Supplier QMS Approval Questionnaire




所有权性质Ownership 电话Tel /移动电话Mobile电话Tel /移动电话MobileE L E M E N TS C O R E %单项得分N O S Y S T E M 无系统D E F I C I E N T有缺陷N E E D SI M P R O V E M E N T 需提升Q U A L I F I E D符合O U T S T A N D I N G 超出要求(优秀)W E I G H T 权重S C O R E单项最终得分NO.0%-20%21%-60%61%-70%71%-89%90%-100%175.00%X 0.1511.25%275.00%X 0.107.50%372.50%X 0.107.25%477.50%X 0.1511.63%572.50%X 0.107.25%675.00%X 0.107.50%775.00%X 0.107.50%875.00%X0.107.50%945.00%X0.104.50%系统总得分SYSTEM RATING71.88%前次得分Previous System Rating系统等级SYSTEM GRADE批准Approve : 'Yes No日期Date:备注Comment:日期Date:备注Comment:审核员Auditors 审核报告编号Audit Report No. 初次审核 Initial audit 重新审核 Re-audit 例行监视审核Surveilance Audit电子邮箱E-mail:报告日期 Report Date 审核日期 Audit Date产品类型 Product 审核类型 Audit TypeABC Co., Ltd.供应商地址 Supplier Address 审核员签名Auditor'ssignature:供应商质量经理评审签名 SQA Manager Review & Sign :Manufacturing and Material Control 生产及物料控制ABC有限公司ELEMENT SUBSYSTEMSBasic Quality Systems Management 质量体系管理Process development and planing 工艺的开发与策划Procument 采购Factor Rating Summary供应商管理者代表Supplier QMR联系人及其职务Contact person/Titles 供应商法人代表Corporative Representative 供应商名称(全称) Supplier's Name (Full name)Inspection and Measurement 检查与测量Calibration/Maintenance 检验及保养Control of non conforming product 不合格品控制Data analysis and Improvement 数据分析与改善PPAP and Statistical Process Control PPAP 及统计过程控制Supplier Quality System Audit Report 供应商质量系统审核报告电子邮箱E-mail:弹簧、五金配件QP-013-10 5.0Supplier Quality System Audit Report- cover page。

QMS-PP-0045 Supplier Review

QMS-PP-0045 Supplier Review

QualitySystemsNumber Question Supplier's answer 1Is the supplier 3rd-party certified?2What is the supplier's external 12-month PPM?3What is the supplier's internal 12-month PPM?4Is there evidence of a continuous improvement process?5Does the supplier have an effective system for managing sub-tiers?6Is their metrology lab capable with standards traceable to NIST?7Does the supplier have regular management review meetings?8Are quality metrics displayed, updated, and communicated?9Is there a process for lessons learned? Does it include launch issues?10Did or will the supplier accept our quality requirements?11Does the supplier demonstrate understanding of process validation?12Are sub-tiers 3rd-party certified?13Does the supplier have a process / system in place to ensure that all design requirements and engineering specifications are communicated to their supply base?14Does the supplier have an effective change management process, including interface with suppliers?15Are new / modified processes and or products introduced using APQP methodology? 16Does the supplier have an effective internal audit and management review process? 17Is non-conforming material adequately identified, segregated, and dispositioned?18Does the supplier have effective product traceability through sub-tier suppliers and to what extent?19Does the supplier demonstrate conformance to requirements specified or referenced in the Control Plan?20Is there linkage between the design record, DFMEA/PFMEA, Control Plan, andoperator instructions?Cover Page。


供应商平台 (形象)
日本 A社 B社 C社
欧洲・北美 A’社 B’社 F社
甲社 乙社 丙社
D社 EE社社
G社 H社 活用LCC 全球性筹措 ZNA
Suppliers Mergers & Partnerships(参考)
R Dash
NA Amtex
Current or scheduled 2019/B1u1s/in2ess
1. 供应商评价为什么有必要? 2. 供应商评价是什么? 3. 采购负责的评价 4. 其他部门负责的评价 5. 总结
・希望能向新的项目里穿插进技术・价格上具 有优势的提案。
・与QCDDM方面优秀的供应商进行交易。 (例:根据供应商平台选定供应商)
C:价格竞争力评价 (Cost Competitiveness)是 什么?
成本水平(市场测试&降成本实绩) 目标原价的设定内容 (新車&現行車) 目标达成活动的内容



范围:本供应商调查表设计来评定您作为潜在供应商,为Gardner Denver公司和/或其分公司、子公司和/或附属公司(“Gardner Denver”)提供高质量产品和服务的能力。

Gardner Denver的业务系统要求所有供应商完成本供应商调查表,作为供应商资格评定程序的一部分。

1.00 给供应商的说明:1.01完成本供应商调查表后,请将“供应商对购买条款和条件的声明”和“供应商保密协议”分别作为附加条款A和附加条款B,然后将所有材料寄回到以下地址:[插入相应的回邮地址]如果需要,请提供与贵公司能否为Gardner Denver提供高质量产品和服务的能力相关且有益的任何其它信息,用于我们对贵公司进行评估。

