VLT 2800 变频器操作说明书
深圳市慧拓鑫科技有限公司产品资料1、TOP系列电源防雷箱 (2)2、TP系列限压型电源防雷模块 (4)3、TCP系列电源未端精细防护防雷器 (6)4、TDC系列插座式电源电涌保护器 (8)5、TV系列监控系统整体防雷器 (10)6、T系列视频/射频防雷器 (12)7、TC系列控制线路防雷器 (13)8、10/100M网络线路防雷器 (14)9、通讯专线防雷器 (16)10、TT系列天馈线路防雷器 (17)1、TOP系列电源防雷箱产品介绍TOP系列电源防雷箱依据IEC和GB标准设计,8/20波形最大通流容量20KA-100KA,能对电源系统的浪涌电压进行有效的钳制,电源B、C、D级产品均完备。
FUXUIN 微型投影机 说明书
微 型 投 影 机使用说明书公司:东莞市深国科数码科技有限公司地址:广东省东莞市大朗镇黄草朗社区新兴东路11号目录1. 目录 22. 警告 33. 概述 44. 遥控功能 55. 配件 66. 操作 7 a启动和关闭 7b 定位 7c 聚焦/投影距离 8d A / V输入 9e VGA连接 10f USB连接 10g. 机载媒体播放器(OMP)概述 10I 查看照片 11ii. 图像调整 11 iii 听音乐 12 iv 播放视频 12 v. 文件菜单 137. 设置菜单 138. 保养 159. 故障解决 1510. 规格 16不能将投影机放在阳光直射或靠近火源的地方,如加热器、火炉旁边,因为可能会引起火灾。
调焦调整焦距投影镜头按键和接口返回键开机键S-VIDEO电源输入耳机输出Mini USB输入USB输入SD卡插槽 A / V输入遥 控 功 能USB线电源适配器复合A/V电线遥控器(外观以实物为准)启动和关闭启动—连接电源,按住开机键3秒钟,直到屏幕发亮。
水平对齐垂直对齐聚焦/投影距离焦距可以通过投影机前面的旋转开关进行调整,聚焦/投影距离参看以下的表格:调焦旋转开关投影机包含一个A / V(音频/视频)端口,可以通过一个3。
将A/V电缆插入投影仪的A/V插口,然后选择主菜单中的” “A/V input”键,或者按遥控上的“MENU”键并选择“A/V input”,会出现一个蓝色的屏幕,投影仪开始准备接收A/V信号。
WTV扩展功能说明书目录1. 芯片扩展特性 (4)2. 扩展使用框图 (4)3. 一线、三线串口控制语音及LED显示连接 (4)4. 一线、三线串口控制语音及LCD显示连接 (6)5. 一线串口模式 (8)5.1语音及命令码对应表 (8)5.2语音地址对应关系 (8)5.3 控制时序 (9)5.3.1单字节命令 (9)5.3.2命令FAH+XX (9)5.3.3命令F5H+XX+XX (10)5.4.4命令F6H+XX+XX+XX+XX (10)6. 三线串口控制模式 (11)6.1语音及命令码对应表 (11)6.2语音地址对应关系 (12)6.3 控制时序 (12)6.3.1单字节命令(时钟上升沿采集数据) (12)6.3.2命令FAH+XX (13)6.3.3命令F5H+XX+XX (13)6.3.4命令F6H+XX+XX+XX+XX (13)7. 产品案例说明 (14)7.1语音电饭煲 (14)7.2语音导航洗衣机 (14)7.3语音电子琴 (15)8. 上位机操作说明 (16)8.1 新建工程 (16)8.2 芯片型号及控制模式设定 (16)8.3 加载语音文件 (18)8.4 地址操作和语音组合 (19)8.5 编译和下载 (21)WTV扩展功能简介WTV系列语音芯片是我司推出的一系列语音芯片。
VLT HVAC Drive 操作说明
Illustration 3.14: 完全拧紧螺钉。
Illustration 4.1: 主电源端子和接地端子。
Illustration 4.2: 首先,将两个螺钉安装到固定板上,滑动入位并完全拧紧。
Illustration 4.3: 安装电缆时,首先安装并拧紧接地电线。
Illustration 4.4: 然后,安装主电源插头并拧紧电线。
对北美市场:ETR 功能提供了符合 NEC 规定的第 20 类电动机过载保护。 • 接地漏电电流大于 3.5 mA。 • [OFF](关闭)键不是安全开关。它不能将变频器与主电源断开。
1.1.3. 一般警告
警告: 即使设备已断开与主电源的连接,触碰电气部件也可能会导致生命危险,请断电后至 少等候 15 分钟。 如果在特定设备的铭牌上规定了更短的等待时间,则以此时间为准。 确保所有其它电源输入都已断开,例如负载共享(直流中间电路的连接)以及电动 机。
Illustration 4.9: 电动机连接端子
Illustration 4.10: 首先,断开电动机接地,然后,将电动机 u、v 和 w 电线插入插头并拧紧。 29
Illustration 4.11: 安装电缆夹,以确保机架和屏蔽丝网达到 360 度连接,注意去除电缆夹下面
Illustration 4.5: 最后,拧紧主电源电线的支持架。
Illustration 4.6: 如何不用断路器连接主电源和接地。注意,需要使用电缆夹。
Illustration 4.7: 如何使用来自路器连接主电源和接地。26
Illustration 4.8: 如何连接主电源和接地。
VULCAN-HART VCV系列烤箱系统操作手册说明书
MODELS VCV13VCV6VCV4VCV5INSTALLATION &OPERATION MANUALCOOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSF-38052 (4-08)VULCAN-HARTDIVISION OF ITW FOOD EQUIPMENT GROUP, LLC 3600 NORTH POINT BLVD.BALTIMORE, MD 21222For additional information on Vulcan-Hart or to locate an authorized parts and service provider in your area, visit our website at VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSIMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETYTHE INSTALLATION SECTION OF THIS MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR PERSONNEL QUALIFIED TO INSTALL THIS EQUIPMENT, WHO SHOULD PERFORM THE INITIAL FIELD START-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS OF THE EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS MANUAL.damage, injury or death. Read the Installation, Operatingand Maintenance instructions thoroughly beforeinstalling or servicing this equipment.IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE,DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPERATE THIS DEVICE.— 2 —© VULCAN-HART, 2008— 3 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSSPECIFICATIONSMODEL PAN*MEAT*SHIPPING NO.CAPACITYCAPACITYHEIGHTDEPTHWIDTHWEIGHTVOLTSWATTS AMPSVCV5545 lbs.31.5"33.75"28.25"170 lbs.12012001520.1 kg800 mm857 mm718 mm77 kg27.5" w/o casters699 mmVCV138 each 120 lbs 78 in 30.75 in 22.25 in 438 lbs 208/3800/19/2218"x26" pans 54.5 kg 1981 mm 781 mm 566 mm 199 kg 2405060VCV68 each 120 lbs 43 in 30.75 in 22.25 in 275 lbs 208/1900/10/1118"x26" pans54.5 kg 1093 mm 781 mm 566 mm 125 kg 2402530VCV4340 lbs.32.5"26.875"17.25"130 lbs.12015001518.1 kg826 mm683 mm438 mm59 kg28.5" w/o casters724 mm* Per compartmentINTRODUCTIONThis manual is provided to assist persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of the oven with a simple but comprehensive understanding of its proper use. We recommend that this manual be read and understood prior to placing the oven into operation.Vulcan-Hart’s Cook and Hold Oven System is a basic food preparation unit that has found wide acceptance in both institutional and commercial food service operations. Vulcan-Hart’s products are produced with quality workmanship and materials. Proper installation, usage, and maintenance will result in many years of satisfactory performance.As with any piece of food service equipment,this oven system requires a minimum of care and maintenance. Recommended procedures are contained in this manual and should become a regular part of the operation of the unit.SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONThe Serial Number and Model Number for the unit are located on the equipment Serial Data Plate located by the electrical connection.Figure 1: Serial Data PlateElectrical RequirementsThe VCV13 and VCV6 ovens are dual voltage,factory wired for 208/240 Volts AC, single phase, 50 or 60 Hz service. The VCV5 and VCV4 ovens are factory wired for 120 Volts AC, 60 Hz service.voltage and phase of the power source are identical to the voltage and phase information on the data plate.The oven must be adequately and safely grounded before operation. A separate disconnect switch or circuit breaker is recommended to be placed at a convenient location between the oven and the electric power source.VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSFigure 2: Model VCV4 DimensionsFigure 3: Model VCV5 Dimensions— 4 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSFigure 4: Model VCV6 DimensionsFigure 5: Model VCV13 Dimensions— 5 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSINSTALLATIONBefore installing, verify that the electrical service agrees with the specifications on the data plate located on the lower rear