Building the eastern margin of Tibet by lower crustal flow
共建美好西藏英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,。
Today, I am honored to stand here and speak about the beautiful region of Tibet. Tibet, often referred to as the "roof of the world," is a place of breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual significance. As we gather here, I would like to invite you to join me in the collective effort to build a better future for Tibet and its people.First and foremost, it is important to recognize the unique cultural and religious traditions of Tibet. The Tibetan people have a deep connection to their land, and their way of life is deeply intertwined with the natural environment. By preserving and promoting Tibetan culture, we can ensure that future generations will continue to benefit from the wisdom and traditions of this ancient civilization.In addition to its cultural significance, Tibet is also home to some of the world's most stunning landscapes. From the majestic Himalayan mountains to the crystal-clear lakes and lush valleys, Tibet's natural beauty is truly unparalleled. However, this beauty is under threat from environmental degradation and climate change. It is our collective responsibility to work towards sustainable development and conservation efforts to protect Tibet's natural environment for future generations to enjoy.Furthermore, we cannot overlook the economic development of Tibet. While the region has made significant progress in recent years, there is still much work to be done to improve the standard of living for the people of Tibet. By investing in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, we can ensure that the people of Tibet have access to the resources they need to thrive and prosper.Lastly, I would like to emphasize the importance of international cooperation in building a better future for Tibet. By working together with the global community, we can leverage our collective resources and expertise to address the challenges facing Tibet. Whether it is through cultural exchange programs, environmental conservation initiatives,or economic development projects, we can make a meaningful impact on the future of Tibet.In conclusion, the future of Tibet is in our hands. By recognizing and respecting the unique cultural heritage, preserving the natural environment, promoting sustainable development, and fostering international cooperation, we can work together to build a better future for Tibet and its people. Let us join hands and embark on this journey to create a brighter and more prosperous future for the "roof of the world."Thank you.。
一篇关于介绍青藏高原的英文The Qing-Tibet Plateau has long been known as the natural geologic 来自al museum. the golden key to the global orogenic mechanism, the natural laboratory for the continental dynamics theory, and the pulser of the global changes, which is the important source region and the competition field deriving new theories, knowledge and discoveries.Numerous orogenic belts were developed in the middle and western parts of China, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are the most distinctive, with rich and varied geological phenomena.The eastern margin of the Plateau lies in the significant position of the Chinese tectonic units, which is located in the transition zone between the mantle depression in the southern region (the Qinghai-T讨ibet region) of west part of China and the deep structure of the middle part, and in the eastern section of the Helansan—Longmenshan steep-change belt which passes obliquely through the margin.The northwestern region of this zone is characterized by the thick Crust as well as the thick Mantle, and the southeastern, by the thin Crust as well as the thin Mantle of the Sichuan basin.Distinguished nonuniformities occur both in the vertical and horizontal lithosphere. A number of deep faults were developed in the zone, ofwhich the Longmenshan lithospheric fault and the Xianshuihe fault belts are the most important.In the regional geology, the complete tectonic pattern is composed of five units, from the northwest towards the southeast:(1) The Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt.(2) The Xianshuihe fault belt.(3) The Longmenshan thrust belt.(4) The foreland basin.(5) The foreland upwarp.The Xianshuihe fault belt, the Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt, the Longmenshan thrust belt, and the foreland basin are the regional units unique to the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and are the treasure of geoscience.It is not only the typical region to study the geodynamic processes between the Plateau and the periphery basins (the basin motivity), but the key position to verify if the Plateau is derived from the crustal thickening or from the extrusion by the sinistral rotation to absorb the northward diapirism of the Indian continent after the collision between Indian and Asian continents; it is also the critical region to conduct investigations into the change in climate, hydrographic net, and ecological environment of the middle and upper reaches of the YangtzeRiver.The margin spans the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Longmenshan mid-high mountain, and the piedmont alluvial plain, which covers the relatively developed economic region (including Pengzhou City, Dujiangyan City, and Yaan Prefecture) of the Chengdu Plain, and the underdeveloped region of the Aba and the Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefectures. There are gaps between the two regions in economics, natural form, traffic, and human geography.During the recent years, a number of overseas geoscientists from USA (MIT, CIT etc), UK, France, Swithzerland, Australia, Japan, and Germany took field trips to the region and were involved in some research projects to varying extent .。
1000 0569/2021/037(10) 3225 40ActaPetrologicaSinica 岩石学报doi:10 18654/1000 0569/2021 10 15鲜水河断裂带康定段雅拉河断裂深部应力应变状态及其孕震环境孙丽静1,2 赵中宝1,3 潘家伟1,3 梁凤华1,3 张磊2 张进江2SUNLiJing1,2,ZHAOZhongBao1,3,PANJiaWei1,3,LIANGFengHua1,3,ZHANGLei2andZHANGJinJiang21 中国地质科学院地质研究所,自然资源部深地动力学重点实验室,北京 1000372 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 1008713 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州),广州 5114581 MNRKeyLaboratoryofDeep EarthDynamics,InstituteofGeology,ChineseAcademyofGeologicalSciences,Beijing100037,China2 SchoolofEarthandSpaceSciences,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China3 SouthernMarineScienceandEngineeringGuangdongLaboratory(Guangzhou),Guangzhou511458,China2021 06 22收稿,2021 09 30改回SunLJ,ZhaoZB,PanJW,LiangFH,ZhangLandZhangJJ 2021 ThestressandstrainstateofYalahefaultintheKangdingsegmentoftheXianshuihefaultzoneanditsseismogenicenvironment ActaPetrologicaSinica,37(10):3225-3240,doi:10 18654/1000 0569/2021 10 15Abstract TheXianshuihefaultzone,locatedattheeasternmarginoftheTibetanPlateau,isasinistralstrike slipfaultzonewithcurrent~10mm/yrsliprate Calculationofcrustalstressstateandstrainratesoffaultzoneisimportanttounderstandseismogenicenvironmentandassesstheseismicriskalongtheactivesegmentsoffaultzone