注意:提供的所有信息应该在Gardner Denver和贵公司之间严格保密。

2.00 公司详细资料:2.01企业名称:汇款给制造/分发中心地址:2.02是否在美国境外制造产品?如果是,请列出所在国家_______________________________________________________________________联系信息:2.03 是否计划缩短交货时间?是否如果是,请解释:如果否,将计划如何缩短交货时间?2.04是否在以下任何计划中都与客户合作:(选择所有适用项)准时化生产托运装料地面装料无纸贸易保证分摊纠正措施成本控制3.00企业详细资料:3.01请简要说明贵公司业务:原材料供应商(铸件、锻件、其它)制造/组装机械加工电子元件制造服务特殊加工经销商热处理涂漆电镀其它3.02 年营业额(贸易额): $3.03 请在下面各栏中列出当前员工总人数。

3.04 贵公司已成立多长时间?3.05 请附上当前工厂设备的列表,包括加工、处理和检查/测试的包装限制(如果适用)。

3.06请列出您的前五个客户:4.00 质量管理系统:4.01 是否实行备有证明文件的质量管理系统(QMS)?是否4.02 是否已有独立的鉴定机构验收了QMS?是否4.02a 如果是,请告知所执行的标准。



品质管理英语优秀供应商:excellent supplier一次交验不良率:rejection ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率:pass ratio under first acceptance check客户投诉率:customer complaint rate卓越绩效准则(模式):criteria for performance excellence组织架构:Organizational Structure供应商认可:supplier approval内部审核:internal audits管理评审:management review限度样品:Boundary Samples仪器校准:gage calibration人力资源部:HR dept(human resource)研发部:R&D dept(research and development)工程部:Engineering dept采购部:Purchasing dept品质部:Quality dept生产部:production dept行政部:administration dept生管部:Production Control Department可靠性测试:reliability test原因分析:root cause analysis补救措施:containment action纠正措施:corrective action预防措施:preventive action效果验证:result verification总经理:general manager经理:manager主管:supervisor组长/班长:foreman/group leader文员:clerk流程图:flow chart料号:part number品质方针:quality policy品质目标:quality target/quality object品质手册:quality manual生锈:rust划伤:scratch间隙:gap脏污:Contamination缩水:Shrinking凹痕:dent变形:deformation氧化:oxidation缺口:nick断裂:breaking色差:Color variation毛刺:burr毛边:flash漏件:missing part电阻:resistor电容:capacitor二极管:diode三极管:Transistor变压器:Transformer滤波器:filter蜂鸣器:buzzer电感:inductor插座:socket烙铁:solder iron放大镜:Magnifying glass游标卡尺:vernier caliper示波器:Oscilloscope/ oscillograph条码:barcode主板:mather board仓库:warehouse助焊剂:flux老化测试:aging test特采:Concession/ Accept On Deviation报废:scrap在制品/半成品:working in process(WIP)合格供应商名册:qualified vendor list供应链管理:Supply Chain Management静电手环:ESD Wrist strap直方图:Histogram柏拉图:plato diagram散布图:Scatter diagram检查表:check sheet追溯:traceability冲床:Punching machine磨床:grinding machine铣床:milling machine钻床drilling machine冲压:stamping/press按键寿命测试;Key lifespan test耐摩擦测试;Rub resistance test振动测试;Vibration test模拟运输测试;Transportation simulation test 跌落试验;Drop test盐雾试验;Salt mist test硬度测试;Rigidity test雷击浪涌测试;Surge test安规测试;Safety test防水测试;Waterproof test燃烧等级测试;Burning grade test试生产:pilot production量产:mass productionSWOT:strengths(优势),weaknesses(务势),opportunities(机会),threats(威胁)PEST:Political(政治), Economic(经济), Social(社会),Technological(科技)GR&R:Gage Repeatability&Reproducibility(量具重复性与再现性)ECN:Engineering change notice(工程变更通知单)ECR:Engineering change requirement(工程变更需求)ORT:on going reliability test9持续可靠度测试)RMA:Return Material Authorization(退料审查)MRB:Material Review Board(材料审查委员会)FAI:first article inspection(首件检查)MTBF:Mean Time Between Failure(平均无故障工作时间)EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibility(电磁兼容性)EMI:Electro Magnetic interference(电磁干扰)CE:conduction emission(传导干扰)RE:radiation emission(辐射干扰)EMS:Electro Magnetic susceptibility(电磁抗干扰)ESD:Electro-Static discharge(静电释放)DCC:document control center(文控中心)APQP:advanced product quality control(产品质量先期策划)PPAP:Production part approval process(生产件批准程序)MSA:measurement system analysis(测量系统分析)SPC:statistical process control(统计过程控制)FMEA:Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(潜在失效模式与后果分析)CP:control plan(控制计划)DOE:Design Of Experiments(实验设计)NPI:new product introduction(新产品导入)QFD: quality function deployment(质量功能展开)PMC:Product Material Control(生产物料控制)7S:seiri(整理) seiton(整顿) seiso(清扫) seiketsu(清洁) shitsuke(素养) safety(安全)save(节约) 5M1E:man(人),machine(机器),material(材料),method(方法),measurement(测量),environment(环境)5W1H:why(为什么做),what(做什么), where(在哪里做),when(何时候完成), who(由谁来做),how(如何做)SOP:standard operation procedure(标准作业程序---作业指导书)SIP:standard inspection procedure(标准检验程序---检查指导书)ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源策划)MRP:Material Requirement Planning(物料需求计划)OA:Office Automation(办公自动化)CAR:Corrective action report(纠正措施报告)QCC:quality control circle(品管圈)WI: working instruction(作业指导书)OEM :Original Equipment Manufacture(原厂委托制造---代加工厂)ODM :Original Design Manufacture(原厂委托设计)OBM:Original Brand Manufacture(建立品牌---自己设计制造)PDCA:plan(计划),do(执行),check(检查),action(行动或处理)SMT:Surface Mounted Technology(表面贴装技术)DIP:Dual In-line Package(双列直插式封装技术---插件技术)AQL:acceptable quality level(允收品质水准)S/O:Sales Order (业务订单)P/O:Purchase Order (采购订单)P/R:Purchase Request (请购单)CPK:capability index of process(制程能力指数)PPM:Parts per Million (百万分之不良率)AC:Acceptance(允收)RE:Rejection(拒收)PCB:Printed Circuit Board(印制电路板)PCBA:Printed Circuit Board Assembly(印刷电路板组件)FPC:Flexible Printed Circuit(柔性电路板)ISO:International Organization for Standards(国际标准化组织)IQC: Incomming Quality Control(来料品质控制)IPQC:In Process Quality Control(制程品质控制)OQC:output quality control(出货质量控制)FQC:final quality control(最终检验)PQC:passage quality control(制程中间质量控制---段检人员)FTA:failure tree analysis(故障树分析)FIFO:first input first output(先进先出)TQM:Total Quality Manageme(全面质量管理)TPM:Total Productive Maintenance(全员生产维护)KPC:key product characteristic(关键产品特性)KCC:key control characteristic(关键控制特性)IE:industrial engineering(工业工程)USL:upper size limit(规格上限)LSL:lower size limit(规格下限)UCL:upper control limit(控制上限)LCL:lower control limit(控制下限)MSDS: matieral safety data sheet(化学品安全说明书)PEST: Political,Economic,Social,Technological(政治,经济,社会,科技)SWOT: Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats(优势,劣势,机会,威胁)ROHS:Restriction of Hazardous Substances(有害物质限制(指令,针对电子、电器产品))REACH: Registration,Evaluation,Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals(化学品注册,评估,授权和限制)SDS:Safety Data Sheet(安全数据表)SVHC:Substances of Very High Concern(高度关注的物质)ECHA:European Chemicais Agency(欧洲化学品管理局)CAS:Chemical Abstracts Service(美国化学文摘服务社)CCC:China compulsory certification(中国强制性产品认证制度)UL:Underwriter Laboratories Inc.(美国安规认证)CE:European Conformity(欧盟安规认证)。



