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【佳作赏析】 My Last Summer Vacation
Last summer vacation I went to Taiwan with my parents. Taiwan is really beautiful. The weather there was good. It is always warm and humid because the sea is around Taiwan. In the north, it’s cold in winter, but in the south, it is still warm in winter and you can enjoy the sunshine every day. The typhoon season is from June to October. There are many mountains in Taiwan. Ali Mountain is one of the biggest mountains there. We went to climb Ali Mountain one afternoon. There were many trees in the forest there. They were very tall and many of them were really old. I had great fun in my last summer vacation.
话题写作(五) 假日、旅行篇
【话题点睛】 针对的话题主要涉及节日习俗、节假日活动、旅游日记、旅游路线等。
常用表达 【参考谚语】 1.Travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔思维。 2.He who travels far knows more.远行者见识广。 3.Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路。
【相关短语】 enjoy the sunshine 享受阳光; have a picnic 野餐; be famous for 因……闻名; have fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣; in the countryside在乡下;在农村; the Bird’s Nest鸟巢; the Palace Museum故宫博物院; the day after tomorrow后天
[写作要求] (1)不得使用真实的姓名和学校名; (2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯; (3)字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰; (4)至少80词。 Dear Li Lan,
【亮点句型】 旅途经历 1.Yangzhou dishes may be one of the reasons why so many people are attracted by the city. 2.When we stayed there, we got lots of help from local people. They were very friendly to us. 3.Only in this way can you enjoy your summer holiday happily. 4. It is said that Hawaii is more beautiful than any other place in the world. 5.The subway is one of the most convenient ways to travel in this city. 旅途收获 1.Traveling can not only help us see the best sights but also broaden our eyes to the outside world. 2.Traveling is like a story. We can make friends with others and get help and love from others. 3.Traveling is like a war.
You had
better take an umbrella in case it rains today.
The subway is one
Baidu Nhomakorabeathe
most convenient ways in this city.
典例分析 去年暑假你是在哪里度过的呢?是外出度假还是待在家里?都做了些什么呢?请以“My Last Summer Vacation”为题写一篇短文,描述你去年的暑假生活,80—100词。 [要求] (1)条理清晰,语言流畅,语法正确,内容充实; (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名等信息。
【思路点拨】 1.要点提炼:短文内容应围绕时间、地点、人物展 开,还要兼顾当地的天气、风土人情,以及旅行后你 的见闻感受等,具体如下: (1)开门见山:交代地点和人物; (2)介绍旅游地的天气以及具体的活动; (3)扣题:表达感受,去年暑假玩得十分开心。 2.确定时态:一般过去时 3.确定人称:第一人称
Mount Tai is one
biggest mountains here.
Ⅱ.用括号内所给的单词或短语,将下列句子译成英语 6.因为台湾环海,所以天气总是温暖湿润。(because) It is always warm and humid because the sea is around Taiwan. 7.众所周知,北京是个拥挤的城市。(as…know) As everyone knows, Beijing is a crowded city. 8.去年暑假,我们在三亚过得很愉快。(enjoy oneself) We enjoyed ourselves last summer vacation in Sanya. 9.有许多名胜古迹要参观。(places of interest) There are many places of interest to visit. 10.我希望你们所有人能有一个难忘的经历。(unforgettable) I hope you all will have an unforgettable experience.
Welcome to Yangzhou! I’m your tour guide. Yangzhou, my hometown, lies between the Huai River and the Yangtze River.
I hope you’ll have a very nice stay in Yangzhou.
One possible version: Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to Yangzhou! I’m your tour guide. Yangzhou, my hometown, lies between the Huai River and the Yangtze River. Yangzhou has a history of over 2,500 years. There are many interesting places to visit, such as Slender West Lake, Five-pavilion Bridge, He Garden, double-path corridor, and China Paper-Cutting Museum.
I believe your trip will be full of fun and I hope you will have a good time in Beijing! Best wishes!
Yours, Li Li
B 为了进一步提升扬州国际文化旅游名城新形象,我市正在举办中学生英语导游大赛。请根据 以下流程图提示完成一篇参赛导游词。
Only in this way can you
enjoy the beauty of the nature.
It is still warm in winter and you can enjoy
the sunshine every day.
How are you doing?
Best wishes!
Yours, Li Li
One possible version: Dear Li Lan,
How are you doing? I’m glad to hear that you are coming to Beijing next week. Welcome to Beijing. I’ll give you some suggestions on this traveling.
[参考词汇] Slender West Lake瘦西湖 Five-pavilion Bridge五亭桥 He Garden何园 double-path corridor复道回廊
[要求] (1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; (2)必须包括提示中的所有信息,并按要求适当发挥; (3)词数:100左右(开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数); (4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。 Ladies and gentlemen,
one of the biggest mountains 最大的山之一; as everyone knows 众所周知; have a good trip 旅途愉快; have a good/great time 玩得愉快; take the subway乘地铁; the Ming Great Wall明长城; Tian’anmen Square天安门广场;
【名师点评】 1.文章分为三个部分:开头——正文——结尾。结构合理,要点全面。 2.正文部分全面介绍了台湾的气候及作者和家人的一些活动,描写全面、详细。 3.句式多样化,并巧妙运用连词。because引导的原因状语从句,there be句型等, 使文章流畅自然。
Next week Beijing is going to be very hot. Sometimes the highest temperature is over 33℃. You’d better take an umbrella when you go out. As everyone knows, Beijing is a crowded city. And the subway is one of the most convenient ways to travel in this city. So I advise you to take the subway to take around. Beijing is famous for the Great Wall. So you can’t miss to visit it. During your travel, don’t throw litter everywhere and keep quiet in public. Only in this way can you be treated as a well-mannered student.