The IPO Journey - Stop, Look and Leap - a quick guide forcompanies listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange/idcompany status. Again, your guiding principle should be to create an organization capable of “being” public vs simply “going” public.Advance planning helps you minimize the impact of potentially unpleasant surprises and be prepared to benefit from any positive market movements. In our experience, businesses that have undertaken a full pre-IPO readiness exercise are those that are best prepared to handle the complexities of the IPO transaction.Note: (1) Total assets (excluding intangible assets, deferred tax assets) less total liabilities and minority interest.Listing Requirements for Mining CompaniesIn addition to the general requirements that apply to all types of business, on 20 October 2014, the IDX has introduced additional listing requirements specific for mining companies in no. I-A.1 Kep-00100/BEI/10-2014, as follows:• Own the necessary permits for mining, production operation, land permits and other permits that are related to the mining activities • At least one of the directors has an engineering education background and has experience in operations in a managerial position in mining companies for at least 5 (five) years in the last 7 (seven) years • Have proven and probable reserves based on a competent person’s report• Have a Clear and Clean (CnC) certificate or other documents equal to mining certification from the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal or other authority appointed by the Government of Republic of Indonesia• For a candidate that has entered production stage but has not commenced any sales, the candidate must have:- A feasibility study report for 3 (three) years and signed by a competent person before the listing application is submitted to IDX - A statement from a competent person that the data and information in the feasibility study is still valid and relevant, created with 1 (one) year of the listing application being submitted to the IDX- A permit for operational production for the mining area included in the feasibility study- The candidate’s financial projection must show profit at the end of 4th year after the listing date- A work plan and budget for the implementation of mineral or coal mining business activities which have been previously submitted to the authorized institution.Tax RequirementsSale of shares in listed companiesUnder Government Regulation No. 14/1997, the sale of listed shares is subject to 0.1% final income tax on the amount of the proceeds. The 0.1% final income tax shall be withheld by the IDX and paid to the State Treasury.For founder shares (i.e. shares owned by the existing shareholders when an IPO is considered effective by the relevant authority), a 0.5% final income tax should be paid by the founder shareholders within 1 (one) month after listing to make them eligible for the 0.1% final income tax rate on subsequent sale of the listed shares. Otherwise, any capital gain from the sale of founder shares in the future will be subjected to normal income tax rate (currently 25% for entities and progressive rates up to a maximum of 30% for individuals).The definition of founder shareholder includes an individual or entity whose name is listed in the company’s list of shareholders or Articles of Association prior to the effectivity of the registration statement. The definition of founder shares includes:a) Shares acquired by the founder originating from the capitalization of any premium which is issued after the IPO; and b) Shares originating from the founder shares’ stock split.(Note: the discussion above does not include tax matters or consequences in connection with purchase, ownership and disposition of shares in a listed entity by a non-resident individual or non-resident entity)Tax cut for public companiesA 5% reduction in corporate income tax can be granted to public companies which satisfy the following conditions:• At least 40% of their paid-in shares are publicly owned;• The public should consist of at least 300 individuals, each holding less than five percent of the paid-in shares; and • The two conditions above are maintained for at least six months (183 days) in a tax year.If the conditions are not met, the 5% tax cut is not applicable for that tax year.Based on OJK No. 08/POJK 04/2017, information that should be disclosed in the prospectus are divided in sections as follows:1. Information on the prospectus’ cover 2. Content3. Summary of the prospectus4. Offerings5. Use of proceeds6. Statement of liability of the Issuer7. Summary of significant financial information 8. Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)9. Risk factors10. Subsequent event after the auditors’ report11. Issuer’s details, operating activities, tendencies and operational prospect 12. Equity report of the Issuer 13. Dividend policy of the Issuer 14. Taxation 15. Underwriter16. Capital market supporting institutions and professionals and other parties17. Material conditions in the Article of Associations and other important conditions regarding the shareholders 18. Share subscription terms19. Publication of prospectus and share subscription form 20. Legal opinion21. Financial statements22. Appraisal report and competent person’s reportFor the financial statements, the candidate has to attach the annual audited financial statements for the most recent 3 years. However, if the latest annual audited financial statements has aged more than 180 days, an audited interim financial statements is required.Reporting RequirementsPreparation for Life as a Public CompanyCertain periodic reports must be released to the public through the IDX and subject to the supervision of the OJK. These periodic reports include the audited annual financial report, annual report, interim financial report and incidental reports.Once listed, the company has to be prepared to perform as a public company where there will be a greater degree of public scrutiny and continuous financial reporting and regulatory compliance obligations. It is highly suggested that the company has familiarized itself with public company standards before undertaking an IPO.The most significant change is the rigid timeline of reporting preparation and submission to the public, which requires the company to accelerate the reporting process, both financial and administrative matters.Begin with the end in mind。
电源管理器操作指南User’s manualPower Controller Sequencer Multiplexers说明书Professional Matrix SeriesRev.1.2目录一、安全操作指南 (3)二、产品简介 (4)1、应用范围 (4)2、远端控制及通讯接口说明 (4)三、面板示意图及控制电脑的连接 (5)1、前后面板示意图 (5)2、电源管理器与控制电脑的连接 (6)四、按键操作方法 (8)1、8路依次开闭 (8)2、单路开闭 (8)3、ID号设置 (8)4、开闭间隔时间设置 (8)5、预约开关机 (8)6、锁定 (8)五、产品技术参数 (8)六、控制协议 (19)2一、安全操作指南为确保设备可靠使用及人员的安全,在安装,使用和维修时,请遵守以下事项:1.系统接地。
PwC 数字信任社交媒体风险管理指南说明书
/me/digitaltrustSocial mediagovernanceManaging socialmedia riskDigital andTechnology RiskSocial media risksThe risks related to social media are broad. Some of the key risks can be categorised as follows:• Activists can use social media as a way to amplify their messages or attack your company.• In certain countries, additional cultural, social and political understanding is needed to avoid breaching local laws orcustoms.• Lobbying activities can attract far more attention through the amplification effect of social media.• Multiple accounts and platforms can lead to poor quality content or insufficient oversight.• Poor governance over social media accounts means that roles and responsibilities aren’t defined.• There may be a lack of adequate cover during evenings or weekends.• Reusing user-generated content without permission can infringe copyright.• Libelous or defamatory comments or posts can attract legal penalties and brand risk.• Certain data analytics or monitoring activities can breach data protection laws and regulations.• Investing in a social media programme can be costly so it’s important that it meets its objectives and provides a return on the investment.• Social media incidents can have a direct impact on a company’s share price and business performance.• Contracts with third parties need to provide the value that they promise.How we can help/me/digitaltrustThis publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PwC does not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone。
全国代理记账机构管理系统代理记账机构操作手册财政部会计司目录一系统登录 (1)二代理记账用户菜单介绍 (4)总部机构代理记账资格申请 (4)分支机构代理记账业务备案 (6)2 年度备案 (8)3 机构信息变更登记 (10)4 补发/换发证书申请 (11)5 终止/撤销业务申请 (12)6 注册信息修改 (14)三服务支持 (14)一、系统登陆1、打开浏览器(请使用360浏览器极速模式,或谷歌浏览器),在地址栏内输入全国代理记账机构管理系统网址(),按回车。