InthiscontributionweselecttheKangdingsectionoftheXianshuihefaultzone,whichhasahigherriskofstrongearthquakesinthefuture,astheresearchobject,focusingonthemyloniteintheYalahefault.Accordingtoopticalmicroscopeandscanningelectronmicroscope(SEM)microstructureanalysis,grainsizestatistics,quartzfabricandTicontenttesttodeterminethechangeofdifferentialstressandtemperatureatdifferentstagesduringtheprogressivedeformationofquartz,andconstructthecrustalstrengthprofileoftheKangdingsectionoftheXianshuihefaultzone Threetypesofquartzdeformationmechanismscanbeidentified,includinggrainboundarymigration(GBM),sub grainrotation(SGR),andbulgingrecrystallization(BLG)duringthegradualmylonization TheestablishedcrustalstrengthprofileshowsthatthestrainrateoftheYalahefaultisabout6 08×10-13~1 62×10-11s-1,andtheultimatestrengthoftherockinthebrittle ductiletransitionzoneis~145 5MPa,whichiscorresponding~12 5±2 5kmdepth Theactualrockstrength(μ=0 383)issmallerthanthetheoreticalruptureMohrcircle(μ=0 85),whichindicatedthestrengthoftherockisweakenedwithinthefaultzone Thestrainlocalizationandgrainsizereductionattheductiledeformationstagecanreducethestrengthoftherock,whichmayleadtoanincreaseinthefrequencyofrupture,stressreleaseandearthquakes However,theweakeningofthemylonitecausedbythedislocationcreepleadstoadecreaseinthestrengthoftherock,whichmakesitimpossibletoaccumulatehighstressearthquakeKeywords Xianshuihefaultzone;Strainweakeningmechanism;Crustalstrengthprofile;Mohr’scircle;Brittle ductiletransitionzone摘 要 鲜水河断裂带位于青藏高原东缘,是中国大陆内部地震活动性最强的大型左行走滑断裂之一,揭示其深部应力状态与应变是认识孕震环境和评估断裂带地震危险性的重要依据。
第35卷 第4期 成都理工大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.35No.4 2008年8月JOURNAL OF CHEN G DU UNIV ERSITY OF TECHNOLO GY (Science &Technology Edition )Aug.2008 [文章编号]167129727(2008)0420348209汶川地震的岩石圈深部结构与动力学背景[收稿日期]2008206230[作者简介]朱介寿(1936-),男,教授,博士生导师,从事地球物理学的教学与科研工作,E 2mail :zjs @ 。
汶川地震震源深度为14km ,正好位于龙门山推覆体的映秀-北川主中央断裂带上。
[关键词]汶川地震;青藏高原东缘;龙门山;被动源地震剖面;爆破地震剖面;面波层析成像;推覆体与断裂带[分类号]P315.2 [文献标识码]A 中国西部地区由于受到印度板块向北推移挤压,青藏高原强烈变形,高原内部及其边缘的活断层上经常发生强烈地震,是大陆内部最活跃的地震区。
汶川大地震 震前预测预报汇编18条
下面是网上收集到的震前预测预报汇编18条:1. 地震预报专家耿庆国的几次预报"2006年他根据旱震关系提出中期预报,近年阿坝地区将发生7级以上地震。
信被按照程序转回国家地震局,地震局领导对耿的教训,为什么那段话与当年唐山大地震前地震局当权者教训北京地震大队小伙子的如出一辙?"—摘自[问地震]08-05-142. 中国地球物理学会顾问陈一文5月3日向中国地震局发生强震的预报从2006年三年来,天灾预测专业委员会就汶川地区可能发生强震,曾经向中国地震局提出过三次中期预测,特别是2008年5月3日,陈一文亲手又向中国地震局发了一份汶川地区可能发生强震的预报。
Shangri—La香格里拉Beneath billowing clouds,翻腾的云海之下in China's far southwestern Yunnan province,在中国西南遥远的云南省lies a place of mystery and legend。
有一个神秘而又充满传奇的地方Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world.这儿有着世界上最久远的雨林以及奔腾的河流Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures,藏匿于此的河谷养育了奇异而又独特的动物and colourful tribal cultures.同时也孕育了多彩的民族风情Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics.雨林在远离热带的北部地区是罕见的So, why do they thrive here?可是为什么却得以在此茁壮成长And how has this rugged landscape come to harbourthe greatest natural wealth in all China?为何整个中国崎岖不平的山地里却蕴藏着富饶多姿的自然财富In the remote southwest corner of China,在中国西南部的一个偏远的角落里a celebration is about to take place.即将举行一场庆典Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year.傣族人为他们一年中最重要的节日收集水The Dai call themselves the people of the water.傣族人也称自己为水之民Yunnan's river valleys have been their home for over 2,000 years.云南的河谷地带是他们的两千多年来繁衍生息的故里By bringing the river water to the temple,把河水带到寺庙they honour the two things holiest to them —敬俸傣族人最神圣的两件事物Buddhism and their home。
西藏景点推荐英语作文Title: Experiencing the Wonders of TibetTibet, often referred to as the "Roof of the World," is a land of breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With its stunning landscapes, ancient monasteries, and colorful traditions, Tibet is a paradise for travelers seeking an authentic and immersive experience. In this article, we will explore some of the must-visit attractions in Tibet and share tips for making the most of your visit to this enchanting region.One of the most iconic symbols of Tibet is the majestic Potala Palace in Lhasa. This grand architectural wonder, with its towering walls and golden rooftops, has been a residence of the Dalai Lamas for centuries. Visitors can explore the intricate murals, ornate carvings, and sacred relics that adorn the palace's halls and chapels. The panoramic views ofLhasa from the palace's highest point are truly awe-inspiring, offering a glimpse of the city's vibrant culture and history.For those seeking spiritual enlightenment, a visit to the Jokhang Temple is a must. This ancient Buddhist temple,located in the heart of Lhasa, is a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the world. The temple's sacred inner sanctum houses a revered statue of Jowo Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha, and the air is filled with the scent of burning juniper incense. The surrounding Barkhor Street is a bustling marketplace where visitors can shop for traditional Tibetan artifacts and witness the colorful rituals and traditions of local worshippers.Tibet's natural beauty is equally captivating, and a journey to the sacred Namtso Lake is an experience not to be missed. This pristine high-altitude lake, set against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains, is considered one of the most beautiful places in Tibet. Visitors can take a leisurelywalk along the lakeshore, marvel at the reflections of the surrounding peaks in the crystal-clear water, and witness the stunning sunrise or sunset, a truly magical sight that will stay with you long after you leave.Another highlight of Tibet's natural wonders is the Everest Base Camp, where adventurous travelers can embark on a trek to witness the world's highest peak up close. The journey through Tibet's dramatic and rugged landscapes is an extraordinary experience, and reaching the base camp offers a sense of accomplishment and wonder that is unparalleled.In addition to these iconic destinations, Tibet offers countless other treasures waiting to be discovered, from the ancient city of Shigatse to the remote and mysterious monasteries of the Tibetan plateau. Every corner of this land is steeped in history and spirituality, and every encounter with its people is an opportunity for meaningful cultural exchange.To make the most of your visit to Tibet, it's importantto be mindful of the region's unique challenges and sensitivities. Respect for local customs and traditions is paramount, and travelers should seek to minimize their impact on the fragile environment and cultural heritage of the region. Additionally, being mindful of the high altitude and taking the necessary precautions to acclimate to the thin air will ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.In conclusion, Tibet is a land of unparalleled beauty and spiritual significance, a place where travelers can immerse themselves in ancient traditions and awe-inspiring landscapes. Whether you seek adventure, enlightenment, or simply a moment of peace and reflection, Tibet offers an experience like no other. With careful planning and an open heart, a journey to Tibet is sure to leave a lasting impression and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.。
