Project Producing a TV show 导学案(教案)
Unit 1 The world of our senses 6-12课时 教师版 导学案-译林版必修3精品

Unit 1 The world of our senses 6-12课时教师版导学案Studying aims:1. Enriching our vocabulary.2. Mastering some key words and expressions.Self-education(自主学习):Task 1: Read and recite all the new words and expressions showed on pages67(1-9).Task 2: Write down the parts of speech and their meanings of the following wordsignore __, sweat __, distance__, attach __, unlike __disability __, hopeful __, whisper __, bite __, contrary __,attract__, calm __, panic __, employ __,Team work(合作探究):Please fill in the following blanks.1. distance n. _距离___→___distant____ adj.遥远的→ distantly adv. adv. 远离地;疏远地;2. avoid vt.____→avoidable adj.可避免的,可回避的→avoidance n.回避,躲开3. add vt._____→_addition_____ n.添加→adj. additional 附加的,额外的additive 附加的;[数] 加法的addable 可增加的4.attach vt. _____→attachable adj. 可附上的;可连接的; attachment n.附件;依恋;连接物5. disability n. _____→disable vt. 使失去能力;使残废; unable adj.不会的,不能的;无能力的;不能胜任的→able adj.有能力的;能干的6. panic vt&n.恐慌;惊慌;→过去式panicked 过去分词panicked →现在分词panicking Target detection (目标检测):Task 1 Translation:1.远处________2.波浪________3.在头上方________4.满足需要________5.相反的________6.镇静的________7.有希望的________8.可能的________9.不像________10.雇佣________Task 2 Fill in the blanks1.This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.这个医院附属于附近的那所医学院。
Unit5 TV Shows(导学案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册

Unit5 TV Shows(导学案)Learning Objectives(学习目标)1.To understand and use the vocabulary related to TV shows.2.To practice reading skills through comprehension tasks.3.To enhance speaking skills through group discussions.Vocabulary(词汇)•TV shows: 电视节目•Comedy: 喜剧•Drama: 剧情片•Game show: 游戏秀•Documentary: 纪录片•Cartoon: 卡通片•Soap opera: 肥皂剧•News: 新闻Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)Read the following descriptions of different TV shows and choosethe correct picture.1.This is a funny TV show that will make you laugh. It has jokes and comedy sketches. What TV show is it?(A)Drama(B)News(C)Comedy2.This TV show tells a story with actors and actresses. It can make you feel happy, sad, or excited. What TV show is it?(A)Cartoon(B)Game show(C)Drama3.This TV show has questions and answers. The contestants win prizes by giving the right answers. What TV show is it?(A)Soap opera(B)Documentary(C)Game show4.This TV show is about real people and real events. It tells a story that is important and interesting. What TV show is it?(A)News(B)Documentary(C)Drama)Match the vocabulary word to its definition1.________ TV shows2.________ Comedy3.________ Drama4.________ Game show5.________ Documentary6.________ Cartoon7.________ Soap opera8.________ News(A) A type of TV show with fictional characters and a storyline that follows them through different situations.(B) A type of TV show with animated characters that entertain children and adults alike.(C) A type of TV show that provides information about current events and occurrences.(D) A type of TV show that presents real information about people, events, and situations.(E) A type of TV show with humor and funny moments that is meant to make people laugh.(F) A type of TV show that centers around a group of people, their relationships, and their struggles.(G) A type of TV show where contestants answer questions for prizes.(H) A type of TV show that frequently airs and follows the same storyline over several episodes or seasons.Speaking Practice(口语练习)Group Discussion:Discuss with your group which TV show you like the most and why. Be sure to use words and phrases related to TV shows and give specific reasons for your choice.Example prompts:•What is your favorite TV show and why do you like it?•Which TV show makes you laugh the most?•Which TV show do you find the most exciting and why?•Which TV show has characters that you can relate to the most?Conclusion(总结)This unit has introduced us to different types of TV shows and the vocabulary associated with them. We have also practiced our reading and speaking skills to improve our comprehension and ability to express ourselves. Understanding TV shows can help us to better understand different cultures and perspectives, and we can use this knowledge to enrich our lives.。