(SQL Server版软件时请录入您的账套序号,比如:“0001”)在【年度】编辑框中录入会计年度。
资产月报用户操作手册work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR财政部统一报表系统资产月报用户操作手册目录1. 系统简介 (1)1.1. 系统环境要求 (1)1.2. 系统登录地址 (1)1.3. 系统界面说明 (1)1.4. 系统业务流程 (3)2. 用户功能模块介绍 (4)2.1. 系统填报流程 (4)2.2. 数据管理 (4)2.2.1数据录入 (4)2.2.2 数据上报(退回) (6)2.2.3 批量运算 (7)2.3.数据汇总 (8)2.4.数据查询 (9)2.5.导出打印 (11)2.5.1 数据导出 (11)2.5.2 打印报表 (12)2.6.上报情况纵览 (13)1.系统简介1.1.系统环境要求本系统基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式构建,用户直接通过网页浏览器登陆和访问系统,不需要安装其他客户端软件。
系统支持Windows XP、7、10操作系统,支持使用IE、Chrome、Firefox和360等主流浏览器。
注:IE浏览器仅支持IE 9及以上版本,不能升级IE浏览器的,建议使用Firefox浏览器。
1. 关闭计算机和所有连接的设备的电源,并拔出计算机的电源线。
1-4 液晶显示器用户指南
2. 将模拟信号线接在计算机后面D-SUB接口。
注 : 信号线的一端已经预先连接到显示器上。
3. 将数据信号线接入显示器的DVI接口,另一端则接在计算机后面接口。 注 : 显示器未随附数据信号线。
选择支持的显示模式 ........................................................................ .2-5 图像旋转 .................................................................................. 2-6 了解电源管理 .............................................................................. 2-6 保养显示器 ................................................................................ 2-7 拆离显示器支架 ............................................................................ 2-8 墙上安装(可选) ............................................................................ 2-8
10. 移除支架后面的四个橡胶盖。 11. 将束线盖板装回底座。
PwC 电脑自助指南目录1. Wifi connection ......................................................................................................................................... 3 问 1:如何打开无线开关并确保无线信号是被启用的? ............................................................................... 3 问 2:打开无线开关后,按下 Fn+F5 并没有无线信号的设置,这是为什么? ......................................... 4 问 3:为什么打开无线开关和启用无线信号之后,还是连不上 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)? ................... 5 问 4:为什么上述问题我都没有,但是我却搜不到 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)这个无线网络? ................ 6 2. EEPC,Windows,GUID password ............................................................................................................. 7 问 1:如何更改 GUID 密码? ........................................................................................................................ 9 问 2:如何重置 GUID 密码? ...................................................................................................................... 10 问 3:开机时 EEPC 提示输入用户名,应该输入什么用户名? ................................................................. 10 问 4:输入 EEPC 密码后提示输入被禁止,需要等待时间,这时该怎么办? ........................................... 11 问 5:在公司里输入 Windows 密码解锁屏幕时提示 Windows 账号被锁定了,怎么办? ........................ 11 问 6:在公司外输入 Windows 密码解锁屏幕时提示 Windows 账号被锁定了,怎么办? ........................ 11 问 7:在公司外想连 VPN 时发现 GUID 密码不记得了怎么办? ................................................................ 11 3. Janus ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 问 1:为什么我打开 Janus 时不会自动登陆而需要我输入 GUID 账号和密码? ...................................... 12 问 2:为什么在公司外的网络访问不了 Janus? ........................................................................................ 12 问 3:为什么连上 VPN 后依旧不能访问 Janus,而且 IE 会自动转到 114 等搜索网站页面上? ............. 12 问 4:为什么打开 Janus 之后提示没有权限访问 Janus? ......................................................................... 15 4. iPower ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 问 1:为什么打开 iPower 时提示我的 Staff Code 还没有被认证? ............................................................ 16 问 2:为什么打开 iPower 时提示我输入账号和密码? .............................................................................. 16 问 3:为什么打开 iPower 后窗口立刻就被关闭了? .................................................................................. 16 问 4:为什么打开 iPower 时提示缺少认证组件? ...................................................................................... 16 5. iLearn ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 问 1:为什么我打开课程时提示我没有安装 Java 控件? ........................................................................... 19 问 2:为什么课程完成后无法关闭课程,强行关闭浏览器后,课程也没显示完成? ............................... 21 问 3:课程过期了怎么才能重新申请? ....................................................................................................... 21 问 4:课程打开后提示无法显示页面怎么办?............................................................................................ 