树脂传递模塑 (R TM 工艺的发展及应用北京振兴科技文献服务中心曹运红文摘树脂传递模塑 (R TM 工艺是介于手铺法、喷射法和机械成形法之间的一种对模成形法。
文中叙述了 R TM 的发展过程和基本原理以及工艺装备、 , 并介绍了 R TM 的应用范围。
主题词 1引言 , 在美国已被广泛地用于汽车制造业的原始模型制造 , 并正在考虑生产复合材料结构零件。
船舶工业和小型导弹生产也采用了 R TM 工艺。
该工艺与传统的湿法铺层工艺相比 , 具有生产周期短、费用低及结构整体性好的优点。
飞机工业采用 R TM 工艺 , 可以生产出低费用和轻质量的飞机零件。
这很可能用单一的 R TM 工艺所取代。
转枢、加强件等可以与连续纤维蒙皮一起模塑 , 大零部件 (如全翼也可以采用 R TM 工艺。
R TM 工艺的起源 , 可以追溯到四十年代末期 , 最初是为适用飞机雷达天线罩成形而发展起来的。
经过 30年的发展 , 英国航空航天公司在采用 R TM 工艺生产高整体性和高价结构如雷达天线罩方面拥有相当的经验。
手铺成型和喷射成型具有投资少等优点 , 但对环境污染 (苯乙烯较严重。
近年来 ,欧美等国家限制大气中苯乙烯含量 , 人们的兴趣也转移到 R TM 工艺上来。
因 R TM 工艺的掘起已使欧美发达国家产生了很大的变。
2基本原理及工艺装备 2. 1基本原理图 1 R TM 工艺原理图R TM 工艺的基本原理是 :在一个闭式的模具内预置纤维增强预型件 , 再用低压 (小于 0. 69M Pa 将树脂系统注入模具内 , 使之浸透纤维增强预型件 , 然后固化成两面光洁的零件 , 如图 1、 2所示。
图 2 R TM 工艺简图2. 2 R TM 工艺装备美国壳牌发展公司用作 R TM 工艺的装备包括注射系统、电热式加热器加热的 P -20钢模具、液压机、温度控制系统、真空泵、压力容器。
轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(RTM一Light)又称为LRTM,ECO,Vacuum Molding或VARTM。
2 轻型RTM和常规RTM比较(1)模具模具是这两种工艺的最大差别,在RTM投资中,由于注射压力大,相当部分的成本花在模具和夹紧装置上。
RTM工艺简述及RTM模具制作过程RTM(Resin Transfer Molding)是将树脂注入闭合模具中浸润增强材料并固化成型的工艺方法,适于多品种、中批量、高质量先进复合材料成型。
130 125 120 115 110
4.6 4.4 4.2 R=2.0mm R=1.6mm R=1.2mm
Pressure (Pa)
105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2
Fiber Composites
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目: ——“先进聚合物基复合材料的多层次结构和
(批准号:2003CB615600) —— 01课题:复合体系的浸润、流变与检测 起止年月:2004年1月-2008年12月
3.3 束内与束间的树脂流场相互作用的 数值模拟流程
3.4 恒流速入口条件下的数值模拟 3.5 恒压入口条件下的数值模拟
3.1.1 控制方程
u x v y 0
动量方程 控 制 方 程
f 2 u 2 u p 1 u 1 u u u v 2 eff 2 f t f x y x y 2 x
C u C v C 0 t f x f y
把树脂在纤维预制体内的流动作为两相流 (树脂相和空气相)处理,在每个控制体内, 粘度和密度的表达式为: C 1 (1 C )2
C 1 (1 C) 2
— !"F —
-229 年 $ 月
第 -7 卷
艺树脂宏观流动影响重大, 特别是在纤维含量较高的 先进复合材料 !"# 成型过程中, 树脂对于增强纤维的 微观浸润效果是影响材料性能的关键因素
[ $]
( 为纤维束沿 式中, ) / 为纤维束内微观坐标系坐标; 主坐标轴 ( ") 方向厚度的 % 0 - , 即最大椭圆的长半轴; + 为纤维束沿副坐标轴 ( )) 方向厚度的 % 0 - , 即最大椭圆 的短半轴。
+& +) #
) # )/ $% {! [ ( ( $ )) *( + $ )) ] } ( & , $ &2 )
$( ( * + $ - ) / )*
[ ( ( $ ) / ) *( + $ ) / )] !