of the cabinet. If the electrical service does not agree with the data plate, do not proceed with installation. Contact your dealer or local Authorized Vulcan-Hart Servicer immediately.UNPACKINGThis cabinet was inspected before leaving the factory. The transportation company assumes full responsibility for safe delivery upon acceptance of the shipment. Immediately after unpacking, check for possible shipping damage. If the cabinet is damaged, save packing material and contact the carrier within 15 days of delivery. Check the delivery documentation for damage reporting contacts and time limits. Carefully unpack and place in a work-accessible area as near the installation position as possible.1.Open door(s) and carefully remove anypackaging materials and the retaining straps that hold the tray slides and tray slide upright side supports.2.Remove all scratch-protective film fromcabinet.INSTALLATION CODESAND STANDARDSIn the United States, the Vulcan-Hart ovensystem must be installed in accordance withthe following:1.State and local codes.2.National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFPA No.70, latest edition) available from the NationalFire Protection Association, BatterymarchPark, Quincy, MA 02269.3.Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment,(NFPA-96, latest edition) available fromNFPA.In Canada, the Vulcan-Hart oven system mustbe installed in accordance with the following:1.Local codes.2.Canadian Electrical Code (CSA C22.2 No.3, latest edition) available from theCanadian Standards Association, 5060Spectrum Way, Mississauga, Ontario,Canada L4W 5N6.LOCATIONFor efficient cabinet operation, choose alocation that will provide easy loading andunloading without interfering with the finalassembly of food orders.The final location must allow adequateclearances for servicing and air circulation forproper operation.— 6 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSELECTRICAL CONNECTIONThe VCV13 and VCV6 ovens are dual voltage, factory wired for 208/240 Volts AC, single phase, 50 or 60 Hz service. The VCV4 and VCV5 ovensare factory wired for 120 Volts AC, 60 Hz service. voltage and phase of the power source are identical to the voltage and phaseinformation on the data plate.applicable portions of the National Electrical code and/or other localelectrical codes.vicinity of this or any other applicance.All cabinets are equipped with a durable, suitable,8-ft. (2.4 m) cord and NEMA 5-15 plug asstandard equipment. The cord and plug comewith a proper strain relief to prevent unit frommoving away from electrical connection.Refer to wiring diagram in this manual forproper connection.Do not store flammables near unit.1.At the circuit breaker, turn off power to thecircuit to which the oven system is to beconnected.2.Check that the oven Power ON/OFFSwitch is in the OFF position.3.Connect the power cord from the ovensystem to the electrical power source.4.At the circuit breaker, turn on power tothe circuit.— 7 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSOPERATIONOVEN CONTROLSAll operating controls are located on the front Control Panel(s). The oven is supplied with individual operating controls for each oven cavity.Each Control Panel contains:•Power ON/OFF Switch•HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob •ROASTING TEMPERATURE knob •ROASTING TIME knob•Holding Temperature Indicator Light •Roasting Temperature Indicator LightFigure 6: VCV13 and VCV6 Operating ControlsFigure 7: VCV4 and VCV5Operating ControlsBEFORE FIRST USEThoroughly clean the oven before initial use.1.Remove the Interior Side Racks and theAir Tunnel from the cabinet.2.Take the Interior Side Racks and the AirTunnel to a sink or dishwasher for athorough cleaning.damage to electrical components orconnections.Note: Never use harsh chemicals or abrasivepads to clean the cabinet.e a mild soap and water solution toclean these items.4.Wring out the cloth so it is only damp andnot soaking wet.5.Reassemble oven.— 8 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSTESTING THE OVENBefore using the oven for the first time, verify that the oven operates normally.1.Check that the oven is connected to thecorrect power source.2.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to -0-.3.Turn the HOLDING TEMPERATURE knobto 140°F.4.Set the oven Power ON/OFF Switch to theON position.5.Check that the Oven Circulating Fan(s)are running.6.Check that the Holding TemperatureIndicator Light is illuminated.Note: The cooling fans may not operate when the oven is first turned on. The cooling fans operate only when the thermostat to which they are connected requires it.7.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to 2 hours.The Holding Temperature Indicator Light will go out and the Roasting Temperature Indicator Light will illuminate.8.Turn the ROASTING TEMPERATUREknob to 250°F. Check the interior rear of the oven cavity to determine that the oven is heating.9.Turn the ROASTING TIME knob to -0- andset the HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob at 250°F.10.Check that the Roasting TemperatureIndicator Light has gone out and the Holding Temperature Indicator Light has turned on.11.Check the interior rear of the oven toensure that the oven is heating.If all the functions perform satisfactorily, the oven is ready for operation.OPERATING THE OVENPreheat the oven cavity to the desiredtemperature when the oven is first used for theday or whenever the compartment is cold.Keep the door closed during preheating cycle.When the cooking compartment is at thedesired temperature, place the pans of foodinto the oven and shut the door.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to the desiredcooking time.SHUTDOWN1.Turn off all thermostats.2.Turn Power ON/OFF Switch to OFF position.EXTENDED SHUTDOWNPerform the following procedure to shut downthe oven for an extended period of time.1.Thoroughly clean the oven according tothe cleaning procedures in this manual.2.Leave the door(s) slightly open to allowventilation and preservation of gasket(s).Whenever repair or adjustment of the oven isnecessary, refer to the PRODUCT SUPPORTAND SERVICE section of this manual.