21 6. LAN connection ...................................................................................................................................... 22 问 1:如何查看 IP 地址是否被手动设置并将其设置为自动? .................................................................... 22 7. Office Application ................................................................................................................................... 251PwC 电脑自助指南问 1:请问如何将 Office 文档转为 PDF 文件? .......................................................................................... 25 问 2:在公司外遇到 Office 程序打开时不停报错怎么办? ........................................................................ 27 问 3:为什么打开有些客户给的 Excel 文件,显示的出来的是乱码? ...................................................... 29 问 4:在公司外的话,如何自己修复 Office 程序? ....................................................................................30 8. Printer ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 问 1:如何找到 PrintStation2.0 并安装打印机? ....................................................................................... 33 问 2:为什么我无法使用打印机打印文件,打开 PrintStation2.0 时也提示不在 PwC 网络? ................. 33 9. VPN connection ...................................................................................................................................... 34 问 1:请问如何连接 VPN? ......................................................................................................................... 34 问 2:为什么在 VPN 登陆界面上,GUID 名是空着的? ........................................................................... 34 问 3:为什么在 VPN 登陆界面即将完成登陆时,VPN 无法获取 IP 地址? ............................................. 35 10. Telephone ................................................................................................................................................ 36 问 1:请问怎么 Logout 别人已经 Login 的电话机? .................................................................................. 36 问 2:我的电话机 Login 后,别人拨打我的电话时显示的名字不对怎么办? .......................................... 362PwC 电脑自助指南1. Wifi connectionPwC 目前的办公室区域是无线全覆盖的,在任何角落,只要打开电脑的无线开关,并确保无线 信号是被启用的状态下,就可以自动连接上无线网络,无线网络的 SSID 是 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)。
代理记账机构管理系统(V1.0版本)用户操作手册作者:广东兰贝斯信息科技有限公司文件编号:提交人:提交日期:目录第一章用户注册(外网业务) (3)第一节用户注册 (3)(一)代理记账机构用户注册 (3)第二章用户中心(外网业务) (4)第一节用户中心 (4)(一)用户中心 (4)(二)资格申请 (5)(三)更改登记 (7)(四)年度登记 (8)(五)补发证书申请 (9)(六)换发证书申请 (11)(七)注销证书申请 (12)(八)机构查询 (14)第三章后台管理(内网业务) (15)第一节流程审核 (15)(一)流程查询 (15)(二)待办事项 (16)第二节综合服务 (16)(三)证书管理 (16)(四)机构查询 (17)(五)流程选择 (19)(六)流程管理 (19)(七)上级备案 (21)第一章用户注册(外网业务)1.1. 用户注册1.1.1. 代理记账机构用户注册登陆会计系统,选择代理记账服务,进入代理记账机构用户主页面。
操作步骤:第一步:登陆代理记账系统前台,如图1.1.1.1:图1.1.1.1第二步:点击免费注册,进入代理记账机构用户注册页面,如图1.1.1.2:注意:根据机构所在的地区,选择好对应的“行政区划”第三步:填写机构资料,完毕之后,单击“确定”,系统提示“注册成功”如图1.1.1.3:图1.1.1.3第二章用户中心(外网业务)2.1. 用户中心2.1.1. 用户中心登陆会计系统,选择代理记账服务,进入代理记账机构用户主页面。
操作步骤:第一步:进入代理记账机构用户登录界面,输入账号、密码和验证号,如图2.1.1.1所示:第二步:点击“登录”,进入用户中心页面,如图2.1.1.2所示:图2. 资格申请登陆会计系统,选择代理记账服务服务,登录系统,进入代理记账机构用户中心主页面。
操作步骤:第一步:进入代理记账用户中心,点击“资格申请”,系统提示申请条件说明,如图2.1.2.1所示:图2.1.2.1第二步:点击“确定”,填写机构基本情况,点击“保存”,再点击“提交”,如图2.1.2.2所示:图2.1.2.2注意:①新注册的机构用户,必须先通过“资格申请”的审批,才可以办理其他业务;②必须先“保存”后才能“提交”,以下涉及申请提交的,都需先“保存”后“提交”;第三步:点击“打印”,系统进入代理记账资格申请表打印页面,点击“打印”,打印代理记账变更登记表,如图2.1.2.3:图2. 更改登记登陆会计系统,选择代理记账服务服务,登录系统,进入代理记账机构用户中心主页面。
PwC 电脑自助指南目录1. Wifi connection ......................................................................................................................................... 3 问 1:如何打开无线开关并确保无线信号是被启用的? ............................................................................... 3 问 2:打开无线开关后,按下 Fn+F5 并没有无线信号的设置,这是为什么? ......................................... 4 问 3:为什么打开无线开关和启用无线信号之后,还是连不上 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)? ................... 5 问 4:为什么上述问题我都没有,但是我却搜不到 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)这个无线网络? ................ 6 2. EEPC,Windows,GUID password ............................................................................................................. 7 问 1:如何更改 GUID 密码? ........................................................................................................................ 9 问 2:如何重置 GUID 密码? ...................................................................................................................... 