$( ( * +)* ! ( (- * +- )
(6) (-) , , 为 便 于 进 一 步 分 析, 对式 (6) 进行无量纲化处
05B 工艺中树脂流动行为进行深入分析, 对制定和优 化 05B 工艺参数、 提高复合材料的性能具有重要意 义。 迄今为止, 很多 05B 树脂流动方面的研究大多从 宏观水平分析树脂在纤维预制体内的平均流动现象, 在研究过程中不考虑树脂体系在纤维束内部的微观流
[ @ W F] 。许多研究表明, 微观浸润行为对 05B 工 动行为
脂在 !"# 工艺流动充模过程中的流体力学特点, 文中 建立了树脂在增强纤维束内流动的数学模型。该模型 能够预报影响 !"# 工艺树脂微观流动行为工艺参数 的变化规律。
我国手糊玻璃钢成型工艺因质量、强度、 成本、环保、清洁等综合方面的要求,已经开 始由敞开式手糊工艺过渡到闭模成型工艺。近 几年,该工艺在汽车配件、风电制品、船舶游 艇等相关领域部分企业得以应用,部分或者全 部代替了传统手糊工艺。
铰链 搭扣紧固
油缸举升上模, 并限位
1、中心注入 2、四周注入 四周浇注可以比中心浇注充模时间减少60%以上,孔隙率可 以比之降低25%以上,同时也能提高一定的力学性能。 另外还有真空辅助和充模时间的控制。
上下模完全靠螺栓锁 紧至上下定位销完全吻合
注射压力小便于树脂流动注射压 力高便于气体的排出。 注射温度和树脂的黏度
注射温度低和树脂黏度低便于树 脂的流动。 注射压力低注射温度可以高点
固化过程:凝胶阶段、定型阶段(硬化阶段)、熟化阶段(完 全固化阶段) 固化控制:通过调控树脂胶液中的固化剂含量和固化温度来控 制固化度
模具 准备
树脂 注射
浅析树脂传递模塑( RTM)技术及国内水滑梯的应用摘要:近年来树脂传递模塑(RTM)技术作为新一代复合材料成型方法取得了突飞猛进的发展,它的崛起已经使复合材料加工工艺在欧美发达国家产生了巨大的变化,目前主要应用在航空、航天、航海、汽车和建筑等领域。
关键词:树脂传递模塑(RTM);工艺;L- RTM技术在水滑梯的应用RTM起始于50年代,树脂传递模塑(RTM)工艺是从湿法手糊成型和注射成型相结合二演化过来的一种新型低压液体闭膜成型技术。
在国外属于这一工艺范畴的还有树脂注射工艺(Resin Injection)和压力注射工艺(Pressure Injection)。
1.2.树脂传递模塑(RTM)技术树脂传递模塑(Resin Transfer Moulding,简称RTM)是将树脂注入到闭合模具中浸润增强材料并固化的工艺方法。
该项技术近年来发展很快,在飞机工业、汽车工业、舰船工业等领域应用日广,并研究发展出RFI 、VARTM 、SCRIMP 、SPRINT等多种分支,满足不同领域的应用需求。
1.1 RTM基本原理RTM工艺的主要原理是在模腔(模腔需要预先制作成特定尺寸)中铺放按性能和结构要求设计的增强材料预成形体,在一定压力范围内,采用注射设备将专用树脂体系注入闭合模腔,通过树脂与增强体的浸润固化成型。
国内引进RTM 工艺设备始于80年代,尽管引进的设备不少,但由于该工艺较年青,技术上有一定难度,产品经常出现一些缺陷,本文就RTM制品常见缺陷进行分析,以供参考。
一、树脂传递模塑工艺流程1. 准备模具:根据制品的形状和尺寸要求,准备相应的模具。
2. 准备树脂材料:选择适合制品要求的树脂材料,并进行相应的处理,以保证其流动性和固化性能。
3. 注入树脂:将处理好的树脂材料注入模具中。
4. 固化:通过加热、加压等方式,使树脂材料在模具中固化。
5. 脱模:待树脂材料完全固化后,将制品从模具中脱出。
6. 后处理:对制品进行修整、打磨、喷漆等后处理,以满足制品的质量和外观要求。
二、树脂传递模塑工艺特点1. 效率高:树脂传递模塑工艺可以实现自动化生产,生产效率高。
2. 成本低:由于该工艺使用的模具可以根据制品的形状和尺寸进行定制,因此可以大大降低生产成本。
3. 适用范围广:树脂传递模塑工艺可以用于各种形状和尺寸的制品生产,适用范围广。
4. 环保:该工艺使用的树脂材料可以循环使用,对环境友好。
三、树脂传递模塑工艺的应用1. 航空航天领域:在航空航天领域,树脂传递模塑工艺被广泛应用于制造各种形状和尺寸的轻量化制品,如飞机零部件、卫星零部件等。
2. 汽车领域:在汽车领域,树脂传递模塑工艺被广泛应用于制造各种零部件,如汽车车门、汽车发动机罩等。
3. 电子领域:在电子领域,树脂传递模塑工艺被广泛应用于制造各种电子元器件,如电路板、电池等。
4. 医疗领域:在医疗领域,树脂传递模塑工艺被广泛应用于制造各种医疗器材,如医疗器械外壳、医疗容器等。
除了采用低收缩,耐高温树脂及胶衣外,还应采用下列方法来改进模具的质量 1\毡布结合的方法,能降低树 脂含量 2\ 铺布时,采用45度的角度,得到最佳的力学性能, 3\间歇法 以此来减少产品的收缩 4/ 热处理 在80 度的温度下进行3到4个小时的热处理,使产品得到充分的固化,让玻璃钢模具在结构造型上不同角度收缩变形 的应力得以缓冲释放,能有效减少模具的变形, 当然,采用真空导流工艺来制作模具,也是一个值得探讨的方 法,在大型风电叶片模具制作时,大多采用该种工艺来进行制作,)
二、 RTM工艺衍化
RTM工艺国内发展现状 和市场应用前景
一、RTM工艺简介 二、 RTM工艺衍化 三、RTM工艺发展的机遇 四、 RTM工艺提高生产效率的一些思路
五、 RTM工艺的优点 六、 RTM工艺应用领域
七、案例 八、总结
一、 RTM工艺简介
RTM是在模腔中铺放设计好的增强材料预成型体,在压力或真空或两 者共同的作用下将低粘度的树脂注入模腔,树脂在流动充模的过程中完成 对增强材料预成型体的浸润,并固化成型而得到复合材料构件的工艺方法, 是一种先进复合材料低成本制备技术,广受瞩目。 日本强化塑料协会将 RTM工艺和拉挤工艺一起,推荐为两大最有发展前途的工艺,欧美很多公 司投入巨资用于研究开发RTM工艺,其中仅欧共体投资的“开发RTM工艺 技术和应用”项目就耗资290万欧元,美国设置了专科学校,用于培训 RTM专业人才。
1 随着科技的不断发展,复合材料在工程领域中得到了广泛应用。
2 树脂传递模塑,即RTM工艺,是在关闭模具中对树脂流动特性进行注射后,再加压、加热复合,将环氧树脂和纤维织物流动,使复合材料的每一层均匀的夹紧料块,以达到复合材料的成型功能。
3 树脂传递模塑成型技术的应用受到了越来越多的重视,因其配料固定、注射灵活,能够满足不同的材料长宽比和形状要求,还能减少加工用料和过程构件多,使复合材料成型更轻、更薄,实现重量轻、节约能源。
4 同时,树脂传递模塑成型工艺具有热固性及气密性好,具有良好的机械性能,并具有很高的可控性,易于复杂的结构件的制造,可满足复杂的结构要求,适用于许多运动拉应力较高的零件或性能要求苛刻的复合材料零件制造。
5 树脂传递模塑成型工艺在航空航天、汽车、机械等行业具有广泛的应用,由于其巨大的制造潜力,也得到了越来越多企业及研究机构的关注。
轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfer molding process (l-rtm))
![轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfer molding process (l-rtm))](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fceb62dfad6195f312ba66f.png)
轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfermolding process (l-rtm))Lightweight resin transfer molding (L-RTM) - a rapidly developing low cost manufacturing technologyIntroduction of 1.L-RTM processThe traditional RTM technique, because it is a closed mold, with reduced volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions (up to SPPm), the advantages of expanding available range of raw materials, reduce labor, environment friendly and can get two clean products etc.. But in RTM process, the injection of resin is carried out under higher pressure and velocity, so we must make the structure strength and stiffness of the mold sufficiently large enough to break and deform under the injection pressure. Usually, the sandwich composite material with steel tube support or aluminum die or steel mould processed by numerical control machine tool can make the manufacture cost increase, and the mould cost can be offset only when the product is big enough. In addition, in order to close the mold, it is necessary to make the peripheral sufficient clamping capacity or to use a closed die pressure system. All these factors limit the application of RTM technology to large products, otherwise the mold will become very heavy and the investment will be great.Lightweight resin transfer molding process (RTM, Light), also known as LRTM, ECO, VacuumMolding or VARTM. It is a low-cost manufacturing process developed in recent years. It has been used in the field of ship,automobile, industry and medical composite material more than RTM technology.The RTM Light process retains the die processing process of the RTM process, thus retaining almost all of the advantages of the RTM process. But the upper die for glass steel mould half rigid, thickness 6 8mm, usually do not need to use the steel reinforcement, the mold has a width of about 100mm by the rigid surrounding, double sealing belt constitutes an independent seal area, as long as a vacuum mold is closed and is very convenient and fast. Then the cavity is evacuated, and the resin is injected into the mold with the negative pressure in the mold and the lower injection pressure. The resin is infiltrated into the pre laid reinforcing fiber or preform. RTM - Light mold cost is low, and because the mold pressure reduction, its mold has close to the mold, it is easy to open mold from the process of transformation.The main equipment of RTM Light includes resin injection device, mold, vacuum pump and other auxiliary tools.2 light RTM compared with regular RTM(1) die;The mold is the biggest difference between the two processes. In the RTM investment, a considerable part of the cost is spent on the die and the clamping device because of the high injection pressure. This is not a good price for a product with little output. RTM process, mold life of up to 5000 or more, high production efficiency, suitable for an annual output of morethan 2000 products.The biggest advantage of RTM Light is the low cost of its mold production. The cost is only about half of the regular RTM mold, but the service life of the die is lower than that of the RTM mold. It is suitable for the products with an annual output of about 1000 pieces.The RTM Light process produces products that are larger in size than the traditional RTM, which is usually as small as a basketball cap, a length of 8m long hull (about 25m2), but this is not the ultimate limit of size. The product size is smaller than the basketball cap, the difficulty is to