos A sin C , ∵sin C ≠0,∴cos A =12.又∵0<A <π,∴A =π3.(2)由正弦定理得b =a sin B sin A =2sin B 3,c =2sin C3,∴l =a +b +c =1+23(sin B +sin C ) =1+23[sin B +sin(A +B )] =1+2⎝⎛⎭⎫32sin B +12cos B =1+2sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫B +π6.∵A =π3,∴B ∈⎝⎛⎭⎫0,2π3,∴B +π6∈⎝⎛⎭⎫π6,5π6, ∴sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫B +π6∈⎝⎛⎦⎤12,1. 故△ABC 的周长l 的取值范围为(2,3].。

(江苏物理总复习)课时跟踪检测(二十六) 电源 闭合电路的欧姆定律

(江苏物理总复习)课时跟踪检测(二十六)  电源  闭合电路的欧姆定律

课时跟踪检测(二十六)电源闭合电路的欧姆定律一、立足主干知识,注重基础性和综合性1.某无线充电器的输出额定电压为5 V,输出额定电流为2 A。

某款手机的电池容量为4 000 mAh,额定工作电压为4 V。

则()A.无线充电器的内阻为2.5 ΩB.无线充电器以额定电流工作时,发热功率为10 W×104 J×104 J解析:选C充电器内阻和充电器发热功率无法用题中信息求出,故A、B错误;电池充满电后电荷量q=4 000 mAh=4×3 600 C×104C,电池可释放的化学能E=qU×104××104×104 J,选项D错误。


如图所示,当热水器漏电且接地线失效时,其金属内胆与大地间电压为220 V,由于曲长管道中水具有电阻(简称“隔电电阻”),因而人体两端的电压不高于12 V,下列说法正确的是()A.曲长管道应选用导电性能好的材料制成B.曲长管道应选用不易导电的材料制成C.“隔电电阻”大于“人体电阻”,且两者并联D.热水器漏电且接地线失效时,“防电墙”使人体内无电流通过解析:选B要使人体两端的电压不高于12 V,漏电电流通过曲长管道时损失的电压要足够大,所以曲长管道应选用不易导电的材料制成,选项A错误,B正确;“隔电电阻”大于“人体电阻”,且两者串联,选项C错误;热水器漏电且接地线失效时,“防电墙”可使人体内有很微弱的电流通过,不会造成人体触电,保障人的安全,选项D错误。

3.(2021·武汉模拟)如图所示,电源电动势为4 V,内阻为1 Ω,电阻R1=3 Ω,R2=R3=4 Ω,R4=8 Ω,电容器C=6.0 μF,闭合S电路达稳定状态后,电容器极板所带电荷量为()×10-5 C×10-5 C ×10-5 C ×10-5 C 解析:选A 由电路结构可知,电路中的总电阻为R 总=R 1+r +R 4(R 2+R 3)R 2+R 3+R 4=8 Ω,电路中的总电流为I =E R 总=0.5 A ,电容器两极板间的电势差为U C =U R 1+U R 2=IR 1+I 2R 2=2.5 V ,电容器极板所带电荷量为Q =CU C ×10-5 C ,故A 正确,B 、C 、D 错误。

高考物理复习高三一轮复习:课时跟踪检测26电流 电阻 电功 电功率

高考物理复习高三一轮复习:课时跟踪检测26电流 电阻 电功 电功率

高考物理复习课时跟踪检测(二十六) 电流电阻电功电功率高考常考题型:选择题+计算题1.如图1所示,a、b分别表示由相同材料制成的两条长度相同、粗细均匀电阻丝的伏安特性曲线,下列判断中正确的是( )A.a代表的电阻丝较粗B.b代表的电阻丝较粗C.a电阻丝的阻值小于b电阻丝的阻值图1D.图线表示的电阻丝的阻值与电压成正比2.(2012·浙江高考)功率为10 W的发光二极管(LED灯)的亮度与功率为60 W的白炽灯相当。


假设每户家庭有2只60 W的白炽灯,均用10 W的LED灯替代。

估算出全国一年节省的电能最接近( )A.8×108 kW·h B.8×1010 kW·hC.8×1011 kW·h D.8×1013 kW·h3.(2012·北京东城模拟)如图2甲所示,在材质均匀的圆形薄电阻片上,挖出一个偏心小圆孔。



比较两种接法中电阻片的热功率大小,应有( )图2A.两种接法电阻片热功率一样大B.接在AB两端电阻片热功率大C.接在CD两端电阻片热功率大D.无法比较4.铜的摩尔质量为m,密度为ρ,每摩尔铜原子中有n个自由电子,今有一根横截面积为S的铜导线,当通过的电流为I时,电子平均定向移动的速率为( )A.光速c B.I neSC.ρIneSmD.mIneSρ[5.(2013·大同模拟)一台国产封闭型贮水式电热水器的铭牌上所列的主要技术参数如下表所示。

根据表( )A.6.8 A B.0.15 AC.4.4 A D.0.23 A6. (2012·北京西城期末)如图3所示电路中,电源电动势为E,内阻为r,电动机内阻为R1。

高三英语一轮复习课时作业26:Unit 1《Art》(新人教版选修6)

高三英语一轮复习课时作业26:Unit 1《Art》(新人教版选修6)

Ⅰ.多项选择1.The idea of working abroad really ________ me, and I'm trying to apply for a job abroad.A.adapts to B.relates toC.responds to D.appeals to[解析]句意:去国外工作的想法吸引着我,我正试图在国外找到一份工作。

appeal to 意为“有吸引力”,符合句意。

adapt to 适应(新环境等);relate to sb./sth.理解或同情某人(某事物);respond to 回应,反应。

[答案]D2.John applied for the post of Eliot's secretary.Does he______ the necessary patience and ability to do the job well?A.perform B.possessC.observe D.support[解析]句意:John 申请做Eliot 的秘书。

他有做好这项工作必备的耐性和能力吗?possess 具有,拥有,符合句意。

perform 表演,演奏;observe 观察,观测;support 支持,支撑。

[答案]B3.(2012·蚌埠二中期中考试)Rivera Street is dark ________ the light from 14-year-old Lona Zhao's upstairs bedroom.A.instead of B.in spite ofC.except for D.but for[解析]except for 除了,用来对前面的情况进行校正说明。

[答案]C4.He's one of those early birds.It's ________ of him to get up early.A.practical B.humorousC.rude D.typical[解析]It is typical of sb.to do sth.某人做……是他的特征。