10 问 3:开机时 EEPC 提示输入用户名,应该输入什么用户名? ................................................................. 10 问 4:输入 EEPC 密码后提示输入被禁止,需要等待时间,这时该怎么办? ........................................... 11 问 5:在公司里输入 Windows 密码解锁屏幕时提示 Windows 账号被锁定了,怎么办? ........................ 11 问 6:在公司外输入 Windows 密码解锁屏幕时提示 Windows 账号被锁定了,怎么办? ........................ 11 问 7:在公司外想连 VPN 时发现 GUID 密码不记得了怎么办? ................................................................ 11 3. Janus ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 问 1:为什么我打开 Janus 时不会自动登陆而需要我输入 GUID 账号和密码? ...................................... 12 问 2:为什么在公司外的网络访问不了 Janus? ........................................................................................ 12 问 3:为什么连上 VPN 后依旧不能访问 Janus,而且 IE 会自动转到 114 等搜索网站页面上? ............. 12 问 4:为什么打开 Janus 之后提示没有权限访问 Janus? ......................................................................... 15 4. iPower ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 问 1:为什么打开 iPower 时提示我的 Staff Code 还没有被认证? ............................................................ 16 问 2:为什么打开 iPower 时提示我输入账号和密码? .............................................................................. 16 问 3:为什么打开 iPower 后窗口立刻就被关闭了? .................................................................................. 16 问 4:为什么打开 iPower 时提示缺少认证组件? ...................................................................................... 16 5. iLearn ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 问 1:为什么我打开课程时提示我没有安装 Java 控件? ........................................................................... 19 问 2:为什么课程完成后无法关闭课程,强行关闭浏览器后,课程也没显示完成? ............................... 21 问 3:课程过期了怎么才能重新申请? ....................................................................................................... 21 问 4:课程打开后提示无法显示页面怎么办?............................................................................................ 21 6. LAN connection ...................................................................................................................................... 22 问 1:如何查看 IP 地址是否被手动设置并将其设置为自动? .................................................................... 22 7. Office Application ................................................................................................................................... 251PwC 电脑自助指南问 1:请问如何将 Office 文档转为 PDF 文件? .......................................................................................... 25 问 2:在公司外遇到 Office 程序打开时不停报错怎么办? ........................................................................ 27 问 3:为什么打开有些客户给的 Excel 文件,显示的出来的是乱码? ...................................................... 29 问 4:在公司外的话,如何自己修复 Office 程序? ....................................................................................30 8. Printer ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 问 1:如何找到 PrintStation2.0 并安装打印机? ....................................................................................... 33 问 2:为什么我无法使用打印机打印文件,打开 PrintStation2.0 时也提示不在 PwC 网络? ................. 33 9. VPN connection ...................................................................................................................................... 34 问 1:请问如何连接 VPN? ......................................................................................................................... 34 问 2:为什么在 VPN 登陆界面上,GUID 名是空着的? ........................................................................... 34 问 3:为什么在 VPN 登陆界面即将完成登陆时,VPN 无法获取 IP 地址? ............................................. 35 10. Telephone ................................................................................................................................................ 36 问 1:请问怎么 Logout 别人已经 Login 的电话机? .................................................................................. 36 问 2:我的电话机 Login 后,别人拨打我的电话时显示的名字不对怎么办? .......................................... 362PwC 电脑自助指南1. Wifi connectionPwC 目前的办公室区域是无线全覆盖的,在任何角落,只要打开电脑的无线开关,并确保无线 信号是被启用的状态下,就可以自动连接上无线网络,无线网络的 SSID 是 PwC Wifi Profile(Uranus)。
全国财政会计行业管理系统用户手册会计师事务所设立使用手册须知1.1 使用前准备工作使用前必须的完成准备工作:1.检查操作的计算机必须为windows操作系统,建议使用windows 7、windows 8、windows 10,不支持苹果电脑apple的操作系统MAC。