add fiber, and the product is greater than 8m, how to deal with the mold on the difficult.The disadvantage of glass fiber reinforced plastic mould is short service life of mould surface. In order to get good die life and product repeatability and dimensional accuracy, RTM -Both the Light and RTM processes must be of high quality and have an accurate cross section. In the composite molding process, the cost of surface requirements of the final product can reach 60% of the final product price. The composite mold can achieve the use of 500 times the surface quality of the car, and then the surface treatment of the mold. One way to increase life expectancy is to use a replaceable die surface(ex-changeablemoldSkins), such as the patent of JHm Technologies company, ZIPRTM technology,It can be used in RTM and RTM Light processes. Through the use of replaceable die surface to replace the vulnerable mold surface, thereby prolonging the life of the die and improving the quality of the die, the service life of the die can reach 8000, 10000 times. When the simultaneous use of several replaceable mold surface, due to the outside in the mold can be replaced directly on the mold surface coating and heating, thereby greatly improving the production efficiency.(2) injection pressure, flow rate and equipment;The injection pressure of RTM process is usually 0.1 0.4MPa, while the injection pressure of RTM Light process is not more than.1MPa, usually at 0.03-0.07MPa.The rate of resin injection varies with various factors such as resin viscosity, component size, fiber type and ply structure. The usual injection rate is 1.3 to 2 litres per minute.In order to prevent mold deformation or burst mode (especially in the position of the injection port), which requires a strict control of pressure. Injection equipment for the RTM Light process is usually equipped with a pressure feedback device that controls the pressure as a closed loop. RTM is also available in the standard equipment of a simple line pressure control design (mold protection system and a VMPC) and VMPC with POD electronic closed-loop system, can not lead to molddeformation and failure under the condition of using the original production equipment to get the best productivity.Equipment research is also developing toward low cost and multi use. The SSB injection equipment of Plastech adopts patented piston reforming precision metering pump. The minimum ratio of catalyst is up to 0.5%, which matches the industrial MPG (MouldPressureguard) the pump speed can be controlled by the machine itself. In 12 seconds and 15 seconds, the 1m2 reinforced material can be impregnated, and the wetting speed can be accurately controlled. Configure other options, also for hand gluing and brushing.(3) production efficiency and costRTM one Light process is a low-cost production technology. Compared with the traditional RTM technology, the die cost is low, and the complicated pressing device or pressure system is not needed, the investment is small, the operation is simple, and the manpower capital is saved, etc.. Compared with the opening process, it has the high precision of the product size, low porosity, production of styrene volatilization, environmental friendly, less waste materials (resin utilization rate of up to 95%), low rejection rate, high production efficiency.The injection pressure is low, the resin flow rate can not be accelerated to the optimum flow, before the RTM Light process the production speed of less than half of the RTM process, with each class 8 hours, for the use of the gel coat and non heatingmould process, RTM process in each class can produce 10 A 12 die, RTM-The Light process produces only 4 and 6 dies. For a 34 square foot product that needs to be heated and cured, the RTM process produces 40 molds per shift with the use of a hydraulic press, a heating die, and 5 replaceable dies. RTM in the same situation- Light process, can produce 20 die. But no water press is needed, and the mold price is also half lower.In recent years, through the improvement of mold design and process control, both production speed is approaching. Such as Xiraplas company in the use of RTM Light process alternative mold opening process, the workshop has become orderly, the use of the original 50 workers, and 3000m2 workshop area, making production increased by 25%. According to the company, production efficiency has been increased by 90% compared to the original mold opening process.(4) runner designThe flow design of the general RTM process is injected from the center and discharged from the periphery. But the RTM-Light process usually flows in from the perimeter and out of the center. We know that when the resin enters the mold cavity from the resin pipe and meets the fabric, the fabric will produce a counter pressure (resistance) to the resin. The magnitude of the reverse pressure is related to the permeability of thefabric, the viscosity of the resin, and the flow velocity of the resin, when the fabric and resin are selected,It is proportional to the flow velocity of the resin. Take an area of 3M2, thickness of 3mm products as an example, the general injection pressure is 0.05MPa, the injection time is 6min, the injection flow is 1.33L/min. If the injection from the center and maintain the flow unchanged, the anti pressure can be increased to more than 0.1MPa, resulting in the mold opening or mold phenomenon, and lead to resin flow forward out of control and the formation of dry spots and other issues. For this reason, the flow rate must be reduced, but this prolongs the injection time, so the injection from the center usually takes more than 6 minutes. When the surrounding resin injection, first into a gap about the surrounding flow 1mm almost no resistance, and then enter the fiber resin into the fiber increase due to pathway (from a point into a surrounding), relative resin in fabric flow slows down, back pressure decreases, the injection rate increase the injection time can be shortened. Tests show that for a 0.2m2 product, the time of injection from the periphery is 2.1 minutes, and the injection from the center to 9 minutes, the speed difference of four times. Of course, RTM process can also be injected from the surrounding resin, the pressure gradient is unchanged, but the highest point of the pressure from the original center point is moved to the periphery, which is beneficial to the deformation control of die, because the surrounding rigid die is better than that of the central area, but also on the periphery of the sealing requirements increased.The flow path design varies with the product, such as the 18mlong lamp post of Spectrayte company and the long runner. Brands's 6m2 floor, due to its asymmetrical structure, uses two outlets, each with a resin collector (Catchpot) at the center of each structure, with an injection time of 15 minutes. The Holland Royal Navy 13m2 hull manufacturing, due to larger products, using two diagonal arrangement of resin imports.