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• 连读法 • 辅音+元音 • 辅音(b,p,d,t,g,k)+辅音
• composition 成分;(音乐、文学、美术)作品 • This composition was probably rushed out overnight.这篇 作文像是熬夜赶制的。 • compose; composer; composed; composite(混合物)
questions ought to define the field of management.
• devise 设计 • design; project; plan; • White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes. • 白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。
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后代 descendant; offspring; progeniture; posterity; 祖先 ancestor; forefather; progenitor; ancestry;
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prolific 多产的 productive; fruitful; fecund; The mountainous area is prolific in valuable minerals. 这一山区有丰富的宝贵矿石。
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boson玻色子 lepton轻子 quark夸克 photon 光子 electron电子 neutrino中微子 baryon重子 proton质子 neutron中子 meson介子
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• interact 相互作用;互动 • interplay • Going back to school can help you advance your career and give you a chance to interact with like-minded people.
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satisfy 使……满意 please gratify Never put on false masks to gratify vanity. 永远不要带着面具去满足你的虚荣心。
• The big-bang theory of the beginning of the universe is so
• Indeed: in fact; actually; effectively; in reality; as a matter of fact;
• numerous/various • • • • galaxy:星系、银河系、一群杰出的人 constellation: 星座、一群杰出的人 The company has a galaxy of talent. 该公司拥有一批优秀的人才。
management. We too, ought to have our own big
questions that we discuss and debate when we get
• • • • • •
publish 出版;发行 issue release Local and national governments often publish free data. 当地和国家政府经常发布免费数据。 With the board 's blessing, Google will issue a new nonvoting class of shares to existing shareholders. • 谷歌将在董事会的许可下向现有股东发行一种没有投票权 的新股。
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British Columbia (Vancouver, Victoria) Alberta (Edmonton, Calgary) Saskatchewan (Regina) Manitoba (Winnipeg) Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa) Quebec (Quebec, Montreal)
hold together--push apart We always hold together in times of crisis. 我们在危难中总是团结一致。 He believes conflict over faith threatens to push the world's peoples apart. • 他认为信仰的冲突会带来威胁把世界各民族分开。
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奥陶纪(Ordovician)距今4.8亿年前~4.4亿年前 原始的脊椎动物出现 志留纪(Silurian)约开始于4.4亿年前,结束于4.1亿年前 陆生植物中的裸蕨植物首次出现,植物终于从水中开始向 陆地发展,这是生物演化的又一重大事件。 • 泥盆纪(Devonian)约开始于4.1亿年前,结束于3.5亿年 前 • 在泥盆纪晚期,由鱼类进化而来的两栖类登上陆地,标志 着脊椎动物开始了脱离水体并最终征服陆地的演化历程。
• 寒武纪(Cambrian)距今约5亿4千2百万年前—4亿8千8百 万年 • 寒武纪生命大爆发(Cambrian Explosion):被称为古生 物学和地质学上的一大悬案,自达尔文以来就一直困扰着 进化论等学术界。大约6亿年前,在地质学上称做寒武纪的 开始,绝大多数无脊椎动物们在几百万年的很短时间内出 现了。
• These are the questions on which we ought to focus our
research. These are the questions we ought to seek data
and devise clever methodologies to answer. These big
• continent 节制的 • self-restrained; temperate; moderate; • abstinent; abstemious
• homo • 人,人类(学名); 〈美俚〉同“homosexual” • evolve 逐渐形成;进化 • The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer. • Each school must evolve its own way of working.
• 杰出的 • great;outstanding;distinguished;illustrious; prominent;eminent;excellent
• 棘手的 • thorny;troublesome;
Baidu Nhomakorabea
• • • •
intensive (抽象)密集的、加强的、集约的 dense(具体)密的 Several days and nights of intensive negotiations 几天几夜紧锣密鼓的谈判
• amount to 共计、意味着 • equal; be equal to; be equivalent to • Obama's policies amount to an effort to redistribute wealth.
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initial 最初的 first; earliest; original; incipient(时间上) aboriginal; primitive; (发展程度上) indigenous; native;(空间上) inborn; innate; inherent; intrinsic(内在上) Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up. 他们最初怀有的深切同情渐渐地消失了。
• preordained 注定的 • destined;predestined;foreordained • He was preordained to be our leader. • 他注定要当我们的领袖。
alternative 备选项 substitute; option There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat. 存在替代肉类的其他营养来源。
修改 revise;modify;amend;alter It is necessary to revise the original plan. 原计划须加以修改。
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forge 努力干成;伪造 She forged a new career in the music business. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。 Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies. • 与欧洲主要公司之间的战略同盟正在设法建成。 • He's getting good at forging his mother's signature. • 他把母亲的签名伪造得越来越惟妙惟肖了。
• erupt 爆发
• The volcano could erupt at any time. • Violence erupted outside the embassy gates. • 大使馆门外突然发生了暴乱。
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set forth 出发;阐述 The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early. 部队很早就出发去进行10英里行军。 Each side set forth its position on this issue. 各方阐述了自己对这一问题的立场。
• address 解决 • deal with;handle;solve;tackle • Specific groups may be formed to address specific issues. • 可能会组成特别小组去解决特定问题。
• The same ought to be true for scholars of public
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sort out 理顺;(从…中)区分出来、辨别出来 I just need to sort out my schedule. 我只是需要安排我的时间。 How do we sort out fact from fiction? 我们如何将事实与虚构区分开呢?
• continent 大陆 • American Continent 美洲大陆; Antarctic Continent 南极 大陆;African Continent;Eurasia 欧亚大陆) • archipelago 群岛 • peninsula 半岛 • isthmus地峡(the Kra Isthmus;the Central American Isthmus)
widely accepted by some cosmologists, that it is called
“the standard model”.
• bang v.砰地砸、关、摔、撞. n 巨响
• • • • I banged my elbow on the corner of the table。 我的胳膊肘撞着桌子角了。 I didn't expect to bang into him there. 我没料到会在那儿碰见他。
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discipline 纪律; 学科 Their sense of discipline is greatly enhanced. 他们的纪律性大大增强了。 You've got to make sure that people work together across disciplines. • 你必须确保让那些出身不同学科的人一起共事。