关于西藏的英文作文Tibet, located in the southwest of China, is a land of magnificent landscapes, ancient traditions, and deep spiritual significance. Known as the "Roof of the World" due to its high altitude, Tibet is a unique and special place with a rich history and culture.One of the most iconic features of Tibet is its stunning natural beauty. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the vast plateaus and meandering rivers, the landscapes of Tibet are truly breathtaking. The region is also home to some of the world's most diverse and unique wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard and the majestic Tibetan antelope.Tibet is also known for its deep spiritual significance. As the center of Tibetan Buddhism, the region is home to numerous monasteries, temples, and sacred sites. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is one of the most famous and revered religious sites in the world. It is a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism and a testament to the region's rich history and culture.In addition to its natural beauty and spiritual significance, Tibet is also a place of ancient traditions and customs. The people of Tibet have a deep connection to their land and theirheritage, and their way of life is deeply rooted in their cultural practices. From the colorful festivals and ceremonies to the traditional music and dance, Tibet is a place where tradition and modernity coexist in harmony.Despite its beauty and charm, Tibet has faced its share of challenges in recent years. The region has been the subject of political controversy and unrest, with tensions between the Tibetan people and the Chinese government. The issue of Tibetan independence has been a contentious one, with many Tibetans calling for greater autonomy and respect for their culture and traditions.In conclusion, Tibet is a place of unparalleled natural beauty, deep spiritual significance, and rich cultural heritage. It is a land of ancient traditions and modern challenges, a place where tradition and modernity intersect in a complex and fascinating way. Tibet is a region that deserves to be celebrated and respected for its unique contributions to the world.。
关于西藏旅游介绍英语作文Tibet, located in the southwest of China, is a place of mystery and beauty. With its unique culture, breathtaking landscapes, and rich history, Tibet has become a popular destination for travelers from all over the world. In this essay, I will introduce the beauty of Tibet and provide some tips for traveling to this amazing region.First of all, Tibet is known for its stunning natural scenery. The region is home to the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, as well as countless other majestic mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush grasslands. The beauty of Tibet's landscapes is truly awe-inspiring, andit's no wonder that so many people are drawn to this region.In addition to its natural beauty, Tibet is also famous for its rich and unique culture. The Tibetan people have a long and fascinating history, and their culture is deeply rooted in Buddhism. Visitors to Tibet can explore ancient monasteries, witness colorful religious ceremonies, andlearn about the traditional way of life of the Tibetan people. The culture of Tibet is unlike anything else in the world, and it is a truly enriching experience to immerse oneself in it.When traveling to Tibet, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to be aware of the high altitude in the region. Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is located at an elevation of over 3,600 meters, and many other parts of the region are even higher. As a result, some travelers may experience altitude sickness, so it's important to take it easy and allow time for acclimatization. Additionally, it's a good idea to pack warm clothing, as the weather in Tibet can be quite cold, especially at higher elevations.Another important consideration for travelers to Tibet is the need for a permit. Because of its unique political status, Tibet requires all visitors to obtain a special permit in addition to a Chinese visa. This permit is necessary to enter the region and can be obtained through a travel agency or tour operator. It's important to planahead and make sure to obtain the necessary permits before traveling to Tibet.In conclusion, Tibet is a truly remarkable destination with its stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and unique history. Traveling to Tibet is an experience like no other, and it's a place that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who visits. With proper preparation and a sense of adventure, a trip to Tibet can be the journey of a lifetime.。
布达拉宫的魅力与传奇Nestled in the heart of Lhasa, Tibet, stands the magnificent Potala Palace, a testament to the rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess of the Tibetan people. This majestic structure, known as the "City of Palaces" in Tibetan, rises majestically above the cityscape, a symbolof both the religious and political power of the Dalai Lamas.The Potala Palace is not just a building; it's a living history book, chronicling the ups and downs of the Tibetan monarchy. Constructed over a period of more than 300 years, it tells the story of the integration of Tibetan culturewith elements from other parts of Asia, creating a unique blend that is truly breathtaking.The exterior of the Potala Palace is as impressive asits interior. The use of stone and wood, combined with intricate carvings and paintings, creates a facade that is both visually arresting and deeply spiritual. The palace's many windows and balconies offer breathtaking views of the surrounding city and the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas.Inside, the Potala Palace is a maze of hallways and chambers, each one unique in its design and purpose. The main temple, dedicated to the worship of Buddha, is a place of peace and tranquility, with its intricate carvings and painted ceilings adding to the sense of awe and reverence. Other chambers house priceless relics and artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, and manuscripts, all of which are testaments to the rich cultural heritage of the Tibetan people.The Potala Palace is not just a tourist attraction;it's a living monument to the resilience and perseverance of the Tibetan people. It stands as a reminder of theirrich history and culture, a symbol of their identity and spirit. As one walks through its halls and chambers, one can sense the deep-seated belief and faith that have kept the Tibetan people going through the centuries.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Tibetan culture and history. It offers a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of Tibetan life, combining the spiritual with thehistorical and the artistic. A visit to the Potala Palaceis not just a trip to a place; it's a journey through time, a chance to connect with the past and understand the spirit of a people who have weathered the storms of history with resilience and faith.**布达拉宫的魅力与传奇**坐落在西藏拉萨市中心的布达拉宫,是藏族人民丰富文化遗产和卓越建筑技艺的见证。