(5) product accuracy, structure and otherThe size, viscosity, and repeatability of RTM and RTM Light products are affected by molding, resin, process control, and product curing. The product cross sectional accuracy is also affected by resin flow rate and injection pressure in the process. For the RTM process, when the mold is made according to the standard, without bending, the appropriate clamping device or press clamping, the parts of the dimensional accuracy repeatability is very good, the thickness deviation is not greater than 0.OlOmm. The RTM Light process usually has a certain deformation of the upper die, but the product size accuracy can also reach 0.020mm. Individual places are 4 0.030mm.Both RTM and RTM a Light process can suppress the sandwich material. The core can be made of balsa wood and foam. But the RTM process has a high injection pressure, limiting the use of low-density foam materials, the minimum density of foam is not less than 80Kg/m3, while RTM, Light and ZIPThe RTM process has a lower pressure, and the foam density he uses can be as small as 37Kg/m3. However, it is important to point out that the dimensional accuracy of core material meetsthe requirements of the mold in order to ensure the repeatability of the molding process and the quality of the product.The RTM and RTM Light processes also use preforms and inserts, which allow for high fiber volume products when using preforms.RTM-Light process can not gel, as long as the general release of wax, can release products. But do not release products such as RTM gel, more difficult.Compared with the die opening process, the investment of RTM Light is still relatively high, so it is necessary to consider the rationality of the cost of producing the necessary molds. In addition, the process is very professional and the daily maintenance task is heavy. It also affects the use of RTM Light for some manufacturers of hand ply composites.Compared to RTM, RTM Light has a low energy consumption, not too high on the mold rigidity requirement, but the viscosity of resin, resin and enhance the compatibility of materials, and the resin forward speeds demanding.3 light RTM process should pay attention to the problemRTM Light process is a highly specialized process, operators must be properly trained. If there is no reasonable fiber coating, good gas tightness and accurate mold installation, there is no consistent resin flow control, the product will be messy dry spots, radial bubbles, and resin enrichment and other issues. The following is a brief explanation of the relevantissues.(1) tightnessThe RTM Ligh process requires a higher level of detail, especially the tightness of the mold. The lower the vacuum of the vacuum trough used for the peripheral clamping, the better. The degree of vacuum in the lumen is generally controlled at about 15mm Hg. The periphery is clamped with a vacuum sealing groove and a flexible neoprene wing sealing ring (WingSeal profile) its bottom width is 20mm, the sealing ring joint should be vertical cut, with flexible adhesive glue, in order to ensure its elasticity. Outer ring and then 6mm wide silicone rubber edge.In the molding process, in addition to pay attention to the sealing of mold vacuum sealant, but also note the assembly of the mold, sealing ring and pipe connection, as well as the mold leakage caused by leakage. In fact, any seal or the entrance of the resin entrance, including the outlet of the vacuum zone, shall be checked strictly. A more hidden leak is due to cracks in the surface of the die panel, which are usually not found. The solution to this problem is that it is a very effective way to coat the outer surface of a mold with a resin that has been modified by a catalyst before it reaches the vacuum.Also, keep the cover clean and try not to clean it with solvent. The best release agent is free semi permanent release agent.(2) precise matching between upper and lower dies.The precise matching between the upper and lower dies contributes to the pressure balance in the cavity of the mold, and enables the resin to permeate evenly and helps to improve the quality of the products. Since the upper die is a semi rigid die, each die must be carefully calibrated.If the white spot appears continuously at the same location, this may be because the mold is closed inaccurate, resulting in inaccurate internal cavity, which led directly to the uneven thickness of the inner cavity. In this case, if the glass fiber layer is uniform, resin injection process flow is selective, it will choose the thickness (GAP) where relatively large, so in the region will lead to a relatively thin cavity of leukoplakia.Poor die positioning is an important cause of poor matching of dies. When the edge pin of the die is installed, the X and Y axes of the mold are naturally defined. If the location of the pin is not correct, it will cause unpredictable errors and change the injection characteristics.(3) reasonable paving and selection of raw materials,Due to the low pressure molding process on a RTM Light layer paving fabric requirements more stringent, laying unreasonable, especially the processing of the lap joint, will seriously affect the consistency of the resin flow, resulting in the lack of glue or resin products (dry spots) phenomenon.But with the help of glue fixed fabric in the layer, the layeris more smooth. But the spray and the resin must be good intermiscibility, spray too much or have a certain impact on the final performance of the product.Different fabrics and felt have a great influence on the process. It is necessary to use the enhanced material as much as possible. The resin flow rate of the O.c. closed felt or Hi Flow composite felt is twice as fast as that of the ordinary chopped felt.The appropriate resin system should be chosen according to the product requirements. Use low viscosity, low shrinkage resin as much as possible. Its standards are comparable to those required for vacuum resin diffusion processes.