课时跟踪检测(二十六)正弦定理和余弦定理[高考基础题型得分练]1.在△ABC中,若AB=13,BC=3,∠C=120°,则AC=() A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4答案:A解析:设△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,则a=3,c=13,∠C=120°,由余弦定理,得13=9+b2+3b,解得b=1,即AC=1.2.两座灯塔A和B与海岸观察站C的距离相等,灯塔A在观察站南偏西40°,灯塔B在观察站南偏东60°,则灯塔A在灯塔B的()A.北偏东10°B.北偏西10°C.南偏东80°D.南偏西80°答案:D解析:由条件及题图可知,∠A=∠CBA=40°,又∠BCD=60°,所以∠CBD=30°,所以∠DBA=10°,因此灯塔A在灯塔B南偏西80°.3.[2018·山西临汾五校联考]在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,若b cos A+a cos B=c2,a=b=2,则△ABC的周长为()A.5 B.6 C.7 D.7.5答案:A解析:由正弦定理,得 sin B cos A +sin A cos B =c sin C , 即sin(A +B )=sin C =c sin C , 又sin C >0,∴c =1,故周长为a +b +c =2+2+1=5,故选A.4.[2018·东北三省哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、大连四市联考]已知△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,a 2=b 2+c 2-bc ,bc =4,则△ABC 的面积为( )A.12 B .1 C.3 D .2 答案:C解析:∵a 2=b 2+c 2-bc ,∴cos A =12,∴A =π3,又bc =4,∴△ABC 的面积为12bc sin A =3,故选C.5.在△ABC 中,已知b =40,c =20,C =60°,则此三角形的解的情况是( )A .有一解B .有两解C .无解D .有解但解的个数不确定 答案:C解析:由正弦定理,得b sin B =csin C ,∴sin B =b sin Cc =40×3220=3>1.∴角B 不存在,即满足条件的三角形不存在.6.[2018·东北三省三校联考]△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,则“a >b ”是“cos 2A <cos 2B ”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 答案:C解析:因为在△ABC 中,a >b ⇔sin A >sin B ⇔sin 2A >sin 2B ⇔2sin 2A >2sin 2B ⇔1-2sin 2A <1-2sin 2B ⇔cos 2A <cos 2B .所以“a >b ”是“cos 2A <cos 2B ”的充分必要条件.7.[2017·安徽淮北二模]在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,若a 2=3b 2+3c 2-23bc sin A ,则C =________.答案:π6解析:由余弦定理,得a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc cos A ,所以b 2+c 2-2bc cosA =3b 2+3c 2-23bc sin A ,整理得3sin A -cos A =b 2+c2bc ,即2sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫A -π6=b 2+c 2bc ≥2,因此b =c ,A -π6=π2,得A =2π3,所以C =π-2π32=π6.8.[2018·江西南昌二中模拟]在△ABC 中,如果cos(B +A )+2sin A sin B =1,那么△ABC 的形状是________.答案:等腰三角形解析:∵cos(B +A )+2sin A sin B =1, ∴cos A cos B +sin A sin B =1, ∴cos(A -B )=1,在△ABC 中,A -B =0⇒A =B , ∴△ABC 是等腰三角形.9.[2018·陕西八校联考]设△ABC 的三边长分别为a ,b ,c ,面积为S ,且满足S =a 2-(b -c )2,b +c =8,则S 的最大值为________.答案:6417解析:∵S =a 2-(b -c )2,b +c =8, ∴12bc sin A =2bc -(b 2+c 2-a 2) =2bc -2bc cos A , 即sin A +4cos A =4.联立⎩⎨⎧sin A +4cos A =4,sin 2A +cos 2A =1,解得sin A =817,∴S =12bc sin A =417bc ≤417×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎪⎫b +c 22=6417, 当且仅当b =c =4时等号成立.10.如图,为测得河岸塔AB 的高,先在河岸上选一点C ,使C 在塔底B 的正东方向上,测得点C 到点A 的仰角为60°,再由点C 沿北偏东15°方向走10米到位置D ,测得∠BDC =45°,则塔AB 的高是________米.答案:106解析:在△BCD 中,CD =10,∠BDC =45°, ∠BCD =15°+90°=105°,∠DBC =30°, 由正弦定理得BC sin 45°=CDsin 30°, 所以BC =CD sin 45°sin 30°=10 2. 在Rt △ABC 中,tan 60°=ABBC , AB =BC tan 60°=106(米).[冲刺名校能力提升练]1.在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,若c 2 =(a -b )2+6,C =π3,则△ABC 的面积是( )A .3 B.932 C.332 D .3 3 答案:C解析:∵c 2=(a -b )2+6,∴c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab +6.① ∵C =π3,∴c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos π3=a 2+b 2-ab .② 由①②,得-ab +6=0,即ab =6. ∴S △ABC =12ab sin C =12×6×32=332.2.[2018·江西南昌一模]在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,若c =1,B =45°,cos A =35,则b =( )A.53B.107C.57D.5214 答案:C解析:因为cos A =35, 所以sin A =1-cos 2A =1-⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫352=45, 所以sin C =sin[180°-(A +B )] =sin(A +B )=sin A cos B +cos A sin B =45cos 45°+35sin 45°=7210.由正弦定理b sin B =csin C ,得 b =17210×sin 45°=57. 3.[2017·河北武邑三模]在△ABC 中,B =π4,角A 的平分线AD 交BC 于点D ,设∠BAD =α,sin α=55.(1)求sin C ;(2)若BA →·BC →=28,求AC 的长. 解:(1)因为α∈⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,sin α=55, 所以cos α=1-sin 2α=255,则sin ∠BAC =sin 2α=2sin αcos α=2×55×255=45, 所以cos ∠BAC =cos 2α=2cos 2α-1=2×45-1=35,sin C =sin ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤π-⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4+2α=sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4+2α=22cos 2α+22sin 2α=22×35+22×45=7210.(2)由正弦定理,得AB sin C =BC sin ∠BAC ,即AB 7210=BC45,所以AB =728BC .因为BA →·BC →=28,所以AB ×BC ×22=28, 由以上两式解得BC =42,由AC sin B =BC sin ∠BAC ,AC 22=BC 45,所以AC =5.4.如图所示,摄影爱好者S 在某公园A 处,发现正前方B 处有一立柱,测得立柱顶端O 的仰角和立柱底部B 的俯角均为π6.设S的眼睛到地面的距离为3米.(1)求摄影爱好者到立柱的水平距离和立柱的高度;(2)立柱的顶端有一长2米的彩杆MN 绕其中点O 在S 与立柱所在的平面内旋转.摄影爱好者有一视角范围为π3的镜头,在彩杆转动的任意时刻,摄影爱好者是否都可以将彩杆全部摄入画面?请说明理由.解:(1)作SC 垂直OB 于C ,则∠CSB =π6,∠ASB =π3.又SA =3,故在Rt △SAB 中,可求得BA =3, 即摄影爱好者到立柱的水平距离为3米. 由SC =3,∠CSO =π6,在Rt △SCO 中,可求得OC = 3. 因为BC =SA =3,故OB =23, 即立柱高为23米.(2)连接SM ,SN ,设SN =a ,SM =b . 由(1)知SO =23, 在△SOM 和△SON 中, cos ∠SOM =-cos ∠SON ,即(23)2+1-b 22×23×1=-(23)2+1-a 22×23×1,可得a 2+b 2=26.在△MSN 中,cos ∠MSN =a 2+b 2-222ab =11ab ≥22a 2+b 2=1113>12,当且仅当a =b 时等号成立.又∠MSN ∈(0,π),则0<∠MSN <π3. 故摄影爱好者S 可以将彩杆全部摄入画面.。

课时跟踪检测(二十六) 神经调节

课时跟踪检测(二十六) 神经调节

课时跟踪检测(二十六)神经调节一、单项选择题1.(2020·武汉调研)反射是神经调节的基本方式,下列关于反射的叙述,正确的是() A.望梅止渴、排尿反射都需要大脑皮层参与才能完成B.一些反射可以形成也可以消失,比如学生听到铃声后急速赶往教室C.条件反射一定需要神经中枢参与,非条件反射则不一定D.高级中枢控制的反射一定是条件反射解析:选B望梅止渴是条件反射,需要大脑皮层的参与才能完成,但排尿反射是非条件反射,无需大脑皮层的参与也能完成,A错误;条件反射可以形成也可以消失,如学生听到铃声急速赶往教室,B正确;无论是条件反射还是非条件反射,都需要在神经中枢的参与下才能完成,C错误;脑中的神经中枢都是高级中枢,但其中一些神经中枢控制的反射,如脑干中的呼吸中枢控制的反射是非条件反射,D错误。


3. (2020·蚌山区月考)神经损伤后产生的信号会激活脑室下区的神经干细胞,这些细胞可以向脑内病灶迁移和分化,从而实现组织修复。

下列有关神经细胞的叙述,错误的是() A.实现组织修复的过程是基因选择性表达的过程B.损伤信号使神经干细胞膜内K+/Na+的值减小C.神经细胞膜上都含有相同种类的神经递质受体D.神经细胞释放神经递质的方式与胰岛素的分泌方式相同解析:选C实现组织修复的过程是神经干细胞的分化过程,细胞分化的实质是基因选择性表达,A正确;损伤信号刺激神经干细胞,使神经干细胞产生动作电位,Na+大量流入细胞内,则细胞内K+/Na+的值减少,B正确;神经递质有兴奋性的,也有抑制性的,突触后膜上的受体具有特异性,神经细胞膜上神经递质受体不完全相同,C错误;神经细胞释放神经递质的方式是胞吐,胰岛B细胞分泌胰岛素这种大分子物质的方式也是胞吐,D正确。

高中语文《外国诗歌散文欣赏》课时跟踪检测(二十六) 奴 性

高中语文《外国诗歌散文欣赏》课时跟踪检测(二十六) 奴 性

课时跟踪检测(二十六)奴性一、基础巩固1.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一项是()A.呻吟.(yín)床褥.(rù)喁.喁私语(yú) 酩酊.大醉(dīnɡ)B.豆豉.(chǐ) 髑.髅(dú)扺.掌而谈(zhǐ) 曲.径通幽(qū)C.勾.当(ɡòu)订.正(dīnɡ)一差.二错(chā)拾.级而上(shè)D.彷.徨(pánɡ) 藏匿.(nì)相.机行事(xiànɡ) 疾风劲.草(jìn)解析:选B A项,“酊”应读“dǐnɡ”;C项,“订”应读“dìn ɡ";D项,“劲”应读“jìng"。

2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()A.怯懦拉拉队融会贯通到处传诵B.竭磬美滋滋积年累月大展鸿图C.咒詈照像机委曲求全要言不烦D.草履金刚钻以逸待劳出奇致胜解析:选A B项,“磬”应为“罄”;C项,“像”应为“相”;D项,“致"应为“制”。

3.依次填入下列句子横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是( )①人是生活的奴隶.奴性用凌辱遮挡住人们的永昼,用血泪________了人们的长夜。



A.湮没间隙心酸B.湮没间歇辛酸C.淹没间歇心酸D.淹没间隙辛酸解析:选D 湮没:埋没。




4.下列语句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是( )A.太阳花的三朵花是信号,号音一起,跟在后边的便一发而不可挡。



2019届物理复习 课时跟踪检测(二十六)电容器 带电粒子在电场中的运动(重点班)

2019届物理复习 课时跟踪检测(二十六)电容器 带电粒子在电场中的运动(重点班)

