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Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
23 March 2001 Volume 291 Number 5512
Searching for medicine’s sweet spot Saving lives with sugar Sugar separates humans from apes Glycosylation and the immune system Toward automated synthesis of oligosaccharides and glycoproteins Glycoprotein structure determination by mass spectrometry Chemical glycobiology Intracellular functions of N-link glycan
Scientific Topics-领域和前沿
Structure, Function and Synthesis of Bio-active Oligosaccharides Glycobiology, Cell Signaling and Glycoimmunology Stem Cell Glycobiology and Glycomedicine Developmental Glycobiology Glycobiology of protein folding, targeting and membrane trafficking Glycan Biomarkers and Glycotherapeutics for Cancer Glycomics, Glycoproteomics and Glyconanotechnology Cellular Microenvironment and Regulation of Glycoconjugates
糖生物学 (Glycobiology)
1988 Pro. Raymond Dwek
Study of the structure,biosynthesis and biological functions of glycans and their derivatives.
Scientific Topics-领域和前沿
Glycans in Microbial, Viral and Parasitic Infections Glycobiology of Angiogenesis and Apoptosis Glycobiology of Cell Stress, and Diseases Glycobiology and Industry Plant Glycobiology Glycobiology of carbohydrate-carbohydrate and protein-carbohydrate
糖是自然界中含量最丰富、分布最广泛的 有机化合物.
组织细胞构成 植物 动物ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
干重的90%, 细胞壁纤维素 动物细胞膜外的糖被 (glycocalyx) ECM、消化道黏液及骨、软骨及关节滑膜液 细胞壁中的肽聚糖
能量燃料 1 Glucose
产生30/32 ATP
转变成其他物质 三羧酸循环 (TCA), 中间产物(intermediate)
研究进展和背景 糖结构的基础知识 糖复合物的生物学功能 糖研究的应用前景
10th Jenner Glycobiology & Medicine Symposium, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 31-April 3 8th National Carbohydrate Symposium, Banff (AB), Canada, May 9-11 8th International Symposium on Glycosyltransferases (GlycoT 2012), Hannover, Germany, June 5 Carbohydrates Gordon Research Conference, Waterville (ME), USA, June 19-24 Conference Fundamental Glycobiology, Kazan', Russia, June 20-24 The Plant and Seaweed Polysaccharides Workshop (PSP 2012), Nantes, France, July 17-20 XXVI International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS 2012), Madrid, Spain, July 22-27
多羟基醛、多羟基酮及其衍生物,或水解后能 产生这类化合物的物质。
英语中常以前缀 glyco- 或后缀 -glycan和 – saccharide (sakcharon) 表示分子中含有糖组 分或与糖有关;或sugar,glycan。
Why should not we know sth about sugar?
5th Baltic Meeting on Microbial Carbohydrates, Suzdal', Russia, September 2-6
Joint Meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology and the Society for Glycobiology, San Diego (CA), USA, November 11-14 Asian Communications of Glycobiologyand Glycotechnology (AGCC) 亚洲糖会 中国糖生物学会议 2013 10th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting (CBM 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, April 21-24
XVII European Carbohydrate Symposium (Eurocarb 17), Tel-Aviv, Israel, July 7-11
XXII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates (GLYCO 22), Dalian, China, June 23-28 2014 XXVII International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS 2014), Bangalore, India, January 12-17 2015 XVIII European Carbohydrate Symposium (Eurocarb 18), Moscow, Russia
Conference: http://www.glyco22.org/
8 basic symposium themes
1. Biosynthesis & Metabolism of Glycoconjugates, 2. Carbohydrates & Disease, 3. Cell Biology, 4. Development & Differentiation, 5. Glyco(bio)technology, 6. Infection & Immunity, 7. Physiology & Signalling, 8. Structural & Chemical Glycobiology and Glycomics
核酸和蛋白质的研究成就,极大地推动了糖生物学的 快速发展。 糖组学(glycomics)
研究糖合成和降解及调控、糖复合物的修饰, 糖分 析测序及功能等。是人类后基因组计划的重要组成部 分。
随着糖结构和功能的阐明,聚糖及糖复合物在正 常生理和疾病中的作用及其机制将逐步被揭示出来, 并促进糖在生物医学中的应用。
18-Oct Natasha Zachara Glycobiology of infectious disease
第一节 糖的化学组成 What are carbohydrates?
1. 糖的种类与结构
Sweet? 元素组成: C, H, O, N, P,S Hydrate of carbon (CmH2O)n------
Currently, We live in a “Protein and Nucleic Acid Centric World”:
Four Fundamental Cellular Components Comprised of ~70 Building Blocks
“Scientific discussions that encompass “glycans” remain relatively infrequent in the protein centric world of cell biology.
K. Yarema
Glycocalyx of Human Erythrocyte:
Plasma Membran
Roseman, S. J. Biol. Chem. 2001;276:41527-41542
Scale Model of 1/100,000 of Erythrocyte Surface:
多功能的糖复合物 糖蛋白、糖脂、蛋白聚糖
DNA → RNA → 蛋白质 → 细胞 → 生物功能

(遗传信息链) (生物功能链)
糖生物学(glycobiology) 研究糖的分子结构、合成及生物功能的新兴学科。
Some scientists lament the ‘complexity of the molecules’. Yet our alphabet of 26 characters, let alone Chinese characters1, i2s
rather easily
Ruthenium Red Stained Lymphocyte: Glycocalyx.
国际糖复合物组织现任主席奥地利Iain B. H. Wilson教授和大连医科大学客座教授、 美国科学院院士Sen-itiroh Hakomori教授 来到我校,副校长黄敏会见了来宾并向 其介绍了学校的发展情况。
Society for Glycobiology (SFG) & Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research (JSCR)
Sessions I. Systems Glycobiology from Chemistry to Biology II. Virus / Inflammation Glycobiology III. Glycan Binding Proteins / Immunology IV. Regulation and Signaling V. Prokaryotic Glycan Assembly VI. Stem Cells VII. Glycans, Metabolism and Functions VIII. Disease: Mechanism, Biomarker and Therapeutics IX. Bioinformatics for Glycoscience
TIBS 10, 392-395 (1985)
Glycans Permeate Cellular Functions
Cell 143, 672-676
Protein-Bound Glycans Are Targets For Many Pathogens and Toxins:
Mucins are at the “Front Lines”