初中备课UnitATVShow教案Unit A TV Show Lesson Plan for Junior High School StudentsI. Introduction- Welcome the students to the lesson and briefly explain the purpose of the lesson.- State the objectives of the lesson: to develop listening skills, expand vocabulary related to TV shows, and enhance speaking and writing abilities through group discussions and creating their own TV show.II. Warm-up Activity: TV Show Brainstorming- Ask students to brainstorm different types of TV shows they enjoy watching.- Encourage students to share their favorite shows and briefly explain why they like them.- Write down the different types of TV shows mentioned on the board.III. Vocabulary Building: TV Show Terminology- Introduce a list of TV show terminologies such as host, contestant, judge, audience, episode, etc.- Provide definitions and examples for each term.- In pairs or small groups, students discuss the meanings and use of the vocabulary words.IV. Listening Comprehension: Analyzing a TV Show Clip- Show a short clip from a popular TV show and ask students to listen carefully.- After the clip, distribute a worksheet with comprehension questions related to the clip.- Students work individually or in pairs to answer the questions.- Discuss the answers as a class, allowing students to share their interpretations and thoughts.V. Speaking Activity: Group Discussion - Favorite TV Shows- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific TV show type from the brainstorming session (e.g., reality shows, sitcoms, game shows, etc.).- In their groups, students discuss and share their favorite TV shows from the assigned category.- Encourage students to express their opinions, explain the appeal of their chosen shows, and engage in discussions within their groups.- After the group discussions, a spokesperson from each group presents their findings to the class.VI. TV Show Proposal: Creating Their Own TV Show- Explain to the students that they will be working in pairs to create their own TV show.- Students brainstorm ideas for their TV show, considering the type of show, theme, target audience, and format.- Each pair presents their TV show proposal to the class, explaining the concept and providing a brief summary of the show.- Encourage the class to give constructive feedback and suggestions on each proposal.VII. Writing Task: TV Show Synopsis- Individually, students write a detailed synopsis for their own TV show proposal.- They should include a catchy title, brief description of the show's concept, target audience, main characters, and a summary of the first episode.- After completing the writing task, students can exchange their synopses with a partner for feedback and suggestions.VIII. Conclusion and Reflection- Recap the main points of the lesson, including the vocabulary words, listening comprehension exercise, group discussions, and TV show proposal.- Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned and ask any remaining questions.- Provide constructive comments and praise for their participation throughout the lesson.This lesson plan aims to engage students in active learning, allowing them to apply their knowledge and creativity in understanding and creating TV shows. By integrating various activities such as listening, speaking, and writing, students can develop their language skills while also exploring their interests in television entertainment.。

Unit5 TV Shows(教案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册教学内容本单元为《人教新起点版英语五年级上册》的第五单元,主题为“电视节目”。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握电视节目的相关词汇和表达方式,能够用英语介绍和讨论自己喜欢的电视节目。
2. 过程与方法:通过听力、口语、阅读等多种教学活动,提高学生的英语听说能力和阅读理解能力。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生对电视节目的正确认识和评价,增强学生的审美能力和批判性思维。
教学难点2. 听力理解:学生需要通过听力练习,提高对电视节目介绍和讨论的理解能力。
3. 口语表达:学生需要学会用英语表达自己对电视节目的喜好和评价,这需要一定的语言组织和表达能力。
教具学具准备1. 教师准备:电视节目相关的图片和视频素材,用于课堂展示和讲解。
2. 学生准备:英语课本、笔记本、文具等。
教学过程1. 导入:教师通过展示一些电视节目的图片或播放一段电视节目的视频,引起学生的兴趣,引导学生进入本单元的主题。
2. 新课内容讲解:教师讲解本单元的重点词汇和表达方式,通过例句和练习,让学生理解和掌握。
3. 听力练习:教师播放一段关于电视节目的听力材料,学生听后回答问题,提高听力理解能力。
4. 口语练习:教师组织学生进行小组讨论,让学生用英语介绍和讨论自己喜欢的电视节目,提高口语表达能力。
板书设计1. 本单元的主题:“电视节目”。
2. 重点词汇和表达方式。
3. 课堂练习的示例。
作业设计1. 词汇练习:让学生写出本单元学过的电视节目相关词汇,并进行造句练习。
2. 听力练习:让学生听一段关于电视节目的听力材料,然后回答问题。
3. 口语练习:让学生用英语介绍和讨论自己喜欢的电视节目,可以录音或写下来。
五年级上册英语说课稿-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第2课时)|人教(新起点)

