AOAC990.28 Sulfites in Foods 食品中亚硫酸盐的检测方法







关键词:亚硝酸盐;食品加工;检测方法Abstract:With the continuous development and progress of society, all circles of society pay more and more attention to the safety of food. The role of self-evident sulphite in food processing,such as storage, anti-oxidation, bleaching and other positive effects, so it is feasible to add and haa played an important role in a long time, but the toxicity of sulfite in food processing is also not to be ignored, plus some businesses quick cause artificially added dose too large, extremely easy to cause harm to human organs, nerves, respiratory system. Therefore the detection of sulfite in food processing in the field is particularly important in the scientific analysis of effects and harm of sulfite in this paper, and expounds the conventional detection method of sulfite, the prospect of new testing method.Key words:Nitrite; Food processing; Detection method中图分类号:TS207.3;TS202.31 食品加工中亚硝酸盐的毒害作用对呼吸系统:二氧化硫会对人们的呼吸系统黏膜产生刺激作用,触发呼吸道类的疾病,造成肺部器官的功能性障碍和损害,如引发支气管炎、哮喘、肺气肿;对神经系统:由于亚硫酸盐的化合物二氧化硫会产生一定神经性损害,尤其是对脑细胞造成损伤,极易影响神经中枢,并随着二氧化硫的浓度而愈严重,导致神经元平均放电频率降低、记忆力减弱、学习能力下降等;对循环系统:会使心肌细胞超微结构产生一定程度的恶化,如心肌线粒体肿胀、闰盘扩张、毛细血管扩张、心脏收缩力下降、血管环舒张等;对生殖系统:最新研究发现,亚硫酸盐如今已扩大至对生殖系统的影响,如导致睾丸细胞和脂质损伤,降低精子产生的速率和质量,阻碍胚胎的生长发育。





结果研究组的结果明显优于对照A组及对照B组;同时研究组样品在加入四氯汞钠后,应用微波提取1.5h和用溶液直接浸泡4h所测得的结果相似;测定样品的相对标准偏差介于 2.6%~3.1%之间,且回收率介于91.00%~99.00%之间;研究组线性方程式为y=0.0325x+0.0015,相关系數为R2=0.9996。



1资料与方法1.1试验试剂与仪器研究组:将称取13.5g氯化汞与6.0g氯化钠混合,加水溶解并稀释制成1000mL的混合溶液,将配置好的溶液过夜沉淀以备用;对照A 组:吸取0.55mL甲醛且无聚合沉淀,其甲醛溶液比例需为36%,加水溶解以稀释的同时混匀至100mL以备用;对照B组:将称取的1g可溶解性淀粉兑水调和成糊状,之后将100mL沸水缓慢倾入并加以搅拌,溶液煮沸后放冷备用,可用时再配用。









本标准检出浓度为1mg/kg 2、原理亚硫酸盐与四氯汞钠反应生成稳定的络合物,再与甲醛及盐酸副玫瑰苯胺作用生成紫红色,与标准系列比较定量。


3.2 1.2 % 氨基磺酸铵溶液(12g/L)3.3甲醛溶液(2g/L):吸取0.55 mL无聚合沉淀的甲醛(36%),加水稀释至100 mL,混匀。

3.4淀粉指示液:称取1g可溶性淀粉,用少许水调成糊状,缓缓倾入100 mL沸水中,搅拌煮沸,放冷备用,此溶液临用时配制。

3.5亚铁氰化钾溶液:称取10.6g亚铁氰化钾,加水溶解并稀释至100 mL 3.6乙酸锌溶液:称取22g乙酸锌溶于少量水中,加入3mL冰乙酸,加水稀释至100 mL。

3.7盐酸副玫瑰苯胺溶液:称取0.1g盐酸副玫瑰苯胺(C19H18N2CL.4H2O:p-rosanilinehydrochlo-ride)于研钵中,加少量水研磨使溶解并稀释至100 mL。

取出20mL,置于100 mL容量瓶中,加盐酸(1+1)充分摇匀后使溶液由红变黄,如不变黄再滴加少量盐酸至出现黄色,再加水稀释至刻度,混匀备用。

3.8碘溶液[c(1/2I2)=0.100 mol/L]。

3.9硫代硫酸钠标准溶液[c(Na2S2O3·5H2O)=0.100 mol/L]。

3.10二氧化硫标准溶液:称取0.5g亚硫酸氢钠,溶于200 mL四氯汞钠吸收液中,放置过液,上清液用定量滤纸过滤备用。

吸取10.0 mL亚硫酸氢钠-四氯汞钠溶液于250mL碘量瓶中,加100 mL水,准确加入20.00 mL碘溶液(0.1mol/L),5 mL冰乙酸,摇匀,放置于暗处,2min后迅速以0.100mol/L 硫代硫酸钠标准溶液滴定至淡黄色,加0.5 mL淀粉指示剂,继续滴定至无色。



AOAC:食品中亚硫酸盐测定方法一简介1 理论样品和挥发盐酸一起加热可使样品中的亚硫酸盐转化为二氧化硫。




2 应用此方法适用于亚硫酸盐含量高于10ppm的新鲜和经过处理的食品,对存在挥发性硫化合物的物质也适用。


二装置a蒸馏装置b滴定管10mlc烧瓶带有螺帽d冷凝水可用甲醇水溶液,比例为甲醇:水=20:40,温度小于15℃e微量移液器100-1000微升三试剂和溶液1 试剂a盐酸12N,试剂级b过氧化氢30%ACS级c乙醚无水d乙醇无水e氮气高纯度,使用调节装置保持气流速度为200ml/minf氯化钡试剂级g氢氧化钠溶液0.01Nh水去离子水,18兆欧姆,用蒸馏水配置,使用前用250-300ml/m的氮气流冲15分钟脱氧,密闭保存。