— 9 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSGENERAL CLEANINGInteriorWash the inside of the compartment with a solution of mild detergent and warm water. Rinse with warm water. Wipe dry. This should be performed based upon a schedule predetermined for your operation.ExteriorRefer to “STAINLESS STEEL CARE.”Door Gasket(s)At least once a week, thoroughly clean the gasket sealing surfaces of the oven door(s) to remove food acids; this action will ensure maximum gasket life.Note: Do not use any solvents or sharp instruments to clean the gasket(s).Wash the gasket(s) with a cloth moistened with a solution of mild detergent and warm water. Rinse with a fresh cloth moistened in warm water to remove all traces of detergent. Wipe dry with a clean dry cloth.Never apply food oils or petroleum lubricants directly to the gasket(s); petroleum-based solvents and lubricants will reduce gasket life.STAINLESS STEEL CARE CleaningStainless steel contains 70-80% iron, which will rust if not properly maintained. It also contains 12-30% chromium, which forms an invisible passive, protective film that shields against corrosion. If the film remains intact, the stainless steel will remain intact. However, if the film is damaged, the stainless steel can break down and rust. To prevent stainlesssteel breakdown, follow these steps:Never use any metal tools, pads (except for stainless steel scouringpads), which will mar the surface!Never use steel wool, which willNever use acid-based orwhich will break down the protective film!Never rub in a circular motion!Never leave any food products acidic. Salt contains chloride!For routine cleaning, use warm water, mild soap or detergent and a sponge or soft cloth.For heavy-duty cleaning, use warm water, a degreaser and a plastic, stainless steel or Scotch-Brite pad.Always rinse thoroughly. Always rub gently in the direction of the steel grain.MAINTENANCE— 10 —Preserving and RestoringSpecial stainless steel polishing cleaners can preserve and restore the protective film.Preserve the life of stainless steel with a regular application of a high quality stainless steel polishing cleaner as a final step to daily cleaning.If signs of breakdown appear, restore the stainless steel surface. First, thoroughly clean, rinse and dry the surface. Then, on a daily basis, apply a high-quality stainless steel polish according to manufacturer’s instructions. Heat TintDarkened areas, called “heat tint,” may appear on stainless steel exposed to excessive heat, which causes the protective film to thicken. It is unsightly but is not a sign of permanent damage. To remove heat tint, follow the routine cleaning procedure. Stubborn heat tint will require heavy-duty cleaning.To reduce heat tint, limit the exposure of equipment to excessive heat.MAINTAINING DOOR GASKET(S) Leaking and/or damaged door gasket(s) cause inefficient and unsatisfactory operation of the unit. Replace any door gasket(s) that are damaged or deformed.Note:Leave the compartment door(s) slightly open (unlatched) when the unit is not in use. Keeping the gasket under pressure when the unit is not in use can cause permanent deformation of the gasket and reduce its serviceable life.— 11 —SYMPTOM Oven not operatingIndicator Lights are lit but Cooling Fans not operatingOven compartment heating(Blower Motor IS NOT operating with Power ON/OFF Switch ON ) Oven compartment NOT heating(Blower Motor IS operating with Power ON/OFF Switch ON) Oven temperature is incorrectPOSSIBLE CAUSESOven is not plugged intopower sourceFuse is blownPower ON/OFF Switch isnot ONOven is below 150°FDefective connection orwiringDefective fanDefective thermostatDefective connection orwiringDefective motorDefective RoastingTemperature ThermostatDefective HoldingTemperature ThermostatDefective High-LimitThermostatDefective Heating ElementThermostats requirecalibrationREMEDYPlug oven into correct power source asindicated on data plate.Check fuse and replace if necessary.Press Power ON/OFF Switch to ON.This is normal when unit is cold.If Cooling Fans do not operate when ovencavity is above 150°F, contact yourauthorized service provider.Contact your authorized service provider.Set ROASTING TIME knob to -0-. (HoldingTemperature Indicator Light and Power ON/OFF Switch lights will both be lit.)Turn HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob to 250°Fand check for heat at rear of oven cavity.•If heat is present, turn HOLDINGTEMPERATURE knob off, and turnROASTING TEMPERATURE knob to 250°F.Wait until Blower Motor begins to blow coolair into rear of oven cavity and setROASTING TIME knob to 2 hours. (PowerON/OFF Switch light and RoastingTemperature Indicator Light will be lit.)Check rear of the oven cavity for heat.•If heat is not present in one of the cycles,the Thermostat for that cycle is defective.Contact your authorized service provider.•If no heat is present in either cycle, theRoasting T emperature Thermostat, HoldingTemperature Thermostat, High-LimitThermostat, or Heating Element is defective.Contact your authorized service provider.Contact your authorized service provider.TROUBLESHOOTING— 12 —WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure 8: VCV13 and VCV6 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 13 —Figure 9: VCV4 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 14 —Figure 10: VCV5 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 15 —— 16 —F-38052 (4-08)PRINTED IN U.S.A .SERVICE AND PARTS INFORMATIONTo obtain service and parts information concerning this model, contact Vulcan-Hart or refer to our website: for a complete listing of Authorized Service and Parts depots.When calling for service, have the model number and serial number available.。
0: 开环数字频率给定(p0.