关于西藏建成的历史英文作文The Tibetan Plateau: A Timeless Journey through HistoryTibet, the roof of the world, has long captivated the hearts and minds of people across the globe. This vast and majestic land, nestled high among the towering Himalayan peaks, boasts a rich and ancient history that has left an indeluring mark on the cultural tapestry of the world. From the legendary Tibetan empire that once dominated the region to the remarkable architectural and spiritual achievements that have defined its unique identity, the story of Tibet's ascent is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering human spirit.The origins of Tibetan civilization can be traced back to the 7th century CE, when the mighty Tibetan Empire emerged as a formidable power, exerting its influence over a vast swath of Central Asia. Under the leadership of the Yarlung dynasty, the Tibetans established a sophisticated system of governance, diplomacy, and military might that allowed them to thrive in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Tibetan Plateau. The construction of grand fortresses, monasteries, and palaces during this era laid the foundation for the architectural and cultural legacy that would cometo define the Tibetan way of life.One of the most iconic symbols of this rich heritage is the Potala Palace, a towering structure that once served as the winter residence of the Dalai Lamas, the spiritual and political leaders of Tibet. Perched atop a hill overlooking the city of Lhasa, the Potala Palace is a testament to the ingenuity and skill of Tibetan architects, who masterfully blended elements of Buddhist spirituality, Tibetan tradition, and practical necessity to create a truly awe-inspiring masterpiece. The palace's intricate murals, gilded roofs, and labyrinthine corridors have captivated visitors from around the world, serving as a tangible link to the glorious past of the Tibetan empire.As the Tibetan Empire gradually waned in the centuries that followed, the region continued to be shaped by the enduring influence of Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan Buddhist tradition, with its unique blend of philosophical insights, spiritual practices, and artistic expression, has played a central role in shaping the cultural identity of the Tibetan people. From the majestic monasteries that dot the landscape to the vibrant festivals and rituals that celebrate the rich spiritual heritage, the presence of Tibetan Buddhism is woven into the very fabric of Tibetan life.One of the most remarkable achievements of Tibetan Buddhism is the preservation and transmission of ancient texts and knowledge.Over the centuries, Tibetan monasteries have served as repositories of vast collections of Buddhist scriptures, philosophical treatises, and historical records, safeguarding this invaluable cultural heritage from the ravages of time and conflict. The meticulous preservation and study of these texts have not only enriched the Tibetan spiritual tradition but have also made significant contributions to the broader understanding of Asian history and philosophy.Beyond its spiritual and cultural achievements, Tibet has also played a crucial role in the environmental preservation of the Himalayan region. The Tibetan Plateau, often referred to as the "Third Pole" of the world, is home to vast glaciers, pristine lakes, and diverse ecosystems that are vital to the well-being of the entire region. Tibetan nomads and communities have long practiced sustainable practices of land management and resource utilization, ensuring the delicate balance of this fragile environment. In recent years, the Tibetan government-in-exile and international organizations have worked tirelessly to protect the Tibetan Plateau from the threats of climate change, deforestation, and unsustainable development, recognizing the crucial role it plays in the global ecosystem.Despite the many challenges and adversities that the Tibetan people have faced throughout their history, the resilience and determination of this remarkable civilization have never wavered. From the grand architectural achievements of the past to the ongoing efforts topreserve the rich cultural and environmental heritage of the region, the story of Tibet is one of enduring strength, adaptability, and the unwavering human spirit. As the world continues to grapple with the complexities of globalization and cultural change, the Tibetan experience serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving and celebrating the diversity of human civilization.。
布达拉宫英语作文The Potala Palace is a magnificent and iconic building located in Lhasa, Tibet. It is a symbol of Tibetan culture and history, and is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The palace has a rich history and has been a center of Tibetan Buddhism for centuries. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, and attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year.The Potala Palace was originally built in the 7th century by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo. Over the centuries, it has been expanded and renovated by successive rulers, and it now consists of a complex of buildings, including the White Palace and the Red Palace. The palaceis built on the Red Hill, and its towering walls and golden roofs make it a breathtaking sight.The Potala Palace has a special significance in Tibetan Buddhism. It was the winter residence of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, and it also served as theseat of the Tibetan government. The palace is filled with beautiful chapels, prayer halls, and sacred relics, and itis a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the world.Visitors to the Potala Palace can explore its many rooms and halls, and marvel at its stunning architectureand art. The palace is adorned with intricate carvings, colorful murals, and precious statues, and it is a treasure trove of Tibetan religious and cultural artifacts. Theviews from the palace are also spectacular, with panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys.The Potala Palace is not only a historical and cultural treasure, but also a marvel of engineering and construction. The palace was built using traditional Tibetanarchitectural techniques, and it is a testament to theskill and ingenuity of the Tibetan people. The palace is also a symbol of the resilience and endurance of theTibetan people, who have preserved their culture and traditions in the face of adversity.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring place. It is a testament to the rich history and culture of Tibet, and a symbol of the enduring spirit of its people. Visiting the palace is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who has the privilege of setting foot inside its hallowed walls.。
布达拉宫英文作文The Potala Palace, located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, is a magnificent and iconic structure that holds great historical and cultural significance. Standing at an altitude of 3,700 meters, it is known as the highest ancient palace in the world. Renowned for its breathtaking architecture, rich heritage, and spiritual importance, the Potala Palace attracts millions of visitors every year.The palace was first constructed in the 7th century under the leadership of Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo. It wasinitially built as a fortress, but later transformed into a grand palace by the fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso. The Potala Palace served as the winter residence of successive Dalai Lamas and the political center of Tibetuntil the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959.The Potala Palace covers an area of over 130,000 square meters and has thirteen stories. Its architectural design combines elements of Tibetan and Indian styles, withintricate details and vibrant colors. The palace is divided into two main sections, the White Palace and the Red