五年级上册英语说课稿-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第2课时)|人教(新起点)本节课是《新起点》五年级上册英语第五单元的第二节课,本节课的主题是“TV Shows”。
一、教学目标1.能听懂、认读、并理解新单词:cartoon,documentary,soap opera,sports show,talk show.2.能够理解与描述各类型电视节目的内容。
五、教学步骤1.导入1.教师先放映一段奥运比赛记录片,即documentary,然后进行提问–What is it?–Is it interesting?–What do you learn from it?2.学生回答后,教师希望能引出一些关于documentary的特点和优点。
2.介绍各类电视节目1.教师以PPT为辅助,在黑板上列出5个类别(cartoon, documentary, soap opera, sports show, talk show),并简单说明其内容。
比如,学生可以了解到:“cartoon”多为卡通动画,有趣又好笑,“sports show”更注重运动比赛、技巧解析等;“talk show”讲深度话题,启迪思考等。

人教新起点英语五年级上册Unit5《TV ShowsLesson 2》教案I. Teaching Objectives1.To enable students to learn and usevocabulary related to TV shows.2.To enable students to understand and use thepresent continuous tense to describe ongoingactions.3.To encourage students to use language in acommunicative context through group work andspeaking activities.II. Teaching Process1. Warm-Up (5 minutes)•Greet the students and play a short game of Simon Says to get them moving and awake.•Ask the students if they watched any TV shows recently and which ones they enjoyed the most.2. Presentation (15 minutes)•Introduce the new vocabulary words: drama, comedy, reality show, news, sports, and documentary.•Use pictures or flashcards to illustrate each word.•Ask the students to repeat each word after you and say a sentence using it in context.3. Practice (20 minutes)•Divide the class into prs or small groups.•Give each group a set of picture cards representing different TV shows.•Ask the students to describe what is happening in each picture using the present continuous tense.•Encourage the students to use the new vocabulary words in their descriptions.•Monitor the groups and give feedback, correcting any errors in language use.4. Production (15 minutes)•Ask the students to imagine that they are journalists doing interviews at a red carpet event for a TV awards ceremony.•Each student must choose a TV show from the lesson and pretend to be a reporter interviewing someone associated with that show (e.g. a lead actor, director or producer).•Allow the students time to prepare their questions in prs or small groups.•Ask the students to take turns to role-play their interviews in front of the class, using the new vocabulary and present continuous tense.5. Wrap-Up (5 minutes)•Ask the students to share what they learned today.•Play a quick vocabulary game like Hangman or Charades to reinforce the new words.III. AssessmentAssess the students’ performance during the role-play activity, paying attention to their use of vocabulary and grammar. Give each student a score based on their ability to communicate effectively in English.IV. Homework•Ask the students to write a short paragraph describing their favorite TV show, using present continuous to describe what’s happening in it.•Homework should be submitted for grading at the next lesson.。
Unit 5 TV Shows Let's Spell (导学案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册

Unit 5 TV Shows Let’s Spell (导学案)一、学习目标1.学习本课关于电视节目的单词拼写;2.巩固各单元所学语言知识;3.能在实际情境中灵活运用所学知识进行交流。
三、课堂学习1. 课文回顾同学们,回想一下我们在上课时所学过的《Unit 5 TV Shows》的内容,并说出你所记得的关键词或短语。
2. 单词拼写练习我们现在来做几个单词拼写练习,并边学边练习。
1.Game show: 单词game是什么意思?如何拼写?2.Cartoon: cartoon的中文意思是什么?怎样拼写?3.News: News译成中文是什么?如何拼写?4.Documentary: Documentary是什么意思?如何拼写?5.Sitcom: Sitcom译成中文是什么?如何拼写?6.Variety show: Variety是什么意思?如何拼写?7.Talk show: Talk show是什么意思?如何拼写?请大家将上面每个单词拼写正确,并注意每个单词的基本含义,这将有助于我们在实际情境中运用所学知识。
3. 对话练习请同学们以小组为单位,模拟出以下对话情境,并使用本单元拼写的单词来表达:A: What is your favorite TV show?B: I like sitcoms.A: Oh really? Which one is your favorite?B: My favorite s itcom is Friends. It’s very funny! What about you?A: My favorite TV show is a reality show called Running Man. I like the challenges they have to do.这个情境中出现了我们本单元所学的一些词汇,包括sitcom, Friends, reality show和Running Man等。
Unit5 TV Shows(教案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册