课时跟踪检测(二十六)电容器带电粒子在电场中的运动[A级——保分题目巧做快做]1.(2018·衡水调研)一平行板电容器充电后与电源断开,负极板接地,两板间有一个正检验电荷固定在P点,如图所示,以C表示电容器的电容、E表示两板间的场强、φ表示P点的电势,W表示正电荷在P点的电势能,若正极板保持不动,将负极板缓慢向右平移一小段距离l0,则下列关于各物理量与负极板移动距离x的关系图像中正确的是( )解析:选C 由C=错误!知,C与两极板间距离d成反比,C与x不是线性关系,A错;电容器充电后与电源断开,电荷量不变,由C=错误!、Q=CU、U=Ed得E=错误!是定值,B错;因负极板接地,电势为零,所以P点电势为φ=E(L-x),L为P点到负极板的初始距离,E不变,φ随x增大而线性减小,C对;由W=qφ知W与电势φ变化情况一样,D错.★2.[多选](2018·宁夏罗平中学模拟)如图所示,水平放置的平行板电容器,上板带负电,下板带正电,断开电源后一带电小球以速度v0水平射入电场,且沿下板边缘飞出,若下板不动,将上板上移一小段距离,小球仍以相同的速度v0从原处飞入,则带电小球()A.将打在下板中央B.仍沿原轨迹由下板边缘飞出C.不发生偏转,沿直线运动D.若上板不动,将下板上移一段距离,小球可能打在下板的中央解析:选BD 将电容器上板向上移动一段距离,电容器所带的电量Q不变,由于:E=错误!=错误!=错误!,由公式可知当d减小时,场强E不变,以相同的速度入射的小球仍按原来的轨迹运动,故B正确,A、C错误。


3.真空中某竖直平面内存在一水平向右的匀强电场,一质量为m的带电微粒恰好能沿图示虚线(与水平方向成θ角)由A向B做直线运动,已知重力加速度为g,微粒的初速度为v0,则( )A.微粒一定带正电B.微粒一定做匀速直线运动C.可求出匀强电场的电场强度D.可求出微粒运动的加速度解析:选D 因微粒在重力和电场力作用下做直线运动,而重力竖直向下,由微粒做直线运动条件知电场力必水平向左,微粒带负电,A错误;其合外力必与速度反向,大小为F=错误!,即微粒一定做匀减速直线运动,加速度为a=错误!,B错误,D正确;电场力qE=错误!,但不知微粒的电荷量,所以无法求出其电场强度,C错误。

高中数学 课时跟踪检测(二十六)对数函数的图象和性质 新人教A版必修第一册-新人教A版高一第一册数学

高中数学 课时跟踪检测(二十六)对数函数的图象和性质 新人教A版必修第一册-新人教A版高一第一册数学

课时跟踪检测(二十六) 对数函数的图象和性质A 级——学考水平达标练1.下列式子中成立的是( ) A .log 0.44<log 0.46 B .1.013.4>1.013.5C .3.50.3<3.40.3D .log 76<log 67解析:选D 因为y =log 0.4x 为减函数,故log 0.44>log 0.46,故A 错;因为y =1.01x为增函数,所以1.013.4<1.013.5,故B 错;由幂函数的性质知,3.50.3>3.40.3,故C 错.2.已知a =2-13,b =log 213,c =log 1213,则( )A .a >b >cB .a >c >bC .c >b >aD .c >a >b解析:选D ∵0<a =2-13<20=1,b =log 213<log 21=0,c =log 1213>log 1212=1,∴c >a >b .故选D.3.函数f (x )=log 2(1-x )的图象为( )解析:选A 函数的定义域为(-∞,1),排除B 、D ,函数f (x )=log 2(1-x )在定义域内为减函数,排除C ,故A 正确.4.函数y =a x(a >0,且a ≠1)的反函数的图象过点(a ,a ),则a 的值为( ) A .2 B .12C .2或12D .3解析:选B 法一:函数y =a x(a >0,且a ≠1)的反函数为y =log a x (a >0,且a ≠1),故y =log a x 的图象过点(a ,a ),则a =log a a =12.法二:∵函数y =a x(a >0,且a ≠1)的反函数的图象过点(a ,a ),∴函数y =a x(a >0,且a ≠1)的图象过点(a ,a ),∴a a=a =a 12,即a =12.5.若点(a ,b )在函数f (x )=ln x 的图象上,则下列点中,不在函数f (x )图象上的是( )A.⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1a ,-b B .(a +e,1+b ) C.⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫e a,1-bD .(a 2,2b )解析:选B 因为点(a ,b )在f (x )=ln x 的图象上,所以b =ln a ,所以-b =ln 1a,1-b =ln e a,2b =2ln a =ln a 2,故选B.6.函数f (x )=ln(2-x )的单调减区间为________. 解析:由2-x >0,得x <2.又函数y =2-x ,x ∈(-∞,2)为减函数, ∴函数f (x )=ln(2-x )的单调减区间为(-∞,2). 答案:(-∞,2)7.函数f (x )=ln(x +2)+ln(4-x )的单调递减区间是________.解析:由⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x +2>0,4-x >0得-2<x <4,因此函数f (x )的定义域为(-2,4).f (x )=ln(x +2)+ln(4-x )=ln(-x 2+2x +8)=ln[-(x -1)2+9],设u =-(x -1)2+9,又y =ln u 是增函数,u =-(x -1)2+9在(1,4)上是减函数,因此f (x )的单调递减区间为(1,4). 答案:(1,4)8.已知函数y =log a (2-ax )(a >0,且a ≠1)在[0,1]上是减函数,则实数a 的取值X 围是________.解析:令u =2-ax ,则y =log a u ,因为a >0,所以u =2-ax 递减,由题意知y =log a u 在[0,1]内递增,所以a >1.又u =2-ax 在x ∈[0,1]上恒大于0,所以2-a >0,即a <2.综上,1<a <2.答案:(1,2)9.比较下列各组数的大小 (1)log 0.13与log 0.1π; (2)log 45与log 65;(3)3log 45与2log 23;(4)log a (a +2)与log a (a +3)(a >0且a ≠1). 解:(1)∵函数y =log 0.1x 是减函数,π>3, ∴log 0.13>log 0.1π.(2)法一:∵函数y =log 4x 和y =log 6x 都是增函数, ∴log 45>log 44=1,log 65<log 66=1. ∴log 45>log 65.法二:画出y =log 4x 和y =log 6x 在同一坐标系中的图象如图所示,由图可知log 45>log 65.(3)∵3log 45=log 453=log 4125=log 2125log 24=12log 2125=log 2125,2log 23=log 232=log 29,又∵函数y =log 2x 是增函数,125>9, ∴log 2125>log 29,即3log 45>2log 23. (4)∵a +2<a +3,故①当a >1时,log a (a +2)<log a (a +3); ②当0<a <1时,log a (a +2)>log a (a +3).10.已知f (x )=|lg x |,且1c>a >b >1,试比较f (a ),f (b ),f (c )的大小.解:先作出函数y =lg x 的图象,再将图象位于x 轴下方的部分折到x 轴上方,于是得f (x )=|lg x |图象(如图),由图象可知,f (x )在(0,1)上单调递减,在(1,+∞)上单调递增.由1c >a >b >1得:f1c>f (a )>f (b ),而f 1c =⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪lg 1c =|-lg c |=|lg c |=f (c ).∴f (c )>f (a )>f (b ).B 级——高考水平高分练1.若函数f (x )=(k -1)a x-a -x(a >0,且a ≠1)在R 上既是奇函数,又是减函数,则g (x )=log a (x +k )的大致图象是( )解析:选A f (x )=(k -1)a x-a -x(a >0,且a ≠1)在R 上是奇函数,∴f (0)=(k -1)a-a 0=k -2=0,∴k =2.∵f (x )是减函数,∴0<a <1,∴g (x )=log a (x +k )的图象是选项A 中的图象.2.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)设a =log 0.20.3,b =log 20.3,则( ) A .a +b <ab <0 B .ab <a +b <0 C .a +b <0<abD .ab <0<a +b解析:选B ∵a =log 0.20.3>log 0.21=0,b =log 20.3<log 21=0,∴ab <0.∵a +b ab =1a +1b=log 0.30.2+log 0.32=log 0.30.4,∴1=log 0.30.3>log 0.30.4>log 0.31=0,∴0<a +bab<1,∴ab <a +b <0. 3.是否存在实数a ,使函数y =log a (ax 2-x )在区间[2,4]上是增函数?如果存在,求出a 的取值X 围;如果不存在,请说明理由.解:存在.设u =g (x )=ax 2-x ,则y =log a u .假设符合条件的a 值存在. (1)当a >1时,只需g (x )在[2,4]上为增函数,故应满足⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧12a≤2,g (2)=4a -2>0.解得a >12.∴a >1.(2)当0<a <1时,只需g (x )在[2,4]上为减函数,故应满足⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧12a≥4,g (4)=16a -4>0.无解.综上所述,当a >1时,函数y =log a (ax 2-x )在[2,4]上是增函数. 4.设函数f (x )=log a ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫1-a x,其中0<a <1.(1)证明:f (x )是(a ,+∞)上的减函数; (2)若f (x )>1,求x 的取值X 围.解:(1)证明:任取x 1,x 2∈(a ,+∞),不妨令0<a <x 1<x 2,g (x )=1-a x,则g (x 1)-g (x 2)=⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1-a x 1-⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1-a x 2=a (x 1-x 2)x 1x 2,∵0<a <x 1<x 2,∴x 1-x 2<0,x 1x 2>0,∴g (x 1)-g (x 2)<0, ∴g (x 1)<g (x 2),∴g (x )为增函数,又∵0<a <1,∴f (x )是(a ,+∞)上的减函数.(2)∵log a ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫1-a x >1,∴0<1-a x<a , ∴1-a <a x<1.又∵0<a <1,∴1-a >0, ∴a <x <a1-a,∴x 的取值X 围是⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫a ,a 1-a .5.森林具有净化空气的功能,经研究发现,森林净化空气量Q 与森林面积S 的关系是Q =50log 2S10.(1)若要保证森林具有净化效果(Q ≥0),则森林面积至少为多少个单位? (2)当某森林面积为80个单位时,它能净化的空气量为多少个单位? 解:(1)由题意,当Q =0时,代入关系式可得0=50log 2S10,解得S =10,因为Q 随S 的增大而增大,所以当Q >0时S ≥10. 所以森林面积至少有10个单位. (2)将S =80代入关系式, 得Q =50log 28010=150,所以当森林面积为80个单位时,它能净化的空气量为150个单位.。