(4) surface crackCracks on the surface of the product will often be observed in the corner area. This is a common problem in the resin enrichment zone.This can also be traced back to the manufacture of the mold. If the 2.5 dies do not fit well with each other, a margin exceeding the expected thickness is produced. To solve this problem, in addition to the correction of the semi mold, the thickness of the glass can also be increased by adding additional glass fibers in these thicker areas to prevent cracks in the product.In the large flat area, cracks in the mold due to excessive thickness are found. This is due to the arbitrary increase in the speed at which the resin is injected. Injection speed toofast, it will make the mould cavity expansion, if the injection process is completed in a very short period of time. So, the cavity is no time to recover, so will lead to excessive resin mold crack. In extreme cases, the cracks on the surface of the mold can not be repaired.(5) overflow of resinIn order to receive the resin that is discharged before molding, many manufacturers feel the need to use a larger resin collector. This is the result of their lack of accurate control of mold filling. If the resin filling process is too fast, it is difficult to determine when to stop the injection. Because if you see the resin go to the resin collector and then stop the injection, then you'll see that too much of the resin will flow to the resin collector because the excess expansion mold has returned to its original size. To overcome this possibility, you can only replace a larger resin collector to prevent the spillage of the resin.The easy way to solve this problem is to calculate how much resin to use. But it is difficult to know exactly how much resin to use when molding large articles. Another method is to provide the operator with accurate pneumatic control to avoid the operator's blind judgment. The air pressure readings in the chamber provide more accurate mold filling information for operations, avoiding the need for larger resin receivers. Such a system ensures that the allowance of 10 to 100 milliliters is sufficient after each injection, which allows the resin to minimize waste and ensure an increase in profits.If there is a resin overflow in the vacuum zone at the edge of the mold, there are several reasons:Sealing of sealant is not goodWhen the sealant path is not in a horizontal position, will result in leakage of resin, in the mold on the panel if there is a convex part, it is necessary to ensure sufficient pressure on the part of the sealant that is completely sealed. A better method is to install a dynamic strip, this dynamic strip, in the edge of complex adaptive path on the sealing surface when the mold is closed this strip can be slightly expanded to seal.Improper placement of fibers in mouldsPlaced in the mold when the fiber is not fully sunburner or pruning, that cannot be placed in the fiber in the mould, and some fibers in the sealant path, which will directly lead to the leakage of resin, to do so before molding each time to carefully check the fiber layer.The injection pressure is too largeAnother common cause is the cause of leakage of resin sealant in the injection process, injection pressure in the pipeline is too large RTM Light mold is closed only by the action of atmospheric pressure, resin injection molding machine can produce more than the actual needs of the pressure, if there is no more sensitive and accurate pressure control, resin will leak into the vacuum zone, which will lead to the loss and mould around vacuum production failure.Loss of vacuum sealWhether it is a long-term or temporary edge vacuum loss, will lead to leakage of resin. Therefore, do not access several molds in the same vacuum system, as this will result in a reduction in the vacuum in the main vacuum zone.In fact, a simple automatic vacuum lock valve helps reduce the possibility of this vacuum loss.4 light RTM applicationsThere are not many reports about RTM Light technology and products in China, but the application development in foreign countries is very fast, and there are more than RTM application trends. At present, the common application areas are aerospace, military, transportation, construction, ships and energy, etc.. For example: the field of aerospace doors, fan blades, radome, aircraft engine hood: military field, torpedo shell tank, tubes and other areas; traffic light rail bus door, side panels, chassis, bumper, truck at the top of the baffle; the building area of street lamp pole, tubular wind generator hood decoration, doors, tables and chairs and the helmet; the field of ship hull, deck and other small boats.。
(Liquid composite molding)。
RTM 工艺的基本原理示意如图-1(a)所示,在一定的温度、压力下,低黏度的液体树脂被注人铺有预成型坯(增强材料)的模具中,注人树脂,固化成型,然后脱模。
工艺过程图解如图- 1 (10所示,包括预成型坯的加工与树脂的注入和固化两步。
RTM工艺的注射操作一般要求在1/4 ~ 1/2树脂凝胶时间内完成,传递时间为2~15min,传递压力为0.3~0.7MPa。
工 艺
7.1.2 RTM
第七章 树脂传递模塑成型工艺及设备
❖ RTM的成型周期可根据欲得成型制品所要求的产 量而适当设定。
由于一套模具的成型周期内树脂固化时间所占比 成 例很高,所以要充分考虑注入树脂的固化时间和固 型 化特性。 工 艺
第七章 树脂传递模塑成型工艺及设备
7.1 RTM
成 型
7.1 树脂传递模塑(RTM)成型
工 艺
设 备
液体成型工艺(Liquid Molding)
第七章 树脂传递模塑成型工艺及设备
7.1 RTM
7.1 树脂传递模塑(RTM)成型工艺及设备与模具
资少; 空隙率低(0~0.2%);
7.1.1 RTM
第七章 树脂传递模塑成型工艺及设备
纤维含量高; 便于使用计算机铺助设计(CAD)进行模具和产 品设计; 模塑的构件易于实现局部增强,可方便制造含 嵌件和局部加厚构件; 概 述 成型过程中散发的挥发性物质很少,有利于身 体健康和环境保护。
7.1.1 RTM
第七章 树脂传递模塑成型工艺及设备
一、 RTM概述
树脂传递模塑(Resin Transfer Molding)
是从湿法铺层和注塑工艺中演变而来的一种新的复合材 料成型工艺。是介于手糊法、喷射法和模压成型之间的 一种对模成型法。
轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfer molding process (l-rtm))
![轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfer molding process (l-rtm))](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fceb62dfad6195f312ba66f.png)
轻型树脂传递模塑工艺(l-rtm)(Lightweight resin transfermolding process (l-rtm))Lightweight resin transfer molding (L-RTM) - a rapidly developing low cost manufacturing technologyIntroduction of 1.L-RTM processThe traditional RTM technique, because it is a closed mold, with reduced volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions (up to SPPm), the advantages of expanding available range of raw materials, reduce labor, environment friendly and can get two clean products etc.. But in RTM process, the injection of resin is carried out under higher pressure and velocity, so we must make the structure strength and stiffness of the mold sufficiently large enough to break and deform under the injection pressure. Usually, the sandwich composite material with steel tube support or aluminum die or steel mould processed by numerical control machine tool can make the manufacture cost increase, and the mould cost can be offset only when the product is big enough. In addition, in order to close the mold, it is necessary to make the peripheral sufficient clamping capacity or to use a closed die pressure system. All these factors limit the application of RTM technology to large products, otherwise the mold will become very heavy and the investment will be great.Lightweight resin transfer molding process (RTM, Light), also known as LRTM, ECO, VacuumMolding or VARTM. It is a low-cost manufacturing