Unit 5 TV Shows(教案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册一、教学目标1.了解电视节目的种类及其特点。
四、教学过程1. Warming Up1.教师出示不同电视节目的图片,让学生猜测其名称,并简单介绍每个节目的主要内容。
2. Presentation1.教师出示分类表,以不同的分类方式向学生展示不同类型的电视节目。
3. Practice1.运用小组讨论表格,教师引导学生们分组,为自己喜欢的电视节目展开讨论。
4. Production1.教师运用游戏道具,让学生在小组内进行答题比赛,巩固记忆并且提高学生们的兴趣。
5. Homework1.学生们回家后,要求他们观看选定的电视节目,并进行简单的心得总结。
Unit 5《TV Shows》(第3课时)省优获奖教案 人教新起点五年级上册

Unit5 第3课时教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级上册Unit5 TV Shows【课时】第3课时一、教学目标1. 能够读懂有关电视节目的短文,抓住大意和关键信息。
2. 能根据仿照阅读文本,写出几句连贯的话来介绍自己喜爱的电视节目。
二、教学建议A. Let’s read.1. 热身复习(1) 教师呈现电视节目词卡,学生快速读出。
(2) 学生读谜语,猜出电视节目的名称。
如:We can watch plants and animals on the TV shows. They are _____.(3) 同伴活动教师和一名学生先示范,教师问:What are your favourite TV shows? When do you usually watch them? 学生回答教师的问题后,同桌之间再进行互问互答。
(4) 师生交流师生间互问,说一说各自所喜爱的电视节目、播出的时间及什么时候看的情况。
2. 阅读文本(1) 获取信息①教师引导学生观察A项的图片,并提问:What do you see?②同桌同学讨论图片上的信息,对文本内容进行预测。
(2) 完成任务①教师布置读文本连线的任务:Please read the passage. Match the passage with the TV shows.②学生阅读文本,抓出关键信息。
(3) 朗读文本①学生跟读录音,关注语音语调的模仿。
(4) 再读文本,填写信息①教师通过提问,引导学生读表格信息,了解表格中的项目。
如Time: When do you usually watch the TV shows?②学生再读文本,自主填写表格相关信息。
Unit5 TV Shows Lesson1 (导学案)人教新起点版英语五年级上册

Unit5 TV Shows Lesson1 (导学案)一、教学目标1.学生能掌握并正确使用下列词汇:cartoon,comedy,drama,game show,news,soap opera,talent show,talk show,weather report。
二、教学重点1.帮助学生掌握下列单词的拼写和含义:cartoon,comedy,drama,game show,news,soap opera,talent show,talk show,weather report。
四、教学过程1. 自我介绍老师在课堂上向学生做一个简单的自我介绍,然后让每个学生介绍自己。
2. 活动1:电视节目类型1.老师展示一些电视节目的海报或图片,鼓励学生尝试辨识不同类型的电视节目。
3. 活动2:喜欢的电视节目1.老师鼓励学生分享自己最喜欢的电视节目,以及为什么喜欢这个节目。
4. 课堂延伸老师鼓励学生用语言表达出他们学到的知识,并对他们了解到的新节目类型进行简短的评论。