2018学高考理科数学通用版复习课时跟踪检测:(二十六) 临界知识问题 含解析

2018学高考理科数学通用版复习课时跟踪检测:(二十六) 临界知识问题 含解析

课时跟踪检测(二十六) 临界知识问题1.某学校要召开学生代表大会,规定各班每10人推选一名代表,当各班人数除以10的余数大于6时再增选一名代表.那么,各班可推选代表人数y 与该班人数x 之间的函数关系用取整函数y =[x]([x]表示不大于x 的最大整数)可以表示为( )A .y =⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x 10 B .y =⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x +310 C .y =⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x +410 D .y =⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x +510 解析:选B 法一:特殊值法,若x =56,y =5,排除C 、D ,若x =57,y =6,排除A ,所以选B.法二:设x =10m +α(0≤α≤9),当0≤α≤6时,⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x +310=⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤m +α+310=m =⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x 10,当6<α≤9时,⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x +310=⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤m +α+310=m +1=⎣⎢⎢⎡⎦⎥⎥⎤x 10+1,所以选B. 2.对于定义域为R 的函数f(x),若f(x)在区间(-∞,0)和区间(0,+∞)上均有零点,则称函数f(x)为“含界点函数”,则下列四个函数中,不是“含界点函数”的是( )A .f(x)=x 2+bx -1(b ∈R)B .f(x)=2-|x -1|C .f(x)=2x -x 2D .f(x)=x -sin x解析:选D 因为f(x)=x 2+bx -1(b ∈R)的零点即为方程x 2+bx -1=0的根,所以Δ=b 2+4>0,且方程x 2+bx -1=0有一正根一负根,故函数f(x)=x 2+bx -1(b ∈R)是“含界点函数”;令2-|x -1|=0,得x =3或x =-1,故f(x)=2-|x -1|在区间(-∞,0)和区间(0,+∞)上均有零点,即f(x)为“含界点函数”;作出y =x 2和y =2x 的图象,可知f(x)=2x -x 2在区间(-∞,0)和区间(0,+∞)上均有零点,故f(x)=2x -x 2是“含界点函数”;因为f(x)=x -sin x 在R 上是增函数,且f(0)=0,故f(x)=x -sin x 不是“含界点函数”.3.下列四个函数:①y =2x ;②y =2x ;③y =x 2;④y =xsin x ;⑤y =xx 2+x +1中,属于有界泛函数的序号是________.解析:当x ≠0时,①⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪y x =2≤2; ④⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪y x =|sin x|≤1;⑤⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪y x =⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪1x 2+x +1≤43. 对于②,当x ≥4时,2x ≥x 2,⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪y x =⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪2x x ≥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 2x =|x|无界;对于③,当x ≠0时,⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪y x =|x|无界. 故填①④⑤.答案:①④⑤4.对于具有相同定义域D 的函数f(x)和g(x),若存在函数h(x)=kx +b(k ,b 为常数)对任给的正数x ,存在相应的x 0∈D 使得当x ∈D 且x >x 0时,总有x →∞时f(x)-g(x)→0,则称直线l :y =kx +b 为曲线y =f(x)和y =g(x)的“分渐近。

熊凳州骡缩学校高考英语 Art课时跟踪检测

熊凳州骡缩学校高考英语 Art课时跟踪检测

熊凳州骡缩学校课时跟踪检测(二十六) ArtⅠ.单项填空1.(2014·枣庄模拟)—Which city do you like best, Paris, London or Rome?—________. There're good points and bad points about all the three cities.A.Not necessarily B.It's hard to sayC.Not really D.No, I don't2.(2013·名校第四次诊断性测试)One reason for her ________ for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A.reference B.preferenceC.performance D.consequence3.A great deal of talking that ________ under casual circumstances may seem to be aimless. A.is occurred B.are occurredC.occurs D.occur4.(2014·哈考前模拟)Would you be kind enough to help the boy ________ Chinese is really hard to learn?A.who B.whoseC.for whom D.which5.(2014·四川省绵阳市第二次诊断)—Did the speaker say anything that ________ you especially?—Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.A.adapted to B.took upC.broke down D.appealed to6.(2014·湖北孝感一模)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she couldbe sure of passing it at her first ________.A.intention B.effortC.attempt D.sight7.(2014·宿州模拟)—Look!What a mistake!Why?—Sorry, I ________ on it.A.don't concentrateB.hadn't concentratedC.haven't been concentratingD.wasn't concentrating8.Many college students will find ________ jobs to gain enough working experience during their holidays.A.temporary B.permanentC.steady D.important9.(2013·江苏三校4月阶段性考试)Out of the train ________, whose determined daughter died of cancer after being accepted by Guizhou University.A.a woman stepped B.stepped a womanC.did a woman step D.a woman did step10.(2014·高三质检)What worries her most is that her son, who is twenty years old, is not interested in anything and doesn't have a(n) ________ aim of life.A.specific B.ridiculousC.negative D.allergic11.(2014·山师大附中模拟)Despite the fact that all three teams ________ different approachesto the problem, they were all immediate successes.A.acquired B.adaptedC.achieved D.adopted12.John is now working as an interpreter because he ________ an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.A.performs B.possessesC.observes D.supports13.“I believe any ________ young man can go far in our firm. Congratulations!” the manager ended.A.aggressive B.effectiveC.attractive D.sensitive14.All her energies are ________ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A.guided B.aimedC.directed D.focused15.(2014·青岛高三质检)________ is known to us all that the world weather is getting warmer and warmer.A.It B.WhatC.As D.WhichⅡ.完形填空(2014·高三第三次模拟测试)Mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. Through the years I would __1__ a guess at what I thought was the correct __2__. When I was younger,I thought sound was very important to us human s, __3__ I said, “My ears, Mommy.” She said, “No. Many people are __4__.”Since making my first attempt, I had considered the correct answer carefully. So several __5__ later, I told her, “Mommy, __6__ is very important to everybody, so it must be our __7__.” She looked at me and told me, “You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”1.A.make B.replyC.think D.contribute2.A.guess B.answerC.part D.choice3.A.anyhow B.otherwiseC.therefore D.however4.A.deaf B.blindC.dumb D.disabled5.A.days B.minutesC.months D.years6.A.hearing B.touchingC.sight D.taste7.A.eyes B.earsC.hands D.legsOver the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was __8__. Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was __9__. When it was our turn to say our final __10__ to Grandpa,my Mom asked me, “Have you found the answer to my usual question — what is the most important body part __11__, my son?”I was __12__ when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the __13__ on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived your life. For every body part you gave me __14__, I have told you were wrong and I have given you an example __15__. But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson.” She looked down at me as only a mother can. I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “Son, the most important body part is your __16__.” I asked, “Is it because it holds up my head?”She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to __17__ on sometime in life, my son. I only hope that you have enough love and frie nds that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you __18__ it.”Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one — it is sympathetic to the __19__ of others. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will __20__ forget how you made them feel.8.A.right B.wrongC.the same D.different9.A.injured B.hurtC.wounded D.damaged10.A.sorry B.helloC.good­bye D.yes11.A.already B.stillC.though D.yet12.A.pleased B.shockedC.disappointed D.satisfied13.A.confusion B.smileC.question D.excitement14.A.in the future B.at presentC.in the past D.for the moment15.A.how B.whyC.what D.where16.A.back B.headC.neck D.shoulder17.A.cry B.restC.put D.carry18.A.accept B.getC.need D.have19.A.embarrassment B.painC.anger D.awareness20.A.never B.everC.completely D.foreverⅢ.阅读理解(2014·沈阳四校高三联考)We're so well educated — but we're useless students who have lost the ability to do anything practical.The only thing we've mastered is consumption.Large numbers of students have entered higher education in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated generation in history, it seems that we've grown increasingly ignorant when it comes to basic life skills.Looking back on my first couple of weeks of living in student halls, I consider myself lucky to still be alive.Unfamiliar to freshers, there are many hidden dangers in the dirty corners of student accommodation.I have survived a couple o f serious boiling egg incidents and lots of cases of food­poisoning, probably from dirty kitchen counters.Although some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.In 2006 and 2010, the charming educationist Sir Ken Robinson gave two very amusing talks in which he discussed the importance of creativity in education.Robinson's main viewpoint is that our current education system dislocates people from their natural talents.I would like to go a step further and propose that besides our talents, the system takes away what used to be passed from generation to generation — a working knowledge of basic life skills.Today's graduates may have earned themselves honor in history, law or economies, but when it comes to simple things like putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a hole in their on­trend clothes, they have to call for help from a professional handyman or tailor. Since the invention of the Internet, it has never been easier for people to access information, but our highly specialized education has made us more one­sided than ever.I suggest that we start with the immediate reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of “domestic science” education, before the current lack leads to serious accidents in studenthalls.1.People call us useless students for the reason that ________. A.what we've learned is beyond consumptionB.we are educated generationC.we've entered higher educationD.our living skills are so poor2.According to Robinson's opinion, our current education ________. A.focuses on the importance of creativityB.dislocates people from their natural talentsC.has equipped students with basic life skillsD.has followed the tradition properly3.Why are the graduates poor at basic life skills?A.Because they are not interested in them.B.Because they have little relevant practice.C.Because they are affected by the Internet.D.Because they are easy to be one­sided.4.The main purpose of writing the passage is that ________. A.there is no need to introduce “domestic science”B.it's time we did something to current educationC.more attention should be paid to natural scienceD.accidents should be prevented in student halls答案Ⅰ.1.选B A项意为“不必要”;B项意为“很难说”;C项意为“不是真的”;D项意为“不,我不会”。