~பைடு நூலகம்
0: 两线式1;
1: 两线式2;
2: 三线式.
除了常用的线速度方式以外还可以通过码盘或者接近开关 的脉冲方式以及外部输入模拟量的方式确定卷径 用户可对自行定义的变频器功能码进行隐藏,并用密码对 这些隐藏的功能码进行保护
蓝海华腾 版权所有 禁止一切未经授权的复制和抄袭 2/17
模拟曲线 2,3 和 4 last10 参数显示模式 键盘和端子 UP/DN 功能 辅给定以及运算 VF 曲线的降幂次 卷径计算 PID 限定
1.1 收放卷专用功能参数一览表
功能 码号
P0.01 功能码保护
P0.03 控制运行模式
P1.02 (收卷摆杆的平衡位置给定)
P1.05 (收卷摆杆的位置反馈通道)
PE.17 端子独立正负逻辑设定
PE.18 辅助给定限定方式
设定范围 0~5
0~4 0~4 1~4 0~7F 0~2
属 性
用户 设定
2:恢复 3:恢复
区参数为出厂设置; 区参数为出厂设置(除
4:恢复 H 区参数为出厂设置;
~ 保留 H0.22 H0.23 反转频率上限
H0.24 PID 增益作用方式
1 2 5.0 3.0 50.00 8 1.50 6.0
H0.25 卷径累积获取方式
蓝海华腾EC6000系列 快速使用指南V1.0
模拟量输入端子1 模拟量输入端子2 模拟量输入端子3
出厂默认与24V 连接当利用外部信号驱动 S1~S8时,PLC需与外部电源连接,且与24V 电源端子断开
1、 输入电压范围:DC 0V~10V 2、 输入阻抗:22kΩ 1、输入范围:DC 0V~10V/4mA~20“ 危险、!注意”等符号是提醒您于搬运、
EC6030 11-15Kw
EC6040 18.5-30Kw
EC6050 37-55Kw
EC6060 75-110Kw
EC6080 160-200Kw
EC6090 220-280Kw
EC60AO 315-400Kw
E C 6 0 6 0底 座
E C 6 0 7 0底 座
E C 6 0 8 0底 座
Y1A/Y1B/ Y1C
模拟量输出端子1 模拟量输出端子2
晶体管数字输出4/ 高速脉冲输出
继电器数字输出1 继电器数字输出2
Eaton NZM VX-T 电源系列用户手册说明书
Faktor Ir multipliseres med merkestrøm In. Justerbar fra 0,4 til 1x In.innstilling tsd.Faktormultipliseres med Ir. Justerbarfra 2 til 10x Ir.Faktor multipliseres med In.Justerbar fra 2 til 18x In.Faktor multipliseres med In.Justerbar fra 0,2 til 1x In.Valgfritt utkobling eller kunvarsling via internt rele.Tidsforsinkelse t r Tidsforsinkelse av Ir, overlast. Gjelder strømmer større enn 6x innstillt verdi for Ir. Justerbar fra 2 - 20 s eller av. Tidsforsinkelse t sdTidsforsinkelse av Isd,kortslutning forsinket.Justerbar fra 0 til 1000 ms.Høyre side aktiverer I2t-funksjon.Trip-indikatorHvis bryteren kobler ut somfølge av overstrøm vil rødLED indikere årsak tilutkobling etter innkobling.Tidsforsinkelse t gTidsforsinkelse av Ig, jordfeil.Justerbar fra 0 til 1000 ms.Høyre side aktiverer I2t-funksjon.Faktor Ir multipliseres med merkestrøm In. Justerbar fra 0,4 til 1x In.innstilling tsd.Faktormultipliseres med Ir. Justerbarfra 2 til 10x Ir.Faktor multipliseres med In.Justerbar fra 2 til 18x In.Tidsforsinkelse t r Tidsforsinkelse av Ir, overlast. Gjelder strømmer større enn 6x innstillt verdi for Ir. Justerbar fra 2 - 20 s eller av. Tidsforsinkelse t sdTidsforsinkelse av Isd,kortslutning forsinket.Justerbar fra 0 til 1000 ms.Høyre side aktiverer I2t-funksjon.Trip-indikatorHvis bryteren kobler ut somfølge av overstrøm vil rødLED indikere årsak tilutkobling etter innkobling.Faktor Ir multipliseres med merkestrøm In. Justerbar fra 0,4 til 1x In.Faktor multipliseres med In. Justerbar fra 2 til 18x In.Trip-indikatorHvis bryteren kobler ut som følge av overstrøm vil rød LED indikere årsak tilutkobling etter innkobling.。
LabVolt Series DatasheetThree-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine586335 (8231-0A)* The product images shown in this document are for illustration purposes; actual products may vary. Please refer to the Specifications section of each product/item for all details. Festo Didactic reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.Festo Didactic en 240 V - 50 Hz 12/2023Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine, LabVolt SeriesTable of ContentsGeneral Description_________________________________________________________________________________3 List of Manuals_____________________________________________________________________________________3 Table of Contents of the Manual(s)_____________________________________________________________________3 Specifications______________________________________________________________________________________3Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine, LabVolt Series•••••••General DescriptionThe Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine is a rotating machine mounted in a full-size EMS module. Each phase of the stator windings is independently terminated and identified on the faceplate to permit operation in either delta or star (wye) configuration. The rotor windings are brought out to the faceplate via external slip rings and brushes. This machine can be used as a wound-rotor induction motor, phase shifter, single-phase variable coupling transformer, three-phase transformer, selsyn control, frequency converter or asynchronous induction generator. The speed of the machine can be controlled through the use of the Three-Phase Rheostat.This version has a 2:1 turn ratio on the rotor, which is optimized for using with a rotor rheostat. There is also a different version that has a higher turn ratio on the rotor, to be used as a DFIG.List of ManualsDescriptionManual numberPhase-Shifting with Transformers (Workbook) ___________________________________________583981 (27082-00)The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor and Applications (Workbook) ___________________________584327 (35064-00)Table of Contents of the Manual(s)Phase-Shifting with Transformers (Workbook) (583981 (27082-00))1 Phase Shifting with TransformersThe Wound-Rotor Induction Motor and Applications (Workbook) (584327 (35064-00))1 The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor – Part I 2 The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor – Part II 3 The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor – Part III 4 Frequency Conversion 5 Reactance and Frequency 6 Selsyn ControlSpecificationsParameterValuePower Requirement 240/415 VRating Output Power 175 WStator Voltage 240/415 V, 3-phase Rotor Voltage 120/208 V, 3-phase Full-Load Speed 1315 r/min Full-Load Current 0.48 A Physical Characteristics Dimensions (H x W x D)308 x 291 x 440 mm (12.1 x 11.5 x 17.3 in)Net Weight14 kg (30.8 lb)Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine, LabVolt Series Reflecting the commitment of Festo Didactic to high quality standards in product, design, development, production, installation, and service, our manufacturing and distribution facility has received the ISO 9001 certification.Festo Didactic reserves the right to make product improvements at any time and without notice and is not responsible for typographical errors. Festo Didactic recognizes all product names used herein as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © Festo Didactic Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.Festo Didactic SERechbergstrasse 373770 DenkendorfGermanyP. +49(0)711/3467-0F. +49(0)711/347-54-88500Festo Didactic Inc.607 Industrial Way WestEatontown, NJ 07724United StatesP. +1-732-938-2000F. +1-732-774-8573Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd675 rue du CarboneQuébec QC G2N 2K7CanadaP. +1-418-849-1000F. +1-418-849-1666。