四、教学过程第一步:引入(5分钟)教师通过PPT展示一幅同时有多种电视节目的图片,向学生们提问:•Do you like watching TV shows?•What TV shows do you like the most?然后通过导入新词汇的方式教授几个电视节目类型的英语表达方式:•TV show电视节目•news新闻•sports运动•cooking烹饪•documentary纪录片第二步:学习电视节目的英语表达方式(15分钟)教师通过PPT展示各种电视节目的图片,让学生们学习并掌握电视节目的英语表达方式。
接着,教师提问:•What TV show is it?•What are they talking about?•Do you like this TV show?通过这些问题,促进学生们对所听节目理解的掌握以及口语输出能力的提升。
例如:•I like watching TV shows.•My favorite TV show is sports.•I usually watch news in the evening.第五步:作业布置(5分钟)布置本节课的作业:让学生们通过观察家庭成员和朋友的观看习惯,并为他们爱看的电视节目写一段话。

五年级上册英语教案-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第2课时)|人教(新起点)教学内容本课时为五年级上册英语Unit 5《TV Shows》的第2课时,教学内容主要围绕各种电视节目展开,包括电视节目的种类、特点、以及学生对于不同电视节目的喜好。
教学目标1. 让学生掌握并能运用关于电视节目的英语词汇和句型。
2. 培养学生用英语描述和讨论电视节目的能力。
3. 提高学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养他们的观察能力和表达能力。
教学难点1. 电视节目种类的英语表达方式。
2. 描述和讨论电视节目的句型构造。
3. 学生对于不同电视节目的喜好表达。
教具学具准备1. 多媒体教学设备。
2. 电视节目相关的图片和视频。
3. 教学卡片。
4. 学生学习手册。
教学过程1. 导入:通过播放一段电视节目的视频,引起学生的兴趣,让学生进入学习状态。
2. 新知识学习:介绍本课时的新词汇和句型,通过图片和实物展示,让学生更好地理解和记忆。
3. 课堂练习:设计一些练习题,让学生运用新学的词汇和句型进行练习。
4. 小组活动:将学生分成小组,让他们用英语讨论自己喜欢的电视节目,并进行汇报。
板书设计1. 本课时的。
2. 新学的词汇和句型。
3. 电视节目的种类和特点。
4. 学生对于不同电视节目的喜好表达。
作业设计1. 书面作业:设计一些关于电视节目的选择题和填空题,让学生巩固新学的知识。
2. 口头作业:让学生用英语描述自己喜欢的电视节目,并录制下来,作为家庭作业提交。
课后反思1. 教师应反思教学过程中是否有效地引起了学生的兴趣,是否让学生充分理解和掌握了新知识。
2. 教师应反思教学过程中是否有效地引导学生进行了思考和表达,是否提高了他们的英语运用能力。
3. 教师应反思教学过程中是否有效地进行了课堂管理和时间控制,是否让学生在有限的时间内取得了最大的学习效果。
教学过程1. 导入导入环节是激发学生兴趣,引起学生注意的重要步骤。
五年级上册英语导学案-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第1课时)|人教(新起点)

五年级上册英语导学案-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第1课时)|人
1.阅读教材第58页的Unit 5《TV Shows》。
Step 1:热身
Step 2:听力训练
1.听第一段对话,回答问题:What TV programs do Amy and her father like?
2.听第二段对话,回答问题:What is Sandy’s favorite TV program?
Step 3:理解课文
Step 4:交流讨论
人教版(新起点)英语五上Unit 5《TV Shows》(Fun Time)教学设计