2.检查打开的浏览器需支持微软核心的Internet Explorer,且需满足Internet Explorer 9以上版本;或者支持Google Chrome核心浏览器,不支持Mozilla的Firefox、Apple的Safari、Opera等。
1.2 设置详细说明1.2.1打开IE浏览器打开方式包括:(1)在计算机桌面上找到双击;(2)在屏幕左下角旁,找到单击;(3)单击在屏幕左下角,在“程序”下,单击。
图[登录界面_pic1]1.2.3若使用360浏览器登录建议使用极速模式(1) 极速模式使用方式:1.打开输入后,鼠标移动到右上方的位置上更改。
2.1一般信息变更注师登录系统,输入用户名、密码(格式正确,用户名和密码相符),登录系统后,在主界面的左侧菜单栏中,点击“注师管理” “一般信息变更”,直接进入注师一般信息变更详细信息界面,如图所示:图[一般信息变更_保存_pic1]图[一般信息变更_保存_pic1]上图中,蓝色字体项目为可更改项,黑色字体不可修改。
DLNG to PWC Pipeline User Access GuideVersion:0Released:September 2019Contents1Introduction (3)2Access guide (3)3Pipeline information and service information (6)1 Introduction1.1 Interpretation and definitionsIn this document:a) Where a word or phrase begins with a capital letter:a. It has the meaning given to it in clause 1.1 of this document;b. If it is not defined in this document, it has the meaning given to it in the National GasRules;b) A reference to a “Rule” is a reference to the relevant section of the National gas Rules;c) Where a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning;d) Headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation; ande) Unless the context indicates otherwise:‘Darwin City Gate’ means:a) the distribution pipelines within the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory‘Pipeline’ means:a) The pipeline and associated infrastructure, facilities and equipment connecting the Lateral InletPoint to the connection point at the Darwin City Gate.‘Pipeline Services’ means gas receipt, transportation, delivery and related services provided by mean of the Pipeline.‘Service Provider’ means Darwin LNG Pty Ltd ABN 48 085 130 981 (or “DLNG”).1.2 Purposeb) The DLNG to PWC Pipeline is owned and operated by DLNG.c) The purpose of this document is to provide the information required under Part 23 of theNational Gas Rules in relation to accessing the Pipeline.2 Access guide2.1 Service providera) The Service Provider will operate the Pipeline and provide the Pipeline Services in accordancewith this document and the National Gas Rules.2.2 Contact detailsa) The Service Provider’s website will include this document, contact details that can be used tocontact the Service Provider with any queries regarding this document and the “DLNG to PWC Pipeline Service and Access Information” document for information and services relating to the Pipeline. See ConocoPhillips website at .au/what-we-do/our-projects-activities/darwin-lng/.b) Any enquires, access requests or queries in relation to this document may be sent to:Bayu Undan – DarwinLNG Commercial Team LeadConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd53 Ord StreetWest Perth WA 6000Phone: (08) 9423 6666Email: ****************************2.3 Process for making an access requesta) Subject to clause 2.3 (b), any prospective user of the Pipeline may request the Service Providerto provide a Pipeline Service by contacting the Service Provider under clause 2.2 (‘Access Request’)b) To submit an Access Request, the Service Provider requires that a prospective useri. Must be resident in Australia or have a permeant establishment in Australia;ii. Is incorporated or constituted under Corporations Act 2001 or if incorporated under another law then the prospective user must have provided Service Provider with a legalopinion in form and substance satisfactory to the Service Provider that confirms:1. The due incorporation and good standing of the prospective user;2. T he legal capacity of the user to enter into and perform an agreement forPipeline Services between the Service Provider and the user of prospectiveuser.iii. Must demonstrate that it has the necessary financial capability to discharge its future obligations in relation to the Pipeline Services the subject to the Access Request.c) The following information must be included in an Access Request:i. Contracting entity and details for the purpose of notices;ii. Start and end date of service term for each Pipeline Service;iii. Maximum daily quantity requirement for each Pipeline Service;iv. Maximum hourly quantity requirement for each Pipeline Service;v. Details of receipt point at which gas is to be delivered to the Service Provider. If tie-in required details of the tie-in point and specifications; andvi. Details of delivery point at which gas is to be delivered by