Palace. The White Palace comprises living quarters for administrative functions, while the Red Palace consists of various temples, including the most sacred one, the Great West Hall.The Great West Hall within the Red Palace is the most revered part of the Potala Palace. It houses the tomb stupas of previous Dalai Lamas and numerous precious artworks, religious statues, and scriptures. Visitors can witness the opulence and religious devotion reflected in the elaborate decorations and gilded statues. The spiritual atmosphere is palpable, leaving a profound impact on those who step foot inside.Apart from its architectural grandeur and religious significance, the Potala Palace serves as a symbol of Tibetan cultural and historical identity. It represents the wisdom, resilience, and devotion of the Tibetan people. Recognizing its importance, the Potala Palace was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. It serves as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Tibet and allows visitors to understand the unique history and traditions of this ancient civilization.Visitors to the Potala Palace are required to follow certain guidelines to preserve its historical and cultural integrity. No photography is allowed inside the palace, and visitors must adhere to respectful behavior and dress modestly. This ensures that the spiritual and cultural sanctity of the palace remains intact.In conclusion, the Potala Palace stands as a symbol of Tibetan culture and spirituality. Its breathtakingarchitecture, religious significance, and historical importance continue to captivate visitors from across the globe. The preservation of this magnificent structure allows generations to appreciate the unique heritage and traditions of Tibet, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking to explore the enchanting world of the Potala Palace.。
关于西藏地理位置的描述英语作文Tibet, also known as the roof of the world, is located in the southwestern part of China. It is situated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is the highest and largest plateau in the world. The average elevation of Tibet is over 4,500 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest regions on Earth.Tibet is surrounded by some of the tallest mountain ranges in the world, including the Himalayas to the south and the Kunlun Mountains to the north. Mount Everest, the tallest peak in the world, is located on the border between Tibet and Nepal. The rugged terrain and harsh climate make Tibet one of the most remote and inhospitable regions on the planet.In addition to its high altitude and mountainous terrain, Tibet is also home to numerous rivers, lakes, and grasslands. The Yarlung Tsangpo River, which flows through the region, is one of the major rivers in Asia and is also known as the Brahmaputra River once it reaches India. The Tibetan Plateau is also dotted with numerous lakes, including Namtso Lake and Yamdrok Lake, which are considered sacred by Tibetan Buddhists.The climate in Tibet is predominantly cold and dry, with temperatures often dropping below freezing in the wintermonths. The region experiences long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. Despite its challenging environment, Tibet is rich in natural resources and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including rare and endangered species such as the Tibetan antelope and the snow leopard.The geographical location of Tibet has played a significant role in shaping its culture and history. The region is known for its unique Buddhist heritage, with many ancient monasteries and temples scattered throughout the landscape. Tibetan Buddhism, which is a blend of Buddhism and indigenous Tibetan beliefs, has had a profound influence on the art, architecture, and customs of the Tibetan people.Overall, the geographical location of Tibet has made it a truly unique and extraordinary region. Its high altitude, rugged terrain, and extreme climate have contributed to its isolation and helped to preserve its rich cultural heritage. Despite the challenges posed by its environment, Tibet remains a place of great beauty and spiritual significance, attracting travelers and pilgrims from around the world.。
关于布达拉宫的英语作文Title: The Magnificent Potala PalaceNestled amidst the majestic Himalayan foothills and the serene Lhasa Valley, the Potala Palace stands as a symbol of ancient Tibetan culture and religion. This remarkable structure is not just a palace; it is a testament to the rich history and profound spirituality of the Tibetan people.The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century as a winter palace for the Dalai Lamas, the spiritual leaders of Tibet. Its name, "Potala," means "Castle of the Buddha" in Tibetan, reflecting its deep religious significance. The palace's architecture is a blend of Tibetan, Chinese, and Indian styles, with intricate carvings and paintings adorning its walls and ceilings.Walking through the palace, one is immediately struck by its grandeur and splendor. The intricate carvings and paintings depict Buddhist myths and legends, while the vast halls and courtyards exude a sense of serenity and tranquility. The palace houses numerous religious artifacts, including rare statues, scriptures, and thangkas (Tibetan painted scrolls).However, the Potala Palace is not just a museum; it is still a functioning religious and administrative center. The Dalai Lama resides here, and religious ceremonies and rituals are regularly conducted. Visitors can often witness monks chanting and performing rituals, adding to the palace's aura of spirituality.Visiting the Potala Palace is a journey through time, a glimpse into the rich history and culture of Tibet. It is a testament to the resilience and perseverance of the Tibetan people, who have preserved their traditions and beliefs for centuries. As one walks through the palace's halls and courtyards, one can feel the weight of history and the power of faith.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Tibetan culture and history. It is a place where the ancient meets the modern, where spirituality and tradition coexist. A visit to the Potala Palace is an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression on the heart and mind.。