In advance of any new or repeat audit the following points need to be established or re-confirmed. 任何新的或重复的审核之前,以下的条款需要确定或重新确认.Please √ applicable box请打√1. SUPPLIER PROFILE 供应商资料营业执照(复印件盖公章)Business license生产许可证(QS认证证书)(复印件盖公章)Production license (QS Certificate)组织机构代码(复印件盖公章)Organization code certification工厂的出口备案证书(复印件盖公章)Sanitary registration certificate of the factory for export.HACCP证书(复印件盖公章)HACCP CertificationCertifications (e.g. ISO 9000/BRC/CLAS/ IFS/ MSC)认证证书(ISO 9000/BRC/CLAS/ IFS/ MSC)加工产品的HACCP 计划书 HACCP PLAN厂区平面图、灭鼠灭虫图Floor plan and pest control plan of the factory.工厂检验结果报告(盖公章原件) Factory Test Report(original)第三方的化验检测报告(复印件盖公章) The Third party Test report工厂质量保证声明(盖公章原件)Factory quality assurance statement(original)2.PLANT AND PRODUCT CAPACITY FOR INTENDED PRODUCT SUPPLY工厂和产品供应能力▪ Product to be supplied 可供应产品▪ Available Volume – CurrentYear? 可利用生产能力—目前?* Please continue on a separate sheet if required 如果需要, 另起一页填写Please √ applicable box 请划√CURRENT PRODUCT RANGE AVAILABLE目前生产产品范围 ▪ Please provide a brief description of current p roduct and volumes请简述目前生产产品和生产能力.* Please continue on a separate sheet if required 如果需要, 另起一页填写.TR1 - Technical Requirement TR1- 技术要求Please √ applicable box 请打√1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT 质量管理♣ Does the supplier have a company quality policy and qualitysystem in relation to the production of safe and legal products? 供货商是否有关于产品安全和合法性的公司质量策略和体系?▪ Are Directors of the company responsible for the quality systemwhich is communicated throughout the Company? 公司领导负责质量体系在全公司的贯彻执行吗?▪ Are there adequate control systems and procedures in place inorder to monitor the production of safe and legal products? 有监测产品安全和合法性的适当的控制体系和程序吗?2. EXTERNAL AREAS 外部区域▪ Is the design, layout and construction of the premisesappropriate to prevent the cross contamination of finished products? 厂区的设计、规划及建设适当以防止成品的交叉污染吗?▪ Does the site have a clearly defined perimeter free from rubbish,redundant equipment and pest infestation (including birds)? 对加工厂区的垃圾、多余设备和虫害(包括鸟)出没区域怎么处理控制,有规定吗?▪ Are external areas kept clean and in good condition?Vegetation must not be allowed around the perimeter walls or roofs. 外部区域是否被保持清洁,状况良好?在靠近车间外墙或房顶上不允许有植物。