Invertec V250-S 操作手册说明书
INVERTEC V250-SOPERATOR’S MANUALIM490-CFebruary, 2001Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and b uilt with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought-ful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think b efore you act and be careful.™Copyright © 2001 Lincoln Global Inc.ISO 9001Designed and Manufactured Under aQuality Program Certified by This manual covers equipment which is nolonger in production by The Lincoln Electric Co. Speci cations and availability of optional features may have changed.Mar ‘95for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:vvvi---------------------------------------------------------------------Figure A.1 Input Voltage Reconnect InstructionsQUICK DISCONNECT PLUGSA quick disconnect system is used for the welding cable connections. The welding plug included with the machine is designed to accept a welding cable size of 1/0 to 2/0.1.Remove 1 in. (25mm) of welding cable insulation.2.Slide rubber boot onto cable end. The boot endmay be trimmed to match the cable diameter.Soap or other lubricant will help to slide the boot over the cable.3.Slide the copper tube into the brass plug.4.Insert cable into copper tube.5.Tighten set screw to collapse copper tube. Screwmust apply pressure against welding cable. The top of the set screw will be well below the surface of the brass plug after tightening.6.Slide rubber boot over brass plug. The rubberboot must be positioned to completely cover all electrical surfaces after the plug is locked into the receptacle.25 mm1 in.WELDING CABLEBOOTTRIMSET SCREWBRASS PLUGCOPPER TUBEThe Invertec V250-S is a 250 amp arc welding power source that utilizes single or three phase input power, to produce constant current output. The welding response of this Invertec has been optimized for stick (SMAW) and TIG (GTAW).OPERATIONAL FEATURESThe Invertec V250-S provides continuous total range output current adjustment, selectable welding modes and local or remote output control. Welding character-istics can be controlled via an arc force control. Additionally, starting characteristics can be adjusted via a “hot start” control.WELDING CAPABILITYThe Invertec V250-S is rated at 250 amps, 35% duty cycle (based on a 10 minute cycle). It is also rated at 165 amps, 100% duty cycle, and 200 amps, 60% duty cycle.LIMITATIONSThe V250-S is not recommended for pipe thawing. The V250-S should not be powered from the auxiliary power supply of an engine welder. Special protectioncircuits may operate causing loss of output.1. Power Switch - Place the lever in the “ON” position toenergize the machine. When the power is on, the fan will operate and the output will be energized in SMAW modes. GTAW mode requires remote trigger to energize the output.2. Output Control - This controls the output current. Controlis provided over the entire output range of the power source with 1 turn of the control knob. This control may be adjusted while under load to change power source output. When using remote control this function becomes the limit setting.3. Local/Remote Switch - Place in the “LOCAL” position toallow output adjustment at the machine. Place in the “REMOTE” position to allow output adjustment at remote pot or amptrol. In Remote, the machine output control pot is the limit setting for remote control.4. Mode SwitchGTAW Optimized for touch start use. Triggering at amphenol is required using an Arc Start Switch, Amptrol or similar means. Short circuit current is limited to approx-imately 25 amps to aid in touch starting.CC Soft Best for EXX18 thru EXX28 stick electrodes.Output energized when machine is on.CC Crisp Use this mode for stick welding with EXX10 thru EXX14 electrodes. Output energized when machine is on.5. Hot Start - Controls the amount of starting energy inSMAW. The Hot Start setting will set the amount of extra power given during the initial strike.A Hot Start setting of 100% will give you an additionalstriking current 100% above the welding set current*.(Striking current in this example will be 200% of the set current). For a Hot Start setting of 100%, the current will decrease back to the set current in one second.A Hot Start setting of 50% will give you an additionalstriking current 50% above the welding set current*.(Striking current in this example will be 150% of the set current). For a Hot Start setting of 50%, the current will decrease back to the set current in .5 second.* The maximum striking current is 300 Amps.CONSTANT CURRENT PROCESSES MANUAL ARC WELDING (STICK)The Invertec may be utilized as a manual DC arc welder with the electrode cable, work cable, and elec-trode holder being the only equipment required.AIR CARBON ARC CUTTINGAir carbon arc cutting may be performed with the Invertec within its output rating using 5/32" (3.9mm) and 3/16" (4.7mm) diameter carbon rods. Output cables, an air carbon arc electrode cable assembly, and a source of compressed air are required.NOTE:1.Best performance will be at settings of 200 ampsand below.2.The electronic protection circuit in the V250S willlimit the current to approximately 290 amps.TIG WELDINGThe V250S is capable of touch start TIG welding. An electrode cable, work cable, Arc Start Switch or Amptrol, TIG torch, and gas supply with regulator are required. Refer to Accessories section of this manual.Touch starting is done as follows:1. Place the shield cup edge on the work piece.2. Rock the tungsten down to touch.3. Trigger the output.4. Gently rock back the tungsten from the work-piece.Note: The short circuit current is limited to 25 amps to aid in touch starting. Panel output controlbecomes the current limit setting when inremote controlPARALLEL OPERATIONThe Invertec’s are operable in parallel. For best results, the currents of each machine should be rea-sonably well shared. As an example, with two machines set up in parallel for a 300 amp procedure, each machine should be set to deliver approximately 150 amps, not 200 amps from one and 100 amps from the other. This will