I甲醛合次硫酸钠(HMS)j一水合磷酸氢二钠k D型甘露醇l甲基红2 溶液a 4N盐酸:加30ml12N盐酸至60ml去离子水中,搅拌均匀。


c 0.010N氢氧化钠:先配成1mol/l的氢氧化钠溶液,使用前再稀释至0.01ml/l的溶液。

1ml/l 氢氧化钠溶液的配置:称取110g NaOH,溶于100mL水中,摇匀,倒入聚乙烯容器中,密闭放置至溶液清亮。


称取7.5g、于105—110℃烘至质量恒定的基准邻二甲酸氢钾,称准至0.0001 g,溶于80ml无CO2的水中,加2滴酚酞指示液(10 g/L),用配制好的NaOH 溶液滴定至溶液呈粉红色同时作空白试验。

氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度按下式计算:MC(NaOH)= ---------(V—V0)×0.2042式中:C(NaOH)——氢氧化钠标准溶液之物质的浓度,mol/L;V——消耗氢氧化钠的量,mL;V0——空白试验消耗氢氧化钠的量,mL;M——邻苯二甲酸氢钾的质量,g;0.2042——邻苯二甲酸氢钾的摩尔质量。





1.1 准备设备与试剂本次研究使用的美国戴安公司的ICS2000离子色谱仪,并配合使用KOH淋洗液发生器、温控电导检测器、电子天平、德国莱驰的M200刀式混和研磨仪。



1.2 色谱条件色谱柱为IonPac AS18阴离子分析柱,规格为25cm×0.4cm。



25μl进样量,30mmol/L 氢氧化钾溶液的流动相[1]。

1.3 测定方法1.3.1 选择样品将选择的固体检测试样进行研磨,如饼干、坚果等,使其与半固体勺浆、液体试样等进行混合均匀,称取其中的5g,将其放入200mL的蒸馏瓶中,然后加入18mL水,10mL15%的H3PO4,与水蒸气连接进行蒸馏工作。



络合 物 , 型样 品如 味精 ( 典 谷氨 酸钠 分子 结 构 中含有 C OO ) 须 采用蒸 馏 后 比色 , 可排 除 此 干扰 , 则 , 方 否
数 据 严重 虚高 。
作 者 简 介 :黄 凤 妹 , ,9 6年 出生 , 程 师 , 要 从 事 食 品 的 检 测 。E ma : p f 0 4 1 6 cm。 女 17 工 主 — i n hm2 0 @ 2 .o l
原 理 : 硫 酸盐 与 四氯 汞钠 反 应生 成稳 定 的络 亚 合物 , 与 甲醛 和盐 酸 副 玫 瑰 苯 胺 生成 紫 红 色 的络 再 合物 , 比色定 量 。
11 1 试 .. 剂
1 1 3 方 法 探 讨 .. 1 1 3 1 干 扰 物 质 及 消 除 方 法 见 表 1 . . . 。
21年第5 01 期
14 3 2 测 . .. 定
H2 + H 2 O3 H2 O4 H2 ; O2 S 4 S + O H2 O4 2 OH— Na S + 2 O; S + Na 2 O4 H2
显 色 :同 G / 0 9 4 0 3 一 法 , B TS 0 .3 -2 0 第 只是 在 测 定样 品 时 , 同 时 吸取 2份 样 液 于 A、 须 B管 中 , A
收液稀 释成 2-/ # mL的标 准使 用液 。 g
1 1 2 方 法 . .
定 的指 导意 义 。
1 检 测 方 法
1 1 盐 酸 副 玫 瑰 苯 胺 法 ( 馏 后 比 色 法 )l . 蒸 _
试样 处 理 :在 密 闭容 器 中加 1 1 酸对 试 样 + 盐 进行 酸化 并加 热蒸 馏 , 释放 出 的 S O。以 四氯汞 钠 作 为 吸收液 , 容 至 一 定 体 积 , 取 一 定 量 的试 液 分 定 吸 析 。后 面步 骤 及 计 算 同 GB T 0 9 3 —2 0 / 5 0 . 4 0 3第 一



AOAC:食品中亚硫酸盐测定方法一简介1 理论样品和挥发盐酸一起加热可使样品中的亚硫酸盐转化为二氧化硫。




2 应用此方法适用于亚硫酸盐含量高于10ppm的新鲜和经过处理的食品,对存在挥发性硫化合物的物质也适用。


二装置a蒸馏装置b滴定管10mlc烧瓶带有螺帽d冷凝水可用甲醇水溶液,比例为甲醇:水=20:40,温度小于15℃e微量移液器100-1000微升三试剂和溶液1 试剂a盐酸12N,试剂级b过氧化氢30%ACS级c乙醚无水d乙醇无水e氮气高纯度,使用调节装置保持气流速度为200ml/minf氯化钡试剂级g氢氧化钠溶液0.01Nh水去离子水,18兆欧姆,用蒸馏水配置,使用前用250-300ml/m的氮气流冲15分钟脱氧,密闭保存。

I甲醛合次硫酸钠(HMS)j一水合磷酸氢二钠k D型甘露醇l甲基红2 溶液a 4N盐酸:加30ml12N盐酸至60ml去离子水中,搅拌均匀。


c 0.010N氢氧化钠:先配成1mol/l的氢氧化钠溶液,使用前再稀释至0.01ml/l的溶液。

1ml/l 氢氧化钠溶液的配置:称取110g NaOH,溶于100mL水中,摇匀,倒入聚乙烯容器中,密闭放置至溶液清亮。


称取7.5g、于105—110℃烘至质量恒定的基准邻二甲酸氢钾,称准至0.0001 g,溶于80ml无CO2的水中,加2滴酚酞指示液(10 g/L),用配制好的NaOH 溶液滴定至溶液呈粉红色同时作空白试验。

氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度按下式计算:MC(NaOH)= ---------(V—V0)×0.2042式中:C(NaOH)——氢氧化钠标准溶液之物质的浓度,mol/L;V——消耗氢氧化钠的量,mL;V0——空白试验消耗氢氧化钠的量,mL;M——邻苯二甲酸氢钾的质量,g;0.2042——邻苯二甲酸氢钾的摩尔质量。