process developed in recent years. It has been used in the field of ship,automobile, industry and medical composite material more than RTM technology.The RTM Light process retains the die processing process of the RTM process, thus retaining almost all of the advantages of the RTM process. But the upper die for glass steel mould half rigid, thickness 6 8mm, usually do not need to use the steel reinforcement, the mold has a width of about 100mm by the rigid surrounding, double sealing belt constitutes an independent seal area, as long as a vacuum mold is closed and is very convenient and fast. Then the cavity is evacuated, and the resin is injected into the mold with the negative pressure in the mold and the lower injection pressure. The resin is infiltrated into the pre laid reinforcing fiber or preform. RTM - Light mold cost is low, and because the mold pressure reduction, its mold has close to the mold, it is easy to open mold from the process of transformation.The main equipment of RTM Light includes resin injection device, mold, vacuum pump and other auxiliary tools.2 light RTM compared with regular RTM(1) die;The mold is the biggest difference between the two processes. In the RTM investment, a considerable part of the cost is spent on the die and the clamping device because of the high injection pressure. This is not a good price for a product with little output. RTM process, mold life of up to 5000 or more, high production efficiency, suitable for an annual output of morethan 2000 products.The biggest advantage of RTM Light is the low cost of its mold production. The cost is only about half of the regular RTM mold, but the service life of the die is lower than that of the RTM mold. It is suitable for the products with an annual output of about 1000 pieces.The RTM Light process produces products that are larger in size than the traditional RTM, which is usually as small as a basketball cap, a length of 8m long hull (about 25m2), but this is not the ultimate limit of size. The product size is smaller than the basketball cap, the difficulty is to add fiber, and the product is greater than 8m, how to deal with the mold on the difficult.The disadvantage of glass fiber reinforced plastic mould is short service life of mould surface. In order to get good die life and product repeatability and dimensional accuracy, RTM -Both the Light and RTM processes must be of high quality and have an accurate cross section. In the composite molding process, the cost of surface requirements of the final product can reach 60% of the final product price. The composite mold can achieve the use of 500 times the surface quality of the car, and then the surface treatment of the mold. One way to increase life expectancy is to use a replaceable die surface(ex-changeablemoldSkins), such as the patent of JHm Technologies company, ZIPRTM technology,It can be used in RTM and RTM Light processes. Through the use of replaceable die surface to replace the vulnerable mold surface, thereby prolonging the life of the die and improving the quality of the die, the service life of the die can reach 8000, 10000 times. When the simultaneous use of several replaceable mold surface, due to the outside in the mold can be replaced directly on the mold surface coating and heating, thereby greatly improving the production efficiency.(2) injection pressure, flow rate and equipment;The injection pressure of RTM process is usually 0.1 0.4MPa, while the injection pressure of RTM Light process is not more than.1MPa, usually at 0.03-0.07MPa.The rate of resin injection varies with various factors such as resin viscosity, component size, fiber type and ply structure. The usual injection rate is 1.3 to 2 litres per minute.In order to prevent mold deformation or burst mode (especially in the position of the injection port), which requires a strict control of pressure. Injection equipment for the RTM Light process is usually equipped with a pressure feedback device that controls the pressure as a closed loop. RTM is also available in the standard equipment of a simple line pressure control design (mold protection system and a VMPC) and VMPC with POD electronic closed-loop system, can not lead to molddeformation and failure under the condition of using the original production equipment to get the best productivity.Equipment research is also developing toward low cost and multi use. The SSB injection equipment of Plastech adopts patented piston reforming precision metering pump. The minimum ratio of catalyst is up to 0.5%, which matches the industrial MPG (MouldPressureguard) the pump speed can be controlled by the machine itself. In 12 seconds and 15 seconds, the 1m2 reinforced material can be impregnated, and the wetting speed can be accurately controlled. Configure other options, also for hand gluing and brushing.(3) production efficiency and costRTM one Light process is a low-cost production technology. Compared with the traditional RTM technology, the die cost is low, and the complicated pressing device or pressure system is not needed, the investment is small, the operation is simple, and the manpower capital is saved, etc.. Compared with the opening process, it has the high precision of the product size, low porosity, production of styrene volatilization, environmental friendly, less waste materials (resin utilization rate of up to 95%), low rejection rate, high production efficiency.The injection pressure is low, the resin flow rate can not be accelerated to the optimum flow, before the RTM Light process the production speed of less than half of the RTM process, with each class 8 hours, for the use of the gel coat and non heatingmould process, RTM process in each class can produce 10 A 12 die, RTM-The Light process produces only 4 and 6 dies. For a 34 square foot product that needs to be heated and cured, the RTM process produces 40 molds per shift with the use of a hydraulic press, a heating die, and 5 replaceable dies. RTM in the same situation- Light process, can produce 20 die. But no water press is needed, and the mold price is also half lower.In recent years, through the improvement of mold design and process control, both production speed is approaching. Such as Xiraplas company in the use of RTM Light process alternative mold opening process, the workshop has become orderly, the use of the original 50 workers, and 3000m2 workshop area, making production increased by 25%. According to the company, production efficiency has been increased by 90% compared to the original mold opening process.