高考英语 Art课时跟踪检测 新人教版选修6(1)

高考英语 Art课时跟踪检测 新人教版选修6(1)

课时跟踪检测(二十六) ArtⅠ.单项填空1.(2014·枣庄模拟)—Which city do you like best, Paris, London or Rome?—________. There're good points and bad points about all the three cities. A.Not necessarily B.It's hard to sayC.Not really D.No, I don't2.(2013·济南市名校第四次诊断性测试)One reason for her ________ for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A.reference B.preferenceC.performance D.consequence3.A great deal of talking that ________ under casual circumstances may seem to be aimless.A.is occurred B.are occurredC.occurs D.occur4.(2014·哈六中考前模拟)Would you be kind enough to help the boy ________ Chinese is really hard to learn?A.who B.whoseC.for whom D.which5.(2014·四川省绵阳市第二次诊断)—Did the speaker say anything that ________ you especially?—Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.A.adapted to B.took upC.broke down D.appealed to6.(2014·湖北孝感一模)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first ________.A.intention B.effortC.attempt D.sight7.(2014·宿州模拟)—Look!What a mistake!Why?—Sorry, I ________ on it.A.don't concentrateB.hadn't concentratedC.haven't been concentratingD.wasn't concentrating8.Many college students will find ________ jobs to gain enough working experience during their holidays.A.temporary B.permanentC.steady D.important9.(2013·江苏三校4月阶段性考试)Out of the train ________, whose determined daughter died of cancer after being accepted by Guizhou University.A.a woman stepped B.stepped a womanC.did a woman step D.a woman did step10.(2014·邯郸市高三质检)What worries her most is that her son, who is twenty years old, is not interested in anything and doesn't have a(n) ________ aim of life.A.specific B.ridiculousC.negative D.allergic11.(2014·山师大附中模拟)Despite the fact that all three teams ________ different approaches to the problem, they were all immediate successes.A.acquired B.adaptedC.achieved D.adopted12.John is now working as an interpreter because he ________ an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.A.performs B.possessesC.observes D.supports13.“I believe any ________ young man can go far in our firm. Congratulations!” the manager ended.A.aggressive B.effectiveC.attractive D.sensitive14.All her energies are ________ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A.guided B.aimedC.directed D.focused15.(2014·青岛高三质检)________ is known to us all that the world weather is getting warmer and warmer.A.It B.WhatC.As D.WhichⅡ.完形填空(2014·南昌市高三第三次模拟测试)Mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. Through the years I would __1__ a guess at what I thought was the correct __2__. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us humans, __3__ I sa id, “My ears, Mommy.” She said, “No. Many people are __4__.”Since making my first attempt, I had considered the correct answer carefully. So several __5__ later, I told her, “Mommy, __6__ is very important to everybody, so it m ust be our __7__.” She looked at me and told me, “You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”1.A.make B.replyC.think D.contribute2.A.guess B.answerC.part D.choice3.A.anyhow B.otherwiseC.therefore D.however4.A.deaf B.blindC.dumb D.disabled5.A.days B.minutesC.months D.years6.A.hearing B.touchingC.sight D.taste7.A.eyes B.earsC.hands D.legsOver the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was __8__. Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was __9__. When it was our turn to say our final __10__ to Grandpa, my Mom asked me, “Have you foun d the answer to my usual question — what is the most important body part __11__, my son?”I was __12__ when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the __13__ on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived your life. For every body part you gave me __14__, I have told you were wrong and I have given you an example __15__. But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson.” She looked down at me as only a mo ther can. I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “Son, the most important body part is your __16__.” I asked, “Is it because it holds up my head?”She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to __17__ on sometime in life, my son.I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you __18__ it.”Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one — it is sympathetic to the __19__ of others. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will __20__ forget how you made them feel.8.A.right B.wrongC.the same D.different9.A.injured B.hurtC.wounded D.damaged10.A.sorry B.helloC.good­bye D.yes11.A.already B.stillC.though D.yet12.A.pleased B.shockedC.disappointed D.satisfied13.A.confusion B.smileC.question D.excitement14.A.in the future B.at presentC.in the past D.for the moment15.A.how B.whyC.what D.where16.A.back B.headC.neck D.shoulder17.A.cry B.restC.put D.carry18.A.accept B.getC.need D.have19.A.embarrassment B.painC.anger D.awareness20.A.never B.everC.completely D.foreverⅢ.阅读理解(2014·沈阳四校高三联考)We're so well educated — but we're useless students who have lost the ability to do anything practical.The only thing we've mastered is consumption.Large numbers of students have entered higher education in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated generation in history, it seems that we've grown increasingly ignorant when it comes to basic life skills.Looking back on my first couple of weeks of living in student halls, I consider myself lucky to still be alive.Unfamiliar to freshers, there are many hidden dangers in the dirty corners of student accommodation.I have survived a couple of serious boiling egg incidents and lots of cases of food­poisonin g, probably from dirty kitchen counters.Although some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.In 2006 and 2010, the charming educationist Sir Ken Robinson gave two very amusing talks in which he discussed the importance of creativity in education.Robinson's main viewpoint is that our current education system dislocates people from their natural talents.I would like to go a step further and propose that besides our talents, the system takes away what used to be passed from generation to generation — a working knowledge of basic life skills.Today's graduates may have earned themselves honor in history, law or economies, but when it comes to simple things like putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a hole in their on­trend clothes, they have to call for help from a professional handyman or tailor.Since the invention of the Internet, it has never been easier for people to access information, but our highly specialized education has made us more one­sided than ever.I suggest that we start with the immediate reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of “domestic science” education, before the current l ack leads to serious accidents in student halls.1.People call us useless students for the reason that ________.A.what we've learned is beyond consumptionB.we are educated generationC.we've entered higher educationD.our living skills are so poor2.According to Robinson's opinion, our current education ________.A.focuses on the importance of creativityB.dislocates people from their natural talentsC.has equipped students with basic life skillsD.has followed the tradition properly3.Why are the graduates poor at basic life skills?A.Because they are not interested in them.B.Because they have little relevant practice.C.Because they are affected by the Internet.D.Because they are easy to be one­sided.4.The main purpose of writing the passage is that ________.A.there is no need to introduce “domestic science”B.it's time we did something to current educationC.more attention should be paid to natural scienceD.accidents should be prevented in student halls答案Ⅰ.1.选B A项意为“不必要”;B项意为“很难说”;C项意为“不是真的”;D项意为“不,我不会”。