AOAC990.28 Sulfites in Foods 食品中亚硫酸盐的检测方法

AOAC990.28  Sulfites in Foods 食品中亚硫酸盐的检测方法

47.3.43AOAC Official Method990.28Sulfites in FoodsOptimized Monier–Williams MethodFirst Action1990Final Action1994(Applicable of determination of≥10ppm(µg/g)sulfites in foods. Applicable in presence of other volatile sulfur compounds;not ap-plicable to dried onions,leeks,and cabbage.)Results of the interlaboratory study supporting the acceptance of the method:Hominy,9.17ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.33;s R=1.42;RSD r=14.5%;RSD R=15.5%Fruit juice,8.05ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.36;s R=1.62;RSD r=16.9%;RSD R=20.1%Protein(seafood),10.41ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.47;s R=2.77;RSD r=14.1%;RSD R=26.6%A.PrincipleMethod measures free sulfite plus reproducible portion of bound sulfites,such as carbonyl addition products,in foods.Test portion is heated with refluxing HCl(ca1M)to convert sulfite to SO2.Stream of N2introduced below surface of refluxing solution sweeps SO2 through water-cooled condenser and,via bubbler attached to con-denser,with3%H2O2solution,where SO2is oxidized to H2SO4. Sulfite content is directly related to generated H2SO4,which is deter-mined by titration with standardized NaOH solution.For verifica-tion,sulfate can be determined gravimetrically as BaSO4.B.Apparatus(a)Distillation apparatus.—(Note:In this method,back pres-sure inside apparatus is limited to unavoidable pressure due to height of3%H2O2solution above tip of bubbler(F).Keep back pressure as low as possible to avoid loss of SO2through e thin film of stopcock grease on sealing surfaces of all joints except joint between separatory funnel and flask.Clamp together each joint to ensure complete seal throughout analysis.)Assemble apparatus(Figure 990.28A),which includes(1)inlet adapter(A)with hose connector (Kontes183000).Adapter provides means of applying head pres-sure above e of pressure-equalizing dropping funnel is not recommended because condensate,perhaps containing SO2,is deposited in funnel and side arm.(2)Separatory funnel(B),≥100mL capacity.(3)Round-bottom flask(C),1L,with three24/40 tapered joints.(4)Gas inlet tube(D)(Kontes179000)of sufficient length to permit introduction of N2within2.5cm of bottom of flask.(5)Allihn condenser(E)(Kontes431000-2430),jacket length 300mm.(6)Bubbler(F),fabricated from glass according to dimen-sions in Figure990.28B.(7)Vessel(G),ca2.5cm id and18cm deep.(b)Buret.—10mL(Kimble Glass,Inc.,No.17124-F)with over-flow tube and hose connections for Ascarite tube or equivalent air-scrubbing apparatus to permit maintenance of CO2-free atmo-sphere over standardized0.010M NaOH.(c)Chilled water circulator.—Chill condenser with coolant, such as methanol-water(20+40,v/v),maintained at≤15°C.Circu-lating pump,Neslab Coolflow33(Neslab Instruments,Inc.,PO Box 1178,Portsmouth,NH03801,USA),or equivalent,is suitable.C.Reagents(a)Aqueous hydrochloric acid.—4M.For each analysis,prepare 90mL solution by adding30mL HCl to60mL deionized(18meg-ohm)water.(b)Methyl red indicator.—Dissolve250mg methyl red in 100mL ethanol.(c)Standardized titrant.—0.010M NaOH.Certified reagent may be used(Fisher SO-5-284).Standardize solution with reference standard potassium acid phthalate.(d)Hydrogen peroxide solution.—3%.For each analysis,dilute 3mL ACS reagent grade30%H2O2to30mL with deionized (18megohm)water.Just prior to use,add3drops methyl red indica-tor and titrate with0.010M NaOH to yellow end point.If end point is exceeded,discard solution.(e)Nitrogen.—High purity,used with regulator to maintain flow of200mL/min.To guard against oxygen in N2gas,use GC-type trap (Oxy-Purge N[Alltech-Applied Science Laboratories,Inc.],or equivalent).Alternatively,oxygen-scrubbing solution,such as alkaline pyrogallol,in gas-washing bottle(Kimble Glass,Inc.)may be used. Prepare trap as follows:(1)Add4.5g pyrogallol to trap.(2)Purge trap with N2for2–3min.(3)Prepare KOH solution by adding65gFigure990.28A—Apparatus for optimized Monier-Williams method:A,inlet adapter;B,separatory funnel; C,round-bottom flask;D,gas inlet tube;E,Allihn con-denser;F,bubbler;G,vessel.KOH to85mL H2O.(Caution:Heat is generated.)(4)Add KOH so-lution to trap while atmosphere of N2is maintained in trap.D.Test Sample Preparation(a)Solids.—Transfer50g food,or quantity that contains 500–1500µg SO2,to food processor or blender.Add100mL etha-nol–water(5+95,v/v)and briefly grind mixture.Continue grinding or blending only until food is chopped into pieces small enough to pass through standard taper24/40joint of flask(C).(b)Liquids.—Mix50g test portion,or quantity that contains 500–1500µg SO2with100mL ethanol-water(5+95,v/v). (Note:Carry out test sample preparation and analysis as quickly as possible to avoid loss of labile forms of sulfite.)E.System PreparationUsing apparatus assembled as shown in Figure990.28A,position flask(C)in heating mantle controlled by power-regulating device (rheostat),and add400mL H2O to flask.Close stopcock of separa-tory funnel(B)and add90mL4M HCl to separatory funnel.Begin N2flow at200±10mL/min.Initiate condenser coolant flow at this time.To vessel(G)add30mL3%H2O2,which has been titrated to yellow end point with0.010M NaOH.After15min,apparatus and water will be thoroughly deoxygenated and prepared test portion may be introduced into system.F.Sample Introduction and DistillationRemove separatory funnel(B)and quantitatively transfer test por-tion in aqueous ethanol to flask(C).Wipe tapered joint clean with laboratory tissue,quickly apply stopcock grease to outer joint of separatory funnel,and return separatory funnel to flask.Nitrogen flow through3%H2O2solution resumes as soon as separatory funnel is reinserted into appropriate joint in flask.Examine each joint to be sure that it is sealed.Use rubber bulb equipped with valve to apply head pressure above HCl in separatory funnel.Open stopcock in separatory funnel and let HCl flow into flask.Continue to maintain sufficient pressure above acid solution to force solution into flask.Stopcock may be closed,if necessary,to pump up pressure above acid,and then opened again. Close stopcock before last2–3mL drain out of separatory funnel to guard against escape of SO2into separatory funnel.Apply power to heating e power setting that causes 80–90drops/min of condensate to return to flask from condenser. Let contents of flask boil1.7h,and then remove vessel(G).G.Determination(a)Titration.—Immediately titrate contents of vessel(G)with0.010M NaOH to yellow end point that persists≥pute sul-fite content,expressed inµg SO2/g food(ppm),as follows:SO2,µg/g(ppm)=32031000.×××V MweightBwhere32.03=milliequivalent weight of SO2;V B=volume(mL)of NaOH of molarity M required to reach end point;1000=factor to convert milliequivalents to microequivalents;weight=weight,g,of test portion introduced into1L flask.(b)Gravimetric determination.—Optional.Following titration, rinse contents of vessel(G)into400mL beaker.Add4drops1M HCl and excess of filtered10%BaCl2solution,and let mixture stand overnight.Wash precipitate by decantation3times with hot water through weighed Gooch crucible.Wash with20mL alcohol and 20mL ether,and dry at105–110°C.SO2,µg/g(ppm)=mg BaSOg test portion4×27446.(c)Blank determination.—Determine blank on reagents both by titration and gravimetrically,and correct results accordingly.H.Recovery AssaysTo become familiar and proficient with method before routine use,analyze food test portions containing known amounts of sulfite. Perform analysis in manner that precludes any loss of sulfite by oxi-dation or reaction with components in food.Since sulfites are reac-tive with air and food matrixes and lack stability,fortify portions with stable source of sulfite,not sodium sulfite or similar salts.So-dium hydroxymethylsulfonate(HMS),which is bisulfite addition product of formaldehyde and is structurally similar to some com-bined forms of sulfite in foods,is useful for preparing stable fortified test materials.For analysis,transfer50g prepared test sample of sulfite-free food to Monier-Williams flask.Add aliquot of aqueous solution of HMS sodium salt.Analyze solution immediately.HMS recoveries of≥80%from food matrixes fortified at10µg/g are recommended to ensure accurate analytical data. Reference:JAOAC72,470(1989).CAS-7446-09-5(sulfur dioxide)Figure990.28B—Enlarged diagram of bubbler for Monier-Williams apparatus(lengths in mm).。