(4) runner designThe flow design of the general RTM process is injected from the center and discharged from the periphery. But the RTM-Light process usually flows in from the perimeter and out of the center. We know that when the resin enters the mold cavity from the resin pipe and meets the fabric, the fabric will produce a counter pressure (resistance) to the resin. The magnitude of the reverse pressure is related to the permeability of thefabric, the viscosity of the resin, and the flow velocity of the resin, when the fabric and resin are selected,It is proportional to the flow velocity of the resin. Take an area of 3M2, thickness of 3mm products as an example, the general injection pressure is 0.05MPa, the injection time is 6min, the injection flow is 1.33L/min. If the injection from the center and maintain the flow unchanged, the anti pressure can be increased to more than 0.1MPa, resulting in the mold opening or mold phenomenon, and lead to resin flow forward out of control and the formation of dry spots and other issues. For this reason, the flow rate must be reduced, but this prolongs the injection time, so the injection from the center usually takes more than 6 minutes. When the surrounding resin injection, first into a gap about the surrounding flow 1mm almost no resistance, and then enter the fiber resin into the fiber increase due to pathway (from a point into a surrounding), relative resin in fabric flow slows down, back pressure decreases, the injection rate increase the injection time can be shortened. Tests show that for a 0.2m2 product, the time of injection from the periphery is 2.1 minutes, and the injection from the center to 9 minutes, the speed difference of four times. Of course, RTM process can also be injected from the surrounding resin, the pressure gradient is unchanged, but the highest point of the pressure from the original center point is moved to the periphery, which is beneficial to the deformation control of die, because the surrounding rigid die is better than that of the central area, but also on the periphery of the sealing requirements increased.The flow path design varies with the product, such as the 18mlong lamp post of Spectrayte company and the long runner. Brands's 6m2 floor, due to its asymmetrical structure, uses two outlets, each with a resin collector (Catchpot) at the center of each structure, with an injection time of 15 minutes. The Holland Royal Navy 13m2 hull manufacturing, due to larger products, using two diagonal arrangement of resin imports.(5) product accuracy, structure and otherThe size, viscosity, and repeatability of RTM and RTM Light products are affected by molding, resin, process control, and product curing. The product cross sectional accuracy is also affected by resin flow rate and injection pressure in the process. For the RTM process, when the mold is made according to the standard, without bending, the appropriate clamping device or press clamping, the parts of the dimensional accuracy repeatability is very good, the thickness deviation is not greater than 0.OlOmm. The RTM Light process usually has a certain deformation of the upper die, but the product size accuracy can also reach 0.020mm. Individual places are 4 0.030mm.Both RTM and RTM a Light process can suppress the sandwich material. The core can be made of balsa wood and foam. But the RTM process has a high injection pressure, limiting the use of low-density foam materials, the minimum density of foam is not less than 80Kg/m3, while RTM, Light and ZIPThe RTM process has a lower pressure, and the foam density he uses can be as small as 37Kg/m3. However, it is important to point out that the dimensional accuracy of core material meetsthe requirements of the mold in order to ensure the repeatability of the molding process and the quality of the product.The RTM and RTM Light processes also use preforms and inserts, which allow for high fiber volume products when using preforms.RTM-Light process can not gel, as long as the general release of wax, can release products. But do not release products such as RTM gel, more difficult.Compared with the die opening process, the investment of RTM Light is still relatively high, so it is necessary to consider the rationality of the cost of producing the necessary molds. In addition, the process is very professional and the daily maintenance task is heavy. It also affects the use of RTM Light for some manufacturers of hand ply composites.Compared to RTM, RTM Light has a low energy consumption, not too high on the mold rigidity requirement, but the viscosity of resin, resin and enhance the compatibility of materials, and the resin forward speeds demanding.3 light RTM process should pay attention to the problemRTM Light process is a highly specialized process, operators must be properly trained. If there is no reasonable fiber coating, good gas tightness and accurate mold installation, there is no consistent resin flow control, the product will be messy dry spots, radial bubbles, and resin enrichment and other issues. The following is a brief explanation of the relevantissues.(1) tightnessThe RTM Ligh process requires a higher level of detail, especially the tightness of the mold. The lower the vacuum of the vacuum trough used for the peripheral clamping, the better. The degree of vacuum in the lumen is generally controlled at about 15mm Hg. The periphery is clamped with a vacuum sealing groove and a flexible neoprene wing sealing ring (WingSeal profile) its bottom width is 20mm, the sealing ring joint should be vertical cut, with flexible adhesive glue, in order to ensure its elasticity. Outer ring and then 6mm wide silicone rubber edge.In the molding process, in addition to pay attention to the sealing of mold vacuum sealant, but also note the assembly of the mold, sealing ring and pipe connection, as well as the mold leakage caused by leakage. In fact, any seal or the entrance of the resin entrance, including the outlet of the vacuum zone, shall be checked strictly. A more hidden leak is due to cracks in the surface of the die panel, which are usually not found. The solution to this problem is that it is a very effective way to coat the outer surface of a mold with a resin that has been modified by a catalyst before it reaches the vacuum.Also, keep the cover clean and try not to clean it with solvent. The best release agent is free semi permanent release agent.