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1. 行李Baggage/Luggage 2、托运的行李Checked baggage

3. 行李领取处Baggage claim area

4. 随身行李Carry-on baggage

5. 行李牌Baggage Tag

6. 行李推车Luggage Cart

7. 请问,您是…吗?

Excuse me, are you Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. …?

您一定是…吧? You must be …

8. 一路辛苦了。Did you have a good(pleasant) flight?

Is your journey enjoyable?

9. 长途跋涉,加上时差,您一定累了。

After a long flight, you must be jetlagged.

10. 让我帮您拿行李吧。/让我来推行李车吧/。

Let me help you with your lugguage/bags.

Let me push the luggage cart for you.

11. Our car is just expecting us outside there. Shall we go and talk on the way to the hotel? 我们的车就在外面,咱们边走边谈好吗?

12. 我们到了。Here we are.

13. 您先请。After you, please.

14. 日程安排schedule

15. 预订reserve

16. 根据……的要求up on……request

17. 专程造访come all the way

18. 精心安排a thoughtful arrangement

19. 排忧解难help out

20. How happy we are to meet friends from afar. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎

21. This is the first time we have met这是我们第一次见面

22. We made each other’s acquaint ance long ago through correspondence 我们早在信中相识了

23. We have been expecting your arrival 我一直盼望着您来

24. I have heard your name before by reputation./ I have heard a lot about you.久闻大名/久仰久仰

25. Our manager sends his greetings to you 我们的经理先生向您问候

26. He regrets that he is not able to come to meet you personally. 他因不能前来迎接你而感到抱歉

27. I’d like to extend to you a warm welcome on behalf of my manager and colleagues. 我代表经理及同事们衷心欢迎您

28. I’m very touched that you have come all the way to meet me in person. 您亲自来接我,我深为感动

29. You must be our long-expected guest,…


30. Excuse me, I haven't had the honor of knowing you.


31. I'm glad to have the honor of introducing…


32. Small world, isn't it? 世界真是太小了!

33. Thank you for coming all the way to our company.

34. 谢谢你不远万里来到我们公司。

35. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

36. 我希望你能在这里过得愉快。

37. Host a reception banquet in your honor

38. I can’t help feeling sad at leaving my old friends. 和老朋友告别,我不禁感到

39. 尊敬的各位领导,贵宾们,朋友们,女士们,先生们,

40. 今天我们很高兴在这里欢聚一堂,在金秋十月美丽的青岛有幸举办这次会议,我谨代表。。向。。表示最热烈的祝贺。同时,我也想对。。选择。。来主办这个会议表示衷心的感谢。我还想对许多尊贵的来宾和朋友不远千里参加此次会议表示感谢。

Honorable heads, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a good pleasure to join you all today. The beautiful city of Qingdao is very lucky to be able to host the conference during this golden month of October. On behalf of …I would firstly like to extend my warmest congratulations to … At the same time, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to …W e also thank many honorable guests and friends who have traveled so far to come to this conference.

41. 回顾过去,我们无比自豪,展望未来我们信心百倍,让我们同心同德,再接再厉,抓住机遇.,携起手来,为…出新的贡献,并为…而奋斗,共同开创…的新局面。祝愿这次大会取得圆满成功!



We feel profoundly proud of the past and immensely confident about the future. Let’s work together unremittingly and capitalize on every opportunity. Let’s join hands and endeavor to make new contributions to .. and strive for .. and open a new chapter in…We wish the conference much success.

Now, please join me for a toast:

To the thriving prosperity of our motherland,

To the health and happiness of you all.


42. Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临..

43. So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage? 您一共带了4件行李,是不是?

44. Let me have a check again.让我再看一下

45. The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面

46. Can I help you? 要订房吗?

47. Have you any vacant(spare) room in the hotel? 旅馆里有空余的房间吗?

48. Sorry, we have no vacant(spare) room for you. 对不起,我们已经客满了。

49. But I can recommend you to the Orient Hotel. 但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店

50. Can I book a single room for my friend beforehand? 我能为我的朋友预定一间单人房吗?

51. double room 双人间

52. standard suite 普通套房

53. luxury suite 豪华套房

54. presidential suite 总统套房