食品中亚硫酸盐的测定方法探索杨胜元(贵州省黔南州食品药品检验所贵州都匀市 558000)摘要:将食品中的亚硫酸盐经超声充分溶解于水中,用库伦法原理,通过定硫仪测定,即可计算出食品中二氧化硫的含量。


关键词:食品亚硫酸盐库伦法定硫仪探索新技术Determination of sulfite in food explorationYANG Sheng-Yuan(The Food and Drug Inspection of Qiannan, Guizhou,Duyun,558000)Abstract:The sulfite in food by ultrasound fully dissolved in water, using the Kulun method, the sulfur analyzer, we can calculate the content of sulfur dioxide in food. Exploration of superior test technology. Keyword:Food Sulfite Coulomb's law Sulphur analyzer Explore new technologies1. 引言鉴于现行《食品中亚硫酸盐的测定》(GB/T5009.34—2003)中的盐酸副玫瑰苯肼法和蒸馏法的复杂以及有毒且危险过程;流动注射化学发光法也过于繁琐和危险,现对食品中亚硫酸盐库伦法试验进行探索,快速、准确且安全的测量食品中的亚硫酸盐。

2. 实验部分2.1原理食品中各种形态的亚硫酸通过超声溶解于水中,生成SO32-,而立即被电解液中的I2(Br2)氧化成H2SO4,结果溶液中的I2(Br2)减少而I(Br)增加,破坏了电解液的平衡状态,指示电极间的电位升高,仪器自动判断启动电解,并根据指示电极上的电位高低,控制与之对应的电解电流的大小与时间,使电解电极上生成的I2(Br2)与SO32-反应所消耗的数量相等,从而使电解液重新回到平衡状态,重复些过程,直到试验结束。



AOAC亚硫酸盐测定方法(自己翻译)AOAC:食品中亚硫酸盐测定方法一简介1 理论样品和挥发盐酸一起加热可使样品中的亚硫酸盐转化为二氧化硫。




2 应用此方法适用于亚硫酸盐含量高于10ppm的新鲜和经过处理的食品,对存在挥发性硫化合物的物质也适用。


二装置a蒸馏装置b滴定管10mlc烧瓶带有螺帽d冷凝水可用甲醇水溶液,比例为甲醇:水=20:40,温度小于15℃e微量移液器100-1000微升三试剂和溶液1 试剂a盐酸12N,试剂级b过氧化氢30%ACS级c乙醚无水d乙醇无水e氮气高纯度,使用调节装置保持气流速度为200ml/minf氯化钡试剂级g氢氧化钠溶液0.01Nh水去离子水,18兆欧姆,用蒸馏水配置,使用前用250-300ml/m的氮气流冲15分钟脱氧,密闭保存。

I甲醛合次硫酸钠(HMS)j一水合磷酸氢二钠k D型甘露醇l甲基红2 溶液a 4N盐酸:加30ml12N盐酸至60ml去离子水中,搅拌均匀。


c 0.010N氢氧化钠:先配成1mol/l的氢氧化钠溶液,使用前再稀释至0.01ml/l的溶液。

1ml/l 氢氧化钠溶液的配置:称取110g NaOH,溶于100mL水中,摇匀,倒入聚乙烯容器中,密闭放置至溶液清亮。


称取7.5g、于105—110℃烘至质量恒定的基准邻二甲酸氢钾,称准至0.0001 g,溶于80ml无CO2的水中,加2滴酚酞指示液(10 g/L),用配制好的NaOH 溶液滴定至溶液呈粉红色同时作空白试验。











1 亚硫酸盐的毒理作用2017年10月27日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构公布的致癌物清单初步整理参考,亚硫酸盐在3类致癌物(对人类致癌性尚未归类)清单中。