Supplier Qualification Questionnaire_Phase 1

Supplier Qualification Questionnaire_Phase 1

Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4SAUKPlease answer all relevant questions fully.If this document has been completed in the last 3 months, please ignore unless significant changes have occurredG1.1Registered Company NameG1.2Trading Company Name (if different)G1.5Contact Name G1.6E-mail Address G1.7Web PageG1.8Telephone Number G1.9Fax NumberG1.10VAT Registration NumberG1.11Company Registration Number G1.12Country of Registration G1.13Period of TradingG1.15How many employees does your organisation have?Trade Referees Contact Name Company Name Contact Name Company Name G1.21Do you make your own proprietary products?G1.22Which IT business systems do you use?What was your business Revenue for: -2012201320142015201620122013201420152016G1.25What is your standard time taken to return request for quotations?Supplier Questionnaire Form - Phase 1General Background InformationG1.23G1.24What was your sales value with P2i for (As either value of sales or percentage of total turnover):Please supply an Organogram for the key people and departments in your organisation.G1.26AddressAddressIf yes, please give details of parent and/or child organisations?G1.17If yes, which of your employment policies are determined by you and which apply to all firms/organisations within the wider organisation structure?G1.18What is the legal status of your Organisation? (eg Sole Trader,Partnership, Limited Liability Company, Public Liability Company,Chairty)G1.14Is your organisation part of a commercial group, a subsidiary company,a parent company, or any other multi-legal entity organisation?G1.16Registered AddressG1.3G1.19Trading Address (if different)G1.4YesNoYes NoYesNoYes No Yes NoAbingdonOxfordshireOX14 4SAUK Yes No。

Supplier Questionnaire example

Supplier Questionnaire example
Controlled by the Montreal Protocol on ozone depleting substances?
Has there been any civil or legal action against you with regard to the environment or related legislation in the last five years?
Tota. Management:
Managing Director:
Quality Representative:
Environmental Representative:
4. Certification:
a.Is your company approved to ISO 9000?
Have a defined document control system?
Have a training program for verification personnel?
Provide a certificate of conformity if requested?
Do you supply T.P. Moulding or use in the product or services that you provide for this company, any classified materials or substances covered below;
Have an equipment calibration system?
Have a system for controlling non-conformances and applying corrective action?



质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释 Engineering 工程/ Process工序(制程)Man,Machine,Method, Material, 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导 4M&1EEnvironment致或造成问题的根本原因AI Automatic Insertion自动插机ASSY Assembly制品装配ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Basel ine参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点BOM Bill ofMaterial 生产产品所用的物料清单 C&ED/C Cause and Effect Diagram原因和效果图 AEDCA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体CAD Computer-aidedDesign的软件对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改CCBChangeControl Board 的小组依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续 CI ContinuousImprovement改善 COB Chip on Board邦定—线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CT Cycle Tim e完成任务所须的时间 DFM DesignforManufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性设计失效模式与后果分析——在设计阶段Design Fai lure Mode and Effect DFMEA 预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取Analysis 措施六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计-- 设计阶段预 DFSS Design for Six Sigma 测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性 DFT Desi gn forTest产品的设计对测试的适合性实验设计-—用于证明某种情况是真实DOE Desi gn of Experiment的根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良DPPM Defective Part PerMillion 品的标准 Design Verification/ Design DV设计确认Validation客户要求的工程更改或内部所发出的工ECNEngineering Change Notice 程更改文件 ECO Engineering Change Order 客户要求的工程更改静电发放—由两种不导电的物品一起摩 ESD Electrostatic Discharge 擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产FI Final Inspection品作最后检查F/T Functional Test 测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样 FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分析功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设 FCT Functional Test计的一样符合产品的装配,形状和外观及功能要FFF Fit Form Function求FFT Final Functional Test 包装之前,在生产线上最后的功能测试失效模式与后果分析—- 预测问题的发FM EA Failure Mode andEffectAnalysis生可能性并且对之采取措施 FPY First PassYield首次检查合格率FTY First T est Yield首次测试合格率FW Firmware 韧体(软件硬化)-控制产品功能的软件在波峰焊接之前,将PTH元件用手贴装 HL Handload 到PCB上,和手插机相同I/O Input / Output输入 /输出 iBOMIndented Billof Material 内部发出的BOM(依照客户的BOM)线路测试--用电气和电子测试来检查ICTIn—circuitTestPCBA短路,开路,少件,多件和错件等等不良情报联络书—反馈信息所使用的一种表IFFInformation Feedback Form 格IR Infra—red红外线主要制程输入可变因素-在加工过程中, KPIV Key Process In put Variable 所有输入的参数/元素,将影响制成品的质量的可变因素主要制程输出可变因素—在加工过程中, KPOV Key Process Output Variable 所有输出的结果,所呈现的产品品质特征.Kepner Tregoe Potential Problem KT 一种FMEA 简单化的表格 Analysis LCLLower Control Limit 从实际收集数据统计最低可接受的限度根据图纸或元件的要求,最低可接受的LSLLower Specification Limit限度,通常比LCL更松 LSR Line Stoppage Report 停拉报告人工装配-—操作员把2个或多个元件组 MA Manual Assembly 装在一起六西格玛(6-Sigma)管理系统的<测量, MAIC Measure—Analyze—Improve-Control 分析,改善,控制>流程手插机- 将PTH元件用手贴装到PCBMI Manual Insert 上Mil-StdMilitary Standard 用于品质控制可接受或拒收产品的抽样计划标准。