Unit5 Fun Time教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级上册Unit5 TV Shows【课时】Fun Time一、教学目标1. 了解广告、谈话类以及综艺类电视节目的内容及其特点。
2. 引导学生制作自己喜爰的电视节目海报。
3. 欣赏并学唱歌曲。
二、教学建议A. Good to know.1. 读前活动(1) 头脑风暴教师提问:What TV shows do you know? 学生说一说自己学过的或者知道的电视节目。
(2) 师生交流教师和学生相互询问彼此喜欢的电视节目和观看情况等信息,如:What’re your favourite TV shows? When do you usually watch them?2. 读中活动(1) 教师请学生观察A项的三幅图片,并猜一猜是什么电视节目。
(2) 引导学生读A项文本,找出关键词汇ads, talk shows和variety shows。
(3) 教师分别播放三段视频,让学生说哪个是ads, talk shows和variety shows 节目,帮助学生准确理解其意思。
(4) 教师请学生说一说哪些电视节目是talk shows和variety shows,再问一问学生知道哪些广告词。
(5) 教师出示词卡,教授ads, talk shows和variety shows的发音。
(6) 学生跟读录音,模仿发音和语调。
(7) 学生自主朗读文本,教师鼓励学生对不懂的地方进行求助。
3. 读后活动(1) 请学生说一说对这三种电视节目的想法及其原因。
What do you think of them? Why?(2) 教师让学生说出自己还知道哪些电视节目,并进行简单的介绍。
B. Let’s make a poster.1. 引导学生读一读B项的三个问题,并思考一下答案。
2. 同桌同学进行互问互答。
3. 让学生欣赏B项的范例,引导学生关注图片上的相关信息。
【人教版】(新起点)五上::Unit 5《TV Shows》(第1课时)教案

Unit5 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级上册Unit5 TV Shows【课时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能够听懂、会说wonderful, cool, fantastic, cartoons, new shows和nature shows六个单词和短语,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。
2. 能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,对电视节目进行简单的描述。
3. 能根据语境从上述单词中选择恰当的词填空。
二、教学建议A. Listen and match.1. 热身导入教师和学生谈论电视:Do you like watching TV? What are your favourite TV shows? Why?2. 呈现新的学习内容(1) 教师介绍A项背景,让学生现察A项Lily家人的图片。
Look, Lily’ s family like watching TV. How many people are there in the family? Who are they? 学生观察图片,说出其身份。
(2) 呈现电视节目名称教师让学生观察电视节目图片并说出相应词汇:news shows, cartoons, music shows, sports shows and nature shows.(3) 预测听力内容教师提出问题:What are their favourite TV shows? 学生根据图片信息,预测听力内容。
(4) 第一遍听录音,学生完成连线活动。
(5) 第二遍听录音,学生自己检查答案。
(6) 同桌订正答案。
(7) 全班一起订正答案。
3. 词汇学习和操练(1) 词汇学习①学习nature shows教师呈现有动物、植物等的图片,引导学生根据图片内容归纳出自然界都包括什么,进而猜出电视节目的名称。
Project producing a TV show PPT课件 1 译林牛津版

67、心中有理想 再累也快乐
1.Do the rest exercises in your Workbook.
2.Review words and phrases in this unit.
Thank you!
当表示“使……适合”的意思时,fit 常与 for 连用; suit 常与 to 连用。
His experience fits him for the job .
He suited his speech to his audience . 他使自己的演 讲适合于听众。
The People's Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tian An Men beautifully . 人民大会堂和历 史博物馆把天安门陪衬得极为美丽。
五年级上册英语导学案-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第2课时)|人教(新起点)