第41届国际食品添加剂法典会议上,CCFA 倡议各成员收集各国市场上食品和饮料中亚硫酸盐的使用资料,为下一步关于亚硫酸盐类使用水平的修订审议提供依据,世界各国也纷纷出台各种法规标准来限制亚硫酸盐的使用,美国要求对亚硫酸盐使用量超过10mg/kg的食品必须必需予以明示,并针对不同食品,限定亚硫酸盐残留量范围在50~200 mg/kg,我国国家标准GB2760也作出明确规定,残留量范围在10~400 mg/kg。



1 比色法盐酸副玫瑰苯胺比色法【2】属于直接比色法,其原理是亚硫酸盐和四氯汞钠反应生成稳定的络合物,再与甲醛及盐酸副玫瑰苯胺作用生成紫红色络合物,与标准系列比较定量。



47.3.43AOAC Of f i c ial Method 990.28Sul f ites in FoodsOp t i m ized Monier–Wil l iams MethodFirst Ac t ion 1990Fi n al Ac t ion1994(Ap p li c a b le of de t er m i n a t ion of ³10 ppm (m g/g) sul f ites in foods. Ap p li c a b le in pres e nce of other vol a t ile sul f ur com p ounds; not ap p li c a b le to dried on i ons, leeks, and cab b age.)See Table 990.28 for the results of the interlaboratory study supporting acceptance of the method.A.Prin c i p leMethod mea s ures free sul f ite plus re p ro d uc i ble por t ion of bound sul f ites, such as car b onyl ad d i t ion prod u cts, in foods. Test por t ion is heated with refluxing HCl (ca 1M) to con v ert sul f ite to SO2. Stream of N2 in t ro d uced be l ow sur f ace of refluxing so l u t ion sweeps SO2 through wa t er-cooled con d enser and, via bubbler at t ached to con d enser, with 3% H2O2 so l u t ion, where SO2 is ox i d ized to H2SO4. Sul f ite con t ent is di r ectly re l ated to gen e r a ted H2SO4, which is de t er m ined by ti t ra t ion with stan d ard i zed NaOH so l u t ion.For ver i f i c a t ion,sul f ate can be de t er m ined gravimetrically as BaSO4.B. Ap p a r a t us(a)Dis t il l a t ion ap p a r a t us.—(Note: In this method, back pres s ure in s ide ap p a r a t us is lim i ted to un a void a ble pres s ure due to height of 3% H2O2 so l u t ion above tip of bubbler (F). Keep back pres s ure as low as pos s i b le to avoid loss of SO2 through leaks. Use thin film of stop c ock grease on seal i ng sur f aces of all joints ex c ept joint be t ween sepa r a t ory fun n el and flask. Clamp to g ether each joint to en s ure com p lete seal through o ut anal y s is.) As s em b le ap p a r a t us (Fig u re 990.28A), which in c ludes (1) in l et adapter (A) with hose con n ec t or (Kontes 183000). Adapter pro v ides means of ap p ly i ng head pres s ure above so l u t ion. Use of pres s ure-equalizing drop p ing fun n el is not rec o m m ended be c ause con d en s ate, per h aps con t ain i ng SO2, is de p os i ted in fun n el and side arm. (2) Sepa r a t ory fun n el (B),³100 mL ca p ac i ty. (3) Round-bottom flask (C), 1 L, with three 24/40 ta p ered joints. (4) Gas in l et tube (D) (Kontes 179000) of suf f i c ient length to per m it in t ro d uc t ion of N2 within 2.5 cm of bot t om of flask.(5) Allihn con d enser (E) (Kontes 431000-2430), jacket length 300 mm. (6) Bubbler (F), fab r i c ated from glass ac c ord i ng to di m en s ions in Fig u re 990.28B. (7) Ves s el (G), ca 2.5 cm id and18 cm deep.(b) Buret.—10 mL (Kimble Glass, Inc., No. 17124-F) with over f low tube and hose con n ec t ions for Ascarite tube or equiv a l ent air-scrubbing ap p a r a t us to per m it main t e n ance of CO2-free at m o s phere over stan d ard i zed 0.010M NaOH.(c)Chilled wa t er circulator.—Chill con d enser with cool a nt, such as meth a n ol–water (20 + 40, v/v), main t ained at £15°C. Cir c u l ating pump, Neslab Coolflow 33 (Neslab In s tru m ents, Inc.,PO Box 1178, Portsmouth, NH 03801, USA), or equiv a l ent, is suit a ble.C. Re a gents(a) Aque o us hy d ro c hlo r ic acid.—4M. For each anal y s is, pre p are90 mL so l u t ion by add i ng 30 mL HCl to 60 mL deionized(18 meg o hm) wa t er.(b) Methy l red in d i c a t or.—Dis s olve 250 mg methy l red in 100 mL eth a n ol.(c) Stan d ard i zed titrant.—0.010M NaOH. Cer t ified re a gent may be used (Fisher SO-5-284). Stan d ard i ze so l u t ion with ref e r e nce stan d ard po t as s ium acid phthalate.(d) Hy d ro g en per o x i de so l u t ion.—3%. For each anal y s is, di l ute3 mL ACS re a gent grade 30% H2O2 to 30 mL with deionized (18 megohm) wa t er. Just prior to use, add 3 drops methy l red in d i c a t or and ti t rate with 0.010M NaOH to yel l ow end point. If end point is ex c eeded, dis c ard so l u t ion.(e) Ni t ro g en.—High pu r ity, used with reg u l a t or to main t ain flow of 200 mL/min. To guard against ox y g en in N2 gas, use GC-type trap (Oxy-Purge N [Alltech-Applied Sci e nce Lab o r a t ories, Inc.; ], or equiv a l ent).Al t er n a t ively,ox y g en-scrubbing so l u t ion,such as al k a l ine pyrogallol, in gas-washing bot t le (Kimble Glass, Inc.) may be used.ã 2005 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALTable 990.28. Interlaboratory study results for sulfites in foodsMatrix Mean,m g/g s r RSD r, %s R RSD R, %HorRatHominy9.17 1.3314.5 1.4215.5 1.36 Fruit juice8.05 1.3616.9 1.6220.1 1.73 Protein (seafood)10.41 1.4714.1 2.7726.62.38Fig u r e990.28A.Ap p a r a t us for op t i m izedMonier-Williams method: A, in l et adapter; B, sepa r a t ory fun n el; C, round-bottom flask; D, gas in l et tube; E, Allihn con d enser; F, bubbler; G, ves s el.Pre p are trap as fol l ows: (1) Add 4.5 g pyrogallol to trap. (2) Purge trap with N 2 for 2–3 min. (3) Pre p are KOH so l u t ion by add i ng 65 g KOH to 85 mL H 2O. (Cau t ion: Heat is gen e r a ted.) (4) Add KOH so l u t ion to trap while at m o s phere of N 2 is main t ained in trap.D. Prep a r a t ion of Test Suspension(a )Solids .