Supplier Questionnaire - Section A General Info

Supplier Questionnaire - Section A General Info
Additive E Numbers
Other additives than colours and sweeteners(Dir. 95/2/EC* and subsequent amendments.)
Purity criteria(Dir. 96/77/EC* and subsequent amendments.)
Product / Sample Shipping Validation Program
PestControl Program
Preventive Maintenance Program
Animal(if YES, please complete section B as well)
Bovine (or by-products)
Porcine (or by-products)
Do you have an annual report available?
If yes, please enclose the annual report
Origin of the mainingredients

Supplier Profile Information Questionnaire)

Supplier Profile Information Questionnaire)

This SPIQ document aims at collecting brief information about your company and supply capabilities. This information is used by *** to conduct supplier qualification and selection. *** does not intend to seize any confidential information through the SPIQ and requests accurate and complete documentation. Please complete the SPIQ Document and attach relevant documentation.本供应商简明信息调查表目的在于提供反映贵公司供应能力的简明信息。




****** 1. Company Background Details 公司背景及细节:2. Organisation 组织机构:3. Commercial Aspects 商业概况:4. References业绩:5. Quality Management System质量管理体系:6 Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Management Systems环境、健康及安全管理体系:Contact Person for EHS联系人: Position职位: Telephone number电话: Email address电子邮箱:All questions are mandatory – non-answered questions will be treated as a “no” (or “yes” for question 26)所有问题必须回答–未注明的会被默认为选“否”(若第26问未选,默认为“是”)7. Social aspects and policy社会方面与方针8. Production Site and Capabilities 生产场地与产能9. Engineering / Research & Development – Capabilities技术/研发能力。

Supplier Assessement Questionnaire Chinese - English Version(David Update)

Supplier Assessement Questionnaire Chinese - English Version(David Update)

CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIESNote:Please refer to the below scoring criteria matrix to select the appropriate score.请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!No training for basic safety associated laws and other requirements, andNo training for basic workplace hazards and safety measures, andNo documented process of training requirements and record keeping.无基本安全知识的培训,无基本安全相关法规和其它要求的培训,无记录Training for basic safety associated laws requirements fully in place, andCORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!CORPORATE SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIESNote:Please refer to the below scoring criteria matrix to select the appropriate score.请参照下面的评分标准,选择适当的分数!Please use "comment" column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers, process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在备注'栏记录支持信息,比喻文件编号,程序描述,执行时间表,任何支持信息!Document Title:Supplier Assessment Questionnaire Section: CSER11 of 11。

Supplier QSE Review(English)

Supplier QSE Review(English)
Does your company have an OH&S Management System certified by a recognised independent authority?
If yes, provide details.
Is there a company Safety and Environmental Management System manual or plan?
Are employees involved in decision-making over OHS and Environmental matters and are there any employee elected Health and Safety Representatives?
If Yes, please provide a copy of the policy.
Has your Quality System been assessed by a 2ndparty (Client) and/or 3rdparty (Independent)?
If yes, provide examples.
Supplier Details:
Supplier Name:
Approval Number:
Business Address
Street Address
Postal Address
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-Mail Address:

Supplier questionnaire

Supplier questionnaire

SUPPLIER DETAILSCompany Address DetailsTelephone NumberFax NumberE-mail AddressWebsiteSUPPLIER DECLARATIONI confirm that the information enclosed in this survey is correct to the best of my knowledge.Survey Completed ByNameSignedPosition DatePART 11, our standard payment terms are FOB, full payment on receipt of faxed copy of full shipping documents including Bill of Lading. Do you accept these terms?NO2, what is your production / lead-time from receipt of our order.3, what is your minimum order both in quantity and in value (money)4, which other UK companies do you trade with?5, How long has your company been established?6, do you own the production factory or are you an agent who trades with several factories.7, How many people do you employ?8, Can you provide us with trade references if required?Part 2 – Quality Management SystemIs the factory registered to ISO 9000 or equivalentIf yes, please supply a copy of certification.Has the responsibility, authority and inter-relationship of all personnel within the factory / organisation, who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality been defined?Please list the following personnel (where applicable):Managing DirectorSales Director/Manager/RepresentativeQuality Management RepresentativeDoes the factory management review the overall Quality System?Does the factory have an established and documented Quality System to ensure that the product conforms to specified requirements?NODoes the factory have documented procedures for the control of Sales Enquiry, Quotations and Sales Order Processing?NODoes the factory have a documented system to control the design of the product? E.g. controlling drawing and written specifications.NODoes the factory have a well-defined procedure for controlling documents and data related to the Quality Systems? YES NODoes the factory have well defined procedure for selecting and assessing subcontractors?NODo purchasing documents clearly describe the product ordered and are they reviewed and approved?NODoes the factory have an established procedure for the verification storage and maintenance of customer-supplied product?Does the factory have a documented procedure for identification and traceability of the product?NOAre the factory’s manufacturing processes adequately controlled and monitored?Does the factory have established procedures for inspection and testing of incomingmaterial/product, in process and final manufacturing stages?Is inspection, measuring and test equipment adequately controlled, calibrated and monitored?Does the factory have a well-defined procedure for controlling and storing non-conforming material/product?Does the factory have a well-documented procedure for handling, storage, packaging and delivery of products?Are identification, collection, indexing, filing, storage, maintenance and disposition of qualityDoes the factory conduct audits of the quality system and are the results documented?NODoes the factory have an established method training method for all employees and aretraining records and job descriptions documented.NODoes the factory use statistical sampling techniques to verify quality during production? E.g. BS6001Part 3 – Social Accountability Survey.Employment – Wages, Hours Worked, EntitlementsIs the factory aware of any local government minimum wage?NOIf yes, what is the minimum wage?Weekly…….…… Monthly…800…….………Are your workers provided with an understandable wage statement?NOWhat deductions are made? Please give details E.g. Taxes……………………………………. ……absent from work, leave and so on ……….What is the average number of hours worked by factory workers in a week? …48. hoursWhat is the maximum number of hours (including overtime) workers are asked to work per week? (48)……………hours.NOIf Yes, what is the legal maximum?……48………..……...hours (total hours includingovertime)Do all workers have the right to refuse overtime? NOWhat is the maximum number of days worked without a rest day……14…………..DaysDo all workers have time off each day for lunch? NOIf Yes how much…1.5 hours ………..…Do all workers have time off each day for breaks? NOIf Yes how much…20 minutes ………..…Are all workers permitted to join a lawful association of their choice? E.g. Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining, Trade associations. NOEmployment of ChildrenAre there workers in the factory younger than 15 years of age? YESWhat is the legal minimum age for work inyour country / location? ……18………… yearsWhat is the legal minimum school leaving age in your country / location?…15……… yearsHow is the age of workers verified? ……by ID ……….Are there any work experience programmes within the factory for school age children?The EnvironmentAre there any local laws regarding the environment? E.g. recycling, waste management etc.YES……………………………………………………………………………………………….Does the factory recycle or reuse any material / packaging? YESIf yes, please dive details …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………Do you have an environmental policy? YES If yes, please attach a copy to this document.Health, Safety and WelfareWho is responsible for health & safety of all personal in the factory?Job Title…………General manager …………………………………………………Do all workers have access to clean drinking water? YES NOHow many workers share each toi let? ……10……………………………………Is the factory well ventilated and adequately heated/cooled? NOAre the toilet/ washroom facilities cleaned daily? NOIs the factory well lit? NOAre First Aid supplies available in the factory?NOHow many people are trained in First Aid? ………100………………………………Does the factory keep records of accidents/injuriesNOAre machine guards fitted where appropriate?NOAre risk assessments conducted on a regular basis?NODo any processes involve the use of dangerous chemicals?NOIF YES are control measures in place to prevent workers being put at risk?NOFIRE SAFETYDoes the factory have a fire alarm system installed? NODoes the factory have emergency fire fighting procedures?NODoes the factory have a fire evacuation procedure?NOAre all factory workers aware of these evacuation procedures?NODoes the factory ensure that all fire exits are readily available? NOIs the exit route and fire exit: Clearly Marked? NO Unblocked? NO Unlocked? NODo these exits lead to a place of safety? NOPRODUCT SAFETYDoes the factory have a product safety policy in order to ensure that the finish product is safe for consumer use?YESNOIs a risk/hazard analysis carried out on a new product? YESNODoes the factory have a system for the control of new used and broken needles?YES NOIf YES, are records maintained that account for every new, used and broken needle and parts?YES NODoes the control system also cover the use of metal items such as pins and staples? YES NO。

Supplier Questionnaire - Section E Quality Q

Supplier Questionnaire - Section E  Quality Q
Do you have written job descriptions for all personnel?
Do you have procedures that document how you perform training?
Do you maintain records of the training?
Doyour manufacturing locations follow Good Manufacturing Practices?
Are your sites inspected by the FDA or national (health) authorities?
Approved finished products?
Packaging and dispatch?
Rest and eating?
Does the present design prevent:
If you do: what is your target date for completion?
How dHow and by whom are lot/batch numbers assigned?