布达拉宫英语阅读理解Title: The Palace of Buddha on the Roof of the WorldLocated in the heart of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, China, the Potala Palace stands as a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of the region. This majestic complex, perched on the slopes of Mount Meru, was originally built as a wedding gift by the King of Tibet, Songtsen Gampo, to welcome his two brides, Princess Wencheng and Princess Jetsun Yuntenngwa. However, another theory suggests that it was constructed as the royal palace after Songtsen Gampo moved the capital of Tibet to Lhasa.The Potala Palace's unique architecture, a blend of Tibetan and Indian styles, is a sight to behold. The main structure consists of two parts: the White Palace and the Red Palace. The White Palace, symbolizing harmony and peace, is home to the monks who serve at the palace. The Red Palace, on the other hand, represents power and authority. It was once the residence of the Dalai Lamas, the spiritual leaders of Tibet.The Potala's walls are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the Tibetan people. The outer walls are made of rammed earth, faced with stone and brick. The height of these walls reaches 6 meters, with a base width of meters and a top width of meters. The entire complex is surrounded by these walls, creating a massive fortress-like structure that dominates the Lhasa skyline.The Potala's intricate murals and carvings are a showcase of Tibetan art and culture. These works, executed by skilled artists from various ethnic backgrounds, including Tibetans, Mongolians, and Han Chinese, are a testament to the rich tapestry of traditions and histories that converge at this unique site.In 1961, the Potala Palace was designated as a key national historical and cultural site by the Chinese government. In 1994, it was inscribed as a World Heritage site, recognition of its global significance and uniqueness. Today, the Potala Palace stands as a symbol of Tibetan resilience, culture, and history - a reminder of the rich legacy that continues to inspire generations.For a visit to the Potala Palace, be prepared to ascend many stairs. The altitude of the site is over 3700 meters above sea level, making even the shortest hike an arduous task. But once at the top, the breathtaking views of Lhasa and the surrounding mountains make the effort worthwhile. Inside, you'll find rooms filled with artifacts and relics that tell the story of Tibet's past.Visiting the Potala Palace is not just a chance to see beautiful architecture; it's an opportunity to delve into a culture that has survived for centuries. As you walk through its halls and corridors, you'll feel the weight of history pressing down around you - a testament to a people who have persevered through tough times to maintain their unique identity and traditions. So if you're looking for a place where history comes alive, make sure to include a visit to the Potala Palace in your travel plans.。
西藏布达拉宫的英语作文初三Located in Lhasa, Tibet, the Potala Palace is a magnificent architectural marvel that stands as a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan culture. With its towering fortress-like walls and golden roofs, the Potala Palace is an awe-inspiring sight that commands attention and reverence from all who visit.The history of the Potala Palace dates back to the 7th century, when it was originally built as a meditation retreat for Tibetan kings. Over the centuries, it was expanded and renovated to become the grand palace that we see today. The palace is divided into two main sections: the Red Palace and the White Palace. The Red Palace is the spiritual heart of the palace, with its numerous chapels, prayer halls, and sacred relics. The White Palace, on the other hand, served as the administrative center of the Tibetan government.One of the most iconic features of the Potala Palace isits golden roofs, which shine brilliantly in the sunlight. These roofs are adorned with intricate carvings, paintings, and symbols that hold great significance in Tibetan Buddhism. Inside the palace, visitors can marvel at the stunning murals, sculptures, and thangkas that adorn the walls and ceilings. Each of these artworks tells a story and conveys a message of peace, harmony, and enlightenment.Visiting the Potala Palace is a truly unforgettable experience. As you climb the steep steps and pass through the gates, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder atthe sheer grandeur of the palace. The sweeping views of Lhasa from the palace grounds are breathtaking, offering a glimpse into the spiritual and cultural heart of Tibet.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is not just a building;it is a living testament to the rich history and traditionsof Tibet. It stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration forall who seek enlightenment and inner peace. Visiting the Potala Palace is a journey of the soul, a pilgrimage to a sacred place that will forever hold a special place in your heart.。
1000 0569/2019/035(05) 1489 02ActaPetrologicaSinica 岩石学报doi:10 18654/1000 0569/2019 05 11滇中楚雄盆地老街子铅 银矿床镜铁矿特征及地质意义吴鹏 杨航 韩润生 姜龙燕 江小均 王蝶 管申进WUPeng,YANGHang,HANRunSheng,JIANGLongYan,JIANGXiaoJun,WANGDieandGUANShenJin昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,昆明 650093FacultyofLandResourceEngineering,KunmingUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Kunming,650093,China2019 01 10收稿,2019 04 16改回WuP,YangH,HanRS,JiangLY,JiangXJ,WangDandGuanSJ 2019 SignatureandgeologicalsignificanceofthespecularitefromtheLaojieziPb AgdepositintheChuxiongbasin,centralYunnan,SWChina ActaPetrologicaSinica,35(5):1489-1502,doi:10 18654/1000 0569/2019 05 11Abstract TheLaojieziPb Agdeposit,locatedintheChuxiongbasin,southernsectionoftheJinshajiang Ailaoshanalkali richintrusivebeltofcentralYunnanProvince,isatypicalalkali richvolcanic magmatichydrothermaldeposit Inrecentyears,ironoxidewasfoundatgreaterdepthsofthedeposit(2073mlevel).Underthemicroscope,ironoxideisbrightwhiteorgray blueincolor,andacicular,radialandtabularinshape ItwasidentifiedasspecularitebytheX raydiffractionanalysisandelectronmicroprobeanalysis Twotypesofspecularitehavebeenrecognizedaccordingtotheiroccurrences:(i)Onetypeoccursasdenselystar shapedfillinginthecorrosionholesofthefeldsparinthegraypurplebiotitesyeniteporphyrydike,andtheyarecharacterizedbydirectionalarrangementandparallelwiththedike;(ii)Anothertypeoccursasspeckledinthefleshredsyeniteporphyrywithhighlymineralizationalongfractures Thedifferenceinmetallicmineralassemblagesatthetwosidesofthebiotitesyeniteporphyrydike(galena+pyrite+copperoxide→pyrite+copperoxide+specularite),andthecolordifference(gray→fleshyred)inthesyeniteporphyryarecloselyrelatedtothedikeintrusion,andwereprobablyresultedfromtectono magmatic(fluid) alterationcoupling BasedonthecomparativestudyofBaimajuAu(Cu)depositwithspecularite,wesuggestedthatthespeculariteinthedeeperpartoftheLaojiezideposithasimportantimplicationsonAuexploration Comparedtothedisseminatedspecularite,thespeculariteinveins/stockworks/dikecontainhigherV2O5andTiO2contents,suggestingthatlargerspeculariteoresmayexistat>2073mdepth Wherethespeculariteoccurs,Cucontentsincreasesignificantly(locallyovertheindustrialgradeandupto2 05%),Mo(upto0 11%)andAuanomalies(upto0 585g/t)alsoarepresent MetalzonationfromPb AgtoCu Mo Auatdepthisalsofound,whichindicatesexplorationpotentialforporphyry typeCu Mo Audeposits Keywords Specularite;Ore prospectingsignificance;Alkali richporphyry;LaojieziPb Agdeposit;Chuxiongbasin摘 要 滇中老街子铅 银矿床位于楚雄盆地中部,金沙江 哀牢山富碱侵入岩带南段,是与富碱火山 岩浆热液密切相关的典型矿床。