课时跟踪检测(二十六) 平面向量的基本定理及坐标表示1.在△ABC 中,点P 在BC 上,且BP =2PC ,点Q 是AC 的中点,若PA =(4,3),PQ =(1,5),则BC 等于( )A .(-2,7)B .(-6,21)C .(2,-7)D .(6,-21)2.已知平面向量a =(1,2),b =(-2,m ),且a ∥b ,则2a +3b =( ) A .(-2,-4) B .(-3,-6) C .(-4,-8)D .(-5,-10)3.(2013·昆明模拟)如图所示,向量OA =a ,OB =b ,OC =c ,A ,B ,C 在一条直线上,且AC =-3CB ,则( )A .c =-12a +32bB .c =32a -12bC .c =-a +2bD .c =a +2b4.已知点A (2,1),B (0,2),C (-2,1),O (0,0).给出下面的结论:①直线OC 与直线BA 平行;②AB +BC =CA ;③OA +OC =OB ;④AC =OB -2OA .其中正确的结论的个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .45.(2012·郑州模拟)已知平面直角坐标系内的两个向量a =(1,2),b =(m,3m -2),且平面内的任一向量c 都可以唯一的表示成c =λa +μb (λ、μ为实数),则m 的取值范围是( )A .(-∞,2)B .(2,+∞)C .(-∞,+∞)D .(-∞,2)∪(2,+∞)6.在平行四边形ABCD 中,AC 与BD 交于点O ,E 是线段OD 的中点,AE 的延长线与CD 交于点F .若AC =a ,BD =b ,则AF =( )A.14a +12b B.23a +13b C.12a +14bD.13a +23b 7.(2012·洛阳质检)已知向量a =⎝⎛⎭⎫8,x2,b =(x,1),其中x >0,若(a -2b )∥(2a +b ),则x =________.8.(2013·九江模拟)P ={a |a =(-1,1)+m (1,2),m ∈R },Q ={b |b =(1,-2)+n (2,3),n ∈R }是两个向量集合,则P ∩Q 等于________.9.已知向量OA =(1,-3),OB =(2,-1),OC =(k +1,k -2),若A ,B ,C 三点能构成三角形,则实数k 应满足的条件是________.10.已知A (1,1),B (3,-1),C (a ,b ). (1)若A ,B ,C 三点共线,求a ,b 的关系式; (2)若AC =2AB ,求点C 的坐标. 11.已知a =(1,0),b =(2,1).求: (1)|a +3b |;(2)当k 为何实数时,k a -b 与a +3b 平行,平行时它们是同向还是反向? 12.已知O 为坐标原点,A (0,2),B (4,6),OM =t 1OA +t 2AB . (1)求点M 在第二或第三象限的充要条件;(2)求证:当t 1=1时,不论t 2为何实数,A ,B ,M 三点都共线.1.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,O 是对角线AC ,BD 的交点,N 是线段OD 的中点,AN 的延长线与CD 交于点E ,则下列说法错误..的是( )A .AC =AB +AD B .BD =AD -ABC .AO =12AB +12ADD .AE =53AB +AD2.(2012·山西四校联考)在△ABC 中,点D 在线段BC 的延长线上,且BC =3CD ,点O 在线段CD 上(与点C 、D 不重合),若AO =x AB +(1-x )AC ,则x 的取值范围是( )A.⎝⎛⎭⎫0,12 B.⎝⎛⎭⎫0,13 C.⎝⎛⎭⎫-12,0D.⎝⎛⎭⎫-13,0 3.(2012·东营模拟)已知P 为△ABC 内一点,且3AP +4BP +5CP =0.延长AP 交BC 于点D ,若AB =a ,AC =b ,用a ,b 表示向量AP ,AD .答 案课时跟踪检测(二十六)A 级1.选B BC =3PC =3(2PQ -PA )=6PQ -3P PA =(6,30)-(12,9)=(-6,21). 2.选C 由a =(1,2),b =(-2,m ),且a ∥b ,得1×m =2×(-2)⇒m =-4,从而b =(-2,-4),那么2a +3b =2(1,2)+3(-2,-4)=(-4,-8).3.选A ∵AC =-3CB ,∴OC -OA =-3(OB -OC ). ∴OC =-12OA +32OB ,即c =-12a +32b .4.选C ∵OC =(-2,1),BA =(2,-1),∴OC ∥BA ,又A ,B ,C ,O 不共线, ∴OC ∥AB .①正确;∵AB +BC =AC ,∴②错误; ∵OA +OC =(0,2)=OB ,∴③正确;∵OB -2OA =(-4,0),AC =(-4,0),∴④正确.5.选D 由题意知向量a ,b 不共线,故m ≠3m -22,解得m ≠2.6.选B 由已知得DE =13EB ,又∵△DEF ∽△BEA , ∴DF =13AB .即DF =13DC .∴CF =23CD .∴CF ―→=23CD =23(OD -OC )=23⎝⎛⎭⎫12b -12a =13b -13a . ∴AF =AC +CF =a +13b -13a =23a +13b .7.解析:a -2b =⎝⎛⎭⎫8-2x ,x2-2,2a +b =(16+x ,x +1), 由题意得(8-2x )·(x +1)=⎝⎛⎭⎫x 2-2·(16+x ),整理得x 2=16,又x >0,所以x =4. 答案:48.解析:P 中,a =(-1+m,1+2m ),Q 中,b =(1+2n ,-2+3n ).则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ -1+m =1+2n ,1+2m =-2+3n .得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧m =-12,n =-7.此时a =b =(-13,-23). 答案:{}(-13,-23)9.解析:若点A ,B ,C 能构成三角形, 则向量AB ,AC 不共线.∵AB =OB -OA =(2,-1)-(1,-3)=(1,2),AC =OC -OA =(k +1,k -2)-(1,-3)=(k ,k +1),∴1×(k +1)-2k ≠0,解得k ≠1. 答案:k ≠110.解:(1)由已知得AB =(2,-2),AC =(a -1,b -1), ∵A ,B ,C 三点共线,∴AB ∥AC . ∴2(b -1)+2(a -1)=0,即a +b =2. (2)∵AC =2AB ,∴(a -1,b -1)=2(2,-2).∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ a -1=4,b -1=-4,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =5,b =-3.∴点C 的坐标为(5,-3).11.解:(1)因为a =(1,0),b =(2,1),所以a +3b =(7,3), 故|a +3b |=72+32=58.(2)k a -b =(k -2,-1),a +3b =(7,3), 因为k a -b 与a +3b 平行, 所以3(k -2)+7=0,即k =-13.此时k a -b =(k -2,-1)=⎝⎛⎭⎫-73,-1, a +3b =(7,3),则a +3b =-3(k a -b ),即此时向量a +3b 与k a -b 方向相反.12.解:(1)OM ―→=t 1OA +t 2AB =t 1(0,2)+t 2(4,4)=(4t 2,2t 1+4t 2).当点M 在第二或第三象限时,有⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧4t 2<0,2t 1+4t 2≠0,故所求的充要条件为t 2<0且t 1+2t 2≠0. (2)当t 1=1时,由(1)知OM =(4t 2,4t 2+2). ∵AB =OB -OA =(4,4),AM =OM -OA =(4t 2,4t 2)=t 2(4,4)=t 2AB ,∴不论t 2为何实数,A ,B ,M 三点共线.B 级1.选D 由向量减法的三角形法则知,BD =AD -AB ,排除B ;由向量加法的平行四边形法则知,AC =AB +AD ,AO =12AC =12AB +12AD ,排除A 、C.2.选D 依题意,设BO =λBC ,其中1<λ<43,则有AO =AB +BO =AB +λBC =AB +λ(AC -AB )=(1-λ) AB +λAC .又AO =x AB +(1-x ) AC ,且AB ,AC 不共线,于是有x =1-λ∈⎝⎛⎭⎫-13,0,即x 的取值范围是⎝⎛⎭⎫-13,0. 3.解:∵BP =AP -AB =AP -a ,CP =AP -AC =AP -b , 又3AP +4BP +5CP =0, ∴3AP +4(AP -a )+5(AP -b )=0, 化简,得AP =13a +512b .设AD =t AP (t ∈R ),则AD =13t a +512t b .①又设BD =k BC (k ∈R ), 由BC =AC -AB =b -a ,得BD =k (b -a ).而AD =AB +BD =a +BD ,∴AD =a +k (b -a )=(1-k )a +k b .②由①②,得⎩⎨⎧13t =1-k ,512t =k ,解得t =43.代入①,有AD =49a +59b .。