—Trans f er 50 g food, or quan t ity that con t ains 500–1500 m g SO 2, to food pro c es s or or blender. Add 100 mL eth a n ol–water (5 + 95, v/v) and briefly grind mix t ure. Con t inue grind i ng or blend i ng only un t il food is chopped into pieces small enough to pass through stan d ard taper 24/40 joint of flask (C).(b ) Liq u ids .—Mix 50 g test portion, or quan t ity that con t ains 500–1500 m g SO 2 with 100 mL eth a n ol–water (5 + 95, v/v).(Note: Carry out test suspension prep a r a t ion and anal y s is as quickly as pos s i b le to avoid loss of la b ile forms of sul f ite.)E.Sys t em Prep a r a t ionUsing ap p a r a t us as s em b led as shown in Fig u re 990.28A ,po s i t ionflask (C) in heat i ng man t le con t rolled by power-regulating de v ice (rheo s tat), and add 400 mL H 2O to flask. Close stop c ock of sepa r a t ory fun n el (B) and add 90 mL 4M HCl to sepa r a t ory fun n el.Be g in N 2 flow at 200 ± 10 mL/min. Ini t i a te con d enser cool a nt flow at this time. To ves s el (G) add 30 mL 3% H 2O 2, which has been ti t rated to y el l ow end point with 0.010M NaOH. Af t er 15 min,ap p a r a t us and wa t er will be thor o ughly deoxygenated and pre p ared test suspension may be in t ro d uced into sys t em.F. Suspension In t ro d uc t ion and Dis t il l a t ionRe m ove sepa r a t ory fun n el (B) and quan t i t a t ively trans f er test suspension in aque o us eth a n ol to flask (C). Wipe ta p ered joint clean with lab o r a t ory tis s ue, quickly ap p ly stop c ock grease to outer joint of sepa r a t ory fun n el, and re t urn sepa r a t ory fun n el to flask. Ni t ro g en flow through 3% H 2O 2 so l u t ion re s umes as soon as sepa r a t ory fun n el is re i n s erted into ap p ro p ri a te joint in flask. Ex a m i ne each joint to be sure that it is sealed.Use rub b er bulb equipped with valve to ap p ly head pres s ure above HCl in sepa r a t ory fun n el. Open stop c ock in sepa r a t ory fun n el and let HCl flow into flask. Con t inue to main t ain suf f i c ient pres s ure above acid so l u t ion to force so l u t ion into flask. Stop c ock may be closed, if nec e s s ary , to pump up pres s ure above acid, and then opened again. Close stop c ock be f ore last 2–3 mL drain out of sepa r a t ory fun n el to guard against es c ape of SO 2 into sepa r a t ory fun n el.Ap p ly power to heat i ng man t le. Use power set t ing that causes 80–90 drops/min of con d en s ate to re t urn to flask from con d enser.Let con t ents of flask boil 1.7 h, and then re m ove ves s el (G).G.De t er m i n a t ion(a ) Ti t ra t ion .—Im m e d i a tely ti t rate con t ents of ves s el (G)with 0.010M NaOH to yel l ow end point that per s ists ³20 s. Com p ute sul f ite con t ent, ex p ressed in m g SO 2/g food (ppm), as fol l ows:SO 2, m g/g (ppm ) =32031000.´´´V M weightB where 32.03 = milliequivalent weight of SO 2; V B = vol u me (mL) ofNaOH of molarity M re q uired to reach end point; 1000 = fac t or to con v ert milliequivalents to microequivalents; weight = weight, g, of test por t ion in t ro d uced into 1 L flask.(b ) Gravimetric de t er m i n a t ion .—Op t ional.Fol l ow i ng ti t ra t ion,rinse con t ents of ves s el (G) into 400 mL beaker. Add 4 drops 1M HCl and ex c ess of fil t ered 10% BaCl 2 so l u t ion, and let mix t ure stand over n ight. Wash pre c ip i t ate by decantation 3 times with hot wa t er through weighed Gooch cru c i b le. Wash with 20 mL al c o h ol and 20 mL ether, and dry at 105°–110°C.SO 2, m g/g (ppm) =mg BaSO g test portion4´27446.(c ) Blank de t er m i n a t ion .—De t er m ine blank on re a gents both by ti t ra t ion and gravimetrically, and cor r ect re s ults ac c ord i ngly.H .Re c ov e ry As s aysTo be c ome fa m il i ar and pro f i c ient with method be f ore rou t ine use, an a l yze foods con t ain i ng known amounts of sul f ite. Per f orm anal y s is in man n er that pre c ludes any loss of sul f ite by ox i d a t ion or re a c t ion with com p o n ents in food. Since sul f ites are re a c t ive with air and food ma t rixes and lack sta b il i ty, for t ify por t ions with sta b le source of sul f ite, not so d ium sul f ite or sim i l ar salts. So d ium hydroxymethylsulfonate (HMS), which is bisulfite ad d i t ion prod u ct of form a l d e h yde and is struc t ur a lly sim i l ar to some com b ined forms of sul f ite in foods, is use f ul for pre p ar i ng sta b le for t i f ied test ma t e r i a ls.For anal y s is, trans f er 50 g pre p ared test portion of sul f ite-free food to Monier-Williams flask. Add aliquot of aque o us so l u t ion of HMS so d ium salt.An a l y ze so l u t ion im m e d i a tely .HMS re c ov e r i es of ³80% from food ma t rixes for t i f ied at 10 m g/g are rec o m m ended to en s ure ac c u r ate an a l y t i c al data.Ref e r e nce:JAOAC 72, 470(1989).CAS-7446-09-5 (sul f ur di o x i de)ã 2005 AOAC IN T ER N A TIONALFig u r e 990.28B.En l ar ged di a g r am of bubbler for Monier-Williams ap p a r a t us (lengths in mm).。









