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1. “名词/代词+不定式”结构 由不定式构成的独立主格结构往往表示还未发生的动作 或状态。 •His friends to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner. •No one to wake me up, I might be late for the first class. •They said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to the bookstore.
3. “名词/代词+过去分词”结构 该结构在句中常作 时间状语、原因状语、方式或伴 随状语、条件状语等。
(1) 作时间状语: The test finished, we’ll have our summer vocation.
(2) 作 原因状语: Thousands of eyes fixed upon him, Nick felt on edge.
2.逻辑主语+形容词 He turned to me, his eyes sleepy. 他睡眼惺忪地转向我。 (his eyes和sleepy之间省去了being) The little girl entered the room, her face red with cold. 小女孩走进了房间,她的脸冻红了。
3. 名词或代词+过去分词 其中的过去分词通常表示被动意义或完成意义。 The manager looks worried,many things to settle. The manager looks relaxed, many things settled.
The food being cooked, the boy was watching TV. 小孩一边做饭,一边看电视。 The food cooked, the boy went to bed. 饭做好了,小孩去睡了。
1. with/ without +名词/代词+形容词 With his son so disappointing ,the old man felt unhappy. 由于儿子如此令人失望,老人感到很不快乐。
2. with/ without +名词/代词+副词 With her sister out ,she had to stay at home alone. 因为她姐姐出去了,她只能独自待在家里。 3. with/ without +名词/代词+介词短语 He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand . 他站在门旁边,手里拿着一台电脑。 The old man, with thick glasses on his nose, is a pianist. 这位带深度眼镜的老人是一位钢琴家。 此句中的with复合结构作什么成分? 定语 。
3. There are various kinds of metals, each ______ its own properties (特性). A. has B. had C. to have D. having
4. _______, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon. A. Time permits B. If time permitting C. Time permitting D. Time's permitting 5. _______, we all went home happily. A. Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said 6. She stood there, _______ from her cheeks. A. tears' rolling down B. tears rolled down C. with tears rolled down D. tears rolling down
独立主格结构是一种特殊的结构,可以理解为一个 在句中做 状语 的短语,用于修饰整个句子。其位置 灵活,可位于句前或句末,常由逗号将其与句子分开。 需特别注意的是,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用 任何连接词。 独立主格结构主要有两部分构成:逻辑主语和逻辑 名词或代词 谓语。 作为逻辑主语 ;现在分词、过去分 词、动词不定式、形容词、副词、或介词短语等作为 逻辑谓语。
1. 在表示方式的独立主格结构中,为了使句子简洁,往往 将“逻辑主语+介词短语”中的冠词或代词都省略。 The guard stood by the door, (a) gun in (his) hand. 警卫站在门旁,手里拿着枪。 She came in, (a) smile on (her) face. 她进来了,脸上带着笑。
1. ________ no bus, we had to walk home. A. There was B. There being C. Because there being D. There were 2. _______, we all went swimming in high spirits. A. It being fine weather B. It fine weather C. It was fine weather D. It being a fine weather 3. ______, the hunter went into the forest. A. A gun on shoulder B. A gun was on his shoulder C. Gun on shoulder D. A gun being on shoulder 4. ; we had to put the meeting off. A. Because the manager was ill B. The manager being ill C. The manager was ill D. Being ill
3. 逻辑主语+副词 School over, we all went home. 放学了,我们都回家了。 (school和over之间省去了being) The music on , I can’t focus my mind on the work. 音乐开着,我不能专心工作。
4. 逻辑主语+介词短语 He is standing in front of the blackboard, his back towards us. 他站在黑板面前,背对着我们。 Dark clouds in the sky , it is going to rain soon. 天空黑云密布,很快就要下雨。
(三)“with/ without”引导的独立主格结构
“介词with/without +宾语+宾语补足语”结构可以构成独 立主格结构,在句中常作伴随状语、原因状语,也可作 定语。上面讨论过的独立主格结构的几种情况在此结构 中都能体现,即: 形容词 副词 with/without + 名词/代词 + 介词短语
独立主格结构具有两个特点: 1. 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独 立存在。 2. 独立主格结构一般用逗号与句子分开。 独立主格结构有三种类型: 1. 逻辑主语+非谓语动词(不定式、现在分词、过去分词)
2. 逻辑主语+(being)+表语(名词、形容词、副词、介词短
3. with/without + 复合宾语 (不定式、现在分词、过去
(3) 作 方式或伴随 状语: When in trouble, Sam would sit alone, head bend.
(4) 作 条件 状语: More time given, we can finish the work.
1. 名词或代词+不定式 其中的不定式通常表示尚未发生或即将要发生的动作。 2. 名词或代词+现在分词 其中的现在分词通常表示动作正在进行(或当时正在 进行)或一般情况的状态、动作。 Their room was on the third floor, it’s window overlooking the sports ground. 他们的房间在三层楼上,窗户俯视着操场。
2. “名词/代词+现在分词”结构 该结构在句中常作时间状语、原因状语、条件状语、 方式或伴随状语等。 (1) 作 时间 状语: Everyone having sat down, the teacher began his class. (相当于时间状语从句: When everyone had sat down)
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
英语中常用的还有一类无动词独立主格结构。这种结 构往往看作是“名词/代词+being+表语”结构中省略 了being,主要有如下几种情况:
1. 逻辑主语+名词 Many people come to visit the city,most of them foreigners . 很多人来参观这个城市,其中大多数是外国人。 I received many Christmas gifts, some of them books . 我收到了很多圣诞礼物,其中一些是书籍。
2. 独立主格结构中的being在下列两种情况下一般不能省略: 一是在“There being + 名词”结构中; 二是在逻辑主语是代词的情况下。 There being no bus, we had to walk home. 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好走回家。 It being Sunday, all the offices are closed. 因为是星期日,所有办公室都关门。
1. Darkness ______ in, the young people strolled on the streets. A. set B. setting C. has set D. was set 2. A new technique ______, the production increased by 20 percent. A. to have been worked out B. having worked out C. working out D. having been worked out
(2) 作 原因 状语: The boy leading the way, we had no trouble getting out of the forest. (相当于原因状语从句: Because the boy led the way)
(3) 作 条件 状语: My health allowing, I will work far into the night. (相当于条件状语从句:If my health allows) (4) 作 方式或伴随状语: We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. The students are walking in the school happily, each wearing a card in front of his chest.
4. with/ without +名词/代词+不定式 Without any game to play , the boy looked upset. 没有任何游戏可玩,小男孩看起来很沮丧。
5. with/ without +名词/代词+现在分词 Without anyone noticing ,I stole into the room. 没有人注意,我偷偷地溜进了屋子。 6. with/ without +名词/代词+过去分词 With his homework done, Peter went out to play. 作业做好了,彼得出去玩了。 The boy was crying . with his toy broken 玩具坏了,那男孩在哭。