介绍布达拉宫文化与宗教意义英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to the Cultural and Religious Significance of the Potala PalaceThe Potala Palace is one of the most iconic landmarks in Tibet, representing both the rich cultural heritage and profound religious significance of the region. Situated in the heart of Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, the Potala Palace is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that has served as the winter residence of the Dalai Lama for centuries.The Potala Palace was originally built in the 7th century by King Songtsen Gampo, and was later expanded and renovated by the 5th Dalai Lama in the 17th century. The palace is built on the Red Hill, overlooking the entire city of Lhasa, and is composed of two main sections – the Red Palace and the White Palace. The Red Palace is the highest part of the complex and is used for religious and ceremonial purposes, while the White Palace served as the living quarters for the Dalai Lama and his attendants.The cultural significance of the Potala Palace lies in its unique blend of Tibetan and Chinese architectural styles, as well as its exquisite decorations and artworks. The palace is adorned with beautifully painted murals, intricate wood carvings, and precious Buddhist statues, making it a masterpiece of Tibetan art and craftsmanship. It is also home to a vast collection of Buddhist scriptures, thangkas, and other religious artifacts, making it a center of religious and cultural learning for Buddhists and scholars alike.In addition to its cultural significance, the Potala Palace holds great religious importance for Tibetan Buddhists. The palace is considered to be the holy abode of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, and is believed to be a sacred site where the Dalai Lama can connect with the divine. Pilgrims from all over Tibet and beyond travel to the Potala Palace to offer their prayers and seek blessings from the Dalai Lama, making it a major center of religious pilgrimage in the region.Overall, the Potala Palace is a symbol of the spiritual and cultural legacy of Tibet, a place where the past and present converge in harmony. Its rich history, impressive architecture, and profound religious significance continue to captivate visitorsfrom around the world, making it one of the most revered and treasured landmarks in Tibet.篇2The Potala Palace, located in the heart of Lhasa, Tibet, is a symbol of Tibetan culture and religion. With its stunning architecture and rich history, the Potala Palace holds great significance for both Tibetans and Buddhists around the world.The Potala Palace was originally built in the 7th century by King Songtsen Gampo as a winter palace for the Tibetan kings. It was later expanded and renovated by successive Dalai Lamas, becoming the official residence of the Dalai Lamas and the political and religious center of Tibet. The Palace consists of two main parts, the Red Palace and the White Palace, and is situated on a hill overlooking Lhasa, providing a breathtaking view of the city and surrounding mountains.The Potala Palace is not only a magnificent architectural masterpiece but also a center of Tibetan Buddhism. It houses numerous chapels, prayer halls, and sacred relics, including the tombs of past Dalai Lamas and the revered Jowo Rinpoche statue. Pilgrims and tourists come from all over the world to visit the Palace and pay their respects to these holy sites. The Palacealso serves as a venue for important religious festivals and ceremonies, such as the Tibetan New Year and the Dalai Lama's teachings.In addition to its religious significance, the Potala Palace is a repository of Tibetan art, culture, and history. The Palace's walls are adorned with intricate murals, thangkas, and frescoes depicting Buddhist deities, historical events, and Tibetan life. Its halls and rooms are filled with priceless artifacts, manuscripts, and religious texts that showcase the rich heritage of Tibet. The Palace's architecture, with its intricate woodwork, colorful decorations, and ornate carvings, reflects the unique blend of Tibetan, Han Chinese, and Indian influences.The Potala Palace has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its outstanding universal value and cultural significance. It continues to attract thousands of visitors each year, inspiring awe and reverence for its beauty and spiritual legacy. For Tibetans, the Palace remains a symbol of their identity, resilience, and faith, embodying the enduring power of Tibetan culture and religion.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is a testament to the enduring legacy of Tibetan culture and religion. With its majestic architecture, religious significance, and cultural heritage, thePalace stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration for Tibetans and Buddhists everywhere. As we continue to marvel at its beauty and history, may we also honor and preserve the sacred traditions and teachings that the Potala Palace represents.篇3The Potala Palace, located in Lhasa, Tibet, is one of the most iconic and culturally significant landmarks in the world. This magnificent structure serves not only as a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism but also as a representation of Tibetan culture and history.The Potala Palace was originally built in the 7th century by King Songtsen Gampo as a winter palace for the Tibetan kings. It was later expanded and renovated by successive Dalai Lamas, turning it into the grand architectural wonder we see today. The palace stands at an altitude of 3,700 meters, making it the highest ancient palace in the world.One of the main cultural significances of the Potala Palace lies in its architecture. The palace is a stunning example of Tibetan architectural style, characterized by its white walls, golden roofs, and intricate carvings. The construction of the palace showcases the expert craftsmanship of Tibetan artisans,who skillfully incorporated traditional Tibetan design elements into the building.In addition to its architectural significance, the Potala Palace holds great religious importance for Tibetan Buddhists. The palace serves as the spiritual center of Tibetan Buddhism and is believed to be the residence of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. Many important religious ceremonies and rituals take place within the palace's walls, attracting pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.Furthermore, the Potala Palace is home to numerous precious religious artifacts, including statues, thangkas, and scriptures. These artifacts are considered sacred by Tibetan Buddhists and are revered for their historical and spiritual value. The palace's vast collection of religious treasures serves as a testament to the rich and vibrant religious heritage of Tibet.In conclusion, the Potala Palace is a remarkable cultural and religious landmark that embodies the essence of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan culture. Its breathtaking architecture, religious significance, and historical importance make it amust-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring the unique and enchanting world of Tibet. Visit the Potala Palace andimmerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Tibetan culture and spirituality.。
建设美丽西藏,共圆伟大复兴梦想演讲稿英语The best way to remember history is to keep making new history.To day,we warmly celebrate the70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet.This is not only a tribute to the extraordinary and unremitting st ruggle of the past70years,but also a reminder to forge ahead and emba rk on a new journey in the new era.Let us rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core,hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,follow the guidan ce of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a N ew Era,strengthen our awareness of the"four Principles",strengthen ou r confidence in the"four Principles",and uphold the"two principles".In-depth implementation of xi jinping,arguments,and the new era,the par ty's general secretary of the Tibet work important rule in Tibet,the imple mentation of the general secretary of xi"July1"important speech,visite d Tibet's important speech,and wang Yang,chairman of the important s peech spirit,closely around a focal point of work in Tibet focus starting p oint and the foothold,vigorously practice great founding spirit,Inherit an d carry forward the"old Tibet spirit""two road"spirit,pays special atten tion to the precious opportunities and utilize the national support,comm itment and hard struggle,further emancipate the mind,our further work ,so,for a long time to work hard,to build beautiful happy dream to striv e for Tibet,a total of the great revival,struggling to write a new chapter!In the construction of a new socialist modernization in Tibet.。