Rating Criteria
Score 5 - Comprehensive evidence found in all applicable areas Score 4 - Clear evidence, practice found in 75% applicable areas Score 3 - Evidence, practice found in 50% applicable areas Score 2 - Some evidence, practice found in 25% applicable areas Score 1 - Little anecdotal incidence N/A Not applicable 不适用
审查批 Assessment Approval审查批 1.Approval to proceed with certification is by the component committee认证审查计划由部品委员会批 准 准 2.Lead Assessor appointment approved by ASQM 审查组长由ASQM经理指定 3.Audit results vetted and scores approved by Lead Assessor审查组长确认批准审查内容及得分 审查章节 Audit Chapters审查章节 1. Management Leadership 领导力 2. Finance(z-score) 财务状况 3. Development R & D 发展 4. Manufacturing 制造 5.Quality & Continuous Improvement Process 质量&持续改进 6.Supply Management 供应管理 7.Sustainability 持续性 8.Customer service 客户服务 Request for Certification by filling in the official "Application Form for Certification Audit".通过填写正 式的"审查计划申请表"来提出审查要求。 Create Certification Audit Plan which contains:创建认证审查计划,包括: - Certification Audit Team Composition认证审查小组的组成 - Way of feedback to the supplier向供应商回馈的方式 - Timing of Certification认证的时效 Score for each Chapter is computed by multiplying the "rating"(Scale of 1 to 5,NA with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best) with the pre-determined "weightage" of the respective chapter.每个章节 的得分由累计的等级评分获得(等级评分为1-5分制,NA为不适用,最差1分,最好5分),最终得分由每个章 节得分和其对应权重乘积获得 Supplier Risk Profile is reflected in the Factual Data per applicable Chapter of the certification audit report 供应商的风险点将在认证审查报告中每个章节的实际审查结果中体现



ABT CHINA (SSPA&SBLV)供应商体系能力评审调查表Questionnaire For Evaluation Of Supplier QualitySystem CompetenceSupplier: 供应商: Reason For: 审核原因:Address: 地址:New supplier 新供应商Tel.-No.: 电话:Repeat audit 重新审核Fax-No.: 传真:Quality review, previous 12 months年度复审Evaluation resulted in rating as follows:评估结果:A fully competent Blimited competentC not competentsupplier can’t be used完全有能力能力有限没能力或不能使用Overall evaluation is based on a summary of items 3-11.所有的评估是基于3-11项的总结。

Non-conformity description / Summary:不符合项描述或总结:Questionnaire completed by:谁完成了此调查表:1.General information about the company andproduction expertise公司和专业生产的一般信息1.1Company management:公司管理:Technical: 技术:Dept:部门:Tel.:电话:Commercial: 商务:Dept:部门:Tel.:电话:Responsible for:责任人:Production: 生产:Dept:部门:副总经理Tel.:电话:Sales/Distribution/Marketing: 销售或市场:Dept:部门:副总经理Tel.:电话:Quality assurance: 质量: Dept:部门:副总经理Tel.:电话:Contact persons:联系人:Development: 开发:Dept:部门:Tel.:电话:Sales/Distribution/Marketing: 销售或市场:Dept:部门:Tel.:电话:Quality assurance: 质量: Dept:部门:Tel.:电话:1.2Size of company:公司的规模:No. of employees:雇员人数:Production persons:生产人数:Quality persons:质量人员:Development/Tool design person:开发或设计人员:Turnover/profit last financial year:上一年的营业额或利润:Which market segments are supplied (e.g. automobileindustry,armaments industry)提供哪类市场的产品 (例如:汽车工业,军事工业):1.3Are there further manufacturing locations(address, size and production capability)?是否有规划中的未来的生产场所(地址, 规模和生产能力)?2.General questions on company operations一般的公司运作问题2.1For which processes / products is the company particularly qualified?哪些工艺或产品特别适合你公司?2.2Does the company do internal development work or has this service been offered to ABT?公司是否有内部开发工作以及是否将这一服务提供给ABT?2.3Does the company have its own toolshop (brief description)?公司是否有自己的模具制造车间 (简单描述)?2.4Operation materials and equipment measuring room / material testing laboratory /reliability testing laboratory (list of suppliers can be included as annex).生产物料和仪器检测室/材料试验室/可靠性试验室 (将制造商的名称放在附录中)。