the Service Provider.2.4 Process for preparing an access offer and negotiationsa) Service Provider will review the submitted Access Request and contact the user or prospectiveuser:i. Where the Access Request is incomplete, within 5 business days after the AccessRequest was received, specifying the information required to complete the AccessRequest; andii. Within 10 business days after the Access Request was received or, if applicable, after receipt of further information requested under clause 2.4, a) (i), advising whethertechnically and commercially there is an opportunity to meet tie-in and AccessRequest, subject to pre-existing contractual arrangements.b) The terms and conditions on which Service Provider will provide a Pipeline Service (includingthe price or tariff for that Pipeline Service) will be determined having regard to the Access Request through negotiation between the Service Provider and the prospective user who requires that Pipeline Service or in default of agreement, through dispute resolution in accordance with Chapter 6 of the National Gas Law.c) The parties must negotiate in good faith an Access Proposal in accordance with section 216Gof the National Gas Law.d) A prospective user who is a party to negotiations in respect of an Access Proposal may inaccordance with section 562 of the National gas Law, from time to time, by written notice reasonably request the Service Provider to provide information in relation to the matters being negotiated in connection with the Access Proposal.e) Subject to confidentiality restrictions with third parties and commercially sensitive informationof the Service Provider, the Service Provider will within 15 business days of the notice or any longer period agreed by the prospective user, provide information reasonably requested by a prospective user in connection with the Access Proposal.f) Once the terms and conditions of an Access Proposal have been agreed or determined throughdispute resolution in accordance with Chapter 6 of the National Gas Law, the Service provider and the prospect user must sign a gas transportation agreement to evidence those terms and conditions. The Service Provider is not obliged to provide any Pipeline Services until an agreed gas transportation agreement is signed by the prospective user.g) Nothing in this document prevents a prospective user from referring a dispute to arbitration inaccordance with 216J of the National Gas Law.2.5 Further investigationsa) When a tie-in is required to access the Pipeline Service, it may not be feasible to provideprospective user with Pipeline Service.b) When the combined demands for the Pipeline Services exceed Pipeline capacity, it may notbe feasible to provide prospective users with Pipeline Service.c) Service Provider will consider tie-in, extending or expanding the Pipeline to meet prospectiveuser requirements where it considers it to be commercially viable and technically feasible to do so.d) Any such investigations undertaken in relation to the Access Request will be undertakenexpeditiously, and only to the extent reasonably necessary.e) Service Provider may elect not to proceed with an investment in tie-in or and new capacitywhere it may be uneconomic, where it is unreasonable, for technical reasons or for other reasons specified by the Service Provider.2.6 Confidential informationa) For the purposes of this clause 2.6, ‘confidential information’ means all information disclosedby the prospective user to the Service Provider in relation to the Access Request negotiations, other than information in the public domain, or any information which subsequently comes into the public domain as a result of a permitted disclosure under clause 2.6 9 (c).b) Subject to clause 2.6 (c), Service Provider will ensure that confidential commercial informationprovided by prospective user will be treated as confidential and will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided.c) Service Provider may disclose any confidential information provided by a prospective user inthe following circumstances (as may be applicable) and upon the following conditions in all cases only to such extend as may reasonably be required:i. To the scheme administrator in an access dispute