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Rock-mechanics laboratory experiments predict that for moderately high geothermal gradients or for thick crust, the middle or lower crust could contain a weak ductile zone, separating the more competent layers of the brittle upper crust from the rheologically strong upper mantle (e.g., Goetze and Evans, 1979; Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980; Kirby, 1983). Many geophysical observations from Tibet suggest the presence of a weak crustal zone; e.g., short-wavelength gravity anomalies imply compensation of topography within the crust (Jin et al., 1994), and the Project INDEPTH observation of coincident mid-crustal low velocities, high electrical conductivity, and reflection bright spots in Tibet indicate that the middle crust in Tibet contains fluids and may be partially molten (Nelson et al., 1996; Makovsky et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1996). In contrast to the flat central plateau, most f the marginal mountain belts bordering the plateau are characterized by steep topographic gradients, such as along the southern margin of the Himalaya (e.g., Le Fort, 1975) (Fig. 2A). Previous topographic studies have concentrated on these steep margins of the plateau but have ignored low-gradient margins of the plateau (e.g. Fielding et al., 1994). For example, excluding the areas adjacent to the Sichuan Basin (Fig. 2B), the eastern margin exhibits low topographic gradients with a gradual change in topographic elevation and crustal thickness from the plateau to the outer foreland (Li and Mooney, 1998) (Fig. 2C and 2D). Unlike the southern plateau margin, where crustal thickening can be explained by shortening of the upper crust through faulting and folding, most of the eastern margin has been uplifted without significant shortening of the upper crust along large-magnitude thrust faults (Burchfiel et al., 1995; Wang et al., 1998). The presence of such long-wavelength, regional topographic gradients in the absence of upper-crustal shortening suggests deformation within the lower crust by ductile flow. Therefore the elevated topography along the eastern plateau margin may be the direct result of thickening of the deep crust in concert with evacuation of the lower crust from beneath the central plateau (Royden, 1996; Royden et al., 1997). TOPOGRAPHIC PROFILES Several topographic swath profiles were taken from the northern, eastern, and southern margins of the Tibetan Plateau (Fig. 1). Topographic data are from the publicly available GTOPO30 digital elevation model (DEM) data set, which has ~1 km horizontal resolution (U.S. Geological Survey,
Topographic ooze: Building the eastern margin of Tibet by lower crustal flow
Marin Kristen Clark* Leigh Handy Royden
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA ABSTRACT Topography extracted from swath profiles along the northern, southern, and eastern margins of the Tibetan Plateau show two end-member morphologies: steep, abrupt margins and longwavelength, low-gradient margins. Because the lack of significant upper crustal shortening across much of the eastern plateau margin implies that the crustal thickening occurs mainly in the deep crust, we compare regional topographic gradients surrounding the plateau to model results for flux of a Newtonian fluid through a lower crustal channel of uniform thickness. For an assumed 15-km-thick channel, we estimate a viscosity for the lower crust of 1018 Pa · s beneath the low-gradient margins, 1021 Pa · s beneath the steep margins, and an upper bound of 1016 Pa · s beneath the plateau. These results indicate that the large-scale morphology of the eastern plateau reflects fluid flow within the underlying crust; crustal material flows around the strong crust of the Sichuan and Tarim Basins, creating broad, gentle margins, and “piles up” behind the basins creating narrow, steep margins. These results imply that this portion of the Eurasian crust was heterogeneous, but largely weak, even prior to construction of the Tibetan Plateau. Keywords: Tibet, topography, regional tectonics, lower crustal flow, viscosity. INTRODUCTION The behavior of the lower continental crust is an integral element of many recent tectonic models of intracontinental deformation, but the basic physical parameters that govern the mechanics of the lower crust remain poorly understood. Many authors have proposed that in regions where the continental crust is hot, the middle or lower crust acts as a weak viscous layer capable of flow on geologic time scales (e.g., Block and Royden, 1990; Wernicke, 1990; Kruse et al., 1991; Bird, 1991; Wdowinski and Axen, 1992). Thus, lower-crustal flow has been proposed as a mechanism by which lateral pressure gradients within the crust are equilibrated, reducing variations in topography and crustal thickness (e.g., Bird, 1991). Lateral variations in topography, crustal thickness, and style of deformation suggest differences in strain distribution within active orogens and underscore the important role of the rheology of the lower continental crust in governing crustal deformation. Most studies aimed at constraining physical parameters of the lower crust have concentrated on the Basin and Range extensional province of the western United States and have yielded estimates of effective viscosity of the lower crust of 1017–1019 Pa · s for assumed channel thicknesses of 10–15 km (e.g., Kruse et al., 1991; Wdowinski and Axen, 1992; Kaufman and Royden, 1994). However, estimates of lowercrustal viscosity beneath active convergent orogens are largely lacking. In this regard, the Tibetan Plateau and its associated mountain belts offer an excellent natural laboratory in which to explore the relationship of tectonics and topography in order to estimate rheologic parameters for the lower crust. TIBET The Tibetan Plateau has been created by the continent-continent collision of India with Eurasia since 45 Ma, and is an example of extreme regional topography over scales of hundreds to thousands of kilometers (e.g., Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975; Le Fort, 1975) (Fig. 1). The low-relief, but topographically high, central plateau that has persisted despite continuing Cenozoic shortening has provoked explanations ranging from continental underplating (Barazangi and Ni, 1982) and thermal uplift by delamination of the mantle lithosphere (e.g., England and Houseman, 1989) to deformation within a weak, fluid layer in the middle to lower crust (e.g., Bird, 1991; Zhao and Morgan, 1987).