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Oracle Supplier Id. #
Section(s) with √ Check Mark Required for Completion 1 2 3 4 5
Instructions for use: Complete the required sections as indicated by the selected box below.
Does your company operate Yes No If yes, please list other names under any other names? Employees (Provide a breakdown by facility/location): Detailed organization chart preferred Total # Employees 7/120 # in Manufacturing Production full time, temporary hires # of inventory control Production support Facility/Production capabilities PRODUCTION PROFILE # in Quality Group 1/19 # Quality Engineers # Auditors Units per month

ATEX Parts Supplier
Custom Part Manufacturer Type of Supplier (Check all that apply)
Distributor (off-the-shelf-std. spec.)
Medical Parts Supplier
Supplier Contact Information
(To be completed by Supplier) Name (print) Engineering Contact Name (print) Operations Contact Name (print) Survey Completion Contact Name (print) Signature of Survey Completion Contact Date Title Phone FAX Email Address
# Of Engineers (breakdown by type of engineers) # independent Inspectors
请填写 of a production runs 1. Normal 2. Smallest Number of different products per months 1. 2. 3. 4. High Production (>4000) Medium Production (>2000 <4000) Low Production (>50 <2000) Prototype (<50 typically)
Please include additional comments or attachments (describe)
Page 1 of 8
Section 2 - Supplier Profile
(To be completed by the Supplier) Facility Quality Certifications (check all that apply) Please provide a copy of all certificates. (If ISO 9001, ISO 13485 or ISO 17025 registered --- You can skip section 3) ISO 9001 Certified ISO 13485 Certified ISO 17025 Certified ISO 14001 Certified FDA registered facility Other Certifications / Registrations (Includes countries outside the US) Senior Company Official’s Name Senior Quality Official’s Name Is the Sr. Quality Official above the Management Representative? About Your Company Parent Corporation Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Last Audit Date Last Audit Date Last Audit Date Last Audit Date Last Audit Date Provide details Title Title
Jianhua Gao
Jianhua Gao
Hongxiang Jin
General manager 86-21-62116287 86-21-62116240 intech.shanghai@
General manager 86-21-62116287 86-21-62116240 intech.shanghai@
Office manager
86-21-62116216 x838
Hongxiang Jin
1) GB/T19001-2008idt ISO9001: 2008 standard (Chinese &English version) 2) Subsidiary Shanghai Intech organization chart
Jianhua Gao
Yes No
If not, please provide name of the Management Representative
Worldwide Energy and Manufacturing, USA. Inc.
Shanghai Intech (subsidiary)
various types of products (large, medium, small) 1,200,000pcs
various types of products (large, medium, small) 800,000pcs
30-45 days
Average lead time (delivery) as defined in B 1. High Production 2. 3. 4. Medium Production Low Production
(depending on whether tooling is needed)
Production 1st shift 2 shift
3 shift
Page 2 of 8
Safety and Environment
Business Practices; Code of Conduct
(To be completed by Creation Technologies LP , select one box below) New Supplier Profile – required for initial Custom suppliers and engineering services providers’ review/approval. Re-Certification only (Category 1 & 3; Suppliers currently approved by Creation for over 2 years) New Supplier Profile – required for initial distributor’s review/approval. Re-Certification only (Category 2; Suppliers currently approved by Creation for over 2 years)
Service Calibration Service Transportation Provider IEC Software development Engineering services Custom fixture/stencil Software (off the shelf-std.) Mfg. FA activity Other: List products, processes or services available Attach a list of your major equipment (i.e. Machine list, Capabilities list, brochures, catalogs, etc.)
Does the company follow any of the international standards such as; Universal Declaration of Human rights (UDHR), Social Accountability International (SAI) and/or the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) standards If you answer “yes” to this question, proceed to next section. 1. Labor: Are all employees freely able to choose their employment? Free to leave with reasonable notice? Is child labor (< 14 or 15 years of age based on your laws) used at any stage of your manufacturing? Is your working environment free from sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse to workers? Does your company pay the minimum wages as defined by your laws? Does your company enforce a maximum working hours per week of < 60 hours? If not, please specify Health and Safety: If your company is certified to a recognized management system such as OHSAS 18001 or ILO Guidelines on Occupational safety and Health? If so, please provide certification #, proceed to question 4 below; 3. Does your company provide machine safeguarding for all workers? Including eye safety glasses, steel toe shoes, hand protection where required. Does our company have an industrial hygiene policy? Which include the identification, evaluation and control of exposure to chemical, biological and physical agents Does the company have an implemented Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure in place? Does the company provide for their workers with clean toilet facilities, access to potable water and sanitary food preparation and storage facilities? Does the company provide their workers with adequate heating and cooling and ventilation? If your company is certified to a recognized management system such as ISO 14001 and/or Eco Management and Audit system (EMAS)?If so, please provide certification #, proceed to next section; 4. Does your company participate in the adherence to all applicable laws and regulations regarding prohibition or restriction of specific substances including labeling, recycling and disposal? Does your company identify and manage your chemicals and hazardous materials to ensure their safe handling, movement, storage, recycling or reuse and disposal? Does your company monitor, control and treat your wastewater and solid waste as per your laws and regulations? Yes No N/A Describe