五年级上册英语导学案-Unit 5《TV Shows》(第2课时)|人教(新起点)课程目标•学习表达喜好的形容词和短语;•学习用现在进行时谈论当前正在看的电视节目。
词汇1.happy:快乐的;2.sad:伤心的;3.funny:可笑的;4.interesting:有趣的;5.boring:无聊的;6.scary:可怕的;酷的;8.exciting:刺激的;9.sports shows:体育节目;10.documentaries:纪录片;11.sitcoms:情景喜剧; shows:脱口秀节目;13.cartoons:卡通片。
课程内容Part 1:自学时间同学们,现在我们即将学习Unit 5《TV Shows》第二课时。
请自学以下单词,并总结出与其相关的短语:1.happy;2.sad;3.funny;4.interesting;5.boring;6.scary;;8.exciting;9.sports shows;10.documentaries;11.sitcoms; shows;13.cartoons。
Part 2:示范教学同学们,你们对以上问题进行了深入讨论,现在是时候介绍一下英语表达喜好的形容词和短语了。
请看下面的对话:A:Tom, what TV shows do you like?B:I like sports shows. They are really exciting!A:What about you, Lily?C:I like documentaries. They are very interesting.A:What kinds of TV shows do you hate?B:I hate boring TV shows. They put me to sleep.C:I don’t like scary shows. They give me nightmares.同学们,请大家仔细品味以上对话,并学会如何使用以下表达喜好的短语:1.I like;2.I love;3.I’m interested in;4.I don’t like;5.I hate;6.I’m afraid of.接下来,我们来学习如何用英语用现在进行时谈论当前正在看的电视节目。
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M3 Unit 1 The world of our sensesProject Producing a TV Show【学习目标】1. to learn how to talk about animals and their unique senses.2. to help students learn and use English through doing a project.【自主学习】1.Animals are friends of human beings. However, some animals will cause trouble or danger to us insome situations. For example, when they are hungry or when they feel themselves in danger. Do you know some dangerous animals on the land?___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________2.Put the following phrases into Chinese and underline them in your book.A.1)400 different types of sharks2)be known to3) contrary to4) three types of shark attacks5) mistake… for…6) taste human flesh7)be fit to do…8) wait for you to swim by9) result in 10) reduce the risk of a shark attack11) have a fresh wound12) over a long distance13) stay in groups14) avoid large numbers of people15) keep calm16) hit the shark on the nose17) stick your finger in the shark’s eye18) 30 times more likelyB.19) watch for20) roll up the paper21) reach into a cage22) attach the message to its leg23) set the birds loose24)a wonderful sense of direction 25) as far away as 1800 kilometers26) carry the news27) employ do …28) appear to have a compass29) remain a mystery30) unlike human【同步课堂】A. Shark attacksStep 1: leading-inWhat do you know about sharks?Kinds: 400different typesSenses: Most of them have a weak sense of sight but a strong sense of smell •Sharks must keep swimming so that they will sink.Step 2: Fast ReadingDo all the sharks attack human beings? No, only three types attack.Are many people attacked by sharks every year? No.Why is the number of shark attacks increasing? As water sports are becoming more popular.Step 3: Careful ReadingFill in the information:1.three dangerous sharks: great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark2.three types of shark attacks: attack and run away, push and bite, wait and attack3. 4 tips for reducing the risk of a shark attack : 1.Don’t swim in the dark.2. Don’t go swimming in the ocean3. Don’t go wear bright clothing or jewellery.4. Stay in groups4. An increase in water sports has led to an increase in shark attacks.Three tips on what to do if a shark attacks: 1. Keep calm2. Hit the shark on the nose with your fist3. stick your finger in the sharks5. Don’t be frightened by sharks because you are 30times more likely be hit by lightening than be attacked by a shark.Step 4: Deep understanding:When you are attacked by a shark, it’s the best way for you to keep calm and hit the shark on the nose with your fist or stick your finger in the shark’s eye. Please give the reasons for doing so.B.The wonderful world of pigeonsStep 5: Read and discuss1.What does the article begin with? It begins with a story.2. What is the story about? It is about what an officer did when his army was attacked by theenemy.3. Why did the officer write a message in the story? Because hundreds of enemy soldiers rush towards them and he wants to get help.4. Why does the writer begin with this story in his article? To arouse reader’s attention.Step 6. Careful Reading:Read the last two paragraphs and find the main idea for each paragraph.Main idea for Paragraph 5: pigeons have the sense of direction, so their greatest use is to carry the news, the mail or message. In wars, they were able to save the lives and help win.Main idea for Paragraph 6: The reason why pigeons never get lost is that not only they have a compass inside but use their senses of sight and smell as well.【合作探究】Many animals are of great help to our daily lives or make great contributions to our society. Can you list some of them? And how do they give helps?【知识探究】1.原句:Contrary to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attackhumans.contrary用法探究: contrary to (介) Contrary to his doctor’s advice, he went contrary to 我的看法与你的相反。
My opinion is contrary to yours.on the contrary “ I’m sure you like your new job.”“On the contrary, it’s dull.”2.原句:In the main type, the shark attacks you because it mistakes you for a fish, but when it tasteshuman flesh it decides to give up and swims away.1)句法分析: 原因状语从句,时间状语从句2)考点点拨: A: mistake… for…你一定把我错当你妹妹了。
You must mistake me for you youngersister.B. taste 用法总结:N.味觉VT尝,辨(味)She tasted the soup to see if it was too salty..他尝了尝汤是不是咸了。