(2) precise matching between upper and lower dies.The precise matching between the upper and lower dies contributes to the pressure balance in the cavity of the mold, and enables the resin to permeate evenly and helps to improve the quality of the products. Since the upper die is a semi rigid die, each die must be carefully calibrated.If the white spot appears continuously at the same location, this may be because the mold is closed inaccurate, resulting in inaccurate internal cavity, which led directly to the uneven thickness of the inner cavity. In this case, if the glass fiber layer is uniform, resin injection process flow is selective, it will choose the thickness (GAP) where relatively large, so in the region will lead to a relatively thin cavity of leukoplakia.Poor die positioning is an important cause of poor matching of dies. When the edge pin of the die is installed, the X and Y axes of the mold are naturally defined. If the location of the pin is not correct, it will cause unpredictable errors and change the injection characteristics.(3) reasonable paving and selection of raw materials,Due to the low pressure molding process on a RTM Light layer paving fabric requirements more stringent, laying unreasonable, especially the processing of the lap joint, will seriously affect the consistency of the resin flow, resulting in the lack of glue or resin products (dry spots) phenomenon.But with the help of glue fixed fabric in the layer, the layeris more smooth. But the spray and the resin must be good intermiscibility, spray too much or have a certain impact on the final performance of the product.Different fabrics and felt have a great influence on the process. It is necessary to use the enhanced material as much as possible. The resin flow rate of the O.c. closed felt or Hi Flow composite felt is twice as fast as that of the ordinary chopped felt.The appropriate resin system should be chosen according to the product requirements. Use low viscosity, low shrinkage resin as much as possible. Its standards are comparable to those required for vacuum resin diffusion processes.(4) surface crackCracks on the surface of the product will often be observed in the corner area. This is a common problem in the resin enrichment zone.This can also be traced back to the manufacture of the mold. If the 2.5 dies do not fit well with each other, a margin exceeding the expected thickness is produced. To solve this problem, in addition to the correction of the semi mold, the thickness of the glass can also be increased by adding additional glass fibers in these thicker areas to prevent cracks in the product.In the large flat area, cracks in the mold due to excessive thickness are found. This is due to the arbitrary increase in the speed at which the resin is injected. Injection speed toofast, it will make the mould cavity expansion, if the injection process is completed in a very short period of time. So, the cavity is no time to recover, so will lead to excessive resin mold crack. In extreme cases, the cracks on the surface of the mold can not be repaired.(5) overflow of resinIn order to receive the resin that is discharged before molding, many manufacturers feel the need to use a larger resin collector. This is the result of their lack of accurate control of mold filling. If the resin filling process is too fast, it is difficult to determine when to stop the injection. Because if you see the resin go to the resin collector and then stop the injection, then you'll see that too much of the resin will flow to the resin collector because the excess expansion mold has returned to its original size. To overcome this possibility, you can only replace a larger resin collector to prevent the spillage of the resin.The easy way to solve this problem is to calculate how much resin to use. But it is difficult to know exactly how much resin to use when molding large articles. Another method is to provide the operator with accurate pneumatic control to avoid the operator's blind judgment. The air pressure readings in the chamber provide more accurate mold filling information for operations, avoiding the need for larger resin receivers. Such a system ensures that the allowance of 10 to 100 milliliters is sufficient after each injection, which allows the resin to minimize waste and ensure an increase in profits.If there is a resin overflow in the vacuum zone at the edge of the mold, there are several reasons:Sealing of sealant is not goodWhen the sealant path is not in a horizontal position, will result in leakage of resin, in the mold on the panel if there is a convex part, it is necessary to ensure sufficient pressure on the part of the sealant that is completely sealed. A better method is to install a dynamic strip, this dynamic strip, in the edge of complex adaptive path on the sealing surface when the mold is closed this strip can be slightly expanded to seal.Improper placement of fibers in mouldsPlaced in the mold when the fiber is not fully sunburner or pruning, that cannot be placed in the fiber in the mould, and some fibers in the sealant path, which will directly lead to the leakage of resin, to do so before molding each time to carefully check the fiber layer.The injection pressure is too largeAnother common cause is the cause of leakage of resin sealant in the injection process, injection pressure in the pipeline is too large RTM Light mold is closed only by the action of atmospheric pressure, resin injection molding machine can produce more than the actual needs of the pressure, if there is no more sensitive and accurate pressure control, resin will leak into the vacuum zone, which will lead to the loss and mould around vacuum production failure.Loss of vacuum sealWhether it is a long-term or temporary edge vacuum loss, will lead to leakage of resin. Therefore, do not access several molds in the same vacuum system, as this will result in a reduction in the vacuum in the main vacuum zone.In fact, a simple automatic vacuum lock valve helps reduce the possibility of this vacuum loss.4 light RTM applicationsThere are not many reports about RTM Light technology and products in China, but the application development in foreign countries is very fast, and there are more than RTM application trends. At present, the common application areas are aerospace, military, transportation, construction, ships and energy, etc.. For example: the field of aerospace doors, fan blades, radome, aircraft engine hood: military field, torpedo shell tank, tubes and other areas; traffic light rail bus door, side panels, chassis, bumper, truck at the top of the baffle; the building area of street lamp pole, tubular wind generator hood decoration, doors, tables and chairs and the helmet; the field of ship hull, deck and other small boats.。
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3 轻型RTM工艺中要注意的问题
玻璃钢模具的缺点是模具表面的使用寿命短。为了得到优良的模具寿命和产品的重复性和尺寸精度,RTM -
skins),如JHm Technologies公司的专利ZIP
2 轻型RTM和常规RTM比较
pressureguard),可由机器自行控制泵速,在1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一15秒,可浸渍1m2增强材料,浸润速度可精确控制。骇设备配置其它选项,还可用于手糊工艺的配胶和刷胶等。