(整理版高中英语)课时作业(二十六) Art 艺 术

(整理版高中英语)课时作业(二十六) Art 艺 术

课时作业(二十六) Art 艺术Ⅰ.单项填空1.Jack is late again.It is________of him to keep others waiting.A.normal B.ordinaryC.common D.typical2.She bought________eggs yesterday,but there were________them broken.A.two scores of;scores ofB.scores of;two scores ofC.scores of;two score ofD.score of;two scores3.All the students are looking forward to the first________to take the College Entrance Examinations.A.measure B.attemptC.purpose D.desire4.Anyone who is in________of weapons without permission is considered law­breaking.A.command B.controlC.charge D.possession5.Last summer holidays,he went to the countryside and worked together with farmers.In this way he learnt________from farmers.A.a great many B.a great dealC.scores of D.much more6.Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is so________that most of us can not understand it.A.controversial B.abstractC.appropriate D.universal7.(、模拟)It was not until last week________she found________she thought was quite mistaken.A.when;that B.that;thatC.when;what D.that;what8.They will start their project,________at helping the poor children to be educated in the west of China.A.aims B.aimingC.being aimed D.to aim9.Only by________your attention________what you are learning can you learn it well.A.focus;on B.pay;onC.focusing;on D.paying;on10.No one can________how the election will turn out,as there are many unknown facts.A.protect B.prepareC.prevent D.predict11.What we all know is that new technology is being ________to almost every industrial process.A.applied B.attemptedC.acquired D.arranged12.I wish I________play tennis with them this afternoon,but I have to study for a test.A.can B.shouldC.could D.shall13.—Does the idea of working abroad________you?—Yes.But I have no chance.A.lead to B.adapt toC.appeal to D.contribute to14.There is no doubt at all________she will call us when she gets there.A.if B.whetherC.what D.that15.It was in the lab________was taken charge of by Johnson________they did the experiment.A.where;which B.which;that C.which;which D.that;which Ⅱ.完形填空(英语周报第5期) My brother,Mark,died in a traffic accident four years ago.He was my big brother and__1__looked after me.I am__2__today for all of the special times we had as running partners,and times__3__driving to different races,where we had so many__45__these talks terribly at this time of the year.__6__,I am so happy he shared with me the__7__of his faith.He was always so__8__to people,and I had been with him many times__9__we pulled over to help someone in need,__10__a smile and helping them get back on the road.So I was not__11__when he told me of the time when he was__12__in college:It was the end of the month.To make matters worse,it was Friday and he had no__13__in his pocket for the weekend.Payday was Monday and he had no gas money to get home to__14__my dad and no money to buy food but he had faith that helping others__15__helping yourself.On his way home from classes that day,as he was driving along,he noticed a guy ahead of him__1617__right over and helped him load the lumber back into his truck.The guy was so thankful and__18__his hand to Mark,and in it was one hundred dollars.Mark couldn’t believe his__19__.He told him that was unnecessary but the man__20__and off he drove.I still think of Mark sitting there telling me that story,with tears in his eyes,and how faithful he was.1A.hardly B.neverC.seldom D.always2.A.successful B.thankfulC.cheerful D.hopeful3.A.spared B.wastedC.spent D.saved4.A.questions B.argumentsC.quarrels D.conversations5.A.miss B.reciteC.keep D.fear6.A.However B.SoC.Then D.If7.A.record B.beliefC.story D.secret8.A.harmful B.helpfulC.powerful D.grateful9.A.because B.whileC.until D.when10.A.sharing B.forcingC.recognizing D.understandingB.worriedC.surprised D.excited12.A.never B.yetC.even D.still13.A.food B.moneyC.paper D.keyB.attendC.see D.persuade15.A.means B.followsC.explains D.agrees16.A.carry B.loseC.arrange D.placeB.movedC.pulled D.walked18.A.raised B.heldC.offered D.shook19.A.eyes B.earsC.mind D.feelingB.apologizedC.regretted D.insistedⅢ.阅读理解(海淀一模)My Best EnemyOnce again,I was in a new school.So was a girl in my class named Lisa.That’s where the similarity ended.I was tall and she was small.My thick black hair had been recently cut short into an untidy style.Her natural blonde hair flowed to her waist and looked great.I was 12 and one of the oldest in the class while she was 11 and the youngest.I was awkward and shy.She wasn’t.I couldn’t stand her,considering her my enemy.But she liked me and wanted to be friends with me.One day,she invited me over and I said yes—I was too shocked to answer any other way.My family had moved six times in six years,and I had never managed to develop any friendships.But this girl who wore the latest fashions wanted me to go home with her after school.She lived in a fun part of town that had two pizza places,an all ­night bookstore,a movie theater and a park.As we walked from the school bus stop through her neighborhood,I tried to guess which house might be hers.Was it the white one with the perfect lawn or the three­story house with a front porch?I got very surprised when she led me into an old apartment building.She lived on the fourth floor in a two­room place with her mother,her stepfather,her two brothers and her sister.When we got into the room she shared with her sister,she took out a big case of Barbies,which was my next surprise.I had never played with them.We sat on the floor,laughing as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies.We found out that we both wanted to be writers when we were older and both had wild imaginations.We had a great time that afternoon.Lisa was loved by the whole neighborhood.The bookstore owners lent her fashion magazines;the movie theater gave her free tickets...Soon I was included in her magic world.We sle pt over at each other’s house and spent every free moment together.Lisa,my first real friend since childhood,helped me get through the rough years of early adolescence (青春期) and taught me an amazing and very surprising thing about making friends:your worst enemy can turn out to be your best friend.1.The writer and Lisa were similar in the way that________.A.they were both new studentsB.they had the same hairstyleC.they were both tallD.they were of the same age2.One day Lisa invited the writer________.A.to go to the movie B.to go to her homeC.to go to walk in a park D.to go to a pizza place3.In the passage the writer described Lisa as a girl who was________.A.awkward and shy B.rich and happyC.quiet and lonely D.friendly and lovely4.Which of the following did the writer learn from Lisa?A.How to make up stories. B.How to deal with enemies.C.How to make friends. D.How to live a better life.Ⅳ.短文填词Maxin Gorky was born of a worker’s family.At the age of five,he lost his father.He s________his childhoodyears,young Gorky wandered about.He did whateverkind of jobs he could fbut because he wanted to see the great landwall kwrite his books later on.课时作业二十六Ⅰ.单项填空1.D 句意为:杰克又迟到了,让别人等他是他的典型特点。



课时提能练(二十六)Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2019·日照检测)Along with the standard pigments(颜料) and paintbrushes,artist Sean Yoro(known as Hula),requires an unconventional piece of equipment for his particular brand of mural(壁画) making:a paddleboard.The Hawaiian muralist,balanced on the top of the floating platform,describes women from various sites across the world,whose homelands are often threatened by the effects of global warming.For his most recent project,titled“What If You Fly”,Hula traveled to Baffin Island,off the coast of Nunavut,Canada,to paint a portrait of local Inuit woman Jesse Mike,who lives there with her daughter.In a short film telling of the artist's process,Mike explains her frustrating previous experiences working with filmmakers who reported on the terrible circumstances troubling her endangered landscape.“For most people,it's about the polar bears,it's not about the people,”she said.“Well,let's make it about the people.”Hula and his team spent 14 hours searching for the perfect iceberg canvas(油画布),knowing all the while that the ice itself,and any image created on the top of it,would soon melt away into nothing.“It's a little ambitious t o do this larger­than­life ice mural in the Arctic,and somehow,at the same time,make a connection to the human culture,”climber and filmmaker Renan Ozturk said of the project.When Hula found his proper ice,he painted a portrait of Jesse he took earlier on his camera.Working against the power of time and Mother Nature,the artist aimed to finish as much of Jesse's portrait as he could before the iceberg disappeared.The massive image,Hula's most remote and technically challenging piece yet,communicates a memorable reality—the consequences of climate change,first and foremost,affect people.【语篇解读】本文主要叙述了壁画大师Hula去往Baffin Island,通过在冰上画一位因纽特女性的肖像来提醒人们气候变化的后果正在影响人类这一现实。