而根据世界卫生组织(WHO)发布的资料来看,人体每天的亚硫酸盐的安全摄入量是在0- 0.7mg/kg体重(以SO2计)。








1 二氧化硫及亚硫酸盐在食品中的作用亚硫酸盐包括二氧化硫在食品添加剂中有漂白、增白、防褐变及防腐等作用。

1.1 防止食品的酶促褐变与非酶褐变酶促褐变是酚酶催化酚类物质形成醌及其聚合物的结果,一般发生在水果,蔬菜等新鲜植物性食物中。









1.4 漂白亚硫酸及其盐类都是因其产生的具有强还原性的二氧化硫在起作用。



试论食品中亚硫酸盐添加剂的测定试论食品中亚硫酸盐添加剂的测定随着我国人民生活质量的提高,食品安全问题日益引起人们的高度重视,所以就为各位化学毕业的朋友整理了相关论文,请看下面:[摘要] 本文中综述了食品中亚硫酸盐的使用,危害及添加方式、限量标准,对检验方法进行了归类,并讨论了各种检测方法的优缺点。


[关键词] 亚硫酸盐使用限量标准检测方法自20 世纪80 年代起,食品中亚硫酸盐的安全性引起了越来越多的关注。



1.亚硫酸盐概述1.1亚硫酸盐的使用亚硫酸盐是一类很早即在世界范围内广泛使用的食品添加剂:可作为食品漂白剂、防腐剂;在食品工业中,亚硫酸盐的添加形式包括:亚硫酸氢钠(NaHSO3)、低亚硫酸钠(Na2SO5和Na2SO5以不同比例混合)、焦亚硫酸钾(K2S2O5 )、亚硫酸钠(Na2SO3)、二氧化硫(SO2)和硫磺(S)等。




另外二氧化硫毒性研究的最新报道显示,二氧化硫是一种全身性毒物,它对脑组织、肺、心脏、胃、血液、红细胞、肝脏、脾脏、雄性生殖系统等都有对应的毒性[2] 。




食品中亚硫酸盐的4种检测方法黄凤妹【摘要】The detection method of sulfites in food has been stipulated in national standard GB/T5009. 34-2003. This article discusses four other methods, and their detected data for selected representative food samples are compared with those obtained by national standard method. The results confirmed that four new methods can quantitatively determine sulfites in foods accurately.%食品中亚硫酸盐的检测方法国标为GB/T5009.34-2003.本文主要阐述了食品中亚硫酸盐的其他4种检测方法,并通过选取有代表的样品将这4种检测方法与国标法进行了比较和探讨,从而证实这4种检测方法对食品中亚硫酸盐的准确定量具有一定的指导意义.【期刊名称】《分析仪器》【年(卷),期】2011(000)005【总页数】3页(P87-89)【关键词】检测方法;食品;亚硫酸盐【作者】黄凤妹【作者单位】南平市产品质量检验所,福建南平,353000【正文语种】中文亚硫酸及其盐类是广泛使用的食品添加剂,具有漂白、脱色、防腐及抗氧化等作用。