notice;ii. To the arbitrator in the course of an arbitration;iii. By, or necessary for the purses of, the National Gas Rules or the National Gas Law;iv. Without limiting clause 2.6 (c)(iv), to the extend required by a law of a participating jurisdiction or required by a competent regulatory body, provide the Service Providergives written details of the disclosure including an explanation of the reasons fordisclosure) to the user or prospective user;v. By Service Provider to any related body corporate of the Service Provider in connection with the Access Request;vi. Where the disclosure is in accordance with an order made or a subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction;vii. To any bona fide potential purchaser, transferee or assignee of the Service Provider or its related body corporate; andviii. To a professional or other adviser, consultant, expert, contractor or subcontractor employed or retained by the Service Provider who agrees to or is otherwise bound byprofessional obligations to maintain the confidentiality of the confidential information.2.7 Review of documenta) Service Provider may review this document whenever it thinks fit from time to time. If ServiceProvider wishes to revise any of the terms of this document, Service Provider may publish those revisions on its website.3 Pipeline information and service informationa) Please refer to the ‘DLNG to PWC Pipeline Service Access and Information’ documentpublished on the ConocoPhillips website。
( 七 ) 利 用笔 记本 电脑 编 制 审 计报告 审计报告是注册会计师在完成审计程序后出具 的对被审单位会计报 表表示意 见的书面 文件 是审 计 工 作的最 终成果 具有 法律效率 利 用笔记 本 电 脑编制审计报 告 就 是在 笔记 本电脑上 完成审计报
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今后的调 用 需要说 明的是 在 调 用事 先储 存的表 格时 应先用 复制 命令 ( C OP Y 等 ) 复制 一个新 的表
格 然后在其上进行记录 填写等 工作 这样 事先储 存的表格并未作修改 以后需要时还可多次调用它
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、 ) 利 用 笔记 本 电脑 编制 审计 工 作 底稿 审计 工作底稿是指注册会计师在审计过程 中形 成的审计工作记录和 获取 的资料 按 照我 国《 独立 审计具体准则 第 6 号 审计 工作 底稿》 第九条规
. 计算 机审计 . 资料的文件名即可 利用笔记本 电脑储 存法规 资料应 分类储 存 : 以 不同的 目录名储存不同类别 的法规 例如 用 代 财会 这个 目 录 储存财 务 会计方 面的法规 用 审计 这个
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如果 不 能方
将法律 法规 制度输 人笔记 本电脑 储存需要一 定的时间 但尸旦完成了这 一步工作 以 后就可
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审计的风险 必 须科学 台 理地选取样 本 利用安装 在笔记 本 电脑 上 的计 算 机 高级 语言 ( 如 BA S lc 语 言 c 语言 数 据库 语言 等 ) 编 制抽样 审计程 序 可
一、登录与注册1. 打开浏览器,输入平台网址,并点击进入。
2. 在登录界面输入您的用户名和密码,点击“登录”按钮进行登录。
3. 若您还没有注册账号,可以点击“注册”按钮进行账号注册。
二、请假申请1. 登录后,点击页面左侧导航栏的“请假申请”菜单进入请假申请页面。
2. 在请假申请页面,点击“新建请假申请”按钮。
3. 在弹出的申请表单中,填写请假类型、请假时间段、请假事由等相关信息。
4. 填写完成后,点击“提交”按钮,系统将自动发送请假申请至上级审核。
5. 您可以在请假申请页面查看您的请假申请状态,包括审核中、审核通过、审核未通过等。
三、会议预订1. 登录后,点击页面左侧导航栏的“会议预订”菜单进入会议预订页面。
2. 在会议预订页面,点击“新建会议预订”按钮。
3. 在弹出的预订表单中,填写会议主题、参会人员、会议地点、会议时间等相关信息。
4. 填写完成后,点击“提交”按钮,系统将自动发送会议通知至参会人员邮箱。
5. 您可以在会议预订页面查看您的会议预订状态,包括已预订、进行中、已完成等。
四、文件管理1. 登录后,点击页面左侧导航栏的“文件管理”菜单进入文件管理页面。
2. 在文件管理页面,您可以查看和搜索已上传的文件。
3. 点击“上传文件”按钮,选择您要上传的文件并点击“确认”按钮完成上传。
4. 您可以在文件管理页面对已上传的文件进行重命名、删除等操作。
5. 点击文件名称即可下载文件到您的本地设备。
五、个人信息管理1. 登录后,点击页面右上角的头像图标,选择“个人信息”。
2. 在个人信息页面,您可以修改您的头像、密码、邮箱等个人信息。
. . . . .中普审计信息系统操作手册北京中普审业软件有限公司二00九年五月第一章、软件使用流程一、安装初始化Ⅰ ①软件安装 ②注册授权 ③系统参数设置 ④单位组织结构设置 ⑤操作员设置及授权 二、数据采集、转换Ⅱ ①生成U 盘数据采集工具 ②数据采集 ③数据转换 ①设置查帐期间 ②行业科目对照 ③数据准备及测试 三、查账前的准备工作Ⅲ 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111七、审计人员根据初始底稿执行程序进行审计工作Ⅶ 六、项目负责人结合实质性程序做人员分工Ⅵ ②选择实质性执行程序 ①选择人员及负责底稿 ③批量生成各人员初始底稿 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111①风险评估调查 五、项目负责人进行风险评估②编辑风险评估底稿 Ⅴ 四、生成未审报表Ⅳ ②生成未审报表 ①审计工作记录的介绍 ①基本查账详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 1>明细账查询 5>查帐中生成截止测试 4>自由抽凭和批量抽凭 3>查账中进行抽凭 2>银行询证函的生成 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111②账龄综合分析 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p1115>生成替代测试 4>设置关联方单位 3>生成重分类调整分录 2>往来询证函的生成1>进行帐龄分析 ③调整分录的录入①批量生成底稿 ②二次编辑底稿 ③底稿表头批量变更 八、生成正式的工作底稿Ⅷ 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111①生成正式的会计报表 ②生成附注底稿 ③编辑审计报告 九、附注的生成Ⅸ 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 常见问题解答p111 十、集团合并报表Ⅹ ①设置集团合并单位 ②录入抵消分录 ③合并报表及附注 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 详细操作P12 常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111常见问题解答p111第二章、详细操作与常见问题解答一、安装初始化(由系统管理员操作)1>、软件安装1.1软件的安装第一步:插入审计软件安装光盘,会自动弹出安装向导或者打开安装盘直接双击安装文件得setup.exe 文件。
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