课时跟踪检测(二十六) Art

课时跟踪检测(二十六) Art

课时跟踪检测(二十六)ArtⅠ.单项填空1.—Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?—________ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A.None of your business.B.It depends.C.Why not? D.I don't think so.2.Tom wasn't good at physics at first, but his physics has improved ________ since the new teacher began teaching him.A.a great deal B.scores ofC.plenty of D.a great many3.(2013·西安八校三联)—What do you think of she Spring Festival Gala of the Snake Year?—To be frank, it didn't ________ me much.A.appeal to B.belong toC.occur to D.refer to4.(2013·高新一中模拟)It's ________ of him to set his aim high but do little, so he is always leaving things undone.A.controversial B.typicalC.conventional D.evident5.(2013·邯郸市高三质检)What worries her most is that her son, who is twenty years old, is not interested in anything and doesn't have a(n) ________ aim of life.A.specific B.ridiculousC.negative D.allergic6.It is known to all that ________ you exercise regularly, you won't stay healthy.A.because B.unlessC.now that D.in case7.(2013·榆林一中第一次诊断)After decades of effort, the city is still trying to ________ how to ban smoking in public places.A.look through B.get throughC.figure out D.take out8.John is now working as an interpreter because he ________ an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.A.performs B.possessesC.observes D.supports9.(2013·浙大附中高三质检)Despite the short stay in this foreign country, he has soon________ himself to the new environment.A.attended B.adoptedC.adapted D.admitted10.(2013·银川二中高三模拟)The noise outside is nearly driving me mad. I wish they ________ that music down.A.had turned B.have turnedC.will turn D.would turn11.Having practiced for months, Bob Beamon broke the world long jump record at his first ________ in the 1968 Olympic final in Mexico.A.attempt B.desireC.intention D.sight12.(2013·宁波高三质检)—You need to start exercising again, I guess.—Well, I ________ to eat less recently.But as you know, my mother is such a good cook.A.have been attempting B.had attemptedC.was attempting D.have attempted13.All her energies are ________ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A.guided B.aimedC.directed D.focused14.(2013·安康高三质检)________ is known to us all that the world weather is getting warmer and warmer.A.It B.WhatC.As D.Which15.The young teacher wants to help his students as much as he can, but ________,he'd better help them learn on their own.A.for one thing B.as usualC.in other words D.on the other handⅡ.完形填空(2013·西安六所重点中学高三联考)Long long ago, there was a small village. This village had a __1__ tradition. At the beginning of every year, any boy who had reached the age of majority (成年) was given land and money to build a home. The boy had to __2__ his home before winter. If his home failed to endure the cold weather in winter, the villagers could not __3__ him in any way.One __4__,Paul and Marc reached their majority. They __5__ their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes. In each village, they found the nicest __6__ and talked to the owners. Each owner gladly offered __7__.After Marc saw several homes, he __8__ the best ideas and went back to his own land. Paul, __9__,continued collecting more ideas. Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to __10__ some of them. But he always believed he could find even better ideas in the next village.Marc began building his home. He had several false starts, __11__ his home gradually rose from his land. By fall, Marc had finished his home. It wasn't perfect, but it was strong and he could __12__ it later.Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and __13__ with home owners. The first snow came and Paul, realizing he was running out of time, __14__ back to his land. He built the best home he could in the time he had, but it was __15__. The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to __16__. The villagers mourned for him.Marc __17__ the winter. Each year, Marc searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better. He became a leader in the village, __18__a family, and lived a happy, content life.We all build and improve our own mental homes. It's __19__ and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners, but we only improve our own mental home if we actually __20__ the best ideas.,1.A.strange B.hopefulC.literary D.cultural2.A.find B.makeC.complete D.buy3.A.help B.encourageC.scold D.persuade4.A.winter B.summerC.autumn D.spring5.A.exchanged B.receivedC.recognized D.accepted6.A.girls B.jobsC.houses D.presents7.A.rooms B.drinksC.attention D.advice8.A.expected B.gatheredC.created D.understood9.A.similarly B.finallyC.however D.furthermore10.A.forget B.believeC.replace D.doubt11.A.because B.althoughC.but D.so12.A.repair B.rebuildC.sell D.improve13.A.conversations B.achievementsC.struggles D.arguments14.A.drove B.rushedC.flew D.moved15.A.weak B.funnyC.small D.amazing16.A.blindness B.deathC.sadness D.illness17.A.experienced B.lovedC.survived D.spent18.A.brought B.earnedC.contacted D.raised19.A.slow B.easyC.dangerous D.special20.A.realize B.bringC.collect D.applyⅢ.阅读理解(2013·沈阳二中高三模拟)In eighteen seventy-seven, the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from their land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho. Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land. It was holy ground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.But, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the land. There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven, the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley. They left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they owned, and just a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.When the Indians reached the Snake River, the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to cross the river. While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting. Two of the chiefs, White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote, spoke for War, but Joseph held different opinion.Some of the young men in White Bird's group were very angry. That night, they rode into thecountryside and killed eleven white persons.During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he saw there was no hope. Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings, he knew that the white men would blame all of the Indians. Chief Joseph said, “I would have given my own li fe if I could have undone the killing of the white men.”Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph remained, because his wife was about to have a baby. After she gave birth, he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south.Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana. But the United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon. An Indian — carrying a white flag — walked forward to meet them. A soldier shot him.With that shot, war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.1.Why didn't Chief Joseph want to leave the land?A.He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn't satisfying.B.He didn't want to be separated from his parents.C.He had special feeling for the land where he was living.D.He didn't want to live with the white men.2.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.B.Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.C.When the Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.D.While the Indians were waiting by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.3.From the passage we can infer that ________.A.Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the landB.white men often killed some IndiansC.Chief Joseph was afraid of white menD.conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white4.What might be the title of the passage?A.The story of Chief JosephB.The American Civil WarC.Chief Joseph and his childrenD.The Nez Perce Indians答案课时跟踪检测(二十六)Ⅰ.1.选C句意:“玛丽,你认为我应该去参加合唱团吗?”“为什么不呢,如果我是你的话,我肯定会参加的。

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课时跟踪检测(二十六)ArtⅠ.单项填空1.—Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?—________ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A.None of your business.B.It depends.C.Why not? D.I don't think so.2.Tom wasn't good at physics at first, but his physics has improved ________ since the new teacher began teaching him.A.a great deal B.scores ofC.plenty of D.a great many3.(2013·西安八校三联)—What do you think of she Spring Festival Gala of the Snake Year?—To be frank, it didn't ________ me much.A.appeal to B.belong toC.occur to D.refer to4.(2013·高新一中模拟)It's ________ of him to set his aim high but do little, so he is always leaving things undone.A.controversial B.typicalC.conventional D.evident5.(2013·邯郸市高三质检)What worries her most is that her son, who is twenty years old, is not interested in anything and doesn't have a(n) ________ aim of life.A.specific B.ridiculousC.negative D.allergic6.It is known to all that ________ you exercise regularly, you won't stay healthy.A.because B.unlessC.now that D.in case7.(2013·榆林一中第一次诊断)After decades of effort, the city is still trying to ________ how to ban smoking in public places.A.look through B.get throughC.figure out D.take out8.John is now working as an interpreter because he ________ an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.A.performs B.possessesC.observes D.supports9.(2013·浙大附中高三质检)Despite the short stay in this foreign country, he has soon________ himself to the new environment.A.attended B.adoptedC.adapted D.admitted10.(2013·银川二中高三模拟)The noise outside is nearly driving me mad. I wish they ________ that music down.A.had turned B.have turnedC.will turn D.would turn11.Having practiced for months, Bob Beamon broke the world long jump record at his first ________ in the 1968 Olympic final in Mexico.A.attempt B.desireC.intention D.sight12.(2013·宁波高三质检)—You need to start exercising again, I guess.—Well, I ________ to eat less recently.But as you know, my mother is such a good cook.A.have been attempting B.had attemptedC.was attempting D.have attempted13.All her energies are ________ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A.guided B.aimedC.directed D.focused14.(2013·安康高三质检)________ is known to us all that the world weather is getting warmer and warmer.A.It B.WhatC.As D.Which15.The young teacher wants to help his students as much as he can, but ________,he'd better help them learn on their own.A.for one thing B.as usualC.in other words D.on the other handⅡ.完形填空(2013·西安六所重点中学高三联考)Long long ago, there was a small village. This village had a __1__ tradition. At the beginning of every year, any boy who had reached the age of majority (成年) was given land and money to build a home. The boy had to __2__ his home before winter. If his home failed to endure the cold weather in winter, the villagers could not __3__ him in any way.One __4__,Paul and Marc reached their majority. They __5__ their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes. In each village, they found the nicest __6__ and talked to the owners. Each owner gladly offered __7__.After Marc saw several homes, he __8__ the best ideas and went back to his own land. Paul, __9__,continued collecting more ideas. Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to __10__ some of them. But he always believed he could find even better ideas in the next village.Marc began building his home. He had several false starts, __11__ his home gradually rose from his land. By fall, Marc had finished his home. It wasn't perfect, but it was strong and he could __12__ it later.Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and __13__ with home owners. The first snow came and Paul, realizing he was running out of time, __14__ back to his land. He built the best home he could in the time he had, but it was __15__. The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to __16__. The villagers mourned for him.Marc __17__ the winter. Each year, Marc searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better. He became a leader in the village, __18__a family, and lived a happy, content life.We all build and improve our own mental homes. It's __19__ and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners, but we only improve our own mental home if we actually __20__ the best ideas.,1.A.strange B.hopefulC.literary D.cultural2.A.find B.makeC.complete D.buy3.A.help B.encourageC.scold D.persuade4.A.winter B.summerC.autumn D.spring5.A.exchanged B.receivedC.recognized D.accepted6.A.girls B.jobsC.houses D.presents7.A.rooms B.drinksC.attention D.advice8.A.expected B.gatheredC.created D.understood9.A.similarly B.finallyC.however D.furthermore10.A.forget B.believeC.replace D.doubt11.A.because B.althoughC.but D.so12.A.repair B.rebuildC.sell D.improve13.A.conversations B.achievementsC.struggles D.arguments14.A.drove B.rushedC.flew D.moved15.A.weak B.funnyC.small D.amazing16.A.blindness B.deathC.sadness D.illness17.A.experienced B.lovedC.survived D.spent18.A.brought B.earnedC.contacted D.raised19.A.slow B.easyC.dangerous D.special20.A.realize B.bringC.collect D.applyⅢ.阅读理解(2013·沈阳二中高三模拟)In eighteen seventy-seven, the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from their land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho. Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land. It was holy ground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.But, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the land. There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven, the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley. They left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they owned, and just a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.When the Indians reached the Snake River, the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to cross the river. While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting. Two of the chiefs, White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote, spoke for War, but Joseph held different opinion.Some of the young men in White Bird's group were very angry. That night, they rode into thecountryside and killed eleven white persons.During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he saw there was no hope. Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings, he knew that the white men would blame all of the Indians. Chief Joseph said, “I would have given my own li fe if I could have undone the killing of the white men.”Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph remained, because his wife was about to have a baby. After she gave birth, he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south.Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana. But the United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon. An Indian — carrying a white flag — walked forward to meet them. A soldier shot him.With that shot, war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.1.Why didn't Chief Joseph want to leave the land?A.He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn't satisfying.B.He didn't want to be separated from his parents.C.He had special feeling for the land where he was living.D.He didn't want to live with the white men.2.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.B.Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.C.When the Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.D.While the Indians were waiting by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.3.From the passage we can infer that ________.A.Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the landB.white men often killed some IndiansC.Chief Joseph was afraid of white menD.conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white4.What might be the title of the passage?A.The story of Chief JosephB.The American Civil WarC.Chief Joseph and his childrenD.The Nez Perce Indians答案课时跟踪检测(二十六)Ⅰ.1.选C句意:“玛丽,你认为我应该去参加合唱团吗?”“为什么不呢,如果我是你的话,我肯定会参加的。