minimize nuisance feedback conditions. In general, more than two machines in par-allel will not be effective due to the voltage require-ments of procedures in that power range.To set machine outputs, start with output control pots and arc force pots in identical positions. Adjust out-puts and arc forces to maintain current sharing while establishing the proper output current. OVERLOAD PROTECTIONThe machine is electrically protected from producing high output currents. Should the output current exceed 290A, an electronic protection circuit will reduce the current to less than 200A. The machine will continue to produce this low current until the pro-tection circuit is reset. Reset occurs when the output load is removed.THERMAL PROTECTIONThermostats protect the machine from excessive operating temperatures. Excessive temperatures may be caused by a lack of cooling air or operating the machine beyond the duty cycle and output rating. If excessive operating temperature should occur, the thermostats will prevent output voltage or current. Thermostats are self-resetting once the machine cools sufficiently. If the thermostat shutdown was caused by excessive output or duty cycle and the fan is operating normally, the Power Switch may be left on and the reset should occur within a 15 minute period. If the fan is not turning or the air intake louvers were obstructed, then the power must be switched off for 15 minutes in order to reset. The fan problem or air obstruction must also be corrected.OPTIONS / ACCESSORIESCABLE PLUGSK852-70 -Cable Plug Kit for 1/0-2/0 cable. Attaches to welding cable to provide quick disconnect from machine.K852-95 -Cable Plug Kit for 2.0-3/0 cable.NOTE: Two K852-70 plugs are included with the V250-S.REMOTE CONTROLSK857 - Remote Output Control for stick welding.K963 - Hand Amptrol tm for TIG welding. When the V250-S’s Output Control is in the “Remote” position, the hand Amptrol energizes the output and controls the output remotely. The Hand Amptrol connects directly to the 6 pin Amphenol.Note:When used with the V250-S, the grounding strap on the connector end of K963 must be discon-nected to avoid electrical noise problems. Details are listed under REMOTE CONTROL RECEPTACLE in INSTALLATION section in this manual.K870 - Foot Amptrol tm for TIG welding. When the V250-S’s Output Control is in the “REMOTE” position, the foot Amptrol energizes the output and controls the output remotely. The Hand Amptrol connects directly to the 6 pin Amphenol.K814 -Arc Start Switch. Energizes the output for TIG welding if remote output control of the amperage is not desired. When using the Arc Start Switch set the Output Control to the “LOCAL” position.INPUT FILTER CAPACITOR DISCHARGE PROCEDURE1.Turn off input power or disconnect input powerlines.2.Remove the 5/16" hex head screws from the sideand top of the machine and remove wrap-around machine cover.3.Be careful not to make contact with the capacitorterminals that are located in the top and bottom of the Power Board.4.Obtain a high resistance and high wattage resistor(25-1000 ohms and 25 watts minimum). This resis-tor is not supplied with machine. NEVER USE A SHORTING STRAP FOR THIS PROCEDURE.5.Locate the four capacitor terminals (large hex headcap screws) shown in Figure D.1. One pair at the top and one pair at the bottom of the Power Board.e electrically insulated gloves and insulated pli-ers. Hold body of the resistor and connect resistor leads across the two capacitor terminals. Hold resistor in place for 10 seconds. DO NOT TOUCH CAPACITOR TERMINALS WITH YOUR BARE HANDS.7.Repeat discharge procedure for the capacitor onother two terminals.8.Check voltage across terminals of all capacitorswith a DC voltmeter. Polarity of capacitor terminals is marked on PC board above terminals. Voltage should be zero. If any voltage remains, repeat this capacitor discharge procedure.FIGURE D.1 — LOCATION OF INPUT FILTER CAPACITOR TERMINALS.ROUTINE MAINTENANCE1.Perform the following preventive maintenanceprocedures at least once every six months. It is good practice to keep a preventive maintenance record; a record tag attached to the machine works best.2.Remove the machine wrap-around cover and per-form the input filter capacitor discharge procedure (detail at the beginning of this chapter).3.Keeping the machine clean will result in cooleroperation and higher reliability. Be sure to clean the following areas with a low pressure air stream. See figure D.2 for component locations.•Power and control printed circuit boards•Power switch•Main transformer•Input rectifier•Heat sink fins•Input Filter Capacitors•Output Terminals4.Examine capacitors for leakage or oozing. Replaceif needed.5.Examine the sheet metal case for dents or break-age. Repair the case as required. Keep the case in good condition to ensure that high voltage parts are protected and correct spacings are maintained. All external sheet metal screws must be in place to assure case strength and electrical ground continuity.6.Check electrical ground continuity. Using an ohm-meter, measure resistance between either output terminal and an unpainted surface of the machine case. (See Figure D.2 for locations.) Meter reading should be 500,000 ohms or more. If meter reading is less than 500,000 ohms, check for electrical components that are not properly insulated from the case. Correct insulation if needed.7.Replace machine cover and screws.FILTER CAPACITOR CONDITIONING A protection circuit is included to monitor the voltage across filter capacitors C1 and C2. In the event that the capacitor voltage is too high, the protection circuit will prevent output. Nominal trip setting is at 230/460 VAC +15%. Reset occurs about 3% lower (230/460 VAC +12%).On new installations, the protection circuit may also prevent output providing all these circumstances are met:1.Machine is connected for 380-415 or 440-460VAC input.2.Machine did not have power applied for manymonths.3.Machine will not produce output when power isfirst switched on.If these circumstances apply, the proper action is to switch the machine on and let it idle for up to 30 min-utes. This is required to condition the filter capacitors after an extended storage time. The protection circuit will automatically reset once the capacitor conditioning and resultant voltage levels are acceptable. It may be necessary to turn the power switch off and back on again after this period.FIGURE D.2 — LOCATION OF MAINTENANCE COMPONENTS.L 9280N O T E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l. T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e di n s i d e t h e m a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . 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Lincoln Arc Welding The American Century of John C. Lincoln $5.00AC Foundation Book Information Welding Preheat Calculator $3.00WC-8(JFLF-515)Pipe Welding Charts $4.50ED-89SUB TOTALAdditional Shipping Costs if anyJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。