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47.3.43AOAC Official Method990.28Sulfites in FoodsOptimized Monier–Williams MethodFirst Action1990Final Action1994(Applicable of determination of≥10ppm(µg/g)sulfites in foods. Applicable in presence of other volatile sulfur compounds;not ap-plicable to dried onions,leeks,and cabbage.)Results of the interlaboratory study supporting the acceptance of the method:Hominy,9.17ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.33;s R=1.42;RSD r=14.5%;RSD R=15.5%Fruit juice,8.05ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.36;s R=1.62;RSD r=16.9%;RSD R=20.1%Protein(seafood),10.41ppm(µg/g)sulfites:s r=1.47;s R=2.77;RSD r=14.1%;RSD R=26.6%A.PrincipleMethod measures free sulfite plus reproducible portion of bound sulfites,such as carbonyl addition products,in foods.Test portion is heated with refluxing HCl(ca1M)to convert sulfite to SO2.Stream of N2introduced below surface of refluxing solution sweeps SO2 through water-cooled condenser and,via bubbler attached to con-denser,with3%H2O2solution,where SO2is oxidized to H2SO4. Sulfite content is directly related to generated H2SO4,which is deter-mined by titration with standardized NaOH solution.For verifica-tion,sulfate can be determined gravimetrically as BaSO4.B.Apparatus(a)Distillation apparatus.—(Note:In this method,back pres-sure inside apparatus is limited to unavoidable pressure due to height of3%H2O2solution above tip of bubbler(F).Keep back pressure as low as possible to avoid loss of SO2through e thin film of stopcock grease on sealing surfaces of all joints except joint between separatory funnel and flask.Clamp together each joint to ensure complete seal throughout analysis.)Assemble apparatus(Figure 990.28A),which includes(1)inlet adapter(A)with hose connector (Kontes183000).Adapter provides means of applying head pres-sure above e of pressure-equalizing dropping funnel is not recommended because condensate,perhaps containing SO2,is deposited in funnel and side arm.(2)Separatory funnel(B),≥100mL capacity.(3)Round-bottom flask(C),1L,with three24/40 tapered joints.(4)Gas inlet tube(D)(Kontes179000)of sufficient length to permit introduction of N2within2.5cm of bottom of flask.(5)Allihn condenser(E)(Kontes431000-2430),jacket length 300mm.(6)Bubbler(F),fabricated from glass according to dimen-sions in Figure990.28B.(7)Vessel(G),ca2.5cm id and18cm deep.(b)Buret.—10mL(Kimble Glass,Inc.,No.17124-F)with over-flow tube and hose connections for Ascarite tube or equivalent air-scrubbing apparatus to permit maintenance of CO2-free atmo-sphere over standardized0.010M NaOH.(c)Chilled water circulator.—Chill condenser with coolant, such as methanol-water(20+40,v/v),maintained at≤15°C.Circu-lating pump,Neslab Coolflow33(Neslab Instruments,Inc.,PO Box 1178,Portsmouth,NH03801,USA),or equivalent,is suitable.C.Reagents(a)Aqueous hydrochloric acid.—4M.For each analysis,prepare 90mL solution by adding30mL HCl to60mL deionized(18meg-ohm)water.(b)Methyl red indicator.—Dissolve250mg methyl red in 100mL ethanol.(c)Standardized titrant.—0.010M NaOH.Certified reagent may be used(Fisher SO-5-284).Standardize solution with reference standard potassium acid phthalate.(d)Hydrogen peroxide solution.—3%.For each analysis,dilute 3mL ACS reagent grade30%H2O2to30mL with deionized (18megohm)water.Just prior to use,add3drops methyl red indica-tor and titrate with0.010M NaOH to yellow end point.If end point is exceeded,discard solution.(e)Nitrogen.—High purity,used with regulator to maintain flow of200mL/min.To guard against oxygen in N2gas,use GC-type trap (Oxy-Purge N[Alltech-Applied Science Laboratories,Inc.],or equivalent).Alternatively,oxygen-scrubbing solution,such as alkaline pyrogallol,in gas-washing bottle(Kimble Glass,Inc.)may be used. Prepare trap as follows:(1)Add4.5g pyrogallol to trap.(2)Purge trap with N2for2–3min.(3)Prepare KOH solution by adding65gFigure990.28A—Apparatus for optimized Monier-Williams method:A,inlet adapter;B,separatory funnel; C,round-bottom flask;D,gas inlet tube;E,Allihn con-denser;F,bubbler;G,vessel.KOH to85mL H2O.(Caution:Heat is generated.)(4)Add KOH so-lution to trap while atmosphere of N2is maintained in trap.D.Test Sample Preparation(a)Solids.—Transfer50g food,or quantity that contains 500–1500µg SO2,to food processor or blender.Add100mL etha-nol–water(5+95,v/v)and briefly grind mixture.Continue grinding or blending only until food is chopped into pieces small enough to pass through standard taper24/40joint of flask(C).(b)Liquids.—Mix50g test portion,or quantity that contains 500–1500µg SO2with100mL ethanol-water(5+95,v/v). (Note:Carry out test sample preparation and analysis as quickly as possible to avoid loss of labile forms of sulfite.)E.System PreparationUsing apparatus assembled as shown in Figure990.28A,position flask(C)in heating mantle controlled by power-regulating device (rheostat),and add400mL H2O to flask.Close stopcock of separa-tory funnel(B)and add90mL4M HCl to separatory funnel.Begin N2flow at200±10mL/min.Initiate condenser coolant flow at this time.To vessel(G)add30mL3%H2O2,which has been titrated to yellow end point with0.010M NaOH.After15min,apparatus and water will be thoroughly deoxygenated and prepared test portion may be introduced into system.F.Sample Introduction and DistillationRemove separatory funnel(B)and quantitatively transfer test por-tion in aqueous ethanol to flask(C).Wipe tapered joint clean with laboratory tissue,quickly apply stopcock grease to outer joint of separatory funnel,and return separatory funnel to flask.Nitrogen flow through3%H2O2solution resumes as soon as separatory funnel is reinserted into appropriate joint in flask.Examine each joint to be sure that it is sealed.Use rubber bulb equipped with valve to apply head pressure above HCl in separatory funnel.Open stopcock in separatory funnel and let HCl flow into flask.Continue to maintain sufficient pressure above acid solution to force solution into flask.Stopcock may be closed,if necessary,to pump up pressure above acid,and then opened again. Close stopcock before last2–3mL drain out of separatory funnel to guard against escape of SO2into separatory funnel.Apply power to heating e power setting that causes 80–90drops/min of condensate to return to flask from condenser. Let contents of flask boil1.7h,and then remove vessel(G).G.Determination(a)Titration.—Immediately titrate contents of vessel(G)with0.010M NaOH to yellow end point that persists≥pute sul-fite content,expressed inµg SO2/g food(ppm),as follows:SO2,µg/g(ppm)=32031000.×××V MweightBwhere32.03=milliequivalent weight of SO2;V B=volume(mL)of NaOH of molarity M required to reach end point;1000=factor to convert milliequivalents to microequivalents;weight=weight,g,of test portion introduced into1L flask.(b)Gravimetric determination.—Optional.Following titration, rinse contents of vessel(G)into400mL beaker.Add4drops1M HCl and excess of filtered10%BaCl2solution,and let mixture stand overnight.Wash precipitate by decantation3times with hot water through weighed Gooch crucible.Wash with20mL alcohol and 20mL ether,and dry at105–110°C.SO2,µg/g(ppm)=mg BaSOg test portion4×27446.(c)Blank determination.—Determine blank on reagents both by titration and gravimetrically,and correct results accordingly.H.Recovery AssaysTo become familiar and proficient with method before routine use,analyze food test portions containing known amounts of sulfite. Perform analysis in manner that precludes any loss of sulfite by oxi-dation or reaction with components in food.Since sulfites are reac-tive with air and food matrixes and lack stability,fortify portions with stable source of sulfite,not sodium sulfite or similar salts.So-dium hydroxymethylsulfonate(HMS),which is bisulfite addition product of formaldehyde and is structurally similar to some com-bined forms of sulfite in foods,is useful for preparing stable fortified test materials.For analysis,transfer50g prepared test sample of sulfite-free food to Monier-Williams flask.Add aliquot of aqueous solution of HMS sodium salt.Analyze solution immediately.HMS recoveries of≥80%from food matrixes fortified at10µg/g are recommended to ensure accurate analytical data. Reference:JAOAC72,470(1989).CAS-7446-09-5(sulfur dioxide)Figure990.28B—Enlarged diagram of bubbler for Monier-Williams apparatus(lengths in mm).。