Vertex Standard VX-6000 高功率VHF UHF移动无线电说明书
250 CHANNEL CAPACITYPOWER OUTPUT: 120 W (LOW BAND), 110 W (VHF), 100 W (UHF)12.5 / 25 kHz BANDWIDTHPROGRAMMABLE PER CHANNEL2.5 kHz STEP FOR VHF/UHFLARGE 8-DIGIT ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY 7 PROGRAMMABLE BACKLIT KEYS PRIORITY SCAN / GROUP SCANDUAL BAND CAPABILITYONE RF DECK TO MULTI HEADC APABILITIESDTMF SIGNALING & DIALING FEATURES AUDIO COMPANDERUSER SELECTABLE TONES / CODES CTCSS / DCS ENCODE + DECODEEMERGENCY FUNCTIONSROLLING CODE ENCRYPTIONRADIO TO RADIO CLONE FEATURE TALK AROUNDBCLO, BTLO, AND TOT FUNCTIONS BUILT IN 25 PIN (DB-25) ACCESSORY CONNECTORHEAVY-DUTY PUBLIC SAFETYMICROPHONE AVAILABLEMIL- STD 810 C/D/EVX-6000SERIESHigh Power, High Spec, Reliability, Ruggedness and Versatility: these are the essential elements in a successful communications system. Vertex Standard VX-6000 provides the features, performance, and toughness to get your message through under the most demanding public safety operating conditions. It’s a perfect blend of rugged design, flexible signaling options, superb ergonomics, and expandability, making the VX-6000 series an outstanding choice for your future communications needs.250 CHANNEL CAPACITYHuge 250-channel capacity may be partitioned into as many as 20 Memory Groups, with no limit on the number of channels in each Group. A single radio may therefore be programmed with channel sets for a number of differentjurisdictions or organizations.PRIORITY SCANThe VX-6000’s versatile scanning system includes a Priority Scan function, which provides scanning of all channels (or channels within a Memory Group) while maintaining a priority watch on a particularly important channel. Scanning will halt immediately, and operation will revert to the Priority Channel if activity is detected on the Priority Channel.BUILT IN 25 PIN (DB-25) ACCESSORY CONNECTOR The VX-6000 includes a built-in standard DB-25 connector, for ease of integration of the radio into your communications system. The DB-25 connector includes a number of logic status lines, Squelch state and level indicators, andData I/O connections. Horn Alert andother accessories also can be connectedthrough the DB-25 connector.GROUP SCANThe versatile scanning options allow simple scanning of selected channels, and scanning with a priority channel. The group scan feature allows scanning of multiple groups at the same time. This is critical for those mutual aid and disaster preparedness situations where communications among many agencies is a must.INTERNAL ACCESSORY INTERFACINGThe VX-6000 Series is easily interfaced to 3rd-party accessories. The optional CN-6 Interface Unit provides a quick interconnection platform for signaling, control, and other accessory boards used in public safety environments.When used with the optional MH-53B7A DTMF Microphone, the VX-6000 may be configured for both manual and Speed Dial DTMF calling. All versions provide programmable PTT ANI for business or fleet applications.CTCSS / DCS ENCODE + DECODEField programming of the CTCSS tones or DCS codes is available, allowing access to multiple systems or quick configuration for multi-jurisdictional ER SELECTABLE TONES / CODESHigh-performance Encoder/Decoder circuits for both CTCSS and Digital Code Squelch are provided for access to tone/code controlled systems.VERSATILITYONE RF DECK TO MULTIPLE HEAD CAPABILITIES DUAL BAND CAPABILITYMULTI CONFIGURATION SYSTEMA single VX-6000 RF Deck may be controlled by two different Control Heads, allowing control of the radio from more than one location. Depending on the installation requirements, both Control Heads may be connected directly to the RF Deck, or the two Control Heads may be Two VX-6000 Control Heads and RF Decks, on different bands, may be networked to allow multi-band operation. VHF, UHF, or VHF Low Band radios may be combined to meet complicated communications requirements involving federal, state, and local government and/or forestry operations.CONTROL HEAD CONTROL HEAD CONTROL HEADCONTROL HEADCONTROL HEAD CONTROL HEAD CONTROL HEADCONTROL HEAD CONTROL HEAD RF DECK (VHF or UHF)RF DECK (VHF or UHF)RF DECK (VHF or UHF)RF DECK (VHF)RF DECK (UHF)RF DECK (VHF)RF DECK (UHF)CONTROL HEADRF DECK (VHF)RF DECK (UHF) CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93CT-81, CT-82, CT-83 or CT-93Single Head RemoteDual Band, Dual HeadCNT-6000CNT-6000DTMF SIGNALING & DIALING FEATURESPOWER OUTPUT: 120 W (LOW BAND), 110 W (VHF), 100 W (UHF)The VX-6000’s construction includes a massive, die-cast outer case which doubles as the heatsink. And the Automatic Power Control (APC) circuit ensures stable power output over a very wide range of ambient temperatures.12.5/25 kHz BANDWIDTH PROGRAMMABLE PER CHANNELThe VX-6000 may be programmed with Wide or Narrow operating bandwidths, channel by channel, to conform to your local channelenvironment. Ideal for multi-jurisdiction operations.WIDE-BAND COVERAGECoverage beyond typical frequency limits allows programming in "guard band" channel allocations, and ensures compatibility for programming in a wide variety of locations.OTHER FEATURES:•TALK AROUND •BCLO, BTLO, AND TOT FUNCTIONS DURABLE CONSTRUCTIONHIGH PERFORMANCESECURITYEASY USER INTERFACE2.5 kHz STEP FOR VHF/UHFEnsuring full compatibility with all channel loading requirements,the VX-6000’s synthesizer provides 2.5 kHz resolution. Channelprogramming therefore is straightforward in all configuration situations.EMERGENCY FUNCTIONSThe VX-6000 may be programmed to transmit an Emergency DTMF ANI burst, with or without a live microphone engaged, to alert the dispatcher to an emergency situation requiring assistance to the user.ENCRYPTION The FVP-25 Encryption Unit or FVP-35 Rolling code encryptionUnit provides security for your important public safety andprivate security communications, and it also includes a DTMFPaging function(FVP-25) for selective calling.INTERNAL EMERGENCY MICROPHONEIn an emergency situation, the VX-6000can transmit using an internal microphoneshould the regular microphone becomedamaged or otherwise unusable.DIE-CAST CONSTRUCTION ALUMINUM CHASSIS/ENCLOSUREThe one-piece die-cast enclosure for the VX-6000 doubles as its chassis, yielding extreme strength for resistance against shock and vibration. This uniquely rugged construction ensures that specifications and functionality will be maintained for many years, despite the shock, vibration, and other abuse typically experienced by radios in public safety use.LARGE 8-DIGIT ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYProviding indication of either the channel number or an Alphanumeric Channel Label of up to 8 characters, the LCD display utilizes large, bold characters on its high-intensity backlit amber LED display to provide excellent visibility over a wide range of viewing angles and in difficult lighting situations.7 PROGRAMMABLE BACKLIT KEYSThe front panel keys may be programmed by the dealer for a variety of operating functions, allowing customization of the front panel functions to your unique requirements. The keysare illuminated from behind, as well, for easy viewing at night.RADIO TO RADIO CLONE FEATUREFor quick programming of VX-6000 radios for an emergency task force, the Clone feature allows copying of all channeland other configuration data from one VX-6000 to another, using the optional CT-72 Cloning Cable.LOUD 5W/10W AUDIO OUTPUTThe VX-6000’s high-powered audio (5 Watts standard, 10 Watts optional) is coupled to a large, front-facing speaker, producing high-quality, crisp audio that will punch through even in the noisy environments experienced by public safety officers.STATUS QUICK-CHECK (SQC) FEATUREThe VX-6000 can be programmed to include the Status Quick Check (SQC) feature, which allows the user to check the configuration of all controls, keys, and knobs on the radio. This enables the operator to avoid missing important communications in the event that a control or switch is set to the wrong position.HIGH-RELIABILITY CONSTRUCTIONThe ABS front panel is sealed by a robust O-ring,and all switches are covered by U-shaped silicone rubber gaskets to protect the internal circuitry from dust, humidity, salt fog, and driving rain.WATER-SHIELD MICROPHONE CONNECTIONThe multi-pin microphone connector on the side of the VX-6000,sealed for protection against weather, provides a convenient connection point for the available microphones. Its gold-plated contacts ensure many years of reliable service.BUSY/TX LEDsPOWER SwitchAlpha-Numeric DisplayChannel Group KeysFront-Facing SpeakerProgrammable Function Keys Channel SelectorEmergency Microphone Volume ControlHome Channel Key Home Channel LEDCOMPANDER INCLUDEDFor narrow-band channel applications, the built-in AudioCompanding system compresses the voice waveform duringtransmission, and expands it during reception, allowing full-sounding audio despite the restricted transmission bandwidth.Various accessories listed may not be available in some countries.RMK-4000DBH RF DECK w/ MMB-77Standard Heavy Duty MH-25B7AHeavy DutyMH-53C7A Heavy Duty MH-53B7AMH-53A7AFP-1030A MMB-77 CT-71CT-72CT-83CT-81CT-93Measurements per EIA standards unless noted above. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation.2003.0310NA(U)B9200392 Printed in JapanTransmitter Specifications Measurements made per EIA standard TIA/EIA-603Power Output 120 W/50 W 110 W/50 W 100 W/ 50 W Modulation 16K0F3E 16K0F3E ,11K0F3E Maximum Deviation 5 kHz 5.0 / 2.5 kHz Conducted Spurious Emissions 80 dB Below Carrier A udio Distortion (@1 kHz) < 2 % @1kHz Microphone type Dynamic Microphone impedance 600 ohmsReceiver SpecificationsMeasurements made per EIA standard TIA/EIA-603 Circuit Type Double-conversion Super-heterodyneSensitivity(EIA 12 dB SINAD) 0.25 µVAdjacent Channel Selectivity 85 dB 85 / 80 dB 85 / 77 dB Intermodulation 80 dB 80 / 75 dB 80 / 75 dB Spurious and Image Rejection 90 dB 90 dB90 dB Audio Output 5 W @ 4 Ohms 3 % THD (10 W @ 4 Ohms 3 % / Optional MLS-100)General SpecificationsFrequency Range 29.7-37 MHz (A) 148-174 MHz (C) 450-480 MHz (D) 37-50 MHz (B)Number of Channels 250 ChannelsChannel Spacing 20 kHz 12.5/25 kHzPLL Steps 5/6.25 kHz 2.5/5/6.25 kHz Power Supply Voltage 13.4 V DC ±15 %Current Consumption LOW VHF UHFTX 22 A 25 A 28 ARX 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.2 A STBY 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.6 A Operating Temperature Range –22° F to +140° F (—30° C to +60° C)Frequency Stability Better than ±5.0 ppm Better than ±2.0 ppm RF Input-Output Impedance 50 Ohms Audio Output Impedance 4 OhmsDimensions (WHD) 7" x 2.4" x 11.9" (178 x 60 x 301 mm)Weight15.4 lb. (6.9 kg)VX-6000L VX-6000V VX-6000USpecificationsStandardMIL 810C Methods/ProceduresMIL 810D Methods/ProceduresMIL 810E Methods/ProceduresLow PressureHigh Temperature 501.1/Procedure 1, 2Low Temperature 502.1/Procedure 1Temperature Shock 503.1/Procedure 1Solar Radiation 505.1/Procedure 1Rain*Humidity 507.1/Procedure 2Salt Fog DustVibration 514.2/Procedure 8, 10Shock 516.2/Procedure 1, 5500.2/Procedure 2501.2/Procedure 1, 2502.2/Procedure 1, 2503.2/Procedure 1505.2/Procedure 1506.2/Procedure 1, 2507.2/Procedure 2509.2/Procedure 1510.2/Procedure 1514.3/Procedure 1 Cat. 10516.3/Procedure 1, 4500.3/Procedure 2501.3/Procedure 1, 2502.3/Procedure 1, 2503.3/Procedure 1505.3/Procedure 1506.3/Procedure 1, 2507.3/Procedure 2509.3/Procedure 1510.3/Procedure 1514.4/Procedure 1 Cat. 10516.4/Procedure 1, 4Applicable MIL-STD*Control Head OnlySukagawa Division Trondule Co., Ltd.ISO9001 certification Sukagawa Division Trondule Co., Ltd.ISO14001 certificationVertex StandardUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.Phone 714/827-7600; Fax 714/827-8100 。
2019年Hyundai VELOSTER N用户指南说明书
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